Friday, December 7, 2012

Fwd: IOA Banned

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From: Ashwini Nachappa <>
Date: Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 10:00 AM
Subject: IOA Banned
Ask the Sports Minister to derecognise the corrupt IOA and hold fresh elections.
Sign My Petition

Palash -

I am dismayed and embarrassed by the news of India's suspension by the International Olympics Committee (IOC).

But as a former athlete who represented India at the Olympics, this does not come as a surprise. Most of us are aware of the rampant corruption within the Indian Olympics Association (IOA). We have all seen that despite the evidence against Suresh Kalmadi, Lalit Bhanot and others, the Indian Government and the IOA have refused to clean up its act.

This is why I started a petition asking the Sports Minister, Jitendra Singh, to derecognise the current IOA and hold fresh elections.

I believe that in the interest of sports in India, we need sports people to run the IOA instead of politicians. Sports people know what is required and will keep the interest of sports above their personal interests.

This decision by the IOC is a huge embarrassment to our country and a major blow to our young athletes who may never be able to participate in any of the major International games including the Olympic Games under the Indian flag unless we do something about it. Join me in demanding a clean up of the IOA.

Clean Sports India is a 2 year old movement that I am a part of. We believe that India's immense sporting talent needs to be nurtured by sports authorities who understand the game, rather than corrupt politicians.

Sign my petition asking Sports Minister Jitendra Singh to derecognise the IOA and hold fresh elections.

Forward this mail to your friends and get them to sign my petition as well. We need to change the image of Indian sports in the international arena urgently.


Ashwini Nachappa via

News Sources:

  1. Times of India: Suspended by the International Olympic Committee India faces ban from Olympics
  2. NDTV: India's Olympic Association Suspended By The International Olympic Committee

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