Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fabricated cases on the anti mining and Stone curshing activists of Dabla

From: Kavita Srivastava <>

Sent: Friday, 28 September 2012, 16:04:30
Subject: Fabricated cases on the anti mining and Stone curshing activists of Dabla

Dear friends,
A press conference was organised by the PUCL which was addressed by PUCL, Rajasthan Genereal Secretary Kavita Srivastava, Organising Secretary  Sawai Singh, Anti Mining activist Vir Chakra Jairam Singh, Kailash Meena,  Sunil, Udmi, Mohar  Singh Patwari, Surendra Singh. The press conference addressed two issues fabricated cases and implementation of the Rajasthan High Court Order of 13th of September, 2012.
i) Closing all the fabricated (false) cases on anti mining activists and taking action against officials who were responsible for harassing the people. . More than 12 cases were lodged over a period of 18 months, implicating 54 villagers and activists All cases have been lodged by the Patan Police station, except for 2 which was lodged by the Neem Ka Thana Police station. It is shocking to learn that before the 14th o fApril, 2011 none of the villagers of Dable had any case on them and then suddenly they were all criminals. More than 14 persons out of the 54 accused were arrested. Even women were not spared and 6 women were also arrested. Ex army persons were tortured.  
All the leaders of the struggle living in Dabla like, Jairam, Sunil, Surendra and Mohar Chand have 6 cases against them and Udmi has 4; Jairam has been charge sheeted in 3 cases, removed from the charge sheet in 1 and investigation is underway in 2. Similarly Sunil, Surendra and Mohar Chand have been charge sheeted in 4 cases and Udmi in 3. It is important to note that none of them had any cases against them before April 2011. (Please see list of cases attached.).  Kailash Meena leader of the anti mining struggle in the entire region of Neem Ka Thana had 5cases against him, however it was learnt through the SHRC and NHRC that they have charge sheeted him in 3, closed investigation in 2 and investigation is underway in 1. Sawalram, another activist has more than 7 cases against him with 2 relating to Dabla and the rest at Neemka Thana.
IT is interesting to  know that all Cases filed by the stone crushers and the officials have been charge sheeted. Those filed by the ordinary villagers have either closed or investigation is still not complete. Police Cases and arrests have been a clear tool to harass people.

Our demand is an  immediate closure of the these cases and action against those officials who indulged in this. We are also clear that the Mining  interest in the region is led by the MLA Ramesh Khandelwal, teh Sarpanch and her family including her husband an RAS officer, her brother inlaw in the police.  The district administration and police is hand in glove with this lobby and finally we also hold the  Government of RaJasthan responsible which is actively supporting  the violation of people 's interest.

ii) Implementation of the Rajasthan High Court order of 13th September, 2012 ( copy if required can be emailed) clearly indicts the district collector for his illegal order of 1st May, 2011 where a road was set apart. It also states that all the Stone crishing units are running within prohibitory distance within 1.5 kms and therfore asked for their closure through an order of the Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board and also observed that mining in Rajasthan is a menace ( Dabla has more than 54 mines- 7 of which are active) deep hole mining happens illegaly and has asked the collector to examine this issue and cancel licenses where the norms are being violated.

In a letter to the Chief Secretary on the 21st of september ( see copy) we had written to them to ensure implementation of the High Court order. The RSPCB on 18/ 09/2012 issued orders of closure of the two running stone crusher units out of five. however, the district administration is refusing to implement it. Even today morning the crushers were running. The AEN said that he had no instructions to disconnect the electricity. The SDM said that he had not received any orders either of the RSPCB or any other from the Collector's officer from  above.

The people of Dabla village closed the road through the Charagah when the administration refused to comply by it and planted a large number of trees. The Dabla villagers have declared that if the false cases are not taken back, the road  not closed or the stone crushing units continue then they will  once again do a andolan.

Jairam of Dabla can be available on 9873581931 and Kailash Meena on 9587463823


Kavita Srivastava, Sawai Singh, PRem Krishan Sharma


ii) Relating to the implementation of the High Court order to stop stone crushing and cancelling the order of the road that was set apart on the pasture land  (Gochar Bhumi) by  Collector Sikar on 1st May, 2011
Fabricated cases: A

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