Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] FW: [MuslimIntelligencer] Newslines Jan 7: Reminds us of what's happening today: Historical Video examines lies created by Private Corporations for Pentagon, Governments, and Elite Corporations

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Moussa <>
Date: Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 12:50 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] FW: [MuslimIntelligencer] Newslines Jan 7: Reminds us of what's happening today: Historical Video examines lies created by Private Corporations for Pentagon, Governments, and Elite Corporations
To: "A. Moussa" <>




From: [] On Behalf Of Alex James
Sent: 07 يناير, 2011 08:36 م
To: Alex James
Subject: [MuslimIntelligencer] Newslines Jan 7: Reminds us of what's happening today: Historical Video examines lies created by Private Corporations for Pentagon, Governments, and Elite Corporations Historical Video examines lies created by Private Corporations for Pentagon, Governments, and Elite Corporations 

Thomas Jefferson quotes: "the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection of his own" 

CLEAR EVIDENCE OF 9/11 COVER UP in Susan Lindauer's book Extreme Prejudice: terrifying story of Patriot Act, Iraq and 9/11 coverup 

CFR on 9/11 & TARP 

Video 9/11 Truth: U.S. Military Officers for 9/11 Truth 

WikiLeaks' Most Terrifying Revelation: Just How Much Our Government Lies to Us: e.g. regular coverup of US murder of civilians 

Truth Telling "Anti Semitic" Movie Flew Under the Radar of Zionist censors: Secularism is a solipsism (not based on spiritual absolutes, i.e reality, truth, justice) That's why it devolves into tyranny of the Elite 

Obama's reign of terror in Afghanistan - Why Washington Hates Hugo Chavez - Ugliness of Zionist ideology 

Deanna Spingola interviews John Kaminski 1/6/11 on RBN, explaining deceptions by the Elite 

Anglo Irish bondholders profiteers include Rothschild Bank, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank 

Farmers pushed to edge of bankruptcy by dioxin scandal: Banksters foreclosing in on 5000 farms and agricultural business have been closed or affected 

At least 74 million people in 42 states are drinking water contaminated with hexavalent chromium. (Remember Erin Brockovitch? 

Yet another fish kill (as I predicted many months ago), this time in New Zealand 

100,000 drum fish killed: Petroleum fractions coming down in rain causing eutropification/dead zones? 

Body of the creator of Air Force Cyber Command and Investigator of Securities Insider Trading Found in Dumpster. 

Washington despises Chavez because he is unwilling to hand over Venezuela's vast resources to Transatlantic corporate elites and banksters. 

Utah Welcomes NSA Mega-Snoop Center; Elite Openly Flaunts Plan To Turn Cities Into High-Tech Slave Grids 

DEBT USURY MONEY SYSTEM A GREAT ENGINE OF DESTRUCTION! but The Priest Told Me: "Don't Disturb The Archbishop!" by Eric V. Encina 


AUSTERITY FAILS IN EUROLAND - The Enemy Within - The Drums of War Are Heard Again In Israel, Murder of Logic and Reason - Big Brother USA 

Pentagon Transcripts, Official Records Belie 'The 9/11 Commission Report' 

Buy an African baby; bomb some African villages 

2011 Will Bring More ecriminalization of Elite Criminal Financial Fraud 

When Is Ice Age imminent? 

VIDEO: Wall Street Fat-Cats want you to believe that public service workers are the ones who are overpaid while Banksters rake in Billions in Bonuses 

Charlie Chaplin's First Talking Picture "The Great Dictator's" Final Speech, "machine men, with machine minds and machine hearts". 

George Soros says US Must Stop Resisting Orderly Decline Of Dollar, Coming Global Currency And New World Order 

Over 1million Iraqi death toll numbers: attempts to rubbish the Lancet study on massive Iraqi death toll are hack-work. 

Extreme Toxicity of Zionism: It's not only their bombs, guns and tear gas that is killing off an entire people, it's zionist ideology that is wiping Palestine off the map 

ABC News Video exposes another holocaust story lie, this time by Herman Rosenblat Arnon Sofer, Haifa University, says Jews must kill every day: Israeli academic institutions complicit in Israel's colonial racist policies; False Flag Ops to Murder On Behalf Of The Zionists 

John Wheeler, GOV CHEM WEAPONS EXPERT murdered found dead in Delaware landfill, a la dead birds;FALCONE EXPOSING MORE BUSH THEFTS OF FUNDS TO CAPITAL HILL 

Paperback copies of Tyranny Busters, The Sham and Shame of the Federal Income Tax, the 16th amendment and the IRS 

Is DHS A Private, Offshore Corporation Also? like IRS, FED? why did Fed stop reporting M3 in 1996? why wasn't $12.3 bailout money reported? 

A Nation Of Truth-Rejecters by Chuck Baldwin: programmed by Media, Schools, Hollywood,... to reject the truth 

Avastin Cancer Drug Declared More Harmful Than Helpful, internal bleeding, high blood pressure, and heart failure 

Video: Contrails vs Chemtrails: support "The Planetary Population Protection & Atmospheric Air Purity Act.", in Nov 2010, UN body banned geoengineering chemtrails but its still going on 

Murders of Gazan continues, its a shooting gallery of sitting ducks for the pleasure of Zionists 

We don't need Wikileaks to know what the Gaza concentration camp genocide is 

Honeybees Face Death Threat From Cell Phones Towers electromagnetic fields 

Zionist genocide of the Gaza concentration camp 

Jesse Ventura' "Conspiracy Theory" Episode on FEMA Concentration Camps Disappearing from TRU-TV DVRs: TruTV owned by Turner Broadcasting subsidiary of Time Warner 

WikiLeaks: Israeli Zionists demanded bribes before allowing goods into Gaza 

Operation Gladio reprise: More False Flag Operations; 'Concentration Camps' for 'Muslims and migrants' in Europe by 2014 






Newslines Jan 6

Gaza Civil Society Groups Need You to Take Action against the on-going Zionist genocide of the Gaza concentration camp 

112th Congress: Jesuit-educated, Chicago-connected, Roman Catholic priest again re-elected U.S. House chaplain 

Video: US State Department made plans to attack France for refusing Monsanto's GMO seeds 

Video Documentary: How US Zionist Cabal created myths to lead drumbeats to war against Iraq 

They Will keep stealing our wealth through creating money from nothing/US at War Since declaration of independence: A New Year's Meditation 

As usual, Mossad behind Egypt church deceptions, Zionists cause people to wars 

HIGH SCHOOL -- 1957 vs. 2009 << ALL PARENTS and their CHILDREN "must read this": we have allowed those in power to take total control of our lives....... 

Mass Bird & Fish Die-Offs Go Global (not just in Arkansas or Tennessee) , Spark End Times Panic, Brazil, Sweden and New Zealand hit with strange phenomena as speculation rages 

Pharisee Watch: un-Christlike example of most religious celebrities and political leaders: Handel's peace lyrics vs Pharisees' Battle Hym 

Rulers will find something to hate somebody to fear to wage imperial wars to enfranchise greed, tyranny, cruelty and empower the vulgar criminals 

Phil Jayhan: The "4" Flights of 9/11 ? What Happened to the Passengers? Fed Governor Kevin Warsh, owner of only private Stuart US Air Force Base alleged landing point of 9/11 plane(s) 

Some of Zionists in control of Banking, Porn, Media, Politics, Hollywood, TV, Radio, Books: Fed Governor Kevin Warsh, owner of only private Stuart US Air Force Base alleged landing point of 9/11 plane(s) 

Israel is paying internet workers to manipulate online content 

Zionist Kanguru Court rules settler, not Palestinian, can work field: "Every settler will now be able to demand Palestinian land. ... settler didn`t present even a shred of evidence showing his ownership 

FW: Obama fails to prosecute prominent US Republicans for supporting an Iranian terrorist group on State Department's list 

U.S. and China, two greatest polluters of Wo/ld Joined Forces Against Europe; Hollywood & Pentagon: Ideal Tyrants of America 

Another step towards to strenghten ZIONIST fascism - Israeli parliament forms "committee of persecution" to silence criticsm, i.e. truth is blasphemy....... 

Was Top U.S. Official Wheeler Murdered After Opposing Arkansas Chemical Weapons Test that caused Mass wildlife Deaths? Activist Eye Witness to Tennessee HAARP Wildlife Kill-Offs 

Dr. Rima Laibow: We Accuse FDA of Crimes Against Humanity; Please Open! 


From: alex james []
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 9:35 PM
Subject: Newslines Jan 4: Video: Giant Elite Tapeworm Economy, we must expel these parasites before they consume us all: REWIRE THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM Giant Elite Tapeworm Economy, we must expel these parasites before they consume us all: REWIRE THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM 

demise of Soviet Empire resulted in American Empire whose annual trillion-dollar military budgets would be financed by cutting Social Security, Medicare, income-support programs for poor and inflation 

'Politics and crime are the same thing' Michael Corleone in the Godfather, add to this Banking, Politics and Crime are the same thing...... 

Video: Obama Blocks Probe Of Fired IG Gerald Walpin & Barry gives IMF 100 Billion $$$$$ 

Iraq, PNAC , All roads lead to Zionist Israel: On 9/11 a full El Al 747 Jumbo Jet took off on from JFK to Tel Aviv AFTER all flights were grounded 

The Red Pill Guide to Top 20 Secrets of our Times: Shackled press, etc. 

We can save humanity from usury: For over 1500 years Christianity prohibited sin of Usury -- giving Jews a monopoly. 

BIG BROTHER: The Police State Mentality in the Electronic Age 

Zionist War Crimes: From USS Liberty to Humanitarian Flotilla - ROTHSCHILD ZIONISM, THEY DARE NOT SPEAK ITS NAME 

world imperium - money-powered, race-oriented, Zionism -- the fact of 'other forces' taking over the Rhodes group 

Proposed Popular Sovereignty Govt 

FDA scientific panel urges partial ban on mercury amalgams but FDA already attempting to spin this -- please take action 

Oregon's Ron Wyden is on our side: more than 300,000 other Americans who have signed petition opposing the "Internet Blacklist Bill" 

10 Ways Wall Street Bankers Wagess Warfare Against Main Street: Ponzi money system/debts/loans, usurious payday loans, QEx, Gov loan guarantees, rigging market, foreclosures without proof, securitized loans, ..... 

Arrest Assange? Arrest the Banksters Instead please!!! 

Kaminski picks top stories of 2010: Obama, as an undercover agent, was allegedly lead agent in arms/money supply for CIA-trained Taliban Army 

New American Dream - video, where lies are truth, slavery is freedom, ignorance is strength, war is peace, resistance is futile ..... 

George Soros: The United States Must Stop RESISTING! the new feudal world order 

Zeitgeist 3 Movies Comes to Toronto 

Forced into debt, Thousands of Indian Farmers have committed suicide in India 

Secretive Banking Elite Manipulate Trading in Derivatives, likes of JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley...... 

War Bankers Using Taxpayers' Money To Fund Permanent Wars, just remember who funded Communists, Hitler, Allies,........ 

Banksters are Coming for Your Retirement Next!!! 

New Human Rights Watch report on the West Bank: Under Discriminatory Policies, Settlers Flourish, Palestinians Suffer and die out 

Israel sideways drilling of Gaza oil makes Israel a new big seller on market -- then BP spills, Obama shuts down Gulf supply, and bankrupt BP sells equipment to Israel 

Canadian banks report a record $21billion profit, millions in bonuses, while having received $200 billion in subsidies 

'A corporate coup d'état in slow motion' 





From: alex james []
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 7:50 PM
Subject: Newslines Jan 3: 9/11: Dick Eastman: Workers in Pentagon killed by inside-the-building explosives several minutes before flying

VIDEO Proof of More Zionist LIES and PROPAGANDA: They call European Jewish Genocide of Palestine as the "Palestine Problem" 

Understand history since 1914, excerpt out of Benjamin Freedman's speech 1961: most important document to understand history since 1914! 

9/11: Highest Treason Substantiated by Dick Eastman, Workers in Pentagon killed by inside-the-building explosives several minutes before flying object crashed through west wall of building. 

Killing us with Aspartame - New version called Neotame is a neurotoxin found in so called foods labelled as "organic" 


Calvin's real name was Cohen: THE REFORMATION: ROSICRUCIAN CONNECTIONS, was Calvin was a Jewish agent of the Prieuré de Sion? 

Occult Logos of Illuminati controlled corporations and churches 


IDF resumes use of prohibited tear gas canisters 

Video: Auschwitz Survivor on Palestinian Holocaust - GILAD ATZMON: ONCE AGAIN I SALUTE DR HAJO MEYER 

Stand firm and do not be bullied - It's 62 years since the UN passed a resolution on the rights of Palestinian refugees - rights Israel must recognise for peace 

Terrorism Defined: CIA Drones murdering sleeping children 

Journalist Sherri Kane, Two Other Journalists, Assaulted by Hawaiian Police While Covering Obama's Visit 

9/11: an inside job with the cave dwellers of Dimona 

Persecuting Innocence - unfair sentencing of Indian Human Rights Activist Binayak Sen while politically connected criminals ravage the poor 

Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced legislation to change corrupt private money system using bank credit for money into to a sustainable and just system based on using government created money 

Funded by CIA seed money, what's really behind Facebook scam and why media machine is working so hard to make sure people look the other way 

all along DHS watchtower: ICX SkyWatch Manned Portable Surveillance System on lands acquired through Justice Assistance Grants (JAG) money from the DHS to cities, counties and states 

Video: Gandhi EXPOSED as a pedophile 

Must Watch Video: Fight The New World Order with Global Non Compliance 

Zionists make comics of Christ or Mohammad and it's labeled art, but when others make light of Holocaust hoax and it's a jail time offense 

Michael Hoffman on the anti-Biblical Babylonian Talmudism, a book of racism, self-worship, superstition and deceit 

Michael Hoffman exposes the truth about the Babylonian Talmud hate and supremacist book 

James Polk: Coup d'état - The Historical Framework of Globalization while distracted by the phony war on terror 

Palestinian and Zionist causes through the eyes of their spokespersons 

Perfecting the art of mass murdering; no one isn't at risk 

YOUR common property the Earth is being monopolized, damaged and destroyed, your life is being endangered knowingly 

David De Graw: The Axis of Greed and Slavery: The Economic Elite Vs. The People of the United States of America 

Shortcomings of Austrian Economics 

Next Duty to Warn column: Psychiatric Drugs and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America Government Admits they Deal Heroin, Terrorize Families for Pot 

Jesse Ventura: Worldwide Water Monopoly Conspiracy Facts 

The Global Bailout from the FED was 12.3 Trillion Dollars; NATO Trains Afghan Army To Guard Asian Pipeline 

Not just Birds ! Massive Fish Kill Blankets Arkansas River 

VIDEO JUST PULLED!!! TSA says hand over your credit cards, I need to photocopy them; Is your local Police Department a For Profit Corporation? 

US drones killed 2,043 people, mostly civilians, in Pak during last five years 

The TSA's State-Mandated Molestation: TSA Expanding Groping Of Vaginas 

HFCS - High Fructose Corn Syrup, unlike excess glucose which is excreted, taken up by liver increasing fat deposits, sodas in particular bad for health 

Zionists gassing the autochthone Semites with deadly tear gas adding daily to multitude of vicious crimes committed by criminals headquartered in Tel Aviv. 

Tortured Until Proven Guilty:Bradley Manning and the Case Against Solitary Confi 

Please stand with the 9/11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation (if you are broke, PL FWD to ALL your contacts) 


Must watch video,The Trials of Henry Kissinger The Making Of A War Criminal who won Nobel Peace Prize...... 

Things are designed to bring more control to bureaucracies rather than to independent sovereign individuals of this nation 

Not Gov but Private Feudal Masters control Fed and Denver Fusion Centers, The Gov does not manage them...... 




From: Alex James []
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 9:35 PM
Subject: Newslines Jan 1: Nazi-Jewish Affair to Remember: 70 million people murdered during WWII for Zionist Jews to invade Palestine in 1948 Nazi-Jewish Affair to Remember: 70 million people murdered during WWII for Zionist Jews to invade Palestine in 1948 

9/11: Lets give credit for staging the attacks and demolitions to whom its due, i.e. the Zionist-Neocon Cabal 

Top story of 2010: Fed created another $12.3Trillion from nothing to bailout bankers, remember 1996 when FED STOPPED PUBLISHING M3 

New Zealand: BSA rules against man accused of denying Holocaust (a quasi judicial body attempting to criminalize expression of opinions thereby destroying one of the pillars of British Common Law) 

Video: The Tactics of the Feudal elites for total World Control 

Instructor Airshow Pilot Questions Official 9/11 Scenario; Full Film - 9/11: World Trade Center Attack, Embedded and Streaming here! 

Here's Why FBI Is Orchestrating Fake Terror Plots; Israel Faces Child-Abuse Claims (Sexual); Modern Medecine, The Killing Machine.... 

Top Censored News Stories of 2010, Includes Top Underreported Inspiring Stories - Blackwater (Xe): The Secret US War in Pakistan 

Swedish CIA Operatives Politicians used by CIA-Pentagon to launder the screened Wikileaks cables - Wayne Madsen Report 

Leukemia Cancer Outbreak in Ohio 

VIDEO: Google & New GENE ID Cards & Caste System for New Feudal Police State World for delight of the ELITE 

Israel ex-President Moshe Katsav found guilty of rape 

Goldman Sachs claims high costs for doing "god's work", received tens of billions of dollars in direct indirect succor from Fed, selling billions of dollars of mortgage-backed securities to Fed 

If Americans Knew . org: Your tax-deductible donations help students inform their campuses about ZIONIST CRIMES 

Propagand forces masses to Believe in imperial violence and be "saved" 

U.K. envoy said Israel ready to use nuclear bomb in 1980, newly released cables reveal 

Khodorkovsky conviction exposes links with Soros & Rothschild. Soros is no Robin Hood, but a fellow Oligarch 


Monus Aron: Putin taking steps against Jewish Masons who are striving for World Domination 

Join these groups and post the Veterans for Peace White House Protest Video 

Support the Seattle Israeli Crimes Bus Ads: Contact the Executive Office King County Dow Constantine 

1844: Robert Peel passed Bank Charter Act aimed to prevent banks from creating money from nothing by printing money in excess of their gold reserves 

Western Union Predators skimmed off 20% of the cash meant for Josh's family in fees. 

Enemy Within The Gates by Chuck Baldwin, December 30, 2010 

Witch-Hunt by big business who can't produce what consumers want, they're simply seeking to eliminate the raw milk market altogether 

Study shows Conservatives have larger 'fear center' in brain 

Brave New Dystopia, descent into Elitist Tyranny: Orwell warned of a world where books were banned. Huxley warned of a world where no one wanted to read books. 

Zionist double standards: the cases of Khodorkovsky and Guantanamo innocent detainees 

Films: Espionage Act and Death of American Freedoms: Internet, freedom of speech, press, right to bear arms, food system, control over our children's lives, etc. 

Raw Milk Controversy: FDA and CDC Bias Against Raw Milk--No Facts Provided in ... proof of Zionist Israeli Racism: letter states Jewish women descend from noble race of kings 

US drone attacks are no laughing matterr; Mr Obama's backing of indiscriminate slaughter in Pakistan can only encourage new waves of freedom fighters against US criminal occupation 

The Seattle bus ads on Israeli Crimes won't run; Zionists deny reunification to Palestinians dispora 

Invitation to join a New Year's Call for Peace from Kathy Kelly in Kabul: end all wars and occupations 

The Ridiculous Things that Americans are being arrested for, i.e. If this doesn't strike you as scary you have never defined tyranny 

Illuminati Formula Used to Create Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave;White House Gives Go-ahead For Elitists to Control DNA 

New York Times really getting sick of Israel? or just a deception? 

Zionist World's Murder of Logic/Reason; FBI Agents Earn Points for each innocent on Watch List; New Mexico Gov says killing of 500000 Iraqi kids was right 

Israel's Dec 27 2009 Massacre of Gaza: 1400 Murdered half of them children, 5400 crippled for life 

Danger of Genetically Modified Foods;The Insurance Robbers; BP's Gulf Disaster: Accidental or Deliberate? Con men convince Gulf residents to drink chlorine 

The new Zionist Islamophobic crusade to disposess muslim populations around the World 

NFL great Mark Stepnoski will match up to $10,000 if others donate to WTC 7 9/11 Truth Ads on TV 

German Beaten for Questioning Alleged Holocaust Survivor 


US refuses cooperation with Poland's CIA 'black site' prisons probe 

Alzheimers started when Coal Plants started releasing Mercury into environment; HFCS led to fattening of America 

"The Zionist-Jewish War Against Gentiles" a.k.a. WAR AGAINST TERRORISM 

Martial Law Under FEMA Control as more questions surface as to why TruTV pulled Jesse Ventura's Police State episode 

Gardasil, The Lethal Medical Failure That's Still Recommended by Your Doctor: instead of saving women from cancer, vaccine has turned some girls into "one more" victim of vaccine abuse. 

The daily DHS…Missouri National Guard's proposal to utilize inmates as part of their disaster response, alarming trend towards martial law, and the well-laid plan to takeover states with a Federally-funded police state grid 

What does any would-be tyrant need in order to gain control over the lives of citizens? feed me, cure me, protect me from fabrciated scares........ 

Jesse Ventura uncovers plot to depopulate Lousiana, not yet shown on Tru TV; Police State Episode "Wall Street" missing; Obama not in charge since he reneged on all his campaing promises 

Mind Control Theories and Techniques used by Mass Media: WikiLeaks Being Used to Justify "Patriot Act" Legislation For Internet 

Prospects for Humanity?; By prof. Francis Boyle .The First and Second World Wars currently hover like the Sword of Damocles over the heads of all humanity. 

January 2011 Brendon O'Connell case in Perth, Western Australia - exposing Zionist beliefs 

QE2-THE FRAUD IN YOUR FUTURE: If the market is left alone, the value of mortgages held by the banks will continue to fall 

Chinese correctly believe the "Rothschilds" are behind Global Economic Meltdown!!! 

Castro's doctors and nurses are the backbone of the fight against cholera in Haiti 

Video: the illuminati bloodlines are controlled by the vatican... 

Video: Alan Lawson: Wikileaks brought to you by the CIA 






From: alex james []
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 8:25 PM
Subject: Newslines Dec 28: Napolitano Announces Expansion of Gestapo Zones from Airports to Malls and Hotels, 2011 will bring more intrusive police state

"Dissent Is What Rescues Democracy": Napolitano Announces Expansion of Gestapo Zones from Airports to Malls and Hotels, 2011 will bring more intrusive police state, more unemployment, home foreclosures, no economic recovery, etc.

Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army terrorist Haganah: 1933 - Zionists sign a deal with Hitler - The Transfer Agreement - for Nazis to send Jews to Palestine 

Gov't Chipping Peple w/o Consent 

Kevin Barrett: How the 9/11 WTC Demolitions Were Set Up 

Chemtrails News LA, USA News Segment on Chemtrails U-tube 

Attorney General Warns of 'Constant' Terror Threats -- Are his friends going to keep us under their staged threats eternally? like in the movie Brazil? like in book 1984? 

FACTS ON Zionist Extremism/Terrorism/Barbarism/Genocidism/etc. 

Fallout of 9/11 Inside Job: a secretized America controlled by Zionist elite 

EU being Zionist/Communist style Centralized for ease of control: EU to take over all 27 member states civil service 

64 MILLION empty homes in China with no one occupying these brand new homes! 


$144 billion in Wall Street bonuses; $13 Trillion wealth within 1% of US; so far 3 million families foreclosed upon, 30 million people in need of employment, 239 million living paycheck to paycheck; 


E-Alert: "Most Israelis Approve Racist Rabbis" - by Rev. Ted Pike 

The unholy of unholies has been penetrated -- at heart of the conspiracy are "The Seven Bullionnaires" -- they have created the collapse and now are offering governments bullion backed money 

What If Christians Took Jesus at His Word on Peace? Are a growing number of Christian churches beginning to reassess how this balance should be struck? 

Secret That TSA Doesn't Want You To Know: Sis has been quietly preparing groundwork for total takeover of all public transport and highways by federal government goon squads 

Jody McIntyre: Two years after Operation Cast Lead, Gaza remains imprisoned 

Jim Hightower: "The opposite of Courage is not Cowardness it is conformity." "Even a dead fish can go with the flow" - Ex Texas politician 

VIDEO: You are property of the Rothschild family! Sold into slavery in 1932. 

How to Win Hearts & Minds without Bullets & Bombs & Propaganda lies! 

Homeland Security Coming to Hotels, Shopping Malls - Are YOU going to pay for turning America into Zionist Occupied Palestine? 

Who do the so-called "Elected" really work for? for the POWER ELITE...... 

Video: Empire Hollywood & The War Machine - symbiotic relationship between the movie industry and the military-industrial complex. 

Panama row reveals US drug agency's power as a secret intelligence gathering operation 

MOSSAD ADMITS THE FAKE PASSPORTS IN DUBAI KILLING: will they punish themselves? will they finally admin to staging 9/11 as well? 

Key News: Massive US Surveillance, Indefinite Detention by Executive Order; For $250M, Nigeria drops bribery charges against Cheney, Halliburton;Why Is the UBS Whistle-Blower Headed to Prison? 

Take Action: Gaza Besieged, Israel Unaccountable Two Years after "Cast Lead" massacres 

most Jews don't realize how Zionism has deceived and sacrificed them to the collective myth and they don't know the cost they have paid 

Israeli Palestinian rights Activist Jonathan Pollak Sentenced to 3 Months in Prison; Tells Judge "I'll Go to prison With my Head Held High" 

Seattle Times: Navy Tests Off West Coast Endanger Whales, Environmentalists Fear: well, they endanger humans as well......... 

"Dissent Is What Rescues Democracy": Napolitano Announces Expansion of Gestapo Zones from Airports to Malls and Hotels, 2011 will bring more intrusive police state, more unemployment, home foreclosures, no economic recovery, etc. 

Problem Turned Deadlier than AIDS - Is There Still Time to Correct Course on Agricultural Antibiotic Overuse Creating New Hard-to-Eradicate Human Diseases

Historians always been employees of Aristocracy, so you don't know real history of human slavery by the Elites........ 

Jewish pro-Palestinian activist faces jail for West Bank resistance against Zionists 

Father Fahey: Explains Illuminati Satanic Conspiracy Vs. God & Man by organized naturalistic supra nationalism of the Jewish Nation 

Julian Assange's Ties to Nazi Cult;Anna Ardin who accused Assange of 'rape' accused of being a CIA NAZI 

Kaminski: You are the cause because you believe the Zionist Elites' lies...... 




From: Alex James []
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2010 7:54 PM
Subject: Newslines Dec 27: Must Watch Bishop Richard Williamson - Gas Chambers, Anti-Semitism and the Truth on Orwells 1984 and 9/11 inside job: WE ARE ENSLAVED BY LIES


Must Watch Bishop Richard Williamson - Gas Chambers, Anti-Semitism and the Truth on Orwells 1984 and 9/11 inside job: WE ARE ENSLAVED BY LIES message music video about the swine flu vaccination fraud 

Video: Fed told us about its bailout loans...some of them. what about the off-balance sheet give aways? 9Trillion$ of them..... 

Rothschild and Israel: UNDERSTANDING SATAN'S PLAN 

Video: The Skull and Bones of the Vatican 

The Ugly Truth Podcast Dec 15, 2010 In Memoriam of victims of infamous example of Zionist ritual murder, Operation Cast Lead against Gazans 

Book exposes Israeli occupation as seen by troops, zionist crimes abound...... 

Israeli towns continue to rewrite bylaws to keep Arabs out 

Relationship between sunblock, anti-cholesterol medecine and the lack of Vitamin D3 which then causes cancer: use sodium bicarbonate to kill cancer 

US national image contradictions as "the world's prime purveyor of good government, stability and progress" and reality of imperial power, hypocrisy and double standards. 

Hajo Meyer author of The End of Judaism: An Ethical Tradition Betrayed: racism, higher education now mainly for the rich, Dror Feiler in Turkey today, and Never Again for Anyone schedule 

Navy Charts Show Gulf Stream Loop Current Seriously Damaged 

Video: Pearl Harbor inside job View 60 Years of Betrayal: Dec. 7, 1941 - Sept. 11, 2001 

Feds sue BP, Oil BP Tried To Hide Found In Thick Layers On the Sea Floor 

War threats follow Countries dumping US dollar 

Former Northwest Airlines Captain Field McConnell Solves 9/11 Air Disaster Mysteries 

The GULF of Mexico is STILL Dying 

U.S. Drug Agency Eavesdropping Extends 'Far Beyond'Narcotics: When Harrry Truman broke the law and created the CIA, he opened the door to everything that is happening now 

The Hanukah Massacre on Gaza--Judaism in its Finest Hour 

In the Kingdom of God, it is not the rich who are favored, but the destitute; The Coming Technological Totalitarianism is here 

Wayne Madsen Bloom & Steele Update on Bush administration officials "in on" 9/11 planning. December 17-19, 2010 

We Have A Feudal Corporation, Not A Government 

International Commission of Socialist Party US calls for an immediate end to the 43 year occupation of Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights 

Cops' Use of Illegal Steroids a 'Big Problem': Who Watches the Cops? Cops on Steroids! 

US Military Sexual Abuse in the military: STAGGERING 

Israeli Ambassador suddenly leaves Cairo ahead of the arrest of Israeli spies in Egypt 

WikiLeaks: U.S. Drug Agency Eavesdropping Extends 'Far Beyond' Narcotics 26 Dec 2010 

Must Watch Videos: Iraq war crimes continue: Falluja fallout worse than Hiroshima, horrible pictures of deformed babies 

Absolute Must Watch Video: G.Edward Griffin on fraud of private Federal Reserve monetary banking system 






From: alex james []
Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2010 8:34 PM
Subject: News Dec 26: ISRAEL TO FACE UN OVER SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILD PRISONERS;'I didn't think of Iraqis as humans,' says U.S. soldier who raped 14-year-old girl before killing her and her family TO FACE UN OVER SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILD PRISONERS 


'I didn't think of Iraqis as humans,' says U.S. soldier who raped 14-year-old girl before killing her and her family


Sun Worship in Roman Christianity? a study by Timothy Youngblood 

From a talk by Noam Chomsky: Savage Imperialism / Does anyone believe in the rule of law?: 

Alabama Town's Failed Pension is a Warning: NYT 

Jewish Extremists Make Frontal Attack Against Christmas! 

Top rabbis move to forbid renting homes to Arabs, say 'racism originated in the Torah' 

Uri Avnery on soldiers' testimonies admitting to Zionist war crimes 

Zionists Racists Hold a Demonstration of Hate in Bat-Yam 

Video: 1933 - Zionists sign a deal with Hitler - The Transfer Agreement - for Nazis to send Jews to Palestine 

British MPs, Academics speak on "The Ongoing Nakba" Conference, Palestinian Holocaust 


Christmas Day Crotch Bomber is Tied to Israel and FBI, i.e. another false flag operation 

GENERATION HOMELESS: Zionist settlers in their luxurious villas funded by billions of US tax payers...and over forty million of helpless American are considered homeless... 

FORGET THE INITAL SUBMISSION: Ending 43 Years of Surrender to Israel - kirwan 

Graph puts the US defence budget at $US711 billion in 2009, doesn't include "off-budget" items that push US defence spending much above $US 1.3 trillion (peanuts compared to bankers' bailout of nearly $13 Trillion) 

Wikileaks, The Mossad Connection 

Yashua-Jesus was an Aramaic speaking Palestinian 


Bill Moyers: "Welcome to the Plutocracy!" - audio from nolies radio 

Public Power in the Age of Fascism: Arundhati Roy Exposes Indian Gov and Zionist Fascism 

WikiLeaks: Advancing an Israeli Agenda 

Ending 43 Years of Surrender to Israel - kirwan 

Cindy Sheehan: Dont Go, Dont Kill -- Not Don't Ask - Don't Tell 

Jewish Voice for Peace: 14 years and 100,000 members working to support Palestinian human rights 

Victims of clerical sex abuse have reacted furiously to Pope Benedict's claim that paedophilia wasn't considered an "absolute evil" as recently as the 1970s In his traditional Christmas address yesterday to cardinals and officials working in Rome 

Osama bin Dead awhile 

Islamic Society of North America has been Zionized: its urging Palestinians to vist holocaust museum! Excuse Me!The entire Palestine is a holocaust museum of Israeli War Crime (signs posted on Metro buses) 


Zionists Ganging On Pakistan, Again by funding India; DON'T GO DON'T KILL POLICY; Tennessee Fusion Center Puts ACLU On Terror List 




From: alex james []
Sent: Saturday, December 25, 2010 8:43 PM
Subject: Headlines Dec 25: David Duke' Christmas Eve video and his new documentary on Zionist Extremism and its coverup by the Media Duke: A Special Video and Special Broadcast for Christmas Eve! plus his documentary on Jewish Extremism and its coverup by the Media 

Wanted Critically Thinking, Righteous People for Change of the fraudulent monetary private banking creation of money 

Whats all the fuss? US State Dept had 'Cleared' the release of Wikileaks Documents published so far 

Assange Admits Wikileaks a Fraud Run by Press for Israel, his SHAMEFUL ADMISSION DISGUISED AS SPIN by media 


USDA GMO Policy : EXtreme CONflict of Interest to Fraud 

All will be revealed, that's been concealed - the Pentagon Missile 

curbing the fed: The Monetary Reform Act by AMI American Monetary Institute 

"Zionist Israeli firms operate freely all over Iraq" 

1948:Women raped by Israeli military officials. Palestinian children doused with gasoline lit on fire for IDF amusement;2010: hellfire missiles launched from Israeli helicopters into working class neighborhoods, Napalm fired from jets, etc. 

European Jew Congress 'repulsed' by Greek priest's anti-Semitic remarks - 

US/Spain plotted to increase acceptance of genetically modified foods in Europe by deliberately raising food prices 

Rise and Rise of ZIONIST Super Fascism /Western Media Frightened Of The "F" Word In Its Israeli Context 

Jews murder Holy Land shepherd, father of a newborn; Rothschild's man Ruppert Murdoch secret links to Conservative Party; Obama strong after $4 trillion gift to America's rich -=- Settlement expansion in Palestine rise 

51%+ of all income taxes paid in go to the military/industrial complex war profiteering 

Video: The Origin of Christmas - Investigating the origin of Christmas and linking it back to the religion of Babylon (ie: Mystery Babylon 

ACTION ALERT: Respond to Zionist Media Distortions About Israeli War Crimes Bus Ads 

Canada's public water systems could be up for sale under CETA, i.e. Canada's water is in the process of being privatized to Europe 





From: alex james []
Sent: Friday, December 24, 2010 7:40 PM
Subject: Headlines Dec 24: The People's Bank of North Dakota State versus AUSTERITY IN EUROLAND shackled by the BANKSTERS..... People's Bank of North Dakota State versus AUSTERITY IN EUROLAND shackled by the BANKSTERS.....

Glenn Beck and Fox News owned by Rupert Murdoch and working to Zionize Arab Media 

Hegelian Dialectics and Conspiracy: relationship between Finance, Centralization, and World Hegemony. 

FDR's 1941 false-flag attack plan; an admiral comes clean about plans to provoke a Japanese attack off the Vietnamese coast 

Ex-Masons for Jesus 

VIDEO: Hitler, Stalin, Mao and the British Empire hated it when their subjects were armed: Myth: Gun Control Reduces Crime 

Defense employee warned about attacks hours before the bombing in Sweden 

Barack Obama - Zionist Wolf In Sheep's Clothing 

Rockefellers and Rothschilds are the same Satanic Bloodline, The Power of the Rothschilds, their last deception 

Israel: Next Gaza war will be extensive says Israeli army chief Lieutenant-General Gabi Ashkenazi 

Exposing Rush Limbaugh and his Zionist masters 

AFTER 40 Years? 'Arabs shouldn't count on US' as Israel Never Really Wanted Peace and Israel controls US policies with its dual citizens 

Spain denounces terrorist attack in Iran (which must be CIA or Mossad's work again) 

Iran not a rogue state - Australia 

John Pilger: Global Support for WikiLeaks is "Rebellion" Against U.S. Militarism, Secrecy 

9/11 Zionist Inside Job: All the Proof in the World 

Australian FM Urges Nuclear Inspections in Israel; Australia Rejects Israeli Ordered Media Censorship On Al-Manar 

The Zionist occupation testimonies, breaking the silence: inside the checkpoint, its not about security, its about genocide 

Shocking Predictions by Gerald Celente- Can this be TRUE? 

Palestinians Must Be Freed from Zionist Occupation 

Economic Espionage Haunts AIPAC, more like treason I would say..... 

Deflation, Inflation - Take Your Pick, its always green for the Banksters as they suck us either way....... 

MASOCHISTIC GRATITUDE TO "ISRAEL" for extorting taxpayers of at least $16billion per year over the past 60 years....... 

Zionists scramble as European states move to upgrade ties with Palestinians 

Police clash with protesters in the Arab-Israeli city of Uhm el-Fahm 

Free Books Truth Series on Zionist False Flags, 9/11, Synagogue of Satan, attack on USS Liberty, Anthrax attacks, Holohaox, OKC, Lockerbie bombing, London bombings, Alqaeda hoax, Hoax Israelites, etc. 

Must Read: Corruption in U.S & U.K killing democracy / freedom: institutions subverted to serve multinational corporations complex, media recruited to keep truth out to sanitize endless wars 

Bribery and Graft abound as Reid attaches Food anti-freedom bill S.510 to clunkers, authorizes "Police State Regulators" to harrass, eliminate family farmers , prohibit individuals from growing food in their back yards! 

Jewish Voice for Peace: Help Palestinian stay in Jerusalem 

Due to Zionist promotion of Islamaphobia, bigotted attacks against American muslims on the rise's 10 Commandments 

Take Back Control of Your Hormonal Health 

We declare the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland, and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible 

Aliens, real or fictional as in another false flag hoax perpetrated on mankind like 9/11 boogeymen, etc.? 

Treasure Trove of News at Missile off LA coast was Israeli; Paralles between Independence Day movie and 9/11 predictive programming fiction as prelude to fact 

Deadline Sunday: Don't let Texas become America's nuclear waste dump 

The Gulf of Mexico is Dying A Special Report on the BP Gulf Oil Spill By Dr. Tom Termotto; is the Gulf stream affected sufficiently to cause cooling in Europe? 


9/11 Video: Tower Explosions Occurred Prior to Plane Impact, Claims Writer Reflecting American Distrust of Government on Wide Array of Issues , plus 4 more 

FW: US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation: This Christmas, Stand with the Oppressed 

War on Drugs is in reality a War on People, Addictions, Abuse & the Stress (frustrations) that produces the conditions of too many lives. 

FBI Spying On all US Citizens 

Evidence of widespread rape of Okinawan women in US soldiers after conquest of Okinawa covered up 

Solzhenitsyn highlights the role of Jews as instruments of state terror, particularly their role in the Cheka and in the Red Army 

Israel Lobby Archive News; Young Germans resist Holocaust indoctrination;skepticism about diary attributed to Anne Frank 

Zionist Terror Network; Zionist Settlers seek to recruit Indian immigrants; Sarkozy accused of using Watergate-style tricks to muzzle the French press 

Vast US Domestic Intelligence Apparatus Monitors Americans 

When will there be justice for Lebanon's war dead? 

fast Internet for the rich and a slow Internet for the poor 

Mark Dankof (Spying on Americans) Israeli Agenda, ADL, Mossad 

Vote for Ron Paul in the Online 2012 Presidential Poll 

"Only by using indirectly destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves.";Corexit kills the oil eating microbes and much more 

Project Blue Beam Hologram to stage a False Rapture/Alien Invasion - RIP Serge Monast who was murdered 

'WikiLeaks to publish Israel files on Second Lebanon War, Dubai assassination': but will they be doctored? 

Zionist Racism, racism, racism ad infinitum........ 

Gordon Duff on Free American Hour: According to Wikileaks, Arab nations are on Israel's side and willing to commit suicide for Israel 

View 60 Years of Betrayal: Dec. 7, 1941 - Sacrifice At Pearl Harbor - Cover Up & Elite's Conspiracy 

BEWARE: The Real (Domestic) Terrorists (i.e. FBI, CIA) are Upping Their Chatter, is a new false flag attack in the works?????? 

FBI Expands 'Witch Hunt' Against Antiwar Activists 

what's really behind Facebook scam and why media machine is working so hard to make sure people look the other way Oil In Thick Layers On Sea Floor Over 1,000s of Square Miles; Indefinite Detention By Executive Order Should Scare the Hell Out of People 

Canada passes Codex food law that permits police to trespass, seize private property without warrant 

Käther's Questions on the Holohoax That Scared the Berlin Court, Holocast Denial Blasphemy case dropped 

A Concentration Camp by Any other Name 

Why big finance manipulates interest rates 

Prison Guard Towers being set up at Walmart - UNBELIEVABLE 

Zionist warplanes third attack on Palestinians' food supply, attack Gaza Refuge, tearing olive trees, wheat fields, milk, cheese, etc. 

Another Border Patrol agent on the Arizona border was shot and killed by drug smugglers !!! "Border Patrol" Our beanbags versus their AK 47s ??? !!! 

UN torture rep to investigate treatment of jailed leaks suspect Bradley Manning 23 Dec 2010 

Pilot punished by TSA for YouTube video 

FW: National Collective Consciousness Call Educating the Public on 9/11 Truth, North American Union, CFR and Mainstream Media 

Rand Paul (son of Ron Paul) wants your opinion 

Source of Swine Flu Revealed: H5N1 Originates From Alaska in 1997: could this be why over 40 Micro-Biologist have suddenly died (alleged accidents/suicides) In the last few years? 

From PHR-Israel: Help our Doctors Treat Palestinian Victims of zionist Torture 

Why Is Israeli Spy & traitor to US Jonathan Pollard Back in the News? he gets good treatment compared to Private Manning or Asange! 

Bracing for WikiLeaks, Bank of America Buys Nasty Domain Names ;-)" and ""—even "" 

Greek priest blames world Jewry for financial crisis 

Our World Leaders - A Masonic Picture Gallery including Sarah Palin flashing the Satanic Hand Sign 

AIPAC brags of unprecedented control over US politics: wholesale treason underway 

What is by campaign for liberty 

Food Safety Act And The Federal Death Administration (FDA) 

Another Financial Debt Fraud Model: At Kaplan University, 'Guerilla Registration' Leaves Students Deep In Debt 

new articles on APFN: quotes from Talmudism 

Homeland Security is a Scam, it's a joke - and a danger. 

Jesse Ventura Speaks with Pilots for 9/11 Truth 

Cutting Edge Promoting Archaelogical Bible. published by Zonervan owned by Zionist Rupert Murdoch. BEWARE !!! 

Caught Red Handed: video shows police dressed up as demonstrators to turn peaceful protests into riots 

List of some of the Masonic Secret Societies 

The Shocking Pagan Origin of CHRISTMAS! 

Video: SATURNALIAN BROTHERHOOD of the BLACK ROBE: FOR THE RULE OF LAW that was born with The Magna Carta 

Occult Holidays and Sabbats 

Christmas: "ITS ORIGIN AND FOUNDATIONAL ROOTS":NEVER found in the Bible, NEVER observed in the Bible and NEVER acknowledged, then where did it come from? 

USFK soldier suspected of uploading fake picture of bombing by North Korea 

Albert Pike and The Great Masonic Luciferian Religion 


Washington Post posts occult photos on Lunar Eclipse 

Video: Ponzi Scheme: Municipal Bonds collapse, i.e. bankers will own everything not just interest and taxes... 

Whore of Babylon Bull of Nimrod on EU Stamp: Nimrod-Baal-Osiris-Ra- Mithra-Molech-Pontifax Maximas ;Jerusalem new World Capitol led by Sanhedrin International Court 

THE CHRISTMAS TREE": The trees were worshipped as symbols of life, fertility, sexual potency and reproduction. 

HENRY KISSINGER - A US ZIO-NAZI - operation condor (one example of his murders) 

Hollywood An Empire Of Their Own: How Zionist Jews run Hollywood propaganda 

TSA should be fired along with all involved in putting them there 

Excerpt from autobiography of former Taliban spokesman imprisoned 4 years in Guantanamo 

Video: iraq war: us soldier admits war crimes, throws his medals and stars!!! and quits working for ZOG 

The Sky is not Blue - CHEMTRAILS By A Truth Soldier - See videos, pictures: Government ADMITS Secretly SPRAYING POISON On Us! 

Video: 9/11 Truth Missing Links bus harassed by Obama White House Secret Service 

Israel as usual not granting justice: Two years on, Gazan victims of Operation Cast Lead are still denied justice in Israel's biased judicial system 

F.C.C. Is Set to Regulate Net Access, another maneuver every day that threatens our liberty and security 

The New Plan, The Nation that Never Was: They were the operatives of the NWO all along, another one of their corporations...... 

Videos: The House of Rothschild, Money and The Mark of The Beast 

Plan for Jewish Homeland in Australia; Jewish Professor Mayer Takes Revisionist Path - Sources for Gas Chambers Are Rare/Unreliable;Stalin War of Extermination; 

"Central Banking 101: What the Fed Can Do as Lender of Last Resort" 

WikiLeaks, The Divisive Distraction Device that keeps on 'keeping' 

8 Palestinians Arrested Today at Al-Walaja for protesting against destruction of their homes by Zionists 

ACTION ALERT: Support the Mideast Awareness Campaign's Bus Ads 

Who are these creatures that want to shut down the truth-telling side of the net? Who, What and Why are they attempting to do this. 

Feds order farmer to destroy his wheat crops - truth about food tyrants.....remember when Stalin Soviets ruined harvest, and spoiled the existing food storage, prevented distribution? 

Labeling Kids with Bogus 'Mental Disorders' (Psychiatry) 

After Freeze, Settlement Building Booms in Israel on Palestinian lands Wolf: Espionage Act: How the Government Can Legally Engage in Serious Aggression Against the People of the United States 

Zionist occupying settlers burn a palestinian farmers sheep ALIVE 

Food Freedom...Help Mobilize EVERY Mother, Wife, Activist, EATER, Parent, Grandparent and HealthCare Professional 

Henry Kissinger was a "Soviet" Agent 

Communism Illuminati's Ideology of Enslavement; Insider Reveals 21st Century Illuminati Agenda History of Future;Many (illuminati) Faces of Communism 

Video: U.S. Promotion of Islamophobia; US Coalition to stop Islamaphobia 

superb souvenir from the past: Palestine Railways 

Pope Ratzinger shows his true Talmudic colors: Pope Declares Child Porn 'Normal' - Outrage Follows 


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Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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