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Sheetal Markam, Suhail Ansari, Adv. Harshwardhan Meshram, Urmila Marko and Niranjan Masram
Beware of A Brahminist Cult
Part III of the Proposed Copyright-free Awareness Book
A cult is an elitist, totalitarian society. It has a self-appointed, charismatic, messianic, dogmatic leader, who demands total devotion. Cult leader obtains funds through deception for the personal gain and/or power of its leader, but performs no real service to society. According to Dr. Margaret Singer, in the book "Cults in Our Midst" Over the last ten years, an estimated 5,000 economic, political, and religious groups operate in the United States alone at any given time, with 2.5 million members. In America, cults have used tactics of coercive mind control to negatively impact an estimated 20 million victims in the last ten years. Worldwide figures are even greater."
A cult: uses psychologically coercive techniques of brainwashing and mind control in order to recruit and indoctrinate its members. It maintains that the end justifies the means. Other terms used to refer to brainwashing are: "thought reform," "coercive persuasion," "totalism." and "mind control." Mind control is the shaping of a person's attitudes, beliefs, and personality without the person's knowledge or consent. Mind control employs deceptive and surreptitious manipulation, usually in a group setting, for the financial or political profit of the manipulator. Mind control works by gradually exerting increasing control over individuals through a variety of techniques. Cults are not necessarily religious. A cult may form around any theme, such as a political, racial, psychotherapeutic, or even athletic agenda.
Victims of coercive persuasion have: no signs of physical abuse, convincing rationalizations for the radical or abrupt changes in their behavior, a convincing "sincerity, and they have been changed so gradually that they don't oppose it because they usually aren't even aware of it.
Coercive persuasion is not a religious practice, it is a control technology. It is not a belief or ideology, it is a technological process. It is the unfair manipulation of other's biological and psychological weaknesses and susceptibilities.
The two basic principles of psychological coercion are: 1) If you can make a person behave the way you want, you can make that person believe the way you want. 2) Sudden, drastic changes in environment lead to heightened suggestibility and lead to drastic changes in attitudes and beliefs of a person.
Characteristics of a Cult
The commonly observed characteristics of a cult are observed as under.
Abusive cults have a control-oriented leadership
The spiritual group is led by a group of enlightened masters who wear strange clothes and speak in esoteric parables. They are led by a single charismatic spiritual leader who claims to have received special instructions from one or more "messengers from the sky." The leader dominates the membership, closely controlling them physically, sexually and emotionally.
Abusive churches, past and present, are first and foremost characterized by strong, control-oriented leadership. A central feature of an abusive church is control-oriented leadership. The leader in an abusive cult is dogmatic, self- confident, arrogant, and the spiritual focal point in the lives of his followers. The leader assumes he is more spiritually in tune with God than anyone else. He claims insight into Scripture that no one else has. Or, he may state that he receives personal revelations from God. Because of such claims, the leader's position and beliefs cannot be questioned and his statements are final. Add a little charisma and you can count on a high percentage of conversions. A founder who has had, or at least seems to know the secret of, non-temporal ecstatic experience. Most cults provide some means for charismatic power to be applied to the healing of mind and body. Tendency to attract isolated individuals rather than family groups.
The sad truth is that a high percentage of people want to give away their power because they crave to surrender before such aspired personality. Such people are true "believers". True believers are not intent on bolstering and advancing a cherished self, but are those craving to be rid of unwanted self. They are followers, not because of a desire for self-advancement, but because it can satisfy their passion for self-renunciation !" True believers are said to be eternally incomplete and eternally insecure. Most of the true believers look for someone who will give them the dogma and structure they desire. They can easily be molded into fanatics who will gladly work and die for their so stated holy cause. It is a substitute for their lost faith in themselves and offers them as a substitute for individual hope. All cults are composed of true believers. The Moral Majority is made up of true believers. At least a third of the population is "true believers." You'll find them in politics, churches, businesses, and social cause groups. They are the fanatics in these organizations. The followers want to convert others to their way of living or impose a new way of life if necessary. Control-oriented leaders attempt to dictate what members think, although the process is so spiritualized that members usually do not realize what is going on. A pastor or leader is viewed as God's mouth piece, and in varying degrees a member's decision making and ability to think for oneself are swallowed up by the cult.
The cult is authoritarian in its power structure. The group has a top-down, pyramid structure. The leader is regarded as the supreme authority. There is no appeal outside of his or her system to greater systems of justice. The leaders must have verbal ways of never losing. To members of this type of church or group, questioning the leader is the equivalent of questioning God. Although the leader may not come out and state this fact, this attitude is clearly seen by the treatment of those who dare to question or challenge the leader. The leader is, or tends to be, accountable to no one. Even if there is an elder board, it is usually made up of men who are loyal to, and will never disagree with, the leader. The leader of the movement often makes personal decisions for his followers. Individual thinking is prohibited; thus the followers become dependent on the leader.
Abusive churches require unwavering devotion to the church from their followers. Leadership is feared, and disagreeing with the leadership (or even just questioning it) is akin to disagreeing with God. Cult leaders keep the focus of love, devotion, and allegiance on themselves. Allegiance to the church has priority over allegiance to God, family, or anything else. Subjective experience is emphasized and dissent is discouraged. Pressure to conform and low tolerance for questioning make it difficult to be truly discerning. In a cult quests such as 'Where does all the money go?', 'Does the cult leader sleep with his secretary?' can't be asked. Doubts can't be shared and misgivings can't be voiced. For example, voice against the suppression of information, asking to reveal secrets which are usually tightly guarded by an inner circle such as information regarding 'Swiss bank accounts' of the cult leader or regarding other sexual practices. Members are not allowed to question, criticize or complain. If they do, the leaders allege that the member is defective and not the organization or the beliefs. The individual is always wrong but the system, its leaders and its belief are always right. Cult leaders usually take great care to keep both themselves and their organizations opaque and non-accountable to any outside authority.
Induction of Fear
Fear is created for an outside enemy (we vs. them) who is persecuting you. Fear of external enemy is must to drive people in to the cult. The fire-and-brimstone preacher induces fear and increases the tension by talking about "the devil," "going to hell," or the forthcoming Armageddon. Gospel songs are great for building excitement and involvement. In the middle of the song, one of the girls might be "smitten by the spirit" and fall down or react as if possessed by the Holy Spirit. This very effectively increases the intensity in the room.
In religious cults, God is ever-present in the workings of the organization. If a person leaves for any reason, accidents or ill-will that may befall them are always attributed to God's punishment on them. For the faithful, the angels are always said to be working, and stories circulate about how God is truly doing marvelous things among them, because they are "the truth." The organization is therefore given a certain "mystique" that is quite alluring to the new recruit.
The spiritual group promises eternal life in a paradise if you obey its set of rules. The spiritual group uses a special set of rules that you must obey or threatens eternal suffering if you do not obey these rules. The leaders of such cults often use manipulation to gain complete submission from their members. Abusive cults are characterized by the manipulation of their members. What you see, hear or think is irrelevant in the face of the groups doctrine. You must submerge your opinions in the group's worldview. Members who seriously question the leader's teaching will be ostracized or expelled.
Black and White thinking
Any cultic group has an almost utopian goal for which the group strives. Cult leaders will tell you can only be "saved" or can only be successful in their organization alone. No other organization has the truth, all others miss the mark. This is a powerful incentive for religious cults, as if God himself were directing their actions. They maintains an aura of sacredness around its basic dogma, holding it out as the ultimate moral vision for the ordering of human existence" It is beyond questioning. Followers are led to think that there is no other cult quite like theirs and that God has singled them out for special purposes. Other, more traditional evangelical cults are put down. The leader claims to be breaking with tradition, offering something novel, and instituting the only viable system for change that will solve life's problems or the world's ills. While claiming this, the cult then surreptitiously uses systems of psychological coercion on its members to inhibit their ability to examine the actual validity of the claims of the leader and the cult.
The ideology, doctrine and mission of the group are so sacred that they must not be doubted or questioned. To do so is one of the worst offenses possible. However, without the option of questioning, a lie cannot be uncovered. The follower accepts that his group is the only one that is equipped to achieve this goal. The cult's ideology becomes the ultimate moral vision for the ordering of human existence. The ideology is too "sacred" to call into question, and a reverence is demanded for the leadership. The cult's ideology makes an exaggerated claim for possessing airtight logic, making it appear as absolute truth with no contradictions. The more secret his/her sayings the better. The pronouncements are characterized by great certainty and authority as if it was the word of God. In some cases it is presented as such. The more incomprehensible the secret doctrine of the master the more stronger its appeal. After all it is beyond reason and should appeal only to the heart. Members may adopt fresh meanings to words, talk to each other in a jargon that the outsider can hardly follow (group-speak). The result being an inability to relate in speech, or explain new concepts to the outsider.
Common belief in a prophesy will be a strong binding force. One of the principal attractions of the first Christian sects was that they offered salvation from a threatening disaster. That being the end of the world. Only the baptized would await a glorious future. Sects like the Jehova's Witnesses have taken over this successful formula. Such an attractive system offers security.
The assumption is that this mystical ideal can be achieved if they will give their all in its pursuit. If they fail to give their all they will fall short of their goal. Partial commitment or belief is not tolerated. Exclusivism is used as a threat, it controls your behavior through fear. It also gives the cult leaders tremendous power over you. The cult leaders will claim to have direct authority from God to control almost all aspects of your life. Salvation is possible only in the group. Those who leave the group are doomed. They refuse to engage in conversation that may question the group and its leaders. Such criticism may even be characterized as satanic. If the cult is not a religious group then questioning the leaders or program will still be seen as a sign of rebellion and stupidity. Unquestioning obedience to the leader and following arbitrary rules and regulations eliminates independent, critical thinking, and the exercise of free will. There is no need for a search for truth, and in fact such a search is a straying from the Truth and a denial of it. One can see here why there is little regard for education.
Intellectual analysis of belief is tantamount to heresy. Often disciplines followed in the movements are accompanied by a lowering of the threshold to the unconscious mind. Suggestion will begin to play an important part. Precepts are being experienced as the truth and sure. There is no element of doubt anymore about assumptions and speculation often without any factual foundation.
Cult Raise Fund through the recruits
The cult has basically only two purposes, recruiting new members and fund-raising. Many cult members raise more per day fund-raising on the streets than they will ever be able to earn a day on any job. Cult leaders achieve increased donation and assets. Established religions and altruistic movements may also recruit and raise funds. However, their sole purpose is not to grow larger; such groups have the goals to better the lives of their members and mankind in general. The cults may claim to make social contributions, but in actuality these remain mere claims, or gestures to lure more members and enhance the cult image. Their focus is always dominated by recruiting new members and fund-raising. In cults, the prevailing emotion is a sense of urgency and of fear. At work they do not walk, they run. Everything is deadly serious and urgent. The world is at stake. Each small victory has added significance. Cults are a group at war, and this mentality lends fervor, enthusiasm and a sense of danger to each activity. Cults raise funds for their own use and not for altruistic purposes." Cults insist on contributions of exorbitant amounts of money tithing, signing over life insurance, social security or property, and fees for personal testing and training. Members are seen doing exhausting labor spending all one's waking time begging for money, selling goods produced by the cult. recruiting new members, or doing menial service for little or no remuneration. In fact outer ring positive group is useful not only for defense, but is also a potent marketing tool. The group network amounts to a well motivated and professional sales force that would be the envy of many businesses. Economic and other dependence on the group is fostered.
1) Religious Cults that use a belief system as their base are very common. 2) Commercial Cults will promise you that if you join them and follow their special program for success then you will become very rich. Commercial cults use mind control to get you working for them for free, and to make you pay for an endless stream of motivational tapes, videos, books and seminars all of which are supposedly designed to help you succeed, but in reality are designed to enhance the cult's mind control environment and keep you believing in their almost impossible dream of success. 3) Cults that use "self help" or counseling or self improvement as their base often target business people and corporations. By doing their courses and seminars they claim you and your staff will become more successful. Once you have completed one course you are told you need to do the more advanced course, which naturally costs more than the last. These groups specialize in creating powerful emotional experiences which are then used to validate your involvement in the cult. The religious overtones are couched in terms which don't sound religious. They usually come to the surface as you near the end of a seminar. Many people have been bankrupted by involvement with these cults. 4) Political Cults use political ideals as their base are well known throughout history.
Saying that they have to make people pay for it because otherwise they will not appreciate it. This is of course a very silly reason, plenty of people are able to appreciate things which they did not pay for.
The spiritual group teaches that giving up your life for the sake of the spiritual group may become necessary sometime in the future. The spiritual group demands that you give up as much of your assets and your yearly income to it as possible.
Sexual abuse
Most cults sooner or later are revealed to have fallen prey to their leadership's sex desires. The Churches has been immensely capable of downplaying or denying the many charges of child molestation and rape by multitudes of their "good fathers."
The child predator community seeks access to children with fervent zeal, careful calculation, and detailed planning. In addition to using children as sexual objects, child predators see children as valuable resources for significant financial gain. Children can be sold for child prostitution, child pornography, and forced to participate in other activities. Torture programming is used to gain their cooperation for these activities and to ensure that they don't tell their parents or other authorities. ( Child Predators and Mind Control by Jerry McMullin MA, MLIS Access Methods: Overview.; ( Child Predators and Mind Control by Jerry McMullin MA, MLIS Access Methods: Neighborhoods.)
The use of hypnosis, torture, drugs and other mind control techniques is not limited to cults, CIA operatives, Satanists, or predators of any particular dark religious persuasion. Rather, the use of mind control is endemic throughout the child predator community. The techniques are not that hard to learn if someone is motivated, and child predators are very motivated. Skeptics need just look at how widespread child pornography is and get a clue. It appears from survivor reports that programming is big business in the predator community. Sometimes transfers of victims from one location to another are conducted professionally. ( Child Predators and Mind Control by Jerry McMullin MA, MLIS)
Sexual abuse
Cult leaders claim to be in unique direct contact with God and demand unconditional trust They also indulge in sexual misconduct in the name of spiritual quest, evoking hidden powers and pretending to be reincarnation of love gods and telling women as their love partners of the religious scripture. In many cults homosexuality is glorified and promoted. The frightening details of sexual abuse in religious cult is dealt in the separate chapter of this awareness book.
Cults Resist Opposition offensively
Cults resist opposition in a variety of ways. When members do leave, efforts to get them back reportedly range from moderate harassment to incidents involving the use of force. Many ex-members and their families secure unlisted phone numbers; some move away from known addresses; some even take assumed names in distant places. Fear may be most acute for former members who have left a spouse or children behind in the cults that recruited couples and families. Any effort to make contact risks breaking the link completely. Often painful legal actions ensue over child custody between ex- and continuing adherents. There are plenty of instances that the members who live the cult are killed.
Some 75 percent of the members left the cults not entirely on their own volition but through legal conservator ships, a temporary power of supervision that courts in California and several other states grant to the family of an adult. The grounds for granting such power are in flux. But under such orders, a person can be temporarily removed from a cult. Some cults resist strenuously, some times moving members out of state; others acquiesce.
Secret Services Operate Through Religions and Cults
Secret services operate through re4ligions and cults and spread their spying network to conduct subversive operations in the counties. Religions and cults are also used as fronts of secret services in their mind control experiments.
Cults are Fronts for CIA Mind-Control Experiments
Officially MKULTRA was a CIA mind control project that lasted about 10 years from 1952 to 1962-63. Before it started, there was ARTICHOKE AND BLUEBIRD mind control projects of CIA. CIA officials wanted to produce programmed killers through the MKULTRA Project MKULTRA contained more than 149 sub-programs in fields ranging from biology, pharmacology, psychology to laser physics and ESP. According to psychiatrist Colin Ross, MD the mind control work was funded by the CIA, Army, Navy and Air Force, and concurrently by other agencies including the Public Health Service, and the non-governmental Scottish Rite Foundation. Mind control contractors with top secret clearance included the American Psychological Association, Past Presidents of the American Psychiatric Association and the Society for Biological Psychiatry, and psychiatrists who have received awards from the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association. Canadian Psychiatrist, Ewen Cameron (past president of the Quebec, Canadian, American and World Psychiatric Associations) received $60,353.33 for Research Studies on EEG and Electrophysiology. (Ross, 2000).
A great deal of Monarch programming and slave abuse, (as well as the drug trade) is done under three major covers or fronts: Religious Fronts, the Front of National Security and the Military, and the Entertainment fields, especially the Country Western Industry, the Rock Music Industry and Hollywood. Some of the Christian groups that claim to help SRA victims are really fronts.
In Cathy O'Brien's autobiography of her life as a Monarch slave Transformation of America when a slave is being programmed, the abusers will use schools, churches, Big Brothers, Boy Scouts and other activities to carry out the abuse and programming. Children pulled from classes will be given back-up amnesia so that they forget.. In other words, they are totally unaware that they have lost time when they were pulled out of the classroom. The teacher gives them a test score, and they are told they took a test during the missing time. How can the front alters deny it, when they have been hypnotized to believe it and they can see the test scores ? Alter boys and boys at catholic orphanages have a record of being used by dirty priests. Recently, numerous priests have been discovered molesting children, and hundreds of lawsuits are underway, but it is still not coming out that this abuse is connected to trauma-based mind-control. In the McMartin Preschool case about 800 children were witnesses whose stories colloborated the SRA and programming that was done, but the media, and the judicial system were able to cover up the abuse and make it look on television that the abusers were the victims! It wasn't until after the case was over and the property sold, that the tangible proof (the secret tunnels with paraphenalia) were found, and then the news media has covered that up too.
Many Native American children have been removed from their parents and subjected to mind-control in "Christian Schools" off the reservations. The Rockefeller Commission and the Church Committee in the 1970s exposed some of the horrors of the CIA's MKULTRA programs, and it remains extremely likely that much more remains hidden. Cameron was subsequently successfully sued by victims of his experiments, and they recovered damages in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Brain Electrode Implant Research was also done by Josef Delgado. Josef Mengele conducted mind-control research on thousands of twins and thousands of other hapless victims." Josef Mengele, is known as "the Angel of Death". A paper from a professor at U.C. Berkeley. Called "The Penal Colony," detailed how the CIA's mind-control program, code-named MK-ULTRA, was not stopped in 1973, as the CIA had told Congress. Instead, the paper reported, it had merely been transferred out of public hospitals and prisons into the more secure confines of religious cults. Jonestown being one of those "MK-ULTRA experimental cults".
Trauma-based programming techniques are continued to accomplish the same goal of producing mind-controlled slaves. Trauma-based programming techniques includes the deliberate induction of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) in involuntary human subjects. MPD has been reclassified by the American Psychiatric Association as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV, p. 487), characterises it by: A) The presence of two or more distinct personality states; B) At least two of these identities or personality states recurrently take control of the person's behaviour; C) Inability to recall important personal information that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness; D) The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance or a general medical condition.
When the abuse is of an extreme nature, the natural human reaction is to build a wall around such experiences, so to speak, by creating a separate and distinct personality to deal with future episodes of abuse. Once the core personality has been thus split, it is then possible to control one or more of the personality parts known as alters which are seperated by amnesia walls. These alters have been created, without the conscious knowledge of the primary personality. Therefore they follows orders unquestioningly without even having awareness of doing so. Through the trauma-based programming techniques number of alters, or soul fragments are created and programed to execute tasks ordered by their handlers. The CIA as well as the FBI Special Projects Division, NASA and the Defense Department use these victims in illegal activities such as covert operations, assassinations, drug running, prostitution and the use of children in sexual blackmail. Alters can be accessed by anyone who knows their respective "triggers". These triggers, which can be anything including specific telephone tones, nursery rhymes, dialogue from certain movies, hand signals or diagrams, pictures of objects.
A programmed assassin and sex slave, Sullivan says she was abused and raped by Robert Maxwell, Henry Kissinger, George Bush and Billy Graham, among others. One of her controllers was deceased CIA operative James Jesus Angleton, who has been widely regarded as a KGB and Mossad asset. Sullivan recalled: "In those alter states I was an absolute sexual slave and I would do whatever I was told to do." Sullivan said: " I was used to do hits, kills, and also body guarding and hostage extraction. I had a great number of alter personalities that had specialised training and had different modes to do different things." A Monarch slave Cathy O'Brien was used to make the film How To Divide a Personality and How To Create a Sex Slave. Cathy O'Brien and Brice Taylor were also subjected to sex-slave programming. They, like actress Marilyn Monroe, were mind-controlled slaves for the use of high-level politicians. According to Brice Taylor politicians are promoting the New World Order which is an attempt to bring in a One World Government in which elite Zionist families shall have things the way they want.
"Henry Lucas claimed that he was trained by a nationwide satanic cult in a mobile paramilitary training camp in the Florida Everglades. After his training, Henry claimed that he served the cult in various ways, including as a contract killer and as an abductor of children, whom he delivered to a ranch in Mexico near Juarez.. Once there, they were used in the production of child pornography and for ritual sacrifices. Henry has said that this cult's operations were based in Texas, and included trafficking in children and drugs, among other illegal pursuits. Henry, in 1985, attempted to tell his story in a book, written for him by a sympathetic author. The book, titled The Hand of Death : The Henry Lee Lucas Story, tells that some of the murders were political hits, including the occasional assassination of foreign dignitaries. Programmed to Kill. Henry further claimed the leaders of the camp were so impressed with his handling of a knife that he was allowed to serve as an instructor. Henry's crimes were of a particularly brutal nature, involving rape, torture, mutilation, dismemberment, necrophilia, cannibalism, and pedophilia, with the number of victims running as high as 300-600. By all accounts though, Lucas, frequently working with partner Ottis Toole – a self described arsonist and cannibal – savagely murdered literally scores of victims of all ages, races, and genders.
"Before his rampage, Lucas had spent 10 years in prison for murdering his mother, nearly half that time in a psychiatric ward, where he had received "intensive drug and electroshock treatments." He later described it as a "nightmare that would not end," and complained of hearing voices in his head. Anyone who has studied MKULTRA knows how covert mind control research was conducted in hospitals on unwitting psychiatric patients. Was Lucas one of them, who was then released into the service of a sheltered Satanic cult of child pornographers?" -Rigorous Intuition, "Henry: Portrait of a Bush Supporter", March 29, 2005
On June 18, just twelve days before Henry's scheduled demise, Governor Bush asked the State Board of Pardons and Paroles, whose members are appointed by Bush himself, to review Henry's case. Strangely enough, eight days later the Board uncharacteristically recommended that Henry's execution not take place. The very next day, just three days short of Henry's scheduled exit from this world, Henry Lucas became the first – and to date only – recipient of Governor Bush's compassionate conservatism. And never mind that once Henry was spared.
The Tavistock Institute published a report in 1974 which revealed that environmentalist, New Age and various religious organizations are, in actuality, all part of a unified, planned social engineering conspiracy. In order to divert public attention away from science and toward zero-growth ideology, the IRPC has played a major role in the promotion of religious fundamentalism, with its emphasis upon the 19th century mind-control techniques of evangelist Finney, and also in the area of religious cults.
The CIA has a history of attempting to manipulate the existence of cults and other mass- psychological phenomena to advance its objectives. Many religious culls are merely fronts for mind-control or occult activities. CIA operated various religious institutions are laboratories to test the psychological principles of coercive mind control and to test nature of resistances of a person to mind control. Some claim that "satanic ritual abuse" can be a cover for experiments by intelligence agencies. The CIA has a record of distancing itself from morally-indefensible operations by using fronts and cutouts. The CIA has a history of attempting to manipulate the existence of cults and other mass- psychological phenomena to advance its objectives. CIA is working with various satanic cults and other malevolent groups including neo-nazis the oto and members of the kkk that abuse their children in a highly traumatic and systematic way. These vulnerable children are then trained as mk-ultra victims.
Jonestown was a CIA-run concentration camp set up as a dry run for the secret government's attempt to reprogram the American psyche. There are suggestions of parallel "Jonestowns" and that the conspiracy did not end with the deaths in Guyana. "Jonestown" was a continuation of a CIA mind-control program that infiltrated cults, such as The People's Temple, to carry out their experiments. CIA theorists claim that Jim Jones had many questionable associations with the CIA throughout the years he was establishing The People's Temple. Jones is purported to have made several visits to Belo Horizonte where the CIA's Brazilian headquarters was situated and Mitrione resided. CIA theorists report that Jones's neighbours in Brazil state that Jones had told them that he was employed by the US Office of Naval Intelligence who supplied him with transport, living expenses and a large home in which he "lived like a rich man." The fact that, despite the growing controversy surrounding the People's Temple, Jones's move to "Jonestown" was given full support from the American Embassy in Guyana. A perusal of intelligence appropriations reveals that both the Watchtower (Jehovah's Witness) and the Church of Latter Day Saints, both receive CIA subsidies, probably because their international missionary endeavors provide an excellent cover for intelligence operatives. International Church of Christ was formed by a splinter group of former Church of Christ members, who embraced the so-called Boston Movement. It has more than 350 branches globally. It is well for all churchgoers to acquaint themselves with the Boston Movement, for it evolved from the teachings of the father of religious brain washing – American evangelist and Professor of Theology at Oberlin College, E. Grandison Finney (1792-1875).
The Symbionese Liberation Army, like the People's Temple, was a creation of the CIA. Vacaville's Black Cultural Association (BCA), a covert mind control unit with funding from the CIA channeled through Stanford Research Institute. The Menlo Park behavior modification specialists experimented with psychoactive drugs administered to members of the BCA. Black prisoners were programmed to murder selected black leaders once on the outside. The CIA / SRI zombie killer hit list included Oakland school superintendent Dr. Marcus Foster, and Panthers Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, among others. DeFreeze stated that at Vacaville in 1971-72, he was the subject of a CIA mind control experiment. He described his incarceration on the prison's third floor, where he was corralled by CIA agents who drugged him and said he would become the leader of a radical movement and kidnap a wealthy person. After his escape from Vacaville that's exactly what he did.
Such cults are structured in the form of concentric circles. The outer circles are restricted to conventional religious doctrines, the members of which serve as a front for the occult or satanic rituals conducted by core members. Lay Mormons, for instance, are unaware at the importance the Mormon hierarchy places upon solar rites.
Variations of Cannon's view can be found in Usenet discussions of "alien abductions" as cover for the implantation of microchips to track and/or control individuals. In all major population areas abducted men, women and children are being programmed through various devious means at military facilities they are programmed, and then silently returned. "Alien" abductions have long served as a cover for the development of electronic weaponry and electronic mind-control experimentation. Addressing the reality of the government's mind control experimentation may lead to public outcry against this carefully concealed attack on human rights. Carefully prepared costumes posing aliens, Visual Reality Headgear and other high-tech methods can easily be incorporated into an alien abduction theme. Several people who claimed contact with extraterrestrials during the early years of the UFO movement were members of various occult orders such as Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis and the Ancient Amythestine Many cults use UFO as their core ideology.
The primary strategy of these government agencies is to discredit survivors accounts by presenting them as emotionally unstable and the victims of false memories supposedly created by their therapists. The False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) was created by the CIA for this purpose. False Memory Syndrome Foundation is a group led by a truly vile coalition of CIA-affiliated psychologists / psychiatrists and accused pedophiles. It is interesting to note that an abnormal number of outspoken members of F.M.S.F. are also alleged child molesters and/or were involved, at least in the past, with CIA-funded mind-control experientations. For further information on these glaring connections, read Alex Constantine's book, "Psychic Dictatorship."] FMSF is playing key roles in the movement to deny the validity of recovered memories of severe abuse are Paul and Shirley Eberle, authors of the supposedly authoritative book The Politics of Child Abuse. The Eberles' book attempts to blame all child abuse accusations and prosecutions on overzealous prosecutors, therapists and parents. This might be a little more credible if the Eberles themselves were not well known to Los Angeles police as distributors of child pornography, a fact that the media conveniently and consistently ignore while touting the Eberles as authorities in the field of child abuse.
During the Jesus Movement of the 1960′s, Finney's mind-control system was used very successfully by the Children of God religious cult. Founded by David Berg, the Children of God had established communities in 60 countries by the end of the 1970′s. Former cult members claim that church members practiced pedophilia. One British newspaper reported that children of cult members exhibited signs of rectal excoriations and that pre-pubescent girls had torn hymens and flayed vulvae. Berg's pamphlets promoted pedophilia and sex between children, while another pamphlet displayed a photograph of a Children of God nurse engaged in oral sex with a young boy. A prosecution witness and former cult member alleged that Children of God girls were expected to lure men into having affairs with them, in order to recruit new members; this was known within the Children of God movement as "flirty fishing". Berg promoted not only pedophilia, but also racism, proclaiming that "I'm a racist because God is!" Joyanne Treadwell Berg, the granddaughter of the cult's founder, alleges that she was made to have sex with important government officials and had "met presidents from around the world". If this claim is valid, it would imply that possibly she could have been used as a "Black Widow". This is an Illuminati term for mind-controlled sex slaves who are used for the entrapment of high-level dignitaries. Some 170 children were taken into protective custody in 1993, after a police raid on an Argentinean compound of the Children of God church. The police claimed that the children had been sexually-abused by church members; cocaine and pornographic video tapes had been seized in a previous raid. Not surprisingly, perhaps, no charges were brought against church members. Since the Argentinian raid, the church has undergone restructuring and has changed its name to the Family of Love. It disavows that its adult members engaged in sex with minors; it also claims that it terminated its practice of "flirty fishing" in 1987.
Process Church for the Final Judgement founded during the 1960′s in England by Church of Scientology initiates Mary Anne and Robert DeGrimston, the cult opened branches in Mexico and America, mainly recruiting from centers of counterculture such as Haight-Ashbury and Hollywood. According to author Maury Terry, church members were heavily involved in human sacrifice, drug trafficking and kiddieporn. The "Son of Sam" and the Charlie Manson murders were both linked to the Church (Manson wrote an article for the Church's magazine). At the time that the Son of Sam killings commenced, the Process Church changed its name to the Foundation Faith of the Millenium. Since cult member Markham was a prosecutorial member of the U.S. Justice Department, is it any wonder that satanic cult murderers are seldom prosecuted ? Another satanic church in America poses as a New Age Catholic Church connected with the Celtic movement. In actuality, it is heavily involved in child pornography and ritual orgies.
It is reported that the CIA's child oriented mind control operations have been administered by an Indonesian religious cult "Subud". One leader is a principal officer in a major computer games software manufacturing/developing business. We have all types of conditioned programming that is setting up prejudices within our young. Schools, churches, and the mass media promote and encourage these lines of separation.
It is claimed that Cult Tragedies in general are nothing but the result of mind control experiments of CIA conducted through the mind-controlled leaders of the cult. The triggers and cues that are embedded in popular mass entertainment (songs, movies, and computer games) set off certain programmed behavior patterns within these individuals. Few of the programmed tragedies generated are 1) Jonesboro Arkansas massacre in March '98, 2) May '98 massacre in Edinboro, Pennsylvania, 3) School shooting in Springfield, Oregon The interesting aspect is that these violent events are taking place in quiet rural/suburban communities Another aspect of child manipulation was the famous McMartin Preschool incident and their mass ritual sex abuse upon the youngsters. This was shown to have outright CIA connections.
4) In 1994. More than 60 members of Europe's Solar Temple cult were induced to mass suicide in France and Switzerland.
5) In 1995. Japan's Aum Shin Rikyo cult released sarin nerve gas in Tokyo subway killing ten and injuring thousands. Only recently in June 1998, testimonies in recent trials of Aum Shin Rikyo members revealed that for years prior to the 1995 attack, the group released lethal germ warfare in Japan, targeting the Japanese Legislature, the Imperial Palace, and the US military base at Yokosuka. The poisons were not detected at the times of their releases, and apparently caused no deaths. The attacks were intended to spark the apocalypse Aum Shin Rikyo postulates is coming.
6) In 1997. 39 members of the Heaven's Gate cult including leader Marshall Applewhite ingested a combination of vodka and drugs at Applewhite's instruction, resulting in what the mother of victim called "one suicide and 38 murders." Members were convinced that the only way to survive Earth's being "recycled" in the year 2000 was to be picked up by a UFO flying in the wake of the Hale-Bopp comet.
7) In 1997. Teenage members of a Vampire cult murdered the parents of one of its members. Self-proclaimed lead vampire received the death sentence.
1998. Scientology has faced allegations of member suicides, deaths, and psychotic breaks; when Germany refused to recognize Scientology as a bona fide religious organization, contending the cult is a threat to democracy, the United States accused Germany of "intolerance" and caused international diplomatic tensions.
Number of organizations have lost membership through suicide or killing. The leader's preaching concentrates heavily on the impending end of the world, often at a great battle (e.g. War of Armageddon). In addition as in the case of the Solar Temple and Heaven's Gate groups the leader preaches that through group suicide at a particular instant, they will all be transported to a wonderful place and escape the devastation that is about to come to the earth. The group is expected to play a major, elite role at the end time.
9) The "Jonestown massacre" in the forests of Guyana in 1978 was one such case. At the time there were suggestions that the CIA and even Israeli intelligence agencies were in some way involved, that the leader Jim Jones was a CIA asset, and that the members of the US embassy in Guyana who were closely involved with the members of 'Jonestown' were CIA agents. There were also conflicting reports as to whether the 913 people that died actually committed suicide, with the Guyanese coroner at the time saying that as many as 700 members showed signs of having been murdered. The official report stated that there were approximately 1100 people at "Jonestown" at the time of the massacre but other reports claim that there were closer to 1200. Of this number there were 913 dead bodies found and 167 survivors. Twenty people, if the 1100 figure is correct, are left unaccounted for. If they were the assassins, where are they now ? Also unaccounted for, and never referred to in news reports, are the armed guards who were present in "Jonestown" but were free to come and go from the compound. A congressional aide may have been referring to these men in an Associated Press quote "There are 120 white, brainwashed assassins out from Jonestown, awaiting the trigger word to pick up their hit." Such a possibility seems to be confirmed for the theorists by a number of unusual deaths that have occurred since the "Jonestown" massacre. Many cults leadership assembles an impressive array of guns, rifles, other murder weapons, poison, or weapons of mass destruction. They prepare their defensive structures.
10) The satanic cult mass-murders revolved around in the Brownsville / Matamoros area. Among those involved were El Padrino Cult; and located outside Matamoros, Rancho Santa Elena, having human sacrifice chambers; and the satanic ritual sacrifices and mind control conducted by Aldolfo De Jesus Costanzo with others." – David McGowan, author of There's Something About Henry, The Konformist, "Henry – Portrait of an MK-ULTRA Assassin?" June 2000
It was the theory of the ancient Magicians that any living being is a storehouse of energy, varying in quantity according to the size and health of the animal, and in quality according to its mental and moral character. At the death of the animal this energy is liberated suddenly. "The animal should therefore be killed within the Circle [the satanic circle] or the Triangle, as the case may be, so that its energy cannot escape. An animal should be selected whose nature accords with that of the ceremony – thus by sacrificing a female lamb one would not obtain any appreciate quantity of the fierce energy useful to the Magician who was invoking Mars. In such a case a ram would be more suitable. And this ram should be virgin – the whole potential of its original total energy should not have been diminished in any way. For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains that greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim."
Toole said It was The Hand of Death. we were working for. We would grab little kids for the human sacrifices, grab young women for the snuff movies. There were several death cults in Texas since it's near the border with Mexico. Certain times of the year the priests wanted virgins for the human sacrifices. We'd get them, tie them up, gag them, put them in the trunk. We fill the trunk, 6 or 8 girls, then go back to Mexico. Down at the ranch the priests check them for virgins. The high priest is dressed in a goat costume. He stands behind the virgin. She's chained belly down to the sacrificial block with her buttocks raised and spread. There is a second high priest who has the knife. They do the chants, ceremonies, the secret things I can't tell about. Then the priest in front pulls the virgins head back by her hair and puts the knife against her throat. The one behind her steps up and puts his dick into her sex hole and when she screams the priest in front slits her throat. It's all secret rites.
The main ceremony, once a year calls for 13 virgins. That's the big ritual. Usually it's only one virgin. The first one is a black girl, she is sacrificed to the prince of darkness at the exact moment of sundown. During the night virgins are sacrificed to specific demons. Those virgins are usually Latinas. The last virgin, the 13th, is sacrificed to Lucifer, Son of the Morning; always a blond girl is used and her throat is cut at sunrise. She's called the Sun Princess. She has two slave girl attendants who are sacrificed with her, they go with her into the Heart Of The Sun. I saw the rituals. The Hands of Death are a most secret cult; I've already said too much ! (An Interview With Ottis Toole: The Cannibal Kid The confessed serial killer who chopped the head off Adam Walsh but was never prosecuted by the State of Florida for that crime By Billy Bob Barton The Konformist Adapted from Boiled Angel #8 The article is reprinted from Mike Diana's "The Worst Of Boiled Angel". Ottis Toole is a convicted killer responsible for, by his own approximations, hundred of deaths. The included tabloid article is taken from the October 15, 1996 issue of 'GLOBE'. )
Gunderson makes this further comment in his video: "In my estimation, there are over three million practising Satanists in America today. How did I come up with these figures ? I have informants. For instance, in the South Bay area of Los Angeles with a population of 200,000, he told me there are 3,000 practising Satanists. That is where the well-known McMartin Preschool case took place. I have an informant in Lincoln, Nebraska. In Iowa City, Iowa, a town of 150,000 – 1,500 Satanists. It averages to about 1.5 per cent of the population." Gunderson asserts that "…50,000 to 60,000 individuals are sacrificed every year. There are about eight satanic holidays." The FBI keeps a count of stolen or missing cars, but has yet to keep a tab on missing children in America. "My 'missing children' lecture documents that the Finders, an organisation in Washington, DC, is a CIA front," said Gunderson. "It's a covert operation involved in international trafficking of children." He was referring to a US Customs Service report which states that the Finders case is to be closed because it is "an internal CIA matter". Gunderson added: "The satanic movement in the world – have set up preschools for the purpose of getting their hands on the children of people. The parents have to drop their children off at nine in the morning and pick them up at night."
Leading Satanists try to own cemeteries for several reasons. First, it facilitates the disposal of human sacrifices which are buried in pieces below the fresh holes dug for someone else's burial. When the casket is placed in the hole, it would be rare for anyone to dig below the casket level ever again. Second, magic power is associated with cemeteries. The spiritual power of the dead is pulled up by making a circle of light over them then within the circle a naked Satanist lays. Third, specific bones are sought such as the skulls and left hands. Left hands are preserved in order to hold candles for certain ceremonies. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines) Charles Taze Russell owned a cemetery in Pittsburgh).
Recruitment by Deception
Deception is the basic feature of all cult recruitment. Deception keeps people inside cults. A cult needs to hide the truth from its members until they think a member is ready to accept it. A cult will have a slick well-rehearsed Public Relations Front which hides what the group is really like. You will hear how they help the poor, or support research, or peace, or the environment. The status of a Registered Charity, the general good name of religion in the targeted audience, and leader's status as a learned wise, and his claimed link to supernatural among others, are all used to enhance the image of the cult among its target audience. Cults offers public classes and courses, and newcomers are encouraged, by publicity material and by the enthusiasm of established members, to believe that the cult has something of value to offer.
The choices to submit to the authority of the cult are indeed their own, but the choices are usually based upon their ignorance of the group's agenda of misinformation and their seriously impaired ability to objectively examine it . The process is gradual, yet relentless. Once having made the decision to relinquish their faculties of independent and critical thinking, step by step, the member will effectively lose their ability to make their own decisions relevant to the spirituality and philosophy they believe is beneficial to them.
Why People join Cults ?
Newcomers in the cults are usually active, well motivated people who can respond to a new challenge or adventure. Many of them are in a idealistic life-cycle, prepared to give up their study and career to a worthy cause. It is true that many people experience a kind of spiritual hunger, or a desire for deeper values in some form, there are very few who have been moved to cult out of a genuine spiritual aspiration, prepared to sacrifice. People don't generally get involved in cults primarily due to doctrine. Sometimes people are just curious and quickly end up under the control of others, like victims of hypnosis. For younger people it may be an escape from having to enter into a harsh materialistic society. Cult leaders offer simple solutions to the increasingly complex world problems we all face daily. They offer the simple path to happiness, to success, to salvation by following their simple rules, simple group regimentation and simple total lifestyle. Cults promise to fulfill most of those personal individual's needs and also to compensate for a litany of societal failures. They promise to make their world safe, healthy, caring, predictable and controllable. They will eliminate the increasing feelings of isolation and alienation being created by mobility, technology, competition, meritocracy, incivility, and dehumanized living and working conditions in our society. Conventional religious social and political institutions seem inadequate. Tension may result from a discrepancy between how one finds oneself and how one wants to be. So a person sees himself as a religious seeker.
People who wrestle with a psychological problem seek unconsciously a key or solution to it in a particular teaching or discipline. Cults usually provide some service to the individual that they desire, such as friends, community, absolutes to live by, security, enhanced self-esteem, power over one's own life and that of others, etc. When someone is feeling exceedingly anxious, uncertain, hurt, lonely, unloved, confused or guilty, that person is a prime prospect for those who come in the guise of religion offering a way out or peace of mind. The lonely, the unstable, the vulnerable. According to their own reports, many participants joined these religious cults during periods of depression and confusion, when they had a feeling that life was meaningless. When one loses their job, loses a mate, child, parent or relative, experiences a prolonged or terminal illness, relocates, or one's friends move away, during such times, one's critical judgment skills are often suspended, and the cult moves in. Cults supply ready-made friendships and ready made decisions about careers, dating, sex, and marriage, and they outline a clear "meaning of life." In return, they may demand total obedience to cult commands. Converted to the ideals of the group, they welcomed the indoctrination procedures that bound them closer to it and gradually eliminated any conflicting ties or information.
Some are raised in a cult and remain in it due to family reasons, comfort and security. The cult offers something attractive or desirable to the individual, and the individual decides to suspend normal critical judgment in this area in order to obtain this "carrot" representing the fulfillment of their desire. Because this process involves mutual and willing cooperation, and the victim views all decisions as their own, it is a more binding form of mind control that is harder to undo.
Clinical experience strongly suggests that certain situational or developmental features singly or in combination appear to make people more receptive to a cult such as i) a high level of stress or dissatisfaction ii) lack of self-confidence iii) unassertiveness iv) gullibility v) desire to belong to a group vi) low tolerance for ambiguity vii) naive idealism viii) cultural disillusionment ix) frustrated spiritual searching x) susceptibility to trance-like states
It is a false belief that only uneducated or emotionally troubled people get involved in religious cults. In fact, very sophisticated, wealthy people, college professors, college students, well adjusted, intelligent people are deceived into religious cults every year. Idealism and wealth are often taken advantage of by cult leaders. Many persons join cult out of a strong desire to attract attention of other people by posing themselves something special. The special robe of the cult and unique way of living enable them in drawing the attention of others. Joining cult they are not only able to attract the attention of people around them but also they satisfy their inferiority complex. In India, most idle, inefficient persons, idiots and even mentally abnormal persons can instantly become respected in society once they start wearing saffron religious robe.
Because cult is a society of people the powerful people attracted to politically benefit from it. Once such persons start assembling other allied people such as traders and other rich people also gather to benefit from other resourceful persons. A cult therefore becomes an meeting place for the resourceful people for their economical and political deals. Cult leaders who has influence over every participant usually act as mediators and receive benefits using every pretext.
Society has plenty of selfish and morally corrupt men and women. Such persons find cult ideology as pretext to satisfy their perverted and unsatisfied sexual desires. In Hindi the proverb "Yede Bankar Pede Khana' fully describe such people. This proverb means benefiting from posing oneself innocent. In India cult leader may establish sex relations with his female disciples by posing that the spirit of love god Krishna has entered in him and declaring his female disciples reincarnated Gopikas of the Krishna. A Monk of Tantrik Buddhism may establish sex relations with women of cult on the pretext of evoking hidden powers through sexual union. Morally corrupt women have no hesitation in accepting the resultant sexual offer. Such women are seen crowding around the cult leaders. The other kind of people who may join the cult are unemployed people who have lost all hopes. They are ready to pretend anything for the sake of livelihood. Such people vouch every miracle on the part of cult leader.
The cult recruiters seem to have the ability to spot these people in a crowd. They seem to have a sixth sense for people who will make prime candidates for the cult. It is this drive for community and the primal human search for authority that break the ground for the seeds of mind control and manipulation by those who deem their vision and lifestyle as superior to anyone else's. 84.7% of the cult members in one study were first introduced to their cult by a friend or acquaintance in a group. People don't join cults. They are recruited. People are recruited by a method and not by a message.
Initial contact is usually achieved via an ostensibly neutral agency which has no visible cult associations, such as a meditation centre or a stress management course or the like.
Pseudo Warm Relations
To attract new recruits cult leader creates a sense of family and belonging through hugging, kissing, touching, and flattery. They arrange instant friends for you. New members are almost smothered in love and acceptance. The leaders may also persuade the new members saying that the recruits have something special in them and they are chosen for the cult. It will seem wonderful, how could such a loving group be wrong !
Whenever we enter into a new environment we have a tendency to follow the behavior of people living in that environment. Therefore we imitate assuming such behavior is proper and expected. We also tend to determine what is correct by finding what other people think is correct. Social proof is most influential under two conditions: 1) when people are unsure, when the situation is ambiguous, they are more likely to follow the actions of others and accept those actions as correct; 2) People are more inclined to follow the lead of similar others.
Cults in general tend to disguise themselves with a variety of established religious or spiritual or altruistic or therapeutic philosophies and ideas, in order to present an attractive face to potential members. Therefore, individual critics can be simply outnumbered and their criticisms discredited. This is a major defense mechanism for the cult and for similar well organized groups, who are able to draw on the support of a large number of these positive members willing to testify to the benefits of group involvement. Members who have not been specially targeted and who have enjoyed the warmth and friendship of the cult without really having been exposed to its darker side, will tend to think well of the group, and may be puzzled by criticisms of the cult. These members can be used as a public relations shield, to counter any allegations against the cult, and to reassure new members. Secondly, if a critic's exposure to the cult and its mind control practices is relatively slight, they are unlikely to have enough inside information about the cult to be able to challenge the cult effectively. Because Where strong mind control is applied only to selected individuals and not to the group as a whole, critics are always in a numerical minority.
If we want something, we can be made to fear that if we wait it will be gone. The opportunity to get it may pass. Thus we become inclined to take it right now. If you are told that without the cult you will miss out on living a life without stress; miss out on attaining cosmic awareness and bliss; miss out on changing the world instantly or gaining the ability to travel back in time; or miss out on whatever the cult offers that is tailored to seem essential to you, you will feel you must consent right now. Manipulators often know us better than we know ourselves. They know what buttons to push, when and how hard. Moreover, the cult leader will see that you do not remain with your confiding friends so that you do not have an opportunity to contemplate or think. Achieving loss of ability to evaluate logically by preventing private contemplation.
Some cults travel door to door during times when women are home alone. Women are easier to recruit and once they have the woman then it will be easier to snare the husband or the partner.
The cult members offer love and little food as refreshment. If somebody gives us something, we try to repay in some kind. Hence, if you accept the group's food and attention, you feel you should repay them. 1) the rule is extremely powerful, often overwhelming the influence of other factors that normally determine compliance with a request; 2) the rule applies even to uninvited first favors, thereby reducing our ability to decide whom we wish to owe and putting the choice in the hands of others; 3) the rule can spur unequal exchanges; to be rid of the uncomfortable feeling of indebtedness, an individual will be inclined to agree to a request for a substantially larger favor than the one he or she received. Therefore the person consent to attend cult assemblies.
Early Christian revivalists found, long-term control is dependent upon a good follow-up system. Cult offers follow-up sessions after the seminar. Follow-up sessions might be weekly meetings or inexpensive seminars given on a regular basis. In human-potential trainings, the controllers will give a lengthy talk about the importance of "keeping agreements" in life. The participants are told that if they don't keep agreements, their life will never work. It's a good idea to keep agreements, but the controllers are subverting a positive human value for selfish purposes. The participants vow to themselves and their trainer that they will keep their agreements. Anyone who does not will be intimidated into agreement or forced to leave. The next step is to agree to complete training, thus assuring a high percentage of conversions for the organizations. They will usually have to agree not to take drugs, smoke. They are given such short meal breaks that it creates tension and participants do not have time to contemplate.
Regularly scheduled events are used to maintain control. People have a tendency to justify their earlier behavior. Therefore, if you have made a commitment to the cult and then break it, you can be made to feel guilty. Therefore, people are more willing to agree to requests that are in keeping with the prior commitment. There is a natural tendency to behave in ways that are stubbornly consistent with the earlier stand. Committed decisions, even erroneous ones, have a tendency to be self-perpetuating. That is, people often add new reasons and justifications to support the wisdom of commitments they have already made.
Once initial contact has been established, selected individuals will be targeted by the cult leadership, and exposed to mind control techniques which draw the participants more deeply into the cult. The meeting or training takes place in an area where participants are cut off from the outside world. This may be any place such as a private home, a remote or rural setting, or even a hotel ballroom where the participants are allowed only limited bathroom usage. They are encouraged to aspire towards the claimed humanitarian and spiritual ideals of the cult. They call repeatedly. They trick you into coming for only an hour and then lead you into a long study, meeting or talk. They have to keep the pressure on, otherwise you might snap out of the mind control environment they are trying to immerse you in.
If you are the object of love bombing and other tactics that surround you, make you feel wanted and loved, and make you like the people in the cult, you feel you ought to obey these people. We obey people we like. People prefer to say yes to individuals they know and like. Physical attractiveness seems to engender a "halo" effect that extends to favorable impressions of other traits such as talent, kindness, and intelligence. As a result, attractive people are more persuasive both in terms of getting what they request and in changing others' attitudes. A second factor that influences liking and compliance is similarity. We like people who are like us and are more willing to say yes to their requests, often in an unthinking manner. Therefore, participants begin to attend cult-assemblies regularly and become more deeply involved. Their individual aspirations provide the motivation and the fuel which drives the cult as a whole. We tend to respect authority, and when cult leader claims superior knowledge, power, and special missions in life, we accept him as an authority.
Cults usually attract members between eighteen and twenty-five years of age. who are in the middle class, well educated, idealistic persons. Young adults are the perfect age group to focus on because they are often looking for a cause to give their lives to, and they need love, affirmation, and acceptance. Often these cults will provide this, and the leaders frequently take the role of surrogate parents. In that sense, a person doesn't choose a cult; the cult chooses them.
Use of Mind-influencing techniques
Persuasion isn't technically brainwashing but it is the manipulation of the human mind by another individual, without the manipulated party being aware what caused his opinion shift. The basis of cult persuasion is always to access your right-brain. The left half of your brain is analytical and rational. The right side is creative and imaginative. The game is to distract the left brain and keep it busy. In the gathering repetitive music will be played while the people come in for the service. A repetitive beat, ideally ranging from 45 to 72 beats per minute (a rhythm close to the beat of the human heart), is very hypnotic and can generate an eyes-open altered state of consciousness in a very high percentage of people. This state is called as alpha state and is analogous to mild hypnotic trance. Once you are in an alpha state, you are at least 25 times as suggestible as you would be in full beta consciousness. The music is probably the same for every session, or incorporates the same beat, and many of the people will go into an altered state almost immediately upon entering the sanctuary. Powerful sound and the proper use of lighting are of primary importance in inducing an altered state of consciousness. Ideally, the cult persuaders generates an eyes-open altered state of consciousness, causing you to shift from beta awareness into alpha state. Alpha state is like a state of mild hypnotic trance and can be measured on an EEG machine. The eyes-open trance had been induced was that a 6- to 7-cycle-per-second vibration was being piped into the room behind the air conditioner sound. That particular vibration generates alpha, which would render the audience highly susceptible. Ten to 25 percent of the population is capable of a somnambulistic level of altered states of consciousness; for these people, the suggestions of the speaker, if non-threatening, could potentially be accepted as "commands." Subconsciously, they recall their state of mind from previous services and respond according to the post-hypnotic programming. Preacher usually speaks with a pretty good "voice roll." A "voice roll" is a patterned, paced style used by hypnotists when inducing a trance. The words will usually be delivered at the rate of 45 to 60 beats per minute, maximizing the hypnotic effect.
In the beginning a Yes mental set is created in the minds of participants of the cult-gatherings by delivering statements which are usually agreed by all. Politicians give a speech that might generates a "YES SET." These are statements that will cause listeners to agree; they might even unknowingly nod their heads in agreement. Next come facts that could be debated but, once the politician has his audience agreeing, the odds are in the politician's favor that the audience won't stop to think for themselves, thus continuing to agree. Last comes the suggestion. This is what the politician wants you to do and, since you have been agreeing all along, you could be persuaded to accept the suggestion. For example the speech : "Ladies and gentlemen: are you angry about high food prices? Are you tired of astronomical gas prices? Are you sick of out-of-control inflation? Well, you know the Other Party allowed 18 percent inflation last year; you know crime has increased 50 percent nationwide in the last 12 months, and you know your paycheck hardly covers your expenses any more. Well, the answer to resolving these problems is to elect our party candidates."
Neuro-Linguistic training is some of the most subtle and powerful manipulation technique. In interpersonal technique one says one thing with words but plant a subconscious impression of something else in the minds of the listeners and /or watchers by putting emphasis on certain words and especially by making the proper hand gestures on the key words. Imbedded commands are delivered. Neuro-linguistic techniques are used in the speeches delivered in the gatherings of the cult. Subliminal messages or commands are implanted in the minds of the participants by stressing certain key words or phrases in long, confusing lectures. This technique of Neuro-linguistic is called as meta-communication. Research has shown that the meta-communication is more apt to be accessed by your right brain. Today's media-oriented politicians and spellbinders are often carefully trained to manipulate your decisions. You can detect when someone is using manipulative language patterns to slip ideas past you by reading the books "The Gentle Art of Verbal Self Defense" by Susan Haden Elgin and "Trance Formations – Neuro-Linquistic Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis" by John Grinder and Richard Bandler.
Persuasion is much effective if one can get you to visualize something in your mind. This is also a right-brain communication. For instance, an insurance agent might pause in his conversation, look slowly around your living room and say, "Can you just imagine this beautiful home burning to the ashes ?" Of course you can ! It is one of your unconscious fears and, when he forces you to visualize it, you are more likely to be manipulated into signing his insurance policy. Thus playing on your basic fears the cult leaders will manipulate your decisions.
Subliminals are hidden suggestions that only your subconscious perceives. They can be audio, hidden behind music, or visual, airbrushed into a picture, flashed on a screen so fast that you don't consciously see them but your unconscious brain can. , Subliminals can be cleverly incorporated into a picture or design. Most audio subliminal reprogramming tapes offer verbal suggestions recorded at a low volume. They psycho-acoustically modify and synthesize the suggestions so that they are projected in the same chord and frequency as the music, thus giving them the effect of being part of the music. In other words, although the suggestions are being heard by the subconscious mind, they cannot be monitored with even the most sophisticated equipment. So sophisticated the technology has become, there is simply no way to know what is behind the music you hear. It may even be possible to hide a second voice behind the voice to which you are listening. East Coast department store chain reported a 37 percent reduction in thefts in the first nine months of testing the only subliminal message "Do not steal"
A 1984 article in the technical newsletter, "Brain-Mind Bulletin," states that as much as 99 percent of our cognitive activity may be "non-conscious," according to the director of the Laboratory for Cognitive Psychophysiology at the University of Illinois. The lengthy report ends with the statement, "these findings support the use of subliminal approaches such as taped suggestions for weight loss and the therapeutic use of hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming."
A device called the Neurophone which is an electronic instrument that can successfully program suggestions directly through contact with the skin. The skin contains more sensors for heat, touch, pain, vibration, and electrical fields than any other part of the human anatomy. The tape was played through the neurophone, which was connected to a wire he placed along the ceiling of the room. There were no speakers, so no sound could be heard, yet the message was successfully transmitted from that wire directly into the brains of the audience. They responded, according to instructions in the tape. How much willpower would you have if, in ignorance, you heard voices and commands in your head and believed them to be the commands of the God you believe ?
There are also inaudible ELFs (extra-low frequency waves) below 6 cycles per second caused the subjects to become very emotionally upset, and even disrupted bodily functions. At 8.2 cycles, they felt an elevated feeling, as though they had been in masterful meditation, learned over a period of years. Eleven to 11.3 cycles induced waves of depressed agitation leading to riotous behavior. With These extra-low frequency waves emotions of the participants can be manipulated according to the need of the lecture.
The more is fond out about how human beings work through today's highly advanced technological research, the more we learn to control human beings. And what probably scares the most is that the medium for takeover is already in place ! Thought-stopping techniques are Chanting, .Meditation, Singing and Phrase Repetition are employed in the cult gathering.
Meditation is still regarded as something slightly strange and exotic and various claims are made for it. Cult leaders Induce a state of high suggestibility by the technique of hypnosis which is often thinly disguised as meditation. Chanting. Meditating. Praying, Speaking in tongues, Singing or humming are effective thought-stopping techniques. Participants are told that they will benefit by so doing: they will "find enlightenment." There are three primary techniques used for thought stopping. The first is Marching : the thump, thump, thump beat literally generates self-hypnosis and thus great susceptibility to suggestion. The second thought stopping technique is Meditation. You will remain in a fixed state of alpha for as long as you continue to meditate. It is a fact that you are causing your mind to go flat. If you spend an hour to an hour and a half a day in meditation, after a few weeks, there is a great probability that you will not return to full beta consciousness. The more you meditate, the flatter your mind becomes until, eventually and especially if used to excess or in combination with decognition, all thought ceases. Music most likely with a beat close to the human heart 45 to 72 beats per minute may be played during these sessions and the teacher will say the music helps you to relax and concentrate better ! The group leader may speak in patterned, paced style as if the speaker were talking to the beat of a metronome or it may sound as though he were emphasizing every word in a monotonous, patterned style to induce a trance. The words will usually be delivered at the rate of 45 to 60 beats per minute, maximizing the hypnotic effect. Special lighting effect is made to enhance the effect. Taped messages are played for hours non-stop while the person is in the alpha state. The continued use brings on a feeling of elation and eventually hallucination. The result is the reduction of thought and eventually, if used long enough, the cessation of all thought and withdrawal from everyone and everything except that which the controllers direct. The use of these techniques short-circuits the persons' ability to test reality.
Recruits are invited to the cult's abode known as ashram, our place in the country, the retreat, the family, the centre. After initiation, they are caught up in a round of long, repetitive lectures couched in hypnotic metaphors and exalted ideas, hours of chanting while half-awake, attention-focusing songs and games, and meditating. Several groups send their members to bed wearing headsets that pipe sermons into their ears as they sleep, after hours of listening to tapes of the leader's exhortations while awake. These are all practices that tend to produce states of altered consciousness, exaltation, and suggestibility.
They get you to believing that they alone know how to save the world. You are in the vanguard of history. You have been called out of the anonymous masses to assist the messiah or the cult leader. As the chosen, you are above the law. They have arrived at the conclusion that they are more valuable to God, to history, and to the future than other people are. Clearly one of the more poignant comedowns of post-group life is the end of feeling a chosen person, a member of an elite.
By trance states, we mean dissociation, depersonalization and derealization. In the cult it is called spacing out or higher altered states of consciousness. However, certain practices meditation, chanting, learned processes of speaking in tongues, prolonged guided imagery, etc. appear to have ingrained in many former members a reflexive response to involuntarily enter altered states of consciousness.
The person can only think positive thoughts about the cult. Man in a herd is overpowered by his instinctual unconscious drives. They are likely to reign his behavior. This is applicable especially in circumstances that man strives for the spiritual. He may tend to show split-personality behavior. Spiritual personality is supposed to have come to terms with its animal nature. The takeover is then complete. Some spiritual groups see this as nirvana–which is bullshit. It is simply a predictable physiological result.
If you think you can attend such gatherings and not be affected, you are wrong. A perfect example is the case of a woman who went to Haiti on a Guggenheim Fellowship to study Haitian Voodoo. In her report, she related how the music eventually induced uncontrollable bodily movement and an altered state of consciousness. Although she understood the process and thought herself above it, when she began to feel herself become vulnerable to the music, she attempted to fight it and turned away. Anger or resistance almost always assures conversion. This happen because our emotions tend to take opposite direction under the conditions. Sigmund Freud has given a detailed analysis of the phenomena. Therefore, after a few moments later she was possessed by the music which evoked her instinctual self and she began dancing in a trance around the Voodoo meeting house. Thus a brain phase had been induced by the music and excitement, and she awoke feeling reborn. The only hope of attending such gatherings without being affected is to allow no positive or negative emotions to surface. Few people are capable of such detachment.
Fake Testimonies and hypnotic Suggestions
Particular persons from the audience come up on stage and tell their stories. "I was crippled and now I can walk!" "I had arthritis and now it's gone!" It is a psychological manipulation that works. After listening to numerous case histories of miraculous healings, the average guy in the audience with a minor problem is sure that he would be healed. The room is charged with fear, guilt, intense excitement, and expectations.
Now those who want to be healed are frequently lined up around the edge of the room, or they are told to come down to the front. The preacher might touch them on the head firmly and scream, "Be healed !" This releases the psychic energy and, for many, catharsis results. Catharsis is a purging of repressed emotions. Individuals might cry, fall down or even go into spasms. And if catharsis is effected, they stand a chance of being healed. In catharsis, the brain-slate is temporarily wiped clean and the new suggestion is accepted. For some, the healing may be permanent. For many, it will last for some days. Even if the healing doesn't last, if they come back every week. Thus the power of suggestion may continually mask a physical problem and person lives in a delusion that he is being healed. This usually proves to be very detrimental to the individual in the long run because appropriate medical treatment is deprived and problem immerges in a an intensified magnitude.
Conditional Love and Affection
Certainly people that become involved in tight-knit groups find themselves in the midst of a community where they have a sense of belonging, a sense of acceptance. This unspoken threat of loosing cult environment influences you to continuously participate in the cult activities. However, in destructive cults, the friendships they experience and the acceptance is highly conditional. Those who leave become marked or estranged from the cult. People in the cult then are no longer so friendly. Participants soon learn that if they ever disagree with cult leaders, or ever leave the cult then you will lose all your new "friends". Leaders of abusive groups often sense when members are making plans to leave and may suddenly offer some kind of indulgence, perhaps just love or affection, attention where there was none before, a note or a gesture of concern. Hope that the situation in the church will change or self doubt then replace fear or despair and the members decide to stay a while longer. Other groups practice sporadic demonstrations of compassion or affection right in the middle of desperate conflict or abusive episodes. This keeps members off guard and doubting their own perceptions of what is happening. Doubt and resistance is suppressed in order to satisfy one's need to belong. Things that normally would have made you complain will pass by silently because you don't want to be ostracized. Like in an unhealthy relationship love and acceptance is turned on and off to control the recruit. Recruits do not notice the gradual change, until eventually they are actually practicing and believing things which at the start would have caused them to run a mile away from.
Further Decognition Process in Cults
Once the initial conversion is effected, members must be converted into an obedient slave who would respond to commands and do as they are told by the cult leaders. In camps organized by cults this is normally accomplished by a decognition Process described below. These decognition Processes techniques weaken the rational resistance of the cult members and transform them into mind controlled slaves.
1) Deficient Diet
Alertness Reduction is achieved through causing the nervous system to malfunction, making it difficult to distinguish between fantasy and reality. This can be accomplished in several ways. Disorientation and increased susceptibility to emotional arousal is created by depriving the nervous system of necessary nutrients through the use of cult-specified special diets. More subtle is the "Spiritual Diet" used by many cults. They eat only vegetables and fruits; without the grounding of grains, nuts, seeds, dairy products, fish or meat. Cult leaders create disorientation and increased susceptibility to emotional arousal by depriving the nervous system of necessary nutrients through the use of special diets and/or fasting. Our body becomes less able to resist a stimulus if it has insufficient food and is weary. The sugar throws the nervous system off. The participant becomes mentally spacey.
Cult leaders create disorientation and vulnerability by prolonging mental an physical activity and withholding adequate rest and sleep. Inadequate Sleep is another primary way to reduce alertness, especially when combined with long hours of work or intense physical activity. Some cults destroy ability to evaluate information, personal reactions, and body functions in relation to passage of time by removing all clocks and watches. Certain drugs are also used for these purposes.
2) Continuous over breathing
It causes a drop in the carbon dioxide level in the bloodstream, producing respiratory alkalosis. In its milder stages it produces dizziness or light-headedness. More prolonged over-breathing can cause panic, muscle cramps, and convulsions. Cults often have people do continuous loud shouting, chanting or singing to produce this state, which they reframe as having a spiritual experience.
3) Repetitive Motions
It is a psychological principle that energy available to anybody is limited hence indulgence in intensive physical activity leads in reduction of the mental activity and vice versa.. While singing or doing rigorous physical work we can not perform mental work. Secondly physical activities such as constant swaying motions, clapping or almost any repeated motion helps to alter a person's general state of awareness. Dizziness can be produced by simple spinning or spin dancing. Group leaders relate the effects of these motions as ecstasy or new levels of awareness.
4) Body Manipulations
A leader of one cult would pass among the followers pressing on their eyes until the optic nerve caused them to see flashes of light. This is called "bestowing divine light." Same group members were instructed to push on their ears until they heard a buzzing sound, which was interpreted as hearing the "divine harmony."
5) Use of Drugs
One of the physiological weapons to modify normal brain functions programmed response to incense, or intoxicating drugs. Drugs are taken on the pretext that use of drugs evoke hidden potentials of body and a person is able to experience miracles and hidden spiritual world. Drugs can also be given to the participants in the name of "Prasad'. The incense sticks may also contain drugs that vaporize when the incense sticks are burned.
6) Guided Imagery
Cult leaders use a number of different guided-imagery techniques to remove followers from their normal frames of reference. For example, long detailed visual stories can absorb the listeners in a trancelike state where they become more susceptible to suggestion. Another effective method popular with therapy cults uses guided imagery to regress members back to the pain and loneliness of their childhood. Under the influence of the drugs the guided imagery may be felt real under the drug induced hypnotic trance.
7) Selective Entertainment
programs of Merry-making and humor are encouraged to strengthen emotional bounds of participants with the cult.
Mental Disorientation by Irrefutable Paradoxical Assertions
A paradox is a statement which is partly true, partly untrue or contradictory, and partly perplexing. Rational mind cannot easily deal with these kinds of paradoxes, and tends to give up after a period of time. Paradoxical concepts and assertions are used to cast doubts in a student's mind about their own existing attitudes, affiliations, beliefs, characteristics, and personal abilities. The aim is to disorientate them and to undermine their self confidence and self-reliance, so that it is easier to maneuver them into a double bind. For example : A student is unable to refute this, because the proof or disproof of this kind of assertion rests on so called spiritual insight which is only accessible to spiritually advanced people, and not to a student, who by definition lacks the required level of spiritual awareness to understand the meaning. This is circular argument, which can be used as a double bind so that whichever way a student turns, they can always be put in the wrong. By their nature, and because their proof or disproof rests on a so called level of spiritual insight which is only accessible to spiritually advanced people, these assertions cannot be subject to independent or empirical verification. They are in a sense irrefutable. They are non-falsifiable. They can only be taken on trust. The spiritual group demands that you accept its teachings without reservation, even when those teachings are in direct conflict with your understanding of basic scientific knowledge.
In a Christian based cult such as the Moonies, for example, doubts or reservations which a student may have about aspects of the group's teaching, may be blamed on Satan or a spirit putting evil thoughts into the student's mind in order to try and prevent them from reaching towards God. In Scientology, to take another example, such doubts or reservations may be ascribed to the influence of 'engrams', unconscious conditionings from past lives which block the student's energy and prevent them from reaching their full potential. The key point is that, logically, the kind of paradoxical assertions (and potential double binds) quoted above can neither be proved nor disproved, and therefore they are insoluble and impenetrable.
'We are psychologically conditioned by our race, by our class and by the work that we do, by the social and economic system of which we are a part and by the religion into which we are born or in which we have been brought up. All this goes to show we are just a mass of psychological conditioning: a class conditioning, plus an economic conditioning, plus a religious conditioning, plus a national conditioning, plus a linguistic conditioning. There is very little, in fact, that is really ours, really our own. Any doubt or rational resistance on the part of the participant is attributed to this conditioning and the participant is made to feel guilty over it. Because these assertions are often, as in the above example, almost certainly partly true, they can be very hard to refute and to dislodge.
An assertion of the form: 'Spiritual life begins when one realizes that one is not as aware as one could be' is a non-falsifiable assertion. It is a one-way street. If they do not trust the group, then effectively they must break off contact with them. If, on the other hand, they decide to give the group the benefit of the doubt, or if they allow themselves to be drawn in by the emotional warmth and friendliness of existing members, or to feel inspired by the claimed humanitarian and spiritual ideals of the cult, then they may be made vulnerable. This decision is the crux, or pivotal point, of mind control. If a person does begin to trust the cult and its teachings, then they will be led towards discounting their own opinions as conditioned and unreliable, and towards relying on the cult norms for guidance. The exercise of free will sometimes requires courage, and in general free will cannot really be exercised unless it is supported by a sufficient degree of self confidence. It is dependent on self confidence. A component of this self confidence is some confidence in one's ability to think rationally. It is this particular aspect of self confidence which is eroded in a mind control environment. This kind of teaching can, in a way, act as a psycho-active agent, almost like a drug. Once lodged in a person's mind, the concepts and subtexts embodied in this kind of paradoxical assertion can change the way a person thinks. It is probably the main reason why established cult members are sometimes seen by outsiders as being weak willed individuals who have difficulty in thinking for themselves.
9) Programmed Confusion
The cult leader will tell them that do not question now, later you will understand. Reluctance or objections are reprimanded by saying "Do not be negative, do not be resistant, surrender to the cause" Blind acceptance is encouraged by rejection of logic and through complex lectures on incomprehensible doctrine.More the logic is incomprehensible, a person has a tendency to develop inferiority complex due to lack of his ability to apprehend. Therefore, he blindly accepts the superiority of the cult leader and accepts what he says as a truth. Therefore All cult leaders encourage blind acceptance through complex lectures on an incomprehensible doctrine. Even if the doctrine is basically simple, they will make it complex to impose their leadership on the members. Because the lectures are incomprehensible and any objection leads to ridicule their own self, the participants stop raising doubts. The participants are bombarded with questions. The members feel uncertain; under the constant threat of being humiliated and despised. The participant consider himself incompetent in understanding complex philosophy and accept blindly what the cult leader is saying. Certain words and phrases are so loaded with meaning that stark choices are implied leading to the end of critical thinking. Thus he completely forsake rational thinking. During this phase of decognition, reality and illusion often merge together and perverted logic is accepted. Same subject is repeated over and over again until it is known by heart by the participants.
While convincing members cult leaders use 1) inaccurate quotations, 2) use twisted translation, 3) ignore immediate context, 4) collapse the context. Two or more verses which have little or nothing to do with each other are put together as if one were a commentary of the other (s) 5) Do over specification 6) A word or phrase from a translation is examined and interpreted as if the revelation had been given in that language 7) They say things without citation,
If citation is given it is selective. 9) They present inadequate evidence or no evidence in support of their claims. 10) For any event they have their own explanation ignoring alternative explanations. A cult may use outright lying and Extensive use of cult generated information and propaganda such as Newsletters, magazines, journals, audio tapes, videotapes is employed. The subjects are never left alone and are always kept busy in cult activities so that they do not have private time to think rationally and discuss with the other participants. You are mentally assaulted while your alertness is being reduced. This is accomplished with a deluge of new information, lectures, discussion groups, encounters or one-to-one processing. They are enticed by what is offered, and cross the barrier of their own common sense to get more involved.
10) Developing Myopic Cognition
Cult leaders create a false sense of righteousness by pointing to the shortcomings of the outside world. From the start, the recruit develops "tunnel vision" when it comes to investigating all the facts. He is led to believe that the recruiter can be trusted to possess the truth, but the rest of the world cannot. Everything outside of their particular group is evil, or worldly – including other cults or denominations. A we / they mentality grows. All those outside the group are somehow negative or not equal therefore one must be a member. This can be referred to as "intellectual myopia." Cults have a double set of ethics, that is, one set of rules for use in the cult, and another for use with non-members. Members are urged to be open and honest within the group, and confess all to the leaders. On the other hand, they are encouraged to deceive and manipulate outsiders or nonmembers. They desire to live in the imaginary world. Brainwashing or mind control then occurs naturally, sometimes effortlessly. In many cases the new cult member will struggle hard to brainwash himself. Other brothers and sisters are there to encourage the new recruit.
11) Developing Persecution complex
Cults use a sophisticated and perverted form of behavior modification which damages an individual's emotions. Members start viewing themselves as being persecuted by the world, the media, and other cults. Abusive cults bring on much of their negative press image because of their own actions. Yet, any criticism received, no matter what the source– whether religious or secular – is always viewed as an attack from Satan or enemies. Member of an abusive church are brainwashed to believe that all opposition is persecution. Denouncing other cults is common because they see themselves as superior to all other cults. There is often extreme paranoia within the group; they believe that they are in danger. They are being closely monitored and heavily persecuted by governments or people outside the group. People on "the outside" are demonized. Such cerebral straight jacketing is a terrible danger that can lead in turn to the ultimate twin dangers of committing suicide upon command or destroying the cult's enemies.
They tell you that they are not a cult. In fact some cults go as far to tell you that Satan will try and dissuade you by sending family members and friends to tell you it is a cult. So since the group predicted that would happen, the group therefore must true ! Abusive cults may cut off contact between a new member and his family, friends, and anyone else not associated with the church.
12) Time Control
Never ending compulsory meetings and never ending tasks is a sign of a cult. Mind control cults keep their members so busy with meetings and activities that they become too busy and too tired to think about their involvement. A tight schedule is maintained that causes physical and mental fatigue. This is primarily accomplished by long hours in which the participants are given no opportunity for relaxation or reflection. Time control also helps the cult leader to keep their members immersed in the manufactured cult activities. There is a rigid, legalistic lifestyle involving numerous requirements and minute details for daily life. This rigidity is a natural result of the leadership style. Little if any time is left for family, old friends, or other interests. It also helps to keep cult members away from friends and family members. Information and contacts from outside the cult are severely curtailed.
13) Information Control
Deny a person the information needed to make a sound judgment and he will be incapable of doing so. People are trapped in cults because they are denied both the access to the critical information they need to assess their situation. If you control the spread of information you can control what people think. If you control what people think, you are, effectively, controlling their minds. All elites take care to manipulate public information to maintain existing structures of power. The psychological chains on their minds are just as powerful as if they were locked away physically from society. So strong is this psychological process that they also lack the properly functioning internal mechanism to process any critical information placed before them.
Information is carefully kept on each recruit by the mother organization. Members are not allowed to read or watch any material not published by the cult. They may even have a blacklist of books that may not be read and periodicals that may not be subscribed to. It's an old game." Important information which is available to the general public is withheld from members and potential members. Any books, movies or testimonies of ex-members of the group, or even anyone critical of the group in any way are to be avoided. In a mind control cult any information from outside the cult is considered evil, especially if it is opposing the cult. Members are told not to read it or believe it. Only information supplied by the cult is true. One cult labels any information against it as "persecution" or "spiritual pornography", another cult calls it "apostate literature" and will expel you from the group if you are caught with it. Cults train their members to instantly destroy any critical information given to them, and not even entertain the thought that the information could be true. A group is cult if it instruct you not to read information critical of group. Common sense tells us that a person who does not consider all information may make an unbalanced decision. Filtering the information available or trying to discredit it not on the basis of how true it is, but rather on the basis of how it supports the group line, is a common control method used throughout history.
Freedom of religion cannot exist without first having an absolutely protected freedom of thought. Freedom of religion without freedom of thought is an absurdity. Legitimate groups have nothing to fear from their members reading critical information about them. If information you expected to be kept confidential is reported to leadership then it is a cult.
Cult leaders do not tell potential members what they actually believe, and only reveal their true doctrine to members gradually, as the member is able to accept it. Information about the cult's history, purposes, doctrines, financial disclosures, methods of dealing with problems, counseling, training, and discipline for offenses are kept as confidential as possible. Only those members with trusted status are allowed inside information. Members are conditioned to feel guilty for any curiosity about what is going on within the group; curiosity is a lack of faith. Therefore, even after some people leave a mind control group, they may be afraid to examine information which explains the background of their old belief system.
14) Communication Control
Disconfirming information and non-supporting opinions are prohibited in group communication. Rules exist about permissible topics to discuss with outsiders.
A cult develops its own "in-group" language containing unique terms. They use jargon–new terms that have meaning only to the "insiders" who participate. Cults invent new vocabulary and manipulate language to narrow down the range of experience and construct a new reality. A simplified, cliche-ridden language can exert enormous psychological force reducing every issue in a complicated life to a single set of slogans that are said to embody the truth as a totality.
We are all familiar with the use of the clichés "capitalist", "imperialist" revisionist, conservatives etc.. Such clichés are easily memorized and readily expressed. They are called the "language of non-thought," since the discussion is terminated, not allowing further consideration. In the Watchtower, for instance, expressions such as "the truth", the "mother organization", the "new system", "apostates" and "worldly" carry with them a judgment on outsiders, leaving them unworthy of further consideration. Popular phrases such as "born-again," "Christian," "heaven," and "saved" are redefined in new terms, giving outward acceptability to the group's beliefs. Select truthful phrases or even quotations from the Bible are taken out of context to bolster their belief structure.
By this gradual process of learning a new "language," gaining new friends and rejecting old ones, adopting new behavior, developing intellectual myopia and actually learning how to gradually "condition" others himself, the new recruit becomes a fully brainwashed member of the cult. Within a period as short as a few months, he can adopt a radically different way of thinking as a result of this process, and his personality may even appear unrecognizable by old friends. This puts a great barrier between cult members and outsiders.
15) Milieu and Lifestyle Control
Your old beliefs and patterns of behavior are defined as irrelevant or evil. Leadership wants these old patterns eliminated, so the member must suppress them Members get positive feedback for conforming to the group's beliefs and behaviors and negative feedback for old beliefs and behavior. If one expresses a question, he or she is made to feel that there is something inherently wrong with them to be questioning. The only feedback members get is from the group, they become totally dependent upon the rewards given by those who control the environment. Esteem and affection from peers is very important to new recruits. Approval comes from having the new member's behaviors and thought patterns conform to the cult members. Members' relationship with peers is threatened whenever they fail to learn or display new behaviors. New recruits therefore, simply acquiesce, affirm and act as if they do understand and accept the new ideology.
Psychologist Festinger summarized this basic principle as "If you change a person's behavior, his thoughts and feelings will change to minimize the dissonance Behavior." Control of emotions, thoughts and behavior are related. If you can control behavior then hearts and mind will follow. If you change one and change in other two would follows. When all three change the individual undergoes a complete change.
Milieu is the environment in which we live. It includes all our interactions on a daily basis. It includes the information we take in and the information we give out. It includes the people, places, events, and ideas that pass through our daily life. If these can be controlled the individual will become isolated from his support network and therefore vulnerable to influence.
Controlling behavior can include grooming, daily activities, career choices, clothing, specific technology, posture, speech mannerisms, food choices, recreation, education, even decisions about marriage, sex and children. Participants may be urged to become more like an older group member; to follow the leaders' "example". Indoctrination of members is so thorough that they will manipulate their own thought processes. Abusive groups insist on compliance with trivial demands related to all facets of life: food, clothing, money, household arrangements, children, conversation. They monitor members' appearances, criticize language and childcare practices. They insist on precise schedules and routines, which may change and be contradictory from day to day or moment to moment, depending on the whims of group leaders.
The group may have a very legalistic approach to governing individual members' lives, by excluding such things as television, the media, radio, the cinema. Cults govern every aspect of individual members' lives. This may include their finances, their dating, their personal sex life, their interaction with their extended family, and their interaction with society at large. Shunning is a part of relationship control where members are banned from talking to or associating with former members.
As practiced in many abusive cults "shepherding" philosophy requires every member to be personally accountable to another more experienced person. To this person, one must reveal all personal thoughts, feelings, and discuss future decisions. This personal information, is not used to help the member, but to control the member. The spiritual group demands that you select your spouse and your closest friends from its membership. The spiritual group demands that you place your children in its training program. The essence of mind control is that it encourages dependence and conformity, and discourages autonomy and individuality. In many instances they are led to believe by cult leaders that such a loss of autonomy is necessary for their personal good, and that any objective, independent thought concerning their personal lifestyle that conflicts with the group belief system is actually sinful or traitorous. When the only tool a person has to discern with – a free mind – is so completely and voluntarily hedged in under such a belief, mind control is inevitable.
At first, new members may think these expectations are unreasonable and may dispute them, but later, either because they want to be at peace or because they are afraid, or because everyone else is complying, they attempt to comply. Soon increasing time and energy are focused on avoiding group disapproval by doing what the cult thinks is wrong. There is a feeling of walking on eggs. Everything becomes important in terms of how the group or its leaders will respond, and members' own desires, feelings and ideas become insignificant. Eventually, members may no longer even know what they want, feel or think. The group has so monopolized all of the members' perceptions with trivial demands that the members lose their perspective as to the enormity of the situation they are in.
All are watched, lest they fall behind or get too far ahead of the thinking of the organization. Spying on other members is encouraged. Reporting to leadership takes place about the deviant thoughts, feelings, and actions of the recruit in the belief that by doing so they are helping the recruit to purify his thinking and behavior. Cults have meticulous reporting structure. Any indiscretions, however minor, are reported back to the cult leadership, with members being encouraged to report "struggling brothers." Through the use of "knowledge reports," members critical of the organization may be reported by other members. Pairing up with "buddy" system enable cult leader to monitor and control the recruits. Because it appears that the organization knows so much about everything and everyone, they appear omniscient in the eyes of the recruits. Rarely can close friendships form in cults, and if they do the cult's leaders may see them as a threat and move those people away from each other.
Cult members have stereotypic behavior, such as their walking, talking, smoking, eating and dressing is just like their leader; in its much more sinister form, psychological stereotyping, such as an entire group of people who manifest only a narrow range of feeling in any and all situations. They always have similar feelings happy, or pious, or reducing everything to a single explanation.
16) Isolation :- In the person the first loyalty is to himself. This is destroyed by demonstrating errors in him. The second loyalty is to his family. This is destroyed by lessening the value of marriage, by making an easiness of divorce and by raising the children whenever possible by the cult itself. Cult leaders Destroy pre-cult families by arranging marriages within the cult. The next loyalty of a person is to his friends and local environment. This is destroyed by lowering his trust and bringing about reporting upon him allegedly by his fellows or the town or village authorities. Cult deprives individual of social support, effectively rendering him unable to resist. Makes individual dependent upon cult interrogator. He develops an intense concern with self. Once a person is away from longstanding emotional support and thus reality checks, it is fairly easy to set a stage for complete brainwashing. Spiritually abusive cults work to isolate individuals from friends and family, whether directly, by requiring the individuals to forsake friends and family for the sake of the group membership or indirectly, by preaching the necessity to demonstrate one's love for God by "hating" one's father, mother, family, friends.
Cults also try to cut you off from your friends and family because they hate others being able to influence you. A mind control cult will seek to maneuver your life so as to maximize your contact with cult members and minimize your contact with people outside the cult. Especially those who oppose your involvement in the cult. Beware of a group that tells you whom you can and can not see. Cults to control one's thoughts, they must first begin to isolate and remove any external influences from the lives of their recruits that conflict with the cult's unique social setting, substituting the values, taboos, and morals of the group as the most valuable which indeed is exclusive way to act and live. The cult member's communication with family members, especially ones not favorable to the cult, is often dictated by the cult. Communication within the cult follows certain rules. "Upper level" students may not discuss the contents of these levels even with a spouse.
First the individual is isolated from his past life, cut off from his former position and occupation as well as those with whom he has emotional ties. Cults create reduction of outside stimulation and influences, a sense of powerlessness, covert fear, and dependency, complete break with past life,. Cults suppress much of the person's old behavior and attitudes. application of intense peer pressure, isolation from everyone or everything outside of the group and its control. The group or at least the core members lives together in an intentional community which is isolated from the rest of society. Most cult groups demand that members sever ties with former family and friends which creates total dependence on the group for self identity, recognition, social reinforcement.
Once a state of dependency is firmly established, the group's control over members' thoughts, feelings and behavior is strengthened by the members' growing dread of losing the group's psychological support. Much that support may aim at ensuring their compliance with leadership's often debilitating demands. Thus, the new DDD syndrome is one of deception, dependency and dread.
How the Catholic Church isolates people from their families is obvious when one looks at their principal places of religious training, the monasteries and the nunneries. These institutions require a general or more strict renunciation of all that is outside the walls of the compound and a surrender to constant contemplation on the nebulous father-figure in the sky and his son. Depending on the location, the isolation may be total and for many years. If the "population, family and friends" that a person is separated from are not of the same cult as Catholicism, the isolation may be for a very long time. This happens in every family where an offspring may decide to change his or her own religion and accept Christianity. Christianity also has as one of its tenets laid down by its supposed founder that you must "hate your mother and father" to follow its leader. Indeed," Jesus" calls for renunciation of the family. Of course, no one can actually achieve absolute purity, so shame and guilt result. Guilt comes from contact with the impure world, so one withdraws more and more into the group exclusively.
The accompanying total milieu and informational control permits idiosyncratic and paranoid thinking to flourish and be shared without limits. The madness of any leader then becomes normalized as members embrace it and finally, with three or more adherents, it becomes a constitutionally protected belief system that is an ideology defended to the death. The loss of name and identity is reinforced by inducing the novice, emotionally and intellectually, to surrender his past life. New name, new clothing, new hairstyle, new language, new "family" Pairing up with new role models, buddy system.
Isolated from everyone recruits become dependent upon the cult and find it difficult if not impossible to offer resistance to cult teachings. They become self-interested and hyper-vigilant, very fearful should they incur the disapproval of the group, which now offers the only support available to them which has group approval. Nothing is allowed that can be more powerful than the cult members' allegiance to the cult and it's leaders. Often leaders will not allow an individual member to meet with an outsider unless accompanied by an older, more experienced person who is trained in debating and/or intimidation.
17) Demand For Purity
Cult leaders claim that their (utopian) goal of cult can only be achieved by purity of devotion. Any failure to succeed means impurity exists among the concerned members. A subtle (or explicit) pressure placed upon members by the group to engage in a continual process of radical self-purification by critical examination of their lives. They are compelled to purge themselves of all that is deemed by the group as unholy, impure, and to replace it with what the group defines as holy, pure and good. This pressure for conformity to the "purity" of group ideals is strongly reinforced by the social circles within the group which members are expected to frequent on a regular basis. The fear of punishment by the leaders if you are not "good enough" is powerful technique of control. Being "good enough" is following the ideology perfectly. Thus the cult members are likely to live in the state of guilt and anxiety if they do not reach the expectations of the cult leaders. The "pre-cult self" is rejected; doubts about the group are pushed out of consciousness; the sense of failure generated by not measuring up to the group's expectations is bottled up inside. The only possible adaptation is fragmentation and compartmentalization. It is not surprising, then, that many clinicians consider dissociation to lie at the heart of cult-related distress and dysfunction.
18) Unrealistically Higher Goal
The convert is fully subjected to the unrealistically high expectations of the group. There is a requirement to do evangelism; a certain quota of contacts must be met, and some cults even require members to fill out time cards recording how many hours they spent in evangelism, etc. Daily schedules are made for the person; thus he is endlessly doing the cult's work such as convincing people to join the cult or to buy the goods produced by the cult. By definition the group is always right and the convert's failures become totally his or her responsibility. Maybe the reason you're not able to convert new recruits is because "your heart is prideful and full of sin". It could never be that the program isn't working, or those new recruits have valid reasons for not joining or not buying. It's always your fault, you are always wrong, and so you must try harder! The convert thus experiences increasing self- alienation. Members of such cults frequently drop out of school, quit working, or even neglect their families to do the work required by the cult. In cults like these, people begin to lose their personal identity and start acting like programmed robots. Many times, the pressure and demands of the cult will cause a member to have a nervous breakdown or fall into severe depression. Cult leaders do not bother for nervous breakdown of their members because they are only interested in draining everything in a person.
19) Induction of guilt and apprehension
Jonathan Edwards, during a religious crusade in 1735 in Northampton, Massachusetts accidentally discovered this techniques of inducting guilt and apprehension among the members. By inducing guilt and acute apprehension and by increasing the tension, the "sinners" attending his revival meetings would break down and completely submit. Technically, what Edwards was doing was creating conditions that wipe the brain slate clean so that the mind accepts new programming. He would tell them, "You're a sinner! You're destined for hell!" Once a preacher, cult leader, manipulator or authority figure creates this brain phase to wipe the brain-slate clean, his subjects are wide open. New input, in the form of suggestion, can be substituted for their previous ideas. Once catharsis is reached, the complete mental takeover becomes easier. Existing mental programming can be replaced with new patterns of thinking and behavior. One of the most successful human-potential seminars forces the participants to stand on a stage in front of the entire audience while being verbally attacked by the trainers. You can imagine the fear and tension this situation generates within the participants. Many faint, but most cope with the stress by mentally going away. This state is called as dissociation. We all dissociate at times. For example, when we day-dream we are dissociating from our reality. Members in dissociation literally go into an alpha state, which automatically makes them many times as suggestible and blank as they normally are. And another loop of the downward spiral into conversion is successfully effected. These confessionals take many forms but the intent is complete submission before the cult leader.
Cult leaders encourage the destruction of individual ego through the techniques of confession of personal weaknesses and innermost feelings of doubt. Efforts are designed to destabilize and undermine the subject's basic consciousness, reality awareness, world view, emotional control, and defense mechanisms as well as getting them to reinterpret their life's history, and adopt a new version of causality.
The ideology in Scientology is that we are caught in a trap, and that Scientology is the only way out of the trap. Fear is also maintained within the group by the office of "ethics" of Scientology through which any doubts, disagreements, or failures within the group are punished. Confession is the method used to get rid of impurity. You must go to the cult (Scientology) for cleansing. You must open your mind to the cult to get cleansed. Your mind becomes the property of the cult. There is often a tendency to derive pleasure from self-degradation through confession. This occurs when all must confess their sins before each other regularly, creating an intense kind of "oneness" within the group. It also allows leaders from within to exercise authority over the weaker ones, using their "sins" as a whip to lead them on. Confession becomes a skill after a time. Though one learns how to keep secrets in order to maintain some identity. But this leads to tension and guilt.
Confession can have a cathartic effect on the person confessing. It can also provide leverage to use on the person in the future as often happens in cultic systems. Open confession sessions can create a sense in the group of personal uncertainty. If a seemingly strong person is confessing the weaker followers will feel less sure of their own purity. Public confessions can eliminate the sense of boundaries we need to maintain our individuality.
The practice of auditing, which is also called the "confessional," in which the Scientologist over a period of time divulges all the secrets of his entire lifetime. And second, through the "ethics" process of writing up one's overts and withholds, in which the person records every wrong deed, real or imagined, committed in lifetime. The Scientologist must produce these overts and withholds (O/Ws) until the Ethics Officer is satisfied that he is reduced to an acceptable level of contrition and humiliation.
Breaking sessions are when one, two or more cult members and leaders attack the character of another person, sometimes for hours on end. Some cults will not stop these sessions until their victim is crying uncontrollably. Humiliation and guilt are the basic tools in the psychological dismembering of the former self. Cult members become very fearful of disobeying of disagreeing anyway with their cult leadership. Cult manipulates and narrow the range of a person's feelings. Make the person feel like if there are ever any problems it is always their fault, never the leader's or the group's. It include the control of the individuals emotional life. You will also be made to feel very guilty for disobeying any of the cult's written or unwritten rules. Character Assassination is used to help create the guilt in you. Guilt will be used to control you. How dare you disagree with me ! You are obviously a very smug and prideful person. I think you are disagreeing with me because you are jealous of me, and to be honest with you. your rebellion has really hurt me and a lot of other people too." Character assassination is a sure sign of a cult.
The sense of humiliation makes members feel they deserve the poor treatment they are receiving. Guilt, fear and shame are projected onto the members, prompting blame toward themselves for their depression, lack of understanding, anxiety, or inability to cope, rather than examining the leaders, the group's policies, history, doctrines, scandals, and at times, even crimes. Members having serious disagreements or difficulties are threatened with expulsion and the label of "Suppressive Person," or eternal condemnation. Intense and frequent attempts are made to undermine a person's confidence in himself and his judgment, creating a sense of powerlessness. When leaders treat the member well occasionally, they accept any and all crumbs gratefully. "No matter what they do to me, I deserve it, as sinful and wretched as I am. I deserve no better. I have no rights but to go to hell. I should be grateful for everything I receive, even punishment." Cult gatherings or human-potential trainings are an ideal environment to observe first-hand what is technically called the "Stockholm Syndrome." This is a situation in which those who are intimidated, controlled, or made to suffer, begin to love, admire, and even sometimes sexually desire their controllers or captors.
20) Fear of Leaving a Cult
The most powerful emotional control is phobia indoctrination. This can give the person a panic reaction at the very thought of leaving the group. It is almost impossible to conceive that there is any life outside the group. The members have great difficulty in getting out of or leaving these churches or cults. There is no physical gun held to their heads but the psychological gun is just as if not more powerful. Excessive fear is seen among cult members such as 1) Fear of thinking independently 2) Fear of the "outside" world. The cult member feels completely incompetent to cope the outside world and earn his own bread and butter. They may have invested their life's savings in the work in the cult, had paid a certain percentage of their income regularly, failed to complete their study, or make a career, or sacrificed a successful career. He also find himself completely incompetent in rebuilding his career. 3) Fear of cult-enemies makes him restless. 4) Fear of losing one's aspired "salvation" if he leaves cult is also frustrating. 5) Fear of leaving the group or being shunned by group is immense. The majority of the time, former members are publicly ridiculed and humiliated before the cult, and members are told not to associate in any way with any former members. This practice is called shunning. Cult leaders program them that people who leave are: "weak"; "undisciplined"; "unspiritual"; "worldly"; "brainwashed by family and their counselors"; seduced by money, sex, rock and roll and so on. Those in the organization are worthy of life; those outside worthy of death. The outsiders can be permitted to live if they change and become an insider. Only those who are committed to the group are valued. Those who oppose or betray the group can be dismissed, defamed, or even killed. Members live in fear of being pronounced "dead" by the cult. They have a fear of annihilation or extinction. The emotional conflict is one of "being vs. nothingness".6) Fear of disapproval by cult leadership is torturing. Members in many such cults are afraid to leave because of intimidation, pressure, and threats of divine judgment. Members are told they will be under God's judgment, under a curse, punished, chastised, chastened if they leave the group or disobey group leaders. Terrible consequences will take place if one leaves. Such person shall go to hell; shall be possessed by demon; shall incurable diseases; shall have accidents; shall commit suicide; may become insane; shall suffer 10,000 reincarnations and so on.
Practitioners of Eastern groups that promote lengthy meditation on and communication with these "entities" may have difficulty stopping the hallucinations after they leave the group. In Messianic and Bible-based groups, fear of Satan or demons may be deeply instilled to prevent members from leaving or communicating with those outside the group. Fears of these "dark forces" may be manifested by extreme distrust of those outside of the group, fear of oneself, or, in extreme cases, hallucinations of demons or Satan.
This process often marked by social, psychological, or emotional pain. There are also several documented cases in which associating with an abusive cult has led to the deaths of individuals or their relatives. Sometimes members who exit are harassed and pursued by cult leaders.
The person cannot visualize a positive, fulfilled future without being in the group. He feels 1) No happiness or fulfillment "outside" of the group 2) Shunning of leave takers. Fear of being rejected by friends, peers, and family and so on. Members of such cults often develop a distorted view of reality, distrust everyone, and suffer from stress, fear, and depression.
How CIA-Cults Create Mind Controlled Slaves
Human brain tries to protect a person from overwhelming pain and trauma by on-setting various mental mechanisms. Dissociation is one of the highly efficient defense against physical and emotional pain. Dissociation is a natural ability of the brain. It works quickly and thoroughly. Because of this, it is very addictive. A child who has been traumatized repeatedly learns to use dissociation as an automatic response to anything dangerous or frightening. The person becomes hyper-vigilant for any signs of potential danger and, the minute she sees one, she dissociates. Because the person has to dissociate as soon as something looks like being dangerous, or else he / she will experience pain. The person can not wait to find out whether it really was dangerous or not. After a while, it isn't even her choice. His brain and body have habituated to dissociate reflexively.
Dissociative ability is present in all of us to some degree. In its milder form it resembles daydreaming. Daydreaming is the ability of a person to "detach" himself from his current surroundings and temporarily create a separate mental reality. This daydreaming dissociation is often a response to unavoidable unpleasant environment. With daydreaming there remains some awareness of the current surroundings. With multiple personalities there is a break in consciousness, a "loss of time", a period of amnesia. The injuries do not heal, they are stored away, sealed off. This insulates these experiences from consciousness and allows the individual to continue with life in a seemingly normal way. The injuries do not heal, they are stored away, sealed off. The development of multiple personalities is a more complete manifestation of dissociation. This insulates these experiences from consciousness and allows the individual to continue with life in a seemingly normal way. Most of the time, multiples actually do not switch overtly. A person may experience internal switches where selves influence our feelings and actions rather than coming "out" to take full control of the body. This creates sensations like hearing words coming out of your mouth that don't belong to you, seeing the world as if you are taller or shorter, having someone else's feelings and thoughts overlapping your own, and so on.
Everyone experiences some form of altered state of consciousness at some time in their life. Whenever we become wrapped in a movie, focus on a new task or prayer, daydream, or even wandering back in our minds to times past etc we are experiencing an altered state of consciousness or a trance-state. The trance state can be induced in many ways and most people are not aware when they are being induced into the trance state. Such methods include guided imagery, sensitivity training, reverie, meditation and disguised hypnosis techniques such as relaxation training, behaviour modification, repetitive singing or continually repeated trigger phrases or words. Communication techniques similar to Neuro Linguistic Programming are also used.
Hypnotic trance is a form of dissociation. There are a number of types of dissociation: amnesia, somnambulistic states, localized paralyses, anesthesia's, and hallucinations. Hypnosis can reproduce all of these dissociative states. There are 5 levels to the subconscious that the mind will naturally dissociate to. The other deeper levels require help to access. The deep trance is a very creative level. Hypnosis appears to affect several areas of the brain. The brain stem is modified into the hypnotic state, and the midbrain centers are inhibited so that other areas such as the motor, sensory and memory areas can be manipulated. Hypnosis can also be used on the intellectual part of the mind, the social-spiritual part of the mind, and the primitive reproductive part of the mind.The skilled hypnotist will decide which area he wants and how to work with that area. Once the hypnotic trance has taken place any post-hypnotic suggestion can be implanted in the individual and from then on the individual will obey those suggestions. The suggestions must be re-enforced on a regular basis. Therefore, constant repetitive indoctrination in the cults is maintained. The cults have become very adept at stimulating and maintaining the suggestibility and thought distortion in their recruits.
By programming, we mean that the human, in a dissociated or altered mind state, has been systematically and deliberately taught lessons, attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and responses to specific cues ("triggers") so as to respond on command in ways that benefit the person or groups responsible for the programming.
1) Creating Multiples (Alters) Through Satanic Ritual Abuse
The Illuminati and Nazi goals are to create a their own Master race while they want to make non-zionists an inferior race through genetics. If knowledge can be passed genetically then it is important that parents should ensure that the correct knowledge pass onto those victims selected for the Monarch mind-control. The adults in a generational cult family are almost always having multiple personalities. Often, the infant is raised in a family belonging to the cult. They secretly train the parents of the children who are being programmed.
To decide, what type of thinking is this person capable of, what type of career should be planned out fora child illuminati cults assess the natural bent of the mind, the natural capabilities of the mind and they work with that. While the child is still a fetus, and after its born, cult start assessing neonatal behavioral skills. Usually during the first few weeks of life cult programmers check its reflexes of the infant to different stimuli. The infant's strength, how it reacts to heat, cold, and pain are all tested. The Bailey Scales and other tests are used and within a short time. They also encourage early dissociation in the infant with these tests. Perhaps by 18 months, they will be doing EEG's and begin testing its brain to see what is this person's personality. Likewise when they are doing the traumatization and they are splitting the mind, they work with the child's creativity and what those pieces of the mind think. Once they determine what kind of life they want to structure for this person, they begin the mind control to structure the person for that career. The Illuminati can take a particular child and manipulate things from behind the scenes and open all the right doors for this person, and they can get them the grants and the schooling and everything they need and adding impetus to this person's career is the mind control that is steering them in that direction too. The end product is you end up with somebody who is a mind controlled person with extraordinary skills in his profession.
It has been kept very secret but the human brain is actually seven brains. The first brain the Medulla and the Pons is called as the Reptilian Brain because it thinks like a reptilian. If you are always traumatizing a person, you keep them in their reptilian thinking or their survival based thinking. Survival based thinking has certain characteristics. When you become deathly frightened for your life, your survival instincts take precedence over the other parts of your brain. If you have been traumatized your entire life, your survival based thinking is your primary method of thinking and it doesn't take much to throw you into the fear based survival based thinking. At the very basic level, the trauma can be used to keep somebody within their survival based thinking. Above 175 heartbeats per minute, your frontal lobes, or the thinking part of your brains, are not working. Your forebrain has been hijacked by your mid-brain, the mammalian brain, which has four functions: fight, flight, feeding, and mating or having sex. And they can only do this one at a time." mammalian part, where we function to survive. We do what we have to do to survive and it all goes back to instinct.
In the Illuminati, the programmers are called "trainers" because the belief is that they are not abusing, but "training" the future generation. The trainers actually believe that they are doing a good thing, "strengthening" the children, helping them to get in touch with their "potential." Cult parents are trained how to abuse their children so they keep their children very dissociative. Not only that, if the children are going to some established religious institute such as Catholic church, Episcopalian church, their priests, their clergymen have been trained in how to abuse the children. This is why you have such a big modern day problem within the Catholic church. So many of the priests abusing children and the lawsuits brought against this church, and some people have said they think it is going to financially bankrupt the church – the reason why so much of this is going on is for purposes of mind control. The Illuminati have a rule that there must always be a minimum of two trainers working with a person. This prevents a trainer from being either too severe, or permissive, or developing too close a bond with the subject; the watchful eye of the other trainer prevents this. Younger trainers are paired with older, more experienced trainers. The older trainer will teach the younger, who does most of the actual work. If the younger is unable to finish a task, or loses heart, the older one will step in.
We all have some photographic memory. We are not aware of this memory because it operates at autonomous nervous system level. For example, it is extremely difficult to remember which key is located where on the computer keyboard. But when you start typing, your fingers automatically move onto required keys. This is the example of photographic memory which operates at autonomous nervous system level. Photographic memory can be tremendously increased by brain stem scarring. Early on it was discovered that the brain would overcompensate for scarring on the brain stem. This is a principle similar to weight lifting. By tearing down the muscle fiber by overexertion, the body rebuilds the muscle stronger. When the child's brainstem is electronically scarred, the body overcompensates and rebuilds the brainstem in such a way that it has a tremendous photographic memory. When a child is traumatized it's mind splits into multiple personalities, each of those personalities generally takes on the characteristics of its predecessor and has a photographic memory. By scarring the brain stem, it -was discovered that geniuses who had photographic memories could be created. Brain stem scarring was used to create the whiz kids that the NWO needed to run their big computers. The CIA which has had an ongoing project to create them, has called them "Compu-kids." The method of scarring the reticular formation of the brain stem is accomplished electronically.
The infant is abused to create mind fragments or alters in it. The programming of a generational Illuminati infant often begins before its birth. Programming starts between the seventh and ninth month of pregnancy. Headphones are placed on the mother's abdomen, and loud music are played. Mother may ingest quantities of bitter substances, to make the amniotic fluid bitter, or yelling at the fetus inside the womb. Mild shock to the abdomen of mother may be applied, especially when term is near, and may be used to cause premature labor, or ensure that the infant is born on a ceremonial holiday. Certain labor inducing drugs may be also given if a certain birth date important in Satanism is desired.
The infant is abandoned, or uncared for by adults, intentionally during the daytime, Methods of abuse can include: rectal probes; digital anal rape; electric shocks at low levels to the fingers, toes, and genitalia. In night the infant is picked up, soothed, cleaned up and paid attention to in the context of preparing for a ritual or group gathering. The infant soon learns that the nighttime cult activities are truly important activities. Toddler accepts the reality that the parents act one way at home; an entirely different way at cult gatherings; and yet a different way in normal society. This sets the infant up for later dissociation in the cult. The infant associate night gatherings with "love" and attention. The infant will be taught to associate maternal attention with going to rituals, and eventually will associate cult gatherings with feelings of security.
As the infant grows older, i.e. at 15 to 18 months, more fragmenting is intentionally done by having the parents as well as cult members by abusing the infant more methodically. Between the ages of 20 and 24 months, the toddler may begin the following training to create a highly dissociative child
Twelve disciplines taught to Swali ( a mind controlled survivor) were 1. To not need. 2. To not want. 3. To not wish. 4. Survival of the fittest. 5. The code of silence. 6. Betrayal is the greatest good. 7. Not caring. 8. Time travel. 9,10,11: Sexual trauma, learning to dissociate and increase cognition, decrease feeling – details of these 3 steps vary according to child's future role in the cult. 12. Coming of age ceremony (Vatican underground sacrifice).
1) The adult leaves and the child is left alone, for periods of time which may vary from hours, to an entire day as the child grows older. If the child begs the adult to stay, and not leave, or screams, the child is beaten, and told that the periods of isolation will increase. When the trainer, returns to the room, the child is often found rocking itself, or hugging itself in a corner, occasionally almost catatonic from fear. Special sessions may include torturing a child. Often, the child will cry out for help, or to God. At that point, the programmer will tell the child, "God has abandoned you, He could never love you, that is why you are being hurt. If He was so powerful, He could stop this." They will even ask the child to ask God to stop it. The child will, and then the trainer will hurt the child more. This will create a deep sense of hopelessness and despair in the child. He or she will truly believe they have been abandoned by God, that He has a deaf ears to their call for help. The cult trainer will then "rescue" the child, feed and give it something to drink. The trainer will tell that the cult told the trainer to rescue the child, because its cult "loves" it. In the cult, it is not uncommon to have a "death ritual" where the child is brought to a near death experience. Afterwards, the "rescuers" are the trainers who talk soothingly to the child, massage him or her with oils, and tell the child that they "owe their life" to them. The trainer will instill cult teachings, at this point, into the helpless, fearful, and almost insanely grateful child who has just been "rescued" from isolation. After any training session, all Illuminati trainers know that the most important time is the "kindness bonding" after the trauma is over. Rewards such as a special food, drugs are given. A sexual partner will be given to the youths. This "kindness" after the trauma is the hook that will often draw programmed personalities back to the cult, since some personalities may know only of the rewards and kindness, and will block the abuse. The trainer will reinforce in the child over and over how much it "needs " its family, who just rescued it from death by starvation or abandonment. This will teach the very young toddler to associate comfort and security with bonding with its cult trainer. In trauma bonding, the person's abuser will be perceived as the one who delivers and rescues from the abuse, as well as the tormentor. This creates a psychological ambivalence that creates dissociation in a young child. The very helplessness and terror that are instilled by the abuse, cause the child or later, the adult to reach out to the only available hand for relief. This is the traumatic underpinning of all cult programming; that is a combination of abuse and kindness; terror and rescue; degradation and praise. Child is also given warning that if the child ever tries to break free, they will return to the state of dying. Such set ups will include burying a child alive in a box or coffin. The child will have seen people tortured or killed for disobedience, and so, literally, the perpetrator will have the perceived power of life and death over the child. The child will be told that the demonic has been placed within them, and that if they ever try to leave, or break the programming, the demonic will "kill them." The terrified child believes this. "Psychic surgery" may be done, where an "eye" is placed in the abdomen, and the child is told that the "eye" can see them wherever they go, and will tell them if the child tries to escape or questions the group. Implants may be placed, small thin metal rods, used to call up demonic forces. If the person tries to leave, or break programming, the implants are to cause intense pain or torment. A child will be forced to participate in rites, including the mutilation or killing of animals or even an infant although some of these are set ups, using a corpse.
2) Again, the child is left alone in a training room without food or water for a long period of time. An adult will enter the room, with water and food. The adult is eating or drinking in front of the child. If the child asks for either, as he / she is severely punished for being weak and needy. This step is reinforced, until the child learns not to ask for food or water unless it is offered first. This creates in the child a hyper-vigilance as she / he learns to look for outside adults for cues on when it is okay to fulfill needs, and not to trust her / his own body signals. Thus the cult now becomes the locus of control for the child.
3) Training to be strong is a type of training which begins at a very young age, often in the toddler years. The child is put through a series of conditioning exercises whose goals are to increase the pain threshold, increase physical fitness, increase dissociative ability, force quick memorization of material, create fear and the desire to please The child is taught to be completely silent during the tortures and to endure it without question. If the child screams, they are punished extremely and told that this is "weakness". The child is taught to fear their own emotions, since they are quickly and mercilessly punished for expressing them.
4) The child and adult may engage in fantasy play about the child's secret wishes, dreams, or wants. This will occur on several occasions, and the child's trust is slowly gained. At some later point, the child is severely punished by cult for any aspect of wishing or fantasy shared with the adult. Cult may destroy favorite toys, going and undoing or destroying secret safe places the child may have created, or even destroying non cult protectors. This step creates in the child the feeling that there is no true safety and the cult will find out everything the child thinks. Such exercises are also used to create young alters in the child who will self report to the cult trainers any secret safe places, or covert wishes against the cult, that other alters have. This intersystem hostility and divisiveness will be manipulated by cult throughout the child's life span in order to control him or her.
5) The child is brought into a room where there is a trainer and another child of approximately the same age, or slightly younger. The child is severely beaten, for a long period of time, by the trainer. Then the child is told to hit the other child., If the child refuses, it is punished severely. The other child is punished as well. This step is repeated until the child finally complies. This step is begun around age 2 to 2 1/2, and is used to create aggressive perpetrator alters in the young child. As the child becomes older, the punishing tasks become more and more brutal such as deskinning a living person.
6) Training to be silent or denial training, begins at a very young age, frequently at preverbal age of two years old, when a child starts becoming more verbal. Usually, after a ritual or group gathering, the child is asked about what they saw, or heard, during the cult meeting. Like most obedient young children, they will comply. For this they are immediately beaten or tortured severely. The child is wounded and traumatized. In the next morning, the adults around him are acting normally, as if nothing had happened. Child is told that" It was just a bad dream or his imagination. These lies are told to reinforce once again the importance of not telling. Since most of the adults close to his / her parents are part of the group, there is no reason to question the logic of what they are told. If the violence is flatly denied, kids learn to doubt their own perceptions. In addition to being absolutely alone, they lose faith in their own minds, in their sanity. "Everybody says one thing, I think another. I must be wrong." With no faith in their ability to assess reality, they are wide open to accepting other's views: that is, to being programmed. You must have had a bad dream." "Nobody does that to children. You must be crazy to think that." The child is told repeatedly that even if they do disclose cult activities to anybody, no one will believe them. Cult abusers will often wear various masks and costumes. Let's say a programmer wears a Mickey Mouse or Jesus outfit, and the child would remember and tell, "Mickey Mouse or Jesus hurt me." Now who is going to believe the child ? The child is told that people who disclose are considered "crazy" and sent to institutions, where they are punished severely and can never leave. The child is even taken to a mental hospital. The child will then believe that there is no escape, since everyone is part of the cult.
Talking to those outside the group is considered one of the worst crimes or betrayals a person can commit. They are forced to watch mock or real punishment or killing of a traitor who "told". A "traitor's death" is one of the most horrifying imaginable, and will vary from crucifixion upside down, to other gruesome scenarios. Young children do not forget seeing these things, and they become convinced that not disclosing is the safest way to continue living. Little children are forced to watch a traitor be skinned alive for her crime of disclosing to an outside person "family business". Mock burials, being placed in cages, abandonment, being hung over a bridge, with the child later being "rescued" and told that if they ever tell, they will be returned to the punishment. Fear of being buried alive; near drowning; watching "traitor's deaths" involving slow painful torture, such as being burned, or skinned alive; being buried with a partially rotted corpse are overwhelming. They are told that they will become a corpse like it if they ever tell.. These set ups are done to ensure that a young child will not disclose the criminal activities that they are seeing in the course of group activites, or even as an adult, when they are more actively engaged in them.
If what you are taught in a terror-trance is the opposite of what is learned the rest of the time, there is going to be a tremendous split. Like a two-family house, with a day apartment and a night apartment side by side.Except when you are in one apartment, you don't know the other exists. The cult uses logic that Satan and God are both sides of the same coin.
A new alter is created in the child, who is told to keep or guard the memories of what was seen, on pain of their life. Alters will be created as the child grows, whose purpose is to deny the cult abuse. If any leakage or breakthrough occurs, the denial alter's job is to create a plausible explanation: it was a nightmare, a book the person read, a movie they saw, etc. These alters will read and quote literature that refutes SRA. These alters believe that they are saving the life of the person.
7) s an important teaching of the cults. The Illuminists teach to their children that Betrayal is the greatest good. They idealize betrayal as being the true state of man. The child will learn this principle through set up after set up. Betrayal programming will begin in infancy, but will be formalized at around ages six to seven, and continue on into adulthood. The child will be placed in situations where an adult who is kindly, and in set up after set up "rescues" the child, gains its trust. The child looks up to the adult as a "savior". The adult intervenes and protects the child several times. After months or even a year of bonding, one day in a set up the child will turn to the adult for help. The adult will back away, mocking the child, and begin abusing it. Cult members will always betray a child. The children will learn quickly. Even the youngest children learn to manipulate others adeptly, at a very young age, while the adults laugh at how quickly they are learning adult ways. Manipulation of people is considered a fine art in the cult.
In training to be loyal, a person seen questioning the rightness of things, or balking at doing their job might be sent in for "retraining", ie being shocked and tortured back into submission. Status and leadership are held out as carrots to group members to work harder and achieve. The rewards of leadership, of moving up, are real, and every member tries to advance themselves. Being higher means less abuse, being able to order others around, and more control in a life. Set ups, where a child is allowed to sit in a leader's seat, and is told that one day they too, will lead, are often done, to increase the loyalty to the group. Awards ceremonies, where those who do well receive badges, jewels, or other rewards in front of others, are frequently done. A child who works hard, who performs well, is praised and allowed to join the adults for coffee or a meal, while the other children look enviously. Now the child who is growing older can boss the younger children, can tell them what to do, can even abuse them with the approval of the adults around. Being very young means being very abused and wounded in these groups; growing older means the chance to finally act out the rage the abuse has caused. The child begins to identify with the abusing adults, since they are hurt less, and becomes invested in a cult identity as a perpetrator. The child may be told that they will be a world leader who is hidden for now; a special CIA agent, or "one in a thousand. That no one else can fill their special role; that they are of a special bloodline that is unbroken for thousands of years. This is to increase the child's loyalty to the group.
9) Not caring step will take the child further into a perpetrator role. The child will be forced to hurt others and prove their ability to not care during the process.
10) In Time travel training the child will be taught spiritual principles of "traveling" both internally and externally, with set ups, role playing, and guided exercises reinforced with trauma. The goal will be to reach "enlightenment", an ecstatic state of dissociation reached after severe trauma.
11) Often, the child is tested at intervals during their early years for aptitude and ability. The parent's status, as well as the child's intelligence and dissociative ability, will also factor in to the final role.
Jobs in the cult might include i) cleaners who clean up after ceremonies, set up ii) spiritual who lead meetings, high priest or priestess, or acolytes iii) punishers who punish members who make mistakes) iv) scholars who learn cult history, ancient languages, do readings and history set ups v) skilled prostitutes vi) couriers vii) assassins viii) trainers ix) scientists usually trained in behavioural sciences x) doctors, nurses, medical personnel xi) military leader for cult operated military exercises Sometimes, jobs overlap, or a person will be cross-trained for several.
Cult-programmers can make a child believe that he or she is not human but a cat, dog or an inanimate object with soul. As long as the child is a girl it is given feces to eat. But the cats are fed wholesome meals in front of the victim. The little girls in the other cages are dirty and tortured and ill fed. Programmers make it clear that the cats are lovable and not the human child. They are repeatedly shamed and degraded if they say they are not cat. Very often high speed films of kittens playing and having fun are shown in one eye, while the other eye is forced to few little girls having to undergo the worst of tortures. This viewing is forced upon the child, as its eyes are held open and the child is strapped into a viewing chair. Their programmers will actually kill a little child in the worst way in front of these alters and tell them that that is what happens to little girls and little boys. CIA programmers actually deskinned the expendable children in front of the experimental child to be programmed. After watching the horrible things that happen to little girls or boys, they do not want to be little girls or little boys as the case may be. They want to be a cat, because as a cat they will not be killed and tortured like the children. As a cat they will be well fed and well treated. Further, children have a vivid imagination. Normal children can easily role play, and they can easily imagine they are something they aren't, because their personalities and egos have not solidified. They repeatedly told they are cats.
Nothing is left to chance. A fake blood transfusion of cat blood may be given the child. The alters are forced to eat like cats with cats. If your life depended upon saying you were a cat, you'd be a cat too. Lie detector Instruments are hooked up to the child to determine if the alters actually believe they are cats. When the alter can actually state, "I'm a kitten." and pass the lie detector test, then the programmers know they have succeeded. The dehumanization process will make alters into various types of birds, cats, dogs, aliens, horses, earth elements, gemstones, rocks, and countless other items. A great deal of hypnosis, and drug induced states, and drug-hypnosis is used to carry out the dehumanization process. The programming will be reinforced by a cat alter's environment, because the alter's handlers will always refer to them as kittens or other types of cats. Back up programming will be placed to insure that the alters continue to believe they are not human.
The persons can programmed by using religious terms. The idea of using Scriptures for programming accomplishes several things: 1) therapists are usually secular and unfamiliar with the particular religious book. This prevents exposure of the programming cues and triggers and fronts. 2) religious preachers are usually unable to believe in psychology and mind-control programming and so their religious knowledge is not of any therapeutic benefit 3) the last place people would look for understanding Satanic programming is in the religious book. 4) when programmed multiples go to the places of religious worship, the programming will be reinforced. There are "Christian" churches in many places which are 100% cult mind-control operations, such as the "Lord's Chapel.". Therefore, It is quite common for cult programmers to be "preachers" in seemingly mainline churches. 5) When a programmed multiple tries to set themselves free with the help of religious knowledge, they find that the very religious book is programming triggers, that sets off programming or brings up some alter. For instance, reading the book of 1 John might bring up the Illuminati's alter named "Jesus". 6) The cult which is doing the programming by making a mockery of God, may allow them to feel they are more powerful than God. 7) As a part of cult programming, the victim can be told that "God" is telling them to do cutlt rituals and other cult activities.
12) The ritual and ceremony will be held with other children of the same age, who are dressed in white and given a prize as acknowledgement that they have completed the basics of their training successfully. Successful person will be formally inducted into the cult in a ceremony of becoming at the age.
As the handlers isolate the mind-controlled slave from mainstream society, they can begin to give them things that will satisfy their long suppressed emotional needs. These are given in a way that they further lock the mind-controlled slave in to the control. For instance, the mind-controlled slave has been stripped of power, he craves power, so he is given power over other people's lives. The mind-controlled slave has been stripped of its real family, so he is given roots by a long generational occult bloodline, and a cult family.
2) Other Techniques Used to Create Alters in a Person
The brain scans have shown that brains with multiple personalities are physically different than other people's brains. The different personalities are often in different neuropsychological states. Following techniques are used simultaneously by the cult to create alters in the cult members.
1) Brain Wave Programming : -Brain wave programming is a very complex form of programming which creates automatic amnesia and communication barriers between the different brain wave states. This will also be reinforced by shock and punishment to prevent its "degradation", or undoing. Brain wave programming involves having a young child go into a deep trance state, of a certain brain wave pattern. For example, a consistent delta state. The average child is about eight years old when this Brain Wave Programming is begun, since the cerebral cortex and neurological development are not advanced enough at earlier ages.
Usually, two or even three trainers will work on one child during the initial stages. A hypnotic drug is also used to induce a trance state. An EEG machine is used extensively to verify deep trance state before initiating deep programming. If delta state has to be induced, only the electrodes needed to pick up delta waves will be placed. This saves time.
The trainers will often flash a cue, or delta (triangle) symbol on a projector overhead, and "grind in" the delta imprinting. They will wear robes with delta signs on them, and cloth the subject in clothing or robes imprinted with the delta sign. A trainer will tell the child alter that delta is good. They will emphasize this over and over. The trainer will tell the child that she / he wants it to perform certain mental exercises. Backwards counting exercises are used to help the child achieve deeper trance states. The child will then be shocked to increase its receptivity to learning. Other verbal cues to trance down may be given. When the delta waveform is seen the child will be immediately rewarded by saying, "good, you are in delta now." The trainer will caress the child, tell it what a good job it is doing. If the child bounces out of delta state, the trainer will immediately become harsh, and will shock the child as punishment. The child is told that it left delta and needs to go back in it. The trainers use biofeedback principles to teach the child to consistently cue into a delta brainwave pattern. When the child is repeatedly rewarded for entering, then staying in this state for longer and longer periods become possible. The new system will be taught what delta means. While the subject is under deep trance, after creating a clean slate through trauma, they will teach the alters under hypnosis what deltas do, how they act. They will watch high frequency films, that show delta functions. Virtual Reality Programming is simulteneously used. In the virtual reality programming (VR) the person is placed in VR headsets and suit. Virtual reality headsets project holographic images, and virtual reality set ups. It can be used to create 3D and holographic images, and especially is useful in scripted programming, and target practice sequences for assassin training. Under hypnosis , the person will really believe they are in the scene.
Two alters created can have several possible relationships which are : – 1) two-way amnesia, where neither alter knows about the other's existence. 2) one-way amnesia, where A alter knows B alter, but B doesn't know A. 3) co-presence, two alters can come on top of each other at the front of the mind and hold the body together. This produces some strange behavior for the multiple as different alters synthesize their thoughts. 4) co-conscious, this is when two alters are aware of what each other is thinking.
Re-contact and Resistance Programming
All Illuminati Cult Control Programming include various re-contact and therapy resistence programs. In recontact programming, the person has parts whose only job is to have contact with their trainer or cult leader, or accountability person. These parts are heavily programmed under drugs, hypnosis, shock, torture, to have re-contact with the cult.
In Reporting Programs cult survivors are conditioned to routinely contact and report back to the cult. Any survivor who attempts to leave the cult must deal with the urge to phone their abusers. Away from cult the individual will feel restless, shaky, weepy, afraid if they try to break this programming. These programs may be time-triggered at every month, full moon, etc., date-triggered i.e., corresponding to cult "holidays", etc., or situationally triggered. Such programs keep the cult updated on the daily life of cult survivors, as well as with the ongoing work in therapy. Further, specific intelligence information may be gathered about the therapist and treatment facility, and reported back to the cult. Reminder-Reinforcement Programs remind the survivor of his "vows" to the cult. These programs are often enacted via phone or touch triggers e.g., three series of three taps on shoulder or knee, a rapid series of six electronic tones, spoken phrases, etc.. These programs appear to be primarily designed to re-install fear and cult compliance. Return Programs are designed to manipulate patients to return to the cult for rituals and / or further programming or to "escape" from therapy. The patient may be conditioned to respond to phone cues, to follow a specific contact cult member upon sight, and/or to meet a cult "contact" at a predetermined location. Access Programs allow the cults to access the patient's personality system through specific cult-created alters. This access is achieved through a large variety of triggers, including whistles, electronic tones, spoken phrases, touch, etc. Once accessed, a myriad of other programs may be triggered by the cult.
Therapy Interference Programming include various programs.
Verbal Response Programs are programs designed to provide "acceptable" answers to cult-related, system-related or alter-related inquiries which may be posed by the therapist or other non-cult supportive persons. Cover Programs are programmed memories laid in by the cult to distract from, or distort, the true ritual abuse memory. A secondary purpose of these programs is to discredit the survivor's memories with "unbelievable" content. For example, a ritual involving pain and "medical" paraphernalia might be "covered" with a memory of UFO abduction and experimentation. Recycle Programs are programs which act to quickly re-dissociate therapeutic memories. The therapist may return the next day to find he/she must redo the work from the previous therapy session. Silence-Shutdown Programs will cause the patient to "stop talking", to cease revealing information to the therapist or non-cult supportive other. Miscellaneous Therapy Interference Programs observed in SRA survivors designed to interfere with the therapeutic process include those which condition the patient to not see, not think for self, stay distracted, and become resistant, mistrustful, and/or obnoxious toward the therapist. Within the system, cooperative alters may be walled-off from by cult-loyal alters. Beyond the system, patients may be conditioned to withdraw socially, isolating themselves from helpful resources.
Some personalities job it is to direct a therapist off course and provide false information. In Rapid Switching Programs a patient may not be able to finish a sentence without switching three to four times between alters. Scrambling Programs may specifically target the therapist. For example, the incoming words and/or visual images of the therapist may be scrambled. The effect will often be that the survivor experiences the therapist as looking and / or sounding threatening, abandoning, or incompetent. Flooding Programs are enacted by the cult in order to interfere with therapeutic process by triggering the patient to have a flood of painful and frightening cognitive and/or somatic memories enter consciousness simultaneously, thereby significantly increasing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) A wide variety of triggers may be utilized.
As the therapist get close to secret or hidden information that will help him to move deeper into the system, the danger of internal or external harm to the client increases. Nightmare-Night Terror Programs are triggered or tripped automatically when processing "forbidden" material in therapy. Pain Programs may be enacted to "motivate" the survivor to carry out other programmed injunctions. Self-Injury Programming include Cutting Programs, Burning Programs and Miscellaneous Self-Injury Programs. These programs can create in a survivor: accident" proneness, failure to eat, ingestion of injurious materials and poisons, failure to sleep, failure to take needed medication, and the intentional breaking of one's own bones particularly of hands, fingers, arms and legs. Lethal Programming include Suicide Programs. SRA survivors are conditioned to attempt to kill themselves when they and /or the therapist, are deemed to be getting too close to material damaging to the cult, or when the cult feels it has lost all other forms of control over the patient. There may be more than one suicide program per alter, and more than one trigger per program. Identified suicide methodologies have included: shooting, hanging, cutting, stabbing, poisoning, overdosing, auto accidents, leaping from buildings, starvation, etc. Some Alters may ask the therapist questions or try to get therapist to ask them questions making him think he is getting somewhere only to find that what they are doing is setting a suicide or self-mutilation program in motion. For example, when patient hear a particular phrase he would self-destruct. One alter of the patient would ask the therapist certain questions such as "How old are you?" or "When is your birthday?" and so on. Another alter in the same patient may may trigger the internal self-destruct program in a response to one of these answers given by the therapist.
Survivors may have Assassination Programs within him. When someone in the survivor's environment is deemed by the cult to have become too much of a liability, the patient may in some cases by triggered to attempt to kill that person.
Personality Changes in Cult Members
One of the first disturbing characteristics to be reported by relatives and friends of members of these cults is a noticeable change in personality, usually in a negative direction. Cult mind control does not erase the person's old identity, but rather creates a new pathological one to suppress the old identity. In an a cult, the use of guilt, fear, and intimidation to control members is likely to produce members who have a low self- image, who feel beaten down by legalism, who have been taught that asserting oneself is not spiritual. Excommunication is common. For those who leave, the road back to normalcy is difficult. If, on the other hand, they have been more deeply involved, and they have been exposed and habituated to mind control to a greater extent, they are likely to find it very difficult to actually break away from the group. If they do manage to break away, they are likely to experience feelings of anxiety and disorientation once out of the group, and they may experience possibly severe internal conflicts and other difficulties while trying to rid themselves of their cult manufactured personality and way of thinking. These difficulties can include social isolation and long term clinical depression, and may also, in a small number of cases, have led to suicide. 'The two selves [cult and non-cult] can exist simultaneously and confusedly for a considerable time, and it may that the transition periods are the most intense and psychologically painful as well as the most potentially harmful.'
1) Change in Physiology :- The cult personality is radically different from the pre-cult personality. According to psychiatrist Dr. John Clark of Harvard University there is evidence that this change is organic as well as psychological. Exposing a person to a radical change in environment and an overload of new and radically different information may actually cause a change in the neurotransmitters in the brain. The substances norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain have similar chemical composition as mescaline or LSD. When sensory flow to the brain becomes either severely restricted or suddenly overloaded, it can trigger a state of increased suggestibility or the symptoms of dissociation or hallucinations. All the cults maintain the dissociation. They keep the parts of the mind which can be defined as the distinct personalities inside the central nervous system which are divided in function, in action, and in their connection with the outer world. It's a way of controlling them, and the longer it goes on, the further apart all of this gets to be like the chronic schizophrenic
2) Cults Create Paradoxical Responses :- Russian Physiologist Evan Petrovich Pavlov identified three distinct and progressive states of transmarginal inhibition in his experimental dog. The first is the equivalent phase, in which the brain gives the same response to both strong and weak stimuli. This kind of response in common under normal state. The second is paradoxical phase, in which the brain responds more actively to weak stimuli than to strong. This kind of response my be observed in a person who has developed extreme suspicion of some kind where actual occurrence of the threatened event evokes less fear and anxiety than the suspicion of its occurrence do. The third phase is ultra-paradoxical phase, in which conditioned responses and behavior patterns turn from positive to negative or from negative to positive. Thus a person may derive pleasure from the pain and pain from the activities pleasurable to normal individuals. The Illuminati sex teens have this ultra-paradoxical phase. Therefore they actually provoke their sex partner to inflict more pain by challenging their masculinity. They derive immense pleasure from the pain inflicted. With the progression through each phase, the degree of conversion becomes more effective and complete.
There is quite a difference in the impact a cult will have on a person if the person is a member for only a few weeks, as compared to months or years. Members who are in a periphery may have very different experiences from those who are full-time, inner-core members. The intensity and severity of cults' efforts at conversion and control will determine the severity of the changes in a person. Generally, Ex-cult members encounter the following problems in out-cult environment.
Ex-cult members experience Blackout, lack of sensory filters, anxiety attacks, Fog and space, Altered states, memory difficulties, Loss of boundaries, Inappropriate and unrelated bursts of emotions, Muscle jerking, Long term emotional flatness, Seizures, and Visual hallucinations
Ex-cultists in our groups often speak of their regret for the lost years during which they wandered off the main paths of everyday life. They regret being out of step and behind their peers in career and life pursuits. Since higher education is discouraged when one joined a cult, the likelihood of obtaining a good paying job later in life is greatly diminished. They feel sorry about lost educational and career opportunities. Lasting friendships and important family ties have been neglected or have been destroyed over time. They feel a loss of innocence and self esteem if they come to believe that they were used, or that they wrongly surrendered their autonomy. Former cult members often express anguish over damage done to their psyche and to their valued relationships. Even worse, they feel guilty about the people they recruited, the money they collected, and the unethical behavior they committed as members. The longer they were in, the deeper the regrets when they get out. A passive, hands-off, wait-and-see approach can have tragic consequences.
Depression is developed as the product of group-induced self-doubt and self-blame. Isolation and loneliness is created as a result of the shock of crossing the barrier from one social environment to another. He may show impairment of decision-making and other intellectual skills. Cults rob a person of their own creativity and individuality. A sense of meaninglessness often reappears. They must also deal with family and personal is issues left unresolved at the time of conversion. Leaving a cult also means leaving many friends, a brotherhood with common interests, and the intimacy of sharing a very significant experience. It means having to look for new friends in an uncomprehending or suspicious world. This duality in mind makes his mental situation miserable.
After exiting a cult, an individual may experience a period of intense and often conflicting emotions. She or he may feel relief to be out of the group, but also may feel grief over the loss of positive elements in the cult, such as friendships, a sense of belonging or the feeling of personal worth generated by the group's stated ideals or mission. The emotional upheaval of the period is often characterized by "post-cult trauma syndrome"
He may show symptoms such as spontaneous crying, sense of loss, depression & suicidal thoughts, fear that not obeying the cult's wishes will result in God's wrath or loss of salvation, alienation from family, friends, sense of isolation, loneliness due to being surrounded by people who have no basis for understanding cult life, fear of evil spirits taking over one's life outside the cult, scrupulosity, excessive rigidity about rules of minor importance, panic disproportionate to one's circumstances, fear of going insane, confusion about right and wrong, sexual conflicts, and unwarranted guilt.
Ex-cult members have difficulty in talking about their group involvement which is often related to his strong feelings of guilt, fear, and bitterness. They may have interpersonal difficulties such as difficulties in communication, expression, making new friends, organized activities, dating, emotional and physical intimacy. They frequently become mistrustful and suspicious of other people and groups.
Ex-cult members have floating periods. Floating is occasional lapses into the group's imposed mindset which is often triggered by certain cultic stimuli such as certain music, symbols, key words or phrases or certain significant ideas can trigger a return to the trance-like state they knew in cult days. They report that they fall into the familiar, unshakable lethargy, and seem to hear bits of exhortations from cult speakers. These episodes of "floating"-like the flashbacks have difficulty concentrating and expressing practical needs concretely. Even after leaving the group and ceasing its consciousness-altering practices, this habitual, learned response tends to recur under stress. When tired, ill, or under stress the feelings of spaceyness, dissociation, depersonalization and derealization may temporally return. Ex-cult member may show flashbacks to cult life, simplistic black-white thinking, sense of unreality, suggestibility, automatic obedience responses to trigger-terms of the cult's loaded language or to innocent suggestions, disassociation. He may have hangovers of habitual cult behaviors like chanting, difficulty managing time, trouble holding down a job Most of these symptoms subside as the victim mainstreams into everyday routines of normal life. In a small number of cases, the symptoms continue.
They can not listen and judge. They listen, believe, and obey. Ex-members of some of the more authoritarian cults describe constant urging to surrender their mind. Many ex-cultists report they accept almost every thing they hear, as if their pre-cult skills for evaluating and criticizing were in relative abeyance.
How to Protect Yourself, Your Family and Friends From a Cult ?
Avoiding Cults and Cult-men
The safest people seem to be those that know how to recognize a cult. There is a misconceptions about cults that the cults are easy to spot because they wear strange clothes and live in communes. Well some do. But most are everyday people like you and me. The modern definition of a mind control cult is any group which employs mind control and deceptive recruiting techniques. In other words cults trick people into joining and coerce them into staying.
One should keep a curious yet cautious attitude, strive to see things from another perspective. If you are curious about some group that is giving a lecture or presentation, but suspect that something is askew first seek outside information and criticism through internet and other different sources before joining a group or making a commitment to invest time, energy, or money. Accurate information on cults can not be not be obtained by infiltrating a cult. This is far too dangerous. "It won't happen to me" are often the last words someone says before it does. When one's defenses are down to that level a person is even more vulnerable than normal. One is most Vulnerable to a cult when i) he is lonely ii) He is homesick for familiar friends and places iii) He misses his significant other who is at distant place, iv) Everyone else seems to be coping well but not he.
These feelings and reactions can be overcome with the help of psychologist. Hence one does do not need a cult to solve them. Mind-control cults make slow change in a person a step at a time. Potential new members are led, step by step, through a behavioral-change program without being aware of the final agenda or full content of the group. The goal is to make them deployable agents for the leadership, to get them to buy more courses, or get them to make a deeper commitment, depending on the leader's aim and desires. This change usually remain unnoticed by the person himself.
If some people allege a group as a cult, then for goodness sake one must find out why they allege so. Make research of the group independently. The Internet should be searched if the group has an international scope. A good place to start is, Most of the larger cults will be mentioned by counter-cult organizations like Cult watch, and commonly many ex-members will have posted their cult involvement stories on the net. We shall have cult information and links to other counter-cult groups. Also go to the search engines and type in keywords associated with the group, like the name of the group, the leaders or founders name, the titles of books they use and any peculiar words that the group uses. If the group is new or too small to have been exposed on the net then read stories of other people who were in mind control cults. The patterns may seem familiar. If still unsure then email your story at They will let you know of any information they have. Other websites in this regard are i) ex-cult Archive ii) Cult Awareness and Information Centre iii) and REVEAL
Reach out and get the opinion of someone you trust who is not a member of the group, such as a friend, lecturer, parent, or a counselor. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Be skeptical. Don't accept evasive answers. Don't be afraid to take a stand. Learn to say "No". Examine yourself and decide whether are you vulnerable ? Do not give your address or telephone number to anyone unless you are sure of what they are after. Otherwise you can expect calls and visits you may not want. Being cautious and careful is not being rude. Does the group tend to withhold certain information from the potential convert ? Find out yourself whether the more unusual doctrines of the group are not discussed until an individual is more deeply involved in the movement ?
The best way to view the behavioral aspects of these cults is to place them on a continuum that runs from positive support of the person to mind destructiveness through the use of deception and abusive behavior modification techniques. Use common sense, your own experience and judgment when evaluating the group. You should obtain following information about the group. Find out whether the leader is the sole authority of the group. Cult leaders claim to be self taught or usually have fake education credentials. They may also have criminal record. Therefore probe through your questions every detail of the background of the group leader and other important members of the group. They try to drain their members with finances and other resources. They are accumulating immense wealth at expense of poorer followers. Therefore first of all explore to what extent the members have been financially drained. Find out what products the group sell and the obligations of the member in terms of selling quota or collecting donations. Ask boldly the fate of accumulated cult finances and their management. Try to collect as much information as possible about the nature of sexual relationships in the cult.
The best defense against coercion is to quickly recognize the common strategies to gain compliance. Following this recognition, alert persons can better resist and avoid the strategies, or pretend compliance, until an opportunity for relief arises. Following are the signs of a cult.
Evaluate whether the personality of the members of the group has become stronger, happier, more confident as a result of contact with the group ? Whether the members of the group have strengthened their family commitments as a result of participation in the group ? Take a look at the way the group looks and acts. Does everyone dress more or less the same, act the same, and talk the same ?
Does the group encourage independent thinking and the development of discernment skills ? Does the group allow for individual differences of belief and behavior, particularly on issues of secondary importance ? Does the group encourage high moral standards in the group and apply same principle for leaders, members and outsiders ? Does the group's leadership invite dialogue, advice and evaluation from outside its immediate circle ? Are group members encouraged to raise questions regarding the functioning, finances and behavior of the cult leadership ? Do members appreciate truth wherever it is found even if it is outside their group ? Is questioning the group, or the group leaders, discouraged or frowned upon ? Does the group has undemocratic authoritarian pyramid structure with authority at the top ? Know what cults are selling. Understand the issues before you attempt to dialogue with them. Beware of anyone who has all the answers to life's complex questions. Because there are no easy answers Does the group believes that it is an elite and exclusive organization which alone has 'the truth' and answers to life's questions ? Does the group pour scorn upon, attack, and mock other organizations and their interpretation ? Is reading any literature critical of the group discouraged ? Does the group give you 'black and white answers'? and claim what the group agrees with is right and what the group disagrees with is wrong and discourage association with non-members ? Is there no room for individual belief, or opinion even in minor areas ? Beware of instant friends. Beware of anyone who is excessively friendly. There are no instant friendships. Remember that true friendship develops over time. Be wary of people who want to be your best friends on your first meeting, who want you to share your personal and intimate details with them, when you don't really know them or them you. Beware of invitations to free meals or meetings. Because there are no truly free meals. You are invited on a retreat with the group, but they can't give you an overview of the purpose, theme or activities before you decide to participate. Beware if the group insist that you have to experience it in order to understand it. One does not need to drink poison in order to test it. Beware of joining in a weekend workshops with unclear goals. Beware when you are offered an invitation such as i) You can increase your true potential by taking this special course. ii) Come and see what miracles course shall perform on you iii) You can become more relaxed by using our techniques." iv) It'll be the most valuable weekend of your life v) it will evoke your hidden potentials and so on.
When you attend a gathering bring a trusted friend, spouse, parent, or child and sit in the back. Don't participate in anything. Don't let anyone separate you from your companion. Beware of groups or persons who subtly separate you from your friends and family and substitute their group family. Beware of anyone who puts pressure on you to conform to what 'everyone else is doing'. Peer pressure takes away your right to choose. If you feel uncomfortable, stand up and say, "I feel manipulated. Does anyone else here feel manipulated ?" Then walk out. Others may follow your example. Beware if the cult ask you to recruit new members. You should alert yourself if soon after joining you begin to feel guilty and ashamed, and unworthy as a person. You should alert yourself if the group encourages you to put their meetings and activities in priority before all other commitments, including study. If the group speaks in a derogatory way about your past affiliations. If the cult claims that doubts and questions are signs of weak faith. Are others in the group, who do not conform to the requirements of the group's teaching treated with suspicion, and treated like second class members ? You are shunned if you persist in these doubts. Leadership of the group is mostly male, and males in general are believed to have different rights and abilities than females.
If you already are member of a group you must observe change in your behavior comparing with your earlier behavior. Ask yourself what are you motivated by ? Is it genuine love for spiritual quest and the group etc., or is it fear of not meeting the desired standards. Do you feel that no matter how hard you try, the 'good deeds' you perform for your group are never quite enough ? As a result of this do you often feel plagued with feelings of guilt ? Have you attempted to disable your own nature-given critical thinking abilities by 'shelving' various doubts about the group or group's teachings etc. Do you feel fearful of leaving the group for leaving group may lead worst consequences ?
In above situations you are among the cult and therefore need to leave the cult. This may be difficult, but by staying in the cult you will only continue to be spiritually and mentally abused. You will also be contributing to a system which, in your heart, you know to be wrong. Also, don't let pride keep you from leaving the group. Don't feel as though you will be alone in your decision to leave. There are many individual's who have been in the same situation as yourself. These people come from many different religious groups, but have all been victims of the same dominating mind control techniques. Today, many of them are living new lives of liberty, security, and hope through their own efforts.
Helping Persons Who are in Cult
Awareness of the insidious nature of the cult and the decision to leave comes slowly for some and quickly for others. For example, someone receiving exit-counseling becomes aware and leaves the cult very quickly as compared to someone who walks out after reflecting over several months or years on his doubts. Exit counselor is a person who has thoroughly studied the tactics of a particular cult and specializes in psychological principles needed in rebuilding the cult member. Understanding the dynamics of cult conversion is essential to healing and making a solid transition to an integrated post cult life. A person needs to engage in a professionally led exit counseling session. So that he can review and evaluate his cult experience and educate himself about cults and understand the importance of thought-reform techniques. Involvement of family members and old and new friends in this process is very important. Attend a support group for former cult members.
Exit counselor will never attack the cult member verbally or physically because the cult members have a persecution complex inherited from the cult, believing that all non-members are agents of Satan. Criticizing cult members means creating walls between communication. Most survivors will have much trouble trusting anyone especially religious organizations. Exit counselor takes a curious yet concerned posture. Parents and friends are told that they are there, not to blame the cult member and prove him wrong. But you are to help him to understand the principles of mind control, to reevaluate his decision to join the group, and to gain discernment so he himself can make appropriate choices. Let the cult member know that you want to understand what cult member believes and why they believe it. The conviction of the exit-counselor is that once the member is aware of the logical flaws in his belief structure and his allegiance, as well as the emotional factors binding him to the cult, he will not feel comfortable remaining in the organization.
Deprogramming generally involves isolation of a member from the cult. Videotapes about other religious, political, or psychological mind control cults are viewed. As the member hears the testimony of other people who believed that they alone had the truth, who were following God's chosen prophet and were in the only true organization on earth, he will experience internal dissonance. The exit-counselor is careful not to overstress the cult member. He will pace his client, to avoid alienation. After observing the testimony of ex-members of other groups, questions are asked about whether or not those interviewed appeared to be "abnormal" people or whether they were normal people who just happened to be deceived. "How did they feel about their organization and /or leader?" "What were their motives for getting involved?" and "Why did they finally get out?" are common questions asked by the exit-counselor. Eventually the member may come to see that in spite of superficial differences in doctrine or appearance, most cults use the same techniques of mind control, fear and guilt to retain their members. All too often he will see evidence of this in his own organization simultaneously, and may be questioned about that as well by the exit-counselor. The cult of the member may have a track record the cult member is unaware of. For example, Jehovah's Witnesses or the United Pentecostal Church, where there have been ex-members who have gotten out and who have stories to tell that would lead a member to pause and question further commitment to the group. The exit-counselor allows the member to challenge the validity of the critical evidence, and is already prepared to further demonstrate the truthfulness of what has been said. The exit-counselor carry a large briefcase full of such evidences. Careful not to be dogmatic, the exit-counselor or the attendant ex-member of the organization allow the member full expression. In fact, allowing the person to talk is crucial, because the need to articulate ideas often clarifies thinking. He will not try to do their thinking for them. He will not interrupt or make sniping comments. Yet he will calmly challenge the reasons given by the member for not believing what is being presented. The subject matter is not changed until the matter at hand is resolved to some extent, nor does the counselor allows the member to divert the discussion to avoid facing the facts. Cult member may start showing signs of doubt in his organization, making statements such as, "Well, if I were to leave…" This is a sign that the intervention is successful thus far.
Get in touch with other people who have gone through similar experiences, either one-on-one or in a support group. A support group is that group of ex members who are ready to help the cult-inmate in coming out of the cult clutches. Exit councilor lists the help of others, either professionals in the field, or by educating friends and family members and soliciting their support. Long-time friends of the victim are the most effective.
More the secrets of the cults remain hidden more powerful they remain. Therefore, more we tell their secrets, the more their power erodes, and the better our chances are for effectively coming out of cult control. Let the cult member educate himself in the area of cult mind control techniques, through books and seminars. Let him read as many books on the subject as he can in order to combat cult mind control techniques. For the Jehovah's Witnesses cults there's a wonderful book that's been written, Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz. Very few members of the Jehovah's Witnesses have been exposed to this book. Books written by former cult members of various groups are important in this regard. Let the cult member attend seminars by organizations such as the Cult Awareness Network. Let him talk to former members of any group, as cult techniques are all quite similar.
A discussion of what the member may feel is right and wrong according to his conscience. If all is going well, curiosity develops and the member will have questions. If he is in a religion-based cult (such as Jehovah's Witnesses), then the religion is discussed. This is where the expertise of the former cult member who has been present is useful. It is explained that interpretation is no mystery, nor is it exclusive to a chosen few. The exit-counselor also points out that there is life outside of the organization, and the ex-member present is proof of that; he is living a happy and fulfilled life.
Enough information will have been discussed and enough dialogue will have ensued that the member will recognize many errors in his own perception of the cult. He is now asked what he is going to do about it. Can he conscientiously remain in the organization, when he has not been told the truth or has discovered blatant lies or other embarrassing matters ? Could he honestly evangelize others into the organization, knowing that it is at least partially a lie? Such pointed questions often produce a decision to separate from the group, at least for a time. An absolute commitment to leave may not be necessary, as long as proper follow-up is done. The member has already drawn his conclusions, he just needs some time to collect his thoughts. He is asked to stay away from the cult for a while, which will help him to clear his thoughts. If the member has made it through the three days or so, he will not likely return to the organization except in attempt to enlighten others of what he has learned.
Activity of "Thinking" to a cult member is like being stabbed in the heart with a dagger. It's very painful because they have been told that the mind is Satan and thinking is the machinery of the Devil. Exit counselor encourage the cult member in building his confidence and offer choices. He will not argue the religious book the recruit believe. Their problem is not lack of knowledge, but the inability to process it correctly ! They must be taught how to process the facts consistently. Therefore, cult member needs to put his experience down in writing. If you find discrepancies between the activities carried out by the group with that of other mainstream groups within the tradition, identify them and note it down. This will help him to evaluate, understand, and cope with his past involvement in the abusive group. The following sets of questions have proven helpful to former cult members trying to make sense of their experience. The cult member must review his whole recruitment process to understand the fraudulent recruitment techniques. He should evaluate what was going on in his life at the time of joining the group. How and where were he approached ? What was his initial reaction to or feeling about the leader or group at that time ? What first interested him in the group or leader ? How were he misled during recruitment ? What did the group or leader promise ? Did promises fulfilled ? What they hid that would have influenced not to join the cult ? Why did the group or leader want the cult member ? Surprisingly, a chronology of events is one of the most effective means to catch a cult. By documenting these materials chronologically, inconsistencies can easily be spotted. These are pertinent evidence which can be very useful for public awareness campaigns to warn people about the group. These materials will also be useful if legal process is involved later on and could be used as court evidence.
To understand the psychological manipulation used in cult one must contemplate on the following questions. Which controlling techniques were used by your group or leader. Few such techniques are chanting, meditation, sleep deprivation, isolation, drugs, hypnosis, criticism, fear. List each technique and understand how it served the group's purpose. Which was the most and the least effective technique ? Which technique is hard to give up ? Are you able to see any effects on you when you practice these ? What are the group's beliefs and values ? How did they come to be your beliefs and values ? The cult member should examine his own doubts. What are his doubts about the cult or its leader now ? Do you still believe the group or leader has all or some of the answers ? Are you still afraid to encounter your leader or group members on the street ? Do you ever think of going back ? What is going on in your mind when this happens`.' Do you believe your group or leader has any supernatural or spiritual power to harm you in any way ? Do you believe you are cursed by God for having left the group ?
Cult members think that they have been given answers to everything. Put before them things that they have not been programmed to respond to. Ask right questions; and they get frustrated when they can not answer. They are encouraged to open their minds. Share articles you may find in the newspaper or in magazines on the particular cult under discussion. The key is to get the individual to start asking questions and research answers for himself. If the leader is afraid or hesitant to answer a member's honest questions, the maturity of that leadership may be suspect. When the mind gets to a certain point, they can see through all the lies that they've been programmed to believe. They realize that they've been duped and they come out of it. Their minds start working again." When exit counseling has been accomplished, the cult member's appearance undergoes a sharp, drastic change. He comes out of his trancelike state and his ability to think for himself is restored.
Helping Ex-Cult Members in Rebuilding
Helping illuminati cult members who are exposed to full mind-control techniques and alters are developed within him systematically is extremely difficult and need very high level of expertise in the field. The alters in the member resist therapy and onset self-destruction programs as specified earlier. To deal with these programs and help the cult members, a therapist experienced in this area is needed. Much details in this regard can be found out from the books written by 1) Mark Phillips / Cathy O'Brien 2) Fritz Springmeier. For the cult members who are not exposed to abovementioned rigorous mind-control programming can be helped by a therapist.
Even after leaving the cult, some ex-cultists are not sure if they made the right decision and "float" between their old cult identity and their new freed identity or pre-cult self. For those who come from dysfunctional backgrounds, recovering from the cult experience often means acknowledging and recovering from the effects of earlier dysfunctional relationships, such as Abusive parents, relatives, siblings, spouse or abusing others. Alcoholism, rape, incest, eating disorders, drug abuse difficulties with intimacy, careers, law enforcement etc. may be found among such ex-cult members. Because the cult phobias and teachings often touched on many aspects of life, such as family, government, education, religion, relationships, and economics, the ex-cultist often finds it necessary to examine and reality test most, if not all, of the teachings received in the cult for subtle, residual ideas that continue to manipulate the ex-cultist.
Cult victims are the ones finding it the hardest to face the fact that they have been duped. The best possible way to move on is to simply accept the situation and then let it go. It is in the past and there is nothing one can really change. The emotional ties in the organization are still very strong. Loneliness and disillusionment are strong factors causing a desire to go back to the cult. Lingering doubts about their new decision remain for awhile. Confusion and disorientation about the future haunts them Survivors typically do not know who they are anymore. They had lost themselves in the cult.
Former cult members often spend years after leaving a cult in relative isolation, not talking about or dealing with their cult experiences. Shame and silence may increase the harm done by the group and can prevent healing. Skewed or nonexistent contact with family and former friends tends to increase members' isolation and susceptibility to the cult's worldview. The reestablishment of those contacts is important to help offset the loss and loneliness the person will quite naturally feel. The individual must learn how to trust themselves again and their ability to make decisions.
A support system is desperately needed, but survivors will have difficulty approaching. Many ex-members have difficulty finding knowledgeable therapists familiar with cults and mind-control techniques. Without addressing the particular methods and techniques used by the group and its belief system, therapy is often prolonged and often doesn't address the immediate needs of the former cult member. A Therapist can help ex cult member to unburden himself and make positive suggestions about what to do. Sometimes, it is a matter of finding the most effective way to say something. Sometimes, it is a matter of choosing the right time and place to communicate to get the best response. Over time, ex-cult-member will develop confidence and know how to adapt your communication style to fit the situation.
Help with material needs such as housing, job, food, etc. is usually much appreciated. Social support via invitations to events or dinner, or just a conversation about something other than church or religious issues is very much needed. Therefore, a safe place for confidentiality, a place to be relaxed without expectations of appearances or performance, a place to connect with another caring person or persons without becoming too involved in private lives, is needed. The availability of a network of family and friends and the amount of outside support certainly will bear on a person's reintegration after a cult involvement. The more information and support a cultist receives the better equipped they are and are able to handle the pain and loss they experience after leaving the cult. When therapy is combined with the expertise of an exit counselor familiar with the group or type of group, recovery can be greatly facilitated. Therapy can then be utilized to address recovery needs and other issues. The advantage of exit counseling is that often the ex-member is now aware of the specific manipulative techniques used in the specific cult. Exit counselor tells the survivor recovery takes a long time of 2 to 4 years, or longer.
The growth and maturity of emotions of the entire family and support network as well as on the cult member. is prime concern in rebuilding interpersonal relations with the ex cult member. Learning to express your emotions is important. 1) Acknowledge the presence of a feeling inside you. 2) Recognize what emotion you are feeling. Is it helplessness or fear ? Anger or hostility ? Sadness or depression ? 3) Respect your emotions as a legitimate expression of who you are and what you value as a human being. Dwelling on your negative emotions creates conflict, tension and fear. Anger and frustration can turn into self-hatred and self-pity. It can contribute to such physical problems as headaches, muscle tension, ulcers, colitis, and high blood pressure, and can grow into anxiety, emotional tension or depression. Ultimately, it can affect your interpersonal relationships.
Family and friends must find a way to adopt a new belief that their loved one will inevitably leave the cult. Hope will sustain and motivate you through the many ups and downs of the rescue process. Build a support system and make sure to include others who have successfully helped their loved ones after long-term cult involvement.
Friends and family are asked to participate in each step of the process as a team, improving their communication skills and enhancing self-awareness along the way. Family and friends shift from an emotionally-based form of communication to a goal-oriented style. They will not take their relationships for granted. Objective is to grow, change, and develop better communication strategies that build rapport and trust. Ex-cult members need to be known that they are lovable. Count them as equal to yourself. Not less just because they are needy. Assure them they do not have to be perfect. Accept them as they are. Encourage them. Build confidence, offer choices. Allow them to have strengths and weaknesses. They need to know that they are not evil or possessed, not crazy, not shameful. They need to know that they are not powerless and that they can recover and grow beyond this experience. Don't make decisions for them and don't try to fix them. Let them know you speak for yourself. Exit counselor will encourage cult member to talk about what happened to him. Too much intellectualizing may inhibit the survivor from getting in touch with his or her emotions. Fear, guilt, anger, grief, rage, sorrow must be felt and expressed in their own time. An over spiritualizing of emotions may have been present in the dysfunctional system, with certain emotions demanded and others condemned by a twisting of scripture. The result is a don't feel your real feelings rule. Listen, empathize, and offer words that may describe what the person is feeling, since they may not be able to identify it themselves at first. Limit feedback and comments to supportive statements. Keep confidentiality. Be trustworthy. Exit counselor will not push for trust. He will not push the recovery process. He has full respect for their boundaries.
Be gentle as you interpret what was hurtful and wrong in the group. Remember, they probably have left behind some people that are still dear to their hearts and do not wish to blame them. Information about co-dependency and dysfunctional families and other institutions at this stage may be helpful in confronting denial. Provide information that will help them to learn or re-learn how to function, without fear or shame, in the larger society. Lend them self-help books to read. Help with professional counseling as needed. Be available as a friend in a small group of friends.
Coping Strategies for Ex-member's are as under. They tend to maintain a routine. They make change slowly: physical, emotional, nutritional, geographical, etc. They should monitor their health, including nutrition, medical checkups. They should avoid drugs and alcohol. Daily exercise reduces dissociation spacey ness, anxiety and insomnia. They should avoid sensory overload. They should drive consciously without music. They should establish time and place landmarks such as calendars and clocks. Make lists of activities in advance. Update lists daily or weekly. Difficult tasks and large projects should be kept on separate lists. Before going on errands, review list of planned activities, purchases and projects. Mark items off as you complete them. Keep updated on current news. News shows are helpful because they repeat, especially if you have memory concentration difficulties. They should try to read one complete news article daily to increase comprehension. They should develop reading "stamina" with the aid of a timer. Increasing reading periods progressively. Dissociation is an acquired habit, so it is likely to take time to break.
When floating occurs, firmly remind yourself that the episode was triggered by some stimulus. Remember also that it will pass. Identify the trigger, learn to make a new association, and repeat the new association until it overrides the old one. Talking it over with someone who understands can really help. The days away from the cult atmosphere gave the former members a chance to think, rest, and see friends and to collect perspective on their feelings.
Follow-up should consist of ongoing contact with the exit-counselor as well as the ex-member, to answer questions, provide moral support and an understanding ear, and to encourage him to face the rest of his life as a new challenge. Activities can be arranged to lessen the stress incurred during the intervention, such as sports and recreation, and time with the family. It is important that he associates with normal people. Eventually, he should be encouraged to share his testimony, an effective therapy in itself. Let him know that he is not alone; introduce him to a support group. Recovery takes time as well, and the family or friends should be instructed not to rush the recovery. Any emotional or psychological problems that pre-existed his cult involvement often have to be dealt with as well, perhaps through counseling.
Frequently using feedback to create a strategy is also important. Over time, family, relatives, and friends become comfortable with and consciously adopt this goal-oriented style of communication. When the desired result is observed, friends and family members as a team will move forward to the next goal. Friends and family members as a team are given the tools to take care of their own emotional needs and overcome problems such as low self-esteem, phobias, or addiction. When each family member takes responsibility for growth and change, it takes a lot of pressure off the cult member. His perspective often changes from "I'm the victim, and everyone is here to help me," to "We're a family, and everyone is growing and learning." In this way, families are able to model healthy behavior that will inspire the cult member to change.
Work towards trusting yourself and relying on your own abilities. Find a hobby or pastime to reinforce a positive sense of accomplishment. Handle decisions, tasks, and relearning of interpersonal skills one step at a time. Don't rush yourself, talk and think things over, and don't be afraid if you make mistakes – we all do mistakes ! Be more willing to help people as you go along. This builds up self-esteems and exercises your problem-solving skills. Keep away from organized religion for about three to nine months, at least. Deal with your questions about religion, ethics, and philosophy in an honest, objective and challenging manner. Remember, you are no longer a victim but a survivor ! You will not be able to make up for all the years the cult has stolen from you, but you can make up for some of those lost years. If you are willing to acquire new skills and improve others, you can and will be able to build a healthy and well-functioning life with a dream you can work toward.
Many ex-cults members tell that they were grateful for the intervention and had been hoping for rescue. These people say that they had felt themselves powerless to carry out their desire to leave because of psychological and social pressures from companions and officials inside. They often speak of a combination of guilt over defecting and fear of the cult's retaliation which is excommunication if they tried. In addition, they were uncertain over how they would manage in the outside world that they had for so long held in contempt.
It cannot be over-emphasized how much it will help healing of an ex-cult member when you sue the oppressor even if you do not win. When you see your oppressor on the stand in the court as a mere and often pathetic mortal with no magical or special spiritual powers, it does wonders to break more of the cult induce mindset out of you and restore to you once again your own power. Suing your oppressor also does much to teach others about their abuses through the pubic exposure you bring to them in the disinfecting light of the courts. Should any members of the group feel they have been physically violated, such as being sexually abused or threatened physical harm, or forced to donate money as a result of intimidation, they must step forward and be willing to produce statutory declarations so that legal actions is initiated. The victims must however, be made to feel assured that they have adequate protection should they decide to take this recourse. Should you decide to act against a particular cult, be forewarned that the ride could be long and hard. It will test personal resolve, stamina and resources. It is imperative to get public support and to do proper research. Finally, suing them for legitimate abuse increases their costs for wrongdoing and begins to make them consider avoiding such wrongdoing which would cause more similar suits in the future.
Educate others on the cult and their abuses. FACTNet just do that. There are many ways to help you do this on and off the internet. Contact a known blogger and have a chat about the situation. Another way is to write to the media. You may be surprised to find that there are many helpful people out there who can give relevant and pertinent advice. It is important to bring into open and share your experiences. Just by talking about it helps to release some of the bottled up frustrations. Doing this with someone who listens empathetically is actually effective therapy.
If meeting with the teacher becomes inevitable, look at him or her in the eye and maintain contact. Identify the goal of the confrontation: What do you want him or her to do ? it is imperative to stay focused on the "one issue" that you want an answer from. This could range from "proving ordination credentials" to "allegations of sexual misconduct" to "allegations of misappropriation of funds" or other alleged misconducts. Do not be distracted by their other acts or legal threats. By not budging from that one issue, the cultist is not allowed any room to maneuver. By not being able to answer that one issue, their faux pas is openly exposed.
Difficulties Before Exit Counselor
Family members think that there is nothing else they can do. They feel totally resource less. The therapist must boost the morale of the family and friends. It may be argued by the cult leaders that the member is happy in the cult. It is wishful thinking to accept at face value a cult member's words that he is "happy." In a cult, happiness is often redefined as sacrifice or suffering. Happiness in Heaven's Gate was defined as overcoming "individuality" and "humanness," and suicide was redefined as advancing to the next level of existence. The cult identity was "happy" to die. But as we have learned, this cult identity is created by sophisticated mind control techniques. It does not represent the whole individual.
It is argued that he is too intelligent to join a cult. Cults intentionally recruit "valuable" people. They go after those who are intelligent, caring, and motivated. They want members who will work hard with little sleep. They have an active imagination and a creative mind. Most are idealistic and socially conscious. The more creative a person is, the more his imagination can be used to control that person. The bright member usually follows his own fantasy construction of the group's belief system. It is argued that the cult member is adult and he has right to take decisions of himself. People don't realize that this is a tactic to neutralize objections and induce passive acceptance. If a loved one is under the influence of destructive mind control, relatives and friends have the right and the obligation to take steps to undo the mind control process so that the person can think independently. Once the cult member has an opportunity to learn about mind control, recognize the features of destructive cults, and meet with former members and critics, he will be in a position to make an informed choice. It is argued that he has the right to believe what he wants to believe. One should be ready to accept challenge and test his assumptions. This is more than just a one-time process. It should be done by all of us, as we mature into responsible people. Cult leaders argue that he will live cult at his own when he wants. This attitude presumes that the cult member has the resources and free choice to leave. In fact he does not have that. Our approach is to remove the phobias that keep the cult member imprisoned. It is important to do what you can to speed up the reality-testing process, because the longer the person stays in a cult, the more damage that is done to the fabric of their life. The more healthy contact that cult members can have with family, friends, and non-members, the better their chance to come out of the cult soon.
It is argued that he may be weak or looking for easy answers. Someone needs him to tell what to do. This is a very commonly held, but fallacious generalization about cult members. most cult members are not "weak" people, looking for someone to tell them what to do. A cult may provide temporary relief from traumatic circumstances, but cult involvement doesn't cure anyone's problems. cult mind control represses the real issues of the pre-cult and authentic identity. The cult member's past problems with family members and friends are used to break contact, rather than to resolve past hurt. When people leave a cult, all of these pre-cult issues resurface, along with the problems caused by membership in a destructive cult. Psychotherapy can set them on a path towards healing. Countless former cult members who have become teachers, lawyers, doctors, computer experts, and parents.
[ To be Continued .........]
References Abusive Churches How to recognize and deal with Spiritual Abuse Some Persuasive Techniques Used by Cults Social Psychology And Group Dynamics by Jan Groenveld Signs of Involvement in Spiritually Abusive Bible-Based Group Scripture Twisting Tactics of the Cults The Battle for Your Mind by Dick Sutphen Common Signs of Destructive Cults Why Some Can't Leave the Watchtower (and why others that do leave may not fare well) by Randy Watters Dangerous Cult Warning Signs By Robert Sturgeon
Following is taken from :- Four Aspects of Mind Control (as it relates to people in cults) Abusive Churches by Pat Zukeran The use of Mind Control in Religious Cults (Part One) By David Henke The Gospel According to Acharya S What is a Cult? SOME PERSUASION TECHNIQUES USED BY CULTS When Good People Do Nothing By James Randall Noblitt and Pamela Perskin Child Predators and Mind Control by Jerry McMullin MA, MLIS Access Methods: Neighborhoods.
Cult Awareness Network From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Eight Marks of a Mind-Control Cult by Randall Watters
Stressed to Kill: The Defense of Brainwashing Sniper Suspect's Claim Triggers More Debate Washington Post/November 21, 2003 By Don Oldenburg
The Anatomy of Illusion The Door Magazine-November/December 2004 By Pete Evans The Door Interview: Rick Ross 3 Ways a Cult Gains Control [Adapted from Kurt Lewin's three-stage model as described in Coercive Persuasion (Norton, 1961) by Edgar Schein] A Short Review of Academic Research Into Cults copyright 1993 by Jeff Jacobsen Biderman's Chart of Coercion Beware that Friendly Invitation Avoiding Churches That Abuse Antidote for Cult Recruitment Who Joins Cults? Characteristics of a Destructive Cult Brainwashing, Thought Control and the Cults Common Myths about Cult Involvement Danger signs in cults Deception, Dependency & Dread By Michael Langone, Ph. D. Discussion about Mind Control Destructive Manipulative Sects/Cults Dr. Margaret T. Singer's 6 Conditions for Thought Reform Eight Marks of Mind Control (Jan Groenveld) Exloding the Myths about 'Joining' Cults Evaluating a Group for Mind Control Individual Differences Affecting Recovery Interview with Exit Counsellor: Rick Ross Myths and Facts About Cult Involvement by Randall Watters Myths About Mind Control Common Properties of Potentially Destructive Cults Pick A Cult out of the Crowd
Allegations of brainwashing in new religious movements (sometimes called "cults")
Coercive Persuasion and Attitude ChangeEncyclopedia of Sociology Volume 1, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York By Richard J. Ofshe, Ph.D.
Cults in our Midst Psychological Persuasion Techniques Jossey-Bass Publishers San Franciso By Margaret Thaler Singer (with Janja Lalich)
Cult-ivating Terror:A brief analysis of the origins and effects of the cult phenomena in modern society by Joe Quinn
Dealing With Manipulative People An Excerpt from the book: In Sheep's ClothingBy George K. Simon
The Battle for Your Mind by Dick Sutphen Persuasion and Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public Today
Releasing the Bonds by Steven Hassan Portion from Steven Hassan's second book, Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves (FOM Press, 2000) Chapter 7 Understanding Cult Beliefs and Tactics DISTINGUISH INFORMATION FROM DISINFORMATION FAQ
Carol Giambalvo's Cult Information and Recovery Influence Robert B. Cialdini, Ph. D. Influence. Science and Practice, Robert B. Cialdini, Scott, Foresman and Company, 1985
The Relationship Between Mind Control Programming and Ritual Abuse, by Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D. (Revised 11-14-2004)
CULTS IN OUR MIDST, by Dr. Margaret Singer and Janja Lalich (Jossey-Bass Publishers, April 1995) The url of the original is
Captive Hearts, Captive MindsFreedom and Recovery from Cults and Abusive Relationships By Madeleine L. Tobias and Janja Lalich Chapter one excerpts – The Cultic Relationship. Warning signs of a destructive cult Thought Reform Programs and the Production of Psychiatric Casualties Psychiatric Annals 20:4, April 1990 By Margaret Thaler Singer, Ph. D., and Richard Ofshe, Ph. D. Coercive Persuasion – A New Coercive Psyco Technology How to spot a Buddhist cult By Upasaka HL Wai, The Buddhist Channel, July 2, 2007
( Who Joins Cults?)
Excerpts from Captive Hearts, Captive Minds: Freedom and Recovery from Cults and Abusive Relationships by Madeleine Tobias and Janja Lalich. ©1994. (Hunter House Publishers, 1-8UU-266-5.592.) Handling Cult Recruiters Recovery from Spiritual Abuse How You Can Help By Sharon Hilderbrant, M.A. Recovery from Religious Abuse By Eric Merrill Budd Recovery from Spiritual Abuse – How You Can Help By Sharon Hilderbrant, M.A. Stages in Recovery from Cult Involvement The Emotional Pain Of Leaving A Cult Deception-Dependency-Dread Coping With Trace States: The Aftermath of Leaving Counselling People Who Walk Away From a Cult By Madeleine Landau Tobias Deprogramming and Exit-Counseling – Are They For Christians? by Randall Watters Post-Cult Trauma Syndrome
* This information is a composite list from the following sources: "Coming Out of Cults", by Margaret Thaler Singer, Psychology Today, Jan. 1979, P. 75; "Destructive Cults, Mind Control and Psychological Coercion", Positive Action Portland, Oregon, and "Fact Sheet", Cult Hot-Line and Clinic, New York City.
Coming Out of the Cults Psychology Today, January 1979 By Margaret T. Singer, Ph. D. Prevent Coercive Persuasion & Mind Control Steven Hassan's Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves. FOM Press, 2000 How I healed the psychological injuries from my abuse in a cult By Lawrence Wollersheim Deprogramming: Coping With and Undoing the Programming Handling a cult situation By Upasaka HL Wai, The Buddhist Channel, July 3, 2007 RELIGIOUS MIND-CONTOL CULTS by Brian Desborough also at Mind Control Techniques archived 01-31-00 Archive file# re013100a donated by PURPLE The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists (Paperback) by Colin A. Ross Cults in our Midst Meditation Jossey-Bass Publishers San Franciso By Margaret Thaler Singer (with Janja Lalich) Danger of Cults is Growing
Mind Control and the Secret State by Daniel Brandt From NameBase NewsLine, No. 12, January-March 1996 Sinister Connections?
MindNet Journal – Vol. 1, No. 4 From NameBase NewsLine, No. 12, January-March 1996: Mind Control and the Secret State by Daniel Brandt
Mind Control 101 An Introduction By David McGowan July 1, 2001
Susan Ford, BA, BCIAC-EEG <> January 9, 2005 Mind Control Conference, Tryon, North Carolina, August 2004 Neurofeedback and Other Interventions for Patients with Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, and Dissociative Disorders Mind Control Slavery and the New World Order By by Uri Dowbenko © 1998 RELIGIOUS MIND-CONTROL CULTS by Brian Desborough
August 15, 2009 Posted by sheetalmarkam | Arya-Brahmin Vengeance, Evil-Plans, Social Change | 1 Comment
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Fate of Indigenous Parties After
Communal-Casteist Congress Captured Crown
(Copyright-free Document)
Synthesized by
Sheetal Markam (Commander -in -Chief, Gondwana Mukti Sena, India)
Suhail Ansari, Advocate Harshvardhan Jogendra Meshram (B.A., B.Lib, Inf.Sc.; L.L.B.), Nagpur; Urmila Marco (C.G.), Niranjan Masram, Yavtamal
Communication Address :
Sheetal Markam Gondwana Vikas Mandal, 233 Sant Tukdoji Nagar, Manewara Road, Nagpur -440 024 (India)
Table of Contents
An Appeal
This document is a synthesis of material that we had downloaded from internet, Election commission of India and information collected from various periodicals and books. The document aims to present a complete meaningful picture that reveal real enemies hiding behind curtain in the garb of friends and their deceiving techniques so that the exploited and oppressed indigenous masses of India and the world can decide an appropriate measure to defeat these satanic perpetrators.
We request every capable person / organization to translate and print this document in their native language either in full or in parts and sell it at the price of their own choice as this document like our every published literature either in print or in electronic media is Copyright-free and is declared as the property of indigenous masses of the world.
We also request websites dedicated against exploitation and oppression to post this document and the literature posted at our blog at as one of their web page / web pages. Aware persons and their organizations are requested to copy the Document and E-books on CDs and circulate them widely. They are also requested to post this document and E-Books as a blog and send it to their friends through E-Mail. — Sheetal Markam
Terms Used in this Document
Important :- While citing the information taken from various sources, to make the same information truly meaningful we have used words such as Brahminists, Manuists, Arya-Brahminists, exploiters, Arya-Brahminists riding the government, Manu-media, Brahmincracy, Arya-Brahminist Demoncracy, communal-casteist and so on and some information in bold letters. We have also put our own comments within { } to make the information more meaningful.
1) Adivasi : indigenous people that use to live in forests and also many settled in cities.
2) Arya-Brahmins : Persons who call themselves supreme race and above the law and even god. According to them the remaining masses are brought into existence to be ruled by Arya-Brahmins in the manner Arya-Brahmin like. Arya-Brahmins also represent any person, group or community that consider itself higher than the rest of mankind in above mentioned manner.
3) Arya-Brahminist : Any person belonging to any religion, caste or community who believes that the Arya-Brahmins are supreme race meant to rule the rest of the mankind and strives for imposition of Arya-Brahmin rule or strive for strengthening it by heart is an Arya-Brahminist.
4) Agent of Arya-Brahminist : Any person who work for establishing the supremacy of Arya-Brahmins to get some kind of favor is an agent of Arya-Brahmins.
5) Slave of Arya-Brahmins : Any person who is compelled to work for establishing the supremacy of Arya-Brahmins or to serve Arya-Brahmins against his wish is a slave of Arya-Brahmins.
6) Bahujans : The exploited and oppressed masses of the world who almost form 85% of total population are considered as Bahujans. In India OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasi together constitute the population of Bahujans.
7) Bahujanism : Is ideology that ultimately aims to end exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins (no matter what they are called) and aims to establish exploitation free society in which the various sections of Bahujans get their representation in every field according to their population proportion and Bahujan masses directly control the representatives they choose to run the government.
Bahujanist : Is a person who fights against the exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins and their exploitation system; believes in equality, fraternity and brotherhood is Bahujanist.
Bahujanists include various Bahujan saints Such as Chakradhar, Namdev, Ravidas, Kabir, Tukaram, Harichand Thakur etc.; Social revolutionaries such as Pitamah Jyotirav Fule, Shahu Maharaj, Periyar E.V. Ramasami, Dr. Ambedkar, Guruchand Thakur etc; and communists such as Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao. All of them fought against exploitation and oppression of their time in the ways available to them under prevailing conditions.
9) Brahminism : The ideology that preaches supremacy of Arya-Brahmins over rest of the mankind and give Arya-Brahmins absolute power is Brahminism.
10) Manuism : Is Brahminism explained by Mr. Manu.
11) Dalits : Are castes compelled to do menial work and were declared as untouchables.
12) Manumedia : Media of exploiter Arya-Brahminists and the Illuminati and its exploiter class of the world.
13) Manusmriti : Book of the code of Mr. Manu.
14) OBC : Other backward classes.
15) Tri-Iblis : Iblis means Satan. Tri-Iblis is alliance of three satanic forces ( 1. Zionism, 2. Brahmanism and 3. American Imperialism) out to enslave indigenous masses of the world under the leadership of Satan worshipper Illuminati.
Total Gain of Brahminist Parties
Everybody including the communal-casteist Congress which was fear-ridden of getting ousted from power and of extinction, was extremely surprised to see their unimagined gain in 2009 elections that enabled Communal-Casteist Congress to capture the crown of India. With this win Communal-Casteist Congress and Arya-Brahminist Manumedia started intensive nationwide propaganda that it is the mandate for 1) stability {read stability of exploitation and oppression}, 2) negating regional parties {read Local Aspirations}, and 3) faith in national parties.
Our objective analyses and their synthesis made from the "Bahujan perspective" given below may give surprises to the reader of this copyright-free document.
Following table gives gain of Arya-Brahminist parties. In the table we have categorized these Arya-Brahminist parties into 1) Hardcore Brahminist parties (because of their anti-Bahujan activities) and 2) Deceptive Brahminist parties because they deceive masses wearing Bahujanwadi mask but in reality serve Brahminism and Arya-Brahmin interests.
Table 1 : Brahminist Parties that Gained in Election |
| Hardcore Brahminists | Deceptive Brahminists | Total |
Year | INC | TC | Admk | BJD | RLD | NC+ | NCP |
2009 | 206 | 19 | 09 | 14 | 5 | 4 | 9 | 266 |
2004 | 145 | 02 | 0 | 11 | 3 | 3 | 9 | 173 |
Diff | 61 | 17 | 09 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 93 |
Totals | 87 | 06 |
From table 1 we find that hardcore Brahminist parties such as Communal-Casteist Congress, Trinmul Congress and All India Anna Dravid Munnetra Kazgam (ADMK) together have won 87 extra seats, out of which Communal-Casteist Congress gained 61 seats.
Although Communal-Casteist Congress has a gain of 61 seats but its percent gain is lower (61/145) 100 = 42.07%. than AIADMK which is [(9/0)100] = infinite and of TC which is [(17/2)100] = 850%.
Deceptive Brahminist parties such as Biju Janata Dal (BJD), Nationalist Congress party of Sharad Pawar (NCP), Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD), National Conference and other Muslim parties of Upper caste Muslims (NC+) who have a little regional and non-Brahmin touch have gained 6 additional seats. Their percent gain collectively is of [(6/26)] = 23.07% which is marginal.
All these hardcore and deceptive Brahminist parties together have gained 93 seats in total. Now we objectively analyze why they gained these 93 seats and really where-form these seats have came.
Why the Fascist
Communal-Casteist Congress Captured Crown ?
Following are the main reasons why fascist communal-casteist Congress could capture the crown.
Reason No. 1 :
Arya-Brahmin Parties Ensured victory ofCommunal-Casteist Congress
In the very beginning we want to draw your attention to the fact that the combined Congress-BJP vote percent has remained unchanged.
Following table gives comparison of vote share of Brahminist Parties.
Table 2 : Percent Votes of Brahminist parties in 2009 and 2004 Parliamentary Elections |
Parties > | INC | BJP | CPI | CPM |
2009 | 29.67 | 19.29 | 1.46 | 5.52 |
2004 | 26.69 | 22.16 | 1.40 | 5.69 |
Difference | 2.98 | -2.87 | 0.06 | -0.17 |
Totals | 0.11 | -.11 |
Totals | Zero Gain together in Vote of Brahminist Parties |
From table 2 when Brahminist parties are considered together, it become crystal clear that they have failed to improve their poll percent in spite of spending huge money and applying every tactics.
When these Arya-Brahminist parties utterly failed to gain the confidence of indigenous masses then why "Communal-Casteist Congress could capture Crown" by increasing its seats ? It is not difficult to answer this question. From table 2 it becomes clear that these Arya-Brahminist parties had developed secret understanding between themselves that they will transfer their votes to that candidate who had better chances of defeating indigenous candidates of OBC, Dalit, Adivasi Parties.
This strategy is being used widely since last few elections when Arya-Brahmin parties sensed that parties of indigenous masses may tie together and oust Arya-Brahmin rule from India. Therefore, following policy is being implemented by the Arya-Brahmin leadership in elections :-
1. Arya-Brahminist parties should insure that they should transfer their votes to the candidate of that Arya-Brahminist party having better prospects of defeating OBC, Dalit, Adivasi party candidate. Thus every Arya-Brahmin party must insure that indigenous parties do not become strong.
2. When the Communal-Casteist Congress and Communal-fascist BJP both are compelled to declare indigenous candidates from their party, then Arya-Brahmins should vote for the indigenous candidate who is most obedient and slave of Brahminism and who does not have capacity to become a slightest obstacle for Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression.
3. When Arya-Brahminist parties are compelled to declare nomination of indigenous candidates from their parties and an Arya-Brahmin defected and attained candidature from the party of indigenous Bahujans then Arya-Brahminists should transfer their votes to such candidate to protect Brhminism.
4. When Arya-Brahmins have no other alternative but to declare indigenous candidates faithful to Arya-Brahmin interests, the Arya-Brahmins should vote for that indigenous candidate who belonged to relatively higher caste.
5. When one candidate is indigenous while the other is Arya-Brahmin, All Arya-Brahmins should vote for the Arya-Brahmin candidate.
6. When both the declared candidates are Arya-Brahmin candidates, then All the Arya-Brahmins should vote for the candidate who is most faithful or who had higher probability of getting elected.
Communal-Casteist Congress, fascist BJP and Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership as usual made secret understanding to defeat every Bahujan candidate irrespective of their party affiliation who can become threat to Arya-Brahmin hegemony.
1) BSP lost Azamgarh seat to Communal-fascist BJP because votes of Samajwadi party and Communal-Casteist Congress were shifted to communal-fascist BJP. As a result, while in 2004 Election SP had 35.32% votes and the Communal-Casteist Congress had 13.66% votes are now reduced to 17.57 and 4.42 percent respectively.
2) BSP lost Barabunki seat to Communal-Casteist Congress because SP and communal-fascist BJP votes shifted towards Communal-Casteist Congress along with Savarna votes of BSP itself. In 2004 Election SP and communal-fascist BJP had 32.48 and 21.47 percent votes respectively. Because of these deliberate transfer of votes, SP and communal-fascist BJP are reduced to 21.59 and 6.41 percent votes respectively.
3) BSP lost Chandauli seat to SP with a narrow margin because communal-fascist BJP which had 25.81% votes in 2004 reduced to 11.34% votes as a result of vote shifting in favor of SP and Communal-Casteist Congress. Savarna votes of BSP also shifted to SP and Communal-Casteist Congress.
4) BSP lost fatehpur seat to SP for the same reason. Communal-fascist BJP and Communal-Casteist Congress had 20.03 and 18.30 percent votes respectively. As a result of vote shifting they are reduced to 16.66 and 1.56 percent respectively. In this constituency also Savarna votes of BSP have migrated to SP.
5) BSP lost Machlishahr seat to SP because communal-fascist BJP which had 25.27% votes was reduced to 20.35% votes and BSP which had 35.10 % votes was reduced to 27.70% votes as a result of migration of Savarna votes of BSP.
6) BSP lost Mirzapur seat to SP because communal-fascist BJP and Communal-Casteist Congress shifted their votes to SP. Therefore communal-fascist BJP and Communal-Casteist Congress which had 22.74 and 19.33% votes are reduced to 19.06 and 7.67% respectively.
7) BSP lost Robertsganj seat to SP in spite of its little gain in its vote percent. Because mainly communal-fascist BJP votes shifted to SP. Fascist BJP which had 23.70 % votes after shifting reduced to 17.54%.
BSP lost Sultanpur seat to Communal-Casteist Congress because fascist BJP and SP shifted their votes to Communal-Casteist Congress in order to prevent the victory of BSP. SP had 22.16% and communal-fascist BJP had 12.67% votes in 2004 election. Votes of SP and communal-fascist BJP in 2009 election reduced to 15.24 and 6.28 respectively as a result of this vote shift.
9) BSP was defeated by Communal-Casteist Congress in Unnao because of vote shift to Communal-Casteist Congress. SP which had 29.33% reduced to 16.05%, communal-fascist BJP which had 17.30% reduced to 5.65% and above all BSP which had 32.57% was reduced to 19.17%. This lead Communal-Casteist Congress to reach to 52.56% votes.
Table 3 gives percent votes obtained by Samajwadi party where seats are won separately by communal-fascist BJP, the BSP, Communal-Casteist Congress and the RLD.
Table 3 : Vote Percent of Samajwadi Party in 2009 Parliamentary Elections |
Party Category | Mean vote % | N | Std. Deviation |
Where BJP Won | 18.4456 | 9 | 6.3305 |
Where BSP Won | 23.8435 | 20 | 5.5803 |
Where SP Won | 38.5765 | 23 | 7.2965 |
Where INC Won | 15.1637 | 19 | 5.7432 |
Where RLD Won | 14.8300 | 4 | 9.4831 |
Total | 25.0343 | 75 | 11.5383 |
From table we find that where the SP won, it has highest vote percent of 38.5765. On the other hand seats from which communal-fascist BJP, Communal-Casteist INC, and the RLD won, the percent mean votes of SP are 18.4456, 15.1637 and 14.83 respectively. This makes it clear that where SP lost its votes were shifted towards other non-BSP parties.
But seats where BSP won average vote percent of SP is 23.8435. This is significantly higher than the vote percent of seats where communal-fascist BJP, Communal-Casteist INC and the RLD won. This higher vote percent of SP on seats where BSP won indicate that where there is tough contest among all parties everybody tries to increase its performance. Therefore the magnitude of shifted votes against BSP are relatively less.
Table 4 gives average vote percent of communal-fascist BJP in 2009 parliamentary elections.
Table 4 : Vote Percent of BJP in 2009 Parliamentary Elections |
Party Category | Mean | N | Std. Deviation |
Where BJP Won | 37.6260 | 10 | 8.4496 |
Where BSP Won | 18.8822 | 18 | 7.8430 |
Where SP Won | 15.0786 | 22 | 5.5755 |
Where INC Won | 14.7635 | 20 | 9.0342 |
Total | 19.1877 | 70 | 10.8053 |
From the table we find that where communal-fascist BJP has won, it has highest vote percent of 37.626. On the other hand where SP and Communal-Casteist Congress has won its vote percent is merely 15.0786 and 14.7635 respectively. This indicates that Savarna votes of communal-fascist BJP are shifted to Non-BSP parties in order to prevent BSP victory.
On the contrary for seats where BSP won the communal-fascist BJP vote percent is 18.8822 percent which is significantly higher than the vote percent for the seats where SP and Communal-Casteist Congress won. This again establishes that on seats where fight is multi-cornered and tough the shifting of votes occur less.
Table 5 below gives vote percent of Communal-Casteist Congress in 2009 parliamentary elections.
Table 5 : Vote Percent of Congress in 2009 Parliamentary Elections |
Party Category | Mean | N | Std. Deviation |
Where BJP Won | 14.4267 | 9 | 9.8828 |
Where BSP Won | 15.9665 | 17 | 7.1226 |
Where SP Won | 10.5194 | 17 | 8.4140 |
Where INC Won | 38.2881 | 21 | 13.7128 |
Where RLD Won | 11.4740 | 5 | 7.1994 |
Total | 20.8916 | 69 | 15.3920 |
From the above table we find the same story repeated. Where Communal-Casteist Congress won it has highest vote percent of 38.2881. Vote shift of Communal-Casteist Congress is more in support of SP and RLD than for fascist BJP indicating that these votes might have belonged to secular Bahujans under the deception of Communal-Casteist Congress.
Where BSP won the Communal-Casteist Congress has relatively little higher vote share again indicating that BSP could win only where there were multi-cornered close fights preventing Non-BSP parties to shift their votes.
These are few of the examples among several which indicate how an internal understanding was reached to defeat BSP. Such understanding existed in earlier elections also. We have more than enough examples in support of this fact. BSP supremo Mayavati in her press conference alleged that parties opposed to BSP had unanimously voted for the candidate who appeared to have greater prospects of defeating BSP.
Arya-Brahminists belonging to every party sabotaged victory of non-Brahmin candidates who could become a threat to Arya-Brahmin leadership in general. As a result of this policy of secret understanding among Arya-Brahmins, Shushilkumar Shinde (Dalit) Ex Congress chief minister of Maharashtra lost from Solapur constituency who had contested on ticket of Communal-Casteist Congress. Communal-Casteist Congress candidate Ex-Chief minister Mr. A. R. Antuley is also defeated. It should be remembered that Antuley had demanded inquiry into the murder of Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare and his colleagues suggesting that Arya-Brahmin terrorist organizations were responsible for their killings. From Bilaspur seat of Chhattisgarh Dr. Renu Jogi wife of Ajit Jogi was defeated on ticket of Communal-Casteist Congress. Mr Ajit Jogi has been a severe critique of Salva Judum and resulting massacres of indigenous masses. Vinay Katihar of communal-fascist BJP is also conspired to lose from Uttar Pradesh as he was becoming prominent Bahujan face in communal-fascist BJP and threat to mass-less Arya-Brahmin leadership of communal-fascist BJP. Katihar being a non-Brahmin mass leader had demanded quota for OBC, Dalit, Adivasi and Muslim women in women's reservation Bill. Shankarshingh Waghela (OBC) of Communal-Casteist Congress also made to lose from Gujarat because of his pro-Bahujan attitudes. Dalit Buta Singh was denied party ticket by Communal-Casteist Congress and when he contested as an independent candidate it was ensured by Arya-Brahminists of all parties that he loses from Jalore seat of Rajastan. MDMK chief Vaiko was made to lose from Tamilnadu because he has been sympathetic to LTTE, Tamil Elam and LTTE chief Prabhakaran. Bangarappa (Dalit) was also conspired to be defeated. Margarett Alva who had dared to accuse Communal-Casteist Congress leadership of selling party tickets to higher bidders was also made to lose. Such a list is very long. Many of these so defeated leaders such as Shushil Kumar Shinde etc. were rehabilitated at the "mercy" of their Arya-Brahmin leadership to remain underdogs for ever.No Muslim candidate is elected from Maharashtra. This is sufficient to expose Communal-Casteist face of Congress.
Reason No. 2 :
Bahujan Parties veiled communal-Casteist face of Congress and Certified it Secular !
In fact aware section of common masses have been realizing that Communal-Casteist Congress was never secular and is inseparable part of Sangh-Parivar. It has becoming increasingly clear that :-
1) It was hypocrite Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi of communal-casteist Congress who did not want independence of India if OBC, Dalit, Muslim Adivasi are placed equal with the Arya-Brahmins. Therefore he sat on hunger strike until death to compel Dr. B. R. Ambedkar to withdraw the separate electorate granted for Dalits by then British prime minister. Through Poona Pact he compelled Dalits to surrender separate electorate which was invaluable political weapon of Dalits that not only ensured their every protection but would have made the indigenous Bahujans ruler of their country through the following process :- 1) Because in separate electorate voters were only Dalits hence they would have elected staunch revolutionary Dalits. Though the separate electorates were few in number their voice could not have been denied as it being the voice of whole Dalits. 2) In addition to voting right in separate electorate, the Dalits also had right to vote in joint electorate. With this vote they would have elected those Non Arya-Brahmin candidates who are committed to Bahujan interest. This would have soon ousted the Arya-Brahmin rule from India.
After Poona pact, communal-casteist Congress with Arya-Brahmin votes elected their Dalit stooges who for their selfish interests helped Arya-Brahmins to exploit OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi indigenous masses in every respect. That is why communal-casteist Congress and its stooges are glorifying "Poona Pact' day as Dalit rights day which is nothing other that "stooge-rights day".
2) Under the leadership of Communal-casteist Congress handed over areas dominated by Dalits, Chakma and other militant communities where Muslims were in minority. These areas were Jassor, Khulana, Barishal, Faridpur, Dhaka and Maimansingh province. They were handed over to Pakistan to establish Arya-Brahmin political hegemony in west Bengal and punish Bengali Dalits who had elected Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on constituent assembly when communal-casteist Congress had sworn to keep him out of constituent assembly. In Chittagong hills 98% of Chakma believed in Buddhism through the ages. This was the only region devoid of Hindu or Muslim population. In spite of that the whole region was handed over to Pakistan by Arya-Brahminist rulers to see that Arya-Brahmin rule remain intact in West Bengal. Arya-Brahmins are still avenging Bengali refugees in worst possible satanic ways. For complete details please log on to our blog at and please read "Arya-Brahmin Vengeance on Bengali-Tamil Dalits & Chakma Adivasi Indigenous Refugees" in " Arya-Brahmin vengeance" category of the blog.
3) It was communal-casteist Congress which to protect Arya-Brahmin rule partitioned motherland into India and Pakistan and unleashed communal carnage on indigenous masses to keep them divided in communal frenzy. This ensured that indigenous Muslims and non-Muslims who originally belong to Nag-Dravid community keep on killing each other, shall always remain deprived and will never unite to oust their common Arya-Brahmin enemy.
4) Dr. Ambedkar wanted to make provision of reservation for backward Muslims through Indian constitution. He tried to persuade Maulana Abul Kalam Azad in this regard. But Mr. Azad who was an upper caste Muslim leader of communal-casteist Congress accused Dr. Ambedkar that he was trying to divide Muslims and refused the offered reservation for backward Muslims.
5) Jawaharlal Nehru and his company wanted to create disturbances in Islam. They were successful in keeping provision of common civil code in article 45 which was brought to meet their intention of creating disturbances in Islam. No upper caste Muslim leaders opposed the provision.
6) It was Nehru the leader of Communal casteist Congress who had issued instructions that Muslims should not be appointed in military and other services. (Dalit Voice, 1-15 May2001) George Fernandez had revealed that Mrs. Gandhi the leader of communal-casteist Congress before the 1971 war in Bangla Desh had issued an order to chief ministers of Indian states that No Muslims be appointed in Army and on important posts. (Nav Bharat, 30 September 2003) Then home minister of Congress Mr. Govind Vallabh Pant had issued an order that Muslims should not be appointed in Army or their appointment should be kept minimum. The order issued by him is still effective because no government until now made it null and void. (Nav Bharat, 13 April 2006)
7) In year 1935 Arya-Brahmins were 3% in bureaucracy. The communal-casteist policies of Nehru and its communal-casteist Congress raised Arya-Brahmin strength in services from 3% to 70%. till 1989.(V.T. Rajshekar, Dialogue of the Bhudevtas)
It was communal-casteist congress which enforced in Indian constitution the provision of banning cow-slaughter through article 48 forgetting that cow-flesh is cheap and is eaten as food my Christians, Muslims as well as by Hindu castes. The number of cow-eaters is more among non-Muslims than the Muslims. Upper caste Muslims and upper caste Christians did not oppose the article.
9) It is communal-casteist Congress which has kept OBC away from their legitimate reservation. Communal-casteist Congress refused to appoint commission to determine OBC reservation. When Dr. Ambedkar resigned from government in protest of this and threatened to launch agitation, communal casteist Congress appointed Kaka Kalelkar Commission and did not implement its recommendations to give 52% reservations to OBC. Kaka Kalelkar himself a Brahmin and leader of communal-casteist Congress wrote in his personal letter to Nehru not to implement the recommendations of his commission. After decades Mandal commission was organized to decide OBC reservation. Again it was communal-casteist Congress which did not implement OBC reservation recommended by Mandal Commission.
10) It was communal-casteist Congress who to sidetrack the issue of implementation of Mandal commission recommendations to OBC engineered operation blue star and demolished golden temple of Sikhs in Amritsar. The whole country was kept charged with the communal frenzy in which OBC issue was completely sidetracked.
11) Communal-casteist Congress to sidetrack the issue of OBC reservation sent so called peace keeping force in Shri Lanka.
12) Communal casteist Congress to sidetrack the issue of OBC reservation had laid the foundation of demolition of Babri Mosque. Then deputy commissioner of Faizabad Mr. K. K. Nair issued an administrative proposal on 10th October 1949 to general administration that a Ram temple be build in Ayodhya. Few months after that stealthily a idol of Rama was installed in Babri Mosque and the very next day the mosque was locked and Muslims were prohibited from performing Namaz in Babri mosque. (In 1983 Indira Gandhi had took out Hindu Ekatmta Yatra.) In the regime of communal-casteist Congress Mr. Arun Nehru minister of communal-casteist Congress opened gates of Babari mosque for Hindus to offer prayers to Ram idol (installed earlier) implementing the order of a Brahmin judge Mr. Pande. While the Hindus were allowed prayers in mosque, Muslims were prevented from performing Namaz. Prime minister Rajeev Gandhi of communal-casteist Congress Performed Shilanyas in 1989 and had announced RamRajya. Communal casteist Congress let the Babri Mosque to be demolished. Mr. P. V. Narsingha Rao of communal-casteist Congress on TV happily watched Babri Mosque being demolished. The whole country was again thrown into communal carnages. Congress leaders actively helped in these carnages and genocides with the parties openly declared as communalists.
13) It was communal-casteist Congress which had created state sponsored genocides of Sikhs all over India and Delhi.
14) It is communal-casteist Congress which did not do anything to punish the culprits of Sikh carnages.
15) According to the Hitwada (6 November 2004) Arya-Brahminists of communal-casteist Congress riding Indian government gave 1.5 million dollar amount to then Punjab governor Mr. Surendra Nath so that in Punjab (in the name of Khalistani militants) and in Kashmir (in the name of Muslim terrorists) such terrorist activities should be executed which will make them unpopular and people will hate them. terrorist CAT force was formed which accomplished this task. It is alleged that Arya-Brahmins riding Indian government killed 115000 (One Lac fifteen thousand) Sikhs in Punjab since 1984, since 1947 killed 150000 Christians in Nagaland and since 1988 killed 43000 Muslims in Kashmir.
16) It is under the rule of communal-casteist Congress that Arya-Brahmins ensured that no killer of Dalits and Muslims be punished. Communal-casteist Congress never implemented decisions of Commissions such as Shrikrishna Commission to punish culprits of communal riots.
17) Forget about, common masses even the communal-casteist Congress did nothing to save family of its own member of parliament in genocide of Muslims in Gujarat. The sister of late Ahsan Jafari the member of parliament accused that when rioters were attacking their house, her brother on phone requested every leader and officer including Mrs. Sonia Gandhi to protect them from the rioters but no action was taken. (Nav Bharat, 15 December 2002) It is accused that workers and leaders of the communal-casteist Congress actively participated in the genocide of Muslims in Gujarat.
Congress has engineered genocides of Muslim all over India having mutual understanding with fascist Sangh-Parivar organizations. An Ex-chief minister of communal-casteist Congress has admitted in his autobiography that communal riot in Bhagalpur was engineered by then chief minister. But communal-casteist Congress took no action in this regard. (Lokmat Samachar, 3 August 2005) it was communal casteist Congress who advised president Abdul Kalam that using his special privileges he should not deliver to Nanawati Commission investigating Gujarat riots the copies of letters that then president of India K. R. Narayanan (Dalit) had written to then prime minister Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpeyi to take immediate measures to stop Gujarat riots. (Samrat, 25 September 2005)
18) It was Narsingha Rao, the prime minister of communal-casteist Congress government, in order to make reservation meaningless had started privatization of government units because in private industries there is no reservation. Thousands of reserved jobs were thus instantly abolished and Arya-Brahmin boys and girls occupied these jobs in privatized units. Communal-casteist Congress had intensified the policy of liberalization, globalization and privatization in the interest of Arya-Brahmins while making the life of Bahujans hellish.
19) It is communal-casteist Congress which is implementing policy of "Special Economic Zones" and uprooting millions of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi Bahujans from their ancestral homes and making their life hellish. This is being done to ensure high posts for their Arya-Brahmin boys and girls in these SEZs which are given status analogous to "foreign territory' where they have every facility to loot the country and the workers without fear.
20) It is communal-casteist Congress which in collaboration with communal-fascist BJP is performing genocides and rapes of Adivasi through "Salva Judum" campaign of state sponsored private armed forces. Salva Judum is being launched with intention to extinct Adivasi from their ancestral land so that their land can be occupied by Multinational companies for mining precious minerals.
21) It was communal-casteist Congress which while its rule in Orissa, had ensured jobs for their Arya-Brahmin women by implementing women's reservation in Orissa without providing quota for OBC, Dalit, Muslim and Adivasi women in women's reservations. Communal-casteist Congress very well knew that because OBC, Dalit, Muslim and Adivasi women's quota is not decided hence they shall be at liberty to select their Arya-Brahmin women on jobs blaming OBC, Dalit, Muslim and Adivasi women "not suitable".
22) It is communal-casteist Congress in unison with fascist BJP and Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership are yearning to implement women's reservation bill in parliament without ensuring Quota of OBC, Dalit, Muslim and Adivasi women because they want to grab entire seats for their Arya-Brahmin women.
23) Adivasi land bill had made obligatory for Kerala government to ensure return of the Adivasi land to Adivasi which was grabbed by non-adivasi. It was communal-casteist Congress which along with its Brahmin fake communist leadership of CPM and CPI ensured that the bill shall never be implemented in Kerala. They shamelessly kept on amending the bill and prevented Adivasi land to be handed over to the Adivasi masses.
24) It was communal casteist Congress who executed genocide of Adivasi in Muthanga forest. These Adivasis had made settlement at Muthanga barren land and made it their haven were demanding Congress government to fulfill their agreement with Adivasi leader C. K. Janu and allot them the land as per written agreement between them. Communal casteist Congress in unison with Brahmin fake communist leadership of CPI and CPM have been evicting Adivasi from their land and selling the land to the land Mafia. (for complete details please read our Hindi awareness book "Brahmanwad Ki Giraft Me Dam Todata Samyavadi Inkelab by Sheetam Markam pp. 480, price Rs. 150/- send MO to Mrs. Sujata Wasnik, 14, Thaware Colony, Nagpur – 440014 (India)).
25) It is communal-casteist Congress which took no action against the fake communist government of West Bengal which was perpetrators of genocides of Bengali Dalit refugees settled in Morichjhapi of Sunderban. This genocide of Dalits was greater than the alleged genocides committed by Hitler.
26) It is communal-casteist Congress which had done everything to protect the fascist government of West Bengal lead by Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership which had executed state sponsored genocides, rapes and mutilation of genitals of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi women in Nandigram.
27) It is the communal-casteist Congress which is compelling scavengers to carry human excreta on their head. Communal-casteist Congress, communal-fascist BJP and Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership do not want abolition of this inhuman system as they want Valmiki community to remain below animal level.
28) To further make Valmiki community dependent upon Arya-Brahmins the communal casteist Congress in unison with communal-fascist BJP and Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership privatized scavenging services. As a result Arya-Brahmin owned organizations such As Sulabh having contracts with state and local administrations construct Lavatories in public places and appoint scavengers at meager wages and earn fabulous profit. Communal-casteist Congress, communal-fascist BJP and Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership could have formed societies of Valmiki community and could have given them contracts to build lavatories etc and run the whole sanitary services. But how can these Arya-Brahmins do that because their only intention is to transform Valmiki community below the status of filthy animals.
29) In the foreground of Jaipur high court a statue of Manu was inaugurated on 28 June 1989 in the presence of then chief minister of fascist communal-casteist Congress. According to Manu Brahmins own everything that exists in world and every property of non-Brahmins belong and Brahmins even the Brahmins can can execute massacres of non-Brahmins.
Above mentioned example are few among the thousands. They make it crystal clear that communal-casteist congress, communal-fascist BJP and Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership are inseparable part of fascist Sangh-Parivar committed to reduce indigenous Bahujans below the level of filthy animals.
From the very begining a systematic, intensive propaganda is being carried out through OBC, Dalit, Muslim Adivasi stooge leaders, stooge Bahujan intellectuals and stooge journalists at national and international level to hide the Communal-Casteist and fascist face of Congress. Intensive attempts are being made to retain the illusion that Congress is secular party. Many Bahujan journalist have also under the influence of this illusion keep on asserting that Sonia Gandhi is secular and well-wisher of Bahujans while few elements in Congress such as Manmohan Singh are communal and anti-Bahujans. They have repeatedly made open appeals to Sonia Gandhi through their writings to check these anti-Bahujan Congressmen. This was made to create illusion that Sonia Gandhi is savior of Bahujans. This propaganda of so called Dalit-Bahujan journalists has helped to hide dirty fascist communal face of Communal-Casteist Congress.
Lalu Prasad Yadav, Mulayam Singh Yadav, Ramvilas Pasvan etc. have been allying with Communal-Casteist Congress and vehemently certified that Communal-Casteist Congress is secular and well-wisher of Bahujans. Mulayam Singh Yadav, Lalu Prasad Yadav, Ramvilas Pasvan have been repeatedly vouching to remain faithful soldiers of Sonia Gandhi the leader of communal-Casteist Congress. Even BSP did not lag behind in vouching Communal-Casteist Congress as secular party as it has been declaring its unconditional support to congress government at centre from outside. These supports created illusion that Communal-Casteist Congress is secular and well-wisher of Bahujans. Therefore unaware Bahujan section considered their worst enemy as their best friend and savior. This ensured that when Communal-Casteist Congress is in position to defeat fascist BJP the indigenous masses will vote Communal-Casteist Congress to prevent fascist BJP from coming to power.
Now when the communal-casteist Congress has captured the crown, BSP has again declared its unconditional support to Communal-Casteist Congress government from outside. This decision of BSP makes it clear that like other parties of OBC, Dalit, Muslim Adivasi BSP leaders also want to consider enemies of Bahujans as their friends because of their selfish interests. BSP founder Kanshiram used to call Communal-Casteist Congress and communal-fascist BJP as Snakes and Kobra. Kanshiram occasionally allied with them to benefit party and mission from their contradictions. While doing this he made it crystal-clear to his party workers and Dalit masses that these parties of Arya-Brahmin leadership are their worst enemies.
By certifying communal-casteist Congress as secular the parties of OBC, Dalit, Muslim and Adivasi have dug their own grave and are about to be pushed into this very grave they have dug for themselves.
Reason No. 3 :
Attempting Communal Polarization
RSS had realized that the way common masses have realized the terrorist and anti-national face of Sangh-Parivar terrorist organizations and their relation with Mossad-CIA and ISI it will not possible for communal-fascist BJP to come into power. They tried to compensate this loss by creating communal polarization of Hindu votes in favor of communal-fascist BJP and polarization of secular votes in favor of communal-casteist Congress. According to this strategy, few leaders of communal-fascist BJP declared Narendra Modi as their prime ministerial candidate. Several Arya-Brahminist industrialists including Tata declared Narendra Modi as their favorite prime ministerial candidate. The venomous speeches of Mr. Varun Gandhi was also part of the same strategy.
Fascist RSS was sure that communal-fascist BJP as well as Communal-Casteist Congress will certainly benefit from the attempts of creating communal frenzy. This polarization has helped them because Communal-Casteist Congress was successful in getting Muslim votes. Muslim masses did not vote for the Muslim candidates of indigenous parties because they were not in position to defeat fascist BJP. Communal frenzy benefited fascist BJP in the states where Bahujan masses are unaware and under the firm grip of Brahmin religion. The victory of Varun Gandhi and Maneka Gandhi and win of fascist BJP in Karnataka proves this.
At the places where people have tasted the agonies of communal violence were fed up of fascist terrorist organizations of Sangh Parivar as even the Hindus were made victims by these fascists to arouse communal frenzy against the Muslims. The uppers caste Arya-Brahmins and Bania developed a fear that if future Bahujan terrorist groups start attacking Arya-Brahmins in retaliation to the communal misdeeds of fascist Sangh-Parivar organizations, their life would become more miserable than the life of poor Muslims who are accustomed to bear fire of harsh poverty. This fear has resulted in reduced votes of communal-fascist BJP in Gujarat. Communal-fascist BJP's vote share in the Gujarat 18 months since the 2007 Assembly elections has come down from 49.12 per cent to 46.52 per cent reducing its votes by 2.6%. In 2004 general election communal-fascist BJP secured 47.37 per cent. This time it secured 46.52% which is less by -0.67%. Even the loyalists of communal-fascist BJP admit that the results have put the brakes on Modi's national ambitions.
Reason No. 4 :
Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership ensured Anti-Congress Secular Votes go waste !
But above measures alone were not enough to ensure Arya-Brahminist crown. It also needed that anti-congress secular votes do not go to Parties of Bahujan leadership. Therefore, Arya-Brahmin fake communist leaders deliberately created a weak third front that will waste a significant number of anti-Congress secular votes. To ensure that the so called third front remains weak, name of Mayawati was brought into third front with the active support of BSP general Secretary Satish Mishra (Brahmin) only to keep Mulayam Singh Yadav out of the third front. In spite of their declaring BSP as part of third front Mayavati had no alliance with third front parties and she contested election single handedly. This makes it clear that her inclusion in third front was simply an illusion created to keep Mulayam out of third front in the interest of Arya-Brahmin crown. Mayavati also allowed this illusion to linger simply to prevent Mulayam Singh Yadav from joining third front and getting whatever little help the third front parties would have caused if he had joined the third front. She had also feared that inclusion of Mulayam may have paved a way for Lalu Prasad Yadav and Ramvilas Paswan to join the third front and become her formidable rival.
Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership leading the so called third front supported the stooges and worst enemies of Bahujans having secular mask on their dirty face. For example, one Yashvant Manohar from Nagpur having a reputation of a Bahujan thinker and a literary personality was supported by the Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership. Manohar turned to be a worst enemy of Bahujans as he made propaganda in support of Poona-pact asserting that Poona-Pact has ensured Dalit rights. This meant that communal and racist Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi who fasted to death and compelled Dr. Ambedkar to sign Poona Pact was savior of Dalits and Dr. Ambedkar who opposed Poona pact (and kept on repenting for signing Poona pact) was therefore enemy of Dalits. Arya-Brahminists have been supporting such traitors to glorify Poona pact. One of such traitors is Dr. Tulsiram who dance at the tune of the Arya-Brahminists in support of Poona pact. His one such article is published in Daily Lokmat Samachar (7 June 2009) which is run by a leader of communal-casteist Congress.
Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership supported degraded Dalit-Bahujan candidates posing them secular and progressive to benefit Communal-Casteist Congress and bring Arya-Brahmin rule in India.
Reason No. 5 :
Benefit of Vote-Split in Favor of Congress
Communal-Casteist Congress is benefited from the vote-split in favor of Congress specially in Andhra Pradesh and west Maharashtra.
Andhra Pradesh has 42 parliamentary seats out of which Communal-Casteist Congress has bagged 33 seats. Table 5 gives details of votes obtained by Communal-Casteist Congress and votes obtained by party having second position plus the votes of newly formed Praja Rajyam Party in Andhra Pradesh for 25 constituencies where their combine total exceed votes obtained by Communal-Casteist Congress.
Table 6 : Vote Difference in 25 Seats of Andhra Pradesh |
Party Votes | N | Sum | Mean |
Votes of Congress | 25 | 9802504 | 392100.16 |
PRP+ Second Position party votes | 25 | 13018686 | 520747.44 |
Difference between Their Votes | 25 | 3216182 | 128647.28 |
The average difference per seat comes to 1,28,647.28 votes. This difference is far greater to be bridged by Communal-Casteist Congress. Praja Rajyam Party had made Social Justice as its main election issue.
If these votes had not divided then Communal-Casteist Congress would have had 33 minus 25 = 8 seats only in Andhra Pradesh. The national tally of Communal-Casteist Congress then would have come down to 181.
The constituencies in which the above difference is observed are Peddapalle, Karimnagar, Nizamabad, Malkangiri, Nagarkulum, Mehbubabad, Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, Anakapalli, Kakinada, Almapuram, Rajamundry, Naraspuram, Erulu, Vijaywada, Guntur, Bapatla, Ongole, Nadyal, Kurnool, Anantpur, Nellore, Tirupati, and Rajampet.
The results above make it clear that if TDP, PRP join hands then Communal-Casteist Congress will be almost wiped out from Andhra Pradesh.
In Maharashtra, particularly in Mumbai, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena was instrumental in splitting BJP-Shivsena votes. Because BJP, ShivSena and Congress are two sides of the same Brahminist rule it makes to us no difference who is benefited from whom.
Reason No. 6 :
Disillusion of Indigenous Masses From Bahujan Parties
It is important to know the present character of indigenous parties into which they have been transformed. We will try to explain their transformed character using the analogy of a coin.
One side of the Manuist coin (Brahminist Exploitation System) has Pseudo-secular, hypocritical liberal face. In India this side is represented by Communal-Congress and Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership of communist parties of India. Other side of the coin contain fascist communal face that frighten the secular indigenous masses and push them to other extreme Pseudo-secular side while this side itself garner support of communal racist masses mainly containing Arya-Brahmins and communalized indigenous masses under the grip of Brahmin religion. In India this side is represented by communal-casteist BJP and terrorist organizations of Sangh-Parivar. Between these two sides there is a thickness side of the Manuist coin. This part is represented by the parties who pretend to oppose the parties representing each side of the Manuist coin. Bahujan masses have been speedily realizing that theelectioneering parties of indigenous Bahujans which did not remain loyal to the struggle of indigenous Bahujan masses against exploitation and oppression are converted into a thickness side of the Manuist coin viz. Manuist-Brahminist exploitation system. In India electioneering parties of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi constitute this thickness part. Pretending to be Bahujanist, they draw support from masses who are disillusioned from communal-casteist Congress and communal-fascist BJP realizing them as worst enemies of indigenous Bahujan masses.
Because the parties representing "Thickness-Side" of the "Manuist-Coin" are incompetent for real struggle due to their incompetent, selfish and coward leadership, they can not do more than lip-service regarding issues vital for indigenous Bahujans. They can not go beyond fake struggle because they are incapable of launching the kind of struggle required to destroy the Arya-Brahminist exploitation system and to establish Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra in its place. Their organization is nothing more than the crowd collected to garner votes and money in the name of Fule, Shahu, Ayyankali, Ambedkar, Periyar etc. Bahujan liberation warriors. Therefore their organizations are unfit for struggle against exploitation and oppression.
These parties of the three sides of Manuist coin are mutually dependent on each other as they draw strength from each other. Because communal fascist organizations commit atrocities on Dalit-Bahujans these parties are able to garner their support by launching fake struggle and profit in election. Therefore, fascist communal organizations must remain strong to commit atrocities on OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi masses so that parties representing thickness part of Manuist Coin can continue to reap the benefits in election.
It is crystal clear from the following news that almost all electioneering parties of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi established secret understanding with Savarna Armed forces such as Ranveer Sena and other Savarna terrorist organizations and protected them :-
PATNA: More than a dozen scholars from UK and USA have urged chief minister Rabri Devi to probe the links between the Ranvir Sena and political parties. Sena's links with a prominent state Congress leader and an RJD minister should also be investigated, they have said. In a fax message to the CM, they expressed that …. the Ranvir Sena, which is a feudal, upper caste, anti-woman, anti-Dalit and anti-poor terror group linked to the Sangh Parivar, is being nurtured and protected by your government and important ministers. This despite the fact that the Sena has been declared an outlawed outfit," they said. "The level of complicity of your administration and the patronage of the state government is demonstrated by the killing of Manju Devi in broad daylight despite the presence of the district officials, particularly the SP, who went to the spot but came back without disturbing the Sena men who stayed on in the village of the prominent Congress leader," they pointed out. They also demanded that the Arwal police and civil officials be taken to task for dereliction of duty and the DM and SP be punished with suspension. ( UK, US scholars for probe into Ranvir Sena's links
Pranava K Chaudhary 27 Nov, 2003) Congress as well as JD candidates, all competed with each other in garnering the support of Ranvir Sena. The JD MP, after victory, demanded the lifting of ban on it. It was visible again when they jointly launched a protest movement against the transfer of the DM and SP after the Bathani Tola massacre. CPI-CPI(M) played a very dubious role by conducting sustained propaganda that Maley's exaggeration of the contradiction between labourers and farmers, its casteist politics and adventurist actions are to be primarily blamed for the rise of Ranvir Sena. ( More on the Ranvir Sena) Leader of Opposition in the Bihar Assembly Sushil Kumar Modi at a press conference alleged that Lalu Yadav was twice instrumental in the release of Ranveer Sena chief Brahmeshwar Singh from police custody, after his arrest in Patna and Dhanbad. He alleged that a senior member of the Rabri Devi Cabinet had turned his official residence into a hideout of Ranvir Sena. ( Laloo has links with Ranvir Sena: BJP PRESS TRUST OF INDIA) Patna, April 7 (IANS) The Bihar government's sudden decision to wind up a commission probing the political connections of the powerful upper caste militia Ranvir Sena just when it was conducting final hearings has raised more than a few eyebrows here. Justice Amir Das, who headed the commission set up in 1997 after the infamous Laxmanpur-Bathe massacre, is perplexed by the recent decision of the Nitish Kumar government to not give another "last" extension. "I fail to understand why this government was not keen for an extension. The heavens wouldn't have fallen if only six months extension had been granted. I was near to finishing the final report as the final hearing was going on," Das told IANS over the phone. The last person to depose before the commission was jailed Ranvir Sena chief Brahmeshwar Singh, who was arrested two years ago and is believed to have masterminded the killings of at least 300 Dalits and backward castes since forming the group in 1994. Others who had been summoned over the years include nearly 40 politicians. These include Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader C.P. Thakur, former state Congress president Ram Jatan Sinha, now in Lok Janshakti Party, union Minister of State for Agriculture Akilesh Singh from the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) and Janata Dal-United's Sunil Pandey – from various parties but all upper caste Bhumihars. Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi and former BJP president Murli Manohar Joshi were also among the 450 witnesses that deposed. According to RJD leader Shyam Razak, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar wound up the commission under pressure from vested interests. "Some powerful people in the government were likely to figure in the report if it was submitted," the Dalit leader said. A senior police officer, who demanded that Ranvir Sena be declared a terrorist outfit, said the probe was the only way to expose the political patronage that Ranvir Sena enjoyed. ( Nitish winds up Ranvir Sena probe at last stage)
The CPI-ML has questioned the Nitish Kumar government's sudden decision to wind up the Amir Das Commission when it was conducting its final hearings and was close to preparing a final report. He alleged that the decision to wind up the commission was part of a political move to save the skin of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leaders. No other party has voiced its protest. ( CPI-ML questions decision to wind up Ranvir Sena probe ) Patna – The Communist Party of India-Marxist Leninist (CPI-ML) has demanded the dismissal of Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi after a probe report suggested that Modi and several other ruling coalition leaders had links with the Ranvir Sena, an upper caste militia. The CPI-ML also demanded a public apology from Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for winding up the Justice Amir Das Commission into the political connections of the Ranvir Sena. The demands come in the wake of leakage of portions of the report in the media. ( CPI-ML takes Bihar government to task over probe report) It's well-known that the Sena enjoys the patronage of sections of the BJP, Congress and the RJD. And it is this all-party character of its support that gives the Sena its strength. So despite being a banned group, there has been no crackdown yet on the Sena. On the contrary, RJD leader and Union Minister Chandradeo Prasad Verma openly demanded that the ban on Ranvir Sena be lifted when there was pressure for a crackdown after the Bathani Tola massacre in July 1997. ( Ranvir Sena thriving on politicians' support Yogesh Vajpeyi )
What these indigenous electioneering parties can do at the most is only lip service that too in unavoidable circumstances. Even while doing lip service they take care not to make their Savarna votes (which are negligible in number) angry. These electioneering organizations of Dalit Adivasi ensure that their community men tolerate every kind of inhuman oppression committed upon them by the Savarna Arya-Brahmin exploiters & oppressors. This statement may look harsh but it is a bitter reality.
Whenever houses of we Bahujans are burnt, we are beaten to death, we are burnt alive, our mothers, sisters and daughters are raped then the leaders of Bahujan organizations who basically are "vote beggars" come and deliver lectures, take out processions, issue statements and give deputations. Dr. Ambedkar told masses to die while retaliating oppressors protecting their rights, property and self respect of their women. But the leaders do not want to cross"Latthi-men Rekha" (goons armed with solid bamboo sticks) of Arya-Brahmin oppressors even though the victims or likely victims are ready to sacrifice their lives fighting against these filthy oppressors.
After a week or two all these birdies (leaders) fly back to their respective nests to leave we victims at the mercy of the very Arya-Brahminist oppressors. Arya-Brahminist controlled Police see that the Dalit case is weakened. Witnesses and victims are threatened. The culprits are released on bell to terrorize we Dalit victims. Brahmin bureaucracy and judiciary ensure that the case is prolonged indefinitely and no justice is made and in this process we the victims and our friends suffer loss of money, energy, time and our life becomes more miserable. Those amongst us who had the courage to raise voice against injustice, having realized that no punishment is given to the oppressors loose all hope and develop a mentality to tolerate more brutal injustice and not a sigh of protest. The oppressors are thus encouraged to commit more excesses. Such a change is brought in us by the "vote-beggar leaders" of Bahujan organizations. Read Marathi daily Mahanayak and Samrat and you find news of atrocity committed on Bahujans almost daily. The Savarna oppressors, are confident that they can forcibly impose their Manucracy on we Bahujans with full support of Israel and America. Arya-Brahmins had all hidden support and help of Israel and America in their state sponsored massacre of we Muslims of Gujarat.
After entering into parliament the leaders of indigenous Bahujans have realized that the Indian exploitation system is an inseparable part of exploitation system of world. Observing the real draconian face of this exploitation system of Tri-Iblis they realized that they are incapable of launching the kind of struggle required to uproot the exploitation system of Illuminati maintained through the Tri-Iblis. The Illuminati governed Tri-Iblis is destroying the lives of toiling masses of the world through the liberalization, privatization and globalization. But how can selfish incompetent leaders even dream to launch a genuine struggle against such exploitation and oppression ? Therefore, the selfish incompetent leaders of Bahujan organizations have become the true disciples of three monkeys of the hypocrite and racist Mr. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. These Bahujan leaders in the intoxication of power and money have decided neither to speak against the exploitation of Tri-Iblis, nor to listen anything against the exploitation system of Tri-Iblis and the question of seeing exploitation of masses by tri-Iblis does not arise as they now do not belong to the community of toiling masses. Hence, they can never fight against liberalization, privatization and globalization which is introduced by Brahminist-Zionist Illuminati through the Tri-Iblis to enslave and exploit the toiling masses of the world.
Bahujan leaders have long back stopped bothering about the exploitation of masses. They know that Bahujan masses have been voting Congress to prevent BJP from coming in to power. Therefore, toiling Bahujan masses have no alternative but to vote these Bahujan parties wherever they are strong. Then why to bother about the toiling masses ? Chief ministers of Bahujan parties continue to visit the "Darbars" of Arya-Brahmin industrialists and beg them to open their industries in their state and promise them to provide all kinds of opportunity to exploit indigenous Bahujan masses in lieu of their commission. Thus they are satisfying their selfish interests by promoting exploitation and oppression of Bahujans by the Tri-Iblis.
The election fund created by all industrialists under "common minimum exploitation and looting program" have received guarantee that in lieu of huge election donation from this fund to all political parties, these parties shall insure the exploitation and loot of toiling masses by the Brahminist-Zionist exploiters.
The political parties of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi have remained indifferent from every issue that is a matter of life and death of the indigenous masses. They have done nothing for Dalit Bengali refugees who for protecting self-respect of Dr. Ambedkar are still being hunted and pushed into India-Bangla Desh Border to be killed by security forces of either country. They have done nothing when in Nandigram women of Dalits and Muslims were being mass-raped, their genitals being mutilated, their bodies cut into pieces and thrown in to river, their houses looted and burned by the goons of CPI-CPM. They have done nothing when in Morichzapi Bengali Dalit refugees were massacred by the state arm forces of Arya-Brahmin fake communist leader Jyoti Basu. They did nothing when Arya-Brahmin fake communist government of Jyoti Basu deliberately made the Dalit, OBC, Muslims and Adivasi food for Sunderban tigers. They did nothing against Liberalization, privatization and globalization. They did nothing against the SEZs which have displaced millions of Bahujans and made their life hellish. They have done nothing to oppose Salva Judum which is another name of state sponsored massacres, state sponsored mass-rapes and looting in the interest of Multinational companies. Bahujan parties did anything concrete to protect the slums of Bahujans from being demolished. In Maharashtra in SET examination full name of the candidates is compulsorily written resulting victimization of OBC, Dalit, Muslim Adivasi candidates aspiring to become college lecturers. No party has ever objected against this unfair practice and similar practices which are in thousands in number. Union Public Service commission to ensure 50% reservation for Arya-Brahmins has been denying OBC, SC, ST candidate qualifying in the open list a place in open list on the pretext that they did not beforehand declared that they are contesting for open category. In the foreground of Jaipur high court a statue of Manu was inaugurated on 28 June 1989 in the presence of then chief minister of fascist communal-casteist Congress. According to Manu Brahmins own everything that non-Brahmins belong and Brahmins even can execute massacres of non-Brahmins. No party of OBC, Dalit, Muslim Adivasi are able to remove this inhuman statue.
Brahminist government has ensured that the Bahujan children remain uneducated and their parents be punished for their remaining uneducated. Hon. Mastaram Kapoor is extremely disappointed with the apathetic attitude of Bahujan leaders regarding the education of Bahujan children. He writes that the Indian constitution made government responsible to give free education to children up to age 14 years. This included "Anganwadi" and Nursary schools as well. But the communal-casteist BJP government has removed this clause from schedule IV and included it in the fundamental rights and removed the word "free"; and in place of up to 14 years included 6-14 years. {therefore government has no responsibility to provide free education and to provide education to children up to 6 years.} Now the government is not responsible for preschool education. Because of this amendment children will remain uneducated and the government and its judiciary will have power to punish parents for not sending their children to schools. Governments will simply say that it had provided schools no matter whether they are beyond the reach and beyond the capacity of toiling masses. Those who were expected to raise strong protest kept mum in parliament. (Lokmat Samachar, 13th January 2003) Government is seriously thinking to punish the parents who do not send their children having age of 6-14 years to school. Gram Panchayats will also be punished in this regard. (Lokmat Samachar, 11th July 2003)
Half of the schools in country have no buildings, 40% schools do not have black boards and in one third of schools (33.33% of schools) only one teacher teaches all the sections and classes. Brahminists riding the government spend Billions of rupees in preparing and exploding nuclear bombs, to make computer revolution, to become host of Asiad and Olympic, to raise "Panchasheel flag" on the rod of atom bomb, on foreign tours of leaders and ministers, but can not spend on the education of Bahujan children. Only one percent of budget is spent on primary education. Education gives masses power to question and this very thing the so called elected kings do not like. By spending only eight hundred crore rupees the whole world can be educated. This amount is even less than the 4 days expenditure on arms or less than the expenditure made on ice cream in America, or is 1/5th of the expenditure made on cosmetics in Europe. (Lokmat Samachar, 7th July 2003) Such a list of indifference of so called Bahujan organizations towards issues of life and death of Bahujan masses is unending.
State power is the master key to open all the doors of prosperity. But Bahujans must not forget that the Arya-Brahmins though allowed Kshatriyas to hold state power but they exclusively retained with them the right to use these keys. Becoming such a ruler who has no power to use keys to open any door of prosperity is no different than a puppet. Such puppet ruler is simply the door keeper of the doors of prosperity. He has no right to enter into it. Brahmins have made Kshatriyas puppet kings to serve Brahmin interest and strengthen exploitation system of Brahmin religion. Similarly, Brahminist-Zionist Illuminati who control America has installed their puppets to rule over several countries of the world. Therefore, the rule of Bahujans in several states of India does not mean the rule of Bahujan masses.
Party leaders of indigenous Bahujans are fully aware that if they have to come to power they will have to ensure full protection to the exploitation system of Brahminist-Zionist exploiters. Their should not be harmed even slightly. The leaders of Bahujan parties have departed from their basic program and entered into the Brahminist filthy marsh to such extent that it is impossible for them to come back. They are continuously crushing the party principles beneath their feet and are implementing anti-people agenda of Tri-Iblis and helping Satanist racist Illuminati in every respect.
These party leaders have forgotten the insults that were delivered to them by the Arya-Brahmins, for example, On 21st October 1997 in UP assembly during unprecedented fighting, Mr. Raja Bhaiyya (a Savarna) pronouncing filthy abuses had thrown his footwear at chief minister Ms. Mayavati. (Ambedkar Mission Patrika, June 2004, pp. 23-24) While Mr. Ramvilas Paswan was speaking in parliament one Arya-Brahminist member loudly and in insulting manner claimed that Mr. Paswan has taken drug and he should be medically examined. This allegation was made to defy the speech being delivered by Mr. Paswan (Dalit).
On one hand parties of indigenous OBC, Dalit and Adivasi have been certifying communal-casteist Congress as secular while on the other hand they are not only proving themselves opportunist but also communal.
Arya-Brahmins after getting admitted in the Bahujan parties indulged successfully in converting these parties as faithful slaves of Brahmanism. Parties of indigenous Bahujans have already departed from Bahujanism and became enemy of people because they did not hesitate in asking people to vote for communal-fascist BJP and RSS candidates in Gujarat election who engineered Muslim massacres in Gujarat. These parties did not hesitate in remaining in communal-fascist BJP led NDA government at centre after shameless massacres of Muslims in Gujarat and protected communal-casteist BJP government from every danger. They did not hesitate to cooperate Brahminist parties to pass another more draconian law in place POTA which communal-casteist Congress government had very stealthily had implemented through the president's ordinance. This law was passed in parliament without any discussion. This draconian law could have been prevented in parliament itself if opposition parties had so desired, because NDA, left front, SP, BSP, all had expressed their opposition to this bill. But instead of voting against this bill they all boycotted the parliament to let the bill pass. Their boycott was a fake protest to befool masses and pass the bill. At the time of abolishing POTA Congress government had said that it has adequate laws to safeguard the country. In spite of that by crushing the very spirit of democracy the law was passed without any discussion. We can not expect any hope from a law which is passed without any discussion. (Lokmat Samachar, 17th December 2004) They even did not hesitate to condemn the proposals of condemning state sponsored Muslim massacres in Gujarat. All of them stood shoulder to shoulder with the Arya-Brahmin exploiters against the toiling masses.
Mayavati developed a communal face for herself by 1) supporting fascist BJP while BJP engineered state sponsored massacres of Muslims in Gujarat 2) campaigning shoulder to shoulder with leaders of communal-casteist BJP and appealing masses to vote for communal-casteist BJP in Gujarat. 3) Latter on calling communal-casteist BJP's victory in Gujarat as the victory of Bahujans 4) saving fascist Vajpeyi government, 5) inviting Lalkrishna Advani in the public meeting of BSP, 6) not filing revised FIR in Babri Mosque demolition case to save Advani and his fascist communal gang, 7) calling communal-casteist BJP leader Bajpeyi as her father.
Helping Arya-Brahmins communalists to come to power by electing them on her own party ticket applying her new formula of "Sarvajan Hitaya". It is worth remembering here that when ATS uncovering terrorist network through Malegaon bomb blast investigation reached U.P. the very Arya-Brahmin ministers of BSP government in Uttar Pradesh have protected communal-casteist BJP and Bajarang Dal leaders from being arrested. Thus Muslim masses realized that BSP has became teeth-less pet tiger of Arya-Brahmins. Mulayam Sigh Yadav who consider himself staunch believer of Sanatan Dharma has proved himself communal by demanding attack on Pakistan to lure communal-Hindu votes. His role during earlier communal riots in U.P. such as in Moradabad is not different from BJP and Sangh-Parivar and it is not hidden from aware Muslim masses. His support to Ex-chief minister Kalyan Sigh who is one of the accused of demolition of Babri Mosque made Muslims skeptical of Mulayam Singh Yadav.
These actions of Mayavati and Mulayam Singh Yadav made Bahujan masses to realize that BSP and SP are anti-Muslim and to negate SP and BSP voted for communal-casteist Congress. It is learned that Muslims in general have voted for Congress. Particularly in Uttar Pradesh Muslims voted for Congress in majority. The only reason for Muslim support for Congress is that so called secular parties are exposed before Muslim masses as shameless communal opportunists. Therefore they even ignored Muslim candidates filed by them and voted for communal-casteist Congress. (Lokmat Samachar, 25 May 2009) Muslims also were afraid that BSP may form a post-poll alliance with communal-casteist BJP to secure berths in the central government.
It appears that as their "thickness-Sart" character of supporting Manuist exploitation system has becoming obvious to common masses, instead of reverting to their Bahujanist character they are looking for the support of communal-casteist Congress. Therefore, it appears to us that the revival of Mulayam Singh Yadav, Laluprasad Yadav, and Ramvilas Pasvan has become difficult because if the Congress is well-wisher of Bahujans then what is the need RJD, LJP and SP ?
Reason 7 :
Apathy of Frustrated Indigenous Masses
Brahminists parties this time tried their best to bring their rich section of voters to polling booth so that the crown of Brahminism is saved. On the other hand a significant section of Bahujan masses who become disillusioned from Bahujan leaders did not turn for voting. Greater number of voters do not want to spoil their valuable hours and suffer in scorching heat for selfish leaders devoid of morality. How those who spend millions of rupee in election can work for masses ? They will first recover hundred times they have spent. Therefore, people find it useless to vote if they have no control over these candidates. According to daily newspaper Mahanayak out of 543 elected members of parliament no one belongs to middle class having income below Rupee one Lac (100 thousand) Their income is 20-25 Lac (100 thousand equals one Lac) a year. 4 among them are Billionaires and 300 are Krorepati. How such candidates can be representatives of poor Bahujan masses ? (Mahanayak, 25 May 2009)
According to the Analysis of affidavits filed by elected member of Parliament to election commission during filing nomination, it is revealed that 150 candidate have criminal background. This number is 18.2% greater than the number of such parliament members in the last election of 2004. It means every fourth member of parliament has criminal background. It is revealed that the number of members having serious charges are increased by 30.9%. In previous Parliament the members of parliament members having accused of Murder, attempt of murder, abduction, Robbery, fraud etc. were of 35 which now has increased to 82. 20 of them are accused of murder, 24 have charge of attempt of murder, 7 are charged for robbery, 3 of looting, 2 for abduction and 5 for abduction with intention to murder. Every party has such candidates in sufficient number. (Lokmat Samachar, 16 June 2009)
People are gradually realizing that democracy of India is fake until"Nun of them" choice is not included in "Electronic Voting Machine" empowering masses to negate the betrayers of all kind. How the electioneering political parties who are inseparable part of Brahminist exploitation system can make democracy of India a genuine democracy by including "Nun of them" choice in "Electronic Voting Machine" empowering masses to negate the very corrupt and criminal politicians ? People have been realizing that this system can only create stooge candidates who are nothing more than puppets in the hands of Brahminist exploiters.
Reason 8 :
Indirect Support of Arya-Brahmin fake Maoist Leaders to Brahminist Organizations.
It is well established fact that when the exploiter class can not retain power through parliamentary fake democracy they shed their lamb's skin and show their true cruel wild face and impose dictatorship. Once the parliamentary fake democracy is abandoned, the exploiters come into their true face disillusioning vast number of toiling indigenous masses. Then the struggle reaches to higher level and leaders belonging to electioneering parties either have to 1) become inactive and live politically isolated life 2) become lackeys of exploiter class or 3) become revolutionary. Therefore the struggle becomes more bitter and straight forward.
Maoists would have facilitated the success of candidates who are sympathetic towards their struggle and have exerted pressure on these candidates to remain faithful with people. This would have reduced their oppression and misery to great extent. This would have soon resulted in abandonment of parliamentary fake democracy by the Arya-Brahmin exploiter class of India. But the Arya-Brahmin fake Maoist leadership have been spoiling this opportunity deliberately to save Brahminism by enforcing election boycott. This election boycott has caused anti-state terrorism votes to go waste and help the Arya-Brahmin fascist parties to again come to power. The repeated victory of the same oppressor Arya-Brahmin parties has put Maoists in a very precarious position strategically because these Arya-Brahminist parties are in position to ascertain that all the claims of Maoists are fake because "If through Salva Judum and other forms of state terrorism massacres, mass-rapes, mass lootings, devastations, etc. are made, democracy is abandoned and rulers have became tyrants then how people have repeatedly voted in favor of the same rulers ? " Maoist parties have no answer to this argument. Once the victory of the same Arya-Brahmin exploiter party is repeated they get license to unleash all forms of more intensive brutal attacks on the toiling indigenous masses.
Therefore victory of Brahminist parties in Naxal affected belts is solely due to Arya-Brahmin leadership of Maoist parties.
Reason 9 :
Slave Mentality of Indigenous Masses
It is a psychological principle that every person who feels sense of inadequacy wants by any means to reduce his mental tension resulting from his sense of inferiority. For example if he visits a restaurant such person is prone to pay more tip than the person who do not have sense of inadequacy. If a customer treats a waiter of a restaurant like his own brother will soon observe that the waiter does not attend him promptly but serves attentively to the person who behaves with him rudely like an aristocrat. This is natural because while serving such an arrogant person the waiter feels that he is serving a big person and his sense of inadequacy is greatly reduced. But when he serves a person who treats him like his own brother he develops a feeling that he is serving an ordinary man and as a result heighten his sense of inadequacy.
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar to reveal this mentality of backward communities, use to tell following story in his speech :- An untouchable person was overflowing with joy. When asked he told that he attended an assembly where the chief of the town was guest. His child could not control his bowel action and released excreta there itself. It was he (the untouchable) who "rescued" the guest by cleaning excreta and washing the ass of guest's child. This Dalit forgot that what the has done is nothing but worst slavery nothing to be proud of. But this untouchable was happy because thus his name was associated with the chief of town. With the same reason the peon of big officer has less sense of inferiority than the peon of an ordinary officer. The same psychological principle is effective on the psyche of inferiority ridden indigenous masses at unconscious level. Therefore, when upper caste persons like Rahul Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi (upper caste and foreign race mixture) wave hands at them, shower fake sympathy and greetings on them their sense of inferiority is reduced, they feel obliged and are inclined to vote for their party.
This factor becomes a strong propelling force when masses are disappointed from their own parties and are inclined to protest by taking self punitive action.
The sense of inferiority of indigenous masses have become worst enemy of Bahujan mission. The Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar mission strives to aware exploited and oppressed indigenous people of India to destroy the Manuist exploitation system and establish "Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra", a democratic exploitation free system. Persons who lack courage to launch bitter struggle, lack patience to do continuous missionary work, showy persons who crave for instant popularity are the persons suffer with sense of inadequacy and inferiority. Most of them to reduce their sense of inferiority establish a devotional-bond and association at mental level with Bahujan liberation warriors by indulging in acts such as celebrating birth days of Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar, Periyar and singing songs in their praise. This help them to reduce their sense of inadequacy and feel satisfaction by falsely believing that they are doing missionary work.
In fact, they have become worst enemy of Bahujan mission because they do nothing to spread the Bahujanist ideology and aware people to demolish the Brahminist system of exploitation and oppression. On the contrary they waste social resources, money, energy and time on these futile activities. Therefore these "devotees" of Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar are in fact killers of the Bahujan mission. They do not want to realize this because doing so means accepting the responsibility to understand Bahujan ideology, aware masses and launch genuine continuous struggle against Brahminist exploitation and oppression. The moment his unconscious mind begins to sense slightly that his devotional activities are unproductive and futile, strong anxiety results from his sense of inadequacy. To reduce this severe anxiety his unconscious mind repress anything that suggest futility of their actions. He develops several rationalizations.
In psychology this mentality is called as 'perceptual defense' where a person is inclined to perceive only what he wants to perceive. Therefore he does not see things he does not want to perceive. Every person use perceptual defense unconsciously. We do not find faults within us; we find faults in others particularly in those whom we do not like; we also do not find faults in those we love. Mother is inclined to see only good things in her child.
Every delusion is endowed with the same inner certainty we find in primitive thinking. Many prefer to stay in the childish dreamland of ignorance to escape the responsibility of wrong knowledge and wrong actions. Why should we think ? Why should we fight to understand this world ? Why not remain in comfortable stupidity ? Because of this yearning to return to the land of morons, we are relaxed and gay when we hear the radio voices carry us back to a realm which does not require our brain. We become more and more infected with silliness and escapism. Delusion gives the person an inner certainty of omnipotence and strength. Therefore, the deluded man likes to suffer defending his delusions. The Stabilized delusion is not subject to discussion and self-correction. They fear doubt and close their ears. The deeper the regression, the less contact and communication takes place, for delusion speaks archaic language which is rooted in the period when no verbal communication between human beings existed, as we experience in the psychoanalysis of schizophrenics. The deluded rejects logic and regresses to archaic dictatorial thinking and easily resorts to pretexts and magic forces to explain his failure (such as bad-luck and so on). Objective verification of ideas is rejected since no reality beyond the dictatorial opinion exists. He is afraid that moving out of his foxhole will expose him to new and greater danger. That is why people stick to their menial jobs which rob them of self-respect.
Incompetent Bahujan leadership to escape from launching a "Real Struggle" against the exploitation system of Arya-Brahmins, started worshipping Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar and posed themselves their great devotees. Arya-Brahminists continued to burn our houses, burn alive whosoever amongst us dared to raise a voice; stripping our mothers, sisters and daughters naked and parading them in the village and towns; raping, killing , mutilating and burning their bodies. These "devotees" and "Vote-Beggars" spent not a single penny to punish these Savarna culprits. Instead they spent millions of rupees on dances, Kawwalis, lightings, decorations, lecturing, Prayers, etc. on birth day celebrations of Buddha, Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar. With these unproductive activities they are fooling themselves as well as unaware masses of doing missionary work.
When your sister, mother or daughter is being raped, instead of spending money to punish the rapist will you spend on rejoicing ? Only a person with no self respect can do that. Millions of such "devotees" shamelessly rejoice when their sisters, mothers, daughters; are raped, their huts are burnt, and they are beaten to death. Such people may call themselves followers of Ambedkar but in their deeds they are the best slaves of Brahminism. Such people devoid of self respect can never be freed from exploitation and oppression because they do not hate their class enemy but want their class enemy should shower mercy on them. Such people yearning for mercy have voted for communist-casteist Congress. The "Slave Mentality" of craving a mercy from the "Arya-Brahmin exploiter enemy" is the root cause that communal-casteist congress receive votes from such indigenous Bahujan sections. These Bahujans feel that communal-casteist congress will show mercy towards them by acting less violently than communal-fascist BJP.
Incompetent, selfish and coward "Vote-Beggars" easily became stooges of the same exploiters against which Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar fought tooth and nail. Vote-Beggars who are stooges of Arya-Brahmin exploiters will always remain "devotees" and the worst enemies of Bahujan mission. How can one free himself from slavery if he himself does not want to get free from Arya-Brahmin rule and only wants mercy from the Arya-Brahmin rulers ? How such people can even think of deposing Arya-Brahmins ? They do not want to perceive that the decisive struggle launched by Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar had compelled Arya-Brahmin oppressors to accept democratic constitution and safeguards for indigenous people against social, economical and cultural oppression. Arya-Brahmin exploiters were afraid that if they do not concede these demands Bahujan struggle may turn into communist revolution. Without destroying "devoteesm" no genuine struggle is possible. Ritualists in every robe should be rebuked. Common masses should be converted in to brave "followers" from the coward devotees.
Reason 10 :
Suicidal Self-Punitive Mentality of Indigenous Masses.
According to Freud in every living being there are two basic instincts viz 1) Life instinct and 2) death instinct. Death instinct is responsible for self punitive and self destructive behavior in a person. Self punitive behavior in a child is nurtured by parents themselves from their own behavior such as conceding to child's demand when a child throws / breaks his own thing or send himself harm or start fasting and so on. This behavior pattern strongly establishes itself in a child's unconscious and is exhibited in adulthood under the circumstances of stress and frustration when he unconsciously yearns for parental help from some corner.
Politicians and their followers fixated with this childhood self-punitive tendency unconsciously generalize their childhood behavior and their expectations with their parents to the "oppressive political Authority". After all another way of addressing rulers have been calling them "Mai-Baap" (Mother-father). Therefore leaders and their followers with this tendency, will invariably show self-punitive behavior in their agitations. For example, in India, women demanding adequate supply of water, in their processions carry clay-pots called "Ghada" and smash them in front of the higher authorities. The other agitators may erect an effigy of oppressor spending from their laboriously earned money and burn it before the state bureaucrats. Thus they themselves suffer economical loss, loss of valuable time and energy while state bureaucrats enjoy the scene sadistically and suffer no loss of any kind. When America attacked Iraq women around the world took procession and stripped themselves naked in protest of the American invasion. These women thus themselves sacrificed their so valued modesty while the slave Bush-Chenny company and their Zionist illuminati masters enjoyed the look of their naked beauty lustfully. No harm was sent to them or to their Zionist exploiter class. In India many agitators are seen taking out "naked protest march" but the protestors did not take off their under-garment. Other protestors shaved their head. Shaving the head in protest simply reveal their psyche that they consider rulers their Mai-Baap and in protest want to convey that the Mai-Baap ruler is dead for them. People in the grip of Brahmin religion shave their head at the death of their father. With such childish actions oppressor exploiter class is never harmed in the least. Leaders and their followers suffering with this self-punitive tendency organize rally at state or country's capital. They together sacrificing millions of rupees on traveling and other expenses, sacrificing their valuable time and energy gather and shout in unison and expect mercy from their Mai-Baap" ruler. Their ruler "Mai-Baap" occasionally order cane-charge and they many return home with broken limbs and /or swollen body. Many sit on hunger-strike before the legislative assembly or before the concerned office and suffer themselves because sometimes demands of hunger-strikers are seen conceded. Usually majority of them receive only false promise. There are many who do not get even the false promises and after lot of suffering they windup their hunger-strike in a face saving style.Sections of indigenous OBC, Dalit, Adivasi, Muslim masses unconsciously considering oppressive rulers as their "Mai-Baap" vote in favor of them in the hope that this will please their oppressor not to oppress and exploit them ruthlessly.
Still another sections of indigenous OBC, Dalit, Adivasi, Muslim masses who are supporters of Bahujan parties but are suffering with acute self-punitive tendency in a frustration voted for communal-casteist Congress which is their worst enemy. By voting in favor of communal-casteist Congress they unconsciously wanted to accuse their own Bahujan parties that "Betraying our expectations, you are helping the communal-casteist Congress, communal-fascist BJP and Arya-Brahmin fake communist enemy parties. Following your footsteps we have helped enemy by voting for them. Now you shall be responsible for the impending worst oppression and exploitation unleashed upon us by these very Arya-Brahmin enemy parties."
Above synthesis will create uneasiness among the indigenous readers unless we do not mention what is correct behavior under above mentioned situations. The correct behavior is to "insure harm of the enemy oppressor and exploiter class at any cost, while ourselves should get least possible harm." The men and women protesting against the American invasion on Iraq could have harmed economical interests of Zionist exploiter class; could have launched campaign to strip naked the satanic character of Zionist exploiter class and could have ensured them political harm.
The first requirement is to identify enemy and friends. Once it is recognized and decided that communal casteist Congress, communal-fascist BJP, Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership of so called communist parties of India are the worst enemies of indigenous OBC, Dalit, Adivasi masses of India, it is prime-most duty of Bahujans to remove their juvenile tendency to generalize and consider oppressive ruler as their parental figure (Mai-Baap) and stop keeping false expectations of favor from any of these enemies and dedicate themselves in uprooting and destroying these enemy parties and their system of exploitation and oppression ."
Once this psychological change and determination is achieved, we confine our every attention upon the whole process of struggle between exploiters and the exploited. We realize that no single indigenous party or organization can fight at all fronts (Social, economical, cultural, religious etc.), against the system of exploiter class. We also realize the need of uprooting the Brahmin religion from the minds of indigenous masses that enslave the mind of masses enabling the Arya-Brahminist exploiter class to successfully exploit us.
We strive ourselves to become fully aware. Complete awareness means 1) understanding nature of ourselves and our enemy. 2) understanding tactics of exploitation and deception of exploiter class and ways and counter these tactics and to demolish their exploitation and oppression system, (To know about such missionary activities on this very blog please read "Recognizing & Diffusing Brahminist Traps In Our Struggle !" in Social Change" category of the blog). 3) understanding the nature of exploitation free social system that we aspire to bring, viz. the Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra (for complete details log on to our blog at and please read "People's Struggle for Permanent Exploitation-Free Social System (Bahujanist Social Democracy)" in Social Change" category of the blog. and 4) ways to ensure that it does not revert back again into exploitation system as happened in Soviet union, China and in other socialist countries.
With this complete awareness, every aware Bahujan realizes the need to consider his own limitations, responsibilities and resources and dedicate himself to a missionary activity of his own choice and priority. We remain committed to missionary activities and help every missionary activity of other aware Bahujans to the extent it does not hinder one's own chosen missionary activity.
Now we begin to see the whole process of struggle, it's needs and correctly recognize the usefulness as well as limitations of our every indigenous organization and do not keep irrational expectations from any of them. For example, we realize that most of our vote-begging parties are incapable of protecting masses from armed terrorist organizations of "Sangh-Parivar" because they merely are collection of crowds inspired to garner votes and money at the directives of their vote-begging leaders. Because we realize limitations of our every indigenous organization we concentrate upon removing every lacking of our struggle. For example, Some capable Bahujans may dedicate themselves in developing a "mechanism" that would protect masses from the armed terrorists of Sangh-Parivar and give an appropriate answer to the Arya-Brahmin exploiter class for every brutality they inflict on we Bahujans. Aware Bahujans can successfully distinguish between fake and deceiving activities from the real missionary activities. For example, aware Bahujans feel it more important to develop innumerable voices of common masses in the form of leaflets, booklets, books, audio and video CDs and DVDs, blogs on internet, private conversations and so on to develop a direct control of masses over their struggle against exploitation and oppression than any media at national level which is controlled by super-middle class immature shallow intellectuals (most of them are intellectual prostitutes) who only consider their birth-right to have the reigns of common masses in their hand and lead the masses in any direction they please. Aware Bahujans can open thousands of blogs on internet and their voice shall be heard at world level. (for complete details log on to our blog at and please read "The Secrets of Diffusing Evil Tactics of Manu Media " in Social Change" category of the blog). Aware Bahujans do not spend their money, time and energy on fake activities that do not aware and unite masses, and do not weaken Arya-Brahmin exploitation system.
Now the whole meaning of our agitations change. Now our every action leads us towards the goal of demolishing exploitation and oppression system of Arya-Brahmin exploiters and to facilitate conditions of establishing exploitation-free social system viz. Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra. Now, we do not take out procession to "demand' from our enemy and suffer cane-charge. Instead, we organize gatherings of concerned sections of indigenous masses to expose the cruel face of the enemy parties and educate them to uproot Arya-Brahminist system of exploitation and oppression. The purpose of our gatherings is to charge masses with thisrevolutionary collective consciousness which is totally different from the earlier charging of masses by the vote-begging leaders with juvenile immature self-punitive "Mai-Baap" expectations and actions explained earlier. Now with our every gathering and every action Arya-Brahminist enemy parties and their system is weakened, the awareness of we indigenous masses increases, unity between us is consolidated and our struggle against exploitation and oppression becomes increasingly stronger. (To know about such missionary activities on this very blog please read "Recognizing & Diffusing Brahminist Traps In Our Struggle !" in Social Change" category of the blog).
In connection with voting in election aware Bahujans fully realize that the life of so called parliamentary democracy will be extended until the Arya-Brahmin exploiter class can deceive masses to be ruled by them. The moment they find it difficult to rule, they instantly windup this fake parliamentary democracy and impose their satanic dictatorship over the indigenous masses. Hence aware Bahujans know that the "real-power' lies in the ability of masses to "retaliate appropriately" against every anti-people step of Arya-Brahmin exploiter class. Therefore the first priority of aware masses is to build this "effective retaliatory mechanism" to protect masses against every oppressive measure and ensure that the "very oppressor and exploiter class" is punished for their oppressive measures.Election is used by aware Bahujans 1) to defeat and weaken the oppressive forces, and 2) garner resources and support for making their"effective retaliatory mechanism" strong and invincible. If there are no appropriate candidate to vote they prefer to sleep comfortably in their home than wasting their valuable time in voting for some so called less corrupt, less criminal and less filthy candidate.
Wherefrom Brahminist Parties Gain ?
Table No. 7 gives which parties have suffered deficit.
Table 7 : Parties that lost in Election |
| Hardcore Brahminists | Deceptive Brahminists | Parties of Bahujans |
Parties | BJP | Shiv Sena | AGP | Left | TRS | SAD | RJD | SP | JMM |
2009 | 116 | 11 | 01 | 24 | 02 | 04 | 3 | 23 | 2 |
2004 | 138 | 12 | 02 | 59 | 05 | 08 | 24 | 36 | 5 |
Diff | -22 | -1 | -1 | -35 | -3 | -4 | -21 | -13 | -3 |
Totals | -24 | -35 | -7 | -34 |
Totals | -66 | -37 |
From table 7 we find that 1) hardcore Brahminist parties like Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP), Shiv Sena (SS) and Asam Gana Parishad (AGP), have lost 24 seats. Out of which BJP lost 22.
2) Arya-Brahmin fake Left parties such as CPI, CPM, FB etc. together have lost 35 seats. These Brahminist fake left parties are almost devastated by the indigenous masses. OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi masses had became disillusioned from Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership as they have been persistently receiving severe stabs from fake left parties of Bengal and Kerala. West Bengal is the only state where Muslims are extremely under-represented in jobs as well as in every walks of the life. In Modi's Gujrat Muslim population is merely 9.1% whereas in government service 5.4% Muslims are represented. On the contrary, in West Bengal Muslim population is 25.2% whereas only 2.1% Muslims are given representation is government jobs. These 2.1% jobs are mainly grabbed by upper-caste Muslims who are in fact Arya-Brahmins converted to Islam. In Nandigram Muslim and Dalits women were subjected to mass-rapes by goons of CPM, their genitals mutilated, their bodies cut into pieces and thrown into river, their houses looted and then burnt are few of the examples. Earlier Arya-Brahmin fake communist leaders had betrayed Dalit Bengali refugees. Fake communist government massacred Bengali Dalit refugees when they made their Morichzapi settlement as their heaven created without any help of the fake left government. The Morichzapi massacres committed was even greater than the massacres allegedly committed by Hitler in Germany and of Yahya khan in east Pakistan (later Bangla Desh). Indigenous masses have been speedily coming out of craftily created illusion and realizing that the Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership has always been hardcore communal. It is well-suppressed fact that RSS fascist family of organizations have learnt lessons of fascism from these Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership. Larger and larger sections of indigenous masses coming to the conclusion that Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership have always been the enemy of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi indigenous masses. These fake communist parties collectively did not implement "Tribal land Act" meant to recover Adivasi land grabbed by non-Adivasi grabbers and return it to their genuine indigenous Adivasi people. Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership have opposed every attempt to implement it and tried vehemently to make it ineffective with the help of communal-casteist Congress and communal-fascist BJP. Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership had came into existence to sabotage every attempt of indigenous masses to strengthen their struggle against exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmin exploitation system. Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership have been performing their duty of sabotaging every indigenous movement faithfully and skillfully. For details read our awareness book "Brahmanwad Ki Giraft Me Dam Todta Samyavadi Inkelab" (Dying Communist Revolution in dead-grip of Brahminism by Sheetal Markam pp.480, Price Rs. 150/- language Hindi, Send MO to Mrs. Sujata Wasnik, 14, Thaware Colony, Nagpur – 440014 for your copy) This awareness book has contributed significantly to the devastation of these Arya-Brahminist fake communist parties in 2009 parliamentary elections. This awareness book is a final nail in the coffin of the Arya-Brahminist fake communist parties of India.
3) TRS and SAD are also deceptive Brahminist Parties since their leadership comes from upper caste Arya-Brahmins. TRS and Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) collectively lost 7 seats.
3) These Brahminist parties together have lost 66 seats to various parties.
4) We know that total gain of Brahminists parties is 93 seats. Out of which they have gained 66 seats from camp of their own Brahminist parties. This clearly establishes that there was mutual secret understanding between the all Brahminist parties to transfer their votes to candidates having better prospects of defeating candidates of OBC, Dalit, Adivasi Parties. As a result there was a shift of 66 seats in favor of parties in alliance with communal-casteist Congress.
This makes it crystal clear that Brahminists Parties were able to snatch 93-66 = 27 seats from the parties of OBC, Dalit and Adivasi. From table 8 below we find that these 27 seats are snatched mainly from RJD, SP and JMM who lost in all 37 seats.
Table 8 : OBC, Dalit & Adivasi Parties who gained. |
| Marginal Gain Parties | Significant Gain Party |
Years | BSP | TDP | DMK | JDU |
2009 | 21 | 06 | 18 | 25 |
2004 | 19 | 05 | 16 | 11 |
Difference | 02 | 01 | 02 | 14 |
Totals | 5 | 14 |
From the above table we find that i) BSP, TDP and DMK have improved their position very slightly. ii) and JDU has gained significantly (14 seats). The significant gain of JDU establishes that whenever there is a Bahujan alternative before the indigenous masses, they prefer Bahujan parties over the Arya-Brahminist parties.
Future of Parties of Indigenous Bahujans
We shall analyze future of the major parties of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi indigenous Bahujans after the communal-casteist Congress has captured the crown of India. The big question which must be discussed with all sincerity is "What is the future of parties of indigenous Bahujans such as BSP, TDP, DMK, JDU, RJD and LJP ?
1) Future of Bahujan Samaj Party
In order to predict the future of BSP, we need to objectively analyze its performance the 2009 parliamentary elections. Table 9 below gives details of party position on contested seats.
Table 9 : Vote Percent of BSP in 2009 Elections |
Party Position | N | Mean % Votes | SD | Max | Mini |
Won | 21 | 32.2276 | 4.4839 | 43.21 | 26.35 |
Second Position | 51 | 27.1464 | 4.9264 | 40.23 | 14.54 |
Third Position | 113 | 8.3644 | 7.0724 | 25.79 | .75 |
Fourth Position | 116 | 2.9422 | 3.0507 | 18.11 | .47 |
Out of Race | 199 | 1.3390 | 1.1103 | 8.00 | .17 |
Total | 500 | 7.2283 | 10.1164 | 43.21 | .17 |
From table 9 we find that BSP has won on 21 seats while it was second on 51 seats. The BSP leaders were confident that they would win maximum number of seats in Uttar Pradesh and without BSP support no one would be able to form government at centre. Their assumption was sensible considering that BSP is the only party which has been consistently increasing its vote share. Nationwide increase in BSP votes is 6.7%.Therefore, BSP can hope if they convert their second position into first they shall win 21+51 = 72 seats. With these 72 seats they shall be in dictating position. Let us analyze whether this assumption is supported by objective reality conditions ? We shall consider factors that go against BSP and those in its favor so far as it's next election performance is concerned. Following are the negative points which go against BSP.
1) Table 10 below displays the seats that BSP lost in this election. BSP had 19 seats out of which it has lost 13 seats. BSP lost its prestigious seat of Akbarpur which was won by BSP supremo Mayavati herself. The vote loss in Akbarpur seat is -18.84 which is highest vote loss among the seats lost by BSP. The % seat loss of BSP is 13/19 = 68.42% seats.
Table 10 : Seats Lost By BSP in 2009 Election and % Vote lost from 2004 Election |
Seat | Lost to | % Loss | Seat | Lost to | % Loss |
Akbarpur | INC | -18.84 | Machlishahr | SP | -7.40 |
Azamgarh | BJP | -8.12 | Meerut | BJP | -10.78 |
Barabanki | INC | -14.85 | Mirzapur | SP | +0.36 |
Chandauli | SP | -2.27 | Robertsganj | SP | +1.77 |
Domriaganj | INC | -10.86 | Sultanpur | INC | -7.80 |
Faizabad | INC | -12.08 | Unnao | INC | -13.40 |
Fatehpur | SP | -8.27 | BSP Lost 13 Seats out of 19 Seats held earlier; Total Loss = 68.42% Seats |
In addition to the loss of above seats, BSP has suffered vote loss in Bahraich (-5.98%), Kheri (-5.23%), Pilibhit (-4.47%), Moradabad (-3.59%), Misrikh (-3.42%), Hamirpur (-2.97%), Amethi (-2.31%), Chandauli (-2.27%), and in Aonla (-1.75%). Above loss in % votes indicate that both the Arya-Brahmin and the non-Arya-Brahmins BSP votes have migrated to other parties. This means a section of Bahujans are developing frustration and dislike for BSP.
From the table below it becomes crystal-clear that BSP is very rapidly loosing its Dalit Vote Base in Uttar Pradesh itself. Because out of 17 seats reserved for SC caste category BSP was able to win only two seats. Thus BSP has won only 11.76% seats from seats reserved for Dalits. 88.23% reserved seats are won by other parties.
Table 11 : Seats won By Parties from 17 seats Reserved for SC caste Category in 2009 Parliamentary Elections |
Parties | Seats Won | Name of seats Won |
BSP | 2 | Misrikh, Lalganj |
BJP | 2 | Agra, Bansgaon |
INC | 2 | Barabaki, Bahraich |
SP | 10 | Nagina, Bulandshahr, Shahajahanpur, Hardoi, Mohanlalganj, Etawah, Jalaun, Kaushambi, Machlishahr, Robertsganj |
RLD | 1 | Hathras |
Samajwadi party (10) and RLD (1) has won 10+1 = 11 seats out of 17 seats which amounts to 59% of Dalit seats. Communal-casteist Congress and fascist BJP have won 2 seats each. This proves that Dalits are still aversive of communal-casteist Congress and communal fascist BJP and therefore they preferred to vote for non Brahmin parties.
Among the 19 seats BSP held in 2004, BSP has lost its vote percent in 17 constituencies and lost 13 seats. This makes it clear that BSP became unpopular in places it had gained power.
However it is not that BSP has only lost. Rather BSP has won 14 new seats. Table 12 below specify seats BSP newly Won in 2009 Election. Some constituencies were renamed and newly created. Since the election commission did not provide their old name it is difficult to know which of the newly named /created seats indicated by * were earlier held by BSP .
Table 12 : Seats BSP Won From Other Parties in Uttar Pradesh | Seats BSP Retained |
SN | Newly Won | From | SN | Newly Won | From | Basti |
1 | Kairana | RLD | 10 | Sambhal | SP | Sitapur |
2 | Muzaffarnagar | SP | 11 | Ghosi | SP | Misrikh |
3 | Jaunpur | SP | 12 | Aligarh | INC | ? EC of India did not give old name of these newly created / renamed seats. |
4 | Deoria | SP | 13 | *AmbedkarNagar | SP |
5 | Saharanpur | SP | 14 | *Bhadohi | SP |
6 | Salempur | SP | 15 | *Gautam Buddh Nagar | BJP |
7 | Phulpur | SP | 16 | *Sant Kabir Nagar | BJP |
8 | Lalganj | SP | 17 | *Fatehpur | BJP |
9 | Hamirpur | SP | * Newly Created / Renamed seats |
From the table 11 we find that BSP won its seats mainly from SP and RLD which amounts to 13 seats and remaining 4 seats from Arya-Brahmin parties (from BJP=3, INC =1) The 3 seats that BSP also won in year 2004 are now in 2009 won from SP. thus out of 20 won seats BSP has won 13+3 = 16 seats from Bahujan parties while has won 4 seats from Arya-Brahminist parties. These 4 seats are won as a result of tough multi-cornered fights.
BSP was also able to increase its vote % in few more seats. Table 13 below gives seats where it's vote increase is above 5%.
Table 13 : Above 5% BSP Vote Increase Constituencies of U.P. in 2009 Election |
FIROZABAD | 18.99 | MAINPURI | 14.51 | BANDA | 8.86 |
GHAZIPUR | 18.93 | BADAUN | 14.43 | BAGHPAT | 8.43 |
VARANASI | 18.54 | GORAKHPUR | 14.21 | **SALEMPUR | 7.83 |
ETAWAH | 17.90 | LUCKNOW | 13.62 | *BASTI | 7.79 |
**KAIRANA | 16.83 | **DEORIA | 12.57 | Raebareli | 7.46 |
ETAH | 16.28 | GONDA | 10.35 | PRATAPGARH | 7.27 |
**Muzaffarnagar | 15.82 | **SAHARANPUR | 10.25 | JALAUN | 6.87 |
**JAUNPUR | 15.23 | SAMBHAL | 9.48 | FARRUKHABAD | 5.82 |
ALLAHABAD | 14.72 | KANNAUJ | 9.22 | *SITAPUR | 5.41 |
** Seats Won in 2009 * Seats Held in 2004 | AMROHA | 5.06 |
BSP has increased its votes in 20 seats that BSP could not win. BSP vote increase which is less than 5% are observed in constituencies such as Kanpur (4.71%), Mathura (4.15%), Bulandshahr (3.89%), Ghosi 3.80%), Phulpur (3.73%), Hardoi (3.54%), Shahjahanpur (3.42%), Agra (2.88%), Aligarh (2.71%), Kaiserganj (2.24%), Robertsganj (1.77%), and Hathras (1.62%).
Now it is known to everybody that Arya-Brahmins had helped BSP in Assembly elections simply to defeat Samajwadi Party. But Arya-Brahmins are not ready to vote BSP and defeat BJP and Congress. 2009 Parliament election results have proved this. Barring 4 seats BSP won all the seats from Bahujan parties such as SP and RLD. It means that general category candidates of BSP to great extent were supported by those respective upper castes to see that their candidates are elected with the help BSP votes.
From the above findings we can conclude that 1) BSP is rapidly losing its base among Dalits. 2) BSP lose most of the seats it wins. 3) On BSP seats large number of upper caste candidates are won and in fact BSP win is to large extent due to win of upper-caste candidates on BSP tickets. 4) BSP has won most of its seats from other Bahujan parties like SP.
The basic vote base of BSP has been Dalit votes. The big question is why the BSP is rapidly loosing its Dalit vote base ? and why it could not consolidate the seats it previously held ? Following explanations are offered in this connection.
1) According to Kanwal Bharati (well-known column writer), the BSP office bearers have transformed into brokers. Without giving them their commission no Dalit can get job, benefit of state government schemes and even their legitimate rights such as old-age pension. Those who pay them commission only their work is done and those who do not pay keep on visiting and develop frustration. The office bearers and in-charges meant to watch them come once and stay in five star hotels and collect their decided commission and send favorable report to party leadership. According to Kanwal Bharati BSP did not remain the party of poor people. (Lokmat Samachar, 17 June 2009)
2) Because large number of rich and influential Arya-Brahmins are admitted in the BSP and placed at higher posts, BSP could not retaliate against the atrocities committed by Arya-Brahmins upon Dalit-Muslims and OBC masses fearing that it will make Arya-Brahmins angry and so called social-engineering of Mayawati shall be jeopardized. Critics of BSP have been persistently claiming that BSP has become tiger without teeth in this respect. Therefore atrocities on Dalits and_Muslims especially increased.
3) BSP leaders had started accepting criminal elements in party who have been committing atrocities upon poor Bahujans in unison with Arya-Brahmin exploiters. Above all large number of criminals were given BSP tickets in the 2009 election. The slogan of BSP "Chadh Gundon Ki Chhati Par, Batan Dabake Haathi Par" was in reality experienced by masses as 'Laat Lagake Chhati Par, Chadh Gaye Gunde Haathi Par".
4) While BSP on one hand incorporated Arya-Brahminist anti-people criminals in its party fold and gave them party tickets and importance, on the other hand with the help of Arya-Brahminists of BSP and its government popular Dacoits such as Dadua and others belonging to extreme backward castes who like Virappan were protecting their community men from Arya-Brahminist exploiters were gunned down. This has annoyed masses because BSP government had done nothing to save masses from exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahminists and had killed those who were protecting them. As a result fresh wave of atrocities upon masses were unleashed. Therefore, during election campaign BSP hoardings etc. were absent in large area of Dalit and backward caste areas who considered these dacoits as their saviors. Recently police of BSP government in its special operation has gunned down Dalit Dacoit Ghanshyam Kewat. According to reports, Ghanshyam Kewat was killed after he fought with 400 armed policemen had taken arms to avenge upper-caste Thakurs. His sister was raped by Thakur Brijbhan and when went to file FIR in Rajapur police station they refused to file complaint, insulted and drove him out. Ghanshyam Kewat started killing Thakurs and in the very beginning he gunned down Brijbhan who had raped his sister. Police has kept a price of Rs. 50,000/- on him. (Lokmat Samachar, 21 June 2009)
5) There are reports published in newspapers such as Mahanayak from Maharashtra that BSP workers who have devoted decades in working among Bahujan masses to spread BSP were denied tickets. BSP cadres were disappointed to see that tickets are sold to rich candidates, weak candidates are filed to ensure win of Arya-Brahmin parties, stooge leaders co-opted with Arya-Brahmin parties did not involve themselves in election campaign, in some cases BSP candidates themselves were apathetic for their own election campaign. This clearly indicate that there had been secret understanding developed by BSP leaders as well as by some candidates with Arya-Brahminist Parties in lieu of money. BSP supporters in general were disappointed and frustrated with the situation. BSP workers therefore, not only protested before these BSP leaders and party in-charges but even blackened their face and beaten them up. When such is the wrath of party workers, one can understand the feelings of Dalit masses.
Earlier we has observed that in Uttar Pradesh among the 19 seats BSP held in 2004, BSP has lost its vote percent in 17 constituencies and lost 13 seats. Thus BSP could not consolidate what it had. This is not a new phenomena. The condition of BSP has been increasingly deteriorating in the states BSP once had a strong hold. For example, Punjab is the state where Dalits are in very large number. In Punjab BSP had won Firozpur Loksabha seat twice in succession, first in 1992 and then 1996. BSP had won also Hoshiyarpur seat in 1996 and Phillaur seat twice in 1989 and 1996. After 1996 there is no win in Punjab. BSP votes have been continuously decreasing in Punjab. Similarly, in past BSP had been growing very strong in Madhya Pradesh when Kanshiram was alive. BSP had won from Satna in 1996. In Reva BSP has won thrice first in 1991, then in 1996 and now in 2009. During Kanshiram's time BSP win certainly indicated the win of mission. Now BSP can not claim this because ready-made leaders having some mass base defected from other parties win on BSP tickets. In their victory BSP plays a role of supportive tool.
6) On ideological level great number of BSP workers were annoyed with "Sarvajan Hitay" formula of Mayawati. This formula neither suits Bahujans nor it suits the Brahminist parties. It does not suits Bahujans because how the exploiter and exploited class can be clubbed together when their interests are diametrically opposite ? Therefore no Bahujan liberation warrior including Buddha spoke of Sarvajan Hitay. This formula contradicts earlier formula of Kanshirm that "Vote Hamara Raj Tumhara Nahi Chalega" (Vote Ours Rule Yours Will not Do). According to Siddhartha Sarjapurkar, Amravati as a result of this powerful slogan of "Vote Hamara Raj Tumhara Nahi Chalega" the Brahmin number in parliament which was over 300 was reduced to just 50. (Mahanayak, 6 June 2009) The formula also does not suits Brahminism because Brahminism consider Arya-Brahmin supreme race meant to rule the Bahujans in any brutal manner.
Why BSP leaders adapted this formula of "Sarvajan Hitay" when both the aware Bahujans and Arya-Brahmins disagree with this formula as it has no ideological basis ? According to Mr. Kanwal Bharati, total Brahmin population in India is merely 3%. From this 3% Brahmin population 99% Arya-Brahmins are in BJP and Congress. Then why the Bahujan leaders are so compelled to lure 1% of Brahmin population {which amounts to 0.03% of Indian Population} by organizing "Brahmin conferences" and admitting exploiter Arya-Brahmins into their party and appeasing them with big party posts and also electing them in election while denouncing legitimate claim of dedicated party workers ? Is not this because Brahmins have money whereas Bahujan leaders have votes ? Hiding one's such selfishness in the drama of "Sarvajan" and calling it a travel from "Manuism to Manavatawad (humanism)", indigenous masses are being befooled. (Lokmat Samachar, 8th April, 2005)
The critics say that "this formula of Sarvajan is adapted because it is profitable business slogan". Without this formula how BSP leaders would have sold party tickets to Arya-Brahmins desirous to get elected at any cost ? If party had filed candidates from those poor workers who have devoted decades in party mission then BSP leaders would have to spend from the party fund. On the contrary when the party tickets are sold to highest bidders not only BSP leaders get fabulous amount, they are also saved from spending in their election campaign because these Arya-Brahmin candidates spend themselves for their own election campaign. Thus the profit of "Sarvajan Hitay" formula for BSP leaders is double (Ek Ka Do)
Leaders of Arya-Brahminist parties are very happy because the party tickets they were compelled to give to OBC, Dalit, Adivasi and Minority Bahujan candidates, can elect their Arya-Brahmin candidates from the same seats through the party tickets of Bahujan parties.
All electioneering parties of indigenous Bahujans are Bahujan in name only. On the tickets of these so called Bahujan parties more and more Arya-Brahmins are being elected. Dalit Sena of Ramvilas Paswan (Now LJP) had elected 18 Arya-Brahmins for Bihar assembly while only 4 Dalits were elected. The same is the condition of all Bahujan parties.
In addition to that this formula also enables BSP leaders to bring Arya-Brahmins in their party fold and give them important party posts. Why ? Mayawati herself knows better. BSP founder Mr. Kanshi Ram had said that more severely the Arya-Brahminists curse and condemn you, you should feel happy because it is proof that you are on correct path and are delivering severe blows to the interests of Brahmanism. If Brahminists are not condemning you then you must become alert and check whether you have deviated from the correct path ? Kanshiram never allowed members of exploiter Arya-Brahmin class to enter into BSP. He had strictly kept BSP the party of Bahujans viz. 85% exploited communities of India. But today BSP leaders are indulged in bringing Arya-Brahmins into their party and appeasing them with big posts. The situation is dangerous like the "Trojan Horse". The citizens of troy had made a mistake to bring enormous wooden horse in to their impenetrable walled city. Inside the belly of this enormous horse selected warriors were hidden who came out in night and captured Troy city.
The critics say that the Arya-Brahmins who are given party tickets are not promoted to this position due to their years of missionary work after they were duly tested and found missionary in character. On the contrary they are the dissidents from other Arya-Brahminist parties. Aware Bahujans do not understand how they can be transformed overnight into cadres of Bahujan mission ? If the sole criteria of giving them ticket is their ability to spend in election and they have no ties with indigenous Bahujan masses which result from intensive working with masses for years then how long can they remain loyal to BSP ?
The proof of betrayal is given several times in past by Arya-Brahmin members elected from the parties of Bahujans. Arya-Brahmin members elected on Ramvilas Paswan's party ticket defying Paswan, tried to form BJP government in Bihar. Congress had avoided the formation of this BJP government by dissolving Bihar assembly through its governor of Bihar. Arya-Brahmin candidates elected through BSP also have defected several times. We have seen that the MLAs elected on BSP tickets have defected to other parties in unison. It happened in Bihar, recently in Rajastan and in past several times in Uttar Pradesh itself. In Rajastan 6 MLAs were elected on BSP tickets. After election all of them had joined communal-casteist Congress to share power. In spite of that, for the sake of money, giving tickets to Arya-Brahminists is being continued shamelessly allege BSP critics. More the Arya-Brahmins are elected, more will be the risk of such defection.
To ascertain how many Arya-Brahmins and how many OBC are elected on the tickets of Parties of OBC, Dalit, Muslim Adivasis on non SC-ST seats, we analyzed data provided by election commission of India. Results are summarized in table below.
Table 14 : Caste Category of Party Candidates Contesting from General Constituencies |
| BSP | SP | RJD | JDU | DMK | TDP | JVM | ML | SAD |
General | 19 | 14 | 3 | 15 | 16 | 4 | 0 | 3 | 0 |
SC | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
ST | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
| INC | BJP | NCP | TRS | CPI | CPM | TC | ADMK | Other |
General | 150 | 91 | 8 | 3 | 2 | 8 | 16 | 7 | 44 |
SC | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
ST | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
As per EC Results OBC = 0, SC = 2, ST = 2 from General Constituencies |
We were surprised to see that as per election Commission data not a single OBC is elected on any non SC-ST seat. Do the Arya-Brahmins controlling election commission want to hide the real number of their Arya-Brahmins elected to parliament mentioning all non SC-ST candidates as General ? Or are OBC candidates ashamed to write their OBC caste category ? Why the Arya-Brahmins controlling election commission of India do not want to mention the actual OBC and Arya-Brahmin figure ?
Other parties in table above are AUDF, AGP, HJCBL, JKN, JDS, KEC(M), Shiv Sena, SWP, BJD, SDF, MDMK, RLD, RSP, AIFB and Independents.
7) The work of Bahujan Mission can be done at various levels such as 1) developing awareness among white collar employees, 2) developing awareness among white collar as well as among common masses 3) launching agitation of white collar employees for their various demands. 4) launches nationwide agitation of common masses on the issues vital to common masses. 5) actually inflicting severe blows to parties of Arya-Brahmins and weaken them by launching unending persistent campaign of exposing and negating them completely. 6) Severely inflict harm to the Arya-Brahmin interests at all levels by strengthening nonpolitical roots of the mission. 7) Developed ability to protect masses from the attacks of armed terrorist organizations of Sangh-Parivar and exploitation and oppression system of Arya-Brahminist by retaliating in their own language.
BSP under Kanshiram used to organize cadre camps at all levels of party where cadres were trained with Bahujanist ideology. Now BSP has stopped organizing cadre camps which are meant to educate Bahujans in Bahujanist ideology. Previously BSP had started print media at regional levels and was meticulously maintained with the material help and guidance of central leadership. In Maharashtra there used to be several weakly being run. But now not a single print media is run. This gives impression that BSP leaders do not want masses to become ideologically aware. BSP has completely stopped awareness campaigns to educate masses ideologically and reduced the whole ideology to a single slogan of "everything to win elections" does not stand even at first superficial level. Now the big question is How long BSP leaders will keep their missionary party-cadres in BSP when it seems that BSP has been transforming completely into a non-missionary party ? It is certain that in the event of damaged missionary spirit of BSP workers day by day BSP is transforming itself into a non-missionary party. If this state continues or deteriorate further how BSP shall exceed in elections ?
On the contrary non-BSP Bahujans are running state-wide Marathi daily newspapers Such as 1) Mahanayak, 2) Samrat, 3) Vishva Samrat, and 4) Loknayak. Non-electioneering non-BSP organizations are running their weeklies, fortnightlies and monthly periodicals. They also organize awareness functions. BAMCEF and Rashtriya Mulniwasi Sangh presided by Mr. Waman Meshram seems to be working at some of these above mentioned levels. Therefore, BSP supporters and workers have been increasingly attracted and participating in the functions organized by the BAMCEF and Rashtriya Mulniwasi Sangh presided Mr. Waman Meshram. To check this attraction, Mayavati had revived its own BAMCEF. It should be remembered that after formation of a political party BSP founder Kanshiram had dissolved BAMCEF but did not stop political education of masses. However the BAMCEF remained functioning by its other founder members. But the BAMCEF that Mayavati formed could do nothing to prevent the Bahujans from joining BAMCEF and Rashtriya Mulniwasi Sangh presided by Mr. Waman Meshram. There are several other factions of BAMCEF but most of them seem to be fixated at first level hence they are lagging far behind the BAMCEF and Rashtriya Mulniwasi Sangh presided by Mr. Waman Meshram. It will be a tough task for BSP to retain its Dalit vote bank in the wake of its "Sarvajan Hitay" formula.
Many organizations are formed by the BSP mass leaders who left party after differences with Mayavati. Mass leaders such as Fulsingh Baraiyya of Madhya Pradesh were expelled from BSP because they had some differences with Mayavati. Fulsingh Baraiyya had formed his own party. Same has happened in Uttar Pradesh. Though these parties are weak, they expose before masses the dictatorship of BSP leaders in party, lack of democratic functioning in party, monopoly of rich and Arya-Brahminists in party and transformation of the whole party into the party of Brokers. This has greatly damaged the reputation of party and morale and determination of cadres are day by day shattering. Therefore, BSP which once was a solid party is becoming brittle day by day.
9) Unaware Bahujan masses have been consistently voting in favor of Congress in order to prevent communal-fascist BJP coming into power. BSP leaders are therefore confident that that in spite of their misdeeds, Bahujan masses will vote for BSP to defeat communal-casteist BJP. This is true where BSP is strong enough and has possibility to defeat communal-fascist BJP or communal-casteist Congress. But in places where BSP is relatively weak the votes of this section of Bahujan masses shall go to communal-casteist Congress because unaware Bahujan sections are inclined to prefer communal-casteist Congress when they compare it with communal-fascist BJP. More the BSP become a party of rich Arya-Brahmins, more the indigenous poor masses lose faith in BSP, BSP will continue to become weaker and weaker and the Bahujan masses will i) transfer their votes to other Bahujan parties ii) having no indigenous party capable of defeating commnal-fascist BJP unaware section shall vote for communal-casteist Congress iii) large number of Bahujans shall prefer not to vote. This is a danger signal for BSP.
10) Because on the one hand the parties of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi have been repeatedly vouching that communal casteist Congress is secular and on the other hand they are proving themselves communal by their own actions as specified earlier, the unaware common Bahujans have been developing a feeling that when the communal-casteist Congress is secular then why they should vote BSP which has been protecting communal-fascist BJP leaders. BSP will have to retain its Dalit vote Bank at all cost if it does not want to lose more seats.
11) Non-BSP Dalit votes are mainly divided in i) Brahminist parties ii) Stooge Parties like RPI factions that use the name of Dr, Ambedkar and other Bahujan liberation warriors and iii) Parties formed by BSP dissidents and Bahujans having difference of opinions with BSP.
When compared with stooge parties such as RPI factions the Dalits will prefer BSP at least in election in spite of its lot of weaknesses mentioned above. Therefore, BSP will swallow parties and factions of stooge leaders. In Maharashtra BSP will make RPI factions to completely extinct.
So far the organizations of BSP rebels are concerned BSP leaders know that even if they expel missionary leaders from BSP they can not become a formidable threat to party leadership because such mass leaders lack economical resources to coordinate and keep active contact with their newly formed party units. Such parties being the representatives of poor aware section usually fail in election as they lack necessary finance for contesting election. Because they are small factions and do not pose major threat to Brahminist parties, masses are less inclined to vote for them. Therefore in a due course such parties automatically vanish when they follow the path of election. Therefore BSP leaders are least bothered about parties of rebellion leaders. In Uttar Pradesh small parties of non Arya-Brahmin leadership are 1) Vanchit Samaj Party, 2) Apna Dal, 3) Aklavya Samaj Party, 4) Ambedkar Samaj Party, 5) Bahujan Sangharsha Party, 6) Rashtriya Samanata Dal, 7) Rashtriya Macchua Samaj Party
Bahujan Shakti, 9) Shoshit Samaj Dal, 10) Bahujan Uday Manch, 11) Bharatiya Eklavya Party, 12) Rashtriya Dehat Morcha Party, 13) Gondwana Gantantra Party, 14) Gondwana Mukti Sena 15) Akhil Bharat Ashok Sena. Such small parties with their limited resources are able to draw some Bahujan votes. Such parties can only weaken the chances of BSP in election only to some extent.
So far the Dalits in Brahminist organizations are concerned BSP had developed the only strategy of giving party tickets to the economically strong Dalit dissidents of Arya-Brahmin parties. BSP leaders know that there are always disgruntled mass leaders in all parties and therefore some of them are bound to approach BSP for tickets when are denied tickets by their own party. BSP leaders have adapted the policy of incorporating such powerful dissidents in party so that BSP get their community votes. With this policy BSP votes do indeed increase temporarily though it is not the missionary votes. But since the onset of "Sarvajan Hitay" formula these Dalits are less likely to get BSP tickets because they can not stand before Arya-Brahminists in financial and other resources. Therefore chances of attracting Dalits under the influence of Arya-Brahminist parties is less likely at BSP's own efforts. BSP hopes that it will benefit from the work of non-BSP missionary Bahujan organizations. Non-BSP organizations such as BAMCEF organize cadre camps to educate their cadres in Bahujanist ideology. For the same they develop printed literature, audio and video CDs and DVDs. Many aware Bahujans have also developed their awareness literature. Their literature attract Bahujan masses of various castes towards missionary organizations such as BAMCEF etc. for missionary activities and in election towards BSP. This way to some extent BSP is being benefited from the missionary activities of others in election. But organizationally BSP shall become less and less reliable.
We have tried to discuss most of the positive and negative factors that can influence the performance of BSP in coming elections. Considering them together it seems to us that in next parliamentary elections on one hand BSP shall lose most of the existing seats and on the other hand may win some new seats if its prestige does not shatter further. In that case the final tally of BSP would be something around 25 seats. These findings thus shatters the assumption that BSP shall win minimum 21+51 = 72 seats in next election if it converts second position into first.
2. Future of RJD, JDU, SP and LJP
It seems that JDU was in better position in Bihar because it did not act as feet-licker of either communal-casteist Congress or of communal fascist BJP. They have created an image that they have been using BJP and fascist Sangh-Parivar organizations to capture power in Bihar. It also seems that after having allied with communal-fascist BJP the the JDU leaders might have taken sufficient care to behave in secular manner in practice to win the confidence of its secular voters. On the contrary, on one hand Lalu Prasad Yadav posing himself secular has been visiting temples of Brahmin religion and was getting the blessings of the saints who are staunch communalists and supporters of Sangh Parivar. It was Lalu Prasad Yadav who had built the temples of Brahmin religion all-over Bihar and surpassed communal-fascist BJP in its faith in Brahmin religion and had given his party ticket to a killer of Dalit District Collector and saw him got elected. Similarly then RJD government in Bihar had declared Naxalites as terrorist but could not dare to declare "Ranvir Sena", the terrorist organizations of Arya-Brahmins who have been killing Dalits and OBC communities. Lalu government had refused to declare Ranvir Sena as a terrorist organization and turned down the public demand. Thus Lalu Prasad Yadav has been exposing himself to the extent that masses lost faith in him. In most of the constituencies RJD candidates are defeated with wide margin.
After excellent performance of JDU in election, important RJD and LJP leaders are joining JDU in large number. Therefore, BJP has developed a fear that if JDU reached its majority in Assembly at its own then Nitish Government may not need support of communal-fascist BJP. To us it appears that mass-base of Lalu Yadav which is mainly in Bihar and some parts of Jharkhand, under these conditions would shift to parties that show more ideological dedication to the cause of Bahujans.
Unless the parties of Bahujans return sincerely to their Social-Justice agenda and actually struggle for it, there is no hope of their growth.
3) How if All Indigenous Parties Form their
United-front Against Arya-Brahmin Parties?
Aware Bahujan masses are speedily realizing that their prime need is to destroy all Brahminist fascist parties such as Congress, BJP, and fake Communist parties of India. It is speculated by the aware indigenous Bahujans that if all the major indigenous parties join together to form a united front against Arya-Brahmin parties then they can oust the Arya-Brahmin rule from India. We shall try to objectively assess this assumption.
Table 15 below displays the combined percent votes of major indigenous parties of the various states of India where combined percent is greater than 4.0% From the table it becomes obvious that if in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh indigenous parties form joint front they will oust Arya-Brahmin parties in these states. Number of seats in these 3 states alone amounts to 162.
Table 15 : Combined Rough Percent Votes of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi Parties |
High Success States | Some Success States |
States Above 10% | %Votes | Seats | Between 4.0-9.0% | %Votes | Seats |
Bihar | 54.76 | 40 | Madhya Pradesh | 8.92 | 29 |
Uttar Pradesh | 50.99 | 80 | Punjab | 6.11 | 13 |
Tamilnadu | 26.10 | 39 | Maharashtra | 5.88 | 48 |
Andhra Pradesh | 41.90 | 42 | Delhi | 5.63 | 07 |
Jharkhand | 22.63 | 14 | Chattisgarh | 5.07 | 11 |
Chandigarh | 21.43 | 01 | Rajastan | 4.14 | 25 |
Uttarakhand | 17.37 | 05 | Total | 133 |
Haryana | 16.07 | 10 | Note : Percent votes are computed from parties appeared to be of Bahujans. |
Total | 231 |
High success states where indigenous parties together shall win most of the seats are Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Zarkhand, Chandigarh, Uttarakhand, and Haryana. In these states there are 231 seats. In some success states there are 133 seats. If we assume that few seats that indigenous parties can not win in high success states, the same loss may be compensated from some success states. Therefore, All indigenous parties together may win minimum 200 seats in first election and shall be single largest front.
On the other hand, it is difficult for Arya-Brahminists parties such as communal-fascist BJP and communal-casteist Congress to join into single front they shall not be single largest front after election. If they form post-poll alliance, they shall get fully exposed in the eyes of indigenous masses under their grip and in next parliament election Arya-Brahminist parties will come in minority and shall lose power.
Therefore the strong fear is aroused in the hearts of many Arya-Brahmins that Brahmin rule will come to an end if alliance of parties led by non-Brahmin indigenous Bahujans comes in to existence. But the Brahmin think-tanks are 100% confident that such alliance will never materialize due to following insurmountable obstacles.
Various Obstacles in
United Front of the Parties of Indigenous Bahujans !
The main obstacles in forming united front of indigenous Bahujans are specified below.
1) Personal enmity between leaders of indigenous parties :- Arya-Brahmins spared no opportunity to create enmity between Mulayam Singh Yadav, Mayavati, Lalu Prasad Yadav etc Bahujans to the extent that these Bahujan parties have no hesitation in forming election alliance with communal-casteist congress, communal-fascist BJP and other parties of Arya-Brahmin leadership, but the parties of Bahujans are extremely averse to make alliance with each other.
In assembly elections conducted in 2005 in Hariyana, Zarkhand and Bihar Arya-Brahmin Congress craftily created enmity between Laluprasad Yadav and Shibu Soren; and between Ramvilas Paswan and Lalu Prasad Yadav by offering some of them more seats than the other. As a result of this enmity these Bahujan leaders tried to victimize each other's candidates. As a result Arya-Brahmin candidates were elected in large number. Neither Lalu government in Bihar nor Shibu Soren government in Zarkhand could be retained. When Stiphen Marandi of Zarkhand Mukti Morcha resigned from Rajyasabha, Congress led UPA instead of declaring the same seat to Zarkhand Mukti Morcha Congress voted for Lalu candidate to create enmity between Lalu and Soren.
The enmity between the Bahujan leaders have reached to such a level that they can make alliance with communal-casteist Congress, communal-fascist BJP and with any Brahmanist party but they can not even tolerate the sight of each other. Then question of alliance between them is almost impossible.
2) Struggle for existence Among Indigenous organizations :- Every indigenous leader wants to retain power at the expense of his rival leaders belonging to other indigenous parties. SP and BSP in Uttar Pradesh and RJD and JDU in Bihar are out to destroy each other. They have been defecting MLAs of each other into their party. In Bihar, Lalu Prasad Yadav had defected BSP MLAs into his party. On the contrary, Arya-Brahmins have been successfully retaining their alliances in Bengal and Kerala since several decades.
BSP in Bihar has become threat to other parties as it has developed potential to cause them defeat in many seats. From table 16 we find that because of BSP RJD has lost in all 3 seats (Gopalganj, Karakat and Madhubani). But BSP has also benefited RJD in Buxar and Maharajganj. Thus the net loss caused by BJP to RJD is of one seat.
Table 16 : BSP Factor In Bihar in 2009 Parliament Elections |
Constituency | Lost By | Won By | Vote Difference | BSP Votes |
Gopalganj | RJD | JDU | -5073 | 47545 |
Karakat | RJD | JDU | -11591 | 32074 |
Madhubani | RJD | BJP | -1684 | 11611 |
Buxar | BJP | RJD | -124907 | 127145 |
Sasaram | BJP | INC | -53659 | 96613 |
Nawada | LJP | BJP | -11611 | 46528 |
Maharajganj | JDU | RJD | -25607 | 28404 |
Katihar | INC | BJP | -1745 | 15760 |
BSP has caused defeat of communal-fascist BJP in two seats viz. Buxar and Sasaram. But because of BSP communal-fascist BJP could win 3 seats viz. Katihar, Nawada, and Madhubani. Thus communal-fascist BJP was in benefit of one seat due to BSP. Because of BSP the LJP lost the Nawada seat to communal-fascist BJP. BSP caused defeat of JDU in Maharajganj but was instrumental of win of JDU in two seats. These seats are Gopalganj and Karakat. Thus JDU is benefited by BSP by one seat. Communal-casteist Congress has lost Katihar seat but won Sasaram seat because of BSP. Thus communal-casteist Congress is not in loss because of BSP. If BSP had secured 425 more vote communal-fascist BJP would have lost Bhagalpur seat to RJD. JDU would have lost Jahanabad seat to RJD if BSP had secured 2637 more votes. Similarly RJD would have lost Vaishali seat to JDU if BSP had secured 3958 more votes.
On the contrary in Uttar Pradesh RJD, JDU and LJP is not in position to send any harm to BSP. Therefore, BSP will be less inclined to form united front with RJD, LJP and JDU and will try to weaken their strength in Bihar.
3) The enmity created by Brahminists regarding reservation :- By dividing all communities according to their backwardness and giving them reservation according to their population proportions and setting in each block sub quota for creamy and non creamy layer will ensure that no community is deprived from their reservation. But Arya-Brahminists riding the government have 1) have placed undeveloped and less-developed communities in a single caste category, and 2) in different states the same castes labeled as SC / ST / OBC / NT / VJ and so on to divide we Bahujans and create conflict between us. As a result the undeveloped castes blame that they can not avail reservation because all reserve seats of their category are grabbed by somewhat developed castes.
Communal-casteist Congress, communal-fascist BJP and all Brahminist parties have also created issues such as genuine Adiwasi and fake Adivasi to create enmity and hate between Bahujans. The conflict is so intense that the rival castes within SC, within ST and within OBC do not come to form a united front. Infiltration of Brahminists in indigenous organizations have widened the gap and intensity of enmity between the leaders of indigenous organizations to such an extent that they criticize each other lowering themselves to lowest level. But they will never criticize any Arya-Brahminist leader to this extent and level.
4) Mass-base of parties of Bahujans is in limited region :-Another obstacle in the nationwide united front of parties of Bahujan is that they can not be of any help to each other because they are non-existent in each other's state. For example TDP and PRP is only in Andhra Pradesh, DMK is only in Tamilnadu, RJD and JDU is mainly in Bihar and Jharkhand. SP is mainly in Uttar Pradesh. JMM is only in Jharkhand and Bihar. BSP is a recognized national party but is relatively weak in states other than Uttar Pradesh. Therefore, a nationwide alliance between them would be on paper but materially non-existent. Therefore, each of these parties think in terms of their local equations where SP-BSP in Uttar Pradesh, RJD-JDU-LJP in Bihar, TDP-PRP in Andhra Pradesh, DMK-? find each other rival in their respective states.
As nun of them can capture power at centre, to obtain share in power at centre they are compelled to make alliance either with communal-casteist Congress or with communal-fascist BJP. Thisdependency is the main reason that indigenous parties which pose themselves secular can not declare communal-casteist Congress their formidable enemy and launch a decisive campaign to demolish communal casteist Congress. If any Bahujan organization attempts to do that communal-casteist Congress will give preference to other faction of Bahujans in that very state. Every Bahujan organization to keep the opponent Bahujan party out of central power is ready to support communal-casteist Congress. Communal-casteist Congress did it in Tamilnadu with DMK-ADMK, With SP-BSP in Uttar Pradesh, with RJD-JDU in Bihar. The illusion of secular parties Vs. Communal parties created by Arya-Brahminists have put communal casteist Congress in a position to dictate its terms to Bahujan parties because joining communal-fascist BJP in alliance meant certifying themselves communal and non-secular. Therefore, when an opportunity of forming a formidable third front under the leadership of V.P. Singh was possible the Bahujans leaders did not miss the chance. But now there is no formidable third front and when Bahujan leaders are divided in camps hostile to each others they have no alternative but to woo communal-casteist Congress so that they may find their share in power. Because of these dependency they are shamelessly certifying communal-casteist Congress as secular.
Lalu Prasad Yadav, Mulayam Singh Yadav and Ramvilas Paswan had have been repeatedly vouching to remain faithful soldiers of Sonia Gandhi. After defeat, Ramvilas Pasvan is repenting and declaring publicly that not allying with communal-casteist Congress was his grave mistake. Lalu Prasad Yadav has also expressed the same feelings repeatedly. Lalu Prasad Yadav at his own declared his party support to candidate of communal-casteist Congress in Rajyasabha election for the seat vacated from Jharkhand. In Jharkhand RJD has 7 MLAs. SP state chief and member of parliament Mr. Akhilesh Yadav in a statement said that the women reservation bill in its present form with very little changes can be accepted if it is brought down from 33% to 25%. (Lokmat Samachar, 15 June 2009) RJD leader Lalu Prasad Yadav have been keeping tied lips regarding share of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi women in women's reservation Bill. Thus in their attempt to woo communal-casteist Congress the SP, RJD, RLD and LJP is degrading themselves to lowest possible level.
It is Sharad Yadav, the JDU leader who gave an emotional mass-appealing statement that he will commit suicide if the women's reservation bill is passed without ensuring quota for OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi women. Even Mr. Vinay Katihar and Uma Bharati of BJP and ex-BJP reiterated their commitment for ensuring quota of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi women in women's reservation Bill. Therefore, behavior of Lalu. Mulayam, Pasvan is disgusting considering that communal-casteist Congress is determined to pass women's reservation bill without ensuring quota for indigenous women to grab all the seats for their Arya-Brahmin women.
BSP's unasked unconditional support to Congress makes people conclude that if communal-casteist Congress is well-wisher of Bahujans then where is the need of BSP ? Daily Mahanayak called it grave mistake of BSP to give unconditional support to communal-casteist Congress when it did not even ask for Mayavati's support. According to Mahanayak the list of supporters that communal-casteist Congress submitted to the president of India, did not mention the support of Samajwadi Party and BSP as Congress does not need their support. (Mahanayak, 25 May 2009 p.7) In spite of that by declaring unasked unconditional support to Congress Mayavati has made herself the "miserable-lady" contrary to her widely propagandized image of "iron lady". It appears to us that if these parties do not learn from experiences and revert back to their basic agenda of social justice RJD and LJP may soon be replaced by JDU in Bihar and SP-BSP shall become progressively weak in Uttar Pradesh and shall be soon replaced by communal-casteist Congress and communal-fascist BJP. By certifying communal-casteist Congress as secular the parties of OBC, Dalit, Muslim Adivasi have dug their own grave and shall be soon pushed into the grave they have dug for themselves.
5) Greed of Money and Power :- Selfish electioneering party leaders are slave of their own shallow lusts therefore their main intention is to attain, name, fame, power and wealth by any means. To meet this intention they make masses partially aware so that the masses blindly do what these leaders ask them to do and never question their actions. Brahmins want to get elected by any means, therefore they are ready to spend huge amount. Many organizations of Bahujans after receiving huge amount from these Arya-Brahmins and apply following strategy to benefit these Arya-Brahmins :-
i) Such parties of indigenous Bahujans may file weak or strong candidates depending upon whether the party wants to let a particular party win or lose the seat. For example, on seats mentioned in table 16 if BSP had filed all weak candidates in Bihar on those seats the parties who lost the seats would not have lost them. Critics of BSP claim that in lieu of money BSP leaders file weak or strong candidate depending on whether the "deal" with that particular party is finalized or not.
ii) Parties of Indigenous Bahujans contest election on those seats only where they are strong and leave remaining seats for Brahminists to win;
iii) they contest seats in such a way that votes of Bahujans get divided among themselves and a particular Manuist candidate is elected ;
iv) Knowing fully that the votes of Arya-Brahmins are never transferred to indigenous Bahujan candidates, they make alliance with Brahmanist parties such as fascist BJP and communal-casteist Congress and hide from masses that they have received huge amount from these Brahmanist parties. Sometimes they ask Bahujans to vote for Congress and sometimes to vote for BJP whosoever is the highest bidder at that time.
v) Some parties of Bahujans receiving huge amount from Arya-Brahmins give Arya-Brahmins their party tickets by denying legitimate claims of sincere party workers and see that these Arya-Brahmins are elected.
6) Grip of Brahmin-Religion :- Priestly class is the backbone of every exploitation system as they enslave the minds of the masses to make exploitation and oppression of masses possible. Priestly class of every kind is basically Brahminist as it always protects privileged class. Because the minds of the vote-begging leaders of the parties of indigenous Bahujans are under the firm grip of Brahmin religion they can not take any decisive step mortal to Arya-Brahminist interest. Their life is controlled by priest even before they are born and continue even after their death in the form of rituals of Brahmin-Religion. From the date and time of filing nomination to date and time of resuming chair it is the priests who dictate them to perform, Puja, Havan, and dictate which parties and their leaders are lucky and unlucky for them. Leaders are seen wearing rings, sticks, necklace etc. especially prepared by priests for their luck.
These Bahujan leaders have developed a false belief that unless they drink the water used to clean Brahmin feet, they can not enjoy power, prosperity and the haven after death. Because of this mental slavery imposed by Brahmin religion no minister of Mulayam Singh ministry in Uttar Pradesh could dare to occupy his ministry chair before performing "Yadnya and Hawan" by the Brahmins". How shameful it was to see that the chief minister Mulayam Singh Yadav who belongs to OBC community had abolished the districts made after the names of Gautam Buddha, Saint Kabir, Jyotirao Fule, Shahu Maharaj etc., Bahujan warriors. Ex-chief minister of Bihar Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav in his regime started campaigns of building temples of Brahmin religion in record number. Nobody not even the BJP during its rule in Bihar could dare to do so. Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav was fooled by a Brahmin priest who gave him a "miraculous stick" made from precious mettles and claimed that it will save him from all dangers. The stick proved false and the Ex-chief minister suffered more. But it has definitely proved that then Bihar chief minister Lalu Prasad Yadav is a slave of Brahmin religion. In his resident, tape of Gayantry hymn of Brahmin religion was seen always singing to leave no doubt about his being a slave of Brahmin religion. Because of this mental slavery such leaders can not form a genuine front of Bahujans intended to destroy Brahminism and its exploitation system. The parties of communities who consider themselves "Kshatriyas" (servants of Brahmins) will always proudly serve Brahmin exploiters. Therefore, such parties will never join sincerely the united front of indigenous Nag-Dravid Bahujans. Only those can launch a genuine struggle against system of Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression whose minds are free from the influence of every kind of priestly class.
7) Arya-Brahmins in Bahujan organizations :- Greed for money and power leads selfish leaders to woo rich and influential Arya-Brahminis into their party. These Arya-Brahmins who are rich and resourceful are shrewd enough to identify selfish indigenous Bahujan elements in party and corrupt the whole party with their help. The whole party structure is transformed from revolutionary Bahujan organization to an organization incapable of offering any kind of resistance to exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahminists. Soon these organizations function as slave of Arya-Brahmins.
Blood relations with Arya-Brahmins :- Brahminists using their tried and tested ancient evil plan have been marrying their daughters in reputed families of indigenous Bahujans in power so that these indigenous persons could be used as "Shikhandi" to protect Brahminism and in enslaving Bahujan masses. RPI leaders Ramdas Athawale, Prakash Ambedkar, Justice party leader Mr. Udit Raj (Ram Raj), Ramvilas Paswan of Dalit Sena (Now LJP), BJP leader Gopinath Munde, Ex-Chief minister of Maharashtra Mr. Vasantrao Naik, etc. are few examples who established blood relations with Arya-Brahmins. Such leaders who feel obliged by marrying a Brahmin girl have become slaves of Brahmanism and are striving hard to push Bahujan masses in to poisonous marsh of Brahmin religion and destroying Bahujan struggle against the exploitation and oppression of Brahminist-Zionist Tri-Iblis. Under the same policy Arya-Brahminists have made one son of their family Sikh and thus corrupted whole Sikh religion and paralyzed it with the poison of Brahmin-religion. Under the same evil policy, Arya-Brahmins have converted to Islam and poisoned their religion with Brahminism and ensured that backward Muslims always remain backward and real power lies in the hands of converted Arya-Brahmins. These all converted and not converted Arya-Brahmins in unison are protecting Arya-Brahmin exploitation system and ensuring that indigenous masses remain slaves of their system.
Because of these above mentioned reasons party organizations of indigenous Bahujans will never come together to oust Arya-Brahmin exploiters from power. They will continue to support exploitation system of Tri-Iblis while befooling people by their lip service and mock struggle.
Arya-Brahminist Parties are out for
Demolition of OBC, Dalit, Adivasi Organizations !
After communal-casteist Congress has come to power, its first declared task is to demolish indigenous parties which are threat to Arya-Brahmin Crown. Their immediate target will be to demolish the weakest indigenous party with the help of their indigenous enemy parties. Communal-casteist Congress knows very well that unless it regains stronghold in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, it will have fear of being ousted from the power. Therefore SP and BSP of Uttar Pradesh and RJD and JDU in Bihar is top in the hit list of communal-casteist Congress. They want to finish them one by one. In Bihar communal-casteist Congress is determined to destroy RJD and LJP first. Because JDU is in BJP camp, RJD and LJP can not join it and thus is fully at the mercy of communal casteist Congress because BSP is also immerging as a mortal threat to them. According to Lokmat Samachar (15 June 2009) communal-casteist Congress having {secret understanding with BJP} has declared its decision to contest alone in Bihar so that by selectively voting it can inflict maximum possible harm to RJD and JDU in favor of Arya-Brahmin candidates in general. So that in net result communal-casteist Congress and communal-fascist BJP immerge as main parties.
Communal-casteist Congress has always been pretending and intensively publicizing as well-wisher of Dalits and reaping benefits in election. After they have achieved their intention they are always betraying the very Dalits. The racist and hypocrite Mr. Mohanlal Karamchand Gandhi the grand-grandfather of Mr. Rahul Gandhi was famous for his drama of visiting Dalit localities, posing poor like Dalits and preaching Dalits to be proud of their filthy life and slavery. According to Jawaharlal Nehru Mr. M. K. Gandhi was a hypocrite. According to Sarojini Naidu, to pose M.K. Gandhi as poor Communal-casteist Congress had to spend fabulous amount. (L.R. Bali : Kya Gandhi Mahatma The ?) M.K. Gandhi used to sleep naked with several of his female followers stripping them completely naked, including his own grand-niece Manu (V.T. Rajshekar, Why Godse Killed Gandhi)
It may be remembered that Before the election Rahul Gandhi following footsteps of his grand-grand father visited Dalit villages, stayed in the houses of Dalits and ate in Dalit huts. Therefore, the drama of Rahul Gandhi, of visiting Dalit localities and eating with them did not surprise anybody as this strategy is not New. Like his grand grand-father he did not lag behind in betraying the very Dalits whom he made subjects of his wide propaganda to reap the benefits in parliamentary elections of year 2009.
According to Daily Mahanayak, in its article in Marathi entitled as "Lastly Rahul Gandhi As Well as Congress shown their Caste" wrote that Rahul Gandhi during his election campaign in Vidabha region of Maharashtra had visited the house of Kalavati the wife of a farmer who had to commit suicide {as a result of anti-people policies of communal-casteist Congress}. Kalavati has a family of nine persons and is still being crushed under the debt of Rs. 90,000/-. Rahul Gandhi had showered fake sympathy and fake promises on the disadvantaged Kalavati and her family. Rahul Gandhi had stayed in her hut for several hours to exploit the situation politically. Rahul Gandhi also repeatedly referred her name in parliament and a wide propaganda was made to give impression that now the calamities of Kalavati are over and prosperity has come to her doorsteps. Government officers also promised her haven. Kalavati had applied for the promised facilities in writing believing that her family calamities are about to go. They were so overwhelmed with joy that they expressed their gratitude for Rahul Gandhi and his communal-casteist Congress. The communal casteist Congress took this very opportunity to publicize her feelings of gratitude widely and intensively and reaped the benefits in election. But Kalawati was made more miserable. Even after repeated visits to all officers concerned, no promise was fulfilled. Finally the officers told her that she should no come to them; as the promises were made by Rahul Gandhi so she should visit him and ask for the fulfillment of the given promises. To remind Mr. Rahul Gandhi of his promises she went to Delhi to meet him {perhaps again borrowing loan from the money lender to meet her Delhi travel expenses} and remind him of his promises. But Rahul Gandhi did not meet her. (Mahanayak, 11 June 2009)
Like the commercial companies who pay several million rupees to glamorous film actors and sport-stars for advertisement; communal casteist Congress has also been paying millions of Rupees to agencies for its election advertisement hoardings, election-Songs and what not but the Kalavati whom they used as their star advertisement Dalit-figure for their election campaign to fool Dalits and Bahujan masses did not receive a single penny but on the contrary is still being persecuted by the communal-casteist Congress in the manner described above. This is the tradition of communal-casteist Congress. It has to be seen to what extent Mr. Rahul Gandhi imitates his grand-grandfather in his hypocrisy and other experimentations.
Communal casteist Congress had decided to celebrate the birth day of Rahul Gandhi as "Samajik Samarasata Day" throughout India and especially in Dalit localities of every village of Uttar Pradesh in a grand fashion and advertise him as the savior of Dalits. Communal-casteist Congress on the occasion had organized joint-dining programs with Dalits. In several places public meetings for Dalits were also organized. (Lokmat Samachar, 15 June 2009, Mahanayak, 20 June 2009) The same Drama is likely to be done at large scale and shall be published intensively and churned day and night to influence Dalits in favor of communal-casteist Congress. It has been the tradition of Arya-Brahmins of communal-casteist Congress to purify themselves through the rituals of Brahmin religion after they come back from such drama as visiting Dalit houses and eating in their company.
Having politically benefited in election from this hypocrisy and cruel dramas, the communal casteist Congress has declared its intention to capture Uttar Pradesh by demolishing SP and BSP. Communal-cateist Congress to lure Dalit votes has appointed Meera Kumar (daughter of Jagjiwan Ram) as speaker of Loksabha and Mr. Mukul Wasnik as cabinet minister (Social Justice). The BSP use to raise slogan. "U.P. Hui Hamai Hai, Ab Dilli Ki Bari Hai, After the victory of communal casteist Congress, their party workers reverting BSP slogan are raising their own slogan as "Dilli Hui Hamai Hai Ab U.P. Ki Bai Hai".
Communal-casteist Congress has used its stooge RPI leaders and after realizing that BSP has taken hold of their mass-base, communal-casteist Congress itself ensured defeat of Mr. Ramdas Athawale, Prakash Ambedkar, Rajendra Gavai etc. in this very election because now the communal-casteist Congress does not want to appease these mass-less stooges by sacrificing share of their party leaders for nothing and invite wrath of their own loyal party leaders.
Communal-casteist Congress knows very well that united front between parties of indigenous OBC, Dalit, Muslim and Adivasi can not be formed because of the reasons explained earlier. Because the leaders of parties of vote-begging indigenous Bahujans have realized that by their very selfish personality they are incapable of launching genuine struggle against exploitation system of Arya-Brahmins which is part and parcel of world exploitation system of Tri-Iblis. Therefore, they are left with no other alternative than deceive indigenous Bahujan masses and accumulate as much power and wealth they can.
Arya-Brahmins know that leaders of indigenous parties have developed a feeling that they can only get share in power at centre either by allying with fascist BJP or allying with the communal-casteist Congress. Communal-cateist Congress as well as communal-fascist BJP will not allow parties like BSP, RJD or any party of OBC, Dalit, Muslim Adivasi a share in power which can become a threat to communal-casteist Congress in any manner. Arya-Brahmin parties will form their Arya-Brahmin government by secret or open alliance between the communal-casteist Congress, communal-fascist BJP and Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership. If at all share in power is given to some of the indigenous parties, these parties will have to remain underdogs. In such situations these indigenous parties will become completely useless so far struggle against economical oppression and exploitation of indigenous masses is concerned.
What Parties of Indigenous Bahujans Must Do ?
In order to bring Bahujan parties in dictating position following measure must be taken by parties of indigenous Bahujans if they do not want to be extinct either by the Arya-Brahminist parties or the missionary Bahujan organizations engaged in genuine missionary work
1. Launch formidable campaigns to finish Congress-BJP-Communist etc. Brahminist Enemy Parties.
Parties of indigenous Bahujans can be saved from being extinct only if they demolish the myth which they themselves have created that the communal casteist Congress is secular. The basic need is to make masses realize that communal-casteist Congress, communal-fascist BJP and Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadershi are equally communal, casteist an fascist. To leave no doubt among the masses, they must call these parties with prefixes before their name such as "communal-casteist", "Arya-Brahminist", "communal-fascist", "Arya-Brahmin fake communists", "enemy of Bahujans" and so on. Unless this "Secular Vs. Communal" illusion is not blown-up the dependency on communal-casteist Congress can not be demolished. BAMCEF presided by Waman Meshram is doing excellent in its campaign especially launched to expose communal-casteist Congress, fascist Communal BJP and other Brahninist organizations completely.
BSP founder Kanshiram took every care to expose before masses that there is no difference between Communal-casteist Congress, communal-fascist BJP and Arya-Brahmin fake communist leaders. He use to call them "Nagnath, Sanpnath and Astin Ke Sanp respectively. Therefore, to capture power to implement party programs he made alliance with communal-fascist BJP in Uttar Pradesh. His sharing political power with communal-fascist BJP was criticized by parties and masses affected by "Secular Vs. Communal" illusion. That time we had defended BSP by saying that if sharing power with BSP if communal-casteist BJP did not become "Secular" then how the BSP has become communal ? first two regimes of BSP in Uttar Pradesh had really served Bahujan masses. Because of stand taken by Kanshiram other Bahujan Parties had dared to joined the block of communal-fascist BJP and could get out of the dependency on communal-casteist Congress.
Now the basic need is to distance from these Arya-Brahmin parties and launch and ideological campaign to expose the communal-casteist and fascist character of these Arya-Brahminist parties before the masses and do everything to demolish them. Bahujan parties can do this individually if they can not do this jointly.
2. Stop begging and start Dictating Terms to Brahminist Parties.
Parties of Bahujans do not need to beg before Arya-Brahmin parties rather they should develop determination to destroy the Arya-Brahminist parties and dedicate themselves in this work. Soon they will find that leaders of Arya-Brahmin parties come to beg before them. BSP founder Kanshiram applied the same formula of demolishing Arya-Brahmin parties and benefited from the contradictions of them at his own terms. Communal-fascist BJP and communal-casteist Cogress was helpless and had no alternative but to concede.
3. Intensify Social-Justice Campaign at Grass-root Level
Parties of indigenous Bahujans can become strong only if they develop genuine dedication for their "Social-Justice" agenda and expose true communal-casteist and fascist character of Arya-Brahmin parties. They must expose before masses the every evil measure these Arya-Brahminists have taken to deprive the indigenous masses from their rights and reduce them to pathetic state. They should aware masses to demolish the exploitation and oppression system of Tri-Iblish.
4. Develop Dedication to their own Nag-Dravid Culture
Parties of indigenous Bahujans can only remain faithful to their Social-Justice agenda if they come out of the death-grip of Arya-Brahmin religion and become really dedicated to their own indigenous Nag-Dravid Bahujan culture.
Arya-Brahmins have done everything to distort and hide the history of we Bahujans that our indigenous culture is Nag-Deavid Culture. They have done everything and imposed their inhuman Brahmin-religion upon us to enslave and exploit us. Now we have been unveiling our glorious history and traditions of Nag-Dravid Culture. All OBC, Dalit, Adivasi and minority community people were indigenous Nag-Dravid ruling communities. The indigenous Nag-Dravid Indian culture has taken from Adivasi Shiv culture, Buddha Dhamma, Islam and paths of indigenous Bahujan saints. Parikupar Lingo, Buddha, prophet Mohammad, Baba Farid, Saint Namdev, Saint Ravidas, Kabir, Tukaram, Saint Sevabhaya etc. Bahujan liberation warriors have taught us to cling each other, be arm in arm and eat together in the same plate. All of them tried to lay foundation of exploitation free society based on equality, fraternity, brotherhood and liberty.
On the contrary, Brahmin religion used its all energy to convert us into uneducated, self-respect less slaves. Arya-Brahmins divided indigenous people into thousands of castes and compelled Bahujan castes to hate each other. Therefore, they do not salute each other from a safe distance. Forcing their Brahmin religion they compelled us to drink the water used in the washing of Brahmin feet. Brahmin religion and its culture has degraded Bahujans below the rank of animals. Brahmin religion is a curse and stigma on indigenous Nag-Dravid culture which should be wiped out at any cost. Therefore, all of our indigenous saints completely rejected and condemned Brahmin religion and its culture. For this our saints were humiliated, tortured and murdered by the Arya-Brahmins. Arya-Brahmins did not stop humiliating our saints even after their death. In spite of this, the selfish leaders of Bahujans forgetting their glorious religion and culture have became slaves of Brahmin religion. "How the slaves of Brahmin religion can fight against Arya-Brahmins ? "
5. Launch intelligent genuine struggle
Against Arya-Brahmin Exploitation and Oppression
The only way parties of Bahujans can regain their strength is that they should launch intelligent genuine struggle against the exploitation and oppression of indigenous masses by the Tri-Iblis. Intelligent and genuine struggle is that struggle in which Bahujan masses do not suffer but instead the parties of Arya-Brahmin exploiters and their exploiter class suffer politically, economically and in several other ways depending on the situation developed. Bahujan masses receive least possible harm. Such a struggle is genuine and formidable when all sections of masses such as workers, students, and intellectual all participate in the struggle in an intelligent manner.
There is a need to launch intelligent genuine struggle against privatization of education that intend to deprive Bahujans every education. They should launch struggle against SEZs, against Displacement of Bahujans from their ancestral places, demolition of their slums, against Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization, against demonic laws created to suppress masses and destroy democracy. They should mobilize themselves against MNCs. Such a list is very long.
What Bahujan Masses Must Do ?
Indigenous masses must realize following few points if they really want to get rid of satanic system of Arya-Brahminist exploitation and oppression and establish Bahujanist Social Democracy based on equality and fraternity in its place.
Arya-Brahminists are Enemy of Indigenous Bahujans
Bahujans should realize that the Congress, BJP, Communist etc. parties of Arya-Brahmin leadership have always opposed Mulniwasi rights in the interest of their Savarna community. Did not all the parties of Arya-Brahmin leadership in power delayed OBC reservation over half century ? They declared OBC reservation "in part", only when the liberalization, privatization and globalization could be implemented to finish the reservation. Why reservation in the judiciary is not implemented till this date ?, Why reservation quota is deliberately not filed ?, Why governments tolerated defying of Indian constitution and delivering anti Bahujan judgments by the Arya-Brahmin judiciary ? Arya-Brahmins loot us claiming our welfare. Claiming Dalit welfare they imposed Puna pact and created brigade of Dalit stooges and swallowed our rights one by one. In the name of development we Adiwasi are sent homeless and jobless; Claiming our emancipation through employment guarantee scheme existing facilities and subsidies are being removed in the pretext of creating fund for this scheme which is fraud to extract money for Arya-Brahmin industrialists. The scheme claims to give 100 days work @ 60/- rupees per day to one member of a family. If on the average each family has 5 members then each family member will get only three rupees twenty nine Paisa daily as a result of this scheme (60 X 100) / (5 X 365). Who can forget that America killed millions of people in Iraq, Afghanistan and other parts of the world claiming their liberation and welfare. Such are the shameless methods of Arya-Brahminits throughout the world.
Thousands of such questions lead us to only the conclusion that All parties of Brahmin leadership are enemies of Bahujan interest. We can only hate Arya-Brahmin leaders for whatever they have done to us. Only the open or disguised lackeys or persons with slave mentality can praise or sympathize Arya-Brahmin enemies.
Hoping Our welfare from Enemy is Futile
Is there any use in convincing the exploiters not to exploit ? How can you convince your exploiters to stop exploitation and give Bahujans their due share and rights ? They deny our Bahujan women the reservation in "Women's reservation bill " because they want all seats for their Arya-Brahmin women. They curse us vehemently of dividing women in castes and call themselves apostle of "women equality". If we demand reservation which is right of our community share, they will curse and call us "anti-equality", "disturbing communal harmony" and "dividing the country". On cunning pretexts such as "creamy layer", reservation is denied to well to do OBC, and the poor OBC candidates are denied calling them "not suitable". They will displace us from our century old homes and area which we love most. If we protest they will curse calling us "anti-development". They will demolish our little huts, destroy our life and praise themselves for cleansing dirt and converting city into Shanghai. They will provide cheap electricity, water, land and huge public fund to their Arya-Brahmin industrialists, allow them to loot banks and thus loot the middle class investors. If we object they will curse and call us "anti-industrial growth". They will abolish or reduce subsidies on essential items given from our own public money and transfer this amount to their Arya-Brahmin Industrialists. If we protest they will give us advice to "leave this begging attitude and be self-reliant".
How can we convince the exploiters not to exploit, not to deprive us from our rights and our legitimate share ? Have ever anybody in the word in the history of whole mankind has succeeded ? Nobody have succeed in convincing exploiters. Then why to engage in this futile attempt ? Why keep any hope in enemies ? Why not develop our strength to such height that the exploiter enemy has only alternative to concede our rights.
Why repeat futile unproductive neurotic actions ? Refute any activity which lead us to frustration and strengthen the oppressors. Treat enemies as enemies and friends as friends. When the Congress, BJP, communist etc., parties of Brahmin leadership are enemies of Bahujan interest then why to keep any hope from them ? Why to sympathize or praise their leaders ? Why to vote for enemy parties ? Why not analyze carefully every bait put forth by them ? Unless we do that we can not save ourselves from being cheated and treated as fools by the Arya-Brahmin oppressors. Let us not engage in any activity that does not lead to strengthen our struggle and weaken our enemies. If we have that determination then only we can free ourselves from exploitation. Therefore, consider class and community character of a person. Accordingly analyze his strength, limitations and his motives. If we do not break these fetters then our several generations would remain slaves in Manucracy which is great agony than dying as a lion.
Genuine Struggle For "BSG" is the only Alternative
We must not forget that whatever facility we Bahujans have got it is not due to the begging and crying before the exploiters. It is due to the bitter struggle that our liberation warriors such as Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar, Periyar etc. launched to capture state power in the hands of masses. The frightened Arya-Brahmin exploiters had no alternative but to make "temporary agreement" to calm-down the struggle. Brahmins at the time of Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar though enjoyed high positions, did not have absolute power in their hands. Brahmins either were under the rule of Muslim, or British, Dutch imperialists. World imperialists also fought among themselves for snatching colonies from each other. These foreign imperialists were compelled to help Bahujans fearing they may support the opponent imperialists, the Muslim rulers or the communism. Imperialists were phobic of communism. Therefore, Dr. Ambedkar and other Bahujan warriors could receive safeguards for the Bahujan masses oppressed socially and culturally. Today the situation is hundred times difficult because inhuman Manucracy is part of world imperialism. Manucratics of India have become a strong ally of Israel and America and act as their lackeys. There is no communism to frighten them. Hence, the shameless unconstitutional Manucracy in Gujarat could arrange state sponsored massacre of Muslims with hidden support of Israel and America.
The Manucracy, is so shameless and unconstitutional that you can not expect justice but only persecution and torture from them, because Arya-Brahmins have proved themselves worst enemies of Mulniwasi Bahujans. All commissions (human rights, SC/ ST, Women's etc.) which lack any power to do justice are constituted to 1) appoint Arya-Brahmins on higher posts. 2) to deceive people in the hope of justice and 3) to act as an agent of exploiters in weakening Bahujan struggle. To deceive people, these commissions must create illusion of justice by false propaganda with rare incidences of insufficient justice. People countable on fingers get lottery still the millions go after it. The same principle is applied by these commissions to deceive the Mulniwasi victims. The higher authorities of the concerned department will not respond whenever it goes against Arya-Brahmin interest. It does not matter which authority you plea. You will not receive any reply from them. In writing letters and reminders to president of India, governors, all the commissions, ministers and chief minister you will only spend your money, time and will get only frustration. We ourselves are sufferer. We have no genuine Bahujanwadi media or it is very weak. No matter how just and right we are ! No matter how genuine is our side, the Manu-media will declare that we are totally wrong. In the big loud noise of Manumedia our voice have always been remained unheard.
No hope from judiciary. Judiciary is anti-Bahujan and act on the behest of Manu-Smriti to protect Arya-Brahmin interests. Have you forgotten the big Statue of Manu raised in the foreyard of Rajastan high court in Jaipur? In giving anti-Bahujan judgements it does not hesitate to go beyond its powers, and make contempt of constitution says Waman Meshram.
Therefore, our main objective must be to destroy the exploitation system completely and establish firmly the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra (Bahujanist Social Democracy). Our every action must lead us ahead in that direction. Any action which does not accomplish this function is a misleading activity. When the exploiters are afraid of loosing their state power they beg Bahujans to accept concession such as reservation and other facilities. Those who hold the reins of state-power has the ability to give concession to others. Therefore, when the Irish nationalist Redmund asked Karson the leader of Alster to agree for united Irish state and get whatever facilities and concessions he needs. On this Karson replied, "Down with your concessions, we do not want to be ruled by you at any cost."
"Manusmriti" deprived OBC, Dalit, Adiwasis from education and respectable jobs. The same is being achieved by speedy implementation of Liberalization, Privatization & Globalization" (LPG). The LPG and SEZ are modern Manusmriti. We must realize that the liberalization, privatization and globalization (LPG) and SEZ which is "modern Manusmruti" is being implemented to exploit and enslave laboring masses of the world by imperialist countries. Arya-Brahmins are part of world Tri-Iblisi imperialist alliance. Therefore, fighting against Brahminism & LPG and SEZ involves struggle against world imperialism. Considering oppressive capacity of world imperialists and their ally Arya-Brahmins, think and visualize the nature of struggle would require and prepare ourselves for it.
When Arya-Brahmins shall find themselves incapable of retaining power through the elections, they will abolish parliamentary system and impose dictatorship over the toiling masses. Then struggle will be the only alternative left with the toiling masses to free themselves from exploitation and to establish Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra.Therefore, genuine struggle is a fundamental need while the electioneering shall be always secondary and complementary to the basic struggle.
Parties of Vote-Beggars are incompetant for Genuine Struggle
Are our Bahujan organizations of this kind ? Our Bahujan organizations are no different from the herd of goats. They are merely the parties of "Vote-Beggars". Our organizations can not think beyond "vote-begging". Our agitation is nothing more than the goats bleating in pain, in unison. Gathering in thousands to bleat and cry before the Arya-Brahmin exploiters we have spent huge amount of our hard earned money, lost our precious time and energy and got nothing. Once our Bahujan organizations of Tamilnadu accused Brahmin chief minister Jaylalita that she is spreading Brahminism. Jaylalita replied "Yes I am spreading Brahminism do whatever you like !". Listening this reply our organizations simply kept mum. Such is their misery. We can not even bend a single hair of the Arya-Brahmins. We can only bleat.
Arya-Brahmins know that birds will only flutter their wings and goats would beat their legs when they are slain. They know that this would not send them any harm. Therefore, Arya-Brahmins without any hesitation, break our bones and pierce bullets in the bodies of we Bahujan workers, peasants, students and youths through our own Bahujan police. Whenever we begged and bleated we got our bones broken. Police left no space for our escape. It happened with we Honda workers of Haryana. It happens every day with us all over in this Manucratic India. L.P.G. And SEZ the modern Manusmriti is being speedily implemented to enslave us for ever. If we protest Arya Brahmin exploiters will keep on killing we Mulniwasi Bahujans in the hands of Bahujan police while the Arya-Brahmins remaining completely safe.
Bahujan Stooges of Arya-Brahmins kept masses busy in ritualism. We paid them money, participated in processions and rallies, suffered police caning, firing occasionally, and voted for their candidates. But not a single sentence was delivered by them to assign us a missionary task that really weaken Arya-Brahmins and unite Bahujans. They never made us realize that nowhere in the history of mankind exploiters have themselves destroyed their exploitation system, surrendered their privileges and made means of production a social property. Therefore, Arya-Brahmins being exploiters, will never give us our rights so easily. Exploited Bahujan masses are never made aware to develop organizational skills to control their struggle as well as leaders of the struggle. Rather we are fooled in non-missionary activities. We never organized ourselves in the way that Arya-Brahmins have no other alternative but to concede our rights.
How long will it take we Bahujan masses to realize that our 'vote-beggars' have no capacity and desire to become lions. They are only after vegetable leaves offered by the Arya-Brahmins. How long should we act neurotically on the behest of our Arya-Brahmin enemies and their stooges ? Hoping that the cows will fly and fish will run on the ground ? That a moneylender will distribute his land and wealth among the landless laborers ? That a leader who himself is caught in the net of Brahmin religion will fight Brahmanism ? That the stooges of Arya-Brahmins will fight tooth and nail with their Arya-Brahmin masters ? How could the lackeys or devotees dare to fight with their Savarna masters ? Political parties of "vote-beggars" organized in a hodgepodge fashion will retaliate militantly the Arya-Brahmin terrorist organizations ? Those who hope all these will realize are living in the fool's paradise. Enough of living in fool's paradise !
What alternative is left with us other than : 1) Becoming slaves of Arya-Brahmins and bear all kinds of oppression for us & our generations. 2) Follow the "vote-beggar goat-leaders" and face police caning or firing but receive no justice. 3) Become lions and leave no opportunity to pounce on the hunters who are out to kill us. "Lion is never slain only goats are slain" says Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Are all people goats and morons not to identify the real oppressors ? Is a billion dollar question ! The answer is "Bahujans were never goats, they are made to think that they are goats." Many Bahujans have come out of this illusion and attained self respect by recognizing their sharp teeth and sharp nails of a lion. How long will it take we Bahujan masses to realize not to follow goats but to become lions themselves as Dr. Ambedkar told them to become, and pounce on the real culprit.
The Only Alternative for the indigenous Masses !
1) All parties of Brahmin leadership are enemies of Bahujan interest. Enemies are fought tooth and nail. Solidarity is developed between the friends. Hence it is our sacred duty to destroy these organizations. We must never trust our enemiesand analyze their every sugar coated poison proposals with extreme caution.
2) Dr. Ambedkar has clearly instructed us not to depend on any leader for our emancipation of any kind. Our emancipation lies in our own hands, and in our own efforts. The basic need is to aware masses for decisive struggle against every facet of Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression system. Dr. Ambedkar wanted exploited Bahujan masses to become politically aware, launch missionary activities themselves and develop organizational skills and control mission and its leadership. Therefore, every exploited Bahujan considering his own efficiencies, weakness, resources and responsibilities has to dedicate himself for the missionary activity of his choice and priority. "A missionary activity is that activity which unites Bahujan Samaj, strengthen its struggle and weakens Brahmanism". Unless missionary activities are started by exploited aware Bahujans themselves, we can not destroy exploitation system, free ourselves from oppression and establish exploitation free social system.
a) Never worry of difficulties no matter how great they are ! Instead, welcome them for the cadres are tempered and steeled by surmounting difficulties. Only by surmounting difficulties our struggle can grow. Therefore, whosoever does not welcome difficulties to conquer them but lament an shed tears can not be regarded as an aware Bahujan. Such a person is only a lazy, devoid of intellect, coward, selfish or slave in mentality. We the children of "Fule, Stalin, Ambedkar" are born to win !
b) Think not in terms of individual organizations but in terms of "whole process of struggle" between us and our exploiters. In this "process" many Bahujan organizations would be friends some with their limited capacity, some will remain in mission only to a point only. Therefore, do not expect anything beyond the capacity of friends & the friendly organizations and strive to fulfill by your own efforts whatever is lacks in the Bahujan mission. The enemy and their lackeys would strive to deceive and destroy our struggle. Therefore, identify our friends and the enemies, assess their strength and weaknesses, identify "cracks" in enemy fort, use them to demolish the enemy fort.
c) "Followers" of Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar, are reviving Fule, Shahu, Ambedkarism buried under ritualism and devoteesm. They don't carry Bahujan idols on their heads but understood life mission of Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar to implement their teachings in their struggle against the exploitation and oppression. They spend their every penny on creating awareness among Bahujans, punishing the oppressors and on missionary activities leading to destruction of the Arya-Brahmin exploitation system.
A) We must form "Fund to Resist Oppression"
In every village and locality "Fund to Resist Oppression" must be formed by aware persons. If a locality or village has many groups of Bahujans each of them can form their own "Fund to Resist Oppression". Groups of various types such as lawyers, workers, students of respective colleges and schools, women of the locality, various professional groups etc. can form their own "Fund to Resist Oppression"
Such a fund can be easily raised by diverting the fund collected to celebrate birth days of our liberation warriors such as Buddha, Ambedkar, Fule, Shahu and so on. Instead of wasting huge amount on decoration and such other wastages if the amount is properly used to give proper answer to those who burn our houses, rape our women, humiliate and kill us. What can we expect from the "vote beggar" leaders who continue to spent millions of rupees on Sammelans, conferences, election campaigning, their birth days, arrange meetings in five star hotels but are not ready to spend a single penny to support victims against the oppressors. Therefore, the above mechanism should be developed by aware common masses themselves.
There shall be no office bearers of the "Fund to Resist Oppression" and every decision shall be taken collectively by the contributor indigenous Bahujans of the fund. They shall collectively decide with whom the amount of "Fund to Resist Oppression" shall be kept. Each fund shall be completely autonomous and informal. Similarly they shall decide the nature of help and retaliation to be offered by their "Fund to Resist Oppression" appropriate to their abilities and resources. Every "Fund to Resist Oppression" is self reliant and autonomous and answerable only to its member contributors. The member contributors shall decide unanimously some members to coordinate between the resources of each similar program funds.
After an incident of atrocity on Dalits, Adivasi OBC Bahujans is known, any fund representative may announce the meeting of representatives of all existing funds in the region to decide the nature of resistance and help. The representatives gather together to simply coordinate with the help and retaliation program decided by each "Fund to Resist Oppression". Because each "Fund to Resist Oppression" is autonomous they may unite in the groups having similar retaliation and help program. Such groups of "Fund to Resist Oppression" shall unanimously choose persons who can accomplish needed responsibilities of the decided help and retaliation program.
The lackeys of the Arya-Brahmin organizations and oppressor class may try to infiltrate and would try hard to make centralized organization of the funds so that they can resume control and fool the masses with fake measure and distract the funds from implementation of genuinely effective program. How can cowards implement strong measures ? such cowards will avoid strong measures even if they are most essential in the given situation. Therefore, the success of funds depends upon the direct control of masses over each of their respective fund. Therefore no centralized formal committee of funds at any level shall be formed. Similarly centralization of their resources shall never be accepted. Representatives of each "Fund to Resist Oppression" shall help victims in their own supervision about the utilization of their contribution to ensure proper use of such fund is made.
The victims can be provided help in many ways such as :-
1) Atrocities continue because the victims are dependent on their oppressors for their jobs. Whenever any kind of resistance is offered the Arya-Brahminists apply their age-old tested and proven method of boycott of the victims. The victims of Arya-Brahmin oppression can be supplied sufficient quantity of food and money that last for several months. This shall make the boycott of victims by their Arya-Brahminist oppressors of the village futile and ineffective. If the victims depend for their job on the Arya-Brahminists, they also depend on the labor of victims for the production in their fields.
2) The possible actions taken against the atrocities committed can be as mentioned below :-
a) With the help of aware Bahujans in the radius of 100 miles of the pace of the victims an intensive campaign can be launched against the i) MLA and its party of the area and fully expose the anti-people character of that party and take an oath to demolish that party and defeat the existing MLA,
b) Expose all those who have been supporting the criminals and oppressors and expose them before masses.
c) ensure the economic, political and other loss of the oppressors and their supporters. For example we can start the boycott of the work in the field of the oppressor by organizing field-workers.
d) establish "protection committee" of the persons in the radius of 50 miles which shall act immediately to provide legal and other such affairs resulting after the oppression.
e) they should see that not only decision of the court comes in the favor of victims but also the oppressors suffer financially as a result of maximum possible heavy compensation.
f) other ways of punishing the oppressors and their interests can be investigated and actions be taken.
g) The oppressed Bahujans should organize long-march rallies for Bahujan-rights which should pass through every village / Taluka of every district, understand and solve local issues of oppression there itself in the presence of mob gathered in the rally. Persons residing in the towns and cities should help the people participating in rallies by every means such as supply of food, money and other resources. It is the duty of every person belonging to nearby place to attend the rally till it is in the radius of 100 kilo meters of their residence. Those who can accompany rally beyond that must do so. The problems which can not be solved there itself, awareness, mobilization and action plan must be decided there itself so that the exploitation, oppression is duly answered. In "Dalit Adhikar" Patrika published from Rajastan (India) mentions such a rally which solved untouchability and other related issues there itself in the presence of large mob. Police was compelled to help in their lawful persuasions. (Dalit Adhikar, Nov. 2004). The rally should camp itself in those villages in which weaker sections are exploited, victimized and oppressed. We can aware and mobilize masses, launch extensive propaganda campaign till the issues are solved there itself. The oppressed of the villages must be assured that their every oppression shall be avenged in all conditions. Such rallies generates tremendous confidence and self-respect among the oppressed and acute fear among the oppressors. In Telangana of Andhra Pradesh (part of Nizam state), landless laborers and small farmers used rallies most effectively. At the time of rallies the oppressors used to run away from the village and town.
h) Considering Bajarang Dal, Soldiers of Hindutva, etc. Sangh-Parivar terrorist organizations the need of a retaliatory force has increased thousand fold who can aptly answer these fascist organizations in their own language by better means than theirs. Without such retaliation force, the organizations of indigenous OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi Nag-Dravids are just like the lions without teeth and nails who can not bend a hair of the Arya-Brahmin oppressors but can become their tail wagging pets. Therefore, Bahujans must organize themselves to form a retaliatory force and train themselves accordingly so they are able to give proper reply to our oppressors. Considering fascist nature of Arya-Brahmin organizations, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar had formed retaliation organizations such as "Samata Sainik Dal" and "Pranyadnya Dal". Such organizations ready to sacrifice their life would compel the oppressors to think thousands time before committing such atrocities. Answering the oppressors in the language they understand is a sign of a community full of self respect. "The protective mechanism" should apprehend Savarna offensive in advance. Bahujan volunteers in cooperation with all people must make the oppressors realize that they can not shed Bahujan blood unless they shed their own. If Bahujans depend on oppressors for work, the oppressors also depend on Bahujan labour. "The assembly of workers and peasants" came from neighboring places can handle it in the presence of govt. authorities (if they are ready) or in absence of them. Bahujan organizations will loose confidence of people if they do not support the masses.
B) We must form "Community Self-reliant Centre"
The aware Bahujans with the help of each other should form "community self-reliance center" in their area or villages. If in a village or area sufficient number of members are not available then area of community self-reliance center should be expanded.
a) The "community self-reliance center" with the help of unemployed youths should conduct a survey of daily needs of residents of the area. With the help of politically and socially aware Bahujans they should obtain the orders for the supply of products of their daily needs. These items may include :- i) rice, wheat etc, oils, vegetables, snacks such as Biscuits, chocolates, potato chips, mixtures, bread, pickles, souse, noodle etc, fruit juices, Murabba etc ii) grinded spices, chilly powder, turmeric powder etc., iii) Hair oil, soaps, Blue, tooth powder, cosmetics iv) stationary for school going children, v) foot-wears etc., articles. Some of these articles shall be produced in "Community self-reliance centers" while remaining shall be bought directly from the Bahujan peasants and the producers and supplied to the people of the area.
At the initial stage, "community self-reliance center" should start with 2-3 items considering its resources. As the resources increase, number of items should be increased. Thus the community self-reliance center shall i) give employment to youths, ii) people shall get unadulterated articles, and iii) peasants shall be freed from the exploitation of middlemen and the market monopolists.
The things which can not be produced by the community self-reliance centre, shall be bought from the capitalists who are opposed to Tri-Iblisi capitalists and who agree to employ Bahujans in their factories.
Arya-Brahmins have defamed our Bahujan warriors and did everything so that we forget them or consider them insignificant before the Arya-Brahmins. Therefore, everything that is produced by community self-reliance center shall bear the name of our Bahujanwadi warriors for example, Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar, Periyar, Chakradhar Swami, Namdev, Ravidas, Kabir, Guru Ghasidas, Tukaram, Shahid Bhagat Singh, Shahid Udhamsingh, Baliraja, Ravan, Jarasangh, Zalkaribai, Ahilyabai Holkar, Kumra Bhimu, Tantya Bhil, Shiwaji, Auragjeb, Fulan devi, and so on who fought against exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins. This will help to develop unity between the various section of indigenous masses and highten their self respect.
Community self-reliance center must have an awareness campaign department which shall : – i) launch a campaign to boycott articles produced by capitalists of Gujrat who are supporters of fascist Tri-Iblisi organizations that engineer massacres of Muslim indigenous masses such as in Gujrat and in various parts of India. It is the duty of every Bahujan to boycott the articles produced by such capitalists.
But no Muslim organization ever felt the need to start campaign to boycott articles of capitalists belonging to Gujarat because these Muslim organizations are led by upper-caste Muslims and are aided by countries whose rulers are slaves of America and Israel. Such organizations can only deceive Muslim masses.
Jamat E Islami Hind launched an all India campaign to deceive people in the name of opposing communalism. It arranged lectures all over India and invited pro RSS Arya-Brahmin speakers. Such a campaign is no different from the "Samajik Samarasta campaign" launched by RSS family organizations. In fact, Jamaat E Islami is part of the same RSS family. Jamaet E Islami leaders shamelessly visited RSS headquarter at Nagpur. Many Muslim organizations openly campaigned in election in favor of BJP.
The capitalists have entered into the business of farming and milk production and its sale which have suffered the business of our "Gavali" community brothers and the poor farmers are being destroyed. The land of farmers is losing its fertility due the use of chemical fertilizers and insecticides imposed on them for the benefit of foreign and Indian capitalists who produce and sell them to farmers consuming subsidy.
The awareness branch of community self-reliance center shall aware masses about the evils of consumer culture which is imposed by exploiters on masses to extract anything that is left with toiling masses. Awareness department will propagate the benefits and happiness of developing Pradnya, Sheela, and Karuna and living a simple meaningful and socially useful life and shall spread and strengthen Bahujanwadi Culture among the toiling masses.
A portion of the profit of community self-reliance center shall be used in strengthening the struggle of indigenous masses against exploitation and oppression of Tri-Iblis and in helping families of the warriors of this struggle.
Running community self reliance center is such an experience that train masses and develop in them the ability to establish and run the productive units of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra (after revolution) and remove the difficulties that they may encounter.
It is absolutely certain that organizations of vote-beggar leaders shall never think of starting and running community self-reliance centers because they never want that the masses should become aware, unite themselves and develop the ability to control and rule.
(If you really want to fight against Tri-Iblisi exploitation then please read either "Tri-Iblisi Shoshan Vyuh Vidhwans" Part I & II for every details. It is the handbook of people's struggle written in Hindi language; or read E-books on this very blog in "Social Change" category)
Aaj ka Surekh Bharat : Nagpur
Ambedkar B.R Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writing and Speeches, (Volumes published by Govt. of Maharashtra, Edn. dept.) Bombay – 32
Ambedkar Mission Patrika : Chikohra, Post Anishabad, Patna – 800002 (India)
Anandabazar Patrika, Kolkata, India
Bahujan Sanghrsha : Editor Nagesh Chaudhary Rahate Colony, Jail Road, Nagpur
Bali L.R. : Kya Gandhi Mahatma The ?
Bhaskar : Nagpur
Dalit Voice, 109/7th Cross, Palace Lower Orchards, Bangalore – 560 003 India
Frontline, Chennai India
Haqdar : Editor : Pannalal Premi, Amarsinghpura, Bikaner, Rajastan (India)
Indian Express
Lokmat Samachar Nagpur
Mahanayak : Gala No. 173, Lam building, Sathe buiscuit Compound, Sakharam Balaji Pawar Marg, Lower Parel (E), Mumbai- 400013
Nav-Bharat : Nagpur
Outlook India
Pratham Pravakta : B-7X/114A, Safadarjung Enclave, New Delhi – 29
Rajshekar, V.T. : Dialogue of the Bhoodevtas, Who is Ruling India, 1982; Brahminism; Why Godse Killed Gandhi. Dalit Sahitya Academy Bangalore.
Samrat : Block 9, NIT Complex, Bhadant Anand Kausalyan Marg, Untkhana Nagpur- 440009
Sheetal Markam : 1) Arya-Brahmin Vengeance on Bengali-Tamil Dalits & Chakma Adiwasi Indigenous Refugees, 2) Impending Satanist World Order 3) The Secrets of Diffusing Evil Tactics of Manu-media 4) Tri-Iblisi Shoshan Vyuh vidhvans Part I Series Book 3 : Brahmanwad Ki Giraft Me Dam Todta Samyavadi Inkelab, 5) Tri-Iblisi Shoshan Vyuh Vidhvans Part I Series Book 2 : Bahujano Ki Azadi Ke Dushman ; 14, Thaware Colony Nagpur – 440014
Times of India
The Hindu : Hyderabad
The Hitwada : Nagpur
Web Pages CPI-ML questions decision to wind up Ranvir Sena probe CPI-ML takes Bihar government to task over probe report Ranvir Sena thriving on politicians' support Yogesh Vajpeyi
June 21, 2009 Posted by sheetalmarkam | Event-Analysis, Social Change | Adivasi, Adivasi land bill, Ajit Jogi, Amir Das Commission, Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership, Arya-Brahmins, Babri Mosque, Bahujanism, Bahujanist, Bahujans, Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra,BAMCEF, Barishal, Brahmin bureaucracy and judiciary, Brahminist-Zionist exploiters, BSP,Buta Singh, C. K. Janu, CAT force, Chakma Adivasi, Communal-Casteist Congress, CPI, CPM,Dadua, Dalit Dacoit Ghanshyam Kewat, Dalit Vote Base, Dalits, delusion, devoteesm, Dhaka,Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, election boycott, Election Strategy, Faridpur, fascist BJP, genocides of Sikhs, George Fernandez, globalization, golden temple, Govind Vallabh Pant, Gujarat riots,Hemant Karkare, Hindu Ekatmta Yatra, Illuminati, Jassor, joint electorate, K. R. Narayanan,Kaka Kalelkar Commission, Kanshiram, Khalistani militants, Khulana, Lalkrishna Advani, Lalu Prasad Yadav, Liberalization, Mahanayak, Maharashtra ATS, Maimansingh, Mandal commission, Manuism, Manumedia, Mao, Maoist leadership, Mayawati / Mayavati,Morichjhapi, Morichzapi massacres, Mr. A. R. Antuley, Mulayam Singh Yadav, Muthanga forest, Nanawati Commission, Nandigram, Nehru, OBC, P. V. Narsingha Rao, peace keeping force, perceptual defense, Periyar E.V. Ramasami, Pitamah Jyotirav Fule, Poona Pact, Praja Rajyam Party, privatization, Ramvilas Pasvan, Ranvir Sena, Rashtriya Mulniwasi Sangh, RJD,Salva Judum, Samrat, Sangh Parivar, Sarvajan Hitay formula, Satish Mishra, self punitive actions, Self punitive behavior, sense of inadequacy, separate electorate, SET examination,SEZs, Shahu Maharaj, Slave Mentality, Sonia Gandhi, SP, Special Economic Zones, Stalin,statue of Manu, Sunderban tigers, Thickness side of the Manuist coin, Tri-Iblis, Tribal land Act, Trojan Horse, upper caste Christians, Upper caste Muslims, Vinay Katihar, Waman Meshram | Leave a Comment
Indigenous Brethren How Long Will You Tolerate
Insults and Opressions ?
Dr. Vilas Tabhane, D.Sc. (director of Govt. Institute of Science, Nagpur), a genius belonging to scheduled caste, who during his 29 year's service has published over 150 research articles and over 25 research scholars got their PhD degree under his guidance was denied the post of director of higher education Maharashtra. Instead, a much junior Dr. K.M. Kulkarni is made director by illicit means and after retirement is still continueing as a result of unprecedented extension for the same post. Dr. K.M. Kulkarni with the help of his Arya-Brahmins and their stooges, indulged in the character assassination of Dr. Vilas Tabhane to torture him mentally. (Vittaratna Samrat dt. 31 July 2007)
Dr. Tabhane was transferred to Bombay on false accusations. On 27 October 2007communally spirited teachers Dr. C.P. Chaudhary and Dr. Rajendra L. Rahatgaonkar from the name plate of Dr. Tabhane written in Marathi removed "D" from D.SC degree making it 'Dr. Vilas A. Tabhane SC.' after this derogatory dislpay they threw the name plate. When asked by Tichkule (Farras) Chaudhary said in Marathi "You are Kunabi What you have to do with this Mahar ? keep away from this". When Shri Rahul Gude objected to Chaudhary's derogatory remarks about Mahar Community, Chaudhary said (in Marathi) "We have driven away your Mahar (Dr. Tabhane), so at list now stop your 'Maharwada,' You are Mahars hence keep out of the institute. There is no work for you 'Neech" people in the institute." Dr. Rajendra L. Rahatgaonkar arrogantly remarked " These Mahars were better outside the villege". In the same evening near cycle stand Dr. C.P. Chaudhary threatened Rahul Gude (complainant) and Rajnikant Borkar (witness) of their life. They went to Sitabuldi Police station to register a case in Attrocity act. Police promised to take action but till 02-11 2007 no F.I.R. was registered nor any action was taken claimed the pamphlet. Nagpur is second capital of Maharashtra where F.I.R. is not registered for well educated persons, one can imagine what happens in villeges.
On 12-11 2007 at Akashwani squre Nagpur demonstrations were demand stern action against the culprits. Deputation of "Dr. Tabhane Anyay Niwaran Kruti Samiti" (organized by several OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Aiwasi organizations) met education minister and demanded to cancel transfer of Dr. Tabhane and take action against Dr. Dipali kelkar, Dr. C.P. Chaudhary, Dr. Madhuri Mardikar, Rajendra Rahatgaokar, Swati Kaushik under attrocity act. But till 01-03-2008 as usual no action was taken by communal congress Government and Brahmincracy of Maharashtra.
It is claimed that K.M. Kulkarni got extension to carry out evil schemes of Brahminist Congress government of Vilasrao Deshmukh to vicimize OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis.
Bypassing the legitimate claim of OBC, Dalit, Muslims and Adivasis Brahmin directors / principals are installed in government colleges and institutes all over Maharashtra. Non-Brahmins inspite of their oppointment order are prvented from joining. For example, In Government Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities (Amravati) a lady lecturer Mrs. Kamble (SC) was not allowed to join by the director of institute inspite of having appointment order. After Dharna by a Dalit organization she was allowed to join at Nagpur.
We must remember that only 5% resourceful victims who can fightback are able to revert their injustice but are at loss of money, time and experience mental torture. Remaining 95% Bahujans thave no remedy.
Open the Marathi daily "Vritratna Samrat" (published by Dalits) and you find almost very day reports of atrocities such as mob attacks on we Mang, Mahar, Dhangar, NTs. STs etc. people. We are diven away from our fields, our houses burnt, our women raped, seriously injured, handicapped and put to death.
There seems to be no end to these attrocities Because our selfish and coward leaders only do a formality of demonstration, deliver lectures and fly away from the scene. The witnesses are terrified by Brahmincracy and oppressors are soon released to commit more oppression. Our selfish, shameles and coward leaders collect hundreds of tons of corn (maize) for "pilgrims" coming to Diksha Bhoomi Nagpur but will never collect a single grain for victims. They will spend crores of rupees in their election campaigns but do not divert a single penny for victims who face every kind of boycott and are compelled to migrate leaving their immovables behind. They will bring mob in thousads and lacs carrying them in trucks and railways in their rallies and lectures but will not bring them to the place of oppression to teach a lession to the oppressors. Shameless leaders fail to give a permanent remedy. They do not ensure that the oppressors must suffer for their oppression. Shame on these fake leaders.
There is no hope from these selfish leaders who are slave of Brahmincracy and are only after money and vote from the masses. Only aware masses and their numerous small groups in coordination can give a permanent remedy by developing an effective support mechanism for victims and an effective mechanism of retaliation of the oppression.
Every oppression and exploitation is continuously happening because we forget that : Brahmincracy is Root of our every Disadvantage ! We must demolish Brahmincracy which is the root of our every disadvantage.
We never talk to our brother for his bitter words, We shade each other's blood for few inches of land But, When Brahmincracy compel we farmers to suicide, Rape our women and kill us in genocides, Kill we workers and throw our bodies in sever, demolish our huts, and throw us in open to die in bitter cold and heavy Rain; in spite of all that we vote Arya-Brahmins and bring them to power Again and Again, Again and Again. Because, Deep in your heart, Deep in your unconscious firmly rooted is Mentality of Brahmin-Slavery !!
Unless we Uproot Mentality of Brahmin-Slavery and the Brahmincracy Itself there is no end to our exploitation and oppression.
Brahmincracy consists of Congress, BJP, Shiv-sena Communists (Brahminists) Parties of Arya-Brahmin leadership, their stooge Parties, the Brahminist Bureaucracy, and the Manu-Media ! They all work in coordination ! Only a Deluded or a lackey would consider them separate or antagonistic ! Therefore, Come out of Delusion and Uproot Brahmincracy !
When a dog can not bite a stone pelter he at least bark at him. Wake up your self-respect to uproot Brahmincracy which is root of your every disadvantage. Remember, Arya-Brahmins such as Sonia Gandhi, her son Rahul and daughter Priyanka, Vajpeyi, Adwani etc., are not your mother, father or relatives but the shameless oppressors. These oppressor hypocrites will come to deceive you with their false promises and provisions for your vote.
When the Congress government of Maharashtra refuses to appoint the only available qualified NT candidate (Mr. Premdas Rathod) to the post reserved for NT category what other than deception, exploitation and oppression can you expect from these hypocrite Brahminist parties ?
Congress is the slave of Multinational companies and want to grab the land of farmers and natural water of rivers and lakes for them. It is Congress and Brahminists parties that have caused the death of farmers. Congress has waived the debt of farmers only out of fear of its defeat in coming elections. After election congress will recover twice by imposing more taxes causing more inflation and dearness leading to more suicides of farmers and enslaving workers as Brahminist government intend 12 hour work day (Times of India, 1st March 2008, P. 1 title : Work 12 hrs a day : Govt). Congress, BJP, Communist (Brahminist) parties have a tradition to give from one hand and take twice from the another. Therefore, do not get decived by considering these Arya-Brahminist enemies as your well-wishers. Never vote them. Their parties must be reduced into ashes. UP, Bihar, etc. states have already done it, you should not lag behind.
To uproot Congress, BJP, Fake Communist (Brahminist) parties of India and to throw them into dust bean vote only alliance of indigenous Bahujans.
Read "Tri-Iblisi Shoshan Vyuh Vidhvans" (in Hindi) to understand a complete line of action to distroy Brahmincracy and establish exploitation-free "Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra" aspired by our Bahujan warriors against oppression and exploitation. —– Sheetal Markam
May 1, 2009 Posted by sheetalmarkam | Persecution | Leave a Comment
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Impending Satanist Word Order
[Copyright-free E-Book First Published in Half yearly Journal The Disadvantaged Indigenous, edited by Sheetal Markam]
Edited and Synthesized by
Sheetal Markam (Commander -in -Chief, Gondwana Mukti Sena, India)
Suhail Ansari, Advocate Harshvardhan Jogendra Meshram (B.A., B.Lib, Inf.Sc.; L.L.B.), Nagpur; Urmila Marco (C.G.), Niranjan Masram, Yavtamal
Communication Address : Sheetal Markam Gondwana Vikas Mandal, 233 Sant Tukdoji Nagar, Manewara Road, Nagpur -440 024 (India)
Brahmincracy is Root of our
Every Disadvantage !
Uproot Brahmincracy and remove "the Disadvantage" !
We never talk to our brother for his words,
We shade each other's blood for few inches of land
When Brahmincracy
Compel we farmers to suicide,
Rape our women and kill us in genocides,
Kill we workers and throw our bodies in sever !
Demolish our huts, and throw us in open
to die in bitter cold and Rain
In spite of all that
You vote Arya-Brahmins and bring them to power. Again and Again,
Again and Again … endlessly !
Deep in your heart, Deep in your unconscious
firmly rooted is Mentality of Brahmin-Slavery !!
Uproot Mentality of Brahmin-Slavery to uproot the Brahmincracy Itself !
Brahmincracy consists of
Congress, BJP, Shivsena, Fake Communist (Brahminist) Parties of India having Arya-Brahmin leadership, their stooge Parties, the Brahminist Bureaucracy, and their Manu-Media ! They all work in coordination ! Only a Deluded or a lackey would consider them separate or antagonistic !
Therefore, Come out of Delusion and Uproot Brahmincracy !
Resist Your becoming Micro-chipped Slaves of
Impending Satanist World Order !
Table of Chapters
Chapter I
Aryans Were the Slaves of Indigenous Nag-Dravid Black Kings
Pangaea, the most recent super-continent, existed from 300 to 180 million years ago. Modern continents are indicated on this map. By 180 million years ago , Pangea broke up into Laurasia and Gondwana.
![pangea-triassic pangea-triassic](
Fifty million years later (130 million years ago), flowers evolved and, in 120 million years ago, the line of birds separated from other reptiles. It is established by numerous archeological findings that modern humans—Homo sapiens— have originated 100,000 to 200,000 years ago in Africa and specially in Narmada valley of India which was then attached to Africa continent before separating from it.
Aryans Were Slaves of Indigenous Nag-Dravids
Black Civilization had begun and flourished and spread around the world. The black Nag-Dravid civilization (now divided as OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis) build enormous forts, castles surrounded by beautiful garden and orchards (called as heaven in Iran) and monuments in the whole Gondwana continent. Our Nag-Dravid social system was Gantantrik (democratic).
Laurasia people then were in pre barbaric stage because Laurasia was late in the development of life. Aryan clans began to migrate to the plateau of Iran began since 2nd millennium BC as a result of difficult environment in "Airyana Vaejo " their homeland in Laurasia. They settled in jungles outside Nag-Dravid Ganatantras and used to steel our cattle.
Nag-Dravids out of pity gave some of them food who then became servile and were allowed to settle outside the periphery of township. Their head full lice were shaven, were compelled to bath and wear a cloth around as a precondition to enter the workplace. Aryan belief that bathing in river / pond assures entry in heaven has roots in this precondition.
They were given a rope to work in fields which became mark for skilled Aryan labourers and symbolized as sacred thread or "Janeu". Skilled Aryans considered themselves twice born or Dwija. Nag-Dravid black civilization provided them food etc. therefore Aryans called we (OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis) "Deva" meaning 'giver'. Aryans always feared of driven back to jungle which they use to call hell due to extremely difficult living conditions.
Herodotus mentions that Magians {Aryan priests} not only killed anything with their own hands but make a special point in doing so; ants, snakes, animals, birds – no matter what, they kill them indiscriminately. (Herodotus, Histories 1.140; tr. Aubrey de Sélincourt). This reveal Aryans ate anything in their homeland i.e. Airiana Vaijo.
Nag-Dravids who carried them to township were called "Devdoots" or messengers of Deva. The word "Bhagwan" was used for all resourceful Nag-Dravids who lived in heaven i.e. big building surrounded by garden
Aryans were devoid of morality concepts, therefore father married daughters and mother married son; were indulged in beast-sex, pedophilia and so on. Brahmin religion books have plenty of such details. Aryans offered their beautiful women for sex to Nag-Dravids in lieu of food and other articles. They use to sell their women who then lived in Nag-Dravid heaven. The benefits were so great that it established the first right of Devas over the Aryan women. Deva could claim Aryan bride before the seven steps are completed in marriage. Saptapadi custom of Arya-Brahmins is originated from this. Aryan women longed a claim from a Deva. To marry the claimed girl then Aryan man had to bid higher than the entire profit the Aryan women would receive from Deva.
The Bahujan saint Tukaram mentioned in his Abhangas (lyrics) prevalent tradition of selling their girls and women like sale of cattle among Arya-Brahmins. (Kolte V. B., pp.58-88) Chittapawan Brahmins use to sell and mortgage their women. (Ramchandra Narayan Lad, p.8, 11, 15)
The Aryans use to arrange "Yagnas" in their settlement where flesh and "Somras" (wine ) were served by Aryan beautiful women who lured Nag-Dravid Deva to extract benefits. Many Aryan women thus secured entry in royal families and gradually made full grip over the Devas by addicting them to Somras and other drugs. Because of the immoral activities in Yadna and their disastrous effects, Nag-Dravid masses perceived Yadnyas as evil. The brave Nag-Dravids used to destroy these Yadnyas whereas degraded Devas used to protect. them.
'Angra mainyu' means "evil spirit" or "evil mind" or "evil thought. 'Angra mainyu' is identified with the Daevas that deceive mankind and themselves. In Zoroaster's view the daevas are "wrong gods" that are to be rejected…. Zurvanism was a branch of Zoroastrianism believes that both Ahura Mazda (MP: Ohrmuzd) and Angra Mainyu (Ahriman) were twin brothers. (Angra Mainyu From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) "The Ahura (Asura) signifies 'god'. The Zoroastrian chief god is called Ahura-Mazda, 'the wise Lord' ( THE MAGI – Zoroaster – Edward Fudge)
Devas did not drink Sura (wine) hence were called Asura or Ahura.
Origin of Aryan Chaturvarna
Girls of the same Aryan families had established important position in many Nag-Dravid families. Therefore, head of the Aryan family had access to vital secrets of respective Nag-Dravid Devas. Aryan priest started benefiting one king against the other by providing them vital secrets. The source of information was attributed to supernatural forces to protect the anonymity of informer women. Aryan Priests became known as Brahmin or knower. They also worked as spies of Deva. The secret of opponent which ensures victory was called as Ishvar by them. The task of the Brahmins (spies) was to find out Ishvar. Among the masses the concept of Ishvar was spiritualized. Brahmins used to called success in their task as "Punya" and failure was considered as sin. The emotional effect of imagination / insight of impending calamities or benefits was called as "Akashwani' or revelation. To collect secrets they use to wander and mix among the people and were called as "Sadhu" meaning who accomplish their selfish intend.
The Lucifer the chief of Aryan spy network was called as "bringer of light" (information) and had become chief priest. Lucifer was a "cherub" i.e.the highest classification of angels (Agents / spies). An angel is a person who performs a mission of God or acts as if sent by God. From angel the word agent is derived. The Brahmins (knower / spies) use to build a little temple on the hill to watch. The word "pyramid" is composed of the Greek words "pyra" meaning fire or light (knowledge), and the word "midos" meaning measures. The Hill later depicted as pyramid was the measure to watch and collect information.
![All Seeing Eye All Seeing Eye](
This tradition is well depicted in the monument of "pyramid and all seeing eye". The Devas who were considered almighty now called "All-knowing" as they knew every information of their kingdom.
The priestly Magi (singular Magus) community, refer to a shaman, sorcerer, wizard, and the origin of the words magic and magician. Originally the title was 'magoi', meaning 'bearers of the gift' {received as a result of obtaining secret information}. Magi {Brahmins} were usually at the royal court, were employed in bureaucracy, brought fire sacrifices, performed ceremonial duties, accompanied the king on his campaigns and were interpreters of dreams and omens. ( Magians) Magi were soothsayers. From them Tantrik Athervan vedic branch immerged.
Because the Brahmins "told" secrets, origin of Brahmins was considered from the mouth. The Aryans who could not find entry in the Nag-Dravid township and remained servile at the feet of all were called as Shudras and their origin from the legs. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in his book "Who Were Shudras" made it clear that Shudras were the folk of Aryans themselves.
The Aryans who remained in selling their women; and started selling Somras and other articles received from Devas from the sexual activities in Yadnas became known as Vaishya.Therefore Brahmin religious books consider their origin from the "thighs.'
Brahmins established contact with their Aryans living in dense jungles and started using them as soldiers to help Deva in battle with other Deva. They also joined army of Deva. These Aryans hence were considered originated from "hand" (i.e. use of hands in battle).
Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudras had distinct roles hence they became distinct castes of Aryan Chaturvarna system. Indigenous Nag-Dravid masses when brought to the servile state were called as "Panchamas" (fifth class) who were out of Aryan Chaturvana.
Lucifer sought permission of Deva for a section of his men to undergo training from the Nag-Dravids to learn construction of forts and especially techniques of secret chambers and ways within it so that they could collect secrets hidden within the forts of opponent Deva. Thus the sect of Aryan masons evolved was instrument of Lucifer to grab secrets and hidden wealth of Devas.
The Brahmins Challenge Nag-Dravid Devas
Beautiful Aryan women made indigenous Nag-Dravid Devas addicted to Somras, Opium and other drugs to bring them in their complete grip. The well-known example is of Shankar-Parvati. The political and other secrets they knew were called as "Mantras". Secret discussion is called as "Mantrana". The most vital secrets that Brahmins used to control the indigenous Devas were called as "Mahamantra". Brahmins telling secrets of one Deva to other, caused battles between Deva and Lucifer arranged fate of the battles in his interest with his wealth and Aryan Soldiers. This is evident from the following :-
In the winter of 331/330, the Macedonian king Alexander the Great invaded Persia, and put an end to reign of the Achaemenid dynasty. Greek sources mentioned Magians at Alexander's court. This proves a collaboration between some Magians and the conqueror. The Sasanian king Ardašir conferred many privileges to the Magians. They served as judges and tax collectors. ( Magians) Magi, in their dual priestly and governmental office, composed the upper house of the Council of the Megistanes (from which word "magistrates"), had absolute choice and election of the king. Phraataces, the parricide son of Phraates IV, was duly installed by the Magi as the new ruler of Parthia. Regardless of dynastic vicissitudes, kept up their dominating religious influence. ( THE MAGI – A SHORT HISTORY By Shelagh McKenna; Who Were the Magi? By Chuck Missler) Therefore Brahmins claim their Mantras (knowledge of secrets) can destroy the most powerful kings.
Brahmins twisting words of Nag-Dravid languages developed Sanskrit or spy language. Hence it was forbidden for indigenous masses. The account of techniques used to keep masses into control, were called as "Dharmgranth" (Books of Religion) were oral initially. Only Brahmins were allowed to hear them. Anybody else trying to hear were severely punished. Molten lead was poured into ear who heard. Nag-Dravid Devas had allowed this to happen because it was matter of politics and power.
How can Sanskrit be the origin of the all indigenous languages when it was never allowed to hear ?
Agents of Lucifer became skilled in duping Nag-Dravids Deva using fear of supernatural evil and ways to avoid it. Their money was secretly moved to the temples created by Lucifer for safekeeping and then their killing would be engineered by enemy to grab the secretly moved wealth. Manusmiti advise kings to keep their wealth with Brahmins. Followers of Lucifer even arranged loans for Devas. Jewish are mainly money lenders. Applying every tactics Devas were converted into lusty, addicted, degraded dictators and puppets.
The recommendations of Brahmins became sufficient to send anybody to Hell (difficult places) or heaven (Royal palace).
Because the degraded Devas were responsible for the Luciferan Brahmin {magi} power and slavery of masses the religion of Zoroaster arose against the Magi (Brahmins} and their protector Devas.
By the order of Mithraic Magi, the founder of Zoroastrianism (Zoroaster Spitama) was assassinated. The Magi were not originally followers of Zoroaster. After Zoroaster Spitama's death magi created the religion called Zoroastrianism, {to dupe masses and control Zoroastrianism} claiming it based on Spitama's revelations and retained position of magi as priests. ( THE MAGI – A SHORT HISTORY By Shelagh McKenna; Who Were the Magi? By Chuck Missler)
The Persians headed by Dariush initiated a campaign of Magi-killing. The Mit(h)ra festival became the feast of Mogh-killing after the victory of Dariush. Herudut refers the Mogh-killing as Magophonie. (Mitra, Christmass and Pir Shaliyar Ceremony By Siamak R. Durroei) The magi had to flee from mass anger roughly 2000 B.C.E by several routes.
One Aryan-magi group migrated into the Indian subcontinent whilst the other progressed westward and reached the Semitic lands by the 18th century B.C.E. They migrated westward in the role of mercenaries, as the term Marianni meaning warriors – can be observed in Egyptian and Hittite texts classifying them as a ruling military class; and documents from the 16th century B.C.E. in Mesapotamia and Syria disclose Iranian names. The Indian and Iranian groups still maintained a close connection. (The Aryan Descent)
Chapter II
Rabbis and Brahmins are Aryan-priestly Castes
The Arya-Brahmins fled to sematic land became Jews and Magi became Rabbi is quite clear from the similarity between Talmud and Manuasmiti.
Similarity in ideology and beliefs
Kabbalist are ancient Jews. The Kabbalah is an ancient oral tradition handed down from mouth to ear. It's origin is attributed to Moses. The Zohar is a 5 volume work which examines the Judaic Torah and the Jewish mythologies from a mystical stance, and is heart of the Kabbalah. Talmud is Jewish laws and traditions. Manusmriti and these books have identical preachings :-
"The Jew is the living God, God incarnate : he is the heavenly man. The other men are earthly, of inferior race. They exist only to serve the Jew. The Goyim (non Jew) are the cattle seed." (Jewish Cabala) 'The non-Jews have been created to serve the Jews as slaves.' (Midrasch Talpioth 225). 'As you replace lost cows and donkeys, so you shall replace non-Jews.' (Lore Dea 377,1). 'Sexual intercourse with non-Jews is like sexual intercourse with animals.' (Kethuboth 3b). 'Just the Jews are humans, the non-Jews are not humans, but cattle.' (Kerithuth 6b, page 78, Jebhammoth 61). "A Jew, by the fact that he belongs to the chosen people … possesses so great a dignity that no one, not even an angel, can share equality with him. In fact, he is considered almost the equal of God." (Pranaitis, I.B., The Talmud Unmasked, Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1892, p. 60). "A rabbi debates God and defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate. (Baba Mezia 59b. (p. 353). From this it becomes clear that god simply means Nag-Dravid king.
"Jehovah himself in heaven studies the Talmud, standing; as he has such respect for that book.' (Tr. Mechilla) 'The teachings of the Talmud stand above all other laws. They are more important than the Laws of Moses i.e.The Torah." (Miszna, Sanhedryn XI, 3). "The commands of the rabbis are more important than the commands of the Bible. Whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell." (Auburn 21b p. 149-150) "The whole concept of God is outdated; Judaism can function perfectly well without it." (Rabbi Sherwin Wine) This proves that the gods or Nag-Dravid kings were reduced to puppets.
"We Jews regard our race as superior to all humanity, and look forward, not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them." (Goldwin Smith – Oxford University Modern History Professor – October 1981) "Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." (Menachem Begin – Israeli Prime Minister 1977–1983) "All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general." (Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348). 'Happy will be the lot of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed. … He, will exterminate all the goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: "The Lord alone will appear great on that day."' (Zohar, section Schemoth, folio 7 and 9b; section Beschalah, folio 58b) How similar this sentiment appears to the Deuteronomic assertion that : 'the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto Himself, above all people that are on the face of the Earth… Thou shalt be blessed above all people.. And thou shalt consume all the people which the Lord thy God shall deliver thee; thine eyes shall have no pity upon them… And He shall deliver their kings into thine hand, and thou shalt destroy their name from under heaven; there shall no man be able to stand before thee, until thou have destroyed them…'
"Thou shalt not do injury to your neighbor, but it is not said, 'Thou shalt not do injury to a goy." (Mishna Sanhedryn 57). "He who sheds the blood of the Goyim, is offering a sacrifice to God.' (Talmud – Jalqut Simeoni) 'The birth rate of non-Jews has to be suppressed massively.' (Zohar 11, 4b). 'It is permitted to deceive a Goi.' (Babha Kama 113b), 'Do not have any pity for them, for it is said (Deuter. Vii,2) : Show no mercy unto them. Therefore, if you see an Akum (non-Jew) in difficulty or drowning, do not go to his help.' (Hilkoth Akum X,1). 'Even the best of the Goyim should be killed.' (Abhodah Zarah 26b, Tosephoth). The Golden Rule of the Talmud is "milk the goyim, but do not get caught." 'When a Jew has a gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same gentile, lend him money and in his turn deceive him, so that the gentile shall be ruined. For the property of the gentile (according to our law) belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has the full right to seize it.' (Schulchan Aruk, Law 24) "If ten men smote a man with ten staves and he died, they are exempt from punishment." (Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 78a)
When you go to war, do not go as the first, so that you may return as the first. Five things has Kannan recommended to his sons : 'Love each other; love the robbery; hate your masters; and never tell the truth' (Pesachim F. 113-B) "A Jew may rob a goy – that is, he may cheat him in a bill, if unlikely to be perceived by him." (Schulchan ARUCH, Choszen Hamiszpat 28, Art. 3 and 4).
"Those who do not confess the Torah and the Prophets must be killed. Who has the power to kill them, let them kill them openly, with the sword. If not, let them use artifices, till they are done away with." (Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 424, 5)
It is entirely in accordance with Talmudic law for Jews to deceive Christians and even believe their tenets, whilst at the same time working to destroy them from within. The Talmudic provision called as Kol-nidre allow Jews to take false religious and judicial oaths to benefit Jewish cause. One may declare at new year : "Every vow which I may make in the future shall be null." (Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Nedarim 23a-23b)
"The seed (child) of a Christian is of no more value than that of a beast." (Talmud and its supplement, the Cabala : Kethoboth 3b) "Do not save Christians in danger of death." (Hikkoth Akum X 1) "Jews must always try to deceive Christians." (Kohar I 160a) "Those who do good to Christians will never rise from the dead." (Zohar I 25b) "Extermination of Christians is a necessary sacrifice." (Zohar II 43a) "The Christian birthrate must be materially diminished." (Zohar II 64b)
From the Talmudic writings, Rzeichorn is merely repeating these views : For the Lord your God blesses you, as he promised you; and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow; and you shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over you. (Deuteronomy 15:6) …the nations that are around you; of them shall you buy male slaves and female slaves. .. (Leviticus 25:44-45) And I will shake all nations, so that the treasures of all nations shall come; and I will fill this house with glory, says the Lord of hosts. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, says the Lord of hosts. (Tanach – Twelve Prophets – Chagai / Hagai Chapter 2:7-8)
It is claimed that Jews believe their Talmudic teachings above every thing and hold no patriotism for host country: Wherever Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have never assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the indigenous religion, have built up a state within the state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal.
Medical Evidences
The DNA tests established that Arya-Brahmins and Jews belong to the same folks. The basic religion of Jews is Brahmin religion.
According to Venu Paswan that almost all races of the world have longer head as they evolved through Homo-sapiens and hence are more human. Whereas Neaderthals are not homosepiens. Jews and Brahmins are broad-headed and have Neaderthal blood. As a result both suffer with several physical and psychic disorders. According to Psychiatric News, the Journal of American Psychiatric Association, Jews are genetically prone to develop Schizophrenia. According to Dr. J.S. Gottlieb cause of Schizophrenia among them is protein disorder alpha-2 which transmits among non-Jews through their marriages with Jews. The increase of mental disorders in America is related to increase in Jewish population. In 1900 there were 1058135 Jews and 62112 mental patients in America. In 1970 Jews increased to 5868555 i.e. 454.8% times. In the same ratio mental patients increased to 339027. Jews are unable to differentiate between right and wrong, have aggressive tendencies and dishonesty. Hence Israel is the worst racist country. Brahmin doctors themselves say that Brahmins have more mental patients. Kathmandu medical college of Nepal have 37% Brahmin patients while their population is only 5%. (Dalit voice, 16-30 April, 2004 p.8-9)
Historical Evidence
Like Brahmins, Jews worshiped air, stones, caves, goat, hills etc. believing soul within them. Jews sacrificed animals and human beings. We read in Exodus (xxxii,25-28) that how Jews used to dance naked before the calf of golden cow and how the Moses had killed them for their idolatry.
According to Venu Paswan the word Brahma is in fact Abraham. In Torah Sarah is wife as well as sister of Abraham. In VedasSaraswati is wife as well as sister of Brahma. In genesis of bible Sarah is wife as well as sister of Abraham. This proves beyond doubt that the Saraswati and Sarah is same person and Abraham is Brahma. Brahmans are disciples of Abraham who became priestly caste in Babylonia. When the illiterate Kasaite attacked India the word Kasaites became Kshatriya in India. They established worship of Brahma in place of Indra the god of thunderstorm. Many tribes have a tradition to give their forefathers the place of god or to consider them their family god. Therefore it is not surprising that they established worship of Brahma (Abraham). Gupta rulers were staunch followers of Brahma. The linguistics has proved that Gupta rulers who destroyed Buddhism and established Brahmin religion in India were Koptic Jews of Egypt. Many studies have proved that the Brahmins of India are ten Jewish tribes driven away by Assirians {Asuras}. Gaud or Goud Brahmins are Gad tribe of Jews. From Saraswati or Sarah are Saraswat Brahmins. Kanya-Kubj Brahmins are Kahane tribe of Jews. Acharya Brahmins are Jewish Essachear tribe. Parasher Brahmins are Asher tribe of Jews. Mans Brahmins are Manasseh tribe of Jews. Sharma Brahmins are Sieon tribe of Jews. The title of "Mishra" among Brahmins came from Mishna the holy law of Jews. The Kaul title came from Chaldean / Kaldean. Samarth Brahmins could be Samarian Jews as both believe presence of god in every thing. The name Yamuna is derived from Yemen. Orthodox Jews have a tradition to wear cap made of skull (kippot) which is revealed in Kaparda tradition of shaving rest of the head except a small circle of little hair and a tying a naught of long hair kept in its centre. (Dalit voice, 16-30 April, 2004 p.8-9)
In 1979 the Oriental Institute at Baroda published a paper entitled "The Hebrews belong to a branch of Vedic Aryans." was a follow-up to a previous article on the same topic published by the same author, Prof. Madan Mohan Shukla, in the Vishveshvaranand Indological Journal in 1976. They claim that the Hebrews represent an offshoot of Vedic Brahmins as they have the common origin. He concludes with the words of the Enlightenment researcher Godfrey Higgins (1772-1833): "Now, what am I to make of this ? Were these Brahmins Jews, or the Jews Brahmins?" ("Anacalypsis", Vol.I, p.771, cited in Matlock 2000, p.70) Jews and Brahmins have negative memories regarding "Asuras". as the Assyrians deported the Jews. ( July 14, 2003 VNN8222 Hebrews And Vedic Brahmins BY DR. SAMAR ABBAS, ALIGARH, INDIA EDITORIAL, Jul 14 (VNN) — A Review)
It's the Jews who descended from the Vedic family, and not the other way around." Most "Hebrew" traditions and linguistic features, came from the Egyptian society and knowledge had directly come from Vedic settlers in ancient times. The Egyptian Book of the Dead is an almost exact replica of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, which came through the Yaksa Saivite Tantrism of Himalayas and strongly influenced the {Brahmanist} Vajrayana or Lamaism.
Common practice among the population of the middle east was to name their land after their gods. In Mesopotamian religion, city god of Ashur and national god of Assyria was Ashur (Assur) and the capital of Assyria was Ashur. (Mitra, Christmass and Pir Shaliyar Ceremony By Siamak R. Durroei)
An article in the April, 1997 issue of the Jewish magazine Moment discusses the possibility of heavy Jewish presence once in India. A cartographer and geographer working in the 17th and 18th centuries, could have found all over India thousands of Hebrew-like place names. Both Afghanistan and Pakistan were once part of India. Nashik, is the exact Hebrew name for "Royal Prince." "When Mahmud of Gazna, attacked Lahore, he found it defended by a native Hindu prince called Daood or David. Pathans claim lineage from King Saul. Their language bears traces of biblical Hebrew. Pathans follow, some 21 'Jewish' customs, including lighting candles on Friday night, wearing a four-cornered prayer garment, and performing circumcision on the eighth day.
Traditions of the Afghans tell them, that they are descended from the tribe of Ioudi or Yuda. (Vol. I; p. 740.) Aramaic is the source of modern Hebrew's square alphabet, used in Israel. Aramaic, is similar to Hebrew (as Spanish is to Portuguese) and originated in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
"The relation between ancient Israel and Kashmiri can most clearly be demonstrated linguistically. We have almost all the places of India in Western Syria. Many Kashmiris bear biblical-sounding names. Kashmiri family titles such as Magre, Dand, Pare etc. are taken from Jews. Raina, Kichlu, Haptu, Wariku, Nehru etc family titles resemble Yahudi titles. The author provides a long List of Well-Known Names in the Western World and Equivalent Names of places, caste and subcastes etc. in Indian Languages. Forster says, ' Were these Brahmans Jews, or the Jews Brahmins ? "The Tuct Soliman of Cashmere was built by Solomon. Names of the towns – Yuda-poor, Iod-pore, etc. have Jewish nature. Many places in Kashmir ends with Baal and Hom which resemble the names of Jew places as Ganderbaal, Manasbaal, Gagribaal and Dudarhom, Burjahom, Dopahom, Baalahom and so on. The Jews of Western Syria say, no one ever knew where Moosa was buried." Moses died at Cashmere. Ruins of his tomb lie near the town.Name of Mousa or Moses is common among the natives. Holger Kersten wrote that Jesus Lived in India. Ten to thirty million Jews once lived in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Northwestern India. ( ; Jews: A Branch Of The Vedic Family BY VRINDAVAN PARKER)
Moriah is the name given to a mountain range by the book of Genesis, where the sacrifice of Isaac was made. (Moriah From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Watch the similarity with Brahmin god Ganesh whose head was cut (sacrificed) by Shiva. As the Ganesh was born to an Arya-Brahmin mother Parvati from her "dirt" {sin ?} while her husband Shiva was away from home for a long time. Like Issac, Ganesha was also brought to life by Shiva. The Indian Brahmins obviously associate this incident with the incident at mount Moriah by chanting "Ganapati Bappa Moriah Pudhachya Varshi Lavkar Ya" meaning father Ganesh of Moriah {mountain} come soon next year". Moriya means ordained by YHWH.
Both the Brahmins and Jews had a tradition of using their women to infiltrate royal families of goyim (Nag-Dravids).
Esther a Jewess of the tribe of Benjamin, became Queen of Persia by hiding her identity as Jew and lured King Ahasuerus (or Xerxes) to marry her. After that she managed to make her uncle the prime minister of Persia and brought Persia under Jewish control. Esther means "hidden" in Hebrew. Esther hid her nationality and lineage. It is compulsory for Jews to study Esther and pledge to bring world under Jewish control by hiding their own Jewish identity. (Itsvan Bakony2 : Chinese communism and Chinese Jews) Keeping the ideal of Esther, Jews infiltrated in the royal families. Lord Ridding's Jewish name was Rulfs Danius Essac who became advisor of queen Victoria. In 1917 he was awarded the royal post of Earl. England had turned into a colony of Jews and they used British power in changing governments of Africa and Asia in the Jewish benefit. (Itsvan Bakony2 : The Jewish fifth column in India)
In China Jews came in 18th century. Applying the ideal of queen Esther they used their women to secure high posts. Chines Jewish Tayao Kiu had opium business in Shanghai and Hong Kong in collaboration with Britishers and Jews. In China Sang family of Tayao Kiu Kiaou developed a strong influence in similar way. One of the Sang sister married Dr. Sun yat Sen, the revolutionary father of Chinese nation who toppled Manchu rule and had become president of Chinese republic. The another sang sister married Chang Kai Shek (Itsvan Bakony2 : Chinese communism and Chinese Jews)
Like Christianity there exists a Jewish fifth column among Muslims who pose itself a very staunch Muslim but in fact are Jews totally dedicated to Talmudic scheme. This fifth column has created conflict among the Muslim sections and never allowed Muslim to become united. These Jews work in coordination with other Jews with the intention to bring Jews in power and flourish Judaism. (Itsvan Bakony : The Jewish fifth column in Islam)
The Infiltration of Zionist-Brahminist Satanic Belief
The Lucifer was the first forefather and chief of arya-Brahmin spy network. He was also the head priest of indigenous Devas.
The green apron is the emblem of Lucifer's authority. In the "Garden of Eden" portion of the ceremony, the character portraying Adam asks Lucifer, "What is that apron you have on?" Lucifer answers, "It is an emblem of my power and Priesthoods." In every Satanic group the hierophant (High Priest) wear a green apron." (THE OCCULTIC APRON) In the garden of Eden Lucifer had asked Eve to eat the "fruit of knowledge" which can only mean benefitting herself from deliverance of vital secrets of Devas to Lucifer.
Lucifer the 'light-bringer' was a "cherub" (the highest classification of angels), and is described in the Bible as being wise and perfect. It was his job to bring light {secret information}. Eventually he became proud of himself, and sought to take the place of God (Isaiah 14:12-17, Ezekiel 28:2, I Timothy 3:6). This battle for the control of Heaven nearly destroyed the earth. After his defeat, Lucifer was cast down {driven} to earth {difficult land}, and known as "Satan" ('adversary'), the leader of the fallen {betraying agents} angels. ((2 Corinthians 4:4) Moriah From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia))
In the Bible (Genesis), Nirmod was son of Noah's grandson Cush. Nimrod as the the priest-king, offered the temple vaults and protection of the gold as security for the treasure of his citizens. Observing that the bulk of deposits remained in the vaults at any one time, he lend gold from the temple vaults at around 20% interest. He issued clay tablet receipts in the value of the gold and accumulated immense wealth. Nimrod build a tower that would reach to Heaven {meaning surveillance in the castles of indigenous king}. Angry God {indigenous king} driven Nirmod's men to the lands having different language. As a result their language became confused. Nimrod established Luciferan religion.
To exploit the respect of masses for sun who gives light, the followers of Lucifer equated fight between god and Lucifer as the fight between sun and darkness where sun being the Lucifer and darkness being the indigenous black colored masses.During the day he sits in the high post of the heavens. Then, in the evening there appears to be a battle between the sun and darkness. The sun loses the battle and falls from the heavens, into the darkness of night. Thus Satanism always kept itself hidden in every prevalent faith.
Before Christ, Sun God worshippers used the cross to symbolize the Sun. The two rays to the east and west, the top ray to the north, and the 4th ray being longer as that came down to earth. The circle in the center, was the sun. Four equal sized rays also depicted the Sun.
In the Northern hemisphere around Dec 23-24 the sun would reach it's furthest point in the southern sky. For about 3 days the sun would not venture any further south. Thus, they would say that the sun had died on the cross of the sun dial for three days. Evening of December 24 was celebrated, for the Sun was to be "Reborn" on December 25th. Jesus was not born on December 25. Catholics chose that day to coincide with the celebrations of the birth of the sun. In Egypt the Sun God was saluted with the chant Amen-Ra. Many early Christians abbreviated it and pronounce Amen at the end of every prayer to this day. Sabbath is Saturday. But, King Constitine had the Roman Catholic Church change this to Sunday in honor of the Sun God.
The word "rabbi "(teachers of the Talmud) commences with the two-letter Hebrew word ra'. From Rabbi also came the word "Rub" in Arabic and Urdu meaning God. Synagogue" is a Jewish house of worship. The Greek word for it is "Sunagoge." The New Testament writers, had two words to chose from : synagogue and ecclesia. They chose to use ecclesia (an assembly), and not synagogue; separating themselves from the evil gatherings of Talmudic Judaism, rightly described as the "Synagogue of Satan !" (Rev. 2:9, 3;9)
The followers of Lucifer (Satan) had beliefs devoid of morality.
"If one committed sodomy with a child of less than nine years, no guilt is incurred." (Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 54b) "Women having intercourse with a beast can marry a priest, the act is but a mere wound." (Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Yebamoth 59a) "A harlot's hire is permitted, for what the woman has received is legally a gift." (Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Abodah Zarah 62b-63a.) A common practice among them was to sacrifice babies :
"He who gives his seed to Meloch incurs no punishment." (Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 64a)
In the 8th-6th century BCE, firstborn children were sacrificed to Meloch by the Israelites in the Valley of Hinnom, southeast of Jerusalem. Meloch had the head of a bull. A huge statue was hollow, and inside burned a fire which colored the Moloch a glowing red. When children placed on the hands of the statue, through an ingenious system the hands were raised to the mouth as if Moloch were eating and the children fell in to be consumed by the flames. To drown out the screams of the victims people danced on the sounds of flutes and tambourines . ( Moloch by Micha F. Lindemans) Perhaps the origin of this tradition may be that a section of females wanted to get rid of children born from black Nag-Dravid Devas so that they could remain in their wealth-fetching "profession". Secondly they just hated indigenous Nag-Dravids and wanted to keep their Jew-Aryan race pure.
Nimrod's great-uncle Shem became enraged over Nimrod's activities. According to legend, Nimrod was hunted down shortly after the Flood by one of Noah's sons, Shem, and brought to trial for crimes and abominations committed against God {indigenous king}. Nimrod was tried by an assize of 49 judges in Egypt and sentenced to death by dismemberment. His 13 body parts carried into the various corners of the known world and displayed as an example of the consequences of blasphemy and apostasy against the Most High.
Nimrod's mother, Semiramis who married her son Nimrod, took over the Luciferan cult, and proclaimed Nimrod a god. Semiramis, gathered all of Nimrod's pieces but couldn't find his penis. She created the symbol of the obelisk and established phallus worship. Brahmins also worshipped Shiv-Linga that symbolize sexual act between Shiva-Parvati. Worshiping union of sexual organs can be understood from the fact that the same had brought Aryans immense wealth and important positions in the kingdom of Nag-Dravids.
Nimrod became deified as Osiris (Ammon-Ra), his wife Semiramis as Isis. Anniversary of Nimrod's birth, on December 25th, she would leave gifts at this Evergreen tree, which was the origin of the Christmas tree.
Agni was the Brahmin male fire god was represented as fire from heaven or lightning. Ancient peoples later began to call him by his actual name, Lucifer. When you take Agni's Mark you are really taking Lucifer's Mark. (Frederick Goodman, Magic Symbols, p. 6.) Ashes were called the seed of the fire god Agni {Lucifer}, with power to forgive sins. Every Catholic on Ash Wednesday put ash on their forehead as a religious tradition. Ash Wednesday was taken from Roman ancient beliefs, which they took it from Vedic Brahmins. During Rome's New Year Feast of Atonement in March, people wore sackcloth and bathed in ashes to atone for their sins. The ancient Jews sacrificed a red heifer by fire, the ashes being used to purify the unclean. The ancient Egyptians burned red-haired men to be scattered on the fields to quicken the seed in the earth.
It was from the worship of Astarte (Ishtar) and her Six-pointed Star that the Christian festival, named after her (Easter) originated. At the festival of Astarte, or Easter, this sex-goddess asks her followers to worship fornication and fertility which is represented by the Sign of the Rabbit and the Astarte Egg.
Halloween is considered by witches to be most suitable for magic or demonic activity. Halloween is enthusiastically celebrated all over the world, even by some Evangelical Christian Churches. Children dress up as goblins, skeletons, etc., and go out into the "All Hallows Eve" to play out the witch's role of "Trick or Treat," a combination of blackmail, bribery and theft.
Satanism has penetrated in all religions in the garb of mysticism, lure of evoking hidden powers within man and nature and so on. Most people easily fell prey of Satanism as people crave for supernatural powers.
Chapter III
Secret octopus of Zionist-Brahminists Illuminati
The Secret Societies of Illuminati
The Secret Societies started thousands of years ago with the "Brotherhood of the Snake", refers to Satan the Great Serpent in the Garden of Eden. Their opinion is that Satan gave Arya-Brahmins knowledge of the secrets of indigenous kings, while God {chief of indigenous kings} had forbidden to benefit from the same. Out of the original Brotherhood came Freemasonry, the Rosicrucians, The Knight Templars, Ordo Templi Orientis, Knights of Malta and more.
They put themselves in charge of the churches. They invented different religions, sects and cults to spread conflicts between belief systems. Most wars throughout history have been religious wars.
In ancient Greece, organized groups, who built temples, stadiums, huge cathedrals, castles, abbeys and churches were the draftsmen, builders, carpenters, and craftsmen who 'lodged' or lived together during the construction. Hence the term 'Masonic lodge' was originated. Their rites and rituals took place in their lodge. Within their inner circles, witchcraft was practiced.
The Knights Templar were founded sometime during the 11th century in Jerusalem by the Prieure de Sion for the express purpose of guarding remaining relics of Jesus and to provide military protection for the religious travelers during their pilgrimage to the Holy City. The Prieure de Sion was a religious order founded upon Mount Sion in Jerusalem. The Order set for itself the goal of preserving and recording the bloodline of Jesus and the House of David. Prieure de Sion had found and retrieved the remaining relics. These relics were entrusted to the Knights Templar for safekeeping.
Their real intension was to try to find secrets hidden in the temple and the ruins in the surrounding grounds. Templars discovered hidden and buried teachings and mystic knowledge. Secretly, the Templar Knights began holding rituals based on the ancient teachings of the Kabala and other forms of craft. Their chants, vows and the ceremonies were held at night in the doomed room of their temples. Even though the Templar were considered part of the Catholic Church, for 200 years remained a very secret society.
In those days travel between cities was highly risky, especially if one were carrying gold or silver coins. If one wanted to travel from England to some other land, France, Italy or even to Palestine, one would go to the Templar office in London and deposit his money. The Templars would then issue an encrypted note. The traveler would travel to his destination and hand this note to the Templar's office in that land and received their money minus a fee. They established this system all across the Catholic Roman Empire. They granted loans on extremely high interest. The Templar offices became international commercial banks. In less than 25 years there were 700 knights and over 2,400 servants stationed in Jerusalem alone, and had amassed over 3,400 castles.
With the recognition and support from the Pope and St Bernard of the Catholic Church, their numbers, influence and wealth increased rapidly. Thousands inspired to become warrior monks, spellbound with the mysticism, wealth, influence, popularity and respect. To join the Order one had to be unmarried, be in good health, in debt to no one, without any obligations to any other entity or order. One had to cut off all dealings with family, not even write them. One had to accept the Grand Master and other Masters of the Order as their ultimate authority and become a fully surrendered servant. The Templars had become so autonomous, they were exempt, by Papal order, to pay dues or taxes to any king. They answered only to the Pope.
The Knights Templar was formed just after the first Crusaders savagely slaughtered the Muslims and Jews in the Holy Land and captured Jerusalem under Catholic rule. Around 1187, however, a Muslim ruler, Saladin (Aladin), fought to take Jerusalem back under Islamic rule, and succeeded. The Latin King was defeated and all the Templar Knights in Jerusalem were either killed in battle or captured and executed for their atrocities enacted against the Muslims. The Templars in Europe aligned with King Richard. In 1191 King Richard led another Crusade to retake Jerusalem accompanied by the Templar Knights. He fought Saladin in Acres and won, but was never able to retake Jerusalem. In Acres King Richard captured 3,000 Muslims and took them hostage. Over half were women and children. Asking for gold and other ransom, he threatened to kill them all if his demands were not met. Saladin agreed, but asked to be allowed to make installments. After making several installments, he was late on the next. King Richard ordered all 3,000 Muslims slain, atop the walls of the city to be witnessed by all. It took 3 days to behead every last woman, child and man.
By the late 1200′s Knight Templars had over 160,000 members, 20,000 of them were Knights. This was greater than any single Kings' army. They possessed thousands of Castles, built their own Churches and Temples – and controlled the finances and commerce of all major European countries. Over the years most of the European kings had borrowed money from the Templars and most had wound up in debt to them.
In 1291 Muslim forces again attacked Acre and the Christian armies were defeated. This time Christianity nor the Templars have any land left in Palestine. Templars therefore concentrated their influence even more in Europe. Vatican and the European Kings feared their military power, wealth and their control over the finances and commerce.
In the early 1300′s the Pope asked the Grand Master of the Order residing in Cyprus, to go to France to face an investigation of their Order. On his arrival the King of France arrested him and all other Knights they could. And charged of Satanic worship, urinating and spitting on the Catholic Cross, homosexual life-style and sodomy performed in their secret rituals.
The Templars admitted they worshipped Baphomet but, had no idea who that is and claimed themselves devout Christians. Church outlawed the Order and sought to imprison or execute all of the Knights. Only 600 Knights and members in total were either imprisoned for life or executed. However, there were over 20,000 Knights and over 160,000 members total at the time. What happened to them ? Templar Knights, in disguise called themselves Free Masons, traveled countries without being identified as Templar Knights.
Like England and France, Templar gathered in the Confederation of the Canton (Switzerland). It is concluded that the Swiss government was formed by the Templars. Swiss flag adopted the Cross as their national symbol, the insignia of the Templar. Although the Templar Knights used a Red Cross on a white background, the Swiss adopted a White Cross on a Red background. The Swiss also quickly took up commerce, trade and banking just after the outlawing of the Knights by the pope.
The king of Scotland was not under the Roman Catholic Empire. He gave sanctuary to the Knights. In Scotland the Knights went on to create their Scottish Rites and founded the Rosslyn Temple or Rosslyn Cathedral in Rosslin. Note, the Red Temple, and Red City. The Red Cross which was their insignia.
In the 13th century, "Free masons" formed an association, headquartered at Cologne, with Lodges at Strasbourg, Vienna, and Zurich. Masonic books given to handpicked members of the 32nd and 33rd Degrees, say that Jesus was an impostor, and that Lucifer is the true God. Masonic Bible has an introductory section which explains that Masonry is not a Christian fraternity, but believe in Lucifer. Masons have their own Luciferan based calendar. They counts its years with the suffix A.L. means Anno Lucis or 'Year of Light (Lucifer).'
Many historians concluded that the Templars founded the Rosicrucian society in the 1600′s in Germany. Rose simply means Red – red-flower, Crucia is the Cross. The "Red Cross", the insignia of the Templar Knights. The Rosicrucians and the Freemasons are simply branches from the original underground Templars and were forced to practice in more secrecy than ever before. (The Secret Order of The Illuminati; A Brief History of the "Moriah" and the Shadow Government by Wes Penre, November 27, 2003)
Few of the affiliated organizations of Freemasons are : The Order of Demolay, The Order of Rainbow for Girls, and The Order of Job's Daughters, which allow children as young as 11 to become indoctrinated in Masonic teaching. The Order of the Eastern Star, Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, and Daughters of the Nile are closely aligned with the Masons. The most notorious Freemason lodge is the P2 lodge in Italy. It is implicated in everything from bribery to assassinations. P2 is directly connected to the Vatican, the Knights of Malta, and to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Ronayne Handbook of Masonry, page 183 says : "You must conceal all crimes of your brother Masons… and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother Mason be always sure to shield him…"
In 1784, and again in 1845, Bavarian government considered Masonry a danger to the state. In 1814, The Regency of Milan and Governor of Venice echoed these sentiments. King John VI of Portugal issued orders in 1816, and again in 1824, prohibiting masonry. In Russia, in 1820, Alexander I banished the Order. Vatican issued many Edicts condemning Masonry: Pope Clement XII in 1738, Pope Benedict XIV in 1751, Pope Plus VII in 1821, Pope Leo XII in 1825, Pope Plus VIII in 1829, Pope Gregory XVI in 1832, Pope Plus IX in 1846 and 1873, and Pope Leo XIII in 1884 and 1892. Pope Leo XXIII said that the goal of the Masons was to overthrow whole religious, political and social order based on Christian institutions. Roman Catholic Church forbade its members to be Masons. On March 21, 1981, Vatican warned excommunication to Catholics who belong to Masonic lodges. The Pope, John Paul II, lifted this ban. Many high-level members of the Vatican are now Freemasons.
All Illuminati members are 33rd Degree Masons. Templars are Illuminati as the Freemasons absorbed and protected them from persecution of the church and France. Allegations that the Illuminati infiltrated Freemason organizations during Weishaupt's reign are hogwash. The Freemasons always contained the core of Illuminati within their ranks. That is why they willingly took in and hid the members of Weishaupt's group. You cannot really believe that the Freemasons, if they were only a simple fraternal organization, would have risked their very lives, by taking in and hiding illuminati who had been condemned and outlawed by the monarchies of Europe. Freemason authors spread the myth that Adam Weishaupt was the founder of the Illuminati.
The Illuminati are people who follow a philosophy known as "Illuminism" (knowledge of enemy secrets). The Illuminati were extremely secretive, even identifying themselves and their chapters by assumed classical names. For example, its modern founder Weishaupt was code named Spartacus. Dates were given in a sort of cryptography." (Henry Wilson Coil, Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, 1961) The Illuminati practices "secrets within secrets," or organizations within organizations. Weishaupt wrote : "The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment, let it never appear, in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. "the Order wishes to be secret, and to work in silence, thus it is better secured from the oppression of the ruling powers, and because this secrecy gives a greater zest to the whole."
Some Illuminati secret / semi-secret organizations are : the Order of the Garter, RIIA, Bohemian Grove, Bilderbergers, the Cosmos Club, the CFR, the Club of Rome, the Council of 9, the Council of 13 which is the Grand Druid Council, the Jason Society, the Jason Group, the Ordo Saturis, the OTO groups, MI-6, MJ-12, the Mothers of Darkness, the Pilgrim Society, the Prieure de Sion, the Process Church, the Sanhedrin, and the Temple of Power. The DeMolay Society is a branch of the Freemasons that consecrates the memory of the persecution of the Knights Templar and in particular, their leader Jacques deMolay. The Knights Templar, the Jason Society, or Jason Scholars, is a branch of the Order of the Quest, one of the highest degrees in the Illuminati.
The thirteen bloodlines of the Illuminati that form the Secret Government of the world. are : 1. Astor 2. Bundy 3. Collins 4. DuPont 5. Freeman 6. Kennedy 7. Li (Chinese) 8. Onassis 9. Rockefeller 10. Rothschild 11. Russell 12. Van Duyn 13. Merovingian (European Royal Families) which believes that it has both the Holy Blood of Jesus and the blood of Satan. This bloodline is so extensive in its many branches include many of the Presidents of the United States. Families of 1. Reynolds 2. Disney 3. Krupp 4. McDonald are also interconnected with the above:
Persecution of Illuminati
At times when illuminati were persecuted. Duke Karl Theodore Dalberg, the Elector Palatinate of Bavaria, after discovering that the Illuminati intends to "rule the world," by overthrowing all civil governments; on March 2, 1785, issued a proclamation identifying the Illuminati as a branch of the Masons, and ordered their Lodges be shut down. The government began a war against the Order by initiating judicial inquiries at Ingolstadt. Books, documents, correspondence, including over 200 letters dealt with matters of the highest secrecy, tables containing their secret codes and symbols, secret calendar, geographical locations, insignias, ceremonies of initiation, recruiting instructions, statutes, a partial roster of members, and nearly 130 government official seals which were used to counterfeit state documents were seized. Government gathered all confiscated documents, and published them in a book called Original Writings of the Order and Sect of the Illuminati, and circulated to every government in Europe, including France, to warn them of the impending danger.
The leaders of the Order were arrested, interrogated, then forced to renounce the Illuminati. On August 16, 1787, Dalberg issued his final proclamation against the Illuminati. Anyone found guilty of recruiting members were to be executed, while those who were recruited, would have their property confiscated and then be deported. On November 15, 1790, another Edict was announced. Anyone found to be an active member, was to be put to death. The following year, 91 alleged members hunted down, and banished.
Destructive Plan of illuminati
Overt illuminati ideals, are to attract people who can then be manipulated for hidden ends. These innocent people, or "useful idiots" have the added advantage of attacking anyone foolhardy enough to question their cause. Innocents have so much invested that they cannot comprehend that they may have been duped. Foolish people, with money were especially welcomed.
Weishaupt explained: "One must speak sometimes in one way, sometimes in another, so that our real purpose should remain impenetrable to our inferiors." The book "World Revolution" (by Nesta Webster) stated: "The art of Illuminism lay in enlisting dupes as well as adepts, and by encouraging the dreams of honest visionaries or the schemes of fanatics, by flattering the vanity of ambitious egotists, by working on unbalanced brains, or by playing on such passions as greed and power, to make men of totally divergent aims serve the secret purpose of the sect." The goyim enter the lodges out of curiosity or in the hope to get a nibble at the public pie. Some to obtain a hearing before the public. They are thirsty of success and applause, of which illuminati are generous. Illuminati execute masons in such wise that none save the brotherhood can ever have a suspicion, not even the victims themselves, they all die when required as if from a normal kind of illness". President George Washington bled to death by his Masonic doctors. (Protocols of the meetings of the learned elders of Zion, Protocol No. 1:16, deposited in British Museum, August 10, 1906)
Illuminati used monetary and sex bribery to gain control of men in high places, then blackmailed them with the threat of financial ruin, public exposure, and fear of death. ( Is 'Secret of the Jews' Another 'Forgery'? by Henry Makow PhD. – January 6, 2008)
The secret covenant of Masonic illuminati says : We create separate fronts and behave as if we are not connected. We work together always and remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death comes to he who speaks. Our goal is accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur. We use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they never see what is happening.
We establish their governments and establish opposites within. We own both sides. We create controversy on all levels. No one knows what to do. So, in all of this confusion, we go ahead and accomplish with no hindrance.
With sex and violence we keep them so occupied they do not have the integrity of brain power to deal with the really important matters. We control all aspects of your lives and tell you what to think. We guide you kindly and gently letting goyim think they are guiding themselves. We run Hollywood. The movies were created to direct your thinking . Oh, silly people, you thought you were being entertained, while you were actually being mind-controlled. You have been made to delight in violence so that you kill a bad man we put before you without a whimper. We foment animosity between you through our factions. We make you kill each other when it suits us. We make you rip each other's hearts apart and kill your own children. The hate blind you totally, and you never see that from your conflicts we emerge as your rulers. We continue to prosper from your wars and your deaths. We take over your land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over you. We deceive you into accepting draconian laws that steal the little freedom you have.
We recruit some of your own folk to carry out our plans, we promise them utopia. They think they are one with us never knowing the truth. They live in self-delusion. The truth is hidden in their face, so close they are not able to focus on it. So grand the illusion of freedom is, that they never know they are our slaves. We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt. When our goal is accomplished a new era of domination by Talmudic principles will begin.
Evil Tactics of Illuminati Banking Cartel
Disposable wealth was usually held in the form of gold or silver bullion. For safety, such assets were kept in the safe of the local goldsmith, usually being the only individual who had a vault. The goldsmiths began to issue receipts for different values of gold, making buying and selling easier. These receipts became the first bank notes. They, noticed that at any one time only 10% of the gold held with them was being withdrawn. So they issued 90% of these receipts on interest in the form of loans. As long as no more than 10 percent of the holders of those notes wanted their gold at any one time, no one would realize the fraud being perpetrated. Goldsmiths thus became wealthier and wealthier. As the industrial era began, the goldsmiths were fully-fledged bankers. Cartel is a group came together to reduce or eliminate competition between themselves, to enhance their profit margin or to secure their market positions.
Modern political power reveal extended family banking groups at the top, government beneath, facilitating the wishes of this cartel, and the media beneath portraying the work of the government to the people as "democracy in action." In truth, most governments are little more than front organizations for the illuminati banking cartels. They interface with public via media ensuring socio-political changes illuminati wish to pursue.
In fact, the vectors of social power are carefully balanced by illuminati so that any net movement is in a direction chosen by them. Their power rests on an secret knowledge in the area of politics and history. The illuminati have quite successfully corrupted these sciences, especially economics and history.
Ruling classes are bought with important-sounding jobs and the steeple with gadgets and sex so neither really cares about personal freedom. Invariably illuminati determine the candidates of the major parties and then proceed to pick the winners. "It doesn't matter who the people voted for; they always vote unknowingly for illuminati".
Illuminati create in them a government of the few who keep the country friendly to the hidden conqueror. If necessary, monarchies and governments could be destabilized by generating poverty through regulating the money supply, and by using agent-provocateur for revolution and ensure that only those politicians beneficial to banking cartel families came to power.
Any real steps toward communism would mean downfall. Totalitarianism of the fascist or communist varieties are no danger to illuminati as long as bastions of private property remain intact. Phony Marxism is an excellent ideological veil in which to cloak illuminati puppet dictators in underdeveloped areas. Primarily, totalitarian dictatorships efficiently prevent new money lords that could challenge illuminati power. Illuminati control the Right-Left conflict to the degree they benefit.
War provides the perfect cover of emergency and crisis behind which illuminati consolidate their power. When the instigated disputes broke out, illuminati would lend vast sums of money, to both sides to wage a war. Any armaments purchased would be those manufactured by the industrial wing of banking-industrial cartel. By regulating the loan of money and the timing of the delivery of weapons, the outcome of any conflict is controlled.
The Second World War was entirely manipulated by the banking and industrial cartels. The millions of deaths that resulted were simply a sacrifice necessary to achieve greater levels of European control for illuminati.
By periodically restricting the money supply, crashes in stock exchanges were engineered. The most notable example of this was the famous Wall Street Crash of 1929 which allowed the banking and industrial families to absorb the weaker elements, generating even greater levels of centralized control.
Illuminati need following measures to retain their monopoly :-
1. Steeply Graduated Income Tax. :- Illuminati money is safely protected in the network of tax exempt foundations. Foundation money can legally be used to finance illuminati controlled social, economic, literary, political propaganda and illegal uses. The middle classes find themselves unable to accumulate significant capital.
2. Centralization of Power :- is needed since local politicians with real autonomy, can do much to challenge illuminati power.
3. Business Regulations :- Through ecurity requirements, protecting small investor, product quality, safety, environmental considerations etc illuminati insulate their industries from potential competition.
4. Subsidies, Tariffs, and Foreign Aid :- Foreign aid is always made contingent on the purchase of goods, usually military hardware from illuminati entourage of firms. Few have the courage to oppose such altruistic aid.
5. Alliance with the Lower Classes. Trade Unions are weapon for destroying self-financing rivals. Many illuminati agents operating under "left cover" believe that their department, is sincerely motivated by socialistic ideology. Very few have enough information or intelligence to reason out how their assignments promote interests of illuminati. Most would never even try.
The Secret Apparatus of Zionist-Brahminist Illuminati
Illuminati aims to rule the world by Zionist-Manuist doctrine. The Illuminati have quietly and covertly accomplished infiltration of : 1) The media 2) The banking system 3) The educational system 4) The government, both local and federal 5) The sciences 6) The churches.
Some jobs in the illuminati are :-
1) Media personnel : Controlling the media is to control the thinking of the masses. Media men write books and articles sympathetic to the Illuministic viewpoint without revealing their affiliation with illuminati. They do biased research favoring only one viewpoint, such as denying the existence of Divided Identity Disorder (DID) or ritual abuse. They will interview only psychiatrists / psychologists sympathetic to this viewpoint and will skew data to present a convincing picture to the general public. If necessary, they will outright lie or make up data to support their claim. They may confuse the whole matter.
2) High Priest / Priestess : is self explanatory 3) Readers : read from the book of Illumination or local group archives. Readers are valued for their clear speaking voices and ability to dramatize important passages and bring them to life. 4) Chanters : sing, sway, or lead choruses of sacred songs on holy occasions. 5) Teachers : teach children to indoctrinate cult philosophy, languages, and specialized areas of endeavor. 6) Child care : Infant child care workers are usually quiet and coldly efficient. 7) Commanding officers : These people oversee military training in the local groups and related jobs.
Behavioral scientists : Dr. Ewen Cameron worked closely together with Dr Green (Dr. Joseph Mengele) in Canada and the USA to program children, in underground military facilities where kidnapped children (about one million per year) placed into iron cages stacked from floor to ceiling and traumatized to create hundreds of multiple personalities each programmed to perform different jobs ranging from sexual slavery to assassinations.
![ewen_cameron ewen_cameron](
Children, who were considered expendable, were intentionally slaughtered in front of (and by) the other children in order to traumatize the selected trainee into total compliance and submission. Canadian government had to compensate victims of Monarch and MK-ULTRA. Mind control projects. It paid $7 million for experiments in Montreal, Canada.
Al Bielek, under mind control, was involved in many areas of the secret Montauk Project. After slowly recovering his memories he came to realize that there were at least 250,000 mind controlled "Montauk Boys' produced at 25 different facilities similar to the underground base at Montauk, Long Island. Many of these boys were to become 'sleepers' who were programmed to perform specific task such as murder, shooting etc. at a later date when properly "triggered" and does not remember it later. Trigger is any specific programmed word, sound, action set as a signal to act. Cisco Wheeler said there were 10 million MK ultra and Monarch slaves in America in 1968 when she saw the statistics in Mengele's files.
Assassinations, school shootings, etc. are results of mind controlled experiments. Ted Bundy, the 'Son of Sam' serial killer David Berkowitz, Oswald, Timothy McVeigh, the Columbine shooters, Chapman, Sirhan Sirhan, etc. were mind controlled individuals who were programmed to perform these killings. Other Montauk Boys were woven into the fabric of mainstream American life as journalists, radio & TV personalities, businessmen, lawyers, medical professionals, judges, prosecutors, law enforcement, military men, psychiatrists, psychologists, police chiefs, policemen, military brass, elite military units, CIA, FBI, FEMA, Homeland Security brass , intelligence agencies,. etc, etc.
Most members of American congress are under control of blackmail, threats of life or security, etc.. Same for the Supreme Court.
9) Programmers : Illuminati have several illegal and legal enterprises. To run them smoothly, illuminati needs people programmed and well trained, that they do their tasks without thinking about their moral nature. Illuminati has hundreds of satanic religious cults where cult-programmers expose children to massive psychological and physical trauma, usually beginning in infancy, in order to cause their psyche to shatter into a thousand alter personalities each of which can then be separately programmed to perform any task that the programmer wishes to "install". Each alter personality created is separate and distinct from the front personality. The 'front personality' is unaware of the existence or activities of the alter personalities. Alter personalities can be brought to the surface by programmers or handlers using unique triggers.
They program them from sex slaves to assassins to a well respected, Christian appearing business leaders in the community. If you met them in person, you may instantly like these intelligent, verbal, likeable, even charismatic people. This is their greatest cover, since we often expect great evil to "appear" evil. Many, if not most, of these people are completely unaware of the great evil that they are involved in during their respective alter personalities are in action. (
10) Child prostitutes : Most of them are mind controlled slaves who are specially trained to perform all kinds of sexual activities including bestiality and sadistic sex. They are also used to blackmail political figures or leadership outside the cult. From an early age, Brice Taylor was prostituted as a mind controlled sex slave to Presidents John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and then Governor Ronald Reagan. She was called "a million dollar baby." Project Monarch Beta-trained sex slaves were called 'million dollar babies' as the large amount of money each slave brings from a very early age. (Mind Control: The Ultimate Terror Thanks for the Memories: The Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Sex Slave by Brice Taylor (Brice Taylor Trust, P.O. Box 655, Landrum, SC 29356, 312)
11) Breeders : They usually are generational mind controlled slaves chosen to have and breed children to be specialized in specific tasks through mind control programming. The breeder is told that any child born to her was "sacrificed" in satanic ritual to prevent breeder parent looking for that child.
12) Prostitutes : Prostitutes can be a male or female of any age trained from earliest childhood to perform sex with one or more adults in various ways.
13) Pornography : Child pornography is a very big business in the cult. A child used in pornography include bestiality can also be of any age or sex.
14) Couriers : They run guns, money, drugs, or illegal artifacts across state or national lines. Usually they are young and single without accountability. They are trained in the use of firearms to get out of difficult situations.
15) Informers : These people are trained to observe details and conversations with photographic recall. We all have some photographic memory. For example, we can not remember position of each letter in computer keyboard but the moment we start typing we automatically move our fingers on correct keys. Tremendous photographic memory is developed in a neonate giving its brain-stem electrical shocks at birth so it becomes more developed in the way our muscles grow tougher in weight lifting exercises. Persons with photographic memory can remember volumes of secret files and incidences.
16) Trainers : These people teach local group members their assigned jobs and monitor the performance.
17) Cutters : They are also known as the "slicers and dicers" of the cult. They are trained from early childhood on to dissect animal and do human sacrifices quickly, emotionlessly, and efficiently. They play an important role in traumatizing the children in mind control experiments of illuminati.
18) Trackers : These people will track down and keep an eye on members who attempt to leave their local group. They are taught to use dogs, guns, taser, and all necessary tracking techniques.
19) Punishers : They brutally punish / discipline members caught breaking rules or acting outside of or above their authority.
Vatican the centre of Secret Illuminati Octopus
There is an obelisk at the Vatican surrounded by a circle. This obelisk represents the sexual union of Osiris and Isis. These two symbols are surrounded further out by 32 archways on each side of the courtyard, in all it is an outdoor temple of the Mystery Schools. The Pope's cassock has 32 buttons and his head represents the 33rd. 33 is said to be occultic symbol.
Svali, a generational mind controlled slave says her Vatican initiation ceremony at the age of 12 involved child sacrifice and a promise to serve "The Order" for life. She looked into the eyes of the "French Father" while a man looking like a priest in scarlet robes put a golden knife into the heart of drugged and glassy-eyed, sandy-haired little boy about three or four years old. The boy, had been placed on a large black table in the center of the room located deep within the belly of the beast—the Vatican. (The deep within the bowels of the Vatican by Greg Szymanski) A former Vatican official Malachi Martin had testified to this fact : 'Martin claimed that the child molestation occurring in church are part of the Luciferan rites of many of the priests, nuns, and hierarchy. Many who engage in this kind of "worship" are indeed secret Masons.'
Adam Weishaupt was a Roman Catholic Jesuit priest. It is believed that Pope, John Paul, have been a member of the Illuminati. On November 27, 1983, the Pope retracted all of the Papal Bulls against Freemasonry and allowed Catholics, to become members of secret societies. Pope Paul had appeared at Yankee Stadium "wearing the Ephod the ancient garment… worn by Caiphas… who called for the crucifixion of Christ.
The seventh day, the Sabbath as handed to Moses is Saturday. But the celebration of Sunday as the Sabbath is verification that the people recognize the Pope as superior to God. The Los Angeles Times December 12, 1984, quoted Pope John Paul II as saying, "Don't go to God for forgiveness of sins, come to me." Following history about Pope John Paul II is mentioned : – In the early 1940s, a Polish salesman of I.G. Farben Chemical Company sold cyanide to the Nazis for use in Auschwitz. He also worked as a chemist in the manufacture of the poison gas. After war the salesman, fearing for his life, joined the Catholic Church and was ordained a priest in 1946. He was ordained Poland's youngest bishop in 1958. After a 30-day reign his predecessor was assassinated and the ex-cyanide gas salesman assumed the papacy as Pope John Paul II.
The Knights of Malta are sworn to work toward the establishment of a New World Order with the Pope at its head. The world head of the Knights of Malta is elected for a life term, with the approval of the Pope. The Knights of Malta is a world organization with its threads weaving through business, banking, politics, the CIA, other intelligence organizations, P2, religion, education, law, military, think tanks, foundations, the United States Information Agency, the United Nations, and numerous other organizations. Knights of Malta members are also powerful members of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission. Nearly half of the 10,000 members belong to Europe's oldest and most powerful families. The Knights of Malta have diplomatic immunity. They can ship goods across borders without paying duty or undergoing custom check.
The CIA was built by the Knights of Malta. One of the founders of the CIA was "Wild" Bill Donovan, an Irish Roman Catholic, and his brother was a Dominican priest, Vincent. The CIA was founded by this high Roman Catholic, to solidify the Catholic or the Vatican control.
It is alleged that the Vatican controls all of the drug trade—all of the heroin, all of the opium, all of the cocaine, everything going around in Columbia. Columbia has a concordat (treaty) with the Pope. The whole drug trade is run by high Mafia families out of the country of Columbia, subject to the Jesuit General. The Jesuit General ran the Opium trade, a couple of centuries ago, out of China. Von Kolvenbach—the Jesuit General is in complete control of the international intelligence community : that's the CIA, the FBI, the KGB, the Israeli Mossad, the German BND, the British SIS. It was the Jesuits who organized and prodded the people into civil war.
Problem of handling the drug money is a major problem and without a sophisticated money laundering apparatus, the drug trade would quickly choke on its own cash. Exactly the same people who run the Global Financial System run the Global Drug Trade. Once money gets into the banking system, it can be transferred through a maze of banks and accounts around the world. Not only banks knowingly handle drug money, they compete avidly for the business. It is a huge, lucrative business principally run by Jews. In 1823 the Rothschilds had taken over the financial operations of the Catholic Church, worldwide.
In the 1980's, the Vatican Bank Scandal brought to light the connections between the Freemasons / Illuminati, the Vatican and the mafia. (The deep within the bowels of the vatican by Greg Szymanski)
Secret oath of Jesuits :- The oath of Illuminati, the Knights of Malta, knight of Columbus, and Rhodes Scholars is based on the oath of Jesuits. Its edited briefest details are as under :- The Superior stand in front of the altar. On either side stands a monk, one of whom holds a banner of yellow and white and the other a black banner with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones with the word INRI, and below them the words IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOS, which means : It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical kings, Governments or Rulers.
Superior says : My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among the Protestants, be a Protestant; and obtaining their confidence even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope… that you might gather all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.
You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces and states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly in concert with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected; only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means. …. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for "without the shedding of blood no man can be saved." ….repeat after me :
" … I declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ's Vice-regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my power I shall and will defend this doctrine of his Holiness' right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever…… I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals, or obedience to any of the laws, magistrates or officers…. I do further declare, that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of his Holiness' agents in any place wherever I shall be, in …any other Kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants or Liberals' doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, regal or otherwise. I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume my religion heretical, for the propaganda of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents' counsels from time to time, as they may entrust me and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred covenant.
I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever … will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ. That I may go to any part of the world withersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions of the North, the burning sands of the desert of Africa, or the jungles of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America, without murmuring or repining, and will be submissive in all things whatsoever communicated to me.
I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.
In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, my soul and all my corporal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and my feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever ! All of which, I, _, do swear by the Blessed Trinity and blessed Sacraments, which I am now to receive, to perform and on my part to keep inviolable; and do call all the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness the blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, and witness the same further with my name written and with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and sealed in the face of this holy covenant." ….. (He receives the wafer from the Superior and writes his name with the point of his dagger dipped in his own blood taken from over his heart.) …. Question —From whither do you come ? Answer — The Holy faith. Q. —Whom do you serve ? A. —The Holy Father at Rome, the Pope, and the Roman Catholic Church Universal throughout the world. Q. —Who commands you? A. —The Successor of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus Christ. Q. —Who received you? A. —A venerable man in white hair. Q. —How ? A. —With a naked dagger, I kneeling upon the cross beneath the banners of the Pope and of our sacred order. Q. —Did you take an oath ? A. —I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare neither age, sex nor condition. To be as a corpse without any opinion or will of my own, but to implicitly obey my Superiors in all things without hesitation of murmuring. Q. —Will you do that ? A. —I will. Q. —How do you travel ? A. —In the bark of Peter the fisherman. Q. —Whither do you travel ? A. —To the four quarters of the globe. Q. —For what purpose ? A. — To obey the orders of my general and Superiors and execute the will of the Pope and faithfully fulfill the conditions of my oaths.
Superior. —Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-regent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated."
Chapter IV
Occultist Rule America
Occult Symbols in America
The secret societies believe in the power of symbols and that numbers had formative powers. Plato said, "God ever geometrizes." Pythagoras declared that "Numbers rule the universe." and the source of all truth was hidden in geometric symbolism, with the triangle as the most "sacred" of all symbols. The ternary and certain multiples thereof, were regarded as the key to unlocking all "hidden wisdom." Occultists believe that, once a symbol is created, it acquires power of its own. More power is generated when such symbol (s) are created without one knowing about it. And, the greatest power is created in the symbol (s) if the uninitiated never discover that the symbol exists. The Illuminati believe the more their magic symbols around, the more power to them.
The numbers 3, 7, 9,11,13, 33, 39. and any multiple of these numbers have special meaning to the Illuminati. The Bilderberg Group has core of 39 members who are broken into 3 groups of 13 members in each group. The core of 39 answers to the 13 who make the Policy Committee who answer to the Round Table of Nine. Original number of states in the United States of America was 13. The Constitution has 7 articles and was signed by 39 members.
The Ternary, or number three is the first sacred number and represents the "Trinity." It is represented geometrically as a triangle, and spiritually as the Third Eye which is marked upon the forehead as a red dot by Arya-Brahmins.
The five-pointed star is, both a Masonic symbol and the ancient symbol of witchcraft. With its point facing down is especially associated with Satanism. Satanists can be found wearing the inverted pentagram frequently; and it appears on the cover of many black magic books, including "The Satanic Bible". Natural man is viewed as the pentagram of the elements, and five limbs. Five elements are fire, air, water; earth, and spirit. The spirit can either be directed towards the sexual forces or towards the spiritual realms or to both at the same time. The union of male or female sexual organs become the sixth point."
The Interlaced Triangles of the Hexagram, is the ultimate representation of Sex and Religion as being one. Therefore all sex-acts become a "Divine Union" between God and Man. All occult traditions, venerate sexuality.
In "Apocalypse Unsealed" by Robert F. Riggs, a respected Baha'i Faith teacher says: " In the Pythagorean system of number symbolism, 36 symbolizes the union of the male and female powers of nature, being the sum of 16 and 20. The number 16 is the sum of the first four odd (male) numbers (1+3+5+7 = 16), while 20 is the sum of the first four even (female) numbers (2+4+6+8 = 20). Plato considered 36 to be the number of the World Soul."
Pythagorean "Tetraktys," where there are 36 rows of dots starting with one dot at the top and ending with 36 dots at the bottom. This forms a triangle, and all the dots in the triangle totals to number 666 the number of Lucifer.
The original name for Washington, District of Columbia in 1633 was Rome ! Since 1776, when Luciferan Masons established America as the New Atlantis, Satan's seat has been Washington, D.C.! The street layouts were so designed that they were shaped in the form of Satanic symbols. The Masonic Bible says that "for well over 150 years, the destiny of this country has been determined largely by men who were members of the Masonic fraternity."
The word "pyramid" is composed of the Greek words "pyra" meaning fire, light, and the word "midos" meaning measures. The pyramid is also a symbol of the Knights Templar of Freemasonry and a Zionist symbol and the Hexagram is used extensively by Royal Arch Masons, is part of the York Rite Masonry – also a Zionist symbol. Both seals combine symbolism of all Masonic Orders, where the Eagle is a symbol of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
In the following picture Masonic symbol is superimposed on each side of great seal. It forms hexagram and each of its point when joined in reverse side of seal makes a word"mason"
![great Seal great Seal](
The insignia of the Illuminati is the "Pyramid with the All-Seeing- Eye", which you can study on the back of the U.S. One Dollar Bill. Some years ago this symbol was also on a series of stamps released from the Vatican. The All-Seeing-Eye in IAO's logo is watching, listening, and tracking the whole globe. By stating "Scientia est potentia," they're saying, "Knowledge is unconstitutional political power for a few private individuals." The eye inside the triangle signify the brotherhood's ability to infiltrate and watch all things. Alluding to the 'Big Brother' system of constant surveillance.
The pyramid has thirteen levels, claimed to represent the 13 bloodlines of On the top level, the 1st block represents the Council of 13 (the 13 most powerful witches), the 2nd block represents the Council of 33 (33 highest ranking Masons in the world), and the 3rd block is the Council of 500 (500 richest people and corporations in the world).
From the picture of All sseing Eye which is also the reverse of the Great Seal, we observe that letters MDCCLXXVI, represent 1776 in Roman numerals. In Hebrew and Greek, all letters have numerical value, but the Romans used only six numerals : D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5, I=1. These six letters add up to 666, (The Roman numeral M was not used to denote thousands until the second century AD).
Put three triangles in a row – starting with M, place the Roman numerals representing 1776 in the exact sequence of top, bottom left and bottom right, at the corners of the triangles. We can see that the top row of numerals M C X adds up to 1110. Mathematically, 1110 old Babylonian dollars are equal to 666 American dollars. (0.6 x 1110 = 666). The old Babylonian numbering and monetary system was based upon sixty. They had sixty "cents" to their "dollar". 1110 & 666 are skilfully codified into the number 1776. The bottom row of numerical is in perfect Roman numeral order, D C L X V I and where DC = 600, LX = 60, and VI = 6 making it 666 which is symbol of Lucifer.
According to the fundamental doctrine of the Mysteries, as brought from Pergamos to Rome, "Teitan," or Satan, was recognized as the one and "only" true god. Now if you add Teitan in its Greek numerical values for the letters we get: T = 300, E = 5, I = 10 T = 300 A = 1 N = 50 with a total of 666.
The letter S in the Greek alphabet was the symbol of the figure 6. Alpha = 1, Beta = 2, Gamma = 3, Delta = 4, Epsilon = 5, but when it came to 6, not the next – the sixth letter Zeta, but a S, called "stigma," or the "serpent letter," was introduced. The Dollar sign, ($) is in fact a disguised triple S form (666), sometimes written as SSS, or $.
![Triquetra Triquetra](
The Triquetra is an ancient "Triple-Goddess" symbol which is a disguised interlocked trio of sixes and a graphic form of 666. It is Celtic and symbolizes the triple goddess of Wicca. Commonly used for centuries in Catholic liturgical iconography, it has found it's way as the official logo of the New King James Bible.
In American seal here are: There are 32 long feathers on the right wing which represent the 32 degrees in Scottish Rite Masonry, and there are 33 feathers on the left, which represent the 33 degrees of York Rite Freemasonry. The 9 tail feathers indicate the 9 additional degrees of the York Rite of Freemasonry. 13 stars in the crest, 13 stripes and bars in the shield, 13 olive leaves, 13 olives, 13 arrows in the eagle's right claw, 13 feathers in the arrows, 13 letters in "Annuit Coeptis", 13 letters in "E Pluribus Unum", 13 rows of bricks in the pyramid, 13 X 9 dots in the divisions around the crest. It has been said that the cluster of 13 five-pointed stars above the head of the eagle is actually a representation of a hexagram, the most evil of all occult symbols, and is used to invoke Satan.
There are 13 stars in the Masons square on the treasury seal on the right. The Department = 13 of the treasury=13. The mural pictures the American first father surrounded by 13 maidens. The Cuban missile crisis lasted 13 days suggests a fake crisis. We have a rating for movies PG-13. " Hollywood is owned by the masons. In movies they always slip the numbers 13 or 33. There are 33 titles in the Old Testament, and 13 in the New Testament. Vice President Gore conceded on the 13th day of December, officially made Bush president on the 13 th day. The United States has seven different geographical regions each has a 13 member leadership council. 12 jurors and one judge =13.
The building of the so- called 'Washington Monument' is shaped exactly like the phallic obelisks of Rome, Egypt and Babylon. Historian Diodorus says, Queen Semiramis in Babylon erected a 130-foot tall obelisk. An obelisk within a circle represents the sex act between male and female. The Washington Monument sits within a circle. The monument itself is exactly 555 feet in visible height (6,660 inches). However tourist guides to the obelisk tell us that 20% of its overall height forms part of the foundations in order to stabilize the monument. Thus the true height of the obelisk is 666 feet. An Egyptian Obelisk is central at the entrance to St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican in Rome.
![US US](
According to Satanic doctrine, the bottom fifth point represents the spirit of Lucifer. Pentagram of the Washington Streets the south part of the pentagram falls on the White House. Where the Spirit of Satan is to dwell.
The Washington Beltway is shaped like the skull of Satan with the little horn. Gallows Road forms the mouth of the skull; the nasal cavity by Route 66 and the eye to the skull is the CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia. The total circumference of the Beltway (Route 495 (4+9+5 = 18 = 6+6+6)) is 66.6 miles precisely. Arlington cemetery contains pathways that seem to be randomly shaped. However if one maps these and shades them in, the face of Isis is clearly seen, and if the pattern is reversed, the child (French: L'Enfant) of Satan becomes visible. Military headquarters is also aptly named as The Pentagon.
The Watergate centre is shaped as a reversed `JC' (Jesus Christ). A little to the east, decorating the frieze of the Department of Agriculture building is a row of stone swastikas. Rock Creek Park is in the shape of a goat – plainly so.
Washington DC is built in the shape of a 10-mile square. The square is oriented like a diamond, split into the upper and lower triangles. This is the same shape as the so-named "Star of David". Flowerbed in Lafayette Park (Lafayette, was a Freemasonic General) seen from air gives "the all seeing eye".
The Statue of Liberty is actually a replica of Babylonian goddess "Ishtar". They are in reality representations of Queen Semiramis (Isis) with the rays of the Sun around her head, similar to that of the venerated saints of Catholicism. It was given to New York by French Freemasons. Her mirror image stands on an island in the River Seine in Paris.
The cornerstones Denver Airport and many more have been laid in true Masonic ritual and dedicated to the demonic god of Masonry – JaoBulOn. "JAO" is the Greek for Jehovah, "BUL" is a rendering of the name, BAAL, and "ON" is the Babylonian name of OSIRIS.
![baphomet baphomet](
When demon goddess Lilith and Lucifer mate, they form an androgynous being called "Baphomet" or the "Goat of Mendes," also known in Luciferianism as the "God of Witches." The demon goddess Lilith is represented throughout history as an owl. Isis was known as the "goddess of wisdom." An Owl is a representation of Isis.
![Washington DC Washington DC](
If you look carefully around Washington DC (in picture above) you will find that many of the government buildings have owl statues on them. It is in street layout. Notice the cleverly hidden owl seen on the U.S. Dollar bill. It is tucked away in the corner. When magnified, the owl is clearly visible. Again, there is a small owl just to the left of the "1″ which appears on the upper right hand corner of the Dollar Bill.
![unitednations unitednations](
The roof of the United Nations General Assembly has a large circular light surrounded by 32 smaller lights. United Nations' own symbol has a circle divided up into 32 sections with the center being the 33rd.
U. S. invade Iraq on 19 March, 2003 the holy "Day of Purim," which Jews celebrate their victory over Ancient Babylon (present Iraq), how interesting.
Santa Claus is also called "Old Saint Nicholas." Nicolaus is the same "Old Nick," – the Devil himself. Santa is obviously Satan, and Claus is Lucas, from the Roman name Lucius, is derived Lucifer or the "bringer of the light."
Every time Santa says "Ho-Ho-Ho", he is really saying "666." Each word "HO" has 6 letters between the H and the O. (H i j k l m n O) Then HO HO HO here equals 6 6 6. Now, using A = 6, B = 12, C = 18, …. etc., the name Santa Claus also adds up to 666.
Satanist American Leaders
Illuminati have a detailed annual calendar of events on which they perform their sacrifice rituals. Arizona Wilder conducted human sacrifice rituals for the Illuminati. She had been a mind controlled slave now dedicated herself to exposing what is happening. (THE ILLUMINATI MILLENNIUM RITUALS Latest News from David Icke Website! by Arizona Wilder)
For decades, rumors of weird goings on in Bohemian Grove a fiercely guarded 2,700-acre retreat containing accommodation for 2000 people to "camp" in luxury. It was formed in 1872 in San Francisco.. This is not a resort devoted to, tennis, golf or swimming. It is devoted to blood sacrifices. The members stay in different camps having varying status levels. Bush, Cheney, and their friends (2700 members) "the governing elite", gather here to take part in bizarre, satanic rituals. They drink heavily from morning through the night, and 20% engage in homosexual activity. Kidnapping, rape, pedophilia, illegal detention of children, sodomy and ritual murder etc. have been reported. They perform "mock" human sacrifice to 50 foot-tall idol. (Undercover video by
In 2004, the New York Post reported that homosexual porn stars were being hired by the Grove to "service" the members, supposedly without their knowledge. It is alleged that Bush and Ashe regularly hired bisexual men for secret sex sessions in the 80's when Bush was a private citizen.
Alex Jones, radio talk show host covertly shot the bizarre, Luciferan ceremonies in grove ( Jones says he was close enough where he could make out the form of a wrapped infant, which he believed was alive, apparently in the process of being sacrificed.
An observer and near victim has described the Bohemian Grove inner hideaways, the closed sanctum, even the decor at secret locations, places where no outsider goes. There is an underground lounge, a Dark Room, a Leather Room and a Necrophilia Room. "Slaves of advancing age or with failed mind-control programming were sacrificially murdered at random in the wooded grounds and I felt it was only a matter of time until it would be me." This potential victim survived. Others did not. About the mid 1980s there were rumors of murders in remote parts of the property. Reports claim druids in red hooded robes marching in procession and chanting to the Great Owl – a funeral pyre with "corpses". A local police investigation went nowhere. State investigators on related criminal acts went nowhere. Its investigation is blocked under the 1947 National Security Act.
[ Cathy O'Brien ]
According to Cathy O'Brien she was raped at Bohemian Grove's Necrophilia Room. In a game called as "A Most Dangerous Game" she was stripped naked and turned loose in the wilderness while being hunted by men and dogs. In reality, all "wilderness" areas were enclosed in secure military fencing whereby it was only a matter of time until I was caught, repeatedly raped, and tortured.
Dick Cheney had an addiction to the "thrill of the sport;" obsessed with traumatizing mind control victims, as well as to satisfy his own perverse sexual kinks. My introduction to the game occurred upon arrival at the hunting lodge near Greybull, Wyoming. I was sufficiently traumatized for Cheney's programming as I stood naked in his hunting lodge office after being hunted down and caught. "I could stuff you and mount you like a jackalope and call you a two legged dear. Or I could stuff you with this (he unzipped his pants to reveal his oversized penis) right down your throat, and then mount you. Which do you prefer ?" I throbbed with exhaustion and pain as I stood unable to think to answer such a question. "Make up your mind," Cheney coaxed. Unable to speak, I remained silent. "You don't get a choice, anyway. I make up your mind for you. That's why you're here. For me to make you a mind, and make you mine / mind. You lost your mind a long time ago. Now I'm going to give you one. Just like the Wizard (of Oz) gave Scarecrow a brain, the Yellow Brick Road led you here to me. You've 'come such a long, long way' for your brain, and I will give you one." Blood and sweat had mixed with the dirt on my body and slid like mud down my legs and shoulder. The blood reached my shoes and caught my attention. At last, when I could speak, I begged, "If you don't mind, can I please use your bathroom ?" Cheney's face turned red with rage. He was on me in an instant, slamming my back into the wall with one arm across my chest and his hand on my throat, choking me while applying pressure to the carotid artery in my neck with his thumb. His eyes bulged and he spit as he growled, "If you don't mind me, I will kill you. I could kill you — Kill you — with my bare hands. You're not the first and you won't be the last. I'll kill you any time I goddamn well please." He flung me on the cot-type bed that was behind me. There he finished taking his rage out on me sexually.
According to Cathy George Bush was highly active in the Lampe, Missouri and Mount Shasta, California retreat compounds. Shasta was the largest covert mind control slave camp of which I am aware. In the center of the high security compound, was another well-guarded military-fenced area that was regarded as a "Camp David" of sorts for those running our country. George Bush and Dick Cheney shared an office there, and claimed the outer perimeter woods as their own hunting ground where they played "A Most Dangerous Game." Hyper from drugs, Cheney and Bush were eager to hunt their human prey. They ordered me to strip naked despite the cool December winds, and told me in Oz cryptic to "beware of the lions and tigers and bears." My 6-year-old daughter Kelly's life became the stakes. Tears silently ran down my cheeks as Bush told me, "If we catch you, Kelly's mine (for pedophilia). So run, run as fast as you can. " Cheney, asked, "Any questions?" I said, "There's no place to run because there's a fence. I saw it." Rather than physically assault me, Cheney laughed at my sense of "no where to run, no where to hide" and explained that a bear had torn a hole in the fence somewhere, and all I had to do is find it. He lowered his rifle to my head and said, "Let the games begin. Go."
Wearing only my tennis shoes, I ran through the trees as fast and as far as I could. Bush was using his dog to track me, the same one that had recently been used with me in bestiality filming as a "Byrd-dog" joke on my owner, Senator Robert C. Byrd. When caught, Cheney held his gun to my head again as he stood over me. Bush ordered me to take his dog sexually while they watched, then he and Cheney ushered me back to their cabin.
![bushkisshead bushkisshead](
Bush is accused of pedophilia, homosexuality and rape. It seems like every time Bush sees a bald man, he can't control the irresistible urge to reach it with his hand. In the South, rubbing the head of a black man has a complete different meaning, a mixture of racist and superstitious crap. (
A website asks following questions to satanist Geoge Bush :- While you were Governor of Texas 130 people were executed. You spared no one except the Satanist and child molester Henry Lee Lucas who had murdered around 200 people. You have made it clear in a number of television interviews that you regard executions as somewhere between funny and enjoyable. Wasn't your smirking, gloating mocking of your Texan executed victims on television typical behavior for a Satanist ? …. You are recorded in 1968 as joining the Chapter 332 Order, a satanic society known as 'The Skulls'. Is this why you released Lucas ? In 1968 didn't your initiation ritual into the occult Skull and Bones involve you descending into a coffin and taking the oath that you were dead to yourself, dead to the world, and born again in Lucifer ? Wasn't your second oath that you would not abide by any other oath you took in the future including the oath of Presidential office ? Is that why you spared only the Satanist Henry Lee Lucas, because he was one of you ? Isn't the Skull's main aim is the reduction of the world's population to 2 billion, which entails the murder of 4.5 billion people ? (, and, "The GW Bush interview: The questions the Media omitted to ask" [edited for brevity])
Satanism is widely spread in America including the military. ( The Church of Satan—A Brief History— by Blanche Barton)
Chapter V
The Zionist Christians
Christian Zionism is a dangerous segment within evangelical Christianity, popularized by the 19th-century American, Cyrus Scofield. He believed that Christ cannot return to earth until the "Jews" must return to Palestine, gain control of Jerusalem and rebuild (Soloman) temple, and then we all must engage in the final, great battle called Armageddon. Among the many followers of this 'new religion' is Richard Armey, who has publicly advocated the ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians from the West Bank.
Ariel Sharon declared : "I don't know something called International Principles. I vow that I'll burn every Palestinian child (that) will be born in this area. The Palestinian woman and child is more dangerous than the man, because the Palestinian child's existence infers that generations will go on, but the man causes limited danger. I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him. With one hit I've killed 750 Palestinians (in Rafah in 1956). I wanted to encourage my soldiers by raping Arabic girls as the Palestinian women is a slave for Jews, and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do but we tell others what they shall do." (Ariel Sharon, the Israeli Prime Minister, transcribed from an interview with General Ouze Merham, 1956)
Around 10 to 40 million Americans firmly believe Palestine is God's chosen land for the Jews. Christian Zionism shows an inexcusable lack of compassion for the Palestinian tragedy. The Scofield Bible is highly regarded today as the standard Dispensational reference work in virtually all major Christian ministries and divinity schools worldwide. Even the author's margin notes are viewed as "holy writ."
"Never mind what Israel does God wants this to happen." say the Christian Zionists. They believe Israel has a biblical sanction to administer collective punishment and torture, destroy personal and public property and make life miserable for the native people of the Holy Land.
Zionists in fact are Pharisees (Talmudic Jewry) who were in conflict with Jesus whenever and wherever they met. It is the only religious group that Jesus constantly associated with Satan. We can clearly see in all four Gospels the racial, political, and religious clash between Christ and his devoted Judean followers, together with the written Law of Moses – versus the Babylonian Pharisees; the Jews, and their "Oral Law," which became the Talmud.
Jesus denounced the Pharisees, calling them a "generation of vipers" and "sons of Satan." When Jesus warned to; "Beware of the LEAVEN of the Pharisees" (Luke 12:1, Mk. 8:15, Mt. 16:6), he was describing the hidden mysticism of the Zohar, Cabbala, and the Sefer Yetzirah (oral laws). Because at the root of what the Pharisees (Talmudic Jewry) had firmly established, was the deliberate occult negation of all that Jesus taught..
Talmudic Pharisees saw Jesus as a threat to their power base because he was becoming popular with the people, who had several times sought to make him their king. It was under the fifth procurator, Pontius Pilate, that Jesus Christ was crucified, by order of the Pharisees of which the Sanhedrin was the supreme ruling / decision-making body. These Jews had ordered the death of Christ. Jesus was black African in origin. Hence racists hate Jesus and insult him.
In none of the manuscripts of the original Old or New Testament was Jesus described as a "Jew." Bible never says that Jesus of Nazareth was a Jew. It specifically says that Jesus was a Judean. The term 'Judean' refers to a resident of Judea without regard to race or religion. Jesus referred to himself as a 'Judean' and not as a 'Jew'. Jesus never subscribed to the teachings of the Talmud. Hence he was never a Jew either by religion, or a Jew politically. The Biblical term referring to the Israelite Adamics who lived in Judea and who were the pure racial descendants of Abraham. Even the pro-Jewish New York Times, reveals that European – descended Jews (Khajar Jews) are counterfeits and have no blood line to Abraham.They use every foul means to deceive the rest of the world into believing that they are Israelites, while admitting in their own almanacs, older encyclopedias and historical writings that they are not Israel.
The most brilliant strategy of Khazar Jews was to forcibly portion off a section of Palestine and name it "Israel," a so-called "Jewish homeland," a land of which the actual feet of their religious Khazar forebears never once trod.
The Holy Land was given to the Jewish people on the condition that they observe the Torah and its commandments. When they failed to do this, their sovereignty over the land was taken from them, and they went into exile. From that time, Jews are prohibited by the Torah with a very grave prohibition to establish a Jewish independent sovereignty in the Holy Land or anywhere throughout the world. Torah Jewry has continuously announced to the world that the Zionists do not represent the Jewish people, and that the name "Israel" that they use is a forgery.
The great majority of genuine Israelites do not care who they are. Israelites began to leave the Middle East and made their way to the British Isles, centuries before the time of Christ. The British Coat of Arms for example, displays the national emblems of ancient Israel. The lion and the unicorn supporting the shield, both prominent identifications of the Israel nation. These are amazing pointers to the identity of Great Britain, and related Anglo-Saxon nations of the world, with the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel.
Chapter VI
Zionist Banking Cartel Rules the world
Hidden Empire of Rothschilds
The Rothschilds is one of the 13 illuminati families. Meyer Amschel Bauer (1743-1812) a goldsmith in Frankfort, Germany changed his family name to Rothschild, the German word for red shield which hung over the door of their shop was the emblem of Khajar Jews in Eastern Europe. Meyer had five sons. He set them up with banking businesses in five large European cities. Rothschild family specialized in making loans to governments in wars. They usually work behind the scenes through various agents.
In 1806, Napolean stated that his object is to remove the house of Hess-Cassel from rulership and to strike it out of the list of powers. On hearing this, Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau, fled from Germany, went to Denmark and entrusted his fortune valued at $3,000,000 at that time to Mayer Amschel Rothschild for safekeeping. The money was never returned to Prince.
Black money of the rulers of the world is kept secretly in the Swiss Banks controlled by Rothschilds. When one is killed or dies without revealing anything about his Swiss account number, his wealth goes to these bankers. In 1917 the Rothschilds had managed the execution of Tsar Nicholas II and his entire family including women and children because the Czar had left millions in American and European banks, which today is worth billions. Without a surviving heir, the money had already been 'taken' by the bankers.
Rothschild brothers had banks spread out across Europe which gave them the opportunity to set up an unrivalled postal service network of secret routes. Rothschild couriers were the only merchants allowed to pass through the English and French blockades. They kept Nathan Mayer Rothschild up to date about war. Rothschild spread a story that Napoleon had bad battle which precipitated a terrific panic on the stock market in England. All stocks plummeted down and Nathan Rothschild bought all the stocks for virtually a penny on its dollar values. When news came through that the British had actually won the war, the consuls went up to a level even higher than before. That gave him complete control of the economy of Britain and virtually of all Europe. Rothschild forced Britain to set up a new "Bank of England" which he had absolute control.
Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836), once said : "I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire …. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."
The Rothschilds, during the 1980's, driven the share price up, and then collapsed the markets so they could buy them up for pennies, a carbon copy of what Nathan Mayer Rothschild did to the British economy in 1812.
The Rothschilds spanned Europe with railroads, invested in coal and ironworks, financed England's purchase of the Suez Canal, paid for oil exploration in Russia and the Sahara Desert, financed the czars of Russia, supported Cecil Rhodes' diamond operations, aided France in creating an empire in Africa, financed the Hapsburg monarchs, and saved the Vatican from bankruptcy. They helped finance Rockefeller's Standard Oil, Carnegie Steel, and Harriman's Railroad. Werner Sombart, in his book The Jews and Modern Capitalism, said that from 1820 on, it was the "age of the Rothschild" and concluded that there was "only one power in Europe, and that is Rothschild."
The Rothschilds operate from the district of London, known as 'The City,' or the 'Square Mile.' All major British banks have their main offices here, along with branch offices for 385 foreign banks. It is virtually the financial hub of the world. 'The City' is a sovereign state, and has actually become the last word in the country's national affairs. Prime Minister, Cabinet, and Parliament become only a front. According to Knuth, when the queen enters 'The City,' she is subservient to the Lord Mayor because this privately owned corporation is not subject to the Queen, or the Parliament.
French Monarchy had issued French Bonds. As the bonds become popular the interest from the bonds brought funds for needs of the Royal family. Rothschilds secretly started buying large quantities of these bonds for years. When the time was crucial, they sold them off. The value of the bonds shattered. The Royal Family would have no more income, no funds. The Rothschilds then extended to the French royal family credit to save their Monarchy. Now the French were in debt and indebted to the Rothschild dynasty more than ever.
It is claimed that Illuminati promoted and engineered French revolution. After the French Revolution the Rothschilds became the wealthiest family in Europe. In 1806, Napoleon remarked: 'By what miracle did whole provinces of France become heavily mortgaged to the Jews, when there are only sixty thousand of them in this country ?' (Letter quoted in MSS of Napoleon', 1811)
Many of the European governments were in debt to the Rothschilds. So they use that as a bargaining tool. They provided funding for building the armies and for rebuilding the nations after war. It didn't matter which side won. The real winner always remained the Rothschilds.
Rothschilds were expert at hiding their immense wealth. They keep their name off from everything. Under the guise of philanthropy, the Illuminati avoided taxation by transferring their wealth to tax-free foundations. They use nonstatutory, non traceable trusts. United Press International (UPI) reported on July 19, 1969, that the top 596 foundations had an income that was twice the net earnings of the country's 50 largest commercial banking institutions.
Similarly any marriage between the Rothschilds and other known illuminati bloodlines is merely a business deal and they are really just one big happy family. They also sire many children secretly that they can put them into positions of power when required. A large proportion of this criminal element no longer carry the name Rothschild. There is a great deal of evidence pointing to the fact that those people currently in control of the United States, British and Israeli governments are in fact Rothschilds.
Britain the tool of Zionist-Manuist Banking Cartel
British imperialism begun only after the Illuminati Jewish bankers, the Rothschilds become established in Britain and realized that they cannot exploit the rest of the world, since usual tactic of infiltration into corridors of power would not work in foreign lands. They therefore used the British as their extensions by dosing them with pride in the "empire", "race", "Christianity" and "Queen" whereas it was really Rothschild's empire they were making.
India was the lure of Gold which attracted the Illuminati. The British East India Company initiated colonization. You can read their Illuminati links at The Rothschilds ordered the British to snatch and ship out every piece of gold they could lay their hands on. India also became the focal point of the Opium Wars. British cultivated opium in Patna and Afghanistan.
to benefit from the manipulated conflicts, Illuminati needed local Indian operatives. Therefore, Freemasonry made its entry into India. The first Lodge was established at Fort William, Calcutta in 1730. Freemasonry was gradually established in all major Indian urban focal points.
Pundit Motilal Nehru and Rajaji, both were Freemasons, Gandhi was not a member of the Order, but he was in every sense a true Freemason. ( MAHATMA GANDHI AND FREEMASONRY By R. W. Bro. K. Gopalswami, P. Dy. G. M.) The Illuminati fostered the growth of the Indian National Congress through its operatives, A.O Hume and Wederburn. Illuminati operative Helena Blavatsky (satanist) founded the Theosophical Society in India which coordinated the Indian Independence movement through the Indian National Congress. Congress party consisted of numerous Freemasons and theosophists. A key theosophist Mrs. Annie Besant who despite acting against the British, managed to mysteriously escape.
The Rothschild owned British Petroleum was granted unlimited rights to all offshore Indian oil, which is still valid till this day.
Jew-Aryan Banking Cartel Enslave America
The United States was created to advance the Zionist-Manuist New World Order of Illuminati. American ideals, were intended to dupe the masses. Throughout its history the United States has been in the clutches of the Illuminati. Many courageous Presidents and other politicians tried to free their countrymen but died unrecognized, and their killers unpunished and triumphant.
American Revolution was not ignited by a tax on tea. According to Benjamin Franklin, the Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea had it not been the poverty caused by the English bankers that caused in the Colonies hatred of England and the Revolutionary War.
Nathan Rothschild who supported the Bank of the United States, threatened: "Either renewal of the Charter is granted, or the United States will find itself in a most disastrous war." He then ordered British troops to "teach these impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to Colonial status." This brought on the War of 1812 with England. The war raised national debt from $45 million to $127 million. On May 10, 1816, President James Madison signed the Bill, which created the second Bank of the United States. Inflation, heavy debt, and the unavailability of an entity to collect taxes, were some of the reasons given for its re-chartering. New charter allowed it to operate another 20 years, raised its capital stock to $35 million, authorized the creation of bank branches, and the issuing of notes with denominations no smaller than $5.00. The new bank now had the power "to control the entire fiscal structure of the country."
During the 1828 presidential campaign, Jackson addressed bankers: "You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our Money and Banking system, there would be a revolution before morning." People began to realize evils of bankers and elected Andrew Jackson as President.
Nicholas Biddle (1786-1844), petitioned the Congress for a renewal of the Bank's Charter in 1832. The Bill for the new Charter passed the Senate, 28-20, and the House 107-85. Biddle threatened: "Should Jackson veto it, I shall veto him !" Jackson did veto the Charter, and abolished the Bank in 1832. He ordered the Secretary of the Treasury to remove all Government deposits from U.S. Banks and deposit them in state banks. On January 8, 1835, Jackson paid off the final installment on national debt, and it was the only time in history that national debt was reduced to zero, and Americans were able to accumulate a surplus, $35 million. An assassination attempt was made on President Jackson and he later claimed that he knew the Rothschilds were responsible for that.
In 1841 President John Tyler (the 10th President, 1841 to 1845) vetoed the act to renew the charter for the Bank of the United States. He received hundreds of letters threatening him with assassination. The Bankers continued their attempts to revive the Bank. President John Tyler vetoed two bills in 1841.
Southern Cotton plantations had a close working relation with the financiers in England due to their close relation with the textile manufactures in England. They were the largest buyers of American cotton. The Rothschilds exploited that financial connection to create political and social unrest in the South. Over a period of years Rothschild's agents orchestrated an enmity between the Southern plantation owners and the Northern Industrialists. They fanned the division, turning one side against the other to the secession of the South from the Union. Illuminati used the Knights of the Golden Circle, which had been formed in 1854 by George W. L. Bickley, using slavery as an issue. The anti-black terrorist organization Ku Klux Klan, was also formed by Illuminati. Illuminati wanted to create an expensive war which would allow the establishment of a Central Bank. The states which seceded, united into the Confederate States of America, and if the South win, they would be an independent country.
In 1861, President Abraham Lincoln approached the Rothschilds to obtain loans to support the ongoing civil war. The Rothschilds demanded a Charter for another United States central bank and 24% to 36% interest on all monies loaned. Lincoln was very angry about this high level of interest. In a statement to Congress, Lincoln stated, I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me, and the financial institution in the rear; the one in my rear is my greatest foe. On January 1, 1863, Lincoln issued his Proclamation to free the slaves {with only intention to save union as he himself had several slaves}. President Lincoln knew the British and the French were funding the south.
Tsar of Russia, Alexander II (1855 – 1881), was having problems with the Rothschilds as well as he was refusing their continual attempts to set up a central bank in Russia. Lincoln asked Tsar for help in the Civil War. The Tsar made it clear to the British, French and Spanish that if they attacked either side, Russia would take the side of Lincoln. When the Russian troupes and armored fleet arrived, England and France acting against Rothschild's desire, withdrew their support for the Confederate South and what seemed a certain victory for the South turned into a bitter loss. Days after the surrender of the South Lincoln was faced with huge debts. He had borrowed large sums of money – from the International Bankers of illuminati. The US was now in debt way over it's head. So, to pay off the debt Lincoln ordered the printing and distribution of non-interest bearing US Government Notes. 4 days later on April 14, 1865, Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth. In 1866, an attempt was made to assassinate Czar Alexander II, and in 1881, the Czar was killed by an exploding bomb.
Andrew Johnson, who became President, issued the Amnesty Proclamation on May 29, 1865, to reunite the country. It stipulated that the South would not be responsible for the debt incurred, that all secession laws were to end, and that slavery was to be abolished. The cost of the support of the Russian fleet cost the country about $7.2 million. Johnson didn't have the constitutional authority to give money to a foreign government, so arrangements were made to purchase Alaska from the Russians in April, 1867 what was then a worthless land, when in fact it was compensation for the Russian Navy.
In 1907 America found itself in another Rothschild engineered financial crisis, which ruined the lives of innocent people throughout America and made billions for the Rothschilds. Because of the illuminati managed voting split in the Republican Party, Woodrow Wilson was able to win the Presidency, and the Democrats also gained control of both houses in Congress.
In 1913, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution was adopted. Bill Benson and Red Beckman, proved that the alleged amendment was not properly approved by any of the 48 states then in existence, so the Sixteenth Amendment was never ratified. Also in 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was passed. The final vote occurred in the U.S. Senate on December 22, when most members of Congress were home for Christmas and only five selected senators were present at an evening session. This act allowed bankers to totally control American economy. The President nominally appoints members to the Federal Reserve Board for 14-year terms but in practice the bankers' candidates have always been appointed. The Federal Reserve is a private corporation owned by stockholders. According to Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, only Congress has the right to issue money and regulate its value, so it is illegal for private interests to do so. Yet, it happened and according to the provision in the Act, the Class A stockholders (illuminati) were not to be revealed.
In July, 1927, Bank of England, the New York Federal Reserve Bank, and the German Reichsbank, met to plan a way to get the gold moved out of the United States. By 1928, nearly $500 million in gold was transferred to Europe.
On March 9, 1933, Congress passed the Emergency Banking Act. This allowed Federal Reserve Bank notes to be issued, eventually replacing silver certificates and required all local banks to be licensed. On April 19, 1933, the gold standard was dropped. Gold coins were withdrawn from circulation. The Gold Reserve Act of 1934, made it illegal to possess any gold currency. On returning gold, people received $20.67 an ounce in paper money issued by the Federal Reserve, the Reserve on depositing gold was paid in Gold Certificates. Now the Federal Reserve, and the Illuminati, had control of all the gold in America. After World War II, America had 70% of the World's supply of loose gold, but today, it may have less than 7%. 70% of the world's gold supply is being held by the World Bank, dominated by Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.
Title 31 of the U.S. Code, requires an annual physical inventory of American gold supply, but a complete audit was never done. The Federal Reserve System has never been audited. They have repelled all attempts to be audited. In 1967, Arthur Burns, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, said that an audit would threaten the independence of the Reserve.
Roosevelt issued a series of Executive Orders in this time frame (E.O. 6073, 6102, 6111, 6260), the effect of which was to declare the United States Government bankrupt. American government in effect became a bankrupt corporation controlled by its creditor, the Federal Reserve System.
In 1963, President Kennedy issued Executive Order 11110, which authorized the U.S. Treasury to issue $4 billion of U.S. Notes (silver certificates), bypassing the Fed's debt-creating Federal Reserve notes. This upset the banking cartel and was a major reason why Kennedy was assassinated. Kennedy was also planning to reduce American involvement in the Vietnam area, which disturbed the illuminati and the CIA had not forgotten the Bay of Pigs. Warren Commission Report was a cover-up and that the real murderers were agents of the FBI, CIA, the Secret Service and possibly others. Presidential candidate Senator Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, supposedly by a Jordanian named Sirhan Sirhan. The evidence strongly suggests that the actual killer was Thane Cesar, a CIA operative.
Illuminati has been killing anybody that came in their way. A very credible Internet document called "The Mardi Gras Secrets" states that Illuminati agents poisoned James Buchanan in 1857 for obstructing Illuminati- Rothschild plans for the US Civil War (1860-1865) but he survived. The document describes the Illuminati role in the murders of Abraham Lincoln and Senator Huey Long. They also killed President Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy and probably Warren Harding and possibly FDR.
According to Churchill, the Skull and Bones (or Brotherhood of Death) is "nothing more than a political assassination hit team against those United States politicians who do not fall in line with the House of Rothschild's plans …For example Caleb Cushing was involved in the arsenic poisoning deaths of United States presidents. William Henry Harrison on April 4, 1841 and Zachary Taylor on July 9, 1850. These two Presidents had opposed admitting Texas and California as slave states." On July 3, 1850, Zachary Taylor threatened to hang those "taken in rebellion against the Union." The next day the President fell ill, vomited blackish material, and died on July 9. "Doctors were an essential part of the Illuminati plan to kill U.S. political leaders [who] hindered the take over of the U.S. Republic by the international banking elite," Churchill writes.
Formation Israel As The Empire of Rothschild
In exchange for the Zionists' promise to bring the U.S. into the war, the British government illegally promised a 'homeland' in Palestine for the "Khajar Jews". This promise was made via a letter from Arthur James Balfour to Lord Rothschild (known as the Balfour Declaration) on November 2, 1917. The Palestine was not England's to give, because Turkey ruled Palestine. It was planned that England would declare Turkey its enemy, gain control of Palestine, and hand it over to the Khajar Jews. It happened as planned.
In 1919 following the end of the First World War, the Versailles peace conference was held to decide reparations that the Germans need to pay to the victors. Also decided the confirmation of Israel as a Jewish homeland, with the control of Palestine being given to Britain whilst this hand over takes place. At that time less than one percent of the population of Palestine was Jewish. The host of this conference was, Baron Edmond de Rothschild.
British had taken Palestine away from Arab control and allowed the Jews of Europe to immigrate there. Zionists chased the British out of Palestine by committing acts of terrorism against them.
Zionists specifically wanted Palestine because, according to George W. Armstrong, in his book, "The Zionists" : "The value of the minerals of the Dead Sea is estimated at five trillion dollars. This official report estimates the minerals, except oil, in 1925 as follows: Magnesium Chloride, 22,000 tons, value 600 billion dollars; Potassium Chloride, 20,000 tons, value 75 billion dollars; other minerals valued at 1,200 billion dollars; or a total of about three trillion dollars, exclusive of oil. A colossal sum of money at that time ! Mr. Armstrong did not mention the mineral and oil wealth of the Negev area, which was also included in the partitioning process. The land stolen from the Arab Palestinians by the Zionists is considered the Jewel Box of the world. It boggles the mind to realize the wealth controlled by virtue of those natural resources alone. Americans have supported Israel to the tune of $10 billion a year, plus, since its very inception. Then there's the over-$100 billion Germans have paid in false reparations, plus all the hundreds of millions of dollars bilked out of the lesser brethren for the cause.
Jews exercise complete control over the world's banking community. They control over 90% of the world's gold and diamond markets. Endless names like Goldstein, Silverstein, Perlstein and Rubinstein dominate the highest levels of the billion dollar international "Jew-elry" business.
Holocaust Lie the Basis of Formation of Israel
Holocaust was used to dupe Jews to establish a "national homeland." in Palestine. In 1897 the Rothschilds found the Zionist Congress and arranged its first meeting in Munich. This was rearranged for Basle, Switzerland and took place on 29 August. The meeting was chaired by Theodor Herzl, who latter stated in his diaries, "It is essential that the sufferings of Jews… become worse… this will assist in realization of our plans… I have an excellent idea… I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth… The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends." Herzl was elected President of the Zionist Organization. The persecution of Jews all over Europe was instigated by illuminati agents.
However Holocaust is extremely exaggerated lie. If six million Jews supposedly died in those camps, it stands to reason that no Jews would have been left in Europe. The pictures of the dead bodies in the death camps are in reality pictures of the dead from the air raids in Hamburg, Dresden and other places. The alleged homicidal showers and gas chambers had actually been used either for bathing camp inmates or delousing their clothes; the claim that they had been used to murder Jews or other human beings is a fabrication. The fact is that the 'Nazi gas chambers' never existed. The impossibility of their functioning in the manner described has been repeatedly revealed in expert chemical and engineering reports. The ruling classes cannot prove the existence of any 'Nazi gas chamber'; they don't even try. All they do is fine and imprison all those who dare to defend the honour of the German people." [Excerpt from private letter from Carlos W. Porter to the Mayor of Munich for which Carlos W. Porter was sentenced in absentia to five months imprisonment.]
To make the Allies look like the "good guys" , the western powers eagerly supported holocaust lie to justify their involvement in World War II.
America the Weapon of Zionist-Aryan Profit
Nine of every ten Americans opposed U.S. intervention in world war I. Neither could the U.S. Congress be persuaded. Therefore, Woodrow Wilson, Mandel House, J .P. Morgan (a Rothschild agent) and Winston Churchill (First Lord of the Admiralty at the time) conspired together to ensure that the American ship, Lusitania would be sunk by a German U-boat. The Ship carried tons of ammunition and other war materials from the U.S. to England in clear violation of the protocols of war by 'neutral' powers. It was illegal for American passengers to be on board a ship carrying ammunitions.
Three months earlier, Germany had issued a proclamation that the waters around the British Isles were part of the war zone. On May 1, 1915, the German embassy in Washington, D.C., had ran ads in the New York papers, in addition to verbal announcements, warning Americans that the ship would be attacked. The U.S. State Department frightened off publishers of liable suites if they published the warning without prior clearance from State Department attorneys.
When the ship was sunk off the coast of Ireland, 1201 people were killed, including 128 Americans. The Illuminati used the incident to create a war fever. On April 6, 1917, Congress declared war. When the war was finally over, over 63,000 American soldiers had been killed in the fighting.
WORLD WAR II : Roosevelt wanted a war with Germany, but the American people, were opposed to any war. Roosevelt desperately needed an enemy. The plans to force Japan to attack American ship were implemented. The first step was to place oil and steel embargoes on Japan, using Japan's wars on the Asian mainland as an excuse. Japan needed oil ! They had to invade Indonesia to get it, and to do that they first had to attack the American fleet at Pearl Harbour. No other course was open to them. However, the Japanese had instructions to call off the attack if they lost the element of surprise.
Roosevelt and his associates made sure that the commanders in Hawaii, General Short and Admiral Kimmel, were kept in the dark by deliberately suppressing information about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, at the cost of almost 3,000 American lives. For this sacrifice both Roosevelt and Hull received "The American Hebrew Medal." A medal that World Jewry awards only for particularly valuable services making them honorary Hebrews.
It is delusion that the 'Allies', won the wars. In fact, hidden Jewish power, have won virtually every war, large or small. You will see that illuminati always ended with the establishment of a 'balance of power.' They grouped nations so that if any government got out of line, a war would break out and would be decided by which way the financing went.
The continuous genocides in middle east created doubt in many minds whether the whole conflict is stage managed and prolonged by shedding the blood of indigenous toiling masses for profits of illuminati as well as of those Arab and Palestine leaders who are found revealing satanic symbol of horned owl with their hand.
OPEC is an organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Indonesia, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates.Rothschild Capital controls a 54% interest in OPEC. OPEC was formed on September 14, 1960 to make people believe that the Arabian oil reserves were not owned by non-Arabian oil companies. These non-Arabian oil companies had been informally called as "The Seven Sisters." Originally, it was made up of the Rockefeller-controlled Exxon (previously known as Standard Oil of New Jersey, or Esso), Mobil (Socony or Standard Oil of New York, which merged with Vacuum Oil), and Chevron (Socal or Standard Oil of California); the Mellon's Gulf Oil; Shell (Royal Dutch Petroleum), Texaco, and British Petroleum (Anglo-Iranian). They controlled 90% of crude exports to world markets by controlling every important pipeline in the world, such as the 753-mile TransArabian Pipeline, from Qaisuma in Saudi Arabia to the Mediterranean Sea, which was owned by Exxon, Chevron, Texaco, and Mobil. Exxon owned the 100-mile Interprovincial Pipeline in Canada; and also the 143-mile pipeline in Venezuela. The 799-mile Alaskan Pipeline was owned by British Petroleum and Exxon. By controlling these, and other vital arteries, they can restrict the flow of oil, limiting supplies to refineries. As a result of merging the Seven Sisters are now the Four Sisters.
Huge oil fields had been discovered off the coast of Vietnam in 1950, and Rockefeller was able to use oil as a ploy to ferment a fear that Vietnam would be lost to Communism, the way Cuba was. President Lyndon Johnson wanted a war in Vietnam. Lyndon Johnson went on national TV that night to announce the commencement of air strikes against North Vietnam in "retaliation" of North Vietnamese torpedo "unprovoked attack" on the USS Maddox while it was on "routine patrol." The truth is that there was no such attack by torpedo boats against the USS Maddox.
In year 2000, the Taliban government imposed a total ban on opium production. Prior to the ban, Afghanistan produced more than 70% of the world's opium in 2000, and about 80% of opiate products (meaning heroin) destined to the European market. So-called "War on Terror" by Bush was principally launched to get-rid of the Taliban and their stranglehold on the heroin reserves, "owned" by the American illuminati.
League of Nations allowed the Illuminati to get more of a grip on world finances.United Nations is set up for financial and economic profit and power for illuminati. Its agencies working under the UN umbrella, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), are their means to execute bankers' schemes. NATO is their military hand.
Through the Bank for International Settlement, established in 1930, the Illuminati was able to control more of the world's money. The World Bank, IMF is owned and controlled by N.M. Rothschild and 30 to 40 of the wealthiest people in the world. In 1987 Edmond de Rothschild created the World Conservation Bank designed to transfer debts from third world countries to this bank and in return those countries would give land to this bank so the Rothschilds can gain control of the third world lands.
The former chief economist of the World Bank, Joe Stiglitz, who was fired, revealed that the IMF required nations : 1) to sign secret agreements of 111 items 2) in which they agreed to sell off their key assets such as water, electric, gas, etc. 3) in which they agreed to take economic steps which are really devastating to the nations involved 4) in which bankers pay off the politicians billions of dollars to Swiss bank accounts to do this transfer of a countries fixed assets. If they do not agree they are cutoff from all international borrowing. If that does not work they overthrow the government, plant lies and even rewrite history.
IMF/ World Bank have destroyed economy of countries and they ended up in flames. When all the capital runs away the IMF adds more conditions. Citibank grabbed half the Argentine banks. British Petroleum grabbed pipelines in Ecuador. Enron grabbed water systems all over the place. You can't even get drinking water in Buenos Aires. The IMF just got handed the Great Lakes. They have the sole control over the water supply now. Iraq war is also was to steal Iraq's water supply for Israel at the cost of American soldiers.
According to Oscar Levy "We Jews, who have posed as Saviours of the World; ..are today nothing else but the world's seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners."
Rothschilds, and most other Ashkenazi Jews, are descended from the Khazars. Ashkenaz was a region in Magog where the so-called "red Jews" of Khazaria had ruled an empire on the north shores of the Black and Caspian seas. Jews of Khazaria had been the small minority among both Christian and Muslim citizens, still they ruled the empire absolutely. It had been the law of the land that only Jews could rule. There were two kings, an invisible one called a "Khagan," and a visible one called a "beg." Rothschilds rule the world invisibly today, for two centuries, by creating its own puppets to work on their behalf in the visible world. As Rothschilds brought Israel into existence, Israeli flag is a Rothschild flag, even a Khazar …and a Rosicrucian flag.
Chapter VII
Illuminati Pharma-Cartel plans Depopulation of Indigenous Masses
1) Pharma-Cartel's Evil Weapon : Vaccination
There are two major types of vaccines : i) made of bacteria and ii) of viruses. They are further distinguished as being live or dead.
Various vaccines contain Sodium Hydroxide (caustic soda, soda lye.) can burn eyes, skin and internal organs. Can cause lung and tissue damage, blindness, and fatal if swallowed.Formaldehyde effects the nervous system and cause cancer. May cause insomnia, coughing, headaches, nausea, nosebleeds, and skin rashes. There is no safe level of formaldehyde to be ingested. Hydrochloric acid can destroy tissue upon direct contact. Thimerosal is a mercury derivative and causes brain and liver damages and cancer. Melissa Ross revealed documents that prove the CDC knew thimerosal used in Measles vaccines was linked to autism and deliberately covered it up.
Phosphates suffocate all forms of aquatic life. Aluminum causes tangles of nerve fibres, leading to Alzheimer's Disease. Polysorbate 80 is linked to infertility in mice. Methyl mercury, MSG, carbolic acid (phenol), mercury, are other poisons.
Decomposed proteins can cause botulism, salmonella or other types of body poisoning. Vaccines contain decomposed protein taken from pustules on sick animals or putrefied eggs mixed with deadly drugs.
Live rubella virus are grown in human aborted fetus. Because abortion industry contributes to vaccine manufacturing abortions become an essential medical practice through out the world. Live measles and mumps virus are grown in cell cultures from chick embryos. Polio-live Contains 3 types of live polio viruses. Grown in African green monkey kidney cell culture and calf serum.
Authorities on vaccination agree that vaccines are designed to cause a mild case of the diseases they are supposed to prevent. But there is no way to predict whether the case will be mild, severe or deadly. Because vaccines are all poison they do damage in 100% cases. The damage ranges from sudden death to chronic diseases in later years. Repeated, vaccination exhausts the immune system, opens the door wide to all kinds of illnesses including AIDS. Studies showed postvaccinal encephalitis i.e. brain damage. In an article in Science, March 4, 1977, Jonas and Darrell Salk warn that, "Live virus vaccines against influenza or poliomyelitis may in each instance produce the disease it intended to prevent . " The Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918 was caused by vaccinations.
At the ACS Science Writers Seminar, Dr. Robert W. Simpson, of Rutgers University, warned that "immunization programs against flu, measles, mumps and polio may actually be seeding humans with RNA to form proviruses which will then become latent cells throughout the body … they can become activated as a variety of diseases including lupus, cancer, rheumatism and arthritis multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus, Parkinson's disease and perhaps cancer." This was a verification of the earlier warning delivered by Dr. Herbert Snow of London more than fifty years earlier.
The vaccine becomes a time bomb in the system, festering as what are known as "slow viruses", which may take ten to thirty years to become virulent. Many vaccines also cause other diseases besides the one for which they are given.Such as syphilis, paralysis, leprosy, cancer, spinal meningitis, blindness, tuberculosis, two to twenty years after the shot; arthritis, kidney disease, nerve damage, heart disease, heart failure sometimes within minutes after the shot and sometimes several hours later.
Dr. W. B. Clarke of Indiana, finds that "Cancer was practically unknown until compulsory vaccination with cowpox vaccine began to be introduced. I have had to deal with at least two hundred cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person."
Vaccines can be devastating to the young child's immature immune system. Vaccination causes children to grow up with physical, mental and emotional disabilities of varying degrees. In Ontario, it is recommended that infants receive up to 24 injections before age 1 on a baby body with a barely-formed immune system. It's no wonder people drop dead after the shots.
Report of U.S. Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of hepatitis as a direct result of the yellow fever vaccine during only 6 months of the war. That was only one of the 14-25 shots given the soldiers. Imagine the damage that all these shots did.
Dr. Herbert Snow, senior surgeon at the Cancer Hospital of London, voiced his concern, "…many men and women in the prime of life have dropped dead suddenly, often after attending a feast. I am convinced that some eighty percent of these deaths are caused by the vaccination they have undergone. The coroner always hushes it up as "natural causes". Dr. Selye stated : "After inoculations, elderly people and the chronically ill are predisposed to have reactions such as heart failure." (Enquirer 12/21/76)
Dr. William Koch, declared "The injection of any serum, vaccine, or even penicillin has shown a very marked increase in the incidence of polio, at least by 400%." Dr. Henry R. Bybee, of Norfolk, Virginia, has publicly stated, "My honest opinion is that vaccine is the cause of more disease and suffering than anything I could name.
When several shots of different vaccines are given within a few days or a few weeks, they often trigger intensified cases of all the diseases at once, because body cannot handle such a large amount of deadly poison. Doctors call it a new disease. When doctors tried to suppress the symptoms of the typhoid with a stronger vaccine, it caused a worse form of typhoid which they named paratyphoid. But when they concocted a stronger and more dangerous vaccine to suppress that one, they created an even worse disease. It really was their own Frankenstein monster which they had created with their vaccines and suppressive medicines which they didn't have a name for. They called it Spanish Influenza. It was certainly not of Spanish origin.
In 1912, the conglomerate disease brought on by the many poison vaccines baffled the doctors. The high fever, extreme weakness, abdominal rash and intestinal disturbance characteristic of typhoid. The diphtheria vaccine caused lung congestion, chills and fever, swollen, sore throat clogged with the false membrane, and the choking suffocation because of difficulty in breathing followed by gasping and death. The body turned black from stagnant blood deprived of oxygen. In early days they called it Black Death.
Hong Kong Flu and the Asian Flu and the London Flu were all medically-made epidemics. The soldiers at Fort Dix had been injected with a large variety of vaccines like the vaccines which caused the 1918 flu epidemic.
![Vaccin_Graph Vaccin_Graph](
The vaccinated got the flu and the unvaccinated didn't.
Dr. Morris' findings show that the flu vaccine, when inhaled by lab. animals "tended to enhance cancerous tumors." Cancers are caused by vaccinations, on the arms of people, exactly where the vaccine was injected.
The Commonwealth waives immunity from tortuous liability if a female who is inoculated with the HPV vaccine becomes incapable of naturally conceiving a healthy child or experiences impaired fertility as a result of the HPV vaccine. Why would it be necessary to protect the state from liability, if there were not some known, realistic basis of concern ?
The old, the ill are more sensitive to poisons and more readily broken down and killed by them, and yet, the doctors and vaccine promoters brought them first in line to get the shots. Because, if it caused death and disasters the doctors could blame it on their old age or their infirmities. The death certificates were falsified and causes were given other than the vaccine which killed them.
2) The Depopulation Plan
Zionist-Manuists have been creating genocides of indigenous masses from time immemorial as a part of their vengeance and satanic rituals.
"The Christian birthrate must be materially diminished." (Zohar II 64b) 'The birth rate of non-Jews has to be suppressed massively.' (Zohar 11, 4b).
Rockefeller and Prescott Bush financially supported Nazi German racial superiority and eugenics that wanted to keep racial and ethnic groups separate, to sterilize people considered "genetically unfit" or inferior. JD Rockefeller once addressed a Sunday school class as : "The American Beauty Rose can be produced only by sacrificing the buds that grow around it."
Researcher Greg Keith, accused Margaret Sanger, one of many who have targeted Blacks and other indigenous people through population control, genocide, infanticide-abortion, sterilization, etc. means. He displays statistics that 2 out of 3 black children are aborted.
Vaccines developed by the United Nations (WHO) with Bill Gates' money secretly contained poisonous chemicals which kill babies inside the mothers' womb. In 1999, the American Life League was horrified to discover that UN vaccines were being used as hidden depopulation "bombs" as the following news report indicates : Gates-Sponsored Vaccine Program a Depopulation Measure ? Washington, Dec. 14 (—The American Life League, confronted software mogul Bill Gates last week, telling him that a World Health Organization (WHO) tetanus vaccination program undertaken with Gates' sponsorship bears striking resemblance to a similar WHO program which was exposed as a measure to involuntarily sterilize young women in the Philippines. The women were given the tetanus vaccine combined with a chemical called Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) to create an anti-pregnancy agent. The BBC, in conjunction with the Philippine Department of Health and the Philippine Medical Association, reported that many Filipino women suffered spontaneous abortions due to the vaccine, which creates an immune response to pregnancy in the mother's body. The Gates funded program of WHO in several developing countries, is aimed only at women in their childbearing years.
Preventing future births, is being carried out secretly by biotech companies. Dr. Ignacio Chapela, a microbiologist, discovered that wild corn in remote parts of Mexico is contaminated with lab altered DNA. Males who eat the corn develop nonviable sperm and they are unable to reproduce.
Illuminati Established Vaccine Task Force administer vaccines to children and adults throughout the world. It was called as Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). Its members include Microsoft's Bill Gates and Melinda Gates (Jews), the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO), the Rockefeller Foundation, and the World Bank. The founder and financier of global business of pharmaceutical care was JD Rockefeller.
Talmud says : "He who sheds the blood of the Goyim, is offering a sacrifice to God.' (Talmud – Jalqut Simeoni) Zohar Says : "Extermination of Christians is a necessary sacrifice." (Zohar II 43a) Zohar says : 'Happy will be the lot of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed. … He, will exterminate all the goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: "The Lord alone will appear great on that day."(Zohar, section Schemoth, folio 7 and 9b; section Beschalah, folio 58b)
The illuminati want indigenous population of the world to be decreased by more than 40% (whom they call useless eaters ) by means of wars, genocide, famine, global disasters and disease, to name a few. This plan called as Global 2000 plan under Club of Rome sponsorship, was adopted by President Carter in 1979. Former World Bank head Robert McNamara said, "One must take draconian measures of demographic reduction against the will of the populations. .. One must therefore increase the mortality rate. How ? By Famine and sickness."
Club of Rome declaration said : "The World has Cancer, and the Cancer is Man."Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier, November 1991 mentioned "The United Nation's goal is to reduce population selectively by encouraging abortion, forced sterilization, and control human reproduction, and regards two-thirds of the human population as excess baggage, with 350,000 people to be eliminated per day."
Global Biodiversity Assessment calls for human population to be reduced from 5.6 billion to 1 to 2 billion within the next decade ? (reference GBA Section For the above, The National Security Council's Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy was established in 1975 by Henry Kissinger.
Prince Philip of Great Britain, leader of World Wildlife Fund said "If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population."
Many diseases, foods and medicines are deliberately made to weaken and control people. Masses are being eliminated very specifically by biological germ warfare and other tactics meant to insure the elimination of those less genetically favourable…Our food is being tampered with, by the insertion of food additives and substances like aspartame. ….They view this as a massive genetic cleanup." (Thanks for the Memories: The Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's mind control slave by Brice Taylor p281)
6,000 of the Sephardi children died shortly after dose of x-rays 35,000 times the maximum through head was given. American government had paid the Israeli government 300 million Israeli liras for the same. Many of the remaining developed cancers that killed thousands and still continue to kill. Victims also suffered from epilepsy, amnesia, Alzheimer's disease, chronic headaches and psychosis. To fool the parents, children were taken away on "school trips." Parents were later told the x-rays were a treatment for the scourge of scalpal ringworm. (August 19, 2004 Israel Ringworm and Radiation)
Within the walls of residential "schools" (death camps of the Canadian Holocaust) nearly one-half of all aboriginal children (50,000) sent there by law died or disappeared, according to the government's own statistics. Children, were killed by beatings, torture and after being deliberately exposed to tuberculosis and other diseases by paid employees of the churches and government, according to a "Final Solution" master plan devised by the Department of Indian Affairs and the Catholic and Protestant churches. With such official consent for manslaughter emanating from Ottawa, the churches were responsible for annihilating natives. (November 12, 1999 HIDDEN FROM HISTORY The Canadian Holocaust by Rev. Kevin D. Annett, MA, MDiv)
Vaccination facilitates targeted genocide. It permits to kill people of a certain race, a certain group, a certain country and to leave others untouched. Take Africa, for example. We have witnessed the almost total disappearance of certain groups. About 50% to 70% dead. At a CIA hearing, Dr. Gotlieb, admitted having dispersed, in 1960, a large quantity of viruses in the Congo River in Zaire to contaminate all the people who used the river. Dr. Gotlieb was later named to head up the National Cancer Institute !
In 1986, the medical authorities administered the vaccine against hepatitis B to Native Indian children in Alaska, without any explanation or the consent of their parents. Many children fell ill. And several died. It seems there was RSV – Rous Sarcoma Virus in the vaccine.
Over 23,000 of the city's black and Hispanic children are either in foster care or independent homes run mostly by Christian religious organizations. Some of these kids come from "crack" mothers and have been infected with the HIV virus. The Observer reports, British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline has sponsored at least four medical trials since 1995 on these children as guinea pigs in dangerous medical experiments in Catholic church ownedIncarnation Children's Center in NEW York without their relatives' or guardians' knowledge. Children as young as six-month-old babies were given a double dose of measles vaccine. Four year old were given a high-dosage cocktail of seven drugs at one time. It was the drugs that were making the children ill. Dr David Rasnick, told that these children are going to have cramps, diarrhoea and their joints are going to swell up. They're going to roll around the ground and you can't touch them." He described some of the drugs supplied by major drug manufacturers including Glaxo SmithKline – as "lethal".
Jacklyn Hoerger a trained paediatric nurse, said "We were told that if they were vomiting, if they lost their ability to walk, if they were having diarrhoea, if they were dying, then this was because of their HIV infection." Jacklyn took the children off the drugs, which resulted in an immediate boost to their health and happiness. As a result she was branded a child abuser in court.
Vaccinations studies collect data on the resistance of different ethnic groups to different illnesses. New Israeli Virus Bioweapon Targets Arabs Only : Israeli scientists at the supersecret Nes Tziyona biowarfare laboratory near Tel Aviv have engineered deadly microorganisms that only attack DNA within the cells of victims with distinctive Arab genes. Daan Goosen, head of a South African chemical and biological warfare facility, said his team was ordered in the 1980s to develop a "pigmentation weapon" to target only black people.
Merck drug company admitted that vaccines have traditionally been injecting cancer viruses (SV40 and others) in people worldwide. The world's leading vaccine expert, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, explains why Merck's vaccines have spread AIDS, leukemia, and other horrific plagues worldwide.
The AIDS virus appeared first in New York in 1978. The first officially diagnosed case of AIDS was in San Francisco in 1981. AIDS did not originate from green monkeys in Africa because the disease did not spread among the Pygmies who are closer to them, and use them as a food source. It is statistically impossible to reach the point we are at now, just from a single episode. The HIV "strain" in America is different from the HIV strains found in Africa proves that "American AIDS" did not originate in Africa.
Strecker's research indicated that the AIDS virus (code-named 'MKNAOMI') was developed by the Frederick Cancer Research Facility of the National Cancer Institute, in cooperation with the WHO, in their laboratories at Fort Detrick, Maryland by combining bovine (cow) leukemia virus and visna (sheep) virus, and injecting them into human tissue cultures. The bovine leukemia virus is lethal to cows, but not to humans; and the visna virus is deadly to sheep, but not to man. When combined, they produce a retro-virus that can change the genetic composition of the cells that they enter.
HIV made its way into African Blacks through a vaccination program for Smallpox in Africa by the WHO in 1972.
On May 11, 1987 Science Editor Pearce Wright wrote an article in London Times "Small pox vaccine triggered AIDS virus". The World Health Organization began a 13-year small pox vaccination program in Third World countries ending in 1981. The vaccine was contaminated with the AIDS virus. Though WHO has admitted through its own investigation that the vaccine was contaminated, it suppressed its findings. The genocidal and depopulation implications of this suppressed story can be found on the Internet by Googling "W.H.O. Murdered Africa", by William Campbell Douglas, M.D.
Figures coming out of Washington indicate that Africa is now as good as doomed. In another ten years, 75% of Africa will be dead. To date, over 30 million people have died of AIDS worldwide. Among them, almost 70% have died in Africa which is main target on the depopulation agenda.
The WHO, was established in 1948. WHO membership and policies overlapped those of the WFMH and UNESCO, established in 1946 by British racialist Julian Huxley, as a vehicle for wiping out 3rd World populations with famine and pestilence; to fulfill Bertrand Russell's published call for the "creation of a Black Death every 50 years" to curb the black and yellow population.
World Bank and IMF grant loans to poor countries only if they agree to spend a considerable proportion of that loan on vaccinating their people to ensure depopulation agenda of Zionist-Manuist illuminati.
According to Forrest M. Mims III (Chairman of the Environmental Science Section of the Texas Academy of Science, and the editor of The Citizen Scientist.) in the 109th meeting of the Texas Academy of Science at Lamar University in Beaumont on 3-5 March 2006 Dr. Eric R. Pianka enthusiastically advocated the elimination of 90% of Earth's population by airborne Ebola because it is both highly lethal and it kills in days, instead of years.When Pianka finished his remarks, the audience gave him standing ovation, a loud, vigorous and enthusiastic applause. Ebola victims die a slow and torturous death as the virus initiates a cascade of biological calamities inside the victim that eventually liquefy the internal organs.
American researchers obtained the viral particles from the H5N1 Spanish flu virus that killed millions worldwide and altered one of its ten genes, making it far more dangerous and virulent than any influenza virus in nature. No Americans have immunity towards this super mutated influenza virus.
A new, even more deadly virus than AIDS is about to be released.
The agenda for depopulation is accelerating rapidly. What's behind the Mad Cow disease, Ebola viruses, AIDS-HIV, Staph infection, hoof and mouth disease, anthrax and others ? Who is behind the genocidal campaign to wipe out entire populations in Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Africa, and Latin America ? What are in the chemtrails now seen over skies of countries ? Who is behind the Persian Gulf illness ? Which is consequence of prolonged exposure to low levels of chemical and biological agents, to blister agents, and "cocktails", coupled with the effects of nerve agent pills, botulinum and anthrax vaccines, depleted uranium dusts, and other contaminants. The Gulf War Illness is spreading worse than AIDS, by mere casual contact, through perspiration, or by being close to someone who coughs.
In the 1995 movie "Outbreak" a virus is being harbored by the people. To kill the virus, like culling infected birds, you have to wipe them out. The military people in the movie planned to use a fuel-air bomb to wipe out the infected city. Are they scripting a movie, or is this reality ?
Red Cross is a hidden hand of Illuminati plan
The Red Cross (and other so-called large charities) are secret intelligence and money collection agencies of the British Intelligence Services since their inception. The Red Cross is very adept at stealing money and looting mail. They were caught innumerable times, but always allowed to get away.
After the San Francisco earthquake in 1989, the Red Cross passed on only $10 million of the $50 million that had been raised, and banked the rest. Similar donations after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and the Red River flooding in 1997 were greedily withheld. Tsunami was a great money-making opportunity for the Red Cross. It called for donations in cash only.
Under the Liberty Fund, Red Cross collected $564 million in donations after 9/11. Months after the event, the Red Cross had distributed only $154 million. Then Red Cross President Dr. Bernadine Healy arrogantly stated, "The Liberty Fund is a war fund…" The rest of the money would be used in ' war on terror'. This meant the money was going towards bombing third world countries like Afghanistan and setting up surveillance cameras and expanding the police state in US cities, and not in helping the victims of disasters.
The Huge Profit in killing and disabling masses
1) Fraudulent vaccination campaigns :- are most lucrative of drug sales. Persons who searched for cases of smallpox could not find one case in the city that would justify vaccination drive. Still people believe this false propaganda because they are easily frightened when officials and doctors tell them a contagious disease is in their midst. So they trustingly put their own and their children's lives into the hands of the unprincipled drug vendors.
The hospitals soon filled with vaccine poisoned people and the doctors had business all winter. Doctors made $500,000 from that Kansas City vaccination spree, not counting the millions of dollars from the hospital cases.
The first World War was of a short duration, so the vaccine makers were unable to use up all their vaccines. So they drummed up the largest vaccination campaign in U.S. history. There were no epidemics to justify it so their propaganda claimed the soldiers were coming home with all kinds of diseases. People believed them because, they wanted to believe their doctors, and the returning soldiers had been sick from doctor-made vaccine diseases. Many soldiers were disabled for life by these drug-induced diseases. Many were insane from postvaccinal encephalitis, but the doctors called it shell shock, even though many had never left America. In 1912 told army hospitals were filled with cases of infantile paralysis and the soldiers wondered why grown men should have an infant disease. Paralysis is a common aftereffect of vaccine poisoning.
Previously, a massive polio vaccine drive was staged in the 1950's. Pharma Cartel worked on the smiling, President Eisenhower and got $9,000,000 to start with, then they wrenched $63,000,000 from the American taxpayers to support their killer vaccine campaign. President Franklin Roosevelt even let them use his infirmity to advertise and sell their polio vaccine. The same vaccine promoters got $100,000,000 from Nixon. The promoters bragged that they had $5 billion dollars over the several years they kept polio vaccine sales going.
President Gerald Ford, persuaded public to undergo a national vaccination campaign. The moving force behind the scheme was a $135 million profit for the major drug manufacturers. They had a "swine flu" vaccine which pig raisers had refused to touch because pigs had died in vaccine demonstration.
"Well, if the swine breeders won't inject it into their animals, our only other market is to inject it into people." was their plan.
Dr. Anthony Morris, then active as director of the Virus Bureau of the Food and Drug Administration, declared that there could be no authentic swine flu vaccine, because there had never been any cases of swine flu on which they could test it… " He was promptly fired, and a special team of workers cleaned out the four rooms he had conducted his scientific tests. The records verified his claims, representing some three years of constant research. Records were burned and all the animals immediately destroyed.
Honorof, confronted promoters of vaccines with the list of 19 questions, but they didn't answer them. Dr. Archie Kalokerines, medical superintendent of Colleranebri Hospital in Australia, called the swine flu immunization program "a plan for mass murder….."
In spite of that President Ford urged the American people to submit to the inoculation with the poisonous swine flu vaccine. On April 15, 1976, Congress passed Public Law 94-266, providing $135 million of taxpayers' funds to pay for a national swine flu inoculation campaign.
Insurance agencies went public with their warning that they would not insure because no studies had been carried out which could predict its effects. The vaccine promoters and drug insurance companies, no doubt, remembered the multimillion dollar law suits following the devastating polio vaccine campaign of the 1950's when the Salk, Sabin, and Cutter vaccines had caused thousands of cases of polio, death, and other disasters causing them to pay out damages amounting to many millions of dollars.
In spite of that president Gerald Ford make his impassioned appeal to 215,000,000 Americans to get the swine flu vaccination, at no charge.
Hardly had the swine flu campaign been completed, the reports of the casualties began to pour in. Within few months, claims totaling $1.3 billion had been filed by victims who had suffered paralysis from the swine flu vaccine. The medical authorities leaped to the defense of the Medical Monopoly by labeling the new epidemic, "Guillain-Barre Syndrome."
One of the paralyzed swine flu victims has filed a $5,000,000 suit against the vaccine promoters for causing his paralysis in December of 1976. These 75 California cases were paralyzed shortly after their flu shots. Ford and Congress which had financed the vaccine manufacturers now paid the damage costs which amounted to billions of dollars judging by the large number of deaths and disasters as well. Before leaving office Ford asked the taxpayers to give the Congressmen a substantial raise. He wanted to reward them for their part in helping him support organized medical crime.
Ford was defeated in election and retired from politics.
In every major vaccination campaign, one finds the same tangled web of Government, the military, The WHO, financiers, researchers, laboratories, universities, the CIA, and the World Bank.
U.S. Vice President Al Gore {to benefit pharma Cartel} had threatened to apply economic sanctions against those nations of Africa that produce and distribute drugs for AIDS treatment at prices below the highly inflated Western price range of multinational companies under patent protection.
2) Fluoride Poisoning :- Fluoride compounds rank along with cyanide and arsenic in toxicity. It is the well known rat and roach killer. It is a worthless by-product of aluminum, steel and fertilizer industry. Industries were having problems of disposing it. If they dumped it in the streams, it killed the fish; and if they dumped it on the ground, the wind blew it around and killed the livestock and destroyed vegetation, and brought on lawsuits.
IG Farben Company of Germany had plans during the war to fluoridate the occupied countries, because fluoridation caused brain damage leading a persons to became docile towards authority. Germans added sodium fluoride to the drinking water of prisoners of war to make them stupid and docile."
President Carter paid fluoride promoters to poison the entire state water system of Georgia. According to Charles Eliot Perkins the real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination. According to Professor Albert Schatz Ph.D. Nobel Prize Winner 1952 "Fluoridation is the greatest fraud that has ever been perpetrated and it has been perpetrated on more people than any other fraud has"
Fluoride was damaging to the health and to the water pipes and all equipments. Three large water pumps were almost destroyed by fluoride corrosion in North Hampton, Massachusetts. In Newburgh, water heaters squirted water like "rotten rubber hoses." Concord, New Hampshire had to pay over $200,000 to replace their fluoride-damaged city water system. Other cities, including San Francisco, reported similar difficulties.
Fluoride is a colorless, odorless, tasteless poison, so people are not able to detect its deadly dose. Fluoride accumulates and lodges in many places in pipes. Researchers have found as high as 500 ppm in some pipes where there was supposed to be only 1 ppm
Dr. C.I. Betts of Toledo, Ohio investigated fluoridation for ten years and found that Bright's disease (fatal kidney disease) increased 50% in fluoridated areas. There was also a 50% increase in brain damage and much mongoloidism. Diabetes more than doubled where fluoridated water was used regularly.
The fluorides cause respiratory failure and general paralysis…. Research in Italy and India indicates that fluoride hardens arteries. Scientific research proves that fluorides are dangerous to the mothers and the unborn.
There are thousands of people who are now suffering from kidney disease, diabetes, and other ailments are sensitive to fluoride poisons. They would be immediately hurt or killed by the addition of fluoride to their drinking water. Others would be broken down later on, after years of slow poisoning. The University of Texas found that it took only 4.5 ppm of sodium fluoride to cause cancer in their laboratory experiments It also shortened the life-span considerably. Extensive research has shown increased cancer death rate in cities where the water has been fluoridated over a period of years. (The National Health Federation — P.O. Box 688 — Monrovia, Calif. 91016).
Fluoridation is illegal in Norway and Denmark and rejected in Italy, France, Holland, West Germany and Sweden (Fluoridation has also, been rejected by 23 other countries) Over 2,500 communities in the U.S. have rejected fluoridation. England rejected it saying they don't want "Texas teeth" with dingy brown spots from fluoridation. These dark spots can never be removed.
Fluorides deteriorate the bony structure of the entire body and make the tooth enamel brittle, thus causing more dental trouble in later years. Fluoride makes ugly, mottled, decayed teeth. Even the fluoride toothpaste causes ulcers of the mouth, gums and lips in many people. The membrane of the mouth is very porous and the fluoride in the tooth paste enters the blood almost immediately and causes kidney and all kinds of diseases of body poisoning. The U.S. Dispensatory (24th Edition) states: "Fluorides are violent poisons to all living tissue because of their precipitation of calcium (leech calcium from bones) and make them porous and brittle. Any poison that is potent enough to damage teeth which are the hardest tissue of the body will do even greater harm to the rest of the body and the soft tissues of the eyes, nerves, glands, organs, cells, and hair. Fluoride accumulates in the body and causes deterioration.
When official fluoridation corruption was exposed in New Zealand, a 'scientific study' was hurriedly executed to try to justify the original government / industry claims and repair the damage done to the fluoride empire.
The 'dental fluoride mafia' to support its fraudulent claim that the fluoride prevents cavities in children "procured" dental associations to endorse fluoridation. It is difficult for the 'man in the street ignorant of the facts' to disbelieve their false claims. As a result the catalogue of fluoridated pharmaceuticals has doubled and redoubled. Every Australian city has as much as doubled the number of registered dentists since the advent of fluorinated toothpaste, fluorinated gels and fluorinated rinses.
Vaccination In India
All cases of polio in the United States since 1979 have been caused by the polio vaccine." ( Polio Vaccine Risks)
Three infants died of developing reaction to polio drops administered in Penuballi Mandal of Khammam district. Unconfirmed reports said that another infant died in the mandal due to a similar reaction. The victims were identified as R Venkat Narsaiah of Bramhalakunta, Pramila (Karaigudem) and baby girl daughter of K Narasimham Kumar in Upplachalaka village. The children were normal and healthy before polio drops were given . (Infants die; reaction to polio drops feared Tuesday November 23 2004 00:36 IST)
A four-month old baby boy died at Battola village in West Bengals South 24 Parganas district, after being administered pulse polio. The baby died the same evening. His father Kamal Khamaru complained that the baby was suffering from cold and fever and was forcibly administered pulse polio in the presence of the police.( Baby dies after Pulse Polio injection)
A two-day-old girl died on Monday in Munger town soon after she was given polio drops. "My daughter died within half an hour after she was given polio drops," the girl's father Yamuna Mahto said. He and his wife took the newborn to a government hospital for BCG vaccination but officials forcibly administered polio drops that resulted in her death. A three-year-old girl in the same town also died after she was given polio drops. Her father said his daughter was administered polio drops by hospital employees although he told them she had been brought there for treatment of cough and cold. Reports said several children have fallen ill in Gaya, Patna, Darbhanga and Munger districts after being administered polio drops. (Two children die after being given polio drops Indo-Asian News Service Patna, January 08, 2008 First Published: 14:59 IST(8/1/2008) Last Updated: 15:00 IST(8/1/2008))
23 children died soon after being administered Vitamin A drops.. Neither the UNICEF nor the Assam government accepted the responsibility for the death of 23 children in November 2001 Parents fearing the same tragedy, less than 50 per cent of the children turned up for vaccination. (Poor response to pulse polio campaign in Assam G Vinayak in Guwahati Arya-Brahmins riding the government planned door to door forced vaccination of indigenous masses.
In northeastern India medical workers gave the vitamin A, supplied by U.N. UNICEF, to children up to the age of 6 which left 700 children hospitalized and a 2-year-old girl dead. State Health Minister Bhumidhar Burman told in a news conference that 10,000 children allegedly affected by the concentrated vitamin A solution were unfounded.Whereas Das, deputy commissioner, Cachar, said that a large number of people were rushing to the district hospitals with their children, making it almost impossible for them to be adequately cared for. "We have requisitioned help from the army, medical college, and other places and admitted, at least, 500 small children who had developed serious symptoms," he said. In Nagaon also, it is the same story. There are more than 500 cases in the district alone, while in Nagaon town hospital 6 children with serious symptoms are undergoing treatment.Reinvention of history possibly going on right before our eyes :- 1) First there was the following report on BBC which was then posted on ProMEd – Polio vaccines causing death and injury in India BBC 2) ProMed search 3) Then BBC totally changes the page that had the story of the polio deaths to one that blames it on Vitamin … They CHANGED the story on that page – sidebars still show reference to polio 4) First article based on BBC page that is no longer there ( Polio Vaccine or Vitamin A? Subject: VERY SUSPICIOUS – Polio Vaccine or Vitamin A Killing Kids in India Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001)
The number of vaccine attributed polio victims in India is anywhere between 30,000 to 300,000 according to media reports. The IMA has a figure of 85,000, up to 2005, in its website. Doctors have been "advised" to keep quiet on these issues for "the greater good of humanity". It is very sad that no effort is being made to track, treat and compensate the unfortunate children. GAVI, UNICEF, Rotary and WHO do not reply to our mails making it plainly evident that they are least bothered about the health of Indian children. Shame upon them who wish to profit by killing and maiming little babies. It is very disturbing that poisons are being introduced into infants who are not supposed to be fed anything other than breast milk during the first six months of their lives. The spread of cancers, diabetes and other immune disorders in children cannot be hidden any longer. Countries putting the maximum emphasis on vaccines have the highest rate of infant mortality. The health of teenagers today is alarming. We do not understand how the voices of Indian doctors are not being heard and instead "foreign experts" dictate terms in matters of vaccination policy in India.( Polio vaccination media stories THE POLITICS OF VACCINATION-II The Policy Of Forcing Hepatitis-B And Hib Vaccines On India And Pressure To Eradicate Polio— DR OMESH BHARATI)
The fact that Oral Polio Vaccine can create polio in otherwise healthy children is still kept out of public discussion. Both IMA and the NPSP now acknowledge thatVaccine Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis (VAPP) is a problem. Trusting that children can be "saved" from the clutches of Polio if they are given polio drops, all of us have been vaccinating our children again and again for the last 12 years. As the Polio drops continued, so did the adverse reaction to it, called Vaccine Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis-VAPP. According to Official estimates, over 4000 children in our country developed "polio like paralysis" in the last 3 years, as a consequence of consuming Oral polio vaccine. Over and above children died following vaccination. Let us all demand that the Government declare the names of these victims ! Let us demand that whoever developed polio-like paralysis after consuming polio drops is paid suitable compensation!! Let us remind the Government of its responsibility to such children, who died following vaccination !!! During these 12 years that the Pulse Polio program continued, people, both lay and medical practitioners alike, were misled by the Government's propaganda: that "polio drops are completely safe". Media, filmdom, and even the President of India were made use of in spreading this untruth. The Government of India knew well like the WHO, that some VAPP cases would surely emerge in the process. By keeping the information on VAPP secret, by spreading untruth, by declaring the numbers of only "confirmed wild polio cases" and putting all other AFPs into "discarded" category- in an apparent effort to cover up the exact numbers of VAPP victims, by not taking into account the deaths following vaccination, and by employing many such devious methods, the Government of India complicated the issue. {betrayed the masses } During the 80s, every case of sudden childhood paralysis associated with fever was declared polio on clinical grounds. So it is not enough now, to test equal number of children with paralysis and declare only one in a hundred of them "polio' and simply 'discard' others: Causes for paralysis in the remaining 99% children must also be determined and made public. Not only that, the program has created paralysis in thousands of otherwise healthy children – the Government has to take complete responsibility for this and pay suitable compensations to all such victims. ( Issues with Oral Polio Vaccination in India)
Abandon Vaccination !
Sanitation nutrition and healthy life-style Curb Diseases
![Vaccin Awareness Vaccin Awareness](
Unvaccinated were more protected.. Less vaccinated town enjoyed better health and almost free from diseases. Why 90% never-vaccinated remained healthy ?
Vaccination is has never cured any disease.
One must improve sanitary conditions to its best standards.
Women must breast-feed their babies.
Clean drinking water, fresh air, proper nutrition and physical exercise is secret of remaining free from diseases. We must discard junk food and shift to healthy diet prepared in home.
Healthy life-style free from tensions is most important. Therefore we must live a moral happy family life based on mutual trust and devotion.
We Must Aware masses
Vaccination victims allover world are awaring masses and tearing the shameless fraudulent propaganda of government and its master Pharma-cartel.
Leades, officers etc. are all puppets in the hands of multinational pharma cartel.
Remember, most of the doctors prmote vaccinations either from duty compulsions imposed upon them from their superiors and they obey to avoid victimization in their career or they themselves are ignorant of vaccination dangers or they are paid puppets of International pharma cartel of Illuminati.
Therefore, we must not blindly believe them at the risk of ours and our children's life.
Mothers are also at forefront exposing the satanic cult fighting for truth and justice for theirs and yours children.
….. When will you ?
Chapter VIII
Zombification of Indigenous Masses
Dr. Jose Delgado (who demonstrated a radio-controlled bull on CNN in 1985) declared : "We need a program of psychosurgery and political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated." "Man does not have the right to develop his own mind … We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electrical stimulation of the brain." (Congressional Record No. 26, Vol. 118, February 24, 1974) "The Technocratic Age is slowly designing an every day more controlled society. The society will be dominated by an elite of persons free from traditional values (!) who will have no doubt in fulfilling their objectives by means of purged techniques with which they will influence the behavior of people and will control and watch the society in all details." – Zbigniew Brzezinski, Illuminati and cofounder of Trilateral Commission
Electronic Mind Control of Masses
Neurophone is a commercial product that anybody can buy (Patent # 3,393,279 dated 16 July 1968). The sound played through the neurophone successfully transmit directly into the brains without using any speakers. A pair of heterodyned ultrasound carrier signals (200 kHz nominal) can make sound appear to emanate from inanimate objects, and if the object is a person's head, will produce "voice direct to skull" with no source. (American Technologies Corp., "Hyper-Sonic Sound System, slated to come on the market in 1999)
Every 25th frame of Computer Program 'Virus 666' contain visual that puts computer operators into a trance, and also contains a message or thought picked up by his subconscious to be obeyed. The hive mind is result where everyone shares the same thoughts, goals, knowledge and understanding.
By Spring 2004, a mind control technology known as a "Frequency Fence" makes your critical ability inactive. Invasive programming is subliminally carried through all radio broadcasts, and through the cellular and digital telephone network of towers worldwide. After 6 years, this Frequency Fence will cause a genetic mutation to manifest in the collective human gene pool and will be passed down through procreation, thereby permanently scarring humanity.
An electronic device can be used to control the thoughts of any targeted individual from a distance. This is a United States Patent number 3,951,134 filed by Inventor Malech; Robert G. (Plainview, NY) and his Assignee : Dorne & Margolin Inc. (Bohemia, NY) on April 5, 1974. Patent was granted on April 20, 1976. The technology now is far more advanced today.
The Pentagon has admitted that the U.S. intelligence agencies (N.S.A, C.I.A. and Cointelpro) has the technology to broadcast thoughts via satellites through television, radio, the internet, telephone, cellphone etc. to load thoughts and to make one do things he would not ordinarily do, including murder, suicide, madness, or purchasing items he does not want and cannot use. The television set in your home is doing a lot more than entertaining you.
Electromagnetic energy of different frequencies are capable of scanning the entire brain of a person. The signals of different frequencies transmitted penetrate the skull of the subject and impinge upon the brain where they mix to yield an interference wave modulated by radiations from the brain's natural electrical activity. The modulated interference wave is retransmitted by the brain and received by an antenna at a remote station where it is demodulated, and processed to provide a profile of the subject's brain wave patterns. Brain patterns represent certain "thoughts, emotions, and feelings."; and if a brain pattern is send to another human brain, the he will form the same "thoughts, emotions, and feelings". Pentagon can even read the private thoughts of an individual picking up the vibrations produced by his brain's electrical impulses. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology as Synthetic Telepathy.
In studies funded by the CIA, Dr. Ewen Cameron discovered that electroshock treatment caused amnesia. Subjects could be transformed into a virtual blank mind (Tabula Rasa) and reprogrammed. Projects ARTICHOKE, PANDORA and CHATTER clearly demonstrate that "psychoelectronics" were a high priority. Former CIA agent Victor Marchetti revealed, the programs were never closed but became more covert with a high element of "deniability" built in to them as a result of immense public outcry, Few of the U.S. patients in the area of mind-controlling psychotronics are listed below :-
Silent Subliminal Presentation System, US Patent #5,159,703, Oliver Lowery, October 27, 1992.
Direct Hearing System, US Patent #4,877,027, Wayne Brunkan, October 31, 1989. A method for directly inducing sound into the head of a person, using microwaves in the range of 100 MHz to 10,000 MHz, modulated with a waveform of frequency- modulated bursts.
Method and System for Altering Consciousness, US Patent #5,123,899, James Gall, June 23, 1992.
Subliminal Message Generator, US Patent #5,270,800, Robert Sweet, December 14, 1993. Also applicable to cable television and computers.
Superimposing Method and Apparatus Useful for Subliminal Messages, US Patent #5,134,484, Joseph Wilson, July 28, 1992. is a Method of changing a person's behavior.
US Patent #4,717,343, Alan Densky, January 5, 1988. A method of conditioning a person's unconscious mind in order to effect desired change in the person's behavior, and which does not require the services of a trained therapist.
Auditory Subliminal Message System and Method, US Patent #4,395,600, Rene Lundy and David Tyler, July 26, 1983. An amplitude-controlled subliminal message may be mixed with background music.
Auditory Subliminal Programming System, US Patent #4,777,529, Richard Schultz and Raymond Dolejs, October 11, 1988.
Apparatus for Inducing Frequency Reduction in Brain Wave, US Patent #4,834,70l, Kazumi Masaki, May 30, 1989.
Apparatus for Electrophysiological Stimulation, US Patent #4,227,516, Bruce Meland and Bernard Gindes, October 14, 1980.
Method and Recording for Producing Sounds and Messages to Achieve Alpha and Theta Brainwave States and Positive Emotional States in Humans, US Patent #5,352,181, Mark Davis, October 4, l994.
Method and Apparatus for Translating the EEG into Music to Induce and Control Various Psychological and Physiological States and to Control a Musical Instrument, US Patent #4,883,067, Knispel et. al., November 28, 1989.
Method of and Apparatus for Inducing Desired States of Consciousness, US Patent #5.356,368, Robert Monroe, October 18, 1994. Improved methods and apparatus for entraining human brain patterns, employing frequency-following-response (FFR) techniques and facilitating attainment of desired states of consciousness.
Method of Inducing Mental. Emotional and Physical States of Consciousness, including Specific Mental Activity, in Human Beings, US Patent #5,213,562, Robert Monroe, May 25, 1993.
Device for the Induction of Specific Brain Wave Patterns, US Patent #4,335,710, John Williamson, June 22, 1982. Brainwave patterns associated with relaxed and meditative states in a subject are gradually induced without deleterious chemical or neurologic side effects.
Method and Apparatus for Repetitively Producing a Noise-like Audible Signal, US Patent #4,191,175, William Nagle, March 4, 1980.
Nervous System Excitation Device, US Patent #3,393,279, Gillis Patrick Flanagan, July 16, 1968. A method of transmitting audio information via a radio frequency signal modulated with the audio info through electrodes placed on the subject's skin, causing the sensation of hearing the audio information in the brain.
U.S. Patent 5,159,703 – Silent subliminal presentation system.
U.S. Patent 5,507,291 – Method and an associated apparatus for remotely determining information as to a person's emotional state.
U.S. Patent 5,868,100 – Fenceless animal control system using GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) location information.
Microchip Implants
Nano-technology made Brain implants extremely small that it is almost impossible to detect or remove them. Implanted persons can be followed anywhere in the world. The 20-billion-bit / second supercomputers at the U.S. National Security Agency with Remote Monitoring System (RMS) can "see and hear" what soldiers experience in the battlefield and even alter it by changing of frequencies. The NSA's electronic surveillance system can simultaneously follow and handle millions of people. When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillimeters) is placed into optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuroimpulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights, and voice. These neuroimpulses can be projected back to brain via microchip to be reexperienced. Using RMS messages to the nervous system can be sent, affecting the target's performance.
With Remote Monitoring System (RMS), healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads. The secret controller of this equipment can even change a person's emotional life. S/he can be made aggressive or lethargic. His subconscious thinking can be read, dreams affected and even induced, all without the knowledge or consent of the implanted person. This secret technology is used by military forces in certain NATO countries since 1980s secretly to create a perfect cyber-Soldier.
Military and intelligence agencies are using it on people. Persons can even be programmed to murder and remember nothing of their crime afterward.
U.S. astronauts were implanted before they were sent into space so their thoughts could be followed and all their emotions could be registered 24 hours a day. In Sweden, Prime Minister Olof Palme gave permission in 1973 to implant prisoners. General Jan Freese revealed that nursing-home patients were implanted in the mid-1980s. Nano-surveillance units or nano 'Mind-control' units could be implanted to make people behave in desired ways. ( Nanotechnology, a Hard Pill to Swallow).
Latest supercomputers are powerful enough to monitor the whole world's population. Computers using photons shall be unbelievably fastest. MIThril is a next-generation wearables developed at the MIT Media Lab. combines body-worn computation, sensing, and networking.
Psychotropic / Psychotronic Weapons against the masses
If you don't die instantly then it's a "nonlethal weapon". Chernishev noted : 1) A psychotronic generator, which produces electromagnetic emanation capable of being sent through telephone lines, TV, radio networks, supply pipes, and incandescent lamps. 2) An autonomous generator, that operates in the 10-150 Hertz band. At 10-20 Hertz band forms an infrasonic oscillation that is destructive to all living creatures. 3) A nervous system generator, designed to paralyze the central nervous systems of insects, have the same applicability on humans. 4) Ultrasound emanations, are capable of killing a person without leaving a mark on his skin; include dazzling lasers that can force the pupils to close; acoustic or sonic frequencies cause the hair cells in the inner ear to vibrate causing motion sickness, vertigo, and nausea, or frequencies that resonate the internal organs causing pain and spasms; and shock waves with the potential to knock down humans or airplanes. Microwave weapons, by stimulating the peripheral nervous system, can heat up the body, induce epileptic-like seizures, or cause cardiac arrest. Low-frequency radiation affects the electrical activity of the brain and can cause flu-like symptoms and nausea. Other projects sought to induce or prevent sleep, or to affect the signal from the motor cortex portion of the brain, overriding voluntary muscle movements. The latter are referred to as pulse wave weapons. (The Mind Has No Firewall
Whenever EMR machine target is your head, your central nervous system will be damaged. If the target is your body, your organs will be damaged. If the target is your heart, it can cause heart diseases. Machine can cause someone to die as if he was killed by natural causes. "Temporal lobe stimulation," can evoke the feeling of a presence, disorientation, and perceptual irregularities. It can activate images stored in the subject's memory, including nightmares"
The use of microwaves at 10,000 microwatts per square centimeter, cause local hot-spots in the areas that have poor circulation, such as the eyes and gall bladder sustaining acute and chronic illness in these areas. Intelligence organizations in the West use this technology to disable permanently the 'subversive elements' they cannot scare off.
U.S. Greenham Common base, targeted at the women protesters resulting in vertigo, retinal bleeding, burnt face even at night, nausea, sleep disturbances, palpitations, loss of concentration, loss of memory, disorientation, severe headaches, temporary paralysis, faulty speech coordination, irritability and panic in non-panic situations. Dr. Robert Becker, twice nominated for the Nobel Prize, and a specialist in EM effects confirms that these symptoms mirror those he would expect to see if Microwave weapons have been used.
In the case of the Gulf War, the Iraqis gave up in mass was not because of the heavy bombardments but because they were being hit with new "nonlethal" systems. ( Mind Control: The Ultimate Brave New World) Cable News Network showed an official document that was a contingency plan to use electromagnetic weapons against terrorists. Microwaves and other modalities had regularly been used against Palestinians. (Remote Mind Control Technology by Anna Keeler Reprinted from SECRET AND SUPPRESSED: BANNED IDEAS AND HIDDEN HISTORY)
According to Deborah Dupre more than fifty scientists, professors, engineers, former intelligence personnel, authors and "Targeted Individuals" from around the globe united to discuss the need to end "The Silent Holocaust" in which "an unknown number of individual targets are being secretly tortured to point of death. The group launched its international coalition to alert the public to extensive nonlethal electromagnetic weapons (also known as directed energy weapon or DEW) used on selected persons globally. Victims are continuously, covertly tortured; severely injured; disabled; sometimes killed or driven to suicide. The number of victims is increasing. These operations are often aimed at whistle-blowers, human rights workers and peace advocates. Victim's complaints to local and federal government agencies are never investigated," U.S. Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne publicly advocated that the government "test" these weapons overtly on "unruly crowds." The conference was sponsored by Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance. (, and Duprevent International, (2006-10-22: End the Silent Holocaust From Xiando)
UFO and Mind-Control
The "UFO abduction" phenomenon is a clandestine mind control operations. Thousands of 'alien abductions' cannot be dismissed as 'psychiatric disorder' as the vast majority have no background of mental illness.Abductees had intracerebral implants allegedly visible in the X-rays and MRI scans. The abduction experiences of Leah Haley and Katharina Wilson are full of military abduction (MILAB) encounters. Katharina Wilson published an article on her Web page : Are Some Alien Abductions Government Mind Control Experiments ? Martin Cannon, in a monograph titled "The Controllers," explains the UFO as a "screen memory" induced by U.S. intelligence to hide their own mind-control experiments. Helmut Lammer Ph.D., after extensive investigation concludes Grey alien kidnappers are false memories implanted by military doctors and psychiatrists by an advanced virtual reality technology.
Mind-control Experiments at
Guantanamo Bay and on Abu Ghraib detainees
Gordon Thomas has described brain implant experiments which were conducted on "expendable" Vietcong prisoners ( The PLO said that the Israeli authorities subjected more than a thousand Palestinian prisoners for medical experiments. The US holds "ghost prisoners" at secret locations all around the globe.
Abu Ghraib torture practices are common to CIA and Military Intelligence used through MKULTRA mind-control research. ( In "Illuminati in America" Coleman concludes : US Military prison torture practices are Satanic occult practices and mind-control operations under the guise of "extracting information" from "terrorists" most of whom are innocents.
U.S. medical staff in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay was actually involved. Photographs of women which are much worse have not been released by the media sources. Audio recordings of children screaming while being sodomized is mentioned. Author have seen the footnotes referring to the kids deaths and have seen credible evidence of sexual abuse described in Army investigations. ( An Interview with Steven Miles : The Torture-Endangered Society by Richard Thieme)
New Yorker article "The Experiment," by Jane Mayer, July 11 & 18, 2005 (not yet available on-line, but here's an interview with the author) reveal that the most horrific abuses at Abu Ghraib mirror the historical accounts of government-sponsored mind control experiments. Baher Azmy, a professor at Seton Hall Law School who is representing one detainee, states in the article, "The whole place appears to be one giant human experiment." (p. 62) The people behind these psychological abuses and experiments are known as Behavioral Science Consultation Teams, or BSCTs. Guantanamo seems to be the 21st Century version of Allan Memorial Hospital … an experimental torture chamber for testing new mind-altering and controlling technologies ? In November, 2004 deeply disturbing revelations were made about Abu Ghraib in The Guardian. It adds chilling insight into the Mayer article. Perhaps Guantánamo Bay was Experimental Lab Mark 1, and whatever esoteric techniques worked there were exported to Abu Ghraib. But what is the aim at Guantanamo ? to further refine methods for breaking down minds and creating dissociation in order to craft more effective assassins ? to create more programmed chaos and manufactured "terrorism when they are released ?" ( Sex, Drugs, Mind Control, and Gitmo It just gets darker every day. ; Sex, Drugs, Mind Control, and Gitmo By Professor Pan <> July 6, 2005)
Electronic Mind Control in India
M. S. Rao, Chief Forensic Scientist, Ministry of Home Affairs, delivered a keynote address at 2006 Forensic Science Forum, 93rd Indian Science Congress on "preventive forensics" including electromagnetic mind control tools. Mr. Rao said, "… We have to adopt the technology. It will show effect on the brain.(
Mind control in India seems already in use :- Several people from India, especially from Kashmir, and all walks of life have contacted Mind Justice alleging targeting and surveillance with mind control technologies amounting to torture. The alleged victim sent Mind Justice a photo of a "help" poster entitled "secret mind reading system is being misused to torture people, stop them." This picture is one of several posters was taken in 2005 at Palika Bazaar, Cannought place, New Delhi ( Mind Control Victim)
![indiawall indiawall](
The alleged mind control victims are following :- 1) Name: Suresh S Kumar; Citizenship: India; Year Torture /Abuse Began: 1988. He is being confronting Electronic Stalking / Harassment /Illegal Electronic Surveillance Stalking / Harassment for about 19 years that he is aware of. His E-Mail : Somesh / 2) Name: Dr Feisal Salim A S; Citizenship: India; Year Torture/Abuse Began:2003 Email: Is a victim of Organized stalking and directed energy weapons torture, from Trivandrum, India since 2000, which he realized only in 2003. 3) Name: Simran Singh Juneja; Citizenship: India; Year Torture/Abuse Began:2000 Email: His full address is : Simran Singh Juneja house no 4146 sector 68, S.A.S Nagar Mohali(Punjab) India. Mobile no-91-9876371487. ( Our friends from India introduced; Mind Control Victim) The website begun to receive allegations of torture from India, where American companies have begun to outsource, not only help lines, but also programming. ( Bio-electromagnetic Weapons)
There are evidence of application of mind control techniques of Indian politicians. Hypno-programming is being applied in India's Government officials and people of influence in a very sophisticated manner. ( Evidence of Extraterrestrial mind control in India – like in America politicians are forced to cover up Staff Reporter January 10, 2005)
Meditation centers can be best places for such mind-control operations.
HAARP The Ultimate Weapon of Satanists
The ionosphere made up of gas and charged particles is the electrically-charged atmosphere between 40 to 600 miles above Earth's surface. HAARP installed in a remote area of Alaska lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a super-powerful radio wave beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto Earth. HAARP documents admit that thousand-fold greater amounts of energy can be released in the ionosphere than injected. During 1996, a $75 million increase to the already multi megabuck project will increase the output of the system to over 1.7 gigawatts, making HAARP the most powerful emitter in the world. HAARP is a worldwide reaching program operated by the Navy and Air Force, along with Phillips Labs and other private industries.
The August 1995 issue of Popular Science lists a partial list of HAARP capabilities : 1) Enhance or interfere with communications 2) Develop new radio transmissions. 3) Manipulate weather patterns. 4) Weapon related technology. 5) Mind control projects. 6) Earth penetrating tomography. (to see into underground installations, as well as oil and mineral deposits) 7) Can detect electromagnetic seismic activity that precedes earthquakes. They can also trigger earthquakes.
Generation of gravitic waves and interdimension / time portals. 9) Draw energy from the ionosphere. 10) Push the envelop, of the ionosphere. (Karin Pekarcik is a free-lance writer living in Anaheim, CA. Her e-mail address is:
Energy reflecting back from ionosphere can form a shell of high-speed electrons that encompasses the earth. Any ballistic missile or warhead passing through it would explode. By directing enormous amounts of radio-frequency energy at a specific area, HAARP could overload electrical power distribution grids, fry sensitive microelectronics, detonate weapons that use electronic fuses, scramble missile guidance systems and probably upset brain chemistry. Heating the upper atmosphere over specific areas could change weather patterns creating torrential floods, destroying an enemy's infrastructure or harvest by drought using weather as a weapon. It was alleged that Tsunami was the result of HAARP. Haarp can be used to accomplish illuminati depopulation agenda by creating natural calamities such as earthquakes, floods, cyclones and so on. In 1994 the US Air Force revealed its Spacecast 2020 master plan which includes weather control. By illuminating orbiting spacecraft with HAARP, the constituent materials and the mission of a satellite can be assessed. (Article, titled "DOOMSDAY DEATH RAY". Subtitle: "Is the U.S. Government Testing a Secret Mega-Weapon?" — by "Agent X"., The Nose Magazine, issue #26 [March 1995].)
HAARP energy reflecting back from ionosphere can scan and interrogate the minds of targeted individuals. HAARP electromagnetic signals can be used to cause injuries, even lethal physical and mental effects. (ANGELS DON'T PLAY THIS HAARP by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning)
HAARP energy can effects migration patterns of fish and wild animals which rely on an undisturbed energy field to find their routes.
Chapter IX
The Underground octopus of Zionist-Manuist Satanic World Order
The Hidden government : FEMA
Michael Ratner in the book "Guantanamo : What the World Should Know." wrote that Bush issued a military order giving himself the power to run the country as a general. Claiming United States is at war and the American homeland is part of the battlefield white House asserts the right to detain U.S. citizens without charges as enemy combatants.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was created, to assure the survivability of government in the event of a nuclear attack, urban or forest fires, economic collapse, civil unrest, drug problems, terrorist attacks, urban riots, and emergency planning for nuclear and toxic incidents.
Once the martial law is declared by the president, FEMA's extraordinary powers are activated. It has the power to suspend laws, move entire populations, arrest and detain citizens without a warrant and hold them without trial, it can seize property, food supplies, transportation systems, and can suspend the constitution. FEMA has the power to turn the United States into a police state in time of a real or a manufactured crisis. Under the FEMA plan, there is no contingency by which Constitutional power is restored.
In the West, FEMA works in conjunction with the Sixth Army.
In 1989, President Bush established the Multi Jurisdictional Task Forces (MJTF) which is force, along the lines of the S.A. and the S.S. in Nazi Germany. The MJTF has four missions: 1) house-to-house search and seizure raids, 2) categorization and separation of men, women and children, 3) transfer of prisoners to detention facilities, 4) operation of detention facilities.
It will assemble teams from law enforcement agencies at all levels of government. Several Federal government administrative agencies are arming some of their personnel for the same. Forest Service bought 30,000 rounds of .45 caliber ammunition in Libby, Montana. The other agencies involved are the Bureau of Land Management, EPA, FDA and IRS. They all work under FEMA.
FEMA has developed 300 sophisticated mobile units located in five areas of the United States are capable of sustaining for a month. They have communication systems and eachcontains a generator capable of providing power to 120 homes, but never used for disaster relief. Unmarked black helicopters with a special paint that is chemically resistant and invisible to radar were initially used by the Delta Force, and now are being used by FEMA.
FEMA to Work under United Nations
On May 3, 1994 President Bill Clinton had signed Presidential Decision Directive 25, declared it classified to hide its contents from American people. Its summary issued to members of Congress reveals that it authorizes the President to turn over control of U.S. military units to U.N. command. Foreign troops and equipment are increasing at an alarming rate. Because on November 11, 1990, President Bush issued an Executive Order which allowed United Nations' battle groups into the United States. Possibly more than 100,000 foreign troops are in America. Many are believed to be located in U.S. military bases and in national forests. In many cases, the Department of Defense denies their very existence until confronted with hard evidence. It is believed that there are now over 30 foreign military bases in America under the United Nations flag. The illuminati plan is to station all national troops in foreign lands since soldiers hesitate to kill their follow citizens during country's take over.
Takeover Training is on
In 1984, Lt.Col. Oliver North, working in the White House for the National Security Council, helped develop extensive plans for the military takeover of the United States. The U.S. Army Reserve was reorganized in 1994 to conform to the 10 federal regions on FEMA to implement the 10-region military government when martial law is declared. Operation Garden Plot is a martial law program for control of U.S. civilians. Readiness Exercise 1984 (Rex 84) was a rehearsal of these operations.
At least eight Military Operations in Urban Training (MOUT) units were in operation at U.S. military bases conducting training for house-to-house search and seizures. From April 22 to May 11, 1994, Agile Provider 94 exercise was held in various facilities, including Camp Lejeune, N.C., Fort Bragg, N.C. and Fort Chaffee, Ark. 44,000 U.S., French and Netherlands troops participated. Multi-jurisdictional task force of FEMA has been actively conducting training operations across America, mostly in larger cities under the guise of an antiterrorist training operation. Public have been terrified where these operations have occurred. Unmarked helicopters and black hooded, armed troops were seen descending on unsuspecting American mass population centers.
The real purpose of these illegally performed training operations known as "military operations in urban terrain", are actually preparations to take control of major population centers, disarming American citizens and crushing any rebellious or antigovernment groups who attempt to resist the military takeover. A gun law will be passed to confiscate all the guns. Upon receiving one call from the President, arrest warrants will be issued via computer to roundup over 1 million patriotic Americans who may 'resist' the New world order. The first targets in any FEMA emergency would be Hispanics and Blacks.
The Underground FEMA Bases
The administrative headquarters of FEMA is located in Atlanta, Georgia, with various branch offices across America. Its tactical headquarters are in a gigantic underground facility near Bluemont Virginia called as Mt. Weather, and referred to as the Western Virginia Office of Controlled Conflict Operations. Mt. Weather is main hub of a network of about 100 underground facilities beneath strategic locations throughout the country. Over 60 secret, underground virtual cities are build by government, Federal Reserve Bank Owners (i.e. 'Rockefellers', etc. – Branton), and members of the Committee of 300.
The September, 1983 Omni ran a picture story on the "Subterrene," a nuclear tunnel-boring machine developed at Los Alamos. The machine burrows through deep underground rock, heating it to a molten state (magma), which cools after the Subterrene moves on. The result is a tube with a smooth lining that can be used for high-speed transport to subbase complexes. At this time, these nuclear-tipped drills are capable of excavating a tunnel at a rate of 5 miles per hour. Presently, there are 129 deep underground military bases in the US. These bases, having the average depth of over a mile, are basically large cities between 2.66 and 4.25 cubic miles in size connected by high speed magneto-levitron trains that have speeds up to Mach 2. When danger exists in one location, the mass transit system can transfer people to another location..
Thousands of deep underground military bases (DUMBs) are scattered throughout the world. Roughly 30 in Canada, the south has over 140 active DUMBs. Worldwide there are now over 1500 DUMBs.
Executive Order 12919 : "National Defense Industrial Resources Preparedness" signed by Clinton on June 3, 1994, delegates authorities, responsibilities and allocations of F.E.M.A.'s Executive Orders [last entry] for the confiscation of all property from the American people, and their relocation and assignment to 'labor' camps. Pentagon's Civilian Inmate Labor Program "provides Army policy and guidance for establishing civilian inmate labor programs and civilian prison camps on Army installations."
What if by 2029 the global population is to be massively reduced, the remaining subjects enslaved and hauled off to underground slave labor factories to serve the global illuminati ?
Chapter X
The Satanic Zionist-Manuist World Order Plan
Federal Council of Churches in a meeting of its top officials, came out in favor of 1) a world government of delegated powers; 2) strong immediate limitations on national sovereignty; 3) international control of all armies and navies. Representatives of Council assert that "a new order of economic life is both imminent and imperative" is sure to come either "through voluntary cooperation within the framework of democracy or through explosive revolution." (In March 1942 An article in "TIME" magazine)
"If we like it or not, we will have a One World Government. The question is if it will be achieved through consent or through conquest" – J. Warburg, Illuminati and Rothschild banker.
1) The Zionist-Brahmanist Illuminati plan is to create a worldwide depression which will cause many people to lose their homes, jobs and food. Retired people may find their pensions and Social Security amount reduced or gone completely. Many will be unable to pay their mortgage and will lose their homes. Soon food supplies will be scarce resulting in rioting and looting.
2) A worldwide panic for pandemic shall set people's hearts fluttering with fear and climate of instability that destabilize nations. The public is being psychologically prepared through programs such as CNN run several specials on the Ebola virus. Massive outbreaks are inevitable.
3) Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991 declared : "Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful ! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond …. whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. .. individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government."
A fake alien invasion will be created by illuminati using holographic technology. The ionosphere of earth reflects most frequencies. This includes the frequency to project holographs. With these holographs they can create illusions of tanks, troops, an angry God, and even UFO's. UFO's are man made craft saucer technology invented by Nikola Tesla. People will be so terrified that they will demand governments do something. The solution will be martial law, followed by global dictatorship.
Military takeover will be region by region. Imagine 1% of the population highly trained in armaments, crowd control, psychological techniques, armed with conventional and electromagnetic weapons and linked to paramilitary groups. The Illuminati firmly believes that it can easily overcome the other 99% of the untrained, or poorly trained population. Even the local military will be overcome as the Illuminati will have regional cell groups with highly trained leaders. Covert Illuminati military bases will come above ground.
The Illuminati will announce treatment of infection to only those who accept the medical ID card. Those who refuse will be hunted down, killed or imprisoned in the underground labour camps of FEMA and military.
The Zionist-Brahmanist Illuminati banking leaders, such as the Rothschilds, the VanderBilts, the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, and the Mellons etc, will set a new system of monetary exchange.
The Beast is a gigantic three story computer located in the headquarters of the Common Market of Brussels, Belgium. It would give each inhabitant of the world a number to be used for purchase or sale. There will be 18 digits, grouped in three groups of six numbers. (000000 000000 000000) A nano-computer chip injected in the hand or in the forehead, can carry all information on any individual and is self-charging by the body's heat. Its number could be seen only through infrared scanners, installed in special verification counters or in business places. No person could buy or sell without first being given such a numbered imprint.
They will know everything – all that you buy, where and when you buy, who you phone and how much money you have, everything will be continuously inscribed onto this chip, on a day-to-day basis. And if you are classified as an "undesirable person" or perceived as an "enemy of the state," the system will simply erase your number from their central computer and you will no longer be able to buy or sell anything and shall be placed in underground labour camps where you are likely to work day and nights with little or no sleep.
Don't believe ? Read the following : Last summer Darpa, the U.S. Department of Defense's advanced-research arm, tested the drug CX717 by exposing subjects to battle conditions for four consecutive 20-hour days. Sleeping only four daylight hours, they remained alert. Modafinil can keep civilians fresh for 48 hours. Its successor, Armodafinil, poised for FDA approval, lasts even longer. Foster agrees. "We may be the first species that will genuinely occupy the 24-hour day," He says. Rats, die after 17 days without shut-eye.
The Illuminati aim is the creation of a worldwide Zionist-Brahmanist dictatorship where all shall become microchipped population connected to a global computer, that regulates our emotional state via transmitted electro-magnetic patterns and remotely monitor all. David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations declared : "No one will enter the New World Order unless make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferan Initiation." According to Svali (mind-controlled victim) this is the tip of the iceberg of the Illuminati agenda.
Dalit Voice : 109/7th Cross, palace lower Orchards, bangalore – 560003
Kolte V. B. : Marathi Santo Ka Samajik karya; Hindi-granth ratnakar Karyalaya Bombay -4
Lad, ramchandra Narayan : marathyanche Dasiputra Arthat Paypos Kimtiche Peshve, Shivbharat Prakashan, 69-A Kotwal Nagar Nagpur. AIDS and The History of Depopulation Policies by Rolf. A. F. Witzsche Behind The Phony Epidemics Jon Rappoport | December 14 2005 AIDS and The History of Depopulation Policies by Rolf. A. F. Witzsche Behind The Phony Epidemics Jon Rappoport | December 14 2005 UK firm tried HIV drug on orphans New York's HIV experiment By Jamie Doran Reporter/producer, Guinea Pig Kids AIDS and Population Control by STEVEN RANSOM The Scariest Ideas in Science Laura Allen. Illustrations by Michael Koelsch Deadly vaccines of the new world order Depopulation of a planet : Thinning out the useless eaters by Rick Martin An Unspoken NWO Agenda November 28th 1995 Fluoridation – Mind Control Of The Masses Written by Ian E. Stephen Genocide & depopulation quotes Government adviser: killing children with defects acceptable VACCINATION: Merck Drug Company Admits Injecting Cancer Viruses in Vaccines! Meeting Doctor Doom Forrest M. Mims III Kissinger, Eugenics And Depopulation By Leuren Moret 11-20-4 Swine Flu Expose by Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D. 1977 The Deadliest Flu Virus in the World: Made in USA by Bill Sardi The Secret Origins of AIDS: Facts, Fallacies & Conspiracy Theories By Alan Cantwell, MD What Is In A Vaccine??? by Shauna Wood August 9, 2000 Why Vaccination Continues Written by Guylaine Lanctot
VACCINE EPIDEMIC by Michael Kane Additional research by Nico Haupt
Following is taken from :- Pedophile Jewish Rabbis Suck Dick Stereotype of dirty filthy disgusting Jews proven true The Illuminati Controlled Red Cross from an Illuminati News Visitor (Posted: Sep 30, 2005)
FEMA – The Secret Government By Harry V. Martin with research assistance from David Caul Copyright FreeAmerica and Harry V. Martin, 1995
FEMA and the Hidden Underground Government
FEMA – The Secret Government By Harry V. Martin with research assistance from David Caul Copyright FreeAmerica and Harry V. Martin, 1995 The Ultimate Evil: Mind Control, Satanism, Assassinations and the Son of Uncle Sam A Lecture by David Emory
From: (SMDG810) Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy Subject: NEW WORLD ORDER Date: 19 Dec 1997 23:32:03 GMT Lines: 172 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Admin: Organization: AOL Xref: alt.conspiracy:372745 PENTAGON ALIENS, Third Edition About William R. Lyne's first Book
THE CONTROLLERS: A New Hypothesis of Alien Abduction by Martin Cannon Alien Abduction, Black Magic & the Dark Gods Brain Zapping Part Two By JASON JEFFREY Mind control Nerw world order The Beast of the Apocalypse: 666 A gigantic self-programming computer by Gilberte Côté Mercier
Moriah From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jews: A Branch Of The Vedic Family BY VRINDAVAN PARKER Did Christianity Steal From Mithraism? Moloch by Micha F. Lindemans, the Abomination of the Children of Ammon Is 'Secret of the Jews' Another 'Forgery'? by Henry Makow PhD. – January 6, 2008
The Secret Order of The Illuminati (A Brief History of the "Moriah" and the Shadow Government) by Wes Penre, November 27, 2003 Is 'Secret of the Jews' Another 'Forgery'? by Henry Makow PhD. – January 6, 2008
LUCIFER'S NETWORK Master's Of The New World Order BY: MICHAEL SUNSTAR Copyright 2001
The deep within the bowels of the vatican by Greg Szymanski
http:// Mind Control The Ultimate Terror THE MAGI – A SHORT HISTORY By Shelagh McKenna
Slowly Coming Up to Speed on Mind Control and the NWO Agenda (except ref. the Beatles) March 31, 2005 The Canadian Government Has Paid Almost $ 7 Million in Compensation to Victims of Project Monarch\ by Wes Penre, 2001 Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy by Henry Makow Ph.D. October 14, 2002 BEWARE THE MARK by Ray Novosel 11, 13 and 33 The Illuminati / Freemason Signature by Robert Howard
Binding of Isaac From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Club Bohemian
George Bush's GayGate
Homosexuals Control Bush White House By Dimitri Sokolov Moscow Gazette 3-7-March 7, 2005 Occult Activities at the Elite Bohemian Grove in Northern California Exposed! Alex Jones Tells His Story Bohemian Club Bohemian Grove & Global Elite Bohemian Grove Fact Sheet BEWARE THE MARK by Ray Novosel A Pakistani views British Rothschild Imperialism By M. Knight 06/08/2004 At 19:47 The Church of Satan—A Brief History— by Blanche Barton MAHATMA GANDHI AND FREEMASONRY By R. W. Bro. K. Gopalswami, P. Dy. G. M Is 'Secret of the Jews' Another 'Forgery'? by Henry Makow PhD. – January 6, 2008 The Illuminati Agenda (Transcript of 1967 Recording By Myron C. Fagan) IMF / World Bank Destroying Countries The History of the House of Rothschild Part II
The Mind Has No Firewall
TECHNICAL CONFIGURATIONS: Directed Energy Attacks & Mind Assault Technology of the emerging FASCIST POLICE STATE
GLOBAL MIND CONTROL SLATED FOR HUMANITY BY 2004 THE NEXT REVOLUTIONARY BATTLE WILL BE FOUGHT WITHIN YOUR OWN DNA By Rev. Terry-ana Robinson, MC – NEUROPHONE BREAKTHROUGH A Possible Mechanism for Neurophonic Action Mind Control Subliminal transmissions used during Gulf War.
Out of My Mind: Mind and Soul Control 24 Jan 2005 @ 01:43, by Bee Mass Mind Control: Psycho-Civilized Society Toward a Psycho-Civilized Society by David G. Guyatt Proof of Remote Mind Control by William Cooper Big Brother Controlling Your Head
Microchip Implants, Mind Control, and Cybernetics By Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland December 6, 2000 MIThril, the next generation research platform for context aware wearable computing William Henry – On MIThril Nanotechnology, a Hard Pill to Swallow
TECHNICAL CONFIGURATIONS : Directed Energy Attacks & Mind Assault Technology of the emerging FASCIST POLICE STATE
Mind Control with Silent Sounds and Super Computers From Xiando Mass Mind Control: Psycho-Civilized Society Toward a Psycho-Civilized Society by David G. Guyatt®ionId=7 The militarization of neuroscience by Hugh Gusterson Global Research, April 20, 2007 Bulletin of Atomic Scientists – 2007-04-10
Earth Island Journal, Fall 94: ARCO, Eastlund and the Roots of HAARP — by Gary Smith
MindNet Journal – Vol. 1, No. 28 HAARP: VANDALISM IN THE SKY? Published in Nexus Magazine, Volume 3, Number 1 (December '95-January '96) PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. email: Telephone: +61 (0)74 429 280; Fax: +61 (0)74429 381 A history of the New World Order — Part II Forensic Activism — The Need of the Hour for Rural India By Dr. M. S. Rao Director-cum-Chief Forensic Scientist DFS, MHA, GOI Quotes from the Illuminati
May 1, 2009 Posted by sheetalmarkam | Evil-Plans | A Most Dangerous Game, Abraham,Abraham Lincoln, Abu Ghraib detainees, Ahriman, Ahura-Mazda, Airyana Vaejo, alter personalities, and The Order of Job's Daughters, Annie Besant, Are Pathans Jews ?, Astarte (Ishtar), Asuras, Baphomet, Bay of Pigs, Bilderbergers, bloodlines of the Illuminati, Bohemian Grove, Brahma, Breeders, Brice Taylor, Brotherhood of the Snake, Cathy O'Brien, Chapman,Chaturvarna, chemtrails, CIA, Citibank, David Berkowitz, deep underground military bases (DUMBs), dental fluoride mafia, Deva, Dick Cheney, Divided Identity Disorder (DID), DNA tests, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Dr. Ewen Cameron, Dr. Joseph Mengele, Esther, expendables, FBI,Federal Reserve Act, FEMA, Fluoride Poisoning, Free masons, front personality, genocides by vaccination, Gondwana, Goyim, Great Seal, Guantanamo Bay, HAARP, Halloween, Helena Blavatsky, Henry Lee Lucas, IMF, Indra, Jewish infiltration, Jewish Tribes among Brahmins,Jews in Kashmir, Kabbalah, Kasaites, Khazar Jews, Knights of Malta, Kol-nidre, Kshatriya,Laurasia, Liberty Fund, Lucifer, Magi, Manusmiti, Meloch, MI-6, microchipped population,Microwave weapons, military abduction (MILAB), mind-control, MJ-12, MK-ULTRA, Montauk Boys, Moriah, Mt. Weather, Multi Jurisdictional Task Forces (MJTF), Nag-Dravids, Nathan Mayer Rothschild, Neurophone, New World Government, Nikola Tesla, Nirmod, One World Government, OPEC, Operation Garden Plot, Order of the Garter, Ordo Templi Orientis, Osiris (Ammon-Ra), Osiris and Isis, Oswald, Panchamas, Pangaea, Pharisees (Talmudic Jewry),Pharma-cartel, Pope John Paul II. Von Kolvenbach, programmers or handlers, Project Monarch, psychotronic weapons, Psychotropic weapons, Readiness Exercise 1984 (Rex 84),Remote Monitoring System (RMS), RIIA, ritual abuse, Rosicrucians, Sabbath, Sanskrit,Sarah, Saraswati, Semiramis, Shudra, Sirhan Sirhan, Skull and Bones, slicers and dicers,Subterrene, Sun God worshippers, Svali, Talmud, targeted genocide, Ted Bundy, the CFR, the Club of Rome, the Columbine shooters, the Cosmos Club, the Council of 13, the Council of 9,the Jason Group, the Jason Society, The Knight Templars, the Mothers of Darkness, The Order of Demolay, The Order of Rainbow for Girls, the Ordo Saturis, the OTO groups, the Pilgrim Society, the Prieure de Sion, the Process Church, the Sanhedrin, the Temple of Power. The DeMolay Society, Tibetan Book of the Dead, Timothy McVeigh, Torah, Triquetra, Tsar of Russia, UFOs, UNICEF, USS Maddox, Vaccin-deaths, Vaccine Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis,Vaishya, Vatican, Weishaupt, Wicca, World Bank, Zohar, Zoroaster | 1 Comment
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Recognizing & Diffusing
Brahminist Traps In Our Struggle !
[Extracts from Copyright-free Hindi Book "Tri-Iblisi Shoshan Vyuh Vidhvans Part II]
Edited and Synthesized by
Sheetal Markam (Commander -in -Chief, Gondwana Mukti Sena, India)
Suhail Ansari, Advocate Harshvardhan Jogendra Meshram (B.A., B.Lib, Inf.Sc.; L.L.B.), Nagpur; Urmila Marco (C.G.), Niranjan Masram, Yavtamal
Communication Address : Sheetal Markam Gondwana Vikas Mandal, 233 Sant Tukdoji Nagar, Manewara Road, Nagpur -440 024 (India)
Chapters of the E-book
About This E-Book
This copyright-free E-Book is extracted from our Hindi awareness book "Tri-Iblisi Shoshan Vyuh Vidhwans Part II and is a synthesis of material that we had downloaded from internet and information collected from various periodicals and books. The E-Book aims to present a complete meaningful picture that reveal real enemies hiding behind curtain in the garb of friends and their deceiving techniques so that the exploited and oppressed indigenous masses of the world can decide an appropriate measure to defeat these satanic perpetrators.
We request every capable person / organization to translate and print this E-Book in their native language either in full or in parts (booklets) and sell it at the price of their own choice as this E-book like our every published literature is Copyright-free and is declared as the property of indigenous masses of the world.
We also request websites to post this E-Book as one of their web page. Aware persons and their organizations are requested to copy the E-book on CDs and circulate them widely. They are also requested to post this E-Book as a blog and send it to their friends through E-Mail. — Sheetal Markam
The rules applied in synthesizing the information
1) Exploiters suppress or distort any information that go against their exploitation system and preach that strengthen it. Exploiters have distorted teachings of social, religious warriors against exploitation and oppression. They even implanted fake information. Since our liberation warriors fought against exploitation and oppression of the exploiters, while reading it is important to analyze whether the information helps exploitation system and what could be the original information of our liberation warriors. Every material or ideological fact must perfectly fit in to the overall pattern in which it belongs and must be in harmony with the other related facts. Anything that does not fit perfectly in the total picture, contradicts it and does not support the interest of the exploited masses, then most likely it favors enemy interest. Anything that goes against basic intentions and striving of our liberation warriors is rejected outright.
2) Every action and preaching of our religious, social and political liberation warriors is appropriate considering i) prevailing situation at that time ii) mentality of people and the exploiters and iii) available resources with our liberation warriors. Therefore, our warriors against exploitation and oppression can not be 100% correct in present context in the same form. Remember, nothing comes in complete form. The vegetables have to be cleaned, covers of fruits have to be removed before consuming them. Therefore, we must take useful information from each warrior that fulfills the needs of our struggle against exploitation and oppression and leave that do not help.
3) To lead masses astray some baits of facts that go against exploiters are presented by lackeys of exploiters in the role of pseudo-revolutionaries with the intention to hook the masses away from real struggle. We must be skilled enough to avoid the hook and pick such facts that enhance the clarity of the whole picture.
Chapter I :
The hallucinating Techniques of Exploiters
Table of Contents
1. NGOs the Imperialist Fed Hallucinators
The globalization was imposed first time in the countries of South America resulting in increased exploitation and oppression. As a result, in these countries, a strong opposition to globalization developed and anti-imperialist struggles had intensified. This situation was handled by imperialist countries by spread a network of non-governmental organizations in large number in these countries with the purpose :-
1) to hallucinate masses with the thought that everything possible is being done to improve condition of the masses by the world agencies and governments so that anger of masses is always expressed in peaceful ways and make them busy whole year in such activities. Thus these organizations acted as safety valves of imperialism. 2) to divide masses in divisions such as men-women, educated-uneducated, bonded laborers and other laborers, and so on so that they do not collectively encounter imperialist evil schemes. 3) to remove chances of revolutionary struggle by allowing the same exploiter class members in these organizations responsible for the calamity on the masses. 4) to develop the understanding in masses that there is no alternative than capitalism hence instead of destroying capitalism they should try to reform it. 5) to open the ways for exploitation of masses by imperialists countries and create illusions and hallucinations in the mind of people with their shallow revolutionary talks to make this exploitation easy. 6) to pose themselves as an alternative to the political organizations and weaken the struggle of genuine revolutionary organizations. 7) to implement programs of imperialist countries to create favorable conditions for extending foreign capital market in backward countries and benefiting the imperialists.
to develop worldwide network of intelligence, to destroy struggle of exploited masses using "Sam-Dam-Dand-Bhed" techniques of Brahmanism and bring capitalism in socialist countries by hiding their own character under the language and jargon of revolutionary organizations.
Imperialist countries also use these non-governmental organizations against their rival imperialist country. Therefore, it creates illusion that these non-governmental organizations are anti-imperialists. This perception help them to befool common masses. These non-governmental organizations welcome the persons involved in struggle with revolutionary slogans and jargons. They advice masses to remain away from all political organizations and solve their all problems with self-help and cooperation. Since last 30 years these non-governmental organizations have corrupted and removed intelligent youths from the path of genuine revolutionary struggle.
Thousands of non-governmental organizations are formed who are basically dissociated from the masses. In spite of that, they pose themselves doing work for the masses. Liberal intellectuals, so called upper middle class progressives who do not find any alternative of capitalism, and who want to improve capitalism within itself are influenced by the slogans of these non-governmental organizations.
Therefore, all kinds of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are created and funded heavily by imperialist countries and their agencies which claim enforcement of women, children, and other sections; urban societies, human rights, social justice, identity movements, self-service movements, collective development, promoting democracy, protecting environment, spreading literacy, health awareness, libraries, adult education, primary education, technical education, land reforms women awareness and so on.
Imperialist forces while surpassing limits of cruelty on masses, also pretend to help the targeted masses by their so called relief works. America killed and unleashed every kind of terror upon the masses to exploit their resources and labor. The same united nations that was empowering America and its allies to destroy Afghanistan, Kosovo and Iraq in cruelest possible bombarding was also providing relief agencies to provide food, water, medicine etc. for the victims. Their relief agencies also perform the role of spies.
The world bank which grand aid to erect enormous dams to benefit MNCs from water and electricity and displace natives and deprive millions of people from their bread, also raise organizations that demand compensation and rehabilitation of these displaced so that their struggle should never become real threat.
Multinational companies cut forests on large scale. Pollute environment with their industrial releases and also raise aid organizations which claim to fight for environmental protection with intention to deceive masses that they are striving to protect environment.
Ford foundation is one of such major organization that aids NGOs. American industrialist Ford had organized his own secret service and Dr. Harris Hutan was made its chief who was earlier in American secret Service. (Albert Kahn & Michael Sayers, p.163)
Ford foundation provided the aid of 32800 Dollars (one crore 47 lack and 60 thousand rupee) to NGO's forum to organize their first and second meets. The estimated expenditure of the third annual conference of forum was 35 lacks Dollars. Two governments of Brazil province gave 6 lack Dollars. Ford foundation gave 5 lack Dollars, Bank of Brazil and petrogas oil company gave 7 lack Dollars.
World summit of Global people's forum (World Summit on Sustainable Development – Global Peoples Forum) were aided by multinational companies such as Coca Cola. The same Coca-cola company is extracting underground water of India in several places to such extent that masses around its plants are deprived of water and became victim of various diseases from the waste products of those plants. ( / ILPS Online South-Central Asia India The Struggle against Coca Cola in Kerala.htm)
In Bolevia there were 100 non-governmental organizations till 1980. Till 1991 their number raised to 530. In 1991 they received 7380 lacks Dollars from world bank and other imperialist countries. According to the OECD which is the organization of 24 developed countries, approximately 4000 non-governmental organizations were active and received and spent Rs. 15000 crores each year. In year 2000 in Asia, Africa and South America 50,000 non-governmental organizations were active. Their yearly budget was 40,000 crore rupees. This figure is very reduced one because In India alone up to 31st March 2001 non-governmental organizations registered under FERA were 22924 which is far less than the actual number. They received 4535.23 Crores this year, from foreign fund which was 15% more than the previous year. In this fund largest amount come from America followed by Britain and Germany.
Since last decade, World bank and other agencies of united nations are exerting force on countries that government money should be spent through the non-governmental organizations alone. In one authorized document of World Bank known as "World Bank and Civil Society" (September 2000) it is mentioned that in the 70% of schemes sanctioned in 1999 and aided by world bank have been participated by the non-governmental organizations and civil society in some form. Indian government also pays huge amount every year to non-governmental organizations as provided in its five year plans. Indian government kept 380 crores Rupee for non-governmental organizations. Every year large amount goes to the non-governmental organizations run by RSS family of organizations. State governments are also following the center.
"World Social Forum" is an umbrella organization of these non governmental organizations. According to ninth point of world social forum, neither political leaders nor militant organizations can participate in the forum. However, government leaders and member of parliaments who agree the clauses of declaration of world social forum, they can participate in forum in their individual capacity. In this way, place is ensured for governing section and representatives of imperialism. On the other hand revolutionary organizations and organizations indulged in armed resistance are banned from participating. This reveals its real pro-exploiter character. They want to unarm masses to retain exploitation system. These organization at the level of madness oppose the possible violence against the violence of exploiter class. According to its 13th point, world social forum declare to answer cruelty of imperialist countries by nonviolent means. Can one remove the violence committed by Israel on people of occupied Palestine territory, state terrorism in Kashmir, American terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq by nonviolence ? These non-governmental organizations promote non-class ideology and hide all existing class differences. (Nitin : WSF Virodh Ya Dikhava (world social forum opposition or pretension))
On 16-17, February 2004 a conference was organized at Harglia in Israel to decide war strategy to encounter terrorism. In this conference highest level officers of America, Israel and India participated. "As a result of the conference, the American, Israeli and Indian delegations agreed to a multifaceted action plan to be carried out jointly by the sponsoring organizations and allied agencies as well as independently within the three countries. The plan calls for fostering cooperation between non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to exchange experience and share relevant technologies, increase counter-terrorism cooperation among military and security related agencies in the three countries as well as in research and the development of enhanced counter-terrorism techniques, and establish frameworks to encourage the monitoring of possible radical Wahabbi-Khomeinist infiltration into scientific organizations relating to weapons of mass destruction. ( Online — Second Annual U_S_-India-Israel Conference on Counter Terrorism.htm) This makes it clear that the NGOs are part and parcel of the imperialist spy network.
The communist party (M.L.) of Kanu Sanyal participated in world social forum conference on pretext of opposing world social forum within it. In one committee of world social forum CPI, CPM, CPI(ML), Ms. Medha Patkar, Gandhist Sarva Seva Sangh, and NGOs fed on imperialist money all found shelter.
2. The Arya-Brahmin led
movements aim to oppress Indigenous Masses
In the agitations launched at the instigation and guidance of Arya-Brahmins, buses are set to fire, government (public) property is destroyed so that 1) new buses and vehicles are bought from the Arya-Brahmin capitalists, 2) construction work may be given to Arya-Brahmin contractors, 3) More taxes should be imposed on common masses as everybody's tax paying capacity comes from the labor of the toiling masses alone, 3) Arya-Brahmin get opportunities to take vengeance on indigenous masses by ordering beating indigenous Bahujans in police caning and killing them in police firing.
In all the agitations led by Arya-Brahmins only indigenous Bahujans are victimized. No Arya-Brahmin ever died. In bringing his aspired "Brahman-Raj" by his so called nonviolent movement Gandhi caused killings of hundreds of indigenous Bahujans in the hands of police.
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar never claimed nonviolence. He believed that it is better to die while protecting one's self-respect than living a life of humiliation. In spite of this, only one person died in the movements led by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Because, in his eyes life of every Bahujan was precious. He could not tolerate shedding even a single drop of Bahujan blood unnecessarily.
We must remember that if any movement that results in the destruction of government property, or shedding the blood of indigenous OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi Bahujans, while the Arya-Brahmins remain safe, it should be understood that such movements are conducted at the instigation of Arya-Brahmins.
No matter how great violence and destruction is engineered by Arya-Brahmins, the police do not take action against them. On the contrary, indigenous masses are killed in police firing without any provocation.
The 8 year old son of Mr. Jeet Paswan, a citizen of village central town Mauda of Zarkhand was killed by a "Tantrik sage" and his men in a rituals of Brahmin religion. Angry mob protesting in front of "Anath & Viklang Ashram (Ashram of Orphan and disabled) alleged that police has safely taken away the killer Tantrik and demanded to hand him over to them. The crowd destroyed the Ashram and set fire car of the Tantrik. Police opened fire and killed one person and injured seven. People alleged that police disappeared the dead body of person killed in police firing. Angry people encircled the police station. Police again unleashed firing on indigenous Bahujans. (Bhaskar, 12th December 2003) Police without any hesitation unleashed firing because the protestors belonged to indigenous Bahujans. Arya-Brahmins consider the protest of Bahujans no different from the body jerks of the animals being slain.
On the contrary in another incident at Devgaon police station area Jaunpur Area of Azamgarh district, in Uttar Pradesh (India), Arya-Brahmin mob protesting the killing of two merchants, Gopal Gupta and Ravikant Kamalapuri in Paidaha villege set fire the police station. All documents, material kept in police station, dozens of motor cycles belonging to policemen, their bedings and bedsteads were burnt. Not only that, angry mob opened fire in air. District collector and top officers reached the spot and fire was extinguished with the help of fire brigade. (Nav Bharat, 4th June 2004) In yet another incident, at Tarava Bazar of Azamgarh district Rajendra Mishra of BJP was killed by unidentified assassins. The angry Savarna mob set fire the Tarava police station as well as police jeep parked outside. All records kept in police stations got destroyed in this fire. (Bhaskar, 9th October 2004) In yet another incidence, Two days after so called "Shahi bath" at Sinhasth of Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India the sages violating all rules erected huts and took electric directly from high voltage electric line. The sparking set fire the huts which cold be extinguished after the efforts of one hour. Sages attacked collector and other police officers who had come to inspect the site. District collector was severely beaten. He was dragged in to wet mud. Wet mud was thrown to his cloths. During this "collector-beating" by the sages, highest police officers were begging apologies to the sages. (Saptahik Loklahar, 2nd May 2004) Because the crowd belonged to sages of Arya-Brahmin religion, police did not dare to unleash even simple caning.
In yet another incidence, In Conought place of Delhi, police squad killed two traders in firing because one of the trader's face resembled a terrorist. Traders belonged to Arya-Brahmin community. Hence, the higher police officers not only immediately suspended whole squad, but the police commissioner also had to loose his position.
Similarly Arya-Brahmins in their anti-Mandal agitation burned more than 500 buses in Delhi alone. In spite of that all care was taken that not a single Arya-Brahmin should be killed.
To protest cricket team of Pakistan, the pitch at Firojshah Kotala cricket ground at Delhi was dug by 4-5 Arya-Brahminists. Police reached the spot 30 minutes after it received the information. Meanwhile, reporters and T.V. Channel persons freely took pictures and a film of whole digging process. Nobody touched these Arya-Brahminists. When a Baniya Mr. M.K. Gandhi was killed by Brahmin Natthu Godse, it was ensured that not a single Brahmin be killed, on the contrary when Brahmin Indira Gandhi was killed by her Sikh body guard to avenge demolition of Golden Temple of Amritsar, thousands of Sikhs (men, women and children) were killed under state sponsored massacres.
To rescue the Arya-Brahmin passengers of hijacked air plane which was carried to Afghanistan, Mr. Jaswant Singh the foreign minister of Vajpei government carried jailed terrorist Ajahar to Kandhar. Latter on to demand same Ajhar from Pakistan Vajpei government installed Indian forces on border and was determined to sacrifice life of lacs of Bahujan soldiers in Indo-Pak war. Vajpeyi government would have declared open war if there was not the fear of nuclear war resulting in the deaths of Arya-Brahmins in crores. Therefore Vajpei government killed hundreds of Bahujans in firing skirmishes between forces of India and Pakistan.
All Arya-Brahmins no matter what they pose themselves, are hard-core enemies of Bahujan interests. Brahmin Ms. Medha Patker is popularized by Manu-media as well wisher of indigenous masses. The same Medha Patkar in a statement said that "reservation to Bahujans has created dangerous casteism. It is unfortunate that reservation is still continued." (Nav-Bharat, 11th April 2005) Medha Patkar and other Arya-Brahmins knowing fully that the erected dam is going to irrigate lands of their own caste Arya-Brahmins, pretended to oppose Narmada dam simply to deceive masses and ensure that the anger of displaced indigenous families do not fall on Arya-Brahminists and their exploitation system. Medha Patkar threatened to get drowned in the dam water but she did not enter the deep water. On the contrary many innocent indigenous Bahujans were pushed in to deep water. Poor farmers have alleged that the Medha Patkar and her Arya-Brahmins are stopping farmers in getting compensation for rehabilitation. Arya-Brahmins have also ensured that the compensation issued by union carbide for Bhopal gas victims should not reach to indigenous victims. Medha Patkar, Amte, Bahuguna etc. Brahmins with their pretensions are ensuring destruction of Bahujans. ( Dalit Voice, 16-30 November 2000)
In Khargaun (Madhya Pradesh) to save their land from Upperveda Dam project, 124 among protesting farmers were jailed by Vajpei government. Ramkibai is among the arrested. Her 8 month's daughter omits milk if fed forcefully with bottle. Her father continuously since last three days begged jail authorities to allow her mother to breast-feed the child. But no authority has agreed to his request. The child is deprived of milk since last three days. Her father too did not take food. Ramkibai has started hunger strike in jail. (Bhashkar, 27th May 2004)
All so called Brahmin "free women" are silent as they are always silent about sanction of Brahmin religion to the prostitution of Bahujan girls in the temples of Brahmin-religion. These women victims of Brahmanism who have no alternative but to become prostitutes in temples. They are always silent about country-wine shops being run in the area of toiling masses and spoiling their family life. They are always silent about the sufferings of women whose husbands and sons are died and daughters are raped in riots engineered by Arya-Brahmin fascist organizations. But they only shout and shade hypocritically shed tears about the state of Muslim women to spread communal hatred. These so called "free Brahmin women" instead of conciliating between husband and wife widen the differences between then and break Bahujan families to avenge Bahujans as per the agenda of RSS organizations.
Brahminists know that Bahujans who keep false hope that the Manuist parties will solve their problems participate in their agitation and such Bahujans under illusion of Arya-Brahmin spell can send no harm to Brahmanism. Therefore Arya-Brahmin governments without any hesitation kill Bahujans in the very hands of Bahujan police, break their heads in police caning. The same happened in Soviet union when priests singing praise of Tsar took procession to beg for their human rights and government responded by brutal police firing. But when Stalin took armed procession and threatened exploiter class worse possible consequences if applied force, Tsar did not dare to use force. This proves beyond doubt that only innocent disarmed people under illusion can be victimized by exploiter class riding government.
Similarly, when the Bahujans negate all these Arya-Brahmin parties, these parties fearing loss of power themselves are forced to fulfill people's demand and create Zarkhand, Chhattisgarh, Uttaranchal etc. states, even in the absence of mass agitation. This proves that negating Arya-Brahmin parties is the only way to force them to concede.
3. Beware of pretenders !
Pretending to implement welfare schemes, literacy campaigns, love for animals, welfare of prostitutes, freeing bonded laborers, freeing child laborers, rehabilitating widows, Dalit welfare, rehabilitation of aged, saving trees, health campaigns, leprosy eradication, cancer prevention, environmental protection, social unity, women welfare, campaign against dam, campaign against nuclear plant, total revolution, eradication of corruption, preservation of human rights, and so on, the Arya-Brahmins have been doing their own welfare by receiving big posts, huge grants, big awards and prizes, prestigious titles and what not. This profit making business can go on only when there shall be poverty and all other problems and evils. Then only they can pretend to be big leaders, social servant etc and gain money and fame. Therefore retaining and preserving all sorts of vices, problems, atrocities, evils and filth are the basic requirement to run their crafty profession.
The Manu-media popularized their Arya-Brahmin Mr. Anna Hajare as great warrior against corruption. The Judicial Commission of justice P. B. Sawant found this Anna Hajare {a Brahmin} culprit of corruption. (Nav-Bharat, 16th March 2005)
By looting public money on the so called literacy campaign Arya-Brahmins ridding the government have provided to Lacs of jobs to their Arya-Brahmin brothers who in the name of educating people, are simply teaching Bahujans to draw their signature and paralyzing Bahujan minds with the poison of Brahmin religion. Preparing documentaries on their fake literacy campaign, are creating illusion that Bahujans are being educated. These Arya-Brahmins enjoy how easily they can fool Bahujans and earn name and fame. In India number of educated is reported as 30% but if we deduct the number of persons who only know to draw their signatures, the actual number would be less than 5%.
According to Dr. Tulsidas, Menaka Gandhi who pose herself great animal lover, has started her career as a model-girl advertising mini-towel produced by DCM company. Indian government had given 65 Acres of free land to Menaka run "Go-Sadan" (Cow-shelter) near Sanauth villege near Delhi on Bavana Tola Road. The greater portion of this land belonged to Dalits which Menaka grabbed in the name of animal love. Government itself gives every year 50 lacs Rupee to "Panchayat Nirdeshalaya" as amount of lease. Menaka receives crores of Rupee from government for this "Go-Sadan" which is tax-free. She also receives fabulous amount from different sources. (Bharat Ashvaghosh, Nov.-Dec., 1998, PP. 4-9)
In Go-Sadan of Menaka during 1997 to June 1998 1688 animals died. This number is continuously increasing. In spite of that her pretension of animal love is continued uninterruptedly. The precarious condition of animals in Devipura branch of Menaka's institute "prevention of Cruelty to animals" is sufficient to expose the fraud of "animal-love" of Menaka. Many social workers visited this institute and found animals suffering from severe hunger and thirst. All animals were found tied in the scorching hit of sun. Neither these animals are given fodder nor are given water in time. Where these animals are tied, their dung is not removed. No doctor was found in institute. He comes rarely. Due to hunger, thirst and diseases daily animals are dying. The dead bodies of animal are thrown in nearby fields therefore people are worried of spreading of diseases. (Nav-Bharat, 18 July 2002)
According to Dr. Tulsidas this hypocrite animal-lover lady has really became a cruel animal. Brahmin Menaka Gandhi ordered not to kill any mad dog. They bit people and infect them with rabies. As a consequence many persons have died. The crops in the fields of farmers are destroyed by monkeys and wild hogs. The poor tribes which train wild animal to earn their bread by presenting shows at the risk of their own lives were deprived of their animals and were striving. In Uttar Pradesh, over fifty children were eaten by wild animals (wolves). When police started campaign to kill these man-eater animals, Manaka rushed to the spot and shouted in protection of these man-eaters and shed tears over their death. But this anti-Bahujan women did not speak a single world in the sympathy of animal eaten Bahujan children because these children did not belong to Arya-Brahmins. (Bharat Ashvaghosh, Nov.-Dec., 1998, PP. 4-9)
The anti-rabies injection is developed on horses. Since BJP leader Menaka Gandhi objected development of vaccines on animals Hawpkin institute of Bombay stopped production of rabies injections. Because of this anti-rabies injections are not available in whole state. In state every year 20 Lac person are bitten by dogs { Arya-Brahmins have access to imported costly injections}. Therefore, in the absence of anti-rabies injections 20 Lac Bahujans are endangered to die with rabies. (Lokmat Samachar, 5th June 2005) Thus Arya-Brahmins spare no opportunity to avenge we indigenous Bahujans.
According to Dr. Tulsidas, on the very first day Menaka Gandhi became Social welfare minister, she thrown away photograph of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar from her ministry. Whatever ministry she assumed using all crafty means, she took the charge of animal welfare department because she herself is running organization named "people's for Animal' which gives her income of crore of rupee. In the eyes of BJP animals and Bahujans are same. Therefore, Menaka Gandhi transferred 100 crore rupees of Social welfare department to animal welfare. In year 1998-99, from the amount of Rupee 90 crore which were kept for the rehabilitation of Valmiki Society who carry human excreta on their head, 35 crore rupee were transferred to non-Dalit work and remaining amount was transferred to purchase ambulances for animals. She tried everything to transfer the amount of state Dalit welfare schemes to animal welfare. Defying constitution she destroyed Dalit welfare schemes such as scheme to send Dalit abroad for higher education. In 1945, Dr. Ambedkar had started foreign education scheme for Dalit students. Every year 30 Dalit students were sent abroad under this scheme. Menaka Gandhi stopped this scheme. She also destroyed Dr. Ambedkar Foundation. She made a kerosene trader Arya-Brahmin the chairman of Dr. Ambedkar foundation. According to law its chairman could be only a Dalit. On the eve of Dr. Ambedkar centenary a bungalow on 21st Janpath was allotted for Dr. Ambedkar National Public Library". Menaka Gandhi cancelled this scheme and gave this bungalow to the organization of her relative. She increased the interest rate from 4% to 10% for loan given to Dalit unemployed youths. She also destroyed the schemes meant for OBC and minority welfare. She made her relative chairman of backward classes corporation who was dismissed from "Pearless" company on the charges of corruption. According to law the chairmanship could be given to an OBC only. Defying all laws she inducted her inefficient people in different committees . She handed over many properties of Muslim Waqf Board to her people in Delhi, Punjab, and Haryana. Menaka Gandhi continued to use abusive language, threaten, trouble and victimize Dalit and minority officers of the departments of her ministry. (Bharat Ashvaghosh, Nov.-Dec., 1998, PP. 4-9)
CBI is investigating misuse of power by Menaka Gandhi in opening various educational institutions in Pilibhit from the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Foundation, while Menaka Gandhi was minister of social welfare and "Adhikarita minister". Menaka Gandhi's family is also included in the sphere of this investigation. Menaka Gandhi's sister Ambika is president of Rural welfare trust and Menaka Gandhi had given 25 Lac Rupee to this trust to open nurses training college in Pilibhit. But nothing was purchased to open the college. Charges are leveled against Menaka Gandhi that she has misused her power in giving fabulous amount to her people. No work was done with this money. (Nav-Bharat, 15th May 2002)
4. Provocative Actions
Arya-Brahminists engineer humiliation of the statues of Bahujan liberation warriors, throwing flesh of prohibited animals in their worship places to start riots and kill and destroy all sections of Bahujans in riot and avenge them. The stooge organizations of Arya-Brahminists pour oil in the fire of communal riots.
The riots take place because we Bahujans are provoked by Arya-Brahmins and their stooges. To get provoked by the instigation of Arya-Brahmins is the proof of our foolishness while turn Arya-Brahmin plot on themselves is the proof of our intelligence.
If Arya-Brahmins arrange to humiliate religious places and statues of our liberation warriors, it is our duty to clean them with the help of sane Bahujans of both the sections and a campaign should be launched to expose the intention of Arya-Brahminists and explain the masses that how Arya-Brahminists are exploiting and avenging Bahujans. Bahujan masses should be awakened and prepared to launch a determined struggle against the exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahminists. What a great shock can be to Arya-Brahmins to know that instead of being ruined in rioting, Bahujans have united against Arya-Brahmin exploitation.
According to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Siddhartha Gautam Buddha considered the principles of Buddhism important than himself. Therefore, Buddha did not appointed his successor. Buddha insisted that people should understand his principles by their own reason, and experiences and usefulness of those principles. According to Buddha any teaching should be judged by understanding how the teaching is going to benefit or harming them. (Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Writing and speeches, Vol. 11, p. 278) According to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar if sacredness is attached to any thing neither you can evaluate it nor you can make changes in it according to the changed circumstances in the course of time. Respect is attached the national flags and not the sacredness or of miracle. All Muslims and Non-Muslims sing their national anthem. The same is applicable for Buddha statue. When Buddha considered himself a common person and his principles important than himself, how can lifeless Buddha statues can be sacred for us ? The usefulness of Buddha statue is this much that the followers of Buddha gather before it and take collective decisions so that it is helpful to develop sense of unity and solidarity between them. Beyond this Buddha statue has no importance. The statue is merely a stone. It can never be important that human blood and unity between the Bahujan masses.
According to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Buddha strongly opposed idol worship. Dr. Ambedkar said "I am no worshipper of idol, I believe in breaking them." (Dr. Ambedkar writing and speeches, Vol.1, p.209)
The Arya-Brahmins massacred Buddhist monks themselves and in the hands of Muslim rulers and took possession of Bauddha Vihars and Chaityas by force. BJP government has left nothing to wipe-out the name of Ashoka the great who spread Buddhism throughout the world. BJP government replaced Ashok Stambha with the photo of Gandhi, as Gandhi was the hard-core Brahminist. RSS never raised national flag because it contained Ashok-Chakra. Then why the same Arya-Brahmins have shown overwhelming love for Buddha when Taliban rulers of Afghanistan decided to demolish Buddha statues in Bamiyan ? If Muslim rulers were so strongly opposed to Buddha, how these statues remained intact till now ? Then what caused the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan to demolish them ?
In fact, Arya-Brahmins themselves have provoked Taliban rulers to demolish Buddha statues. After demolishing Babari Mosque, Arya-Brahmins once again declared Buddha as 9th reincarnation of God Vishnu. From year 1997 to 1999 Sarnath, Bodhgaya, Modinagar, Meerut, and in Lumbini eight time Hindu-Buddhist conferences were organized and Buddha's Dhamma was declared as a branch of Hindu religion. To threaten Pakistan, nuclear explosion was done at Pokharan in Rajastan on the very day of Buddha Jayanti (Birth day of Buddha) and were widely advertised declaring "Buddha smiled over these explosions". Arya-Brahminists deliberately created hatred for Buddha in Muslim countries. Because there was no Hindu idols of Hindu God-Goddesses in Afghanistan. Therefore, Taliban avenged Babari Mosque demolition by demolishing Buddha statues. Therefore, the Congress, BJP, and RSS family organizations are culprit who provoked Talibans to destroy Buddha statues in Bamiyan.
Did our Bahujan brothers ever thought that why the Manu-media kept on shedding false tears over the demolition of Buddha statue ? Why they came on road in processions to protest the demolition of Buddha statues ? The evil intentions of Arya-Brahminists were as under :-
1) RSS family organizations wanted to create enmity between Muslims and Buddhists throughout the world and engineer riots between them. This is Zionist agenda being implemented by Tri-Iblis allover the world.
2) Availing this opportunity RSS family organizations wanted to establish that the Buddhist religion is a branch of Brahmin religion and Buddha is 9th incarnation of Brahmin-God Vishnu.
3) Calling Buddha's Dhamma a branch of Brahmin religion RSS family organizations wanted to spread Brahmin religion all over the world.
Vishva Hindu Parishad calling Buddha's Dhamma an inseparable branch of Brahmin religion, intensified campaign to muster support for the construction of Ram Temple at Ayodhya. This campaign which was launched by one central minister of BJP government was successful in installing statues of Krishna and Ram left and right of Buddha's statue in a Buddha Vihar of Tokyo (Japan). Saints all over India has given approval to the formula of Shankaracharya of Kanchi Kamkoti {who now in facing murder charge} under which Buddhist-Hindu conferences shall be organized in 52 countries to find out basis of better coordination {further polluting Buddhism with Manuism} between Buddhism and Brahmin religion. (Nav-Bharat, 16th July 2003)
4) The Arya-Brahmins wanted that rapidly increasing cooperation among OBC, Dalit, Muslims and Adivasis be turned into hate and the work of thousands of aware Bahujans is destroyed in no time.
5) In Thailand and other eastern countries Buddhist and Muslims are living amicably. Arya-Brahminists wanted to create enmity between them and drag Buddhist countries in Zionist front of Tri-Iblis which is already at war with Islam and humanitarian, anti-exploitation culture of Islam.
Is it sensible to pay such a heavy cost for lifeless stone statues of Buddha ? The Muslim masses of India giving the proof of their awareness, came forward to condemn the demolition of Buddha statues at Bamiyan. All Muslim countries also condemned this demolition and turned the conspiracy of Brahminists to create riots and spread hate all over the world an utter failure.
While condemning demolition of Buddha statues, it was the duty of anti-Manuist Dalit organizations to expose the evil plots of Brahminists behind their fake tears and launch an awareness campaign throughout the world against evil intentions of Brahminists.
But few Dalit leaders who are the stooges of Arya-Brahmins and dance at the movement of the fingers of Arya-Brahmins, went to the extent of organizing protest march in unison with the fascist RSS family organizations. Some stooge Dalit leaders even demanded that the Arya-Brahmin government of India should immediately attack Afghanistan. It means, for the demolition of few stone statures life of thousands of indigenous Bahujans be sacrificed to appease Arya-Brahmin vengeance upon Bahujans. But it was a very proud thing that indigenous Bahujans of India did not take interest in the protest marches of these stooge leaders. In many places counting all stooge leaders not even hundred persons could be gathered in their protest marches.
Brahminists know very well that tying the shoelaces of Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar, Periyar, is a big thing because Arya-Brahminists do not even deserve to lick the boot-soles of our Bahujan liberation warriors. In spite of that they humiliate our liberation warriors in their writings and comments so that such unworthy Brahminist leaders, authors or media persons should get fame free of cost and their Brahminist Arya-Brahmin brothers could declare them a great intellectual and his books could be sold widely. Even the indigenous Bahujans make such authors who abuse their liberation warriors rich by purchasing such abusive books. Can there be any greater proof than this to prove that to what extent Bahujan intellectuals are devoid of intellect ? To make such filthy Arya-Brahminist writers more popular, the so called Bahujan intellectuals gather to condemn such Arya-Brahminists and even write separate books on them.
Would the followers of Fule, Stalin, Ambedkar, Periyar praise Manu-Smriti, Manu and Brahmin religion ? Then why should Arya-Brahmins praise our liberation warriors who have send mortal blows to Arya-Brahmin exploitation system ? Why we Bahujans should expect that they should praise our liberation warriors who are their hard-core enemies. Do our liberation warriors need praise and approval of Arya-Brahmins to establish their greatness ?
The stooge leaders by opposing such Brahminist writers try to hunt three birds in one arrow :- 1) By trying to create riots among Bahujan sections on this issue they are fulfilling the intention of Arya-Brahmins. 2) Try to pose themselves hero in the eyes of Bahujans pretending followers of our Bahujan warriors and 3) suggesting Arya-Brahmins that your unworthy Arya-Brahmin author has simply expressed his hate for Bahujan liberation warriors and you gave him such a big prize ? While I have buried the very thoughts of Bahujan liberation warriors and killed their mission, what prize you are going to give me ?
From Tirupati Balaji to Jagannath Mandir, all of them were Buddhist Vihars. In spite of that the stooge Dalit leaders and Vishva Bauddha Sangh decided to file a petition in supreme court of India claiming that the Babari mosque is not built on Ram temple but is was built on Buddha Vihar therefore it should be handed over to Buddhists. (Nav-Bharat, 17th March 2003) Vishva Bauddha Sangh said that the court has agreed to investigate whether the cite was a mosque, Ram Temple or a Buddha Vihar ? Therefore, Shankaracharya should not only talk in terms of mosque and Ram temple (Lokmat Samachar, 30th June 2003) Bhante Arya Nagarjun Surai Sasai demanded the inclusion of Bauddha laborers in the digging of disputed site because Buddhists also have a claim on the site. Sasai made fabulous praises of prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpeyi and said that he is very nice person and leader of very high quality. (Lokmat Samachar, 6th June 2003) The main question is why all these stooge Dalit leaders, the so called Visha Bauddha Sangh and Surai Sasai did not file a petition claiming all ancient temples of Brahmin religion as Buddhist ? Claiming only Babari mosque site these stooges of Brahmin exploitation system have strengthened the claim of Arya-Brahmins that "Babri mosque was not present on the site from the very beginning". It is obvious that these stooges have filed petition on the instigation of their Arya-Brahmin bosses. In spite of that hypocritically they are posing themselves well-wishers of Muslims.
One such stooge Dalit leader, to convert Dhamma of Buddha in to a religion of Brahminist rituals, arranged a conversion conference and converted himself to Buddhism. He also changed his old name. From his so called conversion following pertinent questions arose :-
1. This conversion did not make any basic change in the religious standing of the so called convertible because they were the followers of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and therefore the followers of Buddhist teachings. In this conference they simply had to declare themselves Buddhists and not changing their religion on legal documents. That would have deprived them of reservation facility.
2) The Buddhism preached by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (Bhimyan Buddhism) is true teachings of Buddha free from adulteration of the poison of Brahmin religion. It negates priesthood, ritualism, prayers, and supernatural power. But the book published by the same stooge Dalit leader aims to convert Buddha's Dhamma into a religion of Brahminist rituals. Therefore it becomes obvious that this stooge Dalit leader Udit Raj is working for Arya-Brahmin exploiters and is a betrayer of Bahujan mission.
Dr. Abraham Kavoor, great rationalist, in his book " Gods, Demons and Spirit" mentions that after the death of Buddha in his teachings (religious books) all those things were included against which Buddha fought tooth and nail in his life. According to Hon., Suresh Jadhav the first destruction of Buddhist teachings was accomplished by Brahmins. The second destruction of Buddhism is being accomplished by its Dalit followers who are promoting and spreading Brahminist Vipasyana (technique of making conscious mind inactive) and rituals of Brahmin religion. ( Dalit Voice, 1-15 Sept., 2002)
Most of Buddhist monks are turned in to exact replica of Brahmin priests. Baudh Gaya, Ajanta, Elora, and other Buddhist places are already in the possession of Arya-Brahmins and priests of Brahmin religion. Now they are eying on Dikshabhumi (place where Dr. B. R. Ambedkar converted his followers to Buddhism)
Since last several decades, leaders of RSS family organizations has started visiting the Dikshabhumi and propagating Buddhism as a branch of Brahman religion. Stooge Dalit leaders are helping RSS evil schemes befooling masses. Brahminist industrialist Goenka in the name of propagating Brahminist technique Vipasyana have been putting his beds and beddings in Dikshabhumi. Goenka's lectures and preachings in Dikshabhumi are translated in Marathi by stooge Dalit leader R. S. Gavai who heads Diksha Bhumi. To infest Buddhism with the superstitions of Brahmin religion is hard-core Arya-Brahmin agenda being implemented by such stooges. All stooge Dalit leaders and so called Dalit intellectuals are competing each other in calling Brahminist Goenka as their "Guruji" (teacher) and "Vipasyanacharya". They are showering boundless praise on Goenka and his so called Vipasyana. It is not without reason that the Manuist Congress made this stooge R.S. Gawai, a governor of Bihar. This is sufficient enough to expose their readiness and eagerness to be sold in the hands of best bidder Arya-Brahmins and stab in the back of Bahujan masses.
The way the Dhamma of Buddha is poisoned with superstitions, ritualism and traditions of Brahmin religion the time is not far off when the Diksha Bhumi will be controlled by priests of Brahmin religion in the protection of Manuist judiciary, police, RSS, Bajarang Dal and other terrorist organizations of RSS. They will declare Buddhism as branch of Brahmin religion and Dikshabhumi as another pilgrimage of their Brahmin religion. Some Bahujans may find it strange but it is inevitable. Did anybody ever imagined that the a party of Bahujans which poses herself anti-Manuist and accuse Manuism day and night shall support candidates of BJP and RSS family organization in election conducted immediately after brutal massacre of Muslims in Gujarat ? This party not only supported these fascists, not only campaigned with them in unison and begged Bahujans to caste their vote in favor of BJP but also called victory of RSS family organizations as victory of Bahujan Samaj. Did ever Bahujans even speculated that the same party burying the slogan of Bahujan Hitay and clubbing exploited and exploiter class together will adapt a new slogan of Sarvajan Hitaya ?
5. Different Commissions are only Hallucinating Traps
Various national commissions such as SC / ST commission, Human rights commission, women's commissions, Children's commission, Labor commissions and commissions of United nations are organizations formed with intention to help exploiters and their exploiting system. 1) They stop toiling masses from joining the real struggle against exploitation of Tri-Iblis by creating false belief among common masses that they shall get justice through these commissions. These commissions, many times 1) make statements against exploitation, against government policies and against system to retain this illusion that they are pro toiling masses. By these statements they reduce anger of masses against the exploitation system. 2) Another purpose of these commissions is to give big posts to exploiter class / community members. Retired chief justice of Supreme court Mr. Anand who is a hard-core Brahminist was made chairman of Human Rights Commission. Charges of corruptions were leveled against Mr. Anand.
These commissions have no right to punish the culprits. They can simply recommend punishment to the culprits and relief to the victims. All such recommendations are usually thrown in to dust-bin by Arya-Brahmin governments. However occasionally partial justice is made so that toiling masses remain under the illusion created by these commissions in the same way as lottery is received by few persons but several crore of them run after lottery in the created greed.
All human right commissions are under the strong evil-grip of Arya-Brahmins who have no interest in giving justice to indigenous people. (Dalit Voice, p. 16-30, Sept., 2002, 15-28 February 2002 p. 10) This can be proved by following few examples.
People fighting for their rights are labeled as Naxalites and killed brutally by Arya-Brahminists in the hands of police and arm force men belonging to Bahujan communities; Dalits women are raped, their housed are looted and set to fire, they are driven away from their places where they were housing since centuries. Then these so called human right Arya-Brahmin activists reach the spot, shed false tears, pour hypocritical sympathy on victims, demand judicial inquiry and become their hero with the help of Manu-media and Manuist governments as after little yes and no government agree to their petty demand of judicial inquiry.
Usually a retired Brahminist judge is made chief of inquiry committee. Arya-Brahmin members and staff of inquiry committee enjoy fabulous salary and other benefits. Committee ask for extension to earn more money and delay the justice to Bahujans to maximum possible period. After many years report is produced in such a way that Brahminists are not harmed and the victimized indigenous people themselves are blamed some way or the other. CBI report on 1984 riots against Sikhs gave clean chit to Jagdish Titler is an example of this.
When the proofs against Arya-Brahmins are very strong their work is to dilute them to maximum possible limit and submit such report to the government or to the court. The Arya-Brahminist governments throw such reports to dust bin and decline to take any action against the culprit Arya Brahmins. Sri-Krishna commission report is one of such examples. The cycle of tortures, murders, massacres, rapes, looting unleashed on indigenous masses and appointing inquiry committees over them are continued in the Arya-Brahmin interest.
Gujarat State Human Rights Commission did not inquire personally about Chakawada Jaipur incident. It even did not use the services of its sub-inspector level police officer. (Lokmat Samachar, 12th Sept., 2002) National Human Rights Commission and Minority Commission called the worry of foreign countries over the shameless massacres of indigenous Muslims in Gujarat calling it "interference in the internal matter of India" and denounced them who condemned these brutal massacres. (Lokmat Samachar, 12th May 2002) National Human Rights Commission changing its earlier stand said that there was no need to conduct judicial cases related to state sponsored massacres of Muslims in Gujarat, outside Gujarat. (Navarashtra, 7th Sept., 2004)
The organization of Sikh widows whose husbands were killed in state sponsored massacres of Sikhs in 1984 under the very supervision of ruling Congress have alleged that they have pointed out the names of culprits of Sikh massacres several times before all levels of government administration and commissions but even after 18 years they did not receive any justice. (Nav-Bharat, 5thDec., 2002)
According to Subhash Gatade the role of previous president of Minority Commission had also became disputed. In meetings called to discuss the attacks on Christians, members of attacker fascist RSS family organizations were invited. Minority Commission kept mum over the provocative speeches delivered by fascist RSS family organizations. It also gave pro RSS statements, such as 1) Programs of Distributing Trishul weapon among the masses is not communal program hence, the fear of minorities is baseless, 2) it is essential to modernize Madarasas, 3) So far as the question of attacks on the Christians is concerned, there seems to be competition in giving wrong reports. No violence is committed upon the Christians. During last 53 years only three Christians are killed. 4) When Mr. Togadiya of Vishva Hindu Parishad was arrested in Rajastan for distributing Trishul weapons among Hindu masses, the Commission released such statements after he was released on bail. 5) The syllabus of Madarasas was beyond the jurisdiction of Minority Commission. In spite of that the Commission had ordered Madarasa chiefs to bring Madarasa-syllabus along with them. Hon., Subhash Gatade has expressed his fear that because the Minority Commission has so pleased RSS family organizations, therefore, the BJP government gave Mr. Tarlochan Singh, president of Minority Commission the status of cabinet mister and its vice-president as the status of state minister. (Lokmat Samachar, 23 August 2003)
On the contrary Minority Commission kept mum over the fact that in school books taught in Gujarat it is openly mentioned that the "Chaturvarna-System" is greatest gift of Aryans to mankind. (Lokmat Samachar, 6th July 2005) No commission has raised any objection over this.
America announced that it has refused visa to Mr. Narendra Modi on the basis of the report of National Human Rights Commission of India. On this president of NHRC called America liar and said that the report of the commission was limited only to Best bakery case. In this report, Modi or his state government was not considered responsible for riots. The comment of Commission was for government and not for Modi. Commission only expressed their views on police being not successful in controlling riots. But American government has used this report in exaggerated ways to deny visa to Modi. (Bhaskar, 20th March 2005) This statement of Mr. Anand reveals that how the very National Human Right Commission of India shamelessly has given a clean chit to Modi and his government for engineering massacres of Muslims which were condemned worldwide. Not only that, Being hard-core Brahminist Mr. Anand seemed to be very greatly injured by the refusal of visa by America to fascist Narendra Modi.
According to newspaper Inquelab, the way Congress president Mrs. Sonia Gandhi condemned America for refusing him American visa, demanded reconsideration of visa refusal, gave clean chit to fascist Modi and also related it to national pride; it looks as if in center no Congress but BJP government is ruling India. (Lokmat Samachar, 28th March 2005) Immediately after America refused Modi visa, Britain the lackey of America gave fascist Modi visa to come to London. This was as if giving "award" to fascist Modi for engineering state sponsored Muslim massacres in Gujarat. Thus, America on one hand refused visa but on other hand gave it through his lackey.
In fact, denying Modi, American visa is nothing but the joint drama of Manuists riding American and Indian governments. It was played for mutual benefit of Tri-Iblis. By denying visa to Modi, America wanted to hide its anti-Islam character. Similarly Arya-Brahmins of India by calling Muslim massacres of Gujarat insignificant and equating this visa denial to attack on "national pride" wanted to glorify Modi for engineering state sponsored massacres of Muslims. Therefore, fascist Modi was popularized as if he and RSS agenda against Muslims was a "national pride".
The whole drama was also fabricated because British visa was granted to Modi on the pretext to enable him to attend a musical function but the organizers of the program had never invited Modi to attend their musical program. (Nav-Bharat, 24th March 2005) After this fraud was revealed, the way in which Modi's visa was cancelled it proved a complete coordination between BJP and Congress. This also proved beyond doubt that Congress is an integral part of RSS family organizations.
Two reports were given regarding Zajjar incident in Haryana, India where Dalits were killed. First report belonged to investigation commission headed by Rohtak range Commissioner Mr. Banswal. Another report belonged to National Commission of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Both the reports protected Jats who had killed Dalits. Police were declared not guilty and all guilt was attributed to Dalits. Both the reports were kept secret. Neither it was mentioned why the crowd had became so violent nor the role of police was mentioned. In both the reports Bajrang Dal and Vishva Hindu Parishad were declared innocent and not guilty. In fact, according to authorized sources two big personalities of Vishva Hindu Parishad were inciting crowd. Giriraj Kishore of Vishva Hindu Parishad openly declared that he has nothing to sorry for the killings of the Dalits. All the persons who were arrested were released within two months on bail and were given grand felicitation on their reaching to village. (Daliton Par Badhate Hamalo Ka Munh Tod Jawab Do, p.5, New Vists publication)
National Commission for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe in its report said that because crowd did not know that the killer of cow were Dalits. They were under presumption that they are Muslims. Therefore there can be no case under SC / ST atrocity act. This can not be considered as attack on Muslims because crowd did not have information that they were Muslims. Commission said that considering the religious sentiments of majority community, they should not have taken out the skin of the cows. (Dalito Par Badhate Hamalo Ka Munh Tod Jawab Do, p.5, New Vists publication)
In Durban a conference was organized by united nations against racial discrimination. Several participants cited incidences of all sorts of atrocities on Dalits and alleged that State Human Rights Commissions instead of protecting the human rights of Dalits have put their cases aside.
In this conference foreign state minister of India, {Pandit} Umar Farooq stated that the talks about communal violence on Dalits is only a myth and in reality no atrocity is committed on them. (Lokmat Samachar, 12th September 2002) SC /ST people of India come under section 1 of "International Convention of All Forms of Discriminations". In 1998 Indian government had also agreed to its definition. Therefore in yearly meeting conducted in Geneva Indian government needed to submit its two yearly report. Indian government sent its all reports from year 1986 to 1996 in which it was claimed that no atrocity is committed on SC / ST people in India. There is court to look in to the rare incidences. Chairman of Human Rights Commission had to object to these reports. { because in the reports of Human Right commission there is a list of reported atrocities committed on SC /ST people.} After that government of India stopped sending any report. (Dalit Sahitya, 2002, p. 153)
Did not in south India Dalit student Thannam's eyes were pierced because she had dared to take drinking water from the clay pot of school ? In Himachal Pradesh village Panchayat of upper castes had boycotted a Dalit family because they had stopped their ancestral profession of beating drums in the religious rituals of upper castes and had started the profession of sewing clothes. When home minister of Rajastan government openly call SC / ST atrocity act as a 'Disease" and "headache" and that too while inaugurating a police station; and Mr. Mulayam Singh Yadav, chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, and Mr. Rajnath Singh openly declare their intention to abolish this act, one can easily understand the upper caste pressure in favor of caste system. Therefore, when Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati who herself is a Dalit and declares that this act shall be imposed only in killings and rapes one can understand the intensity of this pressure. With this declaration of Mayawati, upper caste people can rejoice because they shall without fearing this act now they can break legs and hands of Dalits or parade Dalit women naked in public. When state has reached to such level to retain caste system how can Dalits use any of their human rights ? (Lokmat Samachar, 12 September 2002)
Whenever there are complaints giving solid proofs against the Arya-Brahmin officers, the Human Rights Commission, SC / ST Commission, and other commissions of India do not give reply to the victims of Brahmanism. But when an isolated event in the same chain of injustice is reported, these commissions promptly reply that "this is service matter, commission can not intervene". According to Hon., Pradip Kumar Mourya he continuously wrote to National SC/ ST commission about the injustice being made and he being mentally tortured by Arya-Brahmin officers, but never knew what commission did to his complaints. (Pradip Kumar Mourya, P. 199)
We salute Hon. Pradip Kumar Mourya who kept on resisting Arya-Brahmin attrocities and wrote a book " Dharati Putra Ka Shoshan" to aware his fellow Bahujans about the brutal Brahminism and exposed true face of commissions.
Government of India had ceased the passport of Mr. V. T. Rajshekar, editor of Dalit voice, in year 1986 alleging that he criticizes Brahmin religion in his meetings abroad,. Mr. Rajshekar could get back his passport only after a period more than 18 years. No human right commission spoke a single word in his favor.
In central jail of Nagpur, many of 15 detainees under TADA are waiting for their trial since last 10-12 years. They are already kept captive for the alleged crimes for more period than their maximum possible jail term. As per police record, Naxalite Bhimmanna Deva Soyam, Dadaram Varhade, Mod Halami, Rajendra Anna alias Rajendra Kamble is jailed since last 8-12 years. In India TADA is non-existent since 1995 but its prisoners are still facing TADA charges. No special courts were organized for Tada. (Lokmat Samachar, 16th February 2004) M. D. M. leader and member of parliament Mr. Waiko who was charged under POTA for his speech in support of LTTE. Even after 156 days no charge sheet was filed against him in the court. In spite of his being a member of parliament no chair was offered to him (Nav-Bharat, 18th December 2002) No Human right commission did anything to give him justice.
According to Joseph Stalin, {the savior of toiling masses of the world from the slavery of Hitler} League of Nations is a curtain to hide the cunning imperialist intentions. The "League of Nations" was formed to hide the war preparations of the imperialist countries. Soviet Union is not a member of "League of Nations" nor it participate in the activities of league because league of nations in its decisions permit imperialist countries to exploit, loot and suppress their colonies. Soviet Union can not participate in the activities of league of nations because Soviet Union is against this exploitation, loot and suppression of imperialist colonies. Soviet Union is against imperialist wars therefore, Soviet Union does not participate in the activities of league of nations because Soviet Union does not want to take responsibility of the war preparations which are going behind the curtain of League of Nations. League of Nations is merely a stage to befool masses by its deceitful declarations. (J. Stalin Works, Vol.10: Aug.-Dec. 1927, p. 212-13)
League of Nations speaks continuously of peace, disarmament, reducing quantity of arms but it results in more intensified competition of arms. It is not just coincidence that league of nation since last three years are creating noise of peace and reduction of arms and hypocritically the second international is also supporting it, but amidst this noise imperialists countries are equipping themselves with more and more arms and created more conflicts. When comrade Litvinov proposed that all countries should become completely armless, all imperialist countries became dumb and paralyzed. The purpose of league of nations is to remove attention of people from the war preparations of imperialists countries. Previously in the support of arm competition it was said that Germany has armed itself from head to feet. But now Germany is a defeated country and is completely disarmed. Then what is the rationale for present arm competition ? (J. Stalin Works, Vol.10: Aug.-Dec. 1927, p. 286-87)
United Nations from the very beginning is a weapon of imperialist countries to facilitate their exploitation. This was the very purpose of its formation. Therefore no imperialist country ever bothered for its decisions. America even did not allow secretary general of united nations to visit Kashmir. (p. 73, Pakistan Forum Series -7, Vision of Pakistan)
The decisions of general assembly of united nations are not obligatory (mandatory) as they are recommendations simply. America-Vietnam war issue was never brought to united nations because all countries knew that America will veto it. The international court of united nations is in Hague, in the capital of Netherlands and is called as peace palace. No imperialist country ever bothered about this court. Australia and New Zealand appealed to this court in May 1973 to prevent France from its proposed nuclear explosions considering environmental considerations. France defying court, instead of doing nuclear explosion in his land did nuclear explosion in south pacific ocean. Defying the orders of court in 1971 the racist South African government retained its illegal government, administration and presence in Namibia. (Narasimhan, C.V., The United Nations, An Inside View, p.55,51,.42-43)
The so called multinational peace keeping force formed by united nations to fulfill the evil intentions of imperialist countries, unleash all kinds of terror on indigenous people fighting to protect their human rights and against exploitation and torture.
In Kango even after the military inquiry has begun about the atrocities committed by peace keeping forces of united nations, the peace keeping forces are still continuing rapes and sexual torture upon women and children in Kango. Because, united nations can simply request concerned country to punish peace keeping soldiers belonging to his country and most of the governments do not punish their soldiers for such inhuman crimes. Thus this problem has become very widespread and severe. Due to fear of further victimization and being afraid of humiliation in society, most of the incidences remain unreported. (Lokmat Samachar, 9th January 2005)
The Red Cross (and other so-called large charities) are secret intelligence and money collection agencies of the British Intelligence Services since their inception. The Red Cross is very adept at stealing money and looting mail. They were caught innumerable times, but always allowed to get away.
After the San Francisco earthquake in 1989, the Red Cross passed on only $10 million of the $50 million that had been raised, and banked the rest. Similar donations after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and the Red River flooding in 1997 were greedily withheld. Tsunami was a great money-making opportunity for the Red Cross. It called for donations in cash only.
Under the Liberty Fund, Red Cross collected $564 million in donations after 9/11. Months after the event, the Red Cross had distributed only $154 million. Then Red Cross President Dr. Bernadine Healy arrogantly stated, "The Liberty Fund is a war fund…" The rest of the money would be used in ' war on terror'. This meant the money was going towards bombing third world countries like Afghanistan and setting up surveillance cameras and expanding the police state in US cities, and not in helping the victims of disasters.
The illuminati want indigenous population of the world to be decreased by more than 40% (whom they call useless eaters ) by means of wars, genocide, famine, global disasters and disease, to name a few. This plan called as Global 2000 plan under Club of Rome sponsorship, was adopted by President Carter in 1979. Former World Bank head Robert McNamara said, "One must take draconian measures of demographic reduction against the will of the populations. .. One must therefore increase the mortality rate. How ? By Famine and sickness."
Club of Rome declaration said : "The World has Cancer, and the Cancer is Man." Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier, November 1991 mentioned "The United Nation's goal is to reduce population selectively by encouraging abortion, forced sterilization, and control human reproduction, and regards two-thirds of the human population as excess baggage, with 350,000 people to be eliminated per day."
Global Biodiversity Assessment calls for human population to be reduced from 5.6 billion to 1 to 2 billion within the next decade ? (reference GBA Section For the above, The National Security Council's Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy was established in 1975 by Henry Kissinger.
Prince Philip of Great Britain (Photo), leader of World Wildlife Fund said "If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population."
Many diseases, foods and medicines are deliberately made to weaken and control people. Masses are being eliminated very specifically by biological germ warfare and other tactics meant to insure the elimination of those less genetically favorable … Our food is being tampered with, by the insertion of food additives and substances like aspartame. ….They view this as a massive genetic cleanup." (Thanks for the Memories: The Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's mind control slave by Brice Taylor p281)
HIV made its way into African Blacks through a vaccination program for Smallpox in Africa by the WHO in 1972.
On May 11, 1987 Science Editor Pearce Wright wrote an article in London Times "Small pox vaccine triggered AIDS virus". The World Health Organization began a 13-year small pox vaccination program in Third World countries ending in 1981. The vaccine was contaminated with the AIDS virus. Though WHO has admitted through its own investigation that the vaccine was contaminated, it suppressed its findings. The genocidal and depopulation implications of this suppressed story can be found on the Internet by Googling "W.H.O. Murdered Africa", by William Campbell Douglas, M.D.
Figures coming out of Washington indicate that Africa is now as good as doomed. In another ten years, 75% of Africa will be dead. To date, over 30 million people have died of AIDS worldwide. Among them, almost 70% have died in Africa which is main target on the depopulation agenda.
"My final conclusion after forty years or more in this business (medicine) is that the unofficial policy of the WHO and the unofficial policy of the 'Save the Children Fund' and …. (other vaccine promoting ) organizations is one of murder and genocide" - Dr. Archie Kalokerinos MBBS, PhD FAPM
Vaccines developed by the United Nations (WHO) with Bill Gates' money secretly contained poisonous chemicals which kill babies inside the mothers' womb. In 1999, the American Life League was horrified to discover that UN vaccines were being used as hidden depopulation "bombs" as the following news report indicates : Gates-Sponsored Vaccine Program a Depopulation Measure ? Washington, Dec. 14 (—The American Life League, confronted software mogul Bill Gates last week, telling him that a World Health Organization (WHO) tetanus vaccination program undertaken with Gates' sponsorship bears striking resemblance to a similar WHO program which was exposed as a measure to involuntarily sterilize young women in the Philippines. The women were given the tetanus vaccine combined with a chemical called Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) to create an anti-pregnancy agent. The BBC, in conjunction with the Philippine Department of Health and the Philippine Medical Association, reported that many Filipino women suffered spontaneous abortions due to the vaccine, which creates an immune response to pregnancy in the mother's body. The Gates funded program of WHO in several developing countries, is aimed only at women in their childbearing years.
Activities of various commissions of united nations are organized to help the oppressors and exploiters of imperialist multinational companies.
The Human Rights and other various commissions of united nations work for imperialist countries that 1) They threaten developing countries regarding human right conditions in their countries, problems of women, injustice and atrocities on women, children and other sections to compel developing countries to sign agreements beneficial to imperialist countries. Once such agreements are signed their threats on these issues also stop. 2) United nation and its various committees celebrates women's day, children's day, antismoking day, environment day, anti-Aids day, anti-polio day and what not, and start campaigns with intention to i) fool toiling masses that much is being done for their welfare and ii) the developing countries are forced to launch campaigns against various diseases to profit medicine companies of imperialist countries. 3) No problem (such as problem of women or problems of bonded labors) have ever solved by celebrating these days and launching a day's or a week's campaign. The only purpose behind these celebrations and campaigns is to create illusion that much is done for toiling masses. 4) they do everything to see that the common masses instead of solving their basic problems by bitter struggle against the exploitation system should keep hope in these agencies of exploiters. 5) imperialist countries by organizing conferences against racism, against exploitation and so on through the united nations select middle and super middle class intellectual stooges who can act as their puppets and work for imperialist interest at the same time deceiving toiling masses with their shallow revolutionary jargons. In many countries imperialists have installed puppet governments using these intellectual puppets. Therefore, exploiters of imperialist countries carefully increase the importance of their lackeys and do everything to ignore and put obstacles in the way of genuine revolutionary mass leaders.
Amnesty International of London did not oppose American invasion on Iraq and Afghanistan where thousands of citizens were brutally killed in American bombing These commissions in fact, enjoyed American attack because dying people were Muslims. But when in Zimbabwe the hungry black people attacked white landlords, the same Human Right organizations and Manu-Media such as BBC made extreme noise. (V.T. Rajshekar, Shape of the things to come, p.31)
6. Any escape from dependency on leaders ?
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar agreed to frame constitution of India only to provide adequate safeguards to depressed communities. Dr. Ambedkar knew that the Arya-Brahmin exploiters would see by all means that the constitutional safeguards for depressed classes are never implemented. Therefore Dr. Ambedkar warned Arya-Brahmins that if this constitution failed to provide rights to oppressed masses of India, they will burn this very constitution. According to Dr. Ambedkar, people say that I am the architect of Indian constitution. ….. but my answer is I was helpless in incorporating all that which never wanted to include". In Rajyasabha Dr. Ambedkar angrily answered "Sir, my friend says that I have framed the constitution but I am ready to say that I shall be first person to burn this constitution. I do not want this constitution. This constitution does not suit anybody". (KOVENA, Towards Emancipation, p.113-14)
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar believed in the power of masses. According to Dr. Ambedkar, masses forget that they are self-ruled therefore, after electing their representatives they free them to rule on themselves. (Dr. Ambedkar, pp. 64-65, Kamgar Chalval (labour Movement)).
Therefore unless the masses are not aware and have become powerful enough to control the leaders of the organization, till then nothing can be expected from such organizations. We must understand this fully that we can not think protection of depressed classes and measures for their betterment by these electioneering party leaders unless aware masses with their extreme Jihadi strength are able to control these leaders.
What will be the fate of riding a horse devoid of bridle. How can he reach to destination riding such a horse ? What else than the accident can be expected by riding a can without brakes and steering wheel ? Unless aware common masses with their Jihadi strength are in position to bridle and control these electioneering "horses and mares" till then they will have to be driven themselves at the whims of these selfish, aristocratic horses-mares. Till then they will have to run after them carrying "green-grass" for them. Sometimes they will have to bear their hind kicks. Therefore, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar has insisted upon educating (creating awareness) and agitating masses for their rights.
Majority of toiling masses have no alternative but either to remain in any "ready-made" organization or sit calmly in home because the toiling masses who work eight to 10 hours daily can not find time to run their own organization even at the level of a city. If they collect few honest people, they can at the most form a little group, who after shouting for some time automatically calms down.
When a toiler finds some additional income source and sufficient time to devote in organization, there are every chances that his mentality changes in a very short time as the changing circumstances have potential to change our outlook. This can be proved by following few examples :-
1) In jam-packed general compartment of train when inside crowd prevent you from entering into the compartment, you accuse insiders, give your own logic and forcibly rush into compartment. When train arrives at next station you along with insiders try to prevent incoming rush by giving arguments contrary to your earlier arguments. This is live example of how a person changes at the change of circumstances.
2) When you were studying in school you had very close friends. You spent your day and nights together. But now even though you reside in the same city when you meet them accidentally you have a little formal talk and you depart. This change in your relations is bound to occur because now you are not dependent on each others for the satisfaction of mutual needs.
3) After getting married the behavior of lovers get changed because of new responsibilities which were not present when they were simply lovers. Therefore, change in their role is inevitable as consequence of changed circumstances.
In the same way once a toiler is able to get better income source and become a member of middle class, change in his attitudes is most likely. Therefore, whether he will retain the same loyalty for proletariat class is difficult to predict. Only those aware persons who are emotionally, ideologically and by all aspirations are dedicated to the cause of proletariat remain faithful to the mission till the end. But the number of such persons is very very negligible.Because only upper-middle class can give their full time to party or can appoint party full-timers, therefore, in the name of working class, usually upper-middle class or rich always hold the reins of organizations. In due course such organizations of exploited workers, peasants have disintegrated and turned pro-exploitation or lackeys of exploiters.
Exploited oppressed masses always relied on leaders for their emancipation. Party workers become active when their party leaders assign them any responsibility. The role of party workers or masses is limited in listening lectures, participating in processions, shouting slogans, spreading and folding druggets or carpers, giving votes and monetary contribution and collecting contribution for party. These activities number 4-5 times in a whole year. When the role of masses is so limited how the masses can hold the roots of such organizations ? And the organizations whose roots are not firmly hold by masses such trees (organizations) how can be saved from the attraction wave of exploiters and falling and drowning themselves under the filthy marsh of Brahmanism ?
Arya-Brahmin exploiters use every "Sam – Dam – Dand – Bhed" (equal treatment, Money, Punishment, execution) policy to bring party's national, state, district, and city branches in the hands of persons selfish, inefficient, and devoid of self respect. Such leaders are always on the pay roll of the Arya-Brahmin exploiters. Their main task is to run the party organization at the directions of Arya-Brahmin exploiters. Such selfish leaders might have got elected opposing Brahmanist parties but they have always been protecting and supporting exploited governments openly or secretly.
Such selfish leaders basically are parasites by nature. As the incapable idle squanderer spend father's wealth on his lust and luxury till retaining a begging bowl. In the same way, by deceiving toiling masses (because masses are easily deceivable) in the name of their liberation warriors obtain money and votes and fulfill their own selfish interests. As the parasite vine sucks the green tree till it is dried and died completely, in the same way these selfish parasite leaders getting hold of the revolutionary Bahujan organization cause them to die.
Another specialty of such parasite leaders is that they want to retain every power in their own hands or in the hands of their group. Whether it is a women's front, students' front, party publication, party organization, they want to lead every event. Therefore, the condition of their organizations become like "nothing worthy but lot of rags". Because they themselves are inefficient, they gather around them the inefficient "shallow talkers". From top to bottom of the organization the same structure is observed. Such organizations can not even bend a single hair of exploiter Arya-Brahminist.
7. Fraud of Indirect Activities !
Any activity which weakens Brahmanist religion, culture, and weaken the grip of their exploitation system and unite toiling masses against exploitation in the direction of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra (Bahujanist Social Democracy) is a missionary activity. Because the unaware toiling masses are unable to differentiate between direct missionary activities and indirect activities, the selfish leaders of Bahujan organizations posing themselves Bahujanwadi, are serving Brahmanism.
Calling public meetings, solving minor problems, launching processions, organizing people in organization etc. are indirect activities used by every kind of organizations to strengthen their organizations. Therefore, these indirect activities are not missionary activities.
Organization is simply a "tool" to achieve objectives. But when the "tool" is confused with the objectives, masses are bound to be deceived. No matter how you sharpen your axe, it has no use unless you cut the wood with it. The stooge leaders of Bahujan organizations gathering unaware crowd (sharpening axe) use this crowd in the interest of Arya-Brahmins (cutting your rights into pieces). Unaware masses always looked at the shining of the axe but they never watched where it is hitting, on whom it hits.
The lackeys (agents) of exploiters can be divided into following categories.
The first kind of agents are "salaried agents" who receive their salary form Arya-Brahmin exploiters or their government in lieu of services they render. Their main task is to see that the struggle of oppressed masses should never take a right direction and keep on masses busy in routine insignificant activities not harmful to exploitation system. To achieve this objective all governments implant their agents in revolutionary organizations.
When these agents of the exploiters realize that awareness of common masses and party workers is so high that it is impossible to stop the genuine revolutionary struggle, struggle will go on whether they support or oppose it, then they immediately changing their stance ride the struggle pretending most revolutionary by their super revolutionary jargons. They even do not hesitate to call others less revolutionary. Arya-Brahmin policy is "go with the storm for a while to defeat the storm". Following this policy they even succeed in becoming top rank leaders and betray the struggle by every available means and whenever they find an opportunity to do so. Malinovosky in spite of being an agent of secret service of Tsar succeeded in becoming leader of Russian Communist party (Bolshevik), a member of Russian Duma (parliament) and acquired position next to Lenin. He was responsible of arrest of Joseph Stalin in the hands of police. If he was not exposed accidentally from the government records that he was on their pay roll, he would have succeeded in becoming president of Russian Communist party after the death of Lenin.
It is also revealed that Arya-Brahmins riding the Communist party of India were in fact paid agents of British government. Arya-Brahmin exploiters have also implanted their paid agents in Bahujanwadi organizations.
The second type of agents are "bait-catching agents". As a dog is prompt in catching the piece of food thrown at him, in the same way this kind of leaders are always alert to catch the opportunities available within the exploitation system. This kind include all selfish leaders of indigenous Bahujans, their stooges, intellectuals committed to entangle Bahujan minds in worthless thoughts, issues and work in order to be honored by exploiter governments or by their agencies. This kind also consist of so called social workers who in the name of social service, education etc., receive grants from government or other foreign agencies. It also include persons seeking license, quota, permits, posts, and party tickets. They work only for their selfish objectives. Bait-catching agents are spineless persons devoid of self-respect.
Caste war was going on in Gujarat. The house of Congress M.P. Mr. Hiralal Parmar was burnt to ashes, women were raped and many Dalits were killed. When Mr. Parmar in Parliament was requesting to provide protection to Dalits in Gujarat, many Congress M.Ps. rushed to Mr. Parmar and beat him in the very parliament. Among the attackers most of the members of parliament belonged to Gujarat state. Neither then prime minister Indira Gandhi nor the speaker could stop this beating of a Dalit member of parliament. Parmar's only crime was that he was asking protection to his innocent Dalit caste men. (Pradip Kumar Mourya, Dharati Putra Ka Shoshan, pp. 200-201) Throwing foot-wears or insulting Dalit representatives in parliament or in assembly are not rare cases. In year 1959 central minister Jagjiwan Ram during debate, become sad over the behavior of one of his Congress M.P. and said to him that "rope is burned but spin has not gone". In reply this Congress M.P. thrown his foot-wears at Mr. Jagjiwan Ram. No debate was made over this big incident. In the decade of 1980 the member of parliament Mr. Randhan rushed to attack Mr. Jagjiwan Ram calling him by his caste name. Two decades before, a senior member of congress MLA Mr. Radhakrishna Kishore was beaten by Savarna member in the very Bihar assembly. (Ambedkar Mission Patrika, June 2004, pp. 23-24)
Similarly, Jagannath Pahadia, the chief minister of Rajasthan (a Dalit) was afraid of Brahmins to the extent of phobia. He had no courage to undo injustice made upon Hon. Pradip Kumar Maurya (a Dalit officer) by Arya-Brahmin higher officers. When a Dalit Chief minister of Congress feels himself incapable of giving justice to a Dalit, and who even did not show courage like Mr. Parmar by raising voice in the protection of Dalits, how one can hope of any justice be given to Dalits in Rajastan. (Pradip Kumar Mourya, Dharati Putra Ka Shoshan, pp. 200-201) Arya-Brahmin members make fun of Dalit, Adivasi and OBC members and insult them by filthy comments. Many SC / ST members humiliated by insult have shed tears from their eyes.
In spite of all such humiliation Bahujans stooges and lackeys remain in the parties of Arya-Brahmin leadership and loose their every self respect simply to live the life of luxury and lusts. They can do anything, even they betray their own Bahujan community to lick the cream of chair . Therefore Arya-Brahmin exploiters are never bothered about them.
There are also "bait-catching" agents among the Arya-Brahmins who are working under Bahujan parties, governments and under Bahujan officers. But the basic deference between "bait-catching" Arya-Brahmin agents and indigenous "bait-catching" agents is that while the latter always keep wagging his tail and licking feet of Arya-Brahmins in the hope of yet another bait and is always chewing whatever is thrown at him; on the contrary the former look for and avail every opportunity to "chew the bait-thrower" and capture his whole stock. Using the same policy Arya-Brahmins took possession of Bahujan empires.
Therefore every Arya-Brahminist advice his fellowmen that until you do not make foreign capitalists your disciples do not to trust any indigenous Bahujan and avenge them with the help of their Bibhishans, Hanumans and Sugrivs. Never confide in them nor assign them very vital task. They are just hired persons who betray their own community. When they can deceive their own people they can also deceive us. (B. Shyamsunder, Bhu Devtaon Ka Manifesto (Manifewsto of Arya-Brahmins)) Arya-Brahmins apply the same policy for persons such as Bangaru Laxam, Uma Bharati, Kalyan Singh etc Bahujans of their organization BJP.
Another main difference between the Arya-Brahmin and Bahujan "bait-catching agents" is that Arya-Brahmin agents are completely dedicated to Brahminism while the Bahujans have always been proving themselves traitors to their own community.
The third kind of agents are "helpless-lots". Such persons are compelled to obey Arya-Brahmin exploiters otherwise they may be implicated for the crimes and misappropriations or immoral acts they have committed. Several such politicians have no alternatives but to concede to Arya-Brahmin wishes.
The main tasks performed by agents of Arya Brahmins is following :-
1) To entangle Bahujans in insignificant thoughts, issues and activities that produce no result in the direction of Bahujanwad. Such activities waste money, efforts and precious time of Bahujans and their struggle is weakened and the Bahujans develop frustration.
2) By imposing their leadership on Bahujans, they appease Arya-Brahmins by victimizing Bahujans in craftily devised riots between different Bahujans communities or killing and injuring Bahujans in Police firing or caning.
3) These agents never want missionary activities are implemented. They show their unwillingness to such activities, they avoid or delay missionary activities, create various obstacles in missionary activities, and insist upon the implementation of wrong policy. By their indirect non-missionary activities they pose what a great missionary work is being done. But in fact, their work always help enemy. For example :-
1) Make people inactive in the name of creating awareness among them :- Basic need is to aware toiling masses who leave their homes early in morning and after hard labor return late in evening. Therefore, if the meetings are called they should be called in areas where toiling masses live. If such "awareness meetings" help in creating unity among the various sections of Bahujans, influence of Arya-Brahmin exploitation system is loosened then such a meeting is missionary work. But if the formality of conducting meeting is completed, people are bored with long lectures full of meaningless jargons, then only few have satisfied pangs of their leadership instinct at the expense of Bahujan time, money and manpower.
In lectures arranged in halls, usually educated persons attracted towards Bahujanwad come. To train them in educating and awakening toiling masses is basic requirement. But such persons are repeated "all time recited" lectures. Unaware / half-baked workers / participants think that a great missionary work is done and get peaceful sleep. Thus, the program which should have been the starting point of Bahujanwadi Jihad becomes its "full-stop" by keeping Bahujans away from doing missionary work. In this way a Brahminism is being served by such lackeys and stooges of Arya-Brahmins.
2) paralyzing Bahujans with Ritualism and name-worship:- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar had said to his Dalit community men in a meeting organized in Sidhartha college on 17th August 1952 that instead of singing praise for me, it is better if you devote your every energy in struggle against exploitation of Dalit masses, this is what I consider most important. (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkaranchi Atishay Gajaleli Bhashane, p. 125 (very famous lectures of Dr. Ambedkar)) Aware followers give every importance to the life mission of their liberation warriors and strive by every available means to accomplish it. Bahujan Jihad (struggle for equality and justice) grows as a result of the missionary activities of aware toiling followers who are dedicated to Bahujan mission only. On the contrary, "devotees" who have nothing to do with the life mission of Bahujan liberation warriors. Their sole intention is to get rid of their sense of inferiority and inadequacy resulting from their incapability of doing real missionary work. Hence they satisfy themselves by arranging shallow praise showering ceremonies on the eve of birth day of our liberation warriors and pose themselves great followers of the liberation warriors by chanting and singing praise for their liberation warriors. By chanting and singing praise for their liberation warriors they do not need to use their brain and risk encounter with Brahmanist-Manuists.
"Devotees" keep Bahujans away from missionary work, engage them in fruitless activities, spend the money, energy, labor and time of people in worthless activities and thus destroy Bahujan mission completely. Devotees are therefore, greatest danger for Bahujan mission. Bahujan mission will not grow unless "devoteesm" is destroyed. Therefore, "Followers Zindabad, Devotees Murdabad" should be the prime slogan of aware Bahujans.
Arya-Brahmins know very well that until the exploited Bahujans burry life mission of their liberation warriors and engage themselves in singing praise of their liberation warriors, not a single hair of Brahmanism could be bent. Such ritualists are great servants of Brahmanism and its exploitation system, Because not only they attempt to kill the life mission of Bahujan liberation warriors, but also weaken Bahujan communities by squandering and wasting money of the sweet of their eyebrows on decoration, and other programs of Jayani (birth day of liberation warriors) and help Arya-Brahmins in keeping Bahujans their slaves. Therefore every Arya-Brahmin through his stooges try to spread ritualism, and "devoteesm" among the OBC, Dalit, Muslim and Adivasi Bahujans. Arya-Brahmins consider it their prime most duty to spread "Ritualism and labelism" among Bahujans. Arya-Brahmins are pleased to see that their prime most duty is being performed by the devotee Bahujans themselves.
3) Deceiving toiling masses by indirect activities :- The lackeys and stooges of Arya-Brahmin exploiters by their illusionary indirect activities are posing that how efficiently they are running mission. In fact, they deceive Bahujans :-
a) Such a lackey leader of an organization wanted to organize a lecture on topic "revision of constitution : right or wrong". An aware Bahujan requested him that family of RSS organizations is trying to convince people that it is important to revise the Indian constitution. Your title shall create the same question in the minds of people who would read it. All of them are not going to attend your program. Half of them may simply think what is wrong if changes in the constitution are made according to changed situation ?. Therefore the purpose of Arya-Brahmin exploiters will be served by your title. He requested to keep the topic such as " Arya-Brahmin conspiracy to bring Manuist Constitution". This topic directly hits Brahmanism and expose their evil intention. In spite of that, the so called leader retained the previously decided title to help their Manuist bosses. Such lackeys in the name of mission invariably help Arya-Brahmin exploiters.
b) A federation which always posed to be Bahujanists, spending thousands of Rupees, on the eve of 52nd Independence day of India kept a topic of lecture " Continuous defying of Indian constitution in independent India". leaders of BJP, Shivsena, Congress, Marxist Communist party etc Manuist organizations were also invited. This program was organized on the very eve of elections. What else could be the purpose behind inviting Manuist leaders other than negotiating secret election alliances and bargaining with them on the basis of Bahujans gathered in this program ?
Manuist leaders in such lectures pretend themselves progressive and get praise. Bahujans are befooled by these fascist leaders in the same way the little children are befooled in a game where a child points his finger at the adults and pretending a gunfire shouting "Dhishyam" ! The adults also enjoy the game and pretend hit by bullet and are dying. After seeing that Bahujans have loosed their cautious listening slowly start injecting Manuist poison by logical jugglery. Bahujan stooges always organize such programs and invite agents of class enemies.
On 23-24th Sept., 1997 in Talkatora indoor stadium auditorium of Delhi a national convention of Dalit authors was organized. Inaugurating the convention, Ex-president of India Shankar Dayal Sharma (Brahmin leader) called Dalit literature written against exploitation as vulgar and advised Dalit authors not to write such literature. Brahmin leader Atal Bihari Bajapeyi hypocritically called Dr. B.R. Ambedkar modern Manu, and Indian constitution like Manu-Sanhita, forgetting that Dr. Ambedkar had burnt Manu-Smriti and was bitterest critique of Manu-Smriti. (Bharat Ashvaghosh, Sept-Octo., 1997, p.47) According to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Aryans were foreigners who came to Indian continental. (Dalit Voice, 16-31 May 2004) Citing incomplete quotations of Dr. B. K. Ambedkar out of context, few Dalit stooge / ignorant authors are continuously trying to prove that Arya-Brahmins are indigenous people.
c) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar wanted to aware toiling masses so that they become capable of controlling the reins of leaders as well as of the Bahujan Jihad. Therefore, to make toiling masses leaders of their own struggle, he strongly opposed personality cult and personality worship .
In fact, there is a need to encourage authors from toiling masses and middle and upper middle class be educated and trained to accept the leadership of common masses in the interest of Bahujan struggle. But the lackeys of Arya-Brahmin exploiters are behaving exactly opposite. They are by exploiting the tendency among middle and upper middle class to show themselves superior these lackey organizations give middle and upper middle class writers "Dr. Ambedkar, Jyotirao Fule, Savitribai Fule" etc. awards and certificates in the hands of Arya-Brahmins belonging to fascist organizations at Talkatora stadium auditorium of Delhi. These lackeys know very well that the writers who are crazy after "awards, certificates, and honors" can be easily converted in to lackeys of Arya-Brahmins.
Few Rich Dalit Indians, residing out of India invite applications from Bahujan authors along with their literature so that they can select few best Dalit writers for award instead of spreading effective literature among the masses. Why genuine authors should apply for any award because awareness created by their literature itself is a greatest award for them. What can we expect from such authors who apply for awards ? They can be easily turned into slaves of Arya-Brahmins when they get opportunity to satisfy their ego and superiority complex. In distributing awards to such writers neither the common masses develop awareness nor their struggle gain strength. Only the ego and sense of importance among such authors is heightened and they start considering themselves savior of the masses. In spite of that why these organizers / persons persist with this anti-proletariat program ? Therefore, a strong suspicion lurks in our minds that is this another trap to lure and corrupt these writers in favor of exploiters and convert them into intellectual prostitutes.
d) Who will object immorality and sexual nakedness being opposed ? On this very pretext, organizations of fascist Arya-Brahmins on one hand give OK signal to directors to make sexy films; censor board also OK it; then obtaining money from the same directors these organizations start pretending protest of such sexy films to make them popular. Therefore, third grade films also earn a lot. Shivsena which boast of Indian culture, organize pop show of Michael Jaxon and earn several Lac of Rupees. All T. V. Channels display advertisements, serials and songs full of sex. Shivsena, Bajarang Dal etc. fascist organizations do not oppose all such nakedness because Arya-Brahmins earn from them but these hypocrites oppose valentine day meeting of lovers and try to spread communal conflict and try to terrorize minorities.
e) Many so called intellectuals and leaders to fulfill their desires of foreign tours and to satisfy their leadership instinct spend thousands of Rupees on the pretext of Bahujan Mission. For example, In a conference organized by a Dalit organization of India on 12-13 October 2000 at South Hall of London, around 80 persons from India participated. No citizen of London participated in this conference. Members of conference alleged that the president of the organization extracting enough money from them did not make arrangement of their lodging and boarding. Therefore, they had to stay in Valmiki Gurudwara and eat in Gurudwara Langar. (Dalit Voice, 16-30 Nov., 2000, p. 5) These so called "missionaries" could have easily discussed the same matter in India itself. Was there any need for these Indians to come to London by spending huge amount on the pretext of discussing Bahujan issues ? Many so called leaders squander huge amount of money in rallies which do not yield any result. If they had spent the same amount in genuine missionary activities the result would have been thousand times better.
f) There is a proper way of doing everything. When a correct activity is done in a wrong way, it causes harm. Cooking is a correct activity. We all know what is a result of cooking rice without removing pebbles, or removing rice pot from stove immaturely before they are cooked, or do not remove rice pot from stove even when the rice is cooked, or put the rice pot on stove but do not lit the stove. Therefore, what is correct and what is wrong can only be ascertained by observing the results of any activity. By applying criteria laid down by Siddhartha Gautam Buddha we can test everything. According to Buddha, it not important to see which task is undertaken, what is the designation of the person doing the task, whether the task looks logically correct, what is being claimed, who (person or religious book) is being referred in support of the task, but one has to see whether the task is going to benefit toiling Bahujans or not. Anything which does not fulfill the criteria of benefiting Bahujan cause (mission) is a task meant to deceive exploited Bahujans.
Upper caste Muslim leaders hold the reins of every Muslim organization. Upper caste Muslims have always helped their Arya-Brahmin brothers to take vengeance on indigenous Bahujan Muslims by every available opportunity.
They did not work to remove the misunderstandings created by fascist organizations about Muslims and Islam in the minds of common masses; they never raised issues related to the educations, jobs, and exploitation of Muslim masses; they did never boycott the products of fascist Arya-Brahmin industrialists in protest of state sponsored Muslim massacres and to bring them to their senses.
On the contrary, they have been shamelessly supporting fascist governments of Arya-Brahmins. The fascist Shiv-Sena which engineered massacres of Muslim in Bombay could remain in power in Bombay municipal corporation with the support of two upper caste Muslims members. BJP government in center and some states were supported by upper caste Muslims and their organizations. Pundit Farooq Abdulla, and his National Conference of Kashmir and others Muslim organizations continued to support BJP government in centre and also in few states during Muslim Massacres being executed throughout Gujarat. After Gujarat massacres they continued their support to BJP government.
When mass pressure started building on upper caste Muslim leaders for Dalit-Muslim unity for bilateral protection, and to fight for the each other's cause, they misguided youths of Student Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) to publish pamphlets against communalism of Brahmin religion and pasted them in the places of marriage and other social gatherings of Hindus. With such activities, Bahujans in the influence of Arya-Bahmins, instead of getting awakened took it as an offence by Muslims. Thus the SIMI activities helped the agenda of RSS family organizations to spread hatred among the Bahujans for the Muslims.
g) The organization of upper caste Muslims viz. Jamaet E Islami of India to save itself from social pressure from Bahujan Muslims, organized hypocritical drama of opposing communalism of fascist RSS family organizations. The height of hypocrisy is that in the lectures organized by Jamat E Islami throughout India in its "Human rights week" pro-RSS Arya-Brahmins were invited to deliver lecture on communal harmony. Such programs are nothing but the replica of RSS agenda of "Samajik Samarasata" (Communal Harmony) for the implementation of which RSS has created separate organizations. Thus upper caste Muslim leaders are shamelessly implementing "Samajik Samarasata" agenda of RSS in the garb of opposing communalism. This is openly stabbing in the back of Bahujan Muslims.
Islam never considered rituals important than the basic humanitarian ideals of Islam. For example, a sick or a traveler Muslim is exempted from performing Namaz in usual way. He can perform it even symbolically, or latter on perform Kaza (pending Namaz). In spite of that Tabliq-E- Jamat, the organization led by upper caste Muslims; in the name of Akhirat (judgment day) teach Bahujan Muslims to indulge themselves day and night in Namaz, Istema, Tasveeh and other rituals and oppose to the level of madness any thought of fighting exploitation and oppression of Muslim Bahujans by the Arya-Brahminists. Thus it is creating a society of helpless slaves who do not want to defend themselves against any kind of oppression and victimization.
Tabliq E Jamat and Jamaet E Islami are not only the organizations run by upper caste Muslims but they are the "agents of American agents" because both these organizations are financially aided by the same rich class of Arab countries who instead of Islam and Allah, consider George W. Bush as their God. Therefore, both these organizations can only pretend opposing (forget about fighting) the forces of Tri-Iblis. They can never launch genuine Bahujanwadi Jihad against the exploitation and oppression of Tri-Iblis.
Those Muslims who are not hallucinated by ritualism of Tabliq E Jamat, are illusioned by Jamaet a Islami. Like Congress-BJP, Tabliq E Jamat and Jamat E Islami are two sides of the same Brahminist coin. Both these organizations aim to prevent Muslim Bahujan masses from participating in Bahujanwadi Jihad against the exploitation and oppression of Tri-Iblis.
When the indigenous Muslin Bahujan masses are burning in the fire of state sponsored massacres of Muslims in Gujarat and elsewhere in India instead of organizing Bahujans to extinguish this "Brahminist fire" Upper caste Muslim leaders are indulging themselves in activities which do not harm Arya-Brahmin rioters in slightest.
h) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar asked his Depressed communities to educate their children at any cost. Arya-Brahmins do not want that the children of slave indigenous masses get better education. How any religious community can ever object to religious prayers and preaching ? Therefore, through the religious priests and Manuist monks they create all sorts of disturbance in the study of Bahujan children by reciting day and night religious Bhajan-Kirtans, preaching, Buddha-Vandana (prayer) etc. in ear-bursting sound of loudspeaker which are installed to spread noise in all directions. Daily in morning and evening Buddha vandana (prayer) in loud noise is recited for 60 to 120 minutes on loud speaker. No religious priest want to remain behind other religious priests. Muslims previously used to give Ajan of just for 2 or 3 minutes but the upper caste Muslim priests now sing "Natiya" in addition to morning Ajan. Christianity seems to be exception to this as they perform their rituals and prayer in a manner not disturbing others. In this sense they seem to be civilized. But soon they may become uncivilized to accomplish Brahminist agenda.Dogs start barking at once and soon become calm. But, as the prayer of one religious priest is finished another religious priest start shouting. Their duration of noise is thus increased manifold. All of them could have performed their prayers Araties, Satsangs etc. without loud speakers but that would have defeated the very purpose of disturbing study of Bahujan children therefore, they must create loud noise. Their loud noise have affected even the birds. Previously, people use to get pleasant feelings from the sweet singing of the birds at daybreak. But the agonizing and disgusting sound of religious prayers have compelled birds to fly away. By creating loud noise these priests show Bahujan masses that they are doing "religious work" faithfully so that masses under their illusion should keep on giving them, money, food, respect and honors. Thus Bahujan masses are nourishing these parasite priests in lieu of destroying the study of their children.
i) Many stooges help Arya-Brahmins to take vengeance on indigenous Bahujans in installments. If Arya-Brahmins intend to demolish 1-3 slums, their Brahminist government or municipal corporation declare their intention to demolish 6-7 slums. The stooges pretend to oppose Arya-Brahmins on this issue. When huts of 3-4 slums are already demolished, Arya-Brahmin government as decided, agree to the demands of their stooge leaders and it is declared that no more slum-huts shall be demolished. Thus the stooge organizations and their leaders get an opportunity to boast before masses that they have saved their slums. Bahujan masses thus come in the fold of these stooge leaders. No Bahujan leader is ever successful in retaining slum once it is demolished because getting back demolished slums from the exploiters require a kind of intense struggle which is beyond the capacity of any stooge leader.
All problems and issues of exploited Bahujans will be solved only when they establish Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatanra after destroying completely the exploitation system of Tri-Iblis. Instead of awakening exploited masses to destroy exploitation system of Tri-Iblis, tail-wagging stooges lick the feet of Arya-Brahmin exploiters and help them to increase tax on people, reduce the number of workers in factories and administration, pass and implement draconian laws that crush human rights, demolish settlements and displace people from their places and so on.
Stooge organizations never declare Arya-Brahmin exploiters and their parties as class enemies and swear and work to uproot parties of class enemies. These tail-wagging stooges instead of voting against the draconian laws such as POTA, they stage boycott in parliament / assemblies and thus help Arya-Brahmins to pass anti-people laws.
i) Let us not forget that when masses launch determined bitter struggle which severely harm exploiter class and its interests, the exploiters have no alternative but to lure and beg Bahujans to accept several concessions. On the other hand fake struggle of tail-wagging stooges enable exploiters to take away one by one everything that exploited masses have. Their wages, human rights, better working conditions etc. are being taken away one by one till the toiling masses are reduced to the state of miserable slaves.
ii) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar told that Bahujans will keep on increasing their strength if the exploited Bahujan masses become aware and value self-respect more than their lives. Otherwise they shall turn into lackeys and slaves of exploiter Arya-Brahmins. The leadership of their organizations will go into the hands of stooge leaders devoid of self-respect who can never benefit their community. (p. 99, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkaranchi Atishay Gajaleli Bhashane (turmoil created lectures of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar)). All stooge leaders are devoid of self respect hence their strength is bound to diminish continuously.
How long can we hold on attacks of exploiter Arya-Brahminists ? It is certain that, the moment our power is weakened, the biggest thrust of injustice is bound to give us fatal wound and enslave Bahujan masses permanently. The stooge leaders are bringing the same position. If the Arya-Brahmin exploiters are inserting rod in the xxxx of Bahujans, instead of teaching a bitter lesson to Arya-Brahminist exploiters, stooge and important leaders of beggar's mentality can only beg Arya-Brahmins to take out the inserted rod. Many such stooge leaders by arranging big rallies spend huge money, energy and time of Bahujans simply to beg before Arya-Brahmins. Before Arya-Brahmins they cry and beg "Dalit Picchadon ke Nam Pe De De Baba (In the name of Dalits and oppressed please give us something O my Arya-Brahmin fathers)" They pray that their reservation be retained, they should be given reservation in private sector and so on.Because of such begging leaders employees and Bahujan Samaj has become a society of beggars. These selfish and coward leaders, never want to realize that the beggars are never choosers.
Dr. Ambedkar in his speeches used to tell his toiling people following story :- Once all the animals such as goats, cows, mare etc. who can send no harms to other gathered collectively before lion and narrated their sorrow and agony and pleaded lion to follow nonviolence and requested to give them treatment based on justice. Lion said "you preach beautifully !" but where your have sharp teeth and nails like us to implement what you say ?, and jumped on one nearby goat and tore its neck open. All animals could do nothing than crying and screaming. This is the only fate these stooge leaders can give to Bahujan Samaj.
Stooge leaders beg before exploiters and thus create false hopes in the minds of exploited masses that the exploiter class will give them their rights. Such a hope is baseless and self-victimizing. When such a false hope is developed among masses it dilutes and even destroy the determination of masses to launch a decisive struggle against the exploiter class. Therefore, by begging before exploiters, the stooge leaders are in fact helping the exploiters. The same has happened in Durban conference :-
1) United Nations and several countries of the world have condemned the inhuman terror that is unleashed by Israel on Palestine people. Israel and America remained uninfluenced amidst their condemnation by masses of the world. All exploiters, including the Arya-Brahminists remain unaffected by worst criticism when their is the question of looting, grabbing and retaining the loot. No action was taken against Israel because of American Support to Israel. America is bound to support Israel at any cost because Zionist Jews control America. Arya-Brahmin exploiters being part of Tri-Iblis, without any fear or hesitation have been engineering riots and massacres of indigenous masses of the India and shamelessly declaring themselves dedicated to preserving morality, culture and peace. Therefore, condemning Arya-Brahmins in Durban conference for their inhuman treatment to Dalits of India could produce no effect. This conference did not change the situation of the masses. Then, what is rational in attending such futile conferences by spending lacs of Rupees ?
The Arya-Brahmins riding government of India, sent Bangaru Laxman (a Dalit stooge) and Mr. Pandit Abdulla (Arya-Brahmin in the garb of Muslim) as its representatives who shamelessly denied any atrocities on Dalit-Bahujans and called them imaginary. The ruling exploiter Manuists of Israel, Pakistan and China supported Indian Arya-Brahmins on this issue.
2. In favor of their participation in Durban conference it was argued that Dr. B. R. Ambedkar had written a book "What Congress and Gandhi have done to the Untouchables" and exposed Arya-Brahminist Congress and Gandhi before the world. Then why we should not expose the Arya-Brahmins riding the government before the world through the Durban Conference ? The fallacy of above argument can be easily observed :-
At that time, the revolutionary struggle was spread throughout the world. Not only Soviet Union had immerged as a strong Socialist country but was supporting struggle of world toilers to liberate themselves from the imperialist exploiters. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar was a mass leader and his actions could take any critical turn in India when the balance of world politics between exploiters class and exploited masses was so unpredictable. World exploiters never wanted that the Dr. B. R. Ambedkar's struggle should take revolutionary turn. Therefore, they were bound to pay attention to what Dr. B. R. Ambedkar says. On the contrary, the persons attending Durban Conference were "intellectuals / leaders devoid of any mass base, who only can cry and beg before the exploiters and their representatives, getting nothing more than verbal sympathies delivered to hallucinate Bahujan masses.
The Arya-Brahminists riding the government of India, are compelled to have talks and sign agreements with Naga, Bodo, Gorkha and even Maoists of India because these organizations did not beg before the exploiters, but launched bitter struggle to get their rights. When your struggle becomes intense and decisive the whole world is compelled to think of your struggle, you do not need to go to them to convince.
Therefore, the basic question is instead of preparing to launch a decisive Jihad against the exploiters why we should beg before the very exploiter governments for their help ? Dr. Ambedkar always depended on the strength of the masses than any mercy and kindness from the exploiters. Is not it better that we fight our own battle ?
According to Dr. Ambedkar whatever protections Dalits got through the constitution, they will loose them after their conversion to Buddhism. But the Dalits have capabilities and intelligence to obtain them by other means. The day our political rights will be taken away from us we shall have to depend on our social strength. One who accepts superiority of others becomes slave and loose self-respect and produce slaves in the form of his family and spreads impotency among the masses. Is not it better to die than doing this ? (Dr.Ambedkar p. 90, Kamgar Chalval (Labour Movement); p. 99, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkaranchi Atishay Gajaleli Bhashane, p. 46, 96-97 (turmoil created lectures of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar)).
3) Persons who participated in Durban Conference were leaders devoid of any mass base. Such "baseless" leaders never spend even 25 Paisa to aware masses but can spend lacs of Rupees to popularize their name by such "drama" staged at Durban. Most of them do not hesitate to become agents and stooges of the exploiters and their governments.America is ruling over Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries through such puppets and stooges.
Why the organizations determined to achieve their rights through the strength of masses should bother to participate in conferences such as Durban ? Aware Bahujans are never cheated by the drama of such hypocritical struggle. Aware Bahujans with their direct missionary activities gradually but continuously proceed towards their goal. On the contrary, so called hypocrites and boasting baby intellectuals entangled in non-missionary activities remain at the same position with the help of their exploiter bosses. Every time, they need a new issue to keep them in limelight.
Because of these three kinds of agents, the exploitation system of Tri-Iblis has became safe
Therefore, the exploited Bahujans must ensure that every penny earned by the sweet of their eyebrow is spend only on missionary tasks and not on the tasks creating hallucination of mission. Exploited Bahujans should pay for missionary activities only than donating to the organizations. It should be the first duty of every Bahujan organization to tell where and how the amount has to be spent. Till now the activities of the Bahujan organizations have been limited to receiving donations / contributions from the masses. Neither the person collecting contribution nor the exploited masses giving contribution ever asked what the so called leaders have done with the contribution and donation gathered. One should not pay a single penny if missionary work is not assured. Similarly, they should apply their money, energy and time on the methods which are more effective in eliciting desired "qualitative results" leading to strengthen our struggle.
Chapter II
Electioneering Parties : Helpless before Brahmanism !
Brahamanists are absolutely sure that the electioneering political parties of indigenous Bahujans are just tigers without teeth and nail, incapable of sending any harm to Arya-Brahmin interest and weakening grip of Arya-Brahmin exploiters even slightly. Electioneering parties are just spectators to see Bahujan rights being taken away one by one. At the most they can cry and shout but it is no different than the cries and body jerks of animal being slain because they can not harm Arya-Brahminist exploiters even slightly. Following are the reasons for the above statement.
Table of Contents
Destruction of Indigenous power : An Arya-Brahmin Tradition
Arya-Brahmins did everything to destroy Nag-Dravid states which were determined to keep themselves free from Arya-Brahmin influence fearing that these states unitedly can defeat and drive out the Arya-Brahmins from occupied Bahujan mother land. Arya-Brahmins applying "Sam-Dam-Danda-Bhed" (Equal treatment – Bribery – Punishment – Killings) techniques deposed such self-respected Nag-Dravid kings with the help of traitors such as Bibhisan, Sugriva, Hanuman etc., and these stooges of Arya-Brahmins were installed in their place. The Arya-Brahmins destroyed Khandava-Vana and every Nag-Dravid was burnt alive because it was an independent state opposed to Arya-Brahmins. The same tradition is being continued till now.
Arya-Brahmins know that if every indigenous caste / community of India insist upon its representation in all walks of life then Brahmanism will be destroyed in no time. Therefore, Arya-Brahmins applying their famous "Sam-Dam-Danda-Bhed" techniques destroyed indigenous Nag-Dravid organizations. Arya-Brahmins compelled Mr. Dinakarrao Jawalkar, Mr. Jethe etc. to dissolve their Non-Brahmin organizations. Whosoever opposed this Arya-Brahmin move were tortured in the manner Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav of Bihar (India) was defamed and was implicated on false corruption charges.
Arya-Brahmins have craftily imposed their leadership on every Nag-Dravid organization which they could not directly destroy. Where they could not impose their leadership, they have made the indigenous Nag-Dravid organizations devoid of teeth and nails and slaves of Arya-Brahmins.
Almost 50% masses do not vote in election because they have realized corrupt and pro-exploiter nature of these political parties. They do not want to elect any exploiter or their lackeys. They know that they have no alternative but to select any one who seems to be less brutal exploiter and oppressor.
Remaining 50% deceived masses believing in the shallow slogans of socialism, fake communism, social justice etc., given by Brahminist parties and their lackeys elect one party and observing cheated elect another party next time. Such a cycle goes unabatedly because, masses have no alternative but to bring these Brahminist parties to power alternatively forgetting that they have been engineering riots, doing all sorts of corruption, killing masses in police firing and injuring them in caning when masses demanded their legitimate rights.
It makes no difference to these exploiters even if masses do not participate in election. Once in Assam 90% people did not vote. In spite of that representatives of the exploiter class rode the government.
Secret Election alliances to save Brahmin hegemony
As it became clear to Bahujan masses that all the Arya-Brahmin led organizations are determined to make we indigenous Bahujans helpless in every respect and enslave us, the Bahujan organizations grew stronger with the mass support. As a result, Congress and BJP were deposed from Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and from many other states of India. It have become impossible for the Arya-Brahmins to regain power in these states. Even the Arya-Brahmin power at center is threatened.
Congress, BJP, fake communist parties of India etc. Arya-Brahmin organizations worried that indigenous organizations gaining strength and becoming balancing power should not create situation like UP-Bihar in center. Therefore in constituencies where Congress candidate was relatively weak, the Arya-Brahmins of Congress transferred their votes to BJP candidates and where the BJP candidates were weak the Arya-Brahmins of BJP transferred their votes to Congress candidates. As a result in such constituencies votes of BJP or Congress drastically reduced. Therefore, Congress was almost finished in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh, and BJP in Delhi was pushed back. (see Bahujan Sanghatak, 15-21 December 2003)
In Parliament elections of year 2004, BJP leader Lalkrishna Adwani openly made appeal that if they do not like BJP they should vote for Congress or parties supporting Congress but in no circumstances they should vote other {indigenous} parties. (Bhaskar, 4th April 2004) Thus Congress, BJP, and fake Communist parties who are Arya-Brahmin parties (Kaurav-Pandavs) secretly supported each other to ensure that indigenous organizations should not win in any circumstances. While doing so BJP, Congress or fake Communist parties in many places were swept out.
Victimization of Bahujans in Arya-Brahmin Organizations
Arya-Brahmin members numerically are in minority in parliament of India. In addition to large number of OBC members, there are (79+41) = 110 SC / ST members. Therefore, electing Arya-Brahmin women through the women reservation Bill they wanted to increase Arya-Brahmin strength in parliament.
But because of opposition of indigenous members this bill could not be passed. Therefore, Arya-Brahmins have left with no alternative but to defeat their own OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi party candidates or make them completely dependent on Arya-Brahmin leadership. Therefore, following communal policy was implemented by Arya-Brahmin leadership in previous elections.
1. When the Congress and BJP both were compelled to declare indigenous candidates, then Arya-Brahmins voted for the indigenous candidate who is most obedient and slave of Brahminism and who does not have capacity to become a slightest obstacle.
2. When Arya-Brahmins had no other alternative but to declare indigenous candidates faithful to Arya-Brahmin interests, the Arya-Brahmins voted for that indigenous candidate who belonged to relatively higher caste.
3. When one candidate is indigenous while the other is Arya-Brahmin, All Arya-Brahmins voted for the Arya-Brahmin candidate.
4. When both the declared candidates are Arya-Brahmin candidates, then All the Arya-Brahmins voted for the candidate who is most faithful or who had higher probability of getting elected.
To hide this conspiracy from the eyes of indigenous party members, the Arya-Brahmins of BJP and Cogress through their Manu-media made propaganda that these 'mutually agreed' candidates are gaining mass support. It was also kept hidden that how BJP and Congress both are loosing their vote percentage and a fierce propaganda was made to tell masses that Congress or BJP are the only alternatives left for them.
To prevent progressive votes being transferred to indigenous organizations, Arya-Brahmin led organizations made "third front" and tried to extract as many votes they can by befooling masses and make sure the defeat of a Bahujan candidate.
In Rajastan, Congress chief minister Mr. Gahlot (OBC), Mr. Ajit Jogi (Adiwasi) was deposed using all Sugivs, Hanumans and Bibhisans so that these influential leaders are made powerless and ineffective. The same strategy was applied for Digvijay Singh, Uma Bharati, Babulal Marandi and others. In their places Arya-Brahminists are installed to ensure Arya-Brahmin interests.
In spite of the threat of Babulal Marandi to leave party a Brahmin was installed as party president in a grand ceremony. In Delhi, Congress installed Ms. Dixit (a Brahmin) as a chief minister.
To protect the interests of Arya-Brahmins, the pamphlets full of conspiracies against indigenous masses are released time to time. A 14 point program was released in the meeting of Brahmin Samaj held in Balaghat (India). This program is published by "Saptahik Awam" Nagpur giving headline "Brahman Samaja Tarfe Mulniwasi Bahujana Viruddha Gopaniya Patra" (The secret pamphlet of Brahmin Community against the indigenous masses). Its translation is given below.
1) The OBC castes such as Powar, Marar, Lodhi, Kasar, Teli etc communities should be kept busy in religious disputes so that they should never think of their political rights and always remain slaves of Brahmanism.
2) Whichever castes have become politically aware among the castes of SC/ ST / OBC and Minorities and have become danger to Brahmanism in India, they should be engaged in conflicts with the other indigenous communities.
3) The campaign should be speeded to convince the "Shudras" that the Indian Constitution is against Hindus hence it should be changed.
4) Brahmin leaders of all political, religious and social organizations should come together to protect Brahmin leadership.
5) An intensive campaign should be launched among Powar, Marar, Kasar, Lodhi etc OBC castes to develop prejudice in their minds against Minorities and create conflicts between them so that they are always busy in killing each other.
6) Due to the policies of BSP Dalits have become aware. Therefore a danger is created for Brahmin leadership. To keep other communities away from BSP the rumors should be spread that the BSP is a party of Chamars and Mahars.
7) The employees belonging to SC, ST, OBC, and Minorities from class I to class IV posts are fattened. Hence, it is the duty of Arya-Brahmins holding higher ranks to secretly implement programs to torture and victimize them mentally and physically.
The Brahmins sitting at higher posts should develop in the minds of youths belonging to Powar, Kasar, Marar, Lodhi, Nai etc that the benefit of reservation is availed by SC and ST youths only and they have grabbed the services of OBC communities and create conflicts between them.
9) If Brahmins do not come together to protect Brahmanism, we Brahmins shall have no alternatives but the name of Rama will be stigmatized and we shall become slaves of Dalits. To enslave Bahujans all those tactics be used which have brought us the highest posts.
10) The OBCs should be put at front to raise slogan of "Jai Shri-Ram and should be used as a security shield of Brahmins. OBC communities should be engaged in Gayatri hymn, Brahmakumari organization, Sai-Baba of Shirdi, and Buddhists should be kept busy in Vipasyana.
11) If the Ambedkarism in this country becomes strong then Gandhism which is another name of Brahmanism will die. Nobody will remember Hegdewar, Golvalkar Guruji etc. icons of the RSS. Therefore, infiltrate in every OBC organization to collect secret information and foil their every work and every plan.
12) OBC youths charged with religious mania should be instigated to create riots between OBC and SC/ communities. This will help Brahmin girls and boys to retain their strong hold on politics (government) and bureaucracy.
13) To keep Brahminism surviving, our females should come forward to make sacrifices in protection of Brahmin community. Such Brahmin women shall be pious according to Manusmriti.
14) Friends, all our activities should be implemented secretly. This is a secret pamphlet hence, it should not go in the hands of any OBC, Dalit or Adivasi. (Saptahik Janata, Nagpur, 30 July to 5th Aug.)
BJP leader Pramod Mahajan had said in a public meeting at Banarus that he is a Maharashrian Brahmin and is asking votes for a Brahmin prime minister. (Nav-Bharat, 16th April 2004) In the parliament elections of Uttaranchal, Backward class candidates were kept on waiting for election public meetings of chief minister Mr. Tiwari (Brahmin). But Tiwari only attended the election meetings of his Brahmin candidate contesting from Tihari constituency. Tiwari did not go to any of the remaining 4 constituencies. (Bhaskar, 9th May 2004)
Struggle is intensified between Brahmins and Bahujans
Struggle between Arya-Brahmins and Bahujans is intensified in all parties including Congress and BJP.
Vinay Katihar (OBC) was removed from party president-ship of UP BJP accusing him responsible for the BJP defeat in Uttar Pradesh. In his place Kesharinath Tripathy (a Brahmin) was made president. Katihar said that in parliament elections in six states like UP, Andhra, Bihar and Maharashtra party got only 28 seats but the blame of defeat is thrown only on him who is an OBC belonging to a peasant family. The way Katihar is removed it seems that he is made scapegoat. (Lokmat Samachar, 20th July 2004)
According to the report of Amita Verma, Non-Brahmins of Uttar Pradesh are very angry over installing a Brahmin as President of UP BJP. The insistence of BJP to give leadership of Uttar Pradesh to Brahmins can cost BJP heavily. According to them BJP is converted in to "Brahman Jati Party". From Atal Bihari Vajpei to Murali Manohar Joshi, Kalaraj Misra, Kesarinath Tripathy, and Laxmikant Vajpei (BJP deputy leader in UP assembly) etc. Brahmins are riding on higher posts. Party is under the control of Brahmins. In this situation why other communities shall attract towards BJP ? This feeling was expressed by a Vaishya assembly member of BJP. In BJP, only Brahmin interests are protected. According to one candidate of parliament election contested on BJP ticket said that he was defeated in election because Brahmins did not vote for him. In the two villages of Brahmin majority he got only 2 and 17 votes respectively. Brahmins voter turnout was very low in UP elections. In spite of that Brahmins are given importance at every level by sidelining OBC leaders. For the BJP defeat Mr. Vinay Katihar is removed while Kalraj Misra (a Brahmin) who looked after election campaign was not least considered responsible for this defeat. Murali Manohar Joshi (a Brahmin) who is defeated in election is made member of Rajya Sabha but Vinay Katihar is kept out because he is an OBC. Similarly the role of Kalyan Singh in party is made insignificant. According to an OBC leader and Ex minister, in these situations it is natural that the non-Brahmins of BJP should feel themselves insulted and grieved. (Lokmat Times, 11th July 2004)
Uma Bharati who is expelled from BJP has spoken the bitter truth that "in BJP OBC and SC /ST are used only in spreading and winding carpets and holding the party flag. Their status in party is no more than this." RSS does not contest election therefore in its higher rank of leadership and in organizational structure there is no Dalit. If BJP had no compulsion to contest election, backwards like Uma Bharati would have never thought of becoming leaders of BJP. After the demolition of Babri Mosque, when the question of "Shiladan" came, the district commissioner of Faizabad who is Baniya was declared unfit for Shiladan. To solve this dispute a Brahmin officer was sent from the office of Prime minister who accepted Shiladan. Similarly, before some time Anita Arya, who was one of the general secretaries of BJP was not allowed to enter into the BJP executive meeting which was going on at Talkatora Stadium of Delhi, The other upper caste general secretaries were allowed in this very meeting. When people started condemning this communal treatment it was said that Anita Arya was not allowed because it was the question of security of Prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpeyi. {it means BJP considers its Dalit general secretary dangerous for the security of its Brahmin prime minister}. In the same way, during recently came drought chief minister Vasundhara Raje Sindia organized "Yadnya and Hawan". It was ensured that no Dalit should participate in this function. (Prabuddha Ambedkar, (Bhagwaganj Ajmer, Rajastan) 15th January 2006).
RSS chief Sudarshan called family members of Uma Bharati uncultured. (Nav-Bharat, 15th April, 2005) Such is the self respect of non-Brahmins in BJP.
Bahujan masses are speedily realizing that their prime need is to destroy all Brahminist parties such as Congress, BJP, and Arya-Brahmin fake Communist leaders. Therefore the strong fear is aroused in the hearts of many Arya-Brahmins that Brahmin rule will come to an end if alliance of parties led by non-Brahmin indigenous Bahujans comes in to existence. But the Brahmin think-tanks are 100% confident that such alliance will never materialize due to following insurmountable obstacles.
Various Obstacles in United Front between the Bahujans !
The main obstacles in forming united front of indigenous Bahujans are specified below.
1) Personal enmity between leaders of indigenous parties :- Arya-Brahmins spared no opportunity to create enmity between Mulayam Singh Yadav, Mayavati, Lalu Prasad Yadav etc Bahujans to the extent that these Bahujan parties have no hesitation in forming election alliance with communal-casteist congress, communal-fascist BJP and other parties of Arya-Brahmin leadership, but the parties of Bahujans are extremely averse to make alliance with each other.
In assembly elections conducted in 2005 in Hariyana, Zarkhand and Bihar Arya-Brahmin Congress craftily created enmity between Laluprasad Yadav and Shibu Soren; and between Ramvilas Paswan and Lalu Prasad Yadav by offering some of them more seats than the other. As a result of this enmity these Bahujan leaders tried to victimize each other's candidates. As a result Arya-Brahmin candidates were elected in large number. Neither Lalu government in Bihar nor Shibu Soren government in Zarkhand could be retained. When Stiphen Marandi of Zarkhand Mukti Morcha resigned from Rajyasabha, Congress led UPA instead of declaring the same seat to Zarkhand Mukti Morcha Congress voted for Lalu candidate to create enmity between Lalu and Soren.
The enmity between the Bahujan leaders have reached to such a level that they can make alliance with communal-casteist Congress, communal-fascist BJP and with any Brahmanist party but they can not even tolerate the sight of each other. Then question of alliance between them is almost impossible.
2) Struggle for existence Among Indigenous organizations :- Every indigenous leader wants to retain power at the expense of his rival leaders belonging to other indigenous parties. SP and BSP in Uttar Pradesh and RJD and JDU in Bihar are out to destroy each other. They have been defecting MLAs of each other into their party. In Bihar, Lalu Prasad Yadav had defected BSP MLAs into his party. On the contrary, Arya-Brahmins have been successfully retaining their alliances in Bengal and Kerala since several decades.
BSP in Bihar has become threat to other parties as it has developed potential to cause them defeat in many seats. On the contrary in Uttar Pradesh RJD, JDU and LJP is not in position to send any harm to BSP. Therefore, BSP will be less inclined to form united front with RJD, LJP and JDU and will try to weaken their strength in Bihar.
3) The enmity created by Brahminists regarding reservation :- By dividing all communities according to their backwardness and giving them reservation according to their population proportions and setting in each block sub quota for creamy and non creamy layer will ensure that no community is deprived from their reservation. But Arya-Brahminists riding the government have 1) have placed undeveloped and less-developed communities in a single caste category, and 2) in different states the same castes labeled as SC / ST / OBC / NT / VJ and so on to divide we Bahujans and create conflict between us. As a result the undeveloped castes blame that they can not avail reservation because all reserve seats of their category are grabbed by somewhat developed castes.
Communal-casteist Congress, communal-fascist BJP and all Brahminist parties have also created issues such as genuine Adiwasi and fake Adivasi to create enmity and hate between Bahujans. The conflict is so intense that the rival castes within SC, within ST and within OBC do not come to form a united front. Infiltration of Brahminists in indigenous organizations have widened the gap and intensity of enmity between the leaders of indigenous organizations to such an extent that they criticize each other lowering themselves to lowest level. But they will never criticize any Arya-Brahminist leader to this extent and level.
4) Mass-base of parties of Bahujans is in limited region :- Another obstacle in the nationwide united front of parties of Bahujan is that they can not be of any help to each other because they are non-existent in each other's state. For example TDP and PRP is only in Andhra Pradesh, DMK is only in Tamilnadu, RJD and JDU is mainly in Bihar and Jharkhand. SP is mainly in Uttar Pradesh. JMM is only in Jharkhand and Bihar. BSP is a recognized national party but is relatively weak in states other than Uttar Pradesh. Therefore, a nationwide alliance between them would be on paper but materially non-existent. Therefore, each of these parties think in terms of their local equations where SP-BSP in Uttar Pradesh, RJD-JDU-LJP in Bihar, TDP-PRP in Andhra Pradesh, DMK-? find each other rival in their respective states.
As nun of them can capture power at centre, to obtain share in power at centre they are compelled to make alliance either with communal-casteist Congress or with communal-fascist BJP. This dependency is the main reason that indigenous parties which pose themselves secular can not declare communal-casteist Congress their formidable enemy and launch a decisive campaign to demolish communal casteist Congress. If any Bahujan organization attempts to do that communal-casteist Congress will give preference to other faction of Bahujans in that very state. Every Bahujan organization to keep the opponent Bahujan party out of central power is ready to support communal-casteist Congress. Communal-casteist Congress did it in Tamilnadu with DMK-ADMK, With SP-BSP in Uttar Pradesh, with RJD-JDU in Bihar. The illusion of secular parties Vs. Communal parties created by Arya-Brahminists have put communal casteist Congress in a position to dictate its terms to Bahujan parties because joining communal-fascist BJP in alliance meant certifying themselves communal and non-secular. Therefore, when an opportunity of forming a formidable third front under the leadership of V.P. Singh was possible the Bahujans leaders did not miss the chance. But now there is no formidable third front and when Bahujan leaders are divided in camps hostile to each others they have no alternative but to woo communal-casteist Congress so that they may find their share in power. Because of these dependency they are shamelessly certifying communal-casteist Congress as secular.
Lalu Prasad Yadav, Mulayam Singh Yadav and Ramvilas Paswan had have been repeatedly vouching to remain faithful soldiers of Sonia Gandhi. After defeat, Ramvilas Pasvan is repenting and declaring publicly that not allying with communal-casteist Congress was his grave mistake. Lalu Prasad Yadav has also expressed the same feelings repeatedly. Lalu Prasad Yadav at his own declared his party support to candidate of communal-casteist Congress in Rajyasabha election for the seat vacated from Jharkhand. In Jharkhand RJD has 7 MLAs. SP state chief and member of parliament Mr. Akhilesh Yadav in a statement said that the women reservation bill in its present form with very little changes can be accepted if it is brought down from 33% to 25%. (Lokmat Samachar, 15 June 2009) RJD leader Lalu Prasad Yadav have been keeping tied lips regarding share of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi women in women's reservation Bill. Thus in their attempt to woo communal-casteist Congress the SP, RJD, RLD and LJP is degrading themselves to lowest possible level.
It is Sharad Yadav, the JDU leader who gave an emotional mass-appealing statement that he will commit suicide if the women's reservation bill is passed without ensuring quota for OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi women. Even Mr. Vinay Katihar and Uma Bharati of BJP and ex-BJP reiterated their commitment for ensuring quota of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi women in women's reservation Bill. Therefore, behavior of Lalu. Mulayam, Pasvan is disgusting considering that communal-casteist Congress is determined to pass women's reservation bill without ensuring quota for indigenous women to grab all the seats for their Arya-Brahmin women.
BSP's unasked unconditional support to Congress makes people conclude that if communal-casteist Congress is well-wisher of Bahujans then where is the need of BSP ? Daily Mahanayak called it grave mistake of BSP to give unconditional support to communal-casteist Congress when it did not even ask for Mayavati's support. According to Mahanayak the list of supporters that communal-casteist Congress submitted to the president of India, did not mention the support of Samajwadi Party and BSP as Congress does not need their support. (Mahanayak, 25 May 2009 p.7) In spite of that by declaring unasked unconditional support to Congress Mayavati has made herself the "miserable-lady" contrary to her widely propagandized image of "iron lady". It appears to us that if these parties do not learn from experiences and revert back to their basic agenda of social justice RJD and LJP may soon be replaced by JDU in Bihar and SP-BSP shall become progressively weak in Uttar Pradesh and shall be soon replaced by communal-casteist Congress and communal-fascist BJP. By certifying communal-casteist Congress as secular the parties of OBC, Dalit, Muslim Adivasi have dug their own grave and shall be soon pushed into the grave they have dug for themselves.
5) Greed of Money and Power :- Selfish electioneering party leaders are slave of their own shallow lusts therefore their main intention is to attain, name, fame, power and wealth by any means. To meet this intention they make masses partially aware so that the masses blindly do what these leaders ask them to do and never question their actions. Brahmins want to get elected by any means, therefore they are ready to spend huge amount. Many organizations of Bahujans after receiving huge amount from these Arya-Brahmins and apply following strategy to benefit these Arya-Brahmins :-
i) Such parties of indigenous Bahujans may file weak or strong candidates depending upon whether the party wants to let a particular party win or lose the seat. For example, on seats mentioned in table 16 if BSP had filed all weak candidates in Bihar on those seats the parties who lost the seats would not have lost them. Critics of BSP claim that in lieu of money BSP leaders file weak or strong candidate depending on whether the "deal" with that particular party is finalized or not.
ii) Parties of Indigenous Bahujans contest election on those seats only where they are strong and leave remaining seats for Brahminists to win;
iii) they contest seats in such a way that votes of Bahujans get divided among themselves and a particular Manuist candidate is elected ;
iv) Knowing fully that the votes of Arya-Brahmins are never transferred to indigenous Bahujan candidates, they make alliance with Brahmanist parties such as fascist BJP and communal-casteist Congress and hide from masses that they have received huge amount from these Brahmanist parties. Sometimes they ask Bahujans to vote for Congress and sometimes to vote for BJP whosoever is the highest bidder at that time.
v) Some parties of Bahujans receiving huge amount from Arya-Brahmins give Arya-Brahmins their party tickets by denying legitimate claims of sincere party workers and see that these Arya-Brahmins are elected.
6) Grip of Brahmin-Religion :- Priestly class is the backbone of every exploitation system as they enslave the minds of the masses to make exploitation and oppression of masses possible. Priestly class of every kind is basically Brahminist as it always protects privileged class. Because the minds of the vote-begging leaders of the parties of indigenous Bahujans are under the firm grip of Brahmin religion they can not take any decisive step mortal to Arya-Brahminist interest. Their life is controlled by priest even before they are born and continue even after their death in the form of rituals of Brahmin-Religion. From the date and time of filing nomination to date and time of resuming chair it is the priests who dictate them to perform, Puja, Havan, and dictate which parties and their leaders are lucky and unlucky for them. Leaders are seen wearing rings, sticks, necklace etc. especially prepared by priests for their luck.
These Bahujan leaders have developed a false belief that unless they drink the water used to clean Brahmin feet, they can not enjoy power, prosperity and the haven after death. Because of this mental slavery imposed by Brahmin religion no minister of Mulayam Singh ministry in Uttar Pradesh could dare to occupy his ministry chair before performing "Yadnya and Hawan" by the Brahmins". How shameful it was to see that the chief minister Mulayam Singh Yadav who belongs to OBC community had abolished the districts made after the names of Gautam Buddha, Saint Kabir, Jyotirao Fule, Shahu Maharaj etc., Bahujan warriors. Ex-chief minister of Bihar Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav in his regime started campaigns of building temples of Brahmin religion in record number. Nobody not even the BJP during its rule in Bihar could dare to do so. Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav was fooled by a Brahmin priest who gave him a "miraculous stick" made from precious mettles and claimed that it will save him from all dangers. The stick proved false and the Ex-chief minister suffered more. But it has definitely proved that then Bihar chief minister Lalu Prasad Yadav is a slave of Brahmin religion. In his resident, tape of Gayantry hymn of Brahmin religion was seen always singing to leave no doubt about his being a slave of Brahmin religion. Because of this mental slavery such leaders can not form a genuine front of Bahujans intended to destroy Brahminism and its exploitation system. The parties of communities who consider themselves "Kshatriyas" (servants of Brahmins) will always proudly serve Brahmin exploiters. Therefore, such parties will never join sincerely the united front of indigenous Nag-Dravid Bahujans. Only those can launch a genuine struggle against system of Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression whose minds are free from the influence of every kind of priestly class.
7) Arya-Brahmins in Bahujan organizations :- Greed for money and power leads selfish leaders to woo rich and influential Arya-Brahminis into their party. These Arya-Brahmins who are rich and resourceful are shrewd enough to identify selfish indigenous Bahujan elements in party and corrupt the whole party with their help. The whole party structure is transformed from revolutionary Bahujan organization to an organization incapable of offering any kind of resistance to exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahminists. Soon these organizations function as slave of Arya-Brahmins.
Blood relations with Arya-Brahmins :- Brahminists using their tried and tested ancient evil plan have been marrying their daughters in reputed families of indigenous Bahujans in power so that these indigenous persons could be used as "Shikhandi" to protect Brahminism and in enslaving Bahujan masses. RPI leaders Ramdas Athawale, Prakash Ambedkar, Justice party leader Mr. Udit Raj (Ram Raj), Ramvilas Paswan of Dalit Sena (Now LJP), BJP leader Gopinath Munde, Ex-Chief minister of Maharashtra Mr. Vasantrao Naik, etc. are few examples who established blood relations with Arya-Brahmins. Such leaders who feel obliged by marrying a Brahmin girl have become slaves of Brahmanism and are striving hard to push Bahujan masses in to poisonous marsh of Brahmin religion and destroying Bahujan struggle against the exploitation and oppression of Brahminist-Zionist Tri-Iblis. Under the same policy Arya-Brahminists have made one son of their family Sikh and thus corrupted whole Sikh religion and paralyzed it with the poison of Brahmin-religion. Under the same evil policy, Arya-Brahmins have converted to Islam and poisoned their religion with Brahminism and ensured that backward Muslims always remain backward and real power lies in the hands of converted Arya-Brahmins. These all converted and not converted Arya-Brahmins in unison are protecting Arya-Brahmin exploitation system and ensuring that indigenous masses remain slaves of their system.
Because of these above mentioned reasons party organizations of indigenous Bahujans will never come together to oust Arya-Brahmin exploiters from power. They will continue to support exploitation system of Tri-Iblis while befooling people by their lip service and mock struggle. Therefore, such parties will never join the united front of indigenous Nag-Dravids.
Chapter III
The Corrupt leaders of Filthy election Marsh !
Table of Contents
Filthy Road of of Election
A member of parliament gets salary of Rupees 11900/- per month. They get per day allowance of Rupees. 500/- to remain present in parliament session. Allowance for their constituency is 8000/- per month. Their traveling allowance is 10,000/- Rupee per month. To run office they get 16,000/- per month. To appoint liaison officer in their constituency they get 3000/- Rupees per month. They get Rupees. 1500/- Rupees as meeting allowance per day. They get medical insurance amount for insurance of 5 Lac. They get 25000 unit electricity free. They get two phones having one Lac free calls and third phone for internet having 50000 calls free. They get one first class air condition ticket and a second class air conditioned ticket in railway travel. They also get air ticket. The members of parliaments get pension of Rupees 3000/- per month. (The Week, 11th February 2001) In 'Rashtrapati Bhawan' (House of President of India) there is garden of 400 Acres, 350 rooms, cinema hall, Golf course, and about 1000 servants. (India Today, 8th May 2002, p. 3 )
Arya-Brahmin exploiters have made election system most costly so that only those can come to power who can spend Crore of Rupees and can apply every kind of evil tactics to win election.
Ex-Prime minister Indira Gandhi had deputed her chief ministers to collect party election fund. In Madhya Pradesh chief minister D. P. Mishra had banned the export of "gram" in Madhya Pradesh. The inquiry commission installed latter on revealed that only those were permitted to export "gram" who were paying heavy donations to the election fund of Congress party. In 1987 industrialist J. R. D. Tata had said to President Venkatraman that after 1980 election donation was not asked from the industrialists. It seems that the congress party is extracting money from bribes. (Bhaskar, 14th January 2004) For Parliament election from Bombay alone the political parties extract more than 3000 crore Rupees. Political parties depend for election donations mainly on Reliance, Tata, Aditya-Bidla group, Jindal, Ruiya, Mittal, J.K. group, Godrej, Binani, Bajaj, Bombay Dying, Hinduja, Piramal group, Mahindra, Sterlite, Walkhart, Videocon, Garvare and Hindustan liver etc. industrial families. Just before the elections of year 1971 Sanjay Gandhi had openly stated that "industrialists do not give us donations in charity, in return we give them political protection". Industrialists were compelled to pay donations to apposition parties due to political ups and downs. This is the first election where a law is passed in parliament to give and receive election donations. The industrialists shall receive tax benefit to the extent they have donated to political parties. (Lokmat Samachar, 31st March 2004)
Election has become very profitable business in which parties sell party tickets in crores of rupees. In Bihar assembly elections by selling party tickets each in 15-20 Lac, parties received a very huge amount. (Bhaskar, 1st February 2005) In parliament election expenditure on one candidate is estimated to be 1 to 15 crores. Huge amount is spent in buying votes, bribing other candidates, making certain candidates in favor or removing them from competition. Many candidates are very happy even after getting defeated, because they have already received manifold amount than the amount actually spent by them. Congress president D. Sanjivaiyya had said in 1962 that his party leaders who had ordinary financial status became the owner of crores of Rupees in a very short period. (Bhaskar, 27th March 2004)
Political parties had no alternative but to extract as much money they can to win election. Therefore, extracting money from black marketers, money lenders, drug sellers, and other such antisocial elements becomes inevitable.
Internal secret alliances with Manuist parties are also made to help each other secretly either by putting weak candidate or by filing no candidate at all to allow Manuist to win. Electioneering parties have to please corrupt and immoral priests of all kinds and ignore their brutal exploitation, cheating and loot of people in lieu of support in election. All leaders have kept with them the account of each other's corrupt and antisocial activities, therefore nobody has a fear of getting ever tried for their evil deeds.
According to confidential report prepared by parliamentary research and studies, 348 members of parliaments are facing or have faced judicial charges of economical corruption, cheating, and other criminal offences. Among them against 171 members of parliament are facing charges of murder, rape, robbery, and kidnapping. All these members of parliaments sitting in the 13th parliament make laws for the nation. (Nav-Bharat, 14th December 2002)
In the assembly election conducted in Uttar Pradesh in February 2002, 205 out of 403 candidates are facing criminal charges in court. The number of cases against individual candidates range from 1 to 70. Among them 81 are from Samajwadi Party, 44 from Bahujan Samaj Party, 38 from Bharatiya Janata Party, 14 from Congress, 7 from Lok-dal, 2 from Loktantrik Congress, 1 from Apna Dal, 1 from Communist Party Marxist and 9 from independents. Samajwadi Party MLA elected from Sitapur is facing 70 court cases. Congress MLA from Rai-bareli is facing 30 cases, MLA from Loktantrik and ex minister is facing 30 cases, Samajwadi Party MLA from Sant Kabir Nagar is facing 35 cases, Loktantrik Congress MLA and ex minister from Gorakhpur is facing 30 cases, Samajwadi Party MLA from Gazipur is facing 27 cases, BSP MLA from Maharajganj is facing 26 cases, Samajwadi Party MLA from Aita is facing 29 cases, Apna Dal MLA from Illahabad is facing 34 cases, Independent MLA from Farrukhabad is facing 28, Independent MLA from Bagpat is facing 36 criminal cases. Among them 20 MLAs are facing charges ranging from 12-24 cases. Independent MLA Mr. Mukhtar Ansari elected from Mau could not swear in assembly because he is wanted for police in several criminal cases. 36 cases are pending against him. Remaining MLAs have criminal cases against them numbering from 1-11. Most of them have more than 6 cases. Samajwadi party MLA from Sitapur is facing charges of immoral conduct. Congress MLA from Devariya is facing charges of two murders. Among them 35 MLAs are history sheeters. Among such MLAs are Dhananjay Singh, Madan Bhaiyya, Omprakash Gupt, Mahboob Ali, Ajay Roy, Mukhtar Ansari, Jeet Singh, Durga Yadav, Atiq Ahmed, Haji Yakub Kuraishi etc., are prominent names. (Lokmat Samachar, 19th August 2002).
As per the orders of Supreme court of India it was made obligatory to declare one's criminal record, movable and immovable property while filing nominations for elections. All political parties forgetting their so called political differences opposed election commission's move to implement this supreme court directive. They passed a bill in parliament that no candidature of stained candidates could be rejected on these grounds. Hon. president K. R. Narayanan sent this bill back to parliament for reconsideration. But parliament again sent it to him and it was obligatory for him pass this bill against his wishes. (Lokmat Samachar, 13th January 2003)
In previous parliamentary and three midterm polls especially released criminals openly participated in election in favor of ruling party. Why on the same ground other criminals of the state were not released was the pertinent question asked. (Nav-Bharat, 17th Sept., 2003).
In most of the public meetings, protest marches crowd is hired on payment. For a period of 10.00 Am to 6.00 PM each adult man and woman is paid Rupees 50/- and a child more than 5 years is paid Rupees 15 in addition. If the child is below 5 years mother is paid 25 Rupees extra. (Nav-Bharat, 24th March 2004) Inclusion of Bogus voters in voter lists, influencing voters by all kinds of baits and treats, capturing booths, stopping masses from casting their votes, manipulating election results by manipulating ballot boxes with the help of administration etc. are few examples.
In Jalagaon of Maharashtra state of India among 27 thousand newly registered voters, 24 thousand voters were found bogus. The number of actual new voters were 2583 only. This is continuously happening since last 15-20 years. (Bhaskar, 13th July 2003) In Udhamnagar district of Uttaranchal state of India, around two lac minority people are deprived of their voting right because they are not the owner of land in Uttaranchal. BJP government had passed a bill that to be called as a citizen of Uttaranchal a person should have ownership of land or house prior to 15 years. Such a law is not passed elsewhere in India. When such law was presented for Chhattisgarh and Zarkhand BJP, Congress and other {Brahminist} parties strongly opposed it. But in Uttaranchal both the congress and BJP strongly approved this law (Lokmat Samachar, 25th March 2004) Because in Uttaranchal majority belongs to Upper-castes while in Chhattisgarh and Zarkhand indigenous Nag-Dravid Adivasi are in majority.
All electioneering parties whatever amount they spend on spreading their ideology among masses, thousand fold more amount is spend in election alone.
Once the parties of indigenous Bahujans enter in to the filthy marsh of election and consider election as the only means coming to power are bound to become corrupt and loose the capacity to launch any genuine struggle against the exploitation and oppression. The parties which spend crores of rupees in election how can be the well wishers of common masses ?
When president Naser during his visit to India when found members of {fake} communist parties in parliament asked Nehru surprisingly that "we have jailed all communists". Nehru replied " whether you keep them in jail or in parliament in both the conditions they become harmless. (
What to expect from the electioneering parties ?
If the leaders have some concern for the masses then following benefits of Bahujan organizations coming to power could be seen :-
1) In government (politics) and bureaucracy (jobs) Bahujans get more representation, but by implementing privatization the Arya-Brahmins have already grabbed most of reserved jobs of Bahujans.
2) The government of Bahujans "may" satisfy some of the grown aspirations and hopes of the Bahujan masses materially and or psychologically for the sake of retaining the strength and leadership of their own organizations. This is expected only when the masses are aware enough to discard Bahujan organizations which do nothing.
Bahujan leaders have proved themselves far superior than the Arya-Brahmins in administrative efficiency. Jagjiwan Ram, Mayawati, Lalu Prasad Yadav, Ram vilas Paswan etc. Bahujan leaders have brought their ministries in profit. While Bahujan peasants committed suicide and Bahujans were killed in riots in Arya-Brahmin ruled states, nothing such happened in the rule of Lalu Yadav or Mayavati.
In spite of that poverty, unemployment and exploitation can never be removed by Bahujan leaders as it involves complete destruction of the present exploitation system.
3) Using public resources in spreading Brahmanism is going unabatedly. If parties of Bahujans come to power that will certainly slow down use of money in spreading Brahminism and the Bahujanwadi ideology may get an impetus.
4) The Bahujan masses are likely to shed off some of their inferiority complex and develop courage of a ruling community as a result of Bahujan parties forming their own government.
The above mentioned benefits will be available only when the Bahujan organization or their front come to power on their own strength. They will not be in position to do anything if they are supported by the Arya-Brahmin parties. Third and fourth regime of Mayavati in UP is live example to make this point clear.
After entering into parliament the leaders of indigenous Bahujans have realized that the Indian exploitation system is an inseparable part of exploitation system of world. Observing the real draconian face of exploitation system of Tri-Iblis Bahujan leaders have realized that they are incapable of launching the kind of struggle required to uproot the exploitation system of Illuminati maintained through the Tri-Iblis.
The imperialism of Illuminati governed Tri-Iblis is destroying the lives of toiling masses of the world through the liberalization, privatization and globalization. But how can selfish leaders even dream to launch a genuine struggle against such exploitation and oppression ? Therefore, the selfish leaders of Bahujan organizations have become the true disciples of three monkeys of Gandhi. These Bahujan leaders in the intoxication of power and money have decided neither to speak against the exploitation of Tri-Iblis, nor to listen anything against the exploitation system of Tri-Iblis and the question of seeing exploitation of masses by tri-Iblis does not arise as they now do not belong to the community of toiling masses. Hence, they can never fight against liberalization, privatization and globalization which is introduced by Brahminist-Zionist Illuminati through the Tri-Iblis to enslave and exploit the toiling masses of the world.
Bahujan leaders have long back stopped bothering about the exploitation of masses because they know that Bahujan masses have been voting Congress to prevent BJP from coming in to power. Toiling Bahujan masses have no alternative but to vote Bahujan parties wherever they are strong. Then why to bother about the toiling masses ? Chief ministers of Bahujan parties continue to visit the "Darbars" of industrialists and beg them to open their industries in their state and promise them to provide all kinds of opportunity to exploit indigenous masses in lieu of their commission. Thus they are satisfying their selfish interests by promoting exploitation and oppression of Tri-Iblis.
The election fund created by all industrialists under "common minimum exploitation and looting program" have received guarantee that in lieu of huge election donation from this fund to all political parties, these parties shall insure the exploitation and loot of toiling masses by the Brahminist-Zionist exploiters.
State power is the master key to open all the doors of prosperity. But Bahujans must not forget that the Arya-Brahmins though allowed Kshatriyas to hold state power but they exclusively retained with them the right to use these keys. Becoming such a ruler who has no power to use keys to open any door of prosperity is no different than a puppet. Such puppet ruler is simply the door keeper of the doors of prosperity. He has no right to enter into it.
Brahmins have made Kshatriyas puppet kings to serve Brahmin interest and strengthen exploitation system of Brahmin religion. Similarly, Brahminist-Zionist Illuminati who control America has installed their puppets to rule over several countries of the world. Therefore, the rule of Bahujans in several states of India does not mean the rule of Bahujan masses.
Party leaders of indigenous Bahujans are fully aware that if they have to come to power they will have to ensure full protection to the exploitation system of Brahminist-Zionist exploiters. Their should not be harmed even slightly. The leaders of Bahujan parties have departed from their basic program and entered into the Brahminist filthy marsh to such extent that it is impossible for them to come back. They are continuously crushing the party principles beneath their feet and are implementing anti-people agenda of Tri-Iblis and helping Satanist racist Illuminati in every respect.
Bahujan party leaders have forgotten the insults that were delivered to them by the Arya-Brahmins, for example, On 21st October 1997 in UP assembly during unprecedented fighting, Mr. Raja Bhaiyya (a Savarna) pronouncing filthy abuses had thrown his footwear at chief minister Ms. Mayavati. (Ambedkar Mission Patrika, June 2004, pp. 23-24) While Mr. Ramvilas Paswan was speaking in parliament one Arya-Brahmin member loudly claimed that Mr. Paswan has taken drug and he should be medically examined to defy the speech of Paswan (Dalit). Lau Prasad Yadav was always made fun by Manumedia and insulted him in every way. Forgetting all these insults they will continue to support exploitation system of Tri-Iblis while befooling people by their lip service and mock struggle.
The organizations of communities who consider themselves "Kshatriyas" (servants of Brahmins) will always proudly serve Brahmin exploiters.
What the toiling Bahujan masses must do ?
No genuine United front is possible unless the missionary struggle is intensified. We must not forget that whatever facility we Bahujans have got it is not due to the begging and crying before the exploiters. It is due to the bitter struggle that our liberation warriors such as Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar, Periyar etc. launched to capture state power in the hands of masses. The frightened Arya-Brahmin exploiters had no alternative but to make "temporary agreement" to calm-down the struggle.
Therefore, our main objective must be to destroy the exploitation system completely and establish firmly the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra (Bahujanist Social Democracy). Our every action must lead us ahead in that direction. Any action which does not accomplish this function is a misleading activity.
When the exploiters are afraid of loosing their state power they beg Bahujans to accept concession such as reservation and other facilities. Those who hold the reins of state-power has the ability to give concession to others. Therefore, when the Irish nationalist Redmund asked Karson the leader of Alster to agree for united Irish state and get whatever facilities and concessions he needs. On this Karson replied, "Down with your concessions, we do not want to be ruled by you at any cost."
When Arya-Brahmins shall find themselves incapable of retaining power through the elections, they will abolish parliamentary system and impose dictatorship over the toiling masses. Then struggle will be the only alternative left with the toiling masses to free themselves from exploitation and to establish Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra. Therefore, genuine struggle is a fundamental need while the electioneering shall be always secondary and complementary to the basic struggle.
Only when the aspirations of masses and the leaders of Bahujan organizations are identical, they are bound to form united front against the exploitation system of Arya-Brahmins. Such organization will also form united front in election as well. As already explained, presently there is a wide gap between the aspirations of the masses and the aspirations of the leaders of Bahujan organizations. Rather their aspirations are contradictory to each other. Therefore, formation of genuine united front whether for struggle or for election is extremely difficult if not impossible.
The basic requirement is to concentrate our every attention and energy on genuine missionary activities. Every member of toiling masses considering his responsibilities, limitations and resources must carry out missionary activities of their choice and priorities and coordinate their activities with the activities of other such Bahujans so that mission and the genuine struggle against exploitation grows stronger. Then only the united front between the organizations fully controlled by masses will become a reality.
When Arya-Brahmins shall find themselves incapable of retaining power through the elections, they will abolish parliamentary system and impose dictatorship over the toiling masses. Therefore, it is essential for all those organizations who do not believe in election to see that the exploiter Arya-Brahmins can no more retain power through the elections. Following election strategy should be applied by the indigenous toiling masses.
Strategy of Masses in Elections
1) The masses must not vote any Arya-Brahminist candidate. In order to defeat the candidate of communal fascist parties by voting another Arya-Brahmin enemy party would mean making Bajujan Samaj helpless and impotent by submitting the future of toiling Bahujans in the hands of enemy Brahminists and Bibhishans who pretend themselves secularists, socialists and communists, and shed false tears and show false sympathy,
Whether the "Nagnath" or the "Sanpnath" (cobra or the snake) is elected both are bound to bite us. Bahujan organizations can grow only when masses Boycott all the Arya-Brahmin parties and their lackeys. Therefore, defeat all the Brahminist organizations and their lackeys.
2) Our prime most duty is to defeat all Brahminists without any exception whether they are contesting on the tickets of Arya-Brahmin party or on the tickets of Bahujan parties.When it will become clear that the Arya-Brahminists and their lackeys do not get elected at any cost, Brahminism will be paralyzed. Bahujan organizations and Bahujan struggle against exploitation shall become stronger and soon will be in position to give Arya-Brahmins "adequate reply" for their vengeance on Bahujans. Deposing Arya-Brahmins from the state power we can bring the conditions of repaying the Arya-Brahmin exploiters for their committed massacres of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi Bahujans.
3) Elect only persons who help in the genuine struggle. Smaller are the Bahujan organizations more stronger will be the grip of toiling masses over them. By electing small regional organizations of toiling masses Arya-Brahmins can be permanently deposed. Therefore, vote for the Bahujan organizations which are staunch enemies of Arya-Brahmin exploitation system.
4) If every community start getting their share in proportion to their population, Brahminism will automatically shall become helpless. Therefore, vote in such a way that all communities get adequate representation.
We must preserve the unity and trust between the various sections of Bahujan Samaj at any sacrifice. Therefore, when there is no powerful Bahujan candidate who could win, then help that community candidate which is prejudiced against your caste as a result of misunderstandings created by Arya-Brahmins. This will help to awaken this community and develop in them an urge to unite with your community. Whosoever breaks the unity and trust between the OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasi masses for their selfish interests are the greatest enemy of Bahujan Samaj. Such persons are the wreckers of the Bahujan mission.
5) Gandhi, the greatest faithful slave of Arya-Brahmins, has started the era of lackeys and stooges through the Puna-Pact and left no efforts to make Bahujans miserable slaves of Arya-Brahmins. Therefore, every Bahujan must take an oath that he will defeat every party, every person who praises Gandhi. They should be considered as enemy of Bahujan Samaj.
6) Masses charged with self respect can never tolerate persons devoid of self respect as their leaders. Therefore, Never vote for any party or leader who is lackey of Arya-Brahmins. No stooge organization can ever think of becoming more powerful than his master Arya-Brahmins. Therefore, keeping any hope with such stooge organizations means deceiving our own self.
Remember that Arya-Brahmins win through the Bibhishans, Hanumans and Sugrivs amidst us. Such persons for the sake of piece of bait beg votes for Arya-Brahmins or support Arya-Brahmins once they get elected. Expose such persons.
7) Bahujans who hang lockets of Brahminist Gurus, Babas, Swamis such as Osho etc., in their neck like "Mangalsutra" and still pretend to be the workers of Bahujan mission; and the persons spreading Brahminist Dhyan, Yoga, "Vipasyana", techniques ritualism, Priesthood, and superstitions of Brahmin religion should be boycotted and exposed at any cost. They are the enemies who ultimately push the toiling masses in the filth of Brahmin religion and make them incapable of waging a war against exploitation of Arya-Brahminsts. Such persons if contesting election must be defeated by all means.
Never vote for candidates who are criminals, money lenders, black marketer, and who are ready to sell themselves for their selfish interest. Such persons entering in to Bahujan organization corrupt the organization and convert it into lackey of exploiters.
Chapter IV
The Self-sufficient aware groups :The only Hope of Bahujan Masses !
Table of Contents
Limitations of vote-begging leaders
No exploited Bahujan who physically toil for more than eight hours can find time to run any organization. The organization can be run only by persons having strong economical source and sufficient time to run the organization. Such persons usually belong to upper middle class. Party whole timers who receive livelihood from party can find time for party work. But unfortunately such party whole-timers are at the mercy of their super middle class leaders. Party whole-timers or leaders born in working class develop economically and become part of middle class and acquire middle class tendencies. Therefore parties of vote begging leaders soon become tools to satisfy the selfish interests of their leaders and have nothing to do with Bahujan mission. Such party leaders can never lead fierce struggle required to depose exploiters, destroy their exploitation system and establish Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra.
Self-sufficient aware groups the only hope
The only hope of Bahujan masses is the numerous self-sufficient aware groups who considering their abilities, weaknesses, resources, family and professional responsibilities carefully decide a missionary role of their top most priority and dedicate themselves to their chosen missionary activity. Such groups coordinate their activities with the activities of the other aware group without having any physical connection with them. The missionary activities of such self-sufficient aware groups in thousands shall automatically create a very strong invincible mission.
Difficulties in formation of aware groups
The big question is are the Bahujans capable of surmounting the following difficulties in the way of formation of self-sufficient aware groups ?
1) Every member of indigenous Nag-Dravid Bahujans communities suffers with inferiority complex. In his vain attempt to show himself superior than the other members indulge in endless futile political debate resulting usually in disputes and enmities. How can such a community develop courage, patience and endurance to carry on any missionary activity continuously while coordinating and promoting activities of other self sufficient aware groups ? Arya-Brahmin exploiters are 101% confident that such impotent communities of Nag-Dravid Bahujans can never produce such aware groups.
2) How can any Arya-Brahmin believe that the indigenous Nag-Dravid toiling masses who are divided for the "names" of political organizations of their vote beggar leaders can ever work for the declared common aims ? Can they consider the missionary activity important than the "title" of their respective organizations ? Arya-Brahmins are 101% confident that only Arya-Brahmins can do that. No Arya-Brahmin can ever dream of Nag-Dravids developing such attitude and spirit among the indigenous Nag-Dravids.
3) The vote-begging leaders know nothing than delivering the lectures. Arya-Brahmins know that if indigenous Nag-Dravid masses form their self-sufficient aware groups and become active in various missionary activities, it will eliminate the dependency of toiling masses over their vote begging leaders. To retain their importance and leadership, the vote begging leaders will have to develop those skills and abilities required to launch a genuine struggle against the Arya-Brahmin exploitation system. Considering mental makeup and their selfish nature it is impossible that they will ever think of developing these skills in them. Therefore, the vote beggar leaders shall oppose such groups and every attempt of masses to develop control over them (leaders).
4) While implementing missionary activities aware group shall receive no cooperation from any quarter. Selfish persons shall do everything to pull their legs. Every moment members of aware groups shall experience frustration to the extent that lastly they will surrender before the Arya-Brahmins and may accept their miserable fate.
5) The indigenous Bahujan masses have no sense of determination and endurance. The mental condition of toiling exploited Nag-Dravid community is like an impatient monkey who after sowing the seeds daily dig the land to see whether the seed is growing or not. Nag-Dravid community wants very big result immediately. Nag-Dravid community thinking that the sowing seeds does not produce such a big tree immediately they will never sow and nurture the seeds. Therefore how the nag-Dravids can even dream of encountering Brahmanism ? Is the million Dollar question.
It is futile to Surrender
Exploited Nag-Dravid Bahujans have to choose between the two alternatives. 1) either to activate themselves as self-sufficient autonomous aware groups and dedicate themselves for Bahujan mission or 2) surrender before Barahmanism and become the slaves of Tri-Iblis. There is no third alternative.
The Bahujans devoid of self respect shall only accept slavery of Arya-Brahmins. Such persons are "dead" persons and do not exist from the point of view of mission as they are merely spectators in the battle against exploitation and oppression.
The Bahujans with self respect can never accept slavery and oppression. When they become aware they are bound to launch continuous decisive Jihad against Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression. Therefore, we lay our every hope in Bahujans with a strong self-respect.
No matter which organization you belong to, if you really want to do something significant for Bahujan mission then you will have to launch missionary activities of your own priorities considering your own abilities, resources, limitations, weaknesses and all domestic and professional responsibilities. There is no other alternative.
Some Bahujans have a mentality of "goods-train container". Goods train containers move only when they are pulled by their engine. Similarly Bahujans having same mentality become active only when their "leaders" decide any activity for them. Such persons "move" only when their "engine" (leader) make them active. The leaders activate them only in activities which are no missionary activities. They do not have ability to become themselves engine and carry out declared missionary program of their own party organization.
The water-stream never wait for obstacle to be removed. It makes its own way to move ahead. If a Bahujan has a genuine urge to carry out mission he finds thousand of ways otherwise he finds thousands of excuses and subterfuges.
Many workers do not participate in struggle because they are afraid that they may be victimized by their Arya-Brahmin officers. Because of this fear, they blindly obey Arya-Brahmins in the hope that they shall be spared from their wrath. But the history tells us that whosoever has bowed before the exploiters, their necks are chained. One who surrenders before the oppressor not only himself becomes a slave but he ensures that his several generations shall remain in slavery.
It is an established fact that when the anger is suppressed, it creates various psychophysical diseases such as peptic ulcer or their anger and frustration may be released on family, friends and related persons. As a policy, the Arya-Brahmin officers transfer Bahujans employees so often in places of discomfort so that the Bahujans loose their mettle and mental composition and his whole family suffers economically and mentally and lags behind the Arya-Brahmins. Many transferred employees have even become victim of drug addiction or alcoholism.
To maintain Brahmin supremacy the Arya-Brahmin officers are bound to put obstacles in your career, project their hostile feelings upon you, and are bound to transfer you. Considering this harsh reality, is not retaliation against oppression is the best alternative than merely suffering ?
Frightened people who surrendered never received any of their rights. Frightened people shall never receive any rights. The salary that every employee receive, ultimately comes from the blood and sweat of toiling masses. Therefore, to dedicate ourselves in cutting the roots of Brahaminism, awakening toiling masses to destroy Brahaminism is not only our own need but it is also a debt of toiling community on every Bahujan employee. Every employee must pay this debt at any cost.
Instead of creeping whole life like an insect, life of a moment with full of self respect is far better. Let us not hide our face, let us not lower our head, Let us meet our eyes with the eyes of the oppressors. No matter if we live few nights less, but we shall live by lighting torches.
No matter how grieved we are, we must wipe our tears, and smile. It is futile to bow before the oppressors. So raise your head upright. We never get life in beggary, it has to be snatched from the oppressors. Let us prepare ourselves to snatch our every right from these dirty exploiters and the oppressors !
We must get rid of sense of helplessness and develop a strong determination for Jihad (struggle for equality and justice) against the exploitation and oppression. The moment our hearts boil with the spirit of Jihad against exploitation and oppression, thousands of political (for common men) and nonpolitical (for government servants) ways and techniques shall automatically immerge and very soon innumerable streams of volcano against exploitation and oppression shall flow and ultimately unite to create a great ocean of volcano in which exploitation and oppression system of Tri-Iblis shall perish for ever.
Therefore, let us have a strong determination to clash with every oppressor ! Let these oppressors keep a vain hope of reconciliation, but we shall march ahead, never to stop ! Because, life devoid of self respect is nothing.
Even a dog, barks on the person who hits him with a stone. Will you allow yourself having a self-respect lower than even a dog's self-respect ? If you have self respect then, never remain aloof from the struggle against exploitation and oppression.
Remember, oppression sows the seeds of its destruction, for the shaded blood can take hundreds of faces that can not be wiped out; hundreds of sparkles that can not be extinguished, hundreds of slogans that can not be suppressed. Therefore, let us not afraid of oppression of the oppressor. Oppression itself ensures end of the oppression and the oppressors themselves.
The mute generations shall now snatch their rights. Shall do openly what they want to do and say loudly what they want to say. Because it is not the era to die suppressing our aspirations. How long can rusted swords protect the loot ? The chains shall break and life shall smile. Nothing can remain if masses do not agree. Do not worry if the night is so dark, who can stop the dawn ? More deep is the darkness more beautiful shall be the dawn. Let us not tire as the dawn is so near.
Every indigenous Bahujan is victim of Brahminism. Therefore to burry Brahamanism is his own battle. He shall not oblige anybody or his community by entering into his own battle against Brahaminism. Rather, by entering into this battle he shall prove himself a person of self-respect. One should not forget that who helps the warrior of mission is also a missionary warrior.
Choose any activity against the exploitation and oppression that can not harm you beyond your tolerance level. You may tight your lips in your work place; but you certainly can dedicate yourself in mission against exploitation in your area, where nun of your officer have any hold on you.
If you engage yourself in mission, you will not experience agony and frustration of living alone as a result of your transfer. You shall derive some satisfaction of retaliating Brahminism the basic root cause of our every oppression and torture. You can also utilize your time in developing your physique (Physical exercise reduces mental tension) and mental skills thus defeating the very purpose of Brahminists to decompose you mentally.
The moment exploited toiling Bahujans realize that with his own efforts how effectively he can damage exploitation system of Arya-Brahminists, he shall give up his tendency of servile dependency on vote-begging leaders and his impotency to remain aloof from the mission.
The person whose aspirations are frustrated from his family can devote himself in Bahujan mission. This way his anger shall be released on the Brahminism which is enemy of Bahujan masses and you shall experience some relief from the mental tension. The number of such persons participating in Bahujan mission is not less.
The employees retired from their service can dedicate their remaining life in Bahujan mission. Thus they shall have a glorious purpose to their life and they shall be saved from interfering in the personal matters of son and daughter in law.
Brahminists know very well that a Bahujans who join any organization of Sangh Parivar (RSS and his satellite organizations) knowing very well that the Sangh Parivar came in existence to establish Brahmin monopoly and its basic purpose is to deprive Bahujans of their rights and exploit them, is a selfish person with slave mentality. Therefore Arya-Brahmins never hesitate to use them as they like and throw them to garbage bin when they are of no use or if they crave for more and start barking.
The slaves of Brahaminism have their ultimate fate in garbage-bin is the grim reality. This is realized only at the moment when persons like Bangaru Laxman, Kalyan Singh, Uma Bharati, B.P. Mourya, Babulal Marandi, Ajit Jogi etc. are thrown out like the fly in milk, and find themselves there in garbage-bin then only they remember their community. Let us not follow such spineless creatures.
Is Struggle possible without an organization ?
It is undisputed that everybody of us should dedicate ourselves in missionary activity of our priority considering our ability, resources, weaknesses and the responsibilities. But it may be asked that "is not it essential to have a revolutionary organization ? "
It is essential to have a revolutionary organization for a successful Jihad against exploitation and oppression. But the organization of exploited masses lead by middle or upper middle class can not remain revolutionary unless they are controlled by the exploited masses themselves. This condition is never satisfied in any struggle.
The real revolutionary organization evolves and is molded through the bitter struggle of working masses with the exploiters.
Awareness for an ultimate goal is precondition of struggle whereas organization is the result of this struggle. No organization can take a shape without struggle. The struggle itself is an organization. Whatever would be the form of the struggle, the organization will be molded into the form conducive to that sort of struggle. This is the law of evolution.
In weight lifting exercise the muscles that work in lifting weight grow more stronger. The muscles become again weak if one leaves the weight lifting. In the process of evolution the specific part of jelly like organisms which caught food grew dense and stronger to bear more pressure. The activities like holding food, sending it inside the body etc. paved the growth of a mouth and food track. The pressure behind mouth created a spine. Whichever body part of these jellylike organisms had to perform work their bodies (organizations of bodily cells) were molded accordingly and new kinds of living organisms evolved.
This proves beyond doubt that the nature of struggle determines the nature of organization. Therefore, from the organizational characteristics also, we can determine the capabilities and nature of any organization.
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar told his followers to educate and agitate so that their organization would result from this struggle. Many of his followers misunderstood slogan of "Educate, agitate and organize" as "educate, organize and agitate". Without launching any struggle against the Brahminist exploiters, they tried to organize hence obviously failed. These selfish leaders in fact never went for struggle therefore their organization never evolved. These selfish leaders singing praise for Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar deceived followers of Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar for votes and called their election stunts a struggle.
The functional definition of the word "organization" is given as "several individuals working for a common goal". Manu-media is not physically connected still their reports have the same strategy and content because of their awareness regarding Brahmin interest. This example makes it clear that physical contact is not an essential condition of an organization.
No members of any national party living at distant places are physically in contact with each other. All the activities have to be implemented at local unit levels only. These local units need leaders to coordinate their activities at district, state or national levels. When the coordinated activities of the local units spread nationwide appear at a given time then only the organization at those levels (national, state or district level) appear. Without activities and struggle members of any formal organization have no meaning. Therefore, coordinated activities of individuals is another name of an organization.
Ability to launch missionary activities and coordinate with each others activities develops out of awareness. In the absence of awareness the organization shall show disintegration or will have existence on paper only.
When small groups whether they formally unite or not, whether they adapt any name or not, if they work for missionary activities automatically organization comes in to existence. If hundreds of such groups work while coordinating their activities with the other groups, the wider organization or a family of organizations at district, state or national level shall automatically immerge. At the most we may call such "coordinated / organized activities" as "structure-less informal organization or a fluid organization".
Persons dedicated to similar or complementary activities are bound to unite some day in a common organization or family of organizations dedicated to a common aim.
Selfish vote-beggar leaders need a "formal structured organization" to befool toiling masses by their lectures, and dramatics to extract money and votes from the people. These vote begging leaders do everything, except genuine missionary work. More wider their formal organization is the more powerful and rich these vote-beggar leaders become.
On the other hand when missionary activities of "structure-less fluid organization immerge, awareness is developed in toiling masses. The decision making process of toiling masses immerges and becomes progressively stronger. The toiling masses begin to control their own mission. Therefore the first requirement of Bahujan mission is that every Bahujan should dedicate himself for the missionary activity of his choice and priority.
Informal structure-less organizations must be formed
Benefits of small self-sufficient, autonomous aware groups are matchless.
1) The 1-5 persons knowing each other very well can form their informal group to execute missionary activities of their priority decided after considering their own ability, resources, limitations and responsibilities. In such groups entry of agents of exploiters is almost impossible.
2) Such groups carry out activities of their priority therefore they implement them forcefully with total honesty.
3) In such groups nobody gets undue importance. Everybody gets importance according to the nature of role each aware person performs.
4) In such informal groups inactive persons automatically become dissociated.
5) From the very moment the leaders of structured Bahujan organizations are bought by the exploiters, the structured organizations of Bahujans start working to satisfy the interests of Manuists. As a result the toiling masses who have faith in that organization develop frustration.
On the other hand, it is impossible for the exploiters to purchase or corrupt innumerable structure less aware groups. Their missionary activities invariably forces people's struggle in correct direction. Therefore, masses develop confidence and a very strong morale.
6) Because self-sufficient aware groups are free from external interference, their activities run uninterruptedly and develop a compulsion for structured organizations to perform better or perish. Therefore they are bound to give the mission extra speed and make struggle of toiling masses powerful and invincible.
7) Awareness groups belong to their respective sections such as toilers, peasants, students, youths, their respective profession etc. therefore no self-sufficient aware group shall have members of conflicting interests. The activities being carried out by numerous self-sufficient aware groups make the overall struggle more versatile having several facets.
Formal structured organizations usually increase importance of their "vote-beggar leaders". On the other hand, informal self-sufficient aware groups make common masses powerful and enable them to control the leaders.
9) Self-sufficient aware groups are basically Bahujanwadi while the leaders of structured organizations are usually dictators. They believe in nepotism, groupism, and establish their full control over the organization and even decide their own successor.
10) The structured organizations usually have rivalry or enmity between them. They usually work against each other's interests. Rarely they can work in coordination.
On the other hand, activities of the self-sufficient aware groups are complementary to each other and they have no hesitation in promoting the activities of other such missionary groups.
11) Activity of a self-sufficient aware group is according to the existing reality of their own places. On the other hand vote-beggar leaders of the structured organization decide activities for the local units without considering local considerations.
12) Activities of self-sufficient aware groups are of their aspired priorities while the activities of structured organizations are imposed by their vote-beggar leaders on the local units whether they like them or not.
13) The leadership of the structured organizations is always in the hands of vote-beggar leaders who belong to rich or upper middle class. Since this class is selfish and coward class hence, their struggle always remain shallow and lacks genuine determination and vigor. This is not the case with self-sufficient aware groups.
14) The self-sufficient groups are not begging before anybody for money or donations since they carry their missionary activities with their own resources. On the other hand these rich vote-beggar leaders are also seen begging for money.
The essentials for an aware group
1) The first condition of every aware group is that they perform missionary activities while performing their domestic and professional responsibilities fully and efficiently.
2) They should be self-sufficient in terms of their finance and resources needed to carry out missionary chosen activities of their priority. While the vote-beggar leaders believe in "take again and again from society", the aware groups believe in "pay back to society " therefore, they shall never beg before others for donations. They execute their activity uninterruptedly without depending on any external support. This always keep them confident, self-dependent, and their activities uninfluenced by others. There are hundreds of activities which can be conducted with minimum available resources.
If somebody wants to help them economically, they insist that the donor himself or with the help of others should carry out missionary activity of his own priority because that would create another aware group.
3) While choosing any missionary activity the aware group must make sure that :- i) their activities can never lead them to unbearable financial losses and ii) the wrath of Manuists shall not be beyond their maximum tolerance level. iii) They should never cross the limit of their chosen activity which may invite consequences beyond their tolerance. This will ensure that the group shall never experience frustration and disintegration.
4) Every aware group must be completely aware and train itself in implementing missionary activities and sending severe injury to Manuism while remaining itself completely protected.
5) The aware groups must remain informal and autonomous. They shall not create posts in the informal group.
5) The members must decide their activities unanimously and implement them by each one performing an appropriate role suited to him.
i) The activities shall be conducted without any title. If adapting a title is unavoidable then the "title" for their activities shall never be used in declaring support to other organizations or their activities as other formal organizations do.
ii) The aware groups comes into existence to perform essential missionary activities which are completely neglected by vote beggar leaders of Bahujan organizations.
iii) Because every such formal organization has its own limitations (such as electioneering approach, limited purpose, way of doing a thing etc.) and other weaknesses (such as led by rich persons etc.). Therefore an aware member of such organization may also develop an informal self-sufficient group while continuing to work in his political or social organization. The role of such aware person in his social or political organization and in the informal self-sufficient aware group shall be clearly differentiated.
iv) Every member of the group is individually responsible for the contacts that he maintains and have any kind of financial dealings with them. For example, awareness literature is collectively published by our informal aware group and every person of the group receive the published awareness literature in proportion to the amount spend by him. Each person spreads this literature and maintain his own contacts and dealings in this regard. Therefore, in no way other members of the awareness groups become responsible for his dealings.
v) The agents and lackeys of Brahminist exploiters increase the membership of their organizations by distributing "awards or certificates of honor to importance seeking persons." Therefore, the question of accepting any award or honor for the members of aware group never arise. The biggest award for the group is result of their missionary activities. No person from informal aware group should accept any award or honorarium from anybody because our intention is to accept the leadership of toiling masses and not to become their leaders. Being the members of exploited society, we are fighting our own battle against Brahminist exploiters. We are not obliging anybody but paying our social debt as every penny of our earning comes from the sweat and blood of toiling masses. Accepting award goes contrary to paying our social debt. On the contrary it means that the award receiving person is obliging common masses. Accepting awards, honors also means inflaming self-importance against the masses. We want to demolish personality cult in favor of toiling masses therefore can not accept honor or awards.
Similarly, no group members should deliver a lecture in the name of the "title" of the informal self-sufficient aware group. In no case the unstructured organization (informal self-sufficient aware group) be converted into structured formal organization.
5) The members of the aware group if they can promote or help in the missionary work of other groups they do it as their prime duty.
6) Almost all Arya-Brahmins are enemy of the interests of toiling Bahujan masses. Therefore, implementing the teachings of Jyotirao Fule, no Brahmin shall be inducted into the informal self-sufficient aware group nor an Arya-Brahmin shall be allowed to take any position in Bahujan mission. If any member has married a Brahmin girl, it is better to keep him away from the activities of the informal self-sufficient aware group.
7) Persons of informal self-sufficient aware group must adapt to 'Bahujanwadi Culture'. The aware group persons unless are adapted to Bahujanwadi culture can not remain loyal to Bahujawadi struggle in changing circumstances till the end. Some of the values of Bahujanwadi Culture are specified below :-
i) Laziness is the root cause of all vices including exploitation. Therefore, they should make physical work as part and parcel of their life and value physical labour as sacred. Physical works keeps our body and mind strong, create true hunger that makes food tasty and gives you deep peaceful sleep.
ii) The aware person shall never consider himself inferior to anybody nor superior than anybody. Self-respect as well as self-respect of other Bahujans is supreme most for him because without self respect person is reduced to the state of a slave.
iii) He believes that the priest is the evil-most genius of the world who kills rationality of person and enslaves toiling masses mentally and physically. Therefore, he does not believe in supernatural, does not have belief in soul and he shall keep all superstitions, rituals, and priests away from his personal life no matter they are being introduced in whatever form through any Bahujanwadi religion.
iv) Money is only essential to meet basic needs. Money is not essential condition of happiness. Real happiness comes from removing ignorance, irrational thoughts and cravings. Because they make a person unhappy, drive him after shallow cravings and compel him to deprive others and suppress those who come in his way. Real happiness comes from developing Pradnya, Sheela and Karuna in oneself and following right thinking, right attitudes, right aim, right speech, right means of livelihood, right behavior and endurance in right direction that develop mutual trust, love and sense of sacrifice for others and which leads to betterment and happiness of the toiling masses.
Aware groups believe that difficulties are to be solved and surmounted. Bahujans are molded into true revolutionaries only when they surmount difficulties that come in the way of their missionary activities. Therefore, aware self-sufficient groups do not believe in moaning and weeping that "Brahminists are breaking us from here and from there, Oh, what to do, somebody may save us". Aware groups do not believe in the policy of stopping blows of Brahminists but believe in retaliating by more powerful blows.
9) They must keep in mind that whatever they are doing is bound to produce result some day. Whether anybody helps or not the aware groups have to carry out their missionary activities continuously and uninterruptedly with the distant planning. The aware groups must decide an action plan that covers the nature of their activities during first 1-10, 11-15, 16-20 and 21-25 years and achievement targets set at each duration block.
10) Do not think of big results but concentrate on small goals such as you develop confidence from your activities, more your activities trouble the Manuist exploiters more you will forget about your own troubles. You experience the pleasure of living in a group of honest, sincere & cooperating Bahujans dedicated to mission. As your ability to harm Manuism increases the Manuists develop your fear in their heart. This will boost your self-respect and proves that you are far superior than these Manuists. Thus you experience the happiness of increased status and self-respect. Persons who have surrendered before Manuism are devoid of the happiness derived from such strong self-respect.
The self sufficient aware groups must develop in them the ability to revert the ill-effects of the anti-Bahujanwadi activities of the vote-beggar leaders of Bahujan organizations. For example, BJP and Sangh Parivar government of Gujarat executed massacre of Muslims in Gujarat with the full consent of America and Israel. One party of Bahujans not only supported BJP in parliament on this issue but made a joint election campaign with Killer BJP and asked Bahujans of Gujarat to vote for BJP candidates. This was the act of shameless betrayal and stabbing the Dalit-Muslim unity. It almost crushed the hearts of aware Dalit-Muslim Bahujans.
Therefore, it was the immediate duty of the Bahujans to help the Muslims by all possible means, and also to defend the physical and ideological attacks of Arya-Brahminists against the Muslims.
For example, i) launch a campaign to remove misunderstandings created by Arya-Brahmins about Muslims and Islam, ii) Answer ideological attack of Arya-Brahmins by our actions. For example, Arya-Brahmins do everything to prove Muslims as anti-nationals and Jihad (struggle for equality and justice) as terrorism. Therefore, Shoshit Samaj Jagrukata Muhim calls its struggle against the exploitation system of Brahminism as a "Jihad" and proving in its literature that the Manuist Arya-Brahmins in fact are anti-nationals while the Muslims are patriots. SSJM is striving to establish real unity between Dalit-Muslims iii) When Arya-Brahmins launch their attack on one of the sections of Bahujans, it becomes the supreme duty of other sections of Bahujans to retaliate Arya-Brahmin attacks by all vigor. Then only we shall be able to develop real unity between the toiling Bahujan masses. This is also an opportunity of repentance or compunction for the betrayal of Muslims by the vote-beggar leaders of Bahujan organizations. iv) It is the duty of every aware Bahujan to boycott the goods produced by the Manuist industrialists of Gujarat.
If somebody pour more water in food, it can be balanced or undone by adding chilly, salt and other things in proper quantity. In the same way every aware group must develop skills to give the situation desired missionary turn and neutralize the effects of misdeeds of selfish vote-beggar leaders of Bahujan organizations. We must dedicate ourselves in developing what is lacking in Bahujan mission.
Vote-beggar leaders can not work for real unity between Bahujans so some aware groups must take that responsibility. vote-beggar leaders can not work to develop strong retaliation force capable of answering Bajarang Dal etc. terrorist organizations of Sangh Parivar in the language they understand. Therefore, some aware groups must dedicate themselves to develop that kind of retaliation force.
Cut the roots of Arya-Brahmin exploitation system
If half of the following roots giving sustenance to Brahminism are cut or made ineffective, the tree of exploitation system of Brahminism shall collapse immediately.
A) Roots giving sustenance to Brahaminism :- 1) The hold of Brahmin religion over the Bahujans, 2) Manumedia, 3) Political power in the hands of Arya-Brahminists, 4) Arya-Brahmin Bureaucracy, 5) Network of benefit giving institutions, 6) Economical Network of Arya-Brahmins 7) Their economical better position,
Worldwide unity of Arya-Brahminists, 9) Armed terrorist organizations of Arya-Brahamins.
B) Sustenance of Brahminism due to weakness of Bahujans :- 1) Mentality of Brahmin slavery, 2) Dependency on Brahmins in social, family and political matters, 3) Discord and hate among the sections of Bahujans, 4) division among the Bahujans, 5) lack of awareness among the Bahujans about their rights, 5) being captive of traditions and rituals that weaken economically, educationally and mentally, 6) Lack of well organized retaliation forces of Bahujans against the oppression of Brahminist and their terrorist organizations, 7) Bahujans not using their divergent thinking in their mission of destroying Manuist exploitation system.
The divergent thinking means searching all kinds of solutions irrespective of their applicability because presently inapplicable solutions may become applicable some day when other conditions are satisfied
When we 4-5 ordinary Bahujans of average intellect and meager resources are getting excellent results from our awareness campaign, then aware group of Bahujans having high intelligence and plenty of resources should do miracles.
Chapter V
Fundamental characteristics of Bahujanwadi mass organizations
1. Preconditions for Success of Bahujawadi organizations :-
a) The basic assumption of Bahujanwadi organizations is that the fight against exploitation can be fought sincerely by toiling masses alone for whom this fight is the question of life and death.
b) The struggle against exploitation can be fought effectively and successfully if toiling masses are aware of Bahujanwad and struggle against exploitation. Complete awareness is the precondition for the success of their struggle.
c) The success of Bahujanwadi organizations also depends upon active participation of masses in the missionary work of their priority. More the small independent and self sufficient aware groups work independently will serve as check and counter-check on the activities of Bahujanwadi organizations and will keep them active and on right path and will make Bahujan mission invincible.
2. The compositions of Bahujanwadi organizations :-
Unless toiling masses hold unabated control over their representatives and bureaucracy, no guarantee of exploitation free society and security of the country can be assured.
The masses / section of aware masses who work for eight or more hours daily themselves can not act as a party staff and run the whole party machinery themselves. Therefore they appoint some of its members as their "revolutionary staff" to accomplish revolutionary activities under their direction and control.
According to communist thinkers, party organization is a the most advanced section and a vanguard which leads the masses. In Bahujanwad, the members of the common members of the party are more aware than persons assigned responsibilities of accomplishing party activities decided by the members.
Communist thinkers have asserted that the Middle and super middle class participate in proletariat struggle not because they accept hard labour as means of livelihood but because it becomes difficult for them to maintain their luxurious position in competition between capitalists. Therefore middle / upper middle class and intellectuals are believers of status quo and hence basically have capitalistic tendencies. Therefore they are not revolutionaries. They lack correct assessment of reality and project their own ideas, notions and aspirations as the reality, are unable to see all facets of the issue, have extremist tendencies, are opportunists, show unwillingness to carry out revolutionary tasks because of their cowardice, apply delay tactics to tasks that make common masses important, and are resistant to accept leadership of toiling masses. Even students or non working youths belonging to working class family also according to communist thinkers have tendencies to exploit because they are merely dependent on their labouring parents therefore, these students and youths are not revolutionary.
The history of communist struggle reveal that middle class / upper middle class and intellectuals in a communist party are source of revisionism (capitalism in the garb of socialism), extremism of left (self-defeating activities in the garb of revolutionary activities) and right deviation (avoiding revolutionary action when it really needed), one-sidedness, and all other tendencies that lead party to wrong direction. They create factions in the party and make party incapable of fighting exploitation. The intra-party struggle, wrong decisions, betrayals, sabotages etc by these sections have send more harm than the benefit to revolutionary party and its struggle against exploitation and the exploiters. It is concluded that unless upper middle, intellectual classes, students and nonworking youths sections accept the leadership of working class, unless they become one with the working masses, get rid of their capitalistic tendencies by constant introspection, and temper themselves in long struggle under the leadership of working masses they can not become revolutionary. This is the conclusion of Communist thinkers.
The purpose of Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra (Bahujanist Social Democracy) is to make toiling masses powerful in all respects. Therefore, membership of all Bahujanwadi organizations are restricted to labouring masses of various communities and they receive representation in party according to their population proportion. This ensures complete control of working class in their revolutionary organizations.
Therefore the Bahujanwadi organizations shall be of two kinds e.g. i) basic organizations and ii) auxiliary or assisting organizations. iii) organizations of Arya-Brahmins claiming themselves revolutionary.
Basic organization consist of working masses alone whereas auxiliary or assisting organizations consist of middle class, upper middle class, intellectuals, students and non working youths of Bahujan Samaj.
The auxiliary organizations shall run their organizations by creating their own resources. They will have to become one with the working masses, learn from them, adapt themselves according to the needs of the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra, Their basic task is to implement decisions taken by the basic organizations, help basic organizations in creating awareness literature and provide monitory and other needed help.
Arya-Brahmin religion came in to existence to exploit and suppress masses. Therefore, they have endocrined their Arya-Brahmins in the ideology, tendencies and way of thinking that meets this satanic purpose. Therefore, Arya-Brahmins irrespective of their economical class their minds are filled with beliefs, values and the tendencies to exploit, and have sense of superiority over the indigenous Nag-Dravids. Therefore they can never launch Jihad against Brahmin religion and its culture of exploitation. According to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and Pitamaha Jyotirao Fule a Brahmin can never become a revolutionary. Therefore, no Arya-Brahmin shall be allowed in any basic or auxiliary Bahujanwadi organizations or be allowed to take charge of any revolutionary activity.
The Arya-Brahmins pretending /claiming to be revolutionary want to infiltrate Bahujan organizations to obtain important posts to spy the activities and mislead the movement. Therefore, The Arya-Brahmins who claim to be revolutionary should organize their own community-men (Arya-Brahmins) to launch a decisive fight against the Brahmin-religion and its culture to completely destroy it. Thus the third category of organizations would be organizations of Arya-Brahmins dedicated to the destruction of Arya-Brahmin religion and its culture.
The above organizational arrangements are most scientific because this arrangement does not allow to take possession of steering wheel of the organization (car) of toiling masses by persons with conflicting interests and prevent possible accidents (worst consequences). There could have been another arrangement such as allowing middle, upper middle, intellectuals and students in the party of toiling masses by denying them any posts or voting rights. But they are bound to influence the driver while sitting backside. In the present arrangement their trolley (organization of middle classes) is safely tied to main motor (organization of toiling masses).
The upper unit office bearers or executive committee members are not relatively permanent as is the case with organizations of Manuwadi pyramid structure. Therefore, as soon as their tenure of one year is completed office bearers and members of executive committees are considered automatically dissolved and are replaced by new executive who decide their new office bearers.
No person can be consecutively elected twice as a member of executive committee or the office bearer; and in his entire life he can not be elected more than three times. A "random draw" will be made to ensure that every unit gets representation to upper unit executive committees and posts of office bearers.
The maximum tenure of one year is important to ensure effectiveness of Bahujanwadi wave pattern. Therefore it can not be increased in any case. This period is not short considering state assemblies in India that collapse and are reconstituted either by reshuffle or by reelections.
The above provisions a) ensure representation to each unit, b) party members will go to executive committees only when they have adequately studied Bahujanwadi curriculum and gained sufficient experience in revolutionary work. c) Since every member can be elected three times in his entire life time he will have a tendency to acquire skills enabling him to reach to highest unit, d) because of one year tenure they will in advance decide their priority program, study organizational management and activities before they try for their selection to executive committee or to the higher posts. e) Thus equally efficient persons shall be plenty in number outside the executive committees, the executive committee members or the office bearers will not get undue importance or opportunity to become bosses over the party members or the masses.
The Bahujanwadi organization is federal. The units are united on the basis of common ideology and a revolutionary program. Every basic unit of a Bahujanwadi organization is self-sufficient and autonomous since every party program ultimately is implemented at local unit level. The upper levels of the organization are only coordinating structures came into existence to implement revolutionary activities more effectively by utilizing collective resources.
The general body of Gana-level unit will approve and send its share for the works approved in higher executive committees.
Since the organization is federal, every local (Gana) unit has right of self determination. If a local unit can secede from the main organization in that case the seceding unit will have to change its name.
The property and assets of the local unit belong to the common members of the unit. No upper unit will have any right over their resources.
The members of the Bahujanwadi basic or auxiliary organization are free to work in missionary activities of their priority either individually or with the help of others. However, he /they will have to submit a report of his /their activities to the party unit.
3. Formation of a Bahujanwadi organization :-
i) Before organizing a basic / auxiliary organization, the founder member / members will have to compulsorily survey the locality (geographical area) concerned and determine the population proportion of various castes / communities and make a report of their socio-cultural, psychological and economical characteristics.
Considering above characteristics of the communities / castes, an awareness campaign should be launched to aware them and make them capable in all respects to carry the responsibilities of the organization. Every community / caste should be represented in the organization and organizational posts according to their population proportion in the area.
ii) A unit in which laboring masses could not be so represented, will be considered as an incomplete unit. The incomplete units will not have voting right. Its opinions will have the value of suggestions only. To become a complete unit it will have to represent every community / caste according to their population proportion in that area.
iii) To make every Bahujan ideologically capable he will have to be trained in a "curriculum of awareness" specially designed for this purpose. This curriculum will consist of papers such as a) the nature of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra, b) History of people's struggle, c) techniques of exploiters and their lackeys to deceive toiling masses (Bahujans), d) Bahujanwadi economy and administrative skills, e) launching Bahujanwadi struggle in the situations of peace and repression.
iv) After each Bahujan qualify in the above curriculum a committee (represented by all communities / castes) selected by general body will determine his awareness and admit him as a member of the basic /auxiliary unit of the organization.
4. The structure of Bahujanwadi Organization :-
a) Gana (local) units :- i) All primary members of the Gana form general body of a Gana Unit. The general body of the Gana Unit (local unit) will meet at least once in a year to decide a program, its action plan and will elect executive committee to implement this action plan.
ii) All the members of the executive committee have same status and they decide their office bearers by mutual agreement or by secret ballet after sufficient interaction between the members for discussion in this regard.
iii) the number and nature of the posts will be decided depending on the nature of revolutionary tasks to be implemented.
Upper executive committees of organization come in to existence to :- a) coordinate in the missionary activities decided by the executive committees of the lower units, b) make the activities widely spread, and c) utilize resources of local units meaningfully at the consent of majority. Therefore, every Gana-Unit of the organization (common members of Gana-level organization), will decide its missionary tasks and their priorities and an action plan to implement these activities, depending on the nature and conditions of that organization such as workers, working peasants etc. organizations. For example, the common program may include developing awareness literature in local languages to aware and organize people for Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra, launch propaganda and resistance campaigns against injustice, launching special missionary activities, establish coordination between auxiliary organizations and so on.
These higher executive committees may be established at the 1) Ganrajya (state) level and 2) Ganrashtra (country) level. The Bahujanwadi organization is federal and not central in term of its power sharing. Lower units are more powerful than the upper super structures.
1) Ganarajya Executive Committee :- Supposing a Ganarajya has 100 Gana-Units and each of its executive committee send 2 of its members then the "Ganarajya Executive Committee" shall have 200 members. All the members of the executive committee of Ganarajya shall have equal status.
The Ganarajya executive committee shall decide and implement programs satisfying mutual needs of the constituent Gana units. Usually each Gana unit executive committee provide guidelines and program and action plan to be discussed in the Ganarajya executive committee to its members sent to Ganarajya executive Committee.
These 200 members of executive committee will decide their office bearers at Ganarajya level to implement program and action plan decided by them. The office bearers are selected by mutual agreement or by secret ballet after sufficient interaction and discussions between these members.
The number and nature of the posts will be decided depending on the nature of revolutionary tasks to be implemented by the respective Ganarajya executive committee considering their local conditions. The Ganarajya executive committee (above mentioned 200 members) will be general body of these office bearers and shall control and direct them.
Every member of Ganarajya executive committee is answerable to their respective Gan Unit executive committee. Respective members of Ganarajya executive committee will be controlled and directed time to time by the Gana unit executive committee which has sent them to the Ganarajya executive Committee. The Gan-unit executive Committee if not satisfied with their work can call them back any time by 2/3 majority and send new persons for the executive committee of Ganarajya. Such a person the moment he is recalled back to his old status will automatically loose his post. In other words president of Ganarashtra level organization will cease to be president of Ganarashtra level organization and becomes simple member if his local unit executive committee or general body recalls him. The lower level executive committees time to time will give directives to their respective representatives.
The Gana Unit executive committee or its general body can object to expenditure / proposed work / action plan decided in Ganarajya executive committee and request for reconsideration by mentioning grounds for the same.
In that situation all executive members will discuss the matter in their respective Gana-Unit executive committees or in their general bodies about the points or questions raised by the particular Gana-Unit / units. Then the Ganarajya executive committee will meet again. The decision taken this time in majority will be final and obligatory because this decision has the approval of all the Gana-units. However the matter can be re-discussed in Gana-Unit executive if 1/3 of gana-representatives so demand providing additional points.
In this way common members of the local unit are extremely powerful. This ensures complete leadership of masses over its organizational superstructures.
2) Ganarashtra Executive Committee :- If a Ganarashtra (country) has 80 Ganarajyas (states) and each Ganarajya Executive committee send 2 of its members then the Ganarashtra Executive Committee shall have 160 members in all. All the members of the executive committee of Ganarashtra shall have equal status.
The Ganarashtra executive committee decide and implement programs satisfying mutual needs of the constituent Ganarajya. Usually each Ganarajya executive committee provides guidelines and program and action plan to be disscussed in the Ganarajya executive committee to its members sent to ganarashtra executive Committee.
These 160 members of Ganarashtra executive committee will decide their office bearers at Ganarashtra level to implement program and action plan decided by them. The office bearers are selected by mutual agreement or by secret ballet after sufficient interaction and discussions between the members.
The number and nature of the posts will be decided depending on the nature of revolutionary tasks to be implemented by the Ganarashtra executive committee. The Ganarashtra executive committee (above mentioned 160 members) will be general body of these office bearers and shall control and direct them.
Every member of Ganarashtra executive committee is answerable to their respective Ganrajya executive committee. Respective members of Ganarashtra executive committee will be controlled and directed time to time by the Ganarajya executive committee which has sent them to the Ganarashtra executive Committee. Ganarajya executive Committee if not satisfied with their work can call them back any time by 2/3 majority and send new persons for the executive committee of Ganarashtra. Such a person the moment he is recalled back to his old status will automatically loose his post. In other words even a president of Ganarashtra level organization will cease to be a president of Ganarashtra level organization and becomes simple member if his local unit executive committee or general body recalls him. The Ganarajya executive committees time to time will give directives to their respective representatives.
The Ganarajya executive committee or its general body can object to expenditure / proposed work / action plan decided in Ganarashtra executive committee and request for reconsideration by mentioning grounds for the same.
In that situation all executive members will discuss the matter in their respective Ganarajya executive committees about the points raised by the particular Ganarajya executive committee. Then the Ganarashtra executive committee will meet again. The decision taken this time in majority will be final and obligatory because this decision has the approval of all the Ganarajya executive committees. However the matter can be re-discussed in Ganarajya executive committees if 1/3 of ganarashtra executive committee members so demand citing new grounds.
It is obligatory for each higher executive committee to give an account of expenditure done periodically and whenever demanded any of its lower executive committee (general body). For example, 1) office bearers of Ganarashtra level organization shall report to Ganarashtra executive committee. 2) Each Ganarashtra executive member will report to their respective Ganarajya level executive committee. 3) Each Ganarajya level executive committee member will report to their respective Gana-Unit executive committee. 4) The office bearers of respective executive committee can discuss the matter and take decisions on behalf of its executive committee. In every such case it is obligatory for the committee of office bearers that the decisions are taken according to the guidelines and rules framed by the respective executive committees. If the decision of committee of office bearers shall stand null and void if it is opposed by the members of executive committee.
5. The coordination between basic and auxiliary organizations :-
a) The auxiliary organizations come into existence to play a subordinate role willingly since they claim to be Bahujanwadis.
b) The coordination will occur at local level only because aim of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra is to make local units and toiling masses powerful and want to avoid auxiliary units to develop any pyramidal power structure.
c) The local unit of basic organization will prepare an outline of priority tasks to be implemented with the cooperation of the local unit of auxiliary organization.
d) Local units of basic organization will elect / select some of their members as coordinators between the Bahujanwadi auxiliary organizations to get their cooperation on issues of Bahujanwadi interest.
Chapter VI
Resolving Contradictions between the Existing Bahujan Organizations
Table of Contents
Right way to Resolve
Contradictions between Bahujan Organizations
1) Bahujans dedicated to mission never bother about differences. Differences are seen only among "vote-beggar leaders" originated from their selfish interests. Therefore, several impurities of various kinds in our organizations and society are bound to exist. Aware groups know that nothing comes in ready made form. Before consuming we have to remove covers of the fruits or vegetables, cut unnecessary parts, remove pebbles from the rice, wash them and then cook.
Secondly when Brahminists break their vengeance upon we indigenous OBC, Dalit, Muslim and Adivasi toiling masses of India, they do not see which organization we belong to; and treat us alike. Therefore, aware groups consider all Bahujanwadi organizations as their own organizations and must help a genuine missionary activity of every Bahujan organization. A missionary activity is that activity which unites toiling masses, strengthen their struggle and weaken Brahminism and its exploitation system.
The aware groups are dedicated to mission only therefore they are not rival of any Bahujanwadi organization but complementary to them in the missionary activities and Jihad (struggle) against exploitation and oppression. Therefore, every aware Bahujan has to maintain cordial relations with Bahujan masses working in different parties so that they can avail every little opportunity to work together for a missionary activity agreed mutually.
2) Blaming each others is the work of "vote-beggar leaders". Toiling masses have nothing to do with their so called differences. Therefore, the policy of aware self sufficient groups is : "work in the right direction." This policy alone is a perfect answer to wrong policies of vote-beggar leaders".
The confidence and morale of toiling masses increase if we implement correct policies efficiently. The mistaken leaders shall have a chance to correct their mistake. Those who are bound to apply wrong policies because of their selfish interests and incapabilities shall get exposed and slowly become isolated from the masses.
Aware Bahujans shall never criticize Bahujan leaders or their organizations either publicly or in their literature because aware Bahujans criticize only with the purpose to cure and not to kill the patients. The wrong acts without naming such leaders or their organizations can be criticized. The toiling masses under their influence should decide themselves about the wrong actions and the persons or organizations guilty of such wrong deeds.
However, in order to protect the trust and unity between sections of toiling masses, when it becomes absolutely unavoidable (as during Gujarat massacres of Muslim when a Bahujan organization took pro BJP stance) it is permitted to criticize leaders of Bahujanwadi organizations openly and make one's stand clear. The anti-people activities of Manumedia, Manuists and their lackeys, Manuists priests and Manuist Bhikkus should be severely criticized since they are enemies of toiling Bahujan masses.
A Bahujan can determine from the following test whether the organization he works in is a staunch Bahujanwadi, Bahujanwadi, is a lackey of Manuist, Manuist or a staunch manuist by responding to the questions of the test specially devised for this purpose.
Let a Person Determine Real Character Of his Organization
The better way to make person of a Bahujan organization aware is to ask him to assess his own organization by answering the questions of the following test and then think on the obtained results.
Each statement of the test has four alternative answers as a, b, c, or d. Choose any one alternative for each statement and mark it in the box of each statement.
1. The ideological foundation of the organization is :
a) Gandhi or Brahmin Religion.
b) Nothing specific.
c) Any one among Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar, Periyar E.V. Ramasami etc. social revolutionaries.
d) All the Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar, Periyar E.V. Ramasami etc. social revolutionaries
2. Awareness campaigns of the organization against Brahminism.
a) strongly propagate books of Brahmin-religion.
b) does not expose Brahmin-religion among the masses.
c) Only at ideological level Brahmin religion is apposed but no campaigns are launched among the masses.
d) every member and sympathizer of the organization expose Brahmin religion among the various sections of indigenous Bahujans.
3. Uniting various sections / communities of indigenous Bahujans against Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression.
a) has no interest in uniting various sections / communities of indigenous Bahujans against Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression.
b) claim to be against Brahminism but does nothing to unite Bahujans against the Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression.
c) opposes Brahminism in their literature / speeches but so systematic campaigns are launched to unite indigenous Bahujans against the exploitation and oppression of the Arya-Brahmin exploiters.
d) oppose Brahminism and strive hard to unite indigenous masses against the exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins by removing the misunderstandings and enmity created by Arya-Brahminists among the indigenous Bahujans.
4. Recognizes in practice the valor, self-respect of most suppressed indigenous communities of Bahujans.
a) organization consider Arya-Brahmins supreme as most of the posts are occupied by them.
b) organization recognizes Kshatriyas as supreme as most of the posts are occupied by them.
c) organization recognizes valor and self-respect of the most suppressed communities in its literature but higher posts of the organization are not given to them.
d) organization recognizes valor and self-respect of the most suppressed communities in its literature; displays the pictures of their social warriors in organizational mass gatherings and give higher post to these community men in the organization.
5) Priority to aware and unite OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis in a solid front against Brahminism.
a) organization spends amount equal to its 20% of income or 20% of its expenditure in election in awareness campaigns aimed to expose Brahminism and its evil tactics used to divide indigenous masses.
b) organization spends amount equal to its 21-40% of income or 21-40% of its expenditure in election in awareness campaigns aimed to expose Brahminism and its evil tactics used to divide indigenous masses.
c) organization spends amount equal to its 41-60% of income or 41- 60% of its expenditure in election in awareness campaigns aimed to expose Brahminism and its evil tactics used to divide indigenous masses.
d) organization spends amount equal to its 61-80% of income or 61-80% of its expenditure in election in awareness campaigns aimed to expose Brahminism and its evil tactics used to divide indigenous masses.
6. Measure to heighten the self-respect, confidence and morale of the indigenous masses.
a) the leaders and workers of the organization hang in their neck the lockets of Arya-Brahminist saints and thinkers and preach their ideology.
b) The leaders and workers of the organization does not wear the lockets of the pictures of their social revolutionary warriors or carry bags displaying symbols of Bahujan struggle.
c) the leaders and workers of the organization carry either lockets or bags displaying the pictures / symbols of their social warriors or struggle.
d) the leaders and workers wear both the lockets as well as bags containing pictures / symbols of Bahujan liberation warriors / struggle.
7. The nature of speeches in the mass gatherings of the organization.
a) In the mass gatherings of the organization usually speakers belonging to Brahminist parties are called. The title of the program also Brahmanist plans.
b) Along with Brahminist leaders also leaders belonging to the organizations of Bahujans are also invited. The title of the speech in mass-gathering does not communicate message of unity between the Bahujans.
c) Only leaders belonging to their own organization are called. The title of the speech directly attack Brahminism and its plans and the Brahminism is exposed.
d) In addition to the leaders of their own organization Bahujanwadi personalities belonging to different Bahujan castes and communities are also invited. The title of the speech directly attacks Brahminism and expose Brahminism and their evil plans and importance of denying all brahminists organizations is emphasized.
8. Nature of audience in the gatherings of the organization.
a) usually the function is arranged in the halls of Brahminists and related persons attend it.
b) Functions are organized in small halls and often the same audience is always usually attend.
c) Functions are usually organized in public grounds.
d) mainly the functions are organized in the locality of the common toiling masses and they usually attend the function.
9. The decentralization of awareness activities.
a) The leaders or workers of the organization come to masses only when there is any election.
b) The workers of the organization come 4-5 times in a year to collect contribution, to invite in the speech and or procession.
c) The organization whole year arrange speeches among masses to make them aware of Brahminism and its evil tactics that weaken Bahujans and try to unite them against Brahminism.
d) Awareness teams of the organization in sufficient number keep themselves continuously busy in awareness activities so that the masses are organized against brahminism and its evil designs.
10. Priority for Bahujan mission
a) The members of the organization are not allowed to participate in the Bahujanwadi programs organized by other organizations, nor the organize does not itself arrange or carry out such activities on its own.
b) organization exposes Brahminism only occasionally.
c) organization does not prohibit its workers to participate in the Bahujanwadi programs organized by other Bahujanwadi organizations which expose Brahminism and unite Bahujans.
d) The organization also start campaigns to coordinate with anti-Brahminism activities organized by other bahujanwadi organizations so that the campaign becomes stronger.
11. The nature of retaliation against the oppression and exploitation.
a) In the agitations launched by the organization usually government property is destroyed and indigenous masses usually suffer in the resultant police action.
b) Organizations arrange processions, gatherings to request government not to abolish their facilities or to again start the abolished facility.
c) organization start campaigns to expose the government and the ruling party.
d) Declare Brahminist organizations as enemy of indigenous Nag-Dravid masses and start campaigns to completely demolish these parties among the masses and work to establish rule of indigenous masses.
12. The activeness of nonpolitical organizations related to the organization.
a) The nonpolitical organizations related / affiliated to the organization work to promote Brahminist parties and to divide indigenous Nag-Dravids.
b) The nonpolitical organizations related / affiliated to the organization do not work to demolish Brahminist parties and to unite indigenous Nag-Dravids.
c) The nonpolitical organizations associated with the main organization work in full coordination to establish unity between the various communities of indigenous Nag-Dravids of India and each caste.
d) The nonpolitical organizations associated with the main organization work in full coordination to establish unity between the various communities of indigenous Nag-Dravids of India and each caste. In addition to that the castes / communities of the organization start agitation / campaign when other indigenous community / caste is victimized by the Arya-brahminists.
13. The rate of growth of the organization.
a) The strength of the organization show drastic ups and downs as the strength of the organization depends on the effectiveness of the slogans that are raised time to time. The organization presently is declining speedily.
b) Organization strength is continuously declining.
c) organization is developing very slowly.
d) The organization is gaining strength continuously and significantly.
14. The capability of the organization to approach the masses.
a) To collect the contribution of publication of organization / contribution for organization there is no infrastructure at local levels.
b) subscribers of the literature themselves submit their contribution personally or through the post.
c) The workers of the organization time to time collect contribution from the subscribers / members.
d) The workers of the organization has regularly collect contribution / subscription from the members timely and also collect the reactions and opinions of the members.
15. Sensitivity of the organization regarding exploitation and oppression of the masses.
a) When somebody is engaged in struggle against injustice upon them, the organization does not initiate action against the injustice committed.
b) If the struggling person / persons are ready to come to the fold of the organization then only the organization takes initiative.
c) The organization or its workers help the struggling persons and do not lay a condition to join their organization.
d) Not only the workers of the organization / organization cooperate fully in the struggle against the committed injustice but also aware take the opportunity to aware them and their community about the Brahminist exploitation system and ways to destroy it.
16. The allies of the organization in election.
a) The organization allies with Brahminist parties in election and cooperate them.
b) The organization only allies with the organizations of indigenous masses but supports Brahminist parties in forming their governments.
c) Organization never ally with any Brahminist organization and cooperate them.
d) The organization allies with the organizations of indigenous masses and work to completely demolish the Brahminist parties and their exploitation system.
17. The policy of organization in the distribution of election tickets.
a) The organization give tickets to Arya-Brahmins.
b) The organization only gives election ticket to persons who have economical resources to contest election no matter if they have come from Brahminist parties.
c) The organization gives election ticket to committed party-persons giving due representation to each community of indigenous Bahujans.
d) The organization strives to overly represent the communities which were never given chance to share power.
18. Policy of organization in sharing power.
a) Almost all the posts are given to Arya-Brahmins.
b) few selected community persons hold the important posts.
c) The posts are distributed to each community according to their population proportion.
d) The backward-most communities that are never represented are given top posts and posts are rotated among them.
19. Autonomy in missionary work of the organization.
a) Members of the organization become active when they are provided with money and other resources.
b) The workers of the organization have to be inspired to carry out activities of the organization.
c) The organization motivates its members to launch campaigns against Brahminism with their own efforts and help them.
d) The members of the organization in addition to their regular party work are seen dedicated themselves in implementing the chosen missionary activities of their priority with their own resources.
20. The policy of the organization to maintain contact and coordination between the indigenous communities.
a) Distribution of election tickets and the issues of various communities are decided by the highest leadership of the party.
b) Distribution of election tickets and issues of various communities are decided by the highest party authority considering recommendations of the lower unit.
c) The distribution of election tickets and issues of various communities are decided by discussing the matter between the concerned persons of the unit.
d) The election tickets and issues of the various communities are decided by a coordinating mechanism developed by the organization for this very purpose.
21. Ideological strength of the organization.
a) Party has developed a systematic course to teach their members in Brahminist ideology.
b) enough literature is produced by organization to train its members in Brahminism.
b) enough literature is produced by organization to train its members in Bahujanism.
d) Party has developed a systematic course to teach their members the Bahujanist ideology.
22. Decision process of the organization.
a) All the decisions of the organization are taken by the highest leaders of the party.
b) All the decisions are taken by a committee of few leaders.
c) The decisions are taken by a committee of leaders considering the recommendations of the local units.
d) The decision as are taken by the concerned local committee according to the ideological guidelines and policy of the organization and are usually approved by the leadership with little or no discussion.
23. The change in leadership in the organization.
a) The leader himself / herself decides his / her successor.
b) Committee of few leaders decides the change in leadership.
c) Leader is elected by the election in the organization.
d) leader is elected from among the representatives elected at local level.
24. The priorities of the organization
a) The main priority of the organization is to protect or obtain reservation or facilities / to elect their candidates in assembly and parliament by any means.
b) To elect their candidates in assembly and parliament the party has to make show of public demands which are never fulfilled.
c) The organization does not contest election and concentrate on educating masses against the exploitation and oppression of Brahminism.
d) The organization does not contest election and make people aware and train them to launch decisive effective result oriented struggle against the exploitation and oppression of the Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression.
25) Retaliation capacity against victimization.
a) The organization completely depends on government for the protection of oppressed Bahujans from the oppression of Arya-Brahminists.
b) The organization only launches protests marches and lectures, but does not lead the matter until the justice is done.
c) The organization fights through legal means to punish the oppressors and help the victims till the end by adequate supply of food and other items and make the Arya-Brahmins boycott of oppressed Bahujans ineffective.
d) The organization in addition to measures in c) does everything to harm the oppressors politically and economically and teaches them bitter lesson.
26) Retaliation capacity against fascist aggressions.
a) The organization is merely a crowd of people gathered to vote the party and hence have no mechanism to defend the masses from the aggression of terrorist Bajrang Dal etc. fascist organizations of Sangh-Parivar.
b) The organization had developed a volunteer force but has no capacity to defend itself from the terrorist aggression of Bajrang Dal and other fascist organizations of Sangh-parivar as it is simply nothing more than a meeting managing squad.
c) The organization has developed enough structure to retaliate efficiently the terrorists of Bajarang Dal and other fascist organizations of Sangh Parivar.
d) The organization retaliates effectively terrorists of Bajarang Dal etc. terrorist organizations of Sangh-parivar and also teaching bitter lesson to their leaders and supporters.
27. Protection from exploitation
a) The organization rarely takes issues of victimization of their cadres / supporters by Arya-Brahmin administrators / oppressors and they have to deal their matters themselves.
b) The organization provides little more than lip sympathy in such instances.
c) Party has some protective mechanism at legal and other levels to protect the members / supporters from victimization and oppression by the Arya-Brahmin administrators / oppressors.
d) The organization has developed protective mechanisms at legal and other levels to protect exploited masses from victimization and oppression.
28. Protection of Civil rights of oppressed Bahujans.
a) The organization does not care to develop mechanism for prevention of communal riots, communal atrocities and protection of civil rights of Dalits and Adivasis.
b) The organization only show lip sympathy in such instances of victimization and oppression.
c) The organization has developed unity of aware persons at local levels and formed mechanism to protect civil rights of Dalits and Adivasis.
d) The organization has developed network of aware Bahujans in villages and town to ensure protection of civil rights of Dalits and Adivasis.
29) Nature of organizational activities.
a) The organization continue only with the repetitive and ritualistic activities of arranging meetings, celebrating birthdays, formation days etc. and spreading self-defeating devotional activities in the name of Bahujan struggle.
b) The organization arranges big rallies, mass gatherings by spending thousands and several Lac of rupee, spending time, labour and money of people to beg before Arya-Brahminists riding the government to protect their rights.
c) The organization spends its every penny on missionary activities (the activity that directly weakens Brahminism and its exploitation system and strengthens unity and struggle of indigenous Bahujans.
d) The organization in addition to spending their every penny and resources only on missionary activities (as defined above) also strives to coordinate with the missionary activities of other Bahujans.
30. Attitudes towards other Bahujan organizations.
a) The leader of the organization has negative attitude towards the other bahujan organizations and their leaders and there are no chances of any conciliation.
b) The leader of the organization does not want organizations of indigenous castes / communities to survive and want them to dissolve in his / her organization.
c) the organization has no hesitation in forming alliance with other like-minded Bahujanwadi organizations for elections as well as to struggle against exploitation and oppression.
d) The organization is even ready to sacrifice the title of his organization to accomplish the missionary objectives of the organization and help in such activities by heart.
[ Marks are given to each response in following manner :- a = -2.0, b = -1.0, c = +1.0, d = +2.0 add all the marks to get total score on the test. Maximum score is + 60 while minimum score is - 60. High positive score indicate that the organization is truly Bahujanwadi capable of leading real struggle while low positive score indicate organization likely to become opportunist under pressure. Negative score indicate that the organization is anti-people and tool of the exploiters.]
Asking Bahujans to respond to the above questionnaire is the most effective, peaceful and objective way to make toiling Bahujans aware of the positive points, weaknesses and limitations of the Bahujan organizations they wants to assess and ways and extents of efforts needed to make them capable of meeting requirement of the decisive struggle against the Arya-Brahmin exploitation system.
Chapter VII
The Missionary Activities of Aware Groups
We describe the nature of missionary activities as per their priority. Aware persons or groups should implement any of the activities specified below.
1. The Awareness campaign.
Awareness campaign is basic requirement of the mission because awareness is basic condition to activate Bahujans in the struggle against exploitation and oppression. Complete awareness has much more wider meaning as is evident from the following.
Intellect without good character is dangerous as a mad bull. Not necessarily a Bahujan with sharp intellect shall fight against exploitation. A Bahujan with good character and sensitive heart (Karuna) for exploited masses may become a social worker but it is not necessary that he shall have the ability to launch decisive struggle against the exploitation and oppression.
Only a Bahujan with knowledge derived out of experience and introspection (Pradnya), a good character (Sheela) and a sensitive heart for the toilers (Karuna) can only honestly and sincerely launch a decisive struggle (Jihad) against the Brahminist system of exploitation and oppression. Developing Pradnya, Sheela and Karuna in a person means a complete cultural revolution within a person.
It was Siddharth Gautam Buddha the first person in the history of mankind who told exploited Bahujan masses to "become their own light" (Atta Deepo Bhava) so that toiling masses control their mission of removing sorrow resulting from exploitation and ignorance. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar considered cultural revolution as a precondition of political revolution because nobody can exploit aware masses.
According to B. Shyamsunder (the apostle of Dalit-Muslim unity in India), if a person knows that he is poisoned then he immediately rushes for treatment. If he knows which poison is given to him then the treatment become easy with high probability of success. But when the person does not know that he is poisoned, the purpose of enemy is satisfied. The thousands of generations of Bahujan masses have become helpless mentally and physically because they did not recognize Brahmin religion as an enslaving poison. To destroy exploitation system it is essential to completely aware toiling masses about the exploitation system of Tri-Iblis. Unless the situations are created that compel masses to think and realize Brahmin religion as an enslaving poison, destroying exploitation system of Brahminism is impossible.
Nobody can stop aware Bahujans entering in to the Jihad (struggle against exploitation and oppression) because Jihad is the inevitable result of awareness. According to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, the moment an aware person finds an opportunity and means to implement his thoughts, he is bound to implement his intention. Once the exploited masses become aware to establish Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra, they shall make use of every opportunity to intensify their Jihad against exploitation and oppression of satanic Tri-Iblis.
According to B. Shyamsuder (the apostle of Dalit-Muslim unity in India), no weapon is as effective as the weapon of awareness. The effect of atom bomb dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Japan was for few years only. But the weapon of awareness which used by Buddha against Brahminism is still delivering mortal wounds to Brahminism. The weapon of awareness can be used by men, women, boys and girls as well as blinds and infirm. (Bhu Devtaon Ka Manifesto, p. 258)
As the awareness of masses increases, its impact is felt everywhere.
1) Masses are not deceived by hypocritical slogans or issues of the exploiters. Indigenous masses have now become aware of anti-national character of Arya-Brahmins. Hence they can no more be cheated by the hypocritical and fake patriotic slogans of BJP and Sangh-Parivar.
2) Exploiters have now realize that the toiling masses are aware of the various exploitation techniques they have been using to exploit and deceive the indigenous masses. Therefore the exploiters are bound to reveal their fascist nature soon. Once the exploiters are exposed, those who were under the illusion come out of the illusion spell of the exploiters and join the Bahujan mission.
3) When indigenous masses working in the political organizations of Arya-Brahmin leadership are made aware it has double benefit : 1) our strength increase in the proportion enemy strength is reduced. Therefore the gap becomes double. For example, if the strength of the exploiters and exploited is presumed 10 and 2 persons are join the mission of exploiters then strength of the exploiters reduces to 8 while the strength of the Bahujans becomes 12 which means the difference between them becomes 12 – 8 = 4. Thus their loss is double 2) They join the mission with the resources supplied to them by the exploiters. Hence the resources of the Bahujan organization also increase. 3) Due to increasing awareness, various sections of indigenous masses are demanding their community share in every walks of life. They are also developing confidence and determination for the decisive confrontation with the exploiter Arya-Brahminists.
4) Arya-Brahmin exploiters can purchase or corrupt the leaders of Bahujan organizations. But it is impossible for them to buy toiling aware masses.
5) When the masses become aware, the various Bahujan organizations have to follow masses as the small ball tied to the big ball is bound to be dragged in the direction the big ball is moving. Even the exploiter's organizations are bound to pretend their conformity with the aspirations of the Bahujans. The awareness caused by Jyotirao Fule was so tremendous that Maratha leaders who considered themselves Kshatriyas and above the OBC Kunabi community were bound to take the mass line to retain their leadership.
6) Aware masses alone can take maximum benefit of the contradictions between the exploiters.
7) More the awareness spread, the inactive units of Bahujan organizations have to become active to save their existence.
The Bahujan organizations develop the courage to take strong actions against the fascist exploiters which they could not even think of taking before the masses were so aware, so prepared and so determined to retaliate the fascists.
9) As the masses become aware, the lackeys of the exploiters become increasingly ineffective and their organizations fade and perish.
10) The complete awareness (Pradnya, Sheela and Karuna) among the exploited toiling masses fulfill the basic cultural requisite of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra. Because of such deep awareness among the masses the Jihad (struggle for equality and justice) of indigenous exploited masses acquires necessary depth and elicits a complete social revolution.
11) The political organization of Bahujans can fight on only political front whereas aware sections of masses can cooperate each other in every walk of life to protect their mutual interest and oust exploiter Arya-Brahminists from the places which really belong to Bahujans.
12) When the toiling masses become aware, the mission of Bahujans can never take a wrong direction. It has to turn into right direction as the cat or the Balloon man falls on its legs no matter how you through them.
13) The great Joseph Stalin brought awareness among the soldiers to such extent that the army declined to raise its weapons against its own masses. Instead the army raised their weapons against the exploiters. Therefore awareness among the armed forces can avert otherwise inevitable massacres of Bahujans initiated by exploiters through the armed forces. Therefore awareness campaign should be prime most priority of every Bahujanwadi organization dedicated to bring Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra.
Awareness Measures / techniques
Awareness can be brought among the toiling masses by applying following measures.
1) a) The carefully devised awareness literature be spread among the toiling communities whom nobody ever attempted to aware.
b) The membership of the newspapers, or magazines capable of bringing awareness can be sponsored to Bahujans free of cost. Some of our aware colleagues wanted to launch a campaign to sponsor yearly subscription (of Rs. 50/- ) of a Hindi weekly published from Delhi free of cost to Bahujans where awareness literature never reached. They sent first bank-draft of Rs. 200/- for 4 members and requested to mention a comment that "this free membership is sponsored to you by …………. (name of the sponsor)". These aware Bahujans were confident to make hundreds of persons ready to sponsor free membership to 1, 2, 3, or 4 persons. This would have increased sale of that weekly and also had spread awareness among the toiling masses. But the editor of that Hindi weekly was not interested in mentioning the name of the sponsors. Therefore, this campaign collapsed in its first attempt. How the selfish leaders can tolerate the name of even the common persons appear ?
When a person finds blind alley he does not sit there. He finds another way that leads him to his destination. Therefore, these Bahujans though were greatly disappointed, devised other means of bringing awareness among the toiling masses. Bahujans whose hearts burns with the fire of awareness they never sit idle if one road is closed. They find their own ways and means to reach to the destination.
According to great Joseph Stalin the difficulties are meant to be surmounted. If Bolsheviks had not learned skills to surmount the difficulties they would have perished. There was no fort (difficulty) that Bolsheviks did not capture (surmount). The cadres are molded while surmounting the difficulties that come in their way. Therefore one who shrink away from difficulties can never become a party cadre. (J. V. Stalin, Problems of leninism, p.771-74) A person who avoids difficulties can never be called a party worker or party cadre.
The organized workers are more cautious politically. Therefore, the awareness literature be spread among them in large quantity. Workers who have to move from one place to another should be attended first so that awareness spreads widely.
The places politically and geographically very important must be attended first. Before launching an awareness campaign, the campaigner must make a list of such important places and find ways to reach awareness literature to such places.
The awareness campaign influences its 100-150 kilometer area. The effect of big cities is seen on small towns and villages. Therefore, we must see that the awareness campaign is being launched in every city and places at least away from each other by 100-150 kilometers. It is unimportant that which organization is launching awareness campaign. The most important thing is whether an awareness campaign against the exploitation of Arya-Brahminists is being launched or not.
While bringing awareness among the students, if we concentrate our efforts on hostels we shall reach awareness to various places from which they have came. Therefore, capturing hostels is of supreme importance.
Without bothering about the technicalities of the language and grammar, persons irrespective of their laboring professions must write their own feelings and thoughts boldly and firmly in the form of pamphlets, booklets and books so that the toiling masses become self reliant in their own struggle. The real and most practical literature is that which is developed by aware toiling masses themselves.
Every month aware Bahujans can ask unemployed youths to paint the Bahujanwadi slogans leading to unity between OBC, Dalit, Muslims and Adiwasi Bahujans and exposing Arya-Brahmin exploiters. They can launch campaign of pasting cartoons, posters and stickers on Buses, trucks, railways etc. so that the awareness message is spread widely.
2) Our basic purpose is to make "awareness information" most important than the individuals or the so called leaders. An aware Bahujan should not arrange lectures because "what is said" does not become important, rather the speaker becomes important. Thus the lectures only help in making leaders important and the masses dependent on them. Therefore, carefully devised tapes of awareness information recorded in influential speech of artists and using background music. These tapes / CDs should be listened in every home or in gatherings of the toiling people.
When it is essential to arrange lectures, then the whole subject matter should be divided in to points and each speaker should prepare himself to explain the given point completely. After deliverance of lecture / lectures, audience should be allowed to raise questions which they have recorded during the deliverance of lectures.
3) Aware persons should regularly visit the villages and towns of their relatives so that they can be made aware of mission. They should also help working masses to handle the problems and issues they are facing.
4) The Bahujans working in the fascist organizations like BJP, RSS, Bajarang Dal etc. should be made aware through the awareness literature and be asked to remain in these parties and secretly help the mission by every possible means to avenge the persecution and exploitation of their community by the Arya-Brahmins.
5) OBC community is the worst victim of the Arya-Brahminists and their Brahmin-religion which deprived OBC community from their every right. Arya-Brahmins have looted almost entire share of OBC community. Therefore, whether you are in a restaurant, traveling in a bus or rail or participating in any social gathering; it is the duty of every Bahujan to openly expose Arya-Brahmin exploitation in our personal talks. OBCs present around should realize that the OBC community which has a population of 52% has received only 6% of their share in jobs, education, land and business and their 46% share is grabbed by Arya-Brahmins.
No Arya-Brahmin present shall dare to oppose since Bahujans having 85% of population shall support you. Exposing Arya-Brahmins openly will develop courage among the timid Bahujans to participate in Bahujan Jihad against the Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression.
6) Getting legitimate share of exploited Bahujan masses involves fierce struggle with Arya-Brahmins. All other exploited communities must realize that unless OBCs which constitute 52% of Indian population are made aware they can not wage a successful struggle against the exploitation of Arya-Brahminists. We must remember that "Jab OBC Jagega, Brahmanwad Bhagega" (When OBC will be awakened, Brahminism shall run away).
OBC must realize that the exploited communities could develop themselves only when they freed themselves from the evil grip of the priests of enslaving Brahmin-religion. The six Dalit communities of India which freed themselves from the Brahmin-religions and fought against the exploitation of Arya-Brahmins could prosper. On the contrary OBC communities have been themselves putting obstacle of Brahmin-religion in their way to success and prosperity. Therefore OBC communities are the most deprived communities. Hence it is the duty of all other exploited communities to create awareness among OBC because "Jab OBC Jagega, Brahmanwad Bhagega" (When OBC will be awakened, Brahminism shall run away).
Arya-Brahmins were rejoicing with ecstasy considering that the OBC can not have their own organization. Therefore, the OBCs are bound to dance at the fingers of Arya-Brahmins. But the increasing awareness among the OBC communities has already disturbed the sleep of Arya-Brahmins. The Arya-Brahmins could not pass the proposed women's reservation bill because OBC, SC, ST, and minorities of the Arya-Brahmin organizations are strongly insisting upon the proportionate reservation for OBC, SC, ST and minority women.
OBCs of Arya-Brahmin parties strongly argue that the reservation is a measure to protect the rights of unprotected section. Arya-Brahmin women in no way are unprotected and deprived. They are possessing more than their legitimate share in administration, bureaucracy and in all walks of life depriving Bahujan women of their due share. Arya-Brahmin women are living the life of luxury with the fabulous earning of every member of their family. Therefore Arya-Brahmin women do not need any reservation.
The reservation is desperately needed for the OBC, Dalit, Adivasi and minority women so that they can come near to the Arya-Brahmin women in due course. The Arya-Brahmin leadership of every party finds itself helpless before the increasing awareness among the Bahujans.
Awareness is causing sense of unity between OBC, Dalit, Adivasi and minority masses. Aware non-Muslims praise the teachings of Islam that promote human values and oppose exploitation and injustice. They are also displaying the Islamic symbols under the glass of their tables, hanging Islamic calendars to chide the Arya-Brahmin attempt to divide them.
Not only that the Bahujans working in the organizations of Arya-Brahmin leadership have understood the policy of leadership to benefit Arya-Brahmins by all foul means. Therefore, the emotional arguments of Arya-Brahmins to extend the border of India from Afghanistan to Burma (Myanmar) and from Tibet to Shrilanka now produce no impact.
Similarly the emotional and meaningless preaching such as "we should be proud of our glorious traditions" etc have lost every attraction. The Bahujans now ask which glorious tradition of Brahmin-religion ? The Sati-tradition, the "Niyog" tradition, the tradition of Sambandham marriage or the tradition of drinking water that is used to wash Brahmin-feet ? They ask Arya-Brahmins to explain the benefits of these humiliating traditions.
As the cunningness of Arya-Brahmin exploiters is being badly exposed the Bahujans in the organizations of Arya-Brahmin leadership do not have the sense of commitment and devotion for the Arya-Brahmin leadership. Previously 99% election tickets were reserved for Arya-Brahmins. Now the situation is completely changed. Bahujans not only demand their due share in party posts and in election tickets and form their own organizations if the posts or election tickets are denied to them.
Bahujans are even collaborating to capture party leadership to make Arya-Brahmin leadership helpless. The party workers enjoy and smile over the troubles and restlessness of Arya-Brahmin leadership. The illusion created by Arya-Brahmins is being destroyed very rapidly.
Bahujans have learned that the Arya-Brahmins join whatever organization but they are dedicated to Arya-Brahmin interests only. Bahujans are also charged with this conviction that whatever organization they should belong but should be dedicated to Bahujan interests only and strive to give representation to each Bahujan community according to its population strength.
Many Bahujans have decided to remain in the organizations of Arya-Brahmin leadership and help the Bahujan cause by sabotaging anti-Bahujan schemes and conspiracies of Arya-Brahmins. More and more Bahujans in the organizations of Arya-Brahmin leadership are developing conviction to avenge Arya-Brahmins using every tactics the Arya-Brahmin used to enslave and oppress Bahujans.
The increasing awareness among Bahujans may not have channelized in the form of Bahujan organizations, but it has certainly created a dangerous marsh everywhere wherein organizations of Arya-Brahmin leadership have been sinking.
The Bahujans belonging to the organizations of Brahmin leadership are not ready to fight with their own Bahujan brothers. When BJP govt. attempted to change Indian constitution, Republican party of India launched movement against this attempt. In Bombay on the instigation of Arya-Brahmins the statue of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar was insulted. RPI workers ravaged the party office of Shivsena. But Arya-Brahmin leadership of Shivsena could not find sufficient OBC to fight with the Dalit Bahujans of RPI. Now the OBC is not ready to become victim for Arya-Brahmin interest.
The organizations of Bahujans have dethroned Arya-Brahmins from many states of India. The attempts to form third front uniting parties of Arya-Brahmin leadership such as Communist parties, Janata Dal, etc have yielded no result in bringing Arya-Brahmin rule again in those states.
2. Create Crisis Situation for Change
To bring desired change, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Joseph Stalin and other communist thinkers laid heavy emphasis upon sharpening the contradictions between the exploiters and the exploited masses.
According to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, the salvation of the Depressed Classes will come only when the Caste Hindu is forced to feel that he must alter his ways. For that you must create a crisis by direct action against his customary code of conduct. The crisis will compel him to think and once he begins to think he will be more ready to change than he is otherwise likely to be. The great defect in the policy of least resistance and silent infiltration of rational ideas lies in this that they do not 'compel' because they do not produce crisis. The direct action in respect of the Chowdar tank in Mahad, the Kalaram temple in Nasik and the Guruvayur temple in Malabar have done in a few days what million days of preaching by reformers would never have done. (Dr. B.R. Ambedkar : Essays on Untouchables and Untouchability: Political)
According to Joseph Stalin we should never attempt to hide or cover the contradictions between the exploited masses and the exploiters. On the contrary we have to expose and sharpen these contradictions by applying non-compromising policy towards exploitation and rights of toiling masses so that every illusion of the exploited masses regarding the exploiters is removed. (p.720, J. Stalin, Problems of Leninism)
We should never loose any opportunity that create crisis and compel exploiting masses as well as the exploiters to mend their ways according to their class interests.
Did ever Arya-Brahmins felt sorry by heart over the massacres of OBC, Dalits, Adivasis and the minorities ? When our houses were burnt, the womb of our Bahujan Muslim women were torn and the fetus was snatched out and carried on the tip of the sword everywhere and finally the fetus and the mother thrown in fire. Did any Arya-Brahmin heart was ever grieved ? Did any Arya-Brahmin court ever punished the culprits of spreading riots and raping Dalit Muslim Adivasi women ? Why Dalits have to carry excreta on their head even today after the 60 years of so called independence ? Why the Arya-Brahmins still want to continue all these inhuman traditions ?
The exploiters have always humiliated our Bahujan liberation warriors. They Ignored the deaths of Jyotirao Fule, Shahu Maharaj and Bahujan martyrs Bhagatsingh, Udhamsingh; and rejoiced on the death of Gautam Buddha, Joseph Stalin, demolished Babari mosque on 6th December to convert demise day of Dr. Ambedkar into victory day and celebrated it, nuclear tests were made invariably on Buddha Pournama day (Full moon night) and commented "Buddha smiled" to mock Buddha.
These few examples exhibit boundless hate of Arya-Brahmins towards we Bahujans. We must recognize enemy of Bahujan interests as our arch enemy and a friend of Bahujan interests as our friend and act accordingly.
The Arya-Brahmin exploiters continuously and openly express their hate towards we Bahujans but expect honour, respect and sympathy from us in the name of etiquettes. If it is gentleman's etiquette to express condolence over the death of a person and to express his good qualities then why the rejoicing of exploiters on the death of Gautam Buddha, Joseph Stalin, Chatrapati Sambhaji ? Why killing and rejoicing over the killings of Bahujan saints by the Arya-Brahmins ? Why the Manu-media has tied lips over anti-exploitation struggle of late Virrappan and his valuable help for the poor Adivasis ?
Then why should we express even a formal condolence for the death or any calamity broken upon any Arya-Brahmin ? The Brahmin prime minister of Congress, Narasingha Rao was the worst enemy of Bahujans who introduced privatization to finish reserve posts of OBC, Dalits and Adivasis. He allowed and conspired to demolish Babari mosque. Whatever boundless hate we express for such Bahujan enemies it shall be least. We should never express condolence over the death of such persons. If an Arya-Brahminist is a thief, we must call him thief. If he is a corrupt person, we must call him a corrupt person. If he is an anti-national we must call him anti-national. We must boldly expose anti-Bahujan character of Arya-Brahmins and should rejoice over their deaths.
We must retaliate every oppression. There is no harm in dying while killing the oppressors who wanted to rape our women and avenge us. Unless the "real Arya-Brahminist instigators" are severely punished the mental crisis among the Arya-Brahmin exploiters would not be created.
We must expose reality of humiliation of Bahujan in the hands of Arya-Brahmins by their celebration of Gudhi-Padva, Marriage of Tulasi, Holi, Diwali and so on. We must expose and protest these occasions.
It must ensure that as a result of our agitations, the exploiter Arya-Brahminists must always suffer, and the Bahujans harmed least, should become more united and strong and the Arya-Brahmins are compelled to rethink of celebrating occasions humiliating Bahujans. This is the basic condition of launching any action creating a situation of crisis.
3. Building Unity & confidence
among the exploited Bahujans
1) Bahujan communities will think of establishing solidarity and unity between themselves only if they realize that they are victim of the oppression, exploitation and betrayal of the Arya-Brahminist exploiters and realize necessity to launch a decisive war against this exploitation, oppression and the betrayal because only by uniting themselves they will be able to launch their struggle successfully.
It must be remembered that when the various exploited Bahujan communities think of themselves individually then they always find themselves in minority and consider themselves weak in comparison with the exploiter Arya-Brahmins who constitute merely 15% of the Indian population. When every indigenous toiling community considers itself as a part of Bahujans it will perceive itself most powerful since all the Bahujans together constitute 85% of Indian population.
The Brahmins who are 3% of the India population do not consider themselves minority then why Muslims who constitute 15% of Indian population should consider themselves a minority ? If the Muslims consider themselves part of indigenous Bahujans then they will consider themselves powerful. Therefore, Muslims must stop thinking themselves a minority community and should participate in the struggle against the exploitation and oppression by the Arya-Brahminists.
The struggle against Brahminist oppression and exploitation is the most effective way to create unity between the entire exploited masses.
If a person who considers himself inferior than his opponent can not fight against his enemy. There can never be any inferiority among those who wage a successful battle against the exploiters. Therefore, by waging a fierce struggle against the exploitation, indigenous Bahujans will get rid of their centuries old inferiority.
One also develops a strong self-respect if he launches decisive fight against the oppression of the Arya-Brahmin oppressors.
The moment you or your caste-men develop a strong determination to fight against the exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins their sense of inferiority is gone. Waging a decisive war against the exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahminists is the proof of shedding off one's inferiority. Such persons are never afraid of calling themselves or their caste by any name. They do not need to hide or rename their caste. It does not matter what name their caste has if their caste is capable of releasing 4 blows in return of one. BSP president Kanshiram in his public meeting at Alwar called himself "Chamar" and declared to de-skin oppressor Arya-Brahmins. Mayawati of BSP also proudly use to call herself Chamar.
Hiding or renaming ones caste or one's surname is no remedy. What difference it made socially to Chandals who started calling themselves Namoshudra, some Dalits calling themselves Harijans; Kumbhars calling themselves Prajapati; Barbers calling themselves Thakurs and so on ? How can you hide your sense of inferiority from yourself ?
If you want to get rid of your centuries old inferiority and gain self-respect then struggle against exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins is the only remedy.
2) The OBC, Dalit, Adivasi, Muslims should help each others in the birthday celebration of their liberation warriors. Dalits should not forget that Periyar sent Dr. Ambedkar to America for higher education (Dalit Voice, 16-31 Aug. 2002)
Dr. Ambedkar was able to get higher education because of Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj, King Sayajirao Gaikawad, Periyar E.V. Ramasami etc. OBC Bahujans helped him financially and gave every moral support.
Similarly OBC should not forget that the Dr. Ambedkar considered Jyotirao Fule as his teacher and gave him the most honorable position after Buddha and Kabir. Dr. Ambedkar made laws to ensure rights of OBC and insisted upon their early implementation. Dr. Ambedkar resigned from ministry in protest because Arya-Brahmin government of congress did not want to give OBC their legitimate rights.
It is the duty of every Bahujan to reveal the facts and incidences of cooperation between OBC, Dalit, Adivasi and Muslim communities and expose Arya-Brahmin betrayal. OBC must realize that it was a Brahmin who compelled father of Jyotirao Fule to remove name of Jyotirao from his school and discontinue his education. But it was a Muslim Gaffar Beg and a Christian who convinced his father to continue the education of Jyotirao Fule for his better future. Because of a Muslim and a Christian Jyotirao Fule could get education. There are thousands of such instances which must be brought out in the form of books.
3) To develop strong unity between the various sections of Bahujans it is essential that each Bahujan community must fight for the rights of the other Bahujan community. They must cooperate each other in every walk of life and depose exploiter Arya-Brahmins from every position to ensure legitimate rights of the Bahujans.
4) The Arya-Brahmins deprived OBC students from their legitimate right to receive educational scholarships. To create hatred between OBC and Dalit-Adivasi students they propagated that OBC students lag behind because Dalit-Adivasi students receive educational scholarships.
It never occurred to any OBC that when there were OBC chief ministers such as Yashvantrao Chavan, Shankarrao Chavan, Sharad Pawar etc then why OBC students remained deprived of educational scholarships ? Why the so called Dalit leaders did not fight for OBC scholarship to remove this hatred ? It is because the Arya-Brahmins wanted to retain strife between OBC and Dalit-Adivasi communities to ensure their uninterrupted exploitation. Therefore they never allowed OBC reservation.
If the strife between OBC and Dalit-Adivasis is removed and they fight unitedly against the Arya-Brahmin oppressors then there was every possibility that most competent should have become leaders of the entire Bahujans. This would have demolished leadership monopoly of Dalit-Adivasi and OBC community leaders. Therefore, all non-Arya-Brahmin chief ministers apart from being slaves of Arya-Brahmins, wanted to retain their leadership over the OBC communities and the incompetent Dalit-Adivasi leaders also wanted to retain their leadership over the Dalit-Adivasi communities. Therefore, they did nothing to remove this strife between OBC and Dalit-Adivasi students.
To expose them some Dalit-Adivasi students released following pamphlet demanding scholarship for OBC students.
At the top of the pamphlet photographs of Bahujan warriors as mentioned were displayed.
Chatrapati Shiwaji, Jyotirao Fule Shahu Maharaj Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh
The content read as under :-
OBC students must receive Scholarships !
"When Ms. Mayawati chief minister of U.P. can give scholarship to OBC and Muslim students in UP ; Mrs. Rabadi Devi can give scholarships to OBC students in Bihar then why Brahmin Pandit Manohar Joshi can not give scholarships to OBC students in Maharashtra ?
OBC Students March Ahead,
followers of Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar are firmly behind you !
The Dalit Adivasi Students felt very strong urge to launch an intensive awareness campaign to expose why the OBC students are being denied scholarships so that Arya-Brahmins as well as selfish Dalit-Adivasi and OBC leaders be exposed and misunderstandings created about Dalit-Adivasi students in the minds of OBC students should be removed. They wanted that the OBC students must realize who is really responsible for depriving them of their legitimate scholarships.
Sensing danger, soon OBC scholarship was declared in Maharashtra. But Arya-Brahmins did not forget to play mischief with the OBC students. They declared OBC scholarships in government colleges only.
Some aware Bahujans published following pamphlet in connection with Arya-Brahmin cunningness to deprive OBC, Dalit, Adivasi and minority women their reservation in proposed women's reservation Bill.
Beware ! Beware ! Beware !
Bahujans should identify these enemies of Bahujan Interests !
PhotoSonia Gandhi PhotoAtal Bihari PhotoBasu / Bardhan PhotoMamta Banergy
The above Arya-Brahmin enemies of the interests of indigenous Bahujan Samaj are denying shamelessly the legitimate reservation of OBC, Dalit, Adivasi and Minority women in women's reservation bill. They first want to grab all parliament and assembly seats for their Arya-Brahmin women and then want to monopolize all jobs to be reserved for women (practically Arya-Brahmin women) and make OBC, Dalit, Adivasi and minority communities helpless and their slaves. Indigenous Bahujan Samaj should prepare itself to teach these enemies a bitter lesson !!!
Two three aware persons can publish such pamphlets every month and circulate among the Bahujan masses. This will create confidence, unity and brotherhood among the various communities of Bahujans.
5) Whenever possible the OBC, Dalits, Adivasis, and minority communities must unitedly fight for their common rights.
6) To humiliate and create inferiority among we indigenous Bahujans, the Arya-Brahmins create every opportunity. Amravati Municipal corporation build a big cultural hall and named it after Brahmin Saint Dhyanu (Dhyaneeshwar) who preached Chaturvarna and Manuism. In the compound of the same cultural hall a complex of few little shops was build and renamed after Bahujan Saint Gadage Baba who preached humanity, equality and fraternity. The purpose of Arya-Brahmins was to show that Bahujan Saints can only have a place at the feet of Brahmin Saints.
We must convert such "Bahujan Humiliation centers" as source for our swearing to destroy the exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins. Such "Bahujan humiliation centers" should always make us remind that Eklavya aimed at the eye, ear, tongue, and every other part of the statue of Brahmin Dronu (Dronacharya) who insulted Eklavya and his Adivasi community. With tremendous hate for this humiliation the Eklavya developed extraordinary skill in archery.
The boundless hate for the humiliation being caused by Arya-Brahmin exploiters shall lead us Bahujans to devise novel indigenous techniques for the destruction of Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression.
7) Aware Bahujans should wear lockets / pen or other articles displaying pictures of Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar, Periyar, Gadge Baba etc and while going out of home use bags having color or symbols of Bahujan mission to fearlessly declare that I am dedicated to the life mission of our Bahujan liberation warriors.
Only persons with very strong determination and courage can do this. More the Bahujans carry Bahujan symbols, that will develop confidence and courage among the exploited masses devoid of courage.
So called leaders of Bahujan organization do not possess this moral strength when compared with the common men such as rickshaw pullers, auto-rickshaw drivers etc. who are far superior than these so called educated intellectuals and leaders and proudly write Bahujanwadi slogans on their rickshaws and auto-rickshaws. We pay thousands of salutes to such brave Bahujans having strong self-respect and courage.
We pay hundreds of salutes to those Bahujans who proudly name their houses as "Rawan Niwas", "Eklavya Prerana" etc. revealing their glorious Nag-Dravid identity.
The aware Bahujans must read the contents of awareness literature in the presence of Arya-Brahmins in their offices or in other places of public gathering. All these activities are most essential to gain the lost self-respect and courage of the Bahujans.
The Bahujans must celebrate the occasions that develop confidence and self-respect of the Bahujans. For example, 1st January is of supreme importance to indigenous Bahujans because on 1st January 1818 at Bhima-Koregaon British army of 500 Dalit soldiers and 300 Dalit horse riders defeated the Peshwa Brahmin army having 25,000 soldiers and 5000 horse riding soldiers and ended Peshwa-Brahmin rule for ever.
A great pillar is raised at Bhima-Koregaon to honor the valor of these Bahujan soldiers. Therefore we must widely celebrate 1st January Bhima-koregaon victory day as a day of Bahujan victory over the Arya-Brahmins. We must send greetings to our friends on the Bahujan victory day over Arya-Brahmins.
9) Well to do Bahujans should adapt a child of Bahujan community in which awareness about their rights have never reached. He should help the child in his education and make him capable of fighting against the Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression. Such steps shall create Bahujan warriors among these unaware communities and also shall develop unity between different Bahujan communities who never had any interactions before.
10) Hon. O. P. Jatav, 113 Anand Vihar, Kanpur, (U.P) India, has started a campaign named as "Fellowship". Its purpose is to unite Dalit-Bahujans to adapt a common surname so that a solidarity is developed among these Dalit-Bahujans castes.
Their appeal to Dalit-Bahujans in brief is as under :-
Dear friends, fellowships earnestly request our indigenous communities of India to leave the practice of writing, informing their (innumerable) different surnames or family titles or not mentioning any surname or family title. This practice does not reveal our caste identity among Dalit-Bahujans and a state of confusion is created. To know the caste identity one needs to ask him name of his caste. This is a nationwide problem.
To solve this problem it is requested that the castes of your group such as Chamar (Ghusia, Jhusia), Pasi (Dusadh), Dhobi, Dhanuk, Kori, Khatic (chak), Mahar, Sweeper, should adapt only one common surname as Jatav, Paswan, Rajak, Dhanwik, Dhiman, Sonkar, Meshram, and Walmiki respectively. The Ahir, Gadariya, Kachhi, Kumhar Kurmi, Lodhi, barber, Lohar, (Badhai) and Teli community persons should adapt their surname as Yadav, Pal, Kushwaha, Prajapati, Patel, Rajput, Savita, Vishvakarma, and Shahu respectively.
To identify one's caste uniquely, to develop unity between his caste-men a person lacks courage and his attitude will not be in the interest of their caste and society if one who can not write one nation wide surname for his caste.
This appeal certainly sends the message to unite all sub-castes of a community.
Fellowship also circulates printed cards containing birth days and demise dates of Bahujan liberation warriors. These cards could be placed beneath the glass on one's writing table. The every new card contain picture of new Bahujan liberation warrior.
11) Jyotirao Fule has insisted that the Bahujans should adapt the method of burring the dead bodies. Burning of dead body requires lot of wood and is very costly. Burning ceremony and then ceremony of sinking ash in river wreaks Bahujan financially. Burning method apart from polluting water finishes hundreds of square miles of jungles.
On the other hand burial retain land fertility. By adapting burial Bahujans will become different from the Arya-Brahmins and shall develop proximity with their indigenous Muslims and Christian brothers.
12) In every area of city or towns and in every village "Community friendship groups" and "riot resistance groups" should be formed and they should be equipped with every necessary resources to ensure that the instigators of riots are punished at any cost.
13) Brahmanists have attacked every section of Bhujanans instigating the other Bahujan sections and destroying all of them in the process. While avenging Bahujans the Brahmanists always hide themselves well behind any of the Bahujan section who could be fooled to attack the other Bahujan section. Therefore it is the prime most duty of the aware Bahujans to aware that Bahujan community against Brahmanist instigators. The aware Bahujans must take following measures to un-shield the Arya-Brahmins.
i) The aware Bahujans must aware the community under Arya-Brahmin influence by exposing the evil intentions of Arya-Brahmins to avenge all Bahujans sections by instigating them against each other. The identity of Arya -Brahmins as the enemies of Bahujan interests must be established.
Aware Bahujans must wage an agitation to get back the share of Bahujan community (under the grip Arya-Brahmins) which was grabbed by the Arya-Brahmins. Thus we should ensure that every Bahujan community under the influence of Arya-Brahmins should now wage a bitter fight against Arya-Brahmins for their rights.
ii) The aware Bahujans should ensure that the Bahujans in the grip of Brahmin religion should wage struggle against Arya-Brahmins and carry Banners and posters containing photographs or slogans of religious deities such as Ram, Durga, Kali, Hanuman etc and the photographs of Bahujan saints. They may raise slogans Such as " Jai Bajarang-Bali Tod Brahmanwad ki Nalli" (God Hanuman brake the bones of Brahmianism).
If we concentrate our attention on our snatched away rights and legitimate community share, no evil tactics of Arya-Brahmin can deceive us, because the basic purpose of their every logic, their every cunning proposals is to remove our attention from our snatched away rights and share.
4. Free yourself from
the mental slavery of Arya-Brahmins
1) The so called differences between the religions of Tri-Iblis (Priests dominated religions such as Brahman religion, Zionism and Christianity) are nothing but attempts of each religion to call its blind faith and superstitions more better than the other.
All these religions basically are enemy of reason. They have killed and tortured every person who tried to reveal the follies and ugliness of ideas of their religion. All these religions of the exploiters are dirty piles of childish thoughts and superstitions which are born out of fear and wishful thinking to satisfy one's impossible desires.
On these dirty piles only ignorance can prosper. Their religions are nothing but the "fashion-robes" to hide ignorance, and stupidity of persons caught in crises. Wearing the religion robe they develop delusions that cover their ignorance, stupidity and incompetence and save them from tension that results from these incompetence.
Every religion of the exploiters deny the basic right of human beings to test every thing by reason. The first condition every religion of exploiters impose on a person is that the person should believe in their false religious ideas without testing them by reason. Whosoever accepts this condition willingly destroys his ability to question and reason. The religions that deny right to test their beliefs by reason are nothing but open cheating.
You can not argue a person who has locked his brain and reasoning ability in the jail of superstitions. To argue such a person is like treating a dead body with medicines.
One can not think rationally unless he detaches himself from the religion of the exploiters. Science could develop only when it detached itself from the religions of exploiters. (Rao S. Maradani (compiler), White book to curb the menace of communalism)
Stop immediately worshiping and donating priests, presenting articles to idols, and committing for fulfillment of wish. The religious prayers are nothing but the common wishful expressions to get out of trouble and fulfillment of wishes. Prayer is such a telephonic talk at the other end of which nobody listens.
According to Abraham Kunwar believing in life after death is nothing but the wishful thinking to live indefinitely. Belief in rebirth is also expression of desire to live.
Stop going to pilgrimages, stop performing meditation techniques of Brahmanism such as "Dhyana", Vipasyana and so on because they create hallucinations. When the persons start living in these hallucinations are bound to become abnormal.
Free yourself from the chains of religious rituals involving priest because these rituals enslave you mentally and weaken you financially and morally.
Every exploiter class with the help of religious priests, create and establish superstitions, beliefs, rituals and traditions in society that help exploitation. Whosoever has opposed religious evils had to face bitter opposition of priests. Therefore, it is useless to waste your energy on reforming any religion. Instead you should dedicate yourself in following the principles and basic teachings of every Bahujanwadi religion and path which oppose exploitation, strengthen masses mentally, economically, educationally, morally and unite them against the exploitation of every kind.
Keep your family free from the influence of priest of every kind. Never allow them to come to your doorstep. Never give priests any opportunity to become influential and dictate society. Any society or family that is in the grip of priests is bound to be doomed. Nobody can stop their ruin.
Follow the teachings of Jyotirao Fule, Harichand Thakur, Peryar etc. Bahujan liberation warriors and never let anybody to acquire the status of priest. Perform all your social and religious obligations such as marriages, funerals etc. yourself or in the hands of any common person. In order to avoid priest, if needed go for registered marriages.
3) Free the religious places from the possession of priests. Society itself should hold every control. Religious places should be utilized for educational, social, cultural, games and sports, counseling, training, and other socially useful activities. They can be used for social assemblies on various issues that strengthen masses and their struggle against exploitation.
4) Convert your religious places as centers of awareness education and training against the exploitation.
5) The evil traditions of Brahmin religion are weakening the masses economically. Son is paying the debt of his father's marriage. Keep away from any tradition or ritual that weakens you economically and affect poor families adversely. Those who spend heavily in marriages, birthdays, parties, the result of such ceremonies is emptied next morning in lavatories. On the contrary, masses become powerful as a result of missionary activities. Therefore, give no respect to persons who make exhibition of their riches by spending heavily in marriages and other social ceremonies.
Deny every thing that weakens masses mentally, physically, economically and divide them to strengthen the exploitation system. Give every respect and praise to those who perform their social ceremonies in very simple and economic way and divert the amount on the education and career of their children and in socially useful missionary activities. We should appreciate and honor such persons in social gatherings and those who by inter-caste marriages, help to establish unity between various sections of Bahujan Samaj.
In the Daula village of Pilana block of Bagapat district of India, Quami conference of Biradaran -E – Ansaryan, from 149 villages belonging to Bagapat, Meerut, Ghajiabad, Noida, Delhi, Panipat, Mujaffargagar, Saharanpur thousands of people were gathered. This Momin Ansari Biradari conference decided that no dowry shall be given and taken. Conference imposed ban on using musical bands, preparing video cassettes, bringing more than one hundred people in marriage, traditions such as hiding shoes of bridegroom by the sisters of bride and to divert this amount in the educational needs of the poor students. It was decided to punish those who break these rules. Conference also discussed various existing evil traditions in Biradari and means to remove them. The organization apart from deciding the disputes between community people, shall open educational centers for poor children, and arrange the marriages of poor girls. In this regard 29 important decisions were taken. (Nav-Bharat, 27 December 2002)
Similarly in the Bahari village of Karnal district of Hariyana, India, an all communities conference was held. This conference decided to ban unnecessary expenses such as D. J, dance parties. Conference limited the number of persons in marriage up to 21 and allowed only simple food such as Laddu, rice and "Dal". A 65 member committee was formed who shall ensure the implementation of these decisions. It is declared that whosoever breaks these decisions shall face social boycott. (Bhaskar, 31 December 2004)
All communities of toiling masses need to follow above examples.
6) No importance shall be given to lackeys of exploiters and persons remaining aloof from the struggle of masses against exploitation and oppression.
7) Indigenous masses should never keep company of Arya-Brahmins since main intention of Arya-Brahmins in keeping contact with Bahujans is to poison our minds with Brahmin religion and its evil traditions and to sow the seeds of enmities and victimize us and weaken us to the extent that we become economically and mentally slave of Arya-Brahmins.
5. Establish Bahujanwadi Economy
We should never forget that indigenous masses of India constitute a big market. If indigenous masses use their weapon of purchasing power selectively, as described below, they can destroy the sleep of Arya-Brahmin and imperialist industrialists.
1) Every Bahujan should boycott the goods produced by the Arya-Brahmins exploiters. If Bahujans who constitute 85% of Indian population selectively boycott soap, etc., products of Arya-Brahmins then those companies would certainly face the threat of becoming ruined.
Bahujans should buy the goods produced by those who agree to give OBC, Dalits, Adivasi and minority communities of Bahujans representation in jobs according to their population proportions in their industries and help in Bahujan mission.
We must boycott the goods produced by multinational companies of Tri-Iblis (Israel, America and Arya-Brahmins). By doing so we shall be giving a lesson to them for giving help to riot engineering parties and terrorist organizations of Sangha – Parivar.
We must keep in mind that Arya-Brahmins laugh at our ability to do so. They claim, such tasks are beyond our ability because we lack the mental determination which only Arya-Brahmins have.
Exploiter Arya-Brahmins have successfully boycotted British goods during British regime in India. They have been creating riots to loot and destroy the shops of Muslims and non Arya-Brahmins in order to benefitArya-Brahmin shopkeepers. Arya-Arya-Brahmins mock Bahujans and challenge that we can never develop even a thousandth part of their determination.
The enmity and jealousy that Arya-Brahmins have sown in the minds of Bahujans have always been producing excellent results for them. No Bahujan can see other Bahujan prospering. Therefore, Bahujans prefer to buy articles from Arya-Brahmin shops. Arya-Brahmins say that Bahujans because of their deep rooted inferiority complex are compelled to buy from Arya-Brahmin shops because that give them some consolation to their deep-rooted inferiority.
For example in a hotel, if you behave very humanly and call the waiter "my dear brother" he would neglect you and serve other persons more promptly who speak with him in an arrogant manner of a "ruler". You may be a big officer but serving "an ordinary person" like him (who brings himself to the level of waiter by calling him 'my dear brother'), his inferiority complex is awakened. On the other hand serving persons who speak with him in an arrogant manner of a "ruler" he gets satisfaction of a serving important person and his inferiority complex is satisfied. For the same reason, buying articles from the Arya-Brahmin shops Bahujans who have slave mentality get some satisfaction and consolation to their deep-rooted inferiority. To hide one's inferiority and show himself superior a bottle of "one liter polluted water" is bought for 15-20 Rupee while the same quantity of milk comes in even less than it.
In the attempt to give consolation to their deep-rooted inferiority, such Bahujans invariably buy from the Arya-Brahmins and Sindhi-Baniyas. Therefore, the shops opened by Bahujans in their own area lack customers while the Arya-Brahmin shops are crowded with customers. Bahujans instead of building their own community halls for marriage and other functions, book the costly halls of Arya-Brahmins. Arya-Brahmins therefore mock Bahujans saying that no matter how loudly you declare your intention to fight with the Tri-Iblis, in reality you shall keep on making we Arya-Brahmin, Sindhi-Baniyas richer and flourish our industries. Arya-Brahmins are 101% assured that building Bahujan economy is beyond the capacity of indigenous Bahujans.
Aware Bahujans, claim that the situation is changing as Bahujans have started thinking to develop Bahujan economy. In few cities of Maharashtra posters written is Marathi were pasted. In these posters photos of Chatrapati Shiwaji, Shahu Maharaj, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Punjabrao Deshmukh etc. were given and its content was as under :
Chatrapati Shiwaji, Jyotirao Fule Shahu Maharaj Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh
Manuists are Anti-national, How rich will you make them with your laboriously earned money ?
Because we OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi Bahujans buy adulterated edibles and imitated articles from the shops of Manuist Arya-Brahmins and Sindhi-Baniyas, they are getting richer and richer and have been ruining Bahujans since centuries by engineering riots and sowing the seeds of conflicts among our indigenous Bahujan communities.
All Bahujas are requested to buy articles from their own OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi Bahujans and help in developing "Bahujan Economy".
By encouraging Bahujan businesses and industries Bahujans will not only weaken the Manuism but shall also play and important role in strengthening Jihad of Bahujans against Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression.
Long live Fule-Shahu-Ambedkarism !!!
Similarly, anti-war youths of Kolkata (India) developed a drink named as "Kolahol" to oppose cocacola. "Kolahol" received fabulous response. (Bhaskar, 13 April, 2003) On this Arya-Brahmin reply that such stray instances are result of momentary emotions of unprofessional persons which essentially subside in very short time. Such boycotts make no harm to industries of Tri-iblis.
In present conditions, it is not possible to identify which product is Indian and which one belong to America and Israel. Majority of Arya-Brahmin industrialists are merely "front-men" of capitalists of America, Israel and other imperialist countries.
Brahminist government of India sold its public enterprises to the same front-men at negligible price. (Lokmat Samachar, 21 May 2003)
Only few industries are in the hands of Indian capitalists. The shares of such industries are also bought in great quantity by the capitalists of imperialist countries through their agents. Therefore, it is almost difficult to find an Indian industry in true sense. In fact, Arya-Brahmins are agents of multinational companies in the garb of national industrialists. Therefore, Arya Brahmins launch a pseudo agitation in favor of national goods so that : 1) It should remain unnoticed that Arya-Brahmins in fact are agents of multinational companies of America and Israel, 2) masses should vote for the parties led by Arya-Brahmins considering that the Arya-Brahmins are hard-core nationalists, 3) the Indian industrialists should be deceived by their campaign of "Swadeshi" goods, 4) the capitalists of America and Israel should benefit by selling the goods produced by their front-men companies in the name of national goods, and 5) thus getting fabulous commission from Indian capitalists as well as from capitalists of imperialist countries ensuring selling of their goods. Nobody can excel anti-national Arya-Brahmins in pretending patriotism and benefit by exploiting the sentiments of people.
Whether Bahujans purchase, articles either of Indian capitalists or of the foreign capitalists, in both the situations Arya-Brahmin exploiters are benefited and the exploitation system of Tri-Iblisis is strengthened.
The articles produced by so called national and foreign capitalists are as under (spelling of article or company name may not be accurate as the names are translated from Hindi pamphlet) :
1) Tooth-paste, tooth powder : Colgate, Cibaca, Close-up, Forhans, pepsodent, True-gel, Emo Farm, Prudent, Signal, Neem, Aqwa fresh (Foreign capitalists) Viko Vajradati, Dabur Lal Dantamanjan, Babul, Anchor, Promise, Gai-Chhap (Cow-brand0, Bitco,Swati, Bunder-Chhap, Effermint, Miss walk, MDH and other countrymade powders (national capitalists)
2) Tooth Brush : Cibaca, Forhans, Close-up, Pamolive, Aqwa fresh, Colgate, pepsodent, (foreign capitalists) Ajay, Monet, Promise, Classic, Ajenta, Anchor (Indian capitalists)
3) Bath soaps : All products of Hindustan liver, Lux, lifebuy, Moti, Pears, Rexona, Liril, Johnson Baby soap, Ponds, Dettol, Nico, Came, Breeze, Dov, Jay, OK, Ganaga, Clearsil, Hamam, Margo (Foreign Capitalists) Chandrika, Kesh Nikhar, Mysore Sandle, Baby soap, All products of Nirma company, Himani, Synthol, Medimix, Neema rose, Ajay, Swastic, Santoor, Marvel, Khadi Gramodyog etc., (Indian Capitalists / industries)
4. Washing shoap, kitchen soaps, woolen cloth soaps etc.:-Areal, Surf, Rin, Sunlight, Check, Wheel, Harpik, Vim, Wile, Surf excel (Foreign Capitalists) Nirma, 555 Bar, Vimal, Fena, Hipolin, Godrej, Ghadi, Doctor, Team 2000, Sanchi, Pari, Tata Kem, GVG Sip, Sasa, Odopic, Tata Shudh, Ribil, Saibaba, T-Series, Gentil, Godrej Dip Ezee etc., (Indian Capitalists)
5. Shaving Blades :- 7o Clock, Biltel,Erasmic, Gilet, Wilman, (Foregn Capitalists) Galant, Lager, Super Max, Topaz, Sulver, Esquire, Ashok, Bharat (Indian Capitalists)
6. Shaving Cream : Old Spice, Pamolive, Nibia, Real Denim (Foreign Capitalists) Emami, V-John, Godrej, Park Avenue, Premium (Indian Capitalists)
7. After Shave Lotions : Old Spice, Pamolive, Nibiya, Blue States, Denim Ponds (Foreign Capitalists)
8. Blue (Neel) :- Robin blue, Sky lark, Blue wash, Tinopal, Sunglow (ForeignCapitalists) Ashok, Ruby, Chamko, Chamak, Geap, Ujala (Indian Capitalists)
9. Toilet Cleaner : Harpik, Lijol, Finael (Foreign Capitalists)
10) Glass washing : Hurtle plus, Wonder glass, Colin, (Foreign Capitalists) Senifresh, Bengal Chemicals, Doctor water and newspapers (Indian)
11. Cosmetics : Bilcream, Old spice, Ponds, Nibia, fair & lovely, Rebolon, clearsil, Bluesin, Vaslin, Rexona Deodorent, Lacme, Johnson baby powder, Nycil, Lyril, Dettol, Cleartone, Charmis, Anne French, Oil yadle, Oil of ole, Imperial leather (Foreign capitalists) Emami, Himani Gold, Boro plus, Kenthradial Hair oil, Vico termeric, Himani Vatika, Shringar, Dabar Anwala Kesh Tel, Lotus Herbal, Balsara, Parachute, Hair & Care, Synthol Premium, Park Avenue, Emami antiseptic cream, Boro Plus, Borolin, Premia (Indian Capitalists).
12. Shampoo & sanitary napkins :- Halo Clinic & all products of Sunsilk, Lux, Ogenix, Johnson, Mediker, Bringal, Ultra Durex, Head & Sholder, care free, Whisper, Stay free, Comfort (Foreign Capitalists) Mayur, Meghdoot, Godrej Shikakai, Velvet, Arnica, Nyle, Kesh Nikhar, Swastik Shikakai, Hair & care, Vipro Shikakai, Lady care, Snugi (Indian Capitalists)
13. Tea & Coffee : - Brook Bond, Red label, Lipton Tiger, Green label, Taj, Polson, Choice, Taza, Saragam, Tester, Goodric, Double Diamond, Nescafe, (Foreign Capitalists) Tata tea, Brahmaputra, Lal Ghoda, Maharaja, Asam, Girnar, Apsra, Hansmukh, Dhanseri, Tata cafe, M. R. Continental coffee, Indian Coffee, Indian coffee, Society, Gurukul Kangadi Tea, Health Tea, Roy & Company (Indian Capitalists)
14. Drinks :- Lehar-Pepsy, 7up, Kisan, Thumps up, Coca Cola, Gold spot, Harvest, Fanta, Mirinda, Limca, Team ( Foreign Capitalists) Rasna, Ruh Afza, Sharbate Azam, Haldiram, BDM, Guruji (Indian Capitalists)
15. Ice cream : - Quality, Walsh, (Foreign Capitalists, Top and Town, Dinshaw, Wadilal, Amul (Indian Capitalists)
16. Chocklate, Biscuits :- Britania, Nesle, Eclair, Parry, Chatpat, Five star, Cheer, Old chemeco, Party time, Olmonds, Vicks, Lotus, Chocobar, Kitkat, Doublemint,Cloret, allproducts of Cadburry, Sarali (Foreign Capitalists) Amul, Shalimar, Dukes, Gopal Biscuit, Nutrine Ajit, Parle, Camco, Priya Gold, Ravalgao, Bakesman, Windsor, Crown, Anand, Paris (Indian Capitalists).
17. Phone Sets :- Penaphone, Panasonic, Sanyo, (Foreign Capitalists) Orpat, Tata, ITI (Indian Capitalists)
18. Luggage, brief cases :- Semsonite (ForeignCapitalists) VIP, Aristocrat (Indian Capitalists)
19. Baby Food, milk powder, tonics :- Milk maid, Cerelack, Farex, Nesle, Lactogen, Complan, Everyday, Anik spray, Bornvita, Horlicks, Boost, Nestum, Milo (Nesle) Glaxo, CP (Foreign Capitalists) Amul, Amulya, Sagar, Indana, Sapan, Milk care, Amulmilk, Mate Aman, Doaba Maltova, Nutramul, Chavyanprash
20. Chatni, Pickles, Souse, Custard, Nudles :- Maggi, Kisan, Brown and Polson, Vekfield, Maggi nudles (Foreign Industrialists) Pan, Indana, Nilons, Priya, Vekfield, RK, Ruchira, Krishi, Rasna, spread maker, K Pra, Bedekar, Sil maker, Noga, Batra, Top Remon,Sailors, Kelkar, Pravin (India Capitalists)
21. Potato Chips, & Mixture : Rufles, Lays, Lehar Hostage, (Foreign Capitalists) Manohar,Harish, Prakash, Anmol, Bikaji, Akash, Haldiram, Dhaolamaru (Indian Capitalists).
22. Edible oil : Dalada, Sudrop, Cristal,Anik, Everyday, Flora (Foreign Capitalists) Amrit, Gagan, Dhara, Kriti, Postman, Surya, Vital, Sunflower, Maruti, Khajuraho, Sanchi, Bhashkar, Amul. Rath,Sapan, Sweekar, Samprati pasand, Aare, Haldiram (Indian Capitalists)
23. Stationary : SDI, Remington (Foreign Capitalists, Airways Kamal, Bharat, D P Khode, Modi, Nataraj, Lion, Ashok, Dimond, Kishore etc. (Indian Capitalists)
24. Bal pen,Pencil : Renald, Parker, Niklson, Otho, Add gel pen, Today, Rotomac, Flayer, Writer, Link, Mitsubishi, Uniball, Luxur (Foreign Capitalists) Rolo, Ambessador, Camlin, Natraj, Kamal (Indian Capitalists)
25. Electric Fans, Bulb, Tubes Battery cell : GEC, Rallies, Nippo,Jokvano, Philips, GE, Vipro (Foreign capitalists) Orient, Cinni, Khaitan, Polar, Bajaj, Eveready,, BPL, Usha, Electron,Bengallamps, ceema, Surya, Anchor, Prakash, Mysore, Hindustan lamps (Indian Capitalists)
26. T. V., Fridge, Washing Machine, Geezer, Mixy, Music system & Home appliances : Super LG, Kelvinator,Virlpool, National Panasonic, Recald, Philips, Singer, Rallymax, GE, Samsung, Soni,Sansui, Ravor, Sharp, Devoo, Aiwa, Cosmic (Foreign Capitalists) Godrej, Alvin, BPL,Mega, Crompton,Maharaja, Gopi, Sumit, UT, Voltas, Uptron, Bajaj, Onida, Weston, Ahuja, Pioneer, Crown, T series, Unisound, Vidiocon (IndianCapitalists)
27. Mosquito repellants : Mortin, Goodnight, Jet, Begon (Foreign Capitalists) Caspor, Kachua, Odomos, Finit (Indian Capitalists)
28. Audio Cassettes : Cresendo, Soni, Magna sound, Maxel (Foreign Capitalists) T series, HMV, Meltec, Vinus, Tips, (Indian Capitalists)
29. Watches : Citizen, Rado, Timex, Omega, Ciko, Rico, Maxel, Soni, 3M (Foreign Capitalists) HMT, Titen,Ajanta-orpat, Sonata, Maxima (Indian Capitalists)
30. Match-box : Ticca, Homelite, Vimco, Ship (Foreign Capitalists) 50 paise, Chavi etc. (Indian Capitalists)
31. Salt : Annapurna, Capton cook (Foreign Capitalists) Tata, Gai Chhap, Nirma Namak, etc (Indian Capitalists)
32. Rice Basamati : Season, Harvest, Insavally, Basmati ( Foreign Capitalists) Kohinoor, Lalkilla, Pari, Satbhog, etc. (Indian Capitalists)
33 Tyres : Dunlop, Firestone, Bridgetone, Goodyear, Shail, Castrol, Tata-British (Foreign Capitalists) Ceat, Modi, JK, Apolo, Vikrant, TVM, Modi stone, MRF, Survo (Indian Capitalists)
Five big American oil companies are as under :- 1) ExxonMobil / Esso 2) Texaco Chevion 3) Atria (Philip Morris / Kraft) 4) Microsoft and 5) Mcdonalds. US airlines, General electric, Valt Disney, Pfizer, are other American Companies. Liver is an British Company.
Exploiter whether he is national or foreigner, exploiter is an exploiter. Exploiters never care for masses but for their own profit and for that sheds the blood of masses. Therefore, aware indigenous masses should have following economic policy.
The aware Bahujans of various communities of indigenous masses, with the help of each other should form "community self-reliance center" in their area or villages. If in a village or area sufficient number of members are not available then area of community self-reliance center should be expanded.
1) The "community self-reliance center" with the help of unemployed youths should conduct a survey of daily needs of residents of the area. With the help of politically and socially aware Bahujans they should obtain the orders for the supply of products of their daily needs. These items may include :- i) rice, wheat etc, oils, vegetables, snacks such as Biscuits, chocolates, potato chips, mixtures, bread, pickles, souse, noodle etc, fruit juices, Murabba etc ii) grinded spices, chilly powder, turmeric powder etc., iii) Hair oil, soaps, Blue, tooth powder, cosmetics iv) stationary for school going children, v) foot-wears etc., articles.
Some of these articles shall be produced in "Community self-reliance centers" while remaining shall be bought directly from the Bahujan peasants and the producers and supplied to the people of the area.
1) At the initial stage, "community self-reliance center" should start with 2-3 items considering its resources. As the resources increase, number of items should be increased.
2) Thus the community self-reliance center shall i) give employment to youths, ii) people shall get unadulterated articles, and iii) peasants shall be freed from the exploitation of middlemen and the market monopolists.
3) The things which can not be produced by the community self-reliance centre, shall be bought from the capitalists who are opposed to Tri-Iblisi capitalists and who agree to employ Bahujans in their factories.
4) Arya-Brahmins have defamed our Bahujan warriors and did everything so that we forget them or consider them insignificant before the Arya-Brahmin saints, leaders and kings.
Therefore, everything that is produced by community self-reliance center shall bear the name of our Bahujanwadi warriors for example, Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar, Periyar, Chakradhar Swami, Namdev, Ravidas, Kabir, Guru Ghasidas, Tukaram, Shahid Bhagat Singh, Shahid Udhamsingh, Baliraja, Ravan, Jarasangh, Zalkaribai, Ahilyabai Holkar, Kumra Bhimu, Tantya Bhil, Shiwaji, Auragjeb, Fulan devi, and so on who fought against exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins.
This will help to develop unity between the various section of indigenous masses and heighten their self respect.
5) Community self-reliance center must have an awareness campaign department which shall : – i) launch a campaign to boycott articles produced by capitalists of Gujarat who are supporters of fascist Tri-Iblisi organizations that engineer massacres of Muslim indigenous masses such as in Gujarat and in various parts of India. It is the duty of every Bahujan to boycott the articles produced by such capitalists.
But no Muslim organization ever felt the need to start campaign to boycott articles of capitalists belonging to Gujarat because these Muslim organizations are led by upper-caste Muslims and are aided by countries whose rulers are slaves of America and Israel. Such organizations can only deceive Muslim masses.
Jamat E Islami Hind launched an all India campaign to deceive people in the name of opposing communalism. It arranged lectures all over India and invited pro RSS Arya-Brahmin speakers. Such a campaign is no different from the "Samajik Samarasta campaign" launched by RSS family organizations. In fact, Jamaat E Islami is part of the same RSS family. Jamaet E Islami leaders shamelessly visited RSS headquarter at Nagpur. Many Muslim organizations openly campaigned in election in favor of BJP.
The capitalists have entered into the business of farming and milk production and its sale which have suffered the business of our "Gavali" community brothers and the poor farmers are being destroyed. The land of farmers is losing its fertility due the use of chemical fertilizers and insecticides imposed on them for the benefit of foreign and Indian capitalists who produce and sell them to farmers consuming subsidy.
The awareness branch of community self-reliance center shall aware masses about the evils of consumer culture which is imposed by exploiters on masses to extract anything that is left with toiling masses.
Awareness department will propagate the benefits and happiness of developing Pradnya, Sheela, and Karuna and living a simple meaningful and socially useful life and shall spread and strengthen Bahujanwadi Culture among the toiling masses.
6) A portion of the profit of community self-reliance center shall be used in strengthening the struggle of indigenous masses against exploitation and oppression of Tri-Iblis and in helping families of the warriors of this struggle.
7) Running community self reliance center is such an experience that train masses and develop in them the ability to establish and run the productive units of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra (after revolution) and remove the difficulties that they may encounter.
It is absolutely certain that organizations of vote-beggar leaders shall never think of starting and running community self-reliance centers because they never want that the masses should become aware, unite themselves and develop the ability to control and rule.
6. "Case Ours and Pleading Yours" have to be stopped !
Judges are made from lawyers therefore, if the Bahujans boycott Arya-Brahmins lawyers, the judiciary will automatically be freed from the Arya-Brahmins. Considering this, the pro-reservation lawyers of Patna, Buhar have started a movement called as "Judiciary Reservation Movement (JRM) to develop awareness among Bahujans. They have made an appeal to Bahujan masses that the Bahujans should give their case to OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adiwasi lawyers who are strong supporters of reservation in judiciary. If this is done completely, the anti-reservation lawyers will automatically shall be thrown out of judiciary and whole judiciary shall come in the hands of Bahujans because 97-98% cases belong to Bahujan communities. (Ambedkar Mission Patrika, July 2003)
7. Destroy Personality idol-Worshipping !
Exploited indigenous masses can control their leaders and their struggle against exploitation and oppression and make it a successful Jihad only when they become completely aware, and develop in them the Bahujanwadi culture.
On the contrary when masses or party members believe that it is the duty of leaders to take decisions and decide the fate of struggle then they stop thinking, put a lock on their ability to reason. They merely raise their hands in support of everything decided by leaders and follow orders blindly. Such organizations sooner or later are bound to become slaves of Brahmanism and its exploitation system.
Therefore, it is the primary responsibility of aware Bahujans to break the personality idol worshiping and strengthen the decision making processes of toiling masses.
The lackeys and stooges of Brahmanism are systematically spreading among the masses the personality worship, tendency to consider oneself more efficient and intelligent than the masses, to consider oneself big leader, big author, big intellectual and make lecture delivering very importance. These lackeys raise ego of individuals by bestowing them with honors, awards and prizes in ceremonies. Nepotism, successor-ism etc. Manuist tendencies are the consequences when such so called "great" persons enter Bahujanwadi organizations. They do everything to weaken the say of common masses and make them dependent on leaders and the elite section.
Therefore, it is most important to expose such ego-heightening activities so that those who are doing them innocently stop doing them and those who are doing them deliberately are exposed.
8. Confuse Arya-Brahmin Exploiters !
To make our struggle against exploitation and oppression invincible, it is essential condition that we make our enemies blind, deaf and dumb so that, neither they are able to listen the propaganda being carried on against them, nor are able to see the activities being run against them. It is equally important to launch such activities that Arya-Brahmin exploiters are not dared to utter a single word against it fearing their own exposure.
1) Every Bahujan following the teachings of Pitamaha Jyotirao Fule should completely end their contacts with Arya-Brahmins (except formal unavoidable talks in profession or business) because the Arya-Brahmin betray Bahujans for Arya-Brahmin interests.
By severing contacts with Arya-Brahmins you shall deprive them any opportunity to misguide you or your friends and to sow the seeds of enmity between the Bahujan communities.
2) Carry on your awareness campaign very quietly, carefully and patiently. Do not let any Arya-Brahmin know about your activities. Ensure that no Arya-Brahmin get correct information about what is going on among the Bahujans so that illusion and sense of uncertainty always remains in the minds of exploiter Arya-Brahmin enemies. Many Bahujans should dedicate themselves in the campaign to misinform, confuse and discourage exploiter Arya-Brahmins.
3) All the Bahujans working in different organizations including the organizations lead by Arya-Brahmins should develop a solid unity on the issues of Bahujan interest. They should also develop a strong understanding to support each other in protecting Bahujan interests against the interest of exploiter Arya-Brahmins. Every Bahujan must be made to realize that by weakening Arya-Brahmins they can become powerful to hold the reins of their organization. Bahujans working in the organizations of Arya-Brahmins should be realized that they shall loose remaining sympathy of masses if they go against the interests of Bahujan masses.
4) It is most important to aware the Bahujans working in the organizations of Arya-Brahmins such as BJP, RSS, Bajarang Dal, fake communist parties of India etc. parties. Such Bahujans should remain in these organizations to sabotage anti-Bahujan activities and help the struggle of Bahujan masses against exploitation and oppression of Bahujans by the Arya-Brahmins. They should do this secretly with all patience.
Bahujans have done this in the last election of Parliament. RSS family could not yet recover from this shock. According to Sahara Samay, RSS which claims to have 49000 daily "Shakhas", 45000 Service projects, daily presence of 10,00000 (10 lacks) persons in these Sahkhas, presence of 50 lack persons in Gurupuja, and claiming 2.5 crore persons in the influence of its ideology has put its every worker in support of BJP in parliament election. In spite of that RSS could not remain in power. This shock was more severe for RSS than the shock which it got when it was banned in 1947 and in 1975. (Sahara Samay, 7 August 2004)
5) The work of Bahujan mission is to destroy the coordination of Arya-Brahmin organizations. Therefore, it is important to calmly and quietly add fuel in their disputes to create enmities and bitter fight among themselves. We must apply every tactics against exploiter Arya-Brahmins which they used against us to divide, weaken and destroy us. A campaign to divide them and sowing the seeds of enmity between exploiter Arya-Brahmins should also be launched.
6) Give very stern answer to the Arya-Brahmins. The extreme fear created in their heart will compel Arya-Brahmins to return our snatched rights back to us.
9. Benefit from every weakness of the Arya-Brahminists
We must be able to benefit from every weakness of Arya-Brahminist enemies. Every Arya-Brahmin believes in "Shubham Karoti Kalyanam" and " Shubhasya Shrighram" meaning benefit from anything and grab benefit as quickly as possible. Therefore, an Arya-Brahmin can work against Arya-Brahmin interest if it gives him great benefit. Their selfish and corrupt tendencies, their moral degradation, their cowardice and from their every other weakness, Bahujanwadi movement can benefit.
Rosa Luxemberg, of Germany, was released from jail on the pretext of her deteriorating health. But the fact is that the concerned jail officers were bribed for her release. It was also threatened that the jail officers and their family would face severe consequences if she is killed in the jail. Because of this threat jail officers dropped their plan to kill her. (Ramvraksha Benipuri, 1946). This proves that when the lives of exploiters are in danger they concede.
10. Workers' Movement and the Problems of the workers
All problems of workers are due to Manuwadi exploitation system of Tri-Iblis. Our every problem shall be solved when we successfully establish Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra. Therefore every effort of workers organization shall be towards destroying exploitation system of Tri-Iblis and establishing Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra.
We can learn every strategy of workers movement from the experiences of labour movement in Russia and other parts of the world. Few lessons are as under :-
1) The first task of aware Bahujans is to politically educate workers.
According to Stalin, the organ {newspaper / literature} of workers must answer every question of workers such as what is our ideology ? What is the nature of social system we intend to bring, what would be our role in workers movement, workers should be informed about the workers struggle going elsewhere in the world and the conditions of workers in these countries. Every such movement should be analyzed from the point of view of a revolutionary organization which founded its ideology scientifically. (J. V. Stalin Works (Vol.1: 1904-1907) p.7)
2) The workers organizations should raise themselves from the shallow "economism".
Workers should not indulge themselves in shallow economism such as raising salary, bonus etc. because every increase in their salary puts more strain on the unorganized toiling masses who get very low wages and are least protected.
The basic aim of Bahujanwadi worker's organization or of aware Bahujanwadi workers shall be raise workers from shallow economism and develop in them Bahujanwadi culture essential for Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra.
Stalin expressed happiness and praised Russian workers when they raised themselves above economism and started thinking socially. According to Stalin in the workers strike throughout the Russia, it has been observed that nun of them demanded Bonus and where the demand of Bonus was mentioned it was kept at end as their last demand. This makes it clear that the petty-Bourgeois tendencies of the workers are diminishing. Now the workers demand expulsion of arrogant managers, taking expelled workers back on their jobs, to increase the powers of "works commission" {of representatives of workers} and oil fields other such demand which correspond to their security, safety and organizational solidarity. In this connection, the strike of Mirzoyev is of special importance where they demanded immediate restoration of expelled workers on their jobs, To recognize Commission of workers and no worker should be expelled from job without the approval of worker's commission. This strike is continued since last two weeks with the determination and high vigor never seen before. These workers proudly say that they are neither fighting for their Bonus, nor for soap and towels but are fighting for their rights and for the self respect of the workers commission. (J. V. Stalin Works, Vol.2: 1907-19013; p.101-02)
3) The aim of the workers organization or aware Bahujans shall be to organize workers widely or nationally so that plans and attempts of exploiters to victimize, persecute or expel workers, curtail their rights and or security provisions should be retaliated politically by workers and people as a whole.
For example, According to Stalin, the factory owners were trying to instigate us to go for unplanned, unorganized spontaneous strike so that our workers movement is divided. We shall never be caught in this net of conspiracy of oil mill owners. They have been postponing conference of delegate council indefinitely. We should demand to immediately organize delegate conference of workers so that we are able to finalize demands of workers and organize 50,000 workers with the delegate council. Then it will be easy for us to encounter these non-European oil company owners. Unless we finalize our demands and convince workers we can not organize workers with the delegate council. By organizing workers with delegate council we shall be able to protect ourselves from the evil tactics of the oil mill owners (J. V. Stalin Works, Vol.2: 1907-19013; p.108-09,112) According to Stalin, we should not forget that {in this period of state terrorism} our strike in Baku shall be unprecedentedly very serious, lengthy and very difficult. It will be a strike which never occurred in the history of Baku. We must keep in mind that 1) In earlier strikes, we could secure the support of workers throughout Russia in the form of their strike in our support 2) Another favourable thing was that the local officers were somewhat neutral, and oil mill owners were inexperienced and unorganized which benefit our strike. But this time nun of these conditions are in our favour. The owners have become so shrewd that they incite us to go for isolated and unorganized strike. In spite of that our victory is inevitable if we prepare to meet every calamity and go for well planned, organized strike. Then only our victory is possible. We can not say when such strike is going to be organized. But it is certain that this strike shall be called when the time and conditions shall be unfavorable to the oil mill owners . Meanwhile it is our prime most responsibility to engage ourselves with all strength and vigor to meet every possible difficulties in the proposed strike. It is our prime most duty to strengthen unity and organization among the workers. We must unite all workers removing our differences such as permanent workers, temporary workers, skilled and unskilled workers. We must decide common demands for which all workers can unite. We must involve ourselves against every oppression of mill owners so that we win the confidence of workers and can organize them. We must aware workers about the principles of socialism. We must unite the workers of all oil fields and organize their respective workers commissions and make preparations for proposed general strike. (J. V. Stalin Works, Vol.2: 1907-19013; p.163-68)
Stalin had pointed out that the general strike of Britain had failed because of the following reasons : 1) the leaders were lacking the potentials to accomplish the under taken tasks, 2) they did not prepare in advance to deal with the difficulties and problems that would arise during general strike so that the strike is made successful, 3) labor party was frustrated, it was so corrupt and infested with betrayers, 4) this general strike could not assume the form of political struggle therefore it was inevitable that it would be defeated, 5) the general council refused to accept monetary help which was offered by workers of Soviet union and workers of other countries to make the strike successful. As a result their fund became severely deficient to meet necessary requirements, 6) the impracticable decisions of second international and Amsterdam federation of trade unions, and finally 7) communist party was too weak to lead the strike. (J. V. Stalin Works, Vol.8: 1926 Jan.-Nov., p.169-73)
This makes it clear that the workers should establish coordination with the peasants, students and youths and with every revolutionary organization so that they can help each other in their struggle against exploitation and oppression. Then only they can defeat evil tactics of the exploiters and win the struggle. This can materialize only when political awareness is brought widely among the workers, peasants, students and the youths and Pradnya, Sheela and Karuna is developed among them.
All sections of exploited Bahujans should make the exploiters realize that if they crush their peaceful resistance with brute armed forces, the exploiter class will have to face the consequences. Not the weapon but hand holding the weapon shall suffer.
4) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar as well as Joseph Stalin insisted upon political party of workers. Therefore, aware Bahujans should make workers politically aware and strive hard to establish their own workers political party.
According to Stalin, To implement their leadership role, the workers must organize their independent political party. Then, at the betrayal of their temporary allied parties, the workers shall be able to encounter state terrorism and dictatorship more efficiently on the strength of their own political party. (J. V. Stalin Works (Vol.1: 1904-1907) p.30)
A real revolutionary party can bring workers out of economism and convert them into a great political strength. (J. V. Stalin Works, Vol.6: 1924, p.178) Stalin instructed all party members to work with trade unions so that workers could be brought systematically in the struggle against capitalism because without workers support no rule of working masses can be brought or retained. (J. V. Stalin Works, Vol.7: 1925, p. 103) According to Stalin, in order to make revolution successful and establish rule of working class we must bring unity between the workers and bring workers close to peasants by devising and implementing every means. (J. V. Stalin Works, Vol.7: 1925, p. 56-57)
5) Joseph Stalin believed in the strong hold of workers on their leaders. Stalin had issued a statement mentioning it the duty of aware workers to rein those 7 social democratic deputies who are attacking remaining social democratic sections. (J. V. Stalin Works, Vol.2: 1907-1913; p.386)
The situation in India is completely different.
All trade union leaders in India are lackeys of exploiters and are organized to meet the their selfish interests. Do not be deceived by their revolutionary slogans because their revolutionary slogans are simply advertisement to catch the workers (victims) in their exploitation net. Workers are their prey. Therefore, it is the duty of aware Bahujans to make workers capable to fight their own battle to solve their problems.
In this regard, It is essential to publish books which provide every information to workers regarding solving their day today problems. For example, the book should contain information regarding where to write, whom to write, and the formats and sample applications, related rules and laws. When such information will reach to the victimized Bahujans through the aware Bahujans in the form of awareness book, and they help each other then the large section of workers, peasants, students who remains aloof from the struggle shall develop courage to participate in the struggle against exploitation system of Tri-iblis. A large section of workers shall be saved from the clutches of selfish union and political leaders because these union leaders on the power of the same information compel workers to become members of their union or political party. Not only that, they also impose their leadership on these workers, get hold of original "case papers" so that the prey remain only in their clutches. They also compel workers to work against the rival union leaders. They create enmity between workers to maintain their factions to enjoy benefits such as contribution from workers, amount from mill owners for under table settlements, voting in elections, percent of economical benefit the workers got, and so on.
Policy regarding lackeys and corrupt union leaders
What should be our policy towards the selfish union leaders and the lackeys of the exploiters ? According to Stalin, it is absurd logic that we shall not participate in the unions of British trade unions because their leaders are reactionary. This will simply means leaving the workers for such reactionary leaders simply because the workers are ignorant. Our basic task is to aware the workers and develop in them potentials to the extent that they become capable of throwing their reactionary leaders and the betrayers out. (J. V. Stalin Works, Vol.8: 1926 Jan.-Nov., p.191)
To reach maximum number of workers, revolutionary trade unions can make alliance with reactionary trade unions and form a joint front with them provided that every organization of the united front has the right to criticize each-other according to their policies. The united front can be formed only on this condition. Then only we shall be able to aware the workers and bring them out of the influence of reactionary leaders. (J. V. Stalin Works, Vol.8: 1926 Jan.-Nov., p.196-97)
We can not leave our right to criticize simply to retain the united front, because doing so will mean overlooking mistakes and betrayals of the reactionary trade union leaders. The basic purpose of forming united front is to launch struggle against capitalists in the interests of workers and to oppose the imperialist war by all means. If any leader betrays workers and the very purpose of forming united front, then how can we praise such leaders ? {or keep mum ?}. In these situations exercising right to criticize can expose mistakes and betrayals before the workers. Criticizing betraying leaders does not reduce but increase the strength of the workers. Therefore it is better for workers' struggle that workers themselves throw out such betraying leaders to their earliest. Some persons give this absurd logic that instead of working with other organizations if we follow the right path, the workers of other organization will become aware automatically and shall forsake their reactionary leaders. But this line of thinking is completely wrong because, correctness of our policies, and realizing by workers that our policies are correct are two different things. Workers should be able to recognize and understand by their own experiences that our policies are correct. Workers realize this with their own experience the correctness of our policies. Then only they will join us. To make them realize the first requirement is that we should work with them. (J. V. Stalin Works, Vol.8: 1926 Jan.-Nov., p.210-12)
Our party is not a debating forum. But it is an organization that fights for working class. (J. V. Stalin Works, Vol.8: 1926 Jan.-Nov., p.238) The history of party makes it obvious that party differences are not removed in debate but are removed by implementing principles in the reality conditions. (J. V. Stalin Works, Vol.2: 1907-1913; p.216) While remaining in united front it is the duty of communist parties to make aware and prepare workers for socialist revolution in response to the attacks of the capitalists on the workers. (J. V. Stalin Works, Vol.8: 1926 Jan.-Nov., p.177)
Therefore, aware workers should maintain better relations with all other workers and help them in their problems. Workers should not remain dependent upon leaders of any one trade union organization and the decision should be taken with the consent of all the workers after mutual discussions.
The aware workers should also expose political organizations of exploiters, defeat them in elections, boycott the goods produced by Tri-Iblis and form community self-reliance centers and strengthening them.
11. The Peasant Problems
Brahamanist riding on the government of India are comprador who work for the interests of multinational companies and derive huge commission from them. Therefore, they have provided multinational companies every opportunity to enslave peasants and extract as much loot as they can extract and destroy them.
1) Multinational companies want the land of peasants for themselves to monopolize agriculture farming using modern technology, make a section of the peasants their landless laborers and throw the remaining in the alley of unemployment.
2) The multinational companies have imposed terminator seeds on Indian farmers when crops are ready can be used for the purpose of eating only. It can not be used for sowing the crops. This is most dangerous situation. These companies can defeat any country dependent on terminator seeds simply by withholding the seeds required for sowing.
3) Brahmanists riding the government are so intolerant that they resort to killing the peasants in police firing because they ask for water. Brahminist govt. has retained the water for the multinational companies so that they sell it and use it to prepare their soft drinks such as cococola, pepsi and so on.
Arya-Brahmanists riding the government of India are indifferent to the suicides of formers. The main reason behind this intolerance and indifference is that the Arya-Brahmins want to avenge the Nag-Dravid Bahujans in a worst possible way.
One can clearly see the difference in their behaviour and attitude while dealing with Bahujans and Arya-Brahmins. Prime minister Manmohan Singh visited Mumbai twice to see the Arya-Brahmin victims of Mumbai bomb blasts that occurred in first class compartments of the train. Sonia Gandhi, president of Indian national congress and other leaders also visited promptly and provided necessary help immediately to their Arya-Brahmins. These victims were allowed to get treatment in costliest private hospitals. On the other hand, Bahujan farmers have no alternate but to commit suicides. Even after their suicide nobody want to see them.
4) What alternative is left with toiling masses when the Arya-Brahmins riding the government no more bother about morality, make laws in the manner that suit exploiters of all kinds, judiciary shamelessly give anti-people decisions in the interest of exploiters. Even the democratic peaceful forms of protests are not tolerated and toilers are killed in police firings ?
One can hope nothing but persecution and victimization of farmers by the Arya-Brahmins riding the government. The only alternative is to aware the peasants about the real state of affairs and expose complete loyalty of Arya-Brahmins for the multinationals. The farmers should not remain in illusion and expect anything from the Arya-Brahmins riding the government, or from the political organizations lead by Arya-Brahmins, or from the organizations who are slave of Arya-Brahmins and from the organizations who can not organize a kind of struggle required to compel the Arya-Brahmins to surrender before the farmers annoying multinational companies and imperialists countries.
5) The basic need is to organize a kind of mass struggle that will compel money lenders to stop their exploitation and run away from the villages along with their armed antisocial goons. The basic need is to organize a kind of struggle that will compel multinationals to run away from the villages and towns so that the water of the people and of the farmers is protected. The basic need is to organize the kind of struggle that will compel the leaders and exploiter class and their lackeys not to use brutal police force and their armed groups of antisocial elements in the interest of their own safety. The safety of masses is ensured only when the exploiters develop acute fear that resorting to brutalities and repression will go against the safety of their own exploiter class.
Unless such struggle is organized, no little remedial measures are possible because exploiter class concede only when they are compelled to concede. Therefore, the farmers must think seriously to develop a kind of strength and a sharp sting that will leave no alternative for the exploiter class but to concede.
12. Develop aid fund for
victims of Arya-Brahmin oppression
In every village and locality aid-fund for victims of Arya-Brahmin oppression as well as aid fund for struggle victims must be formed so that the riot engineering Arya-Brahmins oppressors are made to punish for their evil deeds. Similarly, persons who have sacrificed their lives for the cause of the masses and who are put in to economical calamity are helped.
Such a fund can be organized by small organizations of the localities and they help victims in their own supervision to ensure proper use of such fund.
Such a fund can be easily raised by diverting the fund collected to celebrate birth days of our liberation warriors such as Buddha, Ambedkar, Fule, Shahu and so on. Instead of wasting huge amount on decoration and such other wastages if the amount is properly used to give proper answer to those who burn our houses, rape our women, humiliate and kill us. Answering the oppressors in the language they understand would be a sign of a community full of self respect. That would compel the oppressors to think thousands time before committing such oppressions and massacres.
13. We must have our retaliation force
Considering fascist nature of Arya-Brahmin organizations, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar had formed retaliation organizations such as "Samata Sainik Dal" and "Pranyadnya Dal".
Considering Bajarang Dal, Soldiers of Hindutva, etc. Sangh-Parivar terrorist organizations the need of a retaliatory force has increased thousand fold who can aptly answer these fascist organizations in their own language by better means than theirs.
Without such retaliation force, the organizations of indigenous OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi Nag-Dravids are just like the lions without teeth and nails who can not bend a hair of the Arya-Brahmin oppressors but can become their tail wagging pets. Therefore, Bahujans must organize themselves to form a retaliatory force and train themselves accordingly so they are able to give proper reply to our oppressors.
14. Organize long-march Rallies for Bahujan-Rights
The oppressed Bahujans should organize long-march rallies for Bahujan-rights which should pass through every village / Taluka of every district, understand and solve local issues of oppression there itself in the presence of mob gathered in the rally.
Persons residing in the towns and cities should help the people participating in rallies by every means such as supply of food, money and other resources. It is the duty of every person belonging to nearby place to attend the rally till it is in the radius of 100 kilo meters of their residence. Those who can accompany rally beyond that must do so.
The problems which can not be solved there itself, awareness, mobilization and action plan must be decided there itself so that the exploitation, oppression is duly answered.
In "Dalit Adhikar" Patrika published from Rajastan (India) mentions such a rally which solved untouchability and other such issues there itself in the presence of large mob. Police was compelled to help in their lawful persuasions. (Dalit Adhikar, Nov. 2004).
The rally should camp itself in those villages in which weaker sections are exploited, victimized and oppressed. Aware and mobilize masses, launch extensive propaganda campaign till the issues are solved there itself. The oppressed of the villages must be assured that their every oppression shall be avenged in all conditions. Such rallies generates tremendous confidence and self-respect among the oppressed and acute fear among the oppressors.
In Telangana of Andhra Pradesh (part of Nizam state), landless laborers and small farmers used rallies most effectively. At the time of rallies the oppressors used to run away from the village and town.
15. Exploiters must be answered in their own language
Arya-Brahmins riding government destroy our huts and leave us to die in open in rain and severe cold. They call their such devilish act as "removing dirt from the city" and "making the city Shanghai".
They destroy our Adivasi settlements setting our huts on fire and drive us out with the help of armed forces. Arya-Brahmins call this act "saving forests".
Arya-Brahmin governments reduce number of workers. Impose laws that enable capitalist exploiters to suck last drop of the blood of we indigenous factory worker. All these activities are called by Arya-Brahmins as "Labour reforms".
Arya-Brahmins riding the government pass laws that allow to deprive we farmers from the water of our own rivers, wells, and ponds because our water is monopolized by multinational capitalists. They use our water for their industries, sell our water and make soft drinks and sell. Arya-Brahmins privatize public units to make Bahujans unemployed. Arya-Brahmins call this "economical reforms".
Arya-Brahmins riding government allow loot of national resources. Loot toiling masses by various direct and indirect taxes and allow industrialists to pocket large amount of it. From public treasure industrialists receive electricity, water, raw material at nominal cost. Roads are build and railway lines are laid for them to transport their goods. All from the public money. This is called "encouraging industries".
Looting government treasury of toiling masses by Arya-Brahmins on their Arya-Brahmins by awards, prizes, grants etc. is called as "Honoring merit".
Monopolizing services, and every big positions by Arya-Brahmins no matter how big morons or most corrupt they are is called as "selecting merit".
Looting our money on Arya-Brahmin religion is called as "cultural development".
Killing Muslims, Dalit, OBCs without any provocation in police firing is called "peacekeeping".
Arranging massacres of indigenous Muslims in Gujarat and elsewhere in India is called "cultural cleansing".
Those who participate in these massacres of Muslims are called "patriots".
The American fascists call their bombarding on Iraq, Afganistan, Iran and other countries as "liberating people".
We indigenous OBC, Dalit, Muslim and Adivasi masses are far superior than the Arya-Brahmins in every respect but these inefficient Arya-Brahmins call us "merit-less".
Arya-Brahmins call themselves cultured and call we Bahujans "uncultured".
Arya-Brahmins call their language "pure" and our language "impure".
When we demand our legitimate share in all walks of life we are called by these uncultured lot as "communal" and they deny our every right.
Arya-Brahmins who have looted every natural resources, grabbed every Bahujan right and sucked last drop of the blood of indigenous Bahujan masses call themselves "patriot".
When we Bahujan demand our rights we are called as "anti-national", "terrorists" and Naxalites.
Arya-Brahmin exploiters want to snatch every right of indigenous Bahujan masses by any hook and crook. Therefore, they do not want to understand the language of logic, morality or sanity.
No matter how sound logic you give it will be suppressed in the noise of Manu-media and in the noise of their lackeys.
No matter how log you persist it has no use because you can not do anything than crying and they enjoy your crying.
If you launch an agitation Arya-Brahmins would kill you in the hands of your own Bahujan policemen and "peace" will established for the Arya-Brahmin exploiters.
Therefore it is the duty of every indigenous Bahujan shed their illusion and speak in a "language" that is understood by Arya-Brahmins so that they come to senses.
The language that bring them to senses is to apply every our every power and kick vigorously at their back. This is the only language the Arya-Brahminist exploiters understand.
16. Turn back the weapon of religious fanaticism on Arya-Brahminists themselves
Arya-Brahmins boast proudly that they have been skillfully using the power of their enemies against themselves. For example, anti-Arya-Brahmin god "Shiv" who use to destroy the "Yadnyas" of Arya-Brahmins has been propagated as pro-Arya-Brahmin by the Arya-Brahmins themselves.
Brahmin Dronacharya insulted Eklavya by humiliating his caste and denied him admission. The Eklavya with injured self-respect cut with his arrow the tongue of idol of Dronacharya that insulted his community, broke the eyes of Dronacharya idol that looked his caste inferior, he started hitting every body part of Dronacharya idol with immense hate and determination that he attained skill in archery to such height that Arya-Brahmins could never imagine.
But the Arya-Brahmin Dronacharya cut his thumb by treachery and 1) left him frustrated to burn in his own sorrow and agony, 2) Propagated falsely that Eklavya himself sacrificed his thumb in Guru Dakshina and thus converted falsely the hard-core enemy of Brahmanism into an obedient slave of Brahmanism. 3) Used this false propaganda to establish superiority of Arya-Brahmins over the indigenous Nag-Dravid Bahujan masses.
Kshatriaya Ram to marry Sita, had broken the bow of Parshuram who had made earth free from Kshatriyas 21 times and allowed Arya-Brahmins to impregnate Kshtriya women. While Ram was returning with Sita, the angry Parshuram Brahmin challenged Ram for battle. Ram defeated Brahmin Parshuram and humiliated him to such extend that nobody knows where he went or whether he committed suicide in humiliation. Arya-Brahmin boast that such a Kshatriya Ram who avenged insult of Kshtriyas is used successfully in Ram temple agitation to engineer conflicts among the Bahujans and Muslims and kill them in the hands of each other.
They boast that to hide this Ram-Parshuram battle from the Bahujans Arya-Brahmins made Parshuram as an incarnation of Ram and Bahujans accepted it blindly. They did not ask if Parshuram was the incarnation of Ram then how a battle between them was possible ? But no Bahujan ever asked this question. Arya Brahmins boast that this is matchless example of Arya-Brahmin shrewdness and matchless example of idiocy of Bahujans.
Jyoti Basu and Mamta Banergy of west Bengal (India) killed Bahujans in the hands of Bahujans and no Bahujan ever thought why any Arya-Brahmin is not being killed in these craftily devised conflicts. Thus the Arya-Brahmins are 101% assured that Bahujans can not even bend their single hair.
However some careful Arya-Brahmins warn these boasting Arya-Barahminists not to remain in illusion because the art of using enemy strength against the enemy is being learned by Bahujans. Bahujans are successfully using this skill against the Arya-Brahmin exploiters.
For example, the Arya-Brahmins created caste system to divide Bahujans. But the Bahujans having 85% of population their caste identity has become their strength. On the basis of their caste identity they are uniting against Arya-Brahmins who constitute merely 15% of Indian population.
Bahujan castes are cooperating each other and keeping a "safe distance" from Arya-Brahmins as advised by Pitamaha Jyotirao Fule. Now the Bahujans do not open their heart before the Arya-Brahmins as they used to do earlier.
Even in the parties of Arya-Brahmin leadership a conflict between "Backward-forward" is started. It can be even suspected strongly that Bahujans in Arya-Brahmin organizations are playing the role of spies against the Arya-Brahmin interest.
The weapon of caste has been turned back on Arya-Brahmins themselves. Cautious Arya-Brahmins express great fear that Bahujans may use the weapon of religious fanaticism against the Arya-Brahmins and while chanting the slogans of Shiv, Ram, Kali, Durga, Hanuman (for example Jai Bajarang Bali Tod Brahmanwad Ki Nalli") "etc., and shall start their agitation for recovering their snatched rights. If this is done Arya-Brahmins will find themselves in a very precarious position.
This is happening because a person has devoted himself in Bahujan mission because God Shiva appeared in his dreams and asked him to do so. God Shiva told him that he is awaken from his long aged sleep and has decided to awaken his Bahujan masses to end their exploitation. God Shiva shall appear in the dreams of his followers and will order them to devote their life in the fight against Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression. Those followers who will obey the order of God Shiva by heart with their every resources, their "Parlok" (Life after death) will be graceful. Who Defy shall have curse of God Shiva.
Similarly in an another instance, reported in Dalit voice Hindustani (April 2003), Mr. Shivpriya Raju Kumare (Taluka Mungwani, District Sagar, Madya Pradesh, India) has declared Jihad against Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression.
In his pamphlet Shivapriya Raju Kumare writes :-
My dear OBC, Dalit, Adivasi Bahujans, God Shiva gave me Darsan in my dream continuously for three nights. God Shiva very sadly and angrily said to me that Brahmins in their books of Brahmin religion wrote falsely about the Bahujan deities with evil intention to exploit and oppress OBC, Dalit, Adivasi and converted Muslims and Christian Bahujan masses who are my people.
Saint Namdevji Maharaj etc.,Bahujan Saints have exposed Arya-Brahmins, but these dirty betrayers of the country with their evil conspiracies executed their antisocial work of destroying the teachings of Bahujan Saints to exploit and oppress my people. Observing severe exploitation and oppression of my innocent people my heart cries. Therefore, I Bholenath Shiv-Shankar Shambhu order you to devote yourself in the noble task to aware my innocent Bahujans about their exploitation and oppression in the hands of Arya-Brahmins. I have chosen you for this work. I will choose many other persons for this work and order them in their dreams. I give you following oaths, are you ready to take them ?
I laid may head on the feet of God Shiv-Shambhu and sworn to following 10 commandments.
1. I swore before God Shiv-Shankar-Shambhu in full devotion that I will not trust any book of Arya-Brahmin religion because these religious books are created to make cruelest exploitation and oppression of indigenous Bahujans.
2) God Shiv-Shankar-Shambhu has made it clear that religious rituals, traditions, prayers and worships are created by Brahmins to make we Bahujans helpless in every respect. The basic reason of poverty and grief of indigenous Bahujans is that they are performing these religious rites and worships preached by Brahmins. Therefore, having complete devotion for God Shiv-Shankar-Shambhu I swore that I shall never perform any religious ritual or worships or any social ritual such as marriage etc., in the hands of any Brahmin. I swore not to let any Brahmin, Panda or Pujari near my family because they never follow "Masik-Dharma".
3. I lay my complete devotion on the commands of God Shiv-Shankar-Shambhu and take an oath that I will obey the teachings of Saint Namdev, Saint Ravidas, Saint Tukaram, Guru Nanak etc. Bahujan saints and shall not perform any religious or social rituals in the hands of any Brahmin Priest but perform them by any common person.
4. God Shiv-Shankar-Shambhu has told me that the religion of Bahujan is not to weaken them but to make them powerful economically, socially, and intellectually. Therefore, keeping complete devotion on the commandments of God Shiv-Shankar-Shambhu I take an oath that rituals, traditions and beliefs of our Bahujan religion are those that unite we OBC, Dalit, Adivasi and converted minority Bahujans and create brotherhood and patriotism among us. I swear to follow only such religious traditions, social ceremonies and rituals and discard those that weaken us.
5. God Shiv-Shankar-Shambhu has made it clear to me that real meaning of devotion to God Shiv-Shankar- Shambhu is to strive whole heartedly and honestly to save indigenous Bahujans from the cruel exploitation, torture, and humiliation of Bahujans by the Arya-Brahmins. Therefore, God Shiv-Shankar-Shambhu orders Bahujans not to lose any life by fighting with our own Bahujan brothers for false Brahmin religion and become sinned. Doing this he becomes a greatest sinner. Instead he must raise the slogan of "Jai Shiv Shankar Shambhu, Har Har Mahadev" and start struggle against Arya-Brahmins to recover their grabbed rights. This is the greatest worship of God Shiv-Shankar-Shambhu. Such a devotee shall always have the blessings of God Shiv-Shankar-Shambhu. While keeping complete devotion I swore to aware my Bahujan Brothers and fight till death against the exploitation and oppression of Bahujans by the Arya-Brahmins.
6. God Shiv-Shankar-Shambhu has made it clear that prayer done anywhere wholeheartedly is sufficient. Therefore, God Shiv-Shankar-Shambhu never asked his devotees to build temple for him. The temples of Brahmins are the centers to satisfy their every lust and selfish interests and headquarters of evil conspiracies. Therefore, keeping complete devotion I swore that I shall never go to any temple nor I shall present money or any article before idol of any deity, nor I will ask any idol to fulfill my wish.
7. Devoting completely for the commandments of God Shiv-Shankar-Shambhu, I swear that I will fight to free the temples of Bahujan deities such as Shiv, Durga, Kali, etc., from the hands of Arya-Brahmins and convert them to the centers of educational and socially useful activities that lead to all round welfare of Bahujans.
8. God Shiv-Shankar-Shambhu has made it clear to me that the OBC, Dalit, Adivasi and Muslim etc., converted religious minority people were his own people and followers who are divided by Brahmins by evil designs. Who resisted Arya-Brahmins more vigorously were declared untouchables. Arya-Brahmins are avenging my people by engineering enmity and conflicts between themselves so that they kill each other and perish. Such Arya-Brahmins are dirty people entitled for severest punishment. Therefore I swore that I shall aware Bahujans against every Arya-Brahmin conspiracy of killing Bahujans in massacres between them on issues such as religious temple, cow, flesh eating, and so on. I will aware Bahujans to give Arya-Brahmins a more stern reply for their every evil intention and conspiracy.
9. God Shiv-Shankar-Shambhu has made it clear that eating flesh is not a bad thing. He himself is a non-vegetarian. It is cheap nutritious food for poor. Those who oppose flesh eating are opposing God Shiv-Shankar-Shambhu and are trying to avenge indigenous Bahujans. Therefore, having complete devotion, I swore that I shall not only eat flesh but also propagate flesh eating.
10. God Shiv-Shankar-Shambhu made it clear that any indigenous Bahujan who devote himself to the above commandments and propagate them by heart, God Shiv-Shambhu shall protect him and his family and bestow them real happiness and a life of self respect. God Shiv-Shankar- Shambhu shall protect them from every evil power. Therefore, completely devoting myself to the commandments of God Shiv-Shankar Shambhu, I swore that I shall spare no effort in propagating these commandments.
Appeal :-
My dear Bahujan brother and sisters, I have honor to devote my life in fulfilling the 10 commandments that God Shiv-Shankar-Shambhu gave me. If you are a devotee of God Shiva then it is your prime most duty to obey and propagate these commandments wholeheartedly among the indigenous Bahujans. In that case you and your family shall always have the blessings of God Shiva and God Shiva will give you Darshan in your dream.
If you are a devotee of another religion and are not devotee of God Shiva, still it becomes your duty to propagate these commandments because doing so indigenous OBC, Dalit, Adivasi and Muslim masses shall get help to get themselves free from the inhuman exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins. You shall get their blessings and your god will be very pleased with you.
If you do not believe in god still it becomes your duty to propagate these ten commandments of God Shiva because to aware exploited masses against exploitation and oppression is the prime most duty of every rational person.
Therefore, I hope that you shall fulfill your duty by posting or circulating at least 12 Xerox copies of this pamphlet to the indigenous Bahujans.
There are other examples that Bahujan saints used religion as weapon against Arya-Brahmin oppression and exploitation. Saint Brahmadas trained Dalits in Lathi to resist Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression. Swami Acchutanand seceding from Arya Samaj started Adi-Hindu movement and Dalit communities made him their hero. In 1926 Babu Mangu Ram formed "Adi-Hindu Mandal" . In Maharashtra at present Dozons of "Satyashodhak Kirtankar" (religious singers) of Shiv-Dharma are awakening indigenous Bahujans against Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression.
Bahujan Sadhus, Das, Swamies, Arati-Bharati ect. belonging to indigenous Bahujan communities if launch a determined fanatic struggle against Arya-Brahmin oppression declaring that they are doing this at the command of God such as Shiva, Kali, etc. deities then Arya-Brahmins would find themselves in very precarious position.
The power of religious fanaticism is always blind hence it can take any direction. They can start violence, because Arya-Brahmins taught them only methods of violence. How long Arya-Brahmins shall remain safe from this kind of probable violence ?
In that situation, observing that the Bahujans are free from the clutches of Arya-Brahmins, if Kshatriya also decide to avenge the massacres of Kshatriyas in the hands of Brahmin Parashuram and insult of their women by Brahmins then what would happen ? Arya-Brahmins can imagine.
17. Expose Priests of exploiter religions
According to Joseph Stalin masses learn only from their own experiences. Therefore, the prime most task of revolutionary Bahujan organizations is to create situations that enable masses to learn by their own experience. For example, when people of Russia suffered of hunger in famine communist party of Russia started movement to get hold of church wealth to provide bread to the masses. Christian priests opposed this move vehemently and got exposed.
In India, to help the suicide committed farmer's families the accumulated wealth of billions and trillions of rupees in temples of Brahmin religion can be utilized. Masses should own this wealth because ultimately it is public money.
Unfortunately, there is no revolutionary party in India who can launch a struggle and force the Brahmin priests to spend temple money to stop suicides of Hindu farmers.
In that case these Brahmin priests shall be exposed because they were never friends of people but the parasite fed on Bahujan flesh and blood. These parasites must be put to test no matter who does that.
18. Nature of Work in Oppressive Conditions
The Russian revolution of 1905 was brutally suppressed by Tzar. Communist party members were suppressed and tortured. As a result party was completely cut from the masses and disintegrated in to different organizations. During the phase of oppression in 1905, members of communist party Bolshevik accomplished following tasks 1) They intensified struggle related to day today problems of working masses, 2) in the factories of important districts party committees and committees of various party organizations such as unions etc. were strengthened, 3) Responsibility to accomplish party tasks was given to most efficient and aware members, and 4) to aware and train people ideologically "discussion centers" were formed. (J. V. Stalin Works, Vol.2: 1907-19013; p.157-8)
It was concluded that in this phase of oppression, to integrate the disintegrated party organizations can be accomplished through the common party activities {as specified above}, and it is possible only when a center receives information about the experiences of local organizations continuously so that a common conclusion is drawn in deciding the common activities of party and to coordinate them. This task can be accomplished through a newspaper of national level. Such a newspaper must get regular information regarding their statements, letters, complaints, criticism, condemnations, work plans, etc. which attract working masses so that the newspaper can reach all this information to masses. Without this it will not be possible to create party leadership and organize party activities. (J. V. Stalin Works, Vol.2: 1907-19013; p.160)
April 29, 2009 Posted by sheetalmarkam | Social Change | Adivasi, Awareness campaign, B. Shyamsunder, Babari Mosque, Bahujans, Bahujanwadi Culture, Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatanra, Bajarang Dal, Bhima-Koregaon pillar, Bhimyan Buddhism, Brahminist Vipasyana,BSP, Buddha, campaign against dam, campaign against nuclear plant, cancer prevention, CIA and Red Cross, commissions for delusions, CPI, CPI(ML), CPM, creating a crisis by direct action, criminalization and commercialization of politics, Dalit welfare, Dalits, depopulation agenda of illuminati, devoteesm, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, environmental protection, eradication of corruption, fake mission activities, fluid organization, Ford foundation, freeing bonded laborers, freeing child laborers, globalization, God Shiv-Shankar- Shambhu, Goenka, health campaigns, Illuminati, informal organization, Jamaet E Islami of India, Jyotirao Fule, leprosy eradication, Liberalization, literacy campaigns, love for animals, Mahanayak, Manuist judiciary, Mayavati, Minority Commission, non-governmental organizations, OBC, oseph Stalin, pay back to Society, paying our social debt, police, preservation of human rights,privatization, Puna-Pact, Pundit Farooq Abdulla, Reality of Menaka's Cow-shelter,rehabilitating widows, rehabilitation of aged, relief agencies as spies, Ritualism and labelism,RSS, Sam-Dam-Dand-Bhed, Samajik Samarasata, saving trees, self-sufficient aware groups,Servile roles, sharpening the contradictions, Shikhandi, Small pox vaccine triggered AIDS virus, social unity, structure-less organization, Student Islamic Movement of India (SIMI),Tabliq-E- Jamat, total revolution, Tri-Iblis, Virrappan, Vishva Hindu Parishad, W.H.O. Murdered Africa, welfare of prostitutes, welfare schemes, women welfare, World Social Forum | Leave a Comment
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People's Struggle for
Permanent Exploitation-Free Social System
[Extracts from the Hindi Copyright-free Awareness book "Tri-Iblisi Shoshan-Vyuh Vidhvans Part I Series : Book 3]
Edited and Synthesized by
Sheetal Markam, Commander -in -Chief, Gondwana Mukti Sena, India
Suhail Ansari, Advocate Harshvardhan Jogendra Meshram (B.A., B.Lib, Inf.Sc.; L.L.B.), Nagpur; Urmila Marco (C.G.), Niranjan Masram, Yavtamal
Communication Address : Sheetal Markam Gondwana Vikas Mandal, 233 Sant Tukdoji Nagar, Manewara Road, Nagpur -440 024 (India)
Table of Contents
Explanation of Terms Used
Important :- While citing the information taken from various sources, to make information truly meaningful we have used words such as Brahminists, Manuists, Arya-Brahminists, exploiters, Arya-Brahminists riding the government, Manu-media, Brahmincracy, Arya-Brahminist Demoncracy and so on and some information in bold letters. We have also put our own comments within { } to make the information more meaningful.
1) Adivasi : indigenous people that use to live in forests and also many settled in cities.
2) Arya-Brahmins : Persons who call themselves supreme race and above the law and even above the god. According to them the remaining masses are brought into subhuman existence to be ruled by Arya-Brahmins in the manner Arya-Brahmin like. Arya-Brahmins also represent any person, group or community that consider itself higher than the rest of mankind in above mentioned manner.
3) Arya-Brahminist : Any person belonging to any religion, caste or community who believes that the Arya-Brahmins are supreme race meant to rule the rest of the mankind and strives for imposition of Arya-Brahmin rule or strive for strengthening it by heart is an Arya-Brahminist.
4) Agent of Arya-Brahminist : Any person who work for establishing the supremacy of Arya-Brahmins to get some kind of favor is an agent of Arya-Brahmins.
5) Slave of Arya-Brahmins : Any person who is compelled to work for establishing the supremacy of Arya-Brahmins or to serve Arya-Brahmins against his wish is a slave of Arya-Brahmins.
6) Bahujans : The exploited and oppressed masses of the world who almost form 85% of total population are considered as Bahujans. In India OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasi together constitute the population of Bahujans.
7) Bahujanwad or Bahujanism : Is ideology that ultimately aims to end exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins (no matter what they are called) and aims to establish exploitation free society in which the various sections of Bahujans get their representation in every field according to their population proportion and Bahujan masses directly control the representatives they choose to run the government.
Bahujanist : Is a person who fights against the exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins and their exploitation system; believes in equality, fraternity and brotherhood and strives to establish exploitation-free social system is Bahujanist or Bahujanwadi.
Bahujanists include various Bahujan saints Such as Chakradhar, Namdev, Ravidas, Kabir, Tukaram, Harichand Thakur etc.; Social revolutionaries such as Pitamah Jyotirav Fule, Shahu Maharaj, Periyar E.V. Ramasami, Dr. Ambedkar, Guruchand Thakur etc; and communists such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao. All of them fought against exploitation and oppression of their time in the ways available to them during prevailing conditions.
9) Brahminism : The ideology that preaches supremacy of Arya-Brahmins (upper-caste / race) over rest of the mankind and give Arya-Brahmins absolute power is Brahminism.
10) Manuism : Brahminism explained by Mr. Manu.
11) Dalits : Are castes compelled to do menial work and declared as untouchables.
12) Manumedia : Media of exploiter Arya-Brahminists.
13) Manusmriti : Book of the code of Mr. Manu.
14) OBC : Other backward classes.
The Nature of Bahujanwad
(Ideology of Exploited Masses)
Table of Contents
Bahujanwad (Bahujanism) means " Bahujan Hitay, Bahujan Sukhay" which means "Everything for the betterment and happiness of the exploited masses who always constitute a majority." The aim of Bahujanwad (Bahujanism) is to establish an exploitation free social system that ensure true happiness of the masses.
No exploiter in the history of mankind could exploit the masses for a long time by his military rule alone. Unless the toiling masses are kept ignorant and enslaved mentally by various religious superstitions with the help of priests no exploiter can exploit the masses continuously. Therefore, every exploiter had to cunningly impose Manuist religion and culture upon the masses. Thus the exploitation system of the exploiters include religious, social, political and administrative system that ensure exploitation of masses.
Manuwad (Manuism) is an ideology preached by "Manu" which uphold unabated supremacy of a dominant privileged class / community / caste on the toiling masses. Therefore, Manuism is universal.
Brahmanism deprive masses from their rights and happiness hence Brahmanism is the worst enemy of Bahujanwad (Bahujanism). From the time immemorial those who have raised struggle against exploitation and oppression and for the betterment and happiness of the exploited masses are Bahujanists. Therefore, Siddhartha Gautam Buddha, Prophet Muhammad etc. great persons; Saint Namdev, Saint Ravidas, Sadguru Kabir, Guru Nanak, Guru Govind Singh, Saint Tukaram, Harichandra Thakur, Saint Gadage Baba, Rashtra-Sant Tukdoji Maharaj etc Bahujanist Saints; Pitamaha Jyotirao Fule, Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj, Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Dr. Ambedkar, Malcolm X, Periyar E.V.Ramasami, Narayana Guru, Guruchand Thakur, etc Social revolutionaries and Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung etc. Communists are Bahujanwadi warriors who fought against the exploitation in their own ways under the prevailing conditions of their time.
Bahujanwad aims 1) to make all means of production social property to end exploitation and oppression and remove poverty; 2) to develop culture based on "Astanga Marga" of Bheemyan Buddhism (Buddhism correctly interpreted and developed by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar), "Neki" preached in Qoran, and social teachings of Bahujanwadi Saints to establish equality, fraternity and liberty to make people's life happy and meaningful for ever.
Bahujanwadi (Bahujanist) religions and paths have no basic contradiction between them as they aim to establish exploitation free society.
Nobody has seen God nor anybody could prove its existence. Therefore opposing imaginary God is futile and foolish.
Priests are the root cause of all superstitions and evils in society. It is the community of "Priests" who give religion and God a character and ideology that protects and preserve exploitation systems.
Community of Priests is the basic enemy of Bahujanwad (Bahujanism)which mentally enslave toiling masses to make every kind of exploitation possible.
History tells us that Priests have either themselves became the ruler (before feudalism) or they ruled through their agents (such as Kshatriya in India); or they became the lackey of the exploiters. (Such as Brahmins became lackeys of Muslim. European and other rulers) to benefit themselves and their priestly community.
According to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, it is the evil priestly class that kills the ability of masses to think and chain their mind with various superstitions and ignorance. Priests of every community corrupt Bahujanwadi (Bahujanist)religions with Brahminism and weaken the society by prayers, rituals, wrong and self-defeating expensive rituals and traditions.
At the immergence of priestly class, all Bahujanwadi (Bahujanist)religions become puppets in the hands of the priests and slaves of Manuism. Any community which is under the grip of priestly class has lost its potential to fight against the exploitation and is the worst sufferer of every kind of exploitation. Whatever may be the religion of a priest, basically all priests are Manuists.
Basically, the reactionary nature of a religion is due to its priestly class. It is the priestly class that is responsible to decay and rotting of the society. Therefore Pitamaha (Great father) Jyotirao Fule and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar insisted upon performing every social ceremony by the common men themselves. They knew that society becomes powerful the moment priestly class fades away.
A society free of priestly class is mentally and morally very strong.
The Buddhist monks are transformed into a priestly class. Prophet Mohammad did not keep priestly class in Islam. He declared all followers common men. In spite of that in the form of Mullahs and Maulavis a priestly class has immerged which maintain its special separate higher status and a quite different appearance from the common masses. This priestly class in Islam has become the slave of the exploiters. Unless the common masses are liberated from the influence of the priestly class no struggle against the exploitation can become successful.
In Bheemyan Buddhism, Islam, and in various paths of Bahujanwadi Saints there is no priesthood. Therefore, all these Bahujanwadi religions can happily coexist together. The differences between them are superficial.
After the analysis and synthesis of Bheemyan Buddhism, Islam, sects of Bahujanwadi Saints and communist ideology a practical and ideological program thus derived can establish exploitation free society with no possibility of revival or return of any exploitation system.
Bahujanwad (Bahujanism) is not only an ideology but also a life-culture that includes social, religious, political and all other aspects. Therefore Bahujanwad(Bahujanism) is a complete revolution of one's mind, character and heart.
Bahujanwad (Bahujanism) is an ideology that protects the rights of every human being by establishing " Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra" (Bahujanist Social Democracy). Bahujanist Social Democracy is totally different from the opportunist "social democrats of the Second-International". Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra (Bahujanist Social Democracy) applying the teachings of Pitamaha Jyotirao Fule, ensures representation of every section of toiling masses according their population proportion in all walks of life.
"Share of every toiling community according to its population proportion, in every walks of life" is most important and essential condition of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra. It is the prerequisite of Bahujanist Social Democracy.
Bahujanwad (Bahujanism) believes that every natural resources such as water, land, trees, animals, minerals etc. belong to toiling masses alone. Exploiters have snatched these resources by brutal force.
The riches of the exploiters are gathered from the labor of our toiling ancestors. Therefore, toiling masses are fully justified in socializing all the means of production the riches of exploiters by force, if the exploiters resist.
Socializing means of production and riches is the fundamental right of toiling masses. Hence, Bahujanwad (Bahujanism) aims to socialize all means of production and riches by every means. Siddhartha Gautama Buddha was the first person to abolish private property and socialize everything in "Bhikshu-Sangha".
According to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, to enrich the culture it is essential that every toiler must get adequate leisure to develop his potentials and to experience self-actualization. Only use of machines can provide enough leisure to the workers. (Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Vol. 9 , P. 283-284) Therefore it is obligatory for the Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra (BSG) to provide necessary leisure to every worker.
Physical labor is essential for the health of individuals as well as society. Saint Tukdoji Maharaj considers laziness is the biggest enemy of mankind.
Bahujanwad believes that one who does not work, does not have right to eat."
Laziness and selfishness give rise to the tendency to exploit. As a result exploitation system immerges. Therefore, Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra (BSG) considers physical labor according to his / her physical capacity compulsory for every individual. Intellectuals will have to physical labor for some days in every month.
The selfishness is controlled through cultural revolution by the teachings Bheemyan Buddhism (true Buddhism), Islam and the teachings of Bahujan saints.
Those who rely solely on leaders put a "lock" on their brain and let the job of thinking to their leaders. Therefore they have no alternative but to support their leaders blindly.
"Atta Deepo Bhava" ( Be your own light) is the basis of Bahujanwad(Bahujanism). Dr. B. R. Ambedkar has warned toiling people that over-regard for leaders saps self-confidence of the masses, leaves them helpless when left leaderless in hour of trial or when lead by unscrupulous leaders. "I don't want you to be dependent on any single personality for your salvation. Your salvation must lie in your own hand, through your own efforts", said Dr. Ambedkar (P. 250, Source Material on Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and The Movement of Untouchables)
There is no "leader' in Bahujanwad (Bahujanism). All concerned persons take decision collectively . During the period of Buddha there was a "Gan-system (Gantantra) where all people took decisions collectively.
This is commonly known as collective leadership. But the word "leadership" connotes the role of some dominant person or savior and it helps to develop a tendency among the people to depend on such person for their welfare. Gradually masses loose their power to control and ultimately become powerless.
Therefore, Bahujanwad (Bahujanism) wants to abolish the very concept of "leader' and personality cult. Bahujanwad (Bahujanism) insists on the use of words "collective decision process" in place of "collective leadership". The basic purpose of Bahujanwad (Bahujanism) is to destroy personality worship and make public decision making process supreme.
Dictatorship is such a poison that spoils cultural revolution and people's democracy. Dictatorship is a brutal Manuism which ultimately becomes the weapon of the exploiters.
The stability of Bahujanwad and Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra (BSG) rests on the active genuine controlling power of the aware toiling masses. Therefore, Bahujanwad (Bahujanism) opposes every kind of dictatorship and strives to develop a culture that ensures genuine and unabated control of common masses over their representatives in organizations and state apparatus.
Dr. Ambedkar considers the right of toiling masses to possess arms as supreme liberty. Every exploitation system prevent common masses to become armed because no dictator or exploiter can exploit or rule the armed masses.
Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra (BSG) wants to completely eliminate the possibility of exploitation and dictatorship, hence, it considers the right of toiling masses to become armed a sacred right and deny this right to the exploiters or the potential exploiters.
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar has already made it clear that measures taken to make all means of production social property depends upon the reaction of the exploiters themselves. According to Dr. Ambedkar, Buddha was against violence but was supporter of justice. Therefore Buddha justified violence to protect one's rights or use violence to get justice when violence is the only alternative left. According to Buddha we should never surrender before evil people, we should launch a war if it is necessary. But the war should never be for personal gain. (Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, vol. 11 , P. 346, vol. 3, P. 451)
Communists never hesitated to include a section of capitalists in their "People's United front" to fight against main capitalists. Therefore Communists should not have any objection to make these Bahujanwadi (Bahujanist) religions as a basic component of their "cultural revolution" since these religions fight against exploitation and promote fraternity, equality and liberty.
The Basic Problems of Bahujanwad
How to overthrow exploitation systems of the exploiters and how to establish foolproof exploitation free system based on equality, brotherhood and liberty is our basis problem.
To solve this problem we must understand the inherent basic contradictions and their cause and effect relationships to establish foolproof exploitation free system.
Contradiction between the indigenous masses and the Brahminists is basic contradiction because the Brahminists who constitute exploiter class want to retain their exploitation at any cost; while the indigenous Nag-Dravids people (backward communities) of India want to free themselves from their inhuman exploitation. Therefore ultimate conflict is bound to occur between the Arya-Brahminist exploiters and the indigenous Nag-Dravids.
The victory of indigenous Nag-Dravids (backward communities) of India depends upon the fulfillment of various favorable conditions essential for their victory.
The first most essential requirement of their victory is that the indigenous people of India must understand their liberation mission, identify their friends and enemies and clearly understand their strengths and weaknesses. Unless this condition is fulfilled no successful Jihad (struggle) against the exploitation can be launched.
The Enemies of toiling masses of the World
To launch successful struggle we must know who are included in Bahujan Samaj (society of indigenous masses) and who are their class enemies. We must know clearly our enemies and friends and their class/ caste character, their weaknesses, limitations, their capabilities and resources of all kinds.
The present era is the era of the exploitation of Zionist "Illuminati" controlled multinational companies that exploit masses of the world. Zionists controlled America is the commander – in chief of these Illuminati controlled Zionist multinational companies.
India is a semi-colony of multinational companies controlled by Illuminati that are brutally exploiting Indian masses with full cooperation of Arya-Btrahminists riding the government and state apparatus.
Therefore, evil and dirty alliance of " Zionists of Israel, Indian Brahmanists and Zionist controlled American Imperialism " (Tri-Iblis) which is controlled by Illuminati is the prime enemy of indigenous masses of India and the world.
Zionism and Priesthood of Christianity has sprung from Brahmanism itself. Jews were the Aryans sects who ran away from Iran to save their life from the anger of masses. Genetic structure of Jews and Brahmins is similar. Therefore the alliance of Tri-Iblis has genetic, cultural and historical foundation. Zionism, Christianity and Brahmanism are the religions controlled by priests and they nurture a culture of Manuism that is conducive to the growth of all kinds of exploitation.
To enslave and exploit the masses of the world, the Tri-Iblis which is controlled by Illuminati is promoting Brahmin religion and Manu-culture in the world.
The Tri-Iblis has corrupted Bahujanwadi religions with the Manuist poison to facilitate the exploitation of masses by the Illuminati through the Tri-Iblis.
The rulers of Arabian country call themselves Muslims but They have nothing to do with Islam. In reality they are Jew-controlled Manuist-Brahmanists. They are the slaves who dance on the fingers of the Tri-Iblis.
Similarly Japan, Cyclone, Tibet, Cambodia etc. countries call themselves Buddhists but in reality their Buddhism is completely corrupted by Brahmin religion and the rulers of these country in reality are Manuists- Brahmanists. Therefore, all these exploiter rulers are enemies of Bahujanwad and the masses of the world.
The invader Arya-Brahminists who constitute 15% of the population of India has enslaved indigenous Nag-Dravid masses who constitute 85% population. Arya- Brahminists are the worst enemy of indigenous Nag-Dravid Bahujans (indigenous OBC, Dalit, Adivasi and Muslims).
Community of Priests is the basic enemy of Bahujanwad which mentally enslave toiling masses to make every kind of exploitation possible.
Brahmin religion is the biggest enemy of Indian masses. The comprador Arya-Brahminist capitalists have established a firm alliance with the feudal lords and Manu-culture is imposed upon masses to strengthen exploitation of Illuminati through the Tri-Iblis.
Every exploiter class raise their terrorist organizations armed with every weapons to crush the Jihad (struggle for equality and justice) of common masses. Brahminists of India also have their terrorist organizations such as Ranvir Sena, Bajrang Dal, Soldiers of Hindu unity and so on. According to Mastaram Kapoor the priests, Gurus, Yogis who run various religious institutes in the name of "Dhyana", Yoga, Rama-Krishna, Shiv-Shakti, Geeta, Ramayana, have accumulated such a vast wealth that they can create several Osama – Bin – Laden on this wealth. (Lokmat Samachar, 18 Sept. 2002) Therefore, All such religious places and their institutes are the centre of Brahminist counter revolution.
Anybody no matter what his caste or religion is, if he believes that the Brahmins (upper caste / class) are superior than the toiling masses and Brahmins have right to rule over the masses and strives by heart for retaining or strengthening Brahmin (upper caste / class) supremacy is a Brahmanist / Manuist. One who does this for his personal benefit is agent of Brahminism, and who are compelled to do this against their wishes are slaves of Brahminism.
Every person who strives to establish exploitation free society is a Bahujanwadi (Bahujanist).
The Mission of Exploited Masses
The basic aim of the Mission of Bahujans (exploited masses) is to destroy the exploitation system of Illuminati run by the Tri-Iblis and build "Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra" (Bahujanist Social Democracy) in its place. Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra is an exploitation free democratic society based on equality, brotherhood and liberty. All means of productions are socialized in Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra.
The exploitation system of the exploiters include religion, Culture, social and political system that facilitate and ensure exploitation of toiling masses by the Satanist Illuminati through the Tri-Iblis. Illuminati with their exploitation promoting religion, culture, traditions, and values enslave people mentally, divide toiling masses and create enmity between us, and make us incapable to fight against exploitation of Illuminati. The function of political system of exploiters is to frame laws that help exploitation of masses by the exploiters, enable exploiters to drain all natural resources of the country and to crush or frustrate people's resistance to it by their military and paramilitary forces.
Therefore the aim of Bahujan mission is to implement such tasks that unite toiling Bahujan masses and weakens exploitation promoting religious, cultural, political and social system of the Satanist Illuminati; create the conditions favorable for destroying exploitation system of the Tri-Iblis, and establishing and retaining "Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra" permanently.
Bahujan masses can be organized for Bahujan Mission only when we disillusion them from the Manu-culture and Brahmin religion. We can became capable of launching successful struggle against exploitation system of Tri-Iblis only when we destroy every trace of Manu-culture and Brahmin religion from the minds of toiling masses. Therefore, to launch simultaneous struggle against Brahmin religion and exploitation system of Tri-Iblis is an essential condition and pre-requisite of making Bahujanwadi Jihad (struggle for justice and equality) successful.
The cultural struggle makes us mentally capable for struggle against exploitation system of Tri-Iblis. As the culture revolution spreads the Jihad against exploitation also spreads and makes Bahujan mission invincible. Separating cultural revolution (struggle against Brahmin religion) from the political struggle inevitably leads us into the abyss of failure.
The basic purpose of "Bahujanwadi cultural revolution" is to develop "Pradnya (knowledge gained from their own experiences), "Sheela" (good character), and "Karuna" (compassion for the exploited and oppressed) among the Bahujans so that they become capable for Bahujan Mission.
The functions of Bahujanwadi cultural revolution are specified below.
1) To liberate Bahujans from the illusion and mental slavery of Brahmin religion, Manu-culture and from the grip of priestly class and make them men of reason to act consciously against the exploitation and oppression.
2) To develop in them "Pradnya", "Sheela", and "Karuna" so that they become eligible and capable for the Bahujan Jihad launched for the interests and betterment of Bahujans (Bahujan Hitay Bahujan Sukhay).
3) To make Bahujans aware of the dynamics of the exploitation system of Tri-Iblis and make them expert in the war against the exploitation of Illuminati masters of the Tri-Iblis.
4) To develop in them the Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantrik (Bahujanwadi Social Democratic) understanding, culture and life philosophy that protects "Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra" and make them capable to control the Bahujan Mission and the Bahujan Jihad.
5) To develop preconditions that enable us to establish Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra firmly and immediately after removal of exploiters from the power. To make this possible Bahujan masses must acquire knowledge to rule.
Therefore, the Bahujan mission means "cultural revolution, political education and struggle against exploitation". In other words Bahujan Mission is to "educate" oneself and "agitate". The organization is the natural result of educating and "agitating".
Bahujanwadi cultural revolution is the precondition of Bahujanwadi Jihad. The Bahujan Mission immerges from educating (bringing awareness) persons sensitive to the exploitation and oppression of their fellow brothers.
The process of educating and agitating are not separate but mutually inclusive because experiences of agitation make one's awareness more complete and real. According to great Joseph Stalin : workers are molded and tempered when they surmount the difficulties that come in mission and solve the problems. One who never face a and surmount difficulties of mission is not a worker.
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar gave not three but following five key slogans :- "educate, agitate, organize, have strong confidence, and never loose patience" (Dr. B.R.. Ambedkar, Writing & Speeches, vol. 18, part II page 422) Without confidence agitation is very weak and fades away in few days. Without patience immature steps are taken and loosing patience invariably leads us to failure.
In the present era of Illuminati-imperialism run b Tri-Iblis, Bahujan Mission can spread unabatedly " if and only if " every person of exploited masses without depending on any political party or any leader considering his own efficiencies, resources, weaknesses, limitations and responsibilities decides a missionary role of his priority and dedicate himself to that role while coordinating his activities with the activities of the other aware Bahujans. There is no other alternative.
Every member of Bahujan Samaj is a victim of the exploitation system of the satanist Illuminati the master of the Tri-Iblis. Therefore it is the duty of every Bahujan to fight his own battle against the exploitation system of Tri-Iblis. He can not let this task of fighting Tri-Iblis on others if he wants to liberate himself and his coming generation from the slavery and oppression of the Tri-Iblis.
The meaning of
"Real Unity" between the toiling masses
We must establish friendship with the friends therefore, establish "real unity" between the sections of toiling masses to win the struggle against the exploitation by Tri-Iblis.
Many persons have different meaning for unity between common masses :-
1) For the parties of "Vote-beggars" unity of people only means that the people should vote for that vote-beggars' party.
2) An organization struggling to solve some problem, people's unity means that the concerned persons should participate in that struggle. If the struggle means calling a public meeting, procession, or calling a strike then the organization would expect that the concerned people should participate in public meeting, procession or in a strike. It makes no difference to the leaders if they have nothing to do with each other and remain perfectly strangers.
3) In south-India Christian Churches have a partition to divide Upper caste Christians and Dalit Christians during prayer and sermon. The Christian priests of south India need that much unity between the Christians. It is sufficient for these Christian priests that they hold the rein of all castes and sects of Christians of their region.
4) In India, several castes have their sub-castes. These sub-castes participate in activities common to their caste and eat together. But they do not keep marriage relations between the sub-castes. Muslims also have several "Biradaris". They sit together, perform Namaz together but do not have marriages between them.
5) Social revolutionaries aimed to establish marriage relations between all the communities of Bahujan Samaj so that they really become united Bahujan Samaj. But real unity is more deeper than this kind of unity.
6) Unity between people striving to destroy exploitation system of Illuminati eastablished under the "Tri-Iblis" and to establish "exploitation free society (Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra) is more deep and real because it is based on Pradnya, Sheela and Karuna. They have a tendency to do sacrifices for each other.
The meaning of "real unity" for people striving to establish Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra is as under :-
1) To establish ideological unity regarding their aims, line of action and nature of exploitation free society which they intend to establish.
2) To remove every trace of Brahminist thoughts, exploitation tendencies, superstitions and faiths which are the great obstacle in the formation of Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra.
3) To develop and culture their mind, develop a Bahujanwadi life-philosophy and tendencies that protect exploitation free society (Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra) and retaining it permanently.
4) To develop such a common culture which develop sentiments to preserve humanity, brotherhood, equality, justice and liberty as sacred and protects it by all means; develop marriage relations between all people.
Pitamaha Jyotirao Fule aspired to have families having members belonging to different Bahujanwadi religions. Such families are possible only among people having "real unity" between them.
More deeper and real is the unity between masses more strong and invincible will be their struggle against the exploitation of Tri-Iblis and they are bound to win.
To establish "real unity" between the sections of masses and win the struggle it is essential to understand inherent contradictions between the sections.
Contradictions among the Indians
These contradictions can be divided as 1) contradictions between the exploiters and 2) the contradictions between the exploited masses.
1) The invader Brahminist exploiters are a tiny minority of 15% of the Indian population who want to exploit, oppress and take worst possible vengeance upon the indigenous Nag-Dravid people of India who constitute 85% of Indian population.
These Brahminist exploiters have contradictions and competition between them concerning the exploitation of indigenous masses. We have to understand these contradictions so that we manipulate these contradictions skillfully and develop these contradictions to the level of enmity between them to win our struggle against exploitation and oppression.
2) Indigenous Nag-Dravid people of India (Bahujans) are 85% population of India which include OBC, Dalit, Adiwasi, and indigenous people of minority religions.
The contradictions between Bahujan masses are like the contradictions between the brothers of the same family who may have difference of opinions and a sense of competition between them. They may abuse or quarrel with each other. In spite of that they unite to protect common interests of the family. If these contractions are raised to the level of enmity it destroys the family unity.
Brahminists have sowed the seeds of enmity between the ignorant sections of Bahujans to exploit them and avenge Bahujans by killing one indigenous brother in the hands of another indigenous brother.
The contradictions among the section of masses are economical, religious, social and cultural. These contradictions are entangled with each other.
Workers, peasants, small shop keepers, intellectuals etc. are the economical sections of the Bahujan masses. Every section has its own contractions. For example workers are of many kinds such as trained workers, untrained workers, permanent worker, temporary worker, organized worker, unorganized worker, educated worker, uneducated worker, etc. in addition to above mentioned contradictions. Every kind of worker has its own mentality, outlook, aspirations, priorities and their intensity. These factors influence the struggle against exploitation. Therefore it is essential to study these contradictions if we want to organize them for the struggle against exploitation and oppression.
When we observe these sections according to their religion and culture we observe several differences between them such as :- 1) the religion of that worker and its social importance; 2) Caste of the person and its status in that religion; 3) The social and religious beliefs of his caste, 4) The extent and intensity of interference of religious priest in the social and religious matters of his caste; 5) The status of his caste in Brahmin religion, 6) the influence of Brahmin religion on his caste; 7) The influence / interference of Brahmins in the social, religious affairs and its extent and intensity.
the historical importance of his caste; 9) the language of his caste and its status in society; 10) The clothes / robe and way of living of the caste 11) the majority of that caste in that area, 12) the educational level of that caste, 13) the economical status of that caste in the area, 14) existence of any enemy caste in the area, 15) the outlook of that caste regarding retaliation of oppression and exploitation.
These are the few factors and contradictions in the area must be understood while organizing them against exploitation and oppression because above mentioned factors influence the contractions between workers, peasants, intellectuals, small shop keepers etc. sections of masses.
The castes that are caught in the strong grip of Brahmin religion need intensive cultural revolution and experiences that expose Brahmanism.
Understanding and removing difficulties of struggle against exploitation and oppression means solving the contradictions between the masses. For that we must study the actual conditions and not presume anything in our imagination while resting comfortably in arm-chair. More we remove these difficulties more stronger and real will become unity between the section of toiling masses and our mission will become stronger and invincible.
Essentials of
Bahujanist mass organizations
Table of Contents
Preconditions for Success of Bahujawadi organizations :-
a) The basic assumption of Bahujanwadi organizations is that the fight against exploitation can be fought sincerely by toiling masses alone for whom this fight is the question of life and death.
b) The struggle against exploitation can be fought effectively and successfully if toiling masses are aware of Bahujanwad and struggle against exploitation. Complete awareness is the precondition for the success of their struggle.
c) The success of Bahujanwadi organizations also depends upon active participation of masses in the missionary work of their priority. More the small independent and self sufficient aware groups work independently will serve as check and counter-check on the activities of Bahujanwadi organizations and will keep them active and on right path and will make Bahujan mission invincible.
The compositions of Bahujanwadi organizations :-
Unless toiling masses hold unabated control over their representatives and bureaucracy, no guarantee of exploitation free society and security of the country can be assured.
The masses / section of aware masses who work for eight or more hours daily themselves can not act as a party staff and run the whole party machinery themselves. Therefore they appoint some of its members as their "revolutionary staff" to accomplish revolutionary activities under their direction and control.
According to communist thinkers, party organization is a the most advanced section and a vanguard which leads the masses. In Bahujanwad, the members of the common members of the party are more aware than persons assigned responsibilities of accomplishing party activities decided by the members.
Communist thinkers have asserted that the Middle and super middle class participate in proletariat struggle not because they accept hard labor as means of livelihood but because it becomes difficult for them to maintain their luxurious position in competition between capitalists. Therefore middle / upper middle class and intellectuals are believers of status quo and hence basically have capitalistic tendencies. Therefore they are not revolutionaries. They lack correct assessment of reality and project their own ideas, notions and aspirations as the reality, are unable to see all facets of the issue, have extremist tendencies, are opportunists, show unwillingness to carry out revolutionary tasks because of their cowardice, apply delay tactics to tasks that make common masses important, and are resistant to accept leadership of toiling masses. Even students or non working youths belonging to working class family also according to communist thinkers have tendencies to exploit because they are merely dependent on their laboring parents therefore, these students and youths are not revolutionary.
The history of communist struggle reveal that middle class / upper middle class and intellectuals in a communist party are source of revisionism (capitalism in the garb of socialism), extremism of left (self-defeating activities in the garb of revolutionary activities) and right deviation (avoiding revolutionary action when it really needed), one-sidedness, and all other tendencies that lead party to wrong direction. They create factions in the party and make party incapable of fighting exploitation. The intra-party struggle, wrong decisions, betrayals, sabotages etc by these sections have send more harm than the benefit to revolutionary party and its struggle against exploitation and the exploiters. It is concluded that unless upper middle, intellectual classes, students and nonworking youths sections accept the leadership of working class, unless they become one with the working masses, get rid of their capitalistic tendencies by constant introspection, and temper themselves in long struggle under the leadership of working masses they can not become revolutionary. This is the conclusion of Communist thinkers.
The purpose of Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra (Bahujanist Social Democracy) is to make toiling masses powerful in all respects. Therefore, membership of all Bahujanwadi organizations are restricted to labouring masses of various communities and they receive representation in party according to their population proportion. This ensures complete control of working class in their revolutionary organizations.
Therefore the Bahujanwadi organizations shall be of two kinds e.g. i) basic organizations and ii) auxiliary or assisting organizations. iii) organizations of Arya-Brahmins claiming themselves revolutionary.
Basic organization consist of working masses alone whereas auxiliary or assisting organizations consist of middle class, upper middle class, intellectuals, students and non working youths of Bahujan Samaj.
The auxiliary organizations shall run their organizations by creating their own resources. They will have to become one with the working masses, learn from them, adapt themselves according to the needs of the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra, Their basic task is to implement decisions taken by the basic organizations, help basic organizations in creating awareness literature and provide monitory and other needed help.
Arya-Brahmin religion came in to existence to exploit and suppress masses. Therefore, they have endocrine their Arya-Brahmins in the ideology, tendencies and way of thinking that meets this satanic purpose. Therefore, Arya-Brahmins irrespective of their economical class their minds are filled with beliefs, values and the tendencies to exploit, and have sense of superiority over the indigenous Nag-Dravids. Therefore they can never launch Jihad against Brahmin religion and its culture of exploitation. According to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and Pitamaha Jyotirao Fule a Brahmin can never become a revolutionary. Therefore, no Arya-Brahmin shall be allowed in any basic or auxiliary Bahujanwadi organizations or be allowed to take charge of any revolutionary activity.
The Arya-Brahmins pretending /claiming to be revolutionary want to infiltrate Bahujan organizations to obtain important posts to spy the activities and mislead the movement. Therefore, The Arya-Brahmins who claim to be revolutionary should organize their own community-men (Arya-Brahmins) to launch a decisive fight against the Brahmin-religion and its culture to completely destroy it. Thus the third category of organizations would be organizations of Arya-Brahmins dedicated to the destruction of Arya-Brahmin religion and its culture.
The above organizational arrangements are most scientific because this arrangement does not allow to take possession of steering wheel of the organization (car) of toiling masses by persons with conflicting interests and prevent possible accidents (worst consequences). There could have been another arrangement such as allowing middle, upper middle, intellectuals and students in the party of toiling masses by denying them any posts or voting rights. But they are bound to influence the driver while sitting backside. In the present arrangement their trolley (organization of middle classes) is safely tied to main motor (organization of toiling masses).
The upper unit office bearers or executive committee members are not relatively permanent as is the case with organizations of Manuwadi pyramid structure. Therefore, as soon as their tenure of one year is completed office bearers and members of executive committees are considered automatically dissolved and are replaced by new executive who decide their new office bearers.
No person can be consecutively elected twice as a member of executive committee or the office bearer; and in his entire life he can not be elected more than three times. A "random draw" will be made to ensure that every unit gets representation to upper unit executive committees and posts of office bearers.
The maximum tenure of one year is important to ensure effectiveness of Bahujanwadi wave pattern. Therefore it can not be increased in any case. This period is not short considering state assemblies in India that collapse and are reconstituted either by reshuffle or by reelections.
The above provisions a) ensure representation to each unit, b) party members will go to executive committees only when they have adequately studied Bahujanwadi curriculum and gained sufficient experience in revolutionary work. c) Since every member can be elected three times in his entire life time he will have a tendency to acquire skills enabling him to reach to highest unit, d) because of one year tenure they will in advance decide their priority program, study organizational management and activities before they try for their selection to executive committee or to the higher posts. e) Thus equally efficient persons shall be plenty in number outside the executive committees, the executive committee members or the office bearers will not get undue importance or opportunity to become bosses over the party members or the masses.
The Bahujanwadi organization is federal. The units are united on the basis of common ideology and a revolutionary program. Every basic unit of a Bahujanwadi organization is self-sufficient and autonomous since every party program ultimately is implemented at local unit level. The upper levels of the organization are only coordinating structures came into existence to implement revolutionary activities more effectively by utilizing collective resources.
The general body of Gana-level unit will approve and send its share for the works approved in higher executive committees.
Since the organization is federal, every local (Gana) unit has right of self determination. If a local unit can secede from the main organization in that case the seceding unit will have to change its name.
The property and assets of the local unit belong to the common members of the unit. No upper unit will have any right over their resources.
The members of the Bahujanwadi basic or auxiliary organization are free to work in missionary activities of their priority either individually or with the help of others. However, he /they will have to submit a report of his /their activities to the party unit.
Formation of a Bahujanwadi organization :-
i) Before organizing a basic / auxiliary organization, the founder member / members will have to compulsorily survey the locality (geographical area) concerned and determine the population proportion of various castes / communities and make a report of their sociocultural, psychological and economical characteristics.
Considering above characteristics of the communities / castes, an awareness campaign should be launched to aware them and make them capable in all respects to carry the responsibilities of the organization. Every community / caste should be represented in the organization and organizational posts according to their population proportion in the area.
ii) A unit in which laboring masses could not be so represented, will be considered as an incomplete unit. The incomplete units will not have voting right. Its opinions will have the value of suggestions only. To become a complete unit it will have to represent every community / caste according to their population proportion in that area.
iii) To make every Bahujan ideologically capable he will have to be trained in a "curriculum of awareness" specially designed for this purpose. This curriculum will consist of papers such as a) the nature of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra, b) History of people's struggle, c) techniques of exploiters and their lackeys to deceive toiling masses (Bahujans), d) Bahujanwadi economy and administrative skills, e) launching Bahujanwadi struggle in the situations of peace and repression.
iv) After each Bahujan qualify in the above curriculum a committee (represented by all communities / castes) selected by general body will determine his awareness and admit him as a member of the basic /auxiliary unit of the organization.
The structure of Bahujanwadi Organization :-
a) Gana (local) units :- i) All primary members of the Gana form general body of a Gana Unit. The general body of the Gana Unit (local unit) will meet at least once in a year to decide a program, its action plan and will elect executive committee to implement this action plan.
ii) All the members of the executive committee have same status and they decide their office bearers by mutual agreement or by secret ballet after sufficient interaction between the members for discussion in this regard.
iii) the number and nature of the posts will be decided depending on the nature of revolutionary tasks to be implemented.
Upper executive committees of organization come in to existence to :- a) coordinate in the missionary activities decided by the executive committees of the lower units, b) make the activities widely spread, and c) utilize resources of local units meaningfully at the consent of majority. Therefore, every Gana-Unit of the organization (common members of Gana-level organization), will decide its missionary tasks and their priorities and an action plan to implement these activities, depending on the nature and conditions of that organization such as workers, working peasants etc. organizations. For example, the common program may include developing awareness literature in local languages to aware and organize people for Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra, launch propaganda and resistance campaigns against injustice, launching special missionary activities, establish coordination between auxiliary organizations and so on.
These higher executive committees may be established at the 1) Ganrajya (state) level and 2) Ganrashtra (country) level. The Bahujanwadi organization is federal and not central in term of its power sharing. Lower units are more powerful than the upper super structures.
1) Ganarajya Executive Committee :- Supposing a Ganarajya has 100 Gana-Units and each of its executive committee send 2 of its members then the "Ganarajya Executive Committee" shall have 200 members. All the members of the executive committee of Ganarajya shall have equal status.
The Ganarajya executive committee shall decide and implement programs satisfying mutual needs of the constituent Gana units. Usually each Gana unit executive committee provide guidelines and program and action plan to be discussed in the Ganarajya executive committee to its members sent to Ganarajya executive Committee.
These 200 members of executive committee will decide their office bearers at Ganarajya level to implement program and action plan decided by basic units. The office bearers are selected by mutual agreement or by secret ballet after sufficient interaction and discussions between these members.
The number and nature of the posts will be decided depending on the nature of revolutionary tasks to be implemented by the respective Ganarajya executive committee considering their local conditions. The Ganarajya executive committee (above mentioned 200 members) will be general body of these office bearers and shall control and direct them.
Every member of Ganarajya executive committee is answerable to their respective basic Gana Unit executive committees. Respective members of Ganarajya executive committee will be controlled and directed time to time by the Gana unit executive committee which has sent them to the Ganarajya executive Committee. The Gana-unit executive Committee if not satisfied with their work can call them back any time by 2/3 majority and send new persons for the executive committee of Ganarajya. Such a person the moment he is recalled back to his old status will automatically loose his post. In other words president of Ganarashtra level organization will cease to be president of Ganarashtra level organization and becomes simple member if his basic local unit executive committee or general body recalls him. The basic level executive committees time to time will give directives to their respective representatives.
The Gana Unit executive committee or its general body can object to expenditure / proposed work / action plan decided in Ganarajya executive committee and request for reconsideration by mentioning grounds for the same.
In that situation all executive members will discuss the matter in their respective Gana-Unit executive committees or in their general bodies about the points or questions raised by the particular Gana-Unit / units. Then the Ganarajya executive committee will meet again. The decision taken this time in majority will be final and obligatory because this decision has the approval of all the Gana-units. However the matter can be re-discussed in Gana-Unit executive if 1/3 of gana-representatives so demand providing additional points.
In this way common members of the local unit are extremely powerful. This ensures complete leadership of masses over its organizational superstructures.
2) Ganarashtra Executive Committee :- If a Ganarashtra (country) has 80 Ganarajyas (states) and each Ganarajya Executive committee send 2 of its members then the Ganarashtra Executive Committee shall have 160 members in all. All the members of the executive committee of Ganarashtra shall have equal status.
The Ganarashtra executive committee decide and implement programs satisfying mutual needs of the constituent Ganarajya. Usually each Ganarajya executive committee provides guidelines and program and action plan to be discussed in the Ganarajya executive committee to its members sent to Ganarashtra executive Committee.
These 160 members of Ganarashtra executive committee will decide their office bearers at Ganarashtra level to implement program and action plan decided by them. The office bearers are selected by mutual agreement or by secret ballet after sufficient interaction and discussions between the members.
The number and nature of the posts will be decided depending on the nature of revolutionary tasks to be implemented by the Ganarashtra executive committee. The Ganarashtra executive committee (above mentioned 160 members) will be general body of these office bearers and shall control and direct them.
Every member of Ganarashtra executive committee is answerable to their respective Ganrajya executive committee. Respective members of Ganarashtra executive committee will be controlled and directed time to time by the Ganarajya executive committee which has sent them to the Ganarashtra executive Committee. Ganarajya executive Committee if not satisfied with their work can call them back any time by 2/3 majority and send new persons for the executive committee of Ganarashtra. Such a person the moment he is recalled back to his old status will automatically loose his post. In other words even a president of Ganarashtra level organization will cease to be a president of Ganarashtra level organization and becomes simple member if his local unit executive committee or general body recalls him. The Ganarajya executive committees time to time will give directives to their respective representatives.
The Ganarajya executive committee or its general body can object to expenditure / proposed work / action plan decided in Ganarashtra executive committee and request for reconsideration by mentioning grounds for the same.
In that situation all executive members will discuss the matter in their respective Ganarajya executive committees about the points raised by the particular Ganarajya executive committee. Then the Ganarashtra executive committee will meet again. The decision taken this time in majority will be final and obligatory because this decision has the approval of all the Ganarajya executive committees. However the matter can be re-discussed in Ganarajya executive committees if 1/3 of Ganarashtra executive committee members so demand citing new grounds.
It is obligatory for each higher executive committee to give an account of expenditure done periodically and whenever demanded any of its lower executive committee (general body). For example, 1) office bearers of Ganarashtra level organization shall report to Ganarashtra executive committee. 2) Each Ganarashtra executive member will report to their respective Ganarajya level executive committee. 3) Each Ganarajya level executive committee member will report to their respective Gana-Unit executive committee. 4) The office bearers of respective executive committee can discuss the matter and take decisions on behalf of its executive committee. In every such case it is obligatory for the committee of office bearers that the decisions are taken according to the guidelines and rules framed by the respective executive committees. If the decision of committee of office bearers shall stand null and void if it is opposed by the members of executive committee.
The coordination between basic and auxiliary organizations :-
a) The auxiliary organizations come into existence to play a subordinate role willingly since they claim to be Bahujanwadis.
b) The coordination will occur at local level only because aim of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra is to make local units and toiling masses powerful and want to avoid auxiliary units to develop any pyramidal power structure.
c) The local unit of basic organization will prepare an outline of priority tasks to be implemented with the cooperation of the local unit of auxiliary organization.
d) Local units of basic organization will elect / select some of their members as coordinators between the Bahujanwadi auxiliary organizations to get their cooperation on issues of Bahujanwadi interest.
Difference Between a Bahujanist and a Communist
The main difference between a communist and a Bahujanist (Bahujanwadi) is as under :-
1) Every Bahujanist believe in "Bahujan Hitay Bahujan Sukhay" (Everything for the interests and happiness of toiling masses) hence his all attention is focused on accomplishing the tasks of Bahujan mission. For him, Bahujan mission is primary whereas organization is secondary.
2) Communists are "devotees" of Communist ideology. They are blind devotees of Marx, Engels, Mao and so on. Devotees in fact are enemies of any ideology since they have nothing to do with implementation of ideology. Hence they limit themselves to laudation and praising of their liberation warriors or their ideology and limit themselves in ceremonial functions mainly. Bahujanists on the contrary condemn devotees and their devoteesm as enemy of Bahujanwad.
On the other hand Bahujanists are real followers of their "liberation warriors" and not their "devotees". Therefore Bahujanists believe in those teachings of their liberation warriors if they satisfy the criteria of "Bahujan Hitay Bahujan Sukhay", as presently relevant and useful in their struggle against exploitation. On the other hand communists in reality are dogmatists who consider teachings of Marx, Engels etc. more than sufficient and find no need to reassess them.
3) Communists consider economical factors of primary and supreme importance while basic human instincts and motivation, socio-cultural factors of no importance. In reality exploitation tendencies, selfishness, dominance etc. are the very tendencies found in the persons of all classes and help to grow an exploiter class and exploitation system. They are the basic cause of reestablishment of capitalism in socialist countries. Therefore, Bahujanist consider their prime duty to educate masses in understanding real happiness and controlling these exploitative tendencies.
Since laziness, greed, selfishness give rise to tendencies to exploit and these tendencies are common among all humans, Bahujanists give primary importance to motivational and socio-cultural factors. They strive to launch a cultural revolution to train minds of toiling masses so that laziness, greed and selfishness is replaced by Pradnya, Sheela and Karuna and exploitation free society can be retained permanently.
4) Communists believe in Brahmanist pyramid structure of administration and organization which invariably gives rise to immergence of powerful section and ultimately an exploitation system.
On the other hand Bahujanist believe in demolishing personality idol worship, wants to replace Brahminist pyramid like administrative structure by Bahujanwadi "wave structure" so that common masses have absolute control over administration and organizational apparatuses. No exploitation system can revive from "Bahujanwadi wave structure".
5) Communists always cling to those part of teachings of communist philosophers that does not yield any positive result. They do not approve any change in that part considering new situations. Joseph Stalin has criticized such communists as traditional communists and insisted upon constructive Marxism. Communists forget that defying many notions of Marx revolution was possible. For example, Russian and Chinese masses did not wait till the ripening of capitalism in their country as a pre-requisite of socialist revolution.
Bahujanist On the other hand, extract information useful in their struggle against exploitation from the teachings of Bahujan liberation warriors and leave that do not help. Therefore, Bahujanist study every information that is useful in their struggle and include them in Bahujanism.
6) Most of the communists remain stagnant in economism and revision. Bahujanist is equipped with complete fool-proof ideology to bring exploitation free social system and to retain it permanently. He is always progressing in his mission, continuously increase strength organizationally and become stronger contrary to the communists who are either stagnant or diminishing organizationally.
7) Communists cadres are controlled by party leaders whereas representatives of Bahujanists are controlled by aware toiling masses themselves.
Bahujanist is free from the mental slavery of Brahmin religion and priests and follow Bahujanwadi culture in practical life. On the contrary majority of communists are seen enslaved by Brahmin religion and priests.
9) Bahujanist is active in the struggle against exploitation and oppression because he believes in "pay back to Society" as his salary and other resources come ultimately from the pocket of toiling masses. Thus he is paying his social debt and is not doing a favor on society. On the other hand communists consider themselves saviors and vanguard and leaders of masses.
10) Communists only aim to remove exploitation and has nothing to do do to remove misery of people. On the other hand in addition to removing exploitation and oppression Bahujanists aim to remove misery of people by growing Pradnya, Sheela and Karuna in the masses and adapting to Ashtang-marg.
11) Communists are aversive of being led by masses hence they use ambiguous terms that prevent the growth of reasoning among the masses. For example, they use the terms such as revisionists, left opportunism, right opportunism etc. and label their rivals with these terms. For revisionist one could have easily used the word " persons striving to bring capitalism. This would have lead masses to focus on points how they want to bring capitalism.
The Outline of
The Bahujanist Samajik Gantantra
(Bahujanist Social Democracy)
Table of Contents
The Bahujanist Social Democracy should not be confused with revisionist (pro-capitalist) and opportunist second international and its social democrat leaders who defamed the name of "Social Democracy". Because of these opportunists the "Russian Social Democratic Labour Party" had to be renamed as "Communist party of Russia" to show their separation from these revisionists (pro-capitalists).
Analysis and synthesis of all kinds Bahujanwadi literature has lead us to following outline of Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra e.g. an exploitation free system.
In this era of imperialism of Tri-Iblis, it is extremely difficult to establish an exploitation free independent country. However conflicts between imperialist powers may paralyze state machinery as a result of strengthening of peoples struggle to its peak and can lead to isolated provinces where Bahujanwadi Social Democracy may be established.
1. The fundamental Structure of
Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra (Bahujanist Social Democracy)
More the layers in government and administrative hierarchy more class differences are created and toiling masses loose their control over government and administration. Therefore every exploitation system has a Brahmianist pyramid structure. The highest section sitting at the top of the pyramid permanently retain its place there and lower layers remain increasingly exploited. The pyramid structure ultimately creates Satanist Manuist exploitation and oppression system.
On the contrary, Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra (Bahujanist Social Democracy) is based on the "Gana" culture of Nag-Dravids of Gondwana-land which includes India as well as Africa. The "Gana" is a society striving to develop toiling masses (Bahujans) mentally and physically, make their life meaningful to achieve real happiness through their own efforts.
Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra (Bahujanist Social Democracy) has an administrative structure based on wave pattern. In a wave, water that goes "up" on the tide is bound to come down. In the same way persons who reach at the top of government and administrative layers are bound to come down and become part of the masses. Water in a wave is same at top and at base of the tide. Therefore, in "wave pattern" masses as well as persons in top layer have relatively similar ability because Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra (Bahujanist Social Democracy) with its provisions does every thing to remove differences in the ability of masses and their representatives.
In Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra (Bahujanist Social Democracy) the masses lead themselves. Therefore there are no leaders since aware masses control their representatives in government and administration. Therefore the word "leader" is totally abolished in the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra.
According to communist thinkers, in the stage of communism the state withers away and the whole administration and production is run automatically by the masses who have reached the higher level of culture. The "wave pattern" onsets the process of withering away of state.
1) "Ganasabha" is most powerful and basic unit of administration in "Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra". Gansabha is elected by toiling masses of The "Gana". Ganasabha controls upper tides (higher administrative structures) such as "Ganarajyasabha" and "Ganarashtrasabha".
2) Gana and Ganasabha :- Gana is a basic unit physically constituted by resettling people of 40-50 villages on the basis of their language, culture and readiness to form strong association in a planned manner so that they have all facilities that are available in city and is free from disadvantages of city such as pollution, over crowding, lack of open space and so on.
i) Every Gana will follow the principle of self sufficiency and produce food, energy, articles of basic needs and maintain security. For this purpose every Gana will have sufficient land to meet their needs.
ii) The "Ganasabha" will look after the administration of Gana and will be responsible for its economical, educational, socio-cultural development, maintenance of peace and justice. Therefore, every Gana is miniature form of Ganarashtra (country).
3) Ganarajya & Ganarashtra :- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar recommended small states for better administration and development. Therefore, uniting 70-100 Gana on the basis of similarity of culture and language a "Ganarajya" will be constituted.
If 75% people of any Gana wants to join other neighboring Ganarajya, they will be permitted to do so. In certain cases time bound mutual transfer of population shall be granted.
a) Ganarajyasabha is a coordinating administrative and legislative structure that functions for the mutual interests of all the Gana that constitute it. The purpose of Ganarajyasabha is to coordinate between Ganas, exchange their resources meaningfully in big projects to make them self sufficient.
Every Ganasabha will send sufficient number of its representatives to Ganarajyasabha. The members of Ganarajyasabha will elect their ministers and a chief minister. Their will be no such post as governor. The members of Ganarajyasabha are answerable periodically to their respective Ganasabhas.
b) Ganarashtra is a federal country. All Ganarajya taken together constitute a Ganarashtra (country). Considering the resources of Ganarajayas the Ganarashtrasabha decides and implement projects of mutual interests.
Ganrajyasabhas send their representatives to Ganarashtrasabha (Parliament) where they elect their own Ministry and prime minister / president.
In other words a people's representative of Gansabha becomes Prime minister or President of the Bahujanwadi Ganarashtra.
i) Ganarajyasabha or Ganarashtrasabha will not develop any "super structure" that reduces the supreme status of Ganasabha and its toiling masses.
ii) Ganarashtra will coordinate the work of the following People's ministries :- Defense, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, Railways, Post and Telegraph and Telephones, Maritime Transport, River Transport, Coal Industry, Oil Industry, Power Stations, Electrical Industry, Iron and Steel Industry, Non-Ferrous Metallurgy, Chemical Industry, Aviation Industry, Shipbuilding Industry, Munitions, Armaments, Heavy Machine-building, Medium Machine-building, General Machine-building, Navy, Agricultural Procurement, Construction, Paper and Cellulose Industry and the Currency.
iv) Ganarajyasabhas will coordinate work of following People's ministries :- Food Industry, Fish Industry, Meat and Dairy Industry, Light Industry, Textile Industry, Timber Industry, Agriculture State Grain and Livestock Farms, Finance, Trade, Internal Affairs, State Security, Justice, Public Health, Building Materials Industry, and education.
Every Ganarajya will make appointments and shall make payments to them and control their functioning through the Ganasabhas. Even the soldiers will be recruited through the Gansabhas. Ganarashtra will only coordinate and facilitate them.
v) In Ganajyasabha matters related to reorganization of Gana, transfer and resettlement of population and matters related to developing sense of brotherhood, fraternity and unity between the Ganas will be settled and implemented.
vi) For its functioning Ganarashtrasabha shall receive necessary amount and resources from all Ganarajyasabhas . The Ganarajyas will contribute according to their resources and population.
vii) In Ganarashtrasabha matters related to reorganization of Ganarajyas, transfer and resettlement of population and matters related to developing sense of brotherhood, fraternity and unity between the Ganarajyas will be settled and implemented.
viii) Ganarajyasabha and Ganarashtrasabha has legislative powers to frame laws to meet the objectives of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra not violating fundamental rights of the citizens and insured empowerment of working masses.
2. The duties of Gana, Ganarajya and Ganarashtra
i) Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra considers Pitamaha (great father) Jyotirao Fule's slogan of "each community shall have its share according to its population proportion" (Jiski Jitani Sannkhya Bhari Utani Uski Bhagidari) is a sacred slogan and it is obligatory for Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra to ensures every caste / community their share in all walks of life.
ii) To develop necessary laws, infrastructure to protect fundamental rights of citizens.
iii) According to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, whenever people hold opinion, beliefs, tendencies and mental makeup against the existing laws and find a chance to breach the laws safely they breach the laws. Therefore Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra will develop Pradnya, Sheela, and Karuna among the people and establish a Bahujanwadi culture based on "Astanga Marga" of Buddha and teachings of Koran that protect and gives stability to the exploitation free system of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra.
To develop "real unity" between the various communities and castes (nationalities) of the country.
iv) To establish firm unity between the toiling masses of the world and help them in their struggle against exploitation.
v) To establish importance of productive physical labor and reduce the difference in the earning and the in the status of physical and mental work. For this, Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra will a) make it compulsory to do both kinds of jobs alternatively, b) shall fix certain number of days for physical work for every employee no matter what higher office he holds, c) shall train subordinate workers for mental work and mental workers shall be trained in their preferred physical work and transfer these employees from physical work job to mental work job for a specific periods, d) shall devise other such measures.
vi) To give every employee physical work of his ability and potentialities. Payment of every employee shall be a payment of his mental work plus the payment of amount of physical work done by him / her, so that physical work becomes real and not a mere a symbolic or ceremonial formality.
vii) To take necessary steps to reduce and eliminate the gap between earnings of physical and mental work.
viii) To take necessary steps to reduce and eliminate the difference between village and cities to bring all cities to the level of Gana.
3 Fundamental rights & Duties of the all toiling citizens
i) Citizens of the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra. have the right to work, the right to employment and payment for their work in accordance with its quantity and quality.
ii) Citizens have the right to rest and leisure. The right to rest and leisure is ensured by the reduction of the working day to seven hours for the overwhelming majority of the workers, the institution of annual vacations with full pay for workers and employees and the provision of a wide network of sanatoria, rest homes and clubs for the accommodation of the working people.
iii) Citizens of the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra have the right to maintenance in old age and also in case of sickness or loss of capacity to work. This right is ensured by the extensive development of social insurance of workers and employees at Gana expense, free medical service for the working people and the provision of a wide network of health resorts for the use of the working people.
iv) Citizens of the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra have the right to education. This right is ensured by universal, compulsory elementary education; including higher education, being free of charge; by the system of Gana stipends for the overwhelming majority of students in the universities and colleges; by instruction in schools being conducted in the native language, and by the organization in the factories, Gana farms, machine and tractor stations and collective farms of free vocational, technical and agronomic training for the working people.
v) Women in the Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra are accorded equal rights with men in all spheres of economic, state, cultural, social and political life. The possibility of exercising these rights is ensured to women by granting them an equal right with men to work, payment for work, rest and leisure, social insurance and education, and by state protection of the interests of mother and child, pre-maternity and maternity leave with full pay, and the provision of a wide network of maternity homes, nurseries and kindergartens.
vi) Equality of rights of citizens of the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra, irrespective of their nationality or race, caste and religion in all spheres of economic, state, cultural, social and political life, is an indefeasible law. Any direct or indirect restriction of the rights of, or, conversely, any establishment of direct or indirect privileges for, citizens on account of their caste and religion, as well as any advocacy of hatred and contempt, is punishable by law.
vii) In order to ensure to citizens freedom of conscience, the religion in the Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra is separated from the state, and the school from the religious places. Freedom of religious worship and freedom of antireligious propaganda is recognized for all citizens.
viii) Citizens have right to preserve their language and culture with every possible assistance from the state.
ix) In conformity with the interests of the working people, and in order to strengthen the Bahujanwadi system, the citizens of the Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra are guaranteed by law : freedom of speech; freedom of the press; freedom of assembly, including the holding of mass meetings; freedom of street processions and demonstrations.
These civil rights are ensured by placing at the disposal of the working people and their organizations printing presses, stocks of paper, public buildings, the streets, communications facilities and other material requisites for the exercise of these rights.
x) Citizens have right to move in country freely.
xi) Every member of the toiling masses has a fundamental right to obtain information regarding the functioning of administration.
xii) Citizens have right to have justice against exploitation, injustice and oppression. In conformity with the interests of the working people, and in order to develop the organizational initiative and political activity of the masses of the people, citizens of the Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra are ensured the right to unite in public organizations—trade unions, cooperative associations, youth organizations,' sport and defense organizations, cultural, technical and scientific societies under the leadership of working masses.
xiii) Working class people of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra have right to bear fire arms.
xiv) Citizens of the Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra are guaranteed inviolability of the person. No person may be placed under arrest except by decision of a people's court or with the sanction of a procurator.
xv) The inviolability of the homes of citizens and privacy of correspondence are protected by law.
xvi) 1/4 of people or their representatives have right to ask for referendum on any issue vital to their interest and can pass or reject proposal, law or recall back their elected representative by 2/3 of majority.
xvii) The Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra affords the right of asylum to foreign citizens persecuted for defending the interests of the working people, or for their scientific activities, or for their struggle for national liberation.
Above rights are enjoyable by working masses. One who does not labour (work) in spite of his physical ability may not enjoy the fundamental rights mentioned above.
Duties of the Citizens
i) It is the duty of every citizen of the Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra whether working or nonworking to abide by the Constitution of the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra, to observe the laws, to maintain labour discipline, honestly perform public duties, and to respect the rules of Bahujanwadi intercourse.
ii) It is the duty of every citizen of the Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra to safeguard and strengthen social property as the sacred and inviolable foundation of the Bahujanwadi system, as the source of the wealth and might of the country, as the source of the prosperous and cultured life of all the working people.
Persons committing offences against socialist property and property of working masses are enemies of the people.
iii) Universal military service is law. Military service in the Workers' and Peasants' Bahujanwadi Army is an honorable duty of the citizens.
iv) To defend the motherland is the sacred duty of every citizen. Treason to the country—violation of the oath of allegiance, desertion to the enemy, impairing the military power of the state, espionage is punishable with all the severity of the law as the most heinous of crimes.
v) In the Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra work is a duty and a matter of honor for every able-bodied citizen, in accordance with the principle: "He who does not work, neither shall he eat." The principle applied in the Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra is "work according to his ability, payment according to his work."
4. Directive principles of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra
i) "Bahujanwadi Wave Structure" and its efficiency of administration is preserved to its maximum. All superstructures be reduced to minimum possible to strengthen the wave structure.
ii) Nothing shall be done to reduce the grip of toiling masses over the government, administration and people's representatives.
iii) No laws, rules etc. can be passed or judicial verdicts be passed if they go against the interests of toiling masses.
iv) No majority decision of toiling masses can be imposed over the minority toiling masses if the decision does not satisfy the basic principles of protecting ensured human rights.
v) No decisions can be passed or judgments be given if they weaken Bahujanwadi culture that protects exploitation free social system.
vi) The laws can be passed and verdicts can be given against masses in majority to protect a minority toiling community from oppression and to protect their fundamental rights.
vii) No laws, rules etc. can be passed or judicial verdicts be passes in connection with foreign trade if they go against the principle of self-dependency of the country.
viii) If no condition mentioned above (i-vii) is violated even then if 2/3 majority of a toiling community is against any reform or a decision then it can not be passed.
5. People's control over their representatives and administration
i) The principle of decentralization of power is applied to make masses of "Gana" most powerful so that they control super structure of organization, government and its bureaucracy.
ii) Toiling masses of the "Gana' elect Ganasabha. The Ganasabha makes appointments of its employees to work for the interests of masses under the control of Ganasabha. Therefore, working masses of the Gana if dissatisfied with the work of any employee, can recall such employees from his / their job by 2/3 majority.
iii) Bahujanwad asserts that every community has all mental efficiencies and aptitudes. Therefore, it the duty of Ganasabha to represent each toiling community according to their population proportion by providing them special education and training.
It is obligatory for Ganasabha to ensure the share of each community according to their population proportion in party organization, schools, colleges, sports, judiciary, employments and in all walks of life. "Share to every community according to its population proportion" is a sacred slogan of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra.
This will ensure leadership of toiling masses over administration, bureaucracy and organizations.
iv) To make toiling masses powerful, every "upper Sabha" will be controlled by its "general Body" who are the members of the lower Sabhas. As the Ganarashtrasabha is constituted by the representative members of Ganarajyasabhas and Ganarajyasabhas are constituted by representative members of Ganasabhas. Each representative member is controlled by his respective lower sabha executive.
Ganasabha members send some of its members to form Ganarajya sabha therefore, members of Ganasabhas are general body of Ganarajyasabha. Ganarajyasabha sends few of its members to form Ganarashtrasabha. Therefore, members of all Ganarajyasabhas are the general body of Ganarashtrasabha.
v) "General body" or concerned members if are dissatisfied with the work of any of their representative member in higher Sabha, they can call him back any time they wish by the majority of 67% members. For example, Ganasabha members can recall its representatives in Ganarajyasabha. Concerned Ganarajyasabha members can recall its representatives from Ganarashtrasabaha. In this situation, new representatives will be sent in place of the recalled member / members.
While electing new members it will be ensured that the unrepresented Ganasabhas / ganarajyasabhas get due representation.
In this way Ganarashtrasabha members will be controlled by the respective Ganarajyasabhas and Ganarajyasabha members will be controlled by their respective Ganasabhas.
vi) The general body of Ganasabha are the toiling citizens of each Gana. Therefore, if the toiling masses (a general body) of any Gana recall its elected representative no matter he has become chief minister, prime minister or president of the country, he will cease to hold any post and membership of the Gana and will have to come to the rank of a common toiling person.
a) The tenure of Ganasabha, Ganarajyasabha and Ganarashtrasabha will be of two years. Every year it is obligatory for the concerned Sabha to elect its new cabinet of ministers / people's commissars. It means no person can be reelected in ministry.
b) No person can be elected consecutively twice and in his whole life he can not be elected more than three times. This will insure inclusion of new members every year, representation to more Ganas and Ganarashtrasabhas will be possible and more experienced persons will be outside the ministry or "Sabhas" to reduce the qualitative difference between the ministry, "Sabhas" and the working masses.
c) The qualitative difference between toiling masses and persons in "Sabhas" and their ministers / commissars will be reduced by implementing following measures :-
1) In every school and community centers and in their working places subjects such as Bahujanwad, Bahujawadi economy, Bahujanwadi administration will be compulsorily taught. This will develop necessary skills in the working masses to ensure that their Bahujanwadi intellectual level is no less than people in government and administration.
2) Because the purpose of Bahujanwadi Samajik ganatantra is to make toiling masses important, in no media, or in no way it is allowed to glorify personality of the persons in power or positions. While referring them in place of their names their designation will be referred. Similarly no such programs such as giving honorary degrees, titles, or felicitating them, creating fans clubs in their name is allowed. The "decision making process" of masses will be made more effective.
3) Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra will develop social values in the society that the persons get importance and status because of their social usefulness, their Pradnya, Sheela, and Karuna and not by their position or education.
vii) Every bureaucrat will have to compulsorily do productive physical work for a certain duration. Similarly, every employee doing productive labour by rotation will be posted in offices and the persons in offices will be transferred to sections involving productive physical labour. This will make everybody to realize importance of physical labour. Labouring masses will also get opportunity to do mental work in offices.
viii) Bureaucrats can be removed from their post by the people of respective Ganasabha through their Ganasabha or by direct referendum.
ix) The success of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra depends on the awareness of toiling masses about their rights and procedure to enjoy these rights. Therefore, it is obligatory for Ganarjyasabhas and Ganasabhas to make available all necessary government rules, laws, and procedures in the mother tongue of the people of the Ganas. They may be kept compulsorily in the libraries, community and cultural centers, government bookshops and information counters of Ganasabha. It is obligatory for every Ganasabha to make propaganda among the toiling masses in this regard. Its violation will be evoke disciplinary action and removal of concerned officers and / or the officer in charge.
x) In the administration of Gana representatives of students, toiling masses, and army men will play and important active role in deciding, implementing and supervising various schemes of Gana. They will help in work whenever necessary.
xi) Every member of toiling masses has fundamental right to express his views and thoughts through pamphlets, posters, books, and through public meetings. If any decision taken by the administration is not in accordance with the principles of Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra, people can demand wide discussion or protest through the public meetings and rallies. It will be compulsory for media to report the news of such protests.
xii) Working masses will have direct participation in the functioning of the media. Sufficient space / time would be compulsorily provided in print or electronic media. For their comments, views, and criticism about the work done and policies implemented by administration.
xiii) It is obligatory for the administration to provide masses a booklet / document explaining the nature of proposed work, its budget on each item and its various phases. These booklets should be provided in libraries, cultural and community centers of the respective Gana so that masses can actively participate and supervise over the proposed work. It is also obligatory for administration to keep a diary to note the reactions / suggestions /complaints of masses regarding the work and take necessary action accordingly.
xiv) It is the right of every member of toiling masses to keep himself armed. The security level of officers will not be sophisticated than of the masses, nor they will use sophisticated weapons compared to the weapons of the toiling masses.
xv) The persons retaliating against oppression will not be considered criminal if they had left with the only alternative after exhausting all means.
xvi) Every member of the toiling masses has a fundamental right to obtain information regarding the functioning of administration.
xvii) The toiling masses will make periodical valuation of various units of Gana, Ganarajya, Ganarashtra and their Bahujanwadi characteristics with the help of objective inventories carefully devised for this purpose. Accordingly necessary action shall be taken by the respective Sabhas or upper Sabhas.
xviii) As per the results of investigation / valuation of any Gana regarding its Bahujanwadi characteristics, necessary steps will be taken to increase their Bahujanwadi awareness and other Bahujanwadi characteristics with the special efforts of Ganarajyasabha and Ganarashtrasabha.
6. The Electoral Process of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra
The purpose of electoral process of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra is to make toiling masses powerful.
i) The election of Ganasabha will be conducted to represent all communities according to their population proportion. Ganasabha members are chosen by the electors on the basis of universal, direct and equal suffrage by secret ballot.
ii) Elections of Ganasabha are universal : all citizens of the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatanta who have reached the age of eighteen, irrespective of race or nationality, religion, educational and residential qualifications, social origin, or past activities, have the right to vote in the election of Ganasabha and to be elected, with the exception of insane persons, persons belonging to exploiter class such as capitalists, landlords and persons who have been convicted by a court of law and whose sentences include deprivation of electoral rights.
iii) The soldiers in capitalist countries usually come from working masses whereas officers come from upper class. Therefore in exploiter's systems while officers are politically active the soldiers are prevented from participating in politics. Bahujanwadi army shall be dedicated to the implementation of Bahujanwadi programs. Therefore, soldiers will freely participate in election and can contest for Ganasabha. Citizens serving in the Bahujanwadi Army have the right to elect and be elected on equal terms with all other citizens.
iv) While representing each community according to their population, each community workers, peasants, petty shopkeepers will also receive representation according to their population.
v) The candidate representing one community and economical section will not be considered representative of other sections. This is the basic condition of Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra.
vi) To make Bahujanwad powerful multiparty system is desired. There is no place for one party dictatorship in Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra. In China apart from Communist party several other organizations existed. for example :- ) Revolutionary Committee of Kuomintang 2) The China Democratic League, 3) The China Democratic National Construction Association, 4) The China Association for Promoting Democracy, 5) The China peasants and Workers Democratic Party (Govind Kelkar, p.99) Soviet Union also had many parties.
Various parties can contest Ganasabha elections in Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra.
vii) The role of money in election will be completely abolished. The discussion between candidates will be arranged by their mutual agreement in community halls, and public places on equal terms by the administration itself. Loud speakers can be used in such public gatherings but propaganda of any party by loudspeakers, cut-outs will not be allowed. They can distribute pamphlets.
viii) In ballot paper one alternative will be "none of them". If this alternative gets majority of votes, all candidates will be disqualified for next three elections and election for these posts will be conducted again.
Table of Contents
1) Economical program
i) It is the responsibility of Gana-administration to provide work for every person desirous to work. Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra asserts that one who does not want to work has no right to eat. Employees doing mental work will have to do productive physical labor for certain days in each month.
ii) Saddhartha Gautama Bouddha was the first person in the history of mankind who banned private property in Bhikkhu Sangha and declared property of Bhikkhu Sangha a common property.
In Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra a person is allowed to use his immovable property such as house or land but he is not allowed to sell it because all immovable property would be property of Gana. It will be the responsibility of respective Gana administration to make alternative residential arrangement in case of transfers of employees.
iii) In Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra no person can be made anybody's "house servant" or a labourer. Ganasabha will provide them alternative jobs.
iv) Ganasabha will bring in to collective cultivation any barren or unused land with the help of unemployed youths. After necessary deductions, the product or its cost will be distributed among the workers as per their labor or work done.
v) The aim of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra is to implement rule that every person can have land or house which he and his family can use with his or family's own physical labor. The same will be considered per head upper limit (ceiling) of the agricultural land to be possessed by a private tiller considering nonworking dependents. Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra shall create situation conducive to the implementation of above rule smoothly.
Gana-administration will run tractor stations and will make them available to farmers doing collective or Artel cultivation. In Artel utensils of cultivation are common but land is not. Gana-administration will also provide fertilizers and other articles of agriculture. The above facility will not be available for private cultivation.
vi) the earnings from collective forming or Gana-administered industries will be utilized as under :- a) some part will be kept aside for advanced machines and increasing production and modernization, b) a part for Gana-administration, c) a part for welfare of people of Gana, d) remaining will be distributed among the workers according to work done by them.
vii) The earning of every family should be sufficient to fulfill the essential needs of the family. Due to more number of children, sick, old or infirm persons if a family finds it difficult to meet its essential needs, such a family will get help from welfare fund of Ganasabha.
viii) In capitalist system when women also work the cost of labour decreases due to labor competition. Hence, capitalist want women to work. The issue of women workers is related to cultural values of the family. It is said that a) when a women earn she becomes self dependent, b) her importance in family increases c) she is saved from undue pressure d) by working they can actualize their skills and can experience self actualization.
Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra asserts that the women concerned should decide whether she wants to work. To protect working women from any kind of exploitation following measures would be taken.
i) women will have liberty to work in the sections administered by women. Where such facility is not available they will work under fully protected environment. It is obligatory for the administration to provide them such protective environment.
ii) Because of traditions rarely any male shares half of the household responsibilities. Therefore, working women has to work in home also. To enable her to take care of her children as well as to manage household things, women shall work for 3/4 of the working hours and shall receive full salary or she will work for half day and receives 75% of salary whichever she chooses. In addition to that women shall be given lighter work during menopause and at the seventh month of pregnancy each day one working hour will be less for her. After giving birth she will receive 2 month's leave with salary.
ix) Every employee shall be considered permanent after his appointment. There will be no categories such as temporary or substitute.
x) Usually every employee will be given a job in his birth place. In special circumstances only he will be transferred to other places.
xi) Every retired employee and an old person shall receive pension / livelihood. Infirm persons will be helped in every manner to get their sustenance in honorable way.
xii) The difference between maximum and minimum salary shall not be more than twice. Therefore, there shall be no strong monitory attraction for higher jobs, hence, only genuinely interested persons will come in those fields and undue competition will be reduced.
xiii) To reduce the difference between earning following measures shall be applied.
a) Both the husband and wife having low salary can earn equal to a person earning highest salary.
b) Low salary families can do additional household work such as sewing, etc. They can be given additional land around their house to rear cattle and grow vegetables to reduce the livelihood expenditure and increase their earning.
c) The families which do not send their women for work due to cultural restraints, shall be given opportunity to work in home in works such as sewing uniforms, ready made garments, preparing pickles and other edible things. Such work shall be developed as "Social household industry". In this way no religious or cultural group will be allowed to lag behind economically.
d) The family which has the maximum earning shall not be allowed any household business or work because that not only increase class difference but deprive some from these opportunities.
e) The taxation rules shall be so framed to reduce salary differences.
xiv) If in any Gana the production increases beyond the maximum payable salary, in that condition surplus income shall go to social welfare fund and shall be lent to other Ganas for their industrial development. There shall be no interest on any lent amount.
Interest is foundation of exploitation therefore, interest is completely banned in Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra. Therefore :-
a) all the loans given by money lenders to masses shall be rescheduled or waved completely.
b) The interest on the loans recovered by money lenders so far shall be revaluated and taken interest shall be recovered from them and returned to the masses.
c) All industries or professions yielding profit or income more than maximum salary shall be run by Gana administration.
xv) The tax received from agriculture shall gradually decrease according to increase in production.
xvi) Special efforts shall be made to promote collective farming.
xvii) The prices of agricultural goods and related articles shall be kept stable.
xviii) Industries based on agriculture shall be promoted rapidly and industrialization of Gana will be made in this way that the difference between cities or difference between Ganas is reduced.
xix) Considering healthy climate and public health the Ganas of cities shall be reorganized to provide each of them open land, greenery, and finally they shall be converted like the other Ganas.
xx) Physical labor shall not be considered inferior to mental work. Similarly special attempts shall be made to reduce the gap between trained and untrained workers.
xxi) All foreign trade shall be conducted through the cabinet of Ganarashtra only as per the requirements and priorities of Ganarajya and Ganas.
xxii) Imperialist countries are bound to make economical encircling of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra therefore all the Ganas should try to become self reliant and curtail the use of nonessential luxury commodities.
xxiii) Self-dependency is of at most importance. Hence, unless the commodities are not produced in sufficient number they may be used at social levels. For examples, in place of personal vehicles, public vehicles (Buses, trains etc.) may be used.
2. Language Policy
i) All languages shall have equal importance and they shall be promoted equally.
ii) The language of administration, judiciary and education shall be local language and local persons who can speak, read and write well in those local languages shall become employees of that Gana or Ganarajya department.
iii) The employees shall be trained in non-local languages involving jobs related to inter-Ganarajya or international relations.
3. Educational Policy
i) The purpose of education is to make youths "Bahujanwadi and experts" (Blue-experts) which means experts with Pradnya, Sheela, and Karuna so that they have natural mental makeup to protect an exploitation free society.
ii) To accomplish this aim it is essential to keep education fully in the control of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra. No private sector will be allowed to run educational institutions.
iii) All private educational institutes in capitalist society extract money either from government grants or receive donations from the parents of the enrolled students. Whether it is government grant or the ability of a rich student's parents to pay donations come from the surplus value created by the labor of the toiling masses. Therefore, Ganasabha will take possession of all private educational institutes and make inquiries of all amount received so far in the form of donations and several fees by the management of these institutes and amount spent and the balance that should remain. Such balance if not available shall be recovered from the property of the managements of the educational institutes. Severe action shall be taken against every misappropriation.
iv) It will be the responsibility of Ganasabha to implement special programs to develop potentials of children belonging to all backward communities in all courses so that every community is assured its due share in every curriculum.
v) As per the teachings of Pitamaha Jyotirao Fule, the teachers of backward community shall be from their own community and shall be completely dedicated to Bahujanwad.
vi) To give representation to each community, the selection criteria shall be lowered and the backward community students shall be admitted. It will be the responsibility of teachers and school administration to provide them special training and special facilities to bring them to the level of other students. Gana-administration should keep an alert vigilance on implementation and ensure desired result.
vii) Without Sheela, and Karuna Pradhnya is like an uncontrolled bull. Therefore it is necessary to develop in students Pradhnya, sheela, and Karuna. Subjects such as history, social science shall be taught according to the objectives of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra.
viii) While getting education students will also have to do some productive physical labor which will give them an opportunity to earn. Similarly they will have to participate in administration of the school.
ix) It will be a joint responsibility of the whole educational institute to maintain cleanliness of the institute. Therefore, teachers, non teaching employees and student shall work on cleanliness tasks on their terms. This will help in removing tendency of people to consider such tasks dirty.
x) It shall be obligatory on the part of the Bahujawadi Samajik Ganatantra to provide them job as soon as a student completes his study. For this purpose the curriculum shall be linked with the efficient performance of jobs.
xi) To industrialize Gana technical educational institutions shall be established in which selected workers from concerned industries shall be trained in higher skills. Such institutions shall develop modern machines as well.
xii) Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra will encourage only such research which is directly related to increasing the prosperity and self dependence of country.
4. Policy of Public Health
i) All hospitals and advanced medical centers will be under the administration of Ganasabha.
ii) In every production unit there will be a small hospital, a doctor who will visit homes to treat patients and a store of medicine.
In the central place of Gana there will be a hospital equipped with modern facilities.
5. Policy Regarding religions
A) General policy
i) Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra places human rights to supreme place. Therefore every citizen has a right to opt and follow the religion of his choice. Freedom of religious worship as well as freedom of antireligious propaganda is recognized for all citizens.
ii) Every religious community has right to follow their personal laws provided they do not encroach upon the human rights of other people. Similarly no personal law of one community be imposed on other community.
iii) Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra is a "secular socio-political system" since it does not uphold any Bahujanwadi religion or path corrupted by the exploiters for the purpose to protect their exploitation. It only accepts their principles in pure form that protect exploitation free system and strengthen it.
iv) Therefore, in Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra those teachings of Bahujanwadi religions, and paths such as Bheemyan Buddhism, Islam, Paths of Chaktradhar, Saint Namdev, Sant Ravidas, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Saint Ghasidas, Saint Tukaram, Saint Gadge Baba, Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj etc. and their "Bahujanwadi teachings" which promote equality, brotherhood, liberty, fraternity and oppose exploitation, evil superstitions and traditions and develop rationality among the toiling masses shall be used as means of cultural revolution to strengthen the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra.
v) Every warrior of Bahujanwad had a sacred intention to free the society from the evil grip of the priests as evident from the following :- 1) In the Matua religion of Harishchandra Thakur of Bengal (India) there is no existence of priests. All social and religious functions are performed by anybody from the common member of their society. Every person in Matua religion marries and looks after his family. 2) Pitamaha Jyotirao Fule has asked his followers "Satya-Dharma" to perform all their religious and social functions themselves without any priests. In recently formed Shiv-Dharma of Maharashtra (India) there is no existence of priests. 3) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar consider priests as evil genius that enslaves masses mentally. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar never considered Buddhists monks greater than common men. Therefore he gave every common person right to propagate Buddhism and give others Diksha of Buddhist religion. According to Mr. Vamanrao Godbole who was the chief organizer of the conversion function at Diksha-Bhoomi at Nagpur asserted that the Buddhist monks should wear common men's cloths and live like them.
Therefore, Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra uphold and rigorously follow this policy of our emancipators to make society free of priestly class.
B) Policy Regarding Manuwadi Religions
i) The Brahmin religion is the mother of all priestly religions which support inequality, exploitation and oppression of the masses by the section of few privileged. Zionism and Christianity is an offspring of Brahmin religion. Zionism and Christianity are being converted into Brahmin religion to protect world exploitation systems. Therefore, all religions supporting inequality, exploitation and oppression of common masses are Manuwadi religions.
ii) All religious books of Brahmin religion that preach inequality, supremacy of nonworking section over the working masses, spread unscientific beliefs and traditions shall be banned.
iii) To run prostitution, traditions equivalent to prostitution and immorality such as Devdasi, Jogin etc. traditions in India and consumption of any kind of drugs such as Ganja, Marijuana, wine etc. in the name of Brahmin religion shall also be banned. Priests involved in these crimes shall receive double penalty and jail term as compared with common men.
iv) Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra following the teachings of Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh, shall take the administration of all Manuwadi religious places where money, things and other articles are presented to religious idols and make all such earnings the property of country and use it for the welfare of toiling masses exclusively.
v) The working masses belonging to the religion concerned shall make selection and appointment of priests of their religion from the working masses alone since no family or caste either by birth or tradition shall inherit priesthood.
vi) The priests shall be selected and appointed for a period of one year and shall be replaced by other fresh interested person / s.
vii) It will be compulsory for every priest to do productive physical work at least for 4 hours in a day. Therefore, many priests shall alternately do productive physical work and work of priesthood under the control of people's committee of that area approved by Gana administration.
viii) All priests of Manuwadi religions where gifts, articles, money etc are presented by devotees shall receive remuneration for their priesthood from the amount and things so presented. This remuneration shall not exceed 50% of the half-day salary of productive physical work and has no lower limit. It can be zero where nothing is presented.
ix) To remain unmarried is a crime against nature which spreads immorality and sexual crimes. In spite of that whether to marry or not is left on the person concerned. The priests involved in sexual crime shall receive double penalty and jail term as compared with persons not practicing celibacy.
6. Solving Social Problems
1) Caste system :-
i) Brahmin religion has created caste system and untouchability in masses. Therefore campaign against the teachings of Brahmin religion shall be rigorously implemented and teachings of Bahujanwadi religions shall be propagated to remove caste system.
ii) Caste system breaks when inter-caste dining and inter-caste marriages take place. When economical and cultural level of all communities is raised, there shall be no hurdle in inter-caste marriages and inter-caste dining. By special incentives, the atmosphere conducive to inter-caste marriages shall be created.
iii) Persons doing menial work shall receive "high level" salary so that members of all communities are inspired to join such menial jobs.
2) Prostitution :-
i) various production units exclusively run by prostitutes shall be established so that they become economically self sufficient.
ii) The prostitutes shall be educated and trained, cultural values and awareness for social responsibilities shall be developed in them so that they are inspired to live the moral and socially useful life.
3. Dowry system :-
i) solution of dowry system involves objective analysis of psychosocial, cultural factors and resultant economical compulsions. It will be tackled socially, economically and legally and by making women economically self dependent.
ii) The problem of more number of female children was solved by Islam by allowing up to 4 wives under special conditions. In the sections where only one wife is allowed more than one wives can be permitted if this marriage meant to support a relative and the wife does not object to this marriage.
7. The Judiciary
i) Justice is administered by the i) Supreme Court of the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra, ii) the Ganarashtra courts, the People's Courts of Ganas, and by the special courts established by the decision of the Ganarashtrasabha or Ganarajyasabha. These courts are selected by their respective Sabha for a period of one year from the law personnel's.
ii) A judiciary committee consisting of peoples representative and law experts will be formed by respective Sabha which shall asses and comment on each decision taken and shall decide on the request of the grieved party whether the given decision can be challenged in higher court or in higher bench. Legal representatives of concerned parties will be allowed in judicial process.
iii) In all courts cases are tried in public with the participation of people's assessors, except in cases specially provided for by law.
iv) Judicial proceedings are conducted in the language or languages of the persons involved in the case. Persons not knowing a language shall be guaranteed every opportunity of fully acquainting themselves with the material of the case through an interpreter and likewise the right to use their own language in court.
v) In all courts of the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra, cases are heard in public, unless otherwise provided for by law, and the accused is guaranteed the right to be defended by Counsel.
vi) Judges are independent and subject only to the law.
vii) Violation of fundamental rights of the working masses by police, military or bureaucrats shall be treated as a serious offence.
viii) All court decisions must be taken within 3 months. When it is not possible to take decision in three months, the period of decision taking can be extended only by mutual consent of the all parties and people's representatives.
ix) The decision of Gana-court can be challenged in higher court only when the Judiciary committee of concerned Sabha so decides. The concerned judiciary committee will take decision while involving people's representatives and representatives of both the parties in decision making process. The upper court can make lower court decision null and void provided it does not violate basic principles of the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra.
x) The judges, lawyers and all officers constituting judiciary will have to work in productive physical labor for specified days in a months.
xi) Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra shall strive to let the task of judiciary to working men and the minimum possible role of law experts.
xii) i) The crime of the prisoners of Manuwadi exploitation system shall be reassessed by the Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra in the following manner :- a) all old, sick and other persons who are kept for more than their likely term shall be immediately released. b) the prisoners who were tortured shall be paid compensation from the property of the jail officers and police responsible for such torture. c) Strict action shall be taken against jail officers found guilty of excesses and corruption.
8. Law Enforcing Agencies and Prevention of crime
i) To prevent crime Bahujanwadi culture based on socially useful values shall be developed in society
ii) Ganarakshak (police) will do the job of peace keeping. Like all other employees Ganarakshaks will also have to do productive physical work for certain number of days in a month.
iii) It is obligatory for a Ganarakshak to register the case and take statements in the presence of people and representatives of the area where the incident has taken place.
All minor cases shall be attempted to be resolved with the consent of both the parties in the presence of people and representatives of the area. If the matter is resolved the agreement shall be prepared and duly signed by both the parties and the people's representatives. The copies of agreement shall be given to both the parties, sent to the data section of Ganasabha and original shall be kept in the office of Ganarakshaks (police station).
In case, any of the party decline to make agreement the case shall be registered and shall go to people's court of Gana.
iv) Nobody can be arrested without registering a crime in the presence of people and people's representatives.
v) The accused shall be given bail for bail-able crimes immediately after registering the case.
vi) In case of non bail-able crime accused shall be taken to judicial custody immediately after the case is registered and placed in the jail meant for the accused only. Accused shall be kept in the section of the goal of the same category crimes.
v) Accused in no case shall be brought to the office / station of Ganarakshak for any interrogation. Accused can be questioned only in the presence of people representatives / lawyer in the places provided in the premise of people's Gana court.
vi) Use of physical abuse while interrogation is considered as severe crime against humanity therefore it is the duty of people's court to ensure no intimidation, physical violence or use of third degree. To serve this objective, fixing one way glasses in interrogation chambers, monitoring sound and video of the chambers shall be made. Such a system shall be monitored by human right section of the Ganasabha.
vii) Economical Corruption, hoarding, speculation for the purpose of profiteering, adulteration, espionage for other countries, sabotages shall be treated extremely severe crimes. It is essential that a) Once the prima facie is established in the presence of people's representatives, and b) people and the representatives of people declare such person most likely guilty of crime towards people's state, c) the office of Ganarakshak shall obtain a decree from the court that "use of force is allowed", d) only after obtaining decree such persons shall be handed over to special political squad for an interrogation where use of force in interrogation shall be allowed as specified by the people's court.
viii) The activities of Ganarakshaks basically shall be controlled by Ganasabha and coordinated by home ministry through its officers.
viii) In addition to Ganarakshaks, intelligence agencies at Ganarashtra and Ganarajya level shall come in to existence to protect country from the sabotages, espionage and to maintain internal peace. These agencies shall be controlled and managed by Ganarjya and Ganarashtra respectively.
9. The use of Military & paramilitary forces.
i) The country has the right to defend itself against all aggressions.
ii) The people's army of the Ganarashtra shall not attack any country. To launch such a war not less than 75% of Ganarajyasabhas should approve this decision.
iii) The military or paramilitary forces can not be used against people of any Gana or Ganas. In emergency situations such as revolt, failure of Ganasabha machinery the people's military can be sent with the approval of 75% members of the Ganarashtrasabha or Ganarashtrasabha.
iii) The people's military can be used only to help people in natural calamities such as flood, earth quake, cyclone etc.
iv) During peace military and paramilitary forces shall engage themselves in construction and production work. To help in special construction projects on the request / proposal of Ganasabha, the request / proposal should be approved by the executive committee / ministry of the Ganarashtrasabha.
10. The recreation policy
i) The self-dependency and fulfilling basic needs of the country is most vital for Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra. It is essential than the luxury commodities. Therefore, Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra shall utilize its resources for self-dependency in power, Machines, food, agriculture, primary and higher education, animal husbandry & fishery and other basic industries vital to the defense and sustenance of Ganatantra. Luxury items are of secondary importance.
ii) Therefore means of recreation shall be Radio, drama, Singing, dancing in the cultural centers, and arranging social festivals and competitions.
iii) To promote health and culture, games, sports, martial arts in people shall be developed with special care.
iv) Emphasis shall be given on developing various useful skills in people.
v) Working men and women shall receive opportunity to go on tours, picnics and lien for resting or studying or in developing their skills.
vi) Education and recreation shall be combined meaningfully.
vii) Working people shall receive training in their area of hobby.
11. Foreign Policy
i) The Tri-Iblis (The evil alliance of Zionism of Israel, Brahmanism and Zionist controlled American Imperialism) is out to enslave the toiling masses of the world. Unless the Tri-Iblis is completely defeated or made cripple, it is impossible that the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra can be established and could survive longer if it is established due to temporarily favorable international conditions.
Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra can only survive if toiling exploited masses of the world launch coordinated decisive struggle against the Illuminati protected by Tri-Iblis. Therefore, Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra shall help struggle of the toiling masses of the world by all means.
ii) Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra shall abolish all economic, political and other treaties based on injustice and exploitation.
iii) The exploiter Manuists who are settled abroad after looting the country shall be punished and the amount of loot shall be recovered from them.
iv) The foreign trade and political relations with all imperialist countries shall be ended completely. Diplomatic relations could be maintained with rest of the world through some reliable backward countries.
v) Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra can establish trade relations exceptionally with countries who by no means become obstacle to the self dependency of the country and supply technological knowledge along with the machines.
i) The Constitution of the Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra may be amended by majority of not less than 67 % members of the Ganarashtrasabha if the amendment does not violet core of the constitution such as fundamental Bahujanwadi wave structure, directive principles and the fundamental rights of toiling masses.
ii) To amend core of constitution a people's referendum would be necessary. The amendment will become effective only when 67% of the toiling masses approve changes to core of constitution in referendum.
13. Preconditions & Difficulties of above program
i) The program can not be left on the goodwill of persons holding highest posts since the program can not be successfully implemented if working masses do not make themselves completely aware and politically educated to control people's representatives, the bureaucracy and the intellectuals. Toiling masses must be educated politically. They must learn to control administration. They must cultivate study habits to acquire essential knowledge to be equal with the so called intellectuals.
ii) Basic tendencies such as sense of possession, sense of dominance, self-ego, etc. are present in all human beings including the workers. Therefore, in capitalist society when a worker gets a petty contract, he does not hesitate to exploit his subordinate workers. Similarly, the moment a worker becomes party whole-timer or office bearer his role is changed and he becomes a party bureaucrat. His basic tendencies to exploit sprig up and grow. This is the basic reason why Communist parties in Soviet Union and China became revisionists (pro-capitalism).
These tendencies can be controlled and put to minimum only through the cultural revolution which equip man with the life philosophy that gives a person understanding to differentiate between real please and mirages that are source of grief so that he does not run after the mirages and deprive himself of real happiness.
Friedrich Engels, in spite of being a son of industrialist dedicated himself in communist movement because of cultural revolution within himself. On the contrary, communists holding very high positions in Soviet union became revisionist (pro-capitalism) because of lack of cultural revolution within themselves.
Scientific teachings of Bhimyan Buddhism of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar gives one such a complete life philosophy and make cultural revolution within a person. Therefore, the cultural revolution determines the destiny of Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra.
April 10, 2009 Posted by sheetalmarkam | Social Change | Adivasi, American Imperialism, Artel cultivation, Arya-Brahmins, Astanga Marga, Bahujan mission, Bahujanism, Bahujanist Social Democracy, Bahujanwadi cultural revolution, Bahujanwadi Jihad, Bahujanwadi wave structure, Bheemyan Buddhism, Brahmanist pyramid structure, Brahmin Religion,Brahminism, Brahminist counter revolution, cultural revolution, Dalits, Devdasi, devoteesm,Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Illuminati, Illuminati controlled Zionist multinational companies, Jogin,Joseph Stalin, Karuna, Manuism, Nag-Dravids, OBC, pay back to Society, Pitamaha Jyotirao Fule, Pradnya, Priesthood, Satanist Illuminati, Sheela, Social household industry, Tri-Iblis,Zionism | Leave a Comment
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(Copyright-free E-Book)
Edited and Synthesized by
Sheetal Markam
(Commander in Chief Gondwana Mukti Sena, India)
Table of Contents
Important :- Whle citing the information taken from various sources, to make information truly meaningful we have used words such as Brahminists, Manuists, Arya-Brahminists, exploiters, Arya-Brahminists riding the government, Manu-media, Brahmincracy, Arya-Brahminist Demoncracy and so on and some information in bold letters. We have also put our own comments within { } to make the information more meaningful.
1) Adivasi : indigenous people that use to live in forests and also many settled in cities.
2) Arya-Brahmins : Persons who call themselves supreme race and above the law and even god. According to them the remaining masses are brought into existence to be ruled by Arya-Brahmins in the manner Arya-Brahmin like. Arya-Brahmins also represent any person, group or community that consider itself higher than the rest of mankind in above mentioned manner.
3) Arya-Brahminist : Any person belonging to any religion, caste or community who believes that the Arya-Brahmins are supreme race meant to rule the rest of the mankind and strives for imposition of Arya-Brahmin rule or strive for strengthening it by heart is an Arya-Brahminist.
4) Agent of Arya-Brahminist : Any person who work for establishing the supremacy of Arya-Brahmins to get some kind of favor is an agent of Arya-Brahmins.
5) Slave of Arya-Brahmins : Any person who is compelled to work for establishing the supremacy of Arya-Brahmins or to serve Arya-Brahmins against his wish is a slave of Arya-Brahmins.
6) Bahujans : The exploited and oppressed masses of the world who almost form 85% of total population are considered as Bahujans. In India OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasi together constitute the population of Bahujans.
7) Bahujanism : Is ideology that ultimately aims to end exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins (no matter what they are called) and aims to establish exploitation free society in which the various sections of Bahujans get their representation in every field according to their population proportion and Bahujan masses directly control the representatives they choose to run the government.
Bahujanist : Is a person who fights against the exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins and their exploitation system; believes in equality, fraternity and brotherhood is Bahujanist.
Bahujanists include various Bahujan saints Such as Chakradhar, Namdev, Ravidas, Kabir, Tukaram, Harichand Thakur etc.; Social revolutionaries such as Pitamah Jyotirav Fule, Shahu Maharaj, Periyar E.V. Ramasami, Dr. Ambedkar, Guruchand Thakur etc; and communists such as Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao. All of them fought against exploitation and oppression of their time in the ways available to them during prevailing conditions.
9) Brahminism : The ideology that preaches supremacy of Arya-Brahmins over rest of the mankind and give Arya-Brahmins absolute power is Brahminism.
10) Manuism : Is Brahminism explained by Mr. Manu.
11) Dalits : Are castes compelled to do menial work and declared as untouchables.
12) Manumedia : Media of exploiter Arya-Brahminists.
13) Manusmriti : Book of the code of Mr. Manu.
14) OBC : Other backward classes.
15) Tri-Iblis : Iblis means Satan. Tri-Iblis is alliance of three satanic forces ( 1. Zionism, 2. Brahmanism and 3. American Imperialism) out to enslave indigenous masses of the world under the leadership of Illuminati.
Chapter I :
1. Real Masters of Manu-Media
Multinational corporations are the real masters of Manu-Media. Multinational corporations spend millions on public relations campaigns to "crystallize public opinion," often in an effort to convince the public that harmful things are actually good for us. Corporate sponsored research, whether it's in the area of drugs, GM foods, or chemistry begins with predetermined conclusions. It is the job of the hired scientists to prove that these conclusions are true. They fabricate supportive expertise, fabricate sources of disinformation, fabricate entire research projects to increase their exploitation. A 1998 study from the New England Journal of Medicine found that 96% of peer reviewed articles had financial ties to the drug they were studying (Stelfox, 1998). A drug company may simply pay $100,000 to a journal to have a favorable article printed (Stauber, p 204). There was evidence of major scientific fraud and misrepresentation, including: reporting data for experiments that were never done, reporting measurements that were never made, reporting statistical analyses that were never computed. When such fraudulent data in peer-reviewed journals are quoted by other researchers, who are in turn re-quoted by still others: the process continues and the mass-deception is greatest.
The goal of pseudo-scientific corporate front groups cast doubt on the legitimacy of authentic environmental problems. If an independent research institute with a very credible sounding name like the "Global Climate Coalition" comes out with a scientific report that says global warming is really a fiction, and is repeated by an endless stream of 'press releases' announcing "breakthrough" research to every radio station and newspaper in the country, people begin to get confused and to have doubts about the original issue. Check out the McDonald's ads which often appear in the Journal of the American Medical Association. This is the same publication that for almost 50 years ran cigarette ads proclaiming the health benefits of tobacco (Robbins).
It is shocking how the vast majority of corporate PR opposes any research that seeks to protect public health and the environment. They talk about how GM foods are necessary to grow more food and to end world hunger, when the reality is that GM foods actually have lower yields per acre than natural crops. (Stauber p 173) Almost all GM foods have been created by the sellers of herbicides and pesticides so that those plants can withstand greater amounts of herbicides and pesticides. (The Magic Bean) The Bivings Group specializes in internet lobbying. "The Centre For Food and Agricultural Research" appears not to exist, except as a website, which repeatedly accuses greens of plotting violence. Global Climate Coalition has sent journalists videos claiming increased carbon dioxide levels will help feed the world's hungry by increasing crop production. The coalition has lobbied against mandatory emissions controls and asked the Clinton administration to avoid agreements that would reduce greenhouse emissions, claiming they "would damage the U. S. economy."
Fake grass-root groups or coalitions often created by corporations or their hired public relations firms to create pressure in support of multinational corporations. They use sophisticated computer databases, telephone banks and hired organizers to rope less-informed activists into sending letters to their elected officials or engaging in other actions that create the appearance of grassroots support for their client's cause. If a politician receives a handful of letters in support of a point, they are likely to believe that their voters support this point because politicians consider each letter they receive to be representative of 100s of voters' feelings on a subject if the letter writers identify themselves as concerned citizens. Letters, telegrams, phone calls, petitions, lawsuits, speeches and bills before Congress, and other modes of complaint, threat, and punitive action may be organized centrally or locally, or it may consist of the entirely independent actions of individuals on a large scale, or by individuals or groups with substantial resources, it can be both uncomfortable and costly to the governments not conceding to the multinational corporations. Multinational corporations control the media completely. If the content of any program is harming commercial interest, they pull their sponsorship, costing the offending media millions of dollars. We thus live in an ocean of lies, disinformation, manipulation, propaganda, and smokescreens.
Hollywood and the Pentagon make movies together since the early days of silent films. Hollywood producers get access to billions of dollars worth of military hardware and equipment such as tanks, jet fighters, nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers. In return the films portray the military in a positive light and help in their recruiting efforts. Killing in the name of the mother government is praised. Sharp shooters, bombers, and assassin are worshipped if they are fighting for the system, are in the military, or are associated with police department.
If the Pentagon doesn't like a script, sometimes they change dialogue. Sometimes they change characters. Sometimes they even change history to suit their operational purposes.
2. Media is tool of secret Services
Starting the Cold War in late 40′s, the CIA's secret project called Operation Mockingbird put reporters on the CIA payroll. Journalism is a perfect cover for CIA agents. People talk freely to journalists, and few think suspiciously of a journalist aggressively searching for information. Journalists also have power, influence and clout. Therefore, a high-level source told Bernstein, "One journalist is worth twenty agents." Numerous reputable journalists underwent training in various aspects of "spook-craft" which included techniques as secret writing, surveillance and other spy crafts. Spies were also trained as journalists and then infiltrated often with the publishers' consent into the most prestigious media outlets in America, including the New York Times and Time Magazine.
The CIA also secretly bought or created its own media companies. It owned 40 percent of the Rome Daily American at a time when communists were threatening to win the Italian elections. CIA bought many American media companies. "The CIA currently maintains a network of several hundred foreign individuals around the world who provide intelligence for the CIA and attempt to influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda through a large number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets." The first tier of the nine giant firms that dominate the world are Time Warner/AOL, Disney/ABC, Bertelsmann, Viacom/CBS, Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation/Fox, General Electric/NBC, Sony, Universal/Seagram, Tele-Communications, Inc. or TCI and AT&T. This is just the head of the octopus which has its second and third tier tentacles working together in unison or feigned division. This would include The Washington Post/Newsweek, The New York Times/Weekly Standard, Tribune Co., US News, Gannett/USA Today, Dow Jones/Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, Knight-Ridder, etcetera A more sinister version of domestic propaganda insertion is CIA sponsorship of global media, including Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty (Cuba), Radio Free Asia, and numerous print publications, such as Prevves (France), Der Monat (Germany), El Mundo Nuevo (Latin America), Quiet and Thought (India), Argumenten (Sweden), and La Prensa (Nicaragua).
Secret agencies clandestinely fund many Internet service providers to use them for their operations. The CIA is operating many Internet companies in the Scandinavian countries so that Chinese, Tibetan and Uighur political dissidents could directly send information through these CIA-operated servers without going through the servers of the Chinese Government. There are over 15,000 web sites on the Internet operated by the Tibetan exiles and their worldwide supporters through which Chinese people can access the Tibetan Government-in-exile, the Tibetan Library of Works and Archives, the International Campaign For Tibet etc. TV Marti, the TV station of the CIA, started telecasting programs to the Cuban people and the CIA helped a number of private businessmen to start TV stations for telecasting programs to the communist countries from places such as West Berlin and Hong Kong.
Everything we hear and see on BBC television is directed by British Intelligence. H.G Wells, the great science fiction Writer was himself a Freemason and a Member of British Intelligence. His Movie "Things To Come" was an early Propaganda film aimed to Prepare Americans for World War II and for the United Nations.
The CIA has distorted history. One method was to produce its own books. The most startling example of the ClA's manipulation of the publishing world is the case of 'Khrushchev Remembers'. Khrushchev is still widely believed to have been the author. Frank Church investigations showed that it was CIA policy to use clandestine handling of journalists and authors to get information published initially in the foreign media in order to get it disseminated in the United States. Over a thousand books were produced, subsidized or sponsored by the CIA before the end of 1967. All these books either in their original form or repackaged as articles for American newspapers and magazines (Church gives the example of the Penkovskiy Papers). This was only the tip of the iceberg because the CIA refused to "provide the names of its media agents or the names of media organizations with which they are connected .
John Major Government of the UK admitted in 1995 that a number of British authors, had been cooperating with the External Publicity Division of the British Foreign Office. Their cooperation was, in fact, with the MI6, the British secret Service. How did their anticommunist books during Cold War become best-sellers ? The MI6 encouraged publishing houses under its influence to publish their books, persuaded book reviewers to review their books favorably, bought thousands of copies of these books and had them smuggled into the communist countries and gave them free of cost to booksellers of Third World countries cooperating with the MI6.
Policy of co-opting decision makers as well as academics and other sections of the elite of the Third World countries by arranging invitations for travel to West Europe and the US, either for research or for participation in seminars, helping individuals in these countries to float think-tanks and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and arranging funds for them is an effective technique to use them for their operations.
Disinformation is routinely "planted" by CIA operatives in the newsroom of major dailies, magazines and TV channels. 'Disinformation' has some truth sprinkled in whereas 'Misinformation' is lies, or phony information. Government agents are faster at planting 'data' than civilians can check and verify it. Outside public relations firms are often used to create "fake stories". "A relatively few well-connected correspondents provide the scoops, that get the coverage in the relatively few mainstream news sources, where the parameters of debate are set and the "official reality" is consecrated for the bottom feeders in the news chain." Covert disinformation initiatives under CIA auspices are also funneled through various intelligence proxies in other countries. It emerged that the Pentagon had paid a private company, the Lincoln Group, to plant hundreds of stories in Iraqi newspapers were written by military personnel and then placed in Iraqi publications and websites that appeared to be information sites on the politics of Africa and the Balkans were found to be run by the Pentagon. Out of 414 stories on Iraq from the Major Three (ABC, CBS, and NBC) between September 2002 and February 2003, 380 stories originated at three government agencies- The White House, the Pentagon, and the State Department.
The Instinctual mass-mind
1. Role of Emotions and feelings
Every class of people satisfy outlet of their frustration, anger, and glory usually on the objects available in their own environment only. A cat would run away from dog but would attack another weaker cat to feel triumphant.
Emotions and feelings are the ultimate outcome of any activity irrespective of community, class or sex and even species. Whether a rich boy play with a doll of a gold or a poor boy with a doll of clay, the derived feelings of pleasure are similar. Whether a monarch win battles or poor persons win in sports, games or in fights the pleasure is almost similar. Even a lame person by identifying with the hero / heroine of a movie, can derive similar pleasure. Beggars may satisfy their various emotions on other beggars or on weaker species and may feel happy. Therefore, rarely any beggar commits suicide. A king or an industrialist, no matter how powerful may constantly worry about conspiracies going around him, may loose his liberty, may became a component of the whole economic and political system and experience frustration, worry, envy and insecurity. Poor people also experience the same from their own environmental insecurities. Thus satisfaction of basic deprived emotions decide behaviour of various sections of masses.
2. The Instinctual mass-mind
Instinctual mass mind is build in a process of assimilation of language, the gestures, beliefs and prejudices and delusions of the group, their habits, traditions, their archaic forms of thinking, the superstitions, the taboos etc. generation after generation. Tradition is the continuum of mass action. Intelligent reasoning does not carry much influence with the masses. It bears more resemblance to feeling than to rational thinking because the signal first arrives at the primitive hindbrain where it can respond before we are conscious of the threat then the sensory signals get processed in other brain regions . When we succeed or fail at a task, or are praised or scorned for a particular behavior, emotional reactions are our rewards (feeling good) or punishments (feeling bad) and become the guideposts for our future thoughts and actions. The neocortex works with our emotions to solidify our plans. We dream about a goal and anticipate the emotional rewards of realizing it. Our self-esteem can be wrapped up in these goals and plans. They become our "mental models." The more primitive or younger a person is, the more keenly he feels his opinions and notions. His experiences are for him of great reality value.
3. The wish and the fear determine all opinions
The lust for power is always a primitive fear symbol. It is the fear of another's greatness. Therefore, the primitive tendency to make oneself more important, is a difficult one to conquer. All primitive tribes have gods which are more powerful than neighboring gods. They consider themselves chosen and preferred by their gods, and this sweet delusion makes them love their own importance. In a mood of panic, especially, every suggestion is imbued with tremendous power. Vague fear paralyzes all criticism. Man in fear does not like freedom.The vicious circle of hate, suspicion and heightened suggestibility arises. He readily accepts any catchwords and opinions which promise security. When the propaganda has a flattering effect on the minds, when it provides justification without hurting the self-esteem of the mass, then it exerts a great influence. Intellectual motivation in such instances is subordinate to emotional justification. All private longing and needs are projected temporarily on the common catchword. Everyone projects his own unfulfilled wishes upon it. The meaningless speech therefore, becomes most influential. For example, a speech such as :- " We are the chosen sons of this soil which has glorious traditions. We must march ahead with our face up, our eyes shining and our heart singing the hymns of our great traditions and valor. Our aspiration fly above the sky. We are out to achieve what nobody has achieve. Our courage knew no bounds. The soul of our brave forefathers look at us with admiration and shower their blessing on us. We have always thought a lesson to those try to challenge our dignity and want to test our patience. We can not tolerate their betrayal so often. They must stop their conspiracies at once because there is limit to everything. We are kind to those who offer us flower and friendship. Nobody can think of enslaving us for we love our freedom more than our life. We readily die for our honour. We love our friends like our life. But do not forgive enemies. Our enemies must realize that . We smash the enemy into dust who try to injure our self-respect and honour. We have always made our enemy run …….. "
Above speech is meaningless because it does not tell what exactly are our traditions, what we want to achieve, what the speaker want people to do, who is our enemy and so on. But the audience automatically imagine friend, enemy, conspiracies, betrayals, his own aspirations, his own fears that suit their mind. Thus the primitive always attaches more importance to the obscure than to the clearly observed. Chaotic and difficult thoughts are easily accepted if they bear a semblance of learning and sophistication. It is not the idea, the original thought which affect the mass, but the catchword, the token, the symbol, the word that evokes the most bizarre associations to their instincts becomes the most beloved.
People when in mass feel collectively most powerful and can find easy outlet for their frustration, anger, hate, enthusiasm and pleasure. "Enthusiasm" is infectious; that is why a theatrical performance is enjoyed more when the house is filled to its capacity than when half empty. The collectivity has tremendous convincing power. The most adamant individualist cannot withdraw from collective influences. Only a very few are able to withdraw in critical isolation. Mass thinking intimidates the individual. Especially when a mass is on the move, we must obey, as if in panic. Following and obeying provides a comforting satisfaction. Mass delusion provides more emotional satisfaction than logical criticism. Therefore, the mass is suspicious of critical intelligence. It tolerates only affective relations and rejects all critical control. In the mass, where one's anonymity is preserved (as in masked ball), unconscious drives are much more easily discharged. People initially accept the maddest conceptions. Unless they do so they feel themselves banished, isolated, shut out from the love and praise of their companions.
The mass requires heroes and traitors for the projection of their emotions. The masses demand powerful fetishes and powerful kings. They want to be subjects of a powerful state, which can praise and punish, hate and revenge. We all submit to certain forms of supremacy and leadership. Public has a 'herd like instinct that needed to be led because too much attachment to a collectivity inhibits personal growth and man becomes a passive and unintelligent follower. He no longer formulates individual opinions but becomes the interpreter of the thoughts of others. The more the individual feels himself part of the mass, the more easily can he be hypnotized by individual treatment. Everyone knows how sorcerers and magicians wield a hypnotic influence on the entire community. A parallel situation prevails in religious sects where the leader can arouse at will a state of mass-ecstasy in his followers. Herd-like thinking makes people susceptible to leadership that can manipulate their instinct. Group has an increased tendency to identify with the leader. His word is our word, his "yes" is our "yes". That is why there is also an increased tendency to follow him uncritically. Man in fear does not like freedom. The tyrant fascinates us into obedience. Subconsciously we follow him even if our mind revolts. The submissiveness of the masses is much greater than is usually supposed. Some masses unconsciously long masochistically for slavery.
4. Extremes of Emotional Regression in masses
Sounds have a mysterious language of their own, which human beings and even some animals intuitively understand, and to which they immediately respond. For example, the contagious yawning, coughing and laughing in a theater. Rhythmical sound and motion are contagious. A rhythmical call to the crowd easily foments mass ecstasy. It stimulates and transfers all kinds of mass-emotions. Revolutionary and erotizing sounds captivate the audience in their spell. The stirring military band leads soldiers to fight bravely, when their hearts are perhaps full of fear. When no preacher could bend somebody's spirit, sacred music resounding in the lofty, dimly illuminated cathedral will carry his mind to spiritual heights. Music in temples or other religious or occult places evoke the archaic mind, vibrate their every nerve and weaken their reality self to produce instinctual mass-behaviour. When one's moral self and instinctual self out-power his reality self, person can harm himself in resulting delusion. For example, children in India after viewing a TV serial "Shaktiman" under the delusion that "Shaktiman" will save them jumped from a height. A person from Calcutta believing supernatural power of goddess Kali in him jumped in lion's cage in a zoo. Observing lion unmoved he became so sure about his power that he delivered several punches at lion's nose to be torn and eaten by the lion in the end. One Kali devotee killed himself to please Kali by his sacrifice. People have sacrificed their children to please a god and also killed them when a fortune teller called these offspring curse for the whole family tree or the child possessed by demonic power. As per news in Lokmat Samachar (10th September 2007), a 10 year old boy alone in home, after viewing a bravery stunt show "Shabbas India", imitating the hero poured kerosine on his body, set himself on fire and ran on the road. People extinguished fire but he was burnt 90% till then.
There is something destructive, masochistic in mass thinking. Action is preferred to judgment. Heroism is chosen as a kind of self-punishment; the daring and the bold throw themselves into battle out of hidden feelings of guilt. The suicidal epidemic is familiar as an adolescent symptom and is especially frequent in boarding schools, where it serves as an escape and revenge toward parents and teachers.
Toward the end of the 14th century a contagious epidemic of dance fury swept Germany and spread to all of Europe (St. Vitus Dance, Chorea Major). They were unable to stop their dancing. When rumors of the Black Death (plague) reached them, they burst into furious dancing, showed all kinds of ecstatic attitudes and finally committed suicide. When these girls were threatened with being dragged naked through the streets, dead or alive, this mass-psychosis disappeared.
In Italy the "Tarantism" explained as the result of a toxic bite of a spider, the tarantula the exalted dance cast a mysterious spell as the spectators were carried away by ecstasy.
Toward the end of the 16th century, following a dance, those children assumed the delusion that they were cats, climbed on trees and began to meow. They identified completely with cats. The Middle Ages also saw the rise of collective fear of being transformed into angry werewolves. The delusion became a justification for devilish disorderliness. It is the artificial delusion which prepares for the outbreak of bestial instincts.
The witch is the recipient of our projections of lust and bestiality. Toward the end of the Middle Ages the delusion of witches reigned throughout Europe. Cattle were believed to be poisoned by witches. Witch-burning started everywhere. Many were cursed as followers of the devil. Children were slaughtered as possessed by devil. Even the judges took part in the same delusion.
After the publication of Goethe's "Sorrows of Werther" there was a perfect epidemic of suicides in Germany.
The Phenomena of Mass-Delusion
Our Thinking is Unconscious
Thinking cannot function without stimulation from the unconscious. On sitting down to write we often do not know what we are going to say; but from the moment of taking the pen in hand our subconscious store of ideas supplies us with the material. Some may even call it as inspired writing; and thus erroneously go outside ourselves for an explanation, instead of finding it in our subconscious mind.
Acts are at first executed slowly, with full consciousness and attention, become gradually less and less perceptible as they gain in ease and rapidity by repetition, till they fall below the minimum necessary consciousness, and become subconscious. For example learning a language in childhood. It is because impressions we have frequently received, thoughts we have often entertained, actions we have many times performed, pass through the mind so rapidly that we cease to be conscious of them.
The Emotional filter within Us
The mental model being challenged is a serious and painful identity crisis. The data nullifying a cherished mental model are systematically filtered out before the conscious brain is even aware of them. Rigidity of mental models in the face of countervailing information is called denial. The conscious brain is not a simple dupe however. It can actively participate in the act of denial. This is termed as "rationalization," and involves complex neocortical functions. (The Neurobiology of Mass Delusion by Jason Bradford Published on 10 Jan 2005 by
What man likes to see as true, believes as true. We do not see our own faults or good things in a person we hate. Mother does not find faults in her child. Every man, sees through the prism of his own individuality. The pessimist is convinced deeply that evil is everywhere. An infant to be born with a predominant tendency to the feeling of fear; that feeling will become intellectualized; and his characteristic will be cautious circumspection. All our deep-seated feelings and instincts can become intellectual qualities. Hence, approach with suspicion all that which the spirit accepts greedily.
Phenomena of Development of Delusions
The human mind is characterized by two antagonistic forces, e.g. the intellectual components and the instinctive drives, always struggling for supremacy. Rational thinking means living; losing and finding oneself. Characteristic of growing consciousness is the eternal need for correction and evolution from old to new insight. Where this process of growing consciousness stops, delusion begins. Delusionary thinking can be called the continuation of primitive thinking without the correction by self-reflection due to emotions or drives. It is a withdrawal from reality. The deluded has given up the struggle for a common world picture. Delusion is a regression or isolation of the thinking function. Regressive thinking knows no doubt; it does not see the conflict between its own opinions and reality since it is incapable of a critical self-corrective attitude. Therefore the persons in greed of getting their money doubled, or getting exceptionally high returns for their deposits are cheated even they were aware of such cheating examples with other people in the past. Every candidate in election believes he is going to win and negate any thing told against this delusion.
Delusions are normal symptoms as long as they are subject to correction. Normal thinking, too, forms illusions and delusions, but these dream pictures remain in contact with reality. To an extent all people need illusions because life is never certain, and the road ahead is often difficult. Wherever doubt arises, compulsive thinking is used as a defense against hard truths. Thinking can serve as a means to escape into the comforting fantasy. People become pseudo-philosophers in order to escape the harsh responsibilities. Slight delusions are very common in man because he is forever trying to shape reality in accordance with his wishes. We naturally behave and perceive in a way that helps us to avoid embarrassment or threat. The mind protects one from the anxiety of dissonance by creating a personality Blind-spot or the area of our personality which others can see, of which we are unaware. This illustrates the gap between what others know about us and what we know about ourselves. It's exposure in fact creates the anxiety and triggers the cognitive defense and forms a protective shell around the Blind-spot Quadrant of personality. Therefore, the person defends himself continuously against painful truths with ceaseless rationalizations.
Every delusion is endowed with the same inner certainty we find in primitive thinking. Many prefer to stay in the childish dreamland of ignorance to escape the responsibility of wrong knowledge and wrong actions. Why should we think ? Why should we fight to understand this world ? Why not remain in comfortable stupidity ? Because of this yearning to return to the land of morons, we are relaxed and gay when we hear the radio voices carry us back to a realm which does not require our brain. We become more and more infected with silliness and escapism. Delusion gives the person an inner certainty of omnipotence and strength. Therefore, the deluded man likes to suffer defending his delusions. The Stabilized delusion is not subject to discussion and self-correction. They fear doubt and close their ears. The deeper the regression, the less contact and communication takes place, for delusion speaks archaic language which is rooted in the period when no verbal communication between human beings existed, as we experience in the psychoanalysis of schizophrenics. The deluded rejects logic and regresses to archaic dictatorial thinking and easily resorts to pretexts and magic forces to explain his failure (such as bad-luck and so on). Objective verification of ideas is rejected since no reality beyond the dictatorial opinion exists.
In all civilized thinking, these forms of archaic thinking persist. Nearly all of us are encased in our own world of fixed thought and find it difficult to move beyond them. We maintain the illusion of understanding a higher world but remain hemmed in by our traditions. People fear sudden, imposed change over which they have no control. They fear it will take from them status, wealth, family, friends, comfort, safety, life, or limb. That's why the man in the foxhole hesitates to leave it. He is afraid that moving out of his foxhole will expose him to new and greater danger. That is why people stick to their menial jobs which rob them of self-respect.
A Christian is forever seeing the Bible without looking for science findings and the Communist is eternally searching for Marxist explanations. The majority are fixated to their own thoughts to such a degree that they are unable to listen to those of others. Endless reasoning are usually used as resistance against disagreeable truths. The critical word, the non-conformism of one man threatens the whole clan. The adept may be persecuted when he knows more than his teacher. In scientific circles, students who try to deviate from scientific tradition are treated with much aggression.
Identification is needed for social relations. A healthy character requires the integration of thinking and feeling. Autistic thinking is inwardly directed thinking which lacks the awareness of reality. All intellect and pure thinking tends to become cold and isolated, devoid of feelings and drives. Such persons burden the outer world with their own fictions and subjective notions.
Chapter IV
Tri-Iblis Media Target Primitive Mass-Mind
Fake-Nationalism basis of Tri-Iblis Media
Since the mob is incapable of rational thought, creating fear, envy, greed, hatred, and lust are the basic tools of exploiters' propaganda. Fear and greed is the most powerful motivating emotion. They play with deepest emotions, exploiting greatest fears and prejudices using images, slogans and symbols so that masses 'voluntarily' accept his position as their own.
Hitler said, "The people, in an overwhelming majority, are so feminine in their nature and attitude that their activities and thoughts are motivated less by sober consideration than by feeling and sentiments." (Page 237) In his Nuremberg rallies, rejecting intellectual rhetoric, Hitler made appeal to deeply emotional but meaningless phrases, like "blood and soil," blind loyalty to the "Fatherland" "Aryan-Superiority" and so on. Pictures of elderly German women hugging fresh-faced young babies, Pictures of handsome German soldiers, sturdy peasants in native costume, with captions about the bright future the Führer has brought to German are sufficient to evoke desired emotions. The Roosevelt campaign was also based on the most powerful emotion of fear. Roosevelt appealed to "Security" because no one is against security. If you don't support Social Security, the ads suggested, you will live your last years in utter destitution. Roosevelt backed up his campaign with a masterful appeal to emotions : images of happy, elderly grandparents smiling while hugging their grandchildren, with everything in the world going right because of Social Security. He also appealed to love of freedom. The Four Freedoms were promoted with images of parents tucking their children cozily into bed, and a happy family gathered around a thanks giving dinner, obviously free from want.
Flags are impressive emotional symbols, particularly when waved by thousands of enthusiastic people. Flags are not rational arguments; they are instruments for whipping up the Madness of Crowds. Rarely one can resist the collective enthusiasm of thousands of his fellow human beings, cheering about their collective greatness.
Create and Nurture Fake Enemy to Enslave Masses !
Fear is a powerful means for establishing social control over a population. If terror can be induced on a widespread basis into a society, then society reverts to a blank mental situation, with heightened suggestibility and impaired judgement where control can easily be instituted from an external point. Various types of beliefs can be implanted in people after brain functioning has been disturbed by fear, anger or excitement. A nation constantly on edge will continue to believe what it is told.
The fear and disinformation campaign require "real" terrorist occurrences to provide credibility to the war plans. The exploiters' Propaganda campaign must ensure that the enemy is considered a real threat and it must conceal "the relationship" between this "fabricated enemy" and its creators. In fact in 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff had envisaged a secret plan entitled "Operation Northwoods, to deliberately trigger civilian casualties on their own citizens to justify the invasion of Cuba. (See Operation Northwoods at ). American ruling class exploiters hide the fact that Al Qaeda is a creature of the CIA. "Enemy Number One" is not an enemy but an instrument.
Osama Bin Laden, is in fact a creation of U.S. and British intelligence services. At least a dozen major articles have appeared in EIR since 1996 detailing Bin Laden and his network as assets of British geopolitical destabilization. Osama Bin Laden first got involved in the terrorist and intelligence "business" in 1980 through his cousin and mentor, Sheikh Salim Bin Laden, and was picked up by the Thatcher and Reagan / Bush administration to help fund their "secret war" in Afghanistan against Soviet Union. By 1979, he had become a business partner of George Bush's son, current Texas Governor George W. Bush, in the family's Zapata Oil and Arbusto Ltd. By the time the Afghan war broke out in 1980, Sheik Salim was already a dominant figure in the British-run Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) which Thatcher and Bush used to fund their Afghan war. Osama, then a 20-year-old, was enlisted as the Sheikh's junior partner. ( Oct. 5, 2001 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. Why the Real Name Is `Osama Bin London' by EIR Staff)
Osama bin Laden and his Mujhaeedin were armed and trained by the CIA and Britain's M16, in collaboration with the inter-services intelligence of Pakistan (ISI), in order to overthrow the pro-Moscow government in Kabul. Bin Laden once admitted that : to counter the revolution in Afghanistan, the Saudi regime chose me as their representative in Pakistan and Afghanistan. I recruited volunteers from many Arab and Muslim countries who came to answer the call. I set up camps where Pakistanis, Americans and British officers trained these volunteers. America supplied the weapons, the money came from the Saudis.(
In fact the CIA is using the terrorist actions of its proxy Al-Qaeda in order to give the U.S. an excuse to invade first countries rich in oil like Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and then any country which is a "threat" to Israel, or more exactly which Israel dislikes for whatever reason. The third objective for which the CIA is using its proxy Al-Qaeda is to engender fear and hate of Islam and Muslims worldwide to slander and denigrate Muslims so that it is acceptable and even called for to commit genocide against them. ( Wednesday, March 7, 2007 CIA-Mossad Mercenaries Stage 'Al-Qaeda' Beheadings (continued) by JOHN KAMINSKI)
Osama bin Laden is still in some way associated with the CIA : 1) His activities in Afghanistan prior to 1990 2) His activities on the "U.S. side" in Bosnia, Kosovo and, quite recently, in Macedonia 3) The refusal of the Clinton administration to allow Sudan to extradite him in 1996, 4) The very convincing arguments by Congressman Rohrabacher that the Clinton administration sabotaged efforts to apprehend him. 5) His functioning as a lightning rod for dissenters – getting people who oppose U.S. policy to support his ultra-repressive politics. 6) His amazing transformation regarding the World Trade Center attack. At first he denied involvement. But a week later he issued a video tape where he said "God Almighty hit the United States at its most vulnerable spot… I ask God Almighty to elevate their status and grant them Paradise." This latter statement was prerecorded and released immediately after the U.S. government started bombing Afghanistan, that is, precisely when Mr. Bush needed the emotional impact of just such a statement in order to 'justify' yet another illegal war. 7) Report from the BBC that the Bush administration suppressed investigations into connections between members of the bin Laden family and possible terrorist groups. (Gaping Holes in the 'CIA vs… bin Laden' Story by Jared Israel [Posted 8 November 2001]
According to the French newspaper Le Figaro, two months before September 11 Osama bin Laden flew to Dubai for 10 days for treatment at the American hospital, where he was visited by the local CIA agent. The CIA chief was seen in the lift, on his way to see Bin Laden. The disclosures are known to come from French intelligence which is keen to reveal the ambiguous role of the CIA, and to restrain Washington from extending the war to Iraq and elsewhere. The American hospital in Dubai emphatically denied that Bin Laden was a patient there. (,,,00.html CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July French report claims terrorist leader stayed in Dubai hospital Anthony Sampson Thursday November 1, 2001 The Guardian)
9) On Oct. 29, 2004, just four days before the U.S. presidential election, Osama bin-Laden released a videotape denouncing George W. Bush which helped Bush to gain a second term. ( CIA: Osama Helped Bush in '04 By Robert Parry July 4, 2006)
The Pentagon or the CIA operates terrorist attacks through terrorist organizations which operate quite independently. A year 2002 classified out-brief drafted to guide the Pentagon calls for the creation of a so-called "Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group" (P2OG), to launch secret operations aimed at "stimulating reactions" among terrorists and states possessing weapons of mass destruction. Covert support by the US military and intelligence apparatus has been channeled to various terrorist organizations of Muslim countries through a complex network of intermediaries and intelligence proxies. Numerous official statements, intelligence reports confirm recent links (in the post Cold War era) between US military-intelligence units and Al Qaeda operatives, as occurred in Bosnia (mid 1990s), Kosovo (1998-99) and Macedonia (2001). The Republican Party Committee of the US Congress in a 1997 report points to open collaboration between the US military and Al Qaeda operatives in the civil war in Bosnia. (See US Congress, 16 January 1997,
"During the second Palestinian Intifada, the Israeli intelligence tried to create an "Al-Qaeda" organization in the West Bank and Gaza. They provided several Palestinians with machine guns and thousands of dollars to kill Israelis under the name of Al-Qaeda. When the game was discovered by the Palestinians' intelligence, the Israelis scurried away and stopped their disgusting "Al-Qaeda" game with Palestinians. Only last week the media carried news of an Israeli (not Palestinian) arrested in the Phillipines for being a member of "Al-Qaeda." This phenomenon of Israelis hiring hapless (and penniless) Arab malcontents to pose as "Islamic terrorists" is of course a well-known and established practice most visible in the Occupied Territories where setup dupes are called. ( Wednesday, March 7, 2007 CIA-Mossad Mercenaries Stage 'Al-Qaeda' Beheadings (continued) by JOHN KAMINSKI)
Consider the sequence: Berg's killing took public focus off the pornographic prison scandal, Johnson's death stole the headlines from revelations about Bush's torture memorandum and his possibly treasonous culpability in the outing of a CIA agent, and Kim's demise diverted attention from the Kean commission's stunning findings that the government let 9/11 happen on purpose. ( Wednesday, March 7, 2007 CIA-Mossad Mercenaries Stage 'Al-Qaeda' Beheadings (continued) by JOHN KAMINSKI)
The Bali bomb attack in the Kuta seaside resort resulted in death of nearly 200 Australian tourists. The bomb attack was allegedly perpetrated by Jemaah Islamiah. There are indications, that Jemaah Islamiah also has links to Indonesia's military intelligence, which in turn has links to the CIA and Australian intelligence. Indonesia's intelligence apparatus has for more than 30 years been controlled by the CIA. In the wake of the October 2002 Bali bombing, a contradictory report emanating from Indonesia's top brass, pointed to the involvement of both the head of Indonesian intelligence General A. M. Hendropriyono as well as the CIA. There are still senior intelligence officers who believe that the C.I.A. was behind the bombing. In response to these statements, the Bush Administration demanded that President Megawati Sukarnoputri, publicly refute the involvement of the U.S in the attacks. But Megawati remained silent on this matter. Reminiscent of Operation Northwoods, the Bali attack swayed Australian public opinion in favour of the US invasion of Iraq. In the wake of the Bali attack, the Australian government "officially" joined the US-led war. It has not only used the Bali bombings as a pretext to fully integrate the US-UK military axis, drastic police measures including "ethnic profiling" against its own citizens.
Fear-Ridden Masses are Incapable of Reasoning !
Because the enemy has to appear genuine the vaccination program with intense media propaganda would be launched with the sole purpose of creating an atmosphere of panic of biological terror attack. The mass arrests of individuals of Middle Eastern origin since September 11 2001 on trumped up charges is not motivated by security considerations. Their main function is to provide "credibility" to the fear and propaganda campaign. Each arrest, amply publicized by the corporate media, "gives a face" to this invisible enemy. The "WMD" and "Osama bin Laden" statements became part of day to day debate and conversations. They penetrate the inner consciousness of ordinary people. If you criticize a nonexistent enemy long enough and make it appear that enemy actually exists, an uninformed citizens soon begins to believe the claim because the human being is basically a creature of habit and develops skills and values by repetition like walking, talking, code of ethics, and so on. When something is repeated over and over, no matter how outrageous it may be, people will come to believe there's some truth in it. Once the propaganda is ingrained in the public's consciousness, it often remains long even after evidence has discredited it.
Pearl Harbor attack was actually set up by Roosevelt and the international money men as an excuse to get America into a managed conflict profitable for these exploiters. Millions of Americans still falsely believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, that Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida were connected, and an Iraqi was among the 9/11 terrorists.
Senator Warner had reported on "Larry King" that the Afghan high-altitude food drops were practiced for nearly a year, before taking place over Afghanistan. How many spotted the time-line, asking why the drops were practiced for nearly a year PRIOR to 9-11 ?
All the clues in the world point to 9-11 being an inside-job; yet, few on the planet will tolerate the information to penetrate their belief system. The thought is too horrible for most to tolerate, therefore, "denial" takes and "registration" is minimal. Therefore American War Crimes, in the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq are simply ignored.
A secret mission called Operation Tailwind and the activities of a secret elite commando unit of the Army's Special Forces that used lethal nerve gas (sarin), on a mission to Laos designed to kill American defectors. The story was hushed up, as usual. Bush having actually used the chemical weapons on his own American troops, while complaining and accusing Saddam of potential use of stored similar weapons, of which most of were manufactured in and supplied by the U.S. What hypocrisy ! (Read Floyd Abrams' report on the CNN site at
"Perception Control" also relies on the element of "identification." With the propaganda of 9-11, America "identified" with the supposed threat of Saddam Hussein. The factual non-connection of Saddam to 9-11 made little difference; fear ruled. Similarly, in virtually all of the reported cases of terrorist attack in Britain, France, Indonesia, India, Philippines, etc. the "alleged terrorist groups" are said to have links to Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda, without acknowledging the fact that Al Qaeda is a creation of CIA.
Panic-Ridden Masses Surrender !
Media portray Bush war as an act of self-defense, while carefully concealing broad strategic and economic objectives of the war. Americans are told to support selfish wars because the common soldiers, cannot function unless they know we stand united behind them. It's easy to make a rationalist and sensible person feel alienated in a nation of flag-wavers singing patriotic hymns. If the rare sensible person tries to argue against war, he is accused of making things harder for "our boys." Any American who suggests we should not risk World War III by invading the Middle East is accused of siding with the terrorists, of slandering the memory of those who died, and of not "standing by our boys" in times of great need. Ashcroft and Bush have said, that if you don't support our soldiers in everything they do, (rape, killings, looting etc.) you stand with the terrorists.
The propaganda campaign is geared towards sustaining the illusion that "America is under attack". Terror alerts of all types are given and a national emergency is said to be justified because America is under attack. People are compelled to surrender their basic human rights in the name of protecting people and democracy from terrorism. A generation thus brought up to fear, in order to protect themselves from imaginary threats, easily sacrifice their basic civil liberties and set the stage for the installation of a police State in the name of protecting democracy. (Jhally & Dinozzi, 1994; Pipher, 1994).
Rational people are caught in dilemma of "I must do it but I can't do it" (double-bind phenomena). The anti-war people in fact, really stand for open, profitable relationships with other countries. They call for peaceful relations with all nations. They want to oppose exploiters' war on innocent masses of other countries. But they are helpless considering emotionally charged people and tyrant government.
A small percentage of the population that still do not surrender to fake-patriotism of exploiters are demonized. The government monitors their e-mail, snoop into their bank accounts, and may throw them in jail for voicing opposition. Muslims are presented as terrorists. The process of demonizing Muslims and manufacturing Islamophobia is now a global phenomenon. Craftily devised Islam's internal and external struggle over values, identity, and change is widely discussed and within Islam those approve American-Zionist imperialism are helped. Creating a wedge between moderates and extremists is a top strategic priority of American-Zionist imperialism.
Enslaving masses Mentally
Mass need to be mentally enslaved so that the exploiter class continue their exploitation without facing any resistance. More people can be controlled by creating illusions and delusions in them than by coercion. Humanity is essentially thinking creatively and if people develop ability to think they can not be mentally controlled. Controlled people can't be creative because mentally they can't be human. Since the reason, creativity and morality are the death of propaganda of exploiter class, the schools always remained busy in systematically stunning students' ability to reason and think in moral and creative terms. Schools are behavior conditioning camps in which children are taught to be unquestioningly obedient to authority. Americans accept obvious absurdities because they were drilled into their heads, year after year, in the government propaganda camps (schools) until they became unquestionable. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil is the slogan that ensure exploitation. Media is under the influence of exploiters and their implanted values, notions and beliefs. Therefore, you rarely hear the other side of a story. The presentations are being made so strong that you are not even allowed to think that there is another side.
To enslave masses mentally they must be dehumanized. Exploiters don't want creative but scripted employees at their counters. The exploiters want masses to simply follows routines or scripts written by the exploiters themselves. They take all creativity out of all activities and turn them into a series of routinized kinds of procedures that are imposed externally.
Zombifying masses by Visual-Media
The left brain hemisphere is the seat of logical thought. Here, information is broken down into its component parts and critically analyzed. The right brain, however, treats incoming data uncritically, processing information in wholes, leading to emotional, rather than logical responses. Herbert Krugman showed that, while viewers were watching TV, right-brain activity outnumbered left-brain activity by a ratio of two to one. While viewing television you transfer into right brain, which results in the internal release of the body's own opiates: enkephalins and Beta-endorphins, chemically almost identical to opium. Once the television is turned off, the sense of relaxation dissipates and the stress and dysphoric rumination occurs rather quickly. Habit forming drugs work in similar ways. A tranquilizer that leaves the body rapidly is much more likely to cause dependence than one that leaves the body slowly. Thus, television viewing becomes an addiction. Very few people are able to restrain from television habit. "Psychophysiologist Thomas Mulholland attached young viewers to an electroencephalograph (EEG) machine that was wired to shut the TV set off whenever the children's brains produced a majority of alpha brain waves. Although the children were told to concentrate, only a few could keep the TV set on for more than thirty seconds! Most viewers are already hypnotized !
When we watch television activity in the higher brain regions such as the neocortex is diminished, while activity in the lower brain regions (such as the limbic system) increases. The lower brain is commonly referred to as the reptile brain, is associated with more primitive mental functions, such as the "fight or flight" response. The reptile brain is unable to distinguish between reality and the simulated reality of television. To the reptile brain, if it looks real, it is real. Thus, though we know on a conscious level it is "only a film," at unconscious level we do not. Therefore, the heart beats faster while we watch a suspenseful scene. We know a commercial is trying to manipulate us, but at unconscious level no matter how ridiculous the lie is, it's repeated enough that the unconscious brain think it real and the commercial succeeds in, making us feel inadequate until we buy whatever thing is being advertised. "It may be impossible to resist instructions received at subconscious level.
By using cultural taboos, advertisers take advantage of our defense mechanisms to inject subliminal messages and emotional images into our subconscious mind and associate the message and emotional image with the product and when we see this product on the shelf at a later date, our subconscious mind would follow the purchasing command to buy the product. Most people really do buy things because of the emotional imagery. The more emotionalized the data, more likely it is to be retained in subconscious memory. Emotional security, reassurance of worth, ego-gratification, creative outlets, love objects, sense of power, sense of roots, and immortality are the emotions usually targeted. Advertisers employ every technique to tempt your drives and desires while provoking your fears. There are six general subliminal strategies:- figure-ground reversals, embedding, double entendre, low-intensity light and low-volume sound, tachistoscopic displays, lighting and background sound. Many images, phrases, and slogans have hidden double meanings behind them. This is called double entendre. Symbolism often have sexual connotations. Graphic artists mosaic sexes onto textured surfaces or in edges, shadows, and highlights.
Under hypnotic like trance their effects get multiplied. A deep hypnotic-like trance can be created in viewers by placing a blank, black frame every 32 frames in the film that is being projected. This creates a pulsation perceived only by the subconscious mind. The commercials or suggestions presented following this alpha-inducing broadcast are much more likely to be accepted by the viewer. The high percentage of the viewing audience are somnambulistic could very well accept the suggestions as commands.
At 25th frame an emotional Mind-influencing subliminal messages and symbols are frequently hidden within popular television shows and movies. As a result of this 25th frame impact, zombying phenomena occurs. A zombie is defined in the dictionary as "the body of a dead person given the semblance of life by a supernatural force".
One way to discover subliminals on your own is to use your video camera or camcorder and set it to record at very high speed and play the tape back at a much slower speed and study it frame by frame. You might be surprised at what shows up.Most cartoons have a subtle message as well as subliminal ones meant to influence the next generation of children and destroy family values. A single frame from the Disney's animation of The Littlest Mermaid which showed a scene in the water where she is nude from the waist down and seen with full pubic hair. If you saw the movie, you would ' pick it up because a single frame of animation goes by in something like 1/18th of a second, however, your subconscious mind would catch it and retain it. A single frame from The Lion King the word "SEX" was spelled with twinkling stars in a scene showing a night sky. Psychologists in the Russia's southern city of Krasnodar have called on the Russian government to ban televising of the Pokemon Japanese cartoon. The cartoon calls for cruelty and aggression, while numerous signs on the heroes' costumes symbolize death.
Hollywood videos, radio and telephones and now encrypted in printed matter, affect the brains neural networks to diminish their Will, Individuality and Creativity. Psycho-acoustically modify and synthesize the suggestions so that they are projected in the same chord and frequency as the music, thus giving them the effect of being part of the music. It may even be possible to hide a second voice behind the voice to which you are listening. These suggestions heard by the subconscious mind, cannot be monitored with even the most sophisticated equipment. There is simply no way to know what is behind the music you hear. Specially designed music loops can keep shoppers in the supermarket for 18% longer. Scientifically tested visual displays, Muzak tapes, and even mind altering scents combine to maximize impulse spending. Combining subliminal messages behind the music and visuals and presenting them at a trance-inducing pace brings extremely effective brainwashing. We have just touched the tip of the iceberg.
The news programs, sitcoms, films, radio and other forms of media shape our opinions. These shows are just a necessary distraction to keep you from looking at reality. Your family are continually absorbing the illiterate, amoral, phony, uncultivated, desperately brainless values of the abnormal people featured in the average nightly TV program. Immoral values promoting exploitation are being constantly spoon-fed to you. The sole purpose of news is to keep the public in a state of fear and uncertainty so that they'll watch again tomorrow and be subjected to the same propaganda. You can not name one example of how your life is improved by watching TV news and reading the newspaper. The networks want people to sit in their houses and stare for hours at the television. Its been estimated that the average American is exposed to more than 3000 advertisements every day. By the age of 16, children have spent ten thousand to fifteen thousand hours watching television! That is more time than they spend in school ! No thought, no opinions, no action. Just watch the tube You're beginning to think that the TV is reality and your own lives are unreal. You do whatever TV tells you. You dress, eat and think like the tube. You even raise your children like the tube.They are creating mass madness. It's no longer an overstatement to note that the youth today that are raised and taught through network television are intellectually dead by their early teens.
We are rapidly moving into an alpha-level world, the placid, glassy-eyed, and responding obediently to instructions. The subliminal commands of "Obey the Law", "Do Not Question Authority. Government is Your God", "Do As You Are Told" and "God is talking to you" are injected into your unconscious mind. Erratic thoughts of Anger, Fear, Depression, and wanton sexuality are also included. This causes utter confusion in individuals who don't know where from these strange thoughts are coming. This is a world, where they make good is evil, and evil is good. It's no wonder everyone is in a state of confusion, running around like chickens with no heads, because, in every other sense, they have no minds of their own.
Manu-Media is Producing Desensitized Killers
Killing requires training as the midbrain has a powerful, resistance among human beings to killing their own kind. Only sociopaths lack this innate immune system. During World War II, only 15-20% of riflemen fired their weapon at an exposed enemy target. This was blamed primarily upon the shooting at a bull's-eye. After the war, the military switched to human-shaped targets. By the Vietnam War, 95% of the riflemen fired their weapons at human bodies. Today, the Marine Corps use the action game known as Marine Doom as a training device. More than thirty commercially available electronic games are evaluated for their potential use as training tools. If the US military has acknowledged for decades the success of using humanlike targets to normalize killing, what, then, is the effect of the similar games on kids ? With this in mind, the rise of school shootings should come as no surprise (Jhally & Huntemann, 2000; Naisbitt, et al., p. 76-77).
"Children don't naturally kill. It is a learned skill. They learn it most pervasively, from violence in television, films and interactive video games. It begins at the age of 18 months. At that age, a child can watch something happening on television and mimic that action. When young children see somebody shot, stabbed, raped, brutalized, degraded, or murdered on TV, to them it is actually happening.
According to Lieutenant Colonel David Grossman, an expert in the field of killology, the point-and-shoot video games actually train young players to accurately shoot and kill human targets. The Journal of the American Medical Association mentions that television violence destroys your violence immune system and conditions you to derive pleasure from violence. Every time a child plays an interactive point-and-shoot video game, he is learning the exact same conditioned reflex and motor skills. Repeated playing of violent video games 'desensitizes' the activities of the brain involved in reasoning and planning, while activating those functions that respond to violence. The result is ever more homemade pseudo-sociopaths who kill reflexively, show no remorse and like killing. Therefore, within 15 years there is a doubling of the murder rate.
Approximately 20 million Americans, many under 18, play violent games rated 'M,' for Mature. Washington D.C. Schiller Institute report shows that violent video games damage the brain, possibly permanently. The goal of 'Manhunt' game is delivering the nastiest killings for filming. Higher ratings are awarded depending on how much additional carnage you can add to the execution. Those who are obsessed with point-and-shoot role-playing games (RPGs) learn more than a killer instinct. When you play these occult games, there is no risk. So why not try the real thing ? Through the occult rituals they are learning to perform under the guise of 'fantasy'. That power becomes like an addiction and they get unconsciously hooked and embrace the occultism that drive the myth behind the violence.
The string of cold-blooded shooting sprees may be Columbine High School in Colorado, where two students addicted to Doom, Mortal Combat and other violent role-playing games (RPGs) shot 27 students and teachers. The lineage of the Jonesboro shootings began at Pearl, Mississippi, fewer than six months before. In Pearl, a 16-year-old boy was accused of killing his mother and then going to his school and shooting nine students, two of whom died, including his ex-girlfriend. Two months later, in Paducah, Kentucky, a 14-year-old boy was arrested for killing three students and wounding five others. One of the high-school teachers told with dismay that after the Jonesboro shootings, her students laughed. A similar reaction happens in movie theaters when there is bloody violence as the young people have learned to associate violence with pleasure. They laugh and cheer and keep right on eating popcorn. Visitors at a beauty spot near Glasgow watched helplessly as three boys [aged 18, 17 and 15) forced a terrified school boy to fall 25ft over a cliff and then cheered as their victim plunged on to rocks below.
In spite of above measures, people resist exploitation system. Therefore, exploiter class must delude masses by specially devised propaganda techniques. The effective use of psychological operations (psyop) can provide asymmetrical advantages by exposing and exploiting people's resistance and weaknesses to create uncertainty and ambiguity, thereby lowering their morale and their will to fight exploitation and win.
Planning Psychological Operations
Military Psyop are 1) strategic Psyop are international information activities conducted by Government agencies. 2) operational Psyop are conducted prior to or during war or in conflict to promote the effectiveness of the campaigns and strategies. 3) tactical Psyop conducted to support the tactical mission against opposing forces, and 4) consolidation Psyop are conducted in foreign areas that are inhabited by an enemy or potentially hostile populace to produce behaviors that support objectives of occupier imperialist forces.
Principles of Psychological Operations and Propaganda
1) The key principle is "control the masses without their knowing it" This is accomplished through the systematic application of psychological and social influence techniques in an organized programmatic way within a constructed and managed environments.
2) Define Psyop objectives clearly :- i) What do we want to communicate ? ii) Why exactly we want to communicate this? iii) What we want this to actually do? iv) Who are we trying to reach? v) What do we want them to remember ? vi) What attitude or behavior do we expect ? vii) When will this be done ? viii) How much will it cost ? ix) What exact results do we anticipate ? x) How will we measure success ?
3) The propaganda consequences of an action must be considered in planning that action.
4) Adopt the practical principle of "do the doable"; otherwise we waste strategic communication resources on impossible goals, demoralize our allies and energize enemies.
5) Hard Opposition will oppose in any circumstances. Counter their negative effect on others. Do anything to move the undecided. Focus on soft support constituents and move to hard support.
6) A message can be effective only by using language, symbols, and images that resonate with the targeted unwilling audience through their own people. This approach require in-depth knowledge of target cultures and factors that motivate their behavior.
7) Use media which are reliable and readily accessible by target audiences.
Command, control, communications, and computers (C4) systems are essential for planning, mounting, and sustaining successful joint action.
9) Exploiter class must mobilize greater private sector initiatives that contain a built-in agility, credibility and even denying ability.
10) The Six Arts of War notes that the best strategy is to attack the enemy's mind, leaving him unable to plan. Create psychological misperceptions that will cause one side to remain unprepared. The prepared side can then win without fighting :- i) Suppress material which can provide the enemy with useful intelligence ii) Openly disseminate propaganda that causes the enemy to draw the desired wrong conclusions iii) Goad the enemy into revealing vital information about himself d) Make no reference to a desired enemy activity when any reference would discredit that activity.
11) Propaganda must be planned and executed by only one authority.
12) Psyop strategic communication efforts must reinforce key themes and messages and constantly be measured against defined objectives. As a result, adjustments must be made and those responsible for implementation must be held accountable.
13) Material from enemy propaganda may be utilized in operations when it helps to diminish enemy's prestige and weaken him
14) Black propaganda be employed when it produces desirable effects. The Zinoviev letter was a fake letter published in the British newspaper : "The Daily Mail" which called the British Communist party to mobilize "sympathetic forces" in the Labour Party and create dissent in the armed forces. Fake Zinoviev letter was instrumental in the Conservative victory in the 1924 UK general election.
Black propaganda may be generated by altering genuine enemy propaganda to distort its message. This is a particularly powerful tool if the target audience has a poor understanding of the language of the enemy. In Britain, the Political Warfare Executive operated a number of black propaganda radio stations. Gustav Siegfried Eins (GS1) was one of such stations purporting to be a clandestine German station. The speaker, 'Der Chef' purported to be a Nazi extremist, focused on alleged corruption and sexual improprieties of Nazi Party members.
15) Propaganda to the home front must prevent the raising of false hopes which can be blasted by future events.
16) Propaganda to the home front must :- i) reinforce anxiety concerning the consequences of defeat ii) it must diminish anxiety other than concerning the consequences of defeat which is too high and which cannot be reduced by people themselves
17) Propaganda to the home front must diminish the impact of frustration by anticipating and placing inevitable frustrations in perspective.
18) Propaganda cannot immediately affect strong anti-exploitation tendencies; instead it must offer some form of diversion..
19) Hostility is created among Bahujans and directed towards each others so that sections of Bahujan masses keep on hating and killing each other and thus ensure their unabated exploitation by the Arya-Brahmin exploiters.
Possible errors in propaganda
1) The tendency to make huge predictions about the future on the basis of a few small facts is a common logical fallacy. For, example, every contesting candidate in election is assured of his victory.
2) Taking a very small number of dramatic events to outweigh a significant amount of statistical evidence is a tendency must be avoided. If one gets strong setback in any activity then he develops a tendency to avoid that activity completely even though it is essential to do it.
3) Avoid assuming wrongly that the middle position between two extremes must be correct simply because it is the middle position.
4) Avoid all superstitions and prevent them to develop in mind while launching psyop. Its very easy to fall into self-deception when it is advantageous to your psychological weaknesses to do so. For example, we like to hear favourable news only and do not want to see our own weaknesses or foolishness.
5) Do not conclude from insufficient information but ensure yourself completely. A building security guard if finds a cat had caused ringing of alarm, may fail to see the real intruders.
Chapter VII
Mass-Deluding Tactics of Manu-Media
Exploiter classes of the world apply following techniques to deceive exploited Bahujan masses.
1. Manufacturing support in mass-gatherings
In order to get a predetermined outcome, while giving the illusion of public opinion and under the pretext of being accountable to the public, exploiters use following techniques.
They break up the groups of potentially knowledgeable people by giving them a number or a colored card when they enter the room. Sitting with strangers and with a facilitator, they can be made completely subdued. Usually the people at each table are instructed to answer among themselves some of the questions and arrive at a table consensus. The person who has been secretly pre-briefed about the desired outcome is chosen to speak for the table. Others have little opportunity to address people directly. Anyone knowledgeable enough, or brave enough, to speak out in opposition are told from the podium, "We don't have time to discuss that now," or "We discuss that on another date," or "We can discuss that after the meeting." Dissenters are made quiet, isolated, and discredited. After attending the meeting, participants may feel uneasy that they are in disagreement with the apparent majority.
2. Fallacies used for heightening image of exploiters
In the propaganda of exploiters known as the logical fallacy, the premises (statements) may be accurate but the conclusion based on them is not. For Example Premise 1: Bill Clinton supports gun control, Premise 2: communist regimes have supported gun control. Conclusion : Bill Clinton is a communist. This fallacy assumes that only communists and nobody else support gun control. Following fallacies are used by the exploiters.
1) Emotionally appealing words, highly valued concepts and beliefs that carry conviction without proof such as, patriot, home loving; peace lover, freedom fighter, upholder of national glory, brave, dignified, learned etc. are always associated with the civilian as well as military members of Arya-Brahmin exploiter class.
Atal Bihari Bajpeyi, V.D. Savarkar etc. apologized Britishers and begged for their release from jail. Laxmibai of Jhansi ran away from battlefield. In spite of that these Arya-Brahmins are called brave and patriot. How the exploiters who exploit and oppress masses be called patriots ? How Sachin Tendulkar who cut in to pieces the cake on which national flag of India was painted can be called patriot ? How the act of government condoning crores of Rupee tax on Ferari of Mr. Sachin Tendulkar and Tendulkar's getting his tax condoned can be a patriotic act while hungry farmers of country are being compelled to commit suicide ? In spite of that Exploiters are humanized so that the audience looks upon them as kind, wise, and humanly figures.
2) A National, communal or religious symbols in background creates impression that the event is in the best interest of the section addressed. Arya-Brahmins do not hesitate in displaying photographs of Bahujan warriors in background to preach and promote the interests of Brahmanism. The ignorant Bahujans develop positive image of Arya-Brahmin exploiters, while a conflict is created in the mind of most of Bahujans and put them in defensive position.
3) To meet their selfish interests Arya-Brahmins do not hesitate to clad themselves like common masses. Because homey words evoke nostalgia, exploiters speak in the manner of masses to pose that the exploiters do reflect the common feelings of the people.
4) In simplification technique simple solutions are provided for complex problems. Whether the solution is right or wrong, simplification gives the impression of going to the heart of the matter in a few words. Simplification can build ego of laymen. For example, a layman is pleased to hear that '"law is just common sense dressed up in fancy language," or "modern art is really a hodgepodge of aimless experiment or nonsense. It is what they like to believe, because they are afraid that law and modern art may actually be beyond their understanding. Simplification sways both the uneducated and educated audiences because, the limitations of time and energy often force them to accept simplification. Some people accept information which they cannot verify personally as long as the source is acceptable or is considered an expert. The average members will not even consider that there may be another answer to the problem.
5) Most people want to go with the crowd, or follow the leader who appeal to their core emotions. To do otherwise requires independent thought and the willingness to be ostracized. Most people, when in doubt, or in ambiguous situation are happy to do what other people are doing. People are more inclined to follow fellowmen. Inevitable victory invites others to join those already on the road to certain victory. Those already, or partially, in the camp are reassured.
Through Demonstrations, gathering all supporters in one place, through biased or fake opinion polls, photos giving impression of large numbers, it is possible to create the impression of extensive support to persuade people who are keen to follow the crowd.
6) Assertions are positive statements presented as fact. Assertions may or may not be true. They imply that what is stated is self-evident and needs no further proof. Quoting the experts add weight to these persuasions. But the testimonial must be plausible to the target audience.
3. Tactics used to make masses surrender
1) The most potent technology of control is insidious manipulation of past. The Ministry of Truth of America fabricated the past by deleting all records that were not acceptable to fit its current ideology. Day by day and almost minute by minute, the past was brought up to date because who controls the past, also controls the future.
2) Individual beliefs are challenged to create confusion accompanied by fear of isolation from group or profession. The hidden message is, Your assumptions and beliefs are all wrong ! Don't trust yourself; trust us and adopt the prescribed value system. This is a common tactics applied by religious cult leaders.
3) Least of Evils technique compel masses to make sacrifices to avoid more harsh outcomes. For example, on the pretext to prevent terrorist attacks, masses are compelled to sacrifice their civil liberties which were won through the struggle of several generations of aware masses. An industrialists may say, "If workers do not agree to salary cut, the unit will be closed."
4) Exploiters use "black-and-white thinking" where only two choices are given to negate all attempts to find a common ground. Bush used this technique saying "either you are with us or with the terrorists." The events of 9-11 left America in the Reichstag dilemma of "patriot; yea or nay ?". Rewards are held out for submissiveness. Government officers, leaders, media and machinery accuse Bahujans forcefully as Naxalites, terrorists, Muslim fanatics, antinationals etc. to compel masses to become nonresistant.
5) In a psychology experiment subject preferred to show conformity by supporting obvious wrong answer to avoid disconformity. Similarly, working class members out of fear may restrain from holding attitudes, life philosophy and participating in activities disliked by the system.
6. In the organizations run under the influence of exploiters, the communication is strictly controlled by rules concerning permissible topics for discussion with 'outsiders' to keep members subdued.
7) In Doublethink technique two contradictory beliefs are invoked simultaneously while upholding both of them. When Bush argues for preemptive war, he upholds that war is undesirable while a war to prevent war is desirable. Such double-think makes all other modes of protest against a tyrant state impossible.
Obedience training enforces unquestioned submission to the authority. Exploiter may suggest Bahujan officer "If you do not favour Arya-Brahmins over Bahujans you shall face worst consequences.
9) If above methods fail, the opponents may be killed, arrested, detained, defamed. The controlled press and sham opposition proves very useful in these attempts of tyrant government.
4. Fallacies used while facing accusations
1. Denial Tactics
1) To pose himself innocent, a thief may shout Thief ! Thief ! The exploiters to save themselves from being accused antinational, call themselves patriots, nationalists and accuse Bahujan opponents as antinational. All Bahujan warriors were accused of being antinational and agents of Britishers where in facts the Arya-Brahmins themselves were antinational and agents of British imperialism.
2) No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, exploiters avoid discussing issues denying accusations have any credibility. They pose the upper-class crimes as impossibly complex and the truth as ultimately unknowable. The Bofors and other issues were made so complex to be solved. Brahmincracy of India has turned "OBC-Reservation" as most complex issue to be solved.
3) Exploiters lie brazenly to deceive Bahujans. According to Hitler, there is always force of credibility in a big lie; since masses often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. Therefore, they believe that such a brazen lie is unlikely and at least it must contain some truth. Using same principle, Arya-Brahmins of BJP gave slogan of "India-shining" while farmers were dying of hunger and many were committing suicide.
4) Manu-Media is so loud, wide, and continuous that voice of Bahujans is rarely heard.
5) Exploiter class avoid discussion of the issues by backward reasoning such as "We have a completely free press. Because press haven't reported it, so it did not happen."
6) Exploiters dismiss the Bahujan claims as invalid regardless of what proof may be presented by Bahujans and demand proof that is impossible. For example Supreme court of India, to deprive OBC community from their "Reservation" want exact figure of OBC which OBC themselves can not collect. Arya-Brahmin governments will never produce them.
7) Changing the subject to a new, more manageable topic is a common technique used by the exploiters. For example, Topic A is under discussion. Topic B is introduced under the guise of being relevant to topic A. Topic A is craftily abandoned. This works especially well with managed persons who can "argue" with the exploiters over the new topic in order to avoid discussing the more key issues.
Exploiters select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges, amplify its significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges. False Analogy is used to portray two things similar such as to grab all benefits of women reservation for Arya-Brahmin women they call all women same and oppose proportionate reservation for OBC, SC, ST, and Minority community Women.
9) The exploiter class rejects a claim by asserting that the claim might be true for other country, places etc. but is not true for them.
10) A claim or argument of Bahujans is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact. For example, Arya-Brahmins may claim that the said Bahujan is not highly qualified therefore his claim is invalid. To defy the rights of working class, working class may be called meritless, lazy, drunkard, not fit for change and so on.
11) Arya-Brahmins may say that because his accused castemen are learned, highly positioned, etc. persons so they must be right.
12) Exploiters argue that their claim is justified simply because its opposite cannot be proven.
2. Distortion Tactics
1) Stalling is a technique of deliberately withholding information until its timeliness is past, thereby reducing the possibility of undesired impact. Exploiters point out the benefits of what just happened. For example, when hungry farmers commit suicide, Arya-Brahmin government may announce help packages and declare phony measures.
2) Card stacking, case making, and censorship are all forms of selection. Exploiters choose only that information which support their purpose. Success or failure depends on how successful the exploiters are in selecting facts or "cards" and presenting or "stacking" them.
3) To neutralize sensitive issues or impede resolution presented by Bahujans, exploiter class fabricate new facts or clues through their managed experts. Crafted information is flooded everywhere.
4) Exploiters create bigger distractions to sidetrack the main Bahujans issue. For example, to sidetrack OBC-Reservations, Ram-Temple issue, Operation blue Star at golden temple of Amritsar as well as Hindu-Muslim riots were created.
5) Exploiters use "circular reasoning". For Example an Arya-Brahmin claims "untouchability is sacred" When asked "what is proof" Exploiter says "Because our religious book says so." When questioned "Why should I believe a Religious book ?" He replies "Because the religious book was written by God."
6) Exploiters simply ignore actual position of Bahujans and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version to disprove them. For example, ideology of all social revolutionary Bahujan warriors such as Buddha, Fule, Stalin, Shahu, Ambedkar etc. is distorted by the exploiter Arya-Brahmins.
7) Exploiters may place burden of proof on Bahujans. For example Arya-Brahmin may say "You can't prove me legally corrupt / murder of Muslims, Sikhs in state sponsored riots, so I'm clean"
Imperialists may "justify" his subjugation and exploitation by asserting that other imperialists would do the same thing if he did not do it.
3. Damage-Control Tactics
1) When surrounded by unrefutable charges, exploiters try to come half-clean by admitting only relatively harmless "mistakes." This way, they create the impression of candor and honesty. Their stooge skeptics and Manu-media accuse that the Bahujans have blown the small mistakes out of proportion. Done properly, this can garner sympathy and respect for "coming clean" and "owning up" to your mistakes (without addressing main serious issues).
2) The exploiters to avoid the disturbing issues, may simply disappear. M. K. Gandhi simply started "Mauna-Vrata" (Playing-Dumb) to avoid questions regarding his role in not supporting a Dalit girl raped by upper-caste rapists. Latter Gandhi went to Afghan province to completely avoid this embracing situation.
3) An exploiter may argue "If government does not provide raw material, water, electricity etc. at subsidized rate, hundreds of employees of his factory will be thrown out of work."
4. Defying Tactics
1) Exploiter class defy fiercely any news benefitting Bahujans by calling them rumors. In spite of the news blackout, the public is able to learn about facts, it can only be through "rumors " and who believe the "rumors" must be "paranoid" or "hysterical." They even call resisting Bahujans as Naxalite, terrorists, religious fanatics, conspiracy theorist, antinationals, secessionists, communal, narrow-minded, nut, kooks, ranter, crackpot, rumor monger, and so on.
To dehumanize the Bahujans Manu-media and Arya-Brahmins persistently called Lalu Prasad Yadav "Lallu" to make idiot of him. Cartoons, illustrations, and photographs are used often with deadly effect. Name calling makes others shrink away from targeted person out of fear of gaining the same bad label. Direct name calling is used when the audience is sympathetic or neutral. Indirect name calling is used when direct name calling would antagonize the audience. Sarcasm and ridicule are employed. Such name calling indicate that the Arya-Brahmin exploiter class has lost his sense or is unable to conduct a positive and logical campaign.
2) Exploiters may chide and taunt Bahujans and draw them into emotionally overly motivated. Thus the exploiter will avoid discussing the issues by accusing how "sensitive they are to criticism".
3) People do not like to be associated with people they dislike. Hence, if it is shown that a person shares a belief with people he dislikes he might reject that belief. Arya-Brahmin may pursue Hindus to reject a claim telling them that such belief is held by Muslims.
4) Arya-Brahmin exploiters attempt to marginalize Bahujans by suggesting strongly that they are not really interested in the truth but are simply pursuing a political agenda or are out to make money. This avoids discussing issues and force the Bahujans on the defensive.
5) Arya-Brahmin exploiters may substitute spite for evidence and may argue "Muslims claim that untouchability is inhuman, but remember that the Muslims are enemy of Brahmin Religion. Therefore, the untouchability is good"
6) Bahujans are accused falsely and claims of Bahujan are declared false on that ground. For example Arya-Brahmins had falsely accused Jyotirao Fule, Dr. Ambedkar, Shahu Maharaj as agent of Britishers to negate any claim they make.
7) Arya-Brahmins may give arguments assuming anything about Bahujans that is advantageous to them. Such as, they are merit while Bahujans have no merit.
Citing one or two unfavorable experiences of Muslim Community the whole Muslim community is declared bad. Bad elements of Muslim community are hired to commit anger arousing actions so that the whole Muslim community can be defamed. Upper-caste Muslim leadership being the lackey of Tri-Iblis (Brahminism, Zionism and American Imperialism), provide enough incidences to their Arya-Brahmin brothers for their evil propaganda and violence against the Muslim masses.
Jamat E Islami and Tablig E Jamat both receive financial assistance from the Arab Millionaires (who are slaves of America) to prevent Muslims masses from participating in real struggle against Tri-Iblis. Muslims who do not want to engage themselves all times in Namaj, etc., rituals and want to fight Tri-Iblis, the Jamate E Islami engage them in sham-opposition of Tri-Iblis. Jamat E Islami in its fake campaign against communalism invited Arya-Brahmins to speak on communal harmony which is in fact agenda of RSS to Hindunize Muslims, Dalits and Adivasis. Both the Jamat and Tablig are hidden stooges of Tri-Iblis (Brahminism, Zionism and American Imperialism).
9) Push-polls are designed to shape, rather than measure, public opinion. Such as to help Bush, South Carolina voters were asked "Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for John McCain for president if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?".
5. Convincing Tactics
1) Men who pride themselves on their power of resisting external influences are often the most suggestible in other departments of life. By indirect suggestions their views can be modified. For example, if a doubt is implanted it is likely to slowly grow and when it does assert itself it will appear to the person to have originated within himself. Therefore, slow poisoning and weakening the emotional foundations of the held humanly belief and promoting lusts in their places is most effective method of corrupting Bahujans.
2) Breaking any commitment causes an internal conflict, and by nature, most people avoid internal conflicts. Therefore, once a stand is taken, there is a natural tendency to be stubbornly consistent with the stand even it is clearly contrary to their own interests. They may add new reasons and justifications to support the wisdom of commitments they have already made.
3) It is important not to elicit "No!" reaction from audience by presenting every possible supporting idea for their cause so that at least some of them will be accepted. The more heterogeneous the audience is, more the supporting idea are presented to lure each section.
4) Arya-Brahmins defend their religious evil traditions saying that because these traditions are useful and correct therefore they are still being continued. In fact, they are continued because of fear and ignorance.
5) Anything that is invented recently is claimed as best. Arya-Brahmins may call it latest news, a recently revealed secret to give validity to their claim and negate the claims of Bahujans as old and out of dated.
6) Propaganda solely in terms of right and wrong may not be credible. Agreement with minor point of views of Bahujans overcome their cynicism and deceiving them becomes easy.
7) Arya-Brahmin exploiters to confuse masses, pose themselves as well-wishers of the Bahujans, and accuse Bahujan leaders of leading Bahujan masses to the road of anarchy and misery. This gives their lackeys reasons to serve Arya-Brahmins.
Arya-Brahmin may insist that majority people who approve Brahmin religion can not be fool.
9) No one is more controllable than a confused person. No society is more controllable than a confused society. Manu-media bombard masses with contradictory information so that they can prove anything suitable to them at times. A confused person will stay stuck paralyzed with political indecision and inactivity, because creating new options require mental clarity. When we toiling Bahujans must spend all our time and energy to figure out what is going on, we have no time left for reflecting on the system, challenging it, or exploring its alternatives.
10) Two things associated can give fallacy of cause and effect. Therefore, Arya-Brahmins always displayed Bahujan news or their photographs near the negative news to project Bahujans negatively.
11) All poor people know very well that they do not have and can never have ability to become officers or rulers. Therefore, it is useless to hope for that. Therefore, everybody satisfy his psychological needs such as sense of belongingness, dominance, possession, devotion etc., from his own environment no matter how worst it is. A person who is weakest, satisfy these needs in his fantasy, daydreaming and identifying himself with various characters of the novels they read, or films they see.
The key principle to keep poor persons attached to exploiters' organizations, is to give the masses false targets to project their emotions such as glory, hate, envy, and frustrations and reducing their sense of inferiority, etc.; by arranging religious, social, political, cultural events that give them opportunity of entertainment, eating, drinking wine and to satisfy their various lusts including opportunities to satisfy sex partly or even fully. Some Christian churches officially admitted that they used girls to lure candidate for conversion to Christianity. (See more details in July 2008 issue) To organize these events members of Bahujan masses also pay their contribution. Sense of inferiority of poor class party members is somewhat reduced when they associate themselves with the exploiters. For example, a collector's peon consider himself more important than the peon of a small officer. These members may also get listening to their personal problems, get advice, sometimes little help and occasionally little favours from the exploiters. For these little benefits they help exploiters to retain power and continue exploitation of masses
Chapter VIII
Delusions Among Various Social Sections
A) Delusions of Working masses
1) Toilers believe that they are to be ruled by a powerful ruling class as the ruling class only have the ability and skills to rule. This delusion is maintained because of their deep-rooted mental slavery. Mental slaves can never think of becoming masters. Mental slavery creates apathy to develop necessary skills to control the rulers or uproot their exploitation system. If someone's brother cheat him he will not talk to him whole life; someone rape his women he may retaliate in extreme vigor and continue enmity for generations. But because of mental slavery Bahujans tolerate and ignore every cheating, betrayal and oppression of Arya-Brahmins and bring them to power by voting in their favour. You must uproot your mental slavery to make struggle against exploitation and oppression possible.
2) Poor masses have developed delusion that highly educated intellectuals or the high profile people can only become leaders and rulers. Being uneducated and having low profile they (masses) should never become politically aware as this is the task of intellectuals only. Because of above delusion even the communist parties who talk of working class leadership, in practice, exclusively have nonworking class Arya-Brahmin leadership. No communist party member protest against this ideological betrayal because all are deluded with this delusion.
This delusion results from sense of inferiority and fear of taking wrong decisions. They are unable to recognize that almost all of the decisions taken by intellectual class, from the point of view of ending exploitation and oppression, turned to be completely wrong because of timid and opportunistic class characteristics of intellectual class. Masses even fail to relate the fact that everybody learns through committing and improving from mistakes. Everybody fell while learning to walk and so on.
3) Toiling masses have developed a delusion that their duty is simply to choose among the rulers. They should not even think of controlling government, their leaders or their struggle.
4) Masses have developed a delusion that they must depend upon good leaders against exploitation and oppression therefore they simply wait for saviours to appear. They have never thought of controlling leadership an idea which is considered most important and essential for democracy by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
5) Masses have developed delusion that struggle against exploitation and oppression simply means giving monetary contribution to their party leaders, attending their meetings and processions, and voting in favour of candidate decided by their leaders. This delusion compel them to ignore that nun of these routine activities accomplish task of Bahujan Mission i.e. activities that successively weaken Brahmanism and strengthens Bahujan unity and their struggle.
6) They have delusion that if they choose their own role in struggle considering their own strengths, weaknesses and family and professional responsibilities and liabilities and carry the chosen missionary activities continuously means breach of party discipline. Therefore, they remain idle. This delusion is biggest setback for Bahujan struggle.
B) Delusion of Middle-classes
1) They have delusion that the toiling masses are unfit for leadership and the educated middle class should lead them. Under the delusion that building "organization" is prerequisite of struggle they perceive Dr. Ambedkar's slogan erroneously as "educate, organize and agitate" whereas correct slogan is "educate, agitate and organize" because organization is result of struggle. Without struggle there is no organization. Organizations without struggle exist only on paper.
2) Intellectuals though their economical condition is sound, who believe getting money and respects is a prerequisite for their intellectual work such as writing articles or giving oral presentation. They fail to recognize that they are in fact "Intellectual Prostitutes". They are even worst than prostitutes because prostitutes do not claim themselves master of their customers. But our intellectual prostitutes in addition of getting money, awards, posts etc. consider themselves superior who decide for toiling masses.
Working class under this delusion, do not realize that they themselves need to become completely aware and should not need these intellectual prostitutes. Their services should be taken only in unavoidable circumstances and they should never be considered anything more than intellectual prostitutes. Such intellectuals invariably would consider inauguration ceremony of their books etc. as most essential as it fetches them honour.
3) Intellectuals often suffer with the delusion that more their language is difficult and beyond the comprehension of masses, more intellectual potential they have. Therefore, they use language of exploiters that is most sophisticated, literary and grammatical. Their delusion opposes development of any literature form working masses as inferior, ungrammatical etc. and compel them to remain dumb. Therefore, this delusion and intellectuals suffering with this delusion are most dangerous for struggle against exploitation and oppression.
4) Intellectuals have a delusion that their name appearing in newspaper, magazines etc. is proof of their being intellectual. Therefore, they write letters to editor discussing anything but doing nothing, because for them writing letters itself is a intellectual struggle and therefore, they do not bother to see whether that has produced any desired change.
Deluded intellectuals who do not write letters, sit in restaurants or in party offices to discuss matters vigorously without implementing anything that they believe, because their aim is only to show themselves intellectuals. It is repeated day after day without any missionary result.
People also have a delusion that listening lectures delivered by leaders in Halls or in auditoriums (which does not provide them any missionary training, does not assign them missionary tasks, evaluate earlier success and failures and synthesize revised action plan) is itself a missionary work. Therefore, they go home and get a satisfactory sleep because these deluded audience themselves do not want real struggle but want to derive satisfaction from unconsciously pretending struggle against exploitation and oppression.
5) Deluded intellectuals claim that they can never go wrong in their predictions. Their delusion make them to ignore the fact that everybody of us has learnt his skills by committing mistakes and this is an ongoing process. The unconscious motive of such intellectuals is dictatorial and anti-rational because their claim implies "follow me unquestioningly because my predictions never go wrong". Such a claim kill the rational mind of people. No Bahujan warrior such as Buddha, Fule, Stalin, Ambedkar, Periyar, Shahu Maharaj made such dictatorial claim. They repeatedly said that their teaching be evaluated against changing circumstances.
6) Because these intellectuals (including party leaders) suffer with the delusion that they are master of masses they psychologically distance themselves from the masses. Therefore they say "justice be given to dalits, to OBCs, to Adiwasis" and so on. They never use inclusive words such as "we Dalits', "we Adivasis", "we OBCs' "we backward Muslims" because that make them part of these masses which means their devaluation. To them, unconsciously, the exploited must remain exploited so that these intellectual prostitutes keep on enjoying their role of saviours of masses. It is therefore, natural for them to ignore complete failures of their so called struggle.
7) Middle class being a coward class, have a delusion that if the exploiter class is notreally opposed, the exploiter class may not victimize them. This delusion is most dangerous because it keeps people away from real struggle against exploitation and oppression. They ignore that hungry wild animal will attack you no matter you please him or not. therefore, attacking the wild animal is the only hope.
When injustice is committed by Arya-Brahmin exploiters upon we Bahujans, 95% Bahujans who do not successfully resist loose their rights. 5% of Bahujan victims resist successfully through writing petitions, demonstrations, hunger-strike and so on. Their injustice is simply reverted but they erroneously think themselves victorious. For example, an Arya-Brahmin director of Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati did not join a Dalit lady lecturer for over one and half moth ignoring her appointment letter. The injustice was withdrawn when one organization sat on Dharana for her cause. But the affected lady lecturer had lost salary for that period, had to bear other expenses in order to get this injustice removed and experienced uncertainty of her career and severe mental torture.
Most of the Bahujan organizations are either cleaner of "filth" (injustice) of Arya-Brahmin exploiters or they are opportunists trying to gain monetarily as well as politically from these situations. Therefore Arya-Brahmin exploiters never suffer any way because the deluded Bahujans and their deluded or opportunist organizations never attempt giving a bitter lesson to these exploiters for committing injustice on Bahujans. Therefore, injustice is committed unabatedly victimizing at least 95% Bahujans who do not successfully resist due to various reasons including lack of money.
9) The middle class have a delusion that the exploiter class will peacefully hand over the power to toiling class is worst delusion that stem from middle-class cowardice which want to avoid a real struggle at any cost and do not want to transfer their leadership to working class. This delusion make people defenseless against brutal oppression of a tyrant government.
C) Delusions of Exploiter Class
1) That the working class is the community of inferiors, unfit for privileges and meant to be ruled even by applying brute force. And the exploiter class is a special class chosen by destiny to rule the inferiors.
2) Wealth is everything in life therefore, success should be assessed by material gain.
3) Morality, honesty, etc. are the fetters in achievement therefore, exploiter class must be free from these fetters for highest achievements and use every technique that lead to these achievements because everything is fair in business and war.
4) Everything has a price and can be bought.
The techniques of Bahujan awareness campaign must consider the existing delusions of various sections to get desired result. Whether it is a lecture or the written message, following principles should be applied to defeat Manu-Media.
Principles of Distributing leaflets
1) Dress in a usual way. Make sure it gives you a friendly and lighthearted image.
2) Hold leaflets so that the title is clearly seen by passersby.
3) Making eye contact with a smile is the key to handing-out leaflets.
4) When handing a leaflet consider a short phrase like "this explains why we're here today".
5) Remember that The aim of leafletting is to convince the neutrals, therefore, those who are deeply opposed to your mission aren't the target.
6) Don't get involved in long conversations, as the aim of leafleting is to hand out leaflets. The street is not the right time to persuade somebody to really change his or her views. If somebody tries to argue, say politely "Perhaps if you read this leaflet you might start to change your mind". Offer to talk to genuinely interested people later.
7) In some areas, it might be sensible to hand out leaflets at least in pairs. Also consider the possibility of being attacked.
If leaflets are seen littering on the street it gives impression that people oppose your cause. Therefore, pick up leaflets that people have thrown away before leaving that area.
1) Oral Communication.
If you hold your body in a depressed way, you will feel depressed. Other emotional states can also be similarly experienced. In order to mind read other persons' emotions simply change your physiology to match theirs. You will have a greater understanding of what other people are experiencing. Most of the time the first thought that occurs while picturing yourself matching them is the right interpretation of their state, emotions and even thoughts. If you make your body language clearly different. You will notice that the conversation will become harder. The person will "think" you're no longer listening, or presume that you do not understand what is being told.
Breaking down psychological barriers is one of the first steps toward good communication. Once interviewers establish rapport, psychological barriers disappear, trust grows, and an exchange of information follows. Facing the person shows you are not afraid to listen to what is being said. Tilting your head slightly towards him shows you are listening. People like people who are like themselves. By using language from the client's preferred representational system such as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic, and by matching the client's volume, tone, and rate of speech and breathing often one can overcome the client's reluctance to communicate. Person with visual representation system use sentences such as "I can see a bright future for myself", "I see your point" etc. whereas "I can feel that" "I can experience" would be considered primarily kinesthetic. Typically, individuals move their eyes up at an angle as they remember a picture. Some people look directly to the side, which indicates that they are using the auditory mode to recall something that they probably heard before. Finally, individuals who look down at an angle appeal to kinesthetic sensations as they recollect what they felt or experienced. However, matching in not mimicry. With mimicry, the person easily could become offended.
Be careful not to hear only what you want to hear and nothing else. Take statements at face value without searching for hidden meanings into what is being said. Test your understanding by rephrasing statements and repeating them to the speaker. It helps to understood each other as the person may correct you and clarify his statement. Watch for physical signs, such as evasive eye contact, and verbal signs, such as hesitation or contradiction, that provide clues to the truthfulness of the message. Broad understanding of body language is one route to understanding the real opinions of others. For instance, if people are inwardly feeling uncomfortable because they are lying, their awkward body language will betray their lie.Remember that the meaning of your communication is the response you get.
2. Oral Presentation Before a gathering
Successful communication involves appropriate verbal and nonverbal expression (body language and gestures) :- 1) Make eye contact with members of the audience. 2) Use Smiling, non-aggressive likable facial expressions to communicate your message. 3) Face the audience, and deliver at least some of a speech without the 'barrier' of a table or lectern. 4) Use hand gestures to emphasize points. 5) Vary the speed of speech and introduce pauses. 6) Lower the voice to draw the audience in, and then raise it again to make a point. 7) Effective speakers never point at the audience with a finger as this is seen as aggressive. Therefore, point using the back of the hand, or the thumb. All aggressive gestures should be avoided at all costs.
Feel the emotion whilst talking to convey feeling with your voice.
Be clear in your own mind about what you want to communicate; Deliver the message succinctly; Ensure that the message has been clearly and correctly understood. Good communication means saying what you mean and fully comprehending feedback.
It is important to remember that :- a) questions should be anticipated and prepared for. Not all questions can be anticipated, but many can. b) Distinguish between questions that should be answered genuinely, and those that shouldn't. If somebody uses a question to make a point, it doesn't need to be answered, only addressed. c) Always stay friendly and keep smiling, especially when being asked hostile questions. Body language is particularly important during confrontation, and neutral audience members will tend to side with the person who keeps cool. d) When asked a hostile question, don't try to answer it. Rather, try to counter the point that was made by making another point. For example, when Arya-Brahmins talk of morality simply point that BJP leader and then home minister Mr. Lal Krishna Advani, was accused by his daughter in law that he exploited her sexually, or Mr. M. K. Gandhi slept naked with naked young ladies including his own grand-niece.
3) Presentation for a gathering or for Print-Media
The purpose of a presentation is dependent upon the audience. Therefore, it is important to define clearly who the audience is for a campaign. A well-prepared presentation given to the wrong audience is as bad as a terrible presentation given to the right audience.
Different audiences need different approaches, and are accessible in different ways.Adjusting to the audience means delivering a presentation at the right level; telling the audience, roughly, what they want to hear / read; and allowing the audience to feel that you care about them. Before planning a presentation, find out the following information about the expected audience :- i) Numbers expected to be addressed ii) Level of understanding of the audience iii) things they value most so that those things can be related someway in the talk, iv) their specific prejudices because talking about them require special caution v) Likely opinions of the audience on the subject enabling you to elaborate the points accordingly vi) What the audience / readers need to get from the presentation. vii) What the audience / readers want to get from the presentation
It is likely that the audience will consist of three main groups – allies, neutrals, and opponents. In a mixed audience, it is generally more important to motivate and reinforce allies, and persuade neutrals, than to answer the charges of opponents.
1) Become familiar with the background of things and be prepared with facts and figures. The first step in presentation is to work out, in one line, what the presentation is intended to convey. This line should bring together all of the arguments and points that will be made in the speech. It is important to read relevant literature before preparing to talk / write. Read at least ten times and remove unessential things to keep the presentation to the point, without wasting words.
Keep the message simple, make only a few points. Attempts to make too many different points will result in the audience remembering nothing. Most audience members fail to analyze what they hear but register only a few key points, and form a vague impression of whose 'argument' was stronger. Uncritical audiences believe something if they hear it first and hear it often. Once people believe something, it is hard to convince them that they were wrong in the first place.
Focus on a few points supporting Bahujan block, and a few exposing weaknesses in exploiters' position. They should be made again and again, in as many forums as possible. Keep logical continuity.
2) Use " inclusive language" that allows your audience / readers to identify with your cause. For example, instead of saying 'Arya-Brahmin terrorism is a danger to Bahujans of India' say 'We Bahujans understand how grave danger Arya-Brahmin terrorism is to us.' Instead of saying OBCs, Dalits, Adiwasis, Muslims say We OBCs, We Dalits, We Adiwasis, We Muslims to assert our inclusion and identification with each section of Bahujan masses.
3) Powerful presentation engage the emotions. It is much easier to listen to an emotionally charged story, than to listen to abstract concepts. Stories make powerful points and get the audience's / readers' attention. Jokes can often liven up a presentation. But avoid making fun of the audience / readers.
If pictures speak a thousand words then you must use some pictures with the help of projector to strengthen your argument.
4) Be forthright and powerfully direct. Speak in the telling or asserting mode. Forget beauty, literary criteria, scientific reasoning, balance, and novelty.
5) Use embedded commands in your speech. Embedded commands are patterns of language carefully hidden so that they bypass your conscious reasoning and speak directly to your subconscious mind. The mind of the listener will pick out subtle differences in your voice tone and interpret what's said differently as being separate from the rest of the conversation. For example, if you ask someone to scratch his nose he will consider you funny. But if you say "When learning to cook from scratch, it's best if you're willing to ask someone who knows". You have to speak the three highlighted words (Scratch you're knows pronounced as scratchyour nose) with a special, and identical, emphasis. Also make gesture with one of your hands, or make eye-contact on each of those words so that unconscious mind of the person perceive these words separately.. This is called Analog Marking. Better analog marking occurs when the words other than forming commands are as monotonous and meaningless while the words forming commands make clear sense. While you were reading this, did you touch your nose? Commands are like time bombs, they get planted in the subconscious mind, and begin to grow into an action. Hitler used a large number of imbedded commands in pushing forward his racist views. The subconscious is looking for patterns and one or two commands are not a pattern. You have to target mass with command after command using related commands.
6) Emphasis also changes the meaning. For example: "You did something right!" imply that you usually don't. be careful to emphasize properly according to the meaning you want to convey.
7) Direct your words to the emotions and stir them vigorously to commit masses for action.
Focus solely on convincing people and creating zealots.
9) If ideas can be sloganized, they must be sloganized, as good slogans are self-perpetuating.
10) Use affirmative sentences because mind has to create a representation of the very action you don't want them to do, which makes it much more likely that they will do just what was asked not to do. For example, for the next fifteen seconds do not think about whether you are breathing up high in your chest or down low in your abdomen, or whether you are taking deep or shallow breaths. Just don't think about breathing at all. Be honest, you started thinking about your breathing even you was specifically told not to do so. Unless you direct your mind to think about something else you can not be successful in not attending to your breathing. Children often do things they asked not to do. Instead of telling people not to vote Arya-Brahmins, It is correct to say "Defeat Arya-Brahmin enemies, Vote only Bahujans". Convert all your slogans and messages affirmative.
11) Use Anchoring. Anchoring means influencing the response in desired ways. For example, when you listen certain songs of your college days, all emotions associated with that song immerge. Therefore, using pictures, music, songs etc., associated with particular experiences of masses help to influence their reactions in desired ways.
4. Use Memes to negate tactics of Brahmanism
A meme (pronounced 'meem') is a cognitive or behavioral pattern (slogans, ideas, catch-phrases, melodies, icons, inventions, and fashions) that can be transmitted from one individual to another one regardless of the memes' objective value or truth. Some memes naturally fit better with other memes. When a group of memes fit well together the new thing called a memeplex is created. Memetics is largely concerned with how that idea gets itself replicated. "Memeoid" are people whose behavior is so strongly influenced by a meme.
Memes play on our fear, embarrassment, instincts, superstitions, fantasies and beliefs and directly appeals to our instincts. Memes create confusion in the minds of person. A confused person is in a trance of their own making and therefore they easily accept suggestions. Memes such as "Jump off a cliff and the gods will make you fly" do evolve. The number of victims claimed by the witch-hunts, which lasted for three hundred years, is between five and six million people; it caused more deaths than all the wars waged over that period.
Memes make the targeted person defenseless as they develop confusion. For example, students belonging to Arya-Brahmin exploiter class gave slogan "We oppose OBC reservation because we are for students' equality". The OBC became defenseless and felt guilty because reservation is shrewdly equated with inequality and how one can support inequality and oppose equality ? The most appropriate way to counter a meme was to produce an opponent memes such as "Reservation is for equality, those oppose reservation are enemies of equality." OBC could have said "Arya-Brahmins oppose Reservations to oppose Hindu-prosperity" "Arya-Brahmins are worst enemy of Hindus" "Munh Me Ram Bagal Me Aarakshan Virodh" (reciting Ram and knief (of opposition to reservation) under Armpit" " Arya-brahmins opposing Reservation are Anti-Hindu hidden snakes" Arakshan Se OBC Ke Vikas Par Arya-Brahmins Ko Tilmilahat Kyo ? " "Arya-Brahminists Koun Hai, OBC Ke Dushman Hai !", etc. counter-memes could have been easily produced to make Arya-Brahmins defenseless. But OBC organizations did not produce or were not smart enough to pick up influential memes presented to them.
Encountering Mental Slavery of Tri-Iblis
Basis of Counter-deluding Masses
Being alive means maintaining contact with reality. Instinctual certainties disappear as soon as they reach the domain of reflection and thought. Thinking and reflection create doubt whereas delusions lack the vital doubt which raises life to a higher level of consciousness. To free oneself from delusion means self-knowledge, knowledge not only of one's active deeds but also of one's hidden motives. Siddhartha Gautam Buddha gave much importance to Pradnya or knowledge acquired through insight and experience and explained how to do it through the conscious rational introspection called as Samyak Samadhi.
Man must grow together with changing reality. He must always reformulate and expand its conception of reality. In this evolutionary process, he must offer resistance to the archaic remnants in his soul He must become aware of the creative unconscious forces which form his thought patterns. Objectivity toward the world can only come about through a certain degree of inward objectivity. Man's self is the mediator between the objective world and the subjective inner experiences. When any one of these acquires too firm a hold over his mind, man becomes prey to error and delusion.
A person extremely motivated to become rich easily fall victim of bogus companies promising them extraordinary high returns. He easily falls victim and get cheated when somebody tell him that he can double his money, ornaments and riches. A contesting candidate because of his intense desire to get elected or the thought of defeat is so agonizing that creates unconsciously unshakable delusion that he is going to win. They are resistant to any argument and do not want to see or hear any evidence contrary to their desire. A girl strongly driven by her sexual impulses ignore cues that she is going to be cheated. Hate for somebody compel him to see only negative about the object of hate. The desire to become immortal or fear of death sways him to believe in life after death. Person desirous to become powerful or get out of very tight situation easily believes in miracles, magic, belief in supernatural powers, mysticism and so on which are nothing but traps of evil exploiters and cheaters, foretellers and so on.
Our natural cognitive functions produce a protective shield around our personality blind-spots and view of the world. Self awareness is needed for change but just exposing people to their own thinking is not necessarily in itself a guarantee for change. We must trace the foundations of our held beliefs, attitudes and opinions and commitments. Self-criticism, reflection, welcoming genuine inquiry into one's own thinking, identifying "mental models" and their impact on our thinking habits, understanding how the assumptions we make give rise to the meanings we add, decision making skills and a commitment to learning are all important elements of self awareness. They lead to reductions in personality blindspots. Without these tools, blind-spots and their consequences remain hurdles to logical thinking and change.Change depend upon a shift in our perspective i.e. our point of view. Examine a situation from the perception of the Dreamer, the Realist (the one who brings it into reality), and the Critic. Also examine the story from the point of view of enemy, Bahujan and a neutral observer by actually placing oneself in their positions. Siddharth Gautam Buddha insisted upon introspecting these weaknesses through conscious introspection and analyze our notions and cognition considering whether the held notions satisfy the criteria of "Bahujan hitay Bahujan Sukhay" (For the benefits of Masses and for the happiness of masses) or they are simply helping exploitation and leading to the path of ignorance and sorrow.
Because every man is mass, delusion and archaic thinking can therefore take possession of his mind. But once person analyze himself he can easily resist mass impulse. Siddhartha Gautam Buddha did not strayed by majority thinking, stick to morality principles, opposed the war and insisted that dispute over river water must be solved first by negotiations and all peaceful means. For this he accepted majority wrath of expelling him from the country. The social revolutionaries did not obey false beliefs and rituals that weaken Bahujans. Going against masses for principles require special courage which very few persons have. It is possible only when a person becomes truly aware.
Cleaning Delusions to Become Aware
The Whorf-Sapir hypothesis in its "strong form" states that both our culture and thoughts are dependent on the language we use. By using words that are archaic and false-to-fact we delude ourselves and others. Removing words leading to superstitions and false beliefs and substituting new words in their places that are semantically more correct and have a good structural match between the words and the reality is the only solution to remove the seeds of delusions. We can realize from the following that using correct words we can remove few of our astronomical delusions.
Substituting the word "home star" for the "sun" is more realistic. The use of this word will also help move us out of our mass delusion that the "sun" is moving. You also may now notice that your perspective on the solar system changes. You have begun to create in your brain a more correct model of reality. Saying that wind "curves" gently from the northeast immediately gives one the impression that the wind is moving in anything but a straight line. If it did move in a straight line, it would very shortly be on its way to Mars. If one realizes that the clouds are all at about the same altitude then the Earth will begin to appear round. One should also realize that there is no "horizon." There is no line separating the Earth from the sky, and if you walk toward it always moves away. It might be better to call it the "horizon curve." Saying earth is "Spinning out" or "spinning away" are correct words for "sunset" and "spinning in" or "spinning to" are correct words for "sunrise" because they match reality better than "sunset."
Similarly we must avoid using words such as soul, rebirth, luck, god, fate, magic, ghost, witch, Kundalini, etc. concepts being spread by religions of exploiters which lead to superstition and delusion. When we use them unconsciously we accept them. We aware Bahujans must keep our Bahujan literature free from these deluding concepts. One aware Bahujan Hon. Y. G. Ambhore of Mehkar, Maharashtra is very cautious in avoiding words related to delusions of superstitions.
When their mention is unavoidable, prefix "so-called", "imaginary" etc. before these words (such as so called soul or imaginary soul etc.) which makes instantly clear that these concept are deluding and is indicative that the person is free from these superstitions and delusions.
Beating mind-controlling Propaganda
Are you going to let unknown entities enter into your mind and speak through you and use your energy for their own selfish means ? We must recognize why the system is enslaving us. If we wish to beat it we have to start with our own awakening in the smaller things. The "disinformationists" can be defeated, but only when they are generally known, identified as they appear; and with steps taken to counter their nefarious ways. The thing about propaganda is that, once it is exposed for what it is, no one listens to it anymore. People need truth as truth is one of "meta-needs" which have always been a high priority for rational thinkers. Exploiters' propaganda is ineffective before such people because of a wide gap between what exploiters say and do. Start identifying propaganda techniques as they are not hard to find, look at newspapers and TV news and reason out what they're doing and why they are doing it !
1) Every struggle against delusion must first be directed against authoritarian suggestions, against propaganda, against the fear of criticism. First free your mind from fear because fear will make your situation impossible for change. Remember that living life and dragging life differs.
2) It is important to look at the argument(s) rationally with as little emotion as possible, and try to see the facts only.
3) Don't accept anything anyone says simply because they claim to be an expert or whatever. Try to check it out for yourself, everything as fully as possible. Find out i) Is this authority truly an expert ? ii) The person in question is not biased and trying to benefit the exploiters. What he or she gain by promoting it. iii) Is there an adequate degree of agreement among the other experts in the subject in question.
4) Try to find out all sides of the story. First try to assess it from the point of view of exploiter and assess its benefits and losses, then assess it from the point of view of the Bahujan or the affected one. Read all relevant literature. Then try to asses from the point of view of a critic of both sides and finally assess the situation from the point of view of an observer. Apply the criteria of "Bahujan Hitay Bahujan Sukhay" i.e. whether it is in the interest of Bahujans , whether it leads to happiness of Bahujans ? This will reveal a complete picture of the situation.
5) To recognize and resist the undue influence upon our decisions of compliance listen for signals coming from our stomach and from our heart as they stem out of assessment of the situation at unconscious level.
Emotions are your friends, your allies. Do not use them as excuses to avoid thinking or taking action; but to respect and learn from them. Emotions are our teachers and opportunities to learn and change. Don't run away from them but analyze them properly. Ask yourself, "what is this emotion trying to tell me about my life ?" The following list is a guide to help you explore and learn from your emotions.
i) Guilt :- A message that you have violated your own standards. Be sure you are truly using your standards, and that they are appropriate for the situation. You can modify and adjust standards and learn for the future.
ii) Disappointment :- A message to change expectations. Disappointment results from not having our expectations met.
iii) Depression : - A message that you need to change something about yourself and / or your life.
iv) Hopelessness : - A message to let go of something.
v) Jealousy : - A message that your emotional well-being is threatened.
vi) Envy :- A message that there is something you want. Ask yourself "Is it worthwhile enough to go after ?
vii) Stuck :- A message to go outside of yourself and gather more information and resources.
viii) Anger : - A message about the need to stop the abuse – from self toward self or from others toward self.
xi) Procrastination ( postponement): - A message that either you don't know how to do something, or you don't want to.
6) If something doesn't feel right, step back or remove yourself from the situation.
7) Learn about propaganda and mind control techniques and learn how to recognize them. Avoid a situation where you can be mind controlled or propagandized. A legitimate group or organization will give an individual sufficient time and room to make their own choices.
Dealing with Subliminals
1) TV produces much harm to you. Television inhibits your ability to think. After watching TV a lowered level of alertness and passivity remain for a considerable time. Generally, heavy viewers are more easily bored, more easily distracted, have poorer attentional control, are less likely to participate in community activities or sports, and are more likely to be obese. They are more anxious and less happy than light viewers in situations, such as doing nothing or waiting in a queue.
Would your life really suffer any financial, moral, intellectual, literary, spiritual or academic loss from a decision to avoid or critically evaluate Manu-media ? Take up reading more books, magazines, newspapers where you have a chance to think about what the author is trying to tell you.
2) See TV and other visual and audio media as the mind controlling tool of the exploiters. Once you are consciously aware that there are encrypted subliminal information embedded in visual or aural stimuli, it automatically alerts your mind and psyche that you are treading on dangerous territory. You must be cognizant of this each time you turn on your computer, watch T.V., take in a movie, listen to the radio, or play with virtual reality. Ask yourself Are you in control of your own thoughts ? Or do the thoughts flying through your head control you ? Honor the creative side in yourselves, this is the `alchemy' that can free us from mental slavery / mind control. Then there will be a minimal influence on your mind.
3) Stop watching broadcast T.V. ! Subliminals are all over there. If you are a social activist working against the exploitation and oppression or you are important person who can influence public opinion against the exploitation system or among the people exploiters want to remain in delusion then at least, don't have regular programs where others will know that you will be watching. Not even the News ! Because there are chances that through the cable system subliminals may be targeted. Audio subliminals are quite likely in radio broadcast. Avoid listening to your favorite music or video programs, over and over again. If there are any subliminals in them, you might luck out and not be affected the first time around. But, repeated exposure will break down your resistance and make the subliminal more effective against you ! Listen to them only randomly, so influence of subliminals on you is minimum. Don't accept offers of recordings video or audio from anyone specially if you are female. It is just like taking a drink from a stranger you never know what they might have slipped into that drink !
4) Spend more time with your family, friends and in your hobbies and develop more awareness about the causes of ongoing exploitation and oppression and develop skills to live a meaningful and socially worthy life.
5) If any Cult members show up at your doorstep, offering to let you view their video or listen to their recording, tell them sternly to go away. No doubt such tapes are filled with subliminals to get you to feel like you must join their Cult.
6) Keep all video and audio recordings in a safe and locked place. Occasionally, such recordings have been reported stolen or missing, only to show up later laced with subliminals !
7) Never, ever make important decisions while you are watching T.V. or listening to radio !
Turn off your T.V. and radio about a week before any elections ! The temptation to subvert our election process is just too much. Certainly, programming during such times will be filled with subliminals on how you should vote.
9) Beware of shopping malls !
10) Because the purpose of sublimal is to benefit exploiters by influencing your mind in their way, the best antidote is to actively participate in activities against exploitation and oppression. Your emotional intensity against exploitation and oppression will be indicative of your extent of your being free from the exploiters propaganda targeted at your unconscious.
Chapter XI
Test to Determine
Character of a Media / Media-Person
Prepare an answer sheet in following format with S. Nos.. 1-41, on a separate piece of paper.
Answer sheet Format
S. No. Yes No Frequency (1-3)
01 ( ) ( ) ( )
Mark 'Yes' parenthesis if your answer to a test statement is yes, and mark 'No' parenthesis if your answer is no to a statement. Whenever your answer to a statement is "Yes" then mark in the respective "frequency" parentheses as 1 for occasionally, 2 for often and 3 for frequently.
Test Statements
1) The media concerned presents Arya-Brahmin ideology in limelight by favouring Vastu-Shashtra, Foretelling, Yoga, Vipasyana etc., superstitions and other related concepts being upheld and propagated by Arya-Brahmin exploiters.
2) The media covers stories of ghosts, miracles, and other supernatural phenomena.
3) The media displays photographs, symbols and the news of the activities of Arya-Brahmin leaders and their organizations.
4) The media covers the issues that are being vigorously advanced by the Arya-Brahmin organizations.
5) The media places the news of Bahujans along with other negative news.
6) When the news of Bahujans or their leaders is given, their photo that is displayed is least attractive or is in somewhat in distorted form.
7) This media gives news that make Bahujans and their leaders object of mockery and fun by labeling them unfavorably.
Avoids giving pictures, symbols of Bahujan leaders and their organizations.
9) Does not expose Arya-Brahmin leaders and their organizations.
10) Does not highlight grievances of Bahujans but may simply make a mention in a manner to make their issue less important.
11) Does not cover complete version of Bahujans that expose Arya-Brahmin exploiters.
12) Does not give news that expose Arya-Brahmins and their culture.
13) does not identify Arya-Brahmin exploiters as enemy of Bahujans.
14) Goes on publishing without weakening Arya-Brahmins and without strengthening Bahujan unity and ideology.
15) Engage in self praise so that Bahujans should blindly follow the media or the editor.
16) Follows the policy of somewhat praising one Bahujan leader and criticizing the other Bahujan leader vigorously so that in the end all of the Bahujan leaders are condemned.
17) Create confusion instead of removing them.
18) Increase frustration and destroy confidence of the Bahujans by presenting pessimistic views of situations.
19) Never focus on Bahujan victories that give confidence, courage and inspiration for struggle against exploitation and oppression.
20) Does not display photographs of warriors belonging to various sections of Bahujan Samaj who fought against Arya-Brahmin exploitation and oppression to strengthen unity between Bahujans.
21) Quotes the versions of so called Arya-Brahmin famous personalities to validate its own version or claim.
22) Does not decide enemies so that they are consistently treated as enemies, exposed, condemned, and boycott these enemies and attempt to uproot their influence and organizations.
23) Believes only in lip-service and not in actual struggle.
24) Systematically widen the differences among Bahujan sections as well as widens differences in the Bahujan struggle against exploitation and oppression.
25) Is not concerned with the views of illiterate people but the literary ones and high profile persons.
26) Highlight and attack minor parts of system so that the complete picture of exploitation is lost and people do not get correct perspective.
27) Engage in fighting with sham or minor enemy and avoid a genuine struggle and harsh criticism of real enemy.
28) Does not attempt to remove ideological blockages created by the exploiter class in the way of Bahujan mission (e.g. activities that weaken exploiters and strengthen Bahujans and their unity).
29) Project hope in some Arya-Brahmin leaders presenting them well-wisher of a particular Bahujan cause and by creating fake enemy of that Bahujan cause within the Arya-Brahmin led party.
30) Creates illusion of being Bahujanist by presenting Bahujanism in fragments so that most of people not reading it regularly would not get anything out of it.
31) Tries to please all sections and all leaders and organizations so as to benefit from the situations.
32) Does not launch campaigns to expose Brahmin religion and priestly class of all religions but rather apply a policy of their appeasement.
33) In assembly and parliament elections instead of exposing every party of exploiters, picture the so-called secular Arya-Brahmin leaders or their party as well wisher of Bahujans and express happiness over such Arya-Brahmin party pretending that secular forces have come to power.
34) Drag on his media though it is stagnant due to ritualistic repetition of same matter yielding no results.
35) Display glamorous and sexy pictures and highlight values and life-style of the rich class.
36) Does not produce counter-memes to destroy Arya-Brahmin propaganda.
37) Does not pinpoint weaknesses of Arya-Brahmin exploiters and their system to be attacked ideologically to weaken and defeat Arya-Brahmin exploiters.
38) Does not create situations to put Arya-Brahmin exploiters defensive and helpless as action in either way produces Arya-Brahminists harm.
39) It does display advertisements / articles related to sex, lottery, Matka gambling and other such vices and advertisements of Arya-Brahmin exploiters.
40) Does not defend Bahujan leaders when attacked by the Arya-Brahmin critics and does not demolish the artificial image of Arya-Brahmins.
41) Does not print full address of the persons along with their letters or articles to prevent direct communication of them with the readers / viewers of the media.
42) The media follows the policy of appeasement of Priestly class of Brahminized religions of Bahujans.
Scoring and Interpretation
Once all statements are answered, add all numbers given for frequency parentheses to obtain the total score on this test. Maximum possible score is 126 whereas minimum score is zero. As this test deals only with weaknesses, less the score more the media is Bahujanist. Lower score is indicative of delusions, weaknesses and ideological ambiguity of the media concerned while higher scores indicate that the media being assessed is stooge or lackey of the exploiter Arya-Brahmins.
References Joost A. M. Meerloo, M.D. DELUSION and MASS DELUSION Illusions & Lies Kirwan 4-15-4 Mass Delusions in Astronomy: The "Sunset" and "Solstice" by Bill Lauritzen
The Neurobiology of Mass Delusion by Jason Bradford Published on 10 Jan 2005 by DOD Psyops Targets Websites Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation By Mary Louise
Goebbels and today's mass mind control : Part One Online JournalCARLA BINION April 23, 2001 State Terror and State-Sanctioned Terrorism Models of Mind and Behavior Control in Orwell's 1984, as Operationalized by Jim Jones in the Peoples Temple Mass Suicide/Murders by Dr. Philip Zimbardo Mind Control in the 21st Century Compiled by Ralph W. Omholt
Psychological Operations Field Manual No.33-1 Department of the Army Posted on 10/12/2001 10:29:22 AM PDT by Fixit PROPAGANDA TECHNIQUES SELF-EVIDENT TECHNIQUE A Memetic Lexicon "An idea is something you have; an ideology is something that has you." —Morris Berman
Propaganda and the Politics of Perception By Michael Carmichael Global Research, March 12, 2007
Special report 10 Disturbing Trends in Subliminal Advertising 2007 05 04 By Martin Howard | Source:
GOEBBELS' PRINCIPLES OF PROPAGANDA Based upon Goebbels' Principles of Propaganda by Leonard W. Doob, published in Public Opinion and Propaganda; A Book of Readings edited for The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Propaganda Techniques Related to Enviromental Scares Paul R. Lees-Haley, Ph.D Information Control For Social Manipulation Subliminal Behavior Modification Through TV Described in US Patent
Propaganda – nobody does it better than America By Paul Weber, 9th August 2002
Subliminal Advertising and Modern Day Brainwashing By Dr. Lechnar
Subliminal Symbols & Messages Embedded Within National Geographic Documentary From Paul <> January 31, 2007 Toying with Death by Berit Kjos – March 2004
The Illuminati Exclusive Interview with an Ex-Illuminati Programmer/Trainer Part 15 – TV – The Perfect Mind-control Device Subliminal Mind Control & Manipulation Archive Features The Hidden Face Behind Advertising by Chris McLean
Aerial Mind-Control The Threat to Civil Liberties by Judy Wall, Editor/Publisher Resonance Newsletter of the MENSA Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group aerialmindcontrolNexusmagoct99.shtml
Mass Mind Control Through Network Television Are Your Thoughts Your Own? By Alex Ansary
Can you trust your computer? by Richard Stallman
CIA & VATICAN, HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTION TECHNOLOGY – "HOLY SEE" Montauk & Mind Control Information Control For Social Manipulation
War Propaganda by Michel Chossudovsky 16 January 2003
The fake persuaders Corporations are inventing people to rubbish their opponents on the internet George Monbiot – Tuesday May 14, 2002
Agent provocateurFrom SourceWatch
Big lie From SourceWatch
Astroturf From SourceWatch
BIMBO comment From SourceWatch
Echo chamber From SourceWatch
Fabricating an Enemy It is the Bush Administration, rather than Baghdad, which is supporting Al Qaeda by Michel Chossudovsky 28 January 2003 CIA Media Manipulation By Mary Louise DOD Psyops Targets Websites author: Adam Brookes Psychological Warefare(psywar) in the New Millennium Author: B. Raman (Director, Institute for Topical Studies, Chennai) Date: 27 February 1999
Institute for Historical Review Journal of Historical Review Propaganda and Disinformation: How the CIA Manufactures History by VICTOR MARCHETTI
Joint Pub 3-53 Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations 10 July 1996
Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Strategic Communication September 2004 Office of the Under Secretary of Defense For Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Washington, D.C. 20301-3140
Psychological Operations Airforce Doctrine Document 2-5.3 27 August 1999
New Developments in Chinese Strategic Psychological Warfare by Timothy L. Thomas
Aerial Mind-Control The Threat to Civil Liberties by Judy Wall, Editor/Publisher Resonance Newsletter of the MENSA Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group aerialmindcontrolNexusmagoct99.shtml Recognizing Propaganda Techniques and Errors of Faulty Logic Types Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression (Originally Thirteen Techniques for Truth Suppression) by David Martin, author of America's Dreyfus Affair
NEXUS Magazine, October-November 1999, Vol. 6, No. 6 Influence By Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D. Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation By Mary Louise Information War American Propaganda, Free Speech and Opinion Control since 9-11 by Nancy Snow Seven Stories Press, 2003
April 9, 2009 Posted by sheetalmarkam | Social Change | alpha-level world, American-Zionist imperialism, Bahujans, Black propaganda, Brahminism, CIA, cognitive defense, crowd-mind,delusions, Denial Tactics, Distortion Tactics, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, emotional-flter, emotional-regression, emotions, ethnic profiling, fabricated enemy, fears, Identification, Illuminati,instincts, logical fallacies, memes, mind-control, Obedience training, Perception Control,propaganda, Psyops, Rationalization, reptile brain, right brain, subconscious, subliminal messages, subliminals, submissiveness, Tri-Iblis, uncounscious-mind, vaccination | Leave a Comment
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Arya-Brahmin Vengeance on
Bengali-Tamil Dalits & Chakma Adivasi Indigenous Refugees
(Copyright-free E-Book)
[Earlier Printed in half yearly journal "Scientists for Social Change", edited by Sheetal Markam, Commander in Chief Gondwana Mukti Sena, India ]
Parts of the E-Book
We present this E-Book at the feet of
Our Brave Namoshudra Dalit Community Who is Still suffering the Vengeance of Arya-Brahminists for Protecting
the Self-Respect of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
We the followers of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
must forge Iron-Solidarity with Our Namoshudra Brethren
to Retaliate this Arya-Brahminist Vengeance
and to wipe out the Stigma of "Betrayers"
Important :- While citing the information taken from various sources, to make information truly meaningful we have used words such as Brahminists, Manuists, Arya-Brahminists, exploiters, Arya-Brahminists riding the government, Manu-media, Brahmincracy, Arya-Brahminist Demoncracy and so on and some information in bold letters. We have also put our own comments within { } to make the information more meaningful.
1) Adivasi : indigenous people that use to live in forests and also many settled in cities.
2) Arya-Brahmins : Persons who call themselves supreme race and above the law and even god. According to them the remaining masses are brought into existence to be ruled by Arya-Brahmins in the manner Arya-Brahmin like. Arya-Brahmins also represent any person, group or community that consider itself higher than the rest of mankind in above mentioned manner.
3) Arya-Brahminist : Any person belonging to any religion, caste or community who believes that the Arya-Brahmins are supreme race meant to rule the rest of the mankind and strives for imposition of Arya-Brahmin rule or strive for strengthening it by heart is an Arya-Brahminist.
4) Agent of Arya-Brahminist : Any person who work for establishing the supremacy of Arya-Brahmins to get some kind of favor is an agent of Arya-Brahmins.
5) Slave of Arya-Brahmins : Any person who is compelled to work for establishing the supremacy of Arya-Brahmins or to serve Arya-Brahmins against his wish is a slave of Arya-Brahmins.
6) Bahujans : The exploited and oppressed masses of the world who almost form 85% of total population are considered as Bahujans. In India OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasi together constitute the population of Bahujans.
7) Bahujanism : Is ideology that ultimately aims to end exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins (no matter what they are called) and aims to establish exploitation free society in which the various sections of Bahujans get their representation in every field according to their population proportion and Bahujan masses directly control the representatives they choose to run the government.
Bahujanist : Is a person who fights against the exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins and their exploitation system; believes in equality, fraternity and brotherhood is Bahujanist.
Bahujanists include various Bahujan saints Such as Chakradhar, Namdev, Ravidas, Kabir, Tukaram, Harichand Thakur etc.; Social revolutionaries such as Pitamah Jyotirav Fule, Shahu Maharaj, Periyar E.V. Ramasami, Dr. Ambedkar, Guruchand Thakur etc; and communists such as Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao. All of them fought against exploitation and oppression of their time in the ways available to them during prevailing conditions.
9) Brahminism : The ideology that preaches supremacy of Arya-Brahmins over rest of the mankind and give Arya-Brahmins absolute power is Brahminism.
10) Manuism : Is Brahminism explained by Mr. Manu.
11) Dalits : Are castes compelled to do menial work and declared as untouchables.
12) Manumedia : Media of exploiter Arya-Brahminists.
13) Manusmriti : Book of the code of Mr. Manu.
14) OBC : Other backward classes.
15) Tri-Iblis : Iblis means Satan. Tri-Iblis is alliance of three satanic forces ( 1. Zionism, 2. Brahmanism and 3. American Imperialism) out to enslave indigenous masses of the world under the leadership of Illuminati.
Ancient Foreign Refugees Who Have Became Oppressive Exploiter Rulers
India has been home to foreign refugees for centuries. Many sought refuge in India from time immemorial like the Parses, the Jews, Hakka Chinese , Syrian Christians etc. Many groups came as invaders and later assimilated in India like the white Huns (Scythians?), Kushans, Bactrians (Greeks?) etc. There are some traders and some groups of slaves (Sidhis?) who assimilated in India. Since its independence India received refugees from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda. No one was ever turned away from the Indian shores.
Table of Contents : Part I
1. Persian Refugees
Around the 8th century CE, after the fall of the Sassanid empire, almost the entire Zoroastrian community fleeing from the religious persecution in Iran fled by ship to the western coast of the Indian subcontinent (now Gujarat). They were 94,000 altogether in 1900, of whom 76,000 resided in Bombay. They have been living with honour and dignity in India.
Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy born into a poor priestly family in Navsari in Gujarat made a vast amount of money by trading opium to China. He brought back tea and silks and traded with Europe, bringing back the English goods needed to sustain the empire in India. By 1800, Parses owned half of Bombay and were even renting out their magnificent houses to the British. Later, with industrialization, they established the first cotton mills and were instrumental in founding the Indian steel industry. Gradually certain families acquired wealth and prominence such as Sorabji, Modi, Kama, Wadia, Jejeebhoy, Readymoney, Dadyset, Petit, Patel, Mehta, Allbless, Tata etc., nearly all being engaged in trade and manufacturing. Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, former Atty Gen. Soli Sorabjee, Constitution expert Nana Palkiwhala, former wicket keeper Farooq Engineer, former Miss India (World?) Mheir Jessia are some famous Parses.
The Jews came to India 2000 years ago fleeing from the persecution by the Romans, and have lived in India with honor and dignity. Jew communities in India are as under.
A) Kerala or Cochin Jews : The tradition of the Cochin Jews maintains that after 72 A.D., after the destruction of the Second Temple of Jerusalem, 10,000 Jews migrated to Kerala. A second tradition says that the Jews are the descendants of the Jews taken into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar and then released by Cyrus of Persia in the sixth century B.C. A third theory holds the view that they came to India in 370 from Majorca where they were exiled by the Roman Emperor Vespasian. A fourth tradition, says that when St. Thomas the Apostle visited Muziris in 52 A.D., he stayed in the Jewish quarter. They came to India as political refugees and/or as traders.
The early Christians of India are said to be the converts from Judaism. The clearest evidence for their view is found in the Aramaic language (language of the Iraqi Jews and of some Iraqis even today) once spoken by the Kerala Christians and used even today in the prayer books of Syrian Christian community of Kerala. Thus their is a clear link between Jews and Syrian Christians who consider themselves high caste Brahmins and practice caste system in Christianity.
The Jews in Kerala were the business community of Kerala. The ruler Sri Parkaran Iravi Vanmar gave to the head of the Jewish community Joseph Rabban the village of Anjuvannam and pronounced him the Prince of this village. According to the Cochini Jews the 'princely rights' (written on copper plates and therefore called Copper Plates) were given to them in 379 A. D. They had aristocratic rights, such as use of elephants and sedans. They even had servants whose job was to announce their coming to the streets so that the low castes could move away from their way. In the sixteenth century White Jews from Spain and Portugal came to Kerala. The Kochi Jews, concentrated mostly in the old "Jew Town," were completely integrated into local culture, speaking Malayalam and taking local names while preserving their knowledge of Hebrew and contacts with Southwest Asia.
B) Bene Israel Jews : Bene Israel, had lived along the Konkan Coast in and around Bombay, Pune, and Ahmedabad for almost 2,000 years within the orthodox Jewish fold, practicing the Sephardic rite without rabbis (Jewish priests), with the synagogue ( a Jewish house of worship) as the centre of their religious and cultural life.
C) Baghdadi Jews : Arabic-speaking Jews immigrated to India, came as traders in the wake of the Portuguese, Dutch and British. The Syrian Suleiman ibn Ya'qub was the first prominent Arabic-speaking Jewish businessman (1795 to 1833). However, it was the arrival of the Baghdadi merchant, industrialist and financier David Sassoon (1792-1864) in 1833 that heralded the remarkable sojourn of the Baghdadi Jewish community of Bombay. The fortunes of the Baghdadi families began with the opium trade to China and gradually reached all phases of industry and commerce. The Sassoon family, or "the Rothschilds of the East," played a major role in the industrialization of Bombay. Jews had three of its mayors, professors in its university and producers and stars for its film industry. The famous Haffkine Institute in Mumbai was named after Mr. Haffkine. The Sassoons, after whom the Sassoon docks, the Sassoon Hospital, and two of Mumbai's well known sites – the Jacob Circle and Flora Fountain have been named. They have a Jewish Chief of the Navy. In the Indian Army, Jews have reached very high posts. Bombay had several Jewish newspapers (in Judeo-Arabic, Hebrew, Marathi and English), a Jewish publishing industry, Zionist and community organizations. The Sassoons built two beautiful synagogues to serve the Baghdadi community: Maghen David (1863) in Byculla and Kenesseth Eliyahu (1883) in Fort, both of which usually manage to obtain a Shabbat minyan today. By 1950 there were nearly 20,000 Jews in Bombay, but immigration to Israel, America, Britain, Australia and Canada have drastically reduced those numbers.
The leadership of Calcutta Jewry was held by the Cohen and Ezra families, the latter ranking among the city's most prominent industrial and commercial houses. The Calcutta community was founded by Shalom Obaidah ha-Kohen (1762-1836), who arrived there from Surat in 1798. Jewish trading outposts — often including a prayer hall and a cemetery — sprang up in his footsteps from Lucknow to Darjeeling. The Baghdadis even helped some high caste Hindus to convert to Judaism.
Calcutta has had Jewish schools, a religious court, a matza board, charitable and burial associations, a Jewish hospital, several newspapers, a publisher since 1840 and Zionist groups. Calcutta has had three Jewish sheriffs, and Jews have provided Bengal's first female attorney, several scholars, journalists, writers, musicians and sportsmen. Lt.-Gen. Jack Frederick Ralph Jacob commanded Indian forces on the eastern front during the 1971 war which led to the establishment of Bangladesh. General Jacobs, now the Governor of Goa, supervised the surrender of the Pakistani Army in the Liberation of Bangladesh in 1971. The Chief of the Naval Staff was also a Jew. Maj. Gen. Samson who was awarded the Padma Bhushan. Before the Second World War there were 3,800 Jews in Calcutta, a number which grew to more than 5,000 with the influx of Jewish refugees from Rangoon.
Cartoonist Abu Abraham are Jewish. The late famous Hindi film actor David, and the late "Sulochana" (Ruby Meyers) of Indian Silent Films, and the actress/dancer Helen director-producer Ezra Mir, the actors Miss Rose and Ramola (Rachel Hayam Cohen), as well as the prizefighter-turned-actor Aaron Joshua. Poet Nissim Ezekiel, was Jewish. Nissim Ezekiel was a professor at Mumbai University. Esther David is a very popular novelist and so is Anita Desai. Some Jews also write in Marathi. Dr. Erulkar was the personal physician and friend of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Dr. Erulkar's daughter is currently the 1st lady of Cyprus, married to the President of Cyprus. Another prominent Indian Jew is Dr. Jerusha Jhirad, who was given the title of Padma Shri by the Government of India. (Late) Mrs Hannah Sen, President of All, India Women's Conference and was also the first lady director, Lady Irwin College for Women, Delhi. (Late) Mr Ezra Kolet did pioneering work in the shipping industry. Mr J M Benjamin, was Chief Architect to the Government of India and former secretary, Delhi Urban Arts Commission.
D) Menashe Jews : Several Chin-Kuki tribal groups in the northeastern Indian states of Manipur, Mizoram, Assam and Nagaland, the western Burmese Chin state and Bangladesh's Chittagong hill tracts claim to be descendents of the tribe of Menashe. According to them, they came from China and lost their religion during centuries of wanderings through remote Asia. There are an estimated 4,300 Jewish tribes in India, with more in Burma and Bangladesh.
Syrian Christians came to India as refugees in the fourth century A.D. because they were persecuted in Syria. They are two groups, namely, Kananaya Syrian Christians and Saint Thomas Syrian Christians. Kananaya Syrian Christians claim that they are descendants of Thomas of Kana (Canaan), a central Asian merchant who reached the Malabar coast in the 4th century CE. Saint Thomas Syrian Christians claim that they are the only Christians who received baptism directly from the Apostle (Saint) Thomas, one of the disciple of Jesus Christ.
Both sects are still maintaining an extreme 'Savarna Jati' (upper caste) mentality in their social as well as religious transactions and above all they are very particular in legitimizing their superiority complex in the Christian discourse of Keralam. The Saint Thomas Syrian Christians believe that their forefathers were converted to Christianity in the first century C.E from among the Namboodries (Vedic Brahmins of Keralam) at a time when the Apostle Thomas, one disciple of Jesus Christ started his miraculous missionary activity in the Malabar Coast. The Syrian Christians practice casteism and untouchability in Kerala. Syrian Christians now own all major establishments, nearly 85 per cent of the educational institutions, 80 per cent of media, banks and financial institutions.
Though Armenians traveled to India from time immemorial, they started to form permanent settlements only from the 16th century. Armenians in India were not only famous as traders. Among the Indo-Armenians there were prominent poets, army commanders and governors. There were Armenian detachments in the Indian armies. In the 18th century Armenians were mostly residing in Madras, Bombay, Calcutta, Surat. Madras has significant Armenian population. In Madras the first Armenian journal named Azdarar was started on October 16, 1794, the first Armenian Constitution was written here and progressive Armenians of Madras have their tangible share in preparing of the freedom movement in Armenia. 20th century Armenians have also discarded their national costume. Now they have completely adopted European customs. Because of marriage with Europeans and Eurasians, they have forsaken their Church. In spite of all these changes, the Armenian community in India still remains distinct. The main concern of the Armenian Church Committee of Calcutta is to preserve the Armenian colony and its properties. With the efforts of this Church Committee the Armenian College & Philanthropic Academy still functions.
Part II
Ancient Foreign Refugees Who Settled Happily In India
Table of Contents : Part II
1. Hakka Chinese
The Chinese made an entry into the Calcutta (Kolkata) city during late eighteenth century. By the mid 19th century. These Chinese have clustered in china town in central Calcutta and Tangra in east Calcutta, which is the tannery zone. They are estimated to be about 20,000 in numbers. They have managed to create a little china (China Town) in Indian soil with traditional temples, dragon architecture and festoons in Chinese, with the rustle of real silk and the aroma of Chinese food. Their greater parts are "Hakka", the traditional tanners and shoemakers, followed by the carpenters and restaurant-keepers and the dentists, hairdressing, pharmaceutical and foods making. Two Chinese dailies are regularly published from Calcutta.
2. Sidhis
The Sidhis came from Africa during the twelfth century, mainly as soldiers, sailors and merchants. Some were warrior-slaves to Indian kings who valued them for their loyalty and fighting spirit. In India, about 30,000 Sidhis live in and around Junagarh, Gujarat. Today, about 80 per cent of India's Sidhi population work as manual laborers, either in farms or in cities. The Sidhis adapted to the Indian lifestyle, yet retained some ancient cultural practices and a few syncretic forms of worship. Today, their only link with Africa is through their music, dance and the few customs they have maintained. Though they use Swahili in some of their songs, they do not know its true meaning. They do not know the specific origin of their ancestors. Sidhi consider themselves Indians and Swahili as the language of their forefathers, and they should not forget it. Sidhis of India are dedicated to a Muslim Sufi saint named "Sidi Mubarak Nobi, who studied Sufism in Iraq but lived in India. They say "we enjoy going to Africa to perform the jungle dances, but we would never want to settle down there permanently."
Part III
Tibetan Political Refugees
In order to understand Tibetan refugees in India and throughout the world, we need to know the background under which Dalai Lama and his men opted to flee from Tibet. It is more important for followers of Dr. Ambedkar to know reality of Dalai Lama as many Dalits respect Dalai Lama considering him prominent Buddhist religious figure.
Table of Contents : Part III
Social System of Tibet under Lamaism.
In the thirteenth century, Emperor Kublai Khan created the first Grand Lama, who was to preside over all the other lamas as might a pope over his bishops. Several centuries later, the Emperor of China sent an army into Tibet to support the Grand Lama, an ambitious 25-year-old man, gave himself the title of Dalai Lama (Ocean of Knowledge), and ruler of all Tibet. Thus the first Dalai Lama was installed by a Chinese army. To elevate his authority beyond worldly challenge, the first Dalai Lama seized monasteries that did not belong to his sect, and destroyed Buddhist writings that conflicted his claim of divinity. The Dalai Lama who succeeded him pursued a sybaritic life, enjoying many mistresses, partying with friends, and acting in other ways deemed unfitting for an incarnate deity. For this he was done in by his priests. Within 170 years, despite their recognized status as gods, five Dalai Lamas were murdered by their high priests or other courtiers. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
It was common practice for households in which a daughter had received the honor of the Dalai Lama's transmission through sexual union to raise a flag over their home. It is said that a sea of flags floated in the wind over the town. (Caplan, 2002;
Because these abbots practiced anti-woman celibacy, their new political system could not operate by hereditary father-to-son succession. So the lamas created a new doctrine for their religion : They announced that they could detect newborn children who were reincarnations of dead ruling lamas.
Dalai Lama had stated that "We enjoyed freedom and contentment." But Tibet's history gives a different picture. Early visitors to Tibet comment about the theocratic despotism. In 1895, an Englishman, Dr. A. L. Waddell, wrote that the populace of Tibet was under the "intolerable tyranny of monks" and the devil superstitions they had fashioned to terrorize the people. In 1904 Perceval Landon described the Dalai Lama's rule as "an engine of oppression." At about that time, another English traveler, Captain W.F.T. O'Connor, observed that "the great landowners and the priests . . . exercise each in their own dominion a despotic power from which there is no appeal," ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
Under the rule of Dalai Lama, the system he practiced was theocracy characterized by the dictatorship of upper-class monks and nobles. While most of the population lived in extreme poverty, the Dalai Lama lived richly in the 1,000-room, 14-story Potala Palace. He was an owner of slaves until 1959. He ruled over a harsh feudal serfdom. ( CIA ran Tibet contras since 1959 By Gary Wilson)
Until 1959 a great deal of real estate belonged to the monasteries, and most of them amassed great riches. In addition, individual monks and lamas were able to accumulate great wealth through active participation in trade, commerce, and money lending. Drepung monastery was one of the biggest landowners in the world, with its 185 manors, 25,000 serfs, 300 great pastures, and 16,000 herdsmen. The wealth of the monasteries went mostly to the higher-ranking lamas, many of them scions (descendants) of aristocratic families. Commander-in chief of the Tibetan army owned 4,000 square kilometers of land and 3,500 serfs. He also was a member of the Dalai Lama's lay Cabinet. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
When he moved from palace to palace, the Dalai Lama rode on a throne chair pulled by dozens of slaves. His troops marched along to "It's a Long Way to Tipperary," a tune learned from their British imperialist trainers. Meanwhile, the Dalai Lama's bodyguards, all over six-and-a-half feet tall, with padded shoulders and long whips, beat people out of his path. This ritual is described in the Dalai Lama's autobiography. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
One 1940 study of eastern Tibet says that 38 percent of households never got any tea–and drank only wild herbs or "white tea" (boiled water). Seventy-five percent of the households were forced at times to eat grass. Half of the people couldn't afford butter–the main source of protein available. Meanwhile, a major shrine, the Jokka Kang, burned four tons of yak butter offerings daily. It has been estimated that one-third of all the butter produced in Tibet went up in smoke in nearly 3,000 temples, not counting the small alters in each house. People and most monks were kept completely illiterate. Education, outside news and experimentation were considered suspect and evil. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
"King Trosong Detsen decreed: "He who shows a finger to a monk shall have his finger cut off; he who speaks ill of the monks and the king's Buddhist policy shall have his lips cut off; he who looks askance at them shall have his eyes put out…" monasteries were dark fortresses of feudal exploitation–they were armed villages of monks complete with military warehouses and private armies. The monasteries also demanded that serfs hand over many young boys to serve as child-monks. the majority of monks were slaves and servants to the upper abbots and lived half-starved lives of menial labor, prayer chanting and routine beatings. Upper monks could force poor monks to take their religious exams or perform sexual services. (In the most powerful Tibetan sect, such homosexual sex was considered a sign of holy distance from women.) After liberation, Anna Louise Strong asked a young monk, Lobsang Telé, if monastery life followed Buddhist teachings about compassion. The young lama replied that he heard plenty of talk in the scripture halls about kindness to all living creatures, but that he personally had been whipped at least a thousand times. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
Young Tibetan boys were regularly taken from their families and brought into the monasteries to be trained as monks. Once there, they became bonded for life. Tashì-Tsering, a monk, reports that it was common for peasant children to be sexually mistreated in the monasteries. He himself was a victim of repeated rape, beginning at age nine. The monastic estates also conscripted impoverished peasant children for lifelong servitude as domestics, dance performers, and soldiers. "Pretty serf girls were usually taken by the owner as house servants and used as he wished." They "were just slaves without rights." Serfs needed permission to go anywhere. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
The greater part of the rural population—some 700,000 of an estimated total of 1,250,000—were serfs. Serfs and other peasants generally were little better than slaves. They went without schooling or medical care. They spent most of their time laboring for high-ranking lamas or for the aristocracy. They could not get married without the consent of their lord or lama. At that times, 95% of the Tibetans were serfs and slaves who had liberally no personal freedom. Their owners could trade and transfer them, present them as gifts and exchange them. They might be separated from their families should their owners send them to work in a distant location. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti). Serfs could not marry or leave the estate without the master's permission. Masters transferred serfs from one estate to another at will, breaking up serf families forever. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama) In the past, seeing an official or a feudal lord, a serf would bend his body forward and stick out his tongue; seeing his master intending to mount a horse, a serf would lie on the ground to serve as a stepping stone. As for housing, many serfs used to pass the night in the streets and a few household serfs used to sleep in their owners' lavatories. (Magazine Refuting So-called Destruction Of Tibetan Culture China Society For Human Rights Studies)
The aristocratic and monastery masters owned the people, the land and most of the animals. They forced the serfs to hand over most grain and demanded all kinds of forced labor (called ulag). ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
Squads of monks brutalized the people. They were called "Iron Bars" because of the big metal rods they carried to batter people. It was a crime to "step out of your place"- like hunting fish or wild sheep that the lamaist declared were "sacred." It was even a crime for a serf to appeal his master's decisions to some other authority. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
One 22-year old woman, herself a runaway serf, reports : Landowners had legal authority to capture those who tried to flee. They had a professional army, albeit a small one, that served as a gendarmerie for the landlords to keep order and hunt down runaway serfs. Torture and mutilation—including eye gouging, the pulling out of tongues, hamstringing, and amputation—were favored punishments inflicted upon runaway serfs and thieves. Journeying through Tibet in the 1960s, Stuart and Roma Gelder interviewed a former serf, Tsereh Wang Tuei, who had stolen two sheep belonging to a monastery. For this he had both his eyes gouged out and his hand mutilated beyond use. He explains that he no longer is a Buddhist: "When a holy lama told them to blind me I thought there was no good in religion." ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti). When serfs ran away, the masters' gangs went to hunt them down. Each estate had its own dungeons and torture chambers. Pepper was forced under the eyelids. Spikes were forced under the fingernails. Serfs had their legs connected by short chains and were released to wander hobbled for the rest of their lives. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama) Grunfeld writes: "Buddhist belief precludes the taking of life, so that whipping a person to the edge of death and then releasing him to die elsewhere allowed Tibetan officials to justify the death as 'an act of God.' ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
Other brutal forms of punishment included the cutting off of hands at the wrists, using red-hot irons to gouge out eyes; hanging by the thumbs; and crippling the offender, sewing him into a bag, and throwing the bag in the river." ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
Owners could arbitrarily carry out such savage and cruel punishments upon them in the owners' private penitentiaries as gouging out the eyes, cutting off ears, hands and feet, pulling off tendons, and throwing them into eater. Inhumane examples like these could be seen everywhere in Tibet and such are the real immense destruction and human suffering" inflicted on the people of Tibet. The feudal serfdom in Tibet was darker and crueler than the European serfdom of the Middle ages. ( Statement by Foreign Affairs Committee of NPC On Dalai Lama's Speech at EP general Assembly 2004/06/16)
In 1959, Anna Louise Strong visited an exhibition of torture equipment that had been used by the Tibetan overlords. There were handcuffs of all sizes, including small ones for children, and instruments for cutting off noses and ears, gouging out eyes, and breaking off hands. There were instruments for slicing off kneecaps and heels, or hamstringing legs. There were hot brands, whips, and special implements for disemboweling. The exhibition presented photographs and testimonies of victims who had been blinded or crippled or suffered amputations for thievery. There was the shepherd whose master owed him a reimbursement in yuan and wheat but refused to pay. So he took one of the master's cows; for this he had his hands severed. Another herdsman, who opposed having his wife taken from him by his lord, had his hands broken off. There were pictures of Communist activists with noses and upper lips cut off, and a woman who was raped and then had her nose sliced away. One 24-year old runaway welcomed the Chinese intervention as a "liberation." He claimed that under serfdom he was subjected to incessant toil, hunger, and cold. After his third failed escape, he was mercilessly beaten by the landlord's men until blood poured from his nose and mouth. They then poured alcohol and caustic soda on his wounds to increase the pain. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti)
As signs of the lamas' power, traditional ceremonies used body parts of people who had died: flutes made out of human thigh bones, bowls made out of skulls, drums made from human skin. After the revolution, a rosary was found in the Dalai Lama's palace made from 108 different skulls. After liberation, serfs widely reported that the lamas engaged in ritual human sacrifice–including burying serf children alive in monastery ground-breaking ceremonies. Former serfs testified that at least 21 people were sacrificed by monks in 1948 in hopes of preventing the victory of the communist revolution. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
In Tibet under the Dalai Lama's rule, a ceremony celebrating the birth of the Dalai Lama required sacrificial offerings of two human heads, human intestines, human blood and a human skin, according to historical records. (Magazine Refuting So-called Destruction Of Tibetan Culture China Society For Human Rights Studies) Visiting the Lhasa [Tibet] museum, journalist Alain Jacob saw "dried and tanned children's skins, various amputated human limbs, either dried or preserved, and numerous instruments of torture that were in use until a few decades ago".
People were taxed upon getting married, taxed for the birth of each child, and for every death in the family. They were taxed for planting a tree in their yard and for keeping animals. There were taxes for religious festivals, for singing, dancing, drumming, and bell ringing. People were taxed for being sent to prison and upon being released. Those who could not find work were taxed for being unemployed, and if they traveled to another village in search of work, they paid a passage tax. When people could not pay, the monasteries lent them money at 20 to 50 percent interest. Some debts were handed down from father to son to grandson. Debtors who could not meet their obligations risked being placed into slavery for the rest of their lives. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
Religious teachings buttressed its class order. The poor and afflicted were taught that they had brought their troubles upon themselves because of their wicked ways (sins) in previous lives. Hence they had to accept the misery of their present existence as a karmic atonement and in anticipation that their lot would improve upon being reborn. The rich and powerful of course treated their good fortune as a reward for, and tangible evidence of, virtue in past and present lives. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
Lamaist superstition associated women with evil and sin. It was said "among ten women you'll find nine devils." Anything women touched was considered tainted–so all kinds of taboos were placed on women. Women were forbidden to handle medicine. Han Suyin reports, "No woman was allowed to touch a lama's belongings, nor could she raise a wall, or 'the wall will fall.'… A widow was a despicable being, already a devil. No woman was allowed to use iron instruments or touch iron. Religion forbade her to lift her eyes above the knee of a man, as serfs and slaves were not allowed to look the eyes upon the face of the nobles or great lamas." There are reports of women being burned for giving birth to twins and for practicing the pre-Buddhist traditional religion (called Bon). Twins were considered proof that a woman had mated with an evil spirit. Custom allowed a husband to cut off the tip of his wife's nose if he discovered she had slept with someone else. The patriarchal practices included polygamy, where a wealthy man could have many wives; and polyandry, where in land-poor noble families one woman was forced to be wife to several brothers. Rape of women serfs was common–under the ulag system, a lord could demand "temporary wives. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
For ordinary people, there were no outhouses, sewers or toilets. The lamas taught that disease and death were caused by sinful "impiety." They said that chanting, obedience, paying monks money and swallowing prayer scrolls was the only real protection from disease. Leprosy, tuberculosis, goiter, tetanus, blindness and ulcers were very common. Feudal sexual customs spread venereal disease, including in the monasteries. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
The Dalai Lama, as then the highest dictator of Tibet, bears inevitable responsibilities for these brutalities, and he is the real arch-criminal who has trampled upon human rights and freedoms in Tibet. He never dares to mention his barbarous ruling in old Tibet and has not expressed any sense of repentance. On the contrary, he deceives the international community by shamelessly assuming himself as the "spokesman" for the freedom of Tibet and protector of human rights and humanity. ( Statement by Foreign Affairs Committee of NPC On Dalai Lama's Speech at EP general Assembly 2004/06/16)
Tibetan Lamaism is Atharva-Vedic
Trantrism of Arya-Brahmins in the garb of Buddhism !
The religion of Tibet is Buddhism, but like the Zen of Japan, it is a brand of Buddhism far divorced from the Indian original. Many scholars prefer the term "Lamaism" to distinguish between Tibetan Buddhism and its parent root. Dalai Lama's Buddhism is no Buddhism but in the garb of Buddhism it is Brahminist Atharva-vedic Tantrism.
Tantric Buddhism it literally swarms with aggressive warriors, demons, vampires, monsters, sword bearers, flame magicians, and avenging gods, who have at their disposal an overflowing arsenal of weapons. It is a dogmatic part of the tantric project, which makes wrath, aggression, murder, and the annihilation of enemies the starting point of its system of rituals. In the gloomy gokhang, the chamber or hall where their cult worship took (and still takes) place, hung (and still hang) their black thangkas, surrounded by an arsenal of bizarre weapons, masks and stuffed animals. Dried human organs were discovered there, the tanned skin of enemies and the bones of children. Earlier western visitors experienced this realm of shadows as a "chaotic, contradictory world like the images formed in a delirium" (Sierksma, 1966, p. 166). There are dreadful rumors about the obscure rituals which were performed in the "horror chambers" (Austin Waddell), because human flesh, blood, and other bodily substances were considered the most effective sacrificial offerings with which to appease the terror gods. If this flow of bloody food for the demons ever dries up, then according to Tibetan prophecies they fall upon innocent people, indeed even upon lamas so as to still their vampire-like thirst. The war god Begtse, for example, also known as Chamsrin strides over corpses swinging a sword in his right hand and holding a human heart to his mouth with the left so that he can consume it. His spouse, Dongmarma the "red face", chews at a corpse and is mounted upon a man-eating bear. Another "protective god", Yama, the judge of the dead, king of hell and an emanation of Avalokiteshvara (and thus also of the Dalai Lama), threatens with a club in the form of a child's skeleton in his right hand. Palden Lhamo, the Tibetan god-king's protective goddess gallops through a lake of blood using her son's skin as a saddle. The clergy in the Tibet of old was busy day and night defending themselves from foreign demons and keeping their own under control. (Hermanns, 1956, p. 198). As soon as something did not seem right, the superstitious peoples suspected that a demon was at work and fetched a lama to act as an exorcist for a fee and drive it out. ( The Shadow of the Dalai Lama – Part II – 9. The war gods behind the mask of peace © Victor & Victoria Trimondi)
The following list of paradigms, concepts, theories, methods, and myths which have essentially shaped the culture of Lamaism (and still do) have become central for the neo-fascist movement :- 1) A strictly hierarchical state structure that rests upon a spiritually based "Führer principle" 2) The out and out patriarchal orientation of the state and society 3) The idea of a world ruler (Chakravartin) and a violent conquest of the world. 4) The myth of the "black sun" (Rahu myth in the Kalachakra Tantra) 5) The existence of a supernatural community of "priestly warriors" (Shambhala warriors) who observe and influence the history of the world. 6) A magical view of the world and the associated conception that the manipulation of symbols can affect history. 7) A great interest in paranormal phenomena and their combination with politics (visions, oracles, prophecies).
Sexual magic practices for transforming erotic love and sexuality into worldly and spiritual power (Kalachakra Tantra) In 1942, the Reichsführer of the SS Himmler was interested in occult doctrines from "mysterious Tibet", and assumed that a "race with Nordic blood" existed there, oppressed by the English and Chinese, and waiting for their liberation by the Germans. In 1934 Schäfer had set out on the first of two expeditions financed by the SS to track down remnants of the 'Nordic intellectual' nobility" (Spiegel, 16/1998, p. 111). "Schäfer's SS men were permitted to enter holy Lhasa, otherwise closed to Europeans and Christians ( The Shadow of the Dalai Lama – Part II – 11. The Shambhala Myth and the west © Victor & Victoria Trimondi)
In spite of claimed celibacy in Lamaism in the name of Tantrism sex was practiced in the cloud of mysticism is evident from the following extract :-
One Western female teacher and devotee of Tibetan Buddhism noted, in attempting to sort through her own feelings on the subject :- How could this old lama, a realized master of the supreme Vajrayana practices of Maha Mudra, choose a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old nun from the monastery to become his sexual consort every year ? I talked to a number of Western women who had slept with their lamas. Some liked it—they felt special. Some felt used and it turned them away from practice. Some said they mothered the lama. But no one described it as a teaching; there was nothing Tantric about it. The sex was for the lama, not them (in Kornfield, 2000). Lamas are known to be very crafty, and they use all kinds of techniques—flattery, promises, even lies—to expose a student to the Dharma. And it is thought to be an enormous blessing if a lama chooses to have sex with you (Sherrill, 2000). The forty-plus Jetsunma dropping Teri and instead taking one of her twenty-something male disciples as a "consort." The latter was, however, himself apparently cut loose a year later. He was further unbelievably talked into becoming a monk in order to "keep the blessing" conferred upon him in having had sex with his lama/guru, by never again sleeping with an "ordinary woman." Soon thereafter, the space-age Jetson-ma, "ruler of remote galaxies," became engaged to another male disciple, two decades her junior. Jetsunma's monastery exhibited a ratio of four nuns to every monk. The caliber of monks today has not, it seems, radically improved : Over 90% of those who wear the robes in India, and elsewhere are "frauds." The idea that the monk is more perfect than the non-monk is inveterate, and it is kindled by the monks themselves. in terms of human morality and of human intellect, monks are nowhere more perfect than lay people (Bharati, 1980). Likewise for Japanese Zen : It seemed to me that most of the monks at Suienji were proud of their position, lazy, stupid, greedy, angry, confused, or some combination. Mainly they were the sons of temple priests putting in their obligatory training time so that they could follow in daddy's footsteps. They listened to radios, drank at night and had pinups on the wall. What they were really into, though, was power trips. It's what got them off…. The senior monks were always pushing around the junior monks, who in turn were pushing around the ones that came after them (in Chadwick, 1994). The observations of a Thai Buddhist monk, in Ward (1998), at a monastery run by Ajahn Chah, are no more flattering: The farang [Westerners] at this wat [monastery] who call themselves monks are nothing but a bunch of social rejects who have found a place where they can get free food, free shelter and free respect. They are complacent and their only concern is their perks at the top end of the hierarchy. For more of the "inside story" on Tibetan Buddhism, consult Trimondi and Trimondi's (2003) The Shadow of the Dalai Lama: Sexuality, Magic and Politics in Tibetan Buddhism. (
Reforms in Tibet by Tibetan Communists of China
The Tibetan lords and lamas had seen Chinese come and go over the centuries and had enjoyed good relations with Generalissimo Chiang Kaishek and his reactionary Kuomintang rule in China. The approval of the Kuomintang government was needed to validate the choice of the Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama. When the young Dalai Lama was installed in Lhasa, it was with an armed escort of Chinese troops and an attending Chinese minister, in accordance with centuries-old tradition. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
The Tibetan serf-owners themselves had signed this special "17-point agreement" and on October 26, 1951, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) had peacefully marched into Lhasa. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama) The 1951 treaty provided for ostensible self government under the Dalai Lama's rule but gave China military control and exclusive right to conduct foreign relations. The Chinese were also granted a direct role in internal administration "to promote social reforms." ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti). The PLA's entry into Tibet represents the process in which the central Government takes over the local authorities from the hand of the old Kuomintang regime and it won the approval and support of the Dalai himself and the broad masses of the Tibetan people. However, the Dalai claims repeatedly that china has "invaded Tibet" and refuses to recognize Tibet as part of China. ( Statement by Foreign Affairs Committee of NPC On Dalai Lama's Speech at EP general Assembly 2004/06/16)
At first, communists moved slowly, relying mostly on persuasion in an attempt to effect change. Among the earliest reforms they wrought was to reduce usurious interest rates, and build a few hospitals and roads. "Contrary to popular belief in the West," writes one observer, the Chinese "took care to show respect for Tibetan culture and religion." No aristocratic or monastic property was confiscated, and feudal lords continued to reign over their hereditarily bound peasants. But what upset the Tibetan lords and lamas now was that these latest Chinese were Communists. It would be only a matter of time, they feared, before the Communists started imposing their collectivist egalitarian solutions upon Tibet. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
During those first years, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) worked as a great construction force building the first roads connecting Tibet with central China. A long string of work camps stretched thousands of miles through endless mountains and gorges. Alongside these camps, the Han soldiers raised their own food using new collective methods. Serfs from surrounding areas were paid wages for work on the road. The rulers of old Tibet treated the serfs like "talking animals" and forced them to do endless unpaid labor–so the behavior of these People's Liberation Army (PLA) troops was shocking to the Tibetan masses. One serf said, "The Hans worked side by side with us. They did not whip us. For the first time I was treated as a human being." Another serf described the day a People's Liberation Army (PLA) soldier gave him water from the soldier's own cup, "I could not believe it!" One runaway said: "We understood that it was not the will of the gods, but the cruelty of humans like ourselves, which kept us slaves." The People's Liberation Army (PLA) road camps quickly became magnets for runaway slaves, serfs, and escaped monks. Young serfs working in the camps were asked if they wanted to go to school to help liberate their people. They became the first Tibetan students at Institutes for National Minorities in China's eastern cities. They learned reading, writing, and accounting "for the agrarian revolution to come"! ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
In this way, the revolution started recruiting activists who would soon lead the people. Once the first white-sand road was completed, long caravans of PLA trucks arrived, carrying key goods like tea and matches. The expanded trade and especially the availability of inexpensive tea improved the diet of ordinary Tibetans. By the mid-'50s, the first telephones, telegraphs, radio station and modern printing had been organized. The first newspapers, books and pamphlets appeared, in both Han and Tibetan languages. After 1955, Tibet's first real schools were founded. The first coal mine opened in 1958 and the first blast furnace in 1959. By July 1957 there were 79 elementary schools, with 6,000 students. All this started to improve the life of poor people and infuriated the upper classes. When revolutionary medical teams started healing people, even monks and the upper classes started showing up at the early clinics. This undermined superstitions that diseases were caused by sinful behavior. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama) For the rich lamas and lords, the Communist intervention was a calamity. The Tibetan aristocracy wanted to reestablish its slavery over the masses of Tibet. Hence they eagerly accepted the Mossad-CIA assistance in overthrowing communist rule over Tibet. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti). They tried every foul means but their revolts were crushed as masses were against Dalai Lama and his theocracy. Finally, Dalai Lama had to flee with the help of CIA.
Because Dalai Lama's Kashag government had largely supported this counterrevolutionary revolt hence it was dissolved. Forced ulag labor was abolished. The nangzen slaves of the nobles and monasteries were freed. The masses of slave-monks were suddenly allowed to leave the monasteries. Arms caches were cleaned out of the main monasteries, and key conspirators were arrested. The sight of thousands of young monks eagerly getting married and doing manual labor was a powerful blow to superstitious awe. Women's liberation got off the ground–under the then-shocking slogan "All men and women are equal!" Without the land rent, the huge parasitic monasteries started to dry up. About half the monks left them and about half the monasteries closed down. In mass meetings, serfs were encouraged to organize Peasant Associations and fight for their interests. Key oppressors were called out, denounced and punished. The debt records of the serf-owners were burned in great bonfires. Women played a particularly active role. They are seen in the photographs of those days leading such meetings and denouncing the oppressor. Soon, the serfs seized the land and livestock. Ex-serfs, former beggars, and ex-slaves each received several acres. Serfs received 200,000 new deeds to the land and herds–decorated with red flags. These revolutionary moves took intense and often bloody class struggle. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama) After 1959 Chinese did abolish slavery and the serfdom system of unpaid labor, and put an end to floggings, mutilations, and amputations as a form of criminal punishment. They eliminated the many crushing taxes, started work projects, and greatly reduced unemployment and beggary. They established secular education, thereby breaking the educational monopoly of the monasteries. They constructed running water and electrical systems in Lhasa. By 1961, the Chinese expropriated the landed estates owned by lords and lamas, and reorganized the peasants into hundreds of communes. They distributed hundreds of thousands of acres to tenant farmers and landless peasants. Herds once owned by nobility were turned over to collectives of poor shepherds. Improvements were made in the breeding of livestock, and new varieties of vegetables and new strains of wheat and barley were introduced, along with irrigation improvements, all of which reportedly led to an increase in agrarian production. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
Bold serf women organized teams to hunt sacred animals and "iron brigades" to break plowing taboos. In 1966, 100,000 farmers waged a two-month mass campaign to exterminate earth rats, rodents that were eating their grain. In the past the monks had protected these rats, saying they were sacred reincarnations of lice from Buddha's body. It was the thousands of monasteries that inspired the greatest superstitious awe. These feudal strongholds themselves were targeted. In a huge mass movement, the many monasteries of Tibet were emptied and physically dismantled. These monasteries were armed fortresses that had loomed over the peasants' lives for centuries. These fortresses provoked justified fear that the old ways might return–one conspiracy after another was plotted behind monastery walls. All available accounts agree that this dismantling was done almost exclusively by the Tibetan serfs themselves, led by revolutionary activists. Often idols, texts, prayer flags, prayer wheels and other symbols were publicly destroyed–as a powerful way of shattering century-old superstitions. The old, hateful system of Lamaist feudalism had been shattered by the people themselves. The life of the people improved. Disease declined. The population increased. The numbing isolation of old Tibet was broken. Literacy and basic scientific knowledge spread among the people. Before the revolution, about 90 percent of the population was infected–causing widespread sterility and death. the revolution was able to greatly reduce these illnesses–but it required intense class struggle against the lamas and their religious superstitions. The monks denounced antibiotics and public health campaigns, saying it was a sin to kill lice or even germs ! The monks denounced the People's Liberation Army for eliminating the large bands of wild, rabies-infested dogs that terrorized people across Tibet. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
Many peasants remained as religious as ever, giving alms to the clergy. But the many monks who had been conscripted into the religious orders as children were now free to renounce the monastic life, and thousands did, especially the younger ones. The remaining clergy lived on modest government stipends, and extra income earned by officiating at prayer services, weddings, and funerals. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
The Dalai Lama has, in every possible way, accused China of destroying Tibetan culture but has never been able to support his accusation with one single convincing fact. The Tibetan culture he talks about is nothing but a serf-slaving culture that was prevalent in Tibet when he was the ruler there. (Magazine Refuting So-called Destruction Of Tibetan Culture China Society For Human Rights Studies) Both the Dalai Lama and his advisor and youngest brother, Tendzin Choegyal, claimed that "more than 1.2 million Tibetans are dead as a result of the Chinese occupation." But the official 1953 census—six years before the Chinese crackdown—recorded the entire population residing in Tibet at 1,274,000.33 Other census counts put the ethnic Tibetan population within the country at about two million. If the Chinese killed 1.2 million in the early 1960s then whole cities and huge portions of the countryside, indeed almost all of Tibet, would have been depopulated, transformed into a killing field dotted with death camps and mass graves—of which we have not seen evidence. The thinly distributed Chinese military force in Tibet was not big enough to round up, hunt down, and exterminate that many people even if it had spent all its time doing nothing else. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
Dalai Lama and his Mossad-CIA led Campaigns.
Tibetan ruling class were hostile to the reform and wanted to preserve the serfdom forever so as to maintain their own vested interests. Therefore, they deliberately violated and sabotaged the 17-Article Agreement and masterminded armed rebellion in certain areas in a bid to separate the motherland. During the 1950s, while the Dalai Lama was still in power, his family developed ties with the CIA–which was arming and financing armed revolts both within Tibet and in the nearby Kham region. ( The True Story of Maoist Revolution in Tibet by Mike Ely) Indian Arya-Brahmins also helped Dalai lama and his feudal armed forces.
During years 1952-56 the Indians were interested only in supporting intelligence operations in Tibet, but Chinese Nationalist (Taiwan) representatives in 1952 offered to back paramilitary operations in Tibet. ([CTRL] CIA Operations in China by Kris Millegan) During 1956-57, armed Tibetan bands ambushed convoys of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army (PLA). The uprising received extensive assistance from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), including military training, support camps in Nepal, and numerous airlifts. Meanwhile in the United States, the American Society for a Free Asia, a CIA front, energetically publicized the cause of Tibetan resistance, with the Dalai Lama's eldest brother, Thubtan Norbu, playing an active role in that group. The Dalai Lama's second-eldest brother, Gyalo Thondup, already had established an intelligence operation with the CIA in 1951. He later upgraded it into a CIA-trained guerrilla unit whose recruits parachuted back into Tibet. Many Tibetan commandos and agents whom the CIA dropped into the country were chiefs of aristocratic clans or the sons of chiefs. Ninety percent of them were never heard from again, according to a report from the CIA itself, meaning they were most likely captured and killed. "Many lamas and lay members of the elite and much of the Tibetan army joined the uprising, but in the main the populace did not, assuring its failure," writes Hugh Deane. In their book on Tibet, Ginsburg and Mathos reach a similar conclusion: "As far as can be ascertained, the great bulk of the common people of Lhasa and of the adjoining countryside failed to join in the fighting against the Chinese. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
In March 1959, a handful of Tibetan serf-owners, colluding with foreign forces, mounted a general armed rebellion and advocated flagrantly the separatist slogan of "Tibetan independence". People's Liberation Army (PLA) with the support and assistance of the broad Buddhist monks and laymen, quelled swiftly the separatists' rebellion.
Evil deeds of Dalai Lama and his followers during their armed insurgence in 1959 which aimed to protect feudal serfdom are unveiled. Their evil deeds include splitting the motherland, butchering Tibetan people, looting temples, and raping women. They killed a nine-year-old boy Samni, for example, cutting open his belly and eating his heart. Then, they cut the boy into small pieces and had him hung from a tree. ( Commentary Unveils Evil Deeds of Dalai Lama) When the Dalai Lama traveled into exile in 1959, the cook and radio operator in his entourage were CIA agents.
Flight of Dalai Lama was in fact played out months in advance in Washington by high military officials. In 1959, the American-trained guerillas collected Dalai Lama from his summer residence (in Lhasa). During the long trek to the Indian border the underground fighters were in constant radio contact with the Americans and were supplied with food and equipment by aircraft. The Dalai Lama would never have been saved without the CIA" (Grunfeld, 1996, pp. 155-156). Chinese were not particularly interested in pursuing the refugees since they believed they would be better able to deal with the rebellion in Tibet if the Dalai Lama was out of the country. The flight, organized by the CIA and tolerated by the Chinese, was later mythologized by the western press and the Dalai Lama himself into a divine exodus. There was mysterious talk of a "mystic cloud" which was supposed to have veiled the column of refugees during the long trek to India and protected them from the view of and attack by the Chinese enemy. CIA airplanes which gave the refugees air cover and provided them with supplies of food became Chinese "reconnaissance" flights which circled above the fleeing god-king but, thanks to wondrous providence and the "mystic cloud", were unable to discern anything. ( The Shadow of the Dalai Lama – Part II – 9. The war gods behind the mask of peace © Victor & Victoria Trimondi)
Dalai Lama went into exile in India where the CIA set up and trained the Tibetan contra (counter revolutionary) army. "Air Force pilots working with the CIA" asked potential recruits one question: Do you want to kill Chinese? These recruits were trained at U.S. military bases in Okinawa, Guam and Colorado. They were then dropped into the Tibetan region of China by "American pilots. ( CIA ran Tibet contras since 1959 By Gary Wilson) The CIA had immediately set up a Tibetan contra (counter revolutionary) force among the exiles. Ten Tibetan contra camps were set up in the tiny principality of Mustang on the Nepal-China border. The CIA had three more C130s modified for high altitude airdrops. At this time, the Indian government was preparing a border war with revolutionary China, and their direct involvement in the Tibetan contra army picked up. At a secret Indian base in Orissa, U.S. agents, Indian officials and Tibetan contras met weekly to coordinate their activities. The first Tibetan contra raid into China was staged in late 1961, just before war broke out between India and China. Grunfeld documents a CIA study from this period with detailed information on how Tibet's unique weather might affect the use of aerial, chemical and biological warfare. *IP2* The Tibetan contra border raids continued through the '60s. The CIA money that Gyalo Thondup received for these operations increased. The CIA hoped these Tibetan contras could maintain networks of agents, conduct sabotage, and generally harass the revolutionary forces. Meanwhile, the people in Nepal increasingly demanded that these armed camps be removed. (The Dalai Lama and the CIA Revolutionary Worker #765, July 17, 1994)
After China's border war with India in 1962, the CIA worked closely with Indian intelligence services in training and supplying agents in Tibet and in creating a special forces unit of Tibetan refugees that was eventually called the Special Frontier Force. The Agency also assisted the Dalai Lama's government-in-exile by giving a $180,000 annual donation to the Dalai Lama's charitable trust fund until 1967 and by subsidizing a training program for Tibetan officials and agents at Cornell University. It also purchased Tibetan art works for display at the government-in-exile's Tibet House in New Delhi. (Radio Free Asia Tibetan BBS)
Dalai Lama organized rebellion forces and for many times plotted violent riots in Tibet. He sent secret agents and intelligence personnel to carry out terrorist activities in Tibet. He spread rumors and calumnies and engineered other sorts of separatist activities. He shuttled among foreign countries only to advertise the "Tibetan independence", trying to internationalize the so-called "Tibetan issue". By analyzing what the Dalai Lama has done over the past 40 years, we can find out that he has done nothing to "serve the people of Tibet", but instead, he has done everything trying to regain his lost paradise. there he could re-enslave the Tibetan people and separate Tibet from the motherland. ( Statement by Foreign Affairs Committee of NPC On Dalai Lama's Speech at EP general Assembly 2004/06/16)
Immense Wealthy Dalai Lama Receives immense Aid
In 1956 the Dalai Lama, fearing that the Chinese government would soon move on Lhasa, had issued an appeal for gold and jewels to construct another throne for himself. This, he argued, would help rid Tibet of "bad omens''. One hundred and twenty tons were collected. When the Dalai Lama fled to India in 1959, he was preceded by more than 60 tons of treasure.(
Throughout the 1960s, the Tibetan exile community was secretly pocketing $1.7 million a year from the CIA, according to documents released by the State Department in 1998. Once this fact was publicized, the Dalai Lama's organization itself issued a statement admitting that it had received millions of dollars from the CIA during the 1960s to send armed squads of exiles into Tibet to undermine the Maoist revolution. The Dalai Lama's annual payment from the CIA was $186,000. Indian intelligence also financed both him and other Tibetan exiles. He has refused to say whether he or his brothers worked for the CIA. The agency has also declined to comment. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti). It therefore seems that Dalai Lama is a paid servant of CIA.
Today, mostly through the National Endowment for Democracy and other conduits that are more respectable-sounding than the CIA, the US Congress continues to allocate an annual $2 million to Tibetans in India, with additional millions for "democracy activities" within the Tibetan exile community. The Dalai Lama also gets money from financier George Soros, who now runs the CIA-created Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty and other institutes. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
The monks who were granted political asylum in California applied for Social Security. Lewis, herself a devotee for a time, assisted with the paperwork observes that they continue to receive Social Security checks amounting to $550 to $700 per month along with Medicare and MediCal. In addition, the monks reside rent free in nicely furnished apartments. "They pay no utilities, have free access to the Internet on computers provided for them, along with fax machines, free cell and home phones and cable TV." In addition, they receive a monthly payment from their order. Dharma center takes up a special collection from its American members separate from membership dues. Some members eagerly carry out chores for the monks, including grocery shopping and cleaning their apartments and toilets. These same holy men "have no problem criticizing Americans for their 'obsession with material things." ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
Dalai Lama's Government in Exile in India
Along with Dalai lama approximately 85,000 Tibetan refugees fled to India during the past 40 years. He left Lhasa on March 17, 1959, crossing safely into India on March 31, 1959 where he was warmly received. Initially Mussourie was offered by the Indian government to the Dalai Lama. Shortly after the Dalai Lama moved to Mussourie, the Nowrojee family contacted him and suggested McLeodganj to be a better place. Dalai Lama's government-in-exile in Dharamsala, known as the Central Tibetan Administration, is a set up suggested by Nehru during his first meetings with the Dalai Lama in 1959. Nehru offered to Kangra Valley as headquarter of Tibetan Government in exile. The location Nehru offered to Tibetan Government in exile in the Kangra Valley is rich in unexplored archaeological sites of great importance. Since then McLeodganj has become the headquarters of the "Tibetan Government in Exile". In Dharamsala life is basically Lamaist Tibetan in character.
Lal Bahadur Shashtri government thought of according official status and recognize the Dalai Lama's administration as a government-in-exile. Lal Bahadur Shastri informed a representative of the Dalai Lama that after he returned from Tashkent he would take this decisive step. But he died in Tashkent. The CTA is a Government with legislative, judiciary and executive bodies and gets generous assistance of the Government of India, Nepal, the United Nations High Commission for refugees and foreign donors. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
According to Norm Dixon, Dalai Lama's talk on democracy is cunning hypocrisy and lie. An Office of Tibet document of Dalai Lama claims "soon after His Holiness the Dalai Lama's arrival in India, he re-established the Tibetan Government in exile, based on modern democratic principles". Yet it took more than 30 years for an Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies to be directly elected from among the 130,000 exiles. Of 46 assembly members, only 30 are elected. The other 16 are appointed by religious authorities or directly by the Dalai Lama. All assembly decisions must be approved by the Dalai Lama, whose sole claim to the status of head of state is that he has been selected by the gods. The separation of church and state is yet to be recognized by the Dalai Lama as a "modern democratic principle". ( The Dalai Lama's hidden past 25 September 1996 Comment by Norm Dixon) Such is the hypocrisy of the exploiters and oppressors.
Central Tibetan Administration
The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) was first established in Mussoorie on April 29, 1959. Then in May 1960 it was moved to Dharamsala. Various CTA departments are as under.
The Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission : Is the highest judicial authority of the Tibetan Administration. It adjudicates civil cases in the Tibetan community as long as they do not clash with the interest of host governments' laws. The Chief Justice Commissioner is appointed directly by the Dalai Lama.
The assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies : The Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies is an elected legislative body consists of forty six members The Assembly elects ministers who form the Tibetan cabinet (Kashag).
THE KASHAG (The Tibetan Cabinet) : The Kashag (Cabinet) is the highest executive authority of CTA. Its members report to Dalai Lama and the Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies. The present Kashag consists of eight kalons (ministers).
The CTA Commissions
1) The Election Commission 2) Public Service Commission which recruit, train and appoint civil servants to serve in the Central Tibetan Administration. 3) Audit Commission of CTA, The heads of these commissions are directly appointed by Dalai Lama.
Various Departments of C.T.A.
1) Department of religion and culture :- oversees and coordinates the activities of all Tibetan religious institutions. It also maintains close touch with Buddhist organizations throughout the world. At the moment, there are 181 monasteries and eight nunneries with enrolment of over 17,000 monks and 600 nuns respectively.
2) Home Department :- Tibetan welfare office is responsible for looking after the welfare of Tibetans in Dharamsala.
3) Department of Education :- administers schools and educational institutions in India, Nepal and Bhutan, etc. countries.
4) Department of finance :- Runs twenty four business enterprises in India, Nepal and the United States to generate funds for the operational expenses of the Central Tibetan Administration. It also formulates the annual budget of the CTA.
5) Department of Information and international Relations :- The department publishes regular periodicals in Tibetan, Hindi, English, Chinese and Arabic and acts as the protocol office of the CTA and assists visitors, mainly media personnel, and liaises with Tibet Support Groups throughout the world. The branch office of information sells books, magazines, video and audio tapes, photos, etc. on Dalai Lama and Tibet. Tibetan Computer resource centre provides Departments, organizations and individuals services such as an e-mail service, called TibetNet.
6) Department of Security :- Ensures the personal security of Dalai Lama. It has a research wing which gathers information on developments in Tibet and China. Branch security office help Tibetans to obtain and renew their residential permits from the Indian authorities.
7) Department of Health :- Runs sixty one Primary Health Care centres and six referral hospitals in almost all the Tibetan communities in India and abroad.
7) Planning Council :- It institutionalize the planning process within the Tibetan community and integrate, coordinate and set priorities among the many developmental activities undertaken within the Tibetan community in exile.
The local Tibetan Assembly (LTA) of CTA, form the settlement's policies, rules and directives. There are between eleven to thirty eight members who are elected for a five-year term. Each village also elects a leader who acts as a Liaison between the Representative's office and the public. The Indian Government began to allocate substantial aid for the rehabilitation of refugees. The different state governments began to allocate land for the resettlement of Tibetan refugees. As per available information, Tibetan Refugees settlements primarily in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Switzerland, the United States and Canada for which huge donations from various sources, including $2.25 million from the US Congress, is received.
Soon after the first refugees started coming to India, the Department of Home was established to coordinate the immediate relief assistance for them and to find a long term solution for the resettlement of Tibetan refugees. Today there are 54 Tibetan settlements throughout India, Bhutan and Nepal, 26 agricultural, 17 agro-industrial and 11 handicraft-based. The Tibetan refugee population has grown to approximately 121,143. According to a 1994 census 69,426 Tibetan refugees live in settlements, another 51,715 live in scattered communities across the Indian subcontinent. The Dalai Lama's Central Tibetan Relief Committee, created in 1960, works with the Ministry of Labor and Rehabilitation of the Government of India and various voluntary organizations. The rehabilitation of Tibetan refugees is being achieved through the schemes of Government of India as well as relief agencies under the Tibetan Administration in India. The numbers of villages in each settlement vary from 6 to 22 per settlement, with varying population from 3,500 to 11,700. The acreage of land per settlement varies from 3,400 to 11,643 acres. All the settlements have basic education facilities from nursery to higher secondary standard, places of worship, primary health care clinics and hospitals, and access to the traditional Tibetan Medicinal practice. There are also old age homes in three of the above five settlements. The major monasteries have also been re-established in these settlements. The settlement officer, known as the Representative of the Department of Home-CTA, administers each settlement. Some of them in India are as under.
Agricultural-based settlements :- 1) Choepheling, Miao 2) Changthang, 3) Leh Ladakh 4) Dickyi Larsoe, Bylakuppee 5) Dhondenling, Kollegal 6) Dhoeguling, Mundgod 7) Dhargyaling, Tezu
Doegu Yougyaling, Herbertpur, U.P. 9) Kunpheling, Rawangla, Sikkim 10) Lugsum-Samdupling, Bylakuppee 11) Lama Hatta, Darjeeling, West Bengal 12) Norgyaling Tibetan settlement, 13) Bhandara, India 14) Phuntsokling Tibetan settlement, Orissa 15) Phendeyling, Mainpat 16) Rabgyaling, Hunsur 17) Sonamling, Leh Ladakh 18) Tenzingang, Bomdila
Agro-Industrial-based settlements :- 1) Bir Society, H.P. 2) Dolanji, H.P. 3) Dhondupling, Dehra Dun, U.P. 4) Tibetan Khampa industrial Society, Bir, H.P. 5) Kham kathok Tibetan Society, Sautan, H.P. 6) Tibetan Taopon Gapa Welfare Society, Kamrao, H.P. 7) Lingtsang, Dehra Dun, U.P.
Tibetan Cholusm Industrail Society, Paonta, H.P. 9) Tibetan Industrail Rehabilitation Society, Chauntra, H.P. 10) Tashi ling Tibetan Camp, Pandho, H.P. 11) Sakya Tibetan Society, Purwala, H.P. 12) Tibetan Refugee Cooperative Collective Farming Society, Sonada, West Bengal 13) Tibetan Craft Community, Tashi Jong, H.P.
In each of the settlements there are Cooperative societies having their own Board of Directors. Their duty is to determine their own policies. The Chief Representative cum South Zone development coordinator's office is also known as Dalai Lama's Central Tibetan Relief Committee acts as the relief wing of Department of Home of CTA.
In 1959 Pundit Nehru created the Society for Tibetan Education within the Indian Ministry of Education. Today there are 85 Tibetan schools in India, Nepal and Bhutan with a current enrolment of 27,230 students. The 45,550 children who have attended these schools are the first Tibetans in history to have a modern, multilingual education. The CTA hopes to build a vocational training centre for new arrivals near Kathmandu by purchasing land in northern India. Tibetan refugees born in India are entitled to Indian citizenship according to Section 3, of the Indian Citizenship Act; 1955. Tibetan refugees have been issued certificates of identity, which enables them to seek employment take part in other economic activities and travel abroad.
Various CTA Departments / Institutes
The Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (ltwa) :- It was established in 1971 as a repository for ancient cultural objects, books and manuscripts from Tibet. The Library has eight departments: research and translation; publications; oral history and film documentation; reference (reading room); Tibetan studies; Tibetan manuscripts; a museum and a school for thangka painting and woodcarving. It has a team of Tibetan scholars engaged in research, translation, instruction and the publication of books. The Library has acquired a reputation as an international centre for Tibetan studies. To date, more than five thousand scholars and research students from over thirty countries have benefited from this unique educational institution. For research scholars and students, the Library offers hostel accommodation on a first-come-first-served basis. A schedule of courses is available from the Library office. The Library publishes The Tibet Journal, a scholarly and international journal on Tibetan culture. The monthly Sheja and weekly Tibetan Freedom in the Tibetan language are published by the Department of Information and International Relations. It also publishes Tibetan Bulletin, a bimonthly magazine in English, Tibbat Desh, a bimonthly in Hindi, and Tibet Bulletin, a bimonthly in Chinese. Tibetan Youth Congress brings out Rangzen in both Tibetan and English. The Institute of Buddhist Dialectics publishes Lhaksam Tsekpa to interpret the broad issues of western political thought and ideas. The Department of Religion and Culture publishes Cho-Yang, a glossy magazine on culture and Buddhism. Amnye Machen Institute publishes yearly Cairn and Lungta in English. Tibetan Review, an independent monthly journal in English, is published from Delhi and is read by Tibetans all over the world.
Amnye Machen Institute :- Is a centre for advanced Tibetan studies. The institute addresses the limitations in the intellectual, social and cultural life of the Tibetan people both inside and outside Tibet. IT exposes Tibetans to western literature and culture by translating them into Tibetan. It brings out two yearly journals in English, entitled Cairn and Lungta. Frequent lectures, seminars and discussion on Tibetan Buddhism, language, culture, history and politics organized. The Department of Information and International Relations organizes a weekly Tibet Awareness Program on Thursday.
Tibetan Medical And Astro Institute :- Is a huge complex in a spacious compound where the fundamentals of traditional Tibetan medical practice are taught to over fifty students per year. The TMAI has a dispensary, an inpatient unit and a surgical ward. This clinic, as well as its branch in McLeod Gunj, treats patients from all over the world. About two hundred different pills are produced at the institute and distributed to thirty six branch clinics in India and Nepal. They are also mailed abroad. The institute today is staffed by a group of Tibetan physicians including Dalai Lama's two personal doctors who carry out research and chemical analysis on over 2,294 drugs. TMAI physicians also go abroad at the invitation of universities, medical institutions and groups of patients. An astrological department of TMAI besides providing training in the exacting science of Tibetan astrology, publishes an annual lunar calendar based on the Tibetan system of astrological calculations. Individual horoscopes are made by the department on request.
Tibetan Derek Hospital :- It is assisted by volunteer doctors and dentists from the west, Delek Hospital is managed entirely by Tibetans in exile. It has a surgery and maternity ward, as well as an outpatient clinic, laboratory and pharmacy. One unit works solely towards the eradication of tuberculosis in the Tibetan community. There is also a mobile team for community health and an eye clinic. The hospital trains Tibetan health workers for practice in the Tibetan settlements.
Tibetan Handicraft Centre :- This carpet-weaving centre is established to promote the traditional Tibetan craft of carpet-making and to generate employment in the Tibetan community. It has a showroom in the town's main street.
Tibetan Children Village (TCV) :- The Tibetan children's Village runs a chain of fifteen schools, with over ten thousand students, in different parts of India. The main village, known as the Upper TCV, is based on a hill two kilometers from McLeod Ganj. It educates and looks after the upbringing of about three thousand students. Upper TCV consists of thirty eight homes, four hostels and a baby room to care for months-old infants through to boys and girls of sixteen. It has modern school buildings ranging from nursery to high school, sports grounds, staff quarters, a dispensary, a handicraft centre, etc. These are spread over an area of about forty three acres.
Yongling School : – The Yongling school looks after the educational needs of kindergarten children before they are eligible for established schools like TCV. In winter, Yongling school also acts as a home to children whose parents go down to the plains of India to sell garments.
Monasteries, Nunneries and Other Religious Sites :- Tantrik Buddhism (Brahmanism) is the cultural life in Dharamsala. In Namgyal Monastery, the Tantric college performs rituals.
Namgyal Monastery :- At present, the monastery has more than 180 monks, of which the younger monks study the major texts of Buddhist Sutra and Tantra. Namgyal Monastery has also a cafe, bookshop and guest house adjacent to the Tsuglag Khang.
Tsuglag Khang :- Is known as the Main Temple. In 1992 a new prayer hall was added to the Tsuglag Khang complex with fine frescoes of the Kalachakra Tantra cycle. The Central Cathedral is also the site of public prayers, sermons and certain religious festivities, including monastic dances.
Namgyalma Stupa :- It is located in the centre of McLeod Gunj. Day and night, devotees turn prayer wheels as they circumambulate the Stupa, reciting mantras.
Gaden Choeling Nunnery :- The present strength of the nunnery is over a hundred. Meditation, prayer, debate, the reading of scriptures, the performance of religious ceremonies and the training of young nuns are main activities.
Dolmaling And Shugseb Nunneries :- These nunneries were founded in the early 1990s to house and educate nuns escaping Tibet. Shugseb lies in a quiet forest setting one kilometer from Om Restaurant. The four-acre site, designed to accommodate up to 300 nuns in future, currently houses over 100 "new arrival" nuns from Tibet.. Phase Two of this ambitious project will add a temple and Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies to the current accommodation infrastructure.
Trilokpur Nunnery :- Trilokpur nunnery is located half way between Dharamsala and Pathankot.
Dip-Ste-chokling Monastery :- It is idyllic, golden-roofed monastery. Apart from the Tibetan monks, Tsechokling has a small number of foreign Buddhist students who study and reside there. It also offers a guest house.
The Institute of Buddhist Dialectics :- It offers two main courses in the study of Buddhist philosophy: a seven-year course in Prajnaparamita (The Perfection of Wisdom) and a three-year course in Madhyamika (Nagarjuna's Treatise on the Middle Path). The training offered is comprehensive; besides the prescribed courses, the students study western philosophy, political science, Tibetan literature, script and poetry. It has, Western, Indian, Mongolian and other Asian students. The Institute has a branch school near a village called Gaggal.
Nechung Monastery :- About seventy monks study here and carry on the secret and sacred rituals. Nechung Monastery also runs a popular guest house and cafe.
Gadong Monastery :- Gadong Monastery has fifteen monks and is largely supported by its restaurant and guest house.
Tushita Retreat Centre :- Is situated in a very quite and peaceful wood, is an ideal place for meditation and spiritual retreats. The centre is residential and open throughout the year for both individual and group retreats. Tushita provides frequent courses on various aspects of Tibetan Tantrik Buddhism.
Gyto and Gyme tantric Colleges :- McLeod Gunj branches of these two monastic universities, specializing in ritual chanting.
Gaden Shartse and Jangtse :- The main monastic university of Gaden is in South India, but two of its colleges, Shartse and Jangtse, maintain branches here in McLeod Gunj.
Retreat Caves :- Retreat huts and caves of Tibetan lamas and monks to meditate in peace and seclusion are above Bhagsunag waterfall about two hours journey from McLeod Gunj.
Lhagyal-Ri (Lhasoel Ground) :- Here Tibetans perform their rituals of appeasement and atonement to the protecting deities and guardian Gods.
Nyungne Lhakang :- The Nyungne Lhakang organizes fasts, especially in the Saka Dawa month.
CTA Reception Centre : – The refugees usually arrive first in Nepal, from where they make their way to Dharamsala via Delhi. Branch reception centres in Kathmandu and Delhi give free food and lodging to new refugees and are guided to their onward destinations. The Reception Centre also helps the new refugees to find employment, join schools and monasteries, or start small business enterprises in India, for which it provides capital and training.
THE TIBETAN FUND :- Over the past two decades, Tibet Fund has steadily increased the amount of funding it provides to its many programs and now contributes over $3 million a year. The amount requested on various health related programmes and projects during year 1996-97 is given in tables 1 & 2 on page 15 and 16. This is the budget for health facilities only. For other departments of CTA the enormous expenditure can be imagined. It is alleged that the Dalai Lama and his CTA is funded by secret services of imperialist and capitalist countries such as CIA of America, MOSSAD of Israel and RAW of Indian government. With all these help illiterate and alien Tibetan refugees of 1959 have emerged as one of the most successful refugee communities of the world. Today, streams of Tibetan refugees from all over the world flock to McLeod Gunj.
The CTA run following mass organizations :-
The Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) :- It is the largest, and one of the most politically active Tibetan organizations in exile expanded worldwide.
The Tibetan Women's Association (TWA) :- It is an organization working for the political freedom and social upliftment of Tibetan women. They are involved with the rehabilitation and education of nuns escaping from Tibet. In the recent years, the association has undertaken a campaign to raise the political awareness of Tibetan women in order to encourage them to participate fully in the political process of the exile community.
From the expenditure shown in grant request for 1996-97 in following table one can imagine the immense income that Dalai Lama is receiving.
Table 1 : Grant Request For 1996-97 | Rupees |
TB Ward at Dickylling Settlement, Dehra Dun | 920000 |
TB Ward and Staff Quarters at Tsojhe Khangsar Hospital Bylakupe | 2392287 |
Health Education | 935000 |
Additional Water Supply, Ravangha, Sikkim | 57861 |
Tube Well for Old aged home, Herberpur | 309695 |
Toilet and Bathroom for Choukur Students' Hostel, Bylakupe | 102960 |
Latrine and Bathroom at the Tibetan Nehru Memorial Foundation School, Clement Town | 105984 |
Public Latrine and Septic Tank,Mcleod Ganj, Dharamshala | 278204 |
Repairing the Building of Dhondeling Van Thial Hospital, Kollegal | 505000 |
Rehabilitation and Treatment Centre for Tortured Victims, Dharamshala | 3471000 |
Multiple Handicap Rehabilitation Centre, Doon Valley | 5849400 |
Drug Supply Sundernagar Primary health centre | 100000 |
Medical Treatment of Tortured Victims | 435000 |
Drug Supply Rewalsar Primary Health Centre | 100000 |
The Epidemiology Data Analysis and Training Unit, Dharamshala | 755000 |
Health Training Centre, Dharamshala Guest House as income generating Project, New Delhi Purchase of 486 Computers for Health Data Section | 4844500 |
Health Training Centre, Dharamshala Guest House as income generating Project, New Delhi | 7491319 |
Purchase of 486 Computer for Health Data Section | 188968 |
Medical Staff Training |
Doctors Kollegal Settlement Mundgod Settlement Doon Valley Settlement | 290000 |
Nurses : Miao Settlement Bhandhara Settlement Lunsur Settlement Kollegal Settlement Orrisa Settlement | 295000 |
Pharmacist Doon Valley | 96000 |
Laboratory Technitian Doon Valley Kollegal | 90000 |
CHWs Training (10) | 93800 |
Refresher Course for CHWs (20) | 99500 |
Medical Equipment : 10 Microscopes 4 X-ray Plants 5 Refrigerators 10 Autoclaves , Other general equipments. | 1450000 |
Ambulance for Tenzingang Settlement Bomdila | 520000 |
From following extracts from newspapers it become obvious that Tibetan Refugees are given exceptionally favorable treatment by Arya-Brahminists riding government of India.
1) The traditional Tibetan wine, Chhang, the source of livelihood for Tibetan refugees for the past 45 years, will not be sold in the Capital from today. The drink, made by fermenting barley or rice, is not a certified liquor and has been found to have ill-effects on health. "Apart from the health aspect, there have also been law-and-order problems due to consumption of this intoxicating drink," said DCP North District Rajesh Khurana. The announcement to this effect was made here jointly by the Delhi Police and Tibetan Welfare office. Describing the ban as voluntary and not an enforced one, Welfare Officer Sonam Tsering said, "When Tibetan refugees came to India in 1964, they had no other means to earn a livelihood. So, brewing of Chhang was started on a commercial scale, but today with improvement in sources of income the vendors themselves want to give up this profession." Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama has lauded the effort and sanctioned Rs 17,25,000 for the rehabilitation of Chhang vendors, which was distributed today. Speaking at the function, local MLA P S Sawhney said Delhi Government would consider granting some valid Tehbazaris to these people so they could start another business and not resort to the Chhang business again. (From Tribune and other news papers).
Would Arya-Brahminists riding government of India allow any indigenous community to sell liquor even for a day ?
2) Tribune News Service DHARAMSALA, Jan. 3 — The pressure is being mounted on the state government to renew 20 year lease for renewal of five kanals of prime land in McLeodganj market at the old rate of Rs 1,700 per annum to the Tibetan Government-in-Exile. The local municipal committee wanted that the lease amount should be increased as several Tibetan refugees who had set up restaurants, shops and residences on this land were now fairly well off. The municipal council, at one of its meeting, passed a resolution that if the land was to be leased again then the agreement should be with Tibetans and not with their government. "When the Tibetan government is itself charging rent from its people who have set up shops and restaurants on this land, then why should the municipal council not get the amount directly", said one of the officials.
The locals in McLeodganj and Dharamsala have always resented the special treatment meted out to the Tibetans. "Most of the Tibetans here are better off than us and despite this we are the ones who face the brunt of the government rules and regulations," A majority of the locals say that "The authorities did not hesitate to demolish the illegal shops constructed by Indians. However, the Tibetans continue to encroach upon forest land". Although eviction orders were passed on forest encroachments by the Tibetans in McLeodganj in 1992, they still had not been executed. (From Tribune)
It has also been alleged that Tibetans were buying up large tracts of land through Benami? transactions. (According to the Himachal Pradesh Tenancy Act only Himachalis can buy land in the state) There were incidents of violence also against the refugees in 1994, when a local youth was killed by a Tibetan youth. The relative prosperity of the Tibetans is also a cause of strain between the two communities.
Dalai Lama's Relation with
Terrorist and Fascist organizations of Tri-Iblis
It was the SS ( an elite military unit of the Nazi party ) who explored Tibet and it was a former SS trooper Heinrich Harrer who schooled the Dalai Lama. Harrer had become young Dalai Lama's personal tutor until the early 50s, and teaching him about all the "wonders" of western civilization and introducing him to the English language as well. ( The Shadow of the Dalai Lama – Part II – 11. The Shambhala Myth and the west © Victor & Victoria Trimondi)
In April 1999, along with Margaret Thatcher, Pope John Paul II, and the first George Bush, the Dalai Lama called upon the British government to release Augusto Pinochet, the former fascist dictator of Chile and a longtime CIA client who had been apprehended while visiting England. The Dalai Lama urged that Pinochet not be forced to go to Spain where he was wanted to stand trial for crimes against humanity. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
In addition to his links to Nazism, the Dalai Lama is also known to have enjoyed close connections with the notorious Japanese Aum Doomsday Cult. The illegal cult is well-known to all for the deadly subway poisoning it plotted in Tokyo in 1995. The gas poisoning killed 12 people and injured more than 5,000. On February 27, 2004, a Tokyo court sentenced Shoko Asahara, founder of the Aum Doomsday Cult, to death on charges of 13 crimes and the Japanese highest court turned down his appeal and upheld the original ruling in September 2006.
As peace-loving people across the world heaped their anger and criticisms on the Asahara-led Aum Doomsday Cult, the Dalai Lama, however, argued in an interview with Kyodo News Agency that the illegal group aimed at spreading Buddhist tenets and claimed Asahara was still his bosom friend. His remarks astounded the whole world at that time. The Dalai Lama's unlimited support to the Aum Doomsday cult was attributed to his close relations with its head. On his trip to Japan in 1984, the Dalai Lama met with 29-year-old Asahara and they met once again in India in 1986. Asahara established the Aum Doomsday Cult after he came back from this trip. A year later, Asahara went to the South Asian nation and met with the Dalai Lama again. Dalai Lama told Asahara during their meeting "Buddhism is decadent in Japan and you are the most suitable person to plant real Buddhism in your country because you know best the Buddha's innermost ideas,". It was after this meeting that the two built a tutor-student relationship.
Dalai Lama even wrote in 1989 a letter to the Tokyo authorities recommending Asahara's Aum Doomsday Cult be recognized as a formal religious group in Japan. His attempt was later realized. In a letter of thanks to the Dalai Lama after the Aum Doomsday Cult acquired legal status in Japan, Asahara vowed to his tutor Dalai Lama, "I will try my best to help Tibet be returned to the hands of Tibetans." Under the instructions of the Dalai Lama, Asahara later sneaked into China's Tibet twice to preach "Tibet independence." In collusion with Asahara, the Dalai Lama attempted to set up a pro-"Tibet independence" team in Japan. ( Dalai Lama's Nexus With Extremists ; This is an excerpt from an article recently published in the Phoenix Weekly. The English version is reprinted from the December 26, 2008 edition of China Daily)
In addition to Nazis, Dalai Lama also maintained his close ties with Arya-Brahmin fascist organizations and opposed religious conversions.
"Whether Hindu or Muslim or Christian, whoever tries to convert, it's wrong, not good," "I always believe it's safer and better and reasonable to keep one's own tradition or belief," Dalai Lama said after a meeting with leaders of the World Hindu Council. He barefoot and giggling sprinkled himself water from the Ganges at the Kumbh Mela festival. "I'm very happy to be here," the Dalai Lama told journalists. He spoke after the Hindu Council's general secretary, Ashok Singhal, had said, "Buddhism, Hinduism and other non-aggressive religions have to unite to douse Islam … an aggressive religion." The Dalai Lama and others signed a statement saying: "We oppose conversions by any religious tradition using various methods of enticement." ( Dalai Lama condemns Christian, Muslim practice of seeking converts January 26, 2001)
According to Dalit Voice, Dalai Lama is not ready to support the Buddhist claim for the 1500 year old Mahabodhi temple at Bodh Gaya which is still under the control of Bahmins who were responsible for destroying Buddhism in India about 3000 years ago ? Dalai Lama has not only refused to support the Buddhists' rightful demand but actually he is supporting the Brahminical terrorist parties who are the enemies of Buddhists. That is why the Ambedkarite Buddhists in India hate Dalai Lama who once seriously offended the followers of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar by saying in Bangalore that "Dr. Ambedkar's Buddhism is no Buddhism". Dalai Lama is an American agent and hence enemy of India. (Dalit Voice, 16-31 December 2006)
The neo-Buddhist monks distributed a pamphlet in Hindi, Bharat ki bhoomi par gair desh ki sarkar (An alien government on the Indian soil) questioning the logic of the Dalai Lama running a government-in-exile in India. ( The Phantoms of Chittagong)
A supporter of Dalai Lama writes that a section of neo-Buddhist monks claiming to be the followers of the great B.R.Ambedkar and Buddhism organized under the banner of Bodh Gaya Mahabodhi Vihar All India Action Committee was seen trying real hard to plant all the right conditions and atmosphere for the disruption of the Kalachakra Puja. Printed materials denouncing and accusing the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government in Exile (TGIE). They questioned the existence of His Holiness and the TGIE on Indian soil and termed the activities of His Holiness as a 'CIA sponsored show'. They demand to expel the Dalai Lama and the Karmapa from India. (Dharma versus Politics By Tsering Tsomo, Phayul Reporter Saturday, January 18, 2003) Buddhist monks have raised objections to the proposal to honor Tibetan leader Dalai Lama with the Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian honor in India. ( Indian monks oppose Bharat Ratna to Dalai Lama)
Shamsul Islam reminds of an incident in 1992 when a street theater group tried to meet Dalai Lama in Kanpur to protest against his participation in the RSS and its fronts programs which were being organized prior to the demolition of the Babri mosque. It was November 9, 1992, a day after Dalai Lama inaugurated the ABVP conference in Kanpur and within a month Babri mosque was demolished. Members of the Delhi-based street theatre group which happened to be performing in the city against communal mobilization was bashed up in the presence of Dalai Lama himself for daring to protest against Dalai Lama's participation in the RSS build-up. "Amidst thunderous applause, the president of the ABVP, Raj Kumar Bhatia had informed the distinguished visitor (Dalai Lama) about the commitments of ABVP, viz., reconstruction of the temple at Ramjanmabhoomi and that ABVP activists' participation in the December 6 Karseva in large numbers." Thus nothing was hidden from Dalai Lama. It was in his presence that the RSS chalked out its December 6 carnage program. Isn't it true that Dalai Lama had blessed this program by inaugurating the conference ? This conference of the ABVP held in Kanpur, close to Ayodhya, was not a routine conference of the student wing of the RSS but highly significant for making final preparations for the demolition of the Babri mosque. It is alleged that it was here that a model of the mosque was constructed to acclimatize the cadres with the task of demolishing the Babri mosque on 6 December. ( Open letter to HH Dalai Lama – Shamsul Islam)
Dalai Lama's Special frontier force helped Arya-Brahminists in their black-operations.
Mostly Khampas, were recruited at Chakrat, Dehradun, UP. the unit was named the Special Frontier Force. Its forces were trained and commanded by the Indian Army and CIA. The SFF became known by the code name "Establishment 22″ because of its inspector general, who during World War II commanded the 22nd Mountain Regiment. It was used against East Pakistan with the consent of Dalai Lama in 1971. About one-third of its full strength was developed adjacent to the Chittagong Hill Tracts as Mukti Bahini. ( Establishment 22) Under the cover of the Mukti Bahini, Tibetans infiltrated East Pakistan a few weeks before the beginning of the war. They conducted raids to destroy bridges and communication lines deep inside Pakistan's eastern province. The operation was so secret that most generals of the Indian Army's Eastern Command in Calcutta did not know about the activities of 3,000 Tibetans Jawans commanded by a Tibetan Dapon (the equivalent of a brigadier of the Indian Army) who helped the Indian Army advance. From the day of its inception in November 1962, the Force had been placed under the Cabinet Secretary, which in fact meant the Indian prime minister. In 1971, the founder of the Research and Analysis Wing, R N Kao, by-passing the army, directly sent orders from Delhi to the Tibetan force. An Indian web site [Bharat Rakshak] provides more information on the SFF's achievements in Bangladesh :- 'With war right around the corner, the SFF was given several mission plans, including the destruction of the Kaptai Dam and other bridges. The Inspector General urged that the SFF be used to capture Chittagong, but this was found not favorable, since SFF members did not have artillery or airlift support to conduct a mission of that magnitude. After three weeks of border fighting, the SFF divided its six battalions into three columns and moved into East Pakistan on 03 December 1971.' By the time Pakistan surrendered, the SFF had lost 56 men — nearly 190 were wounded — but they blocked a potential escape route for East Pakistani forces into Burma. They also halted members of Pakistan's 97 Independent Brigade and 2 Commando Battalion in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. ( The Phantoms of Chittagong) The Indian government gave awards to 580 members of the force for their active involvement and bravery in the battles. ( Establishment 22)
It remains one of the most secret the participation of Tibetan commandos known as the 'Special Frontier Forces' in the military operations at the Golden Temple complex {of Amritsar, Punjab in which hundreds of Sikhs were butchered} in Operation Blue Star. After their outstanding participation in the liberation of Bangladesh, Indira Gandhi became enamored with the SFF. It was soon nicknamed as Indira Fauj. But their role and actions have continued to be shrouded in mystery. It is rumored that in 1977, an AN12 aircraft was on constant alert at a SFF paratrooper base with instructions to fly the prime minister to Mauritius if her life was threatened. Whether it is true or not, very few can say! By the early 1980s, the SFF's Special Group had become the primary counter-terrorist force in India. ([Reader-list] Tibetan faujis in Bluestar tenzin tsetan ttsetan at Sat Jun 26 06:51:06 CEST 2004) SFF also lost their lives on the Siachen Glacier and during the Kargil conflict in 1999. ( The Phantoms of Chittagong)
Current Scenario in Tibet
A 1999 story in the Washington Post notes that few Tibetans would welcome a return of the corrupt aristocratic clans that fled with Dalai Lama in 1959 and that comprise the bulk of his advisers. Many Tibetan farmers, for example, have no interest in surrendering the land they gained during China's land reform to the clans. Tibet's former slaves say they, too, don't want their former masters to return to power. "I've already lived that life once before," said Wangchuk, a 67- year-old former slave who was wearing his best clothes for his yearly pilgrimage to Shigatse, one of the holiest sites of Tibetan Buddhism. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
Agents or supporters of capitalism in the garb of communists are termed as revisionists. Communist party had plenty of revisionists in China as well as in Tibet.
Storm of class struggle and revolutionary reforms in Tibet displeased some powerful revisionist forces inside the Chinese Communist Party itself. These forces were grouped around the party leader Liu Shao-chi, the top general Lin Piao, and Deng Xiaoping who rules China today. They had a completely different and quite capitalist view of what should be done with Tibet. Deng Xiaoping even suggested recruiting Tibet's upper strata lamas as Communist Party members. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama) Revolutionary cadres had given them tit for tat reply during cultural revolution in China and Tibet.
In 1976 the Maoist revolutionaries were overthrown in China. Much to the delight of the U.S. government, a pro-capitalist government came to power, headed by Deng Xiaoping. This anti-Maoist coup had severe repercussions for the people in Tibet. ( The True Story of Maoist Revolution in Tibet by Mike Ely) When "the sky changed" in revolutionary China, the new revisionist rulers focused on consolidating their rule. They had two immediate needs in Tibet: First, to overthrow and break up the vast revolutionary forces. And second, to unleash all available counterrevolutionary forces under their leadership. the whole generation of young Tibetan revolutionaries, overwhelmingly from the poor classes, were driven from power. By 1979 a new party leadership was consolidated–including many revisionist figures who had been discredited during revolutionary periods. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
On February 25, 1978 the Panchen Lama, one of old Tibet's greatest exploiters and a "reincarnated Buddha," was released from prison and given a prominent government post. Thirty-four prominent Tibetans from the CIA-backed 1959 revolt were released from prison. From 1977 on, U.S. officials started making regular trips to the region. The rehabilitation of new and old exploiters set the stage for a sweeping counterrevolution in all aspects of Tibetan life. The new revisionist rulers abolished socialist farming by stages. Wealthy pilgrims have returned to Lhasa, and starving beggars have reappeared too. Journalist Ludmilla Tüting reports seeing Tibetan peasants traveling to Lhasa to sell their children–something common under the old Lamaist rule. While the poor go hungry, 55,000 tons of yak meat are now being exported from Tibet to Hong Kong every year. In mid-1977 the revisionist party chairman Hua Guofeng called for a revival of feudal customs in Tibet. Feudal rituals were soon restored at Lhasa's main Lingkhor and Barkhor shrines. By the late '80s, the Chinese government said there were over 200 functioning monasteries–with perhaps as many 45,000 monks. At the end of the '80s, Li Peng (the butcher who ordered the Tiananmen Square massacre) was orchestrating the first officially sponsored "search for a reincarnated Buddha." In 1979 the revisionists announced Article 147 of their new legal system–making it a crime to challenge reactionary religious practices in Tibet. Almost all visitors to Tibet today report that the revisionist Han functionaries openly mock the masses of Tibetan people as "barbaric," "lazy" and "backward". ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
A delegation of RSS and other Arya-Brahminist fascists comprising Ram Madhav the spokesman of RSS, BJP vice president Bal Apte, Shivsena leader Suresh Prabhu, BJP MP Balvir Punj, and Arya-Brahminist media-man Chandan Mishra visited china recently. Communist party of China had invited delegation of Arya-Brahminist fascists considering that Arya-Brahminist industrialists are getting stronger and stronger in international arena and Chinese capitalists wanted to benefit from the collaboration with them. (Mahanayak, 13 January 2009)
Revisionists leaders of China have maintained relations with Arya-Brahminists From the very beginning. In 1966 when Sadhus of Sangh Parivar have demonstrated violently for ban on cow slaughter China had shocked every body by supporting this demonstration after which communal riots had broke out.
RAW-supported Tibetans in Nepal have held protests against China's rule over Tibet. In this regard, it is notable that on March 10, 2008, anti-government protests by Buddhist monks erupted in Tibet, flaring in nearby provinces. Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet who has lived in exile in India along with his 120,000 followers has been tacitly encouraged by RAW's invisible warriors ? enabling him to mobilize armed groups and international support to create instability in Tibetan regions of China. ( RAW's invisible warriors by Sajjad Shaukat)
Dalai Lama, before communist revolution had succeeded to the throne in 1940 after the approval of the then Chairman of China's national government. Tibet has never been an independent state and no government in the world has ever recognized it as such a state. The Tibetan people deserve the right to national self-determination. However, supporting their struggle should not mean that we uncritically support the self-proclaimed leadership of the Dalai Lama and his {CIA} compromised "government-in-exile".
Dalai Lama want to return to China with his CIA trained militants and spy-network trained and financed by CIA. But even the Tibetans in exile after they have experienced democracies now do not want to return to Tibet while the feudal oppressive Lamaism is being revived in Tibet.
Kim Lewis, who studied healing methods with a Buddhist monk in Berkeley, California, had occasion to talk at length with more than a dozen Tibetan women who lived in the monk's building. When she asked how they felt about returning to their homeland, the sentiment was unanimously negative. At first, Lewis thought their reluctance had to do with the Chinese occupation, but they quickly informed her otherwise. They said they were extremely grateful "not to have to marry 4 or 5 men, be pregnant almost all the time," or deal with sexually transmitted diseases contacted from a straying husband. The women interviewed by Lewis spoke bitterly about the monastery's confiscation of their young boys in Tibet. When a boy cried for his mother, he would be told "Why do you cry for her, she gave you up – she's just a woman." Among the other issues was "the rampant homosexuality in the Gelugpa sect. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
Dharmashala the Mossad-CIA Den in Himachal Pradesh ?
Dalit Voice has published a news titled " Jewish Den in Himachal ? " According to the news Dharmashala in Himachal Pradesh is proving to be a thorn in the neck of India with its Tibetan government in exile established by Dalai Lama, yet another dangerous species (Jews) are swarming into the Himalayan state. According to an article by Asit Jolly in the Asian age 19 November 2006, A thriving Jewish quarter has emerged in the adjoining Kulu and Manali valleys in the Himalayas, known as much for their salubrious climate and snow-capped peaks as for the quality of hashish available there. Over the past 15 years, these overcrowded but still picturesque resorts on the Beas river have emerged as the new "promised land" to which thousands of Jews annually migrate for extended periods for an uninterrupted fest of drugs, rock n roll and karmic cleansing. According to Himachal state officials, nearly two third of estimated 90,000 foreign tourists that visit old Manali, Vashishth, Kasol and Naggar each year are young Israeli backpackers. A tiny Zionist state is in the making but the Brahminical rulers have simply ignored….. (Dalit Voice, 16-31 December 2006)
Part IV
Post Independence Arya-Brahmin Refugees
Table of Contents : Part IV
Arya-Brahminist Partition Refugees
Partition of India was an Arya-Brahminist conspiracy and their imperialist master to protect exploitation system by dividing indigenous Bahujans on religion, caste and provinces.
Arya-Brahminists riding government of India created a separate ministry to rehabilitate their Arya-Brahminist refugees coming from west and east Pakistan. A Savarna Refugee was made minister of this department who spent Billions of treasury money extracted from the blood and sweet of indigenous Bahujan masses through direct and indirect taxes and were spent generously on Arya-Brahminist refugees.
Arya-Brahminists of Punjab and Sindh were settled in big cities and given generous economical aid. They were given land at nominal cost to start their own business. They were given interest free loans. Licence and quota was generously granted to them. They were helped in every respect till the their Arya-Brahminist refugees did not attain the status of rulers of India.
Dr. Subodh Biswas of Nagpur, has highlighted how Punjabi and Sindhi Arya-Brahminists are treated. According to him :-
1) The benefits from government are still continued to Arya-Brahminists refugees.
2) The 70 lacs acre land left by Muslims going to Pakistan was distributed among Arya-Brahminist refugees.
3) Seven lac houses left behind by Muslims going to Pakistan were distributed among the Arya-Brahminist refugees.
4) Arya-Brahminists riding government of India gave 91 Crore Rupees as compensation to Arya-Brahminist refugees for the property they left in Pakistan.
5) For company Shares and other property left in Pakistan Arya-Brahminist refugees received 2 Lac 21 thousand houses.
6) The Arya-Brahminist refugees retired from their service received their pension, provident fund as well as the Arya-Brahminist refugees who had job received job in India. The number of such persons till 1964 is 2 Lac and two thousand.
7) The 92 thousand Arya-Brahminist refugees received technical and other education by government of India till 1965 to enable them to earn handsomely.
Arya-Brahminist refugees received economical aid to purchase land.
9) 60 thousand Arya-Brahminist refugees of west Pakistan were rehabilitated in the capital Delhi.
10) Arya-Brahminist refugees of west Pakistan received money and raw material to raise their factories.
11) Arya-Brahminist refugees of west Pakistan received economical aid as compensation.
12) All promises made with Pakistan government were fulfilled for Arya-Brahminist refugees of west Pakistan.
Therefore Arya-Brahminist refugees have become masters of this country while indigenous Bahujans are degraded to the status off slaves since nun of the above was provided to them.
The Arya-Brahminists well-settled in foreign countries opting foreign nationality are awarded dual nationality by Arya-Brahminists riding the government of India. In addition to that 15% seats are also reserved for their children in educational institutes of India.
Prosperity Attained by Sindhi Arya-Brahmin Refugees
How much prosperity is attained by Sindhi refugees in India and Sindhi oversees can be understood from the following account. The richest Sindhi family today is the Hinduja brothers, evaluated at more than 1,000 crore rupees. Moorjani of Hong Kong dominates the world Jeans market with a $ 1 billion turnover. The biggest builders in Miami, Florida, USA's most posh state, are Melwani and Shyam Sani and Ram Kripalani with their booming business is the Uncrowned King of Trinidad in the West Indies. They have established some of the finest institutions in Bombay and elsewhere. The Wattumull Institute of Computer Technology and Engineering has equipment worth two crore of rupees. Hotchand Gopaldas and Khushi Kundnani, have not only set up a dozen colleges in Bombay, their Jai Hind College and K.C. College are two of the best colleges in India's premier city. Jaslok Hospital (named after Jasoti — Sindhization of Yashoda – and Lokumal) is the most famous in the country. The Vivekananda Education Society of Bombay and the Mira Education Society of Pune are two big Sindhi educational institutes. T.M. Advani became Vice-Chancellor of Bombay and Kashmir universities. K.L. Punjabi became Chief Secretary of Maharashtra, and Sadhwani, of Gujrat. Ms. Dr. K.A. Advani is Principal of the 125 year old Government Law College of Bombay, the biggest and best in Asia.
Raheja Bros. alone have put up a thousand flat system buildings in Bombay. Jethi Sipahimalani's Navjiwan Housing Colonies in Mahim, Chembur and Bombay Central are made by Sindhis. Atur Sangtani of Pune is not only big in construction, he runs The Poona Herald. However, the greatest builder of them all was Bhai Partap who built the twin cities of Adipur (residential) and Gandhidham (commercial) for Kandla Port. T.V. Mansukhani heads HMT (Hindustan Machine Tools), M.J. Pherwani heads Ashok Leyland; Samat (-ani) is No. 2 in Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited; R.G. Keswani is president, All India Electrical Manufacturers' Association. G.S. Ramchand led Indian cricket. T.N. Idnani was the member for Power in the Central Water and Power Commission.
Dr. Menda presided over the Indian Medical Association and Prof. G.R. Malkani, over the Indian Philosophical Congress. Ram Jethmalani led the Indian Bar Council for years. Justice Nain presided over the MRTPC (Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission); Justice Chainani over the Bombay High Court; and Justice Thadhani over the Assam High Court. G.G. Mirchandani heads the UNI (United News of India), a leading national news agency. Business India is run by Ashok Advani. Prof. K. N. Vaswani leads the Vivekananda" Rock Memorial Committee in Kanyakumari. Hari Atmaram is a trustee of Vishwa Hindu Parishad.
M. K. Kripalani was ambassador in Canada, Khilnani in Kenya and Vishnu Ahuja in Russia. Maj.-Gen. Hira and Vice-Admiral Tahliani, Admiral Nanda – the victor of the sea war in 1971. G.P. Sippy is a leader of the film industry, closely followed by N.C. Sippy and several others. Leading film directors include Govind Nihalani ("Aakrosh"), Raj Sippy, Ramesh Sippy, Kumar Shahani. Leading Sindhi cine artists include Sudhir, Mach Mohan, Raj Kiran (Mahtani) Asrani, Sheila Ramani, Babita, Sadhana and many others. In politics, Acharya Kripalani was a colossus, Jairamdas served with distinction as member of Parliament, cabinet minister and governor. L.K. Advani is in the front rank of Indian politics. Hashu Advani occupies a similar position in Maharashtra. Sucheta Kirpalani, Dr. Choithram, Prof. N.R. Malkani, Ram Jethmalani, Krishna Kripalani have made their name in Parliament. Bhanu Kumar Shastri stormed Sukhadia's citadel in Udaipur to enter the Lok Sabha with a bang in 1977.
Mrs. Gandhi recollected in a Sindhi conference held in New Delhi in October 1983, that way back in the Nineteen Thirties she had noticed a Sindhi shop even in an obscure village on the island of Sicily. Others had found a Sindhi enterprise even on Falkland Islands near the South Pole. Even in an offbeat place like Fyzabad (Ayodhya) they are so numerous and prosperous that their annual Jhoolay Lal procession is an event like a mini- Republic Day.
Even before Partition, while reading Gurbani and visiting Gurdwaras, the Sindhis always read Hindu scriptures and bowed to all gods and pilgrimaged to all shrines. With few exceptions, they were not Khalsas or Sardarjis. Today the portraits of Guru Nanak and Jhoolay Lal are found side by side in Sindhi temples and homes.
In the religious field, Dada Jashan Vaswani, Sant Lila Shah, Holy Guru Nanak Mission. Dada Chellaram's "Nij Thanw", Brahmakumaris, and several other organizations are run.
There have been many distinguished marriage alliances with non-Sindhi Arya-Brahminists not converted as well as converted. Pre-Partition Sindh had witnessed Acharya's marriage to Sucheta Majumdar, Krishna Kripalani's to Nandita, Tagore's granddaughter, and Gopi Mukhi's to Gauba of Lahore. Later Sundari Bhavnani (Triveni Kala Sangam) married Krishnalal Shridharani. Kamla Malkani married Lokpati – and- became Kamlapati Tripathi's "Banut. Vishnu Ahuja married Nuruddin's daughter Amina. Bhai Pratap's daughter Nirmala married Balu Patwardhan, brother of Achhyut Patwardhan, Rajmohan Gandhi, grandson of the Mahatma, married Usha Kukreja of Larkana. Shirin Advani married Jehangir, son of M.C. Chagla (so called Muslim). Sadhana Shivdasani (actress) married Nayyar, Babita Shivdasani married Randhir Kapoor and Poonam Chandiramani married Shatrughan Sinha.
Politically Displaced Arya-Brahminists of Kashmir
It is alleged that a large number of the Kashmir Pundits left the Kashmir valley on the initiation and instigation of Mr Jagmohan, the then Governor of Jammu and Kashmir.
Most of the internally displaced Kashmir Pundits live in Delhi and Jammu. Around 56,148 families have migrated from Kashmir since year 1990. 34,690 families of the total number are living in Jammu, 19338 in Delhi and 2120 families are living in other parts of the country. Around 12,000 families have been provided shelter at Purkhu, Mutti, Mishriwala, Nagrotam Udhamput and Jammu city. According to the news ofDecember 14, 2006 the home minister informed that financial assistance being provided to Kashmiri migrants in Jammu and Delhi was being raised to Rs 4000 per family from Rs 3000 and 3200 respectively with effect from July 1, 2006.
According to chief minister Ghulam Nabi Azad, around 671 kanals of land has been identified at Nagrota where a total of 5,242 two-room flats will be constructed under the Prime Minister's Reconstruction Programme and Rs 189 crore has been earmarked for it. (DNA – India – Relocation plan for the Kashmiri Pundits – Daily News & Analysis.htm)
18 three-roomed flats have been constructed at Mattan at an expenditure of Rs.1.08 crores for temporary stay of Kashmiri Pandit Migrants to enable them to experience the situation in the Valley and decide about their return. At Kheer Bhavani, 100 one-room tenements have been constructed and other renovation work such as Yatri Niwas, rain shelters, fencing of shrine, etc. have been completed at an expenditure of Rs.7.30 crores. Construction of 200 flats at Sheikhpora in Budgam district at an expenditure of Rs.20.00 crores is also nearing completion. The district authorities have identified at least 13 clusters of residential houses falling in "secure zones" of different parts of Anantnag for the return and rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandit migrants from outside the valley.
Government have approved an expenditure of Rs.59.18 crores for rehabilitation of 6072 families displaced from Akhnoor Tehsil, Jammu Division on account of border disturbances in the wake of the Kargil Conflict of 1999. The amount would be utilized for construction of houses at safe locations by allotting 5 marlas of land to each family, providing civic amenities in the rehabilitation colonies, purchase of a bullock pair for each family, lump sum grant of Rs.10,000/- to each family on account of losses to household furniture/fixtures, reclamation of 239.50 acres of agricultural land inundated by water and clearing of 3512 acres of agricultural land covered by thick undergrowth. A sum of Rs.10.00 crores has been provided to the State Government as advance towards implementation of the scheme. The State Government have released Rs.13.14 crores for 6072 families @ Rs.20,000/- per family and have further sanctioned Rs.18.79 crores for rehabilitation scheme.
The Nepali Refugees
Since 1950, India and Nepal have shared an open border, so citizens of both countries can travel to the other without documentation and theoretically share the same legal rights, with the exception of voting rights, as citizens. The Census of 1941 records that Nepal provided 45% immigrants to India. In the post-colonial period, the Indo-Nepal Friendship Treaty of 1950, revised in 1956, and the Tripartite Delhi Agreement of 1951 which gave them rights to engage in business, acquire property, settle, seek employment and move freely anywhere in India. Nepalis early in February 1984, and that those in possession of the RAP (Restricted Area Permit) do not come within the definition of `illegal migrants' and stand protected.
Afghan Refugees
More than 60,000 Afghan refugees came to India in the years following the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Afghan refugees entered India through Pakistan without any travel documents, were allowed entry through the Indo-Pakistan border till 1993. Most of the refugees had entered India through the Attari border near Amritsar in Punjab. Subsequent to 1993, the Government altered its policy of permitting Afghan refugees freely into India.
Burma (Myanmar) Refugees
In 1989, when the Myanmar authorities started suppressing the pro-democracy movement in that country and about 3,000 nationals of that country sought refuge in India, the GOI declared that in accordance with well accepted international norms defining refugee status, no genuine refugee from Myanmar would be turned back and in fact, they were accepted as refugees by the Government of India.
Vengeance of Converted Arya-Brahmins Upon Indigenous Dalit-Bahujans
Table of Contents : Part V
It is well established through the historical facts as well as DNA researches that the Arya-Brahminists are foreigners. Arya-Brahminists have made Bahujans refugees in their own motherland by evil political designs to satisfy their vengeance on indigenous Bahujans.
For Arya-Brahmin vengeance
Dalit-Buddhist Districts Were Gifted to Pakistan
Arya-Brahminists of communal-casteist Congress and communal-fascist BJP talk unendingly about "Akhand-Bharat". But in reality they are the very culprits of balkanizing India into pieces to safeguard Brahminism and Arya-Brahmin grip over the indigenous Bahujans and to avenge we indigenous Bahujans in worst possible manner.
Most of Zamindar of the Bengal had alliance with British and supported the British at the time of sepoy mutiny of 1857. On the contrary, ten thousand Dalit peasants had launched "NEEL VIDROH" revolt against the British imperialism. In the colonial period, the East Bengal Namosudra movement had been one of the most powerful and politically mobilised Dalit movements in India. In alliance with the Muslims, they had kept the Bengal Congress Party in opposition from the 1920s. The peasants of Bengali Dalit castes refrained from participating in Congress-led mass political agitations like the Non-Co-operation, Civil Disobedience and Quit India movements, led by Gandhi, because they were under the hegemony of the caste Hindu leaders. And then, finally, in the election of 1937 both Namasudra and Rajbansi voters rejected the Congress and the Hindu Sabha candidates and elected their own caste leaders in all the Scheduled Caste reserved constituencies. Namasudra and Rajbansi leaders, aspired to establish "the separate political identity" of the Scheduled Castes. The exclusion of the Bhadralok from power led to the Arya-Brahminist elite and eventually the Congress, pressing for the partition of Bengal at independence, so that at least the western half would return to their control.
Arya-Brahminists were successful in defeating Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in the hands of barely educated ordinary individuals with the help of non-Dalit voters of joint electorate and were running fierce worldwide propaganda that Dr. Ambedkar does not represent depressed masses of India since ordinary barely educated Dalits of Congress can defeat Dr. Ambedkar, therefore Dr. Ambedkar should be kept away from framing Indian constitution. But the Dalits of Jassor, Khulana, Barishal, Faridpur, Dhaka and Maimansingh provinces had elected Dr. Ambedkar in 1946 to constituent assembly and foiled Arya-Brahminist plan to demolish the reputation and self-respect of Dr. Ambedkar as leader of Depressed masses of India. Arya-Brahminist rulers of India to avenge Dalits handed over Namoshudra, Rajbansi, Paundraksatriya, Paundra, Pods, who are considered as par as the Namashudras, Chakma and other militant castes and tribes dominated and Muslim minority Jassor, Khulana, Barishal, Faridpur, Dhaka and Maimansingh province to Pakistan for their crime of protecting the self-respect of Dr. Ambedkar. In Chittagong hills 98% of Chakma believe in Buddhism through the ages. This is the only region devoid of Hindu or Muslim population. In spite of that the whole region was handed over to Pakistan by Arya-Brahminist rulers to establish their political hegemony in west Bengal.
On partition of India Dr. Ambedkar asked Dalits of Pakistan to come to India {and become part of the Bahujan struggle}. Congress government has destroyed the political protection of Dalits because in joint electorate, with the help of non-Dalit votes elected only Dalit stooges who served Arya-Brahminists and betrayed their own Dalit community. Therefore, Dr. Ambedkar always repented for signing Puna pact.
Arya-Brahminists did not want that the Dalits of Pakistan join and strengthen Dalit struggle in India. Arya-Brahminists (Converted as well as not converted) wanted that religious minority should remain in India and Pakistan to keep on communal tension; divide, victimize and create their genocides within and between the partitioned countries. Therefore, Jinnah allowed Arya-Brahminists to go to India but did not allow Dalits. He issued a decree that menial jobs are essential services and he did not allow Dalits to meet organizations helping Dalit immigration. Nehru did not give heed to the request of Dr. Ambedkar to clear the obstacles of Dalits coming to India. Mahar battalion managed to bring some thousand Dalits to India.
Persecution of Dalits In Pakistan / West Pakistan
The population of Dalits in Pakistan is just 5%. The Hindu population is 20 lacs which is mostly in south Punjab of Sindh province. Among the Hindu population the Dalits constitute 70%. In spite of that the Dalits are living in hell of poverty while the Arya-Brahminists are traders and landlords in Sindh and are enjoying their wealth. Because the converted Arya-Brahminist rulers of Pakistan did not give reservation separately to the scheduled caste but gave reservation for Hindus as a whole, the Arya-Brahminists have grabbed all the Hindu seats. (Dalit voice, 16-30 April 2004) Due to lack of education and awareness Dalits are under the influence of Brahmin religion and live as agricultural labourers under the hegemony of Arya-Brahminists. This is most apparent in Mirpur khas division where Dalits number more than 10 lacs. Though the Arya-Brahminists are few they are successful in holding Dalits in their strong grip with the help of converted Muslim Arya-Brahminists rulers and officers who are their relatives. In Pakistan, the common Dalits know nothing about Brahmin religion except Manu's words that they are born to serve the Arya-Brahminists to improve their status in next life. The converted Arya-Brahminists do not attempt Dalits to get converted in to Islam because they do not want that the Dalits should become their social equals in case they come into Islamic fold. No religion has taken any initiative to pull them out from the vicious circle of casteism. The land lords and police officers have humbled the Dalits by their terror. Whosoever has resisted was beaten and persecuted in various ways. The Pakistan government does not pay attention to the atrocities on Dalits of Tharparkar. The police, prosecution, doctors and judiciary work in coordination against the Dalits. The Dalits find it very difficult to lodge a police complaint against the atrocities, particularly against the criminals and the powerful persons. Sadhu Meghwal, a youth of Babrario village was killed and his body was thrown in to well by the Arya-Brahminists. His relatives and family members were threatened and instructed to keep away from this incident. Police closed the case calling it a case of suicide. In Diplo Taluka, the Arya-Brahminists of a particular party raped a Dalit girl at gun point. Her brother who tried to stop them was severely beaten and severely tortured and threatened to keep away from the incident. The theft of livestock of Dalits in Tharparker is rampant as police never registers any such case. The incidents of atrocities and caste-based discrimination on Dalits are increasing day by day in Tharparker a district where 35 per cent people belong to different Dalit communities among a million people because of growing awareness and assertiveness of the Dalits. Mr. Gyanchand (Engineer), a Dalit leader contested for provincial Assembly election on 12th October 2002 against the Arya-Brahminist candidates. As a result Arya-Brahminist officers on the false pretexts transferred several hundred Dalits to extreme remote jungle area. False cases were registered against the politically aware Dalits Their relatives living in the town were threatened. They were not allowed to feed their cattle on the government barren land. The Dalits were stopped from voting at the polling day. Whosoever resisted was severely beaten and threatened. These few instances make it clear that whenever Dalits show some awareness about their human rights, how they are persecuted. Caste Hindu converts have changed names but not minds. (Sadhumal Surendar Valasai, Scheduled Castes Federation of Pakistan; Of Dalits In Pakistan By Yoginder Sikand.htm See also' Journal.htm) In Sindh province of Pakistan 18 lacs agricultural labourers who are Dalits mostly are living like bonded labourers in debt. Many of them work in brick-manufacturing furnaces where these Dalit families are kept like the prisoners so that they do not run away. The anti-bonded labour law of 1992 is ineffective. (Dalit voice, 16-30 April 2004)
Following news make it is obvious that Bengali Dalits are persecuted in Pakistan (former west Pakistan)
1) Immediately after the creation of Bangladesh, many Bengalis came to Pakistan because of their affection for a 'Muslim state'. They supported of Pakistan government during the war. Life in Bangladesh became impossible and dangerous to them after 1971. These low-income Bengali-speaking people live with misery and threat in Zia ul Haq Colony in a forgotten, neglected corner of metropolitan Karachi. Narrow tiny alleys, a nasty polluted environment, unhygienic living and poor facilities of accommodation are the first thing you notice about The Lyari river that carts effluents from industrial waste to the Arabian Sea is their constant companion. They are not even recognized as refugees by the government. As a result, they have to deal with regular threats from police who use their helplessness to fill their own pockets. They live day to day with the NADRA provided temporary work permits with insecurity of both life and wealth. How Bangla-speaking people could be called illegal immigrants since they had been living in Pakistan for decades and at least 84 Bangla-speaking people had become elected councillors in the last local government elections. Though these Dalits held residential documents they were facing problems getting computerized national identity cards (CNICs) and passports.
Persecution of Bengali Dalits In East Pakistan
As a result of handing over Jassor, Khulana, Barishal, Faridpur, Dhaka and Maimansingh province to Pakistan by Arya-Brahminists, Mahapran Jogendra Nath Mandal believing the promises of Muslim league had to become Pakistani national and become law minister of Pakistan. He framed many laws in the interest of Dalits but converted Arya-Brahminists of Pakistan did not fulfil their promise to grant Dalits separate electorate. Muslim league started showing its communal fangs. The property of Bengali Dalits was destroyed and looted, they were killed, their women raped, molested and humiliated in Muslim League sponsored communal riots of 1948. In December 1949 whole Pakistan was burning in communal riots. The genocides committed during partition were nothing before the genocides and inhumanity of these riots. Communal riots of 1950 in Pakistan proved that Pakistan was not a safe place for Dalits.
Jogendranath Mandal toured riot hit areas and criticized role of police and antisocial elements. Prime minister Liyakat Ali objected his criticism and officially censored it. All the agreements meant to protect Dalits were thrown in to dustbin. The representation of Jogendranath Mandal to Jineva international labour conference was deliberately stopped. Jogendranath Mandal was banned to deliver any statement without the approval of prime minister. He was kept under round the clock vigil. The talk of Jogendranath Mandal with his colleagues use to get published in the newspapers of London. Whenever this happened prime minister asked him explanation. The naked reality explained by Mandal made prime minister answer-less. Prime minister with evil intention asked Jogendranath mandal to pass a censorship bill which ensures any person whether an officer or a common person 7 years rigorous imprisonment and or fine if he delivers statement against the interest of Pakistan. This bill was devised to lock the lips of Mahapran Jogendranath Mandal. Their relations deteriorated day after day. Jogendranath plainly told prime minister that if he wants he would resign from the minister's post.
During this time Mahapran had to go to India to attend to his son's serious illness. When his son recovered from illness he himself became ill. On 8th October 1950 Mahapran sent his resignation to prime minister of Pakistan in protest of persecution of Dalits in Pakistan.
According to Kripesh Namoshudra Casteism and untouchability is still observed in Bangla Desh (Former East Pakistan). On 7th October 2000 in a Brahmin controlled government school 38 Dalit students were expelled from school because they had dared to drink water from school tank because as these Dalit children were very thirsty. (P. 12, Dalit Voice, 16-30 November 2000)
The condition of Dalits in Bangla Desh is deteriorated more since BNP rule of Begum Khalida Zia. According to reports in Jankantha of April 2002 a Buddhist monk who was running an orphanage at Hingala Hill was beaten to death. Because he did not pay extortion amount and did not vacate the orphanage. In Ukiya one Buddhist Vihar was set on fire by the workers of ruling coalition. (Janakantha, March 23, 2002) In report of May 2000 it is said that in 1975 the 72% property of Hindus (read Dalits) is forcibly grabbed by members of ruling BNP. In year 1968 44% property of Dalits was forcibly grabbed by Awami league workers while 32% property was grabbed forcibly by BNP workers. ( Pakistan, Bangladesh, crimes, minorities, human rights violations, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, terrorism.htm)
During 1971 liberation war more than twenty lacs (2 million) Hindus (read Dalits) were massacred by the Pakistani army and Bengali Muslim Razakars. Physical elimination of minorities, kicking them out of their homes, raping and molesting their women, looting and usurping their properties had been encouraged by successive East Pakistan/Bangladesh Governments by enacting discriminatory laws. The minorities of Bangladesh were formally made second class citizen with the proclamation of 8th Amendment of the Constitution by making Islam as the state religion. Perhaps nowhere in the world such a protracted systematic operation to eliminate the minorities has been carried out for more than fifty long years; yet there is no sign of its end in near future. The population of Hindus (read Dalits) has gone down from around 25% in 1947 to less than 10% at present. Even today, on an average, 500 Hindus (read Dalits) leave Bangladesh for India everyday.
The persecution of Chakma Buddhists in Bangla Desh
The Arya-Brahminists converted to Islam have been persecuting Chakma Buddhists in every respect. Their religious freedom is crushed. They are severely beaten, kidnapped and killed, their women raped, houses set on fire, to grab Chakma property and land. Though the Bangla Desh government speaks of peace accord but whole government machinery acts in coordination against Chakma Buddhists. The government came in power in year 2001 made the life of Chakma Buddhists hellish.
The Manu-Media of India misinform the world to meet its Brahmin political interests by calling atrocities on Dalits and Buddhists of Bangla Desh and Pakistan as atrocities on Hindus. But no Arya-Brahminist organization or Arya-Brahminist ruled west Bengal government even done anything to help Dalits and Buddhist tribes of Bangla Desh. Politicians and intellectuals never raised their voices in any forum against this oppression and tyranny simply because these atrocities are committed upon Dalits by their converted Arya-Brahminist rulers of Bangla Desh. Therefore they have helped Bangla Desh Rulers to persecute Dalits.
Part VI
Arya-Brahmin Vengeance on Dalit-Buddhist Refugees in India
Table of Contents : Part VI
Arya-Brahminists rulers of India could not have had peaceful sleep till they avenge Bengali Dalits and Chakma Buddhists responsible for electing Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in constituent assembly. Therefore posing themselves saviors of Hindus and shedding crocodile tears over suffering of Dalits in Bangla Desh, the Arya-Brahminists asked Dalits to take refuge in India.
Vengeance on Chakma Buddhists
The Chakma are spread throughout north east as refugees. Majority of them are devoid of civil rights. In spite of signing of peace accord Chakma people are unable to return to their native places in Bangla Desh. Brahminists riding Indian government on the pretext of declaration of converted Arya-Brahminist government of Bangla Desh that the violence against Chakma is stopped are denying refugee status to Chakma Buddhists. The Chakma encampments in Tripura are not "refugee camps" as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees would define them. They have none of the facilities available to, say, the Bhutanese refugees in the Jhapa camps of Nepal. The Chakma huts are of mud and thatch, and for years they have received from the Government of India a measly daily quota of 400 grams of rice, some salt, and 20 paisa on the side. Therefore, many Chakmas work outside the camps for wages lower than what the locals ask. This has created tension, and recently, the Tripura state government passed an order restricting the refugees to the camps. This year, for the first time since the Chakmas arrived in Tripura, refugee students were not allowed to sit for school-leaving examinations of the state education system. In India Chakma are made victim of exploitation, persecution rioting, rape, looting and killing. Chakma Buddhists do not have their organization therefore, their voice has remained unheard in the world.
Arya-Brahmin Vengeance on The Bengali Dalits
Arya-Brahminists riding the government of India put Bengali refugees in two categories e.g.. refugees came before 1950 (Bhadralok) and refugees came after 1950 (Dalits) to treat them discriminately.
1) Bhadralok or Arya-Brahminist refugees :- Almost all the refugees of first category who came in 1946-50 belonged to Arya-Brahminist community. They belonged to the landowning, merchant and professional classes. The reason for their exodus was not large scale violence as petty extortions, threats and, above all, economic boycotts as it was with Dalits. The reason for the exodus that the Hindu "Bhadraloks" of East Bengal were used to looking down on the Muslim masses therefore they could not bear the challenge to their superior social status, which arose in Pakistan.
Some managed to arrange property exchange with Muslim property owners, who were leaving West Bengal. Others found jobs or could practice their respective professions. Government servants posted in East Bengal accepted the Indian "option". A number of refugees brought some money, with which they started businesses. These upper caste Arya-Brahminist refugees were settled in colonies built for them in and around Calcutta (kolkata) and were helped in every respect.
2) Dalit Refugees :- Between December 1949 and February 1950, the picture changed. Violent communal riots, comparable with the carnage of Punjab and Bihar, took place in several districts of East Bengal, particularly, Khulna, Faridpur, Rajshahi, Barisal. This time, those who crossed the border were very poor and possessed very little except their labour power. Calcutta was almost transformed into a vast refugee camp. As a reaction, communal riots also engineered by Arya-Brahminists in Calcutta and about 1 lac (100,000) backward Muslims were forced to leave West Bengal. There was the likelihood of full scale war between India and Pakistan. Finally, in April 1950 the Nehru-Liaquat pact was signed, to pave the way for the return of the Dalit refugees. Nehru-liyakat Ali agreement insured Dalit-Buddhists that all the civil rights of refugees shall be protected whichever country (India and Pakistan) they take refuge.
Indian government was not able to provide refugees food, water, medicine and shelter to these refugees. The situation became so grim that Indian government had to send its two central ministers Mr. C.C. Biswas and Mr. A. K. Chanda to East Pakistan to stop the flow of dalit refugees. They told Dalits of Bangla Desh not to migrate to India; however the doors of India shall remain always open for them. This promise was repeated by all the leaders of India.
The refugees set up squatters' colonies in many areas. The land belonged to land owners and speculators. There was waste land belonging to the garden house of the landlords. The owners of the land attacked the inhabitants fiercely. There were fierce battles with the hired goons of the landlords, often backed by the police. The Arya-Brahminist government passed eviction laws, with the purpose of helping the landowners. The refugees fought back with great courage, refusing to yield ground. Dalit refugees were ready to pay a reasonable price for the land, in easy instalment. The Arya-Brahminist Government took the side of the landowners but could not risk driving vast dalit masses due to political compulsions. Arya-Brahminists riding the government in fact wanted to avenge Bengali Dalit refugees therefore they did not provide any of the facilities (mentioned by Dr. Subodh Biswas on p. 9) that were provided to Punjabi and Sindhi Arya-Brahminist refugees of west Pakistan.
Arya-Brahminists riding the government of India instead of rehabilitating Bengali Dalit refugees in west Bengal demonically spread them in the most difficult jungles and marshes of Maharashtra, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Zarkhand, Uttaranchal, Andaman Nikobar in places unfit to live. The Arya-Brahminists wanted to 1) ensure that the Arya-Brahminist (Bhadralok) political power in west Bengal remain intact, 2) that these Bengali Dalits become victim of wild animals and diseases, 3) to make strong unity and organization of Bengali Dalit immigrants impossible. The Dalit refugees had been scattered all over in India with an objective to annihilate the main dalit force like Namoshudra and Paundras. Thus, the Arya-Brahminist leadership of Bengal and India diluted the national dalit movement launched by Baba Saheb Ambedkar and Jogendra Nath Mandal. 4) to keep them away from national stream of Dalit movement, and 5) to avenge thus weakened Bengali Dalit refugees in worst possible manner. 6) Namoshudra Dalits are recognized as scheduled castes in Bengal, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Orissa and Tripura. But in other states they are not recognized as Scheduled castes. They are included in general category to deprive them from their legitimate right of reservation (representation).
Bengali Dalit refugees usually live in the slums built of shanties near railway lines, roads, water drains, marshy lands and other such unhygienic places unfit to live devoid of civil rights. They work as domestic servants and exposed to all kinds of exploitation and state repression and demolition of their shanties. Under such impossible conditions Bengali Dalits were compelled to move from one place to other to earn their bread. During this period of such a long exodus they not only lost their language and culture but also lost documents of their original identity. Due to Brahmin-demoncracy of India indigenous Bengali Dalits have became beggars in their own country while the foreigner Arya-Brahminists who have always betrayed India have became its rulers.
Flow of Dalit-Buddhist refugees from east Pakistan and then formed Bangla Desh never stopped. In year 1964 widespread communal riots were engineered against Dalit-Buddhists. In year 1971 the dispute between east and west Pakistan which resulted in formation off Bangla Desh with the help of India, a large scale violence was engineered against Dalits and Buddhists resulting in the inflow of refugees in crores. In spite of the fact that the violence against Dalits and Buddhists did not stop even after the formation of Bangla Desh leaving no alternative for them than migrate to India, as a result of the agreement between then prime minister Indira Gandhi and Mujibur Rehman registration of refugees in India was stopped and rehabilitation ministry was closed.
Arya-Brahmin Fake Communist Leaders
Used Dalit Refugees as their Political Pawns
Bengali Dalit refugees were initially unenthusiastic about the left parties and naturally drawn towards the ruling Arya-Brahminist Congress. Gradually they were disillusioned and actively joined the Arya-Brahminist leaders of left parties who launched a {fake} campaign to rehabilitate Dalit refugees in West Bengal itself and opposed the plans of their own Arya-Brahminist brothers of ruling Congress to rehabilitate Bengali Dalits in Andaman, Nikobar, Dandakaranya and other states. Bengali Dalit refugees were used by the left parties as pawns in their power game. To lure Dalits at a time Arya-Brahminist communist leader Jyoti Basu took a trip to Chhattisgarh and promised Bengali dalit refugees to rehabilitate them in Marichjhanpi in Sunderban of West Bengal. The Dalit refugees extended their wholehearted support to the Arya-Brahminist led left front in their political mobilization. The Dalit refugees were of great help not only in mass demonstrations but also during election battles. It was the number, enthusiasm and initiative of Bengali Dalit refugees that enabled the Arya-Brahminists of left front to counter the money power of the Arya-Brahminists of the Congress. It was the Bengali dalit refugees who brought the left to power in West Bengal. As late as 1974 Jyoti Basu had demanded in a public meeting that the Dandakaranya refugees be allowed to settle in the Sundarbans. In 1974-75 leading members of the subsequent Left Front government, including Ram Chatterjee, had assured the refugees that if the Left Front came to power they would arrange their resettlement in West Bengal and at a meeting of the eight Left Front parties in 1975 it was resolved that the refugees would be settled in the Sundarbans. In 1977, Bengali Dalit refugees who had been promised permanent plots and a life of respectability in countless communist election manifestos in West Bengal before 1977, genuinely believed their misery had ended in 1977.
In 1977, when the Left Front came to power, they found their refugee supporters had taken them at their word and sold their belongings and land to return to West Bengal. In all, 1,50,000 refugees arrived from Dandakaranya expecting the government to honour its word. The Arya-Brahminist led communist government started to forcibly send them back. Many refugees however managed to escape to various places inside West Bengal. But after Bengali Dalits reached Bengal, they realised the Arya-Brahminist government of Marxist communist parties had no plans for them. They had no choice but head for uninhabited parts and scrounge out an existence on the islands in the Sunderbans.
Bengali Dalits Converted
Marichjhanpi Their Heavenly Abode
From the month of May the same year about 30,000 Dalit refugees, under the leadership of Satish Mandal, president of the Udbastu Unnayansil Samity, a former close associate of the Communist Party's refugee programme, sailed to Morichjhanpi and set up a settlement there. Morichjhanpi island, being 125 square miles, was so big that the refugees were keen that the islanders join them so as to improve the dire economic situation of the Sundarbans region as a whole rather than squabble over land which, being neither fertile nor theirs to distribute, was not worth fighting over. In contrast to the ruling elite of their villages, composed essentially of large landowners who aspired to migrate towards Kolkata, the Sundarban islanders developed fraternal bonding with the Dalit refugees. They saw the East Bengali Dalit leaders as more apt to represent them. This was because they both were poor, rural, and low caste and hence not afraid to take up manual work, such as fishing, and knew, through the twists of fate what it was like to fight for their rights. The Dalit refugees were better educated and more articulate and because, having lost everything, they were having the moral courage to face the Kolkata ruling class with their rural concerns.
The settlers – both refugees as well as islanders who had come from the adjoining villages, initially built some makeshift huts along the cultivated area of the island. Most of them survived by catching crab and fish and with the help of the islanders, by selling their products in the nearby villages. The islanders often expressed their great admiration (awe) at the way the East Bengali Dalit refugees rapidly established Morichjhanpi as one of the best-developed islands of the Sundarbans – within a few months tube-wells had been dug, a viable fishing industry, saltpans, dispensaries and schools established.Stories abounded about the spirit of bonhomie and solidarity between Dalit refugees and Dalit islanders whose similar experiences of marginalization brought them together to bond over a common cause which was to fight for a niche for themselves; this would become a metaphor for the reclamation of 'voice' in the new West Bengal. The villagers explained the refugees' bid to stay on in Morichjhanpi as a dignified attempt to forge a new respectable identity for themselves as well as a bid to reclaim a portion of the West Bengali political rostrum by the poorest and most marginalized.
Massacre of Morichjhanpi Dalits By the Arya-Brahminist Fake Communists led left Front of W.B.
Despite this display of self-help and cooperative spirit, the Arya-Brahminist Jyoti Basu government persisted in its effort to clear Morichjhanpi of the settlers. Jayanta, an islander who had gone there as a young man with his wife and baby child reflecting on the hope the arrival of the settlers had brought them, had longed to start a new life in Morichjhanpi where for once, the aspirations and rights of the lowest would be established. But he and his family had barely been there five months when their shack was burned down by the police. He wondered why the government was bent on reclaiming Morichjhanpi for tigers when it wasn't even part of the tiger reserve. The other sore point was that the refugees had been promised land in the Sundarbans.
Dalit refugees were looted, their female flock was raped. The media started to underscore the plight of the refugees of Morichjhanpi and wrote in positive terms about the progress they were making in their rehabilitation efforts. Photographs were published in the Amrita Bazar Patrika of the February 8, 1979 and the opposition members in the state assembly staged a walkout in protest of the government's methods of treating Bengali Dalits. Fearing more backlash, and seeing the public growing warm towards the refugees' cause, the chief minister declared Morichjhanpi out of bounds for journalists and condemned their reports saying that these contributed to the refugees' militancy and self-importance and instead suggested that the press should support their eviction on the grounds of national interest (read Arya-Brahminist interest). For greater protection, the 30 launches were covered with a wire netting and police camps were established in the surrounding villages.
After the failure of the economic blockade (announced on January 26 – an ironical twist to Republic Day!) in May the same year, the government started forcible evacuation. Thirty police launches encircled the island thereby depriving the settlers of food and water; they were also tear-gassed, their huts razed, their boats sunk, their fisheries and tube-wells destroyed, and those who tried to cross the river were shot at. To fetch water, the settlers had now to venture after dark and deep into the forested portion of the island and forced to eat wild grass. Several hundred men, women and children were believed to have died during that time and their bodies thrown in the river. Jayanta, remembered how when the refuges saw their children dying of cholera and starvation they tried to break the cordon formed by the police and the military launches. A 'war' was on, one group fighting with wooden arrows and stones, the other with guns, and loudspeakers. As one islander put it, the launches started looking like 'stinging swarms of floating beehives'. On the January 31, 1979 the police killed 36 persons in firing. Journalists and opposition political leaders were disallowed from entering the vicinity of the zone selected for the operation. The killing fields lay on an island on the muddy river. The police was efficient enough to seal off the place with motor boats. Journalists could only hear the gunshots and cries of people from a distance. We shall never know exactly how many people lost their lives. According to many of the islanders only 25 per cent of those who had come to Morichjhanpi left the island alive. Those killed in the Morichjhanpi massacre are yet to find justice, and their stories yet to appear in histories. The massacres of Dalits by CPI-M led communist government can be compared with the massacres committed by Yahya khan in East Pakistan and Hitler in IInd world war.
Based on Sikar (1982) and Biswas' (1982) pieces, Ross Mallick estimates that in all 4,128 families who had come from Dandakaranya to find a place in West Bengal perished of cholera, starvation, disease, exhaustion, in transit while sent back to their camps, by drowning when their boats were scuttled by the police or shot to death. How many of these deaths actually occurred in Morichjhapi we shall never know. The ease and brutality with which the Arya-Brahminist communist led left front government wiped off all signs of the bustling life which had been built there in the last 18 months were proof for the villagers that they were considered completely irrelevant to the more influential urban Arya-Brahminist Bengali community . In two weeks' time all the plots had been destroyed and the refugees 'packed' off. Now half-broken embankments and the few fruit trees planted by the settlers during their stay remain as the only vestiges of previous human habitation on Morichjhanpi, the rest has been reclaimed by the forest.
These brutalities of the government was possible because it was backed by the Arya-Brahminists who perceived the refugees and the Sundarbans islanders as lesser beings. These events were recounted as a 'war' between two groups of people, one backed by state power and modern paraphernalia, the other dispossessed and who had only their hands and the spirit of companionship. 'We Dalits were vermin that our shacks had to be burned down?' asked Dalits.
'Organizer' In February 1979 wrote that the Marichjhapi massacre has been "forgotten" in Bengal because the Marxists were very successful in making the West Bengal intellectuals prostitutes after petty jobs and government housing plots. This much vengeance on bengali dalits did not satisfy the blood-thirst of Arya-Brahminists so the …
Arya-Brahminist Fake Communists led
Left-front of W. B. made Dalits Tiger-Food
The corpses Bengali Dalit refugees killed by police gave tigers the taste of human flesh. Tigers initially were afraid of people. They shared the products of the forest and rivers with people. But now, due to the legitimizing of Dalit killings in the name of tiger protection by the ruling elite they had begun to treat the Dalit islanders as 'tiger-food. The tigers, taking the cue from the Dalit killing by 'Arya-Brahminists' had started feeding on indigenous Dalits. Man-eating became part of the tiger's nature.
In the early days, tigers, did not reproduce quickly. As the government gave them fertilizing injections, their reproduction rate had gone up. Arya-Brahminist led left front government hides the true figures of tigers and always quote ridiculously small numbers". Whether the indigenous Dalit islanders lived or died made no difference to W.B. Government because Dalits were just 'tiger-food'. "They have created hybrid tigers which are even more dangerous" said an islander. Getting killed by a tiger in the Sundarbans in the 1980s was a terrifying prospect for family members, co-workers, even the entire village, of those who worked in the forest. The victim's body had to be abandoned in the forest for fear that the forest officials would get to know about it. The new widow and the victim's children were forbidden to cry and taught to say that their father had died of diarrhea because if exposed, the family members were exhorted to pay for the dead trespasser, and were, in effect, treated like criminals.
The fact that the same government that once declared refugee resettlement in the Sundarbans illegal and did not hesitate to wipe out all Bengali Dalit refugees of Marichjhahpi island in the name of protecting the forest reserves, now seemed to be ready to install a nuclear power plant and risk the much-vaunted resources of the Sundarbans proves beyond doubt that the Dalits massacre was performed by Arya-Brahminists led left front only to avenge Dalits.
Arya-Brahminist leaders of Communist party has a long history of betrayal with the people's struggle. They had betrayed Telangana revolt of farmers in the protection of Brahmanism. The Arya-Brahminist leaders of Communist party had betrayed Dalit refugees by separating themselves from revolt of Dalit refugee farmers in 1958 in Uttar Pradesh. Similarly, during the sixties and seventies communist parties flinging Dalit refugees in movement against Mahajans and money lenders had separated themselves from this just struggle of Dalits. In late sixties the communists in terai played the role of landbrokers in the same way as chief minister Buddhadev is doing it in West Bengal on full scale. In Bengali Refugee areas the communist villages were Netaji Nagar, Vijay Nagar, Pipulia, Chandipur, etc. Most of the communist peasants in these villages lost their land and Arya-Brahminist leaders had their hand. With these examples of the betrayal of Arya-Brahminist communist party leaders Hon. Pulin Biswas had asked his Dalit refugees not to go to Marichjhanpi because there shall be no place for Dalit refugees in West Bengal. Therefore no Dalit refugee from Uttar pradesh went to Marichjhanpi.
After receiving every support of Mahapran Jogendranath Mandal in elections, the Arya-Brahminist leaders of communist party always ensured that the Mahapran Jogendranath Mandal is defeated in every election and he could be established as a failed leader. The Arya-Brahminists riding the government also jailed Mahapran Jogendranath Mandal in 1959 for raising the voice in support of Dalit Bengali refugees. Mahapran died on 5th October 1968. The Bengali Arya-Brahminist leadership never demanded citizenship for the refugees.
Bengali Dalits labeled As
Alien Intruders for Persecution and Exploitation
According to the law passed in 1955 in parliament every partition affected person who come to India shall be considered as Indian national. Their children born in India shall be natural citizens of India. Those who have left India and settled in foreign countries shall not be treated as Indian citizens. Above law was against the interest of Arya-Brahminists because with the right of citizenship Dalit Bengali refugees shall have voting right and they will oust Arya-Brahims joining hands with OBC, Muslims and Adivasis after realising that the only aspiration of Arya-Brahminists is to avenge Bengali Dalit refugees. Bengali Dalit refugees had raised the slogan"vote ours, rule yours shall not be tolerated" Therefore Arya-Brahminists of all parties like Congress, BJP, Communist parties etc. unanimously passed a black law "citizenship Amendment Act 2003″ without any discussion on it on 9th January 2004. This bill ensures that the two crore indigenous Bengali Dalit refugees are converted in to alien intruders in their own country.
1) Any person of the world is entitled to apply for citizenship of India but this Bill says that under no circumstance the refugees from Bangladesh can get citizenship of this country. The Bengali Dalit refugees are declared not-eligible to apply for Indian citizenship. According to earlier rule the Hindu refugees were entitled to live in India. This permission was also withdrawn. This is defying Indian constitution because it does not allows discrimination on any ground.
2) According to this law the Bengali Dalit refugees living in this country for last fifty years or more and children born to them during 1971-86 shall also be treated alien intruders and shall be driven out of the country after penalizing and persecuting them. Arya-Brahminists of India have conveniently forgotten that according to international law a child born in any country has natural right to become citizen of that country. This exposes the beastly Arya-Brahminist Demon-cracy of India.
3) Persons living in India without valid documents from Bangla Desh (East Pakistan) shall be treated as alien intruder and shall be entitled for punishment in cash of Rs. 50,000/- and imprisonment of 5 years. After that they shall be driven out of the country.
Refugees coming from east Pakistan did not require to obtain any passport or other document till 1952 because the border was opened for them. This is very much recorded in Nehru-liyakat agreement. Majority of the Dalit Bengali refugees due to inconveniences and lack of facilities in refugee camps were compelled to scatter different places, do labour and live in shanties made of grass and straws. For bread they had to migrate from one place to other after demolition of their shanties by municipal authorities. How can anybody maintain and produce such document after such a long period when their 2nd and 3rd generation is also living in India ? In the Murshidabad district of West Bengal more than ninety percent of the population (including non-refugees) could not present the required documents to prove their citizenship.
A systematic process to disenfranchise the poor is at work so that they have no voice in democratic governance or decision making any more. Thirteen lac names have been deleted in Bengal from the electoral list in last assembly elections as the poor hut dwellers could not prove their nationality. The same process speedened throughout the county by the Arya-Brahminists riding governments will disfranchise all poor people having no nationality proof. It is not only the human rights of "illegal migrants" that is under threat at present. All marginalized groups, as well as large sections of the informal working class, are being pushed to the edges of society. Much of this is being done in the name of 'protecting the environment' or 'beautifying the landscape' or 'preserving our heritage'.
4) To tell Dalit Bengali refugees that they are sub-animal creatures, Arya-Brahminists riding the government of India has granted dual citizenship to their Arya-Brahminists who have settled in foreign countries and become foreign nationals. In addition to that 15% seats in educational institutes of India are reserved for them. But the Dalits whose forefathers shed their blood for the liberation of India their children of undivided India can not have Indian citizenship.
5) According to following news the Arya-Brahminists are sensitive in granting citizenship to their Arya-Brahminist refugees but reluctant to grant the same to the indigenous Dalits of this country :-
i) It is estimated that over 17,000 refugees living in western Rajasthan are yet to be granted citizenship. As a result, a large number of the refugees who belong to the lower caste communities, have been denied rehabilitation under the SC/ST scheme, says the convener of the Pak Visthapith Sangh, Hindu Singhj Sodha. Incidentally, Gehlot's predecessor Bhairon Singh Shekhawat had taken up cudgels on behalf of the Sindhi migrants and helped to rehabilitate a group from the 1971 war. Way back in 1972, Atal Bihari Vajpayee had staged a protest against sending the refugees to Pakistan in Barmer and had been arrested for it. (The Times of India – Internet Edition Date: September 1, 2001 )
ii) The Arya-Brahminists have granted citizenship to their Arya-Brahminist brethren. The Indian state government of Rajasthan has started organizing special camps to grant Indian citizenship to thousands of Pakistan's minority Hindu nationals went to India on valid travel documents but refused to return now residing in the state. The camps were organized after the federal government approved the grant of citizenship to these people. The Gujarat state government will also follow suit. (Daily Times, 7 January 2005)
iii) The Centre has delegated powers to Gujarat government to grant citizenship to nearly 900 immigrants from Pakistan who have been residing in four districts of the state for the past several years. A senior Home department official told PTI that 900 refugees living in Ahmedabad, Patan, Banaskantha and Kutch districts, mainly of Sindhi and Koli community and those who have lived for a minimum of five years in India would be given citizenship. The applicants also have to give affidavits stating that they were giving up Pakistani citizenship and also had procured renunciation certificate. (New Kerala, 3 January 2005)
iv) Each year, 1,800 to 3,000 Tibetans flee from Tibet. Once The Tibetans fleeing from China reach the Tibetan Refugee Reception Centre in Kathmandu, they get entry permit from Indian mission. Since February 2002, the Indian mission here has been issuing them special entry permits to travel to India from Nepal. India continues to provide travel documents to Tibetan refugees in Nepal Currently, the embassy has been issuing 15 special entry permits a day, on an average. Indian embassy officials said they were not governed by Chinese or Nepalese reactions while issuing the entry permits. (IANS, Kathmandu, January 6, 2004, The New Indian Express, 7 January 2005)
6) Threatening of deportation to Bangla Desh, the Arya-Brahminists and their agents can use the poor Dalits and the Bangla speaking Muslims as bonded labourers, political campaigners and even can be compelled them to execute criminal intentions of the Arya-Brahminist exploiters.
7) As per the law of United Nation no person can live in any country without obtaining its nationality. Such a person is not entitled to receive justice and can not buy any property of that country. Whatever earnings he has made could be declared illegal. Therefore, the moment a child is born he comes with the right of nationality in that country. (Sangharshasathi Mulniwasi Bharat, 22 January 2006) Thus the Arya-Brahminists may deprive Bengali Dalit refugees everything they have.
False Arya-Brahminist Propaganda
Against Bengali Dalit Refugees and Indigenous Muslims
In order to isolate Bengali Dalit refugees from the other communities of Dalits of India Arya-Brahminist exploiters have been launching a fierce false propaganda as explained below.
1) False propaganda that :Bengali refugees are Pakistani Muslims. Because the Arya-Brahminist propaganda evil, fierce and false propaganda that the Bengali refugees are Muslim terrorists the Bengali Dalit refugees could not get any sympathy and help from common dalit masses. On the contrary they developed hate for their own Bengali dalit refugee brethen whose forefathers had protected self-respect of Dr. Ambedkar.
Arya-Brahminists have also have been launching fierce and false propaganda that the Assam Muslims are Bangla Deshi intruders
Assam Governor had alleged that about 6000 Bangladesh nationals enter Assam everyday. This allegation seems false because Muslims were about 40% when Assam was merged with India in 1947. Sizeable Muslim presence in Assam was in existence even before the advent of the British. Chief Minister of Assam Tarun Gogoi in a television interview asked Assam Governor Ajay Singh to provide facts to substantiate his report that 6,000 immigrants enter the state everyday. But the Governor surprisingly remained mum, as if, he did not hear the challenge of his Chief Minister. According governor's statistics 1,80,000 Bangladeshis enter Assam every month and in a year the figure will stand at 12,96,000. According to the census of 2001, the total population of Assam was 2,66,55,528. Among them, according Indian media, the Muslims constitute 30 per cent of the total population of the state. If so, their number now should be around 79,96,659. If one year's intrusion is added, the present number of the Muslims should reach at 92, 56,659. According to the census of 1991 Muslims were 63, 73,204. This proves that the Muslims of Assam are not immigrant or outsiders, rather most of them are the sons of the soil. Profulla Kumar Mohanta, who got to power after five thousand Muslims were killed in the state during the anti-settlers movement in the eighties despite hectic efforts failed to prove the Muslims as illegal in Assam. He ruled Assam twice, but found little Muslims illegal. For this reason, Mohanta had to tone down his anti-Muslim slogan.
After fall of Gurgobinda in the 14th century, many Ahom people adjoining Sylhet converted to Islam. During the British period, thousand of Bengali speaking Muslims were brought to and settled in Assam to bring arable lands under cultivation. The descendants of these Muslims now form 30% of the total population of Assam. These descendants of those Bengali speaking Muslims forgot their language and culture, but not their religion. This new generation Muslims of Assam feel pride to identify themselves Ahoms, treat Assam as their motherland, use Ahomiya language in their daily life, send their children to schools where Ahomiya is the medium of instruction. Other than their religious activities they are hundred per cent Ahoms. They cannot be branded as foreigners or Bangladeshis. So it is itself illegal and unjustified and mere violation of human rights to brand and harass the Muslims in Assam as illegal, outsiders or infiltrators.
According to press reports, at least, one lac soldiers of Indian Army are deployed in Assam. Six battalions of BSF, 10 battalions of CRP, five companies of the Punjab Police Commandos, and one battalion of State Rifles have been deployed in the state. One can have an idea if one looks into their names and figures. Ministry of Home Affairs, BSF:Organisation – total 157 battalions Artillery – 7 BSF Artillery Regiments, Water Wing Air Wing Signals Regiment 10 Frontier Headquarters 39 Sectors Assam Rifles: 41 battalions 3 Maintenance Groups Signal Unit Construction Company 9 Range Headquarters Indo-Tibetan Border Police: 29 battalions (4 specialist Battalions) over 35,569 personnel 755 Officers Other Paramilitary Forces: Coast Guard, Rastriya Rifles, Special Frontier Force, Central Reserve Police Force, Home Guards, Intelligence Agencies: National :- Research and Analysis Wing , Intelligence Bureau, Joint Intelligence Committee, Intelligence Agencies: Military: -Aviation Research Centre (ARC), Directorate of Military Intelligence, Directorate of Air Intelligence, Directorate of Naval Intelligence, Special Security Bureau Other outfits are : – All-India Radio Monitoring Service (AIRMS), Joint Cipher Bureau, Signal Intelligence Directorate, Law enforcement Agencies:- Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Criminal Investigations Department (CID), Railway Protection Force, Rapid Action Force (RAF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), National Security Guards (NSG)-has a strength of 7330 personnel, Special Protection Group (SPG) All these agencies have strong presence in Assam. Moreover, India erected barbed wire fence along every possible point of 272km-long Assam-Bangladesh border. Heavy security forces have been deployed in those hilly areas where India could not yet erect the fence. Observation towers and posts are seen after every 500 yards.
Therefore propaganda of heavy Muslim infiltration in Assam is a political one, launched whenever national and provincial elections approach. This propaganda started only when Dalit Bengali refugees started coming to India to flee from persecution. The purpose of this false Arya-Brahminist propaganda is to 1) Hide from the Indian masses that the immigrants are Dalits so that they receive no help from their Dalits brethen of India 2) To hide from the masses that it is not the Muslims who capture and control the key positions of Assam, but the Arya-Brahminist-Banias who came from West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab and other states of India. 3) To speeden RSS agenda to spread communal tension and bake Arya-Brahminist breads on the pyre of Bahujans.
The toiling masses of Assam want to get rid of these Arya-Brahminist-Baniyas who came from outside states and became rulers of Assam. To frustrate this sentiment and divert their attention from the real Arya-Brahminist outsiders, the vested quarters let loose its operatives and agents in Assam and elsewhere in the region to create anti-Muslim sentiment. The utterance of Assam's Governor meant to start this hate campaign again. As a result a group of Dibrugarh-based youngsters got together to form Chiring Chapori Yuva Mancha (CCYM). Some other groups like All Assam Students Union (AASU), Asom Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chhatra Parishad, Tai Ahom Students Union and Motok Students Union also joined the campaign. It is well known in Assam that these student organizations are directly or indirectly controlled by RAW. The fear among Assamese is being created that non-Assamese are taking over jobs, land, and are also threatening to turn Assamese into a minority in their own state. This was a conspiracy of both the BJP and the AASU for their narrow political gain, which would ultimately lead to ethnic blood-bath. Various organizations have expressed concern over the harassment of the religious minorities and the attempts to revive the anti-foreigners' agitation in Assam under the garb of a campaign against illegal Bangladeshi migrants.
Forcible deportation of indigenous Muslims
In 1993, Narasimha Rao government launched Operation Pushback which authorized the police to pick up thousands of poor Bengali Muslims from all over Delhi and to send them to the border. Central Government has delegated its authority to State Government and State Government has in turn delegated it to the police. Such action is taken under Foreigners Act according to which, action can be taken on anybody's complaint without any adequate primary evidence. The onus is on then accused to prove that he is an Indian Citizen. Under the current law and Action Plan, the deportation order is passed without any hearing and without disclosing the reasons which led to the conclusion that he/she is a foreign national. 'Operation Push-Back' is being implemented in a highly improper manner. Within 10 days, the accused is judged as foreign national and taken to the border to be deported. This Act does not confirm to our Constitutional norms. If the Act itself is unjust, then how can one expect justice.
Bangladesh refused to accept these people – claiming that they were not Bangladeshis at all – and many were stuck in the no-man's land on the edge of the border. According to The Citizen's Campaign for Preserving Democracy, if you are a Muslim and Bengali is the language you speak, the Delhi police needs no further proof that you are an illegal Bangladeshi immigrant to be summarily deported.
Starting from 'Operation Push Back' in 1993, thousands of Bengali-speaking Muslims have been picked up from various working class settlements all over Delhi and forcibly pushed inside Bangladesh. It has never been clearly established whether these people were actually from Bangladesh or not. Instances from various parts of Delhi have shown that Indian citizens from West Bengal and Assam, working as rag-pickers in Delhi, were routinely arrested on the charge of being illegal immigrants. The findings also revealed that, The police relied solely and absolutely on the informer's word. All pleas and submission of proof by the detainees – of authoritative documents issued by agencies of Delhi government or the Union government – invariably fell on deaf ears.
The raids included swoops on the so-called illegal migrants in the dead of night and rounding up of men, women and children from theirbastis. People were not even given enough time to get dressed properly or collect their documents. During other times, family members, including minors, caught in the raid were forced to face the situation alone, without being reunited with their families. Many complained of being beaten and threatened when they began to plead their case. All pleas and entreaties of the detainees for a hearing were effectively silenced by physical assaults and verbal abuse. According to the conclusions of "Immigrants in Bombay : A Fact Finding Report." conducted by Shama Dalwai and Irfan Engineer , There have been several complaints of policemen picking up Bengali-speaking Muslims at random and abusing the procedure in order to extort money. There have also been complaints of policemen destroying documents on the ground that they are fake. Police declined to accept Bengali-language documents as proof of Indian citizenship and demanded an English version. Commonly used documents – like electoral identity cards, ration cards, school certificates, and certificates from MLAs and gram panchayats were not accepted. Informally, the study team was told that only documents showing proof of ownership of land are admissible. Given the economic status of those arrested and the fact that, in India, more and more migrants to Indian metros are landless labour, unable to eke out a living from daily wages, this is an unrealistic demand and cannot be met by any poor. It is strange that the Indian government is reluctant to accept other documents issued by its own departments. In a few cases, these documents were torn up by the state authorities on the specious grounds that they were false and fabricated. Police harass Indian Muslims to make some money. It is observed that those who had the financial means to offer and pay bribes were usually set free, regardless of any other proof. Interviewees recounted how those unable to pay bribes were detained and then (presumably) sent ahead. A rough calculation based on an average amount of Rs. 1,000 paid per individual to be freed suggests that there are considerable sums to be made, including the amounts extorted by the informer.
As per the Action Plan, the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO)/civil authority acts as the coordinating agency. The notification issued by the Delhi Administration in pursuance of its power under section 3 of the Foreigners Act, 1946, empowers the FRRO to scrutinize the proposals for deportation, and satisfy itself of their illegal status by providing the concerned person with a hearing. However, the study team did not observe the detainees being produced before the FRRO on any occasion during its visits over three months to the FRRO's office, although some rag-pickers mentioned that they were sometimes briefly produced before the FRRO. From the accounts of some detainees, it was learnt that the conditions of detention fall far below the prescribed national and international standards : –
1) In violation of national and international rules, both men and women detainees are kept together in captivity on the ground floor, i.e. the Baraat Ghar of Delhi.
2) The basic amenities provided here are woefully inadequate. There are only two toilets in the building, one of which is used exclusively by the police staff, and the other is shared by male and female detainees, in violation of their right to privacy.
3) Even to use the toilet facility detainees have to seek prior permission, which is refused sometimes.
4) Items of necessity, such as blankets, are inadequate. According to one narrative, a woman detainee who had two children asked for an extra blanket because one blanket was not enough for them in biting cold. Not only was she refused the extra blanket, but was also slapped across the face for her audacity. Other items of necessity, such as milk for the children, have to be bought from the police at excessive rates.
5) No regular visitation rights are available for the relatives of the detainees.
6) Detainees are not allowed to offer prayers (namaaz), in direct violation of Fundamental Rights (article 25, Constitution of India, that guarantees freedom to profess and practice religion).
7) Detainees are forced to perform odd jobs for the police, like washing their motorcycles, sweeping the floor, cleaning toilets etc., which will attract section 374 of the Indian Penal Code that proscribes unlawful forced labour.
The team also heard several complaints of detainees being physically assaulted by the police. Slaps, kicks and punches were part of the treatment meted out to detainees. Degrading forms of punishment, like forcing detainees to squat in the murga position, were routinely reported.
Right from roundup and arrest, to the supposed 'hearing' and deportation, no lawful procedure is being followed by the authorities. The entire process contributes to and manifests the criminalization and communalization of the state and the corruption of its legal and judicial institutions.
From the FRRO the arrested persons are taken to the MCD Ren Basera, where the police are waiting for them. They are kept at the Ren Basera until there are sufficient numbers to fill a railway bogie. Subsequently, they are taken to the Old Delhi railway station in closed vehicles and put aboard a train. The Delhi police accompany them to Malda station in West Bengal, from where they are transferred to a Border Security Force (BSF) camp.
Diplomatic protocol requires that when deportation takes place, the embassy or high commission or any other representative of the State of the country of origin of the deportee be informed about the decision. This has not been undertaken, resulting in a breach of international protocol.
As the Bangladesh Government is not even informed about deportation, their border security force BDR refuses to take them.Foreign Minister Mustafizur Rahman of Bangla Desh spelled it out by saying: "we will not accept (the deportees) unless the Indian authorities provide documents that they are our citizens"Still, Khaleda Zia, then Bangladesh's prime minister, said: 'They are not our headache since they are not Bangladeshis' (The Economic Times, October 15, 1992; see also Tribune, October 10, 1992).Bangladeshi Government calls the entire operation as 'Operation Push-In' as according to it the Indian Government seeks to push its citizens inside their borders. Any sovereign nation will find it offensive and violation of their sovereignty the manner in which 'Operation Push-Back' is being conducted unilaterally by India.The BDR therefore threatens that it would not hesitate even to shoot the people pushed into its territory.
Since the required procedure has not been followed, care has to be taken by the BSF that their counterparts in Bangladesh (BDR) do not know that the deportees are being pushed across the border. Hence, the deportees have to be released in batches of two, and that too in the middle of the night. Thus, it may take several days for the entire lot of deportees to be evacuated from the BSF camp, and during the entire time armed guards are deployed to ensure that the people remain concealed within the camp. The people, both men and women, remain completely at the mercy and whims of the guards. Several incidents of rape, sexual harassment and physical violence have been reported by those who have somehow returned from the border. When the people are forced across the border, all their possessions are taken away along with any signs that may point to their Indian origin. If they have any money, that too is taken away. The general trend appears to be to forcibly push the people into No-Man's Land, regardless of the weather, the condition of the people, and the terrain (jungle or river). They are warned that if they turn back they will be shot as infiltrators. Thus police atrocities become inevitable part of the whole operation as they feel that unless they are terrorized by atrocities, they will return. Therefore they beat men and rape women. This is highly condemnable and indicates that humanity is missing in the police force. This is mainly a result of undue responsibilities thrust on the police by the Government. As the end of 20th century is coming close, such inhuman treatment is unthinkable merely on the ground that the person concerned is not a citizen of our country. Following few examples shall make the situation crystal clear.
i) Indo-Bangladesh relations have been deteriorating for more than a year for several reasons, both commercial and political. The concerted and widespread attempt to push in Bangla-speaking Indian nationals on the plea that they are Bangladeshi intruders is the latest move by India to intimidate Bangladesh and bring it to heel. In the last week or so India has made at least 30 attempts to push in Bangla-speaking Indian Muslims. They have assembled several hundred helpless, indigent people along various border outposts and are holding them under the open sky in inhuman conditions. (Holiday frontpage, 31 January 2003)
On 31st January 2003. On this day a BSF vehicle arrived at the 147th pillar carrying 51 Bangladeshis (21 women and 30 men and children). These people were dropped off at the no-mans-land. On entering the Bangladeshi territory they were all violently beaten by the BDR officers of Kazipur who again drove these people towards the Indian side of the border. The local women from the Bangladeshi side of the border entreated the BDR not to beat the women; however, their fervent requests fell on deaf ears. To escape this beating all men barring three ran away while the women and children took desperate refuge in the bamboo forest by the Indian half of the border. The Indian BSF barred their re-entrance into Indian territory at gunpoint. The BSF created a human barricade to prevent the locals from the Indian side of border from offering any assistance or aid to these tortured and torment people. (By Krishna Banerjee & Purna Banerjee)
ii) As per the official estimate the number of people killed in BSF firing in South Bengal districts bordering Bangladesh more than doubled in the last one year. The victims are often branded as infiltrators, ISI agents and smugglers. Even women and children are not spared. The killing of a middle-aged woman by the BSF sparked some debates. Apart from often indiscriminate firings families trying to cross the border find themselves stranded in no man's land with both the BSF and the BDR claiming that they do not belong to their part of the world for want of legal papers. Our investigative report suggests that very few people in the border areas have evidences of citizenship. Sometimes to make a political statement they are rounded up by security forces of either side and pushed to the no-man's land as happened to 213 people, largely snake charmers in Satgacchi in early February. An overwhelming number of those stranded were children yet they were kept in bitter cold and many of them became afflicted with respiratory tract infection. (As the shadows lengthened, the officers walked back and so did the media team. (among these snake charmers) shrill voice though cut through: "saab, if possible, please tell our people back in Sabor that we are in the dire distress. ("Kinsuk Basu, Satgachi, Hidustan Times, February 4) Both India and Bangladesh have well-established laws of dealing with "aliens" and are signatories to any number of international conventions against torture of children and yet in practice hapless children in the borders are consistently victimized. The tension seemed to reach break point late in the morning; soon after the crucial sector command talks between the BSF and the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) reached a stalemate. The BDR refused to let in the 213 gypsy snake charmers – stranded in no-man's land for a week. So there they stood, or rather sat most of the time, huddling together in severe cold in the open for six days and nights, with guns of the two forces facing each other.
In the past few years we have witnessed repeated border clashes where besides the government security forces, local populations on both sides have taken part in what one newspaper commented on one such occasion, this practice of people being "pushed in" or "pushed out" as "the dance of death". These villages are being encouraged to become "patriotic", take up lathis (sticks), tangis (broad-blade knives), spears, swords, and wherever made available guns, to strengthen the border, and "resist the illegal intruders". As news of the talks' failure spread, hundreds of Bangladeshi youths, who were waiting at the border, marched towards and swords and shouting anti-India slogans. Fearing an attack, the stranded gypsies began crying for help. Soon, hundreds of villagers from the Indian side rushed towards the zero line armed with bamboo sticks and stones. The BDR immediately positioned its forces and the BSF ordered its men to crawl closer. For a nerve-wracking 45 minutes, a showdown seemed certain, till both forces gradually withdrew. The BSF and the state government declared an alert along the border and rushed in more forces. "We have told the district administration to evacuate civilians in case there is firing," said DIG (Headquarters), (Narayan Ghosh, in Kolkata. Hidustan Times Correspondence, Satgachi/Kolkata/New Delhi, Hindustan Times, February 4, 2003)
iii) Aktar Ahmed of the Bangladesh interior ministry and head of the Bangladesh delegation at the two-day meeting in Dhaka said that we have expressed our concern over the killing of innocent Bangladeshis by Indian Border Security Force (BSF)," More than 50 Bangladeshis have been killed in the last six months by BSF," Most victims were innocent farmers working in their rice fields or tending cattle in Bangladesh territory along the frontier. The BSF said those it shot were smugglers or illegal intruders trying to slip through the porous border. (Reuters July 16, 2006 )
iv) "The BSF killed a middle-aged woman in cold blood a few months back when she went to give food and water to her son working in the field beyond the border fencing. Do they consider her a smuggler or an ISI operative?" retorted Forward Bloc MLA Gobinda Roy. A confidante of agriculture minister Kamal Guha, Roy was one of the conveners of a recent meet in Kolkata to protest 'BSF atrocities' in border districts. "You cannot fight infiltration or terrorism by terrorizing your own people," said state relief minister H.A. Sairani. He and Roy blamed BSF for running a "fiefdom" along the border. They accused the BSF of imposing 'dusk to dawn curfew' in border areas. "This is to facilitate smuggling and trafficking of men and cattle as both BSF and BDR border posts receive payment from border gangs," alleged Roy. (Biswajit Roy,Times of India, February 21, 2003, Page 1)
More and more policemen are being pulled away from their normal duties (i.e., the maintenance of law and order) and being told to concentrate on looking for Bangladeshis. Shiv Sena-Bharatiya Janata Party Government of Maharashtra has been deporting Bengali-speaking Muslim zari workers from Mumbai, branding them Bangladeshis. Muslim residents of Howrah, Midnapore, Hooghly and 24-Parganas districts are anxiously waiting for news from their relatives in Mumbai who are mainly engaged as zari, diamond, platinum and gold workers. Alauddin Mollah, one of them, told Frontline that he had not heard from his brother Salim Ali for over a month. He had heard about the raids conducted in parts of Mumbai where Muslim workers from West Bengal live.
The workers returning from Mumbai alleged that the Maharashtra Police made large-scale arrests of Muslims workers, mistaking all of them for Bangladeshi infiltrators simply because they spoke Bengali. "On July 9, the police raided a place under the Satra police station in Mumbai when my friends were asleep. The minute the police heard the terrified workers speak Bengali, they herded them into a van," Sheikh Dilwar, a resident of Bahira in Howrah district, said. Dilwar escaped being picked up since he was sleeping some distance away. News of the incident spread, and within days, almost all Bengali workers in Maharashtra left.
All district collectors in Maharashtra have been instructed to collect the data of the Bengali refugees residing in the state. The collectors in turn have issued a circular that all such persons to submit their citizenship documents within a month, failing which they would be liable for deportation. This has created anxiety among number of Bengali refugees that had settled in Bhandara, Chandrapur and Gadchirauli districts of Maharastra since fifties.
A crowd of about 3,000 people stopped the Howrah-bound Kurla Express from Mumbai at Ulubearia, 65 km from Calcutta, on the afternoon of July 23, demanding that a batch of 34 persons in the train be set free. These passengers, who included seven women, were Bengali-speaking Muslims, all zari workers. They had been "identified as Bangladeshis" and sent by the Maharashtra Government, with police escort, to be deported to Bangladesh at West Bengal's border town of Bongaon. A section of the crowd even climbed on to the train, and the Maharashtra police personnel who were in the train fired five rounds in the air. The Railway Protection Force (RPF) too fired blank shots. Those who led the protesters, claimed that the deportees had valid documents to prove that they hailed from Barast, Bangaon, Uluberia, Howrah and Panchla in West Bengal.
2. False Propaganda that Bengali Dalit Refugees are criminals and have terrorist links
L. K. Advani, the Deputy Prime Minister (also in charge of the Home portfolio {whom his own daughter in law Gauri accused of sexually exploiting and torturing her mentally), at a gathering of senior police officials in the Capital asked them to track down illegal migrants in the country, the Deputy Prime Minister in harsh and categorical terms said that India would not tolerate these migrants who, under the guise of asylum, indulge in nefarious activities aimed at destabilizing the nation and jeopardizing its security. Setting aside human rights considerations, Advani ordered the immediate deportation of these illegal migrants.
According to the conclusions of "Immigrants in Bombay : A Fact Finding Report." conducted by Shama Dalwai and Irfan Engineer 1) there is hardly any serious danger to our security from the so called Bangladeshi infiltrators. They do not cause any serious problem for our nation as is sought to be made out. The threat and danger is more a product of imagination of the protagonists of Hindutva than real. One field visit clears any such doubts. The filth and squalor in which they exists with their children amply demonstrates that they have come here only for survival. They are more concerned about how to feed their children and hardly have time to think about other issues.We also found the allegations that Bangladeshi immigrants participated in the communal riots as totally baseless. The neighboring Hindus were speaking quite sympathetically about them. During the riots, the neighboring Hindus had not felt any threat from them and were living peacefully in their neighborhood. Would there be such sympathy for them amongst the Hindus staying in the neighborhood if they had participated in the riots? Then why is the SS-BJP government trying to create illusionary danger from them. The issue of Bangladeshi infiltrators was raised by the BJP after demolition of Babri Mosque on December 6, 1992. When it was left without any issue to capture peoples attention. The issue was exploited even for the assembly elections in Delhi. The issue of 'infiltrators' could also pay rich dividends to enter North-East Region where the BJP has no significant existence so far.
3) False Propaganda that India can not tolerate burden of such a huge number of refugees.
This seems reasonable enough till you realize that nobody objects to immigration from Nepal. In fact, we actually encourage Nepalis to come and seek employment in India and have special laws in place that enable them to cross the border without passports and to work without visas. So, why are there enough jobs for Nepalis and not enough jobs for Bangladeshis? But why blame the BJP alone? The Congress is as responsible for creating the scare about illegal Bangladeshi immigrants.
According to the conclusions of "Immigrants in Bombay : A Fact Finding Report." conducted by Shama Dalwai and Irfan Engineer, the estimates about infiltrators is not only exaggeration but height of imagination. The refugee figures, are just concoctions. The falsity of such imagination is evident from the fact that there have been different estimates given at different times. There has been not much of a difference in the growth rate of population of districts adjoining Bangladesh and the rest of the country. Even if there are Bangladeshi immigrants, their number is not so much that it can affect our food grain stock or compete with our countrymen for jobs and other scarce resources. Because of the atrocities committed on Bengali Dalit refugees in India, no Bengali Dalits are coming to India from Bangla Desh. Mr. Mukhergee chairman of rehabilitation committee in his report submitted on 31st August on 1981 mentions that there are 5533980 refugees in Bengal. In 10 years the population grows to 20% therefore, it is expected that the said population of refugees should be over one crore. Because it did not happen it proves that after year 1971 negligible number of Bengali Dalits took refuse in India. Census report of India makes it clear that the population growth rate of Bengal has declined from 1.43% to 1.0% and now it is almost zero. This makes it clear that immigration of Bengali Dalits to India is stopped.
Those who have come to India for economical reasons have never demanded Indian nationality. Give all of them a temporary work visa and grant all those citizenship if they pay their taxes and remain good citizens. If America can flourish based on immigrants, we can also be open and generous.
How can Bangla Desh allow 2nd and 3rd generation of refugees in their country after the lapse of 35 years without any documentary proof that they are their citizen ? If the Arya-Brahminists of India had not made golden promises to Bengali Dalit refugees and prevented them from entering the country or had sent them at the very first instance to Bangla Desh, it would have communicated a message to Dalits that the Arya-Brahminists do not want them in India. Then the Dalits would have lived or died for their rights in Bangla Desh itself. Arya-Brahminists riding the government have conveniently forgotten that the Bengali Dalits contributed to the development of India for about 35 years and remain loyal to the country and have no contact with Bangla Desh in any form and who were the citizens of united India and are the victim of partition conspiracy of Arya-Brahminists which these Arya-Brahminists executed with un-matching brutality and shamelessness forcibly pushing them in no man's land to die with hunger, thirst, diseases or with the bullets of either BSF or BDF is an Arya-Brahminist brutality which is several hundred times brutal than the brutality of Zionist of Israel who are considered as the most brute demons.
Persecution of
Indigenous Bengali Dalit-Muslims is on !
Operation Pushback – and its equivalents in other cities – continues to this day even if the name has changed. It is still the responsibility of the police to round up illegal Bangladeshis and to send them back across the border. The Delhi Police, for instance, has ten Task Forces whose primary function is to scour Delhi looking for Bangladeshis.
In 2001, the BJP government in Uttaranchal had denied domicile certificates to the Bengali Dalit refugees settled in the state since early fifties. Some moneylenders turned land Mafia even grabbed their land with the help of police and officials.
Arya-Brahminist chief minister of West Bengal Buddhadev Bhattacharya vomited his hate for Bengali Dalit refugees saying that he will not tolerate Bangla Desh intruders since it affects the balance of social characteristics of the state. Earlier Mr. Buddhadev Bhattacharya, then West Bengal Home (Police) Minister said that the State Government would prosecute Bangladeshis found to be staying in West Bengal without valid papers and hand them over to the Border Security Force. He also pointed out that the Maharashtra Police had earlier pushed about 800 people back to Bangladesh from West Bengal's border areas without informing the State Government about the action. He asserted that West Bengal had always taken action against Bangladeshi infiltrators, but not in this manner. Mamta Banergee (Brahmin) opposition leader in more aggressive towards Bengali Dalit refugees. She tore the voter list of Gayghata assembly constituency before Loksabha speaker and declared to continue her agitation till the names of alleged Bengali Dalits are not removed. All parties led by Arya-Brahminists have the same inimical attitude towards Bengali Dalits.
Mr. Buddhadev Bhattacharya had to admit that the in "push-back" operation among the persons thrust into Bangla Desh border 70% of persons used to be Indian nationals. (Bhaskar, 3 June 2003)
In response to a petitioned filed by an Arya-Brahminist organization, the Delhi High court and the supreme court of India had ordered that at least 100 Bangla refugees should be identified each day and thus 3000 refugees should be deported to Bangla Desh.
Home Minister of India in his written reply to Mr. Ramdas Athawale and R. S. Gavai said that all the Bengali Dalit refugees who crossed over after 25th March 1971 shall be forcibly deported to Bangla Desh after they are severely penalized by the court.
According to a news the magistrate of Thane has pronounced 6 month's rigorous imprisonment to so called Bengali Dalit refugees (Samrat, 21 November 2005)
State Governments of India are rigorously implementing the court orders. BJP-BJD government of Orissa has issued notices to 1551 Bengali Dalits who are residing in Nakkal block of Kendrapara District since last 40-50 years, to leave the country within 30 days or they shall be deported forcibly to Bangla Desh. The BJP-BJD government without giving these Bengali Dalits any chance to offer any explanation declared them Bangladeshi intruders.
People of this area were affected by a cyclone in last 10 years which destroyed their documents and other valuables. Most of the Bengali refugees being illiterate and laborers and lacking awareness could not obtain copies of these documents as they had no political connections and they were living far away from the district capital. The government in spite of having records of their nationality in their respective offices was not ready to find them. The similar notices are served to Bangali dalits of Nabarangpur and Malkangiri district.
In Orissa the registration of new born babies in the refugee families are being denied birth certificates. In Orissa the registration of new born babies in the refugee families are being denied birth certificates. The Orissa government stopped no less than two hundred refugee children to sit in high school examination. Birth certificates are being denied to newborn babies. BPL card, ration Card, PAN, etc have been stalled. Names of refugees in the voters' list have been deleted en masse.According to Hindustan Times, government had asked people of Jiyaganj and Lalbag of Murshidabad to produce 19 documents in support of their Indian nationality. Over 90.60% persons did not have any of these documents. These makes it clear that these Indian nationals in the absence of these documents would be deported to Bangla Desh alleging then Bangla Deshi intruders.
Part VII
The Tamil Refugees of Shri Lanka
Some Background of Tamil Struggle in Shrilanka
Tamils are the indigenous people of Shrilanka. Sinhalese settled in Shrilanka in 500 BC. According to the 'Mohvansh' of Senhalese mythology Sinhal prince Jeet who had married to a Tamil princess brought Sinhalese to Shrilanka and rehabilitated them. (Dalit Voice, 1-15 October 2000, P. 14) Gradually with the favour of state power the Sinhalese became the ruling class of Shrilanka while the indigenous tamils became the exploited class.
After Shrilankan independence the policy of Sinhalization was followed very rigorously by the Sihalese rulers. Tamils were even denied the citizenship of Shrilanka. It became impossible for Tamil nationals to live in Cylone due to discrimination and persecution. In year 1970 the standardization law was framed to deprive Tamils from higher education. Tamil masses protested against Sinhalese oppression and evil tactics. {As a result, of barbaric repression and state terrorism, militant organizations of Tamil started emerging}. In year 1963 Tamil Tigers attacked Shrilankan army and killed 13 soldiers. In vengeance, Shrilankan army launched genocide of innocent Tamil people. In the November of 1984, Tamil gorillas attacked an army post and killed an army officer. In revenge Sinhalese army ransacked Tamil houses and set them on fire. In retaliation Tamil militants continued their attacks on Sinhalese army. In July of 1987 an accord was signed between governments of Shrilanka and India according to which it was agreed to form an autonomous Tamil state in the north east of Shrilanka and the amnesty and rehabilitation to Tamil militants. While framing and signing this accord Tamil masses and their organizations were not taken into confidence. Few of the militant groups surrendered their weapons but LTTE of Prabhakaran did not lay down their weapon. Prabhakaran called Indian government as imperialist and this accord as open injustice on the Tamils and demanded independent Tamil state (Tamil Elam) for the Tamils. Indian government boasted to wipe out the existence of LTTE in just 72 hours but failed to do so. (p.322, 326, 328, Udgaonkar, M.N.)
According to Hon. V. T. Rajshekar many followers of Dr. Ambedkar fell victim to the cunning and deceiving propaganda of Arya-Brahminists that the Buddhist of India should support the Sinhalese government and oppose the Tamils. These followers of Dr. Ambedkar did not think that if the Tamils are Hindu then why the Arya-Brahminists rulers who boast of Hindutva did not support Hindu Tamils ? Why the Arya-Brahminists riding the government of India is helping non-Hindu government against the Hindu Tamils ? When the Arya-Brahminists of India did not hesitate to break Pakistan and form Bangla Desh why the Arya-Brahminists riding the government of India are militarily helping Sinhalese in the name of saving the integrity of Shrilanka ? the answer for hypocritical behaviour of Arya-Brahminists lies in the fact that the struggle going on in Shrilanka is the struggle between indigenous Nag-Dravids and the racist Aryan Sinhalese. Therefore, the Arya-Brahminists of India and the Sinhalese Aryans (whether they are Buddhist or Christians) are avenging Tamil Nag-Dravids. (Dalit Voice, 16-31 July 2000) The organization Janata Vimukti Peramuna calls itself Marxist organization but it has earned bad name for its hate toward the Tamils. (p.349, Udgaonkar, M.N.) Because the Sinhalese are basically Arya-Brahminists therefore like their Indian Arya-Brahminist brethen they can be racist as well as {fake} Marxists.
Arya-Brahminists riding the government of India know very well that if Tamil Elam comes into existence, Nag-Dravid struggle will become very powerful in Tamilnadu as well and the Arya-Brahminist rule and their Brahminism in India may get severe setback. Therefore, Arya-Brahminists of Tamilnadu in the leadership of Brahmin Jayalalita as well as Arya-Brahminists of centre are opposing Tamil Elam. (Dalit Voice, 1-15 June 2000) Mr. Vaiko was imprisoned by Brahmin Jayalalita under POTA because he had spoken in support of Tamil struggle.
The Arya-Brahminists riding the government of India sent peace keeping army of indigenous Bahujans to Shrilanka and spent 100 crores per day. Out of 60,000 indigenous soldiers, 1200 were killed and 3000 were injured. (Dalit Voice, 1-15 June 2000) In this way Arya-Brahminists of India wanted to satisfy their vengeance by killing indigenous Tamils of Shrilanka and indigenous Bahujans of India in battle. But the Arya-Brahminists riding government of India were compelled to call back peace keeping force due to mass pressure.
As Mr. Puspa Nathan explains, the international media is being manipulated by Sri Lanka. All the news circulating in the international media has originated either from the Sinhala chauvinist press or from sections of the Brahmin owned Indian press. We have a duty to counter and expose this global misinformation campaign conducted by Sri Lanka with the help of sections of the Brahmin owned Indian press and some Trojan horses within our Tamil community. The Sinhala government has successfully silenced any truth coming out to the international media by the killings of Thinamurasu Atputhan, Kumar Ponnambalam and now Nirmalarajan. Sri Lanka has persecuted and intimidated every other independent newspaper and journalist – examples are Thinakural, Uthayan, the journalist Manicakavaskar, the Virakesari reporter and others. Even the unlawful arrest, detention and torture of Red Cross Official Mr. Kishore was part of a plot to silence the NGOs. Sri Lanka terrorism has even reached abroad. The killing of Elamurasu Gajan in Paris and the recent attempted attack on the eminent lawyer Ms. Karen Parker are a few examples. The recent SBS Australia TV program is yet another attempt to intimidate and silence even the few voices which are left abroad… (, Responding to Sri Lanka's Misinformation Campaign Sara Ananthan, 3 November 2000)
According to TamilNet : Sri Lanka's Army-backed Tamil paramilitaries are seeking recruits amongst Tamil refugees in Tamil Nadu, offering hefty salaries, an Indian news agency reported this week. The Eelam National Democratic Liberation Front (ENDLF), an India-based paramilitary group now operating in an anti-LTTE grouping under the Karuna Group, is seeking recruits from refugee camps and orphanages in southern India, an Indian website reported, citing local press reports. The recruitment is being conducted with the knowledge of India's external intelligence agency, RAW (Research and Analysis Wing). The ENDLF is being used by RAW as a rallying point of anti-LTTE groups. Sri Lanka's military has brought a number of paramilitary groups, including the ENDLF under one grouping to wage a campaign against the LTTE and its supporters. ENDLF cadres based in India have been rotating into Sri Lanka's Northeast on one-year visas issued by the Sri Lankan government to bolster the 'shadow war.' (tamilnet , RAW aiding paramilitary recruitment in India – report [TamilNet, June 25, 2006 01:15 GMT] )
Persecution of Shrilankan Tamil Refugees in India
After 1983, New Delhi followed a policy which had two characteristics — mediatory and militant-supportive. India deliberately created a political dimension with the Sri Lankan Tamil refugees to ensure that they become a leverage to the country's foreign policy vis-à-vis Colombo. One has to keep in mind the fact that the Tamil refugees were a leverage to India's foreign policy. After Rajiv Gandhi's assassination, the educational facilities for Tamil refugees were taken away from the Tamil Nadu government. (A homeland Denied, 'If Jaffna falls, there will be a flood of refugees to Tamil Nadu' by George Iype )
D. Ravikumar, who was appointed by the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi, to submit a report on camp conditions said "Nobody seems to bother about their plight. The Indian Government is acting as if it is doling out alms to the refugees for their sustenance. The inmates of these camps are, at best, looked at with suspicion, and at worst, treated as criminals," (Daily mirror 28 June 2006)
The Sri Lankan Tamil Refugees fall into following three categories.
(1) Those in the Refugee Camps which number 133 as on date. There are about 65,000 refugees in them.
(2) Refugees who maintain themselves outside the Camps. Following the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi in May 1991, these refugees were directed by the State Government to register themselves in the nearest police stations.
(3) Refugees who have been identified as belonging to militant groups. They are at present kept in three Special Camps: (a) Tippu Mahal, Vellore Fort, Vellore, (b) Chingleput and (c) Mellur.
Currently, the Indian Government reports that there are about 1,60,000 Sri Lankan Tamil refugees in India of which about 76,000 live in refugee camps in Tamil Nadu and about 30,000 live outside these camps in cities and towns across Tamil Nadu. Other non-governmental sources believe that there are actually closer to 100,000 refugees outside the camp.
After the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi the Sri Lankan Refugees in India had to undergo severe ordeals. While the second category of the refugees escaped with mandatory registration in the police station with occasional enquiries and harassments by the police, the other two categories of refugees faced the worse. The plight of these refugees especially those in the Special Camps has been a source of deep concern for PUCL The security arrangements in these special camps are unprecedented and surpass the security arrangements in any of the central prisons in the state of Tamil Nadu. The persons in the special camps are not prisoners or convicts or under-trials or accused of any specific offence under Indian Penal Code. But these detainees in the Special Camps do not enjoy even the rights of the convict prisoners lodged in ordinary prisons. The reality of the persons detained in the camp is that they are under 24 hours detention in conditions which are worse then those prevalent in the Central Prison in India. As per the Commission Report, the inmates of the Tippu Mahal are not permitted to go out of the camp. The inmates are in RIGOROUS CONFINEMENT in the Special camp and the long detention has made the inmates desperate. In fact, even facilities of parole, which are generally available to convicts, and provision of coming out on bail available to under-trials is not available to the inmates. Visitors to the camp are restricted. By contrast, the prisoners in India enjoy a Constitutional guarantee of enjoying all fundamental rights within the prison walls. A person desirous of meeting the detainees in the camp has to make an application to the Special Tahsildar. The Special Tahsildar sits in the Collectorate several kms away from the Camp. The Special Tahsildar seeks the comments of the Superintendent of Police on the application and only thereafter permission is granted. Generally for the papers to move it takes several days. It is all the more difficult for Sri Lankans who are in other refugee camps to meet those in the Special Camps as they have to seek permission first to leave their camp and also to visit the Special Camp detainees. The so- called inmates have been in detention for several years now and there is no time limit specified for their release. This can have psychologically a very traumatizing and demoralizing influence on the detainees. There are several persons who have not come out side the camp for more than ten years now. They are not sure as to when they are likely to be released. The uncertainty of their incarceration is itself agonizing and inhuman.
The PUCL Team Members collected the details of the following handicapped persons detained in this Camp: 1. Ansar: Right foot disabled due to gun shot injury. 2. Mukilan: Totally blind. 3. Ranga: Has lost both the hands below the wrists, lost vision in the left eye and lost hearing faculty in the left ear. 4. "Moscow": Lost the right hand below the wrist and the thumb in the left hand. 5. "Hitler": Lost both hands below the wrist and totally blind. 6. Jerry: Right leg paralyzed. 7. Ajanthan: Has a bullet embedded in the head resulting in paralysis of right leg, right hand and has lost the hearing faculty in the right ear. 8. Yogan: Left leg damaged by gun shot injury. 9. Jeevan: Right foot severed. 10. Radha: Lost vision in the right eye. 11. Nimilan: Lost the vision in the left eye. 12. Shiva: Left foot severed. UN Human Rights groups are not allowed access to the Sri Lankan Tamil refugee camps in Tamil Nadu, because the Indian government fears that they would be "critical of conditions in the camps". This is the charge made by the United States Commission for Refugees in its latest report. Essentially, the Indian Government has been and continues to violate key human rights of the refugees. The Sri Lankan Tamil refugees have been stripped of such basic human rights as the freedom to leave the campsites, proper medical assistance, and perhaps most importantly, non-refoulement.
Earlier in March of 1992, the Indian Government passed an order to "persuade and advise Sri Lankan Tamil refugees to repatriate." The refugees who opted to return cannot be termed as purely "voluntary" because very many of them may have opted for repatriation due to the withdrawal of following facilities that had been provided to them before the repatriation process commenced :- 1) Stoppage of doles and rations after the 9 September 1993. 2) Not providing proper educational facilities to refugee children. 3) Not repairing huts and failing to maintain other facilities in camps. 4) Restricting movements of refugees resulting in preventing refugees from going to work to supplement their meager dole to make ends meet. 5)Arresting and locking up refugees in sub-jails designated as (special camps) without stating reasons or inquiry or trial. 6) Not providing access to information necessary to enable refugees to make a voluntary decision. 7) Failing to provide proper medical assistance.
Prevention of assistance and services to the refugees in camps by Non-Governmental Organizations.
From the various reports it becomes clear that when the Tamil refugees are deported to Shrilanka, they are persecuted and tortured by military and intelligence agencies. In this connection news in, 'Deported Tamil Asylum Seekers arrested & tortured, December 1999′ can be cited as an example.
Various cases have come to light which shows the attitude adopted by the Indian Government in dealing with the Sri Lankan Tamil refugees:
In a Habeas Corpus Petition (No 1465 of 1993) filed by one K. Sarojini Sivalingam on behalf of her husband, Mr R R Sivalingam, it has been stated that her husband was confined in the Special Camp for Sri Lankans at Chengalpattu. The wife petitioned the Court to provide constant and intensive medical care and attention to Mr R R Sivalingam. The Court, vide its order dated 9.9.93, directed the Tamil Nadu State Government to admit him in the Government Hospital, Madras, for proper assessment and better management of his ailment (heart disease), based on the opinion of the Medical Board.
Though the order was pronounced on 9.9.93, the Tamil Nadu State Government failed to implement the said order of the Court for nearly 10 days. It was only after a telegram was issued to the Tamil Nadu State Government that Mr Sivalingam was admitted to the Government Central Hospital on 19.9.93. But, shockingly, he was brought handcuffed, with a chain initially to the Office of the Commissioner of Police and thereafter, to the Government General Hospital, Madras. But, even after admission, he was kept tied to the bed in the hospital, despite several protests on his part. At the hospital, he was not allowed to communicate with outsiders and not allowed to write letters, even to his counsel. Whenever, he was taken to other wards or to the X-ray Department, or to the lab for certain tests, he was taken handcuffed and tied with a chain. His counsel was also told by the escort policemen to get a court order if they wanted to visit him. Moreover, he was not allowed to speak to his legal counsels in confidence and the police guards, including an official from the Special Branch insisted on hearing every word that was spoken. This was clearly illegal.
Despite several protests and representations, the State Government failed to take off his handcuffs and chains. As he was not allowed to write any letters, he was unable to submit a representation in this regard. However, when his counsel visited him on 24 September 1993, at about 5.30 P.M, he forwarded a representation to the Commissioner of Police through him. When his counsel went to submit the representation to the Police Commissioner, he was not present; his Personal Assistant received the representation but refused to give any acknowledgement. In any case, several officials of the police establishment including the Assistant Commissioner (Intelligence) visited him and had seen him chained to the bed; he also complained to them; but no action was taken. It also had a deleterious effect on Mr Sivalingam's health. It is therefore proper that Mr Sivalingam should claim appropriate damages and compensation in respect of the illegal detention and all further illegal acts perpetrated upon him.
The above is just a single instance of many more horrifying cases perpetrated by the Indian Government. The police, without giving any reasons for their arrest and detention in special camps, have arbitrarily and illegally acted in a manner by which the refugee protection given to these persons is withdrawn. Most of these persons are languishing in sub-jails for periods up to two years. In most cases, such detention was followed by the serving of orders under the Foreigner's Act without adherence to the principles of natural justice. This is against Indian and International Humanitarian norms and is a complete travesty of justice.
Where is Solution of These Arya-Brahmin Brutalities ?
We present below extremely brief synthesis of the nature of persons / organizations and their limitations in retaliating these Arya-Brahminist brutalities on indigenous Bahujans.
1) Never Depend On The Thickness Side of The Manuist-Coin : –
It is important to know the present character of indigenous parties into which they have been transformed. We will try to explain their transformed character using the analogy of a coin.
One side of the Manuist coin (Brahminist Exploitation System) has Pseudo-secular, hypocritical liberal face. In India this side is represented by Communal-Congress and Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership of communist parties of India. Other side of the coin contain fascist communal face that frighten the secular indigenous masses and push them to other extreme Pseudo-secular side while this side itself garner support of communal racist masses mainly containing Arya-Brahmins and communalized indigenous masses under the grip of Brahmin religion. In India this side is represented by communal-casteist BJP and terrorist organizations of Sangh-Parivar. Between these two sides there is a thickness part of the coin.The "thickness part of the Manuist-coin" is not properly identified and understood. This has always resulted in wrong solution of the problem. This part is represented by the parties who pretend to oppose the parties representing each side of the Manuist coin. Bahujan masses have been speedily realizing that the electioneering parties of indigenous Bahujans which did not remain loyal to the struggle of indigenous Bahujan masses against exploitation and oppression are converted into a thickness part of the Manuist coin viz. Manuist-Brahminist exploitation system. In India electioneering parties of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi constitute this thickness part. Pretending to be Bahujanist, they draw support from masses who are disillusioned from communal-casteist Congress and communal-fascist BJP realizing them as worst enemies of indigenous Bahujan masses.
After entering into parliament the leaders of indigenous Bahujans have realized that the Indian exploitation system is an inseparable part of exploitation system of world. Observing the real draconian face of this exploitation system of Tri-Iblis they realized that they are incapable of launching the kind of struggle required to uproot the exploitation system of Illuminati maintained through the Tri-Iblis. The Illuminati governed Tri-Iblis is destroying the lives of toiling masses of the world through the liberalization, privatization and globalization. But how can selfish incompetent leaders even dream to launch a genuine struggle against such exploitation and oppression ? Therefore, the selfish incompetent leaders of Bahujan organizations have become the true disciples of three monkeys of the hypocrite and racist Mr. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. These Bahujan leaders in the intoxication of power and money have decided neither to speak against the exploitation of Tri-Iblis, nor to listen anything against the exploitation system of Tri-Iblis and the question of seeing exploitation of masses by tri-Iblis does not arise as they now do not belong to the community of toiling masses. Hence, they can never fight against liberalization, privatization and globalization which is introduced by Brahminist-Zionist Illuminati through the Tri-Iblis to enslave and exploit the toiling masses of the world.
Because the parties representing "Thickness-Part" of the "Manuist-Coin" are incompetent for real struggle due to their incompetent, selfish and coward leadership, they can not do more than lip-service regarding issues vital for indigenous Bahujans. They can not go beyond fake struggle because they are incapable of launching the kind of struggle required to destroy the Arya-Brahminist exploitation system and to establish Bahujanwadi Samajik Gantantra in its place. Their organization is nothing more than the crowd collected to garner votes and money in the name of Fule, Shahu, Ayyankali, Ambedkar, Periyar etc. Bahujan liberation warriors. Therefore their organizations are unfit for struggle against exploitation and oppression. What these indigenous electioneering parties can do at the most is only lip service that too in unavoidable circumstances. Even while doing lip service they take care not to make their Savarna votes (which are negligible in number) angry. Because, these parties of the three sides of Manuist coin are mutually dependent on each other as they draw strength from each other. Because communal fascist organizations commit atrocities on Dalit-Bahujans these parties are able to garner their support by launching fake struggle and profit in election. Therefore, fascist communal organizations must remain strong to commit atrocities on OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi masses so that parties representing thickness part of Manuist Coin can continue to reap the benefits in election.
These electioneering organizations of Dalit Adivasi ensure that their community men tolerate every kind of inhuman oppression committed upon them by the Savarna Arya-Brahmin exploiters & oppressors. This statement may look harsh but it is a bitter reality.
Whenever houses of we Bahujans are burnt, we are beaten to death, we are burnt alive, our mothers, sisters and daughters are raped then the leaders of Bahujan organizations who basically are "vote beggars" come and deliver lectures, take out processions, issue statements and give deputations. Dr. Ambedkar told masses to die while retaliating oppressors protecting their rights, property and self respect of their women. But the leaders do not want to cross "Latthi-men Rekha" (goons armed with solid bamboo sticks) of Arya-Brahmin oppressors even though the victims or likely victims are ready to sacrifice their lives fighting against these filthy oppressors.
After a week or two all these birdies (leaders) fly back to their respective nests to leave we victims at the mercy of the very Arya-Brahminist oppressors. Arya-Brahminist controlled Police see that the Dalit case is weakened. Witnesses and victims are threatened. The culprits are released on bell to terrorize we Dalit victims. Brahmin bureaucracy and judiciary ensure that the case is prolonged indefinitely and no justice is made and in this process we the victims and our friends suffer loss of money, energy, time and our life becomes more miserable.Those amongst us who had the courage to raise voice against injustice, having realized that no punishment is given to the oppressors loose all hope and develop a mentality to tolerate more brutal injustice and not a sigh of protest. The oppressors are thus encouraged to commit more excesses. Such a change is brought in us by the "vote-beggar leaders" of Bahujan organizations. Read Marathi daily Mahanayak and Samrat and you find news of atrocity committed on Bahujans almost daily. The Savarna oppressors, are confident that they can forcibly impose their Manucracy on we Bahujans with full support of Israel and America. Arya-Brahmins had all hidden support and help of Israel and America in their state sponsored massacre of we Muslims of Gujarat.
Bahujan leaders have long back stopped bothering about the exploitation of masses. They know that Bahujan masses have been voting Congress to prevent BJP from coming in to power. Therefore, toiling Bahujan masses have no alternative but to vote these Bahujan parties wherever they are strong. Then why to bother about the toiling masses ? Chief ministers of Bahujan parties continue to visit the "Darbars" of Arya-Brahmin industrialists and beg them to open their industries in their state and promise them to provide all kinds of opportunity to exploit indigenous Bahujan masses in lieu of their commission. Thus they are satisfying their selfish interests by promoting exploitation and oppression of Bahujans by the Tri-Iblis.
The election fund created by all industrialists under "common minimum exploitation and looting program" have received guarantee that in lieu of huge election donation from this fund to all political parties, these parties shall insure the exploitation and loot of toiling masses by the Brahminist-Zionist exploiters.
The political parties of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi have remained indifferent from every issue that is a matter of life and death of the indigenous masses. They have done nothing for Dalit Bengali refugees who for protecting self-respect of Dr. Ambedkar are still being hunted and pushed into India-Bangla Desh Border to be killed by security forces of either country. They have done nothing when in Nandigram women of Dalits and Muslims were being mass-raped, their genitals being mutilated, their bodies cut into pieces and thrown in to river, their houses looted and burned by the goons of CPI-CPM. They have done nothing when in Morichzapi Bengali Dalit refugees were massacred by the state arm forces of Arya-Brahmin fake communist leader Jyoti Basu. They did nothing when Arya-Brahmin fake communist government of Jyoti Basu deliberately made the Dalit, OBC, Muslims and Adivasi food for Sunderban tigers. They did nothing against Liberalization, privatization and globalization. They did nothing against the SEZs which have displaced millions of Bahujans and made their life hellish. They have done nothing to oppose Salva Judum which is another name of state sponsored massacres, state sponsored mass-rapes and looting in the interest of Multinational companies. Bahujan parties did anything concrete to protect the slums of Bahujans from being demolished. In Maharashtra in SET examination full name of the candidates is compulsorily written resulting victimization of OBC, Dalit, Muslim Adivasi candidates aspiring to become college lecturers. No party has ever objected against this unfair practice and similar practices which are in thousands in number. Union Public Service commission to ensure 50% reservation for Arya-Brahmins has been denying OBC, SC, ST candidate qualifying in the open list a place in open list on the pretext that they did not beforehand declared that they are contesting for open category. In the foreground of Jaipur high court a statue of Manu was inaugurated on 28 June 1989 in the presence of then chief minister of fascist communal-casteist Congress. According to Manu Brahmins own everything that non-Brahmins belong and Brahmins even can execute massacres of non-Brahmins. No party of OBC, Dalit, Muslim Adivasi are able to remove this inhuman statue.
Brahminist government has ensured that the Bahujan children remain uneducated and their parents be punished for their remaining uneducated. Hon. Mastaram Kapoor is extremely disappointed with the apathetic attitude of Bahujan leaders regarding the education of Bahujan children. He writes that the Indian constitution made government responsible to give free education to children up to age 14 years. This included "Anganwadi" and Nursary schools as well. But the communal-casteist BJP government has removed this clause from schedule IV and included it in the fundamental rights and removed the word "free"; and in place of up to 14 years included 6-14 years. {therefore government has no responsibility to provide free education and to provide education to children up to 6 years.} Now the government is not responsible for preschool education. Because of this amendment children will remain uneducated and the government and its judiciary will have power to punish parents for not sending their children to schools. Governments will simply say that it had provided schools no matter whether they are beyond the reach and beyond the capacity of toiling masses. Those who were expected to raise strong protest kept mum in parliament. (Lokmat Samachar, 13th January 2003) Government is seriously thinking to punish the parents who do not send their children having age of 6-14 years to school. Gram Panchayats will also be punished in this regard. (Lokmat Samachar, 11th July 2003)
Half of the schools in country have no buildings, 40% schools do not have black boards and in one third of schools (33.33% of schools) only one teacher teaches all the sections and classes. Brahminists riding the government spend Billions of rupees in preparing and exploding nuclear bombs, to make computer revolution, to become host of Asiad and Olympic, to raise "Panchasheel flag" on the rod of atom bomb, on foreign tours of leaders and ministers, but can not spend on the education of Bahujan children. Only one percent of budget is spent on primary education. Education gives masses power to question and this very thing the so called elected kings do not like. By spending only eight hundred crore rupees the whole world can be educated. This amount is even less than the 4 days expenditure on arms or less than the expenditure made on ice cream in America, or is 1/5th of the expenditure made on cosmetics in Europe. (Lokmat Samachar, 7th July 2003) Such a list of indifference of so called Bahujan organizations towards issues of life and death of Bahujan masses is unending.
Party leaders of indigenous Bahujans are fully aware that if they have to come to power they will have to ensure full protection to the exploitation system of Brahminist-Zionist exploiters. Their should not be harmed even slightly. The leaders of Bahujan parties have departed from their basic program and entered into the Brahminist filthy marsh to such extent that it is impossible for them to come back. They are continuously crushing the party principles beneath their feet and are implementing anti-people agenda of Tri-Iblis and helping Satanist racist Illuminati in every respect.
The thickness part of Manuist coin is made of Parties of OBC, Dalit, Muslim and Adivasi led by vote-beggar leaders are confined exclusively to VOTE-BEGGING political stunts and have nothing to do with genuine struggle against the global system of exploitation and oppression.
These vote beggar leaders are like Arya-Brahminist priests. They sing praise sermons of Bahujan deities (Bahujan liberation warriors such as Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar, Periyar etc.) and receive "Vote-Dakshina" from the devotee masses. The members of such parties are "devotees" and not followers of our Bahujan liberation warriors. They are only concerned with the praise sermons sung by their leaders in the praise of Bahujan liberation warriors.
The existence of Manuist exploitation and oppression gives life to vote-begging politics therefore these vote begging party leaders are unconcerned in missionary activities leading to the destruction of the exploitation and oppression system of Tri-Iblis. The "insides" of the two sides of the Manuist-coin are connected to the very thickness part. Similarly, the Bahujan organizations led by vote-beggar leaders are in alliance the very Arya-Brahminist Manuist oppressors. It is crystal-clear from the following news :-
PATNA: More than a dozen scholars from UK and USA have urged chief minister Rabri Devi to probe the links between the Ranvir Sena and political parties. Sena's links with a prominent state Congress leader and an RJD minister should also be investigated, they have said. In a fax message to the CM, they expressed that …. the Ranvir Sena, which is a feudal, upper caste, anti-woman, anti-Dalit and anti-poor terror group linked to the Sangh Parivar, is being nurtured and protected by your government and important ministers. This despite the fact that the Sena has been declared an outlawed outfit," they said. "The level of complicity of your administration and the patronage of the state government is demonstrated by the killing of Manju Devi in broad daylight despite the presence of the district officials, particularly the SP, who went to the spot but came back without disturbing the Sena men who stayed on in the village of the prominent Congress leader," they pointed out. They also demanded that the Arwal police and civil officials be taken to task for dereliction of duty and the DM and SP be punished with suspension. ( UK, US scholars for probe into Ranvir Sena's links
Pranava K Chaudhary 27 Nov, 2003) Congress as well as JD candidates, all competed with each other in garnering the support of Ranvir Sena. The JD MP, after victory, demanded the lifting of ban on it. It was visible again when they jointly launched a protest movement against the transfer of the DM and SP after the Bathani Tola massacre. CPI-CPI(M) played a very dubious role by conducting sustained propaganda that Maley's exaggeration of the contradiction between labourers and farmers, its casteist politics and adventurist actions are to be primarily blamed for the rise of Ranvir Sena. ( More on the Ranvir Sena) Leader of Opposition in the Bihar Assembly Sushil Kumar Modi at a press conference alleged that Lalu Yadav was twice instrumental in the release of Ranveer Sena chief Brahmeshwar Singh from police custody, after his arrest in Patna and Dhanbad. He alleged that a senior member of the Rabri Devi Cabinet had turned his official residence into a hideout of Ranvir Sena. ( Laloo has links with Ranvir Sena: BJP PRESS TRUST OF INDIA) Patna, April 7 (IANS) The Bihar government's sudden decision to wind up a commission probing the political connections of the powerful upper caste militia Ranvir Sena just when it was conducting final hearings has raised more than a few eyebrows here. Justice Amir Das, who headed the commission set up in 1997 after the infamous Laxmanpur-Bathe massacre, is perplexed by the recent decision of the Nitish Kumar government to not give another "last" extension. "I fail to understand why this government was not keen for an extension. The heavens wouldn't have fallen if only six months extension had been granted. I was near to finishing the final report as the final hearing was going on," Das told IANS over the phone. The last person to depose before the commission was jailed Ranvir Sena chief Brahmeshwar Singh, who was arrested two years ago and is believed to have masterminded the killings of at least 300 Dalits and backward castes since forming the group in 1994. Others who had been summoned over the years include nearly 40 politicians. These include Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader C.P. Thakur, former state Congress president Ram Jatan Sinha, now in Lok Janshakti Party, union Minister of State for Agriculture Akilesh Singh from the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) and Janata Dal-United's Sunil Pandey – from various parties but all upper caste Bhumihars. Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi and former BJP president Murli Manohar Joshi were also among the 450 witnesses that deposed. According to RJD leader Shyam Razak, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar wound up the commission under pressure from vested interests. "Some powerful people in the government were likely to figure in the report if it was submitted," the Dalit leader said. A senior police officer, who demanded that Ranvir Sena be declared a terrorist outfit, said the probe was the only way to expose the political patronage that Ranvir Sena enjoyed. ( Nitish winds up Ranvir Sena probe at last stage)
The CPI-ML has questioned the Nitish Kumar government's sudden decision to wind up the Amir Das Commission when it was conducting its final hearings and was close to preparing a final report. He alleged that the decision to wind up the commission was part of a political move to save the skin of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leaders. No other party has voiced its protest. ( CPI-ML questions decision to wind up Ranvir Sena probe ) Patna – The Communist Party of India-Marxist Leninist (CPI-ML) has demanded the dismissal of Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi after a probe report suggested that Modi and several other ruling coalition leaders had links with the Ranvir Sena, an upper caste militia. The CPI-ML also demanded a public apology from Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for winding up the Justice Amir Das Commission into the political connections of the Ranvir Sena. The demands come in the wake of leakage of portions of the report in the media. ( CPI-ML takes Bihar government to task over probe report) It's well-known that the Sena enjoys the patronage of sections of the BJP, Congress and the RJD. And it is this all-party character of its support that gives the Sena its strength. So despite being a banned group, there has been no crackdown yet on the Sena. On the contrary, RJD leader and Union Minister Chandradeo Prasad Verma openly demanded that the ban on Ranvir Sena be lifted when there was pressure for a crackdown after the Bathani Tola massacre in July 1997. ( Ranvir Sena thriving on politicians' support Yogesh Vajpeyi )
State power is the master key to open all the doors of prosperity. But Bahujans must not forget that the Arya-Brahmins though allowed Kshatriyas to hold state power but they exclusively retained with them the right to use these keys. Becoming such a ruler who has no power to use keys to open any door of prosperity is no different than a puppet. Such puppet ruler is simply the door keeper of the doors of prosperity. He has no right to enter into it. Brahmins have made Kshatriyas puppet kings to serve Brahmin interest and strengthen exploitation system of Brahmin religion. Similarly, Brahminist-Zionist Illuminati who control America has installed their puppets to rule over several countries of the world. Therefore, the rule of Bahujans in several states of India does not mean the rule of Bahujan masses.
Therefore, almost all Muslim leaders of Arya-Brahminist led / directed parties such as BJP, Congress, JDU, etc remained loyal with their Arya-Brahminist leaders during Gujrat genocide of Muslims and ignored that these Arya-Brahminist leaders directly and indirectly supported massacre of Muslims in Gujarat . Some Dalit leaders did not hesitate to 1) support the ongoing Gujarat massacre, 2) to launch joint election campaign with BJP in Gujarat, 3) invited BJP leader Lal Krishna Advani in public meeting of their party, 4) not filing revised charge-sheet against Advani and other BJP-VHP-Bajarang Dal leaders responsible for demolition of Babri Mosque. 5) and ignored forcible bloody displacement of OBC, Dalit Adivasis from their age-old living places by the Arya-Brahminist governments and remained silent about liberalization, privation and globalization. There are hundreds of such examples when these vote-beggar leaders shamelessly went to profit from the blood of indigenous OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi Bahujan masses. There are 100 Dalit member of parliaments but they had became disciples of the monkeys of Gandhi and did not see the agonies of Bengali Dalit refugees, they do not want to hear their cries and do not want to speak for their human rights. These priestly vote-beggar Dalit leaders have done nothing to oppose the draconian citizenship bill which unleashes all kinds of brutalities on Bengali Dalits and Chakma Buddhists.
In spite of that the "devotee party members" of these parties will keep on tolerating such betrayals because they are not concerned with Bahujan mission but in the "priestly sermons" that their party leaders are sing.
The Bengali Dalit refugees and their organizations must realize that these "priestly vote-begging leaders" will do nothing unless their selfish political interests to get "vote-Dakshina" or fear of loosing "vote-Dakshina" compel them to do some "lip-service" and "drama" in favour of Bengali Dalit refugees. The RPI leaders like R.S. Gavai in Rajyasabha on 7th December 2004 and Ramdas Athawale on 6th December 2004 in Parliament could not do beyond some lip sympathy in response to appeals of Bengal branches of Matua Mahasabha and Repbican Party, Bengal Unit. The Dalit Bengali refugees will be continuously avenged by Arya-Brahminists for protecting the self-respect of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar while none of these leaders will do anything to wipe out the stigma of betrayal written on the face of the followers of Ambedkar for not helping Bengali Dalits who protected self-respect of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.
2) HERE is some hope : – Dalit Bengali refugees and there organizations can only have little hope from the Bahujan organizations who give supreme importance to awakening indigenous masses for struggle against exploitation and do not have electioneering ambitions. The nature and extent of help shall depend upon the composition of these organizations. Most of these organizations consist of middle class elites hence can be useful in creating mass awareness and can do some peaceful demonstrations. Nothing more than this can be expected from them as middle class is not fit for bitter struggle against exploiter and oppressor class.
3) Here lie our every hope :- Our every hope lie in the aware section of exploited toiling masses and genuine followers of Fule, Shahu, Ambedkar, Periyar and who are not thedevotees of our Bahujan liberation warriors. They are the genuine and trustworthy warriors sailing in the same boat amidst the storm of Brahminist-exploitation and oppression. Let us make a common cause with them and rely only on them and their collective decision making system in deciding every step of the struggle.
It is crystal clear from the following news that almost all electioneering parties of OBC, Dalit, Muslim, Adivasi established secret understanding with Savarna Armed forces such as Ranveer Sena and other Savarna terrorist organizations and protected them :-
Aware section of exploited masses and the genuine followers of our Bahujan warriors must take following measures with strongest determination.
1) Every body of us must remove all confusions from our mind and realize that BJP, Congress, Communist parties of India (Brahminists in the mask of Marxist, Leninist, Maoist etc.,) and all other Arya-Brahminist led or directed parties are enemies of indigenous Bahujan masses. Once we conclude this, we must treat all these parties as enemies of indigenous Bahujans and commit ourselves for their destruction.
2) Only Bahujan masses and Bahujan police suffer in police firing on our protest marches. Not a single hair of any Arya-Brahminist exploiter is bent. Therefore, vengeance of Arya-Brahminists on the indigenous masses shall remain unabated until Arya-Brahminist exploiters remain unharmed. Unless the Arya-Brahminist exploiters and oppressors themselves experience severe punishment and some of the brutalities they have inflicted on indigenous masses they shall never even think before inflicting wounds after wounds on we indigenous Bahujans.
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar asked Dalits never surrender before the exploiters and kill the oppressors while defending the chastity of their women and protecting their property. We searched the internet vigorously by applying different words for example "Brahmins killed by Dalits' to whether any Dalit in the history of mankind has killed any Arya-Brahminist. But we could not find any. Words like 'devastation of Brahmins', 'rape on Brahmin women', 'torching of Brahmin houses' and so on were put in search window but could not find a single incidence of Brahmin persecution. On the contrary we found thousands of instances where Dalits were killed and their women raped and their little property destroyed while they keep on begging for mercy falling on Arya-Brahminist feet. When the Dalits are as harmless as the earthworms, who on the earth will bother to listen to them ? Therefore Dr. Ambedkar wanted to develop self respect in Dalits so that they retaliate against the oppression and exploitation.
Considering the ability of common aware Bahujans following few measures must be applied to inflict harm on the Arya-Brahminist interests.
1) Any attempt of voting in favour of Arya-Brahminist exploiters, their parties or their stooges must be fought bitterly. We must see that votes received by all these enemy parties reduce drastically. Then only they will be compelled to give some heed to our demands. If we become football we shall receive kicks no matter wherever we (our election mandate) goes. Because we vote them alternatively they have no need to bother about us. Therefore, without any fear of loosing votes, they keep on inflicting wounds after wounds on we Bahujans.
2) Vote only to those candidates who help your mass struggle. If no such candidate is available, sleep comfortably in your home.
Manuist-coin thickness potion parties of OBC, Dalit, Muslim Adivasi for the same reason will keep on betraying our cause because they feel we have no alternative but to vote them. Let us raise ourselves from the shameful state of "devotees'because the devotees are the real killers of the life mission of our Bahujan warriors (Fule, Shahu, Periyar, Ambedkar). LET US raise ourselves to the glorious state of aware followers of our Bahujan warriors by concerning only with missionary activities. A missionary activity is that activity which unites exploited masses and weaken Arya-Brahminists and their exploitation system. Let us help every missionary activity irrespective of any party label.
3) Aware Bahujans must use their every resources in the destruction of exploitation and oppression system of Arya-Brahminists and to establish Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra which is exploitation-free society based on Bahujhanwad. (For details read Tri-iblisi Shoshan Vyuh Vidhvans, Part II, the handbook of People's struggle written in Hindi)
4) Awareness campaign is always neglected. Importance of awareness campaign can become clear from the following story :- An indigenous king who was pleased with a Brahmin promised to fulfill his demand to give him one seed of grain on first day two grains on second day, 4 on third day and so on for a period of one year. The king was shocked to see that within few months the whole grain of his kingdom had to be handed over to the cunning Brahmin and not a single seed of grain would remain for the people. The king wisely killed the Brahmin for his anti-people demand and issued a decree not to entertain any Arya-Brahminist henceforth in his kingdom. The awareness grow in the same way as number of grains double if rigorous awareness campaign is launched by every aware Bahujan with whatever resources he has with him.
Aware masses are wise enough to decide their course of action themselves. We must not forget that strength of aware masses in the world has compelled the exploiters to step down after little resistance. Because, aware exploited masses never remain earthworm or sheep to be killed and sacrificed. Awareness grow strong teeth and nails in toiling masses to tear the exploiters into pieces. Every measures of repression in the hands of exploiters no longer remain in their control. Therefore, the exploiter class of France, Nepal, Russia and of other countries of the world preferred to step down. Exploiters know very well that if the Islamic law of killing one for the life of one that is taken is applied to the brutalities they have inflicted upon the masses, the exploiter class of the whole world would be wiped out.
01. A Guide to Little Lhasa in India.htm
02. About Tibet Fund.htm
03. Amrita Bazar Patrika, 14 January 1950
04. Ananda Bazar Patrika, June 23, 1975
05. Anthropology Matters Journal 2005, 7 (1)
06. Behold these Asian Indians of African descent By Anil Mehrotra
07. BUYHARD FOR TIBET and all victims of Chinese communist oppression.htm article by VIJAY KRANTI New Delhi, India e-mail :
08. chakma.htm
09. Country Report on the Refugee situation in India (From the SAHRDC Resource Centre).htm
10. CC Feb 2005 — Human Rights.htm, Combat , February 2005 Year 11 No.105
11. Daily Times – Leading News Resource of Pakistan – PML, PPP back Bangla-speaking people.htm Monday, September 06, 2004
12. deportating_bengali_muslims.htm
13. Dalit Voice – The Voice of the Persecuted Nationalities Denied Human Rights.htm Vol 24 May 1st – 15th, 2005 No. 9 Conspiracy against Bengali Dalits : 2 -crores facing genocide? CAPT. SIDDHARTH BARVE (
15. DNA – India – Relocation plan for the Kashmiri pandits – Daily News & Analysis.htmDecember 14, 2006
16. Economical and political weekly, (EPW) Special Article February 15, 2003 Article.htm
17. Economical and Political Weekly ( EPW) Special ArticlesApril 23, 2005 by Annu Jalais [This piece is dedicated to the victims of the Morichjhanpi massacre. It was first presented as part of the American Anthropological Association Conference panel: 'Forgetting Bengal' which was held in Chicago in November 2003]
18. Fake Stories of Bangladeshis Intruding Into India.htm
19. From Tibet to India History of the Attempted Destruction of Tibetan Culture.htm
20. Frontlie, Vol. 15 :: No. 17 :: August 15 – 28, 1998
21. frontline, Vol. 15 :: No. 17 :: August 15 – 28, 1998, 15170410.htm and 15170430.htm
22. Global Politician.htm Partition refugees targeted as Bangladeshi infiltrators Syed Ali Mujtaba, Ph.D. – 11/1/2006 Syed Ali Mujtaba is a journalist based in Chennai, India. He can be contacted at
24. No-Where People on the Indo-Bangladesh Border
26. Submitted by kashif on Sun, 2006-11-05 16:31. Articles By Syed Ali Mujtaba
27. International Campaign for Tibet Advocacy US Government and Tibet Congressional Proceedings Maura Moynihan.htm
28. India's Perception Of Refugee Law – [2001] ISILYBIHRL 14.htm
29. Infochange India News Features Analysis Refugees are not illegal migrants.htm
30. IPCS – Databases.htm Tibetan Refugees in India Zarin Ahmad Reserach Scholar, JNU
31. IPCS – Non – Traditional Security Issues4.htm Article no.985 Date7 March 2003 The Migrant MenaceAisha SultanatResearch Officer, IPCS
32. Immigrants in Bombay : A Fact Finding Report.1 -by Shama Dalwai and Irfan Engineer [Conclusions]
35.Jews in India COCHINI JEWS
37. Kolachi, NOS, The News International.htm Living in no man's land By Mashiur Rahaman
38. Making a 'menace' of migrants.htm from the new nation Bangla desh's independent news source, editorial.
39. ministry of home affairs-India-an overview.htm Renovation of houses & shrines at Kheer Bhavani and Mattan
41. News from Bangla Desh Nov. 29, 2005, Massacre of Dalit Refugees in Marichjhapi Article by Palash Biswas
42. Nowrojee_com TCHRD.htm
43. Organizer April 17, 2005
44. Organizer, December 17, 2006 Shame at Singur By Udayan Namboodiri
45. Palash Biswas, C/O Mrs Arati Roy, Gostokanan, Sodepur, Kolkata- 700110, Phone: 91-33-25659551
46. ParsiofIndia.html
47. Partition%20Studies.htm
48. Peace and Democracy in South Asia, Volume 1, Number 1, January
49. People's Voice – Organ of CGPI September 1-15, 2005.htm
50. Refugees in India – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.htm
51. Refugees In India Legal Framework, Law Enforcement And Security – [2001] ISILYBIHRL 7.htm
52. Sify Blogs India – Your free thought space with free 10 MB image hosting_ Start your Weblog & personal page now!9.htm Atricle by palash biswas
53. Soc.Culture.Jewish Newsgroups Frequently Asked Questions and Answers URL:
54. The Phantoms of Chittagong.htm
55. The Rediff Special/Claude Arpi
56. The Tribune, Chandigarh, India – Delhi and neighbourhood.htm
57. The Tribune, Chandigarh, India – Himachal Pradesh.htm
58. THE LAST JEWS IN INDIA AND BURMA Nathan Katz and Ellen S. Goldberg
60. Tibetan Exile Settlements.htm
61. Thomas Paine's Corner Fake Stories of Bangladeshis Intruding Into India.htm article by Mohammad Zainal Abedin 8/19/06
62. The Tribune, Chandigarh, India – Jammu & Kashmir2.htm 13 safe zones for return of Pandits
63. The Origin of Syrian Christians of Keralam:Myth and Reality Dr. C. I. Issac. (Published in Aseemaa, A Journal for National Resurgence, Mangalore, Vol. I. No. 4, pp 37-43)
64. Why East Bengal Refugees are Discriminated and Hated, Article by Palash Biswas
65. DFR – Tibet – Health.htm
66. [ZESTCaste] would they divide india again.htm (From Palash Biswas Gosto Kanan, Sodepur, Kolkata-700110, India )
April 7, 2009 Posted by sheetalmarkam | Arya-Brahmin Vengeance | Adivasi, Afghan Refugees,Arya-Brahmins, Aum Doomsday Cult, 'Operation Push-Back', Bahujans, Bangladeshi infiltrators, Bhadralok, BSF, Chakma Buddhists, Chinese Revisionists, CIA, citizenship Amendment Act 2003, CRP, CTA, Dalai Lama, Dalits, Dandakaranya, Dharamsala, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Feudal Rule, forcible deportation, FRRO, Hakka Chinese, Heinrich Harrer, Jews,Jogendranath Mandal, Kalachakra Puja, Kashmir Pundits, Lamaism, Manuism, Manumedia,Mao, Marichjhanpi / Morichjhanpi, McLeodganj, Namoshudra, Nepali Refugees, OBC,Operation Blue Star, Parses, People's Liberation Army, POTA, PUCL, Ranvir Sena, Refugees,Sangh Parivar, Shoko Asahara, Sidhis, Sindhi-refugees, Special frontier force, Stalin,Sundarban, Syrian Christians, Tantric Buddhism, Tibet, Tibetan contra, Tri-Iblis, Vajrayana |14 Comments
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Mumbai Attacks Expose
Mossad – CIA Plan to disrupt, Balkanize and Enslave India and Pakistan !
(Copyright-free E-Book)
Edited and Synthesized by
Sheetal Markam, Commander -in -Chief, Gondwana Mukti Sena, India
Suhail Ansari, Advocate Harshvardhan Jogendra Meshram (B.A., B.Lib, Inf.Sc.; L.L.B.),Nagpur; Urmila Marco (C.G.), Niranjan Masram, Yavtamal
Communication Address : Sheetal Markam Gondwana Vikas Mandal, 233 Sant Tukdoji Nagar, Manewara Road, Nagpur -440 024 (India)
About This E-Book
This copyright-free E-Book is a synthesis of material that we downloaded from internet and information collected from various periodicals and books. The E-Book aims to present a complete meaningful picture that reveal real enemies hiding behind curtain in the garb of friends so that the exploited and oppressed indigenous masses of the world can decide an appropriate measure to defeat these satanic perpetrators.
We request every capable person / organization to translate and print this E-Book in their native language either in full or in parts (booklets) and sell it at the price of their own choice as this E-book like our every published literature is Copyright-free and is declared as the property of indigenous masses of the world.
We also request websites to post this E-Book as one of their web page. Aware persons and their organizations are requested to copy the E-book on CDs and circulate them widely. They are also requested to post this E-Book as a blog and send it to their friends through E-Mail. — Sheetal Markam
Explanation of Terms Used in This E-Book
Important :- Whle citing the information taken from various sources, to make information truly meaningful we have used words such as Brahminists, Manuists, Arya-Brahminists, exploiters, Arya-Brahminists riding the government, Manu-media, Brahmincracy, Arya-Brahminist Demoncracy and so on and some information in bold letters. We have also put our own comments within { } to make the information more meaningful.
1) Adivasi : indigenous people that use to live in forests and also many settled in cities.
2) Arya-Brahmins : Persons who call themselves supreme race and above the law and even god. According to them the remaining masses are brought into existence to be ruled by Arya-Brahmins in the manner Arya-Brahmin like. Arya-Brahmins also represent any person, group or community that consider itself higher than the rest of mankind in above mentioned manner.
3) Arya-Brahminist : Any person belonging to any religion, caste or community who believes that the Arya-Brahmins are supreme race meant to rule the rest of the mankind and strives for imposition of Arya-Brahmin rule or strive for strengthening it by heart is an Arya-Brahminist.
4) Agent of Arya-Brahminist : Any person who work for establishing the supremacy of Arya-Brahmins to get some kind of favor is an agent of Arya-Brahmins.
5) Slave of Arya-Brahmins : Any person who is compelled to work for establishing the supremacy of Arya-Brahmins or to serve Arya-Brahmins against his wish is a slave of Arya-Brahmins.
6) Bahujans : The exploited and oppressed masses of the world who almost form 85% of total population are considered as Bahujans. In India OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasi together constitute the population of Bahujans.
7) Bahujanism : Is ideology that ultimately aims to end exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins (no matter what they are called) and aims to establish exploitation free society in which the various sections of Bahujans get their representation in every field according to their population proportion and Bahujan masses directly control the representatives they choose to run the government.
Bahujanist : Is a person who fights against the exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins and their exploitation system; believes in equality, fraternity and brotherhood is Bahujanist.
Bahujanists include various Bahujan saints Such as Chakradhar, Namdev, Ravidas, Kabir, Tukaram, Harichand Thakur etc.; Social revolutionaries such as Pitamah Jyotirav Fule, Shahu Maharaj, Periyar E.V. Ramasami, Dr. Ambedkar, Guruchand Thakur etc; and communists such as Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao. All of them fought against exploitation and oppression of their time in the ways available to them during prevailing conditions.
9) Brahminism : The ideology that preaches supremacy of Arya-Brahmins over rest of the mankind and give Arya-Brahmins absolute power is Brahminism.
10) Manuism : Is Brahminism explained by Mr. Manu.
11) Dalits : Are castes compelled to do menial work and declared as untouchables.
12) Manumedia : Media of exploiter Arya-Brahminists.
13) Manusmriti : Book of the code of Mr. Manu.
14) OBC : Other backward classes.
Chapter I
Zionist Plan to Enslave the World
Zionist Illuminati consisting of Satan worshipping 13 families have been Disrupting, Balkanizing and Enslaving their Rival Countries through the Mossad and CIA to meet their economic gains. Zionist Illuminati control the world economy and benefit from self devised conflicts between nations while helping and indebting both the warring sides. (For details search internet on Illuminati) CIA-Mossad-MI6 and ISI are one in terms of their aim of One World Fascist police state which is determined to carry out an organized Global Depopulation Agenda on indigenous masses to wipe out large portion of indigenous population and transform the remaining people into a subhuman race to be ruled by Zionist-Arya-Brahminsts.
American strategists favor fracturing and weakening the national unity of Islamic states to benefit illuminati. They want to splinter countries on ethnic lines and to control them by puppet regimes. This would enable the US to secure its oil supplies and micromanage a fragmented Muslim world. Iraq is already going through this process. A strategy of balkanizing the entire Middle East is being implemented. One of the main targets is Iran.
It is not merely the Middle East that is the target, but Central Asia, specifically for its geographical relationship to China, Russia and India.
Destabilizing and ultimately breaking Nuclear Pakistan up into several countries or regions will naturally spread chaos and destabilization into neighboring India, Afghanistan, China and Iran. This also follows in line with Anglo-American strategies in destabilizing the Central European region, specifically the former Yugoslavia, and more recently, Georgia, to target Russia.
Zionist Mossad-CIA Infiltration in India
Following is the brief of report posted on wikipedia website on RAW, the intelligence agency of India ( Research and Analysis Wing) :- The primary mission of RAW includes aggressive intelligence collection via espionage, psychological warfare, subversion and sabotage. RAW has a dedicated section which spies against enemies and have intelligence collection organizations. Diplomatic missions provide an ideal cover and RAW centers in a target country are generally located on the embassy premises. RAW operatives find good covers in {Indian} multinational organizations. Non-governmental organizations and cultural programmers are also popular screens to shield RAW activities. International media centers can easily absorb RAW operatives and provide freedom of movement. RAW maintains active collaboration with other secret services in various countries. Its contacts with FSB of Russia, KHAD, the Afghan agency, Israel's Mossad, the CIA and MI6 have been well-known, a common interest being Pakistan's nuclear programmed. In 2006, Indian magazine Outlook reported that although India has a Muslim minority numbering 140 million, there was not one single high level Muslim officer in RAW. Reuters quoted anonymous sources as saying there were some Muslims in RAW, but they were mostly field officers. ( Research and Analysis Wing)
RAW operatives actively search for local recruits and operatives. Separatist tendencies and ethnic or sectarian sensitivities are also allegedly used as grounds for manipulation. Armed forces and Paramilitary personnel remain a primary target for enrolment. ( Research and Analysis Wing)
The RAW's Bangladesh operation began in early 1970 by sowing discord among the disgruntled population of East Pakistan, suffering repression by the Pakistani political establishment. This led to the creation of Mukti Bahini and under its cover RAW operatives infiltrated into East Pakistan for guerrilla operations, blowing up Pakistani assets to damage the operational mobility of their troops. RAW emerged as a formidable intelligence agency after this success. ( Research and Analysis Wing)
RAW's another operation was amalgamation of Sikkim which is bordered by Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan and West Bengal in the Eastern Himalayas. Sikkim was ruled by a Maharaja. The Indian Government had recognized the title of Chogyal (Dharma Raja) for the Maharaja of Sikkim. In 1972 RAW was authorized to install a pro-Indian democratic government there. In less than three years, on April 26, 1975 Sikkim became the 22nd State of the Indian Union. ( Research and Analysis Wing)
Operation Cactus was another RAW's mission. In November 1988, the People's Liberation Organization of Tamil Elam (PLOTE), composed of about 200 Tamil secessionist rebels, invaded Maldives. At the request of the president of Maldives, Indian armed forces, with assistance from RAW, launched a military campaign. The Indian paratroopers landed at Hulule. The operation, labeled Operation Cactus, also involved the Indian Navy. Swift operation by the military and precise intelligence information quelled the insurgency. RAW started training the LTTE to keep a check on Sri Lanka, which had helped Pakistan in the Indo-Pak War by allowing Pakistani ships to refuel at Sri Lankan ports. Latter LTTE created lot of problems and complications and then Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi was forced to send Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) to restore normalcy in the region. The disastrous mission of Indian Peace Keeping Forces (IPKF) was blamed by many on the lack of coordination between the IPKF and RAW. Its most disastrous manifestation was the heliborne assault on LTTE HQ in the Jaffna University campus in the opening stages of Operation Pawan. The site was chosen without any consultation with the RAW. The dropping paratroopers became easy targets for the LTTE. The assassination of Rajiv Gandhi is also blamed as a fallout of the failed RAW operation in Sri Lanka. ( Research and Analysis Wing)
In Tamilnadu assembly Congress leader Peter Alphonso said that Rajeev Gandhi had given a bullet-proof jacket to LTTE chief Prabhakaran after India-Shri-Lanka agreement in 1987. (Bhaskar, 13 November 2008)
RAW had given training to LTTE to check Shri Lanka. This caused problems. Indian government was severely criticized. This happened as a result of non coordination between Indian Peace keeping forces and RAW. It is alleged that the failure of RAW operations was responsible for the murder of Rajeev Gandhi. (Bhaskar, 15 June 2007)
Myanmar had always been a worrisome point for Indian intelligence. India sought to promote democracy and install friendly governments in the region. To these ends, RAW cultivated Burmese rebel groups and pro-democracy coalitions, especially the Kachin Independence Army (KIA). India allowed KIA to carry a limited trade in jade and precious stones using Indian territory and even supplied them weapons. It is further alleged that KIA chief Maran Brangsein met the RAW chief in Delhi twice. However when KIA became the main source of training and weapons for all northeastern rebel groups, RAW initiated an operation, code named Operation Leech, to assassinate the leaders of the Burmese rebels as an example to other groups. Six top rebel leaders, including military wing chief of National Unity Party of Arakans (NUPA), Khaing Raza, were shot dead and 34 Arakanese guerrillas were arrested and charged with gunrunning. ( Research and Analysis Wing)
Kahuta is the site of the Khan Research Laboratories (KRL), Pakistan's main nuclear weapons laboratory as well as an emerging center for long-range missile development. The primary Pakistani fissile-material production facility is located at Kahuta, employing gas centrifuge enrichment technology to produce Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU). RAW agents claim that in early 1978, they were on the verge of obtaining the plans and blueprint for Kahuta Research Laboratories that was built to counter the Pokhran atomic blast, but the then Indian Prime Minister Morarji Desai refused to sanction the US$10,000 demanded by the RAW agent. In the mid 1980s RAW set up two covert groups, Counterintelligence Team- X(CIT-X) and Counterintelligence Team- J(CIT-J), the first directed at Pakistan and the second at Khalistani groups. ( Research and Analysis Wing)
In 2001, RAW had played a key role in the massacre of nine members of the Royal family of Nepal, when the former King tried to drift away from Indian hold. ( RAW's invisible warriors by Sajjad Shaukat)
RAW also conducted Operation Chanakya in the disputed Kashmir region to infiltrate various ISI-backed Kashmiri terrorist groups. RAW operatives infiltrated the area, collected military intelligence, and provided evidence about ISI's involvement in training and funding Kashmiri terrorist groups. RAW was successful in unearthing the links between the ISI and the terrorist groups, and in infiltrating and neutralizing the militancy. RAW is also credited for creating a split in Hizbul. Operation Chanakya also marked the creation of pro-Indian groups in Kashmir like the Ikhwan-ul-Muslimeen, Musleem Mujahideen etc. These counter-insurgencies consist of ex-militants and relatives of those slain in the conflict. ( Research and Analysis Wing)By 1996 RAW had built a 25 bed military hospital at the Farkhor Air Base, this airport was used by Aviation Research Centre, the reconnaissance arm of RAW, to repair and operate Northern Alliance's aerial support. India also supplied the Northern Alliance high altitude warfare equipment worth around $8-10 million. A handful of Indian defense advisers who reportedly included an officer in the rank of Brigadier, were based in Tajikistan to advise the Northern Alliance in operations against the Taliban. RAW was the first intelligence agency to determine the extent of Kunduz airlift.( Research and Analysis Wing)
Pakistani government claims that dissent among the Balochis, tribes in the North-West Frontier Province, Waziristan, Northern Areas and rural Sindhi population is due to RAW's interventions. Pakistan also claims that RAW has established its training camps in Afghanistan in collaboration with the Northern Alliance in a bid to destabilize the region, as a retaliation for Pakistan's involvement in Kashmir. It is also claimed by Pakistani authorities that approximately 600 ferraris (Baloch tribal dissidents) and members of Islamic Emirate of Waziristan were trained to handle explosives and use sophisticated weapons in these camps. Pakistan has long complained of India-engineered terrorism on its soil. ( Research and Analysis Wing)
RAW's role in the war on terror may led by America increase as US intelligence sees RAW as a more reliable ally than Pakistani intelligence.( Research and Analysis Wing)
CIA and Mossad have penetrated Indian secret services.
RAW was penetrated by the CIA in the 1980s when the head of its office in Chennai was allegedly found to have been passing on to the CIA Xerox copies of sensitive documents regarding its operations in Sri Lanka in return of sexual and financial favors. A senior IPS officer, who was in the line of succession as the DIB, was found to be having a close personal and clandestine relationship with a woman CIA officer in the US embassy in New Delhi. The IB was penetrated by the CIA at a very senior level at its headquarters in the 1990s.
RAW officer Ravinder Singh had fled America using fake passport via Nepal. He was spying for America. CBI officers alleged that in spite of repeated requests RAW did not provide them asked details of the assets and property of Ravinder Singh.(Bhaskar 7 March 2008) CIA did not want Rabinder Singh to fall into the hands of RAW interrogators at any cost. It was apparently worried that he might tell them something that could be very damaging to the CIA. He must have helped the CIA in recruiting moles well-placed in RAW or other departments who have access to sensitive and valuable intelligence.
In the regime of prime minister Narsingha Rao secret information of his office used to reach to America. Jaswant Singh did not name the officer who used to supply these information. He only mentioned that this officer is neither in service now nor he is in India. Ex Prime minister Chandrashekhar revealed that report of world bank was not shown to him for 7 months however it was circulated among 13 pro-world bank persons. (Bhaskar, 26 July 2006) During Rajeev Gandhi Regime case of Kumar Narayan where secret information were leaked had become famous. (Bhaskar, 27 July 2006)
According to daily Nav-Bharat leaking secret security information has been continuous at big scale by officers occupying highest positions. Last year navy war room information were stolen. In this theft wing commander S.L. Surve, Commander Vijendra Rana, Captain Kashyap Kumar, and V. K. Jha was dismissed from their service. There was considerable delay in war room leakage case and the culprits were able to flee out of country. Matter is also being investigated for commission in Scorpion submarines. Another big case involving lieutenant general D. Sumanwar who is accused of lobbying for American companies and developing special friendship with America is being investigated. Sources say that he along with Indian defense attaché in America is sent on forced leaves. (Nav-Bharat, 8 September 2006) Delhi police arrested retired brigadier Ujwal Dasgupta of computer department of RAW for supplying secret information to America and for being and American spy. Earlier police has already arrested system analyst of National Security Council S. S. Paul for spying for America. Also police had arrested Mukesh Saini of RAW for spying for America. (Times of India, 22 July 2006)
After the spy racket being run in secretariat of National security Parishad was revealed secret service has prohibited their employees to use mobiles having Bluetooth and camera facilities as well as use of pen drives and other such electronic equipments. From the head quarter computers CD /DVD writers are also removed. IB is investigating leakage of secret documents to America by its counterpart secret service NSCS. (Lokmat Samachar, 5 July 2006)
David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister said that the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work there from against Pakistan. It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis by all disguised and secret plans.
The top people in the Indian security service (RAW) are said to be working for Mossad the spy agency of Israel. "The inner circle of the Indian RAW .. were on the Mossad payroll." (Mossad in Sri Lanka Wake Up From Your Slumber)
Mossad is nickname of "the Institute for Intelligence and Special Task" (ha-Mossad le-Modiin ule-Tafkidim Meyuhadim) Mossad is especially interested in Pakistan, Iran, and middle east. Mossad has 1500 regular employees who conduct terrorist activities with the help of Jews and their supporters throughout the world.( – Mossad, Mossad Coming soon to a town near you!) Jews of different countries visit Israel. Israel is also a destination for religious tourism for the Indian Jews.Mossad is famous for using Jews in the world in accomplishing its Zionist satanic ambitions and in its operations. "Sayanim (Hebrew: "helpers") is a term used to describe Jews living outside Israel who volunteer to provide assistance to the Mossad. This assistance includes facilitating medical care, money, logistics, and even overt intelligence gathering, yet Sayanim are only paid for their expenses. No official number is known, but estimates put the number of Sayanim in the thousands. The existence of this large body of volunteers is one reason why the Mossad operates with fewer case officers than fellow intelligence agencies"
{Like Arya-Brahmins} Jews in India not only consider them upper castes, but they are most dominant and economically very strong community in India. The Jews in Kerala were the business community of Kerala. The ruler Sri Parkaran Iravi Vanmar gave to the head of the Jewish community Joseph Rabban the village of Anjuvannam and pronounced him the Prince of this village. According to the Cochin Jews the 'princely rights' (written on copper plates and therefore called Copper Plates) were given to them in 379 A. D. They had aristocratic rights, such as use of elephants and sedans. They even had servants whose job was to announce their coming to the streets so that the low castes could move away from their way. In the sixteenth century White Jews from Spain and Portugal came to Kerala. The Kochi Jews, concentrated mostly in the old "Jew Town," were completely integrated into local culture, speaking Malayalam and taking local names while preserving their knowledge of Hebrew and contacts with Southwest Asia.
The early Christians of India are said to be the converts from Judaism. The clearest evidence for their view is found in the Aramaic language (language of the Iraqi Jews and of some Iraqis even today) once spoken by the Kerala Christians and used even today in the prayer books of Syrian Christian community of Kerala. Thus their is a clear link between Jews and Syrian Christians who consider themselves high caste Brahmins and practice caste system in Christianity.
The Sassoon family, or "the Rothschilds of the East," played a major role in the industrialization of Bombay. Jews had three of its mayors, professors in its university and producers and stars for its film industry. The famous Haffkine Institute in Mumbai was named after Mr. Haffkine. The Sassoons, after whom the Sassoon docks, the Sassoon Hospital, and two of Mumbai's well known sites – the Jacob Circle and Flora Fountain have been named. They have a Jewish Chief of the Navy. In the Indian Army, Jews have reached very high posts. Bombay had several Jewish newspapers (in Judeo-Arabic, Hebrew, Marathi and English), a Jewish publishing industry, Zionist and community organizations. The Sassoons built two beautiful synagogues to serve the Baghdadi community: Maghen David (1863) in Byculla and Kenesseth Eliyahu (1883) in Fort, both of which usually manage to obtain a Shabbat minyan today. By 1950 there were nearly 20,000 Jews in Bombay, but immigration to Israel, America, Britain, Australia and Canada have drastically reduced those numbers.
The leadership of Calcutta Jewry was held by the Cohen and Ezra families, the latter ranking among the city's most prominent industrial and commercial houses. The Calcutta community was founded by Shalom Obaidah ha-Kohen (1762-1836), who arrived there from Surat in 1798. Jewish trading outposts — often including a prayer hall and a cemetery — sprang up in his footsteps from Lucknow to Darjeeling. The Baghdadis even helped some high caste Hindus to convert to Judaism.
Calcutta has had Jewish schools, a religious court, a matza board, charitable and burial associations, a Jewish hospital, several newspapers, a publisher since 1840 and Zionist groups. Calcutta has had three Jewish sheriffs, and Jews have provided Bengal's first female attorney, several scholars, journalists, writers, musicians and sportsmen. Lt.-Gen. Jack Frederick Ralph Jacob commanded Indian forces on the eastern front during the 1971 war which led to the establishment of Bangladesh. General Jacobs, now the Governor of Goa, supervised the surrender of the Pakistani Army in the Liberation of Bangladesh in 1971. The Chief of the Naval Staff was also a Jew. Maj. Gen. Samson was awarded the Padma Bhushan. Before the Second World War there were 3,800 Jews in Calcutta, a number which grew to more than 5,000 with the influx of Jewish refugees from Rangoon.
Cartoonist Abu Abraham is Jewish. The late famous Hindi film actor David, and the late "Sulochana" (Ruby Meyers) of Indian Silent Films, and the actress / dancer Helen, director-producer Ezra Mir, the actors Miss Rose and Ramola (Rachel Hayam Cohen), as well as the prizefighter-turned-actor Aaron Joshua, Poet Nissim Ezekiel, was Jewish. Nissim Ezekiel was a professor at Mumbai University. Esther David is a very popular novelist and so is Anita Desai. Some Jews also write in Marathi. Dr. Erulkar was the personal physician and friend of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Dr. Erulkar's daughter is currently the 1st lady of Cyprus, married to the President of Cyprus. Another prominent Indian Jew is Dr. Jerusha Jhirad, who was given the title of Padma Shri by the Government of India. (Late) Mrs. Hannah Sen, President of All, India Women's Conference and was also the first lady director, Lady Irwin College for Women, Delhi. (Late) Mr. Ezra Kolet did pioneering work in the shipping industry. Mr. J M Benjamin, was Chief Architect to the Government of India and former secretary, Delhi Urban Arts Commission.
In this way Jews in India are very powerful community. Arya-Brahmins of India have developed very strong affinity with them as they consider Arya-Brahmins as Jews or vice versa, indicating one and the same ethnic community.
The ensuing interaction with Indian officials led to India establishing embassy level relations with Israel in 1992. The decision was taken by a Congress prime minister P V Narasimha Rao.
P. V. Narsingha Rao's close associate Chandraswami who is said to have worked for Rao is labeled as having Mossad-CIA connections :-
Justice Jain who investigated the conspiracy to assassinate Gandhi came across evidence that one suspect known as Chandraswami had links with the CIA and Mossad, and through them with the LTTE. Justice Jain 'has linked Chandraswami with the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) in which arms dealer Adnan Kashoggi, several terrorist groups, and intelligence outfits like the CIA and Mossad had accounts. 'The money in it was used for terrorist operations and political assassinations. The commission quotes evidence of former cabinet secretary Zafar Saiffullah who said Chandraswami had links with Mossad and CIA, and that the government had received intercepts of wireless communication between Israel and Jaffna which established Chandra swami's involvement. (
The central topic of the dialogues between the Indians and the Israeli delegation was the mutual problem of Islamic fundamentalism and Islamic terrorism in both countries, and how India and Israel can join forces to defeat this enemy. The world's first Jewish-Hindu interfaith leadership summit, spearheaded by Hindu organizations in India and Jewish organizations in Israel, as well as the American Jewish Committee, was held in New Delhi on February 2007. The chief Rabbi of Israel, Yona Metzger, was actively involved in the dialogue, together with Swami Dayanand Saraswati. They stated that "The Jewish and Hindu communities are committed to the ancient traditions of Judaism and Hindu dharma respectively, and have both, in their own ways, gone through the painful experiences of persecution, oppression and destruction.
Hindu extremist websites gloat about the need to work together with Israel to target Muslims in South Asia… Israel has also been suspected of involvement in the incitement of virulent anti-Muslim activities in India. Faisal Kutty, a writer from Kerala state noted that a meeting took place, shrouded in secrecy between BJP high officials and Israeli officials preceding a completely uncharacteristic violent communal anti-Muslim riot in the normally peaceful and harmonious state of Kerala in 1992. Faisal Kutty also notes that the first serious communal clash between Sri Lankan Tamil Hindus and Muslims occurred shortly after the opening of an Israeli interests section in the U.S. Embassy in Colombo…These suspicions cannot be unfounded because of similar reports about Israeli agents wandering in Kashmir.
A Rediff story in 2003 revealed that the Indian intelligence agency RAW had clandestine links with the Mossad, Israel's external intelligence agency. The Pakistanis eventually started to suspect intelligence relations between India and Israel resulting in a threat to Pakistani security. When young Israeli tourists began visiting the Kashmir valley in the early nineties, Pakistan suspected they were disguised Israeli army officers there to help Indian security forces.
Israel knows that the Hindus are the dominant group, at least numbers wise, in the whole Middle East. In UAE, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait they are very strong businessmen and hold strategic positions in many institutions. In Medina of Saudi Arabia, the best hotel closest to the Prophet's mosque is owned by a Hindu — the Oberoi. These Hindus are a very effective third column in these Gulf States providing a wealth of information and ready for subversive action when required.
Mossad and Sabak, reveal that the arrangements he has made for joint Indo-Israel espionage operations in key areas of the Muslim world would make the Indian embassies in these Muslim countries the eyes and ears of the worldwide cloak-and-dagger Israeli spy network. Under the euphemism of "counter-terrorism", India is allowing Israel to establish a huge spy establishment in India which will, unearth and monitor "Islamic fundamentalist' and "individuals' and 'groups' for elimination by extra judicial process or by cold-blooded murder and kidnapping. "The Israelis were interested in having access to the secret reports of Indian undercover RAW diplomats from certain Muslim countries of special interest to Israel especially Pakistan, Libya and Iran. India is apparently willing to grant access to Israeli agents to the Indian Home Ministry's Central Intelligence Processing Unit (CIPU) in New Delhi. This was recently set up under Advani's direction with Israeli and US help. A handpicked RAW officer, trusted by Advani, heads this unit. Israel wants full access to its information data. The Indian government has already allowed access to it by American intelligence agencies now working with the Indian government on so-called anti-terrorist assignments." "Israel has several teams now in Kashmir training Indian counter-insurgency forces to fight the dozen separatist guerrilla groups operating in the Indian-controlled sector of the disputed state. ( Indian Raw + Israeli Mossad Vs. Pakistan And Islam)
It was during Vajpayee's time, that the visits to Israel and consequently the relations and contacts of Sangh Parivar Dharma Gurus and Hindutva leaders with Israel increased manifold. Of all, the most studied is the February 2007 visit to Delhi of the delegation of Israeli Jewish religious leaders. The delegation was headed by Israel's Chief Rabbi, Yonah Metzger. In this delegation, Jewish religious leaders from Israelis well as others rabbis from Belgium and Spain too were included. In India, the Israel Jewish religious delegation met important Hindutva leaders, which included especially the RSS Chief K. S. Sudharshan, President of VHP, Ashok Singhal, VHP leader Vishnu Hari Dalmia. Lal Krishna Advani had arranged a dinner for the visiting Israeli Jewish religious leaders' delegation and others included in the delegation, at his own residence. After the meeting of the Sadhus and Jewish leaders, both delegations had issued a common manifesto. Jewish Rabbis expressed grave concern over the details of the terrorist attacks allegedly carried out by Muslims. (Rashtriya Sahara, Urdu Daily, Mumbai 2 Stories connecting CIA/Mossad with extremists one day before attack)
BJP has built close security ties with the U.S. and Israel under the guise of "fighting terrorism." It is certain that this is a step towards turning India into a "security" state as both the U.S. and Israel will provide technological support in terms of arms, intelligence and who knows what else. Organizations like the Bajrang Dal, a Hindutva group who burned to death an elderly Australian missionary and his children, also find inspiration and who knows what else in Zionist Israel. On several occasions, the cadres and their leaders mention Israel and the Mossad as their inspiration. Asked what he did at the camp, an activist whispers, "I am from the secret service of Bajrang Dal. Israel's Mossad is my inspiration. I can't tell you more." (
In Muslim India magazine on its page 239 gave an article "Who is Rohit Vyas Maan and what is ?" written by Vishal Rawal of Pune. According to this article which is also available on , and indya.comSanghparivar has some terrorist secret organizations that work underground. The militants of these secret terrorist organizations work among the various organizations of Sangh-Parivar without revealing their true identity and are active in pogroms like Muslim pogrom of Gujarat. is one of such secret terrorist organizations of Sangh Parivar which work within Bajarang Dal and Vishva Hindu Parishad and also is related to banned organizations such as terrorist Kakh and Kahan movement. The 23 year old chemical engineer Rohit Vyas Maan who is son of American businessman family belongs to one of the founder members of this terrorist organization. Time to time he stays at Delhi, Mumbai and in America. Rohit Vyas Maan and work for the sole intention to establish fascist Hindu-Rashtra by whatever means. The members of this organization call themselves soldiers of Hindutva. They have their website hinduunity soldiers of hindutva hot topics. Vishal Raval wrote that Rohit Vyas Maan, Raj Malhotra, Sanjay Shah, and Amrendra are some of the big responsible leaders of in Mumbai. Some of their militants are active in Kuwait. They are 500 members who do not disclose the name of their organization and call themselves merely soldiers or soldiers of Hindutva and declare their aim to establish Brahmin-Rajya in India through violence. Rohit Vyas Maan collects big amount from the NRIs of America and Britain. A large portion of this amount is spent in buying bombs, explosives and guns and they are supplied to Bajrang Dal etc fascist organizations of India. The significance of this article become very much obvious considering that from the godown of Manish Thakur at Nagla Bandar (Thane) explosive worth 100 bomb blasts was seized. According to police these explosives were similar to which were used in the explosion of Ghatkopar bomb blasts on 2 December 2002. Is Manish Thakur related to ? Are absconding Manish Thakur and Rohit Vyas Maan closely related ? Their whereabouts are unknown. Whenever there is any terrorist act committed why the organizations of Sangh Parivar call general strike ? Is it to give opportunity for the perpetrators / terrorists to escape, just like Manish Thakur has escaped ? because the police instead of searching these terrorists are compelled to involve in the arrangements for strike.(Manjrul Haq Ansari, New Yerkheda Kamptee, Nagpur)
The Zionist website is famous for its poisonous propaganda against Islam and Christianity and provoking violence against them. Because of this this website was to banned. But Kahane extremist Zionist group and its related organizations came in support of this website Kahane group is related to terrorist activities in America and Israel. The websites and use the same server located in Israel for their websites. Both the websites compete each other in poisonous propaganda and invoking violence against Islam and Muslims. They recognize each other as friendly websites. Leaders of Bajrang Dal and other organizations of Sangh Parivar not only advocate strong Hindu-Jew unity {read Brahmin-Jew unity} but openly declare Mossad as their inspiration and ideal. When one Bajarang Dal worker Sharma was asked what he learned in camp ? he replied in a whispering tone that "I am related to secret service of Bajarang Dal. Israel and Mossad is my inspiration and ideal. I can not tell more than this." The Bajrang Dal trainees consider Israel's terrorist activities against Muslims as their ideal. Considering the history of Israel to train the terrorist organizations of various countries and helping them with money, explosives and weapons, and Bajarang Dal members declaring Mossad of Israel as their inspiration and ideal one does not fail to ask that Israel is also providing Bajarang Dal training, money and ammunitions ? (Ghadar, Volume 5: Number 2, July 21 2002.;; Zionism, Hindutva, and Mickey Mouse Imperialism by Raja Harish Swamy Raja Harish Swamy works for Wesleyan University)
The articles of Mr. Atri in website reveal plan of fascist Arya-Brahminist organizations to establish their Manuist-zionist rule by weakening and destroying indigenous masses through devised riots pogroms and looting with the help of selfish indigenous Bibhishans and Hanumans. We give a brief outline of their plan below :- Guns are the best weapons for Hindus in present situation to make Muslims helpless devoid of any resources. Let us come forward bravely with full determination to finish the wolves of Islam and Christianity. (Should we Hindus combat with Islam / Christianity)Mullas, Maulavis, Mufti, Qazi, and different preachers of Islam are greese monkeys. If we kill these 10,000 greese monkeys the Islam will not last even for a weak. Therefore is not it more civilized and better to exterminate 10,000 greese monkeys than exterminating 140 million (14 crore) Muslims ? (Mullahs, Maulavis, Muftis and Qazis). We must drive out all Muslims of India to Kharista without any slightest hesitation. We must make preparations and keep our groups ready to exterminate the greese monkeys. These groups should remain alert 24 hours and should be able to act within a minute. They must have ready with them the list of names and addresses of greese monkeys to be exterminated. Using these lists we shall be able to exterminate maximum number of greese monkeys. With such measures Islam will be extinguished from India in a surprising speed. We need not make propaganda about the existence of our exterminating groups. (Can "Basackward-pyramid of Islam and Christianity" be dismantled ?) The Hindus of the world should unite their minds in a common thread and raising their guns should drive out Muslims out of India. No Muslim in India should have means of livelihood. No Hindu should employ any Muslim no matter how cheaply he is available. We must be watchful to see whether any Hindu is employing any Muslim. Names of such Hindus should be written in black list and RSS, Vishva Hindu Parishad, Bajarang Dal, Arya Samaj, Shiv Sena, Hindu Mahasabha etc. Hindu organizations should drag such Hindu-traitors on ground and beat them severely. His procession on donkey should be taken out and children should shout slogans such as "Hindu Traitor Bachcha Hai Hai, Muslim Bachcha Hai hai" so that he does not dare to employ any Muslim in his service. Muslims should be terrified for their very existence. Every Hindu should become exterminator of Muslims and make Muslims realize that they have no livelihood in India and India is burning hell for them if they want to remain Muslims. (Sulla Destruction Machine) Then Muslims will have only three alternatives :- 1) die with hunger, 2) flee to Pakistan and 3) become a Hindu. Not even one percent will go to Pakistan. More than 99% will become Hindu. Only those Muslims should be given employment who secretly get themselves converted to Hinduism {and work for fascist Arya-Brahminist organizations and Mossad}. We must continue boycott of Muslims and secretly converting them. Boycott of Muslims is going very well in Gujarat. But why it is not happening in other states ? Why ??? The Hindus of rest of country must join the boycott of Muslims sincerely. and make the life of Muslims a burning hell. We must strike them hardest and should leave no alternative for them other than becoming Hindu.(1. The Boycott Technique. 2. Boycott Bomb, The liberty shield of the Hindu) The Hindus must have courage to implement in India the measures implemented by Bulgarian government in 1980. The few of these measures are as under :- 1) Bulgarian government in an order banned all Muslim names and compelled Muslims to take Christian names. As a result, all Muslim names in Bulgaria vanished. 2) Bulgarian government banned completely the use of Turkish language on radio, newspapers, documents and other papers. Persons using Turkish language were severely punished. As a result Turkish language completely vanished from Bulgaria. 3) Government banned and seized the copies of Koran 4) Praying Namaz in mosques were banned. As a result mosque remained merely buildings which had the status of illegal mosques. 5) Muslims were banned from cladding any Turkish / Muslim dress or following custom or tradition related to Turkish culture. 6) Muslim schools were banned. 7) Circumcision tradition of Muslim children was banned and it was checked time to time whether the person has circumcised ? Persons circumcising were severely punished.
Millions of Muslims from their majority area were shifted and were forced to live in Christian dominated area as minority. Applying these measures Muslims in Bulgaria vanished. The suppression movement that Bulgarian government carried out was known as Bulgarian National Revival Movement (BNRM). Government crushed brutally every resistance that was offered by Muslims of Bulgaria. Only 300 were killed. In beginning Muslims all over the world demonstrated against these measures in large number. They also lodged their complaint in United Nations. But Bulgarian government remaining unmoved continued its repressive measures. Now the whole matter has become forgotten part of the history. These tested and effective measures of Bulgaria can be implemented in India by a hardcore Hindu government only. They can be implemented only if BJP comes to power. (A tested, tried and proven technique by S.P. Attri,
Congress and fake communist parties of India are run by Arya-Brahmins. Therefore, they are inseparable hidden members of Sangh-Parivar. Therefore with mutually agreed conspiracy they are implementing above agenda very calmly and quietly wherever and wherever it is possible.
According to 5 year report of American foreign ministry on international religious liberty, it is clearly mentioned that Hindutva {read Brahminism} is being institutionalized in India slowly but continuously. Things related to Hindu religion and culture are being given preference over the other religions and their cultures. (Bhaskar, 20 December 2003)
Brahmin chief minister of Tamilnadu Jayalalitha had passed anti religious conversion bill by force in November 2002. After that Gujarat government passed more stringent anti-conversion bill. In the bill passed in Tamilnadu, person has to inform magistrate regarding his conversion. In Gujarat it is obligatory to obtain permission of district collector to change one's religion. Madhya Pradesh government has two laws to prevent religious conversion. (Dalito Par Badhate Hamle ka Munh Tod Jawab Do, p. 21, New Vistas Publication) Karnataka government has taken action against Muslim employees growing beard. One Muslim police officer was compelled to retire for growing beard. (Lokmat Samachar, 12 May 2003) At government, administration and social level a mentality is being cultivated that being a Muslim means being a terrorist. According to this very mentality the measures used in Bulgaria are being used against the Muslims of India.
The international executive president of Vishva Hindu Parishad Mr. Ashok Singhal threatened Muslims to come on right track {read get converted} or be ready to live in refugee camps like camps in Gujarat. (Nav-Bharat, 26 June 2002, Lokmat Samachar, 1 July 2002)
One can not deny the involvement of Israel in assisting in every way to provoke suppression and massacres of Muslims of India as Israel have been doing it in other countries.
In American embassy of Colombo "Israel interest Section" was formed. After that the first communal riot in the history of Shrilanka between Muslims and Hindus of Shri Lanka erupted. Shri Lankan government latter on closed this "Israel interest Section" When some elderly BJP leaders before coming to power had visited America, they participated in several secret meetings with Jewish organizations like AIPAC. Why the BJP leaders insist on arranging secret meetings with Jewish leaders in America ? Kerala was known as a peaceful state. But in 1992 anti-Muslim riots happened in Kerala. Before these riots erupted the secret meeting between BJP leaders and Israel officers had taken place.
Sanatan Sanstha and Hindu Janjagriti Samiti is busy in spreading Brahminist terrorist ideology from Melbourne to New Jercy. They have several Ashrams where their preaching take place. Their one Ashram is in Goa and one in Panvel near Mumbai.( Quietly, hardline Hindu outfits build a network across Maharashtra, Goa Mon, Jun 23 03:10 AM)
According to an article of Indian express, 23 June 2008, in addition to their branches in India they also run their branches in New Jercy, Brisben, Melbourne, Dubai and in many other places. In their spiritual practice it is essential to destroy the evil doers {read enemies of Brahmanism} physically and mentally. For this purpose they have formed Dharma Sena (Army of Religion). The trainees of Dharma Sena receive training in guns and other weapons. They do not have formal membership. The photograph of Mr. Jayant Athwale, the founder of Hindu Janjagriti Samiti and Sanatan Sanstha, is given in military uniform. In this photograph he is making a very emotionally strong appeal to the trainees to become terrorists against Naxalites who are enemy of Brahmin Rule. Sanatan Sanstha has given the periodical chart of coming events which is as under. 1) Year 1997-99 a period for developing firm determination in the minds of people to destroy evil-doers physically and mentally as a part of their spiritual practice. 2) Year 2000-2006 period for destroying evil doers physically, mentally and spiritually. In their books related to self-defense use of guns and other weapons is taught.( June 23, 2008 A New Source of Terror? Herald, Panjim, 22 June 2008)
Urdu news papers have been repeatedly pointing out that Israel's secret services are also involved in the terrorists activities being executed in India in the name of Muslims. These secret services have been providing training to Brahminist fascist forces in Israel. Brahminist organizations have been sending their members to Israel to get training in agriculture. But instead of training in agriculture they have been given training disruptive activities.( Join The Dots: Silent Emergence of Hindu Terrorism Posted by: subhash gatade | 29 June 2008 and Skewed Media Approach To Terrorism By Yoginder Sikand 20 June, 2008)
Secret Service sources disclosed that at the invitation of Israeli Jewish religious leaders, a delegation of Hindutva leaders had visited Israel this year. In this, some leaders of Sangh Parivar too were included. According to high official, the way America's secret service, CIA and Israel's secret agency, Mossad, are infiltrating in Central Asian and South Asian countries, it is giving strength to the suspicions that in such delegations, members of foreign intelligence get included and through interaction and infiltration, secret operations are carried out. Those organizations that organize and support such visits and meetings, may or may not be aware of the secret mission of foreign agencies, the truth can come out only on investigations. For this reason, the national agencies are now concentrating on investigation of Sangh Parivar and its connections with Israeli lobby and Mossad. The way ATS has arrested Hindutva extremists belonging to Sangh Parivar, in connection with Malegaon bomb blast, facts have emerged of international networking and support to Hindutva radicals.
The growing strength of Hinduists and Sangh Parivar organizations and the increasing violence through these organizations against Muslims, Christians, and minorities in Gujarat, Orissa, Karnataka and other states are alarming. Therefore, enquiries and investigation of relations between Jewish and Hindutva religious leaders from Israel and India are being severely felt and is being analyzed. India's internal and external intelligence agencies have got busy trying to figure out if some big international conspiracy is being hatched behind the activities of hardliner extremists of Sangh Parivar. (Rashtriya Sahara, Urdu Daily, Mumbai 2 Stories connecting CIA/Mossad with extremists one day before attack)
The officials of the national intelligence agencies have categorically stated that American secret service agency, CIA together with Israel's secret organization Mossad, has carried out several secret operation all over Asia. It has exposed that Hindutvadis have got support and motivation from Israeli secret agency and they helped Mossad's operations against the Arab and Muslim countries in the past. (Rashtriya Sahara, Urdu Daily, Mumbai 2 Stories connecting CIA / Mossad with extremists one day before attack)
The Mossad agents mainly come from high technology area. After their retirement they enter into professions in areas such as information technology, computers, communications etc which provide services in I.T. solutions, software engineering, computers and electrical engineering, Computers and electronic hardware, and communication. They usually open company into this area with the help of some big personality or an influential non government organization. ( – Mossad, Mossad Coming soon to a town near you!) It must be kept in mind that large number of Arya-Brahminists are working in information technology and computer sector. Following news is very significant and meaningful considering the above fact.
Warcha area Vishva Hindu Parishad president Kamlesh Kayla has said that VHP will give its members training in spying to find out antisocial and terrorist elements in society. He said that VHP workers will be assigned work of find out antisocial elements and spy over suspicious persons. (Bhasksr, 11 December 2008) Does not this clearly indicate the intention of Mossad to get its spy network widened and get its work done through fascist organizations like VHP ?
Arya-Brahmin industrialists also want Mossad to develop its network in India. Top industrialists from Karnataka met with Mr. Yediyurappa, the Chief Minister of the state recently. The delegation was led by Ms Kiran Mazumdar Shaw of the 'Biocon' fame and Infosys CFO Mohandas Pai. The Biocon CEO suggested creating a well-equipped crack anti-terrorist squad in Karnataka. The possibilities of getting them trained by Israeli secret service Mossad should be explored, she said. ((DNA, Sunday, November 30, 2008 01:51 IST) Welcome Mossad ! By Subhash Gatade 24 December, 2008
India under the iron-grip of Israel-American Military bases !
Mossad-CIA are trying to cause chaos in several neighboring countries and covertly inflame subversive activities in India, Russia and China to weaken them.
The Zionist plan is to destabilize and dismantle India with their subversive covert operations as they are doing with the Middle East and Central Asia, in order to redraw borders to suit geopolitical imperial ambitions. During cold war India and Israel officially pretended rivals of each other. Arya-Brahminists riding government of India have been playing in the hands of Mossad-CIA to ensure Arya-Brahminist position as agent-rulers holding higher jobs in an impending Satanist Zionist state. Arya-Brahminists riding the Government of India implemented Zionist plan to balkanize Pakistan and created Bangla Desh from east Pakistan. The fall of the Soviet Union generated a solid open strategic alliance between them. India also launched a military satellite capable of spying Iran, Pakistan, Russia and China for Israel through its Indian Space Research Organization.
In year 2000, Israeli submarines reportedly conducted test launches of cruise missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads in the waters of the Indian Ocean, off the Sri Lanka coast. It would be advantageous to the Israeli Navy to establish a logistical infrastructure in the Indian Ocean with the cooperation of the Indian Navy, since the Mediterranean has a dominant Arab and European presence that is hostile to the Israeli navy in varying degrees. American Jewish Committee announced it would soon be opening an office in New Delhi.
In India there is already a great presence of foreign military forces. America and Israel do not miss any opportunity to increase their forces in India. Time to time military, Naval and Air force exercises are conducted to insure pro-Zionist military presence. In the name of war against terrorism and curbing Naxalite violence, foreign military presence is continuously increased. They put pressure on Indian government to approve their proposed increased military and intelligence presence. Foreign military and intelligence persons always find their presence in several counter terrorism schools. Many of these schools even train Shrilankan army commandos. In the wake of Mumbai attacks the pressure is further increased.
Israeli intelligence unit is conducting the field security surveillance course in Pune for Indian Army Military Intelligence sleuths. Course has been designed to look at methods of intelligence gathering in insurgency-affected areas. This is part of the ongoing defense cooperation between India and Israel. The Israeli experts have been drawn from the external (Mossad) as well as internal (Shin Bet) intelligence agencies. Indian Military Intelligence is to pick up tips on gathering human intelligence as well as receive training on technical intelligence using recently procured Israeli surveillance equipment. ( Israel's Mossad all set to slip into India by SAIKAT DATTA February 28, 2004)
Under the proposed agreement, the IDF of Israel would send highly-trained commandos to train Indian soldiers in counter terror tactics, urban warfare and fighting in guerrilla settings. ( Israel Likely to Train Indian Counter Terror Special Forces Dated 14/9/2008)
"The most important meeting the Indian Home Minister Advani had during his three-day Israeli tour on June 13-16 was with the top brass of Israel's intelligence agencies in Tel Aviv. Heading the Israeli team was the powerful chief of Israeli police, Yehuda Wilk, with the heads of the Israeli intelligence agencies, Mossad and Sabak, and military officials dealing with Israel's punitive and espionage operations against Arabs in Israel, Palestine and neighboring states such as Lebanon and Syria. Senior officials from the Israeli Foreign Office and the defense and home ministries attended this meeting. Israeli experts in bomb detection were also present. "Mr. Advani's large team included India's highest level spymasters such as the Director of the Intelligence Bureau, Mr. Shyamal Dutta, the Director of the Central Bureau of Investigation, Mr. R K Raghvan, the head of the Indian Border Security Force, Mr. E M Ram Mohan, Indian Home Ministry's powerful Secretary K Pande who oversees the work of the infamous Indian spy agency, RAW, and liaises with the Indian Foreign Office in respect of undercover RAW agents working in Indian embassies abroad, and a senior officer of India's military intelligence agency, equivalent of Pakistan ISI. Advani recalled that India had voted in favor of a US-sponsored motion in the UN for rescinding a UN resolution that equated Zionism with racism. "The Indians gave the Israelis a long shopping list of spying, torture and surveillance equipment such as: 1) electronic fencing of sensitive sites, 2) laser systems, 3) short-range rockets, 4) eagle-eyed long distance snipers, 5) observation blimps, giant shields, 6) night vision devices, 7) unmanned aircraft,
special protective dress and gear for security personnel, 9) cross border snipping devices and gadgets, 10) training and deployment of spies and the special gear for them, 11) use of computers and Internet for espionage and disinformation, code breaking, tailing of enemy agents and their elimination, 12) nuclear espionage, 13) purloining state secrets of hostile countries and pooling them for the good of India and Israel and their mutual friends. ( Indian Raw + Israeli Mossad Vs. Pakistan And Islam)
A Memorandum of Understanding, signed by ISRO and Israel's space agency, provides for cooperation in multiple areas of space science and technology. The latest Israeli Radar Satellite, Tecsar, was launched by India on 22 January, 2008. India's space agency launched an advanced Israeli reconnaissance satellite capable of taking images through cloud cover or at night, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) said. Israeli satellite launched from a pad in southern Andhra Pradesh can be used to spy on Iran. (
There were speculations in the media that the Indian nuclear test of May 1998 was actually done to test the Israeli nuclear technology, as there are no testing grounds available in the Israeli territory. APJ Abdul Kalam, head of India's nuclear program, had visited Israel twice in 1996 and in 1997. There were also reports that Israel spy satellite was providing India with intelligence on Pakistan and Israel was allowed by India to undertake missions on Indian territory (probably Kashmir) to monitor points of interest. Israeli setting up of its naval bases in Indian Ocean along with India and US will seriously aggravate the chances of Pakistan to preserve its life line along Indian Ocean and put its fragile security situation in fix. ( Growing Israel India Nexus From: Muhammad Javed Iqbal)
India and Israel secretly planned to hit nuclear facility in Kahuta near Islamabad in 1983-84 but backed off when the CIA tipped off Pakistan's then president Gen Zia ul Haq. The authors highlighted India's intelligence links with Israel at the time when the two countries did not have any diplomatic contact. India put its plans on hold after Dr Raja Ramanna, the then director of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, was warned by the then Chairman of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Munir Ahmed Khan in Vienna in the autumn of 1983 that Islamabad would attack Trombay if its facilities in Kahuta were hit. ( 'Israel planned to hit Kahuta from India's Jamnagar base') In a startling revelation, the Israeli Ambassador in New Delhi, Mark Sofer, has said that his country had assisted India in 'turning around' the situation during the 1999 Kargil war with Pakistan. He also disclosed that Indo-Israeli defense ties would go beyond mere selling-buying of arms. 'We do have a defense relationship with India, which is no secret. What is secret is what the defense relationship is ? And with all due respect, the secret part will remain secret,' he said in the interview to Outlook weekly magazine.(
The Times of India, Friday 22 September 2000 reports that A high-level team of Israeli counter-terrorism experts is now touring Jammu and Kashmir and several other states in India at the invitation of Home Minister Lal Krishna Advani to make an assessment of New Delhi's security needs, high-level government sources said. The Israeli team, headed by Eli Katzir of the Counter-Terrorism Combat Unit of the Prime Minister's Office, includes a senior Israel Police commander and Israeli military intelligence officials. The team will prepare a "feasibility study" of Indian security needs and assess the areas in which Israel can offer assistance to New Delhi in tackling the activities of insurgent and terrorist groups. "The Indian Express" reports that Israeli intelligence experts will conduct an advanced course for Indian Army Intelligence Corps personnel. "The Indian Express" claims that Mossad and General Security Services experts will arrive in India this week, "to conduct the first field security.( "The Indian Express": Mossad to train Indian Army Intelligence Corps. Publication: Asia Africa Intelligence Wire Publication Date: 02-MAR-04)
Dalit voice rightly published a news titled "Jews of India" giving Kashmir to Jews ? (Dalit Voice, 1-15 October 2007)
An Israeli media suggested that Tel Aviv might help India carry out covert operations inside Pakistan in retaliation for the Mumbai attacks. India has asked for Israeli assistance in cross-border attacks against "Pakistanis" inside Pakistan, reported Debka which is believed to have ties with intelligence and military sources. ( Israel to help India against Pakistan 10 Dec 2008) According to Congress government, in spite of revelation of bribe of Rs. 1160 Crores in Barak missile deal Congress government will not put Israel companies in black list because of security reasons. Defense officers said that India-Israel defense relations are so deep and wide that any action against these companies will be against the security of nation. The same Congress government had put South African arms company Denel in black list and stopped all business transaction with them. (Times of India, 13 October 2006) such is the stronghold of Israel over India.
Afghanistan have massive military strategic position against China, Russia and India. Already there is a large Anglo-American NATO force bases. Indian Express of June 9, published the following story based on a PTI report: "The US, which has lined up several joint military exercises with Indian armed forces, is interested in establishing access to military bases in India Carbaugh Jr., who advises US industry and policy makers, says' American military officers are candid in their plans to eventually seek access to Indian bases and military infrastructure'".
A report has recently declared that it has a copy of a classified US Defense Department Report. According to the report US wants 'access to Indian bases and military infrastructure'. United States Air Force specifically desires 'the establishment of airbases in India'. Senior members of the Indian government already know of this plan. The process of arming the 'Baseworld' ensures a steep and steady profit margin for the US military-industrial complex, popularly known as the 'arms lobby'. (The Ascent Of F 16 S Chattopadhyay)
A classified report commissioned by the United States Department of Defense, states that the "American military officers are candid in their plans to eventually seek access to Indian bases and military infrastructure. India's strategic location in the centre of Asia makes India particularly attractive to the US military," the report says. An American Colonel says, "The US Navy wants a relatively neutral territory on the opposite side of the world that can provide ports and support for operations in the Middle East. India not only has a good infrastructure, the Indian Navy has proved that it can fix and fuel US ships. Over time, port visits must become a natural event. India is a viable player in supporting all naval missions, including escorting and responding to regional crises. In the same vein, the US Air Force would like the Indians to be able to grant them access to bases and landing rights during operations, such as counter-terrorism and heavy airlift support." It is significant that during the 1991 Gulf War-I, India provided refueling facility to US warplanes. And during Operation Enduring Freedom, several US warships used Indian facilities for rest and recuperation. As part of Operation Enduring Freedom, Indian naval ships provided escorts to merchant vessels from North Arabian Sea till Strait of Malacca in the most active cooperation with US navy in history. It is not just access to bases and ports that the US military hopes to get in India, but also training facilities on Indian territory.( Americas Next Target: Indian military bases Rediff: 04/22/03)
According to National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, President Bush is set on "strengthening and broadening the relationship with India which goes beyond security, proliferation or regional issues." (quoted in The Hindu of 15-5-2002 India's big power ambition By Afzaal Mahmood)). India's Defense and Foreign Minister Mr. Jaswant Singh has said that India is open to the idea of offering Indian Military Bases for being used by the American Armed Forces. (Hindutva News Analysis – Indian Military Bases for the American Armed Forces)
The Kalaikunda airbase is in West Bengal, a state governed by so called anti-imperialist left government. Which is now the flying-pad of US F16 fighter jets. Is the day very far off when a US military base is formally opened in India? Can we call Kalaikunda a potential US airbase ? US military presence can only mean the servitude of India is not something that they are concerned about. It can be safely assumed that these bases, once formally established, will function as imperial outposts for watching China and colonizing the whole of Asia. Wherever US army goes, rape and prostitution flourishes. The day before joint Indo-US exercises began at Kalaikunda on November 7, newspapers reported angry protests in Philippines outside US bases over the sexual assault of a Philippino woman by American soldiers. This not a unique incident as the histories of Korea and Vietnam demonstrate. (The Ascent Of F 16 S Chattopadhyay)
The US wants India to be converted into a military base to facilitate refueling for its planes and recreation for the soldiers engaged in Iraq war, CPI(M) politburo member and Rajya Sabha MP Brinda Karat said. ( US wants to convert India into a military base: CPM Agencies Posted: Aug 01, 2008 at 1433 hrs IST) America also wants to encircle India is obvious from the following news :- The United States is planning to set up military bases in Nepal to target China and India, claimed Maoist rebels. ( US seeking Nepal military bases to target China: Maoists)
America seems to behave as if India is his colony is apparent from following news :- According to article written by Kuldeep Nair Anita Uddaiyya, a 47 year woman living in fishermen colony of Mumbai had seen terrorists reaching the shore who had attacked several places in Mumbai. She told that 'white men had carried her to America in an aircraft for investigation. She was kept there for two days and was returned to Mumbai by air craft. She was instructed by them to tell that she had gone to Satara. it is obvious that this was a secret mission which was known to higher authority. American secret Service FBI is famous for such secret activities. But why Anita was carried to America when FBI has every facility of ultra-modern equipments of investigation in India itself ? This makes it clear that FBI has every freedom in India. Is the incidence of Anita is lone one ? There could be several such instances. It is not the question of number but of sovereignty of country. Did America gave India same facility {of carrying their citizens to India for investigation} ? This incidence has no relation with "Pratyavaran" Treaty. It is related to extra constitutional authority which America is showing throughout the world. Previously when it was read that Pakistan handed over his citizens to America for investigation. Number goes over 500 citizens. It was thought that A weak country like Pakistan who can not stand on its feet and is weak democratically and financially can not resist American pressure. But should we too surrender the sovereignty of our institutes to the Americans ? If we behave like a dependent nation, then no small countries would receive any relief. It seems that we are being dragged into the orbit path of American influence. America-India nuclear treaty is responsible for this. (Lokmat Samachar, 28 January 2009) Anita Uddaiya a fisherwomen was the first person to see the terrorists who had stepped on the shore of sea at 8.30 PM of 26 November 2008. She had objected their going from the route that was uncommon. On this they had threatened her to matter her own business. On this she thought that they might have come regarding some film shooting. (Bhaskar, 4 january 2009)
Mossad-CIA Infiltration in Pakistan
Pakistan is at a strategic crossroads bordering onto the Middle East, Central Asia and the former Soviet republics and within proximity of China's Western frontier therefore Mossad-CIA made Pakistan a geopolitical hub for their military and covert intelligence operations.
Journalist and author George Crile's book, Charlie Wilson's War (Grove Press, NY, 2003) tells of how Mossad actually used Charlie Wilson to penetrate the CIA's Afghan campaign, and thereby the ISI and the Pakistani government at all levels. Wilson's appointment to the House Appropriations Committee and a strategic alliance with CIA veteran Gust Avrakotos ignited the covert actions that enabled Mossad to infiltrate the ISI. (
Wilson had a close relationship with the Israeli embassy's congressional liaison officer, Zvi Rafiah a highly placed Mossad agent. Zvi Rafiah was involved in spying and collecting strategic information from the US for Israel. Wilson became obsessed with funding and controlling the CIA's Afghan jihad against the Soviets, not for the sake of Jihad, but for the purpose of infiltrating the ISI and reaching the inner-most power circles in Pakistan. Wilson's other objective was the promotion and sale of Israeli weapons. Wilson specially built the famous anti-helicopter missile system designed by the Israelis for the Mujahideen. The latest radar systems for Pakistan's F-16 fighter planes which was denied by the United States was sold to General Zia of Pakistan by Israelis in addition to tanks and other weapons systems to use in the Afghan war. Wilson remained an intermediary in all these deals.( General Zia even agreed to keep details of the arms deals with Israel hidden from the United States. During 1992 and 1995, Israeli and Pakistani diplomats met secretly in Washington on many occasions. (
The Israel-Pakistan connection was crucial for infiltrating the ISI and providing Israeli intelligence with a very secure footing inside Pakistan's intelligence agency. Benazir Bhutto also intensified the ISI's liaison with Mossad in 1993, and she too cultivated American Jewish lobby. Benazir is said to have had a secret meeting in New York with a senior Israeli emissary, who flew to the U.S. during her visit to Washington, DC in 1995 for talks with Clinton. Pervez Musharraf has been a keen advocate of Pakistan establishing diplomatic relations with Israel.( Benazir Bhutto wittingly or unwittingly, played in the hands of RAW-Mossad masterminds. High ups in Pakistan's military believed that Benazir Bhutto had connections with RAW-Mossad and General Pervez Musharraf himself declared her as "security risk" before his referendum campaign. ( Indian Raw + Israeli Mossad Vs. Pakistan And Islam)
After Musharraf overthrew Nawaz Sharif's government, the ISI-Mossad relationship deepened. Pakistan passed intelligence about the Gulf States and the nuclear ambitions of Iran and Libya, whose programs Pakistani scientists had helped to build. Israel provided everything, from training for Pakistani leaders' security guards, to intelligence on India, with whom it has enjoyed full diplomatic relations since 1992. The deepening relationship has not only paved the way for Musharraf's approval of his foreign minister's handshake with Israel, his "chance" encounter with Ariel Sharon on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in September, and an address to the American Jewish Congress.
The ISI has long been referred to as Pakistan's "secret government" or "shadow state." It's long-standing ties and reliance upon American and British intelligence have not let up, therefore actions taken by the ISI should be viewed in the context of being a Central Asian outpost of Anglo-American covert intelligence operations. The ISI acts as a Central Asian base of operations for the CIA and British Intelligence to carry out Anglo-American imperial aims of destabilization of Central Asia, India and the Middle East through the Muslim terrorist organizations they themselves have created.
Chapter II
Zionist Mossad-CIA Created Terrorist Muslim Organizations
Mossad-CIA controlled Muslim organizations !
There is a solid record of evidence pointing to role by Israel's intelligence service, the Mossad, in providing financing and tactical support for the very "Muslim extremists" presumed to be Israel's worst enemies. The truth is that Muslim extremists have proven useful tools in advancing Israel's own geopolitical agenda. Israel and its Mossad believe that Israel's survival lies in its military strength and that "this strength arises from the need to answer the constant threat of war," the Israeli hard-liners fear that any peace with any Arab state could weaken Israel and bring about its demise. In that vein, Ostrovsky writes: Supporting the radical elements of Muslim fundamentalism sat well with the Mossad's general plan for the region. In his follow-up book, The Other Side of Deception, ex-Mossad figure Victor Ostrovsky unveils the disturbing fact that the Mossad had a secret history of supporting radical Islamic groups for its own purposes. Even columnist Jack Anderson, a devoted news conduit for the Israeli lobby, has bragged of Israel's skill : He wrote that Israelis are also skillful at exploiting Arab rivalries and turning Arab against Arab. The Kurdish tribes, for example, inhabit the mountains of northern Iraq. Every month, a secret Israeli envoy slips into the mountains from the Iranian side to deliver $ 50,000 to Kurdish leader Mulla Mustafa al Barzani. The subsidy insures Kurdish hostility against Iraq, whose government is militantly anti-Israel. Anderson added that "two well-placed intelligence sources" had explained that this meant that it was in Israel's interests to "divide and conquer" by setting various Palestinian factions against one another. This would then help destabilize all of the Arab and Islamic regimes in the Middle East. Anderson then stated flat out that the sources said: "Israel had secretly provided funds to Abu Nidal's group." British journalist Patrick Seale, an acknowledged authority on the Middle East, devoted an entire book, entitled Abu Nidal : A Gun for Hire, outlining and documenting his thesis that Nidal was largely a surrogate for the Mossad all along. (Israel's Secret Agenda: Funding Arab Terrorism By Michael Collins Piper's_Secret_Agenda.html)
Not only US-directed agents infiltrate existing terrorist groups and provoke them into action; the Pentagon itself creates its own terrorist groups and death squads. After establishing their terrorist credentials through various crimes, these American-run groups will then be able to ally with and ultimately undermine existing terrorist groups.( Two Mossad cells of six Egyptian and Yemeni born Jews trained at a secret base in Israel's Negev Desert with the intention of penetrating the Al-Qaeda network were revealed. (
America's covert war in Afghanistan, using Pakistan as a launch pad, was initiated during the Carter administration prior to the Soviet invasion. The ISI operating virtually as an affiliate of the CIA, played a central role in channeling support to Islamic paramilitary groups in Afghanistan and in Muslim republics of the former Soviet Union.
The Madrassas in Pakistan, financed by Saudi charities, were set up with US support. The camps became virtual universities for future Islamic radicalism. Acting on behalf of the CIA, the ISI was involved in recruitment and training of Mujahideen. Guerilla training under CIA-ISI auspices included targeted assassinations and car bomb attacks. From 1982 to 1992, some 35,000 Muslims from 43 Islamic countries were recruited to fight in the Afghan jihad. Beginning around 1982, Pakistani army trucks carried CIA weapons from Karachi and often returned with heroin from Haq's Afghanistan. They were protected from police search by ISI papers.
The history of the drug trade in Central Asia is related to the CIA's covert operations. Prior to the Soviet-Afghan war, there was no local production of heroin. Alfred McCoy's study confirms that within two years of the onslaught of the CIA operation in Afghanistan, the Pakistan-Afghanistan borderlands became the world's top heroin producer. Under CIA and Pakistani protection, Pakistan military and Afghan resistance opened heroin labs on the Afghan and Pakistani border. Once the heroin left these labs in Pakistan's northwest frontier, the Sicilian Mafia imported the drugs into the U.S., where they captured sixty percent of the U.S. heroin market. Sixty percent of the U.S. heroin supply came indirectly from a CIA operation.
The Taliban government which came to power in 1996 implemented in 2000-2001 an Opium eradication program. In 2001 prior to the US-led invasion, opium production under the Taliban eradication program declined by more than 90 percent.
One of the major objectives of the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan was to restore the drug trade. Because Afghan drug trade was used to finance the various insurgencies designed by Mossad and CIA throughout the world. Many Islamic fundamentalist organizations in the Middle East and Central Asia, were directly or indirectly the product of US covert support and financing, often channeled through foundations from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. Since the US led invasion, opium production increased 33 fold. In Taliban regime it was only 185 tons. After US occupation it went to 6100 tons in 2006. Cultivated areas have increased 21 fold since the 2001 US-led invasion. In 2007, Afghanistan supplied 93% of the global supply of heroin. (Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 6 January 2006)
The stated purpose of US counter-terrorism is to provide covert support as well as training to Liberation Armies ultimately with a view to destabilizing sovereign Muslim governments.
The ISI supported the wars in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia throughout the 1990s, by training and sending militant Islamists into the regions to sow chaos and exacerbate ethnic tensions, leading to the break-up of Yugoslavia. All this was done with the tacit approval, support and complicity of British and American intelligence. The ISI also supported terrorist groups in Chechnya. It was revealed by the London Telegraph in 2007 that the US, through the CIA, was funding and arming terrorist organizations to "sow chaos" inside Iran. ABC News reported just over a month later that the terrorist group was a Pakistani militant group named Jundullah, which is based in the Baluchistan region of Pakistan, just across the border from Iran. US funds this group, the funding is indirect, as it travels through Pakistan's ISI.( Political Destabilization in South and Central Asia: The Role of the CIA-ISI Terror Network by Andrew G. Marshall)
According to John Loftus, a former Justice Department prosecutor, Omar Bakri and Abu Hamza, as well as the suspected mastermind of the London bombings Haroon Aswat, were all recruited by MI6 in the mid-1990s to draft up British Muslims to fight in Kosovo. American and French security sources have already corroborated the revelation. ( Political Destabilization in South and Central Asia: The Role of the CIA-ISI Terror Network by Andrew G. Marshall)
The US and NATO sponsored "civil war" launched in mid-1991 consisted in coveting Islamic groups as well as channeling covert support to separatist paramilitary armies in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia. In Kosovo, the training of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in the 1990s had been entrusted to a private mercenary company, Military Professional Resources Inc (MPRI), on contract to the Pentagon. The Baluchstan Liberation Army (BLA) bears a canny resemblance to Kosovo's Kossovo Liberation Army (KLA), which was financed by the drug trade and supported by the CIA and Germany's Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (BND)( Pakistan is on the road to Balkanization by A. H. Amin December 5, 2005)
In March 1985, President Ronald Reagan issued National Security Decision Directive 166 (NSDD 166), which authorized stepped-up covert military aid to the Mujahideen and support to religious indoctrination. The project to establish "a pan-Islamic Caliphate" is part of a carefully devised intelligence operation. The covert support provided to "Islamic extremist groups" is part of an imperial agenda. It purports to weaken and eventually destroy secular and civilian governmental institutions, while also contributing to vilifying Islam. It is an instrument of colonization which seeks to undermine sovereign nation-states and transform countries into territories. The imposition of The Sharia in Pakistan and the promotion of "radical Islam" was a deliberate US policy. Missions from the Wahhabi sect of conservative Islam in Saudi Arabia were put in charge of running the CIA sponsored madrassas in Northern Pakistan. United States spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan school children with textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings, part of covert attempts to spur resistance to the Soviet occupation. The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system's core curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books.
U.S. counterinsurgency experts worked closely with the Pakistan's ISI in organizing Mujahideen groups and in planning operations inside Afghanistan. U.S. brought men and material from around the Arab world and beyond. The most hardened and ideologically dedicated men were sought because they would be best fighters. Advertisements paid from CIA funds, were placed in newspapers and newsletters around the world offering inducements and motivations to join the Jihad. (Pervez Hoodbhoy, Afghanistan and the Genesis of the Global Jihad, Peace Research, 1 May 2005) They laid conceptual groundwork of US covert support to Islamic parties and organizations in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Bush's Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was also involved in setting the groundwork for CIA covert operations. Richard Gates, Colin Powell and Richard Armitage, among others, were also involved in the Iran-Contra operation.
Under NSDD 166, the procurement of US weapons to the Islamic insurgents increased from 10,000 tons of arms and ammunition in 1983 to 65,000 tons annually by 1987. "In addition to arms, training, extensive military equipment including military satellite maps and state-of-the-art communications equipment" (University Wire, 7 May 2002).
Appearance of independence is crucial and is an integral part of the covert intelligence operation. Mujahideen motivated by nationalism and religious fervor were unaware that they were fighting the Soviet Army on behalf of Uncle Sam. There were contacts only at the upper levels of the intelligence hierarchy. (Michel Chossudovsky, America's War on Terrorism, Chapter 2).CIA covert support to the Mujahideen in Afghanistan operated indirectly through the Pakistani ISI. Washington was careful not to reveal the ultimate objective of destroying the Soviet Union through jihad.
One of our Muslim friends was happy and proud that a Christian priest belonging to a western country converting to Islam was staying in the Mosque of their area unaware of the possibility that he could have been planted by Mossad-CIA for their evil designs. Such planted persons observe who are selfish persons ready to sell themselves and who are committed to people and to Islam. Their names are reported to headquarter so that through their agents / organizations selfish persons are bought to perform immoral activities including spying while honest youths committed to Islam are misguided in the name of Islam so that their actions always prove detrimental to Muslims as well as to Islam.
The various fundamentalist and paramilitary groups involved in US sponsored "terrorist" activities are "intelligence assets". Their designated function is to perform their role as credible "enemies of America". The Islamic groups created by the Mossad-CIA are also intended to rally public support in Muslim countries. The underlying objective is to create divisions within national societies throughout the Middle East and Central Asia, while also triggering sectarian strife within Islam, ultimately with a view to curbing the development of a broad based secular mass resistance, which would challenge US imperial ambitions.
Outside enemy is also an essential part of war propaganda required to galvanize Western public opinion. Without an enemy, a war cannot be fought. US needed to fabricate an enemy, to justify its various military interventions in the Middle East and Central Asia. The fabrication and vilification of the enemy are required to justify military action. The existence of an outside enemy sustains the illusion that the "war on terrorism" is real. It justifies military intervention based on the right to self defense. It upholds the illusion of a conflict of civilizations. The underlying purpose ultimately is to conceal the real economic and strategic objectives behind the broader Middle East Central Asian war.
The basic truth is that "Al-Qaida" never existed. Al-Qaida is a manufactured enemy who was created by the Bush Administration in order to have an excuse to wage a war for the control of the world's oil resources. Al-Qaida is a fake name, an imaginary illusion, a deceptive fraud, a fictitious hoax and a fraudulent scam of the unlawful war of terror, which is still being cunningly and clandestinely supported and promoted by the CIA, Mossad, SIS, RAW, ISI and the Corrupt Mercenary Media to frame, blame, defame, harm and kill Pakistanis, Kashmiris, Afghans, Arabs, Muslims and other innocent people by falsely and maliciously labeling them terrorists.
Did an American even hear the words Al-Qaida before 9-11 ? Al Qaeda, was a data bank of volunteers who had enlisted to fight in the Afghan jihad. That data base was initially held by Osama bin Laden. Osama bin Laden, America's bogyman, was recruited by the CIA in 1979 at the very outset of the US sponsored Afghan jihad. He was 22 years old and was trained in a CIA sponsored guerilla training camp. During the Reagan administration, Osama was put in charge of raising money for the Islamic brigades. Numerous charities and foundations were created. The operation was coordinated by Saudi intelligence, headed by Prince Turki al-Faisal, in close liaison with the CIA. The money derived from the various charities were used to finance the recruitment of Mujahieen volunteers.
Al-Qaeda in its present shape is a CIA/Mossad backed intelligence outfit. Al-Qaeda has morphed into a global terrorist ideology which is primarily targeting Muslim lands only and has no role in freedom struggles of Kashmir, Taliban, Iraq or Palestine. (EXCLUSIVE: Foreign Secret Services Creating Unrest Inside Pakistan Sarfaraz Ahmed Sun, 19 Oct 2008) Like Nidal's efforts to divide the Arab world, particularly the Palestinian cause, Bin Laden's activities seem to have a congruence of interests with those of Israel, although this is something that the major media has not been ready to acknowledge. Bin Laden has never attacked an Israeli or Jewish target. The Washington Post pointed out on Sept. 30 that Bin Laden's primary goal is bolstering "a destabilizing brand of Islamic fundamentalism in Middle East and Central Asia regimes." (Israel's Secret Agenda: Funding Arab Terrorism By Michael Collins Piper
Al-Qaeda is an ideal asset for foreign secret services intending to create unrest within Pakistan. Their role in fighting inside Afghanistan is minimal as they are primarily targeting Pakistan with the intention of taking over and creating enough mayhem to invite an Iraq-styled invasion. These fanatics are the real brain behind violence in Pakistan today and are drawing support from all hostile secret services like Mossad, RAW and Khad.(EXCLUSIVE: Foreign Secret Services Creating Unrest Inside Pakistan Sarfaraz Ahmed Sun, 19 Oct 2008)
US has been devising a huge, ideologically destructive enemy that kills more of its own people than its claimed enemies. This is exactly what Al Qaida seem to be doing if you simply count the casualties in Afghanistan, Iraq and more recently in Pakistan and helps the US to achieve two key objectives : –
1) Weaken the governments in the region by causing bloodshed and chaos and in the process also give the US forces to continue their stay as well as decimate the population as people will either die or flee as in Afghanistan and Iraq which will make a takeover by the US smooth and easy for subsequent exploitation of both the resources such as oil, gas and every thing. By the same token, it will also give the US the control of strategic geographic locations.Obama said he would consider sending American troops into northeast Pakistan if he became President. The reason he gave is that the Pakistani government has little control over that area and thus it has become a new sanctuary for terror training camps.
2) To contain both India and China. First, remember there are huge Muslim populations in both India and China. Some of them with deep separatist tendencies that simply require a bit of stoking an fanning and proper secret backing such as Kashmir in India and XinXiang province in China. Pakistan has borders with both these troubled regions of US's two greatest economic rivals and that's partly the reason that Pakistan will be crucial if such a plan is on the anvil for the US authorities.
We can already find stuff in the news of growing militant terrorist attacks inside the India, in Kashmir and also growing separatist activities in XinXiang province of China which are all clearly drawing support from somewhere big.
US is playing a double game with Pakistan. If Pakistan withdraws from its sworn alliance with the US, then the Talibanization will simply get on the fast track. The militants will continue to receive the high tech weaponry and support from the US and soon they will be walking over Islamabad and take over the control.
Pakistan will first experience denuclearization in the wake of growing insecurity in the country followed by Talibanization which will be followed by large scale bloodshed, chaos and disappearance of central governance in exactly the same fashion as it happened in Afghanistan, which is also an informal kind of balkanization as there will be no functioning government in the country. The formal balkanization will take place afterwards as the US takes control of various strategic regions such as Baluchistan in the south west a resource-rich vast province bordering Iran and also sitting at the edge of Persian Gulf; Capture of the northern areas bordering China will help the US to create both chaos by covertly supporting the separatists and militants in XinXiang province as well as rule out any possibility of China ever having direct access to the warm waters of the Gulf and Middle Eastern markets which it may have if Pakistan continues to provide it access to its new Gawadar port in Baluchistan province.
Many have argued that Benzir was actually assassinated through a US conspiracy because it suspected that she was likely to betray the US after coming to power and giving China a thoroughfare through Pakistan landscape to Persian Gulf to reach the middle eastern markets. Some experts have also said that this precisely was the fear from the ex-President and General Pervez Musharaf who was also eliminated with a plan and with an excuse that he failed to act against the growing terrorism effectively or was playing a double game with the US.
There will be growing chaos, bloodshed, breakaway regions, militancy and above all, most certainly greater US presence in the region in the days to come. Obama is determined to follow orders of his Zionist masters.
False flag Terrorism of Mossad-CIA-M15 Masters
It is by now well known that many, if not all, intelligence agencies around the world are involved, at one level or another, with so-called "black operations", or just "black ops". Such activities are denied by any and all agencies, as well as their governments. A black operation may be small, as in joining a demonstration to smash windows and overturn cars (giving the demonstrators a bad name), or large, as in staging a fake disaster or attack, then blaming a third party ("false flag" operation).
Mossad prides itself on deep infiltration & penetration into every 'Muslim' militant group in the world. All of the Mossad-engineered 'terrorist' attacks benefit the Jews since it galvanizes the Western world into making Israel's enemies their own – and gives Israel a free hand in dealing with the Palestinians.
The Mossad, is known to recruit Shia Muslims to penetrate Islamic radical networks. On 12th January Indian intelligence officials in Calcutta detained 11 foreign nationals for interrogation on the suspicion of being hijackers. They were Tabliqis (Islamic preachers) and had planned to attend an Islamic convention near Dhaka, but Bangladesh refused them visa. Indian intelligence officials say that they were Israeli nationals from the West Bank, have been on Tabligh in India for two months. The pressure exerted on India by Israel for the release of the men, and in the hurry with which they were flown back suggested an aborted operation'. It appeared that they were on a mission to Bangladesh. ( Investigation: Did Mossad attempt to infiltrate Islamic radical outfits in south Asia? by Subir Bhaumik The Week February 6, 2000)
Officials from the Palestinian Authority have accused the Israeli spy agency Mossad of setting up a fake al-Qaeda terrorist cell in Gaza. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said that Israel had set up the mock cell in order to justify attacks in Palestinian areas. [BBC News - 12/8/2002] We have USA posing as Alqueda : The FBI lists Gadahn's aliases as Abu Suhayb Al-Amriki, Abu Suhayb, Yihya Majadin Adams, Adam Pearlman, and Yayah. But Adam Pearlmen is his REAL name ! Adam is the grandson of the late Carl K. Pearlman; a prominent Jewish urologist in Orange County. Carl was also a member of the board of directors of the Anti-Defamation League, which was caught spying on Americans for Israel in 1993, much as AIPAC has been caught up in the more recent spy scandal. ( SAS posing as Iraqi Insurgents The two British operatives, arrested by Basra police and later freed by a British military operation, were identified by the BBC as "members of the SAS elite special forces" (
They were disguised by wigs and Arab dress. Iraqi sources reported that the Iraqi police were watching the two, and when they tried to approach them they shot two policemen and tried to escape the scene. The Iraqi police chased and captured them, to discover large amount of explosives planted in the car, which apparently was planned to be remotely detonated in the busy market of Basra. The SAS involvement in Iraq was discovered on the 30th of January 2005 when an RAF Hercules plane crashed near Baghdad killing then British servicemen after dropping off fifty SAS members north of Baghdad to fight Iraqi guerillas. ( Fake Al Qaeda)
Iraqi police recently caught two terrorists with a car full of explosives. The drivers of the explosive-laden car were not members of an insurgency group — they were British Special Forces. Two members of the British Armed forces disguised as Arab civilians killed a member of the Iraqi police while evading capture. It is a clear instance of a foreign power attempting to fabricate a terrorist attack. Why else would the soldiers be dressed as Arabs if not to frame them? Why have a car laden with explosives if you don't plan to use them for destructive purposes ? When the people of Basra rightfully refused to turn the murderers over to the British government, as per Coalition "mandate," they sent their own men. Their rescuers were British soldiers driving British tanks. They drove right up to the walls of the jail, break through them and brave petroleum bombs and burning clothes to rescue their comrades. 150 other prisoners break free in the ensuing melee. It took place in the southern Iraqi city of Basra. Iraq is headed towards civil war, and this operation was meant to accelerate the process by killing people and blaming others. Nothing more, nothing less. There have been a number of insurgent bombings in Iraq. Who really is responsible for the bloodshed and destruction? Who benefits from that ? Certainly not the Iraqis — they already believe most suicide bombings are done by the United States to prompt religious war. Several articles have already turned the story against the angry Iraqis who fought the British tanks as they demolished the jail wall, painting them as aggressive Shia militia. ( Fake Terrorism Is a Coalition's Best Friend By Matt Hutaff, Sep 20, 2005)
Here is a list of methods for staging a suicide attack :-
Since the target audience is mainly the western media, you merely plant the explosion and, at the appropriate time, press the electronic trigger. Then you simply describe the explosion (via your military contacts) as a "suicide bombing." Since the reporters are all embedded, they will arrive only when the military takes them. They will see the blood and body parts of course, they will take a few photos, perhaps even talk to one or two selected witnesses. They will then return to the base by jeep or APC with yet another suicide bomber story in the can.
Following techniques are used by agencies too stage a fake suicide attack.
1) Give a young person an "important package" to deliver, along with a large amount of cash as a delivery fee. On his arrival at the delivery point, press the electronic trigger that sets off the explosives in the package.
2) Prepare a car or truck with explosives, place a cadaver next to the explosives, drive the vehicle to the place where the explosion is to occur, leave the vehicle, walk to a safe distance, then press the electronic trigger.
3) Strap explosives to a cadaver, place it in a large cardboard box or other screening contrivance, drive it to the planned explosion point, unload the item as though making a delivery and let it sit there until most people have forgotten about it, then press the electronic trigger.
4) Strap explosives to a person who is so heavily drugged that he/she has no idea what you are doing and can barely stand up. Drive the person to a crowded venue, let him / her out of the vehicle, then drive quickly off and press the electronic trigger.
5) Locate a clinically depressed (suicidal) person who has no particular commitment to Islam, but who hates the target group. Then facilitate the bombing by adding the right drug, if necessary. The operation then proceeds as above, but with the full cooperation of the bomber. Simply press the electronic trigger.
6) Haul someone over for a license or other traffic violation and impound their vehicle while they pursue legal paperwork. Plant explosives under the back seat. When the owner of the vehicle returns to claim his car, direct him to a particular police station for final clearance. The charge is detonated as the driver passes the target area. We have good information that this last method, basically a combination of methods 1 and 2, is in actual use. ( HOW TO FAKE A TERRORIST CAMPAIGN Report from the S.P.I.N.E. Panel)
Chapter III
Mossad-CIA is Disrupting and Balkanizing Pakistan !
Zionist Israel Greatest Enemy of Pakistan
David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister said : "The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. "This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan.
David Kilcullen, a former counterinsurgency adviser to the State Department, said. In fact, some civilian elements of the government are American allies; some military elements are American enemies. The US is uncomfortable because Pakistan's army controls the nukes and remains an important player in the country's political dispensation. The US fears that Pakistan army might eventually cause the balance of war to tilt in Taliban's favor, which NATO forces have no chance of winning in any event, and drive out the US and Indian lackeys currently governing Kabul. Therefore to Zionist Israel, US and India, a weaker military in Pakistan confined to Punjab and perhaps Sindh, devoid of an effective intelligence agency and without nuclear fangs, is essential.
Zionist Israel wants more direct forms of US interference, including an expanded US military presence inside Pakistan. The US has several military bases in Pakistan. It controls the country's air space. US Special Forces expand their presence in Pakistan to train and support indigenous counter-insurgency forces and clandestine counterterrorism units (William Arkin, Washington Post, December 2007).Concurrently, to justify its counterterrorism program, US is also beefing up its covert support to the "terrorists.
US agenda for Pakistan is similar to that applied throughout the broader Middle East Central Asian region. US strategy, supported by covert intelligence operations, consists in triggering ethnic and religious strife, abetting and financing secessionist movements while also weakening the institutions of the central government. The broader objective is to fracture the Nation State and redraw the borders of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Iran-Pakistan-India Gas Pipeline
will make these countries self Reliant
Zionists fear that Iran-Pakistan-India Gas pipeline can make Iran, Pakistan and India self-reliant. The huge 2,775-kilometer pipeline project will transfer 60 million cubic meters of natural gas per day from Iran to Pakistan and India. IPI gas pipeline is quite crucial for New Delhi as after signing of the agreement, 60 million standard cubic meters per day of gas is expected to be supplied in phase-I, which will be shared equally between India and Pakistan. New Delhi is being influenced by US to quit the project. Iran and Pakistan initiated a Gas Sales Purchase Agreement earlier this year while Indian and Pakistani officials announced they had resolved almost all bilateral issues, including transit fee which saw New Delhi boycotting IPI pipeline talks for about a year. A breakthrough in the talks in April 2008 occurred when Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited Pakistan and India. (
The Iran-India Gas pipeline corridor passes through Balochistan. Violence in Baluchistan will help the US to prevent oil and gas supply to India.
Balochistan also possesses a deep sea port largely financed by China located at Gwadar, on the Arabian Sea, not far from the Straits of Hormuz where 30 % of the world's daily oil supply moves by ship or pipeline. (Asia, 29 December 2007) China also showed interest in joining Pak-Iran gas pipeline project transiting through Balochistan. China's presence in Gawadar would bring it right up to the Indian Ocean, a sensitive spot both for Indians and Americans – the former seeing this as a threat to its control of the ocean.
Beijing and Islamabad cannot neglect their common defense when their adversaries are following a covert strategy. During the visit of Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari to Beijing, Pakistan and China on October 15 signed eleven agreements to enhance bilateral cooperation in diverse sectors including energy, telecommunication, trade, and space technology. China also agreed to supply two nuclear reactors to Pakistan. China will also be able to use the Karakoram Highway and ports of Gwadar (which links Central Asia) and Karachi for transporting its goods to the Middle East and Africa. ( RAW's invisible warriors by Sajjad Shaukat)
Therefore India-Iran gas pipeline is main obstacle in Zionist America-Israel's Plan to disrupt, Balkanize and enslave India, Pakistan and whole Muslim world to capture their resources. Therefore, Zionist America-Israel is committed to foil Iran-Pakistan-India Gas pipeline to come into existence by subversive violence in Pakistan, Iran and India.
General Aslam Beg, Pakistan's former Army Chief, notes in an article thatIndia and the US have signed the Strategic Partnership Deal the declared objective of which is "to contain and curb the rising military and economic power of China and the increasing threat of Islamic extremism in the region".This deal has led to the creation of a joint espionage network of CIA, Mosad, MI-6, Raw and others in Afghanistan, which are engaged in activities aimed at destabilizing Pakistan, Iran, China, Russia and other Central Asian states.
According to Pakistan media for last several years a wicked axis of Mossad, CIA and RAW are aiding and fuelling Balochistani separatists, causing trouble in Karachi, and turmoil in North West Frontier Province. ( Wicked CIA-RAW-Mossad axis against Islamabad: Pak media)
One of the important roles of RAW is to thwart Sino-Pak strategic relations. In this connection, fast-growing economic power of China coupled with her rising strategic relationship with the Third World has irked the eyes of Americans and Indians. Owing to this jealousy, support of the US to India for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council and US-India nuclear agreement are part of the American desire to make India a major power to counterbalance China in Asia. On April 18, 2008, Pak Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi openly claimed that "some external forces were trying to weaken Pak-China strategic ties by creating misunderstandings". Interference in the internal affairs of neighboring states through RAW's invisible warriors to extend Indian regional hegemony continues unabated.( RAW's invisible warriors by Sajjad Shaukat)
One of the greatest abilities of Mossad is that it can mobilize US resources anywhere to protect Israeli interests. Pakistan has already allowed US forces to use its soil, air and intelligence. Mossad works out a scenario and push the American troops to do what the Mossad would like to do in Pakistan.( Indian Raw + Israeli Mossad Vs. Pakistan And Islam)
Zionists want Puppet Government In Pakistan
When war is expensive a Trojan Horse is the economical and easier option. Usually men with little political clout, a minority ethnic status, avaricious, conceited, sons settled in the USA, and with little connection with Islam or the real aspirations of a Muslim are chosen as Trojan horses. USA successfully applied this strategy in the Islamic world. The first Trojan Horse of note was Sadaat who delivered the most fatal stab wound in the back of the Muslim world. Another deadly Trojan Horse was the Shah of Iran. Post 9/11 era is an era of Trojan Horses in the Muslim world. ( Pakistan is on the road to Balkanization by A. H. Amin December 5, 2005)
In Pakistan, it did not matter who voted in 'elections'. It was the CIA which did the nominating. CIA brought PPP government and Zardari as president.
U.S. wanted Islamabad to perform 1) The corrupt and weak government leading to zero governance and pro-US decision making. 2) To bring Pakistan under IMF regime. 3) Recognition of Israel. Already plans are underway. 4) Support to sub-nationalists leading to dismemberment. 5) Use of pliant and supportive media to create chaos and confusion. 6) The CIA's direct war against Pakistan in tribal areas to create terrorism. 7) Pakistan's nuke weapons and missile program to be neutralized and taken out.
Reduce the need for large standing army for Pakistan. U.S. strategy is obvious – Pakistan should only have a glorified police force to fight the Taliban militants and does not need a large standing army.
An IMF economic package, which included currency devaluation and drastic austerity measures, was imposed on Pakistan in 1999. Pakistan's external debt is of the order of $40 billion. The IMF's package was conditional upon the selling off most profitable State owned enterprises (including the oil and gas facilities in Balochistan) at rock bottom prices to foreign capital. Musharaf's Finance Minister was chosen by Wall Street, which is not an unusual practice. The military rulers appointed at Wall Street's behest, a vice-president of Citigroup, Shaukat Aziz, who at the time was head of CityGroup's Global Private Banking. (See, 30 October 1999). CityGroup is among the largest commercial foreign banking institutions in Pakistan.
These covert operation, including the organization of military coups, are often synchronized with the imposition of IMF-World Bank macro-economic reforms. In this regard, Yugoslavia's federal fiscal structure collapsed in 1990 leading to mass poverty and heightened ethnic and social divisions. The US and NATO sponsored "civil war" launched in mid-1991 consisted in coveting Islamic groups as well as channeling covert support to separatist paramilitary armies in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia.
The pressure is intense on the PPP government from the international monetary institutions to sign the deals but they are scared of the internal backlash. IMF is a death warrant for Pakistan on the terms they are offering. Zardari is in a hurry to sign it but is not confident enough of his survival after that.
Zionist Disruptive Activities in Pakistan
In fact, the "economic mismanagement" and chaos is the outcome of IMF-World Bank prescriptions, which invariably trigger hyperinflation and precipitate indebted countries into extreme poverty. Pakistan has been subjected to the same deadly IMF "economic medicine" as Yugoslavia. It is by no means accidental that the 2005 National Intelligence Council-CIA report had predicted a "Yugoslav-like fate" for Pakistan resulting in political break-up and balkanization. Overt operation, including the organization of military coups, are often synchronized with the imposition of IMF-World Bank macro-economic reforms. In this regard, Yugoslavia's federal fiscal structure collapsed in 1990 leading to mass poverty and heightened ethnic and social divisions.
Already in 2005, a report by the US National Intelligence Council and the CIA forecast a "Yugoslav-like fate" for Pakistan "in a decade with the country raven by civil war, bloodshed and inter-provincial rivalries, as seen recently in Balochistan." (Energy Compass, 2 March 2005). According to the NIC-CIA, Pakistan is stated to become a "failed state" by 2015, "as it would be affected by civil war, complete Talibanization and struggle for control of its nuclear weapons". (Quoted by former Pakistan High Commissioner to UK, Wajid Shamsul Hasan, Times of India, 13 February 2005)
Mossad and its allies are engineering terrorist disruptive activities in Pakistan unabatedly.
Pakistan has seen serious Shia-Sunni sectarian violence. Almost 77% of Pakistan's population is Sunni, and another 20% are Shia. Shia minority forms the second largest Shia population of any country, larger than the Shia majority in Iraq. In the last two decades, as many as 4,000 people are estimated to have died in sectarian fighting in Pakistan. Woman and children were kidnapped and gunmen even executed out-of-towners who were staying at a local hotel. On March 2, 2004, at least 42 persons were killed and more than 100 wounded when a procession of the Shia Muslims was attacked by rival Sunni extremists at Liaquat Bazaar in Quetta. Separately, on October 7, 2004, a car bomb killed 40 members of an extremist Sunni organization in Multan.300 people died during 2006. ( / Sectarian violence in Pakistan From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) From the summer of 2007 to late 2008, more than 1,500 people were killed in suicide and other attacks on civilians. It is estimated that more than 4,000 people have died in Pakistan in the past 25 years due to sectarian strife.
In year 2007 alone there were 3,448 casualties from more than 1,500 attacks and clashes, according to a report form the Pakistan Institute for Peace Studies. The security forces have borne much of the brunt of the violence with 232 soldiers, 163 paramilitary troops and 71 police officers killed last year.( Timeline: Pakistan under attack)
Two bomb blasts killed at least 21 people and wounded 74 in Rawalpindi. One of the explosions was caused by a bomb hidden on a bus carrying government employees. There were few details available concerning a second bomb that exploded in Rawalpindi at about the same time. Police and hospital officials said the combined death toll was 21 along with 74 hurt. At least 49 people were killed in bomb attacks across the country on July 19 alone. ( On 24 November an explosion in Peshawar's Hashtnagri area on Monday left nine people injured. Blast took place outside an Imam Bargah on Hussainia Street. (
ISLAMABAD, March 4, 2008 (AFP) – A double suicide bombing at a top naval college in Lahore, Pakistan's second biggest city, on Tuesday was the latest in a wave of attacks against security forces and other targets this year. The attack killed five people. Bhutto is killed in a bomb attack after a rally in Rawalpindi. More than 20 others are killed in the attack. Here is a list of major attacks since the start of 2008 :-
January 7: A suicide bomber blows up his explosives-laden car near a Pakistan army base in the troubled northwestern valley of Swat, wounding a soldier.
January 10: Sixteen police and four civilians are killed in a suicide bomb attack on a group of police outside the high court in Lahore.
January 14: Ten people are killed in a bomb attack at a crowded street market in Karachi, one of three blasts across Pakistan on the same night. The other two explosions caused no fatalities.
January 15: A suicide bomber blows himself up outside a Pakistani paramilitary post in the Mohmand tribal district, causing no casualties.
January 17: A young suicide attacker blows himself up at a packed Shiite Muslim mosque in the northwestern city of Peshawar, killing eight people and wounding 20.
January 23: One man is killed and another injured when a suicide bomber blows himself up near a check post in the Khyber tribal area bordering Afghanistan.
February 1: A suicide car bomber kills seven troops at a check post in the tribal zone of North Waziristan, near the site of a US missile strike earlier in the week that killed a top Al-Qaeda commander.
February 4: A suicide bomber rams a motorcycle into a bus carrying army medical staff in Rawalpindi, killing at least five people and injuring 25.
February 9: A suicide bomber blows himself up at an opposition election rally in the town of Charsadda in northwestern Pakistan, killing 25 people.
February 11: A suicide bomb targeting an independent election candidate kills at least nine other people in the tribal region of North Waziristan.
February 16: A suicide car bomber strikes a rally by slain former premier Benazir Bhutto's party in the northwestern tribal town of Parachinar, killing 37 people and wounding 93.
Hours later, another suicide attacker detonates an explosives-laden vehicle outside an army media centre, killing two civilians.
February 22: A roadside bomb rips through cars carrying wedding guests in Swat, killing at least 14 people.
February 25: A suicide bomber kills army surgeon general Lieutenant General Mushtaq Baig and seven other people in Rawalpindi.
February 29: Forty-four people are killed by a suicide bomber in Mingora, the main town in Swat, during the funeral of three policemen killed by roadside bomb earlier in the day.
March 1: A suicide bomber kills two people after ramming his vehicle into a security vehicle in the Bajaur tribal region.
March 2: A teenaged suicide bomber kills 43 at a meeting of anti-militant tribal elders in the northwestern district of Darra Adam Khel.
March 4: Two suicide bombers attack the Pakistan Naval War College in Lahore, killing five people and wounding 19.
( Pakistan – Security Timeline of major attacks in Pakistan in 2008 Source : AFP 04.03.2008)
March 11 – Two suicide car bombers strike, killing 24 people, most of them in an attack on a government security office in Lahore.
March 15 – A bomb attack at an Italian restaurant in Islamabad, a favorite hangout for foreigners, kills a Turkish woman and wounds several others, including four FBI agents. (TIMELINE: Major bomb attacks in Pakistan Mon Jun 2, 2008)
According to an Arya-Brahmanist writer A divided Pakistan, a bleeding Pakistan, a Pakistan ever on the verge of collapse without actually collapsing—-that should be our objective. An effective strategy against Pakistan must :- 1) recognize the many competing interest in Pakistan {to be manipulated} 2) it must pit one competing interest against the other 3) never pose a common threat to unify them 4) seek to isolate the State agencies from the Non-State actors 5) seek to insulate Chinese interests from the fate of individual groups 6) deprive the competing interests the shield of Nuclear Deterrence without directly threatening the nukes 7) it has to precipitate a crisis within Pakistan
it must raise serious doubts about the safety of Pakistan's Nukes within the competing interests to the point where they don't trust each other but are also scared for their safety 9) it must culminate in governing interests within Pakistan calling for external intervention to ensure their very survival 10) the external intervention is conditional on the grounds of protecting various interests 11) the external intervention becomes semi-permanent to become the basis for balkanization and containment Denuclearizing Pakistan. Capt. Bharat Verma (Editor, Indian Defense Review) writes : …With Pakistan on the brink of collapse due to massive internal as well as international contradictions, it is matter of time before it ceases to exist. At the same time, it is prudent to extend moral support to the people of Tibet( A strategic response to terror – "Balkanization" of Pakistan?)
Janes information group, the world's foremost source on intelligence information, reported in July 2001 that RAW and Mossad have created "four new agencies" to infiltrate Pakistan to target important religious and military personalities, journalists, judges, lawyers and bureaucrats. In addition, bombs would be exploded in trains, railway stations, bridges, bus stations, cinemas, hotels and mosques of rival Islamic sects to incite sectarianism. ( Indian Raw + Israeli Mossad Vs. Pakistan And Islam)
There have been about 1000 terror attacks on Pakistan. The Afghan RAM, the Israeli Mossad and the KGB also used to bomb Pakistan. The current headquarters of the BLA is in Tel Aviv. Some of the bombings in Pakistan have been the work of RAW affiliates or surrogates, while most bombings have either been conduced by RAW agents, or other intelligence agencies of India. Pakistan is not the only country that has faced Indian attacks. ( RAW and Mossad: The Rediff expose on Indian spooks Posted on August 6, 2008 by ishakhan)
Any bombing atrocity of conceivable benefit to the US in its War on Terror also known as its War for Oil and Hegemony. The leading Pakistani newspaper the Pakistan Daily has reported evidence of a US involvement in the Marriott Hotel bombing atrocity in Islamabad in which over 60 people were killed (see "What was mysterious activity going on in the Marriott Hotel Islamabad by US Marines?": ). Pakistan's civilian and military leadership escaped the bombing when a dinner scheduled to take place at the Marriott was moved to the prime minister's official residence at the last moment. ( Hotel Bombing Complicates Pakistan's Fight Against Terrorism By Abubakar Siddique)
Nearly 2,000 Pakistanis have lost their lives to terrorism in year 2008 alone, including 1,400 civilians and 600 security personnel ranging in rank from ordinary soldier to three-star general. There have been more than 600 terrorism- related incidents in Pakistan this year. Six hundred Pakistani militants have been killed by the Pakistani military, ISI and PPP in recent attacks, hundreds by Pakistani F-16 jet strikes in the last two months."
Mossad-CIA plan of Greater Balochistan
Pakistan has an estimated 25.1 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of proven gas reserves of which 19 trillion are located in Balochistan. Pakistan had proven oil reserves of 300 million barrels, most of which are located in Balochistan. Balochistan oil reserves are estimated to be six trillion barrels of oil reserves both on-shore and off-shore(Environment News Service, 27 October 2006)
America want to create "Greater Balochistan" by integrating Baloch areas of Pakistan with those of Iran and Southern tip of Afghanistan thereby leading to a process of political fracturing in both Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Military scholar Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters suggests that Pakistan should be broken up, leading to the formation of a separate country. Proposed fragmentation would reduce Pakistani territory to approximately 50% of its present land area. Pakistan would also loose a large part of its coastline on the Arabian Sea. All this in an effort to restrict Chinese access to energy and herd energy resources towards Israel, the Mediterranean and Europe. Whatever happening in NWFP and Baluchistan is part of this BIG game! ( 22, 2008…11:59 am Neocon Plans for Pakistan Exposed!)
There have been many secessionists movements within Pakistan, the most significant of which is the Balochistan liberation movement. The movement gained momentum after the 1971 when then-East Pakistan successfully attained independence from Pakistan. The Balochistan Liberation Army is currently active in its efforts to achieve independence by employing guerrilla attacks on both civilian and military targets. (
Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA) emerged shortly after the 1999 military coup. It has no tangible links to the Baloch resistance movement, which developed since the late 1940s. The US is using Balochi nationalism for staging an insurgency inside Iran's Sistan-Balochistan province. So called 'war on terror' in Afghanistan gives a useful political backdrop for the ascendancy of Balochi militancy. British intelligence is allegedly providing covert support to Balochistan separatists which from the outset have been repressed by Pakistan's military. In the current geopolitical context, the separatist movement is in the process of being hijacked by foreign powers.( The Destabilization of Pakistan by Michel Chossudovsky)The dominant role of the Pakistan military and intelligence has been scrapped in favor of political breakup and balkanization.
The Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, was peaceful before the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. In June 2006, Pakistan's Senate Committee on Defense accused British intelligence of abetting the insurgency in the province bordering Iran Balochistan. (Press Trust of India, 9 August 2006). Ten British MPs were involved in a closed door session of the Senate Committee on Defense regarding the alleged support of Britain's Secret Service to Baloch separatists. There are reports of CIA and Mossad support to Baloch rebels in Iran and Southern Afghanistan.( March 4, 2008) It appears that Britain and the US are supporting both sides. The US is providing American F-16 jets to the Pakistani military, which are being used to bomb Baloch villages in Balochistan. Meanwhile, British alleged covert support to the separatist movement contributes to weakening the central government. ( The Destabilization of Pakistan by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky)
Dissidents from Pakistan are being trained at Sarobi and Kandahar for missions inside NWFP, whereas bases at Lashkargah and Nawah are being used to train dissidents from Balochistan in support of the so called Balochistan Liberation Army.
India's military and intelligence has been penetrated. The US have allowed India to set up military training camps in Afghanistan, and they are training, arming and financing rebels who are being sent to Pakistan to destabilize the government. The MOSSAD, Hamid Karzai and India are fuelling ethnic insurgency in South West Pakistan where China is building a strategic port. In addition, with her nuclear and military deals with the US and the launching of an Israeli satellite as the MOSSAD increases its control of India. Remember, it was India which financed and armed East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) to breakaway from then West Pakistan.( Attack – India and the Axis of Evil Friday December 12, 2008 (1641 PST))
At present, New Delhi is reported to have established more than 200 foreign offices and training camps in Afghanistan where RAW's intelligence officials, with the help of Khad and tactical support of CIA, are doing their utmost to weaken Pakistan by sending weapons to the separatist elements in Balochistan, and particularly to the insurgents of Fata regions. It has used propaganda, political dissent, ethnic divisions, economic backwardness and criminal elements to foment subversion and terrorism to weaken these states in consonance with Indian regional ambitions". However, application of these nefarious designs vary from country to country as RAW's incursion in the following countries proves. In Wakhan, a religious madrassah of the Indian Muslim clerics is functioning under the patronage of RAW and Mossad. Recruits are mostly from Central Asia, bordering Afghanistan. Thus, more than 20,000 ideologically motivated terrorists are intermittently being infiltrated into troubled spots of Pakistan. These miscreants also conducted a number of suicide attacks and bomb blasts in Pakistan, killing a number of innocent persons and personnel of the security forces. In Kurram they are also actively involved in the sectarian conflict.( RAW's invisible warriors by Sajjad Shaukat)
During the July 12 meetings Pakistani officers wanted to know when America would get interested in tracking down the terrorists responsible for hundreds of suicide bombings in Pakistan and those playing havoc with natural resources in Balochistan while sitting in Kabul and Delhi. Pakistan want United States, India and Afghanistan to refrain from supporting Pakistani terrorists.( US told not to back terrorism against Pakistan By Kamran Khan)During the meetings, the US officials were asked why the CIA-run Predators and the US military did not swing into action when they were provided the exact location of tribal leader Baitullah Mehsud, Pakistan's enemy number one and the mastermind of almost every suicide operation against the Pakistan Army and the ISI since June 2006 (US accused of backing terrorism in Pakistan Indo-Asian News Service Islamabad, August 05, 2008)
Deadly attacks by US drones and troops inside Pakistan's tribal territory, reportedly with the tacit consent of the Zardari Government, could draw a wedge between Pakistan and its independent tribes, who are angry at Pakistan's inability to protect them. ( Pakistan's Balkanization Shahid R. Siddiqi Foreign Policy Journal Saturday, Dec 13, 2008)
In tribal areas, the U.S. game was well exposed and discussed within Pakistani security establishment. The visiting U.S. officials were seriously confronted even by an embarrassed Prime Minister over the drone attacks on loyalist tribes while the enemies of the State like TTP of Baitullah Mehsud were not being attacked by the CIA drones. The U.S. attacks have seriously exposed the PPP government. All these attacks are being done under tacit approval from the PPP government and the parliament was forbidden to discuss any policy matters or to pass any law barring cooperation with the Americans. But still, PPP wants U.S. to go slow or don't get caught in the act.
The PPP government is under severe pressure to respond to the U.S. attacks. Parliament did not take any decision. Army has been forced to hold its fire. But the tribes are now getting impatient and some response is demanded from the PPP government. Parliament had passed a weak resolution but the government is too weak and corrupt even to implement this basic condemnation.
Frustrated by the frequent guided missile attacks, the tribal elders asked the government to give a tit-for-tat response to stop US spy planes' intrusions into Pakistani territory. Speaking at a joint press conference in Miramshah, elders representing major clans of North Waziristan Agency demanded of the government to implement parliament's unanimously passed resolution in letter and sprit and halt incursion of the NATO planes.
There is a rapidly deteriorating situation in FATA region, in the wake of frequent US missile attacks and Pakistan's military operations. The Global Trends 2025 report by Thomas Fingar, suggests that Pakistan may become much smaller. ( A comparison of the situation that existed in East Pakistan in December 1971 with what is happening today in Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) exposes several worrying similarities between the two. When hostilities broke out, the first action of the Bengali soldiers in the EBR and EPR units was to exterminate their West Pakistani officers and assume control of the weapons and equipment available in their units. From here on, neutralizing other pro-West Pakistan entities and joining hands with the invading Indian Army and the local militants from the Mukti Bahini was basically just a logical progression of events. The specter of the native-dominated Frontier Corps undertaking similar action in FATA is a frightening possibility.
Map of greater Pashtunistan already distributed by ANP, the ruling party in NWFP. Simultaneously, the sub-nationalist ANP, which is the ruling party in NWFP and coalition partner of PPP have openly come out to demand greater Pashtunistan or dismemberment of Pakistan on ethnic lines. The huge 40 feet hoardings on main roads in NWFP are clear indications that a massive sinister game is in operation. The hoarding shows "greater Afghanistan" taking areas of FATA and NWFP as part of it and saying that Pashtuns are one.
Pakistan is being encircled from all sides and even its old friend China is being lured by the Indians. India is working to isolate Islamabad. But the most serious nexus is what appears to be a joint India-Israel platform against Pakistan. This nexus is now becoming a major threat for Pakistan. The Indian game plan to launch insurgencies from Afghanistan is now seriously irritating Pakistan. Pakistani Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Nisar A. Memon has said that India should close down its so-called information centers in Afghanistan because their involvement in acts of terrorism in Pakistan cannot be ruled out. Addressing a press conference during a brief visit to Quetta, he said that terrorism had come into Pakistan through the Afghan channel and India had opened around a dozen information centers close to the Pakistani border without any justification. If India wanted to improve relations with Pakistan it should close down these so-called information centers, the minister said. (EXCLUSIVE: Foreign Secret Services Creating Unrest Inside Pakistan Sarfaraz Ahmed Sun, 19 Oct 2008)
Allegedly, the CIA is preparing the world for a possible US attack on Pakistan by steps such as : -
1) The assassination of Benazir Bhutto in December 2007 to create political chaos 2) The toppling of Musharraf in August 2008 with the same intention 3) The attack against the Islamabad Marriott in September 2008 And various other Gladio-style terror attacks within Pakistan to create insecurity among masses, 4) The Mumbai Attacks of 26 November 2008 to device Indian attack on Pakistan and create a new battlefield badly needed by the White House. (
Henry Kissinger has revealed what Obama is going to try to do to bring about bring about a New World Order. 1) "The alternative to a new international order is chaos." In other words, join the New World Order or you will suffer from false flag operations and the undermining of your economies. 2) "The extraordinary impact of the President-elect on the imagination of humanity is an important element in shaping a new world order." In other words: we Zionists and fascists have chosen Obama as our puppet. 3) "The ultimate challenge is to shape the common concern of most countries and all major ones regarding the economic crisis, together with a common fear of jihadist terrorism, into a strategy reinforced by the realization that the new issues like proliferation, energy and climate change permit no national or regional solution." The New World Order means world government. You will be ruled from Washington or Jerusalem. 4) "The role of China in a new world order is crucial. "Each side of the Pacific needs the cooperation of the other in addressing the consequences of the financial crisis…"The Sino-American relationship needs to be taken to a new level." China has a lot of money in its reserves. They had better hand it over to us.( Obama's New World Order plans revealed)
According to a report America has increased the vigilance of nuclear installations of Pakistan and posted their some of its officers. (Lokmat Samachar, 1 March 2009)
Chapter IV
Mossad-CIA Disrupting India Through their Arya Brahminist Agents / Supporters !
Arya-Brahminists have been
training their cadres in bomb-making !
The ex chief minister of Madhya Pradesh Mr. Digvijay Singh claimed that he has evidences of RSS and Seva Bharati are imparting training of preparing bombs to its cadres. These evidences are statements of the RSS cadres arrested. In their statements RSS cadres admitted that they had planted bomb in a program in Bhopal. Rajeev Mishra who prepared bombs is a resident of Satna and works in a factory at Mahu. He was arrested by police. Police also recovered bombs from the farm house. Digvijay Singh said that Rajeev Mishra may also be involved in the bombs seized by police at Bhopal railway station. He alleged that RSS is busy in spreading communal violence in Madhya Pradesh. As evidence Digvijay Singh mentioned statement of Kalu accused in Nimach bomb-blast. Kalu had admitted that he is the worker of Seva Bharati and they were preparing bomb in the office of Seva-Bharati when the blast occurred. (Nav-Bharat,11, 12 September 2003; Lokmat Samachar 16 September 2003)
In new revelations linked to the Malegaon case, Rakesh Dhawade, a key accused in the blast case has confessed that two professors – one from a leading college in Pune – were involved in providing training for two earlier blasts which also involved Arya-Brahminist extremist groups. In his statement to the Jalna police, Dhawade said, "Dr Sharad Kunte, a botany professor in Pune's famous Wadia college, coordinated a 10-day training camp in which people were taught how to assemble bombs." The training camp was held in 2003 at Akanksha resort near Sinhagad Fort. At the same camp, a man called Professor Deo trained a batch of 7-10 people in making pipe bombs. Dhawade was also present at the camp and admitted to providing materials to assemble bombs. He even admitted to providing logistical support including transport, food and clothing for the camp. He was paid for his services by Professor Kunte. The Pune ATS has questioned Professor Kunte for his alleged role but not made any arrests so far. (
According to police, among the bombs set at Vashi and Thane theatres at least one bomb was prepared in the Panvel Ashram of Sanatan Sanstha. In April 2006, 2 terrorists of Bajrang Dal had died in the home of a famous RSS leader of Nanded in a bomb blast that occurred while preparing bombs. ( June 23, 2008 A New Source of Terror? Herald, Panjim, 22 June 2008)
Blast in Kanpur occurred on Janmastami (birth day of god Krishna) when Bhupendra and Rajeev Mishra were preparing bomb in a private hotel. Both of them died on the spot. Obviously they intended to plant these bombs during some religious celebration. Vishva Hindu Parishad leader Awadh Bihari Dubey admitted that the Bhupendra and Rajeev Mishra were members of Bajrang Dal. According to U.P. police chief S.N. Singh lead oxide, potassium nitrate, pin timer, battery etc. in short everything needed to make bombs were found there. He told that the seized explosive were enough to make severe devastation. (Lokmat Samachar, 1 September 2008) In a private hostel of Kanpur where in a powerful blast two Bajrang Dal workers had died, the owner of this hostel is leader of Bajarang Dal. (Haqdar, 17 October 2008)
Two RSS activists were killed while making crude bombs in Cheruvanchery on Monday morning. One of those killed, K Pradeepan, was awaiting verdict in another blast case in which a girl was injured. The bomb workshop was adjacent to a temple. The accident occurred when the victims tried to shift the bombs to another place. At least two buckets full of bombs went off simultaneously, causing a powerful blast that shook nearby houses. The victims' bodies were severely maimed. Pradeepan's body was fished out of a nearby well. "RSS is solely responsible for the accident. The state leadership of the RSS and BJP are trying to instigate violence in Kannur once again," CPI(M) district secretary P Sasi said. ( RSS CAUGHT AGAIN & AGAIN- NOW WITH BOMBS 2 RSS men killed while making bombs Tuesday, November 11, 2008 DNA NEWS THIRUVANANTHAPURAM)
In year 1992 there was an explosion and two workers of Vishva Hindu Parishad were died and two were injured while making bomb. In year 2002 a bomb exploded in a temple and RSS men were caught. They had admitted that they had been preparing bombs. In Shyampur, Sihore of Madhya Pradesh from one RSS worker ready to use bombs and materials to prepare bomb was seized. (Haqdar, 17 October 2008)
Many military schools are also opened for this very training purpose.
Bhonsala military school was formed by Hindu Mahasabha leader B.S. Munje in year 1937 in Nashik. (Lokmat Sachar, 5 November 2008) Bhonsala military school is tuned into the RSS thoughts. The director of this military school is appointed by RSS. The two ex army officers of Bhonsala military school and principal Sahailesh Raikar and Rajan Gaidhani were brought to Mumbai for questioning. In this school during years 2001 to 2003 training camps were organized for activists of Arya-Brahminist organizations. Merchant navy officer Sanat Kumar Bhate and senior officer of IB was present. The two youths who received training in this camp had tried to make bomb in Nanded. Retired Major Prabhakar Kulkarni and major Ramesh Upadhyaya from Pune army are arrested in connection with helping in Malegaon bomb blasts. Retired major Ramesh Upadhyaya is president of Pune Abhinav Bharat organization, has very old relations with Bajrang Dal and was president of their ex army men's cell. Major Upadhyaya is active in ex servicemen unit of BJP. It is alleged that Major Upadhyaya and others gave training of how to make bomb blasts using RDX. ATS also arrested one lieutenant colonel posted at Pachmadhi of Madhya Pradesh. He allegedly gave training to Arya-Brahminist terrorists. Shailesh Raikar the principal of Bhonsala military school and its clerk Rajan Gaidhani was also arrested in Jabalpur. The direct role of Prabhakar Kulkarni, retired major Ramesh Upadhyaya, Samir Kulkarni in Malegaon bomb blasts have become known. S.S. Raikar told police that he was related to colonel Prasad Purohit of army. Colonel Prasad Purohit is already arrested by police. Raikar's younger brother was working till recently in Mumbai police. The plans of terrorist bomb-blasts in Malegaon and other places were decided in the military school and Arya-Brahmin terrorists discussed every conspiracy there. It is suspected that the conspiracy of Malegaon bomb blasts must have decided in the Bhosala military school.(Samrat, 27 October 2008; Lokmat Samachar, 27, 28 October 2008 and 1, 2 November 2008; Mahanayak, 26, 29 October and 1, 2, November 2008) The RSS leaders time to time visited these military schools and observed their progress. According to news in Lokmat Samachar, RSS leaders inspected Bhonsala military school and called this school the realization of the dreams of Munje and Ghatate (Lokmat Samachar, 26 July 2004).
The Malegaon investigations have also thrown up links to the Army. The focus is now on serving Army personnel, who worked with Lt Colonel Srikant Purohit, one of the main accused in the blast case. Sources have told NDTV that the ATS is questioning one Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) and two NCOs (Non Commissioned Officers). Three of them had worked with Lt Col Purohit during his stint in Deolali, near Nashik. The ATS would have preferred questioning them in their own premises but the Army wants it to be done at the Army Cantonment in Mumbai since no official request has been received from the ATS. (
From initial probe with ex army officer Prasad Purohit it is being indicated that he contacted Arya-Brahminist terrorists when he was working in an officer in army's contact unit in year 2005-06. (Samrat, Lokmat Samachar, 7 November 2008) Army officer lieutenant colonel Shrikant Purohit is accused of transferring heavy amount to Ajay Rahirkar through Hawala. Police told court that Purohit had sent SMS to ex army officer Ramesh Upadhyaya that we are on the target of ATS. (Lokmat Samachar, Mahanayak, 6 November 2008)
Bajrang Dal have been arranging camps all over India to train their cadres in traditional weapons and in fire arms in the name of resisting terrorism and pretending patriotism. Retired Military personnel used to impart training to them. The actual purpose of this training is to fool the youths in the name of Hindutva and patriotism and 1) to spread hatred and engineer riots against Muslims through out the country, 2) to capture booths during elections, 3) to crush people's movements against Arya-Brahmin exploiters, 4) to crush ruthlessly any resistance offered by indigenous masses in establishing Arya-Brahmin rule based on Manusmriti.
In road march in Bhopal RSS cadres marched with weapons such as swords, tridents, including pistols and other fire arms. RSS cadres also fired in air. In this road march Ministers and other leaders also participated. (Lokmat Samachar, 25 January 2005)
In Bihar there are dozens of private armies organized by Arya-Brahmin landlords to maintain their exploitation system and feudal rule over the indigenous masses. Few of them are Kunwar Sena, Bhumi Sena, Kisan Sangh, Sunlight Sena, Loric Sena, Savarna liberation front, Ranvir Sena and many others. In Kaimur region Kaimur Sena has came into existence. Ranvir Sena has most sophisticated weapons with it. (Lokmat Samachar, 28 April, 22 September 2002) Tandav Sena which is more dangerous army than Ranvir sena has come into existence on 18 March 2004 in the leadership of Punnu Sharma. The spokesman of Tandav Sena told that they have A.K. 47, Stein guns, rifles, Mousers, revolvers and hand grenades in plenty that they can resist police force continuously for 24 hours. He also reported that Tandav Sena is supported by many leaders and MLA of BJP and JDU. (Pratham Pravakta, 1 May 2004)
Stock-piled explosives for Terrorist activities !
Hindustan Times published a news on 18 September 2006 that from the house of old scrap dealer Shankar Shelke of Ahmednagar 195 Kg. of RDX was seized on 2 September 2006. After this seizure Shankar Shelke absconded in a mysterious way and his dead body was found on 10th September. Police declared his death as case of suicide. The servant of Shankar Shelke Shankar Gaikawad's whereabouts are unknown. The forensic test of this RDX and further investigation indicated needle towards army. Army is present in large number in Ahmednagar and the soldiers are given training in explosives. Is Shankar Shelke killed in order to hide the mystery of RDX seizure ? Communal riots had irrupted on 25 October in Malegaon in which 24 mosques were blown down by bomb blasts. The present bomb blasts of Malegaon in year 2006 could be another ring of the same chain. (Bahujan Sanghrsha, 30 October 2006 and 15 November 2006)
Police raided the house of BJP leader Ashok Kushwaha at Sunoniya village of Tikamgarh district of Madhya Pradesh. and seized large quantity of explosives and illegal things. Among them are one hundred detonators, 3.5 Kg. Gelatin, two drilling machines, and many equipments to run explosives. Ashok Kushwaha absconded during the raid. (Nav-Bharat, 13 May 2008) In a farm of Parmanand Motwani at Village Kanheri-Aranda road near Akola police seized jeep full of gelatin rods. The owner of the farm who is resident of Sindhi Camp is absconding. (Lokmat Samachar, 22 September 2008) In the area of Gorakhpur police station near fourth bridge in the godown of Heloid Chemicals which belonged to Archana Bhatnagar a business women and president of Mava, police seized light machine gun and stock of carbine cartridges. Police arrested Archana Bhatnagar and five workers of her factory. These cartridges are being used by army.(Bhaskar, August 2008)
From the house of Gulabsingh in Riva Madhya Pradesh 235 Kg. of RDX was seized. Gulabsingh mysteriously absconded and could not be traced till this date. In a house of Deg village of Rajastan, 27 people died and more that 12 houses were destroyed in blast that occurred when the stored explosives caught fire. Either no investigation was made or matter was simply closed. The incident of Deg was blamed as mistake of cracker trader which is absolutely suspicious because when in cracker market of Uttaranchal fire was caught on the day of Diwali only one person died though hundreds of people were present in the market. On the other hand in Deg 27 persons were killed. Did the house in Deg had several times more fire crackers than were in the cracker market of Uttaranchal ? Without any doubt it must be explosive stored for terrorist activities. (Lokmat Samachar, 3 November 2008)
While the treads of Malegaon bomb-blast are reaching to Gujarat, the Gujrat ATS has seized 12 quintal of Ammonium Nitrate from Hasmukh Patel of Deshpur village of Bharuch district. ATS has arrested him and interrogating him. (Mahanayak, 8 February 2009)
Arya-Brahminist Terrorists
Use Name of Anti-state Militant Organizations !
Arya-Brahminist terrorist organizations have been exploding bombs in the name of Muslim organizations in full cooperation of Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI. Fascist Arya-Brahminists as well as ISI are slaves of Mossad-CIA therefore many times they work together under Mossad-CIA direction. These disruptive activities aim to create immense panic and sense of insecurity among the people so that Arya-Brahminists riding the Indian government are successful in passing new draconian bills in the name of national security and wipe out every remnant of Indian democracy and human rights and covert India into a fascist police state.
Charge sheet of Col Purohit reveal disclosures which clearly establish links between Arya-Brahminist radicals and Israeli Mossad to take control of Indian federation. (
Arya-Brahminists in communal riots have been killing indigenous Muslims in the hands of fanatic indigenous non-Muslims. In the same way it is very easy for Arya-Brahminist agents to carry out terrorist activities beneficial to Arya-Brahmins through emotional Muslim youths in the name of Islam. It is fairly easy to entrap 15 odd Muslim youth annually out of a population of 15 crores, by showing them CD's of Gujarat and Ayodhya and by emotionally drawing them to "avenge" the oppression and exploitation of Muslims. Intelligence agents in the garb of Muslim clergy have been known to indulge in this activity, whilst informers like Safdar Nagori have also helped in this process. The terrorist group would have no clue to the larger plot and would only be a pawn in the entire episode in which they would be given to believe that they were serving the cause of Islam by waging Jihad against Hindu India.
All the terrorist attacks where mainly non-Brahmins and Muslims are killed or injured were certainly the acts of Arya-Brahminist terrorists. The Khalistani or Kashmiri militants in Punjab and Kashmir had never attacked Bahujans. On the contrary, they had stopped the buses and let non-Brahmin travelers go and killed upper caste Arya-Brahmins. Many of these incidences are reported in newspapers. Only Arya-Brahmins have been fleeing from Kashmir. Then suddenly what happened that the militants started killing poor non-Brahmins instead of killing ruling high-caste exploiter class ? Many parties and organizations have accused that the terrorist organizations run by Indian government and secret services of government have been killing non-Brahmins in the name of Muslim militants.
It was found that many Arya-Brahmins have been working in so called Muslim militant organizations. 1) In Kashmir Dr. Pandita is accused that she along with pundit Dilip Kumar had given shelter to militant in her home. She also helped them financially and worked as a messenger for the militants. She also carried armaments from one place to other for them. 2) According to police superintendent S. P. Singh, Shyamlal and Kripal Singh are terrorists of Hijbul Mujahidin and Sanjay is terrorist of Lashkar E Toeba. 3) In 2001 in an encounter at Chattar lane of Doda district, seven terrorists were killed along with Kuldeep Singh. Kuldeep Singh's elder brother Randeep Singh is commander of Hijbul Mujahidin of Doda district. 4) Police arrested one famous Hindu smuggler who was involved in attack on Raghunath Mandir of Jammu in year 2002. (The Hindu terrorists By I.K. Shukla The Milli Gazette (online edition); September 26, 2005)
Media person Vineet Narayan alleged that BJP is alone responsible for the growth of terrorism in India. In year 1993 he had submitted evidences before supreme court regarding economical aid coming from Dubai-London for Hijbul Mujahidin and had demanded faithful inquiry into this matter of national treachery. Because many big leaders of BJP were involved in this scam hence BJP and its affiliated organizations had opposed Vineet Narayan continuously and with fraudulent propaganda in India and abroad. They played an important role in suppressing the inquiry. BJP law minister Arun Jetli had also opposed him. The officers who had full knowledge of economical resources of Hijbul Mujahidin and in spite of that suppressed the inquiry BJP government instead of framing them under corruption, national treachery and negligence in duty not only gave them premature promotion but also honored them with President's medal. In spite of this BJP is shouting against terrorism which is a cruel joke. (Nav Bharat, 23 December 2002)
Crime branch of Mumbai police exposed a group supplying money to Lashkar E Toeba and other such terrorist organizations and arrested their six persons. Police recovered 68 Lac Rupee from them. According to joint police commissioner Dr. Satyapal Singh among them the main accused is Mahesh Narasia Patel and from him a Kalishkov assault rifle was seized last year. He is being carried to Ahmedabad. Other arrested members of the group are Chandrakant Narsidas Patel, Natwarbhai Jasanbhai Patel, Jyotiramkrishna Dongar, Shankar Vike and Murali Gopichand Pilley. These accused are given conditional bail. Singh denied that these accused received money from any neighboring country. But this is certain that they used to receive money from abroad which they used to supply to these terrorist organizations. (Lokmat Samachar, 31 January 2004) Does not this news makes it clear that 1) they were financed by Mossad-CIA to help the fake Muslim terrorist organizations. 2) these persons belonged to some fascist Arya-Brahminist terrorist organization 3) Lashkar E Toeba and other such terrorist organizations have tie with Arya-Brahmin terrorist organizations hence instead of being arrested in POTA, TADA etc black laws they even got bail immediately ?
A stunning report stated that Indresh Kumar a senior RSS operative in Nepal received Rs 3 Crore from the ISI, was known to Togadia, Purohit and Vaidya the ex-RSS chief. This till date has not been denied by the RSS. This hints of a collusion between the ISI and the RSS at certain mutually beneficial levels and should come as no surprise and needs further investigation.( Terror attack planned by RSS and allies? Public Voice, Thursday, 04 December 2008:)
According to the confession statement of Shankaracharya Dayanand Pande, given before police, Dayanand told that when he went to Pune and meet RSS leader Shyam Apte. In this meeting Shyam Apte had alleged that RSS general secretary Mohan Bhagwant and another RSS leader Indresh who is a leader of Muslim unit of RSS had received money fron ISI of Pakistan. (Lokmat Samachar, 19 February 2009)
Does not above examples make it clear that Lashkar E Toeba etc. Muslim terrorist organizations and Arya-Brahminist organizations are working for accomplishment of Arya-Brahminist Zionist interests because their main string-pullers are Mossad-CIA-M15 secret services of Israel, America and England ? That is why their every terrorist action benefit Zionist, American and Arya-Brahmin interest.
From following examples it becomes clear that the Arya-Brahminist fascist organizations are committing terrorist activities in the name of Muslims :- The person who sent death threat E-mail to Bal Thakare on 5th of August calling himself Faiyyaj Faruqi turned to be Adarsha Sinha (age 34). Delhi Police arrested him on 21 August from Gajiabad. Latter on Maharashtra police brought him to Mumbai for further investigations. Earlier Thane Police had arrested Suresh Shetti for giving death-threat to Bal Thakare on Arcut website. Just few minutes before Ahmedabad blasts took place, the E-mail which was sent giving information of impending Ahmedabad blasts was sent from the computer of American citizen Hewood. Hewood escaped and fled to America but Deepak Pande was caught. From Ludhiyana he had sent threat of more bomb blasts after the Ahmedabad blasts had occurred. The person who threatened to blow supreme court turned to be a lady named Rosa devi. Person threatening to blow Mahakali Temple of Ujjain was turned to be Sevak Ram. Person threatening to blow Bikaner railway station turned to be RPF constable Sitaram. Kaushik Biswas was arrested in connection with blast threats in Kolkata. Prakash Arora of Mandsore was arrested for sending fax threatening to blast the Rath-Yatra procession of Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh. No Muslim was found involved in above instances, but Muslims were blamed for above threats and terrorist activities because all the threats were given using Muslim names. Some of them had used green color in their message. The surprising thing is that police declared many of them mad. For others it was told that the threats were given for the sake of fun. Madhnanku Das was arrested from the premises of Faizabad court. At least since four years the threatening E-mails had been sent after the blasts. Since year 2004 at least 2 dozen blasts have occurred. But in nun of the incident is fully investigated. No truth is so far revealed. (Lokmat Samachar, 1 September 2008)
On 18 February, bomb-blasts were made near Divana railway station in Haryana. According to investigations, the suitcase which was used belonged to a person from Indore of Madhya Pradesh state. But the investigations were not carried further. In bomb-blasts made in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala etc states gave evidences of involvement of Arya-Brahmin terrorist organizations. In spite of that it is being claimed that Malegaon bomb-blast accused are not related to these terrorist incidences. This is surprising because Malegaon bomb-blast accused are part of the all India Arya-Brahminist terrorist network. The information given by newly appointed ATS chief Raghuvanshi in a press conference benefit both the BJP and Congress. (Mahanayak, 22 January 2009)
There were blasts in Kanpur of Uttar Pradesh when two youths of Bajrang Dal Mr. Rajeev Sharma and Bhupendra Singh were making bombs. Both of them died. BSP government of UP did not investigate the matter because it is said that two Brahmin ministers of BSP governments put pressure on police not to investigate the matter and no arrest of religious leaders related to Bajarang Dal and this incident be made. Because of the same Brahmin ministers UP police is not giving cooperation to ATS. (Mahanayak, 13 November 2008)
This proves that though these Brahmin ministers belong to BSP but in fact, by their mind and heart they belong to Sangh-Parivar. They are committed to support terrorists of Sangh-parivar organizations by every means. Thousands of such Pushyamitra Shrungs are in the leadership and in rank and files of BSP.
Active worker of Vishva Hindu Parishad Mr. Ajay Gupta with his 8-10 cadres threw four petrol bombs on Akashwani radio station transformers but only two exploded. This radio station is located in Muslim majority area. Transformer was saved but 2 motorcycles parked there caught fire and property of 30,000/- were destroyed. If aim had been accurate then entire radio station would have caught by fire. While running away after throwing these bombs the mobile of Ajay Gupta fell down and another conspiracy of RSS and Vishva Hindu Parishad to start Hindu-Muslim riots and call Muslims as antinational exposed. (Nav-Bharat, 3 March 2002)
The Nau Nagar police arrested 9 terrorists in Bagalkot. The arrested also included Nagaraj Holi Basappa, Personal Secretary of Pramod Mutalik, National President of Shri Ram Sena. Mr. Raghavendra Auraadkar, IGP, Northern Range, while addressing the media in the press conference informed that the accused were involved in Hubli court Bomb Blast case in May 2008. They were also involved in crimes like murder, kidnapping and looting etc. Live bombs, gun powder, lethal weapons, a motorbike, gold, silver and Rs 11.08 Lakhs was seized from them. The IGP revealed the identity of the arrested gang members. They were Ramesh Pawar (24); Basavaraj Diggi (22); Manjunath Binjawadagi (19); Deepak Govindakar (28); Lingaraj Jalgar (24) – all from Bagalkot; Basavaraj Rugi (20) of Honakuppi village in Gokak taluk; Hanamant Sainasakali (22), and Channabasappa Hunasagi (35) of Indi taluk in Bijapur; Nagaraj Jambagi (24), a resident of Heggur Plot in Bilagi taluk. While mentioning a few of their crimes the IGP said that they were charged with an attempt to murder by Ramesh Jaarkiholi, MLA, Gokak apart from the other murder charges. They had kidnapped a boy from Dharwad on 17th of October, 2008. They are also involved in the theft of many bikes. He notified that they had planted bombs at the Hubli court premises on the 10th of May, 2008. Their main intention was to target some police officials and their rival gang members. They triggered the bomb to warn the SIMI activists as they were scheduled to be produced in the Hubli court on 12th of May, 2008. The bomb exploded on the 10th of May which was a second Saturday. He disclosed that these were the same terrorists who had planted bombs near a bridge at Seegihalli near Dharwad on the National Highway 4; this blast was done to target prominent people. This major tragedy was averted as the bombs were washed away due to the rains. Sources claimed that the arrested were affiliated to a Hindu organization called Shri Ram Sena. The sources further alleged that three of the terrorists previously belonged to Bajrang dal and have now joined Shri Ram Sena. The bomb blast in Hubli occurred during the Assembly election time. The BJP came into power in the Karnataka assembly as they pleaded for votes by making an agenda out of this terror attack. A few days after the blasts an organization had also alleged that the blast was a result of BJP's handiwork. A few minutes after the blast in the court premises, a section of media blamed the SIMI and the Lashkar e Taiba groups as this was their routine job after every blast. The police had charged the Muslim students for the bomb blast who were already in their custody for the cases of bike robbery. After the blasts, a section of media along with the police cooked up stories, created theories for holding charges against them. A similar episode repeated in Malegaon case, Nanded and Hyderabad Mecca Masjid Blast with different Muslim characters as accused. These innocent Muslims were brutally tortured by the police but later their links from the blast was refused. The Sangh Parivar has always made special efforts to divide people based on their religion and creed. It seems that they have achieved their goals with the help of these bomb blasts. Irrespective of whosoever being the culprits, a section of media is always engaged in alleging the innocent Muslims as terrorists. The media has played a major role in setting the stereotypes and linking every terror attack with Muslims. Innocent Muslims are arrested, ruthlessly tortured, produced in courts; their reputations are maligned in every possible way and are finally released as the charges against them are proved false. This is their punishment for being guiltless.( 9 Hindu terrorists arrested for Hubli court bomb blast S.O. News service, Monday, 12 January 2009)
Tiruveli range Police I.G.P. Kannappan arrested S. Ravi Pandian (age 42), cable TV operator S. Kumar (age 28), auto driver V. Narayan Sharma (age 26) who are the active workers of RSS affiliated organization Hindu Munnani for planting bombs on 24 January in the RSS office of Tenkasi and in new bus station of Tenkasi of Tamilnadu to blame Muslims and erupt communal violence. In bus station bomb was kept in an auto-rickshaw. These bombs exploded. On 5 February four more activists Balamurugan (age 20), S. Velumurugan (age 18), A. Murugan (age 24) and Masanam (age 20) were arrested for assisting Pandian in bomb-making and helping to plant bombs in RSS office and new bus stand. According to daily Hindu, police recovered many bombs and detonators from them. Investigations revealed that the sole intention of these blasts was to blame Muslims and erupt communal violence in Tenkasi so that Brahminist fascist organizations benefit in elections from this communal conflict and polarization. In fact, Sangh-Parivar organizations were badly defeated in elections hence they wanted to convert Tenkasi into another Koimbtore. The significant fact is that at that time it was tenth anniversary of Koimbtore blasts. Then president of Arya-Brahminist congress Mr. Sitaram Kesari had also accused RSS for his involvement in Koimtore bomb blasts. According to the report of M. H. Javaraiyya in Tirunevel police has informed that the explosives used in Tenkasi are like those explosives used in Mecca Mosque of Hyderabad. In the light of this information it had become essential for CBI that it should have investigated Mecca Mosque blasts and blasts executed in different part of India investigating involvement of Arya-Brahmin terrorist organizations. But CBI did not do that.
It has become now known publicly that CBI completely ignored the statement of one witness who had explained the conspiracy of Arya-Brahminist terrorist organizations to accomplish bomb-blasts all over India. Same conspiracy led to bomb blasts in year 2003 in Jalna and in year 2004 in Parbhani. (Mahanayak, 18 November 2008)According to Mahanayak, Since the time of Nanded bomb-blasts in year 2006 enough time is spent but CBI in spite of revelations of involvement of Arya-Brahminist terrorist organizations suppressed investigations at the instructions of Congress government. One accused mentioned that Congress government had given Arya-Brahmin terrorist complete immunity from any action against them. What was the intention of Congress government in saving terrorist organizations of Sangh-Parivar ? (Mahanayak, 19 November 2008) Does not this makes it clear that core leadership of Congress is part of Arya-Brahmin terrorist organizations ?
Mumbai high court ordered CBI to inquire into the unnecessary police firing in Hari Mosque on 10th January in year 1993. In this firing seven persons were killed and several were injured. Shrikrisna commission also had said that the firing was unnecessary. In spite of that state government had declared team of police officers responsible for firing innocent and not guilty. (Lokmat Samachar, 19 December 2008)
According to Gaffar Shakir, Malegaon people told that police not only knew very well the Arya-Brahmanist terrorists who had committed blasts on 4 September but was itself involved in it. On Friday Namaz the police arrangement is increased. But on the day of bomb blast the police arrangement was removed. Two Muslim home guards were posted on that day. Somebody had told road construction workers working near Mushavat square that they should not come for work on that day. People had informed police that they had seen some suspicious person near big Muslim graveyard. Shiv-sainik Raju's name was especially told. Police latter on had also told that a dead body found at Mushavat square had a fake beard. Similarly Irfan Ahmed was severely tortured by police to force him admit his involvement in blasts. Latter on he was given an offer of Rupees five lacs to admit his involvement in the blast. Thus whole matter make the role of police very suspicious. (Bahujan Sangharsh, 30 October 2006 and 15 November 2006)
Not even two months were completed for bomb-blasts in Mumbai trains, bomb blasts in Malegaon were made in similar fashion. In these 4 bomb blasts made in Malegaon 38 persons died and 300 were injured. Malegaon police was informed about this impending terrorist attack and was instructed that the beggars should be kept away from the mosque and grave yard because they could be terrorists in the garb of beggars. Neither the beggars were kept away from the mosque and from the Muslim graveyard nor any person was questioned. As a result at least one blast was made by one beggar or he died while making the blast because when his mutilated body was being removed, his fake beard had fallen on the ground. Here it is important to recall that in Nanded bomb blasts which had occurred while making bombs by RSS and Bajrang Dal terrorists in their house Muslim dresses and fake beards were seized by police. This is also important that the body of beggar died in Malegaon blast disappeared from the hospital. (Lokmat Samachar, 18 September 2006) In Nanded in April 2006 two RSS-Bahrang Dal activists had died while making bombs. Police had seized maps of mosques of the cities, Muslim dresses and fake beards. Police inquiry revealed that they were involved in terrorist activities in Parbhani, Jalna, Purna etc. and Muslims were attacked mysteriously at Friday Namaz. In the same city another blast had occurred in February 2007 in similar fashion and two were died. ( Join The Dots: Silent Emergence of Hindu Terrorism Posted by: subhash gatade | 29 June 2008)
In Modasa of Gujrat on 29 September 2008 bomb blasts were made in which one Muslim was died and several were injured. ATS claimed Arya-Brahmin terrorists in this attack and said that they have collected enough evidences in this regard. A muslin sticker was fixed on the motorcycle which was used in bomb blasts to blame the terrorist act on Muslims. (Samrat, 24 October 2008) If we take the example of Jaipur blast, police had caught a person named Vijay immediately after the blasts. Vijay had told police about his lady corroborator {was she Sadhvi Pradnya Thakur ?} in the blast who was responsible for the blast. But nobody knows what happened to Vijay.( Join The Dots: Silent Emergence of Hindu Terrorism Posted by: subhash gatade | 29 June 2008)
On December 1990 Suresh Baghel of Mathura was caught near Babri Mosque with powerful bombs. He had admitted before police officers that he had come to blowout Babri mosque with these bombs. His case lasted for 18 years and on 7th June 2008 Faizabad court sentenced him five year jail term. But Manu media blocked this news. On Amranath issue on 6 April in Bhopal and in year 2007 in Mumbai at the occasion of Ganesh immersion procession two Hindus were caught with the bombs. If they had been successful in exploding bombs whole country would have come under the grip of communal violence. This case was also suppressed. On 2 August 2008 in Faizabad court one Sadhu named Nanku Das was arrested with 3 live bombs. He had came in a car of a lawyer. Police called these bombs "Sutali bombs". Both the police and Manu media tried to suppress the incidence. (Haqdar, 17 October 2008)
Except year 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts, no result of any other bomb blast investigation have come out because security agencies of India consider Muslim terrorists responsible for these terrorist attacks and have been deliberately ignoring Arya-Brahmin terrorist organizations. Police use to release sketches of alleged terrorists and then withdrawing them. The sketches which were released by police regarding Jaipur bomb blast case withdrew them without offering any reason and released new sketches. Not only that police unendingly has been arresting and inhumanly torturing Muslim youths. If the masses vouched strongly for innocence of arrested youths and reacted sharply at every level then police released these youths after threatening them that they will not reveal the torture committed on them in police custody. If the masses fail to react at every level then the arrested innocent youths remain behind bars in jail unendingly. (Politicization of terror, Tarique Anwar on 19 June 2008 – 8:06pm.
In case of the terrorists belonging to Sanatan Sanstha, police had even refused to impose MCOCA saying that their terrorist activities are not result of organized terrorist group. However one senior ATS officer said that the way the whole planning were made and coordinated this can not be the work of few. It can only be the work of an organization {Sanatan Sanstha}. In this way police tried to use different criteria for Arya-Brahminist terrorists. If the arrested had been Muslims what would have been the role of police ?
The kind of discipline these Arya-Brahmin terrorist organizations have and the way their cadres are dedicated to their organizations, it will be a mockery to think that members of these organizations acted on their own behalf and their leaders did not know anything of their terrorist activities or they did not give them order to commit these terrorist acts. Neither the police imposed any of their black anti-people laws nor opposed bail motions of the Arya-Brahmin terrorists. Therefore it is highly possible that these terrorist cases as a result of lack of interest of police will also be forgotten.( Join The Dots: Silent Emergence of Hindu Terrorism Posted by: subhash gatade | 29 June 2008) Malegaon bomb-blast accused had refuted Indian constitution and declared war against India. It is surprising that in spite of such horrible offence these terrorists are not framed under 121 clause of Indian penal code which is framed against persons waging war against India. (Mahanayak, 22 January 2009)
Even the role of Manu-media was different. Manumedia did not pay much attention to the terrorist activities of Arya-Brahmin terrorists of Sanatan Sanstha. If this had been done by Muslims, Manumedia would have shouted in full chorus unabatedly blaming and accusing Muslim Terrorism day and night. Manumedia have been very reluctant in declaring Arya-Brahminist organizations engineering Muslim massacres as terrorists and used to throw the blame on emotionally charged mob committing such massacres. When Bal Thakare openly declares his intention to create troops of suicide bombers and praise bomb blasts committed by Arya-Brahminist terrorists of Sanatan Sanstha, the whole Manumedia is unmoved. Manumedia do not call Thakare terrorist not even made it an issue. Neither state government nor the central government impose any clause of their anti-people black laws. If the same statements had been given by any Muslim the reaction of Manumedia, police and governments would have been entirely opposite. ( Skewed Media Approach To Terrorism By Yoginder Sikand 20 June, 2008) Shri Ramsena has also declared its intention to impart arm training to its cadres and form suicide troops. (Bhaskar, 31 January 2009)
Similarly in Kanpur where the bomb had exploded that house belonged to a photographer. From his house live hand grenades, timer etc. were seized but police that had surpassed limits of its cruelty in Azamgarh on Muslims did nothing in Kanpur. In Maharaulli of Delhi motor cyclists ran away after throwing bag containing bombs. One child died and several injured but nothing happened. Neither the motorcyclists were traced nor the motorcycle was traced. (Lokmat Samachar, 3 November 2008)
Bajrang Dal had even taken responsibility of blast in Samjhouta express implemented on 19 February. In this blast 67 persons were killed. In the letter of Bajarang Dal Maulana Mehmood Madani was threatened to stop supporting backward classes or prepare for worse consequences. (Dalit Voice, 1-15 April 2007) In spite of having plenty of evidences against Bajarang Dal that it is involved in bomb making neither any action is taken against it nor any inquiry is initiated. Not even its activities are discussed in newspapers. (Secular Citizens Forum and PUCL Nagpur, Nanded Bomb Blasts, 2006)
Ex chief minister of Madhya Pradesh Mr. Digvijay Singh had demanded ban on RSS, Bajrang Dal and other such fascist Sangh-parivar organizations in a press conference organized on 23 April 2008. He said they prepare bombs, and impart training in weapons. ( Join The Dots: Silent Emergence of Hindu Terrorism Posted by: subhash gatade | 29 June 2008)
ULFA alleged that RSS was behind the deadly October 30 blasts in Assam and ethnic violence in Bodo Territorial Administered Districts (BTAD). The blast claimed 85 lives while 55 people died in the ethnic violence in BTAD areas. In an e-mail statement, ULFA chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa further alleged that Assam Health Minister Himanta Biswa Sarmah was an agent of RSS and was blaming ULFA to cover up his involvement in the blasts. Rajkhowa claimed the ULFA has enough evidence to prove RSS's involvement in the October 30 blasts in four towns of Assam, including Guwahati. "A few months ago, the ULFA in its mouthpiece Freedom had mentioned about the secret directive sent by RSS to carry out blasts in different parts of the country but the state government took no steps in this direction," he said. Moreover, the recent blasts in different parts of the country and the subsequent arrests have also proved that RSS and BJP are involved in blasts in states ruled by non-BJP governments, Rajkhowa alleged. He said that ULFA has never targeted indigenous Assamese population and has no links with jehadi or any other religious fundamentalist organization. (
Ex chief minister of Madhya Pradesh Mr. Digvijay Singh alleged that whenever BJP is in trouble bomb blasts are made. To remove public attention from the case of Sadhvi Pradnya Singh bomb blasts were made in Assam. When Tahalaka sting operation discussions troubled BJP, before the Tahlaka matter be discussed in parliament, an attack occurred on parliament. Before previous elections in Karnataka on the day of first Phase election bomb blasts were made in Hubli. Two days prior to second phase of voting bomb blast was made in Jaipur. (Mahanayak, 4 November 2008, Press Trust of India Tuesday, November 11, 2008, (Guwahati)
Web of Arya-Brahminist Terrorist organizations Exposed !
In the Theatres of Thane and Washi of Maharashtra Sanatan Sanstha terrorists made bomb blasts on 4 June 2008. In these blasts 7 persons were injured. Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) arrested bombers Ramesh Hanumant Gadkari (Age 50), Mangesh Dinkar Nikam (age 34), Vikram Bhave (age 26), Santosh Sitaram Angre (age 26) and Dr. Hemant Chalke who are full time workers of Sanatan Sanstha and live in the Ashram of Sanatan Sanstha. Earlier Nikam had made a bomb blast in the house of a family of Ratnagiri who had embraced Christianity. The family members were severely stabbed. In spite of his terrorist act, Nikam had received bail and court proceeding were going against him. (Terror's new face, Herald, Panjim, 19 June 2008) They were also involved in the bomb blasts in the theatre at Panvel where film Jodha Akbar was being released in February. In previous Diwali they had planted bombs outside the Mosque / Dargah at Pen Highway. They gave police important and vital information. On the basis of information given by Vikram Bhave and Mangesh Nikam, police raided three places two of which in Pen and one in Satara and recovered Gelatin rods, detonators, electronic circuits, any remote controls and batteries.
On 29 September motor cycles found at Malegaon and Modasa belonged to the activists of Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad. Six persons were killed in these blasts while over 150 persons were injured. (Lokmat Samachar, 24 October 2008)
On 29 September 2008 on the eve of Id in Malegaon bomb blasts were made. In this connection Sadhvi Pradnya Singh Thakur (age 38), Shyamlal Sahu (age 42), Shuvnarayan Singh (age 36) were arrested. (Nav-Bharat and Lokmat Samachar 25 October 2008; Samrat 25, 27 and 28 October 2008) Sadhvi Pradnya Singh Thakur planned and executed Malegaon bomb blasts. The motorcycle used in blast belonged to Sadhvi Pradnya Singh. Shivnarayan Singh is an electrician by profession. But he is expert in bomb-making. He set bomb in the motorcycle of Sadhvi Prdnya Singh Thakur. The chassis number of motorcycle was erased but in forensic laboratory the number was recovered. Police arrested Samir Kulkarni in their Bhopal raid. According to ATS, Samir Kulkarni had supplied the explosives used in the Malegaon blasts. Samir Kulkarni told ATS that he had been receiving money since last five years continuously from five ministers of Madhyapradesh BJP government. In connection with Malegaon blasts ATS is searching absconded Ramji Kalasangra of Indore. He had fitted explosives in the motorcycle of Sadhvi and carried it to the spot. Sadhvi had a long talk with Ramji on phone. In this phone talks she had resented and asked Ramji that why the number of dead and injured Muslims is so small. She had also asked Ramji that whether police had recovered her motorcycle used in blasts ? Ramji had told Sadhvi that he could not find an appropriate place to park the motorcycle used in blasts. Ramji is absconding. The arrested Shyamlal Bhanwarlal Sahu is mobile set seller in Indore. His servant Kailash Solanki admitted before police that Ramji used to buy sim cards from the shop of Sahu. He had bought most of the SIM cards in the name of different persons. Ramji had opened a permanent account in the shop of Sahu in this regard. ATS team has also arrested one businessman of Pune for supplying money for Malegaon bomb blasts. Along with him two others were also arrested by ATS. Police presented all of them before the magistrate. Their names are Jagdish Mhatre, Rakesh Dhawade, and Ajay Rahirkar. Police claimed that Ajay Rahirkar was treasurer of Abhinav Bharat and he also supplied explosives for Malegaon blasts. Jagdish Mhatre has an arm shop. From his shop explosives were recovered. Police recovered 116 bullet cartridges, one timer, and 6 revolvers from these three accused. Similarly police has questioned Ashok Chavla of Jabalpur. Mayaram Jaswani who is state president of Abhinav Bharat had deposited amount in the bank account of Chavla. Police is collecting information about Chavla. (Samrat, 25, 27 October 2008; Lokmat Samachar, 27, 28, 31 October 2008 and 1, 4 November 2008)
Immediately after Jaipur bomb-blasts one eye witness had told one TV that one women was also involved. {was that women Pradnya Thakur ?} (Lokmat Samachar, 27, 28 October; 1,5 November 2008) If we take the example of Jaipur blast, police had caught a person named Vijay immediately after the blasts. Vijay had told police about his lady corroborator in the blast who was responsible for the blast. {was she Sadhvi Pradnya Thakur ?} But nobody knows what happened to Vijay. ( Join The Dots: Silent Emergence of Hindu Terrorism Posted by: subhash gatade | 29 June 2008)
Sadhvi Pradnya Singh Thakur is member of fascist organizations Vishva Hindu Parishad and Durga Vahini. The leader of Vishva Hindu Parishad Swami Avadheshangiri is her religious teacher. Sadvi was also in contact with Shivraj Chauhan (chief minister of Madhya Pradesh) and BJP president Rajnath Singh. In the Diksha ceremony of Pradnya Singh Thakur Shivraj Chauhan was specially present. In a photograph published in daily Samrat Sadhvi Thakur is seen sitting with Shivraj Chauhan and Rajnath Singh. Sadhvi had relations with many BJP leaders. RSS leader who live in old Bhopal city is Pradnya Singh Thakur's local guardian. He is also on suspect list of ATS. C.P. Thakur, the father of Pradnya Singh Thakur is RSS worker from the very beginning. Many evidences recovered by ATS from the residence of Sadhvi at Jabalpur reveal that Sadhvi is related to Sanatan Prabhat and BJP.{Sanatan Prabhat is periodical of Sanatan Sanstha.} Immediately after committing Malegaon bomb blasts, she had talked to several persons for about 400 minutes on phone. The other arrested persons belong to Akhil Bhartiya Vidhyarthi Parishad {student outfit of BJP}, Vande Mataram Sangathan and Hindu Jagaran Manch. Mumbai ATS said that they have evidences that Hindu Jagran Manch was involved in Malegaon blasts. (Nav-Bharat and Lokmat Samachar 25 October 2008; Samrat 25, 27 and 28 October 2008) Police claimed the involvement of many Hindu Janjagaran workers in Malegaon bomb blasts. (Samrat, 24 October 2008)
Sadhvi Pradnya Singh Thakur was also a member of Abhinav Bharat organization which was founded by V.D. Savarkar. Pradnya Singh Thakur is also full member of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad. She is founder of Vande Mataram Jankalyan Samiti. Samir Kulkarni is active member of Abhinav Bharat organization and full member of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad. He played an important role in Malegaon bomb-blasts. Mayaram Jaswani is president of Abhinav Bharat. He is colleague of arrested Samir Kulkarni. Police could not find Jaswani in his home at Jabalpur. However ATS has arrested two colleges of Sadhvi Prdnya Singh from Jabalpur. On 19 October state ATS had arrested in Madhya Pradesh Shyam Dayal, Dilip Singh Nahar, and Dharmendra Bairagi. (Samrat, 25, 27 October 2008; Lokmat Samachar, 27, 28, 31 October 2008 and 1, 4 November 2008) Absconded accused Ramnarayan Kalasangra alias Ramji and Samir Dange are being searched by police. (Samrat, Lokmat Samachar 7 November 2008)
The ex chief minister of Madhya Pradesh Mr. Digvijay Singh has alleged that the various organizations of Sadhvi Pradnya Singh are financially supported by Narendra Modi, the chief minister of Gujarat. (Mahanayak, 4 November 2008) Swami Agnivesh accused in a press conference that RSS is responsible for bomb blasts at Modasa of Gujarat and Malegaon of Maharashtra. The religious channel Sudershan is related to RSS. This TV channel gave breaking news of Malegaon bomb blast at the very time of Bomb blast at 9.30 night. In spite of being a religious channel it has left all other news channels behind while giving this breaking news, though it did not have a news network like other news channels have. (Samrat, Lokmat Samachar 7 November 2008) One private channel has claimed that RSS is responsible for bomb blasts in Jalna, Purna, Parbhani and Nanded. Sanjay Chaudhary in his statement admitted that RSS and Bajrang Dal not only planned the whole bomb blast conspiracy but also financed for them. This financial aid was being made from Mumbai and Pune. They also had planned bomb blasts in Aurangabad but because these accused were arrested these intended blasts could not be implemented. Vishva Hindu Parishad leader Balaji Fadke had promised Chaudhary his early release from the jail. (Samrat, 6 November 2008)
From Nepal's Kathmandu to Washi of Maharashtra, Tenkasi of Tamilnadu and in terrorist activities in Indore the involvement of Arya-Brahminist terrorist organizations is revealed. But Manu-media has sealed its lips. In Nepal rule of Hindu king came to an end and in its place democracy was established. To protest democracy in Nepal in Birendra international centre where newly elected members were given oath bomb blasts were made. In these bomb blasts many were injured. Local police declared Arya-Brahmin terrorists responsible for these bomb blasts who want to establish Arya-Brahmin rule in Nepal. After elections in Nepal international organization Vishva Hindu Mahasabha had organized a meeting in Balrampur (India) of their followers residing in Nepal and India. This meeting was presided over by {Brahminist fascist} BJP M.P. Yogi Adityanath. In Indore these fascist organizations displayed arms in their march and fired in air to declare their terrorist intention. Police watched them silently. Nobody dared to register a case. This is not the lone incident of firing publicly. In RSS march the firing of this kind is common. In Bhopal march of RSS had fire arms along with traditional arms. In this march ministers of the state and BJP leaders took part. (Lokmat Samachar, 25 January, 2005)
Chapter V
Mumbai Attacks only Benefit Mossad, CIA and Arya-Brahminists !
1) Two days before the attacks, the Times of India ran a story discussing US defense corporations seeking major contracts in India, including "the single largest one-time military contract in history," India is buying 126 multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA). The deal is said to be worth $10 billion, "which would not be concluded in the term of this government but by the next government." Mumbai attacks would compel Indian government to sign the contract.
2) As the wards of Mumbai's hospitals overflow with the casualties of the attacks, executives of Israeli security firms are shaking hands and clinching deals at record speed in surveillance systems, security scanners, coastline patrol weaponry and so on. According to an article in Asia Times, 7th February 2008, Israel now sells more weapons to India than to any other nation. Mossad has been training parts of India's security services.
3) India is refusing to attend talks to complete a deal on a proposed Iran-India-Pakistan gas pipeline. This is what Zionists actually want.
4) The attacks also occurred when the US Congress is considering the approval of the US-India civil nuclear deal and days before Indian Prime Minister visits Washington. Mumbai attacks makes atmosphere favorable to nuclear deal.
5) The terrorists were also given targets which included nationals of the US , UK and Israel as an added incentive. This helped Zionist forces to draw sympathy of whites against Muslims. Also, this incident will serve to cement ties between the Zionist elites of Israel and the Brahminist elites of India. The fact of the matter is that there exists a strong ideological bonding between Zionism & Brahmanism. Both are committed to racial, religious & caste superiority. Both also have a history of collaboration with Imperialism and the exploitation of their own people.( Terror attack planned by RSS and allies? Public Voice, Thursday, 04 December 2008:)
6) The bombings also occurred when India is resisting pressure from the West to send its troops into Afghanistan to compel India to pour more troops into Afghanistan.
7) The pattern is too familiar. Every time India and Pakistan head towards dialogue and detente, something explosive happens that pushes peace to the backburner and drags them back to the familiar old tense relationship, worsened by war cries from both sides. ( Pleas For Sanity As Sabres Rattle Over Mumbai Mayhem By Beena Sarwar 01 December, 2008 Inter Press Service)
USA wants to break up Pakistan, and it needs an angry India on its side. America wants to create limited India-Pakistan war. Demonizing Indian Muslims by the Hindutva forces had a local impact in India.. They were not part of the bigger war on Muslims perpetrated by the Israel- Neocon promoted George W. Bush regime. Diplomatically also, India kept a safe distance from the US war on terror fearing the backlash of the domestic Muslim population. Obama is intending to spread this war into Pakistan and expand its operation in Afghanistan, India could be a willing strategic partner in the region. These attacks are being dubbed as India's 911and are being internationalized to draw India into a wider global role in the American-led war on Islam.
Arya Brahmin writers are busy in hate mongering propaganda as given below :- …. if the United States can justify its wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in the name of combating terrorism, destroying weapons of mass destruction, and changing regimes, then India is justified in attacking Pakistan. ( Indian 'War on Terrorism' Against Pakistan? By Kanti Bajpai)
Atul Aneja in his article "How West Asia Views Mumbai Attacks" in Hindu writes that many, especially in Iran and Saudi Arabia see the Mumbai attacks as part of the plot hatched by Washington and some of its allies to stroke a major geopolitical realignment in the wider West Asia-South Asia region. Several commentators are of the view that in the wake of the Mumbai attacks India has either been co-opted already as an active partner of the US, Israel and the UK in this war or is being "trapped" to join the unseemly coalition. There is plenty of sympathy in the Arab and Iranian media for Pakistan, which is seen not as instigator of Mumbai attacks but as a victim of this conspiracy. There is a considerably large body of opinion that after the Mumbai attacks, the stage has been set for Pakistan to be targeted militarily during the Obama presidency. The ultimate objective of the chain of events that could follow Mumbai attacks is to draw both Pakistan and Afghanistan along with India firmly into the western orbit of influence. India is already in the western camp and would be an active player in redrawing the geopolitical map of the region. (The Hindu, 17 December 2008)
From the following news it becomes clear how the congress is acting as a lackey of America :- Congress has demanded the government that American president George W. Bush be awarded "Bharat Ratna" the highest award of India. According to Congress party Bush made Nuclear treaty between India and America possible. Congress spokesman Ashok Singhvi said that congress will do everything to see that this award is given to Bush. (Mahanayak, 14 February 2009)
If the Pakistan Army is forced to move the bulk of its 100,000 troops from FATA to the eastern border in the event of Indian military build up in the wake of the Bombay incident, this would leave a vacuum for the US to redeploy its troops deep inside the Pakistani territory, and virtually occupying the tribal Pashtun belt. This may be the first step towards splintering Pakistan.
9) The game plan is to blame Pakistan, start a war get people scared, make heavy commission from purchasing armaments from America and help America to stand back on its feet in this world-wide economical crisis.
Pakistani economy is in no condition to bear the cost of hostilities with India. There is nothing in foreign reserves and in case of a war Pakistan will splinter. Mossad-CIA want the same fate of Pakistan. The Hoax Phone call in the name of Pranab Mukherjee arranged most likely by Mossad-CIA was intended to start war with Pakistan.
Pakistan is aware that Iran and India signed a Pakistan specific defense agreement back in 2002-2003. India and Afghanistan are brothers since centuries and Tajikistan is already a host to an Indian air base. Once Pakistan had to take care of only the eastern border with India. Now Pakistan is insecure from every direction in war.
The question is being asked that how did the caller get hold of Pakistan's newly elected President Asif Ali Zardari's phone number that is supposed to be classified and reserved for diplomats and other high-ranking officials, internal and overseas ? Pakistan maintains that indeed the call originated from a recognized phone number within the Indian government's Foreign Ministry, and while some protocols were not followed in terms of verification that it had all the earmarking of being "the real deal". The call was a deliberate attempt to see a war started. The most likely culprit for such an act happens to be Israel. Israel has a history of numerous false flag operations (Just search false flag operations of Israel on internet and you shall get tons of information). India is one of Israel's biggest buyers of her armaments. A sustained war between Pakistan and India would be a boon for Israel, both in terms of arm sales and arm product testing. Israel has worked tirelessly to create, a situation in which the rest of the goyim (non-Jewish, non Arya-Brahmanists) world wipes each other out, leaving the Jewish state unimpeded in imposing her "chosen people' agenda upon rest of humanity. Jewish state has invested herself in the telecommunications industry and is capable in tapping into any phone line or internet connection worldwide. Through companies such as Verint and Narus, a redline with Mossad headquarters in Tel Aviv now exists for listening every conversation throughout the entire world. Therefore, placing a call to the office of the Pakistani president and manipulating the logarithms of the telecommunication software to have it appear the call originated from within the Indian Ministry of Foreign affairs would be as easy to achieve. Had Zardari not contacted Rice ? The situation between Pakistan and India is by no means over. As former US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer once said, "What Israel wants, Israel gets", and indeedif this latest attempt to start a war between the two nations fails, that indicates that another way will be found out, and no doubt operating under the motto of Israel's intelligence service Mossad, "By way of deception, thou shalt do war.'( Call Hoax from India to Pakistan Yet Another Mossad Operation?)
10) Arya-Brahmins riding the government wanted police state in India but could not do so because of fear of backlash from the masses. Earlier, anti-terror laws like the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act (TADA) and prevention of Terrorist Activities Act (POTA) had to be scrapped after allegations of misuse. After Mumbai attacks Arya-Brahmins have passed two anti-terror bills in Indian Parliament. First, to set up a National Investigation Agency (NIA) with special powers, and second, to amend the law to provide for more stringent action to deal with terrorism. The Federal Investigating Agency being considered by the Centre will have sweeping powers to probe incidents of terrorism anywhere in the country without obtaining prior consent of the state governments. Government also plans to confer wider discretion to central security and law enforcement agencies to facilitate smooth interception of telephonic conversations of terror suspects by strengthening provisions of the Indian Telegraph Act. The nitty-gritty of equipment, command and monitoring mechanisms and manpower for policing were taken up. One attack and there is a fascist Police state.( Topic: If you were wondering, yes, Mumbai has turned India in a complete police state)
According to Urmilesh, On 9 June 2002 at 4.30 AM Delhi police along with CRPF and other forces equipped with modern weapons arrested Mr. Iftikar Gilani, Delhi bureau chief of newspaper Kashmir Times. Police alleged that he is arrested for having secret security documents of the country. Iftikhar was released honorably on 13 January 2003 but the torture he experienced during these eight moths is horrible. He wrote about it in his book My days in prison. In his book he insisted that if he did not had the support of media men of country and abroad and support from almost all political leaders of Kashmir and a central minister and many other leaders, it would have been impossible to get released. In the same law (official Secret Act) dozens of persons are rotting in Tihar jail of Delhi since several years without any hope. The arrest and release of Iftikhar has proved how dangerous this act is. Virrappa Moili commission had recommended its abolition. But it is not abolished. Now on the pretext of Mumbai attacks UPA has passed another draconian law which is dangerous than all existing laws. The question is asked that such laws have never curtailed terrorism. Then for whom the law has came into existence ? After observing the results of such laws it becomes obvious that the law is brought into existence to persecute people who raise voice against exploitation and oppression. (Bhaskar, 25 December 2008).
11) A conflict between Pakistan and India would not only have the effect of dismantling Pakistan, but would also greatly deter India's rapid economic and social development and India and Pakistan would be forced to come under the slavery of Western military might and Zionist International Financial Institutions. This is what they want.
12) The Pakistan government has its hands tied by public opinion in going for an all out attack in the NWF province as well as the FATA areas as America requires. The events in Mumbai will most likely increase the pressure on Pakistan. Pakistan rulers may repeat same old story Musharraf did to justify assisting America's attack on Afghanistan : that had Pakistan not participated, the American's and Indian's were going to simultaneously attack Pakistan because Bush had declared "with us or against us".
13) Massive military presence on the border of China could act as a powerful warning. The same is likely for China exacerbating ethnic differences and social disparities.
14) The issue of Brahmin terrorists consisting Arya-Brahmin Sadhvi, a Shankaracharya, some high ranking Army officers, 'Bhonsala Military Academy' run by Arya-Brahmin organizations and their leaders has been completely sidelined and shadowed in the war cries.
The recent revelations in the Malegaon blasts put every ongoing blast investigation under a cloud and a question mark. Clearly, the police suppressed all the trails that led to Sangh outfits and BJP leaders – allowing these terrorists to roam free and contest and campaign in elections – while misleading the nation by framing innocents of a minority community. A startling revelation had came that the International General Secretary of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), had donated money to Abhinav Bharat the organization that master minded the September 29 Malegaon blast. The investigation was reaching such a stage that more top functionaries of Sangh Parivar were likely to be named. ( Who Benefits From Mumbai Terror Attacks? By Binu Mathew 29 November, 2008) As it is evident from the following news : – A stunning report stated that Indresh Kumar a senior RSS operative in Nepal received Rs 3 CR from the ISI, was known to Togadia, Purohit and Vaidya the ex-RSS chief. This till date has not been denied by the RSS. This hints of a collusion between the ISI and the RSS at certain mutually beneficial levels and should come as no surprise and needs further investigation. It was clear to the BJP-RSS that the ATS investigation could destroy them as it went to the core of the leadership and names such as Advani, Modi, Togadia, Rajnath Singh and Vaidya began to appear. They had to organize a major spectacular terrorist attack to thwart the investigation. ( Terror attack planned by RSS and allies? Public Voice, Thursday, 04 December 2008:)
It has been revealed from the case of Ken Haywood that Mossad and CIA has been helping Hidutva-terrorists as the following report tells :- In 2008, US national Ken Haywood, reportedly with the help of the US embassy, fled from India. Ken Haywood's computer was used to send a "terrorist" e-mail minutes before bomb blasts in Ahmedabad, in July. He was being investigated for terrorism. Reportedly, Haywood has links to Abdur Subhan Qureshi, alias Taufique Bilal and Tauqir, reportedly the top terrorist in India. Haywood returned to India in September 2008. (Ahmedabad blasts: Ken Haywood arrives in India 11 Sep 2008, 0215 hrs IST, C Unnikrishnan,TNN) In India, Haywood works for a firm called Campbell White, suspected of being a front for the CIA. Haywood doesn't feature on its list of employees. "Haywood's fleeing immediately after the cracking of the Gujarat blasts and capture of the perpetrators is most suspicious. Haywood was working for a bogus 'missionary' outfit is doubly alarming. "The role of US so-called missionaries/ evangelical groups in India is very controversial, for they are playing a dual role in aggressive conversions as well as being part of the CIA destabilization plan for India. Tehelka a few years ago revealed the fact that over 100 US so-called "Christian" evangelical groups / organizations were in fact bogus and part of Bush's CIA network.
It was also reported that when the death of Karkare was announced, the RSS members rejoiced and celebrated. The basic aim of killing ATS officers Hemant Karkare and others was to totally subvert every attempt by the Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) that was undoubtedly uncovering the nefarious terrorist cells within the various branches of the Sangh Pariwar as well as their RSS abettors & sympathizers within the army, IB, RAW and the entire security apparatus. The cousin sister of Hemant Karkare as well as the mother of Salaskar have appeared on TV and have expressed strong doubts about the deaths of their loved ones and have strongly hinted at other possibilities. ( Terror attack planned by RSS and allies? Public Voice, Thursday, 04 December 2008:)
Mufti Mohhommad Saed of people's democratic party alleged that terrorist Shankaracharya Dayanand Pande had stayed as a guest in the Rajbhawan of then governor of Jammu_Kashmir retired general S. K. Sinha. He demanded inquiry in this matter. (Lokmat Samachar, 17 November, 2008) Dayanand Pande had contacts with many important polititians. Ex president of India Abdul Kalam had also visited Jammu-Kashmir Ashram of Dayanand Pande. Samrat daily has published photograph of Kalam's visit to the Ashram. (Samrat, 15 November 2008) It is worth mentioning here that the Hindunized Abdul Kalam was chosen by BJP as its presidential candidate.
The visitors book at the guest house of Mata Chakreshwar Hari Parbat temple in Anangpur village of Faridabad, where Pandey stayed frequently, reveals that his devotees included politicians, mostly from the hardliner Hindutva camp, retired Army-men and even intelligence officials. Sources at the Faridabad temple said Pandey used to shuttle between the establishments in Jammu, Faridabad and Kanpur. (Fri, 14/11/2008 – 8:58am Hindu Terror 'guru' had high contacts 14 Nov 2008, 0108 hrs IST,TNN )
Maharashtra ATS has revealed that a meeting was organized on 21 September 2007 in Military school of Nashik to discuss about how to execute bomb blast all over India and to establish Brahmin Rule in India. As per the recorded video available in the laptop of Dayanand Pande, in this meeting Shankaracharya Dayanand Pande, Colonel Prasad Purohit, Ex BJP MP B. L. Sharma who was elected on BJP ticket twice from Delhi, and Bhai Dalvi was present. In this meeting it was said that if the non-Brahmin youths are provided money and women they agree to do anything. They said that to establish Brahmin rule Non-Brahmin Shudras be used. ATS will use this video as evidence. (Mahanayak, 4 February 2009)
Having an order from Nashik Court ATS started for Gorakhpur. Maharashtra ATS has an eye on Yogi Adityanat the MP from Gorakhpur U.P. and his associate Dr. Ramdas Agrawal MLA from Gorakhpur. ATS has collected evidences against them in connection with Malegaon blasts. (Lokmat Samachar, 12 November 2008)
Malegaon Bomb Blast accused Colonel Purohit was present in the Art of Living camp organized by Ravishankar in his Ashram. In this camp many Army officers has come to meet Ravishankar. According to Ravishankar, this camp was organized to inspire youths with the sentiments of patriotism. According to him he is trying to train many terrorist organizations such as Maoists, LTTE, Hijbul Mujahidin etc. to bring them on right path. (Lokmat Samachar, 23 November, 2008) The question is does Arya-Brahmins have been converting members of these militant organizations as agents of Hindutva to accomplish plans of Arya-Brahminist terrorists ?
Day by day Malegaon bomb blast investigations becoming more complex. During investigation the needle of suspicion also turned towards an internationally famous doctor of Delhi. He has his Diabetes private clinic in Delhi and is connected to World Hindu Federation which is affiliated to Abhinav Bharat organization. (Lokmat Samachar, 23 November 2008)
An English Daily, giving reference of CBI mentioned that Togadiya has given money for the formation of Abhinav Bharat organization. Colonel Purohit has given this information to CBI. In year 2007 Togadia had given Purohit Rs. 2 lacks which he gave to Samir Kulkarni of Abhinav Bharat. (Lokmat Samachar, 25 November 2008)
15) The death of Karkare and his comrades has sent out a strong signal to all those who would dare to challenge this diabolical Hindutva nexus within our security apparatus of India and their real masters are Zionist Mossad and CIA who have helped them in these terrorist activities.
16) The BJP which feared debacle in coming 2009 parliamentary elections is relieved to great extent after Mossad-CIA with the help of Pakistani Arya-Brahmin rulers (converted to Islam) are successful in posing that all-terrorists were exclusively from Pakistan. In fact, Indian and foreign national terrorists belonging to Mossad, CIA, Arya-Brahmins and ISI were involved to accomplish Zionist plan.
After observing all the terrorist strikes it becomes clear that Arya-Brahminist organizations have been benefiting from the resulting communal polarization. The bomb-blasts made in Jaipur benefited BJP in Karnataka elections. Therefore it becomes clear that these terrorist attacks were engineered by Arya-Brahmin fascist organizations.( Join The Dots: Silent Emergence of Hindu Terrorism Posted by: subhash gatade | 29 June 2008 and Skewed Media Approach To Terrorism By Yoginder Sikand 20 June, 2008)
21 Muslim organizations alleged that to benefit in coming parliament elections Arya-Brahminist fascist organizations are committing bomb blasts in the name of Muslim terrorists. They claimed that the so called Muslim terrorist organization Indian Mujahidin is an imaginary name and its activities are benefiting Arya-Brahmin fascist organizations politically. (Lokmat Samachar, 18 September 2008) It is also alleged that to benefit in coming parliamentary elections by communal polarization, the communal riots and massacres of Christians of Orrisa were engineered. For the same objectives churches are being attacked in Karnataka and Kerala.
The timing of the Mumbai terror like earlier attacks is well planned, just before state assembly elections and coming parliament election. Gujarat riots were also planned just before main elections. The game plan is to make people realize that Congress government did not prevent these attacks in spite of receiving prior information of attack so that this will most certainly lead to the downfall of congress and the arrival of the BJP who have openly committed to enter America's war on Islam!
17) Terrorist Sadhvi Pragya is a disciple of Swami Avadheshanand Giri : and her fellow disciples include Congress leaders such as Union HRD Minister Arjun Singh and his son Ajay. Ajay rushed to deny Avadheshanand's links with Pragya. Congress and UPA Government want the state machinery to 'leak' out a tiny part of the truth about the involvement of Sangh outfits in terror, in order to get the upper hand in the elections. But the involvement of higher leaders of Sangh outfits, of so-called god-men and god-women, of the Army personnel, and of the BJP leaders in terrorism will never be sincerely investigated as Congress itself ideologically is part of Sangh-Parivar (RSS-Family).
18) Arya-Brahmins riding government of India are uncertain about coming to power again as i) political parties of indigenous OBC, Dalits, Muslim and Adivasi are growing day by day stronger. ii) economical policies of Arya-Brahmins such as SEZ are destroying the life of millions of indigenous people. Therefore these Arya-Brahmin parties desperately wanted some critical issue that would sidetrack their anti-people satanic class character and anti-people steps taken by them unanimously. Mumbai attacks gave these Arya-Brahminist parties this very opportunity.
19) According to Daily Mahanayak, not only Arya-Brahmin terrorists who committed bomb blasts in Malegaon are exposed but also they are exposed while committing bomb blasts throughout the country. One of the main accused in Malegaon bomb-blast case colonel Purohit has declared that he has no faith in Indian constitution. These Arya-Brahmin terrorists want to establish Brahmin-Rule in India through armed violence till 2024.(Mahanayak, 21 January 2009)
After filing charge sheet against the accused of Malegaon bomb-blasts, K.P. Raghuvanshi told that the accused intended wanted to take the help of Israel to establish Brahmin rule in India till 2024. They also intended to take the help of deposed Nepal king in establishing Brahmin-Rule in India. In addition to that they were also attempting to take the help of Arya-Brahmin Maoists in establishing Brahmin-Rule in India. This proves that the Arya-Brahminist terrorists have been engaged in war with Indian democracy.(Mahanayak, 22 January 2009)
Purohit, according to the charge sheet, promised "all logistic help" with finances from several quarters and support from some of his contacts in Thailand. In this case, the alleged bomb planters — Sameer Dange, Ramji Kalsangra — and Pravin Patil, another on the wanted list, remain at large. Patil also used the cover name of Mutalik and is a close aide of Purohit.( Purohit planned Israel-based Hindu govt-in-exile, support from Thai contacts: ATS charge sheet today)
L. R. Bali has already alleged in his press conference in Nagpur that RSS collect the amount of Rs. 2 crores daily for spreading religion. This amount is deposited in the banks of Nepal and the amount is used in purchasing modern weapons. (Bahujan Sanghatak, 17 May 1999) There are even reports published revealing the involvement of a Zarkhand BJP member of parliament in the smuggling of weapons. From Bihar illegal weapons are sent to various parts of India as well as abroad. (Lokmat Samachar, 30 September 2002)
The 4,000-page charge sheet, filed by Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) before the Special MCOCA court here, stated that Purohit floated right wing group Abhinav Bharat in 2007 with an intention to "propagate a separate Hindu Rashtra with its own Constitution". According to the document, the Army officer collected "huge amounts" to the tune of Rs 21 lac for himself and Abhinav Bharat to promote his "fundamentalist ideology." The amount was disbursed by Ajay Rahirkar, treasurer of the group, to various other accused to procure explosives for committing unlawful activities. At a meeting in Bhopal on April 11, 2008 Purohit took responsibility of providing explosives while the Sadhvi took the task of arranging for the men for exploding the bombs in the Muslim-dominated town in North Maharashtra. Purohit had bought RDX with him when he returned from his Kashmir posting. He assembled the explosives at his residence in Pune with the help of co-accused Sudhakar Chaturvedi and wanted accused Ramji Kalsangra, and the same was used in the September 29 blast at Malegaon that killed six persons. (
While there are above mentioned 19 benefits which provide a strong motivation for Mumbai attacks for Zionists and Arya-Brahmin terrorists, the terrorists themselves could not give any other justification for their attack as evident form the following news :- The aim of Kasab claimed that they wanted to blow up the Taj, as in the attack on the Marriott in Islamabad; yet we are told that only 8 kg of RDX were found at the Taj, and even that was not used; contrast this with 600kg of RDX and TNT used to blow up the Marriott. (The Mumbai Terror Attacks: Need For A Thorough Investigation By R.H. 08 December, 2008 Kasab said that the terrorists planned to use their hostages as a means of escape, yet there was no attempt for any such negotiations.
Chapter VI
Mumbai Attacks Raise Many Questions !
In spite of misinformation and disinformation campaigns being run by Manu-media controlled by Mossad, CIA and Arya-Brahmanists to safeguard real culprits several contractions are compelling neutral observers to ask answers to several unanswered questions. Few of them are as specified below.
1) Who Killed Karkare ?
All three ATS officers, Hemant Karkare, DIG Ashok Kale and encounter specialist Vijay Salazar, were eliminated during Mumbai attacks. The unanswered question is why would the terrorists, if they were Muslims, kill Karkare who was about to expose Hindu terrorism ?
The second set of questions is if the terrorist were Muslims why did they target civilians mainly dressed in Muslim outfits ? more than 35 percent of victims are Muslims…! If the Muslim terrorists wanted to avenge Babri Mosque demolition why not a single RSS / BJP leader is killed up till now in dozens of alleged terrorist attacks by the so called Muslim organizations ? Why every time OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adiwasi were made victim ? This clearly establishes that these terrorist attacks were executed by Arya-Brahmin Terrorists pretending to be Muslims. According to the statement of Kasab, he and Ismail (just two gunmen) first attacked VT station and killed 58 people. Over one-third of them were Muslims, and many more might have been killed if the announcer, Mr Zende, had not risked his life to direct passengers to safety. Then they went to Cama, a government hospital for women and children used mainly by the poor. If the terrorist was on the look out for the foreigners, then why did the terrorist started shooting in the train station, hospital, multiplex killing ordinary people ?
Arya-Brahminist fascist organizations were furious over the way ATS investigations were speedily exposing their every network.
Maharashtra ATS has an eye on Yogi Adityanat the MP from Gorakhpur U.P. and his associate Dr. Ramdas Agrawal MLA from Gorakhpur. ATS has collected evidences against them in connection with Malegaon blasts. Having an order from Nashik Court ATS started for Gorakhpur. Adiyanath previously had justified attacks on Christians in Orissa. Yogi Adityanath has challanged government to arrest himandsee the consequences. (Lokmat Samachar, 12 November 2008) As per workers of local Arya-Brahminist organizations the ATS team that went to Gorakhpur to arrest Adityanath is reportedly banned from entering into Gorakhpur. BJP top leadership is trying to prevent arrest of Adityanath. (Mahanayak, 12 November 2008)
In the front page of Shiv Sena organ "Samna" an appeal was made to carry a procession of ATS alleging that to extinguish the fire of patriotism and to help Muslim terrorism ATS is being left uncontrolled by Maharashtra government. Shiv Sena newspaper claimed that they have the name and addresses of ATS officers and paper will release them shortly so that their neighbors should realize that they are living with what kind of persons. They should carry a procession of ATS and socially boycott them. (Bhaskar, 27 November 2008) Bal Thakare had called Mr. Hemant Karkare an agent of ISI and had threatened to publish Karkare's residential address so that "real Hindus" boycott Karkare family or throw stones at Karkare's home.(Dalit Voice, 16-31 December 2008) Hindu Mahasabha demanded immediate inquiry of the property and assets of Hemant Karkare and his ATS officers. Hindu mahasabha also demanded narco test of the ATS officers alleging them biased against Saints and Sadhvis. (Bhaskar, 18 November 2008) One high level police officer has confirmed that an unknown person has sent a threat phone call to Pune police that house of Hemant Karkare would be blown in few days. (Lokmat Samachar, 27, November 2008)
According to IANS Nov 16, Special public prosecutor Ajay Misar, appearing for the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) of the Maharashtra police in the Malegaon bomb blast case, had lodged a complaint with the police that he has received threat to his life. Misar in his complaint told city police chief Himanshu Roy that the threat call received from a public phone booth, with number 699132, said: "Hum Tumhara, Hemant Karkare Ka, Aur Mohan Kulkarni Ka game Karenge (We will kill yourself, Hemant Karkare, and Mohan Kulkarni)."
Cenral state-home minister Shriprakash Jaiswal told that Hemant Karkare had been receiving threats since the very begining and his life was threatened. (Bhaskar, 29 November 2008)
Arya-Brahminist Bal Thakare {had} praised terrorists of Sanatan Sanstha and advised them to use sophisticated explosives in place of old styled explosives. He also advised them to form suicide bomb-attack groups.( Spiritual As Criminal? By Subhash Gatade 03 July, 2008) Bal Thackeray said he would welcome emergence of 'Hindu terrorists'. "If they (Hindu terrorists) are (behind the September 29 Malegaon blast), I would be glad. Terrorists should be born among Hindus, I have begun to feel," he said in an interview given to his party's mouthpiece 'Samaana'. "Sadhvi Pragya Singh, Lt Col P S Purohit arrested in connection with the Malegaon blast have been victimized…What was their fault ? Something might have been done to take on fanatic Muslims…" he said.( I welcome emergence of 'Hindu terrorists': Thackeray Press Trust of India Posted: Dec 23, 2008 at 1931 hrs IST) Shiv Sena even challenged government of Maharashtra to arrest Bal Thakare. (Lokmat Samachar, 11 November 2008)
Shiv Sena, Abhinav Bharat etc. Arya-Brahmin fascist organizations demonstrated in front of Nashik court and blocked the road in the support of Sadhvi Pradnya Singh and other accused of Malegaon bomb blast. They also appointed a huge team of 20-30 lawyers in support of these accused. (Lokmat Samachar, 4 November 2008) Shilpa Deshmukh, the secretary of students unit of Shivsena has filed a petition in high court accusing ATS investigation as anti-Hindu. (Lokmat Samachar, 21 November, 2008) Shiv Sena even had called "Maharashtra Bandh" (all Maharashtra Strike) in support of Sadhvi Pradya Singh. (Lokmat Samachar, 27, November 2008) Instead of asking for hanging of antinational Malegaon bomb-blast accused, Shiv Sena is intending them to give ticket for parliament election. (Mahanayak, 26 November 2008)
The Arya-Brahminist Terrorist Dayanand Pande wants to contest Parliament election from Jammu. He asked court to grant him permission to contest parliament election. Earlier retired major Ramesh Upadhyay had asked court to grant him permission to contest parliament election. Similarly yet another Malegaon bomb-blast accused Samir Kulkarni want to contest Parliament election from Bhopal. He said that he want to see India as a Hindu Rashtra {read Brahmin Rashtra} (Lokmat Samachar, 1 and 21 March 2009)
It must be remembered that BJP had implemented several measures to saffronize whole bureaucracy, military and security agencies during its rule in various states and centre.
A protest march with the notorious K. P. Gill was organized in Delhi from the Mandi House to Faridkot House by leaders of the Bhartiya Janta Party in collaboration with other organizations against the arrest of Arya-Brahmin terrorist Saadhvi Pragya Singh who had executed Malegaon bomb blasts that claimed the lives of several innocent victims. To the surprise of almost everyone, KP Gill was seen leading the protest march that was organized by the Bhartiya Janta Party. The active involvement of Former Punjab DGP K. P. Gill in the murders of hundreds of Sikh youth and families are still pending investigations by world human rights organizations and his involvement in seeking the release of Saadhvi Pragya (another terrorist) will have to be investigated intensely. Former Punjab DGP K. P. Gill has strong relations with terrorist organizations. The memorandum termed Sadhvi's arrest as illegal and asked for her immediate release. ( Gill Wants Hindu Terrorist Released Friday 26th of December 2008)
These anti-democratic fascist Arya-Brahminists have been attacking lawyers as well as human right organizations those who dared to plea for innocent Muslims framed falsely as terrorists. One Brahminist supreme-court judge even declined to recognize terrorists as human beings hence no questions of their human rights. Such is their hypocrisy. After all law of Manu gives Brahmins immunity from every crime and punish even innocent Bahujans.
Attitudes within the police force too were polarized. For example, dismissed encounter specialist Sachin Vaze (who with three colleagues was charged with murder, criminal conspiracy, destruction of evidence and concealment of the dead body in the case of Khwaja Yunus shortly before the terrorist attack) was a member of the Shiv Sena who was actively engaged in the campaign against Karkare and in support of the Malegaon blast accused. Vaze and several other encounter specialists who had been dismissed for corruption, extortion and links with the underworld also had a grudge against Salaskar, whom they suspected of informing on them. (The Mumbai Terror Attacks: Need For A Thorough Investigation By R.H. 08 December, 2008
The way he was accused by Arya-Brahminists of every sector and the way Arya-Brahminist fascist organizations had been using insulting language, Karkare was offended to such an extent that he had offered his resignation from ATS to home minister Mr. R.R. Patil. (Bhaskar, 2 December 2008) Mr. R.R. Patil then home minister of Maharashtra now revealed in a public meeting that Karkare had told him that he and his officers were threatened by BJP leader L.K. Advani on phone. (Mahanayak, 27 March 2009) BJP leader and Ex-Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani had even called for a change in the investigation team.
Nitin Raghtate (R/O Trimurti Nagar Nagpur, Uttam Padole (Panchpaoli Nagpur, Shrikant Tarkunde and other friends of Hemant Karkare wrote to Bahujan Sangharh (fortnightly) that they had a talk with Hemant Karkare when he had come to attend a marriage in Nagpur. He said that in Malegaon bomb-blast case big fishes will be caught. He also said that perhaps they would transfer him or do anything of him. If they transfer me the whole affair may turn against them. Some officers are in his support but many are against him. Let us see to what extent the political people support him. From his above talk it becomes clear that Hemant was killed in a conspiracy hatched and executed by some officers of RAW, police, foreign secret services at the instructions of big leaders of fascist Sangh-Parivar organizations. According to these friends of Karkare, Karkare had revealed that VHP is an international organization supported and financially by rich Arya-Brahminists allover the world. It is capable to make terrorist activities in any country by hiring required elements. The many officers in RAW, Police and other security apparatus of India are members of RSS. Similarly VHP has its connections with foreign secret services. To present new names of terrorist organization is routine task of these higher officers. It has become a part of politics. Karkare was forbidden to reveal whole truth. While investigating Malegaon bomb-blast connections he had gathered evidences of relationship of Arya-Brahminist Terrorists with the Muslim terrorist organizations. Leaders of VHP, RSS and other Arya-Brahminist fascist organizations had realized that the next step of investigation will reach to them. Therefore they had started accusing Karkare and ATS violently. Not only he was accused, threatened to death, Bajarang Dal leader Vinay Katiyar went to the extent of threatening civil war in India. Therefore, only one alternative of killing Karkare was left with the fascists. (Bahujan Sangharsh, 15 March 2009)
Hemant Karkare has worked with Indian secret service RAW therefore he was well aware of all the terrorist organizations and their connections with political leaders and the criminals. (Mahanayak, 4 December 2008) Therefore, all such political leaders and criminals were afraid that if the investigation continues under the leadership of Karkare, they soon will be totally exposed. That is why all such antinational exploiters wanted Karkare to be killed.
The Arya-Brahminist terrorist brigade directed by Mossad and CIA wanted to kill Karkare and his team to sabotage investigation of terrorist activities of Arya-Brahmin terrorist network so that terrorist nexus of Mossad, CIA, AryaBrahminist bureaucracy AryaBrahminist military personnel, AryaBrahminist security personnel, and Arya-Brahminist political leaders in the terrorist acts committed up till now is not exposed.
Barely an hour before he was felled by terrorists, Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) chief Hemant Karkare had pleaded with state home minister R. R. Patil to move him to some other department. At one point during the meeting, he went to the extent of saying he wanted to quit the service. Karkare gave vent to his emotions. The meeting of the ATS team with Patil ended around 9 pm that fateful night on Wednesday. Karkare told the minister that he was fed up of working in the squad after the political pressure the team faced in the Malegaon blast investigation. "He was not worried about the work pressure, but the political pressure and nasty allegations had upset him. Patil assured him that things would be set right in the next few days," said an official closely related to transfers of officials. The meeting was held at Patil's official bungalow Chitrakut, and Karkare was on his way back home when he got information about the attack outside CST. ( Karkare's last wish: Transfer me out of ATS Tuesday, December 02, 2008 Surendra Gangan and Dayanand Kamath)
Sources of Mumbai Police think that Karkare was killed as per the suggestions of Bal Thakare the Hindu terrorist leader so that the inquiry into Malegaon bomb blasts executed by Arya-Brahmin terrorists should be derailed. But Mumbai media blackout the news. Brahmincracy of India will never expose Karkare Murder. (Dalit Voice, 16-31 December 2008)
A report in DNA on 28 November said that Anand Raorane, a resident of a building opposite Nariman House, heard sounds of celebration from the terrorists when the news of Karkare getting killed flashed on TV (The Mumbai Terror Attacks: Need For A Thorough Investigation By R.H. 08 December, 2008 ;
Colonel Sawant of Bahujan Samaj Federation has alleged that Hemant Karkare was murdered in a high level conspiracy. He questioned who and how many really attacked Karkare ? The bullets that hit Karkare are of 9 m.m. and are fired from revolver and not from the AK 47 rifles of the terrorists. It should be investigated through forensic laboratory. Similarly, why the help of infantry just away from one kilometer was not summoned ? Why they waited for the commandos of National Security Guards ? Why Karkare and other officers were sent in the same vehicle ? The whole matter is suspicious hence be thoroughly and fairly investigated. Amrish Mishra alleged that the Hemant Karkare and other ATS officers were killed by Arya-Brahmin terrorist organizations. He said for his allegations he is ready to face any inquiry.(Mahanayak, 4 December 2008)
In a statement police commissioner Hasan Gafur said in a press conference that they are searching to arrest 16 terrorists who were involved in Mumbai attacks. Among these 16 terrorists many are Indians. Gafur did not disclose the number of these Indian terrorists. (Bhaskar, 13 February 2009)
It is alleged that Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi and BJP president Rajnath Singh is involved in the conspiracy. The attacks must be part of a larger conspiracy hatched in connivance with the Congress government, L K Advani, Mossad and Chota Rajan to disable the Malegaon investigations.( Urdu daily claims Mossad, CIA behind Mumbai attacks 22 Dec 2008, 2300 hrs IST, TNN)
A careful scrutiny of all the reports available so far suggests, that the killing of Karkare and his colleagues was a premeditated act, executed by a group that had stationed snipers at various points along the general route between VT and the Metro cinema with a view to maximizing their chances of a successful murderous assault. The liftman, Tikhe told policemen that there were two terrorists on the terrace. A fierce gun-battle ensued for 30 to 45 minutes, in which ACP Sadanand Date was injured. Eventually the gunmen appear to have escaped. It is not clear how. And why would they have taken up positions on the terrace? Was it because they would have a direct view of the lane in which Karkare, Salaskar and Kamte were later supposedly killed ?
The Mossad and the CIA have aided and abetted the BJP-RSS in the planning and execution of this terror attack. What was required in this extended sordid drama was the need for a genuine terrorist group of Pakistani origin, which was provided for by the ISI with a bit of prodding from its masters in the CIA and the Mossad if required. The ISI is a mercenary organization with no scruples and is out there for the highest bidder. Among various factions within the ISI, some of which are basically controlled by the CIA and Mossad.( CIA ATTACKS BOMBAY? CIA WANTS INDIA TO HELP IN ATTACK ON PAKISTAN?)
Vineeta Kamte, the wife of dead Ashok Kamte accused police had misguided them regarding the death of her husband. She said if her husband had received timely police help they would have been alive. She demanded impartial inquiry of the circumstances in which her husband was killed.(Mahanayak, 15 January 2009)
Karkare is not the only officer who knew too much was killed. An assistant commissioner of police, Mohan Chand Sharma, who played a key role in the Parliament attack investigation, had also lost his life. Sharma was one of India's many 'encounter specialists,' known and rewarded for having summarily executed several 'terrorists.' {?}
Immam Bukhari alleged that encounter specialist inspector Mohan Chand Sharma was murdered by police shooting him from behind {in the Batla House encounter}. Police in order to destroy evidence took in their possession bullets taken out from the body of Mohan Chand Sharma by the doctors.(Samrat, 28 September 2008)
The innocent Muslim youths were also gunned down by police in this allegedly fake encounter at Batla House. Therefore, there was an outcry against the Special Cell from a spectrum of people, ranging from eyewitnesses in the local community to senior Congress Party leaders, students, journalists, lawyers, academics, and activists, all of whom demanded a judicial inquiry into the incident. In response, the BJP and L. K. Advani launched a concerted campaign in which they targeted those who had dared to question the integrity of the police, saying to do so was 'suicidal' and calling them 'anti-national.' Only days after the Batla House event, another story about 'terrorists' surfaced in the news. In a report submitted to a Sessions Court, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) said that a team from Delhi's Special Cell (the same team that led the Batla House encounter, (including Mohan Chand Sharma) had abducted two innocent men, Irshad Ali and Moarif Qamar, in December 2005, planted two kilograms of RDX (explosives) and two pistols on them, and then arrested them as 'terrorists' who belonged to Al Badr which operates out of Kashmir. ( Arundhati Roy: The Monster In The Mirror 15 December, 2008 Outlook India) Encounter specialist Mohan Chand Sharma was even accused of blackmailing one businessman. He was transferred considering his relations with wine mafia. Sharma had visited different countries during May-June for 26 days along with his family without obtaining permission from police headquarter. He remained in America for more than a week. Earlier also he use to visit foreign countries which include Dubai, Bangkok etc. and suspicions were raised against his clandestine foreign visits. (Times of India, 20 July 2006)
The conclusion that Karkare and his assistants were killed by Arya-Brahminist terrorists in collaboration with Mossad-CIA are supported by several grave loopholes and lacunas found in the police story. They loopholes and lacunas are cited below :-
Union Minority Affairs Minister Mr. A. R. Antulay had said that there is "more than what meets the eye". Calling for a CBI probe into his death, as Karkare was investigating cases in which "there are non-Muslims also" and "somebody wanted Karkare killed". Any person going to the roots of Terror has always been the target… there must have been some reason why Karkare went to Cama Hospital instead of the Taj and Oberoi hotels'. Someone' could have told Karkare and other officers with him to go to Cama Hospital, suggesting that the ATS chief had fallen victim to a set-up as he was probing cases which involved Hindu radicals, as in the Malegaon blast. He thus implied that senior police officials were involved in the alleged conspiracy. That "somebody", Antulay claimed, sent the officer to the place where he was killed. Antulay said : "Somebody who knew both the ends sent Karkare in the wrong direction otherwise why should he have gone to Cama hospital ? He went to such a place where there was nothing compared to what was happening in Taj, Oberoi and Nariman House. He should have gone to Taj, Oberoi or Nariman House. He went to the Cama hospital on the basis of a phone call. Who is that person who made the phone call ? This should be probed. CBI should be asked to find out "who was responsible for sending Karkare in the wrong direction… somebody wanted him to be killed… why all three (Karkare, Additional Commissioner Ashok Kamte and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar) went together is beyond my comprehension." Superficially speaking, (Muslim) terrorists had no reason to kill Karkare. Whether Karkare was a victim of terrorism or terrorism plus something, I do not know I leave it to you. But you remember what all was said against the poor man (Karkare). I know a Bandh call was given against him before he was killed." (
One RPI leader questioned which officer changed the route of Karkare ? In fact being an officer Karkare should have been in his headquarter and other officers junior to him should have gone in different vehicles. But who ordered them to come in same vehicle ? (Mahanayak, 22 December 2008) Colonel Sawant of Bahujan Samaj Federation asked why all three officers went in the same vehicle. Usually in such instances each officer goes with his constables separately. (Mahanayak, 4 December 2008)
In the editorial of Mahanayak it is asked that when it known policy that even in case of emergency no two officers should go in same vehicle but should go in different vehicles in handling such situation then who compelled these three ATS officers to go in same vehicle ? Officers go in different vehicles to encircle enemy and to take proper positions and to obtain additional help if enemy turns to be stronger. Did some higher officer called them to come together ? Where did Kamte etc. met him ? (Mahanayak, 20 December 2008)
In the first account Karkare and his assistants were supposed to be going to check up on their injured colleague Sadanand Date, but in the second were supposed to be looking for a red car in which they had been told the gunmen were traveling. If the report about the red car was a decoy to lure them into an ambush, it is important to know who told them that the terrorists were in a red car ?
According to police constable Arun Jadhav, Karkare, Salaskar, Kamte, a driver and four police constables including himself were driving down the alley from VT to the back entrance of Cama (barely a ten-minute drive) in their Toyota Qualis to check on injured police officer Sadanand Date when two gunmen emerged from behind trees by the left side of the road and sprayed the vehicle with bullets, killing all its inmates except Jadhav. They then dragged out the three officers, hijacked the vehicle, drove to Metro junction and then Mantralaya in South Bombay, abandoned it when a tire burst, and grabbed another car. Then they drove to Girgaum, where Kasab was injured and arrested and his companion killed.
The question is if the gunmen were firing from the left side, as Jadhav claimed, how was Karkare hit three times in the chest while Jadhav himself got two bullets in his right arm? Also, the only vegetation in that part of the lane has wire netting around it, and it would be hard for anyone to hide behind it. How did two terrorists manage to kill six police personnel, including Karkare and Kamte who he said were armed with AK47s and Salaskar, an encounter specialist who had confronted and killed dozens of dangerous criminals, without getting seriously injured themselves? Mumbai's top three anti terrorist squad officers died before they had a chance to pick up their guns.
According to the police, Kasab claimed he and Ismail had killed Karkare, Salaskar and Kamte. Even if Kasab and Ismail had been shown photographs of Karkare, Salaskar and Kamte before they embarked on their trip, how could they possibly have identified the police officers in a dark alley in the dead of night ? (The Mumbai Terror Attacks: Need For A Thorough Investigation By R.H. 08 December, 2008 But reports say that those who killed Karkare spoke fluent Marathi. Why the Killers of Karkare etc who spoke fluent Marathi are not being investigated ?(Mahanayak, 20 December 2008)
The other account is equally dubious. In his first account, Jadhav said Karkare was in the second row of the Qualis, while in the second he was supposed to be in the front row with Kamte. In the second account, Salaskar was initially sitting behind the driver, but then asked the driver to slow down and got behind the wheel himself.
The question is, is it plausible that an experienced encounter specialist would deliberately make himself into a sitting duck like this when they were in hot pursuit of terrorists?
The earliest reports, presumably relayed from the police via the media, said that Karkare had been killed at the Taj, and Salaskar and Kamte at Metro. If this was not true, why were we told this? And why was the story later changed? Was it because it conflicted with eye-witness accounts ?
Indeed, under the heading 'ATS Chief Hemant Karkare Killed : IBN live showed footage first of Karkare putting on a helmet and bullet-proof vest, and then a shootout at Metro, where an unconscious man who looks like Karkare and wearing the same light blue shirt and dark trousers is being pulled into a car by two youths in saffron shirts. The commentary says that Karkare 'could well have fallen prey to just indiscriminate, random firing by the cops', and also reports that there were two vehicles, a Toyota Qualis and Honda City, from which the occupants were firing indiscriminately. Later we were given two accounts of the killings where the venue is shifted to a deserted lane without cameras or eye-witnesses.
2) Fate of Karkare Murder Investigations ?
Kavita Karkare soon after the Mumbai attacks raised questions about accountabilty. She wanted to know who really was responsible for for her husband's death. (The Hindu, ,14 january 2009)
Sangh-Parivar is labeling anybody antinational who is demanding free and fair enquiry. According to Anil Chamdia central minister Antuley raised doubts and demanded free and fair inquiry in the killings of Hemant Karkare and other ATS officers, what was wrong in his demand ? Before Antuley Narayan Rane had accused that Mumbai attacks are the result of deep conspiracy and had also demanded free and fair inquiry. Why the inquiry is demanded in any democratic country ? But why the Sangh-Parivar calling demand of inquiry as an act of crime ? Nawab Sharif agreed that Kasab was citizen of Pakistan. Is therefore Nawab Sharif Indian leader in Pakistan ? But Antuley was presented like a minister of Pakistan. (Lokmat Samachar, 26 December 2008)
Few titles of Manumedia is sufficient to show Arya-Brahminist attitude :- 1) "Desh Ko Mat Banto Antuleji" (Antuleji Do not Divide country) writes Arya-Brahminist Vedprakash Vaidik in his article (Bhaskar, 23 December 2008) 2) "Rashtra-Maharashtra Antule Ke Bayan Se Naraz" (Nation as well as Maharashtra angry over Antule's statement) "Sansad Ke Dono Sadno Me Macha Raha Babaal" (In both the houses of Parliament turmoil persisted) is the new headline with a picture of burning effigy of Antule with a poster Traitor of Nation Antuley go to Pakistan. (Bhaskr, 19 December 2008) 3) How the government can fight terrorism when there are persons like Antule – RSS is another title in Hindi. (Bhaskar, 21 December 2008) 4) "Antuley sent his resignation" (Bhaskar, 20 December 2008) Above headlines indicate the pressure that Arya-Brahminists had created that Antuley had to send resignation from his ministerial post because he had demanded enquiry in a country which proudly calls itself biggest democracy of the world.
The manner in which Sangh-parivar is showing temper-tantrum at the demand of through inquiry it becomes obvious that they are terrorized for possible revelations and therefore are ready the extent to kill or die. (Mahanayak, 20 December 2008) The way BJP, Shivsena etc. organizations of Sangh Parivar have shown anger over the demand of the investigation of the killings of Karkare and his other ATS officers, people have came to conclusion that these organizations are behind the killings of Karkare and his ATS officers, and Arya-Brahminists elements in police and administration have given their full cooperation in this conspiracy. From the fear of being exposed these organizations are showing such tantrum tantrum. (Mahanayak, 19 December, 2008)
Congress remaining silent and passive over the protests of Sangh-Parivar in support of Malegaon accused was meant to help the Sangh-Parivar and their Arya-Brahmin terrorists.
The attitude of Congress regarding the demand of free and fair investigations into the killings of Hemant Karkare and his ATS officers benefited Sangh-Parivar and its terrorist organizations. Congress supported Sangh-Parivar by out-rightly denying any inquiry. Congress, prior to any investigation on its own behalf declared that Hemant Karkare and his ATS officers are killed by terrorists. This proves that Congress is inseparable part of Sangh-Parivar. (Mahanayak, 19 December 2008)
The whole situation of the killings of Karkare and his officers is mysterious. There is persistent demand that to reveal the truth that letter should be published which the Chief of ATS, Mr Karkare had sent to his friend before his death. People want to know the truth. People don't want to escape anybody if they are guilty. But Congress government did not publish this letter.
Similarly earlier also, Congress government did not start any inquiry even after the persistent demand of people to inquire into the death / encounter of encounter specialist Mohan Chand Sharma at Batla house. On the contrary, to close the question of enquiry permanently Congress government awarded Mohan Chand Shama Ashok-Chakra award (given after death.) from the hands of President of India Mrs. Pratibha Patil. Thus without any enquiry Congress itself has declared Mohan Chand Sharma a martyr killed by terrorists and not by police themselves (because Mohan Chand Sharma knew too much like Karkare did).
It is alleged by several human Right organizations that Sangh-Parivar is the origin of all terrorist activities in India but due to Arya-Brahmin political pressure, congress government of state and centre is giving wrong direction to the investigations of Malegaon investigations.
According to Daily Mahanayak, though the court has given Ajay Rahirkar one of the main accused in Malegaon bomb blast police custody but the leaders of Sangh-Parivar and BJP who supplied him money are busy in preparations for coming parliament elections. The capitalists and industrialists who supplied money to Malegaon bomb-blast accused why the curtain is not being removed from them ? Where Sangh-Parivar organizations have hidden Ramji Kalsangra ? Why their is no efforts in finding him. Such many questions are raising in the minds of people. The links of terrorism have reached to army. In spite of that why army has sealed its lips regarding Colonel Purohit. Is not all this happening at the direction of Congress government ? What secret agreement BJP and Congress has reached through Mr. Vasant Sathe ? Such many questions are raising in the minds of political analysts. It is also realized by masses that Shiv Sena in fact is Brahmin-Sena. (Mahanayak, 18 December 2008)
The Malegaon Bomb-blast accused Lieutenant Colonel Shrikant Purohit is given bail in lieu of 15000/- in the case of forging documents for giving Arm license to his friend. (Mahanayak, 1 January 2009)
There is talk among people that real terrorists are BJP and Congress. Therefore, Congress suppressed the investigations of Nanded bomb-blasts. {Because CBI works under the direction of central government.} (Mahanayak, 1 January 2009) Even supreme court of India observing errors in the case filed against Mulayam Singh Yadav's assets has alleged that CBI works according to the direction of central government. {to save or implicate somebody} (Mahanayak, 11 February 209) CBI has given clean chit to Jagdish Titler in its investigation report on killings of Sikhs in Delhi. It was alleged that Congress leader Jagdish Titler was also involved in these killings. While this report was being submitted in court the Sikhs in large number were shouting slogans against Jagdish Titler, Sajjan Kumar, Kamalnath etc. Congress leaders and demanded to hang the killers of Sikhs. They displayed posters saying "Why the Sikhs did not get justice even after 24 years ?" It is alleged that CBI has given clean chit to Titler and others and also demanded court to close the cases against them just before the elections to benefit Congress and Congress has misused CBI. The similar request of CBI was turned down by court in December 2007 and had asked CBI to reinvestigate the matter. (Lokmat Samachar, 29 March 2009; 3 April 2009)
Central home minister P. Chidambaram declared that the investigation of Mecca Mosque bomb-blast case is frozen as both the main accused are dead. In this bomb-blast Muslims were accused. (Bhaskar, 7 March 2009) In fact the recent evidenced point at Arya-Brahminist terrorist behind these blasts. Therefore, there is a need to investigate from this angle.
Along with BJP and Congress, Arya-Brahmin leadership of {fake} Communist parties of India have also come forward to save the terrorists of their Arya-Brahmin caste.
{Arya-Brahmin Fake communist leader} Brinda Karat said that as a Minister, it was "unnecessary" for Antulay to make these statements. ( Allay fears about fate of Malegaon blast probe: CPI(M) Published: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 at 21:54 IST) All of then are also singing in the same tune that terrorism should not be linked to Arya-Brahmin religion. In this way they are trying to save their Brahmin religion {which preaches terrorism by Sam (equal treatment), Dam (money), Dand (punishment) and Bhed (execution)}
An article in Mahanayak says that Pushyamitra Shrung was a terrorist and Brahminist saint Ramdas was also a terrorist in the saffron garb. Congress, BJP and the {fake} Communist parties of India are three monkeys of Gandhi. In spite of having three different heads they have identical brain and thinking. {Contrary to their earlier stand that terrorist are not human being hence lack human rights} they are now demanding narco tests of police investigators alleging that the police officers have tortured Malegaon bomb-blast accused. They want to apply Manu-law that a Brahmin is allowed to kill as many {indigenous} people as he wishes. Venkaiyya Naidu is challenging government to ban RSS {and face worst consequences}. Arya-Brahminist Manu-media is doing everything to save these Arya-Brahmin terrorists. For this every kind of tricks are being employed. (Mahanayak, 23 November 2008)
One section of Manu-media is propagating that Israel's secret service Mossad, Shin bet and American secret Service FBI is ready to help government in their investigation. So their help should be sought. Not only that, After Mumbai attacks a big delegation of industrialists in the leadership of the director of Infosys and Kiram Majumdar Shaw of Biocon visited BJP chief minister of Karnataka to demand Mossad training to state security forces to make state security efficient. (Lokmat Samachar, 10 December 2008)
When evidences of Mossad, CIA involvement in the Mumbai attacks are being presented, this attempt of these industrialists certainly aims to give clean chit to Mossad, Shin bet, CIA and FBI and to pose that they are useful for the country. Such attempt can only be made either by the agents or supporters of these Zionist secret services who have bad reputation for initiating terrorist activities throughout world. The agents and supporters of Mossad work specially in information technology (IT) sector. Large number of Arya-Brahmins are working in IT sector. In the light of that above story becomes very significant.
All Arya-Brahmin forces have raised pressures from all quarters to save Arya-Brahmin terrorists of Malegaon bomb-blasts. Therefore Sadhvi Pradnya Singh was given clean chit in narco test. The arrested principal Shailesh Raikar of Bhonsala military school and clerk Rajan Gaidhane was also released. Army did not allow police to present arrested colonel Purohit before the magistrate against the tradition that any army employee found involved in terrorism is immediately expelled and his court-martial is done. Army also insisted on making every cross examination in the presence of army officers. (Mahanayak, 3 November 2008)
Maharashtra police released Dilip Nahar and Dharmendra Bairagi who are among the three youths arrested from Indore (M.P.) in connection with Malegaon bomb-blasts. (Lokmat Samachar, 5,6 November 2008)
It is learnt that ATS will not object to appeals filed in court by Malegaon accused Dayanand Pande, Col. Upadhyaya and other accussed of Malegaon Bomb-blast to permit them to contest parliament election. Thus there seems to be some secret pact between congress and RSS regarding this. (Mahanayak, 27 March 2009)
Earlier also massacres engineered by Arya-Brahmins riding respective governments are never punished. Following account will make the point clear.
Government of India from year 1984 killed 115000 Sikhs in Punjab, From 1947 killed 150000 Christians in Nagaland, and since 1988 killed 43000 Muslims in Kashmir. According to government department itself during 1992-93 police officers were given various benefits for killing Sikhs. (FROM THE HITAVADA, NOVEMBER 6, 1994; FROM SUKHBIR OSAN)
Arya-Brahminist leadership of fake communist parties of India had came to power in West Bengal with the help of Bengali refugees and had repeatedly promised them their settlement in Sunderban. Sveral resolutions were also passed by them in this regard. But when Dalit came to Calcatta for for their settlement they were driven out. Many Dalits settled at Marichzapi and made Marichzapi heaven with their own efforts without any help from fake communist government of West Bengal; become politically aware, lead other indigenous masses of Marichzapi and were becoming inspiration for Bengali Dalits all over West Bengal. Therefore, Arya-Brahminist led fake communist government of West Bengal conducted massacres of Dalits of Marichjhapi.
They had cordoned the whole island with motor boats having arm forces. Media was blocked at far distance that they could only hear sound of firings and death cries of Dalits. They were hunted down and killed. This massacre was even greater than that of Yahya khan of Pakistan or Hitler of Germany. (For details of this horrible massacre of Dalits see Arya-Brahmin vengeance on Bengali-Tamil Dalits and Chakma Adivasi indigenous refugees by Sheetal Markam)
Another Massacre of Dalits and Muslims was performed by Arya-Brahmin leadership of fake communist government of west Bengal in Nandigram with full support of Congress government and BJP.
In Nandigran, the criminal goons of CPM were assisted by eastern frontier rifles and commando forces. They entered every village and dragged out Dalits and Muslims from their homes. Instead of arresting them the Dalits and Muslims of Nandigram were gunned down. They pierced the bodies of Dalits and Muslims with the bonnet of their rifles. They tore open the stomach of Dalits and Muslims and their bodies were thrown in the stream of river so that the bodies of Dalits and Muslims finally go to sea. Women were severely beaten and abused in filthy language and were tore naked publicly. Police inserted their bamboo-club in the vagina of these unfortunate Dalit-Muslim women. They were forcibly thrown into police vans and carried for unknown destination. They separated young girls and gang-raped them several times in open until these girls took their last breath. The process of killing Dalit -Muslims, looting their houses and raping the women and young girls of Dalits and Muslims continued in villages one after the other. After mass raping Dalit-Muslim women, their bodies were deformed and torn into pieces and thrown into river and canal. The children of Dalit-Muslims were also killed and their bodies were tore apart and thrown into Haldi river and Talpati canal. Abu Taher of Bhumi Uchched Pratirodh Committee told that CPM goons and police together had thrown 5 dead bodies of Dalit-Muslims in septic tank of Janani break furnace. On the 15th evening 8.p.m. 4 launches were brought to Naya Char from Haldia Satkar Samiti in which the dead-bodies of Dalit-Muslims were carried. Some of these dead bodies were burned. Some dead bodies were burned at other bank of the river. To carry dead bodies from Tekhali to Heriya, pick-up vans were used. After that where the dead bodies were carried is not known. CPM goons and criminals and state armed forces ensured that there will not be any eye witness to their satanic brutalities. They knew that Dalit-Muslims are so terrified that no Dalit-Muslim will dare to open his mouth against them. And after all who will believe in the brutalities of such height. {and when the Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership has been wearing the mask of "Janawad" (people's democracy). Finally CPM goons and criminals hosted CPM flags and banner all over the villages to indicate that their rule over Dalit-Muslims is reestablished in Nandigram. Crocodiles are coming for the mutilated bodies of Dalit-Muslims thrown into river and canal. Therefore fishermen of Haripur have stopped going to river and sea. They are afraid that these crocodiles may be caught in their nets instead of fishes. In this way Haripur will remain out of their earning at least for a week. The Arya-Brahmin leadership of fake communist parties and their government in West Bengal already knew about this. The purpose of this brutal massacres of Dalits and Muslims of Nandigram was also intended to give a lesson to protesting Haripur Dalit-Muslim fishermen. Haripur area is subdivision and near Nandigram which was marked by CPM government for nuclear plant. As a result the fishermen of Haripur who are mainly Dalits and Muslims had also organized their protest. (Anandabazar Patrika, March 10, 2007; Report of Investigation Into Nandigram Mass Killings (Excerpts from the reports given by APDR and PBKMS))
Similar brutalities are being committed by Salva Judum armed criminals organized by Congress and BJP in Chhattisgarh with the sole intention to compel Adiwasi masses to displace them from their land so that this land can be handed over to Tata and foreign multinational companies.
Dalit-Adivasi who refuge to join Salva Judum campaign are labeled as Naxalites, tortured and killed. The Salva Judum mob armed with guns, swords, arrow and bow and other weapons enter in the villages and start looting houses. They burn the crop of villagers. Their animals are looted and houses are set fire. Salva Judum criminals gang-rape women and inflict injuries to the vagina of women by thrusting rods, bonnets and so on so that Adivasi flee and vacate their land for multinational companies. Salva Judum armed mob repeat the same brutalities from one village to another.( Salwa judum – Mad, Mindless, Brutal, Stupid… posted by Anoop Saha and [Info-Bureau] Fw: International Appeal from India ILPS Info Bureau info at Sat May 20 07:33:59 BST 2006 and Salwa Judum: Civil War in Chhattisgarh, CPJC, New Delhi, 2007, p. 6) To terrorize Adivasi masses, the opponents of multinational companies were beheaded and their heads were hanged in villages. Women are gang-raped, pregnant mothers' wombs were cut open and their fetus were crushed beneath boot by armed forces of government. Youths are tortured and killed. Many are cut into pieces alive. Villages are burned and everything is looted. (Mahanayak, 11, 13 August 2006; State-Sponsored Terrorism in India Musical group reveals atrocities against tribal Indians by Munish Nagar Published 2006-11-27) Salva Judum goons and Naga battalion forces to take vengeance against Naxalite sympathizers of Arlampali village set the villagers' home on fire so that they burn them to death. Not only that Salva Judum armed criminals slaughtered children of 12-14 years and their heads were hanged on their own houses.
The policy of banning alleged terrorist organizations is also not impartial. According to E.A.S. Sarma Congress executed massacres of Sikhs in Delhi and other places, BJP executed massacres of Muslims in Gujarat and elsewhere. In spite of that these organizations were never banned. (E A S Sarma, 'The Adivasi, the State and the Naxalite: Case of Andhra Pradesh', EPW 41 (15), April 15, 2006, pp 1434-37)
Arya-Brahminists riding government of India rule the country not by Indian constitution but by law of Manu. A huge statue of Manu is erected in the foreground of Jaipur High-court in Rajastan. Therefore, there is no hope that Arya-Brahmin Terrorist network will be explored and duly punished. Kavita Karkare, wife of Hemant Karkare expressed similar feelings.
Kavita Karkare told the Hindu in an interview. "Even after a month has elapsed How long I dwell on what has happened ? I know I will not get the answers I am raising." "Even the attack on parliament has not been solved. Where will I get justice ? I know no one will give the answers. " (The Hindu, 14 January 2009)
3) Some Terrorists
were local and had enough inside Support ?
Terrorists had close knowledge of the geography of Mumbai and the internal geography of those huge hotels. A cabinet minister told PTI that the terrorists had set up control rooms at the Taj and Trident hotels. They almost certainly knew more about the layout, the hiding places, than the security forces, who clearly were taken by surprise. That helped them hold out for a long time. ( Terror expert Paul Wilkinson on motives behind Mumbai attacks – and their effects). Employees of the Taj Hotel said that the way in which the terrorists rioted through the whole building was amazing. One of them even said that They know the place better than us or the Manager himself ! The terrorists even knew which room had the closed-circuit television cameras, which would give them a clear view of the alleys and lobbies of the entire Taj, and reached and captured the room before the commandos did. "The terrorists hurled grenades the moment commandos neared the CCTV room and it could not be accessed because of the smoke and fire that followed. The Marcos found operating in the dark difficult despite their vast experience but the terrorists quite comfortably ran between the Taj's new and heritage wing, engaging in tackle-and-dodge combat.( The International Backers of the Mumbai Attacks By Les Blough Nov 26, 2008)
How could terrorists really knew their way around the Oberoi, Taj and the Nariman House. and so familiar with the hotels if they had just arrived on boats into Mumbai. As per reports terrorists had piled arms in the hotel rooms.
Military sources tell that there was no way the terrorists could have carried so much ammunition with them when they assaulted the two hotels with their guns blazing. They believe the ammunition may have been stored earlier in rooms at both the hotels, perhaps on the higher floors. ( Mumbai False Flag? Some Inexplicable Questions For India! By Moin Ansari) How did the room service guys did not find the ammunitions inside the Taj ? It was impossible to stash such arms and ammunition in the Taj Hotel without having checked in for some time.
Mr. Narayan Rane, an Indian-Hindu leader of Indian National Congress (INC) and former Maharashtra Chief Minister and Shiv-Sena leader, disclosed that Indian-Hindu politicians of India provide logistical and financial support to terrorists.( Indian-Hindu Terrorists Killed ATS Chief To Stop Probe: Indian Advocate)
Pakistan has asserted that there was local participations in Mumbai attacks. Without local support these attacks were impossible. Pakistan asked Indian government to permit him to investigate these local accomplices of terrorists. (Mahanayak, 11 February 2009) Several sources have quoted Kasab telling the police that the group received help from local Mumbai residents. ( 2008 Mumbai attacks From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) The terrorists would have received some support from within the hotel. CNN TV states emphatically, This is definitely an international attack using domestic terrorists. The operation could not have succeeded without local support.
4) Why the Involvement of Dawood Ibrahim Suppressed ?
Russia believes that underworld don Dawood Ibrahim was directly involved in the Mumbai terror attacks and his network was used by the terrorists to carry out the multiple attacks. He had further said that the Mumbai attacks were a 'burning example' of how the illegal drug trafficking network was used for carrying out terror activities.( India: Dawood's drug net financed 26/11: Russian intelligence) Dawood Ibrahim originally comes from Bombay and may be linked to the November 2008 attacks on Bombay (Mumbai). Elements of ISI are said to use alleged gangster Dawood Ibrahim to do some of their dirty work.(
The role of Dawood Ibrahim's Dope, Inc. apparatus, and his links to another British-sponsored key terrorist figure, Ahmed Omar Sheikh, have been highlighted by Executive Intelligence Review for nearly a decade. On Jan. 11, 2001, the editors of EIR submitted a memorandum to then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, requesting that the State Department begin a formal investigation to determine whether Great Britain should be placed on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism.( CIA-Mossad linked to Hindu Terrorism – Forums of Pravda.Ru)
As late as November 18, RAW intercepted a satellite phone call made to a number in Lahore, Pakistan, often used by Yusuf Muzammil, the military commander of LET. The caller informed his Pakistan-based handlers that he was heading for Mumbai with unspecified "cargo", the ship belonging to Ibrahim. Ibrahim is suspected of renting out his vast smuggling network, and resources such as ships, material and corrupt officials, to terrorist groups worldwide. ( India wants its 'Osama' back By Raja Murthy)
Kasab told his interrogators that his team had set out from Karachi, Pakistan, on a ship belonging to Dawood Ibrahim, the MV Alpha. They then hijacked an Indian fishing trawler, the Kuber, to pass through Indian territorial waters to elude the Navy and Coast Guard that were boarding and searching suspect ships. Upon arriving off the coast near the city, they were received by inflatable rubber dinghies that had been arranged by an associate of Ibrahim's in Mumbai.( Role of alleged CIA asset in Mumbai attacks being downplayed By Jeremy R. Hammond)
International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL According to Tom Heneghan, it can now be reported that on Wednesday, November 26th, a paramilitary team of seventy (70) Pakistani ISI soldiers arrived in Mumbai (Bombay) by sea on the CIA-ISI registered MV Alpha and proceeded on military style speedboats to the Indian shore. ( Blowback on Subcontinent Worldwide Intel War Descends Into Anarchy by Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert)
It is now being reported that the team of seventy (70) Pakistani-ISI soldiers were delivered to Mumbai (Bombay) by the "CIA-ISI registered MV Alpha". As more credibility on these reports surfaces, it puts more, severe war crimes evidence against George W. Bush and his cabal. Just why in the hell would a U.S. Taxpayer-funded-CIA affiliated outfit be performing terrorist atrocities against unarmed tourists and guests in India? It must have to do with the new pipeline attempt.( "CIA-ISI registered MV Alpha" delivered paramilitary terrorists to India. UPDATE Submitted by joemartin on Sat, 2008-11-29 21:33.)
Dawood Ibrahim is…suspected of orchestrating the November 26 Mumbai terrorist strikes through a businessman in Saudi Arabia said to be his front man. The Indian-born drug kingpin has been identified by journalists and investigators as a long-time asset of both the CIA and Pakistan's notorious Inter Services Intelligence agency (ISI). Though there is convincing evidence linking the D-Company to the Mumbai attacks, each new "revelation" by Indian and American authorities tend to erase Ibrahim from the picture. This subtle though noticeable reframing of the equation follows a predictable and well-known pattern.
"It would not have been possible to carry out a terror operation on this scale without a collaborative local network and this was provided by the Dawood Gang. As the terrorists had entered via the sea, the needle of suspicion is clearly pointing at Mohammed Ali, the new points-man of Dawood." November 28 Times of India article observed, Ali "is known to indulge in smuggling of diesel, petroleum, naptha, drugs and arms with impunity and it appears that the terrorists had used his networks to enter the city by the sea route…. Despite having a detailed dossier on him, the Indian authorities have not taken any action against him. What is more worrying is that Ali is believed to have also penetrated naval intelligence."( Elements of an Inside Job in Mumbai Attacks Jeremy R. Hammond Foreign Policy Journal December 21, 2008) Chief of India's Naval Staff, Adm. Suresh Mehta said that terrorists' entry into Mumbai aboard a trawler appeared to indicate a "systemic failure" by the law enforcement agencies. (Plugging Maritime Security Holes Indian, U.S. Officials Glean Lessons From Mumbai Attacks By DEFENSE NEWS STAFF Published: 8 December 2008) Mr. Mehta said that they had released the ship of terrorists because they had proper documents.(Bhaskar, 3 December 2008) Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram told reporters that "There have been lapses. I would be less than truthful if I said there had been no lapses" . ('s official admits lapses in Mumbai attacks) But none of the above officers explained reasons for these deliberate security lapses.
Times of India on December 4 noted that central agencies question why the Maharashtra government has not taken any action against the Dawood company here." On December 11, Times of India reported that "Mumbai police has still not called Ali for questioning", adding "Ali has the backing of two powerful politicians of south Mumbai and that could be the reason why he is still untouched." In addition to links to Ibrahim, both men are also alleged to have ties to political officials in India. There are numerous other indications emerging that the attacks were assisted by elements within India being protected by the political establishment. ( Elements of an Inside Job in Mumbai Attacks Jeremy R. Hammond Foreign Policy Journal December 21, 2008)
Vijay Salaskar "had closely investigated the entrenched links between a prominent Gutka [a betel-nut and tobacco based product] manufacturer and the Dawood gang," "Salaskar had found out that the manufacturer was Dawood's partner in the Gutka business, alongside a leading politician who dabbles in real estate development. Despite Salaskar's best efforts, he was never allowed even to summon the manufacturer for questioning." "The details of Dawood's vast business transactions and the man fronting it are available with the Central government. But there is inaction."On December 6, Maharashtra's former revenue minister Narayan Rane alleged in a press conference that the terrorists who had attacked Mumbai the week before received "logistical and financial" support from a number of politicians. According to the Press Trust of India, Rane also alleged that former chief minister Vilasrao Deshmukh had links with a person connected with fugitive gangster Dawood Ibrahim." As Foreign Policy Journal previously reported, there are indications that the CIA has interest in preventing Ibrahim from being handed over to India. ( Elements of an Inside Job in Mumbai Attacks Jeremy R. Hammond Foreign Policy Journal December 21, 2008)
Narayan Rane alleged in Maharashtra state legislative assembly that two Indians supplied money for blasts in Mumbai as well as for blasts in Britain. He also alleged that some politicians have relations with the terrorists. He demanded to hang these peoples first. He asked what Dawood's man was doing in Congress office of Mumbai in the program of Chief Minister ? (Mahanayak, 15 December 2008) Rane said that he is ready to reveal names of politicians having relations with terrorists if the court orders him to do so. He said that police is well aware of these politicians and their relations with the terrorists. (Lokmat Samachar, 14 December 2008) The relations of police with underworld can be understood in the light of following news :- Maharashtra IPS officers in a meeting called by Maharashtra chief minister intending to improve security suggested to buy AK-47 from gray market to save the money. This police officer told that AK-47 in gray market can be bought for just 15000/- (fifteen thousand rupees). This suggestion was obviously turned down. (Bhaskar, 16 December 2008)
Colonel Sudhir Sawant, the National inviter of Bahujan Samaj Federation, on 14th December 2008 in a public meeting held at Azad ground of Yavtamal in Maharashtra called America-Arya-Brahminist conspiracy to ongoing terrorist activities in India and in the rest of the world. The ongoing terrorism is India is the result of understanding and cooperation between the Brahminist political leaders, criminals, industrialists and the terrorists. Because of this Mumbai attacks become possible. No government in India took stern action against these criminals because of its relation with these criminals. Savant demanded government to publish Vora community report regarding the Mumbai riots in which the report reveals names of many political leaders having relations with the criminals in detail. (Mahanayak, 15 December 2008)
Police Commissioner Hassn Gafoor and DGP A.N Roy sat in the control rooms as Mumbai burned. Allegations that the police officers are believed to have called 'motivated'. ( Where were Gafoor, Roy while Mumbai burnt? Thursday, December 18, 2008) According to Vinita Kamte wife of dead ATS officer said after her own investigation " There was no help and reinforcement were sent". Worst still, there were many calls made to the control room by people near the Cama Hospital who saw the two terrorists. Yet no one told these police officers {Kamte etc.) that they were there. "Outside the Cama hospital my husband understood the gravity of situation along with the other officers, and he spoke to someone saying they needed the Army and extra reinforcements. That did not come and worse, his escort vehicle carrying tear gas shells and ammunition was stopped by a police cordon from going near him and helping out." "That escort car could have saved their lives" she points out.(The Hindu, 11 January 2009) Armed Indian police refused to open fire on the gunmen even though people cowering under cover pleaded with them to do something to stop the massacres. ( The 40,000 strong Mumbai Police was absent from the scene of action between 11pm to 1am and then Karkare arrived and he was killed along with his men! Isn't there something fishy here? Obviously the Mumbai Police was kept deliberately away between 11pm and 1am, the time period when terrorists were killing people merrily.
It is revealed that 13 big businessmen of Indore (MP) and Gujarat supplied money for training organized at Sinhgarh. Help of courier agencies was taken to supply money. (Samrat, 15 November 2008) It is revealed to ATS through the correspondence of Abhinav Bharat that arrested Malegaon bomb blast terrorists were financially aided by industrialists. Many of these industrialists belonged to Gujarat. ATS had doubt on some industrialists in Jammu. It is suspected that for bomb blasts Gujarat religious leaders collected money from some industrialists. (Mahanayak, 20 November 2008) Arya-Brahminist terrorists have established their centers all over India for which they were financially helped by industrialists such as Tata Motors and Mahindra Motors groups. (Mahanayak, 30 January 2009)
Abu Azami the Samajwadi party leader who live in Kolaba and Uddhav Thakare son of Mr. Bal Thakare are business partners of underworld don Dawood Ibrahim. Dawood Ibrahim has relations with secret services of several countries. Brahmincracy will never expose Thakare-Dawood Ibrahim relations and Karkare Murder conspiracy. (Dalit Voice, 16-31 December 2008) In Maharashtra Legislative Assembly there was a pandemonium when MLA Shashikant Shinde shown a photo in the house. In this photo Bal Thakare is along with Namsu Satam and Ramesh Kisni who was arrested for circulating fake Indian currency of crores of rupees. At the time of arrest of Mr. Ramesh Kisni police had seized fake currency worth 1.60 crores. It is significant that Ramesh Kisni used to give heavy donations to a political party. One can easily imagine which party he used to donate. (Lokmat Samachar, 17 April 2001) Police has received information that in Parliament elections of 2009 some selected candidates of Dawood Ibrahim will contest election and Dawood gang will throw its strength behind them in their election campaign. Dawood gang will make campaign for at least two candidates from Mumbai one of which will reportedly contest on BSP ticket. This candidate has already started his election campaign. (Mahanayak, 21 February 2009)
The Ex BJP leader and president of Janshakti Party, Miss Uma Bharati, in a press conference aimed Atal Bihari Vajpei without pronouncing his name that son and daughter of an Ex deputy prime minister of India and son in law of Ex prime minister of India have relations with the terrorists. She alleged that the main reason of terrorism is political protection to them. BJP has relations with a person known as Tentwala, a person known as Drug wala, and a builder from Bhopal and its Ex general secretary had relations with the underworld Don. She alleged that two major political parties of India have protected the terrorists. Ex Deputy prime minister has protected Dawood Ibrahim. The persons who signed in favour of claim of Tentwala to become a BJP candidate were under investigation for their relations with Dawood Ibrahim. (Lokmat Samachar, 14 July 2006)
Mr. Madanlal Khurana, the ex BJP chief minister of Delhi, in a press conference alleged that BJP leader Sushama Swaraj has relations with Dawood Ibrahim. and demanded prime minister Mr. Manmohan Singh to investigate her relations with Dawood Ibrahim. He said that he has enough solid evidences regarding this and he has already wrote a letter to prime minister in this regard. In his letter he mentioned four cases and also mentioned that Sushma Swaraj took the help of Dawood Ibrahim and Congress leader Romesh Sharma to become chief minister of Delhi. (Lokmat Samachar, 12 July 2006)
Madanlal Khurana in his letter to prime minister Manmohan Singh on the basis of evidences has tried to prove that the many BJP top leadership had become threat to the security of India. In support of his allegations Mr. Khurana has enclosed a secret note that reveal close relations of Sushma Swaraj and Romesh Sharma with Dawood Ibrahim. Whenever the question of revealing these relation came the Lalkrishna Adwani and Atal Bihari Vajpei suppressed these relations from being revealed. Romesh Sharma who is behind the bars has his alleged links with Dawood Ibrahim. CBI has evidences for his relations with Dawood Ibrahim. In 1998 when he was arrested and the documents seized in raids at various places revealed that Romesh Sharma and Sushma Swaraj had close relations with Dawood Ibrahim. Not only that, the name of Reliance Industries was also came into picture But then home minister Lalkrishna Adwani and prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpei having close relations with Reliance Industries suppressed the whole matter in the files. In order to suppress the whole matter BJP government went to the extent of transferring then CBI director. Not only CBI director alone but Mr. Vishvabandhu Gupta then deputy commissioner of Income Tax was also victimized. When Gupta had tried to put his hand on Romesh Sharma he sought help of Sushma Swaraj. Sushma Swaraj used her high contacts and removed Gupta overnight from his post because he was investigating against Romesh Sharma. Vajpei government turned down the very strong demand to release a white paper on the whole matter and did everything to suppress the whole affair because after BJP leaders had seen the evidences they had realized that if the white paper is released it will reveal the close relations of Sushma Swaraj and Romesh Sharma with Dawood Ibrahim. Madanlal Khurana, revealed the files and tapes lying in home ministry which undoubtedly prove that to what extent Sushma Swaraj was related to Dawood gang. Khurana also claimed that he has evidences against many BJP leaders of which these leaders have no answer.(Lokmat Samachar, 14 July 2006)
Madanlal Khurana's allegations against BJP top leaders are very serious and Khurana claims to have solid evidences against them but Congress government is not ready to listen to him. Then question of initiating inquiry is far remote thing. If Khurana had made allegation about some other person {a Muslim} instead of Sushma Swaraj then the government would have arrested him under TADA, and all other available black laws. Khurana made a claim in his letter that Adwani had declared to release a white paper on ISI activities in India but when he came to know that many BJP leaders have relations with ISI then he decided not to release any white paper. Khurana has alleged that in 1998 Delhi assembly elections, Sushama had received help from Dawood Ibrahim through Romesh Sharma and Dawood had sent to them Rs. 24 Crores. In this regard Khurana also presented some evidences. Government must at least make inquiry against allegations leveled by Mr. Khurana. (Lokmat Samachar, 12 September 2006)
Pravin Mahajan had directly aimed at prime minister Vajpei and demanded that he should give explanation about whatever happened in that high security zone area in Pramod Mahajan's residence where the drug incidence of Rahul Maharajan happened because the bungalow at 7 Safdarjung Road Delhi was allotted to Pramod Mahajan by prime minister's office. According to Pravin Mashajan, Since last 5-6 years the trade of drugs was being run from the very bungalow Therefore it becomes the moral responsibility of prime minister Atal Bihari Bajpei to give explanation of the situation.(Bhaskar, 15 June 2006) The question arises that did drug racket of Dawood Ibrahim was being run from the very bungalow of Pramod Mahajan ?
Media person Vineet Narayan had alleged that BJP is alone responsible for the growth of terrorism in India. In year 1993 he had submitted evidences before supreme court regarding economical aid coming from Dubai-London for Hijbul Mujahidin and had demanded faithful inquiry into this matter of national treachery. Because many big leaders of BJP were involved in this scam hence BJP and its affiliated organizations had opposed Vineet Narayan continuously and with fraudulent propaganda in India and abroad they played an important role in suppressing the inquiry. BJP law minister Arun Jetli had also opposed him. The officers who had full knowledge of economical resources of Hijbul Mujahidin and in spite of that suppressed the inquiry BJP government instead of framing them under corruption, national treachery and negligence in duty not only gave them premature promotion but also honored them with President's medal. In spite of this BJP is shouting against terrorism which is a cruel joke. (Nav Bharat, 23 December 2002)
Crime branch of Mumbai police exposed a group supplying money to Lashkar E Toeba and other such terrorist organizations and arrested their six persons {Hindus}. Police recovered 68 Lacs rupee from them. According to joint police commissioner Dr. Satyapal Singh among them the main accused is Mahesh Narasia patel and from him a Kalishkov assault rifle was seized last year. He is being carried to Ahmedabad. Other arrested members of the group are Chandrakant Narsidas Patel, Natwarbhai Jasanbhai Patel, Jyotiramkrishna Dongar, Shankar Vike and Murali Gopichand Pilley. These accused are given conditional bail. Singh denied that these accused received money from any neighboring country. But this is certain that they used to receive money from abroad which they used to supply to these terrorist organizations. (Lokmat Samachar, 31 January 2004) Does not above news makes it clear that these persons belonged to some fascist Arya-Brahminist terrorist organization and Lashkar E Toeba and other such terrorist organizations have tie with Arya-Brahmin terrorist organizations hence instead of being arrested in POTA, TADA etc black laws they even got bail immediately ?
Ex BJP chief minister of Delhi, Mr. Madanlal Khurana alleged that terrorists of Kandhar aircraft hijacking were given 200 million Dollars not to release Indian hostages but to release Robert Jayori, the currency king of Switzerland and his woman friend Kristina Kalabracy in the pretext of releasing Indian hostages. Robert has biggest press in the world to print currency. Khurana asked that when there are already many agencies to deal with such situations why the foreign minister of India {Mr. Jaswant Singh} participated in it. (Nav Bharat, 21 July 2006) Ex chief minister of Jammu-Kashmir Mr. Farooq Abdullah said that decision to release Azhar Masood and other 2 was taken by Lalkrishna Advani and Atal Bihari Vajpeyi and he was forced to release these terrorists from the jail of Jammu-Kashmir. (Nav Bharat, 29 August 2006)
According to Mr. Lokmitra on 26 December 2000 Indian air lines IC 814 was hijacked and it was taken to Kandhar. Terrorists released hostages only when then BJP government carried by plain terrorists Masud Azhar, Ahmed Umar and Mushtaq Ahmed Jargar handed over to them. Jaswant Singh in his book mentioned that hijackers had demanded 200 million dollars (900 crores in Indian rupee), release of 36 terrorists and bones of a dead terrorist. A cabinet meeting was called to discuss on the demands of the terrorists. However Jaswant Singh did not mention what was the decision of cabinet meeting. BJP government in addition to terrorists had carried explosives in the air craft which were handed over to the hijackers. The red colored bag was not only very carefully handed over to Maulana Azhar Masood but was also verified that it is the same bag which was intended for Masood Azhar. Lokmitra asks – If the red bag did not contain explosives then what it actually contained ? (Nav Bharat, 23 July 2006)
5) Who were Terrorists and Wherefrom They Came ?
All Brahminists of Manu-media, bureaucracy, and political parties along with America and its lackeys tried to prove that all the terrorists came from Pakistan. It is unlikely that the terrorists came from Pakistan by sea while the Indian navy was carrying naval exercises at sea and no ships were allowed to go through the Mumbai area. The same question is asked by Pakistan in one of its 30+2 questions that Pakistan government has sent to government of India for their answers. It is true that 'Mumbai Terrorists' entered through sea but did they crossed international boarders or just took off from Gujarat or nearby seas within Indian territory ?
Colonel Sawant of Bahujan Samaj Federation said that Mumbai police commissioner Hasan Gafoor is giving false information in press conference. How he is telling that 10 terrorists came from Karachi ? Gafoor has misled people hence he should resign. (Mahanayak, 4 December 2008)
According to sources terrorists who attacked Mumbai on 26 November 2008 had spent their night in Konkan. The terrorists had reached to Uran of Raigarh district and a politician had given them shelter. This politician had provided them food. According to sources of Mumbai police crime branch, the terrorists had remained in Uran for about 7 hours and local people had helped them. The terrorists had went to attack Mumbai from Uran in a boat. From Uran through the sea rout one can reach Mumbai in less than an hour. (Lokmat Samachar, 18 December 2008)
Central Railway Minister Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav made thrilling allegation of involvement of Mr. Bal Thakare and Mr. Narendra Modi in Mlegaon Bomb blasts. (Mahanayak, 7 November 2008) If it is true then is it not most likely that they might have helped in Mumbai attacks also ?
It is also most likely {some of} these boats came from Mr. Modi's state Gujarat. Clearly, the attackers would not have come from the sea route without some kind of a connivance of Gujarat and Maharashtra Governments with the terrorists, and the connivance of RSS type Hindutva elements. This second report is more shocking–some news channels captured it but then it went off air. Pakistan has asked Indian governments 30+2 questions. In those questions one question says :-
Linkages between diamond merchant form Surat, Gujarat and some Hindus in Pakistan need to be clarified as the diamond merchant was alleged to sponsor Malegoen blasts through Col Purohit. (ANI) If these businessmen had helped in Malegaon blasts then there is every likelihood that they had also helped in Mumbai attacks.
Thousands of Mumbai police and army personnel are active members of Arya-Brahmin terror organizations like BJP, VHP, RSS, Abhinav Bharat etc., Did Narendra Modi came to Taj Hotel to watch his commandos killing of ATS chief.( India: Pakistan "elements" behind Mumbai attacks)
Sangh Parivar fascist organizations are expert in leveling allegations against opponents in the style of "A thief himself shouts thief ! thief ! in order to save themselves". Arya-Brahminist fascists have bee applying the same policy so that nobody should notice that they themselves are the real perpetrators of accusation. In the light of this one should understand the following news :- Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi in his statement said that the Mumbai attackers had local help. (Bhaskar, 12 February 2009)
This statement of Modi was completely unexpected to Sangh Parivar organizations because Sangh Parivar has been insisting that all the terrorists had come from Pakistan. Modi's statement has put BJP and other Sangh-Parivar organizations in to tight situation which automatically raises a question that who these locals / Indians are who are so powerful to accomplish Mumbai attacks. In spite of that Modi had made this statement and put Sangh-Parivar in embarrassing situation. Therefore, Modi's statement must have a hidden motive. Does not this statement of Modi intend to tell that terrorists did not come from Gujrat so that his own skin is saved ?
Regarding Modi's behaviour in activities involving terror many questions are being asked. Few of them are mentioned below. Why Modi visited Mumbai unlike other CMs of other states? Modi immediately declared the hands of Pakistan in 'Mumbai Terror' – how he knows it ? He immediately declares financial aids of 1 crore to every military man killed, to Maharashtra govt, all people killed ?? Why? what is the connection of Gujarat and 'Mumbai Terror'… Why Mr. Modi declares aid to people before Manmohan or Maharashtra CM declares? and that too much bigger amounts than them ?? was it from his pocket or from public money ? What is the reason of his 'over smartness' of taking the media ? Modi's behaviour should be understood from the behaviour of his political teacher Mr. Lal Krisna Advani.
Then home minister Lalkrishna Advani also used use to immediately visit the places of alleged fake encounters such as fake encounter at Palika Bazar of Delhi and other such encounters. It is suspected by many that the sole intention of the presence of then home minister Lalkrishana Advani on the very spot was to assure safety of police officers executing fake encounters.
According to Prafulla Bidwai, the big question is why Mr. Lalkrishna Adwani immediately reach at the spot of every terrorist event {such as alleged fake encounters}? Is there any deep conspiracy behind this ? Because no police officer no matter if he is encounter specialist Rajbirsingh who was involved in 6 encounters occurred in year 2000, why would take risk of any {fake} encounter unless he is assured of support at higher political level. (Lokmat Samachar, 20 November 2002)
Killings of members of ULFA and their relatives is known as secret killings in Assam. Prafulla Mohanta while defending himself revealed that during years 1998-2001 whatever number of ULFA members and their relatives were killed they were killed at the order of then central home minister Lalkrishna Advani. Alok Barua had filed a petition in supreme court alleging that Prafulla Kumar Mahanta had killed around 300 ULFA members and their relatives using surrendered ULFA members. The Assam police and central security forces were involved in these killings. (Lokmat Samachar, 30 March 2006)
A fact finding committee headed by Ex high court Justice Kolse Patil mentioned that so called attack on RSS headquarter at Nagpur was fake. Mr. Narendra Modi also had visited RSS headquarters immediately and had announced heavy reward for the police officers who allegedly had gunned down the so called terrorists. Did Modi's visit to Mumbai had the same intention of assuring his alleged Arya-Brahmin terrorists of Mumbai attacks ? Why Mr. Modi made offer of Rs. one crore to Mrs. Karkare ? Was it to keep her silent ? Why Mrs. Karkare refused Modi's offer ? Does Modi know who hired the terrorists in Mumbai and who actually killed the ATS leaders ?
Dr. Krishna had alleged that so called encounter in Ansal Plaza was fake and police brutally gunned down two unarmed youths before his very eyes. The marks made by firing also confirm the statement of Dr. Krishna as no bullet mark on walls is higher than two feet. Where the body's were lying has no place to hide and take position for encounter. Two security guards presents on the spot reported that the place was vacated by police 20 minutes earlier but some persons like Dr. Krishna were present there. (Lokmat Samachar, 8 November 2002) According to Prafulla Bidvai, Dr. Krishna have stated emphatically that the alleged terrorists did not come in Maruti car as reported by police but police themselves had brought them here. They were unarmed and could walk by efforts. Police gunned them down aiming from near. (Lokmat Samachar, 20 November 2002) The lawyers and colleagues of Prof. Gilani alleged that some police officers were behind the deadly attack on Prof. Gilani. (Lokmat Samachar, Bhaskar, 10 February 2005)
According to Alok Tomar the stories of encounters were questioned but no answers ever received. Whether the are two terrorists of Akshardham or murdering Samir Khan Pathan in the name of encounter never the raised big questions were answered. It is said that police was continuously watching those terrorists but police only gun them down after an incidence has taken place ? The terrorists cross the line of control and come to Delhi 400 km away from LOC, settle down in neighboring cities. Their activities are being monitored but their clue is received only when they were about to commit some terrorist act or has just committed. (Lokmat Samachar, 15 November 2002)
Everybody is uneasy on observing the coincidence that terrorists alleged of conspiring murder of Deputy prime minister Lalkrishna Advani before their arrest or after they are arrested one by one are being gunned down by police before they could give any statement in court. After gunning them down police and government declare them dreaded terrorists. After the encounter at Ansal Plaza government declared that they gunned down two terrorists wanted to kill Lalkrishna Advani. After Ansal Plaza encounter Lalkrishna Advani immediately reached at spot and praised Delhi police for their {allegedly fake} encounter. Earlier, Samir Khan arrested for his alleged intention to kill Lalkrishna Advani was gunned down by police in Ahmedabad. Relatives of Samir Khan said he was innocent and alleged that police in fact murdered him. Three weeks earlier Karnataka and Tamilnadu police in their joint action had gunned down alleged ISI agent Immam Ali and his four colleagues in Bangalore. People had raised questions over this encounter. There was dispute over the identification of terrorists involved in Akshardham temple of Gujarat. Regarding Red fort encounter incidence of Delhi the neighbors of alleged terrorists had raised their suspicion against police. If Dr. Krishna's allegation that there was no encounter and police killed the alleged terrorists whom the police had brought with them police department as well as home ministry come under suspicion. Police and home ministry can not evade their responsibility to remove these suspicions. (Nav Bharat, 7 November 2002)
Government closed the file of Raghunath temple attack before many questions being answered. The first attack on Raghunath temple was made on 30 March 2002 at about 9.00 A.M. and second attack was made on 24 November 2002. In both these attacks 2-2 terrorists were killed. Police had declared that the attacks were committed by Lashkar E Toeba. But the mystery of the role of third attacker whom the eye witnesses have seen but police denied his existence was never solved. In second attack police first declared that they have gunned down the third attacker. The question is not answered whether these terrorists were carried in the temple by some locals ? Because in first attack both the terrorists were dropped by a Tata Sumo in front of the temple. In second attack the terrorists had reached the "Garbhagriha" of the temple. (Lokmat Samachar, 3December 2002)
6) Jewish Nariman House : The Hub of Mumbai terrorists ?
International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL. According to Heneghan after reaching Bombay shore terrorists had immediately traveled to the command and control headquarters for the paramilitary operation at the Jewish Center Nariman House. Three days of food awaited the terrorists along with sophisticated military style Blackberries, grenades and other sophisticated explosive devices to be used in the attacks. Aiding and abetting the paramilitary team was a high tech television monitoring device in the Nariman House that allowed the terrorist group to monitor the movement of Indian Police and the Indian Anti-Terrorist Task Force that had used the Nariman House in the past for anti-terrorist surveillance inside Mumbai. Liaison between the Indian Anti-Terrorist Task Force and the Israeli Shin Bet, which was used in training of the Indian Anti-Terrorist Task Force, were two Jewish Rabbis with dual citizenship who previously lived in New York City.( Blowback on Subcontinent Worldwide Intel War Descends Into Anarchy by Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert)
The joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force, headquartered on European soil, now reports that the Nariman House had been used to provide intelligence to the paramilitary group while they were training for this operation off the shores of Somalia. Intelligence provided to the paramilitary group, included casing out the targets for their attacks.
Some reports of the Mumbai attack indicate that the Jewish settlement at 'Nariman House' was also loaded with MI5, Mossad and FBI agents. International Jewish terror organization "Chabad Lubavitch", was also based at Nariman House. Why agents of the MI5, Mossad, FBI, CIA and Chabad Lubavitch were resident in India ?
Nariman House is owned by a Jewish sect and housing quarters are rented only to religious Jews passing through Mumbai. Terrorists had created a hub in Nariman House because Holtzbergs rented space to the attack planners over the past few months and thereby helped to make the operation far more effective. The terrorists came to Nariman House posing as Malaysian students and were given lodging. Why Ultra-orthodox Jews would give lodging to these unknown Malaysian Muslim students ? A Gujarati Hindu resident of Mumbai came onto TV on CNN-IBN to say at around 3.30 AM or so, that for two months suspicious activities were going in Nariman House. Lot of foreigners were seen coming in and going out. This matter was reported to the Police. But no one took action. Neighbors noticed presence of some strangers a few days before the attack. A huge mass of food was ordered by the terrorists. Large amounts of mutton and other provisions to last for several days. This food was enough for 30-40 people for several days. Were they expecting the terrorists to eat there?Also why was Nariman House not assaulted till the very last ?
According to the information with the mission, seven of the nine killed in the attack were Israeli nationals, all of them Jews. So the two people killed in Nariman House fit the Sayanim, that is Jews outside Israel who volunteer to provide assistance to Mossad, profile! Rabbi and his wife were willing supporters of the operation, then were sacrificed in order to have the appropriate bloody shirts to wave before the media. Zionists have always used dead Jews to build sympathy for Zionist goals and as cover for Zionist crimes against humanity. An opportunity to interrogate the Holtzbergs would have helped investigators immensely.
According to Brother Nathanael Kapne, this is not the first time the Israeli Mossad used Rabbis in black ops and other nefarious activities given the role of Rabbi Dr. Zacharie in sending the anthrax post 9/11, a chemical attack which was used to deter proper investigation of the 9/11 black op attack on the United States. The anthrax attack was also used to intimidate U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens from going forward.
"Israeli officials and Lubavitch elders confirmed later that six hostages were found dead inside. They were Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, 29, of Brooklyn, and his Israeli wife, Rivka, 28, the Lubavitch emissaries in Mumbai who ran Nariman House; another rabbi from Brooklyn who was living in Israel, Leibish Teitelbaum; Bentzion Chroman, an Israeli with dual American citizenship; an unidentified Israeli woman; and another unidentified woman, according to Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin, a Lubavitch spokesman in Brooklyn, and The Associated Press". Two unidentified "hostages" were women. But here is a strange co-incidence. Number of reports and eyewitnesses claim that at least one of the attackers was a woman.
From India Times a mystery woman had accompanied terrorists at Cama hospital. A man and a burqa clad woman entered from the gate opposite our quarters. The man started firing towards the hospital immediately after entering. The shopkeeper's friend said, "He told me that when he saw Azam's picture in Mumbai Mirror on Thursday, he realized it was the same youth who had visited his shop with a woman, who was also young. He mentioned they had been like any other youths."(
The four-person discrepancy noted above makes perfect sense if four of the attackers were recognizable or identifiable as Israelis, and were declared to be dead hostages to conceal their roles in the operation. The terrorists had also captured group of Israelis at Nariman house. What happened to these groups?
Autopsies conducted on the bodies of the dead including the Israelis at Nariman House would give vital clues as to their role as victims or perpetrators. Forensic science is powerful science today. Postmortem would have revealed whether they had consumed drugs enabling them to fight without fear. For example, gunpowder residue on fingers tells a tale. But Israel has requested India not to conduct post-mortems on its nationals killed in the Nariman House siege, citing what it said were privacy and religious reasons. The real reason must be that the Israel wanted to hide role of dead Israelis in the operation.
The paramilitary group also received from their liaison group at the Nariman House, sixty (60) Indian Anti-Terrorist Task Force uniforms, which would be used in the terrorist attacks and allowed the Pakistani paramilitary team to disguise themselves as Indian security officials while they were conducting their attacks.
As the standoff progressed, the nanny of the two-year old child of Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, Sandra Samuel, came running out with the little boy. "The orphaned two-year-old baby Moshe and his nanny Sandra Samuel, along with his maternal grandparents, left for Israel in a special Israeli military aircraft from Mumbai." Israel is planning to issue an immigration permit to the Indian nanny who saved two-year-old Moshe Holtzberg while his Jewish parents died in the Nariman House attack. Foreign minister Tzipi Livni told the cabinet yesterday that her ministry was working to grant the nanny, Sandra Samuel, a residency permit so she could live there." India should demand her return so that she could help with the investigations.
Witnesses in Cama hospital say the terrorists spoke fluent Marathi. The Marathi daily 'Maharashtra Times' said the terrorists who targeted Anti Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare were speaking Marathi fluently. This disclosure casts fresh doubt on the origin of the terrorists. Traditional Jews from Mumbai, who have migrated to Israel, speak fluent Marathi and are known to have been recruited by Mossad. This proves local Jewish participation beyond doubt. Or did each terrorist from an enemy nation have an Indian accomplice accompanying him? Early reports said the attackers spoke Hindi, indicating they were from India.
Indian government still holds in custody the identified Israeli Mossad agent, who, himself, was an employee of the Nariman House and was actually captured by Indian Police and held for questioning two days before the attack. The identified Israeli Mossad agent, who is claiming now that he is part of the Israeli diplomatic core, is demanding diplomatic immunity from the Indian government to avoid further interrogation. This is creating a massive crisis between the Indian and Israeli governments. The crisis was further escalated by the attempt of the Israeli government to send commandos to the Nariman House without the authorization of the Indian government. Unconfirmed reports detail an actual firefight between the Indian Anti-Terrorist Task Force and the Israeli commandos. This could clearly account for the claims of the Israeli Ambassador to India that there were up to nine (9) Israeli citizens present in the Nariman House near the end of the siege. The pending arrival of the Israeli commandos was actually communicated to the Indian government by the British Ambassador to India. (The Mossad Strikes in Mumbai By Brother Nathanael Kapne)
At this hour, some of this bogus intelligence is being given to the Indian government, NOT by a captured terrorist but an actual FBI informant, who actually walked out of the Nariman House unharmed. The U.S. FBI, headed by Robert Mueller, is sending an FBI Task Force to India to engage in Obstruction of Justice.
7) Mumbai attacks also had
Involvement of Non-Jew Foreign Terrorists !
A BBC report notes, at least some of the Mumbai attackers were not Indian and certainly not Muslim. Pappu Mishra, a cafe proprietor at the gothic Victorian Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus railway station, described "two sprightly young men dressed in black" with AK47s who were "foreign looking, fair skinned. "Gaffar Abdul Amir, an Iraqi tourist from Baghdad, saw at least two men who started the firing outside the Leopold Cafe. "They did not look Indian, they looked foreign. One of them, I thought, had blonde hair. The other had a punkish hairstyle. They were neatly dressed," Amir told the BBC. ( Mumbai Terror Attack: Further Evidence Of The Anglo-American-Mossad-RSS Nexus By Amaresh Misra 03 December, 2008)
One Police officer who encountered the gunmen as they entered the Jewish Center (Nariman House) said the attackers were white. "I went into the building late last night" he said. "I got a shock because they were white. I was expecting them to look like us. They fired three shots. I fired 10 back".
"The Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh told Associated Press that two British-born Pakistanis were among the eight gunmen arrested by Indian authorities." (Four Mumbai terrorists 'had links with Britain') Early on Indian authorities stated that, "Seven of the Mumbai terrorists were British Pakistanis," and that, "two Brits had been arrested and another five suspects were from the UK."( Blackberry phones found on the suspects contained a lot of content connecting them with the UK. The Chief Minister of Maharashtra had early on reported that the two British-born Pakistanis were among eight gunmen seized by Indian commandos who stormed buildings to free hostages. Indian government sources claimed that seven of the terrorists who brought carnage to Mumbai were British. Two of the five were allegedly identified from passports found on their bodies. Captured gunmen are also said to have told police some of their comrades were from the UK. Britain sent in MI6 / MI5 Agents and other representatives and India immediately changed their story and blamed Pakistan. (7 MUMBAI TERRORISTS 'ARE BRITISH' By Jon Clements And Chris Hughes 29/11/2008)
There is massive evidence that Britain has been funding extremist mosques inside Britain. MI6 uses them as cannon fodder terrorists. There is also massive evidence now that there were British citizens involved in the attacks, armed with British Mp5 and machine guns, and inflatable motor boats. Andrew Marshall is a respected author; he is clearly saying here that terrorists looked like Anglo-American covert operatives. Anglo-American elite has the power to penetrate India, with the help of its own people. The presence of "foreign looking, fair skinned" commandos who calmly gunned down dozens of people after drinking a few beers indicates that the Mumbai attacks were likely the work of the Anglo-American covert intelligence operatives, not indigenous Indian Muslims.
It appears that the Mumbai Attacks involved 'white men' and there were also non-white patsies, who were there to take the blame. Indian Government said they captured seven British terrorists, but the Indian Army chief says all terrorists are dead. "Doctors who conducted the post-mortem said the bodies of the terrorists – especially their faces – were beyond recognition. This might suggest that the 'white mercenaries' killed off the patsies and made sure their faces could not be recognized.( Asked how, they knew the bodies were indeed those of the terrorists ? doctor said that the security forces that brought the bodies told us that those were terrorists – Rediff (
Blood tests on the terrorists indicate that they consumed cocaine and LSD to sustain their energy and stay awake for 50 hours. Police say that they found syringes on the scenes of the attacks. There were also indications that they had been consuming steroids. ( 2008 Mumbai attacks From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Various reports said that two to eight terrorists were captured alive. Now there is only one in police custody: what happened to the other (s) ? (The Mumbai Terror Attacks: Need For A Thorough Investigation By R.H. 08 December, 2008 Hours after the attacks began on November 26, it was reported that two terrorists were killed and two others were arrested. Later on, reports surfaced in which Indian police had killed four of the Mumbai terrorists and arrested nine of them. The international media was full of this reported capture of nine terrorists. By November 29, the story had changed. All of a sudden, Mumbai cops had only "nabbed" one terrorist. This person has effectively become the nail-in-the-coffin for laying the blame at Pakistan's door.
The presence of American intelligence officials at the Taj that night adds another twist. There were also a group of European Union officials present at the Taj for an Indo-European Union summit. A handful of CIA agents were also among those dead at the Taj Hotel and were also present at the Oberoi Palace. According to Asian intelligence sources a large number of Mossad officers used the Trident-Oberoi as a base of operations, along with the ultra-Orthodox Jewish Chabad House. There were European officials who had just arrived in one hotel and after ten minutes they left, just before the attacks!
In a video message Mustafa Abu al Yazid military commander of Al-queda in Afghanistan has threatened to launch more Mumbai-Style terrorist attacks on India if India tried to harm Pakistan. (The Hindu, 11 February 2009)Considering the fact that Al-Qaeda is CIA's creation the above statement is delivered to suggest that the Mumbai attacks were made by Pakistan and Al-Qaeda. Thus the statement clearly accomplishes Mossad-CIA plan to implicate Pakistan in Mumbai attacks. But the statement of Interpol chief has foiled their plan :-
Interpol chief Ronald K. Nobel in his statement mentioned that seven nations had hand in Mumbai attacks. He also said that Pakistan investigating agencies are correctly following the investigations. (Mahanayak, Bhaskar, 9 March 2009)
Why Real number of Terrorists being Suppressed ?
Police insist that fifteen terrorists came ashore. Nine are dead and one is in custody. Where are the other five? Where is the woman terrorist?
It is also asked that there was information of 19 terrorists had come then where are the remaining nine terrorists ? (Bhaskar, 30 November 2008)
The events in VT and Cama and the back lane also put a question mark over the reported story. According to witnesses, two gunmen started firing at the mainline terminus in VT at 21.55 on Wednesday night, but at precisely the same time, according to CCTV footage, two gunmen began an assault on the suburban terminus. If the first account is true, there were four gunmen at the station: where did the other two come from, and where did they go? We are shown video footage, claiming to be CCTV but without the timeline of normal CCTV footage, of Kasab and Ismail wandering around the parking lot near the mainline terminus. This surely cannot be before the shootout, since the station is completely deserted; and after the shootout, Kasab and Ismail are supposed to have escaped via the footbridge from Platform 1 of the suburban station on the other side of VT: this, again, suggests there were four gunmen. Several people have pointed out that one of the terrorists in VT was wearing a saffron wrist-band, a Hindu custom. (The Mumbai Terror Attacks: Need For A Thorough Investigation By R.H. 08 December, 2008 How did the invaders from the sea get one bomb to go off in Dockyard Road and another in Vile Parle, 25 kilometers away, at around 11.30 pm ?(The Mumbai Terror Attacks: Need For A Thorough Investigation By R.H. 08 December, 2008 If the attacks were restricted to South Mumbai for logistical reasons, who was responsible for the explosion on the taxi near the Santa Cruz airport in northwest Mumbai, which is located at least 25 km from Colaba?
DNA report, on 2 December, said that sub-inspector Durgude, who had been posted in front of St Xavier's College, between Cama Hospital and the exit point of the back lane onto Mahapalika Road, saw two young men whom he took to be students and called out to warn them that there was firing at Cama. When they ignored him, he approached them, upon which one of them turned an AK47 on him and killed him. If Kasab and Ismail were there, who was firing inside Cama ? Eye-witnesses in St Xavier's saw a man shot and lying on the pavement in front of the college around 12.30 a.m., while about three gunmen stood over him: who was that ? (The Mumbai Terror Attacks: Need For A Thorough Investigation By R.H. 08 December, 2008
The number of weapons and amount of explosive found and used in Taj hotel can not be handled by 4 persons alone. Nor such huge ammunition can be carried from shore to Taj hotel by foot. (Mahanayak, 3 December 2008)
Colonel Sudhir Sawant said that looking at the number of weapons and amount of explosives used in Mumbai attacks at least 50 terrorists must have participated in the attacks. Then what happened to the remaining terrorists ?To protect democracy in India it is mot important to conduct free and fair inquiry of Mumbai attacks. Instead Manumedia is avoiding these vital issues and are busy in developing particular mentality {war frenzy against Pakistan}. (Mahanayak, 4 December 2008)
How could 10 terrorists whatever amount of ammunitions, AK-47s and other explosives might be with them could hold massive Hotels like Taj and Oberoi to ransom and shoot at Jewish centre, CST (railway station) and Cama Hospital simultaneously ? At different times different numbers were given, It hardly stands to reason how so few terrorists could kill on such a scale and hold on for 72 hours. It appears to be incredible.
How were so few men able to do so much harm? By no logic can anyone believe that nine separate sites in a city could be held to ransom by just 10 men. We are told to believe that for three days, four men held control of the Taj hotel. Reportedly two gunmen were able to take over the Oberoi. Either the alleged Pakistani trained commandos are at least 100 times superior to the combined force of the Indian forces A to Z or this was merely a drama orchestrated by the intelligence agencies in India to achieve ulterior motives – just like the 9/11 was used by the CIA to attack Afghanistan & Iraq. The attacks must have involved at least 100 operatives with intimate knowledge of Mumbai locals. (
9) What is Truth behind Kasab ?
1) Terrorists are guerilla fighters and don't fight with the kind of precision that special Forces do. Terrorists of Mumbai attacks were very professional. They split into small groups of twos and threes so while one casually reloaded, there was another still firing to cover him. Such highly trained killers who could execute such a mission with so much precision would not openly confess and reveal his groups sources within minutes of being captured. In fact these people would kill themselves first.
2) Kasab had been instructed to fight to the death. He says he is a laborer from Faridkot near Multan and only studied up to Class IV, but it is reported that he speaks fluent English.
3) It is told that the gunmen at the railway station and elsewhere were white men and yet Ajmal Amir is reportedly from Pakistan. (BBC NEWS Mumbai attackers create 'killing zone' / Mumbai Attackers were 'Hindus' and 'White Men' )
4) It is told that the gunmen who shot Karkare spoke fluent Marathi and then we are told that it was Ajmal Amir and his Pakistani friend shot Karkare. The Marathi daily 'Maharashtra Times' said the terrorists who targeted Anti Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare were speaking Marathi fluently. Reportedly, traditional Jews from Mumbai, who have migrated to Israel, speak fluent Marathi and are known to have been recruited by Mossad. There is doubt, therefore, that Ajmal Amir did the shooting that he is supposed to have done. (
5) Reports about Ajmal Amir are contradictory and confusing 1) It is told that he stayed for several days at the Taj Hotel; the next moment it is told that he got straight off a boat and started a killing spree. ( Terrorists stayed in room 630, had many visitors) 2) There are reports that he had bullet wounds and reports that he did not have bullet wounds. (
Vinita Kamte wife of ATS officer Kamte told The Hindu in an interview " Police should have come out with true facts much earlier, on the next day , instead of waiting for me to uncover the facts". After the incident, she and her sister who is a practicing lawyer, spent several days meeting eye-witnesses and people involved in the Cama hospital incident and they have come up with some shocking facts. "When I heard the news of his death , the first thing I asked was did he hit back ? I was told he shot Kasab and he had injured him in both the hands". She says. (The Hindu, 11 January 2009) P. Chitambaram also had given statement of the activities of the ATS officers reported in The Hindu, dated 24 December 2008. According to this statement " One of the occupants of Qualis vehicle returned fire which caused injuries to the hand of one of the terrorists (later identified as Mohammed Ajmal Amir). Now the basic question is if Kamte had shot and injured both the hands of the "Kasab " then who this Kasab is who is unhurt of bullets ?
6) Pakistan's The News reported earlier this week that "A Pakistani lawyer C M Farooque claimed that many people, including Ajmal Kasab, were arrested before 2006 from Kathmandu by the Indian agencies with the help of Nepalese forces." Farooque said he was contacted by Kasab's parents and had filed a petition with the Nepalese Supreme Court with regard to the disappeared individuals last February. "The people arrested in Nepal," the report added, "had gone there on legal visa for business but Indian agencies were in the habit of capturing Pakistanis from Nepal and afterwards implicated them in the Mumbai-like incidents to malign Pakistan."( Elements of an Inside Job in Mumbai Attacks Jeremy R. Hammond Foreign Policy Journal December 21, 2008)
Pakistani intelligence agencies also said that RAW had constituted a plan to lure Pakistani men between 20 and 30 years of age to visit India so they could be later entrapped in cases of fake currency and subversion' and then be coerced to spy for India." ( Indian Raw + Israeli Mossad Vs. Pakistan And Islam)
7) Why Kasab is wearing a Hindu religious symbol in his right wrist if he is a Muslim ? or Was he converted to Brahmin Religion by saffron security forces of India ?
Many Hindu religious sources including Wikipedia clearly say that such bands are worn by far-right Hindus on their right arms (by males) and left arms (by females). They were also worn by Hindu extremists when they were openly slaughtering Muslims in Gujarat and Christians in Orissa. Some religious sources say that the wearing of these bangles signify the "good-luck charm for the fulfillment of any religious undertaking".
According to Wayne Madsen ( 1) The security camera shot of Qasab, the "lone surviving gunman," appears fake because the angle is too narrow for a train station which would have a wider angle and be shot from higher up than the photo being shopped by the Indian police."(
10) Why these Holes in Police Story ?
1) Why is it that they always leave something behind which is traceable to the "source". Remember the Arabic flight manuals and a copy of the Quran IN 9/11. What is the use taking IDs and Credit cards with them, They certainly won't be planning shopping after creating such Disaster.
2) Why did the terrorists not blow up the full building itself? What can be the reason for this ? One will not believe that they do not have the ammunition for that or planning. If they wanted they could have done it.
3) There are thousands of Pakistanis working for Mossad. This all seems to be part of a bigger game by Israel and USA of arms sales and proxy control of India.
4) some of the ammunition was china made!
5) Unlike other terrorists, Terrorists in Mumbai have not demanded anything specific ? They don't demand release of their co-prisoners nor demanded money… why ?? what was their target then?
6) The intelligence agency should recognizes the following pattern of 13, 26, 13, 26 skipping one month May 13, 2008: Jaipur Blasts; July 26, 2008: Ahmedabad Blasts; Sept. 13, 2008 : New Delhi Blasts; Nov. 26, 2008: Mumbai Attacks. One never really quite know what to make of those date patterns. They just creep out. 911 days after 9/11/01 we had the Madrid bombings. 911 days after the murder in the Netherlands of politician Pim Fortuyn, Theo van Gogh was murdered. Both assassinations had an abundance of evidence of being inside jobs. And now this. One has no idea what to make of it, but it always turns up.
Here it must be remembered that the Zionist illuminati who rules the world through its proxies is Satan-worshiper and America itself contain many Satanic symbols. Enough material is available on internet in this regard.
7) Ali and Qamar, who have spent years in jail, are only two examples out of hundreds of Muslims who have been similarly jailed, tortured, and even killed on false charges. ( Arundhati Roy: The Monster In The Mirror 15 December, 2008 Outlook India) Is Kasab one of them ?
11) Are Security Lapses Deliberate ?
India's intelligence services had delivered at least three precise warnings that a major terrorist attack on Mumbai was imminent, highly-placed government sources have told "The Hindu". (The Hindu November 29th, 2008). The Sunday Express has learnt that on November 19, just about a week before the attack, one of the intelligence agencies had circulated "top secret" information on the basis of an intercept the previous day that an attack had been planned from sea on Mumbai and would be effected very soon. While November 26 was not mentioned as a precise date, sources said, another date before the day of the attack was specified. It also said the terrorists could probably come by an Indian fishing trawler. This input was passed on for further analysis to the National Security Council Secretariat and Joint Intelligence Council. Subsequently, this was shared with the Navy and the Coast Guard. Also, it was sent in the form of an advisory to Maharashtra. However, somewhere through the entire process, the seriousness and authenticity of the input were interpreted differently by different agencies. However, weaknesses in police manpower and training allowed the attacks to proceed, the sources said. The Sunday Express, November 29th, 2008( Mumbai False Flag? Some Inexplicable Questions For India! By Moin Ansari)
Australia knew about this attack two weeks before and issued travel warnings accordingly. Why India knew nothing about it ? Indian Maritimes Union knew about "guns and weapons were unloaded". Why Indian Security knew noting about it?(
It is also said that U.S. intelligence agencies warned India of a possible terrorist attack on Mumbai from the sea at least a month CNN said. But it Looks like Indian Police were ordered to allow it. The Delhi-based Times of India questioned : "How did terrorists — at least 20 of them — seem to have come in rubber dinghies and evade the entire security establishment ?" Neither the Indian Coast Guard, nor the Rangers, nor the Maritime Security Agency, nor the police or army could trace, track, follow or stop this band of supermen. What was the Navy doing? Why could the Indian Coast Guard not prevent the arrival of two boats? How did the supermen from the two boats walk around with Klashnikovs on the shore without being detected?( Mumbai False Flag? Some Inexplicable Questions For India! By Moin Ansari)
Chief of India's Naval Staff, Adm. Suresh Mehta said that terrorists' entry into Mumbai aboard a trawler appeared to indicate a "systemic failure" by the law enforcement agencies, (Plugging Maritime Security Holes Indian, U.S. Officials Glean Lessons From Mumbai Attacks By DEFENSE NEWS STAFF Published: 8 December 2008) Mr. Mehta said that they had released the ship of terrorists because they had proper documents. (Bhaskar, 3 December 2008) Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram told reporters that "There have been lapses. I would be less than truthful if I said there had been no lapses" .('s official admits lapses in Mumbai attacks) But none of the above officers explained reasons for these deliberate security lapses.
Maharashtra State Home Minister did a turnaround on Thursday by admitting that intelligence information was received on the terror attacks in response to insistent questioning by Devendra Phadnavis of the BJP. He said though that the intelligence report was sent to the Naval Intelligence and the Coast Guard. Mr. Patil had to clarify amid slogan-shouting by the Opposition, which was dissatisfied on several counts. The intelligence advisory in question DIB UO No 21/JTF 7 Nodal/2008(23)-4405 dated November 19, 2008 from the Intelligence Bureau signed by Prabhakar Alok gave information on a possible terror attack from the sea and also mentioned the Taj Mahal Hotel, Mr. Phadnavis submitted. Mr. Patil clarified that the government did not receive the said advisory and in any case it was not specific. ("Karkare was killed in brush firing by terrorists" Meena Menon)
Maharashtra government on 17 Dec 2008 announced a high-level probe against director general of police A.N. Roy and commissioner of police Mumbai Hasan Gafoor over their alleged lapses during the Mumbai terror attack. The politicians are alleging that Police Commissioner Hassn Gafoor and DGP A.N Roy sat in the control rooms as Mumbai burned. Allegations that the police officers are believed to have called 'motivated'. ( Where were Gafoor, Roy while Mumbai burnt? Thursday, December 18, 2008)
It was demanded that the Maharashtra Control of Organized Crimes (MCOCA) be applied on Maharashtra Director-General of Police A.N. Roy, Mumbai Police Commissioner Hasan Gafoor and Additional Chief Secretary (home) Chitkala Zutshi, for being aware of the attack and doing nothing to prevent it. Mr. Kadam said Section 11 (3) of MCOCA had given powers to book these people.("Karkare was killed in brush firing by terrorists" Meena Menon) Chief minister of Maharashtra declared in assembly that in connection with Mumbai attacks the role of police officer Anami Roy and Hasan Gafoor will be investigated by high level inquiry committee. (Lokmat Samachar, 18 December 2008)
A court of Jaipur considering media news has asked president of India permission to start cases against central Home minister, defense minister and ship ministers for not doing their duty properly. Court said that because of negligence of these ministers Mumbai terrorist attack become possible. Court also asked permission to start cases against navy chief of Deccan Command and the chief of Costal Guards. In addition to that court also asked permission from Maharashtra governor to start cases against then home minister, chief home secretary and Mumbai Police Commissioner. The judge Mr. Dinesh Chand Gupta in his order issued on 10 January 2009 considered above personals guilty in his first observation. According to him all these persons have neglected their duty resulting in Mumbai attacks. (Lokmat Samachar, 11 January 2009)
Firoz Mithiborwala said that RAW had given in advance the information of impending terrorist attack on Mumbai to the government. Raw had received this information by intercepting talks between terrorists on satellite phone. Raw had submitted its file to National Security Advisor Narayanan but he ignored it. Firoz Mithiborwala alleged that Narayanan is an American agent hence he should be removed from his job. (Mahanayak, 4 December 2008) If Narayanan did not give any instructions after receiving prior information of Mumbai attacks then he should be charged with national treachery. The persons behind Narayanan who stopped him to give instruction to prevent the attacks should also be charged with the national treachery. (Mahanayak, 3 December, 2008)
Home and Jail minister Nitin Raut in a meeting of high level police officers asked them why none of the 185 AK 47 rifles were used against the terrorists who attacked Mumbai. He asked where were these 185 AK 47 rifle at the time of Mumbai attack ? (Lokmat Samachar, 18 December 2008)
The commandos did not arrive at Nariman House until the next day. India's Crisis Management Group (CMG) is supposed to get to work within minutes of an attack. But it was nowhere in evidence.
The NSG commandos based in Mehram Nagar, Palam Airport, Delhi took 10 hours to reach the terrorists. They were ready at 01:00 but had to wait for 3 hours, until 03:15 for an aircraft to arrive from Chandigarh, when the policy is that a plane be at Palam permanently. The NSG commandos landed at Mumbai Airport at 05:15, but had to wait 1 hour for the Bombay Police to arrange a few BEST buses for them. They reached the Taj Mahal hotel and the Oberoi Trident hotel at 07:00, but initially were not given detailed maps of the hotels. Furthermore, the operations in the Taj Mahal hotel and Nariman House were conducted under full glare of the media, which may have assisted the terrorists by taking away the element of surprise.( 2008 Mumbai attacks From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Why was not anything done in terms of jamming the frequencies of the satellite phones? Satellite phones use a different frequency than normal mobile phones so a frequency jammer could have been installed in the hotel vicinity?
Why was there so much delay in getting the NSG unit from Pune ?
According to Vinita Kamte wife of dead ATS officer said after her own investigation " There was no help and reinforcement were sent". Worst still, there were many calls made to the control room by people near the Cama Hospital who saw the two terrorists. Yet no one told these police officers {Kamte etc.) that they were there. "Outside the Cama hospital my husband understood the gravity of situation along with the other officers, and he spoke to someone saying they needed the Army and extra reinforcements. That did not come and worse, his escort vehicle carrying tear gas shells and ammunition was stopped by a police cordon from going near him and helping out." "That escort car could have saved their lives" she points out. (The Hindu, 11 January 2009)
Armed Indian police refused to open fire on the gunmen even though people cowering under cover pleaded with them to do something to stop the massacres.( Anand Shelgaonkar, a cleaner at the station, saw one of the two terrorists throw a hand grenade. The railway police were ineffective.
What angered Mr D'Souza almost as much were the masses of armed police hiding in the area who simply refused to shoot back," reports the Belfast Telegraph. There were armed policemen hiding all around the station but none of them did anything. He said At one point, I ran up to them and told them to use their weapons but they just didn't shoot back.
Sebastian D'Souza, a picture editor at the Mumbai Mirror, whose offices are just opposite the city's Chhatrapati Shivaji station, heard the gunfire erupt and ran towards the terminus. "Towards the station entrance, there are a number of bookshops and one of the bookstore owners was trying to close his shop," he recalled. "The gunmen opened fire and the shopkeeper fell down." But what angered Mr D'Souza almost as much were the masses of armed police hiding in the area who simply refused to shoot back. The militants returned inside the station and headed towards a rear exit towards Chowpatty Beach. Mr D'Souza added: "I told some policemen the gunmen had moved towards the rear of the station but they refused to follow them. What is the point if having policemen with guns if they refuse to use them? I only wish I had a gun rather than a camera." ( Re: G7 Sponsored India False Flag Terror Operation EXPOSED! (Target: BRIC unity)
The 40,000 strong Mumbai Police was absent from the scene of action between 11pm to 1am and then Karkare arrived and he was killed along with his men! Isn't there something fishy here? Obviously the Mumbai Police was kept deliberately away between 11pm and 1am, the time period when terrorists were killing people merrily. Then Karkare must have been told–and he went there expecting Mumbai police personals to be there–but there were none or only a few! And he was killed !
When Hemant Karkare on walking had reached Chatrapati Shivaji Turminus (CST), the railway police officers and Mumbai police officers meet him. They told Karkare that after indiscriminately firing inside CST two terrorists have ran away towards Anjuman road of Time of India building. Karkare along with his team immediately started in the direction the terrorists had run. The question is asked that why under this emergency the railway and Mumbai police did not accompany Karkare ? Why they had not went themselves behind those terrorists ? If they had done this life of Karkare could have been saved. (Bhaskar, 30 December 2008)
BBC news (By Adam Mynott) reports that guests trapped in a Mumbai hotel seized by gunmen last month have told the BBC they were given instructions by police that led to death of more people. Police told a group hiding in the Taj Mahal Palace hotel that it was safe to leave the building, a survivor said. But members of the group were shot and killed by militant gunmen as they were making their way out. Dr Mangeshikar held back He said I was a little suspicious that the police were actually sending these guys down a different route where the terrorists were supposed to be. I refused to move away and the people who ran ahead of me, about 20 or 30 of them, all of them died. A dress designer from the city says her aunt was shot dead and her cousin seriously wounded because they followed police instructions to try to leave. The designer, Shilpa, described the police conduct as disgraceful. The senior policeman in charge of the operation in the hotel has denied the allegations against his officers.( 'Staged' Mumbai Drama, Hotel Guests Testify by Ammar)
Did the people were allowed to be killed because they new something or had photographed on their cell-phones which would have revealed the real conspiracy ?Were there any photographs of the terrorists taken by hostages on cell phone cameras?
Hundreds of people got out of the Taj at 3-4am. Were all of them questioned ? Kunal a blogger heard from a guy who escaped from the Taj on Aaj Tak. He said that he saw a lot of security personnel, but none of them questioned him when he escaped from the rear of the Taj. This means that the terrorists as well could don a normal citizen's clothes and escape without any questions asked. Some of them after getting rid of their guns and just walking out of the hotel, pretending to be one of the hotel guests?
If the terrorists are killed, why are the photographs not released? This would have helped intelligence agencies across the states and other countries to check their background. How all major western media failed to report what the captured 'terrorists' said as reported in stories from Indian and other regional press outlets. This seems to confirm that the captured 'terrorists' have been assassinated by the Indian police in order to avoid disclosing the real cover- up to the world. Google search for MUMBAI + CAPTURED + TERRORIST … show, clearly, that many of the killers were captured quite alive.
The Kolkata police have arrested two persons including Mukhtar Ahmed (a Special Police Officer) for obtaining SIM cards for mobile phones using forged documents. SIM card recovered from the mobile of one of the Mumbai gunmen, called Ismail, was among those supplied by Mukhtar Ahmed. One of the two Indian men arrested for illegally buying mobile phone cards used by the gunmen in the Mumbai attacks was a counterinsurgency police officer who may have been on an undercover mission, security officials said. Senior police officers in Indian Kashmir demanded the release of their officer, Mukhtar Ahmed, saying he was one of their own and had been involved in infiltrating Kashmiri militant groups. Ahmed was a Special Police Officer, part of a semiofficial counterinsurgency network whose members are usually drawn from former militants. The force is run on a special funding from the federal Ministry of Home Affairs. "Sometimes we use our men engaged in counterinsurgency ops to provide SIM cards to the (militant) outfits so that we track their plans down," said the officer. If indeed the SIM cards were part of counterinsurgency ops to track militant plans down, then how is that Mr. Ahmed, the undercover police officer, missed such a complex and significant operation by terrorists who had SIM cards provided through him ? ( Indian police arrest 2 men in Mumbai investigation By AIJAZ HUSSAIN, Associated Press Writer; Mumbai Terrorism: Disturbing New Revelations Raises Important Questions and Specter of Inside Job Posted by Amad on December 7th, 2008)Three of at least 37 SIM cards procured from Kolkata and nearby areas and sent to Pakistan were used in Mumbai terror attacks, highly-placed sources said. The SIM cards were not only for use during the Mumbai strikes but part of a bigger design which a STF team has gone to Kashmir to investigate", the source said.( 3 Kolkata SIM cards used in Mumbai attacks)
Chapter VII
Impending More Sinister Mossad-CIA False flag Operations ?
It is also a common practice for States which perpetrate and sponsor acts of terrorism to organize false flag operations against their own people and allies in order to blame the 'enemies' and rally support for their 'cause'. Often, they are caught but they are above the law.
False-Flag Operations of Israel
In 1954 Israel attempted to bomb American interests in Egypt for the purpose of destroying any growing rapprochement between the two countries in what became known as the Lavon Affair.
Members of the Irgun Jewish terrorist movement dressed up as Palestinian army officers attacked the British HQ at King David Hotel in 1946 Palestine to blame Arabs.
During the six-day war in 1967, the Israelis attacked USS Liberty and murdered many US non-combatants in an attempt to blame it on Egypt and suck the Americans into a war with Soviet Union. (Ref. Phil Tourney, survivor of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty).
During the Reagan administration, a Mossad team broadcast messages from a remote location in Libya (termed as Operation Trojan Horse) implicating the Arab country in a series of yet-unsolved terror attacks that resulted in the United States bombing the home of Muhammar Kaddafi, Libya's president.
In 1983, Israel learned of and refused to warn the US about a plot to bomb the American embassy in Beirut and its accompanying Marine Barracks that resulted in the deaths of close to 250 Americans.
In 1995, immediately following the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Israeli spies and provocateurs working in American media tried pinning the attack on Iraq.
It has been demonstrated that the 9/11 terror attacks against the World Trade Centre (WTC) and the Pentagon in 2001 were an inside job with Israeli involvement. The 9/11attack to take place on American soil that was used as the pretext for invading and destroying Afghanistan.
In January 2000, Indian intelligence detained 11 'Muslim preachers' on the ground of hijacking conspiracy, but they turned out to be Israeli nationals sent with false passports to infiltrate Muslim organizations in India and were released.
Gladio-Attacks on the Masses of different Countries
In Italy, on 3 August 1990, then prime minister Giulio Andreotti confirmed the existence of a secret army code-named "Gladio" – the Latin word for "sword" – within the state. His testimony before the Senate subcommittee investigating terrorism in Italy sent shockwaves through the Italian parliament and the public, as speculation arose that the secret army had possibly manipulated Italian politics through acts of terrorism. Andreotti revealed that the secret Gladio army had been hidden within the Defense Ministry as a subsection of the military secret service, SISMI. The terrorists, supplied by the secret army, carried out bomb attacks in public places, blamed them on the Italian left, and were thereafter protected from prosecution by the military secret service. "You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game," right-wing terrorist Vincezo Vinciguerra explained the so-called "strategy of tension" to Casson. "The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security. This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the state cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened." ( NATO's secret armies linked to terrorism? by Daniele Ganser)
Former CIA director William Colby confirmed in his memoirs that setting up the secret armies in Western Europe had been "a major program" for the CIA. The project started after World War II in total secrecy, and access to information was limited "to the smallest possible coterie of the most reliable people, in Washington, in NATO" and in the countries concerned. "NATO's Secret Armies" confirms for the first time that the secret networks spread across Western Europe, with great details on networks in Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Luxemburg, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Greece, and Turkey, as well as the strategic planning of Britain and the US. The stay-behind armies were coordinated on an international level by the so-called Allied Clandestine Committee (ACC) and the Clandestine Planning Committee (CPC), linked to NATO's Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE). And they used cover names such as "Absalon" in Denmark, "P26″ in Switzerland, "ROC" in Norway or "SDRA8″ in Belgium. Interestingly, large differences existed from country to country. In some nations the secret armies became a source of terror, while in others they remained a prudent precaution. In Turkey, the "Counter-Guerrilla" was involved in domestic terror and torture operations against the Kurds, while in Greece, the "LOK" took part in the 1967 military coup d'état to prevent a Socialist government. In Spain, the secret army was used to prop up the fascist dictatorship of Franco, and in Germany, right-wing terrorists used the explosives of the secret army in the 1980 terror attack in Munich. In the context of the ongoing so-called war on terror, the Gladio data promotes the sobering insight that governments in the West have sacrificed the life of innocent citizens and covered up acts of terrorism in order to manipulate the population. ( NATO's secret armies linked to terrorism? by Daniele Ganser)
Few of the False-Flag and Gladio Operations in India !
In Kashmir Muslim-Sikh unity was very strong. Police had opened fire on a march organized to protest insult of Guru Darbar Sahib during operation blue star. In this police firing 8 Muslim youths were killed. To convert this unity into enmity Arya-Brahminists riding government have been committing terrorist acts. According to Dalit Voice, Some terrorists were caught red handed by village people setting fire to Gurudwaras and houses of Sikhs in Kashmir. These terrorists turned to be security forces of India. (Dalit Voice 16-30 April 2002)
The Chhatehsinghpura Massacre of Sikhs was executed for the same evil intention of creating enmity between Muslims and Sikhs. Famous magazine "Spokesman" published from Chandigarh had accused in its April issue that the massacre was done by Indian secret services. (Dalit Voice. June, 1-15, 2000) Kartar Singh Duggal alleged in Rajya Sabha that Indian security forces are responsible for the massacre of 35 Sikhs in Chhatehsingpura. (Dalit Voice, May, 16-31, 2000) Amnesty International also repeated the same allegations.
Then American president Bill Clinton in his forewords in the book "Mighty and Almighty written by Aedline Albrite mentioned that if he had not gone to tour south Asia then Sikhs of Chhtehsinghpura of Kashmir would have been living. They were killed {by security forces of India} to make atmosphere against militants of Kashmir. (Lokmat Samachar, 21 August 2006)
According to Dalit Voice Indian Army had set Charar Mosque on fire. (Dalit Voice, 1 June 1995)
{Arya-Brahminists riding} Government of India had formed special terrorist organizations called as cats. They were trained to use special jargon of Kahalistan militants and were used to perform brutal terrorist activities in the name of Khalistan militants to defame them in the eyes of people and spread hatred for them. These cats infiltrated in Khalistan militant organizations to report about them to police, to create dispute and struggle between them so that Khalistan organizations could be ultimately finished. The arrested Khalistan militants were compelled to act as a cat by offering them amnesty and large amount. They were given prices when a most wanted Khalistan militant was arrested through their effort. The amount of price ranged from 1 lac to 20 lac. Not only that the cats were given new identity to enable them to get settle in different state and even in abroad with the help of fake documents. (2001 South Asia Terrorism Portal SATP Counter Terrorism in the Indian Punjab: Assessing the 'Cat' System Prem Mahadevan)
The evil activities of cats even echoed in the parliament of Canada. Government of India had given then governor of Pujab Mr. Surendra Nath 1.5 million dollars so that in Pujab {in the name of Khalistan militants} and in Kashmir (in the name of Muslim militants} terrorists activities could be conducted.( LATE PUNJAB GOVERNOR PAID BY INDIA TO FOMENT `TERRORISM' — (BY OUR LEGAL CORRESPONDENT) (Extension of Remarks – November 30, 1994) HON. GERALD B.H. SOLOMON in the House of Representatives TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1994}
Congress leader Arjun Sigh in the meeting of cabinet alleged that the fake encounter at RSS headquarter at Nagpur was arranged by RSS itself.(Bhashkar, 15 July 2006) The fact finding committee chaired by Ex high court justice B.G. Kolse Patil has concluded that the alleged attack on RSS head quarter at Nagpur on 1 June 2006 was fake. 1) People of the area told committee members that dead bodies of alleged terrorists were taken out from a car. 2) Few days before this alleged attack police had made a firing rehearsal. Why police did that firing rehearsal ? 3) There was no eye witness to this incidence. 4) Police also took away very hurriedly the dead bodies of the alleged terrorists why ? 5) It is also claimed by police that the terrorist's car broken the obstacle made to stop vehicles entering into RSS headquarter. If so then what the security was doing ? 6) A large quantity of explosives were found with the alleged terrorists in sealed boxes. But is it not surprising that in the alleged encounter which according to police claim lasted for 20 minutes no terrorist was able to open the boxes of explosives ? Is it possible ? This proves beyond doubt that the alleged attack was fake. 7) No policeman was injured in this alleged attack. The constable who was declared injured did not get injury from bullet but a shock from the butt of a gun.
It was claimed by police that the alleged terrorists had fired on the police Sumo which was on patrolling. But the transport officer of this sumo vehicle declined to register his formal statement in police and went on leave. This has created more suspicion. 9) At the time of alleged attack no important office bearers of RSS was present in RSS headquarter. However just 1.5 kilometer away from the RSS headquarter in Hegdewar Bhawan a camp of RSS was held. In this camp RSS chief Sudarshan made no mention of attack on RSS headquarter, nor any RSS cadre was seen worried, panicky or excited. 10) In the newspaper of 31 May indications were given that there would be an attack on RSS headquarter which also smells a deep conspiracy. It is questioned by fact finding committee that when police had prior information of this attack then why it did not stopped these terrorist in the very beginning ? Why they were allowed them to move freely. 11) Police has claimed that when the police saw ambassador car of terrorists one of constable sitting in the police vehicle went to stop them. It is clear that the constable should have walked to the ambassador or the police vehicle stopped near the ambassador. In both the situation police would have been attacked by the alleged terrorists. But nothing such happened and police did not have even a scratch on their body. Daily newspaper Loksatta had also raised several questions regarding this alleged attack. 12) In the FIR recorded by police the names and addresses of the alleged terrorists were mentioned "unknown". Not even there is a mention that they were Muslims. In spite of that Manu-media declared them Pakistan nationals. Police also buried them according to Muslim tradition. 13) Behaviour of police and other officers related was suspicious. Police commissioner did not meet fact finding committee for five days even after repeated pursuance. 14) Nagpur medical college officers refused to show post mortem report of alleged three terrorists. 15) After publication of fact finding report police officers related to alleged attack and encounter were transferred which became the matter of discussion among people that why these officers are transferred ? 16) To prove this fake attack real chief minister of Gujarat Mr. Narendra Modi declared heavy rewards for police officers involved in this alleged encounter of alleged terrorists. (Bahujan Sangharsh, 30 June 2006; Bhaskar, 16 June 2006; Mahanayak 21 July 2006)
One should not forget that this fake attack on RSS headquarter was planned and executed when the government of Maharashtra is run by Congress party with Sharad Pawar's party as its important ally. Both the Congress and RSS spoke in chorus that the attack was made by Pakistani terrorists. This reveal sinister nexus between Congress and whole RSS-Parivar and the whole bureaucracy including security agencies.
The nexus of police, administration, army men, Manumedia, and Sangh-Parivar organizations is already exposed. Attack on parliament is also a false flag operation of these forces is obvious from the following information taken from the article of Ms. Arundhati Roy :-
On December 13 2001, the Indian parliament was in its winter session. The {BJP} government was under attack for yet another corruption scandal. At 11.30 in the morning, five armed men in a white Ambassador car fitted out with an improvised explosive device drove through the gates of Parliament House. When they were challenged, they jumped out of the car and opened fire. In the gun battle that followed, all the attackers were killed. Eight security personnel and a gardener were killed too. The dead terrorists, the police said, had enough explosives to blow up the parliament building, and enough ammunition to take on a whole battalion of soldiers. Unlike most terrorists, these five left behind a thick trail of evidence – weapons, mobile phones, phone numbers, ID cards, photographs, packets of dried fruit and even a love letter. Three Kashmiri men, Syed Abdul Rahman Geelani, Shaukat Hussain Guru and Mohammad Afzal, and Shaukat's wife, Afsan Guru, were arrested by police after two days.
The police charge sheet was filed in a special fast-track trial court designated for cases under the Prevention of Terrorism Act. Some three years later, the trial court sentenced Geelani, Shaukat and Afzal to death. Afsan Guru was sentenced to five years of "rigorous imprisonment".
The doubts set in as early as the day after the parliament attack, when the police arrested Geelani, a young lecturer at Delhi University. His outraged colleagues and friends, certain that he had been framed, contacted the well-known lawyer Nandita Haksar and asked her to take on his case. This marked the beginning of a campaign for the fair trial of Geelani. It flew in the face of mass hysteria and corrosive propaganda that was enthusiastically disseminated by the mass media. But despite this, the campaign was successful, and Geelani was eventually acquitted, along with Afsan Guru. As on appeal, the high court subsequently acquitted Geelani and Afsan, but upheld Shaukat's and Afzal's death sentence. Eventually, the supreme court upheld the acquittals and reduced Shaukat's punishment to 10 years of rigorous imprisonment.
Supreme Court enhanced Mohammad Afzal's sentence. He was given three life sentences and a double death sentence. In its judgment on August 5 2005, the supreme court admitted that the evidence against Afzal was only circumstantial, and that there was no evidence that he belonged to any terrorist group or organization. But it went on to endorse what can only be described as lynch law. "The incident, which resulted in heavy casualties, had shaken the entire nation," it said, "and the collective conscience of the society will only be satisfied if capital punishment is awarded to the offender." Spelling out the reasons for giving Afzal the death penalty, the judgment went on: "The appellant, who is a surrendered militant and who was bent upon repeating the acts of treason against the nation, is a menace to the society and his life should become extinct." This implies a dangerous ignorance of court what it means to be a "surrendered militant" in Kashmir today.
In 1989, when Afzal crossed the border to be trained as a militant, he was only 20. He returned with no training, disillusioned with his experience. He put down his gun and enrolled himself in Delhi University. In 1993, without ever having been a practicing militant, he voluntarily surrendered to the Border Security Force. Illogically enough, it was at this point that his nightmares began. His surrender was treated as a crime and his life became hell. In documents submitted to the court, Afzal describes how, in the months before the attack on parliament, he was tortured in the camps of the STF – with electrodes on his genitals and chilies and petrol in his anus. He talks of how he was a constant victim of extortion. (Singh has subsequently admitted on record to having tortured Afzal in exactly the ways Afzal has described.) He mentions the name of Deputy Superintendent of Police Devinder Singh, who said he needed him to do a "small job" for him in Delhi. Afzal has also said that from the time he was arrested up to the time he was charged (a few months), his younger brother Hilal was held in illegal confinement in a police camp in Kashmir as ransom.
Afzal had nobody to put out his version of the story, or help him or anyone else sift through the tangle of lies and fabrications and propaganda put out by the police. The first thing police made him do was a "media confession" in which he implicated himself completely in the attack. The speed with which this happened made many of us believe that he was indeed guilty as charged. It was only much later that the circumstances under which this "confession" was made were revealed, and even the supreme court was to set it aside, saying that the police had violated legal safeguards. Geelani's acquittal blew a gaping hole in the prosecution's version of the parliament attack. The linchpin of its conspiracy theory suddenly tuned out to be innocent.
Today, five years later, a group of lawyers, academics, journalists and writers has published a reader (December 13th : The Strange Case of the Parliament Attack, published by Penguin India). The essays in the Penguin book raise questions about how Afzal, who never had proper legal representation, can be sentenced to death without having had an opportunity to be heard, without a fair trial. They raise questions about fabricated arrest memos, falsified seizure and recovery memos, procedural flaws, vital evidence that has been tampered with, false telephone records, false testimonies, legal lacunae, material contradictions in the testimonies of police and prosecution witnesses, and the outright lies that were presented in court and published in newspapers. They show how there is hardly a single piece of evidence that stands up to scrutiny. Here are 13 questions for attack on parliament on December 13 : -
Question 1: For months before the attack on parliament, both the government and the police had been saying that parliament could be attacked. On 12 December 2001, the then prime minister, AB Vajpayee, warned of an imminent attack. On 13 December it happened. Given that there was an "improved security drill", how did a car bomb packed with explosives enter the parliament complex ?
Question 2 : Within days of the attack, the Special Cell of the Delhi police said it was a meticulously planned joint operation of Jaish-e-Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Taiba. They said the attack was led by a man called "Mohammad" who was also involved in the hijacking of flight IC-814 in 1998. (This was later refuted by the Central Bureau of Investigation.) None of this was ever proved in court. What evidence did the Special Cell have for its claim?
Question 3 : The entire attack was recorded live on CCTV. Two Congress party MPs, Kapil Sibal and Najma Heptullah, demanded in parliament that the CCTV recording be shown to the members. They said that there was confusion about the details of the event. The chief whip of the Congress party, Priyaranjan Dasmunshi, said, "I counted six men getting out of the car. But only five were killed. The closed circuit TV camera recording clearly showed the six men." If Dasmunshi was right, why did the police say that there were only five people in the car ? Who was the sixth person ? Where is he now? Why was the CCTV recording not produced by the prosecution as evidence in the trial ? Why was it not released for public viewing ?
Question 4 : Why was parliament adjourned after some of these questions were raised?
Question 5 : A few days after December 13, the government declared that it had "incontrovertible evidence" of Pakistan's involvement in the attack, and announced a massive mobilization of almost half a million soldiers to the Indo-Pakistan border. The subcontinent was pushed to the brink of nuclear war. Apart from Afzal's "confession", extracted under torture (and later set aside by the supreme court), what was the "incontrovertible evidence"?
Question 6 : Is it true that the military mobilization to the Pakistan border had begun long before the December 13 attack?
Question 7 : How much did this military standoff, which lasted for nearly a year, cost ? How many soldiers died in the process? How many soldiers and civilians died because of mishandled landmines, and how many peasants lost their homes and land because trucks and tanks were rolling through their villages and landmines were being planted in their fields ?
Question 8 : In a criminal investigation, it is vital for the police to show how the evidence gathered at the scene of the attack led them to the accused. The police have not managed to show how they connected Geelani to the attack. And how did the police reach Afzal ? The Special Cell says Geelani led them to Afzal. But the message to look out for Afzal was actually flashed to the Srinagar police before Geelani was arrested. So how did the Special Cell connect Afzal to the December 13 attack?
Question 9 : The courts acknowledge that Afzal was a surrendered militant who was in regular contact with the security forces, particularly the STF of Jammu and Kashmir police. How do the security forces explain the fact that a person under their surveillance was able to conspire in a major militant operation?
Question 10 : Is it plausible that organizations such as Lashkar-e-Taiba or Jaish-e-Mohammad would rely on a person who had been in and out of STF torture chambers, and was under constant police surveillance, as the principal link for a major operation ?
Question 11 : In his statement before the court, Afzal says that he was introduced to "Mohammed" and instructed to take him to Delhi by a man called Tariq, who was working with the STF. Tariq was named in the police charge sheet. Who is Tariq and where is he now?
Question 12 : On December 19 2001, six days after the parliament attack, police commissioner S.M. Shangari identified one of the attackers who was killed as Mohammad Yasin Fateh Mohammed (alias Abu Hamza) of the Lashkar-e-Taiba, who had been arrested in Mumbai in November 2000 and immediately handed over to the Jammu and Kashmir police. He gave detailed descriptions to support his statement. If police commissioner Shangari was right, how did Yasin, a man in the custody of the Jammu and Kashmir police, end up participating in the parliament attack ? If he was wrong, where is Yasin now?
Question 13 : Why is it that we still do not know who the five "terrorists" killed in the parliament attack are ?
The official response to all of these questions has been dead silence. These questions, examined cumulatively, point to something far more serious than incompetence. Even the supreme court judgment, with all its flaws of logic and leaps of faith, does not accuse Afzal of being the mastermind of the attack. So who was the mastermind ? There is no need for us to feign shock or shrink from thinking these thoughts and saying them out loud. Governments and their intelligence agencies have a hoary tradition of using strategies such as this to further their own ends. Look up the burning of the Reichstag and the rise of Nazi power in Germany in 1933; or Operation Gladio, in which European intelligence agencies created acts of terrorism, especially in Italy, in order to discredit militant groups such as the Red Brigades. A genuine inquiry would have to mean far more than just a political witch-hunt. It would have to look into the part played by intelligence, counter-insurgency and security agencies as well. Given the track record of Indian governments (past and present, right, left and centre) it is naive – perhaps utopian is a better word – to hope that today's politicians will ever have the courage to institute an inquiry that will, once and for all, uncover the real story.( Arundhati Roy: Was Indian Parliament Bombing Yet Another False-Flag Attack? The Guardian Friday December 15, 2006 India's shame)
One should not forget that Hitler himself had set parliament of Germany (Reichstag) on fire and had blamed communists. This fire known as Reichstag-fire was instrumental in bringing Hitler to power and imposition of fascist rule in Germany. One can not forget that Hitler is the ideal of the Sangh-Parivar Arya-Brahminists and they imitate Hitler in every manner. Arya-Brahminists used to grow their mustaches in the style of Hitler. The black cap of RSS, the way of saluting and formation of RSS everything is taken from Hitler and his secret organization SS. Therefore, considering above evidences people are arrive at the conclusion that the parliament attack was planned and executed by BJP government to create volcano of hatred against Pakistan and Muslims to meet its selfish ends ? Many have openly expressed it.
Sangh-Parivar is desperately demanding immediate hanging of Afzal. Is not their temper-tantrum in this regard is the result of insecurity feeling that comes out of fear that "unless Afjal is hanged the possibility to nab real culprits will always be there and soon or later hand of justice will reach to their collars ?"
It is alleged that from the attack on Indian parliament to attack on Akshardham temple, all of them were engineered by Arya-Brahminist fascist forces and had blamed them on Muslims so that fire of Muslim hate should be kept burning. In all these attacks only non-Brahmins have died or injured. No Arya-Brahmin is dead. Nobody answered the questions which were raised after every incident indicating that the incidence was a false flag operation engineered by the Arya-Brahminist forces themselves.
The number of fake encounters are in thousands. The only purpose of these fake encounters and attacks is to create hatred for Muslims and security concern in the minds of people so that the Arya-Brahminist riding the government can successfully impose their police state pretending to safeguard nation and people from terrorism. While in reality enslaving the masses by stripping them of every human right and constitutional safeguards.
In May 1998, there were major riots in Jakarta which led to the retirement of President Suharto. The military appeared to disappear from the streets while banks and shops were attacked. Father Sandyawan Sumardi, interviewed people who had witnessed the alleged involvement of the (American-trained) military in organizing the riots and rapes. A security officer alleged that Kopassus (special forces) officers had ordered the burning down of a bank; a taxi driver reported hearing a man in a military helicopter encouraging people on the ground to carry out looting; shop-owners at a Plaza claimed that, before the riots, military officers tried to extract protection money; a teenager claimed he and thousands of others had been trained as protesters; a street child alleged that Kopassus officers ordered him and his friends to become rioters; there was a report of soldiers being dressed up as students and then taking part in rioting; eyewitnesses spoke of muscular men with short haircuts arriving in military-style trucks and directing attacks on Chinese homes and businesses. (Alleged involvement of the military in planning the riots and
In Mumbai, in November 2008, something similar seems to have happened. B. Rana Ayyub, at Tehelka Magazine, ( Vol 5, Issue 49, 13 December 2008, tells us about the Mumbai Attacks in some detail.) The whole affair smells like a false flag event designed to bring India into a more active role in the War on Terror, and rein in control of the Indian /Afghani/ Pakistani region with NATO/US forces. ( MOSSAD IN INDIA : by way of Deception!) This looks like a Gladio-style attack, perhaps using brainwashed patsies and double agents. The reason was quite simple : to force … the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security." (aangirfan: The Bologna Bomb 1980, Gladio, terrorism in Europe) Andrew Marshall is a respected author; he is clearly saying that the entire Mumbai operation was an attempt by Anglo-American forces to destabilize India and push it further into the Israel-US orbit. Marshall also says that Americans are keen to dismember Pakistan–it is clear that in this project, America needs India as a firm ally–it cannot afford Indo-Pak friendship at least on a long-term basis.
It is expected that there shall be more attacks in India and Pakistan to aggravate the situation to benefit Zionist-Brahminist and to promote Zionist-Brahminist plan. For the same purpose attack was made on touring Shrilankan cricket team in Lahore of Pakistan. The timings of the terrorist attack in Lahore are meaningful. It has been undertaken at a time when an elected government in Punjab has been sacked and Governor Rule imposed and there are wide scale protests throughout the country particularly in Punjab over the unconstitutional and unwarranted act. Governor Salman Taseer has changed the entire bureaucracy and senior police officers and his entire focus is towards bringing in PPP government in Punjab. Taking advantage of the raised tempers between the PML-N and PPP and volatile situation in Punjab, a targeted attack on the pattern of Mumbai has been staged to achieve certain objectives.
Some of the motives behind the attack on cricketers are as under :- 1) Add fuel to fire in Punjab. 2) Impress upon the world that even Punjab has become insecure and hence Pakistan is turning into an ungovernable and failed state 3) Further weaken Pakistan economy, discourage investors, isolate Pakistan and get it declared as a terrorist state. 4) Spoil Pakistan-Sri-Lanka relations. 5) Teach Sri Lanka a lesson for not heeding to its command of not sending its cricket team.
Continuous terrorists attacks are being made in Pakistan to create absolute chaos in Pakistan :-
On 7 March 2009 in planned bomb attacks on a military and police petrol caravans 10 were killed and 9 injured. These bomb attacks occurred at Peshavar and Dera Adam Khel. (Bhaskar, 8 March 2009)
In a terrorist bomb attack on people praying in a mosque 80 persons are killed while over 100 persons are injured. The attacked mosque is situated at Jamrud near Pakistan-Afghanistan national highway at Khasdar check-post. (Lokmat Samachar, 28 March 2009) The attack is made when Pakistan was coming to normalcy after the agitation of Nawab Sharif.
Another attack was made on police training academy at Lahore. Terrorists entered the academy in the uniforms of police. Nine persons were killed and 90 persons were injured. Security forces after 8 hours battle all the terrorists were caught or killed. Three terrorists blown themselves to avoid arrest. The academy is located near Wagha Border in Manawan. High alert is ordered on India-Pakistan Border. Home minister of Pakistan said that the attack is like Mumbai attacks and we do not know who is responsible for it. We shall not blame anybody until the investigation is made. This is second attack on the police academy. (Lokmat Samachar, 31 March 2009) According to Mahanayak, 31 persons are killed in this attack while over 150 persons are injured. The attack was made when Pakistan was coming to normalcy. The attack is intended to disrupt Pakistan. (Mahanayak, ,31 March 2009)
The ex-chief of secret service of military of Israel said that Israel should be afraid of Pakistan more than the Iran. Israel has more danger from Pakistan. (Bhaskar, 15 March 2009) America is intending to intensify its attacks deep in Pakistan. America till now was attacking Pakistan's tribal belt. According to American newspaper 'New York Times' American attacks will reach places around Queta of Pakistan. These intended American attacks would intensify tension between America and {people of} Pakistan. People of Pakistan consider ongoing American drone attacks on tribal belts of Pakistan as attack on sovereignty of Pakistan. America intends to widen the area of its attacks in Pakistan (Bhaskar, 19 March 2009)
Meanwhile America has shifted his attention from Iraq to Afghanistan and ordered its thousands of highly trained army-men in Iraq to move to Afghanistan. American defense minister did not disclose where they shall be posted in Afghanistan. (Mahanayak, 31 March 2009) Obama declared Afghanistan as most dangerous place of the world. American president Obama also declared India as in important ally in its war against terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan. (Lokmat Samachar, 28 march 2009)
It is tradition of Arya-brahminist terrorists of India to invoke communal violence and terrorist attacks in the wake of elections to communalize voters. Some incidences of communal violence are already devised. More terrorist attacks in India may be impending to benefit BJP in parliament elections and to remove public attention from the vital issues such as SEZ, privatization, globalization and liberalization, forcible displacement of people, Salva Judum, unemployment, OBC reservation and many more issues.
In a bomb blast in Lal Ganesh area of Gauhati (Assam) one person is already dead and several persons are seriously injured. The bomb was exploded shortly before the foreign minister of India reached Gauhati. (Lokmat Samachar, 1 April 2009)
After election if BJP or Congress can not come to power some more sinister measures may be planned. After all it was Indira Gandhi of Congress who to protect her government had imposed emergency in India. After all All Arya-Brahminist parties of India are Manuists and hence anti-democratic (are demoncratic) and can go to any length to protect Brahmincracy in India.
Chapter VIII
Mossad-CIA Plan to disrupt, Balkanize and Enslave India Through Arya-Brahminists !
Malegaon bomb-blast charge-sheet made horrible revelation thatCIA is working to break India into 4 pieces like it has broken Soviet Union.
Among the 52 witnesses one Army officer who is related to educational core mentioned in his statement that at the invitation of Colonel Purohit he attended a meeting held in Bhopal on 12th April 2008. This meeting was attended by high level leaders of Abhinav Bharat and ex-officers of secret services of many countries. While discussing cooperation from Israel, one Ex-secret service officer told that CIA is working on breaking India into several pieces like they have balkanized Soviet Union. CIA plans to achieve balkanizing India into pieces up to 2015. It also aims to divide Pakistan into 4 pieces till 2012. Afghanistan will also be spit. This officer mentioned that CIA personnel are present in the various institutions, organizations and in the departments of India. The information found in the laptop of accused reveal that these Arya-Brahmin terrorists intended to make serial blasts throughout India and kill millions of indigenous people. (Lokmat Samachar, 2 February 209)
Since thousands of years, Arya-Brahminists have been busy in betraying every country they lived. Their sole intention has been to become powerful by any means, moral or immoral. Therefore the Arya-Brahminists living in India and abroad have become agents /Allies of Zionist Israel who rule the world through their agents (compradors). To fully realize the Arya-Brahminist character we must understand their untold hidden history.
Chapter VIII : Table of Contents
Untold History of Arya-Brahmins
Pangaea, the most recent super continent, which existed from 300 to 180 million years ago broke up into Laurasia and Gondwana.
It is established by numerous archeological findings that modern humans, the Homo sapiens have originated 100,000 to 200,000 years ago in Africa and specially in Narmada valley of Gondwanaland in India. India was attached to Africa continent before separating from it. Black Civilization had begun and flourished and spread around the world. The black Nag-Dravid civilization of India (now divided as OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis) build enormous forts, castles surrounded by beautiful garden and orchards (called as heaven in Iran) and monuments in the whole Gondwana continent. Our Nag-Dravid social system was Gantantrik (democratic).
Laurasia joined to Gondwana land after millions of years. Laurasia people at that time were in pre-barbaric stage because Laurasia was late in the development of life. As a result of difficult environment in "Airyana Vaejo " Aryan homeland in Laurasia, Aryan clans began to migrate to the plateau of Iran since 2nd millennium BC. They settled in jungles outside Nag-Dravid Ganatantras and used to steel our cattle.
Nag-Dravids out of pity gave some of them food who then became servile and were allowed to settle outside the periphery of township. Their head full of lice were shaven, they were compelled to bath and wear a cloth around as a precondition to enter the workplace. Aryan belief that bathing in river / pond assures entry in heaven has roots in this precondition. They were given a rope to work in fields which became mark for skilled Aryan labourers and is now symbolized by sacred thread or "Janeu". Skilled Aryans thus considered themselves twice born or Dwija. Nag-Dravid black civilization provided them food etc. therefore Aryans called we Bahujans (OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis) "Deva" meaning 'giver'. Aryans always feared of being driven back to jungle which they use to call hell due to extremely difficult living conditions.
Herodotus mentions that Magians {Aryan priests} not only killed anything with their own hands but make a special point in doing so; ants, snakes, animals, birds – no matter what, they kill them indiscriminately.(Herodotus, Histories 1.140; tr. Aubrey de Sélincourt). This reveal Aryans ate anything in their homeland i.e. Airiana Vaijo to survive.
Nag-Dravids who carried them to township were called "Devdoots" or messengers of Deva. The word "Bhagwan" was used for all resourceful Nag-Dravids who lived in heaven i.e. big building surrounded by garden
Aryans were devoid of morality concepts, therefore father married daughters and mother married son; and were indulged in beast-sex, pedophilia and so on. Brahmin religion books have plenty of such details. Aryans offered their beautiful women for sex to Nag-Dravids in lieu of food and other articles. They use to sell their women who then lived in Nag-Dravid heaven. The benefits were so great that it established the first right of Devas over the Aryan women. Deva could claim Aryan bride before the seven steps are completed in marriage. Saptapadi custom of Arya-Brahmins is originated from this tradition. Aryan women longed a claim from a Deva. To marry the claimed girl then an Aryan man had to bid higher than the entire profit the Aryan women would receive from a Deva.
The Bahujan saint Tukaram mentioned in his Abhangas (lyrics) prevalent tradition among Arya-Brahmins of selling their girls and women like sale of cattle. (Kolte V. B., pp.58-88) Chittapawan Brahmins use to sell and mortgage their women. (Ramchandra Narayan Lad, p.8, 11, 15)
The Aryans use to arrange "Yagnas" in their settlement where flesh and "Somras" (wine ) was served by Aryan beautiful women who lured Nag-Dravid Deva by every feminine gestures to extract benefits. Many Aryan women thus secured entry in royal families and gradually made full grip over the Devas by addicting them to Somras and other drugs. Because of the immoral activities in Yadna and their disastrous effects, Nag-Dravid masses perceived Yadnyas as evil. The brave Nag-Dravids used to destroy these Yadnyas whereas degraded Devas used to protect. them.
'Angra mainyu' means "evil spirit" or "evil mind" or "evil thought. 'Angra mainyu' is identified with the Daevas that deceive mankind and themselves. In Zoroaster's view the daevas are "wrong gods" that are to be rejected…. Zurvanism was a branch of Zoroastrianism believes that both Ahura Mazda (MP: Ohrmuzd) and Angra Mainyu (Ahriman) were twin brothers. (Angra Mainyu From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) "The Ahura (Asura) signifies 'god'. The Zoroastrian chief god is called Ahura-Mazda, 'the wise Lord' ( THE MAGI – Zoroaster – Edward Fudge) Devas who did not drink Sura (wine) hence were called Asura or Ahura.
Origin of Aryan Chaturvarna
Girls of the same Aryan families had established important position in many Nag-Dravid families. Therefore, head of the Aryan family had access to vital secrets of respective Nag-Dravid Devas. Aryan priests started benefiting one king against the other by providing them these vital secrets. The source of information was attributed to supernatural forces to protect the anonymity of informer women. Aryan Priests became known as Brahmins or knower. They also worked as spies of Deva. The secret of opponent which ensures victory was called as Ishvar by them. The task of the Brahmins (spies) was to find out Ishvar. Among the masses the concept of Ishvar was spiritualized. Brahmins used to call success in their task as "Punya" and failure was considered as sin. The emotional effect of imagination / insight of impending calamities or benefits was called as "Akashwani' or revelation. To collect secrets they use to wander and mix among the people and were called as "Sadhu" meaning those who accomplish their selfish intend.
The Lucifer the chief of Aryan spy network was called as "bringer of light" (information) and had become chief priest.Lucifer was a "cherub" i.e. the highest classification of angels (Agents / spies). An angel is a person who performs a mission of God or acts as if sent by God. From angel the word agent is derived. The Brahmins (knower / spies) use to build a little temple on the hill to watch. The word "pyramid" is composed of the Greek words "pyra" meaning fire or light (knowledge), and the word "midos" meaning measures. The Hill later depicted as pyramid was the measure to watch and collect information. This tradition is well depicted in the monument of"pyramid and all seeing eye". The Devas who were considered almighty now called "All-knowing" as they knew every information of their kingdom.
The priestly Magi (singular Magus) community, refer to a shaman, sorcerer, wizard, and the origin of the words magic and magician.Originally the title was 'magoi', meaning 'bearers of the gift' {received as a result of obtaining secret information}. Magi {Brahmins} were usually at the royal court, were employed in bureaucracy, brought fire sacrifices, performed ceremonial duties, accompanied the king on his campaigns and were interpreters of dreams and omens. ( Magians) Magi were soothsayers. From them Tantrik Athervan vedic branch immerged.
Because the Brahmins "told" secrets, origin of Brahmins was considered from the mouth. The Aryans who could not find entry in the Nag-Dravid township and remained servile at the feet of all were called as Shudras and thus their origin from the legs. Dr. Ambedkar in his book "Who Were Shudras" made it clear that Shudras were the folk of Aryans themselves.
The Aryans who remained in selling their women; and started selling Somras and other articles received from Devas from the sexual activities in Yadnas became known as Vaishya. Therefore Brahmin religious books consider their origin from the "thighs.' Because Aryans received benefits from sexual acts they revered it as a sacred profession. Tradition of praying "Shiv-linga" which symbolized sexual unity of the sex organs of Shiva-Parvati proves this. Parvati had lured Shiva to marry her by great Tapasya (efforts)
Brahmins established contact with their Aryans living in dense jungles and started using them as soldiers to help one Deva in battle with other rival Deva. They also joined army of Deva. These Aryans hence were considered Kshatriya and originated from "hand" (i.e. use of hands in battle).
Because the Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudras had distinct roles hence they became distinct castes of Aryan Chaturvarna system. Indigenous Nag-Dravid masses when brought to the servile state were called as "Panchamas" (fifth class) who were out of Aryan Chaturvana.
Lucifer (the head of Aryan spy network) sought permission of Deva for a section of his men to undergo training from the Nag-Dravids to learn construction of forts and especially techniques of building secret chambers and architectural secret tricks so that they could collect secrets hidden within the forts of opponent Deva. Thus the sect of Aryan masons evolved. It soon became instrument of Lucifer to grab secrets and hidden wealth of Devas.
Arya-Brahmins Challenge
Indigenous Nag-Dravid Devas
Beautiful Aryan women made indigenous Nag-Dravid Devas addicted to Somras, Opium and other drugs to bring them in their complete grip. The well-known example is of Shankar-Parvati. The political and other secrets they knew were called as "Mantras". From "Mantra" the word "Mantrana" meaning secret discussion is derived. The most vital secrets that Brahmins used to control the indigenous Devas were called as "Maha-Mantra". Brahmins telling secrets of one Deva to other, caused battles between Deva and Lucifer arranged fate of the battles in his interest with his wealth and Aryan Soldiers. This is evident from the following extracts :-
In the winter of 331/330, the Macedonian king Alexander the Great invaded Persia, and put an end to reign of the Achaemenid dynasty. Greek sources mentioned Magians at Alexander's court. This proves a collaboration between some Magians and the conqueror. The Sasanian king Ardašir conferred many privileges to the Magians. They served as judges and tax collectors. ( Magians) Magi, in their dual priestly and governmental office, composed the upper house of the Council of the Megistanes (from which word "magistrates"), had absolute choice and election of the king. Phraataces, the parricide son of Phraates IV, was duly installed by the Magi as the new ruler of Parthia. Regardless of dynastic vicissitudes, kept up their dominating religious influence.( THE MAGI – A SHORT HISTORY By Shelagh McKenna; Who Were the Magi? By Chuck Missler)
Therefore Brahmins claim their Mantras (knowledge of secrets) can destroy the most powerful kings and their kingdoms. They can destroy family peace and compel one brother to take the life of other by their secrets as well as evil lies.
Brahmins twisting words of Nag-Dravid languages developed Sanskrit or spy language. Hence it was forbidden for indigenous masses. The account of techniques used to keep masses into control, were called as "Dharmgranth" (Books of Religion) and were oral initially. Only Brahmins were allowed to hear them. Anybody else trying to hear were severely punished. Molten lead was poured into ear who heard them. Nag-Dravid Devas had allowed this to happen because it was matter of politics and power. How can Sanskrit be the origin of the all indigenous languages when it was never allowed to hear ?
Agents of Lucifer (the head of Aryan spy network) became skilled in duping Nag-Dravids Deva using fear of supernatural evil and ways to avoid it. Their money was secretly moved to the temples created by Lucifer for safekeeping and then their killing would be engineered by enemy to grab the secretly moved wealth. Manusmiti advise kings to keep their wealth with Brahmins. Followers of Lucifer even arranged loans for Devas. Jewish are mainly money lenders. Applying every tactics Devas were converted into lusty, addicted, degraded dictators and puppets of Brahmin women and Brahmin priests. The recommendations of Brahmins became sufficient to send anybody to Hell (difficult places) or heaven (Royal palace).
Because the degraded Devas were responsible for the Luciferan Brahmin {magi} power and slavery of masses the religion of Zoraster arose against the Magi (Brahmins} and their protector Devas.
By the order of Mithraic magi, the founder of Zoroastrianism (Zoroaster Spitama) was assassinated. The Magi were not originally followers of Zoroaster. After Zoroaster Spitama's death magi created the religion called Zoroastrianism, {to dupe masses and control Zoroastrianism} claiming it based on Spitama's revelations and retained position of magi as priests. ( THE MAGI – A SHORT HISTORY By Shelagh McKenna; Who Were the Magi? By Chuck Missler)
The Persians headed by Dariush initiated a campaign of Magi-killing. The Mit(h)ra festival became the feast of Mogh-killing after the victory of Dariush. Herudut refers the Mogh-killing as Magophonie. (Mitra, Christmas and Pir Shaliyar Ceremony By Siamak R. Durroei) The magi had to flee from mass anger roughly 2000 B.C.E by several routes.
One Aryan-magi group migrated into the Indian subcontinent whilst the other progressed westward and reached the Semitic lands by the 18th century B.C.E. They migrated westward in the role of mercenaries, as the term Marianni meaning warriors – can be observed in Egyptian and Hittite texts classifying them as a ruling military class; and documents from the 16th century B.C.E. in Mesopotamia and Syria disclose Iranian names. The Indian and Iranian groups still maintained a close connection. (The Aryan Descent) The Arya-Brahmins fled to Semitic land became Jews and their Magi had became Rabbi is quite clear from the similarity between Talmud and Manuasmiti. The DNA tests established that Arya-Brahmins and Jews belong to the same folks. The basic religion of Jews is Brahmin religion or vice versa.
Both the Brahmins and Jews had a tradition of using their women to infiltrate royal families of goyim (Nag-Dravids). Esther a Jewess of the tribe of Benjamin, became Queen of Persia by hiding her identity as Jew and lured King Ahasuerus (or Xerxes) to marry her. After that she managed to make her uncle the prime minister of Persia and brought Persia under Jewish control. Esther means "hidden" in Hebrew. Esther hid her nationality and lineage. It is compulsory for Jews to study Esther and pledge to bring world under Jewish control by hiding their own Jewish identity. (Itsvan Bakony2 : Chinese communism and Chinese Jews)
Moriah is the name given to a mountain range by the book of Genesis, where the sacrifice of Isaac was made. (Moriah From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Watch the similarity with Brahmin god Ganesh whose head was cut (sacrificed) by Shiva. As the Ganesh was born to an Arya-Brahmin mother Parvati from her "dirt" {sin ?} while her husband Shiva was away from home for a long time.
Like Issac, Ganesha was also brought to life by Shiva. The Indian Brahmins obviously associate this incident with the incident at mount Moriah by chanting "Ganapati Bappa Moriah Pudhachya Varshi Lavkar Ya" meaning father Ganesh of Moriah {mountain} come soon next year". Moriya means ordained by YHWH.
Arya-Brahmin Terrorists
Love only their Arya-Brahmin Interests !
Arya-Brahmins have a long tradition of destroying their enemies through 'Sam' (equal treatment), 'Dam' (Bribe), 'Dand' (Punishment) and 'Bhed' (Killing). Brahmin gods and goddesses used this most effective policy. Brahmin religious books have lengthy description of this policy. The books Kautilya Neeti gives details of how to destroy enemies using every kind of treachery. Arya-Brahmins have killed every Bahujan saints who opposed Arya-Brahmin Exploitation, oppression and treachery. Arya-Brahmin Terrorism continued unabated.
Arya-Brahmins killed Siddharth Gautam Buddha poisoning through Chund. Arya-Brahmins killed Bahujan Saint Chakradhar Swami. Arya-Brahminists killed Bahujan Saint Tukaram and bluffed that he went with his body to heaven in a special flying bus sent to him by gods. They killed saint Ravidas with daggers in front of Vishnu temple and proclaimed that saint Ravidas were Brahmin in earlier birth and he himself tore open his chest to show his Janeu. Saint Meerabai was killed by Arya-Brahmins forcing her to drink poison. Arya-Brahmins burned Dalit saint Nandnar in front of Chidambaram temple. Sons of Guru Nanak were buried in wall on the provocation of Chandu Brahmin. Bahujan saint Namdev had to leave Maharashtra due to insults and torture of Arya-Brahmins. Arya Brahmins killed dalit saint Chokhamela dragging him through the lanes of Pandharpur. There are such innumerable examples of Arya-Brahmin terrorism.
Arya Brahminists and Zionists betrayed every country they lived in for their selfish interests. They even invited foreign rulers to attack and enslave India. Jaichand invited Mohommad Ghauri to attack India. Brahminist king Hemu invited Babar to attack India. The advisor of Babar was Arya-Brahmin Himushi. (Dr. Ramnath, p. 39,46)Arya-Brahminist Rana Sanga also invited Babar to attack India. Thus rule of Babar was established in India. Chanakya Brahmin invited Alexander to attack India in order to destroy Parmanand of Nand dynasty. Rich Arya-Brahmin Vallabhi contacted Mohommad bin Kasim to attack cities in Gujarat. As a result during 725 – 735 Kasim devastated Gujarat. (Pradip Kumar Mourya, p.155) According to Ambedkar Mission Patrika, Chanakya invited Alexander, Jaychand invited Mohommad Ghouri, Rana Sanga invited Babar at the advise of his Brahman minister Lalchand to attack India. Jamorin Brahmin invited Portuguese, Abhichand Vaisya invited British, King Dahir invited Muhammaad bin Kasim to attack India. Rangey Radhav, the Brahmin minister of King Ratansingh of Chittor praised the beauty of queen Padmini before Allauddin Khilji and invited him to attack Chittor. Khilaji attacked Chittor and after killing Ratansingh took with him 16 thousand beautiful women including queen Padmini. Even Brahmins used to Perform religious rituals and prayers for the victory of British against Indian kings. (Ambedkar Mission Patrika, June 2003)
According to V.T. Rajshekar the basic reason for foreign attack on India is that Arya-Brahmins helped them for the sake of bribes. (Dalit Voice, 16-31 July 2001, p.4 and p.14, Who is Ruling India, 1982) According to V.T. Rajshekar Arya-Brahmins offered their women to secure important positions to become important for foreign rulers. (V.T. Rajshekhar, p. 17, Dialogue of the Bhoodevtas)
Kasim was about to flee then a Brahmin told him that if he pull-down the flag of the temple of goddess Indian army will run away fearing curse of goddess. Kasim did the same and became victorious. (Pradip Kumar Mourya, p.150)
Bakhtiyar Khilaji (1199) committed pogrom of Buddhist monks and destroyed Buddha Vihars, Stupas and Chaityas and Nalanda University and its Libraries in accordance with his secret agreement with Arya-Brahmins. With the help of Arya-Brahmins 18 Muslim horse ridden soldiers captured Bengal and Buddhist King Laxman Sen had to run away from back door.
Chhatrapati Shivaji was low caste indigenous. He trusted his Brahmin ministers hence he was killed. {Shivaji was poisoned}. Tipu Sultan gave Pur and Krishnarav Brahmins high posts and they looted Tipu's treasure and killed him. The Arya-Brahmin plan to kill Indian President K.R. Narayanan in a hotel in Agra failed due to Dalit employees of the hotel. Indian media buried the story. (Gopal Gurung, In quest of Mangol Identity, P.O. Box 2828 Kathmandu)
Mahadji Shinde was poisoned and killed by Brahmin Nana Peshva. Arya-Brahmins made several attempts to kill Shahu Maharaj of Kolhapur. Nandum Brahmin in his statement said that Madhok gave him thirty rupees to shoot Faras the advisor of Shahu Maharaj and to throw bomb in the marriage of Sahu's daughter. Though this conspiracy failed but there were several explosions in Kolhapur. In 1908 a bomb was planted in the way of Shahu Maharaj. His Baggi (cart driven by horse) came late and bomb exploded under another Tanga. According to Mulniwasi Manch Sudden death of Shahu Maharaj when he was quite healthy is suspicious.
Arya-Brahmins had also sent a backward class killer to kill the great father of social revolution Pitamah Jyotirao Fule. The killer realizing Pitamah Fule as emancipator of Bahujans instead of killing Jyotirao Fule remained throughout his life as the faithful bodyguard of Pitamaha Fule.
Arya-Brahmins wanted to rule India as agents of Hitler. Therefore Arya-Brahmins declared that Hitler is sent by god to protect their Sanatan Brahmin religion. Hitler also thought the same about himself. Sanskit was enthusiastically taught in Germany. (V.T. Rajshekhar, p.70, Brahminism, 2002 Edn.) Hitler also accused British harshly for imparting education to non-Brahmins. Therefore R.S.S. leaders considered Hitler as their ideal and even grew mustaches Hitler style. (V.T. Rajshekhar, p. 18,80 Dialogue of the Bhoodevtas) Black cap of RSS, style of saluting in parade, everything is taken from Hitler. Not only that RSS is developed in a way as Hitler developed Gestapo.
Gujarat fascist chief minister Modi, in school books presented Hitler as Ideal(Samrat. 12 September 2005)
British had given everything to Congress in Cripps proposals. (Dr. Ambedkar : Vol. 17 Part III, P. 301) But Gandhi turned down them because Arya-Brahmins wanted to rule India as agents of Hitler. Gandhi use to call Hitler "my dear friend"
Gandhi said if India gets freedom his first task will be to talk with Japanese.(Amrit Bazar Patrika, 5 August 1942) Congress leader Rajgopalachari said that common masses get disappointed when they hear that British are being driven back while Congressmen become happy at this news. (Dr. Ambedkar : Writing and Speeches Vol. 20 (1929-56), p.351) Congress even did not want to form their governments in states because then it will be obligatory for them to help British by all means against Hitler. (Dr. Ambedkar : Writing and Speeches Vol. 20 (1929-56), p.292) Nehru only talked against fascism but did nothing to help ongoing war against fascism. (Labour Party of India : Sabotage Movement and the Indian Bolsheviks, P.20) On the contrary Congress started non-cooperation movement against British to benefit Hitler. Non-cooperation movement was the idea of Nehru. He was certain that British are going to be defeated by Hitler. (B. R. Sanpla, p.174, 160)Congress thought that if non-cooperation movement had reached the level of revolt and British had to concede then nobody would prevent Brahmin rule in India.
Gandhi gave his advice to British in an open letter that If Hitler attacks England they should face German army without any weapon. They should announce before hand that whatever Hitler or Mussolini wants from their country they should come and take it. If they want to posses your house vacate it for them. If you do not find any place to live and they do not allow you to leave country still do not retaliate in self defense but die in their hands. Even if foreign rule is imposed on England do not deviate from peaceful resistance. (Dr. Ambedkar : Writing and Speeches Vol. 20 (1929-56), p.268)
"Stalin the great" defeated Hitler and saved the mankind from fascism. Dream of Arya-Brahmins to establish fascist Manusmriti rule in India shattered into pieces because of the cobbler's son Joseph Stalin.
To protect Arya-Brahmin exploitation system and Brahmin hegemony the Arya-Brahmins and British engineered division of India so that strife, hatred and riots between Muslims and non Muslims will ensure division among exploited masses and they will never be able to challenge Arya-Brahmin hegemony.
The Dalit Namoshudra movement in Bengal was most politically organized and powerful among the Dalit movements in India. Forming unity with Muslims they were able to push Congress into opposition since 1920. In the Election of 1937 Rajbanshi and Namoshudra voters won all reserve seats defeating Congress and Hindu Mahasabha. In rest of the country Arya-Brahmins were able to defeat Dr. Ambedkar in the hands of ordinary uneducated Dalits with the votes of non-dalits in joint electorates and were able to give message to the world that Dr. Ambedkar is unpopular among Dalits and even an ordinary Dalit can defeat him. Hence Dr. Ambedkar should be kept away from framing Indian constitution. But the Dalits of Jessore, Khulna, Barisal, Faridpur, Dhaka, Maimansing elected Dr. Ambedkar in constituent assembly in 1946 and turned success of Arya-Brahmins to crush self-respect of Dr. Ambedkar into a grand failure and proved that Dr. Ambedkar is true representative of Dalits and oppressed masses of India. Arya-Brahmins, to protect their political power in west Bengal and punish Rajbansi and Namoshudra Dalits handed over Jessore, Khulna, Barisal, Faridpur, Dhaka, Maimansing and Chitgong Hills to Pakistan in spite of these districts having Dalit majority and Muslim minority. Chitgong Hills had 98 % Chakma Buddhist population.Thus it is very clear that "Akhand Bharat" slogan of Arya-Brahmins is nothing but hypocrisy and cunningness.
Arya-Brahminist have carried their ancient terrorist tradition uninterruptedly until now. The Ex West Bengal chief minister Jyoti Basu in his public meeting at Chinsura near Calcutta alleged that Sindhi BJP leader Lalkrishna Advani was sentenced for three month's jail because on his instructions a killer had gun fired Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. (Aaj ka Surekh Bharat, April 2000, p. 33) According to newspaper of Pakistan " The News", Sindhi BJP leader Lalkrishna Advani's name is among the 18 persons who conspired the murder of Jinha, Liyakat Ali Khan, Kwaja Naimuddin and other top Pakistan leaders. On 10 September 1947 Police Station Jamshed Quarter SHO inspector Tutiram had registered and FIR (No. 4/47) in which along with other accused there was name of Lalkrishna Advani. That time police was only able to arrest Khemchand son of Gopaldas, Nandram son of Govindram, Govind son of Lalsingh, Hargovind son of Ghandomal, and Rekandas son of Iairam. Court had sentenced them different terms. Advani and other leaders of Vishva Hindu Parishad in all 12 persons could not be arrested. This case is still pending in Pakistan. (Nav-Bharat, 31 January 2002)
Lalu Prasad Yadav in a press conference had alleged that Sindhi leader Lalkrishna Advani was declared absconding in the murder conspiracy of Jinha. In the book "Freedom at Midnight" written by Larry Collins it is mentioned that Mountbatten was given information of a conspiracy by his secret service agents that on 14 August when Jinha would come out in an open car in Karachi a bomb would be thrown at him. Even after intensified efforts these RSS terrorists could not be caught as they did not throw the bomb as decided. The author investigated the matter and a cycle mechanic Pritam Singh who himself was arrested in connection with blowing trains told that RSS terrorists indeed had infiltrated but at the time of throwing bomb the leader was frightened and he did not give signal to throw the bomb. Hence this conspiracy failed.(Lokmat Samachar, 15 September 2004)
Tilak, Arvindo and Sister Nivedita (disciple of Vivekananda) were running an armed sect intending to kill British officers and their agents. (P.C. Joshi & K. Damodaran, p. 19) Immediately after transfer of power to Indians, Sangh Parivar member had thrown a bomb in the prayer assembly of Gandhi in which Gandhi narrowly escaped. After some months the Nathuram Godse the member of same family killed Gandhi with pistol.(Haqdar, 17 October 2008)
According to Prafulla Bidwai Savarkar was neither Hindu nationalist nor an Indian nationalist. According to Savarkar only Hindus {read Brahmins} could become citizens of India. Savarkar had his Abhinav Bharat secret organization which believed in killing British officers. One of Savarkar's disciple Gogate had attempted to kill then governor Arnest Hatson because Hatson was given that post considering him better than an Indian {read Brahmin} aspirant. Savarkar had inspired and ordered Dhingra to kill William Waili of India office. Savarkar helped Godse in thought and money. According to Patel the Gandhi murder conspiracy was hatched and completed under Savarkar's supervision. Because the statement of one important witness could not be verified hence Savarkar was not convicted. Justice G. D. Khosla who had announced Shimla decision had confirmed the conspiracy involving Savarkar. After that J.L. Kapur investigation commission had also mentioned that when all the evidences are put together it becomes obvious that the murder conspiracy was hatched and executed by Savarkar and his group. According to the book of Noorani if the statements of two of the assistants of Savarkar were taken in the court of 1949 then Savarkar could not have escaped from being punished. (Lokmat Samachar, 8,10 September 2004)
Arya-Brahminists never loved India and its National flag.
Ravindranath Tagore had died before the so called independence was granted to Arya-Brahminists of India in 1947. Tagore had written a song in the praise of British King George V on his arrival in India on 1911 and on arrival of British queen in 1919. The song is full of servile sentiments. Few of the lines of this song said 1) People of all religion gather around your throne and shower on you (King George V) their love and wait to listen to your sympathetic words 2) We praise our king who guided us out of our age-old miseries and sorrow. 3) We Indians were unconscious and rotting in severe ignorance, poverty and miseries and waiting to come under the protection of you and your mother. 4) India will be awaken by your sympathetic plans. O queen we bow our head at your feet and wish King to be victorious. (Dalit Voice, 1-15 September 2001) Arya-Brahminists who were handed over political position in so called liberation of India chosen this very song as National Anthem not including above lines to hide from the masses that this very song was selected as thanksgiving gesture of Arya-Brahminists toward their British masters for handing them political power of India. Such is the tail waging attitudes of Arya-Brahminists riding Indian government.
In spite of severe criticism RSS never raised national flag on independence day because 1) the national flag contain Ashok-Chakra of Buddhist king Samrat Ashok. Arya-Brahmins consider him as their arch enemy because Samrat Ashoka had tried to destroy Brahminism. 2) the aspired Manuraj of Arya-Brahmins could not be established India and Indian constitution shattering the supremacy of Arya-Brahmins has declared all people equal holding same civil, political and economical rights. The green color of national flag represented Muslim masses of India.
Recently Nagpur branch of BJP has released distributed a CD in which national flag on Red fort (Delhi) is shown without Ashok-Chakra on it. This is grave insult of national flag and an antinational act committed deliberately out of Arya-Brahmin hate for Samrat Ashoka and Buddhist religion. Arya-Brahminists has been black-outing the glorious indigenous culture of India.(Mahanayak, 23 March 2009)
Arya-Brahmin priest Saibaba used national flag as wallpaper and took photographs displaying his own face where Ashok-Chakra on national flag appears. This is an insult of national flag. (Samrat, 15 August 2008) Cricket player Sachin Tendulkar Brahmin in Jamaica (West Indies) had cut a cake having painted Indian national flag on it. A court of Indore issued legal notice to Tendulkar for insulting national flag. In this very party top level Arya-Brahmins such as Narayanmurthy the director of Infosys and others were present while national flag of India painted on cake was cut. (Lokmat Samachar, 18 November 2007). As per law, a person insulting national flag is entitled for imprisonment and penalty. But so far nothing is done in this regard. Instead, Arya-Brahmins are always appeased.
Earlier Indira Gandhi (Brahmin) had made Sunil Gavaskar's match fee tax exempted. (Bhaskar, 13 August 2003) Indian government exempted Sachin Tendulkar from paying tax of Rs. one and half crores on Ferrari car gifted to him by a car company whose Tendulkar is brand ambassador. Tendulkar earns 80 crores every year. Custom officers say that the government has no right to exempt tax on Ferrari as it is not in the public interest. The famous pop band had sent 8 containers full of cloths for orphan children helped by the organization of Mother Teresa in Calcutta. Arya-Brahmins riding government of India did not exempt 1 million Rupee tax on these clothes. (Lokmat Samachar, 20 September 2002) Tax is levied to spend on public interest work. exempting tax of Tendulkar amounts to depriving people from their welfare work to be carried out by the government. BJP government had replied to high court that exempting tax on Tendulkar's Ferrari is in the interest of people. Where is public interest in benefiting Billionaire Brahmins with public money ?
Another news says : it seems that Indians living in America have no respect for their national anthem. In the India parade day preparation program organized by new York situated Indian Embassy, not only once or twice but three times Indian national anthem was stopped when it was being sung and it was ordered that American national anthem be sung first. This program was organized by Federation of Indian Associations. As Indian Embassy is considered like Indian territory therefore as per tradition first Indian national anthem should have been sung. (Lokmat Samachar, 12 June 2008)
Rahul Mahajan son of BJP leader Pramod Mahajan was to immerse ashes of his father in river in religious funeral ritual. But in previous night he celebrates costly wine and smokes heroine wrapping it in the Indian currency of Rs. 500/-(Lokmat Samachar, 26 June 2006) Such is the patriotism of Arya-Brahmins. Destroying currency is national crime and punishable by law. But no punishment so far is given to any Arya-Brahmin in this regard.
Another news headline says : "Fake Indian currency is changed in Temples" According to higher police officers of Mumbai fake Indian currency is changed with genuine currency in the Indian Hindu religious temples and institutes of south India. Police officers say that with the consent of persons of these temples and institutes a certain amount of genuine currency is taken out of "Dan-Patra" (Donation-pot) and is replaced by fake currency. The persons of these religious temples and institutes are given Rs. 100-150 commission for per one thousand fake currency replacement. Police is investigating the matter. Among the arrested are Gulab Jethanand Khimnani (age 34), Kishore Chetanmal Lalwani alias Lala (38), Ashok Durgashankar Awasthi alias Hubli (40), Salim Yakub Kara (40), and a Pakistani citizen Parvez Zafar Khan (24) are being interrogated to extract more information from them. (Nav-Bharat, 8 July 1999)
If the foreign agents aim to destabilize Indian people, then their aim being accomplished by the Arya-Brahminists thousand times better than these foreign agents by killing masses in communal riots, protecting prostitution and every other immoral activities, manufacturing fake medicines, spreading and protecting corruption and doing and spreading every evil of the world.
Arya-Brahminists are devoid of morality
According to Pradip Kumar Mourya Arya-Brahminists since eight century are forsaking their widowed mothers at religious places of Waranasi and Brindaban to live hellish life of a prostitute. These women in thousands in Waranasi and Vrindawan are known as Rand / Randi (prostitute or a keep). The Arya-Brahminists son who can forsake his widowed mother or a brother who can forsake his widowed sister, or a father who can forsake his widowed daughter at these religious places to become prostitute can never be a patriot. (Pradip Kumar Mourya, p. 202-203) Ms. Shanta Mundare and Shankar gedam of Gondwana Mukti Sena in their pamphlet have exposed hypocricy of Arya-Brahminists regarding their so advertised love towards mother. Some extracts from the pamphlet are as under :-
Manuists who sing "Dhande Mataram" (Be a prostitute mother) have no right to sing "Vande Mataram" (pray you mother)
Arya-Brahminists according to the order of their Manusmriti since centuries have been singing "Chita Me Jal Mar Mataram" (Die mother alive in the flames of pyre). As soon as the father is dead his sons used to burn their ornament laden mother alive in the flames of the pyre of their dead father. The sons used to be equipped with long bamboos to push her back if the mother tries to escape from the burning pyre. The cries of the mother were suppressed in the loud noise of drums and Tashas. This Arya-Brahminist song of "Chita Me Jal Mar Mataram" was sung in the sound of drums and Tashas in the suppressed cries of burning mother uninterruptedly and gloriously since thousands of years and the Brahmin priest continued to collect the melted gold and silver of ornaments from the ashes of the burnt mother. But European brothers of Indian Arya-Brahminists did not like "Chita Me Jal Mar Mataram" the glorious song of Arya-Brahminists hence they legally banned it. Therefore the Arya-Brahminists had to console themselves from singing their another glorious song of "Dhande Mataram" (Be a Prostitute Mother). According to news of Amalan Chaudhary, there are over three lacs fifty thousand (350,000) widows who are forsaken by their sons and family members are victim of poverty, sexual exploitation and diseases and living a hellish life in religious places such as Waranasi, Kashi, Mathura etc. They have to live a life of a keep of priests or of a prostitute. They are so helpless that anybody including policeman, worker, leader rape them and no action is taken against the perpetrators. About 7000 widows die every year with diseases such as TB and Cancer and their dead bodies are carried away by Municipal Corporation men like they carry the dead bodies of animals. No religious ritual is performed on the dead bodies of these widows. Over 70% of these widows come from Arya-Brahmin Baniya families. Among them 59% belong to rich and so called respected families. They are forsaken by their own kith and kins so that they could grab the property of these widows. Deepa Mehta had tried to expose the exploitation, oppression and misery of these widows in her film "water". But Sangh-Parivar fascist organizations such as Vishva Hindu Parishad, Bajarang Dal hoodlums prevented the shooting of the proposed film and threatened that they will not allow shooting of this film anywhere in India. (The Hitwada, Nagpur)
Therefore, "Dhande Mataram" the glorious song of Arya-Brahminists is being sung uninterruptedly and openly in the very day light. This glorious song of the Arya-Brahminists is also being sung loudly in the religious temples and Maths where crushing constitution of India beneath their feet girls are forced to become Devdasis and Jogins to do prostitution in temples in the name of Brahmin-Religion. Arya-Brahminists made beautiful girls Nagarwadhus (prostitutes).
Arya-Brahminists consider cow as their mother. Majority of slaughterhouses belong to Arya-Brahminists where cows are slaughtered and their flesh is exported. Similarly the conditions of cows in Go-Shalas being run by these Arya-Brahminists is found extremely miserable.
The talk of morality of Arya-Brahminists is nothing but sheer hypocrisy. Mohanlal Karamchand Gandhi whom the Arya-Brahminists call father of {Arya-Brahmin} nation used to sleep naked with naked women in the name of Brahmcharya experiments. He even slept naked with his own niece stripping her naked. Such is the morality of Arya-Brahminists. Daughter in law of the BJP prime ministerial candidate Mr. L. K. Advani had alleged that Advani had exploited her sexually and tortured her mentally and physically. Reports say that BJP leader Pramod Mahajan had sexual relations with the wife of his younger brother which was one of the reasons for his murder.
In Ajnala village of Amritsar (Punjab), BJP leader Ashok Taneja has been raping his 20 year old daughter since last 7-8 years. When the daughter on TV observed that a girl from Mumbai has filed a police complaint against her father for raping her she also developed courage and reported the whole matter to her mother and finally lodged formal complaint in police. Police has arrested this BJP leader. (Lokmat Samachar, 26 March 2009) had demanded the government of India to launch a probe to investigate rape of Sukanya Devi by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi. Hindu Unity had finally responded to the legal notice sent by Rahul Gandhi. On it's website its Chairman Mr. Rohit Vyasman had issued a statement along with many other prominent members of Hindu Unity. It called for government investigation and protection to the alleged victim. This website has also displayed the photograph of alleged rape victim Sukanya Devi ( Rahul Gandhi Rape case : demands Government to launch a probe)
The list of such instances is very long. But the immoral activities of Arya-Brahminists are quite in conformity with the Arya-Brahmin religion because Arya-Brahmin religious books are full of instances of incest sexual relationships among the Arya-Brahmin gods.
Arya-Brahminists are number 1 liars !
Nobody in the world can beat Arya-Brahminists in telling lies. To undermine the valor of Shivaji they made intensive propaganda that goddess Bhawani gave Shivaji her sword therefore Shivaji could raise his empire. Shivaji never meet Manuist saint Ramdas Brahmin. But Arya-Brahmins made a propaganda that he was religious teacher of Shivaji. Similarly another coward Brahmin was called mentor of Shivaji.
Arya-Brahmins killed Bahujan Saint Tukaram and made a propaganda that he went to haven along with his body in an airplane sent by god.
Arya-Brahminist made an intensive propaganda that Sanskrit is origin of all language. How can be Sanskrit be origin of all Indian languages when it was banned for masses ? Even listening it was enough to pour molten lead in the the ear of person listening Sanskrit. In reality Sanskrit was a spy language and had developed from stealing the words from indigenous languages and making them difficult.
Laxmibai of Jhansi who was not even a queen but a simple Jahagirdarin was not only popularized as a queen but also as an icon of valor who fought bravely with British. But the fact is that she never fought British rather was killed while she was fleeing through Bhandari gate. It was Jhalkarbai who had fought with British bravely. Similarly, V. D. Savarkar, Atal Bihari Vajpei are being popularized as brave freedom fighters in fact they had apologized and begged before British to release them from jail.
Some of the Arya-Brahmins have even went to the extent of writing BSP founder Kanshiram as a Brahmin by origin.
Thousands of such examples of Arya-Brahmin lies can be cited. Therefore one should never trust any of the lies of the Arya-Brahminists.
Arya-Brahmins are aversive to democracy
Arya-Brahmins have no faith in democracy and natural justice. Arya-Brahmins only want to retain their power and position by any means moral or immoral is the essence of their "Shubham Karoti Kalyanam" (make one prosperous) culture. They only believe in the law of Manu which considers Arya-Brahmin as supreme race that even enslaves gods. Indigenous masses of the world are meant to serve Arya-Brahmins and Arya-Brahmins are free to treat them as they please. Brahmin is even permitted to kill the whole non-Brahmin mankind and remain unpunished. Such is the teaching of Manu. A huge statue of Manu is erected in the very foreground of Jaipur high-court in Rajastan. Therefore, they have been using different standards while dealing with Arya-Brahmins and indigenous masses of India.
As per the provisions of Indian constitution the court has allotted a lawyer to ensure free and fair trial of Mumbai attack accused Kasab. The lawyers allotted include Anjali waghmare and other lawyer to assist her. Shiv Sena activists demonstrated violently at the residence of Adv. Anjali Waghmare and stone pelted her house. Terrified with the violent behavior of Shiv-Sena activists Adv. Anjali Waghmare demanded police protection and time of a day to consider whether she would participate in the process of justice as a lawyer of Kasab or not. Meanwhile a lawyer from Zarkhand state said that no impartial hearing is possible in Maharashtra. He said that in spite of such a terrible Mumbai attack state government of Congress did not suspend district collector of Mumbai and other high police officers responsible for grave negligence of duty. Now the state government has selected a lawyer for Kasab through the same district collector. (Lokmat Samachar, 31 March and 1 April 2009) Anjali Waghmare now had reported to court that she would become lawyer of Kasab as she is getting adequate security.
Arya-Brahminists are Already Balkanizing India !
According to Waman Meshram (president of BAMCEF), Arya-Brahminist parties first tried to change constitution of India in order to establish Manuraj. Having failed, they concentrated power, jobs etc. in the hands of Arya-Brahmins through privatization. When OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis openly declared their intention to become prime minister, Arya-Brahmins in a joint conspiracy of all Arya-Brahmin led political parties (including fake communist parties of India), Arya-Brahmin judiciary, Arya-Brahmin administration, intellectual prostitutes and Manu media have established several hundred foreign territories in India through the "special economic zones (SEZ)". In all 386 SEZs are already approved and 5000 SEZs are under consideration. If they are approved 75% of Indian land will come under national and foreign exploiters.(Mahanayak, 31 December 2006)
According to Anant Thakare of Dahanu Road, article 7(3) of foreign trade policy of India mentions SEZs as foreign territory. They will be autonomous provinces of Indian and foreign exploiters. Thus SEZ provision attack very fundamentals of Indian sovereignty, Unity and independence insured by the constitution. (Samrat, 21-24 February 2008)
According to Anil Dubey SEZs will have their own police, own law, own judiciary and will be out of Indian judiciary. All central laws under article 49 will be ineffective for SEZs. This provision of SEZ is completely anti constitutional. Parliament alone has right to frame laws and it can not handover this right to others. (Nav Bharat, 4 January 2007) Excluding the right to print / cast their own currency, SEZs will have every right to run their SEZ as private kingdoms. For example, if Halliburton establishes their SEZ in India, handover security responsibility to Black water, inviting the manufacturers to start depleted uranium project so that weapons of mass destruction can be produced, no question will be asked to them. Indian police will have no permission to enter the SEZ without the permission of SEZ owners. They will need special passes to enter SEZ premises. No government officer can inspect SEZ nor can seize anything without their permission. There will be special courts for economical crimes of SEZs. Because of the anti-constitutional nature of SEZ no debate was conducted while passing the SEZ law in parliament. No political party {including fake communist parties of India} opposed it. ( India Does Not Need SEZs – The SEZ Act Will Have To Go! By Dipankar Bhattacharya 21 April, 2007
SEZ law was passed unanimously.
Privatization was first started by Narsinghrao government of Congress. Then the BJP governments accelerated privatization with the help of Congress and fake communist parties of India. The idea of SEZ was implemented by NDA government led by BJP. The BJP led government sold land to Arya-Brahmin industrialists at throwaway price and earned heavy commission. Government led by Sonia Congress continued all these economical policies with added impetus.
Chapter IX
Process of Balkanizing India Through Arya-Brahminists
The process of Balkanizing India involves dividing people on religion, language and province and devising their pogroms; and Balkanization of India with the help of Zionists and Arya-Brahminists of India.
Chapter IX : Table of Contents
Mossad-CIA has developed a very strong spy-network in India. They have infiltrated in every security agency including RAW, military and other security organizations. They are directing fascist Arya-Brahminist led organizations to spread hatred and violence based on religion, region, caste, language, create riots and violence of every kind.
Violence Against Indigenous Muslims
Arya-Brahminists fascists have been using every means to start communal violence and riots. The news of playing pre-recorded sounds of rioting slogans and crying of rioting Muslims and Non-Muslims to invoke riots had published some years before.
Police arrested a person who was throwing stones at both the Muslim and Non-Muslim colonies to start communal riots between them.(Lokmat Samachar) Fascist Arya-Brahminist organizations have been found piling weapons.
Ex Chief minister of Madhya Pradesh Mr. Digvijay Singh wrote a letter to BJP chief minister Mr. Shivraj Singh Chavan mentioning that RSS activists Mangilal and Fulsingh were arrested on 16 March while supplying 24 swords and 4 knifes at the residence of Satyanarayan Bhati. These weapons were to be used in communal riots which erupted in Narsinghgarh and Talen within a few days of this arm seizure. Arrested RSS activists declined to inform where from did they get these weapons. He condemned RSS for its two activists in Shyampur of Sihore district piling weapons. Digvijay alleged that BJP government will not take any action against them because they belong to RSS. (Sangh Sends Swords and Knifes' Bhaskar, Hindi Daily 19 July 2007)
Dara Singh of Bajarang Dal had burnt alive Christian priest Graham Stein and his children. Dara Singh and his gang was supplied ambulance equipped with firearms.
The greatest damage to social fabric of India has been done by Arya-Brahminist leaders like Narendra Modi, Bal Thackeray and Praveen Togadia. It can be very easily understood that the activities of the terrorist groups sponsored by foreign agencies and activities of these Sangh-Parivar organizations are mutually supportive as both aims to communalize the Indian masses.
In October 2007, the investigative newsmagazine Tehelka reported that :- 1) Several Sangh leaders explained on camera how they planned a massive massacre of Muslims. 2) The involvement of the Chief minister of Gujarat (Modi). 3) The complicity of the police. 4) The connivance of the judiciary. "Yet, none of those caught on tape boasting about raping, burning and hacking Muslims have been arrested or even interrogated. Modi's authority has not been questioned. Instead, there is an eerie silence. Far more eerie than the cold-blooded murders of more than 1,000 innocent people during these communal massacres of March 2002. The role of the Modi government in the State-sponsored terrorism of 2002 is well documented. Tehelka tapes offer irrefutable proof of how the Sangh organized a 'Muslim Massacres' across Gujarat and protected the murderers. ( CIA ATTACKS BOMBAY? CIA WANTS INDIA TO HELP IN ATTACK ON PAKISTAN?)
An independent reporters group claims 5,000 Muslims killed, 50,000 made homeless, hundreds of mosques, and dozens of hotels, shops, and villages destroyed during riots in the Indian province of Gujarat. Former Chief of the Indian Navy, L. Ramdas, in an open letter to the Indian Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee, had condemned the anti-Muslim violence in India describing it as genocide and a "pogrom." Mr. Ramdas demanded that the Chief Minister of Gujarat be dismissed for his involvement in the anti-Muslim riots, and a ban on "extremist rightwing organizations like the VHP, Bajrang Dal, and the RSS." Hindu extremists, armed with swords and rifles, are reported to have "exploded houses and mosques" with LPG and oxygen cylinders, and are reported to have been supplied with trucks loaded with gasoline and gas cylinders. They are also reported to have been paid Rs 500 ($12.50) per day, and provided food, water, wine, and medical aid. If arrested, their legal expenses were to be covered by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, and if they were killed, it is reported, their families would be given Rs 200,000 ($5,000). (The Wisdom Fund, P. O. Box 2723, Arlington, VA 22202 Website: Former Indian Navy Chief Demands Ban on Extremists, Dismissal of Chief Minister)
Gujarat massacres which were implemented with the full assistance of BJP Modi Government and Sangh-parivar organizations is one part of the intentions declared in Zionist website. America has imposed sanctions and taken actions against countries for thousand times mild things than the Gujarat massacres. But regarding Gujarat massacres America has only pretended condemnation. Therefore, it becomes obvious that no such large scale massacres could have been possible without the hidden consent and support of America and Israel.
In order to establish their absolute dominance Brahmanists did not hesitate in committing terrorist activities against Vaishyas. According to Nagesh Naidu, Brahmin-Vaishya conflict is very ancient. According to Tandya Brahmana V1.1.10 Brahmins and Rajanyas (Kshtriyas) are even allowed to eat or exploit Vaishyas in the manner they want. In order to check the Vaishyas from growing stronger than Brahmins attempts were made to weaken Vaishyas in every respect. According to RSS secret circular on http://www/ in duty number 7 it is mentioned that Baniyas (Vaishyas) of non-Hindu areas should be looted. Therefore Muslims and other non-Hindus were used against Vaishyas during Gujarat riots. Not only that according to Infectious Disease News 8(8):1:,21,, bacteria of Plague were spread in industrial centre of Surat. As a result 54 people became victim of this infection. It is alleged that RAW was also involved in spreading plague virus. (Dalit Voice, p.10, 1-15 June 2002)
Violence Against Indigenous Christians !
In Orissa, Karnataka and other states have the same story. Communal violence was repeated again and again in the lines of Gujarat on Dalit Bahujan masses converted to Christianity. Arya-Brahmanists want to spread riots all over India to accomplish Mossad-CIA plan of disrupting and balkanizing India. But why they are killing Christians ? The answer as under :-
Zohar Says : "Extermination of Christians is a necessary sacrifice." (Zohar II 43a) "The seed (child) of a Christian is of no more value than that of a beast." (Talmud and its supplement, the Cabala : Kethoboth 3b)"Do not save Christians in danger of death." (Hikkoth Akum X 1) "Jews must always try to deceive Christians." (Kohar I 160a) "Those who do good to Christians will never rise from the dead." (Zohar I 25b) "Extermination of Christians is a necessary sacrifice." (Zohar II 43a) "The Christian birthrate must be materially diminished." (Zohar II 64b) "He who sheds the blood of the Goyim, is offering a sacrifice to God.'(Talmud – Jalqut Simeoni) 'The birth rate of non-Jews has to be suppressed massively.' (Zohar 11, 4b). 'Even the best of the Goyim should be killed.' (Abhodah Zarah 26b, Tosephoth). Zohar says : 'Happy will be the lot of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed. … He, will exterminate all the goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: "The Lord alone will appear great on that day." (Zohar, section Schemoth, folio 7 and 9b; section Beschalah, folio 58b) 'It is permitted to deceive a Goi.' (Babha Kama 113b), 'Do not have any pity for them, for it is said (Deuter. Vii,2) : Show no mercy unto them. Therefore, if you see an Akum (non-Jew) in difficulty or drowning, do not go to his help.' (Hilkoth Akum X,1).
From late August through October 2008, organized Hindu extremist groups committed systematic attacks killing more than 100 people, mostly Christians, in the eastern India state of Orissa. Most worrying, the Hindu terrorists responsible for Orissa's violence remain at-large and have explicitly threatened to repeat their attacks after December 25, 2008. Three Hindu extremist groups – the RSS, VHP, and the Bajrang Dal – are responsible for this autumn's violence, destroying some 4500 homes and burning 147 churches in India. Father Akbar Digal, a Christian, was beheaded after three times refusing to convert to Hinduism. Gayadhar Digal, a Hindu, was hacked to death, and his wife and son nearly killed for appearing sympathetic to Christianity. Others have been burned alive and beaten, then buried alive. Some 40,000-60,000 sought refuge in the forests where they were further hunted. Hundreds remain missing. Over 11,000 remain displaced and the attackers have threatened to kill them upon returning if they do not convert to Hinduism. The attacks have been alarmingly systematic. Repeating tactics used by these Hindu terror groups in similar attacks last year, the August attacks began with cutting down trees to block the roads and cutting phone lines to block communications. Mobs led by these Hindu extremist groups were armed with guns and machetes, shouting slogans such as "Christians must become Hindu or die. Kill Them. Kill Them. Kill Them." The same Hindu terror groups have organized related attacks across the country, the best known being in Gujarat, India, in 2002 where about 2000 to 5000 Indian-Muslims were killed. In each of these cases, violence continued for weeks without intervention by the state and the Hindu perpetrators have enjoyed impunity thereafter. Six years after the Gujarat killings, there has been only one conviction. There were no convictions after the December 2007 violence. Without any punishment, we can expect these Hindu extremist groups to continue terrorizing civilians as a tactic to impose their will on the state and drive out minority religious communities. The attacks in Mumbai have shown that when terrorists strike at Westerners and expensive hotels, Indian security forces can react and kill or arrest the terrorists within days. In Orissa, by contrast, two months into the violence, victims of Hindu terrorism were still being burned alive. At the national level, federal security forces finally came to stop the violence – after two months. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has not banned all Hindu terrorist parties responsible despite calls from advisers to do so. How will the state and federal governments in India ensure that next time it does not take two months to stop the killing? (, NATO, ISAF Must Punish All Hindu Terrorists Who Killed Christians By Chad Hazlett)
Violence based on Region and Language
Arya-Brahmanist Raj Thakare and other such fascist elements are fueling provincial hate and implementing Mossad-CIA agenda. Non-Marathi Bahujan masses are being persecuted and killed while Arya-Brahmin non-Marathi exploiters are left unhurt. Economy of Maharashtra is in the iron grip of non-Maharashtrian Arya-Brahmins including Arya-Brahmins of north Indians. In fact these North-Indian industrialists and exploiters are real masters of these fascist organizations. Before them they wag their tail. Common feature of every terrorist action is that lackeys of exploiters never attack exploiter class. Every time common masses are the victims of such attacks. Not a single Arya-Brahmin is killed in the violence of evoked by Raj Thakare's organization against North Indians. In that violence only poor indigenous Bahujans have lost their lives. Not a single poor Arya-Brahmin has lost his life. Poor OBC, Dalit, Muslim Adivasi labourers and footpath venders are the main victims. Earlier to fuel regional violence girls from north-east were raped. Similarly, fake militant organizations kill non north-eastern laborers in their bomb blasts while keeping non north-eastern Brahmin-Bania exploiter class unhurt. This is the very class that reins the economy of north-east provinces.
Raj Thakare and his organization is a part of Congress led ruling front in Maharashtra. Raj Thakare with the mutual consent of Arya-Brahminist BJP, Congress and fake communist parties of India started hatred and violence against north Indians living in Maharashtra with the sole intention to stop the growth of BSP, RJD, SP and other such organizations led by non-Brahmins. Because the whole plan is mutually decided hence neither central government, nor the state government has shown any interest in taking stern action against Raj Thakare and his perpetrators.
The question is asked that when the Mumbai was attacked and 200 NSG cadres who are north Indians were being brought from Delhi why Raj Thakare did not protest and sent his own party cadres to face the situation ? Where was he hidden during those hours ? Another question was asked that when these NSG cadres are not Marathi-Manus then why the non-Marathi NSG cadres should risk their life for Marathi-Manus (Marathi-man) ? Such messages on SMS were widely circulated.(Bhaskar, 29 November 2008)
Arya-Brahminists exploiters also tried to fuel Karnataka-Maharashtra border issue and atrocities on Marathi people initiated by BJP government in Karnataka by invoking violence. It should be kept in mind that BJP and Shivsena both are fascist organizations of Sangh-Parivar.
The Karnataka State Transport had stopped plying its buses in bordering areas of Maharashtra after Akhil Bhartiya Chhawa Sangathan burnt a Karnataka bus in Latur as a protest against the Karnataka Government using force against Marathi speaking population protesting against the assembly session in Belgaum. Karnataka buses have stopped entering bordering areas in the backdrop of attacks on them, Divisional Controller, MSRTC, Latur, R K Jadhav said. MSRTC too has stopped its Karnataka operations after January 18 incident, said Jadhav. So far the state transport corporations have not decided any future course over the issue and inter-state bus service remains suspended, he added. Two Karnataka buses, one private, were stoned at Thogri Patha near Udgir yesterday leading to the arrest of some Chhawa activists, police said.( Karnataka buses stop entering Maharashtra border PTI, Wednesday, 21 January 2009) Activists of some Kannada organizations torched two mini trucks bearing Maharashtra registration numbers at Antarasanahalli on the national highway bypass near Tumkur on Monday.(DHNS & Agencies, Tuesday, 20 January 2009)
Mossad-CIA-RAW have created fake Khalistani groups in Punjab, fake militants in north-east provinces of India, even they created fake Maoist groups. They executed brutal criminal activities to defame these original militant groups and to create disruption in India to increase pro-Zionist presence in all these affected provinces.
Chapter X
Intended Mossad-CIA Controlled Splinters of India !
Table of Contents
1) Converting North East Regions Zionist Colony !
Victor Ostrovsky, a former Israeli Mossad agent and now best-selling author, in an interview said that the Mossad goes into Jewish communities around the world and uses them as a resource. It happens everywhere. But they don't like to admit it.( Ex-Mossad agent speaks out) Jews are very rich and politically powerful community in India. Adding to their number Bnei Menashe a group of more than 9,000 people from India's North-Eastern border states of Manipur and Mizoram claim descent from one of the Lost Tribes of Israel. The Bnei Menashe believe that the traditional Mizo-Kuki harvest festival song "Sikpui Hla (Sikpui Song)" which features events paralleled in the Book of Exodus, such as enemies chasing them over a red-coloured sea, quails, and a pillar of cloud is clear evidence of their Israelite ancestry. (Bnei Menashe From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
A Rabbi from Israel traveled to India several times during the 1980s to investigate these claims. Convinced that the Bnei Menashe were indeed descendants of Israelites, he dedicated himself to converting them to Orthodox Judaism and facilitating their aliya with funds. Bnei Menashe who wish to affirm their connection to the Jewish people are required to undergo Orthodox conversions, and every effort is made to ensure that they are accepted according to the strictest interpretation of Jewish law. In July 2005 complete building a mikvah, or a Jewish ritual bath was built in Mizoram under the supervision of Israeli rabbis in order to begin the process of their conversion to Judaism. Shortly after, a similar Mikvah was built in Manipur. In the past two decades, some 1,700 Bnei Menashe have moved to the Israel, mostly to towns and communities in Judea and Samaria. The rapid rise in conversions alarm and ignites a furious controversy in Mizoram. Dr. Biaksiama says "the mass conversion by foreign priests will pose a threat not only to social stability in the region, but also to national security. Lalchanhima Sailo, founder of Chhinlung Israel People's Convention (CIPC), a secessionist Mizo organization says CIPC's aim is not migration to Israel but to have the United Nations declare the areas inhabited by Mizo tribes an independent nation for Mizo Israelites. Bnei Menashe aliya – they were too religious and too right-wing. More than other Bnei Menashe I've met, Reuven talks as if he's really been brainwashed… he is a math and science teacher at the local school. He intends to become a rabbi, although he has no idea that it takes 7 years of study. His second choice is to become a "commando" in the Israeli army. He says loudly, showing a sudden burst of emotion "I want to fight for Israel. I want to die for Israel." Reuven's words make me think: why does he want to be either a rabbi or a fighter? Why not a teacher, doctor, businessman, motor mechanic, or carpenter? What kind of process has he been undergoing that the two things he has in the forefront of his mind are God and war? At the end of every ceremony we've attended, they always sing the Bnei Menashe and Israeli anthems, and the Bnei Menashe never sing Indian national anthem. ( Bnei Menashe paradoxes November 28, 2008 by forecasthighs KOLASIB, AND SHIFIR, Mizoram)
Thus Israel and Mossad which already has a very strong base in India is strengthened by the induction of Bnei Menashe.
2) Converting Kashmir a Zionist colony !
New Delhi (IANS) – Marxist leader Harkishan Singh Surjeet says the U.S. has an ulterior motive in trying to broker peace between India and Pakistan – to help Kashmir become a free country so that it can set up a military base there. "On the issue of Kashmir, they are going to cheat both Pakistan and India."The U.S. made full use of Pakistan in their battle against Afghanistan. Now they have turned towards India. Their motive is purely mischievous. All that they care for is an independent Kashmir for the sake of a military base." ( US Seeks To Make Kashmir A Free Country For US Military Bases By Indo-Asian News Service)
Mossad-CIA with the help of their slave ISI has been using social conflicts to flame violence and terrorism in different states of India. If the militants and separatist in Kashmir and other provinces are handled well capture of Kashmir by CIA-Mossad and American forces will help the US to tame India and subsequently, even break it further. Capture of Kashmir will enable Israel and America to directly monitor China, Russia India, Iran and Afghanistan and carry out their subversive activities in these countries.
To develop their strong base in Kashmir region the ethic Jewish identity is being explored and propagated among the natives.
Both Afghanistan and Pakistan were once part of Greater-India. Mossad-CIA strategy is also to explore Jewish identity among Pathans of Afghanistan and Pakistan and the natives of Kashmir and cultivate them as their base for impending Zionist Satanist New World Order..
An article in the April, 1997 issue of the Jewish magazine "Moment" discusses the possibility of heavy Jewish presence once in united India. "When Mahmud of Gazna, attacked Lahore, he found it defended by a native Hindu prince called Daood or David. Pathans claim lineage from King Saul. Their language bears traces of biblical Hebrew. Pathans follow, some 21 'Jewish' customs, including lighting candles on Friday night, wearing a four-cornered prayer garment, and performing circumcision on the eighth day. Islam Prohibits interest but Pathans love drawing interest on loaned money. Therefore questions are asked that Are not the Pathans Jews in the garb of Muslims ?
Traditions of the Afghans tell them, that they are descended from the tribe of or Yuda. (Vol. I; p. 740.) Aramaic is the source of modern Hebrew's square alphabet, used in Israel. Aramaic, is similar to Hebrew (as Spanish is to Portuguese) and originated in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
"The relation between ancient Israel and Kashmiri can most clearly be demonstrated linguistically. We have almost all the places of India in Western Syria. Many Kashmiris bear biblical-sounding names. Kashmiri family titles such as Magre, Dand, Pare etc. are taken from Jews. Raina, Kichlu, Haptu, Wariku, Nehru etc family titles resemble Yahudi titles. The author provides a long List of Well-Known Names in the Western World and Equivalent Names of places, caste and sub castes etc. in Indian Languages. Forster says, ' Were these Brahmans Jews, or the Jews Brahmins ? "The Tuct Soliman of Cashmere was built by Solomon. Names of the towns – Yuda-poor, Iod-pore, etc. have Jewish nature. Many places in Kashmir ends with Baal and Hom which resemble the names of Jew places as Ganderbaal, Manasbaal, Gagribaal and Dudarhom, Burjahom, Dopahom, Baalahom and so on. The Jews of Western Syria say, no one ever knew where Moosa was buried." Moses died at Cashmere. Ruins of his tomb lie near the town. Name of Mousa or Moses is common among the natives. Holger Kersten wrote that Jesus Lived in India. Ten to thirty million Jews once lived in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Northwestern India.( ; Jews: A Branch Of The Vedic Family BY VRINDAVAN PARKER) Are not the natives of Kashmir whether the Muslims or Pandits the migrated Jews ?
A cartographer and geographer working in the 17th and 18th centuries, could have found all over India thousands of Hebrew-like place names. Nashik, is the exact Hebrew name for "Royal Prince."
The intensified efforts of Israel are so strong that Dalit voice has published a news titled "Jews of India" giving Kashmir to Jews ? (Dalt Voice, 1-15 October 2007)
3) Laddakh Tibetan belt as Zionist – American Colony.
Zionist Israel and America has an eye on Leh province of Kashmir in its scheme to develop its Laddakh-Tibetan colony. To understand actual situation we need to go into history of Tibet in detail to fully realize the situation.
Table of Contents
Social System of Tibet under Lamaism.
In the thirteenth century, Emperor Kublai Khan created the first Grand Lama, who was to preside over all the other lamas as might a pope over his bishops. Several centuries later, the Emperor of China sent an army into Tibet to support the Grand Lama, an ambitious 25-year-old man, gave himself the title of Dalai Lama (Ocean of Knowledge), and ruler of all Tibet. Thus the first Dalai Lama was installed by a Chinese army. To elevate his authority beyond worldly challenge, the first Dalai Lama seized monasteries that did not belong to his sect, and destroyed Buddhist writings that conflicted his claim of divinity. The Dalai Lama who succeeded him pursued a sybaritic life, enjoying many mistresses, partying with friends, and acting in other ways deemed unfitting for an incarnate deity. For this he was done in by his priests. Within 170 years, despite their recognized status as gods, five Dalai Lamas were murdered by their high priests or other courtiers. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
It was common practice for households in which a daughter had received the honor of the Dalai Lama's transmission through sexual union to raise a flag over their home. It is said that a sea of flags floated in the wind over the town. (Caplan, 2002;
Because these abbots practiced anti-woman celibacy, their new political system could not operate by hereditary father-to-son succession. So the lamas created a new doctrine for their religion : They announced that they could detect newborn children who were reincarnations of dead ruling lamas.
Dalai Lama had stated that "We enjoyed freedom and contentment." But Tibet's history gives a different picture. Early visitors to Tibet comment about the theocratic despotism. In 1895, an Englishman, Dr. A. L. Waddell, wrote that the populace of Tibet was under the "intolerable tyranny of monks" and the devil superstitions they had fashioned to terrorize the people. In 1904 Perceval Landon described the Dalai Lama's rule as "an engine of oppression." At about that time, another English traveler, Captain W.F.T. O'Connor, observed that "the great landowners and the priests . . . exercise each in their own dominion a despotic power from which there is no appeal,"( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
Under the rule of Dalai Lama, the system he practiced was theocracy characterized by the dictatorship of upper-class monks and nobles. While most of the population lived in extreme poverty, the Dalai Lama lived richly in the 1,000-room, 14-story Potala Palace. He was an owner of slaves until 1959. He ruled over a harsh feudal serfdom.( CIA ran Tibet contras since 1959 By Gary Wilson)
Until 1959 a great deal of real estate belonged to the monasteries, and most of them amassed great riches. In addition, individual monks and lamas were able to accumulate great wealth through active participation in trade, commerce, and money lending. Drepung monastery was one of the biggest landowners in the world, with its 185 manors, 25,000 serfs, 300 great pastures, and 16,000 herdsmen. The wealth of the monasteries went mostly to the higher-ranking lamas, many of them scions (descendants) of aristocratic families. Commander-in chief of the Tibetan army owned 4,000 square kilometers of land and 3,500 serfs. He also was a member of the Dalai Lama's lay Cabinet. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
When he moved from palace to palace, the Dalai Lama rode on a throne chair pulled by dozens of slaves. His troops marched along to "It's a Long Way to Tipperary," a tune learned from their British imperialist trainers. Meanwhile, the Dalai Lama's bodyguards, all over six-and-a-half feet tall, with padded shoulders and long whips, beat people out of his path. This ritual is described in the Dalai Lama's autobiography.( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
One 1940 study of eastern Tibet says that 38 percent of households never got any tea–and drank only wild herbs or "white tea" (boiled water). Seventy-five percent of the households were forced at times to eat grass. Half of the people couldn't afford butter–the main source of protein available. Meanwhile, a major shrine, the Jokka Kang, burned four tons of yak butter offerings daily. It has been estimated that one-third of all the butter produced in Tibet went up in smoke in nearly 3,000 temples, not counting the small alters in each house. People and most monks were kept completely illiterate. Education, outside news and experimentation were considered suspect and evil. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
"King Trosong Detsen decreed: "He who shows a finger to a monk shall have his finger cut off; he who speaks ill of the monks and the king's Buddhist policy shall have his lips cut off; he who looks askance at them shall have his eyes put out…" monasteries were dark fortresses of feudal exploitation–they were armed villages of monks complete with military warehouses and private armies. The monasteries also demanded that serfs hand over many young boys to serve as child-monks. the majority of monks were slaves and servants to the upper abbots and lived half-starved lives of menial labor, prayer chanting and routine beatings. Upper monks could force poor monks to take their religious exams or perform sexual services. (In the most powerful Tibetan sect, such homosexual sex was considered a sign of holy distance from women.) After liberation, Anna Louise Strong asked a young monk, Lobsang Telé, if monastery life followed Buddhist teachings about compassion. The young lama replied that he heard plenty of talk in the scripture halls about kindness to all living creatures, but that he personally had been whipped at least a thousand times. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
Young Tibetan boys were regularly taken from their families and brought into the monasteries to be trained as monks. Once there, they became bonded for life. Tashì-Tsering, a monk, reports that it was common for peasant children to be sexually mistreated in the monasteries. He himself was a victim of repeated rape, beginning at age nine. The monastic estates also conscripted impoverished peasant children for lifelong servitude as domestics, dance performers, and soldiers. "Pretty serf girls were usually taken by the owner as house servants and used as he wished." They "were just slaves without rights." Serfs needed permission to go anywhere. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
The greater part of the rural population—some 700,000 of an estimated total of 1,250,000—were serfs. Serfs and other peasants generally were little better than slaves. They went without schooling or medical care. They spent most of their time laboring for high-ranking lamas or for the aristocracy. They could not get married without the consent of their lord or lama. At that times, 95% of the Tibetans were serfs and slaves who had liberally no personal freedom. Their owners could trade and transfer them, present them as gifts and exchange them. They might be separated from their families should their owners send them to work in a distant location. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti). Serfs could not marry or leave the estate without the master's permission. Masters transferred serfs from one estate to another at will, breaking up serf families forever.( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama) In the past, seeing an official or a feudal lord, a serf would bend his body forward and stick out his tongue; seeing his master intending to mount a horse, a serf would lie on the ground to serve as a stepping stone. As for housing, many serfs used to pass the night in the streets and a few household serfs used to sleep in their owners' lavatories. (Magazine Refuting So-called Destruction Of Tibetan Culture China Society For Human Rights Studies)
The aristocratic and monastery masters owned the people, the land and most of the animals. They forced the serfs to hand over most grain and demanded all kinds of forced labor (called ulag).( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
Squads of monks brutalized the people. They were called "Iron Bars" because of the big metal rods they carried to batter people. It was a crime to "step out of your place"- like hunting fish or wild sheep that the lamaist declared were "sacred." It was even a crime for a serf to appeal his master's decisions to some other authority. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
One 22-year old woman, herself a runaway serf, reports : Landowners had legal authority to capture those who tried to flee. They had a professional army, albeit a small one, that served as a gendarmerie for the landlords to keep order and hunt down runaway serfs. Torture and mutilation—including eye gouging, the pulling out of tongues, hamstringing, and amputation—were favored punishments inflicted upon runaway serfs and thieves. Journeying through Tibet in the 1960s, Stuart and Roma Gelder interviewed a former serf, Tsereh Wang Tuei, who had stolen two sheep belonging to a monastery. For this he had both his eyes gouged out and his hand mutilated beyond use. He explains that he no longer is a Buddhist: "When a holy lama told them to blind me I thought there was no good in religion." ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti). When serfs ran away, the masters' gangs went to hunt them down. Each estate had its own dungeons and torture chambers. Pepper was forced under the eyelids. Spikes were forced under the fingernails. Serfs had their legs connected by short chains and were released to wander hobbled for the rest of their lives. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama) Grunfeld writes: "Buddhist belief precludes the taking of life, so that whipping a person to the edge of death and then releasing him to die elsewhere allowed Tibetan officials to justify the death as 'an act of God.' ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
Other brutal forms of punishment included the cutting off of hands at the wrists, using red-hot irons to gouge out eyes; hanging by the thumbs; and crippling the offender, sewing him into a bag, and throwing the bag in the river." ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
Owners could arbitrarily carry out such savage and cruel punishments upon them in the owners' private penitentiaries as gouging out the eyes, cutting off ears, hands and feet, pulling off tendons, and throwing them into eater. Inhumane examples like these could be seen everywhere in Tibet and such are the real immense destruction and human suffering" inflicted on the people of Tibet. The feudal serfdom in Tibet was darker and crueler than the European serfdom of the Middle ages.( Statement by Foreign Affairs Committee of NPC On Dalai Lama's Speech at EP general Assembly 2004/06/16)
In 1959, Anna Louise Strong visited an exhibition of torture equipment that had been used by the Tibetan overlords. There were handcuffs of all sizes, including small ones for children, and instruments for cutting off noses and ears, gouging out eyes, and breaking off hands. There were instruments for slicing off kneecaps and heels, or hamstringing legs. There were hot brands, whips, and special implements for disemboweling. The exhibition presented photographs and testimonies of victims who had been blinded or crippled or suffered amputations for thievery. There was the shepherd whose master owed him a reimbursement in yuan and wheat but refused to pay. So he took one of the master's cows; for this he had his hands severed. Another herdsman, who opposed having his wife taken from him by his lord, had his hands broken off. There were pictures of Communist activists with noses and upper lips cut off, and a woman who was raped and then had her nose sliced away. One 24-year old runaway welcomed the Chinese intervention as a "liberation." He claimed that under serfdom he was subjected to incessant toil, hunger, and cold. After his third failed escape, he was mercilessly beaten by the landlord's men until blood poured from his nose and mouth. They then poured alcohol and caustic soda on his wounds to increase the pain. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti)
As signs of the lamas' power, traditional ceremonies used body parts of people who had died: flutes made out of human thigh bones, bowls made out of skulls, drums made from human skin. After the revolution, a rosary was found in the Dalai Lama's palace made from 108 different skulls. After liberation, serfs widely reported that the lamas engaged in ritual human sacrifice–including burying serf children alive in monastery ground-breaking ceremonies. Former serfs testified that at least 21 people were sacrificed by monks in 1948 in hopes of preventing the victory of the communistst revolution.( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
In Tibet under the Dalai Lama's rule, a ceremony celebrating the birth of the Dalai Lama required sacrificial offerings of two human heads, human intestines, human blood and a human skin, according to historical records. (Magazine Refuting So-called Destruction Of Tibetan Culture China Society For Human Rights Studies) Visiting the Lhasa [Tibet] museum, journalist Alain Jacob saw "dried and tanned children's skins, various amputated human limbs, either dried or preserved, and numerous instruments of torture that were in use until a few decades ago".
People were taxed upon getting married, taxed for the birth of each child, and for every death in the family. They were taxed for planting a tree in their yard and for keeping animals. There were taxes for religious festivals, for singing, dancing, drumming, and bell ringing. People were taxed for being sent to prison and upon being released. Those who could not find work were taxed for being unemployed, and if they traveled to another village in search of work, they paid a passage tax. When people could not pay, the monasteries lent them money at 20 to 50 percent interest. Some debts were handed down from father to son to grandson. Debtors who could not meet their obligations risked being placed into slavery for the rest of their lives. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
Religious teachings buttressed its class order. The poor and afflicted were taught that they had brought their troubles upon themselves because of their wicked ways (sins) in previous lives. Hence they had to accept the misery of their present existence as a karmic atonement and in anticipation that their lot would improve upon being reborn. The rich and powerful of course treated their good fortune as a reward for, and tangible evidence of, virtue in past and present lives.( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
Lamaist superstition associated women with evil and sin. It was said "among ten women you'll find nine devils." Anything women touched was considered tainted–so all kinds of taboos were placed on women. Women were forbidden to handle medicine. Han Suyin reports, "No woman was allowed to touch a lama's belongings, nor could she raise a wall, or 'the wall will fall.'… A widow was a despicable being, already a devil. No woman was allowed to use iron instruments or touch iron. Religion forbade her to lift her eyes above the knee of a man, as serfs and slaves were not allowed to look the eyes upon the face of the nobles or great lamas." There are reports of women being burned for giving birth to twins and for practicing the pre-Buddhist traditional religion (called Bon). Twins were considered proof that a woman had mated with an evil spirit. Custom allowed a husband to cut off the tip of his wife's nose if he discovered she had slept with someone else. The patriarchal practices included polygamy, where a wealthy man could have many wives; and polyandry, where in land-poor noble families one woman was forced to be wife to several brothers. Rape of women serfs was common–under the ulag system, a lord could demand "temporary wives.( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
For ordinary people, there were no outhouses, sewers or toilets. The lamas taught that disease and death were caused by sinful "impiety." They said that chanting, obedience, paying monks money and swallowing prayer scrolls was the only real protection from disease. Leprosy, tuberculosis, goiter, tetanus, blindness and ulcers were very common. Feudal sexual customs spread venereal disease, including in the monasteries. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
The Dalai Lama, as then the highest dictator of Tibet, bears inevitable responsibilities for these brutalities, and he is the real arch-criminal who has trampled upon human rights and freedoms in Tibet. He never dares to mention his barbarous ruling in old Tibet and has not expressed any sense of repentance. On the contrary, he deceives the international community by shamelessly assuming himself as the "spokesman" for the freedom of Tibet and protector of human rights and humanity. ( Statement by Foreign Affairs Committee of NPC On Dalai Lama's Speech at EP general Assembly 2004/06/16)
Tibetan Lamaism is Atharva-Vedic
Trantrism of Arya-Brahmins in the garb of Buddhism !
The religion of Tibet is Buddhism, but like the Zen of Japan, it is a brand of Buddhism far divorced from the Indian original. Many scholars prefer the term "Lamaism" to distinguish between Tibetan Buddhism and its parent root. Dalai Lama's Buddhism is no Buddhism but in the garb of Buddhism it is Brahminist Atharva-vedic Tantrism.
Tantric Buddhism it literally swarms with aggressive warriors, demons, vampires, monsters, sword bearers, flame magicians, and avenging gods, who have at their disposal an overflowing arsenal of weapons. It is a dogmatic part of the tantric project, which makes wrath, aggression, murder, and the annihilation of enemies the starting point of its system of rituals. In the gloomy gokhang, the chamber or hall where their cult worship took (and still takes) place, hung (and still hang) their black thangkas, surrounded by an arsenal of bizarre weapons, masks and stuffed animals. Dried human organs were discovered there, the tanned skin of enemies and the bones of children. Earlier western visitors experienced this realm of shadows as a "chaotic, contradictory world like the images formed in a delirium" (Sierksma, 1966, p. 166). There are dreadful rumors about the obscure rituals which were performed in the "horror chambers" (Austin Waddell), because human flesh, blood, and other bodily substances were considered the most effective sacrificial offerings with which to appease the terror gods. If this flow of bloody food for the demons ever dries up, then according to Tibetan prophecies they fall upon innocent people, indeed even upon lamas so as to still their vampire-like thirst. The war god Begtse, for example, also known as Chamsrin strides over corpses swinging a sword in his right hand and holding a human heart to his mouth with the left so that he can consume it. His spouse, Dongmarma the "red face", chews at a corpse and is mounted upon a man-eating bear. Another "protective god", Yama, the judge of the dead, king of hell and an emanation of Avalokiteshvara (and thus also of the Dalai Lama), threatens with a club in the form of a child's skeleton in his right hand. Palden Lhamo, the Tibetan god-king's protective goddess gallops through a lake of blood using her son's skin as a saddle. The clergy in the Tibet of old was busy day and night defending themselves from foreign demons and keeping their own under control. (Hermanns, 1956, p. 198). As soon as something did not seem right, the superstitious peoples suspected that a demon was at work and fetched a lama to act as an exorcist for a fee and drive it out.( The Shadow of the Dalai Lama – Part II – 9. The war gods behind the mask of peace © Victor & Victoria Trimondi)
The following list of paradigms, concepts, theories, methods, and myths which have essentially shaped the culture of Lamaism (and still do) have become central for the neo-fascist movement :- 1) A strictly hierarchical state structure that rests upon a spiritually based "Führer principle" 2) The out and out patriarchal orientation of the state and society 3) The idea of a world ruler (Chakravartin) and a violent conquest of the world. 4) The myth of the "black sun" (Rahu myth in the Kalachakra Tantra) 5) The existence of a supernatural community of "priestly warriors" (Shambhala warriors) who observe and influence the history of the world. 6) A magical view of the world and the associated conception that the manipulation of symbols can affect history. 7) A great interest in paranormal phenomena and their combination with politics (visions, oracles, prophecies).
Sexual magic practices for transforming erotic love and sexuality into worldly and spiritual power (Kalachakra Tantra) In 1942, the Reichsführer of the SS Himmler was interested in occult doctrines from "mysterious Tibet", and assumed that a "race with Nordic blood" existed there, oppressed by the English and Chinese, and waiting for their liberation by the Germans. In 1934 Schäfer had set out on the first of two expeditions financed by the SS to track down remnants of the 'Nordic intellectual' nobility" (Spiegel, 16/1998, p. 111). "Schäfer's SS men were permitted to enter holy Lhasa, otherwise closed to Europeans and Christians( The Shadow of the Dalai Lama – Part II – 11. The Shambhala Myth and the west © Victor & Victoria Trimondi)
In spite of claimed celibacy in Lamaism in the name of Tantrism sex was practiced in the cloud of mysticism is evident from the following extract :-
One Western female teacher and devotee of Tibetan Buddhism noted, in attempting to sort through her own feelings on the subject :- How could this old lama, a realized master of the supreme Vajrayana practices of Maha Mudra, choose a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old nun from the monastery to become his sexual consort every year ? I talked to a number of Western women who had slept with their lamas. Some liked it—they felt special. Some felt used and it turned them away from practice. Some said they mothered the lama. But no one described it as a teaching; there was nothing tantric about it. The sex was for the lama, not them (in Kornfield, 2000). Lamas are known to be very crafty, and they use all kinds of techniques—flattery, promises, even lies—to expose a student to the Dharma. And it is thought to be an enormous blessing if a lama chooses to have sex with you (Sherrill, 2000). The forty-plus Jetsunma dropping Teri and instead taking one of her twenty-something male disciples as a "consort." The latter was, however, himself apparently cut loose a year later. He was further unbelievably talked into becoming a monk in order to "keep the blessing" conferred upon him in having had sex with his lama/guru, by never again sleeping with an "ordinary woman." Soon thereafter, the space-age Jetson-ma, "ruler of remote galaxies," became engaged to another male disciple, two decades her junior. Jetsunma's monastery exhibited a ratio of four nuns to every monk. The caliber of monks today has not, it seems, radically improved : Over 90% of those who wear the robes in India, and elsewhere are "frauds." The idea that the monk is more perfect than the non-monk is inveterate, and it is kindled by the monks themselves. in terms of human morality and of human intellect, monks are nowhere more perfect than lay people (Bharati, 1980). Likewise for Japanese Zen : It seemed to me that most of the monks at Suienji were proud of their position, lazy, stupid, greedy, angry, confused, or some combination. Mainly they were the sons of temple priests putting in their obligatory training time so that they could follow in daddy's footsteps. They listened to radios, drank at night and had pinups on the wall. What they were really into, though, was power trips. It's what got them off…. The senior monks were always pushing around the junior monks, who in turn were pushing around the ones that came after them (in Chadwick, 1994). The observations of a Thai Buddhist monk, in Ward (1998), at a monastery run by Ajahn Chah, are no more flattering: The farang [Westerners] at this wat [monastery] who call themselves monks are nothing but a bunch of social rejects who have found a place where they can get free food, free shelter and free respect. They are complacent and their only concern is their perks at the top end of the hierarchy. For more of the "inside story" on Tibetan Buddhism, consult Trimondi and Trimondi's (2003) The Shadow of the Dalai Lama: Sexuality, Magic and Politics in Tibetan Buddhism.(
Reforms in Tibet by Tibetan Communists of China
The Tibetan lords and lamas had seen Chinese come and go over the centuries and had enjoyed good relations with Generalissimo Chiang Kaishek and his reactionary Kuomintang rule in China. The approval of the Kuomintang government was needed to validate the choice of the Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama. When the young Dalai Lama was installed in Lhasa, it was with an armed escort of Chinese troops and an attending Chinese minister, in accordance with centuries-old tradition.( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
The Tibetan serf-owners themselves had signed this special "17-point agreement" and on October 26, 1951, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) had peacefully marched into Lhasa.( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama) The 1951 treaty provided for ostensible self government under the Dalai Lama's rule but gave China military control and exclusive right to conduct foreign relations. The Chinese were also granted a direct role in internal administration "to promote social reforms." ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti). The PLA's entry into Tibet represents the process in which the central Government takes over the local authorities from the hand of the old Kuomintang regime and it won the approval and support of the Dalai himself and the broad masses of the Tibetan people. However, the Dalai claims repeatedly that china has "invaded Tibet" and refuses to recognize Tibet as part of China.( Statement by Foreign Affairs Committee of NPC On Dalai Lama's Speech at EP general Assembly 2004/06/16)
At first, communists moved slowly, relying mostly on persuasion in an attempt to effect change. Among the earliest reforms they wrought was to reduce usurious interest rates, and build a few hospitals and roads. "Contrary to popular belief in the West," writes one observer, the Chinese "took care to show respect for Tibetan culture and religion." No aristocratic or monastic property was confiscated, and feudal lords continued to reign over their hereditarily bound peasants. But what upset the Tibetan lords and lamas now was that these latest Chinese were Communists. It would be only a matter of time, they feared, before the Communists started imposing their collectivist egalitarian solutions upon Tibet. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
During those first years, the PLA worked as a great construction force building the first roads connecting Tibet with central China. A long string of work camps stretched thousands of miles through endless mountains and gorges. Alongside these camps, the Han soldiers raised their own food using new collective methods. Serfs from surrounding areas were paid wages for work on the road. The rulers of old Tibet treated the serfs like "talking animals" and forced them to do endless unpaid labor–so the behavior of these PLA troops was shocking to the Tibetan masses. One serf said, "The Hans worked side by side with us. They did not whip us. For the first time I was treated as a human being." Another serf described the day a PLA soldier gave him water from the soldier's own cup, "I could not believe it!" One runaway said: "We understood that it was not the will of the gods, but the cruelty of humans like ourselves, which kept us slaves." The PLA road camps quickly became magnets for runaway slaves, serfs, and escaped monks. Young serfs working in the camps were asked if they wanted to go to school to help liberate their people. They became the first Tibetan students at Institutes for National Minorities in China's eastern cities. They learned reading, writing, and accounting "for the agrarian revolution to come"!( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
In this way, the revolution started recruiting activists who would soon lead the people. Once the first white-sand road was completed, long caravans of PLA trucks arrived, carrying key goods like tea and matches. The expanded trade and especially the availability of inexpensive tea improved the diet of ordinary Tibetans. By the mid-'50s, the first telephones, telegraphs, radio station and modern printing had been organized. The first newspapers, books and pamphlets appeared, in both Han and Tibetan languages. After 1955, Tibet's first real schools were founded. The first coal mine opened in 1958 and the first blast furnace in 1959. By July 1957 there were 79 elementary schools, with 6,000 students. All this started to improve the life of poor people and infuriated the upper classes. When revolutionary medical teams started healing people, even monks and the upper classes started showing up at the early clinics. This undermined superstitions that diseases were caused by sinful behavior. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)For the rich lamas and lords, the Communist intervention was a calamity. The Tibetan aristocracy wanted to reestablish its slavery over the masses of Tibet. Hence they eagerly accepted the Mossad-CIA assistance in overthrowing communist rule over Tibet. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti). They tried every foul means but their revolts were crushed as masses were against Dalai Lama and his theocracy. Finally, Dalai Lama had to flee with the help of CIA.
Because Dalai Lama's Kashag government had largely supported this counterrevolutionary revolt hence it was dissolved. Forced ulag labor was abolished. The nangzen slaves of the nobles and monasteries were freed. The masses of slave-monks were suddenly allowed to leave the monasteries. Arms caches were cleaned out of the main monasteries, and key conspirators were arrested. The sight of thousands of young monks eagerly getting married and doing manual labor was a powerful blow to superstitious awe. Women's liberation got off the ground–under the then-shocking slogan "All men and women are equal!" Without the land rent, the huge parasitic monasteries started to dry up. About half the monks left them and about half the monasteries closed down. In mass meetings, serfs were encouraged to organize Peasant Associations and fight for their interests. Key oppressors were called out, denounced and punished. The debt records of the serf-owners were burned in great bonfires. Women played a particularly active role. They are seen in the photographs of those days leading such meetings and denouncing the oppressor. Soon, the serfs seized the land and livestock. Ex-serfs, former beggars, and ex-slaves each received several acres. Serfs received 200,000 new deeds to the land and herds–decorated with red flags. These revolutionary moves took intense and often bloody class struggle. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama) After 1959 Chinese did abolish slavery and the serfdom system of unpaid labor, and put an end to floggings, mutilations, and amputations as a form of criminal punishment. They eliminated the many crushing taxes, started work projects, and greatly reduced unemployment and beggary. They established secular education, thereby breaking the educational monopoly of the monasteries. They constructed running water and electrical systems in Lhasa. By 1961, the Chinese expropriated the landed estates owned by lords and lamas, and reorganized the peasants into hundreds of communes. They distributed hundreds of thousands of acres to tenant farmers and landless peasants. Herds once owned by nobility were turned over to collectives of poor shepherds. Improvements were made in the breeding of livestock, and new varieties of vegetables and new strains of wheat and barley were introduced, along with irrigation improvements, all of which reportedly led to an increase in agrarian production. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
Bold serf women organized teams to hunt sacred animals and "iron brigades" to break plowing taboos. In 1966, 100,000 farmers waged a two-month mass campaign to exterminate earth rats, rodents that were eating their grain. In the past the monks had protected these rats, saying they were sacred reincarnations of lice from Buddha's body. It was the thousands of monasteries that inspired the greatest superstitious awe. These feudal strongholds themselves were targeted. In a huge mass movement, the many monasteries of Tibet were emptied and physically dismantled. These monasteries were armed fortresses that had loomed over the peasants' lives for centuries. These fortresses provoked justified fear that the old ways might return–one conspiracy after another was plotted behind monastery walls. All available accounts agree that this dismantling was done almost exclusively by the Tibetan serfs themselves, led by revolutionary activists. Often idols, texts, prayer flags, prayer wheels and other symbols were publicly destroyed–as a powerful way of shattering century-old superstitions. The old, hateful system of Lamaist feudalism had been shattered by the people themselves. The life of the people improved. Disease declined. The population increased. The numbing isolation of old Tibet was broken. Literacy and basic scientific knowledge spread among the people. Before the revolution, about 90 percent of the population was infected–causing widespread sterility and death. the revolution was able to greatly reduce these illnesses–but it required intense class struggle against the lamas and their religious superstitions. The monks denounced antibiotics and public health campaigns, saying it was a sin to kill lice or even germs ! The monks denounced the People's Liberation Army for eliminating the large bands of wild, rabies-infested dogs that terrorized people across Tibet.( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
Many peasants remained as religious as ever, giving alms to the clergy. But the many monks who had been conscripted into the religious orders as children were now free to renounce the monastic life, and thousands did, especially the younger ones. The remaining clergy lived on modest government stipends, and extra income earned by officiating at prayer services, weddings, and funerals. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti). The Dalai Lama has, in every possible way, accused China of destroying Tibetan culture but has never been able to support his accusation with one single convincing fact. The Tibetan culture he talks about is nothing but a serf-slaving culture that was prevalent in Tibet when he was the ruler there. (Magazine Refuting So-called Destruction Of Tibetan Culture China Society For Human Rights Studies)
Both the Dalai Lama and his advisor and youngest brother, Tendzin Choegyal, claimed that "more than 1.2 million Tibetans are dead as a result of the Chinese occupation." But the official 1953 census—six years before the Chinese crackdown—recorded the entire population residing in Tibet at 1,274,000.33 Other census counts put the ethnic Tibetan population within the country at about two million. If the Chinese killed 1.2 million in the early 1960s then whole cities and huge portions of the countryside, indeed almost all of Tibet, would have been depopulated, transformed into a killing field dotted with death camps and mass graves—of which we have not seen evidence. The thinly distributed Chinese military force in Tibet was not big enough to round up, hunt down, and exterminate that many people even if it had spent all its time doing nothing else. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
Similarly, Dalai Lama's talk on democracy is cunning hypocrisy and lie.
An Office of Tibet document of Dalai Lama claims "soon after His Holiness the Dalai Lama's arrival in India, he re-established the Tibetan Government in exile, based on modern democratic principles". Yet it took more than 30 years for an Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies to be directly elected from among the 130,000 exiles. Of 46 assembly members, only 30 are elected. The other 16 are appointed by religious authorities or directly by the Dalai Lama. All assembly decisions must be approved by the Dalai Lama, whose sole claim to the status of head of state is that he has been selected by the gods. The separation of church and state is yet to be recognized by the Dalai Lama as a "modern democratic principle". ( The Dalai Lama's hidden past 25 September 1996 Comment by Norm Dixon) Such is the hypocrisy of the exploiters and oppressors.
Dalai Lama and his Mossad-CIA led Campaigns.
Tibetan ruling class were hostile to the reform and wanted to preserve the serfdom forever so as to maintain their own vested interests. Therefore, they deliberately violated and sabotaged the 17-Article Agreement and masterminded armed rebellion in certain areas in a bid to separate the motherland. During the 1950s, while the Dalai Lama was still in power, his family developed ties with the CIA–which was arming and financing armed revolts both within Tibet and in the nearby Kham region.( The True Story of Maoist Revolution in Tibet by Mike Ely)Indian Arya-Brahmins also helped Dalai lama and his feudal armed forces.
During years 1952-56 the Indians were interested only in supporting intelligence operations in Tibet, but Chinese Nationalist (Taiwan) representatives in 1952 offered to back paramilitary operations in Tibet. ([CTRL] CIA Operations in China by Kris Millegan) During 1956-57, armed Tibetan bands ambushed convoys of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army (PLA). The uprising received extensive assistance from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), including military training, support camps in Nepal, and numerous airlifts. Meanwhile in the United States, the American Society for a Free Asia, a CIA front, energetically publicized the cause of Tibetan resistance, with the Dalai Lama's eldest brother, Thubtan Norbu, playing an active role in that group. The Dalai Lama's second-eldest brother, Gyalo Thondup, already had established an intelligence operation with the CIA in 1951. He later upgraded it into a CIA-trained guerrilla unit whose recruits parachuted back into Tibet. Many Tibetan commandos and agents whom the CIA dropped into the country were chiefs of aristocratic clans or the sons of chiefs. Ninety percent of them were never heard from again, according to a report from the CIA itself, meaning they were most likely captured and killed. "Many lamas and lay members of the elite and much of the Tibetan army joined the uprising, but in the main the populace did not, assuring its failure," writes Hugh Deane. In their book on Tibet, Ginsburg and Mathos reach a similar conclusion: "As far as can be ascertained, the great bulk of the common people of Lhasa and of the adjoining countryside failed to join in the fighting against the Chinese. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
In March 1959, a handful of Tibetan serf-owners, colluding with foreign forces, mounted a general armed rebellion and advocated flagrantly the separatist slogan of "Tibetan independence". PLA with the support and assistance of the broad Buddhist monks and laymen, quelled swiftly the separatists' rebellion.
Evil deeds of Dalai Lama and his followers during their armed insurgence in 1959 which aimed to protect feudal serfdom are unveiled. Their evil deeds include splitting the motherland, butchering Tibetan people, looting temples, and raping women. They killed a nine-year-old boy Samni, for example, cutting open his belly and eating his heart. Then, they cut the boy into small pieces and had him hung from a tree.( Commentary Unveils Evil Deeds of Dalai Lama)When the Dalai Lama traveled into exile in 1959, the cook and radio operator in his entourage were CIA agents.
Flight of Dalai Lama was in fact played out months in advance in Washington by high military officials. In 1959, the American-trained guerillas collected Dalai Lama from his summer residence (in Lhasa). During the long trek to the Indian border the underground fighters were in constant radio contact with the Americans and were supplied with food and equipment by aircraft. The Dalai Lama would never have been saved without the CIA" (Grunfeld, 1996, pp. 155-156). Chinese were not particularly interested in pursuing the refugees since they believed they would be better able to deal with the rebellion in Tibet if the Dalai Lama was out of the country. The flight, organized by the CIA and tolerated by the Chinese, was later mythologized by the western press and the Dalai Lama himself into a divine exodus. There was mysterious talk of a "mystic cloud" which was supposed to have veiled the column of refugees during the long trek to India and protected them from the view of and attack by the Chinese enemy. CIA airplanes which gave the refugees air cover and provided them with supplies of food became Chinese "reconnaissance" flights which circled above the fleeing god-king but, thanks to wondrous providence and the "mystic cloud", were unable to discern anything.( The Shadow of the Dalai Lama – Part II – 9. The war gods behind the mask of peace © Victor & Victoria Trimondi)
Dalai Lama went into exile in India where the CIA set up and trained the Tibetan contra (counter revolutionary) army. "Air Force pilots working with the CIA" asked potential recruits one question: Do you want to kill Chinese? These recruits were trained at U.S. military bases in Okinawa, Guam and Colorado. They were then dropped into the Tibetan region of China by "American pilots. ( CIA ran Tibet contras since 1959 By Gary Wilson)
The location Nehru offered to Tibetan Government in exile in the Kangra Valley. Dalai Lama's government-in-exile in Dharamsala, known as the Central Tibetan Administration, is a set up suggested by Nehru during his first meetings with the Dalai Lama in 1959. Lal Bahadur Shashtri government thought of according official status and recognize the Dalai Lama's administration as a government-in-exile. Lal Bahadur Shastri informed a representative of the Dalai Lama that after he returned from Tashkent he would take this decisive step. But he died in Tashkent. The CTA is a Government with legislative, judiciary and executive bodies and gets generous assistance of the Government of India, Nepal, the United Nations High Commission for refugees and foreign donors.( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
In 1956 the Dalai Lama, fearing that the Chinese government would soon move on Lhasa, had issued an appeal for gold and jewels to construct another throne for himself. This, he argued, would help rid Tibet of "bad omens''. One hundred and twenty tons were collected. When the Dalai Lama fled to India in 1959, he was preceded by more than 60 tons of treasure.(
Throughout the 1960s, the Tibetan exile community was secretly pocketing $1.7 million a year from the CIA, according to documents released by the State Department in 1998. Once this fact was publicized, the Dalai Lama's organization itself issued a statement admitting that it had received millions of dollars from the CIA during the 1960s to send armed squads of exiles into Tibet to undermine the Maoist revolution. The Dalai Lama's annual payment from the CIA was $186,000. Indian intelligence also financed both him and other Tibetan exiles. He has refused to say whether he or his brothers worked for the CIA. The agency has also declined to comment. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti). It therefore seems that Dalai Lama is a paid servant of CIA.
The CIA had immediately set up a Tibetan contra (counter revolutionary) force among the exiles. Ten Tibetan contra camps were set up in the tiny principality of Mustang on the Nepal-China border. The CIA had three more C130s modified for high altitude airdrops. At this time, the Indian government was preparing a border war with revolutionary China, and their direct involvement in the Tibetan contra army picked up. At a secret Indian base in Orissa, U.S. agents, Indian officials and Tibetan contras met weekly to coordinate their activities. The first Tibetan contra raid into China was staged in late 1961, just before war broke out between India and China. Grunfeld documents a CIA study from this period with detailed information on how Tibet's unique weather might affect the use of aerial, chemical and biological warfare. *IP2* The Tibetan contra border raids continued through the '60s. The CIA money that Gyalo Thondup received for these operations increased. The CIA hoped these Tibetan contras could maintain networks of agents, conduct sabotage, and generally harass the revolutionary forces. Meanwhile, the people in Nepal increasingly demanded that these armed camps be removed. (The Dalai Lama and the CIA Revolutionary Worker #765, July 17, 1994)
After China's border war with India in 1962, the CIA worked closely with Indian intelligence services in training and supplying agents in Tibet and in creating a special forces unit of Tibetan refugees that was eventually called the Special Frontier Force. The Agency also assisted the Dalai Lama's government-in-exile by giving a $180,000 annual donation to the Dalai Lama's charitable trust fund until 1967 and by subsidizing a training program for Tibetan officials and agents at Cornell University. It also purchased Tibetan art works for display at the government-in-exile's Tibet House in New Delhi. (Radio Free Asia Tibetan BBS)
Dalai Lama organized rebellion forces and for many times plotted violent riots in Tibet. He sent secret agents and intelligence personnel to carry out terrorist activities in Tibet. He spread rumors and calumnies and engineered other sorts of separatist activities. He shuttled among foreign countries only to advertise the "Tibetan independence", trying to internationalize the so-called "Tibetan issue". By analyzing what the Dalai Lama has done over the past 40 years, we can find out that he has done nothing to "serve the people of Tibet", but instead, he has done everything trying to regain his lost paradise. there he could re-enslave the Tibetan people and separate Tibet from the motherland. ( Statement by Foreign Affairs Committee of NPC On Dalai Lama's Speech at EP general Assembly 2004/06/16)
Today, mostly through the National Endowment for Democracy and other conduits that are more respectable-sounding than the CIA, the US Congress continues to allocate an annual $2 million to Tibetans in India, with additional millions for "democracy activities" within the Tibetan exile community. The Dalai Lama also gets money from financier George Soros, who now runs the CIA-created Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty and other institutes. ( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
The monks who were granted political asylum in California applied for Social Security. Lewis, herself a devotee for a time, assisted with the paperwork observes that they continue to receive Social Security checks amounting to $550 to $700 per month along with Medicare and MediCal. In addition, the monks reside rent free in nicely furnished apartments. "They pay no utilities, have free access to the Internet on computers provided for them, along with fax machines, free cell and home phones and cable TV." In addition, they receive a monthly payment from their order. Dharma center takes up a special collection from its American members separate from membership dues. Some members eagerly carry out chores for the monks, including grocery shopping and cleaning their apartments and toilets. These same holy men "have no problem criticizing Americans for their 'obsession with material things."( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
Dalai Lama and Arya-Brahmin Fascist organizations
It was the SS ( an elite military unit of the Nazi party ) who explored Tibet and it was a former SS trooper Heinrich Harrer who schooled the Dalai Lama. Harrer had become young Dalai Lama's personal tutor until the early 50s, and teaching him about all the "wonders" of western civilization and introducing him to the English language as well.( The Shadow of the Dalai Lama – Part II – 11. The Shambhala Myth and the west © Victor & Victoria Trimondi)
In April 1999, along with Margaret Thatcher, Pope John Paul II, and the first George Bush, the Dalai Lama called upon the British government to release Augusto Pinochet, the former fascist dictator of Chile and a longtime CIA client who had been apprehended while visiting England. The Dalai Lama urged that Pinochet not be forced to go to Spain where he was wanted to stand trial for crimes against humanity.( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
In addition to his links to Nazism, the Dalai Lama is also known to have enjoyed close connections with the notorious Japanese Aum Doomsday Cult. The illegal cult is well-known to all for the deadly subway poisoning it plotted in Tokyo in 1995. The gas poisoning killed 12 people and injured more than 5,000. On February 27, 2004, a Tokyo court sentenced Shoko Asahara, founder of the Aum Doomsday Cult, to death on charges of 13 crimes and the Japanese highest court turned down his appeal and upheld the original ruling in September 2006.
As peace-loving people across the world heaped their anger and criticisms on the Asahara-led Aum Doomsday Cult, the Dalai Lama, however, argued in an interview with Kyodo News Agency that the illegal group aimed at spreading Buddhist tenets and claimed Asahara was still his bosom friend. His remarks astounded the whole world at that time. The Dalai Lama's unlimited support to the Aum Doomsday cult was attributed to his close relations with its head. On his trip to Japan in 1984, the Dalai Lama met with 29-year-old Asahara and they met once again in India in 1986. Asahara established the Aum Doomsday Cult after he came back from this trip. A year later, Asahara went to the South Asian nation and met with the Dalai Lama again. Dalai Lama told Asahara during their meeting "Buddhism is decadent in Japan and you are the most suitable person to plant real Buddhism in your country because you know best the Buddha's innermost ideas,". It was after this meeting that the two built a tutor-student relationship.
Dalai Lama even wrote in 1989 a letter to the Tokyo authorities recommending Asahara's Aum Doomsday Cult be recognized as a formal religious group in Japan. His attempt was later realized. In a letter of thanks to the Dalai Lama after the Aum Doomsday Cult acquired legal status in Japan, Asahara vowed to his tutor Dalai Lama, "I will try my best to help Tibet be returned to the hands of Tibetans." Under the instructions of the Dalai Lama, Asahara later sneaked into China's Tibet twice to preach "Tibet independence." In collusion with Asahara, the Dalai Lama attempted to set up a pro-"Tibet independence" team in Japan.( Dalai Lama's Nexus With Extremists ; This is an excerpt from an article recently published in the Phoenix Weekly. The English version is reprinted from the December 26, 2008 edition of China Daily)
In addition to Nazis, Dalai Lama also maintained his close ties with Arya-Brahmin fascist organizations and opposed religious conversions.
"Whether Hindu or Muslim or Christian, whoever tries to convert, it's wrong, not good," "I always believe it's safer and better and reasonable to keep one's own tradition or belief," Dalai Lama said after a meeting with leaders of the World Hindu Council. He barefoot and giggling sprinkled himself water from the Ganges at the Kumbh Mela festival. "I'm very happy to be here," the Dalai Lama told journalists. He spoke after the Hindu Council's general secretary, Ashok Singhal, had said, "Buddhism, Hinduism and other non-aggressive religions have to unite to douse Islam … an aggressive religion." The Dalai Lama and others signed a statement saying: "We oppose conversions by any religious tradition using various methods of enticement."( Dalai Lama condemns Christian, Muslim practice of seeking converts January 26, 2001)
According to Dalit Voice, Dalai Lama is not ready to support the Buddhist claim for the 1500 year old Mahabodhi temple at Bodh Gaya which is still under the control of Bahmins who were responsible for destroying Buddhism in India about 3000 years ago ? Dalai Lama has not only refused to support the Buddhists' rightful demand but actually he is supporting the Brahminical terrorist parties who are the enemies of Buddhists. That is why the Ambedkarite Buddhists in India hate Dalai Lama who once seriously offended the followers of Dr. Ambedkar by saying in Bangalore that "Dr. Ambedkar's Buddhism is no Buddhism". Dalai Lama is an American agent and hence enemy of India. (Dalit Voice, 16-31 December 2006)
The neo-Buddhist monks distributed a pamphlet in Hindi, Bharat ki bhoomi par gair desh ki sarkar (An alien government on the Indian soil) questioning the logic of the Dalai Lama running a government-in-exile in India. ( The Phantoms of Chittagong)
A supporter of Dalai Lama writes that a section of neo-Buddhist monks claiming to be the followers of the great B.R.Ambedkar and Buddhism organized under the banner of Bodh Gaya Mahabodhi Vihar All India Action Committee was seen trying real hard to plant all the right conditions and atmosphere for the disruption of the Kalachakra Puja. Printed materials denouncing and accusing the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government in Exile (TGIE). They questioned the existence of His Holiness and the TGIE on Indian soil and termed the activities of His Holiness as a 'CIA sponsored show'. They demand to expel the Dalai Lama and the Karmapa from India. (Dharma versus Politics By Tsering Tsomo, Phayul Reporter Saturday, January 18, 2003) Buddhist monks have raised objections to the proposal to honor Tibetan leader Dalai Lama with the Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian honour in India. ( Indian monks oppose Bharat Ratna to Dalai Lama)
Shamsul Islam reminds of an incident in 1992 when a street theater group tried to meet Dalai Lama in Kanpur to protest against his participation in the RSS and its fronts programs which were being organized prior to the demolition of the Babri mosque. It was November 9, 1992, a day after Dalai Lama inaugurated the ABVP conference in Kanpur and within a month Babri mosque was demolished. Members of the Delhi-based street theatre group which happened to be performing in the city against communal mobilization was bashed up in the presence of Dalai Lama himself for daring to protest against Dalai Lama's participation in the RSS build-up. "Amidst thunderous applause, the president of the ABVP, Raj Kumar Bhatia had informed the distinguished visitor (Dalai Lama) about the commitments of ABVP, viz., reconstruction of the temple at Ramjanmabhoomi and that ABVP activists' participation in the December 6 Karseva in large numbers." Thus nothing was hidden from Dalai Lama. It was in his presence that the RSS chalked out its December 6 carnage program. Isn't it true that Dalai Lama had blessed this program by inaugurating the conference ? This conference of the ABVP held in Kanpur, close to Ayodhya, was not a routine conference of the student wing of the RSS but highly significant for making final preparations for the demolition of the Babri mosque. It is alleged that it was here that a model of the mosque was constructed to acclimatize the cadres with the task of demolishing the Babri mosque on 6 December.( Open letter to HH Dalai Lama – Shamsul Islam)
Dalai Lama's Special frontier force helped Arya-Brahminists in their black-operations.
Mostly Khampas, were recruited at Chakrat, Dehradun, UP. the unit was named the Special Frontier Force. Its forces were trained and commanded by the Indian Army and CIA. The SFF became known by the code name "Establishment 22″ because of its inspector general, who during World War II commanded the 22nd Mountain Regiment. It was used against East Pakistan with the consent of Dalai Lama in 1971. About one-third of its full strength was developed adjacent to the Chittagong Hill Tracts as Mukti Bahini.( Establishment 22) Under the cover of the Mukti Bahini, Tibetans infiltrated East Pakistan a few weeks before the beginning of the war. They conducted raids to destroy bridges and communication lines deep inside Pakistan's eastern province. The operation was so secret that most generals of the Indian Army's Eastern Command in Calcutta did not know about the activities of 3,000 Tibetans Jawans commanded by a Tibetan Dapon (the equivalent of a brigadier of the Indian Army) who helped the Indian Army advance. From the day of its inception in November 1962, the Force had been placed under the Cabinet Secretary, which in fact meant the Indian prime minister. In 1971, the founder of the Research and Analysis Wing, R N Kao, by-passing the army, directly sent orders from Delhi to the Tibetan force. An Indian web site [Bharat Rakshak] provides more information on the SFF's achievements in Bangladesh :- 'With war right around the corner, the SFF was given several mission plans, including the destruction of the Kaptai Dam and other bridges. The Inspector General urged that the SFF be used to capture Chittagong, but this was found not favorable, since SFF members did not have artillery or airlift support to conduct a mission of that magnitude. After three weeks of border fighting, the SFF divided its six battalions into three columns and moved into East Pakistan on 03 December 1971.' By the time Pakistan surrendered, the SFF had lost 56 men — nearly 190 were wounded — but they blocked a potential escape route for East Pakistani forces into Burma. They also halted members of Pakistan's 97 Independent Brigade and 2 Commando Battalion in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. ( The Phantoms of Chittagong) The Indian government gave awards to 580 members of the force for their active involvement and bravery in the battles. ( Establishment 22)
It remains one of the most secret the participation of Tibetan commandos known as the 'Special Frontier Forces' in the military operations at the Golden Temple complex {of Amritsar, Punjab in which hundreds of Sikhs were butchered}. After their outstanding participation in the liberation of Bangladesh, Indira Gandhi became enamored with the SFF. It was soon nicknamed as Indira Fauj. But their role and actions have continued to be shrouded in mystery. It is rumored that in 1977, an AN12 aircraft was on constant alert at a SFF paratrooper base with instructions to fly the prime minister to Mauritius if her life was threatened. Whether it is true or not, very few can say! By the early 1980s, the SFF's Special Group had become the primary counter-terrorist force in India.([Reader-list] Tibetan faujis in Bluestar tenzin tsetan ttsetan at Sat Jun 26 06:51:06 CEST 2004) SFF also lost their lives on the Siachen Glacier and during the Kargil conflict in 1999. ( The Phantoms of Chittagong)
Current Scenario in Tibet
A 1999 story in the Washington Post notes that few Tibetans would welcome a return of the corrupt aristocratic clans that fled with Dalai Lama in 1959 and that comprise the bulk of his advisers. Many Tibetan farmers, for example, have no interest in surrendering the land they gained during China's land reform to the clans. Tibet's former slaves say they, too, don't want their former masters to return to power. "I've already lived that life once before," said Wangchuk, a 67- year-old former slave who was wearing his best clothes for his yearly pilgrimage to Shigatse, one of the holiest sites of Tibetan Buddhism.( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
Agents or supporters of capitalism in the garb of communists are termed as revisionists. Communist party had plenty of revisionists in China as well as in Tibet.
Storm of class struggle and revolutionary reforms in Tibet displeased some powerful revisionist forces inside the Chinese Communist Party itself. These forces were grouped around the party leader Liu Shao-chi, the top general Lin Piao, and Deng Xiaoping who rules China today. They had a completely different and quite capitalist view of what should be done with Tibet. Deng Xiaoping even suggested recruiting Tibet's upper strata lamas as Communist Party members.( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)Revolutionary cadres had given them tit for tat reply during cultural revolution in China and Tibet.
In 1976 the Maoist revolutionaries were overthrown in China. Much to the delight of the U.S. government, a pro-capitalist government came to power, headed by Deng Xiaoping. This anti-Maoist coup had severe repercussions for the people in Tibet. ( The True Story of Maoist Revolution in Tibet by Mike Ely) When "the sky changed" in revolutionary China, the new revisionist rulers focused on consolidating their rule. They had two immediate needs in Tibet: First, to overthrow and break up the vast revolutionary forces. And second, to unleash all available counterrevolutionary forces under their leadership. the whole generation of young Tibetan revolutionaries, overwhelmingly from the poor classes, were driven from power. By 1979 a new party leadership was consolidated–including many revisionist figures who had been discredited during revolutionary periods. ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
On February 25, 1978 the Panchen Lama, one of old Tibet's greatest exploiters and a "reincarnated Buddha," was released from prison and given a prominent government post. Thirty-four prominent Tibetans from the CIA-backed 1959 revolt were released from prison. From 1977 on, U.S. officials started making regular trips to the region. The rehabilitation of new and old exploiters set the stage for a sweeping counterrevolution in all aspects of Tibetan life. The new revisionist rulers abolished socialist farming by stages. Wealthy pilgrims have returned to Lhasa, and starving beggars have reappeared too. Journalist Ludmilla Tüting reports seeing Tibetan peasants traveling to Lhasa to sell their children–something common under the old Lamaist rule. While the poor go hungry, 55,000 tons of yak meat are now being exported from Tibet to Hong Kong every year. In mid-1977 the revisionist party chairman Hua Guofeng called for a revival of feudal customs in Tibet. Feudal rituals were soon restored at Lhasa's main Lingkhor and Barkhor shrines. By the late '80s, the Chinese government said there were over 200 functioning monasteries–with perhaps as many 45,000 monks. At the end of the '80s, Li Peng (the butcher who ordered the Tiananmen Square massacre) was orchestrating the first officially sponsored "search for a reincarnated Buddha." In 1979 the revisionists announced Article 147 of their new legal system–making it a crime to challenge reactionary religious practices in Tibet. Almost all visitors to Tibet today report that the revisionist Han functionaries openly mock the masses of Tibetan people as "barbaric," "lazy" and "backward". ( May 23, 2006 The true face of the Dalai Lama)
A delegation of RSS and other Arya-Brahminist fascists comprising Ram Madhav the spokesman of RSS, BJP vice president Bal Apte, Shivsena leader Suresh Prabhu, BJP MP Balvir Punj, and Arya-Brahminist media-man Chandan Mishra visited china recently. Communist party of China had invited delegation of Arya-Brahminist fascists considering that Arya-Brahminist industrialists are getting stronger and stronger in international arena and Chinese capitalists wanted to benefit from the collaboration with them. (Mahanayak, 13 January 2009)
Revisionists leaders of China have maintained relations with Arya-Brahminists From the very beginning. In 1966 when Sadhus of Sangh Parivar have demonstrated violently for ban on cow slaughter China had shocked every body by supporting this demonstration after which communal riots had broke out.
RAW-supported Tibetans in Nepal have held protests against China's rule over Tibet. In this regard, it is notable that on March 10, 2008, anti-government protests by Buddhist monks erupted in Tibet, flaring in nearby provinces. Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet who has lived in exile in India along with his 120,000 followers has been tacitly encouraged by RAW's invisible warriors ? enabling him to mobilize armed groups and international support to create instability in Tibetan regions of China. ( RAW's invisible warriors by Sajjad Shaukat)
Dalai Lama, before communist revolution had succeeded to the throne in 1940 after the approval of the then Chairman of China's national government. Tibet has never been an independent state and no government in the world has ever recognized it as such a state. The Tibetan people deserve the right to national self-determination. However, supporting their struggle should not mean that we uncritically support the self-proclaimed leadership of the Dalai Lama and his {CIA} compromised "government-in-exile".
Dalai Lama want to return to China with his CIA trained militants and spy-network trained and financed by CIA. But even the Tibetans in exile after they have experienced democracies now do not want to return to Tibet while the feudal oppressive Lamaism is being revived in Tibet.
Kim Lewis, who studied healing methods with a Buddhist monk in Berkeley, California, had occasion to talk at length with more than a dozen Tibetan women who lived in the monk's building. When she asked how they felt about returning to their homeland, the sentiment was unanimously negative. At first, Lewis thought their reluctance had to do with the Chinese occupation, but they quickly informed her otherwise. They said they were extremely grateful "not to have to marry 4 or 5 men, be pregnant almost all the time," or deal with sexually transmitted diseases contacted from a straying husband. The women interviewed by Lewis spoke bitterly about the monastery's confiscation of their young boys in Tibet. When a boy cried for his mother, he would be told "Why do you cry for her, she gave you up – she's just a woman." Among the other issues was "the rampant homosexuality in the Gelugpa sect.( Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti).
Dharmashala the Mossad-CIA Den in Himachal Pradesh ?
Dalit Voice has published a news titled " Jewish Den in Himachal ? " According to the news Dharmashala in Himachal Pradesh is proving to be a thorn in the neck of India with its Tibetan government in exile established by Dalai Lama, yet another dangerous species (Jews) are swarming into the Himalayan state. According to an article by Asit Jolly in the Asian age 19 November 2006, A thriving Jewish quarter has emerged in the adjoining Kulu and Manali valleys in the Himalayas, known as much for their salubrious climate and snow-capped peaks as for the quality of hashish available there. Over the past 15 years, these overcrowded but still picturesque resorts on the Beas river have emerged as the new "promised land" to which thousands of Jews annually migrate for extended periods for an uninterrupted fest of drugs, rock n roll and karmic cleansing. According to Himachal state officials, nearly two third of estimated 90,000 foreign tourists that visit old Manali, Vashishth, Kasol and Naggar each year are young Israeli backpackers. A tiny Zionist state is in the making but the Brahminical rulers have simply ignored….. (Dalit Voice, 16-31 December 2006)
Chapter XI
What Masses Must Do ?
We Must Understand the
Strength of Zionist-Brahminist Enemy !
It is well established that 13 Satan worshipping families known as illuminati rule America, Israel, Europe and many countries of the world through their proxies. They are the core of impending Satanist new world order.
Zionist slave America, Zionist Israel and their allies Arya-Brahminists spread all over the world are united to establish their Satanist Zionist-Brahminist new world order and rule the world according to the law of Talmud and Manusmriti.
In the impending Satanist New World Order we indigenous masses shall become worst than slaves and Zionist-Brahminist rulers will treat us in the manner they like.
We must realize that Illuminati exploiters and their proxies believe in Satanism and are devoid of morality and ethical values. Therefore, there is no sense in convincing or begging them for our human rights.
If we do not resist and fight-back, worst slavery is our fate. Struggle only insures hope of freeing ourselves from the exploitation and oppression.
To defeat the Satanist Illuminati needs worldwide struggle launched and controlled by aware masses themselves against the exploitation and oppression as illuminati and their proxies are totally united to brutally suppress any resistance offered to them.
The coordinated resistance of masses against exploitation and oppression at all levels will grow into abovementioned worldwide struggle capable of defeating illuminati.
The only way that we can fight the demon of Zionist terrorism is by revealing the truth and thus uniting the people across religions and nations for our common struggle against imperialism and for a global human society based on the principles of secularism, democracy and social justice.
Indigenous Masses Must Understand
Limitations of their Organizations !
Indigenous masses must understand that when it comes to ending of exploitation and oppression system, the exploiters use violence to crush the resistance to their exploitation system.
Most of the organizations of indigenous masses are electioneering parties unfit to withstand cruel measures of the exploiters. Such organizations will survive only till exploiters continue pretending to be democratic and does not apply despotic measures. When the so called parliamentary democracy is abandoned, if the leadership of these electioneering parties surrender before the exploiters then they will be allowed to retain their high positions without real power.
In both these above alternatives these parties become useless for indigenous masses in their struggle against exploitations.
Organizations of middle and upper middle class educated section that do not participate in election are not capable of giving proper answer to the cruelties of exploiter class because this class is basically coward. They can only do some mock fight to deceive masses. In fact their usefulness is ristricted to creating partial awareness in the indigenous masses
Only the masses themselves are capable to launch and continue effective and genuine struggle against exploitation and oppression and retaliate every cruelty of the Zionist-Brahminist exploiters provided they enjoy absolute leadership in their struggle.
The absolute leadership of masses will grow only when every OBC, Dalit, Adivasi Muslim realize that without depending on any organization every Bahujan must dedicate himself to a missionary activity for himself considering his resources, abilities, weaknesses and responsibilities. A missionary activity is that activity which weakens Zionists-Brahminists and their exploitation system and make the indigenous masses and their struggle against exploitation and oppression stronger.
Indigenous Masses Must Rely On Themselves !
Every Bahujan therefore, must dedicate himself to a missionary activity of his/ her choice and priority and cooperate in the missionary activities of other Bahujans if he /she can do that without disturbing his / her own missionary activity.
We must coordinate our activities so that they produce cumulative effect and make aware more indigenous masses.
We must establish strong unity between the aware OBC, Dalit and Adivasi masses and work together to diffuse hate-mongering arsenals of Zionists-Brahminists.
We must make Bahujan masses realize that Sangh-Parivar in fact is enemy of indigenous OBC, Dalits and Adivasi Nag-Dravid masses of India.
Ex Chief minister of Uttar Pradesh Mr. Kalyan Singh has alleged that BJP is anti-Hindu. (Mahanayak, 5 February 2009) Sangh-Parivar calls indigenous OBC, Dalits and Adivasi masses of India as Hindu. Arya Brahmin dictionary defines the word "Hindu" as thieves. This is quoted by Tamilnadu chief minister Karunaneedhi and many others. Indigenous OBC, Dalits and Adivasi are Nag-Dravids and not Hindu.
We should develop infrastructure to prevent communal violence and punish real Arya-Brahminists who planned communal violence.
We should work jointly to launch a struggle against exploitation and oppression of masses by the Zionists-Brahminists.
We should start various campaigns such as to boycott goods of industrialists that help Zionists-Brahminists and work for developing Bahujan economy.
We should have our ultimate loyalty for mission and not for an organization because organizations come into existence to accomplish activities of mission. Therefore we must cooperate in every missionary activity no matter which organization is carrying it out.
Muslim Masses Must Identify
Enemies In the Garb of Muslims !
Muslim masses must realize that there are persons and organizations in the garb of Muslims who in fact work for the Arya-Brahminist Zionist enemy while posing themselves true Muslims. Therefore, they should not trust a person or an organization simply because he has a Muslim name or Muslim agenda.
Those who work for Arya-Brahmins knowingly are agents of Zionism-Brahminism whereas those who unknowingly work for Zionism-Brahminism work out of ignorance because they are sentimentally lured and deceived by a Muslin name and agenda of such organization.
The only criteria to judge any person or organization is to judge them from the consequences of their actions. Do not concentrate on what they say but see the result of their action. You will realize that their actions have only benefited Arya-Brahminists and has caused harm to masses and did nothing to free Muslim masses from poverty, misery and exploitation and oppression of Muslims by the Zionists-Brahminists.
Remember that Quran has been revealed for this very earth and not for beneath or above the earth. Quaran is meant for people to live a life of brotherhood, equality, fraternity and self-respect. Islam condemns exploitation and oppression and asks Muslim to wage a struggle against it.
The duty of Zionist-Brahminist agents is to prevent the masses from doing any struggle against Arya-Brahminist exploitation and oppression by keeping them engaged in ritualism (as Tabliq does) or in mock-struggles that cause no harm to Zionists-Brahminists (as Jamat e Islami Hind does) but only waste the energy, money. time and labor of the Muslim masses.
Tabliq E Jamat and Jamat E Islami Hind both receive financial aid from the rich persons and organizations of Arabian countries. These rich persons and organizations are slave of Arab rulers who themselves are the slaves of Zionist slave America. Therefore how can you expect a genuine struggle by agents of Zionists against exploitation and oppression being committed on Muslim masses by the Aya-Brahminists who are allies Zionism ?
Tabliq and Jamaat are two sides of the same Zionist-Brahminist coin as BJP and Congress are two sides of the Zionist-Brahminist coin.
Aware Muslims argue that when we are ill we go to a doctor, we raise our house to protect ourselves from rain, wind and hot sun rays, we also wear cloths to protect our honor. But when it comes to struggle against exploitation and oppression why we are told to concentrate only on life after death and raise no struggle against exploitation and oppression ?
Aware Muslims does not consider Islam a mere ritualism. Aware Muslims insist on implementing revolutionary teachings of Islam in every walk of life. Such Muslims are lured by Jamaat e Islami by their mock struggle and their fake opposition to ritualism. Few years before, Jamaat e Islami Hind had started a campaign against communalism and untouchability. In the lectures arranged, Jamaat called Arya-Brahminists to preach against communalism and untouchability. It was nothing but implementing RSS agenda of "Samajik-Samrasata" (communal Harmony) which simply meant to lure Bahujans (Muslims as well as non Muslims) in to their fold and prevent masses from raising struggle against exploitation and oppression of Zionists-Brahminists.How can we exploited masses make harmony with the very exploiters when they deny us our every rights ?
Muslim masses must realize that these fake Muslim organizations are inseparable part of Sangh-Parivar. Leaders of these organizations mainly are the Arya-Brahmins converted to Islam only to avail benefits from Muslim rulers. Their only aim is to corrupt Islam with Brahminist-Ritulism and spread superstitions. Therefore, they have never worked for establishing strong unity between indigenous OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis and establish committees to aware them against Zionists-Brahminists and prepare and coordinate infra-structure to prevent riots and punish those who had planned communal violence. To punish the real culprits who master-mind riots.
They should have worked on preventing riots with the help of aware OBC, Dalit Adivasi Bahujans from the very first communal violence in India. But how can one expects these Zionist-Brahminists converted to Islam and who are controlling Muslim organizations in the garb of Muslims to do that ?
In Gujarat when massacres and rape of Muslim girls and women were rampant, Muslim leaders amidst all these brutalities shamelessly remained in BJP, Congress and in the parties of their allies and even participated in election campaigns to vote for these murderers and rapists.
These fake Muslim organizations completely ignored the effective awareness literature produced by aware Bahujans (especially Tri-Iblisi Shoshan Vyuh Vidhvans Pat I & II and books of its series) that expose Zionists-Brahminists naked and diffuse their every arsenal comprising allegations and issues that Zionists-Brahminists have been using to spread hatred against indigenous Muslims to start communal riots. They should have translated these books in Urdu and in local languages and spread them. But they did not do that as expected.
A delegation of Jamaat e Islami had visited RSS headquarter at Nagpur few months after Gujarat massacres and rapes. They told reporters that they had went to see the RSS building from within. They were warmly received by RSS leaders and had presented them Sharbat (fruit Juice). Is not it equivalent visiting the rapist of Muslim women in Gujarat on the pretext of looking his home within and accepting his hospitality ? In connection with Gujarat, let us make it again clear that whatever respect we aware Bahujans had for Kanshiram and Mayavati we have lost that completely and permanently after their pro-BJP role and betrayal of Muslim masses in Gujarat.
Indigenous Muslims should never trust their upper-caste leadership as they are the root cause of their misery and oppression.
According to Dalit Voice, the whole issue of inquiry into the Karkare killings is sidelined because the issue was grabbed by upper caste Muslims. This issue should have been in the hands of indigenous Muslims. (Dalit Voice, 16-31 January 2009) Therefore, Muslim masses must rely on their own strength and apply measures as mentioned in earlier sections of this very chapter.
Books and Periodicals
Aaj ka Surekh Bharat : Nagpur
Ambedkar B.R Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writing and Speeches, ( Volumes published by Govt. of Maharashtra, Edn. dept.) Bombay – 32
Ambedkar Mission Patrika : Chikohra, Post Anishabad, Patna – 800002 (India)
Anandabazar Patrika, Kolkata, India
Bahujan Sanghrsha : Editor Nagesh Chaudhary Rahate Colony, Jail Road, Nagpur
Bhaskar : Nagpur
Dalit Voice, 109/7th Cross, Palace Lower Orchards, Bangalore – 560 003 India
Dalito Par Badhate Hamle ka Munh Tod Jawab Do, p. 21, New Vistas Publication)
Gopal Gurung : In quest of Mangol Identity, P.O. Box 2828 Kathmandu)
Frontline, Chennai India
Haqdar : Editor : Pannalal Premi, Amarsinghpura, Bikaner, Rajastan (India)
Indian Express
Joshi P.C. & K. Damodaran : Marx Comes to India, Manohar Book Sevice, 2, Daryaa Ganj Ansari Road, Panna Bhawan, Delhi – 110 006
Kolte V. B : Marathi Santon Ka Samajik Karya, March 1954, Hindi Granth Ratnakar Karyalaya, Mumbai – 4
Lad Ramchandra Narayan : Marathyache Dasiputra Arthat Paypos Kimtiche Peshve, Shivbharat Prakashan, 69A, Kotwal Nagar, Nagpur
Mahanayak : Gala No. 173, Lam building, Sathe buiscuit Compound, Sakharam Balaji Pawar Marg, Lower Parel (E), Mumbai- 400013
Mourya Pradip Kumar : Dharati-Putra Ka Shoshan, Kalpaj Publication, C30A Satyawati Nagar, Phase 3A, Ashok Vihar, New Delhi – 110052
Nav-Bharat : Nagpur
Outlook India
Pratham Pravakta : B-7X/114A, Safadarjung Enclave, New Delhi – 29
Rajshekar, V.T. : Dialogue of the Bhoodevtas, Who is Ruling India, 1982; Brahminism, Dalit Sahitya Academy Bangalore.
Samrat : Block 9, NIT Complex, Bhadant Anand Kausalyan Marg, Untkhana Nagpur- 440009
Sanpla B. R. : Yugpurush Ambedkar, Pritam Prakashan, Saint Brahmdas Marg, Chanan Nagar, Post Office Sofi Pind, Jalundhar, Punjab (India)
Sheetal Markam : 1) Arya-Brahmin Vengeance on Bengali-Tamil Dalits & Chakma Adiwasi Indigenous Refugees, 2) Impending Satanist World Order 3) The Secrets of Diffusing Evil Tactics of Manu-media 4) Tri-Iblisi Shoshan Vyuh vidhvans Part I Series Book 3 : Brahmanwad Ki Giraft Me Dam Todta Samyavadi Inkelab, 5) Tri-Iblisi Shoshan Vyuh vidhvans Part I Series Book 2 : Bahujano Ki Azadi Ke Dushman ; 14, Thaware Colony Nagpur – 440014
Times of India
The Week
The Hindu : Hyderabad
The Hitwada : Nagpur
Few More Web Pages Talibanization Or Balkanization? What Awaits Pakistan First? By Safdar Jafri 14 October, 2008
( Operations in FATA: Eliminating Terrorism or Preventing the Balkanization of Pakistan?
http://www.b5media.comObama Seeks Destabilization of Pakistan by Alex on August 3rd, 2007 Pakistan's Balkanization Political Destabilization in South and Central Asia: The Role of the CIA-ISI Terror Network by Andrew G. Marshall A strategic response to terror – "Balkanization" of Pakistan? Urdu daily claims Mossad, CIA behind Mumbai attacks 22 Dec 2008, 2300 hrs IST, TNN Pakistan's Balkanization Shahid R. Siddiqi Foreign Policy Journal Saturday, Dec 13, 2008 September Monday 22 2008 (03h12) : US state terrorism in Pakistan: evidence for US Embassy & Marine link in Marriott Hotel bombing atrocity ) Awake India Awake!!! The World Needs You By Abdul Basit 02 December, 2008 Mumbai Attacks – Coming Soon to a Five-Star Hotel Near You Shailja Patel 11 December 2008
The Mumbai Terror Attacks: Need For A Thorough Investigation By R.H. 08 December, 2008 CIA-Mossad linked to Hindu Terrorism – Forums of Pravda.Ru RAW and Mossad: The Rediff expose on Indian spooks Posted on August 6, 2008 by ishakhan
Rashtriya Sahara, Urdu Daily, Mumbai 2 Stories connecting CIA/Mossad with extremists one day before attack November 14, 2008…6:06 pm In Pakistan, A CIA-Picked Setup, Almost! Urdu daily claims Mossad, CIA behind Mumbai attacks 22 Dec 2008, 2300 hrs IST, TNN Mumbai Terror Attack: Further Evidence Of The Anglo-American-Mossad-RSS Nexus By Amaresh Misra 03 December, 2008 The Mumbai Attacks The Real Perpetrators and their Goals By: atheo on: 08.12.2008 Re: G7 Sponsored India False Flag Terror Operation EXPOSED! (Target: BRIC unity)) Signs Of Attempted Coup in New Delhi…. Mumbai attacks: REAL STORY (LOL @ INDIA and STORY Antulay now asks 'who sent them in the wrong direction'
April 4, 2009 Posted by sheetalmarkam | Evil-Plans | Abhinav Bharat organization, Adivasi,Adnan Kashoggi, Afghan drug trade, Afjal, Akhand Bharat, Al-Qaida is a manufactured enemy, amalgamation of Sikkim, American Jewish Congress, Ansal Plaza encounter, anti-conversion bill, Arya-Brahmin Terrorists, Arya-Brahmins, Bahujanism, Bahujanwadi Samajik Ganatantra, Bajrang Dal, Balkanization of Iran, Balkanization of middle east, Balkanization of Pakistan, Baluchstan Liberation Army (BLA), Barisal, Benazir Bhutto, Bhumi Uchched Pratirodh Committee, Bnei Menashe, Brahmins, break-up of Yugoslavia, British SAS posing as Iraqi Insurgents, Bulgarian National Revival Movement (BNRM), Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (BND), Chabad Lubavitch, Chandrashekhar, Chandraswami, Chaturvarna, Chhatehsinghpura Massacre of Sikhs, Chitgong Hills, CIA, CIA control over ISI, CIA sponsored madrassas, CIA-ISI registered MV Alpha, CIA's covert operations, CIA's drug trade in Central Asia, Colonel Prasad Purohit, Colonel Sudhir Sawant, creation of Mukti Bahini, Dalai Lama and CIA, Dalit,Dawood-BJP connections ?, deadly IMF, destabilization of Central Asia, Devdasis, Dhaka,Dharma Sena, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Durga Vahini, fabrication and vilification of the enemy, fake al-Qaeda, fake encounter at Batla House, fake encounter on RSS headquarter, fake encounters, False flag operations of Israel, False flag terrorism, falsification of history,Faridpur, fascist police state, FBI, Gladio army, Global Depopulation Agenda, Gondwana,greater Afghanistan, Greater Balochistan, Hindu Janjagriti Samiti, Hindutva leaders,, Hitler, Indian Parliament Bombing Yet Another False-Flag Attack?, Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF), Inhuman Satanic Lamaism, Involvement of Dawood Ibrahim,Iran-India Gas pipeline, ISI, Israeli interests section, ISRO, Jaswant Singh, Jessore, Jogins,joint Indo-Israel espionage operations, Judaism, Kachin Independence Army (KIA), Kahane group, Kalaikunda airbase, Kashmir a Zionist Colony ?, KHAD, Khan Research Laboratories (KRL), Khulna, Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), Kshatriya, Kunduz airlift, Laurasia, LTTE, M15,Magians, Mahanayak, Maimansing, Malegaon bomb blast, Manuism, Manuist, Manumedia,Manusmriti, Marriott Bombing, MI6, Mossad, Mossad infiltration in Tabligh, Mossad-engineered 'terrorist' attacks, Mr. Narayan Rane, Ms. Arundhati Roy, MV Alpha ship, Nag-Dravids, Namoshudra, Nanded bomb-blasts, Narsingha Rao, National Security Decision Directive 166 (NSDD 166), National Unity Party of Arakans (NUPA), NATO Bases, Nehru, OBC,Operation Cactus, Operation Chanakya, Operation Pawan, Orissa massacres, Osama bin Laden was America's bogyman, People's Liberation Army, Pervez Musharraf, Prafulla Bidwai,pro-Zionist military presence, Punjab DGP K. P. Gill, Ravinder Singh, RAW, Reality of Indian National anthem, Reforms in Tibet, Rohit Vyas Maan, RSS-ISI connection, Sadhvi Pradnya Singh Thakur, Samrat, Sanatan Sanstha, Sangh Parivar, Sayanim, secret killings in Assam,Shankaracharya Dayanand Pande, Shia-Sunni sectarian violence, Shin Bet, Shrikrisna commission, Shudras, special economic zones (SEZ), Stalin, Syrian Christians, Tabliq E Jamat and Jamat E Islami Hind, taging a suicide attack, Talibanization, Tantrik Buddhism, Thakare-Dawood Ibrahim relations, US and NATO sponsored "civil war", US military-industrial complex, US sponsored "terrorist" activities, Vaishya, VHP, War for Oil and Hegemony,XinXiang province of China, Zionist Illuminati, Zionist Plan | 1 Comment
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