Friday, June 22, 2012

Kapil Sibal Flying Kites in UPA – EDU STEROIDS, IITians No Inventing Genes

Kapil Sibal Flying Kites in UPA – EDU STEROIDS, IITians No Inventing Genes 
June22, 2012
Though 'Brilliant Lawyer' Living Legend of the Law as per his profile and intelligent and honest but when he ignore 'Evidence' he ends up in failure and virtually 'Flying Kites in UPA.' PM has entrusted him with Key Portfolio. 
In all developed countries all Technical Matters before Apex Courts require 'Expert Opinion' not in India. Thus India has world's most WILD and Irresponsible Judiciary, Stray Dogs inflicting 35 million bites to humans are protected like 'Endangered Species'. Merely on a PIL of some C grade advocate Supreme Court directs GOI to 'Connect All Rivers.' No one in the Supreme Court in ten years tried to ascertain 'Surplus Water in Store' in each basin that could be transferred. It is so stupid out of 1800 BCM+ river flows just 100 BCM is captured in large CWC dams and around 30 BCM is left unutilized. Thus India stores barely 5% of its river flows and uses just 4%. 
But when Kapil Sibal has Masters in History – ignoring Expert Technical opinion to me is Unethical and Mindless. Wikipedia has poor opinion about him essentially because he didn't care to challenge it. 
'He is regarded as the Muhammad bin Tughluq of our time because of his recent failures in trying to regulate the internet in India, attempting to provide cheap tablet computers for students in India and introducing a new common entrance exam for Indian colleges. He is by far the most corrupt and ignorant politician of India.'
For example he is VP of Parliamentary forum on Water Conservation. Way back in 1999 I wanted him to intervene in Sardar Sarovar case on technical grounds – Narmada Main Canal is hugely over designed – 40,000 cusecs capacity when average flow it has to carry post monsoon is 10,000 cusecs and that Gujarat can draw all the Water in Narmada Basin leaving nothing for Twice larger Madhya Pradesh & Since then all the Critical Reports on Dams, Power, Flood Control etc. 
The very first time I had a chance to interact with him – I asked him to let private companies, SMEs and individuals Free Access to non performing CSIR IIT and other public funded Laboratories. In one second he decided to reject my suggestion. My campaign for Fast Regular Patents, Quick Utility Patents and Patent Rights to Inventors (not Companies) are yet to be implemented.
DSIR is most Corrupt should be Transferred to DIPP or HRD Ministry. 
'He believes that science & technology provide the foundation for a modern and resurgent India, as well as perceives it as a vehicle that can completely transform the life of the common man for the better. He has given a new high profile to science and technology - both at the political and at the academic level.' - from his profile. 
Mashelkars and Brahamchari in introducing Ministers to CSIR would claim CSIR DSIR are working on hundreds of new Drug Discoveries and have filed few hundred patents and soon CSIR may be as big as Pfizer or other multinational generating Surplus Income. Nothing had happened in the past nothing would happen in future. Ministers believe Mashelkars and Brahamcharis who were Dullards for 40 years have become Einstein overnight when they ought to have retired. 
It shouldn't take long for Kapil Sibal to understand when Sam Pitroda files 2400 claims in a Patent Application in 2009 but retains only 24 claims after publication and objections that Pitroda had been filing BOGUS patents all the time. 
How such scoundrels* are head of 'National Innovation Council?'
*Sam Pitroda filing Bogus Patents would tell us 80% of Indian Graduates Are Unemployable. 
On 2G also his stand was devoid of Technical Opinion, GOI can't be auctioning Outdated Technology – 2G is 20 years old 'Outdated' technology replaced by 3G and 4G that are 1000 times to 10000 times better in transfer of data and Optical Fiber is even million times or more superior to 2G. Even Rs.1600 crores for an outdated technology is good money and 2G is poor man's service. 
Thus he could have offered 'Genuine Defense' in Supreme Court, except for some procedural bungling. 
Around 20 million are born annually in India even after illegal abortions – 16m in rural India or slums in cities without adequate power supply and basic amenities. Less than 0.5 million go for Joint Tests for 10,000 prestigious Science, Medical and Engineering seats. 
Over the last six decades IITs and Medical Colleges largely created AVERAGE grade Engineers and Doctors. 
Fact is 95% IITians don't have inventing Genes. Rajat Gupta topper from IIT didn't invent a thing but specialized in all kinds of Financial Transactions – legal or illegal. 
Gaokao test was introduced for some thousands – this year 9m took the test in Chine and India is foolishly trying to IMMITATE it.
Subjecting children to nonsense like CID crime and murder serials and tuitions and in high school subjecting them to daily classes is taking EDU STEROIDS preparing them to Joint Entrance Tests and Civil Services is worse than injecting STEROIDS to enhance muscle growth and performance because here we are dealing with 'Human Brain and Human Behavior' making them good enough to take tests based on 'Tutored Answers'. 
Inventing Genes vs Trading Genes
IITians almost entirely have Trading Genes and No Inventing Genes, whatever little was there had been rendered unproductive and restricted. 
Just two examples 
i.)  BRT Project: - Aajtak asked me at mid day to assist it in BRT Corridor Project Story, I told them to wait and went on round covering about 2 kilometers and returned with all the 'Blunders in BRT Corridor' in 30 minutes designed by Dinesh Mohan, head Trasport Department IIT Delhi over 5-6 years and presently Volvo Chair. Lane width for Bus Lane was/is 9.75 ft for example when standard lane width in developed countries where BRT is introduced is 13-14 ft. India should also have 13-15 ft Lane Standards for highways for Cars and Commercial Vehicles for safety. 
ii.)  Dams: - International professionals were shocked when AK Gosain, head of IITD Civil Engineering observed 'Dams Don't Prevent Floods.' 
Even head of departments know little of their profession. 
Education in India should produce 'World Leaders' but Edu Steroid addicted students and professionals are basically Dullards. 
Selection process should be based on '1. Practical Tests, 2. Written Tests and 3. Physical Test.' 
In Engineering there is no such thing as 'Multiple Choice Tests,' 'No Practicals' and 'No Physical Work'. On the very first day at job an engineer may have to deal with Accident or Breakdown or Fire or Flood or Flash Strike. 
Arun Shourie
At an event in 2007 Arun Shourie in a lecture told IITians at IIT Delhi 'IITians are B Grade By International Standards' and no one could challenge it. 
'I told him – NDA government had promoted Underwear Technologies and Tax Concessions for such technologies in Six Years Were $150b – NDA neither promoted Indian Engineers nor Protected Their Intellectual Property'
i.] There are more seats available in Engineering, Medical Courses – India to Provide Equal Opportunity & Facility to All Engineering Students. 
ii.] It is bad policy to SELECT few for Engineering Courses at age 17-18 when the Brain is already matured, India to nurture Science and Engineering genes from early age. 
iii.] It is bad policy to teach all subjects up to 12th Standards – Languages, History, Science, Accounting, Commerce, Economics, Arts, Music etc. Children should give Engineering, Science, Commerce, Arts Talent Tests at 5th Standard & 8th Standard. 
1.]  Patent Library & Facilitation Center In All UGC AICTE Recognised Engineering Colleges. Engineering Colleges have to align with Industry. Textile wing of IITD to have Campus next to Arvind Mills factory, Civil Engineering of IITD to have Campus at Bhakra Nangal. 
2.]  Fast Grant of Regular Patents and Quick Utility Model Patents, removal of Hindrances like Pregrant and Post Grant Opposition by NGOs, Inventors to Own Patent Rights Not Companies. 
3.]  Limit Tax Dodges to Rs.100,000 Per Head and '$50b Per Year Saved For Private R&D Find.'  
4.]  All DTH and Cable Operators to include 'All News English, Hindi & Regional, Knowledge and Sports Channels in Basic Pack'. Films and Entertainment Channels should be opted in the end and Taxes at 25% as Entertainment Tax. This Shall Subsidize Knowledge & Sports Channel. 
5.]  Hyper Active children in Schools from Nursery Onwards should be selected for 'IQ Test' to ascertain their Potential and Inclinations. 
6.]  Engineering and Science Talent Tests For 5th Grade: Children selected to get Free Education Funded By GOI. 
7.]  Engineering & Science Students at 8th Standard to have Engineering & Science Focus. 
8.]  Engineering and Science Students at 10th Standard be considered for Vocational Courses. Food Processing and SMES reserved for Rural Areas. 
9.]  Selection for Prestigious Colleges should be based on 'Practicals, Written Tests and Physical Test.' Each school eligible to send 10% of Engineering & Science students. 
This Procedure Shall Ensure 'Cream of The Cream of The Cream' shall be Selected for IITs. 
Students would focus on Practicals, Written Tests and Sports than coaching classes. Schools, Engineering Colleges, Industry and Patent Offices shall be integrated with this process.  
Even at 1% Population Graduating in Engineering or 0.2m would be enough for Indian Economy and Supply Engineers to Developed Countries. 
Ravinder Singh
Inventor & Consultant 
China's students take on tough Gaokao university entrance exam
By John SudworthBBC News, Shanghai 
Every year, police road blocks are set up around schools and nearby construction sites are ordered to fall silent as the country is plunged into two days of "Gaokao fever".
This year, 9.15 million Chinese high school students are sitting the notoriously tough university entrance exam.
Critics say that for most of them, it is the culmination of a year of cramming, of repeating past papers and in large part, learning by rote.
In fact, almost everyone - students, parents, teachers and policymakers - seems to accept that the system is squeezing creativity out of students.
But despite the criticism, China's exam machine just keeps on squeezing, and more horror stories emerge each year.
Most recently, photographs emerged of a classroom in Hubei province, showing students taking energy-boosting amino acids from intravenous drips hung from the ceiling.
Miserable experience?
But is the Gaokao experience always so taxing and miserable?
The BBC followed pupils at Zhabei Number 8 High School in Shanghai for a year. The school has a population of almost 500 students, spread over three grades.
In terms of the ability of its intake, it ranks near the bottom of the 10 state-funded schools in its district.
But the first thing that strikes a visitor is that this school shows no sign of the discipline problems that might be found in schools elsewhere in the world with large cohorts of relatively disadvantaged students.
It costs the taxpayer a little more than $2,000 (£1,291) per pupil per year. The buildings are modern and smart, the pupils are well turned out in their green tracksuits, and the classes are orderly.
And, like everywhere else in China, cramming and intense exam preparation are very much in evidence.
Long hours
Ma Li, 18, fits the profile of a beleaguered final-year student toiling on the exam treadmill.
Hard working and bright, she regularly puts in an extra six hours at home at the end of a 10-hour school day.
"This studying lifestyle is pretty hard," she says. "There's not much time to relax, but we're all in it together, and we encourage each other."
Ma Li, who hopes to study shipping logistics at Shanghai Maritime University, a top-tier college, is a good illustration of an aspect of China's education system that often goes unreported.
Her parents are migrant workers who moved to Shanghai in 1993 and she has profited from the city's now three-decades-old commitment to provide universal education.
In China, it is certainly true that like so many other places, students from wealthier backgrounds get into the better schools and therefore the better universities.
But the education system appears to be better than many at acting as an effective check on the opportunity gap growing too wide.
 "Start Quote I already know the shame of failure" Wang YuStudent Shanghai's recent ranking as the world leader in maths, science and reading test scores in an Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) study underlines this point.
The data was not just based on the city's elite students, but on the scores of a cross-section of students from all abilities, including the children of migrant workers.
Not stereotypical
It's not hard though to find students who are less engaged.
Ding Zhenwei is in some ways a refreshing antidote to the stereotype of China's results-obsessed student masses.
He has set his sights relatively low and plans to study interior design at a second-tier private college.
So he is coasting, confident he would make the modest Gaokao mark he needs, and is doing barely any extra studying outside of school hours.
"Even if I do fail to get in, I'll find another way of making a success of my life," he says.
In fact, 80% of Zhabei's final year students make it into either a first or second-tier university every year.
That is impressive, given the school's intake of less advantaged pupils, but it is also a sign of China's higher education boom.
In the past decade, it has massively expanded university places to reach about 30 million, the highest number in the world by far.
While that change has done nothing to reduce competition for the most prestigious institutions, it may be leading at least some students to question the value of cramming for the Gaokao.
After all, what is the point of all that pressure and stress if it leads only to a place among the ranks of the country's unemployed?
More than one million fewer students will take the exam this year compared with the peak in 2008, and observers are wondering if that fall is due to some kind of "Gaokao fatigue".
But there are still those students who see the test as important enough to have a second go.
Wang Yu, 19, is repeating her final year at Zhabei Number 8 High School because she did not get the Gaokao score she needed last time round.
"I already know the shame of failure," she says.
She is determined to do better this time so that she can rejoin her contemporaries who have started university without her.
Shining example
Education policy chiefs have long admitted the shortcomings of the Gaokao and have taken limited steps to try to introduce a more balanced and rounded education.
Zhabei Number 8 High School has close to 500 students
There is evidence in Zhabei, that students are now being trained to integrate knowledge and apply it to real-life problems.
The city's teachers are being extensively trained and there's lip service being paid to cutting those long study hours.
Shanghai was one of the first municipalities in China to stipulate a maximum amount of homework and set a minimum of one hour of physical activity a day.
How strictly those limits are being applied is another matter of course - at Zhabei, physical activity often seems to involve little more than a few minutes of choreographed group stretching exercises on the parade ground.
There is a consensus that China still leans far too much on preparation for exams and leaves too little time for real learning.
If future test takers from Zhabei Number 8 High School are really going to be given the chance to be tomorrow's creators, leaders and thinkers, then the system needs to change much faster.
If it does not, then some critics warn, that China may struggle to keep its economic boom on track.

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