Friday, December 12, 2014

Exposing CIA Actions: The Procession of the Emperor with No Clothes and His Courtiers By Rashid Samnakay, New Age Islam

Exposing CIA Actions: The Procession of the Emperor with No Clothes and His Courtiers
By Rashid Samnakay, New Age Islam
12 December, 2014
"Exposing CIA actions: Senate intelligence committee chairwoman Dianne Feinstein announces in Washington the findings of the report into CIA torture techniques".
Ex-president Bush's right-hand man "Our clever Dick" reiterated boldly that he would do the same thing again if required. That is, he would authorize the same torture policy.
Thus he would confirm the truism of 'Mankind's Inhumanity to man' even in the twenty first century. This fact does not need any high fangled psychological analyses or in depth philosophical debate:
He merely endorsed what his nation has all along practiced. He told The New York Times the program had been "the right thing to do, and if I had to do it over again, I would do it".
This national trait was also demonstrated when Madeleine Albright, the grandmother, secretary of State of the USA years ago said in reply to a question on sanctions imposed on Iraq where half a million children had died as a result, that  "it was worth it."
What is worth analyzing though is the stance falsely taken by USA, and strangely accepted by the nations of the so called free world, which follows it as its leader.
It believes that their leader, the US, a paragon of virtue and as such has maintained a high moral ground and therefore is entitled to lead the rest of the world. And it is also therefore right for them to follow it.
On the basis of its actions around the world ostensibly to protect, guard and champion freedom and human rights that it is alleged it largely drafted; this stance of the USA does not hold a speck of credibility.
Senator J. McCain said: "Most of all, I know the use of torture compromises that which most distinguishes us from our enemies."
How does it do so he did not elaborate.
He also said. "Our belief that all people, even captured enemies, possess basic human rights which are protected by international conventions, [which] the United States not only joined but for the most part, authored."
And emphasised that "I dispute wholeheartedly it was right for [CIA officers] to use these methods, which this report makes clear were neither in the best interest of justice, nor our security, nor the ideals we have sacrificed so much blood and treasure to defend".
Whose blood was sacrificed one may ask?
One may also ask the good Senator that as from the end of WWII at least, where is the evidence of what he asserts so vehemently and nobly.
But, let history of that period speak for itself and let historians pass the judgment on it.  Further help can be sought from:
In this context then, the world reaction and opinions to the above report on torture makes interesting reading.
The UN Ben Emmerson, special reporter on counter-terrorism and human rights demands that: "The heaviest penalties should be reserved for those most seriously implicated in the planning and purported authorisation of these crimes".
Those most seriously implicated in the crimes? Would that include the likes of vice president Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld as criminals too?
One Can Only Wonder!
China's state news agency Xinhua makes even more interesting reading as China is touted as the black pot by the West among the nations that are accused constantly in the Western media as abuser of human rights.
"[The US] should clean up its own backyard first and respect the rights of other countries to resolve their issues by themselves".
"America is neither a suitable role model nor a qualified judge on human rights issues in other countries, as it pertains to be".
"Yet, despite this, people rarely hear the US talking about its own problems, preferring to be vocal on the issues it sees in other countries, including China".
Well may the West say that this is a clear case of pot calling the kettle black, but they themselves have proved by their own high level investigations that the kettle is indeed very sooty black!
Russia in its muted response makes a pertinent comment too: "The Senate's report proves that there was systematic use of torture in CIA prisons in violation of the international obligations of the US. Everyone has known this for a long time. But the Obama administration, having formally banned torture, hasn't lifted a finger to punish those guilty for these egregious human rights abuses. This has created a further stain on the already stained US reputation in human rights. Let's see what the administration's reaction to the report is."
Mohamad El Baradei: "Heinous acts of torture and rendition shock to the world and blow to US values. Nothing short of full accountability will do"
Blow to the US values? Surely he, along with others, must have been aware of these values as they have been put in practice for a long time?
And yet the committee of the report must be applauded for exposing what the world already knew. It is a courageous act. Although, many important names in the report were blacked out for security or strategic reasons.
If only deliberate steps are now taken to bring the criminals to justice as is demanded by world opinion.
Some in league with USA, involved "willingly" or on payment of 'aid money', in this sordid episode by way of rendition and participation may contend that it is not the world opinion.
Contracting out to other countries for torture and rendition must be a modern invention that even in the savage history of mankind was not practiced.
They are deluded that the World is what their Master controls, including their own world.
But on the broad basis this report should open the Pandora's Box, so as not to spare all other pots whether black or shiny white.
Most importantly, the fact that the champion of democracy and the leader of the free world the USA did not take any action when its Congress was "mislead" by one of its government arm as the intelligence agency for so long; considered a crime in any parliamentary democracy worth its salt in the free world, is a blot on their system!
The deception and lies propagated by this agency to mislead its own government was to make it believe that there is an "imminent danger" to the country and its allies round the world. Thus, justifying the adoption of official policy of savagery and torture, based entirely on false pretences.
To put it mildly, it is hypocrisy and compounding the felony, in any language.
Broadly based human rights abuses, including taking of innocent lives and destruction of nations' infrastructures on false pretences – 'be it collateral damage' or not, is a crime against humanity and criminals must be brought to justice.
Basically that is the world opinion.
The criminal acts undertaken under the umbrella of military might, for strategic purposes, in this day and age, must be a blot on the forehead of humanity.
The leader of the free world cannot pretend for long to be morally upright and civilized when it is clearly not.
The ancient culture of might is right where humanity's only choice to make progress depended on acquisition and usurping of other peoples wealth, resources and land, must be relegated to the pagan, savage and uncivilized era.
Even atheist nations --and the USA is not that by any measure; would agree today that you shall not kill and you shall not covet others possessions are general maxims for all civilized nations.
How is it then that so many nations fall outside the pale of civilization by following such a leader and are conned into being in the procession of "The Emperor with no clothes?"
How is it that they are deluded that they are following the custodian of democracy, champions of freedom and upholders of human rights when it clearly is not?
Was Hans Christian Anderson, that far back in time, so farsighted as to have written the story of the conmen weavers who deluded the emperor that he was wearing the finest new clothes, yet he was in fact naked leading the procession!
'The Emperor shivered, for he suspected they were right. But he thought, "This procession has got to go on." So he walked more proudly than ever, as his noblemen held high the train that wasn't there at all'.
The committee like the child in the crowd therefore deserves to be given the credit for shouting that the emperor indeed was not wearing any clothes and was leading the procession of deluded courtiers! In this case the coalition of the willing.
But then Dick Cheney has said that 'we do it because we can' and that sums up the philosophy of powerful nation!
A regular contributor to New Age Islam, Rashid Samnakay is a (Retd.) Engineer

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