Monday, March 11, 2013

Hate Crimes against Indians in New Jersey USA

Hate Crimes against Indians in New Jersey USA

Dear Hon. Congressman Crawley:
            Please accept my sincere appreciation and gratitude for raising the issue of "Hate Crimes" against Indians.
We are a peace loving community with highly positive contribution in US economy practically in every field. It is a shame people doing hate crimes against Indians don't get any punishment.
Here are few shameful incidents for US Government as well as state Governments where these incidents of Hate Crime against Indians have gone unpunished. I am hoping on behalf of the Indian community that you will raise these issue with the appropriate state agencies to recommend appropriate punishment for the culprits.
Respectfully submitted,
Devendra Makkar
973 416 1600 D
973 760 6006 C
Indians are cockroaches, animals, illiterates and illegal 6TH ANNIVERSARY 50,460 views as of 03-03-13
Wednesday 29th, August 2012
views (50460)
First African-American Attorney General Eric Holder
"Indians are cockroaches, animals, illiterates and illegal go home" Spoken by Police Union Members under a Jew President, spouse, friends & supporters
US Media Terrorized 12yrs old Hindu for Demanding Equal Rights with Jews & Christians 41,256
Wednesday 19th, September 2012
views (41256)
"The New Jersey media especially the Jewish media was reprehensible. They were disappointing. It is reprehensible that those kinds of personal and crude attacks could be leveled at someone like this young 12 year old Middle school student who was simply expressing his opinion on a matter of public policy and doing it with a great deal of poise."
"He was respectful, sincere, and spoke with conviction with Governor Christie. He provided a model of civil discourse," "And yet, some of those who disagreed with his position – especially the Jewish Media and commentators throughout the blogosphere – responded with behavior that can only be described as misogynistic, vitriolic, and a misrepresentation of the position of this student on the issue of racial equality and changes in the existing Anti-Bullying Laws."
8 yrs old Traumatized for drawing Hindu Swastika by a Teacher in America16,813 views
Saturday 29th, December 2012
views (16813)
A formal complaint is pending since Dec. 9, 2012 against the Principle, Counselor and the teacher Aid with the appropriate authorities. It is our sincere appeal to the community that they should send their support for the 8 yrs old via e-mail under the heading "Dec 4 Swastik Incident" to Middlesex County Executive School Superintendent Samuel Stewart's Secretary Debra Hudson 732 249 2900 press 1 + Ext 3425 E-mail at (
Since Middlesex County is home to a large Hindu population; community must demand that all Educators in Middlesex County Schools must be educated about Hindu Religious Symbols keeping in mind that Hinduism is practiced by almost 1 Billion people around the world.
READ THE FULL STORY & LETTER OF SUPPORT BY International Raelian Movement a Pro Swastika Organization of USA
Racism Defeated: Piyush Patel first Hindu Lieutenant in Passaic 32,202 views
Friday 26th, October 2012
views (32202)
We all love to talk about diversity but when we get a chance to practice diversity; a great majority of us blow it away. This is exactly Passaic rulers have been doing by putting road blocks when it comes to promotion for Piyush Patel. Despite clearing the exam with #2 ranking for the post of Sgt. in 2003; he got this rank in 2006 only. He along with another officer Pellot with a # 1 ranking in the exam had to sue the city of Passaic for promoting #3 & #4 ranking officers as Sergeant by superceding them. Both #3 & #4 were politically well connected with town and county Democrats . Some how Piyush Patel got his rank, back pay and seniority after more than 2 years of emotional, mental, physical and financial struggles.
Now again Sgt. Piyush Patel is struggling to get his Lieutenant's rank. He passed the exam with # 2 ranking in 2009. Since 2011 his rank is #1 because the #1 rank Sgt. Pellot was promoted Lieutenant in 2011.
In March 2010 a black firefighter has filed a federal discrimination lawsuit against the Passaic Fire Department and Fire Chief Patrick Trentacost. In Oct. 2011 another Black administrator Douglas Johnson with the Passaic Department has filed a civil rights suit against the city, alleging that he was repeatedly denied promotions because of his race. In this suit he has included Council President Schaer also. Johnson says he told Schaer about the master's degree and expressed interest in the business administrator's post. In response, the lawsuit says, Schaer (a Jew) stated, "If you weren't black, you would be a star in this city."
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Devendra Makkar
973 416 1600 Work
973 760 6006 Cell

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