Friday, March 25, 2011

Fwd: POSCO: AID Petition to PM, Orissa CM and Jairam Ramesh

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Parvathy Prem <>
Date: Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 7:35 PM
Subject: POSCO: AID Petition to PM, Orissa CM and Jairam Ramesh

Dear all,

As all of you are probably aware, last month, Jairam Ramesh gave the go-ahead to Korean steel-maker POSCO's US$12 bn project in Orissa's Jagatsinghpur district, despite the government's own commissions calling for the project to be scrapped. POSCO's plans to build a steel plant, power plant and port, and mine extensively in the area would rob over 50,000 people of their lands and livelihoods and devastate the region's natural resources. At every stage, the dealings between the company and the government have been steeped in corruption- neither has paid regard to the strong opposition from the people whose lives will be affected: 'impartial' reports have been sponsored by POSCO itself, public hearings have been inaccessible, villagers have faced violence and intimidation.

With clearance having been granted, the people of Jagatsinghpur fear imminent, forcible eviction from their land.

AID, as an organisation, has always stood for 'sustainable, equitable and just development', and the forcing of the POSCO project through the system is none of these things: it is categorically unsustainable, inequitable, and unjust, and hardly worthy of the title of 'development'. It's doubful whether any single project has ever had the sort of impact that this threatens to have. Do take a minute to sign on to the petition at:

And please do circulate this within your chapters. We'll be faxing the petition and the signatures, as they come, to the offices of the PM, CM and MoEF.

Many thanks,

AID Austin

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