Friday, March 25, 2011

Fwd: CC Issue 24, March - Libya War Divides NATO ‎

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 1:17 AM
Subject: CC Issue 24, March - Libya War Divides NATO ‎

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew, Editor,
Educate! Organize! Agitate!

Libya War Divides NATO
By Peter Schwarz

The war against Libya has ignited a heated conflict within NATO. After several days of negotiations, the 28 members of the military alliance were unable to agree on the command structure for the action against Libya. On Monday, the conflict escalated to the point where the German and French delegations walked out of a NATO Council meeting on the war

Situation Still Unstable At Crippled
Nuclear Plant In Japan
By Chris Talbot

The events at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant are slipping off the front pages, but the situation in is still not under control despite reassuring words from the Japanese and other government agencies. Radioactive contamination has been detected in Tokyo tap water, in vegetables grown outside the evacuation zone and in seawater near the plant

How The "Peaceful Atom" Became A Serial Killer
By Chip Ward

They are serial killers. Stop them before they kill again. Credibility counts and you don't need a PhD or a Geiger counter to detect it

George Monbiot Is Wrong. Nuclear Power
Is Not The Way To Fight Climate Change
By Jeremy Leggett

A response to George Monbiot's article "Why Fukushima made me stop worrying and love nuclear power"

Dangers Of Nuclear Power Generation (PDF)
By John Scales Avery

Besides feeling sincere sympathy and sending help for Japan's recovery we may perhaps wish that Japan's nuclear threat will cast some doubt on world- wide plans to build new nuclear power plants

Cheerleading For War
By Stephen Lendman

When America goes to war, managed news goes with it spreading rumors, half-truths, misinformation, and willful deception about targeted nations, regimes and leaders, whether despots or democrats

Depleted Uranium And The American War
By Jay Janson

Never much from the Central Intelligence Agency, CNN or the NY Times on the consequences of these wars for the locals, so don't expect to hear much about the effects of depleted uranium on the Libyans now and in the years to come

Revolt Against American Militarism
By Timothy V. Gatto

When will the American people demand accountability from their government? When will Americans realize that there is no "clear and present danger" that could conceivably be used to invoke the war powers act? Where is it written that America is the conscience of the planet and has the right to bomb and kill those that the United States regards as evil?

Palestine And The Egyptian Revolution:
A View From Gaza
By Haidar Eid

Radical change in Egypt should mean radical change in Palestine as well: a pro-Palestine Egypt should mean the end of the siege. But when will we see that? Is it too much to ask?

Natural Flow of History:
Hamas Should Rethink Charter
By Ramzy Baroud

What is happening in Palestine is anti-history. It cannot be sustained for long without exacting an even heavier price from Palestinian people and their internationally recognized rights. The very credibility of any Palestinian leadership, of course, has now been greatly eroded

Land Grabs: What's In The Contracts?
And An Indian Land Grab In Ethiopia
By Duncan Green

One of the problems with so-called 'land grabs' is secrecy. Most of the contracts that seal such deals are hidden from public scrutiny, which makes it very hard to establish what is really going on. The International Institute for Environment and Development, which is rapidly becoming the 'go to' thinktank on a whole range of resource and development issues, has managed to dig up 12 such contracts and sent in the lawyers to have a look

"We Wust Address Inequality If We're
Going To Deal With Climate Change"
By Rob Hopkins

An interview with Naomi Klein, Part Two

India-EU Free Trade Agreement:
Rethinking Banking Services Liberalization
By Kavaljit Singh

The global financial crisis has proved beyond doubt that increased financial integration can transmit financial shocks across countries. Financial innovation in certain unregulated products and markets can also augment financial shocks

Ghettoes Of The Mind
By Khalid Anis Ansari

The recent judgment of the National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions (NCMEI), favoring ' minority status ' for Jamia Millia Islamia University, has generated vigorous debate. I see this debate as offering yet another opening for democratic transformation within the Muslim community

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Palash Biswas
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