Thursday, August 20, 2015

Hope does not dare raise its head even as a white flag of surrender- Vistasp Hodiwala

Hope does not dare raise its head even as a white flag of surrender- Vistasp Hodiwala

RB_SREEKUMAR_jpg_1090eSanjeev Bhatt

On some days the mind's tank is empty. There is just nothing left to say. Outrage has been expended. Disgust has far out sailed the shores of grief. Hope does not dare raise its head even as a white flag of surrender.

These are days one must guard against with every fibre of our being. Lie low if you must but only for that fraction of a second until you get your voice back. Keep quiet if you must so as to get your energy back.Be calm so you gather the wherewithal to unleash your fury later.

TeestaRahul Sharma

For these are tough times. They will test us all, everyday. When power and authority develop the taste and hunger for relentless everyday evil, the citizen has no option but to stand his or her ground and make these dastardly twins know in no uncertain terms, that you may win these small battles here and there by tiring us out; but make no mistake, we are here to win this war. Don't you mistake our momentarily empty tanks for all time to come.

This needs to be said over and over.
I stand with you Sanjiv Bhatt.
I stand with you Teesta Setalvad.
I stand with you Rahul Sharma.
I stand with you R B Sreekumar.


Hille Le

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