Monday, May 2, 2011

Fwd: Fw: Rebel Newsflash: 'Royal wedding sacrifices democracy' (plus 20 more items)

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Date: Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 9:01 PM
Subject: Fw: Rebel Newsflash: 'Royal wedding sacrifices democracy' (plus 20 more items)
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From: Opinion
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2011 4:08 PM
Subject: Rebel Newsflash: 'Royal wedding sacrifices democracy' (plus 20 more items)

Rebel Newsflash: 'Royal wedding sacrifices democracy' (plus 20 more items)

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'Royal wedding sacrifices democracy'

Posted: 30 Apr 2011 05:48 AM PDT

Britain's royal wedding cost UK taxpayers anywhere from 20 million to 10 billion dollars, says an analyst, adding that this symbol of monarchist extremism undercuts the democratic process.

Press TV talks with Dr. Adrian Thurston, director of The Lyceum think tank in London, who reveals that the British government spends millions a year manipulating "Britishness" on the English people in order to persuade them to preserve the monarchy. The following is a transcript of the interview supported by other guests.

Obama shuffles cabinet for the Lobby

Posted: 29 Apr 2011 06:13 PM PDT

On Thursday, Obama administration got a facelift for Barack Obama's bid for the second term in November 2012. It's mainly to regain his lost popularity among the powerful 2% American Jewish minority. 

Egyptian Foreign Minister pledges to lift Gaza siege in ten days

Posted: 29 Apr 2011 04:35 PM PDT

Nabil Al-Arabi, the Egyptian foreign minister, said on Thursday that Egypt would take a decisive decision rescinding the unjust siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, adding that the decision would be taken within ten days.

"The humanitarian condition in Gaza is very miserable, inhuman, and I believe that the political decision to seal the Rafah crossing point was unethical and inhuman," Arabi said in statements he made in the capital Cairo Thursday.

'US, UK, France gamble on Libya war'

Posted: 29 Apr 2011 01:21 PM PDT

An analyst says the United States and Britain will be dragged into a potentially protracted long-term conflict in Libya by deploying ground troops in the country.

In an interview with Press TV, Ayo Johnson, director of Viewpoint Africa, noted that Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi and his army have held up strong against NATO air attacks as plans are being made by the US, Britain and France to increase ground troop presence which other countries view as disastrous in long-term war efforts.

'US not against brutalities in Bahrain'

Posted: 29 Apr 2011 12:57 PM PDT

A political analyst has said that Saudi-backed crackdown against people in Bahrain is not against the policies of US authorities.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Ralph Schoenman, author of "The Hidden History of Zionism," regarding the Saudi brutalities against unarmed Bahrainis and the US support of the crackdown, which is proven by the silence in the US media.

Corporate Poll Reveals Boobeoisie Fooled Again on Budget

Posted: 29 Apr 2011 11:54 AM PDT

It's a testament to the effectiveness of the corporate media. According to yet another poll, the little people think for some reason establishment Republicans will do a better job dealing with the "budget," that is to say taxing and spending – or more accurately, borrowing from bankers and then shuffling off the debt payment to future generations. This fantasy about Republicans is part of the right-versus-left political distraction employed by the corporate-entertainment news media. It works like a charm.

'(P)GCC gave Saleh 30-day license to kill'

Posted: 29 Apr 2011 10:37 AM PDT

An analyst believes that by giving Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh 30 days to leave office, the (Persian) Gulf Cooperation Council has given him license to escape prosecution.

In an interview with Press TV, Yemeni freelance journalist Munir al-Mawari said Saleh is desperate to find a scapegoat for his crimes as looks to find refuge from the tactics employed by Saudi Arabia.

Royal Family Enforces Media Embargo Against Australia To Prevent Nazi Jokes

Posted: 29 Apr 2011 10:30 AM PDT

Still think the British Royal Family has no power and fulfils merely a ceremonial purpose? Think again. In order to prevent an Australian comedy show from making jokes about Prince Philip being a Nazi during the Royal Wedding, the Royals ordered broadcasters in Britain to enforce a media embargo that would have completely severed live coverage to Australia's biggest broadcaster if they refused to cancel the satirical show.

Libya: The price of freedom

Posted: 29 Apr 2011 10:22 AM PDT

Just a few weeks ago I stood on a public platform and vigorously slammed proposals for Western military intervention in Libya.

The hasty scramble by the Americans, French and Brits lacked strategy and a clear goal.

Trifecta of Mass Murder Sets Stage for Attack on Syria

Posted: 29 Apr 2011 10:17 AM PDT

John McCain, Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham – described as Senate hawks by a timid corporate media – are demanding Obama call for the resignation of Syria's leader, Bashar al-Assad.

According to this Senate Trifecta of mass murder, the engineered color revolution in Syria "has reached a decisive point" and now is the time to push al-Assad out of power and further destabilize the Arab Middle East.

Pop Culture Icon Rihanna Put Through TSA Naked Body Scanner In Show Of Power

Posted: 29 Apr 2011 09:08 AM PDT

The TSA's latest headline generating act comes in the form of putting a popular music superstar through it's radiation firing naked body scanners, in a blatant show of power that the agency knew would serve as a PR coup.

Superman to renounce U.S. citizenship before the U.N.?

Posted: 29 Apr 2011 07:37 AM PDT

Since the 1930′s, DC comics were oozing with American patriotism in the Cold War era, where it was vital to rally young minds to the American cause. Well, the times have changed and the elite's agenda too. Today, it is about the elimination of national boundaries and a world government. It is about a New World Order.

Despite being an alien, Superman has long been seen as a symbol of "truth, justice, and the American way". But in the latest issue of Action Comics which hit newsstands on April 27, 2011, said he intends to renounce his U.S. citizenship in a speech before the United Nations. The symbolic implications of this gesture truly define at the direction where the "Agenda" is heading.

Globalists Plan to Starve Libyan People to Death

Posted: 29 Apr 2011 07:07 AM PDT

Libya will soon suffer the fate of Iraq. According to the World Food Program, a United Nations outfit, the north African country will soon experience a food crisis. In a statement, the organization said the engineered armed conflict in the country is seriously undermining the supply and distribution of perishable goods.

Petraeus: A Threat to CIA Analysis

Posted: 29 Apr 2011 04:13 AM PDT

The news that President Barack Obama has picked Gen. David Petraeus to be CIA director raises troubling questions, including whether the commander most associated with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will tolerate objective analysis of those two conflicts.

What if CIA analysts assess the prospects of success in those two wars as dismal and conclude that the troop "surges" pushed so publicly by Petraeus wasted both the lives of American troops and many billions of taxpayer dollars? Will CIA Director Petraeus welcome such critical analysis or punish it?

Huge Blunder Exposes Forgers' Work on Obama Birth Certificate

Posted: 29 Apr 2011 01:47 AM PDT

One BIG thing to keep in mind is that Obama has NOT given anyone his original long form birth certificate. What he has presented is a digitally created electronic birth certificate, which has different electronic layers of detail, which strongly suggest a document produced by Adobe Illustrator and NOT a scanned 49 year old document. If this were a legal trial, a judge would reject anything but the original vault copy of the birth certificate, which is what all the lawsuits have been trying to subpoena. Because Obama did not supply his original birth certificate to impartial investigators, absolutely nothing has changed. Obama is just as illegitimate today as before his meaningless publicity stunt.

Chutzpah: 'US needs Israel more than ever'

Posted: 28 Apr 2011 05:28 PM PDT


Turkish President Abdullah Gul in The New York Times'  Op-Ed, last week, had warned both Benji Netanyahu and Barack Obama that the "Arab Revolution is aimed at Israel'.

On April 26, 2011, the neocon propaganda organ, the Foreign Affairs magazine published Israeli ambassador to Washington, Michael Oren's rant entitled The Ultimate Ally. As a typical self-denial Israeli, Oren claimed that as result of the current protests against the US friendly regimes in the Middle East – The US needs Israel on its side more than ever before.

Why sanctions against Iran have failed?

Posted: 28 Apr 2011 08:05 AM PDT

Since 2006, the United Nations Security Council has imposed four rounds of sanctions against Tehran in response to Israel's fear of Iran's civilian nuclear program which is similar to other 45 countries signatory to NPT protocol. The idea behind these western sanctions is to create economic sufferage for ordinary Iranians so they rise against the Islamic regime. Such western expectations have failed miserably even after the current mass protests in Iran's neighboring Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen and Syria.

Starsuckers – The celebrity obsessed media

Posted: 28 Apr 2011 06:36 AM PDT

Starsuckers is a feature documentary about the celebrity obsessed media, that uncovers the real reasons behind our addiction to fame and blows the lid on the corporations and individuals who profit from it.

Made completely independently over 2 years in secret, the film journeys through the dark underbelly of the modern media. Using a combination of never before seen footage, undercover reporting, stunts and animation, the film reveals the toxic effect the media is having on us all and especially our children.

Drowning in Information, Starving for Knowledge

Posted: 27 Apr 2011 10:01 AM PDT

"We are drowning in information but starving for Knowledge" said by John Nesbit long ago. But that is true even for today when we remain more & more informed but so desperately lack in knowledge. To understand and appreciate this concept we need to firstly acknowledge the difference between Knowledge and Information. We can define them both as related, yet mutually exclusive concepts? I have been thinking with the issue particularly when our lives and livelihood is mostly dependant to information that we get mainly through media. Knowledge consists of specific and unique facts, truths, causes and affects of original sources like judgments, decisions, and methodologies and know how? Knowledge is accumulated and integrated and held over time to handle specific situations and challenges. Information is interpreted, motivated or rather fabricated consists of data mostly organized purposely to describe and tell a particular situation or condition in a desired way.

Cheney Was Right About One Thing

Posted: 27 Apr 2011 05:35 AM PDT


Former Vice President Dick Cheney famously said, "Deficits don't matter."  A staunch Republican, he was arguing against raising taxes on the rich; but today Republicans seem to have forgotten this maxim.  They are bent on stripping social programs, privatizing public assets, and gutting unions, all in the name of "deficit reduction." 

Worse, Standard & Poor's has now taken up the hatchet.  Some bloggers are calling it blackmail.  This private, for-profit rating agency, with a dubious track record of its own, is dictating government policy, threatening to downgrade the government's long-held triple AAA credit rating if Congress fails to deal with its deficit in sufficiently draconian fashion.  The threat is a real one, as we've seen with the devastating effects of downgrades in Greece, Ireland and other struggling countries.  Lowered credit ratings force up interest rates and cripple national budgets. 

Karotz: The RFID Rabbit That'll Monitor Your Home

Posted: 27 Apr 2011 05:35 AM PDT

This thing has a mic, a webcam, a RFID chip, wireless capability…pretty much everything needed to monitor your moves and to send that info somewhere. Here's an ad for the product.

Yeah, I saw what you saw. And I heard the song in the background. Creepy.

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