Monday, May 2, 2011

Fwd: Fw: Muammar Gaddafi son killed by Nato air strike - Libyan government 30Apr 2011

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From: William Gladys <>
Date: Sun, May 1, 2011 at 4:11 PM
Subject: Fw: Muammar Gaddafi son killed by Nato air strike - Libyan government 30Apr 2011
Cc: Al-Hilal <>

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From: CLG_News
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 2:34 AM
Subject: Muammar Gaddafi son killed by Nato air strike - Libyan government 30Apr 2011

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government
30 Apr 2011
All links are here:
If true, the reasons for adopting  a policy of assassination against Gaddaffi is NOT the issue. The issue is the implementation of  an actual assassination attempt. Moreover if evidence emerges that this was the intention of the West i.e  the US and the Queen UK's Commander-in-Chief of her military via NATO air strikes, then in the months and years  to come they (the West) may come to regret their action. An action that will be perceived world wide as setting  a precedent , or green light if you wish, for people/governments/groups that are opposed to the West's military intervention in Libya and elsewhere  to carry out parallel assassination attempts. Heads-of-State and other foreign policy making  people  in the West could find that they are earmarked  as  targets for  assassination in the future.  This could set in motion a dangerous tit-for-tat precedent; a form of two tier hypocrisy, two tier morality  which should be avoided.  William Gladys.
Muammar Gaddafi son killed by Nato air strike - Libyan government --'This was a direct operation to assassinate the leader of this country.' 01 May 2011 A Nato air strike in Tripoli has killed the youngest son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, a Libyan government spokesman has said. Saif al-Arab Gaddafi, 29, was killed along with three of Muammar Gaddafi's grandsons, according to reports. The Libyan leader was in the building at the time of the strike, but was unharmed. Several of Gaddafi's friends and relatives were wounded. Libyan government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said: "This was a direct operation to assassinate the leader of this country. The attack resulted in the martyrdom of brother Saif al-Arab Gaddafi and three of the leader's grandchildren," he said.
Libya disabled children school hit in NATO strike 30 Apr 2011 Shattered glass litters the carpet at the Libyan Down's Syndrome Society, and dust covers pictures of grinning children that adorn the hallway, thrown into darkness by a NATO strike early on Saturday. It was unclear what the target of the strike was, though Libyan officials said it was Muammar Gaddafi himself, who was giving a live television address at the time. The force of the blast blew in windows and doors in the parent-funded school for children with Down's Syndrome and officials said it damaged an orphanage on the floor above.
NATO dismisses Gaddafi's truce offer --Gaddafi: Ready to make oil contracts with Western countries if it was the real motive behind the strikes [For the US, there's no other motive.] 30 Apr 2011 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) operating in Libya has dismissed the country's ruler Muammar Gaddafi's proposal of a ceasefire. Earlier, Gaddafi asked the NATO member states involved in Libya operations to start negotiations to stop the air attacks, saying he was ready to make oil contracts with Western countries if it was the real motive behind the strikes. Despite Gaddafi's offer of a truce, his forces continued shelling the besieged city of Misratah, aggravating the humanitarian situation for the residents of the city.
13 Iraqis die in day of deadly blasts 30 Apr 2011 At least 13 people have been killed and several others wounded in separate bombing attacks across Iraq. One blast happened near an army post at the entrance to a busy market in the northern city of Mosul on Saturday, a local security official was quoted as saying by Xinhua. Five soldiers were among the eight killed in the deadly incident, which also left 19 people injured.
10 killed, 29 wounded in Iraq attacks 30 Apr 2011 At least 10 people were killed and 29 others wounded Friday in separate insurgent attacks across Iraq, police sources said. Three people were killed and 28 others, including eight policemen, were wounded when three roadside bombs targeting a police patrol exploded in the Zaafaraniya area in southeast Baghdad, a police source told Xinhua.
Seven killed in Iraq after deadly mosque attack 29 Apr 2011 (Diyala province) A Sunni imam's family and four Sunni brothers were killed in separate incidents in central Iraq early on Friday, hours after a suicide bomber killed 10 Shiite worshippers in a nearby mosque. Early on Friday, [US?] gunmen entered the home of Basheer Mutlak, the imam of the Al-Sumaidaie mosque in the village of Imam Waiss, and killed him, his wife and his daughter, an Iraqi army colonel in the Diyala security command centre said.
US soldier killed in Iraq operation 30 Apr 2011 An American soldier has died in an operation in southern Iraq, despite the United States' claim that it is no longer involved in combat actions in the country. "A US service member was killed April 29 while conducting operations in southern Iraq," AFP quoted a statement from the American military on Saturday.
Pakistan tests nuclear capable cruise missile 29 Apr 2011 Pakistan on Friday successfully conducted flight test of indigenously developed air launched cruise missile, which "can deliver nuclear and conventional warheads with great pin point accuracy," the army said. The "Hatf-VIII Ra'ad Cruise Missile" has the range of 350 kilometers, an army statement said. The missile has been developed exclusively for launch from aerial platforms, the statement from the Inter-Services Public Relations said.
WikiLeaks suspect Bradley Manning cleared to stand trial 29 Apr 2011 The Army has declared Pfc. Bradley Manning mentally competent to stand trial on a host of charges stemming from his alleged leaking of government secrets to WikiLeaks. The lengthy process of reaching that conclusion is what kept Manning, 22, in near solitary confinement in the Marine brig at Quantico since last July. That brig is not a pre-trial confinement facility. It's a place where convicted criminals do hard time. But Manning was sent there in order to keep him in the Washington area, available to Army psychiatrists who would judge his competence to stand trial.
FBI issues Grand Jury subpoena presumed to relate to Wikileaks, Espionage Act charges 28 Apr 2011 On April 26, accused Wikileaks source Bradley Manning's friend and supporter David House tweeted "Subpoenas are being issued in the WikiLeaks grand jury. Violations of Espionage Act. No further comment at this time." House later added that he did not receive a subpoena himself. The identity of the recipient is not yet publicly known. From the Wikileaks Twitter account that same day: "Fresh subpoenas are being issued in the WikiLeaks Alexandra, VA secret grand jury in relation to the espionage act."
Facebook accused of removing activists' pages --Protest groups claim Facebook has taken down dozens of pages over the weekend in a purge of activists' accounts 29 Apr 2011 Facebook has removed dozens of profiles from its site, causing an outcry from campaigners trying to organise anti-austerity protests this weekend. The deactivated pages include UK Uncut, and pages created by students during last December's university occupations. A list posted on the Stop Facebook Purge group says Chesterfield Stop the Cuts, Tower Hamlet Greens, London Student Assembly, Southwark SoS and Bristol Uncut sites are no longer functioning. --Citizens for Legitimate Government (CLG) calls for protest – SEIZE DC! SEIZE DC will begin on September 10, 2011, at noon, until finished. Why SEIZE DC? Endless, illegal, murderous and bankrupting war abroad; endless, brutal and bankrupting attacks on the vast majority at home--this is what we protest. How to SEIZE DC? We protest "peacefully," although not passively. We do not accept marching orders. This is how we protest.
Portland, Ore., Votes to Rejoin Task Force After Terrorism Scare 01 May 2011 It has been nearly a decade since the terrorist attacks of 2001 and nearly a decade since this liberal city first established its reluctance to assist in many of the wide-ranging federal terrorism investigations that have followed... And then, on Thanksgiving weekend last year, federal authorities arrested Mohamed Osman Mohamud, a Somali-born teenager they accused of trying to detonate a bomb at a Christmas tree-lighting ceremony attended by thousands of people. Now, after five months of public debate and rewritten drafts, city leaders last week approved what one City Council member called a "very Portland" compromise to rejoin the task force.
Germany detains three 'Al-Qaeda members' 29 Apr 2011 German police on Friday detained three alleged members of Al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh], federal prosecutors said, as a report said they had been plotting attacks in Germany. The prosecutor's office in the southwestern city of Karlsruhe said the trio had been taken into custody early Friday and would appear before a judge Saturday, when a news conference has been scheduled.
Bristol Man Jailed On UConn Bomb Threat Charges --A second charge of manufacturing bombs is based on Hasan's possession of toilet bowl cleaner and aluminum foil, according to the police warrant for his arrest. 29 Apr 2011 A University of Connecticut student charged with making bomb threats that closed the West Hartford campus and with manufacturing a bomb from household items remained jailed on $750,000 bail Friday. A judge lowered Komail Hasan's original $1 million bail but would not go lower than $750,000.
Tepco Says Fukushima Worker's Radiation Nears Limit Allowed 30 Apr 2011 Tokyo Electric Power Co. said at least one worker at its damaged Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power has been exposed to radiation levels near the maximum level allowed by the government. The man, hospitalized for radiation burns last month, was exposed to 240.8 millisieverts of radiation, company spokesman Takashi Kurita said at a press conference in Tokyo today. The cumulative maximum level for nuclear workers, set by the government, is 250 millisieverts.
Two workers exposed to high radiation at Japanese N-plant 30 Apr 2011 The operator of the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan's northeast said today that two of its workers at the crisis-hit facility had been exposed to radiation levels close to legal yearly limit of 250 millisieverts. The operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), found that the amount of internal and external radiation that two of its employees had been exposed to exceeded 200 millisieverts. The reading for one of the men reached 240.8 millisieverts, while another received 226.6 millisieverts of radiation exposure.
Decontamination of radioactive water at Fukushima plant may begin in June 29 Apr 2011 The decontamination of radioactive water at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant could begin in June, according to the unified command headquarters in charge of dealing with the nuclear crisis. The headquarters, set up by the government and plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co., announced its plan to process the highly radioactive water Wednesday.
Geithner gives some companies pass on new rules --The new 'financial overhaul' law authorized Geithner to carve out such an exemption to stricter regulation. 29 Apr 2011 Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has decided to let companies continue to trade certain contracts used to guard against swings in currency values outside regulators' view. New rules require that many such trades happen more transparently, on exchanges where regulators can see them. But Geithner is exempting certain contracts used by companies to hedge currency rates. [Knock me over with a feather!]
5 banks fail in Fla., Ga., Mich.; makes 39 in '11 29 Apr 2011 Regulators on Friday shut down banks in Florida, Georgia and Michigan, a total of five closures that lifted the number of U.S. bank failures this year to 39. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. seized First National Bank of Central Florida, based in Winter Park, Fla., with $352 million in assets, and Cortez Community Bank of Brooksville, Fla., with $70.9 million in assets.
SF Chronicle video prompts White House threat 29 Apr 2011 The White House threatened Thursday to exclude The San Francisco Chronicle from pooled coverage of its events in the Bay Area after the paper posted a video of a protest at a San Francisco fundraiser for President Obama last week, Chronicle Editor Ward Bushee said. White House guidelines governing press coverage of such events are too restrictive, Bushee said, and the newspaper was within its rights to film the protest and post the video.
Mitch Daniels to sign abortion bill 29 Apr 2011 Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, who's set to decide soon whether he's entering the race for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination, said Friday he'll sign a bill that will end Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood for family services - an issue that has attracted national attention. The bill bars the state from entering into contracts with abortion providers, making an exception for hospitals and ambulatory centers. Planned Parenthood of Indiana operates 28 clinics in Indiana, eight of which are Title X funded clinics.
Polar bear cub rescued at Alaska oil field 29 Apr 2011 An orphaned polar bear cub that has been rescued at an Alaska oil field. Officials from the Alaska Zoo in Anchorage were helping to escort the 17-pound cub from the North Slope, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said Friday. The female cub, estimated to be at least 4 months old, was captured at the ConocoPhillips Alpine oil field and fed a commercial puppy milk replacement fortified with whipping cream to meet her nutritional needs, Fish and Wildlife officials said.
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