Thursday, September 17, 2015

Two days convention on Land rights and FRA

Himalaya Niti Abhiyan


Two days Convention of Land rights and FRA


Date 19& 20 September 2015                                                Time: 11 Am (Opening)

Venue: Nagar Parishad Hall Bilaspur  


Himalaya Niti Abhiyan is organizing two days convention ( 19th & 20th  September) at Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh on Land rights and Forest Right Act (community Forest rights and Individual Forest rights). In the state of Himachal Pradesh the state government is not realizing the FRA in the state true to its spirit and words, HNA through its massive campaigns, formed the FRC in the six districts of the state, through capacity building of the gram Sabha's could able to filed the claims of more than 1000 habitations. The state government didn't respond through its SDLC's and DLC's on the same, but taking the advantage of the High court orders on encroachment; demolishing the houses and destroyed the hundreds of hectare horticulture crops of farmers in the state and process is going on, in the move state government will cover every inch of the encroached land and oust the farmers from the such land without recognizing the rights of the forest dwellers and schedule tribes. Thus taking the situation and move of the state government HNA continuously fighting against such move of the state. In such situation there is dire need to launch a massive people campaign against such move of the government. Thus HNA is organizing the two days conventions on the Land right's and forest Right act.



1. Take note of FRA implementation and eviction proceeding initiated against forest dwellers in HP and elsewhere.

2. Status of land acquisition, issue of ordinances on it and rules made by state governments thereon.

3.  Future planning of movements on above issues.


We request and seek your benign presence in the convention



With Thanks

Guman Singh


Himalaya Niti Abhiyan

Contact: 9418277220 

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