Thursday, June 6, 2013

BUDDHA the "Light of the UNIVERSE"

BUDDHA the "Light of the UNIVERSE" 

After 6 years of extremly hard penance and meditation Gotama Buddha achieved the "BODHISATTA" the knowledge and enlightenment.He was then only 35 years of old.After that Gotama Buddha preached the Truth which he had realized. 

The primary aim of Buddha was to relieve the human beings from the miseries of life.He taught about the "Wheel of Life". He pronounced famous Four Noble Truth :
1) There are sorrows in life. 
2) It must have a definite cause. 
3) It must be got rid of 
4) To get rid of these sufferings one must know the Right Path that is ASTANGIK MARG.
To overcome all kinds of miseries Gotama Buddha suggested to follow the simple 8 Fold Path: 
1) Right understanding 
2) Right effort 
3) Right action
4) Right thought 
5) Right livelihood
6) Right mindfulness
7) Right concentration  Right speech 
This eight-fold path is known as Middle Path wich avoids both gross luxury and extreme hardship.This will lead only 

NIBBANA the highest Knowledge of TRUTH.
Gotama believed in "Ahimsa" or Non-violence. 
Buddhas teachings were compiled in three parts: 
1) Sutra Pitaka 
2) Vinaya Pitaka 
3) Abhidhamma Pitaka 
These PITAKA calle together TRIPITAKA. 
Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: It transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural and spritual; and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity. -Albert Einstein
Photo: BUDDHA the "Light of the UNIVERSE"     After 6 years of extremly hard penance and meditation Gotama Buddha achieved the "BODHISATTA" the knowledge and enlightenment.He was then only 35 years of old.After that Gotama Buddha preached the Truth which he had realized.     The primary aim of Buddha was to relieve the human beings from the miseries of life.He taught about the "Wheel of Life".  He pronounced famous Four Noble Truth :   1) There are sorrows in life.   2) It must have a definite cause.   3) It must be got rid of   4) To get rid of these sufferings one must know the Right Path that is ASTANGIK MARG.  To overcome all kinds of miseries Gotama Buddha suggested to follow the simple 8 Fold Path:   1) Right understanding   2) Right effort   3) Right action  4) Right thought   5) Right livelihood  6) Right mindfulness  7) Right concentration  8) Right speech   This eight-fold path is known as Middle Path wich avoids both gross luxury and extreme hardship.This will lead only     NIBBANA the highest Knowledge of TRUTH.  Gotama believed in "Ahimsa" or Non-violence.   Buddhas teachings were compiled in three parts:   1) Sutra Pitaka   2) Vinaya Pitaka   3) Abhidhamma Pitaka   These PITAKA calle together TRIPITAKA.   Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: It transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural and spritual; and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity. -Albert Einstein
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