Thursday, November 10, 2011

Republican Debate: Ask the Candidates about Torture

Dear Friends,
This Saturday, November 12, CBS News and National Journal are hosting a Republican presidential candidate debate that is focused on foreign policy and national security.  CBS News and National Journal are asking the public to submit questions for the debate.  This is an opportunity for us to put Republican presidential candidates on the record about the issue of U.S.-sponsored torture!  Please submit one of these sample questions or write your own:

1.Waterboarding is torture. After World War II, the United States prosecuted Japanese war criminals for waterboarding. Do you believe it is ever appropriate to order the use of waterboarding?

2.The International Committee of the Red Cross is recognized around the world as an impartial observer of the treatment of detainees. Current policy is to allow the Red Cross access to all detainees in U.S. custody to ensure that they are not tortured or otherwise abused. Would you continue this policy?

You can submit questions by sending them in an email to  Be sure to include your full name, hometown, and any other details you are willing to share (your age, occupation, your faith group, if you've served in the military, any title you might have, etc.).
Alternatively, you can also submit questions in four other ways, all outlined on this National Journal webpageand this CBS News page:
Thank you for helping us learn what the Republican presidential candidates think about torture.
Linda Gustitus, President
Rev. Richard Killmer, Executive Director

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