Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New Occupy plot: Flash mobs

The intent of the Occupy Protests is to over throw Democracy in the USA before the next elections, if possible. The Protests are being organized by Democratic Socialists of America in the Democratic Party, which includes Obama. Their aim is to create a situation in the USA before the next election, which they feel they are going to lose, in which they can suspend the elections and over throw democracy in the USA and install a Socialist government in the USA, with the help of their grassroots Socialist protesters that they have been nurturing through the public schools, colleges, and all of the different kinds of Socialist media outlets and their Socialist International cohorts in Europe and other nations who intend to deploy their military on the streets of the USA through Obama when the time is right. 
It could be that the Antichrist will arise during these world wide protests and become the leader of these anti-Christians or International Socialists. It is a thus says the Lord when I tell you that the Antichrist will come out of one of the four conspicuous umbrella organizations, which include al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and Hezbollah. Knowing that the Antichrist will come from among the Muslims and that he becomes the leader of the anti-Christians/Semitics, leads me to surmise that the Antichrist will come out of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization. I say this because the Socialists have adopted  the Muslim Brotherhood into their anti-Christian/Semitic plans in their respective countries through out the world and this adoption provides the way for the Antichrist to come out of the Muslim Brotherhood and be able to become the leader of the Socialists. The idea of letting a Muslim lead the anti-Christians/Semitics fits in with the evil idea of allowing a Muslim like Obama become President of the USA and openly lead the Democratic Socialists of America  anti-Christian/Semitic activities in the face of Christians and Jews and the fact that the Democratic Socialists of America or Progressives in the Democratic Party adopting the Muslim terrorists into their anti-Christian/Semitic agenda in the USA, by protecting them while allowing them to openly spew their hatred towards Israel in the face of Christians and Jews on college campuses and in their orchestrated protests through out the USA. In a effort to expand their anti-Christian/Semitic activities in the USA the Democratic Socialists of America in the Democratic Party have recently been campaigning to allow the grossly anti-Christian/Semitic Qatari, Al Jazeera English TV  to be broadcast unrestricted through out the USA.

New Occupy plot: Flash mobs
'Alternative forms of protest' put cities, cops at disadvantage
Posted: November 20, 2011
6:07 pm Eastern

By Aaron Klein
© 2011 WND

The Occupy movement is stepping up its confrontational tactics, plotting "alternative forms of protest," including flash mobs that can be deployed nationwide.

Citing the success of last week's so-called Day of Action protests, Take to the Square, one of Occupy's main online planning forums, has devised an "Alternative Day of Action" to coincide with international Human Rights Day on Dec. 10.

"Our freedom and dignity are under attack as a result of market dynamics and corrupt government institutions that are turning our local and global societies into increasingly unjust places," the site complains.

The Occupy forum calls for "alternative forms of protest" and "new forms of action with a creative spirit."

Among the proposed actions: "We can organize public forums, workshops and flash mobs; we can promote the movement at local schools and neighborhoods or get in contact with humanitarian organizations working with the same goals."

A flash mob refers to a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place to perform a collective act and then disperse.

While flash mobs have been organized in the past for entertainment purposes, such as for satire or live television shows, recently the concept has also been used for criminal intent.

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Flash mobs of mostly teenagers have reportedly attacked random targets in Philadelphia, Maryland, Cleveland, Chicago and Washington, D.C. Philadelphia's recently reelected mayor, Michael Nutter, imposed strict curfews in response to the incidents.

While the exact nature of any future Occupy flash mob was not immediately clear, already one Occupy site – Occupy Oakland – did host a dancing flash mob yesterday.

Dancing Without Borders, an Oakland nonprofit, teamed up with the radical antiwar outfit, Code Pink, and the National Organization for Women, to attempt a "dance flash."

The dancing group's Facebook page advertised: "What better way to breathe new life into the Occupy demonstrations and perhaps show the 1 percent that the 99 percent can do more than just occupy – they can dance, too."

"This unique flash mob will include choreography that evokes the dying system, the awakening of a new society and the necessary reconciliation between the 99 percent and the 1 percent," the group said in a statement.

The deployment of Occupy flash mobs could provide the anti-Wall Street movement with a tactical advantage. Occupy mobs appearing at sites without warning could damper the planning of countermeasures by cities, citizens and law enforcement.

The Dec. 10 scheduled Action day follows last Thursday's Day of Action mayhem nationwide, a three-course meal of in-your-face tactics that aimed to block subways and bridges as well as shut down the stock market.

That day, too was preplanned. Last week, Occupy Wall Street held a three-day "Direct Action Preparation and Training" course in downtown Manhattan to gear up for the latest round of riots.

A look at the official resources provided on the Occupy site as part of the planning for the most recent chaos shows several manuals from the Ruckus Society, whose mission is to provide "environmental, human rights and social justice organizers with the tools, training and support needed to achieve their goals," including training radical activists in direct action techniques.

The same Ruckus Society that helped to spark the 1999 World Trade Organization protests in Seattle, which devolved into violent unrest, was listed as a "friend and partner" for last week's Day of Action.

The Ruckus training manuals provided at the Occupy site leave little to the imagination.

Titles include: "Blockading for Beginners," "Anonymous Riot Guide," "Define White Supremacy," "Uncle Sam the Pusher Man" and, of course, the Communist Party-connected National Lawyers Guild's "Legal Observer Manual."

Occupy, meanwhile, shows no signs of relenting any time soon.

Besides the Dec. 10 protests, a forum on the Occupy Wall Street website is calling for protesters to "occupy" the malls on Black Friday.

The Occupy the Jobs subgroup of the anti-Wall Street movement has called for "actions" on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend of Jan. 14-16.

If Occupy can simmer along for a few months, the most ambitious escalation seems set to coincide with major NATO and G-8 summits in Chicago next May, when world leaders convene to focus on global economic issues.

KleinOnline has learned that a list of radical groups, including those behind the 1999 WTO riots, have already petitioned Chicago for permits to demonstrate

Bro. James D Albright

If you would like to read the main paper that this article supports  please read the paper called Dan 8 was fulfilled by Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran, Saddam Hussein of Iraq, Iran-Iraq War, Persian Gulf War, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, Hamas, Osama bin Laden and Saudi Arabia at:

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