Wednesday, October 5, 2011

NYC Labor Against the War: 10.3 Occupy Wall Street Update


NYC Labor Against the War: 10.3 Occupy Wall Street Update



Oct. 5: Community/Labor March to Wall Street

Wednesday, October 5 at 4:30pm

Occupy Wall Street | NYC Protest for American Revolution 

News and resources for protesters attending the mass demonstration on Wall Street against financial greed and corruption.


TWU blasts city for putting handcuffed Occupy Wall Street protesters on buses 
‎"TWU Local 100 supports the protesters on Wall Street and takes great offense that the mayor and NYPD have ordered operators to transport citizens who were exercising their constitutional right to protest – and shouldn't have been arrested in the first place."

U.S. anti-corporate movement expands 
‎In a sign that the movement is gaining traction, some of New York's biggest labour unions have now joined protestors (or are planning to join later this week). The city's 38,000-member transit union pledged its support and is planning to encourage members to join the street demonstrations early next week. Unions representing teachers, doormen, security guards, maintenance workers, postal workers, healthcare workers, and other labour sectors have also pledged support and hinted at future involvement.

Turning up the heat on Wall Street 
The size and character of Wednesday's protest will be a key marker for the movement. The labor-initiated rally and march represents an important opportunity to help raise the confidence and expectations of thousands of city workers, while deepening the links between the Occupy Wall Street action and the labor movement.

The Indypendent » A Tale of Two Rallies: Notes from Friday's Protests Against Police Brutality 
‎Now is the time. Now is our time.

Photo: #Unoccupy Palestine! — #Occupy Wall Street!


N.Y.P.D.'s `White Shirts' Take On Enforcer Role 
In everyday policing situations, the one-two punch of uniformed response usually goes like this: Blue shirts form the first wave, with white shirts following. But those roles seem reversed in the police response to the Wall Street protests.

Occupy Jail Cells | MyFDL 
The police may have tried to deter us, but instead they've impassioned us.
Mood at Occupy Wall Street Increasingly Anti-Police
It's a protest against capitalism itself.


Politicians Pinched by Protest Downtown 
As the anti-Wall Street protesters camped out in Lower Manhattan gain attention and some high-profile supporters, they're putting New York politicians, especially Democrats, in an awkward place. They can voice support for the demonstrators, who have won the backing of some powerful labor unions and prominent liberals who play a large role in the city's Democratic party. But doing so risks angering the financial industry, a large source of campaign contributions and tax dollars.

Union, Cuomo ally, backs Wall Street demonstrations – Ben Smith 
[RWDSU president Stewart Appelbaum is a leading defender of apartheid Israel. Is that really the kind of "support" we need? And at what price? See:]

On Charges of "antisemitism" at Occupy Wall Street 
But then I see one Daniel Sieradski, whose primary purpose in life seems to be commoditizing his dissent, suggesting that a sign which reads, "End financial aid to Israel, end occupation of Gaza," is going to scare off the "7 million" [sic] Jewish New Yorkers who support murdering Palestinian children. According to this line of thinking, if the Occupy Wall Street Protests are going to attract a broader base – like the mostly middle class or working class Arab communities in Bay Ridge, the Iraqi cab drivers, the Yemeni and Egyptian deli operators and the Moroccan kebab-stand proprietors of Manhattan and Brooklyn, the mostly poor or working Afghan, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi communities on Coney Island Avenue and Queens, all of whom hate the occupation, let alone the broader white, black, and Puerto Rican working classes whose tax dollars go, in yearly three billion dollar chunks, to Israeli Aircraft Industries in the holy land or straight to Raytheon and Boeing in America, in the process chopping up some Lebanese and Palestinian children into pieces – they have to drop issues like the occupation and military aid to Israel. Explain to me how this works.


Occupy Together 
Videos and news from actions across the nation!

Oct. 5: Occupy Colleges 
‎Wednesday, October 5th COUNTRYWIDE STUDENT WALKOUT 12PM YOUR LOCAL TIME. Do not go to school Go fight for yours and everybody elses rights at Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Los Angeles or your nearest Occupation. The time is now to join our fellow %99!

15th october: #United we will re-invent the world | Just another Take The Square Sites site 
On October 15th people from all over the world will take to the streets and squares. From America to Asia, from Africa to Europe, people are rising up to claim their rights and demand a true democracy. Now it is time for all of us to join in a global non violent protest.

We are the 99 per cent 
Show up at an Occupy Wall Street gathering in any major city in the US. Hit your social media outlets. Tweet it. Facebook it. Talk it up. It's easy to do nothing, but your heart breaks a little more every time you do.

Prisoner Hunger Strike Grows to Nearly 12,000! 
Numbers released by the federal receiver's office show that on September 28th, nearly 12,000 prisoners were on hunger strike, including California prisoners who are housed in out of state prisons in Arizona, Mississippi and Oklahoma. This historic and unprecedented number shows the strength and resolve of the prisoners to win their 5 core demands and is a serious challenge to the power of the California prison system and to the Prison Industrial Complex in general.

Gaza protest supports Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike 
Today over a thousand Palestinians converged on the International Committee of the Red Cross building in Gaza, Palestine, continuing a tent protest that began outside the walled compound yesterday and bolstering a weekly sit-in by the families of Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons.

218 sign call for a Swedish academic boycott of Israel | US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural 
The boycott is not aimed at individuals but against institutions. So far no Israeli academic institution has dissociated itself from Israel's apartheid policy or the discrimination of Palestinians in Israel. Therefore all collaboration with Israeli academic institutions should be stopped, the signatories say.

Campus anger continues across Egypt | Al-Masry Al-Youm: Today's News from Egypt 
Six state universities on Monday witnessed demonstrations demanding the dismissal of faculty members and the cleansing of administrations of figures from of the Mubarak regime.

Scuffles as students protest in Athens 
Greek students are the latest to hold demonstrations against the country's harsh austerity programme.

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