Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] An Important Message to Muslim Youth

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Date: Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 9:01 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] An Important Message to Muslim Youth


11006 Veirs Mill Rd, STE L-15, PMB 298
Silver Spring, MD. 20902
Sha'ban 1432 A.H.
(July 14, 2011)
Assalaamu Alaikum (Greetings of Peace):
Two years ago, in the month of Sha'ban 1430 A.H. (July 31 - August 1, 2009), the first Somali Diaspora Youth Conference was held in Northern Virginia (Metro-Washington, DC). It was a well organized and thought-provoking conference that everyone appeared to enjoy. I was invited to make a few remarks on the first day of the conference, and later I was asked by a number of the youth if I could put the advice that I delivered on paper, so that the attendees could have something to take back with them.
Later that night I composed a short list of advisory recommendations, and brought copies with me for distribution the following day. (The "Thirteen Points of Attention" below are a slightly modified version of that list.)
This year's Somali Diaspora Youth Conference will be held in Boston, MA, this weekend. A couple of the organizers wanted me to address the youth again this year, but unfortunately, one or more of the administrators of the host center where the event will be held felt that my presence might incur unwanted attention and criticism (from outside Islamophobic forces).
Insha'Allah, this year's conference will be just as good without my involvement. I will head to Detroit, Michigan instead - where I will address a gathering at the Islamic Center of Detroit (on Tireman St.) for the first jumuah at 12:15 this Friday. Later in the evening I will address high school and college age youth at the same location (ICD); and the next day I plan to attend the National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms (NCPCF) sponsored event at the Shrine of the Black Madonna in Detroit, insha'Allah.   
I'm really looking forward to tomorrow evening's forum with the Muslim youth. The program is expected to begin around 7:30 and last up until the time of salatul maghrib. (I thank the center's president for extending the invitation.) Insha'Allah, the basis for our discussion will be the 13 points of attention (below), along with anything else that our young brothers and sisters may wish to discuss.
A note of special thanks also goes out to those brothers and sisters in the community (nationwide) who are doing their best to facilitate an appropriate response to the needs and concerns of our youth. (Organizations in the DC area like the Islamic Leadership Institute of America; I.M.A.N. in the Chicago area; the MAS Youth Centers and ICNA's valuable youth-oriented programs in different parts of the country.) 
Providing support and direction - and responding to the legitimate needs and concerns of ALL of our youth - is one of the most important things we can do! May ALLAH continue to guide, expand, and fortify us toward that end. Ameen.

A Message to Muslim Youth



1.      Your faith (Al-Islam) is critical to your success in this life and the next. Have faith in your faith!

2.      Young people have two indispensable assets in their favor; energy and idealism. Each of us can make a difference. Recognize the importance of YOU (as a unique individual who is part of an equally important collective); and fully embrace the contribution that YOU must make in the struggle for positive change (both here and abroad). Frantz Fanon once said: "Each generation must, out of relative obscurity, discover its mission; fulfill it or betray it."

3.      Become actively involved in an organization working for positive change in America and/or the global community.

4.      Applied information is power! Acquire it and use it! (READ, WRITE and NETWORK.)

5.      Declare your own personal jihad against Apathy, Fear, and Tribalism. Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) was once asked if bigotry was to love one's tribe. The Prophet (pbuh) answered: "No, Bigotry is to help one's tribe tyrannize others."

6.      Become knowledgable of your constitutional rights, and always be prepared to defend them. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance in the face of oppression.

7.      Know that the most effective way to defend Islam and Muslims is by becoming an effective advocate in the court of public opinionright here in America! And always be mindful of the fact that a good example is the best teacher. (Be careful of the life you lead, you may be the only book that some people read!)

8.      Be willing to stand up for the rights of the oppressed whoever they may be (Muslim or non-Muslim). Concern for others is one of the characteristics of nobility.

9.      Celebrate the beauty and gifts that are unique to your branch of humanity, but never lose sight of the common thread that binds you and the members of your tribe to the rest of humanity. Be always conscious of ALLAH's decree on this matter: "O mankind, We created you from a single pair of a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes; for you to know each other, not for you to despise one another. Verily, the most honored among you in the sight of ALLAH is the one who is most ALLAH fearing (i.e. the best in conduct)."

10.  Be careful not to say or do anything that could bring injury to yourself, your family, or your community (in the micro or macro sense).

11.   Always remember that if a Muslim is suspected or even accused of a crime, and asserts his innocence, he (or she) is entitled to due process and a presumption of innocence until all of the facts are presented in a court of law and proves otherwise.

12.  It is the opinion of a host of civil liberties-oriented attorneys and advocacy organizations that if the FBI comes knocking at your door, you have a right to not submit yourself to any questioning or formal interrogation without your lawyer present. We strongly recommend that Muslims in America adhere to this right!

13.  Never give your adversaries veto power over your activities. As Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said, "Tie your camel and have trust in ALLAH." (Have faith in your faith!)

El-Hajj Mauri' Saalakhan



Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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