Monday, May 16, 2011

Fwd: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Communist Party of India (Maoist) Central Committee statement: Release the Maoist leaders arrested in Bihar unconditionally!

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Date: Mon, May 16, 2011 at 3:55 PM
Subject: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Communist Party of India (Maoist) Central Committee statement: Release the Maoist leaders arrested in Bihar unconditionally!





Press Release

11 May, 2011

Release the Maoist leaders arrested in Bihar unconditionally!

Make success the 'Bharat Bandh' on May 21 and 22
against the arrests of CPI (Maoist) Central Committee members,
the ongoing unjust war on the people waged by the ruling clique of the country
and the brutal repression of Uttar Pradesh peasants!

On April 29, the central and the state intelligence agencies of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh etc conducted a well-planned attack and arrested seven persons including three CC members of our party from Barsoi village in Katihar district of Bihar. Among those arrested are CC members Comrade Pulendu Sekhar Mukherji alias Saheb da, Varanasi Subrahmanyam alias Vimal alias Srikanth, Vijay Kumar Arya alias Jaspalji, Comrade Abhimanyu alias Umesh Yadav – the secretary of the Uttar Bihar-Uttar Pradesh Regional Bureau under the Bihar-Jharkhand Special Area Committee, Nokhelal Choudhury, Syamji Rushi and house-owner Anirudh Ravidas. The APSIB notorious for hunting and killing revolutionaries has been following the movements of Comrade Subrahmanyam since some months. In end July last year, he narrowly escaped being caught by them. When our comrades met for a meeting, the Bihar STF officers arrested them on information provided by the central-state intelligence agencies.

67 year old veteran Maoist leader Comrade Pulendu Sekhar Mukherji known as Saheb da, Gagan da and Akash da in the party has been leading the revolutionary movement since 45 years. Born in Kolkata city, he left his higher studies and joined the revolutionary struggle with the inspiration of Naxalbari and dedicated his whole life for the advance of people's war. In his long revolutionary career, he strove to build revolutionary movement in various states including Bengal and put substantial efforts for the unity of communist organizations and genuine revolutionaries. Though suffering severely from asthma, ulcer and other ailments he is carrying on his responsibilities with great spirit.

Comrade Subrahmanyam known as Vimal among the AP cadres and famous as Srikanth among the party ranks all over the country, completed his higher studies from Andhra University in Visakhapatnam and entered revolutionary activities. In the 1970s he led the Radical Students Union, Radical Youth League and Singareni Karmika Samakhya. Responding to the call of the party he went to North India and put great efforts in building revolutionary movement in many states there. He worked day and night at various levels and in various spheres in spite of his severe ill-health.

Comrade Jaspalji well-known among the Bihar masses as Vijay Kumar Arya played a crucial role in the revolutionary movement leading the peasantry and the cultural field. For more than three decades he led the revolutionary movement in various spheres and areas and built mass movements.

Indian intelligence agencies which were trained by foreign intelligence agencies like CIA and Mossad notorious for their infinite cruelty are hunting senior comrades leading the revolutionary movement and catching them. In fact, it is the CIA and FBI of US which are running the intelligence agencies in our country. In the past two years the intelligence agencies murdered comrades Patel Sudhakar, Sakhamuri Appa Rao and Azad among the top leaders who were caught. Some more central and state level leadership comrades were arrested and put in jails. False cases were foisted on them in various states and they are left to rot in jails without granting bail for many years. False witnesses are summoned and harsh punishments and life sentences are pronounced basing on such testimonies. The women leaders and activists are particularly subjected to inhuman physical and mental torture. Comrades like Sushil Roy, Sheela didi, Narayan Sanyal, Kobad Gandhi and Amitabh Bagchi who are suffering from serious ailments are harassed by denying them health care.

The imperialists are intensifying the exploitation of resources in backward countries to come out of the severe crises faced by the world economy. They are threatening those countries which do not cater to their interests. If they do not heed bombs are dropped and unjust wars are launched against them. The Indian feudal, comprador bourgeoisie ruling classes even while denying that there is any effect of the crisis on the country's economy are getting bogged down in it with each passing day. They are opening the doors of the economy to imperialist exploitation and are implementing neo-liberal policies with impunity. The central and state governments have signed MoUs worth billions of rupees with several MNCs and are selling the natural resources of our country. Lands are forcefully grabbed from the people in the name of SEZs, nuclear and thermal power plants, big dams, express highways, wildlife sanctuaries etc. While destroying forests, water, land and ecology on the whole they are rendering the people and particularly the adivasis homeless. Hiding behind these policies the ministers, chief ministers and bureaucracy are resorting to scams on a huge scale and stashing away billions of rupees in Swiss banks and rendering the lives of workers, peasantry, employees and middle classes unbearable. While the Tatas, Birlas, Ambanis, Jindals, Mittals, Mahindras, Ruiyas, Neko Jaiswals and Sun networks are amassing wealth worth trillions of rupees, 77 percent of the country's population is living on less than 20 rupees a day. The people of our country are caught in a whirlpool of problems like starvation deaths, price rises, unemployment, displacement, diseases and malnutrition. Lakhs of police and paramilitary is deployed by the ruling classes against those who question this situation and fight against it to suppress them under the iron heel. Black laws are enacted crushing underneath their feet democratic and civil rights. Billions of rupees are poured down the drain to sharpen the fangs of the repressive machine to suppress the people.

The ruling classes which realized that the huge discontent and anger erupting against the ruling classes is strengthening the Maoist movement have launched the well-planned campaign that 'Maoist movement is the biggest internal security to the country'. They are portraying the Maoist movement as violent and the Maoist party as a terrorist organization and is carrying on a malicious propaganda campaign on a large scale. To continue their pro-imperialist policies and to completely decimate the Maoist party which they think is the biggest hurdle for the loot of resources they have launched the most fascist offensive in the name of 'Operation Green Hunt' particularly since two years. This offensive which even has the avowed aim of destroying the alternative people's power developing at various levels in the Maoist movement areas has been intensified since January 2011 and now they are calling it 'Operation Green Hunt – 2'. As part of this, the police, paramilitary forces, Special Forces and the counter-revolutionary vigilante gangs launched by them have intensified fake encounters, indiscriminate killings, burning of villages, loot, atrocities on women, arrests and tortures. They are making full preparations to deploy army in Chhattisgarh and are on their way to grab 800 sq. kms of land in Maad. In Maad and on the borders of Chhattisgarh and Odisha two army training centres are coming up. Apart from making preparations to establish an Air-Force base they have given permission to the Air-Force to conduct attacks in 'self-defence'.

In Chintalnar area of Dandakaranya between 11 and 16 of March, 350 Cobra commandos, Koya commandos and hundreds of STF forces descended on Morpalli, Timmapuram and Tadimetla villages, created havoc and razed to the ground 300 houses. Thousands of quintals of food grains were burnt. Every home was looted. Three villagers were shot dead, two went missing, five women were gang raped and nearly 50 villagers were severely tortured. Democrats who went to inquire into this, media persons who went to report this and social activists who were taking relief material to the victims were attacked by the Salwa Judum goons and not allowed to enter the area at the behest of fascist chief minister Raman Singh, the running dogs of the ruling classes DGP Viswaranjan, Bastar IG Longkumer and Dantewada SSP Kalluri. In the background of the furor which rocked the state and country on this atrocity, Raman Singh was forced to visit Tadimetla village. Even while he was speaking at the meeting, the Koya commandos went on a rampage once again and looted fifteen houses, beat some villagers and raped a woman in the same village. This is the level of fascist terror being unleashed in Chhattisgarh today. These kinds of attacks are being conducted regularly in Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra too. Moreover secret killer gangs are encouraged to attack and kill mass organization activists and party activists. They are told to particularly target women activists – to rape and kill them. On April 19, 14 year old boy Rajnu was killed in cold blood in Chinari village and a fake encounter story was circulated. These are just recent examples of the severe repressive campaign unleashed on a daily basis in Dandakaranya.

On March 14, six Maoists including three women were killed by the police in East Champaran district of Bihar. Some more were arrested. The Jharkhand government is deploying thousands of police and paramilitary forces with the aim of annihilating Maoist leadership and is carrying on offensives. Indiscriminate arrests are continuing. Fascist attacks are conducted on people fighting against displacement and forceful evictions from land. In Odisha the comprador Naveen Patnaik government carried on fake encounters all over the state and killed more than 25 Maoists, anti-mining activists and ordinary people within four months. The fact that there is a 12 year old girl Janga and some more teenage girls among the dead bares the brutal face of the Patnaik regime.

With the aim of continuing their fascist rule of the past 34 years at any cost, the CPM government in West Bengal intensified its attacks on people and the Maoists. It is resorting to massacres and the most appalling atrocities using police, paramilitary and its goonda force of Harnad Bahini. Arrested Maoist leaders, particularly women, are being treated in the most inhuman manner. Recently WB police severely attacked the political prisoners who were striking against the horrible conditions in the Medinipur jail. The AP government which claims to have decimated the Maoist movement in the state is going on increasing its police forces on a large scale. It intensified its hunt for Maoist leaders. It is suppressing the people fighting for separate Telangana. Its leaders are being attacked by state-sponsored black gangs. The Maharashtra government is continuing the campaign of repression in the adivasi movement areas, is arresting Maoist leaders and democrats in the urban areas and foisting false cases on them.

This fascist onslaught is not just aimed at the Maoist movement. The oppressive ruling classes have been resorting to fascist repression against every democratic movement. Last month, on 18th, police had indiscriminately fired at the people of Jaitapur area in Maharashtra who were agitating against the proposed nuclear power plant killing one protester named Tabrez. And now, the police forces are brutally suppressing the agitating peasants of Uttar Pradesh who are opposing to give away their lands for proposed Express Highway to be built from Greater Noida to Agra. At least two peasants were killed and so many people were injured when police force resorted to beatings and firings. People of Bhatta-Parsaul and nearby villages boldly resisted the police rampage in which two policemen were also killed and some others including few officers were injured. Next day people of Agra and Aligarh also intensified their agitation and resisted the highhandedness of the police. Taking this as a pretext, fascist Mayawati government has resorted to severe repression on the peasants of Uttar Pradesh. Laying siege upon the villages, it is inflicting inhuman atrocities upon the villagers.

Beloved People! Democrats! Patriots!

The above fascist repressive measures and the arrests of Maoist leaders are part of the War on People waged by the ruling clique of Sonia-Manmohan-Chidambaram with the support of the imperialists in the name of OGH. We must see this political repression, massacres and attack on civil rights in the context of the repercussions of the severe crisis faced by the world capitalism on all the spheres in our society. It is part of a conspiracy to carry on their pro-imperialist, anti-people policies unchallenged by completely destroying the Maoist revolutionary movement. It is a historical truth that repression leads to resistance. The daydreams of Sonia-Manmohan-Chidambaram ruling clique that they would be able to suppress mass movements and revolutionary movements through arrests, murders and repressive campaigns are bound to end in a nightmare. The feudal and comprador bureaucratic bourgeois ruling classes and imperialists who control them are the biggest enemies to the development of our country, self-reliance, sovereignty and people's welfare. Our Central Committee is calling upon the people to join in huge numbers in the People's War waged by our party and in the New Democratic Revolution conducted with the aim of completely eliminating these people's enemies. Our CC is appealing to all civil rights activists, intellectuals, democrats and those who wish for peace talks to visit our movement areas and see with your own eyes the inhuman atrocities and massacres perpetrated by the state here. It is requesting you to place before the people of this country the facts about the fascist state violence unleashed on adivasis - the poorest of the poor - in the heart of this country which calls itself 'the largest democracy'.

Our CC is calling upon the people and the democrats to condemn these arrests, massacres, destruction, loot, atrocities, foul propaganda, fascization of the state, forceful land acquisitions and black laws like UAPA and to fight unitedly against all these. It is demanding that the arrested Maoist leaders be released unconditionally and immediately. The only way before us is to fight back unitedly and militantly the fascist state terror and our CC is calling upon the people to come forward bravely to resist this. It is clearly stating that only by intensifying the people's resistance movement ongoing under the leadership of our party and PLGA and by getting mobilized into it in thousands and lakhs can we defeat this offensive.

Our CC is appealing to the people to make success the 48 hour 'Bharat Bandh' to be observed on May 21-22 protesting the arrests of Maoist leaders and against the war on people by the ruling clique and against the ongoing repression of Uttar Pradesh peasants. This bandh would be mainly observed in six states – Jharkhand, Bihar, West Bengal, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh; in three districts of Maharashtra – Gadchiroli, Chandrapur, Gondia; in the border districts of Uttar Pradesh adjoining Bihar and in Balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh. There will be protests in various forms in other states. Emergency services like health care, examinations of students and interviews are exempted from the bandh.



Central Committee,

CPI (Maoist)


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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