Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fwd: India Association fundraising dinner 14-05-2011: Press Release

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From: Rami Ranger <>
Date: Sat, May 21, 2011 at 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: India Association fundraising dinner 14-05-2011: Press Release
To: Rami Ranger <>

Press Release


The India Association held a dinner in support of our illustrious Armed Forces and to raise funds for "Help for Heroes" on Saturday 14th May 2011 at the Crown Conference Centre in Ruislip. 


The dinner was to thank the Armed Forces who pay the supreme sacrifice for our safety and security and protect our way of life. Over 400 guests from all walks of life attended the dinner and paid tribute to the selfless service of the British Armed Forces.


Guests included The Rt. Hon. Liam Fox MP, Secretary of State for Defence; The Rt. Hon. Dominic Grieve MP, Attorney General; Mr. Virender Sharma MP; Ms. Priti Patel MP; Lord Popat; Deputy Mayor Mr. Richard Barnes and Cllr. Mary O' Brien, Mayor of Hillingdon.


The event began with everyone standing for the British and Indian national anthems, followed by performances from the Impact Dance Group and songs by Sonia Walia.


Chairman of the India Association, Mr. Balwant Grewal, welcomed the guests and reminded them of our forefathers who had stood shoulder to shoulder with the Brits in both the great wars for human freedom and changed the course of many battles. He pledged that we, the British Indians, will always stand by our nation for its liberty and honour. He said that the British Indians are productive and peace loving citizens.


Next to speak was the Deputy Mayor of London, Mr. Richard Barnes who wished everyone a happy Vaisakhi. He paid tribute to the citizens of India for enriching British life with their contribution. He praised everyone in the forces including British Indians in the fight against terror. He described London as being a kaleidoscope and its vibrancy came from its citizens respecting one another.


Lord Popat spoke of the great duty of care we owe to our Armed Forces who risk their lives for our freedom and the work they do in Afghanistan and Iraq. He also thanked the India Association for organising a dinner to raise money for our Heroes and to highlight their contribution.


First female MP of Indian Origin in the British House of Commons, the young and dynamic Priti Patel MP, described the British Asians as a powerhouse and an economic engine supporting business by generating employment and wealth for the nation. She paid tribute to our war heroes who make immense sacrifices and are flying the flag of freedom.


Mr. Virendra Sharma MP congratulated the India Association for organising such a splendid  event for  a great cause. He paid tribute to Mr. Balwant Grewal, Chairman of the Association, for inspiring thousands of people to raise huge sums of money for worthy causes in Britain.


Attorney General, the Rt. Hon. Dominic Grieve MP spoke about the role of the Armed Forces and that due to them we can live in peace and also enjoy the rule of law and a civil society. He was immensely proud of the British Indian community and the contribution they make in enriching British life. He said it was his privilege to represent many Indians in his constituency.  


The guest of Honour, the Rt. Hon. Liam Fox MP, Secretary of State for Defence, made a moving and passionate speech and described our Armed Forces as a unifying force in the country. He went on to say that people are all equal in the armed forces and serve the nation as one regardless of their colour, race or religion. They fight as the United Kingdom's Forces under the Crown. They are all volunteers and defend the country out of choice and commitment. He said that the entire nation not just the Government has a moral obligation to accord recognition for what they do for us.  As a result, the current Government is pledging to write the Covenants in law so that the Armed Forces go about their duties with peace of mind and that their future is secure. He said that since the current Government came into power they have doubled the operational allowance to around £5000 for a typical 6 month tour and prioritised mental health adding that "the unseen wounds of war must be tackled, just as much as the visible ones".


Patron, Dr. Rami Ranger MBE, FRSA in his vote of thanks, described members of the forces as unique people who join the service knowing full well that they would be living away from their families and creature comforts and also going into the job knowing they would be risking their lives and limbs for their country. Dr. Ranger then asked the guests to observe a minute of silence in memory of those who lost their lives defending our liberties and way of life. He also thanked the founders of India for giving it a secular and democratic constitution where equality for all is enshrined regardless of colour, race, religion or gender. As a result every Indian is taught to use merit instead of the race or religion card. Dr. Ranger went on to thank everyone present and those who had booked tables and sponsored prizes. He described them as having a "heart of gold".  At the end of his vote of thanks, he requested the Rt. Hon. Liam Fox and the Chairman Bobby Grewal to present a cheque for £1000 to Miss Ashpal Bhogal; an aspiring 15 year old hockey player who made history by being the first female of Indian origin to play for England at international level. A cheque for £25,000 was also presented to the Rt. Hon. Liam Fox MP, Secretary of State for Defence on behalf of the British Indian Community for the charity "Help for Heroes". . High resolution pictures are attached .


India Association Chairman, Mr. Balwant Grewal welcoming guests.

Lord Popat of Harrow speaking on the duty of care we owe to our Armed Forces.

First female MP of Indian Origin, Ms. Priti Patel connecting with her audience.


The Rt. Hon. Dominic Grieve MP speaking about the importance of the Armed Forces.

The Rt. Hon. Liam Fox MP giving a moving speech on the work of our Armed Forces do.

The Rt. Hon. Liam Fox MP (Left) and Mr. Balwant Grewal presenting a £1000 cheque to the England's first female hockey player of Indian Origin, Miss. Ashpal Bhogal.



The Committee of the India Association presenting the £25,000 to the Rt. Hon. Liam Fox MP, Secretary of State for Defence on behalf of the British Indian Community.



Mrs. Harjeet Grewal presenting a bouquet to Ms. Priti Patel MP.

Miss. Sandhu presenting a bouquet to Mrs. Caroline Grieve.

Mrs. Reena Ahuja presenting a bouquet to Lady Popat.

Ms. Sonia Walia singing beautifully.

Impact dancers performing 'Jai Ho!' from the movie Slumdog Millionaire.

The Rt. Hon. Dominic Grieve MP and Mr Virendra Sharma MP helping to raise money for Heroes with Bhangra.

Guests enjoying their scrumptious dinner.


From left to right: Deputy Mayor, Mr. Richard Barnes; Attorney General for England & Wales, the Rt. Hon. Dominic Grieve MP; Dr. Rami Ranger MBE; India Association Chairman, Mr. Balwant Grewal; MP for Witham, Ms. Priti Patel; Secretary of State for Defence, the Rt. Hon. Liam Fox MP; India Association Advisor, Mr. Jasbir Johal; India Association Social Secretary, Mr. Surjit Sandhu and Lord Popat of Harrow.




Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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