Monday, May 16, 2011

Fwd: CC News Letter, 15 May - Humanity Hitting The Resource Ceiling ‎

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Sun, May 15, 2011 at 10:06 PM
Subject: CC News Letter, 15 May - Humanity Hitting The Resource Ceiling ‎

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 If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.It's time humanity should come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here You can also follow us on twitter, and on Facebook,

 In Solidarity
 Binu Mathew, Editor,
 Educate! Organize! Agitate!

On Nakba Day Palestinians Demand Right Of Return
 By Ma'an News

More than 100 were injured by Israeli forces during protests demanding the right of return for Palestinian refugees as tens of thousands came out to commemorate the Nakba on Sunday

Nakba Law: Inside Pandora's Box
 By Eitan Bronstein

Paradoxically, the overbearing stance of Israel's Nakba law had significantly increased public interest in the Nakba

Solidarity With Palestine
 By Stephen Lendman

Ahead of May 15 Nakba commemorations, massive crowds assembled in Cairo's Tahrir (Liberation) Square in solidarity. They displayed banners, proclaiming, "The People want the Rafah Crossing opened," and "Palestine is a Arab state." They also waved Palestinian flags, chanting "Solidarity with the Palestinian Intifada" and "National Unity" ahead of a planned weekend march to Gaza

Humanity Hitting The Resource Ceiling
 By Stephen Leahy

Higher resource consumption levels will be prohibitively costly or simply impossible, warns the report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). "Global resource consumption is exploding. It's not a trend that is in any way sustainable," said Ernst von Weizsäcker, co-chair of UNEP's International Resource Panel

Australia's Carbon Tax And Coal To Gas
 Transition Will Double Power Generation Greenhouse Gas Pollution
 By Dr Gideon Polya

The Australian Government says that a major consequence will be a coal to gas transition for fossil fuel burning for electric power. However a coal to gas transition will in actuality double the GHG pollution from electricity generation because methane (CH4, a major constituent of natural gas) leaks and is 105 times worse than carbon dioxide (CO2) as a GHG on a 20 year time scale

Of Humans And Rights
 By David Swanson

In our current wars, well over 95% of the dead, even in the short-term, are from the countries where the wars are fought. Some get labeled combatants and some civilians, but they're all left out of most body counts, and when they are counted they are counted low. Our government pretends not to count them at all, and only thanks to Wikileaks do we know otherwise, that the military has counted some of them

So Many Things To See, So Many People To Meet…
 By Stay Human Convoy

In the Gaza Strip, even the sea has been turned into an unbreachable frontier, a constant reminder that these waters, whether calm or angered, hold an ever-present menace that has nothing to do with the forces of nature, and everything to do with oppression. Gaza's coastal waters are totally under Israeli military control

"The Audacity of Hope"
 By Jane Hirschmann

Our boat – the American boat – is "The Audacity of Hope." It will be carrying approximately 60 students, nurses, artists, journalists and film-makers, lawyers, academics, and ordinary civilians of many beliefs from around the country to Gaza. Many of us are Jewish

Stale Bread, Brutal Circus
 By Frank Scott

With the western imperial system in grave condition its population needs constant mind game manipulation to help ruling minorities maintain control. Recent Bread and Circus spectacles have featured a marriage of royal entities from an alleged democratic nation, and a hit squad performing a mafia job and depicted as heroic for their work

May 12th Protesters Identify A Stumpf Problem
 By Billy Wharton

As thousands of protesters marched through Downtown Manhattan yesterday, I had a difficult task – explain why Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf was such a threat to GED students in New York City. The connection was not so straightforward, but May 12th was a day in which the parts of the City that normally operate in isolation were brought into comparison and conflict with each other

Hunger For More or More For Hunger?
 By Devinder Sharma

Incessant grabbing of productive farmland for more industry is a recipe for disaster

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Palash Biswas
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