Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Rebel Newsflash - Saturday, 21 May 2011

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Date: Sat, May 21, 2011 at 9:32 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Rebel Newsflash - Saturday, 21 May 2011


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Rebel Newsflash (by )

Solving 9-11: Making Sense of the 9/11 Cover Up (by Christopher Bollyn)

In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945)

The preceding chapter explains how the structural steel from the Twin Towers, crucial evidence of the murderous demolitions, was destroyed by a network of Zionist agents before it could be examined. From the Israeli Michael Chertoff, the Assistant Attorney General...


Solving 9-11: The Destruction of the Evidence (by Christopher Bollyn)

The explosive demolitions of the Twin Towers pulverized all 220 concrete floors leaving nothing but steel and dust. The dust contained large amounts of molten iron and a sophisticated form of thermite made using nanotechnology. Thermite creates molten iron when it reacts.

"The concrete was literally pulverized; all you're left with is steel and dust,"...


'Israel wants benefit from own crimes' (by PressTV) video/05-21-2011/daoud_khairallah.flv

Israel has rejected a call by US President Barack Obama for negotiations with Palestinians based on pre-1967 borders.

Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu told Obama that Tel Aviv would not go back to those borders to help make way for an independent...


'Yemenis, US at odds over Saleh regime' (by PressTV) video/05-21-2011/news_analysis.flv

The Yemeni people want Ali Abdullah Saleh and his regime to change, but the West and Saudi regimes just want Saleh to leave but to keep the Western-based regime intact, says an analyst.

In an interview with Press TV, political activist Nabil Baydani talks...


Pakistanis to protest US drone attacks (by PressTV)

Residents of Pakistan's port city of Karachi are to stage a sit-in to protest against non-UN-sanctioned US drone attacks in the Asian country's tribal areas.

"We'll sit outside the port's gate from Saturday afternoon to Sunday evening continuously to block the trucks carrying NATO supplies" to Afghanistan, AFP quoted opposition leader Imran Khan, who called for the sit-in, as saying on...


'Islamic world hub of liberation' (by PressTV)

A top Iranian commander says the revolutions sweeping the Middle East today are turning Muslim nations into a "hub of liberation" in the world.

Deputy Commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hussein Salami said the regional uprisings inspired by the Islamic Revolution of Iran have turned the Islamic world into a power base for liberation and prosperity,...


'Dutch priest member of pedophile club' (by PressTV)

The head of a Catholic religious order in the Netherlands has revealed that one of his subordinate priests served in an organization infamous for backing pedophilia.

Herman Spronck, the head of the Dutch arm of the Salesian order, said on Friday that one of his assistant priests worked for the "Martijn" organization, which has been assailed for its campaign to legalize child abuse, the...


'IMF to appoint new chief by June 30' (by PressTV)

The executive board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will meet to determine the selection process for a new managing director with the final decision expected by June 30.

The board would accept nominations to the position until June 10 and then narrow the candidates to a list of three for final consideration, The New York Times quoted Shakour Shaalan, head of the board, as saying in...


NATO tanker blast kills 16 in Pakistan (by PressTV)

At least 16 people have been killed and several others injured as a bomb exploded near a NATO oil tanker in Khyber tribal region of northwestern Pakistan.

Police officials said the incident took place on Friday night near the town of Landikotal on the border with Afghanistan, a Press TV correspondent reported on Saturday.

Most of the victims were young people collecting oil leaking from the...


Bodies found in Istanbul copter crash (by PressTV)

Turkish rescue teams have recovered the bodies of four policemen who were killed in a helicopter crash in Istanbul's Beykoz district.

The helicopter, an Allouette 2, took off from the General Aviation Terminal in Istanbul's Ataturk Airport on Friday, Anatolia news agency reported.

According to the report, coast guards and policemen began the search of the approximate crash site and were...


'US to hunt al-Qaeda leaders anywhere' (by PressTV)

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has reiterated Washington's tenacity to hunt down al-Qaeda leadership anywhere in the world with or without countries' consent.

"We've made it clear to people around the world that if we locate someone who has been part of the al-Qaeda leadership, then you get him or we will get him," the top US diplomat told CBS News on Thursday.

Clinton said the...


Uruguay Congress upholds amnesty law (by PressTV)

Uruguayan lawmakers have voted to uphold an amnesty that protects officers during military rule from prosecution.

Lawmakers on Friday rejected the bill which would have scrapped the amnesty protecting officers during military rule from prosecution, despite criticism by human rights activists, AFP reported.

Amnesty International said Uruguay had "missed a historic opportunity in the pursuit...


Russia details Israeli attaché arrest (by PressTV)

The Russian Foreign Ministry has revealed new details about the expulsion of Israeli Defense Attaché Colonel Vadim Leiderman.

Leiderman was arrested on May 12 trying to obtain details about Russia's arms trade with the Arab world, the ministry said on Friday, quoting the country's Federal Security Service (FSB).

The Soviet-born Israeli Air Force Colonel was "caught red-handed" doing the...


'Netanyahu to buy Obama support' (by PressTV) video/05-21-2011/mark_dankof.flv

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will try to extort out of US President Barack Obama "a grudging support" of the Israeli policy against Palestinians, says an analyst.

In an interview with Press TV, political commentator Mark Dankof tells us about...


UN starts study on Japan nuclear crisis (by PressTV)

The United Nations has launched a study on the implications of the accident at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said on Friday that the body will undertake a systematic study on the health, safety and security impact of the accident at Fukushima plant, which was hit by an earthquake and tsunami in March, Reuters reported.

Ban said that the UN...


Russia slams NATO strikes on Libya (by PressTV)

Russia has once again slammed NATO for its air strikes on Libya, calling for the deployment of international peacekeeping forces to end the violence in the North African country.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said Friday that "The actions of the coalition do not respect the UN Security Council Resolution No. 1973", which authorized the enforcement of a no-fly...


Airstrikes cripple Gaddafi regime: NATO (by PressTV)

Airstrikes on Libya have weakened the ability of Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi's government to attack revolutionaries, says a NATO spokesperson.

NATO military spokesman Wing Commander Mike Bracken said that strikes on command centers in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, had limited Gaddafi's ability to control his forces.

"It has also constrained his freedom of movement... effectively he has gone...


'Iran still supports Lebanon's struggle' (by PressTV)

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has once again expressed support for Lebanon's struggle against aggressive Israeli policies toward the country.

In a letter to Lebanese President Michel Sleiman, Ahmadinejad said Tehran supports Beirut on regional issues of mutual interest, IRNA reported.

During a meeting in Beirut on Friday, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Middle East Affairs...


Kenya ready to recognize Somaliland (by PressTV)

The Kenyan government has expressed support for the recognition of Somaliland, which is an autonomous region of Somalia.

Kenyan Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Richard Onyonka said that Nairobi supports the recognition of Somaliland as an independent state and Kenya will encourage the countries of the African Union to officially recognize Somaliland, a the Press TV correspondent in...


Turkish FM censures US Palestine policy (by PressTV)

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu says the United States should take a "more principled attitude" on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The US should support the Palestinian reconciliation process and pave the way for recognition of a Palestinian state if it wants peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Davutoglu said on Friday in response to US President Barack Obama's speech on...


Israeli plane violates Lebanese airspace (by PressTV)

An Israeli reconnaissance plane has violated Lebanon's airspace and flown over the country in flagrant violation of a UN Security Council resolution.

The Lebanese army said in a statement that the incursion happened over the country's southern border in the early hours of Friday, a Press TV correspondent reported.

The Israeli plane maneuvered over the area for nearly five hours before...


Russia wants missile system guarantee (by PressTV)

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has said that the Cold War era may return if there is no agreement on the proposed US missile system in Europe.

Russian defense officials briefed foreign military attaches on the country's stance, explaining why the...


'Israel lobby selects US presidents' (by PressTV) video/05-20-2011/michael_jones.flv

The Israeli lobby in the United States decides who becomes the US president and that is why President Barack Obama has to placate them, political analyst Eugene Michael Jones says.

"He has to placate the Israel lobby in the US because they determine who...


34 killed in pro-reform demos in Syria (by PressTV)

Syrian security forces have opened fire on pro-reform demonstrators in several cities, killing at least 34 people.

After Friday prayers, clashes broke out between security forces and demonstrators in Homs, Dara'a, Latakia, Idlib, and Deir Ezzor, the Associated Press reported late on Friday.

Human rights activists said that a 10-year-old boy was among the dead.

Protest organizers say...


Analyzing irrelevant answers (by John Kaminski)

Jews twist reality with lies, stonewall truth with smears and sidesteps


How does it feel to you when you ask people a question, and they don't answer it, but instead, they change the subject? (See most common technique at bottom.)

So then when you ask the question again, they...


Why the Israelis Reject Peace (by Christopher Bollyn)

Ehud Barak and Benjamin Netanyahu are two of the chief architects of the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11.  They should be arrested on charges of terrorism and mass murder in the United States.  Barak was Netanyahu's commander in the Sayeret Matkal .

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of the Likud party is in Washington to meet President Obama and address the AIPAC...


The Bible Unearthed - The Making of a Religion (2005) (by Thierry Ragobert)

film still Directed by Thierry Ragobert
Written by Isy Moregenztern Thierry Ragobert
Based on the Bestseller The Bible Unearthed
by Israel Finkelstein Neil Silberman

The Bible is both a religious and historical work, but how much is myth and how much is history? When and why was the Old Testament written, and by whom? What do contemporary...


Haitian president appoints PM (by PressTV)

Haitian President Michel Martelly has appointed entrepreneur Daniel-Gerard Rouzier as his prime minister, a member of his cabinet says.

The president had "written to the presidents of the two chambers of parliament to let them know he has chosen Mr. Daniel Rouzier as his prime minister," AFP quoted the unnamed official as saying late on Friday.

Rouzier, who holds a master's degree in...


'Obama made speech for AIPAC' (by PressTV) video/05-20-2011/gordon_duff.flv

The speech given by US President Barack Obama about his vision for the Middle East was entirely meant for his AIPAC audience, an analyst says.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Gordon Duff, senior editor with Veterans Today, in Ohio about the speech.


Heil Sturmbannführer Obama (by Kian Mokhtari)

Let me see now where can I start.

The first black US president gets behind a podium, delivers a key speech and declares himself, to be a follower of the "science cult."

And at my age I thought I had experienced all -- other than death -- that life could have thrown at me.

The science cult is closely associated with National Socialism and indeed the Nazi super weapons and concepts stemmed...


'Gas prices too high for most Americans' (by PressTV)

A new poll shows that the meteoric rise in gasoline prices across the United States has caused over 70 percent of Americans to feel the pain at the pump.

According to the poll conducted by GfK Roper Public Affairs and Corporate Communications between May 5 and 9, 71 percent of the respondents said rising prices will cause some hardship for them and their families, AP reported.

The poll also...


Jordanians want government sacked (by PressTV)

Thousands of Jordanians have poured into the streets across the country to protest against what they called the government's failure to fight corruption.

Criticizing the government for the delay in adopting political and economic reforms, nearly 2,500 protesters gathered near the interior ministry in the capital following the Friday Prayers. They called for the resignation of Prime Minister...


'US, KSA will never prosecute Saleh' (by PressTV)

An analyst believes the unpopular Yemeni president will not go to trial in a international court because the US and Saudi Arabia would be liable for supporting the dictator.

In an interview with Press TV, historian and political activist Peter Rushton said that the US and Saudi Arabia support President Ali Abdullah Saleh's escape from international prosecution, but the Yemeni people will...


Saudis show solidarity with Bahrainis (by PressTV)

Saudi protesters have poured into the streets in the eastern city of Qatif, condemning Manama's brutal crackdown on anti-regime demonstrators.

Expressing solidarity with Bahraini protesters, Saudi demonstrators on Friday urged the government to stop helping Manama in suppressing the uprising in the neighboring country and immediately withdraw its troops.

Since the deployment of Saudi troops...


Massey blamed for VA mine tragedy (by PressTV)

Findings of an independent probe confirm that a coal extractor in the United State recklessly ignored safety inside a West Virginia mine before the worst US mine accident in four decades.

The 113-page report concluded on Thursday that Massey Energy Co. cared more about coal than workers' safety, and ignored even the most basic safety practices in the industry, ABC reported.

The independent...


'US to extend Patriot Act on lies' (by PressTV) video/05-20-2011/hisham_tallawi.flv

American lawmakers are to extend the provisions of the US Patriot Act, at least until 2015, further continuing human rights and civil liberties violations by the US government.

The following is a transcript of a Press TV interview with Hesham Tillawi, host...


'Iran, DPRK have no missile cooperation' (by PressTV)

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich has ruled out any cooperation between Iran and North Korea in the field of missile technology.

Lukashevich said Russia has no information on military cooperation, including the development of missile technology, between Iran and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

"There is no verifiable information that Iran and DPRK...


US to extend Patriot Act for four years (by PressTV)

Top US congressional representatives have reached a deal to extend the controversial anti-terror Patriot Act, which was passed after the 9/11 attacks on American soil.

On Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner came to terms on the extension of three major Patriot Act provisions until June 1, 2015, The New York Times...


Egyptians hold massive rally in Cairo (by PressTV)

Thousands of Egyptians have gathered in the main square in the capital, Cairo, urging the trial of former President Hosni Mubarak and his associates.

The demonstrators gathered in the landmark Liberation Square in central Cairo following the Friday Prayers.

The gathering dubbed 'Saving the Revolution' followed reports suggesting that Mubarak would be pardoned. Egyptians are opposed to...


Bahrainis want detained activists freed (by PressTV)

Hundreds of Bahraini protesters have take to the streets in the Persian Gulf island, demanding the immediate release of detained anti-government activists.

Anti-regime protesters in the village of Sanabis near the capital, Manama, demanded an end to the rule of Al Khalifa dynasty.

Similar anti-regime protest rallies were also held in the village of Boori.

Meanwhile, Saudi-backed Bahraini...


'US missile system threatens Russia' (by PressTV)

A senior Russian military official says the deployment of an American missile system on European soil will greatly undermine Moscow's nuclear deterrence capability.

"The situation completely changes with the realization of the third and fourth stages of the missile system," state-run RIA Novosti quoted Chief of Main Operations Directorate of Russia's General Staff Lt. Gen. Andrei Tretyak as...


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Palash Biswas
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