Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Rebel Newsflash - Thursday, 19 May 2011

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Date: Thu, May 19, 2011 at 7:32 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Rebel Newsflash - Thursday, 19 May 2011


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Rebel Newsflash (by )

What F#*king Change? (by iTellYouNoLie)



Bill Clinton Calls For Internet 'Ministry of Truth' (by Paul Joseph Watson)

Despite couching his idea in fluffy, friendly, democratic rhetoric, Clinton is advocating the creation of a Communist Chinese-style state run media outlet

Mr Bill "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" Clinton, a man who knowingly lied to the nation on live television at the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, has called for the creation of an Internet 'ministry of...

'Saleh employs delay tactics in Yemen' (by PressTV) video/05-19-2011/yemen_revolution.flv

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has once again failed to sign a deal brokered by the [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council ([P]GCC) to end the crisis in the country.

In an interview with Press TV, Peter Rushton, a historian and political observer in...


Most taboo subject in politics: the Holocaust (by Ryan Dawson)

In no way am I supporting the Nazi party or Hitler, Fascist Italy, or Imperial Japan or crimes from either side in WWII. I am simply pointing out that where as the losing side is rightly demonized, the same type of crimes by the allied powers are excused, blamed on their enemies, or omitted. And this allows for current powers to continue the...


The U.S. War Department (by Jim Kirwan)

The United States 'government' is contemplating taking irreversible steps to place this nation in direct opposition to all International-laws and all global history dating back to the Magna-Carta; by declaring that America is not bound by any of the laws that were created to govern the Global-Community of nations. "Congress To Vote On Declaration of Worldwide Perpetual War With No Borders...


America's Student Loan Racket: Soaring Default Rates (by Stephen J. Lendman)
steve lendman

An earlier article discussed Permanent Debt Bondage from America's Student Loan Racket," accessed through the following link:

It explained government/corporate complicity to rip off students for profit, a racket continuing under Obama. His July 2010 Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act perpetuated the scam....


Stealing Palestinian Land Dunam by Dunam (by Stephen J. Lendman)
steve lendman

One dunam is 1,000 square meters, four dunams to an acre. Israel is stealing them incrementally to control all valued Palestinian land, dispossessing indigenous people illegally in the process.

B'Tselem is the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories. In May, it published a comprehensive report titled, "Dispossession Exploitation: Israel's policy in the...


Israel's Doomed Fate (by Gilad Atzmon)

"There will be no return-- time has come to tell Palestinian refugees they will not be returning to the State of Israel," writes Nahum Barnea, a prominent Israeli 'liberal' columnist.

It is becoming clear that Israel lacks the means to cope with Palestinian resilience. Despite Israeli barbarism; despite sixty-three years of oppression, racial discrimination and mass murderous...


'US to indefinitely stay in Afghanistan' (by PressTV) video/05-19-2011/news_analysis.flv

Anti-American sentiments have intensified in Afghanistan after US-led forces killed four civilians in the north of the Asian country.

In an interview with Press TV, Gareth Porter, a historian and investigative journalist in Washington, expressed his...


'Saleh seeks to create chaos in Yemen' (by PressTV) video/05-18-2011/mohamed qubaty-05-17-2011.flv

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has refused to sign a power transition proposal by the [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council, which could see his resignation within 30 days.

In a Press TV interview, Mohamed Qubaty, a Yemeni political...


Fourth Amendment Busting Sneak and Peek Warrants On the Rise (by Kurt Nimmo)

An Albuquerque television news report aired earlier this week reveals a steep increase by the federal government in the use of unconstitutional sneak and peek search warrants.

"The warrants have always been around, but their use has spiked since the War on Terror and revamped Patriot Act was signed in 2005," reports KOAT. "The number of delayed-notice search warrants spiked nationally...


Some Questions for Bibi (by Philip Giraldi)


It is anticipated that Netanyahu will excoriate Iran before unveiling a phony peace plan which will ostensibly open the door to negotiations with the Palestinians on all outstanding issues as long as Hamas is excluded from the process and President Mahmoud Abbas agrees to take all steps necessary to guarantee Israel's security. Which will be impossible to do unless the Palestinians...


Renewing the PATRIOT Act: Who Will Protect Us From Our Government? (by John W. Whitehead)

The PATRIOT Act drove a stake through the heart of the Bill of Rights, violating at least six of the ten original amendments—the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Amendments—and possibly the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments, as well. The PATRIOT Act also redefined terrorism so broadly that many nonterrorist political activities such as protest marches, demonstrations, and...


'Words not enough to stop Al Khalifa' (by PressTV) video/05-19-2011/hussein-abdillah.flv

Press TV has interviewed Husain Abdulla, human rights activist and director for Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain, about the ongoing human rights violations in Bahrain.

What follows is the text of the interview (also supported by...


Natalia Kills' "Zombie" and "Wonderland": Dedicated to Illuminati Mind Control (by Vigilant)

In the last few years, the pop music scene has incorporated gradually increasing doses of Illuminati mind control symbolism in its music videos. Newcomer pop singer Natalia Kills is definitely another step in this direction. While other pop stars blend subversive symbolism with other themes and subjects matters, Natalia's videos appear to solely focus on mind control imagery. We'll look at...


Israel Shamir lost in translation (by Rehmats World)

Some of my readers may remember how Iranian President Dr. Ahmadinejad's speech in October 2005 was mistranslated by Israeli Middle East Media Research Institute (Memri). When properly translated the Ahmadinejad actually called for the removal of the oppressive regimes in Washington and Tel Aviv. He never mentioned the elimination or annihiliation of state of Israel. He called for the greater...


10 ways 'the police state' tracks you (by Vigilant)

When discussing the "promotion of a police state" in music videos, I am not referring to an abstract, theoretical concept. It is real and it is happening. The high-tech chips and devices seen a few years ago in sci-fi movies and futuristic music videos are used on us today. Here's an article from the Times-Standard describing 10 ways the police state keeps track of you.

The war on...


Imperialism: Bankers, Drug Wars and Genocide (by James Petras)

If Washington has been the driving force for the regime's war, Wall Street banks have been the main instruments ensuring the profits of the drug cartels.  Every major US bank has been deeply involved in laundering hundreds of billions of dollars in drug profits, for the better part of the past decade.

Mexico's descent into this inferno has been engineered by the leading US financial and...


Africa: Latest fibs from world financiers (by Patrick Bond)

JPEG - 41.9 kb
Customers at a mall in Johannesburg spending more than 20 USD a day.

Apparently, "one in three Africans is middle class" and as a result, Africa is ready for "take off", according to African Development Bank chief economist Mthuli Ncube last week at the World Economic Forum–Africa summit in Cape Town. 'Hey you know what, the world please wake up, this is a phenomenon in Africa that...


Larry Flynt: Fight Tyranny with Free Press, Restored 4th Amendment (by Aaron Dykes)

Controversial publisher and outspoken critic Larry Flynt speaks with Luke Rudkowski of We Are, touching upon a host of topics including the Rockefellers, Koch Brothers, Bilderbergers and other "hugely powerful people" working towards a New World Order, the Patriot Act, unanswered questions about 9/11, White House Information Czar Cass Sunstein's calls to counter conspiracy...


Birther Bombshell: Corsi To Release Evidence Proving Obama Certificate a Fraudulent Composite (by Paul Joseph Watson)

During an interview with a Denver radio station this morning, author Jerome Corsi said he was about to release bombshell evidence that proved the alleged Obama birth certificate released last month was a composite of three different birth certificates from other individuals born at the same hospital.

"I'm going to be telling the...


Welcome to Europe! (by PressTV)

Budget cuts, CCTV's, bail-outs, unemployment and police brutality. Welcome to Europe! a continent that they themselves claim practicing free-market policies and being more democratic than most other countries.

Interestingly however, these past years they have all experienced a downward trend in most sectors, but of course not in military operations abroad.

Up until the Second World War, the...


New Al Qaeda Leader Claims He Has Nothing To Do With Al Qaeda (by Steve Watson)

New Al Qaeda Leader Claims He Has Nothing To Do With Al Qaeda, Calls 9/11 A

Amidst reports that Saif al-Adel, otherwise known as Muhammad Ibrahim Makkawi, has been appointed the new al Qaeda leader, a man claiming to be the real Makkawi insists that he has nothing to do with al Qaeda and describes 9/11 as a "fabrication".

The source for the reports that al-Adel has become the al Qaeda number one, in the wake of the demise of Osama Bin Laden, is one time Libyan...


'US killed Bin Laden clone in Pakistan' (by PressTV)

The US operation that allegedly killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan has actually led to the death of a clone of the al-Qaeda leader, working under CIA operative Raymond Davis, an American editor says.

"The real bin Laden died years ago after receiving treatment in American hospitals for his various illnesses," said Gordon Duff, senior editor of Ohio-based Veterans Today, in an interview with...


A Native American's View of Manhood (by Robert Pierre)

(Left, Sitting Bull)
"Lose the idea that you must learn to think like a woman... you do not."

I was compelled to reply to the recent article entitled "Where have all the good men gone?" because for the past few months, I have been asking myself the same question.

I am a man of the tribes of First Peoples (Native American) living on the border between Canada and the US. I...


'New US drones too vulnerable' (by PressTV) video/05-17-2011/d-lindorff-05-16-2011.flv

The US is to use its "vulnerable" new generation of drones on nations such as Afghanistan and Libya who do not have an air force and therefore cannot fire back.

The US is developing a new generation of drones which could be used on any of its...


Fukushima Reactors a Raging Nuclear Inferno (by Kurt Nimmo)

Professor Christopher Busby, who sits on the European Committee on Radiation Risks, told RT yesterday that the reactors at Fukushima are a raging nuclear inferno and he believes at least one of the reactors is now outside its containment structure and emitting vast amounts of radiation into the atmosphere.

The Japanese newspaper Asahi...


Is "Temptation" an Outmoded Concept? (by Henry Makow)


"Rule your mind or it will rule you." -- Horace

People will resist eating fats and sugars because they are unhealthy. They will buy organic produce. But they think nothing of indulging toxic and self-destructive desires.

Most people act like the concept of "temptation" is a relic of a bygone era.

Yet in their hearts, I think they know the concept has never been more timely and urgent...


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Palash Biswas
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