GOPIO NEWS Special Bulletin Highlighting USA Chapters April 5, 2011 A Publication of the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) | Join Our List | | NOTE: GOPIO News is a FREE bi-monthly newsletter of GOPIO International, based in the USA. We need your help in reaching out more NRIs/PIOs around the world. Please go to the bottom of the news bulletin and click the FORWARD button and type e-mail addresses of your friends and relatives. One could also subscribe this newsletter by visiting and type in the e-mail address. All preivous issues of GOPIO News are provided at GOPIO News Archives. If you do not wish to receive this newsletter in future, please click SafeUnsubscribe at the end of this newsletter. | GOPIO-CT CHAPTER TO CELEBRATE FIFTH ANNIVERSARY WITH AN AWARDS BANQUET AND ENTERTAINMENT | | When GOPIO-Connecticut celebrates its fifth anniversary at the Italian Center of Stamford, four Indian Americans will be honored by the organization for their achievements and contributions at an Awards Banquet on Saturday, April 9. They are: Dr. Vijay Prashad, Dr. Madhu Mathur, Mrs. Vidya Teredesai, and Ms. Mequitta Ahuja. Mr. Paul Semanski will be honored with a Friend of GOPIO award. Stamford's Mayor Michael Pavia and India's Consul General in New York Ambassador Prabhu Dayal will be the Guests of Honor at the Banquet. The evening's program will include a cocktail reception, awards ceremony, entertainment by local performers, dinner, dance and live music. Dr. Vijay Prashad holds the George and Martha Kellner Chair in South Asian History, and is Professor of International Studies at Trinity College, Hartford, CT. He has published several books on world governance. Dr. Prashad is recognized in the category of Arts and Letters. Dr. Madhu Mathur is a tireless advocate for children's health. She is the founding member of Stamford's Childhood Obesity Task Force. In addition, she is Medical Director of the Regional Medical Home Initiative and Chair of the Health and Wellness Committee of Childhood Blueprint Initiative in Stamford. Dr. Mathur is recognized for her contribution to Health Services. ![GOPIO-CT Award Recipients 2011]() Photo above: GOPIO-CT Award Recipients for 2011. From L. to R.: Dr. Vijay Ptrashad, Dr. Madhu Mathur, Vidya Teredesai, Mesquitta Ahuja and Paul Semanski Mrs. Vidya Teredesai is being recognized for her community service here and in India. She has raised funds for homeless shelters, Norwalk Senior Center, Evergreen Foundation as well as Women's Hospital in Baroda. Friend of India Award goes to Mr. Paul Semanski who serves as a Co-Coordinator for Asha Hartford, which organizes several fundraisers each year on behalf of the Navsarjan Trust Schools for disadvantaged girls in Gujarat and the DF Blind School in Kolkata. The Young Person's Award goes to Ms. Mequitta Ahuja, who is a visual artist. Her work has been exhibited across the United States, in Paris, Brussels, Berlin, India and Dubai. In February 2010, she was profiled in ArtNews as "Artist to Watch." Over the last five years, GOPIO-CT has become an active and dynamic organization hosting interactive sessions with policy makers and academicians, community events, youth mentoring and networking workshops, and working with other area organizations to help create a better future. More informaiton on the Awards Banquet and tickets for the event are provided below: ![GOPIO-CT Awards Banquet Invitation]() Contact: Shailesh Naik, President, GOPIO-CT, Tel: 914-409-2552 or e-mail at, Web: | | GOPIO-UPPER NEW YORK PLANS THIRD ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION |
| The GOPIO Upper New York Chapter plans to commemorate its Third Anniversary and Indian Arrival Day (Guyana) with a dinner celebration on Saturday 7th May, 2011. This event will be held at the World's Fair Marina, Flushing, Queens, New York starting at 7.00 pm until 12:00 Midnight. There will be a cocktail hour before the buffet dinner and the popular DJ Mike will be directing the music. The feature speaker this year will be Dr. Clement Seecharan, the Eminent Historian from Guyana and the United Kingdom who will release his new book titled "Mother India's Shadow over El Dorado: Indo-Guyanese Politics and Identity,1890's to 1930's". Clem Seecharan is Professor of Caribbean History at London Metropolitan University. He will join the rich procession of outstanding Indo Guyanese Historians who had previously delivered speeches at GOPIO Upper New York Chapter's annual celebration. RSVP required. Cost is $40.00 per person. For more information please contact Sat Sukdeo at 347-429-1924 or at, Jhairam Persaud at 917-748-2430 or at, or Netram Rambudhan at 917-292-5630 or at | GOPIO-ATLANTA TO BE INAUGURATED ON APRIL 23RD | | The Indian American community in Atlanta is all set to inaugurate GOPIO-Atlanta chapter on April 23rd, 2001. The inaugural function includes its first Awards Banquet in honor of participants in India's freedom struggle and to felicitate achivers of the Atlanta Indian Community for Outstanding Performance in Business, Philanthropy and Community Service. Consul General of India (Houston), Mr. Sanjiv Arora, will be the Chief Guest. He will be accompanied by Dr. Piyush Agrawal, National Coordinator, Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO). The CGI will present the awards to local activists who participated in India's freedom struggle. Atlanta residents Mustafa Ajmeri, Paddy Sharma, Upendra Bhatt, Narayan Swami, Bhairavi Nadgonde, Subhash Razdan, Shiv Aggarwal have constituted the initial Committee and Advisory Council of GOPIO-Atlanta and invite all PIOs in Atlanta to join our international network. Date: 23rd April, Time: 6PM, Venue: Seasons Events Center,1711 Church Street, GA. Please visit the GOPIO-Atlanta website at or the website for the national chapter at for more information, or contact Mustafa Ajmeri at 678 463 6613 or Bhairavi Nadgonde at 678 810 1628. | GOPIO-GREATER TRENTON/PRINCETON (NJ) CHAPTER IN THE OFFING | | A planning meeting is scheduled to launch GOPIO-Trenton/Princeton (NJ) Chapter on Sunday May 1 at 1 p.m. in Trenton, New Jersey. The coordinator for this effort is GOPIO Life Member Dr. Greesh Sharma. At the event, the Founding President, Dr. Thomas Abraham of GOPIO International and Chairman-Emeritus as well as Ashook Ramsaran, Executive Vice President of GOPIO International will be present. GOPIO has two other chapters in New Jersey, i.e. GOPIO-Central Jersey and GOPIO-Edison. People of Indian origin (PIOs) living within 30 miles radius of Trenton city including Princeton and from parts of Pennsylvania (Bucks County) are requested to join for this meeting to be held at 1400 Heller Drive, Yardley, PA 19067. For more information and participation, contact: Dr. Greesh Sharma, Tel: 267-467-4878, E-mail: | GOPIO LIFE MEMBERSHIP AND CHAPTER FORMATION | | GOPIO is a non-partisan, non-sectarian global organization with chapters in several countries, actively promoting the interests of people of Indian origin worldwide by monitoring and addressing current critical issues of concern, and by enhancing cooperation and communication between groups of Indians living in various countries. GOPIO Individual Life membership is open to all who believe in the mission of GOPIO. The one- time fee is $5,000 for Platinum Life Membership, $2,500 for Gold Life Membership and $1,500 Silver Life Membership and half the amount for each category for those from developing countries and India. GOPIO is looking forward to opening chapters in all major cities of the world so as to network people of Indian origin all over the world. If you do not have chapter in your city, please visit GOPIO website ( and get details of chapter initiation (visit Process involves sending a letter of intent to start a chapter by a committee of five people or more. For more information, contact: GOPIO Chairman - Inder Singh, Tarzana, California, USA, Tel: 818-708-3885, E-mail: GOPIO President - Lord Daljit Rana, UK, Tel: +44 28-9807-8787, Email: GOPIO Executive Vice President - Ashook Ramsaran, Fresh Meadows, New York City, Tel: 718/939-8194, E-mail: To become a Life member of GOPIO, one can sign up online at or fill up the form and send it with a check to: GOPIO International, PO Box 560117, New York NY 11356, USA. | EDITORIAL BOARD | | Chief Editor: Dr. Thomas Abraham, Founder President and Chairman Emeritus, GOPIO (Stamford, CT, USA) Editors: Ashook Ramsaran, GOPIO Executive Vice President (New York, USA) Webmasters: Prashant Gupta (Hyderabad, India) and Abu Thomas (New Rochelle, NY, USA) Contributors of this issue: Shailesh Naik (GOPIO-CT), Sat Sukdeo (GOPIO-Upper New York), Bhairavi Nadgonde (GOPIO-Atlanta), Dr. Greesh Sharma (GOPIO Life Member) GOPIO NEWS welcomes NRI/PIO related stories from all over the world. Be a volunteer correspondent or reporter. Contact Dr. Thomas Abraham, Tel: 203-329-8010, E-mail: | | | | | |
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