Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fwd: CC Issue 13, Jan - Why Hezbollah Walked

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 2:00 AM
Subject: CC Issue 13, Jan - Why Hezbollah Walked

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If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.It's time humanity should come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here

In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

2010 Tied For Earth's Warmest Year On Record
By Doyle Rice

2010 tied with 2005 as the warmest year of the global surface temperature record, according to data released today by the National Climatic Data Center. Records began in 1880. The Earth's temperature was 1.12 degrees F above the 20th-century average, which was the same as 2005

Why Hezbollah Walked
By Franklin Lamb

" In case no one has noticed, the Obama administration just gifted Lebanon to Iran. Washington earlier presented Iraq, Afghanistan, the Gulf, and Pakistan. Could it be more clear that Iran's strategic trump card is America's subservience to Israel? For Iran, Israel's strangle hold on the US government is the gift that keeps on giving. " With his comment, my neighbor, Lebanese Human Rights Ambassador Ali Khalil, declared American hegemony in the region was on a slippery and descending slope and that yesterday's political maneuvering in Lebanon likely accelerated American withdrawal

Wikileaks Volunteer Detained And Searched
(Again) By US Agents
By Xeni Jardin

Jacob Appelbaum, a security researcher, Tor developer, and volunteer with Wikileaks, reported today on his Twitter feed that he was detained, searched, and questioned by the US Customs and Border Patrol agents at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on January 10, upon re-entering the US after a vacation in Iceland

The Peak Oil Crisis: Civil Unrest
By Tom Whipple

There is a serious downside to simply ignoring the realities of the current situation and relying on hope rather than leveling with the American people. By failure to guide the country to real solutions to real problems, our leaders are risking increasing violence as the frustrations of an unknowing people continue to grow

The End Of Growth, "The Sound Of Air Escaping"
By Richard Heinberg

There is no "silver bullet," no magic solution that will turn back the clock to an era of abundant resources and easy growth. For now, all that governments can do is buy time through further deficit spending—ideally, using that time to build infrastructure that will continue to function in the coming era of reduced flows of energy and resources. Meanwhile, we must all find ways to come out from under a burden of debt that will otherwise crush us. The inherent contradiction within this prescription is obvious but unavoidable

A World In Breakdown
By Paul Rogers

The most harmful consequences of the world's economic and environmental crises are likely to be felt in 2011, and to fall most harshly on millions of marginalised people. The patterns of protests that arise in response can already be seen in (for example) the neo-Maoist Naxalites in India, unrest in China and the riots in Tunisia. Some of the responses may coalesce into radical movements that will yet eclipse anything seen in the world's financial hubs

Why Peace Is The Business of Men
(But Shouldn't Be)
By Ann Jones

A modest proposal for the immodest brotherhood of big men

What's The Difference Between Nazi
And Zionist War Criminals?
By Alan Hart

Short answer: Great effort is made to hunt down and prosecute suspected Nazi war criminals, no effort is made to bring Zionist war criminals to justice

Israel's Assault on Human Rights
By Neve Gordon

The ongoing delegitimization of those watchdogs of democracy—human rights NGOs, the press and public intellectuals—is leading Israel down a steep and slippery slope. The next time someone travels through Ben-Gurion airport, he or she might not be able to access the websites of Israeli rights groups like Physicians for Human Rights and B'Tselem , not because they have been blocked, but because the organizations have been shut down

Post-Quake Haiti: One Year Later
By Stephen Lendman

A year later, Haitians find little to celebrate, knowing worse likely lies ahead, courtesy of US corporate predators and complicit Washington officials, plundering Haiti ruthlessly

Good Luck Talking Down Shrill, 'Blood Libel' Victims Armed To The Teeth
By Robert S. Becker

What a fierce fusillade of national verbiage erupts after every creepy assassin strikes. Unless well-intentioned blather confronts the following, nothing will change: 1) the ceaseless, badly-monitored salvo of gun sales, 2) flocks of armed, unhinged extremists at large, and 3) security to insulate officials from being sitting ducks

Hard Times In Illinois
By Stephen Lendman

With America's worst budget crisis per capita, Illinois reflects the crushing nationwide burden facing most states. As a result since 2008, they raised taxes, made big cuts in health care (including Medicaid), education and other social services. They also laid off thousands of state workers, cut pay and benefits for others, and plan more of the same going forward

Murdering Scientists
By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

What is even more disillusioning is the deafening silence of scientists and academics everywhere. In the so-called great centres of learning in the West, very few voices of conscience have condemned the systematic murder of their fraternity. It is equally disgraceful that in most of the universities and research institutes in West Asia and in the Global South, elimination of Iraqi and Iranian scientists is a non-issue

Punjabi Migrants' Risky Route
To Health Care In Germany
By Rajiv Kunwar

Undocumented migrants' human rights are in no way sufficiently protected in Germany where the access to healthcare is governed by highly restrictive regulations and where medical assistance to this population is being hampered as well as criminalised through the legal framework

The Saffron Smokescreen
By Farzana Versey

Swami Aseemanand is the rightwing Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's PR man. His new place in the confession box revealing the role of Hindutva terror may gladden the hearts of the ruling party and the political mechanism, but he is in fact saving the skin of the real culprits

Manipuri Children: Left In The Lurch
By Shirish Khare

Ongoing Violence Impacts Lives of Manipuri Kids: There is little in the name of health services in the violence affected Manipur. Even births are not being registered. There is no count of orphans. With an increased level of exploitation of children as well as trafficking, these children are fodder for fresh violence

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Palash Biswas
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