Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Fw: Your Daily Faith News - Jan 13th, 2011

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From: Andrea Ball <>
Date: Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 3:53 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Fw: Your Daily Faith News - Jan 13th, 2011
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Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 2:15 PM
Subject: Your Daily Faith News - Jan 13th, 2011

Faith in Public Life

News Reel
Today's top news on faith and politics
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Obama's American gospel
By Eboo Patel - Washington Post, On Faith
Arizona needed some coming together. America needed some hope. Obama did it - with words.
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Obama's Eulogy: A Blessing to a Bereft Nation
By Paul Brandeis Raushenbush - Huffington Post, Opinion
We are simultaneously sad for the victims, and calling for more civility even as we show our anger and frustration by pointing fingers of blame. It was a very difficult eulogy that the president had to deliver -- and he did a wonderful job.
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Faith Leaders Urge Soul Searching
By - CBN News, Beltway Buzz
In the wake of the tragedy in Tucson, Arizona, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faith leaders are weighing in. They are urging a time of reflection and "soul searching" when it comes to political dialogue.
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Work of healing starts in our hearts
By Jim Wallis - Politico, Opinion
The call to civility, which I have made before, is not about watering down beliefs, being "nice" or meek. We can have passionate debate and disagreement without demonizing our opponents...
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Sen. Gillibrand, Rep. Wasserman Schultz Describe Giffords Opening Her Eyes
By Megan Carpentier - Talking Points Memo
Last night, on the plane back to Washington with the President, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) described in more detail what they saw when..."Gabby opened her eyes for the first time."
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Updating King's agenda
By Bill Tammeus - Kansas City Star, Faith Matters
As our nation moves toward the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, we have an opportunity to remember the civil rights movement found its moral compass in religious communities, especially in the black church but also in other locations...
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Portland faith groups plan peace service, launch gun-free zone campaign
By Nancy Haught - Oregonian
"We must rededicate ourselves to creating a culture where differences are resolved without violence, where the mentally unstable do not have ready access to lethal force," said the Rev. Bill Sinkford, senior minister at First Unitarian Church.
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Don't ignore growing voice
By Marifeli Perez-Stable - Miami Herald, Opinion
Hispanics are the largest minority in the United States. Politicians who don't give the Latino electorate its due attention or who can't or won't tackle immigration issues fairly sooner or later pay the consequences.
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GOP in a bind over healthcare repeal vote
By Kathleen Hennessey - Chicago Tribune, Washington Bureau
As lawmakers promise a new era of comity after the Arizona shooting attack that left six dead and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in critical condition, Republican leaders grappled with how and when to return to an issue that brought political discourse to a boiling point.
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Arizona health-care cuts stir warning
By Mary K. Reinhart - Arizona Republic
Jeopardizing federal health-care funding by cutting Medicaid eligibility without permission is "not a viable option," Arizona's Medicaid director told a legislative panel Wednesday.
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Endless Guantanamo
By Adam Serwer - American Prospect, Opinion
Of all the policy disputes between liberals and conservatives in the past two years, few have been subject to as much partisan demagoguery and misinformation as the closure of Gitmo.
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Banks repossessed 1 million homes last year -- and 2011 will be worse
By Shanna Heron - Associated Press
Foreclosures are expected to remain elevated through the year as homeowners contend with stubbornly high unemployment, tougher credit standards for refinancing and falling home values.
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2010 ties 2005 as warmest year on record worldwide
By Randolph E. Schmid - Associated Press
It's a tie: Last year equaled 2005 as the warmest year on record, government climate experts reported Wednesday. Climate experts have become increasingly concerned about rising global temperatures over the last century.
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Court lets EPA mess with Texas
By Robin Bravender - Politico
Wednesday, a federal appeals court rejected a request from Texas Gov. Rick Perry ® and state attorney general Greg Abbott to bar the Environmental Protection Agency from taking over the state's greenhouse gas permitting program.
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"Rain puddles in heaven"
Wednesday, Jan 12, 2011

Tonight President Obama spoke at a service in Tucson, Arizona, to honor the memory of the victims of last weekend's tragic shootings, to commend the heroism displayed by those who saved the wounded and stopped the killer, and to appeal to our better angels as individuals and a nation. Full video is on our blog: continue reading »


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